Command & Conquer - Red Alert

Command & Conquer - Red Alert

17.10.2013 06:58:38

Command and Conquer by...


All Rights Reserved
All names, stories and related indica are treadmark of
Westwood and Vande Sande Productions.



1.1 - Introduction
1.2 - Legal Disclaimer
1.3 - Other Requests
1.4 - WestWood Conditions


2.1 - Storyline


Part I

2.2 - Red Alert
2.2.1 - Red Alert Vehicle Info Complete
2.2.2 - Red Alert Buildings Info Complete
2.2.3 - Red Alert Infantry Info Complete
2.2.4 - Red Alert Aircraft Info Complete
2.2.5 - Red Alert Ships Info Complete

2.2.6 - Red Alert Soviet Missions Complete
2.2.7 - Red Alert Allied Missions Complete

2.2.8 - Red Alert Maps Due 25th October 2004

2.2.9 - Hidden Units/Buildings Due 25th October 2004


7.1 - Version Info
7.2 - Credits
7.3 - Conclusion



Westwood is a very popular PC games company. They made the legendary Red Alert
series, and continued by adding Tiberian Sun. The story is listed in 2.1, and
it is a very original and amazing story.
There are no cheats for the game, rather I recommend TibEd, a game editor found
at and is very reliable. It can edit the whole series of
Command and Conquer, from Red Alert to Tiberian Sun. It can be downloaded and
it is a very safe editor. Other things can be downloaded, but they are the less
reliable sources, and I have not bothered with them.
For those of you that want mission FAQ's, not many of us can help you as there
are so many missions, 14-16 around about for each side. I have completed the
Allies on Red Alert, and nearly the Soviets, but it is so hard, so I might come
back later with a full missions FAQ for the games.
I would also like to make a note that has some very good
downloads for Red Alert, map packs, saved games, units, buildings, editors
and more. For Red Alert nerds, that is the site to go to.
This FAQ will probably never be final. These games are so big that I will be
adding stuff left right and center. Later on I will write descriptions on
all the maps from Generals and Tiberian Sun, and following it Red Alert 2 and
aftermath. I might add tactics that the enemy uses averagely most of the time,
and depending on circumstances, I might write descriptions for all the maps
that have been created on "". Any way, enjoy yourself guys.
I have put A LOT of effort into this to make it a very useful FAQ/Guide.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Legal Disclaimer))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Any information in here is owned by me, westwood, and Vande Sande Productions.
For terms and conditions regarding the game, see the terms and conditions
when installing the game. For terms and conditions within this FAQ, continue

Infomation provided in here is infomation I have collected from various sites
which are listed in the credits section, but they are mostly from TibEd. It is a
valuable source of information, and is the backbone of this FAQ. Permission to
post this on official or unofficial sites are requested by me to have my name
(BIGGS DARKLIGHTER) on it, and infomation crediting TibEd and Me. Try as much as
possible to leave it in it's original format.

GameFAQs and are the only current sites permitted to have this FAQ.
Others will have to contact me first.

I am nice, I won't bite your head off for asking, unless your site has serious
fraud offenses, I will 99.99999999999 % of the time give it to you. If you can
copy and paste it to your site, that will be easier for me, so I don't have
to go net surfing to upload my own FAQ that takes up my time.

If you email me asking for permission, remember to state the site you wish to
post it on, your email if you want me to mail it to you and your name/nickname
so I can say who I'm giving it to. It may take a while to get back to you as I
will probably check out the site before granting permission.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Other Requests))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I am not too fussed about other people having my work, but there are other
people's rights am protecting. By copying this work without permission, you
are violating other peoples rights.

If you see this FAQ posted on any other site that doesn't credit TibEd, Westwood
and/or me for the work, I would gladly like to know.
NOTE: I do check it out, so don't try and get other sites in trouble because
you don't like them.

Thanks A Lot,

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((WestWood Conditions)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

WestWood is a copyrighted company, and prohibites piracy or copying of the game
to make profit. They can take violators to court, and fines can exceed $20,000.
It might be a good idea to steer away from getting yourself into trouble with
these guys.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Story Line))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

1946 – 1 Year after World War Two ended.

World War Two had only just ended, and although Adolph Hitler was overpowered,
the Allies still suffered a major loss. Perhaps the most bloody war seen by
mankind. Many efforts were made to clear it all up, but because of the war,
many lasting effects continued, such as the oppression, and continued hatred
from Nazi supporters. Around 10 million casualties had been reported overall,
10 million that would still be alive if Adolph Hitler hadn’t been around to
form the Nazi party. Up until now, scientists and philosophers had only
considered bending time a fantasy, but one and a half years after World War One
ended, a genius man named Albert Einstein, discovered the Theory of Relativity,
and in doing so, became the first man to ever gain the understanding of the Time
/ Space continuum. As a reward to his phenomenal achievements, he was given the
opportunity to work with another genius man, a Russian by the name of Nikola

Together they achieved some amazing theories, such as the “Black Project” also
known as the Philadelphia Experiment.
With the Government funding them, Einstein and Tesla conducted a very demanding
experiment based on radar elimination. They had technology to become blind to
radar, but could they make an object also invisible to sight? Nikola Tesla
combined seven large Tesla Coils, arranged in order according to Einstein’s
theory of Relativity. The incredibly powerful bursts of energy were beamed at
USS Eldridge, an average sized battle cruiser. Although the Battle ship was
deemed invisible for seven to eight minutes, scientists would see the horrible
effects of their experiment.
Several of the crew had been decapitated, and some were intertwined or
materialized as part of the ship’s hull. It seemed as if the experiment had
caused a complete breakdown of the Space / Time continuum.

After writing many long reports about what happened during “Black Project”
Einstein changed his idea of making objects disappear, to putting the fantasy
of Time Traveling to the test. With an incredibly large magnetic field and
gigantic amounts of electricity, Einstein could open a controllable wormhole
through which creating a rip in the fabric of Time.

After many hard working years with Nikola Tesla and other colleagues, Einstein
eventually discovered the equation to cause time to flow slower. This also made
what happened in the “Black Project” apparent. Using Black holes, magnetic
fields and electricity, Einstein could achieve something he named
Chronoshifting, or the ability to travel between Time windows.

When Einstein’s theories were confirmed, he stated that there was another motive
involved for his hard work. Because of the effects World War Two had on the
world, Einstein stated that he himself was going back in time to get rid of
Adolph Hitler before he grew to power.
He said: “I have spent many grueling years working on this task. I now ask you,
what would the world be like, had world war two not have happened? I plan to
answer that question, by going back in time myself, and eliminating Hitler
before he grows to power. As a result of my actions, the Jews will have not
died in the awful concentration camps. The naval war between America and Japan
would not have happened. Next time you see me, it will be without horrific
memories of the last world war.”
And with that Einstein went with Tesla, to calculate the time and place Einstein
would have to materialize. They concluded that they would have to appear in a
place where Hitler’s whereabouts were confirmed.

1924 – Landsberg Germany.

Einstein had decided that he would strike just after Hitler had left Landsberg
prison, and that would be just in a few moments. All Einstein had to do was to
make physical with Adolph Hitler to alter the course of history and render
World War Two non-existent.
Sure enough, Adolph Hitler emerged from Landsberg prison. Einstein approached
Hitler, and said:
“Mister Hitler!”
“Yes? What is it, I don’t have time to be standing around here.” Hitler replied.
“Yes, I understand.” Einstein answered, and offered to shake hands. Hitler took
the offer, and both instantly disappeared.
Einstein returned to 1945 New Mexico, where he had been studying, and Adolph
Hitler had never even existed. This would be the fateful day that changes the
world, as we know it, for the rest of time.

Einstein had appeared in is Chronoshifting laboratory with his assistant
waiting there for him. They both knew that they only had minutes before being
shifted into the new timeline themselves. A room that had become unreal, as for
those last few moments, it was all that was left of the timeline that we tend to
call reality. The assistant asked ".... did you find him?", in which Einstein
slowly replied: "Hitler is... out of the way...". The anxiety on the assistants
face was obvious: "Congratulations professor! With Hitler removed...!". But he
never got to finish the sentence. Einstein raised his hand, which silenced his
assistant. While looking at his old pocket watch, which was apparently going
berserk, he spoke the final words of our reality.
" Time will tell...sooner or later...time will tell... "

1959 – America

After the completion of the Einstein mission, many great things began to change.
GPS became available in the next two to three years; the sophisticated rockets
were understood within 5 years. Satellites were being launched; super computers
were in mass production near the early sixties, all due to the success of the
Einstein mission. Plans for the Philadelphia Experiment was passed on to other
countries in the United Nations, but most importantly, World War Two had never
taken place.
But something occurred to Einstein that may change his ideas about the whole
project. Something that might wind up having drastic results. When he got back
from his trip, he noticed his stopwatch was going haywire, and that on the
watch, time itself had stopped. But it was his ironic statement that would
haunt him in those last moments.
" Time will tell...sooner or later...time will tell... "

Einstein had a gut feeling that what he had done will mark mankind in grave
danger forever.

In the early 1950’s, United Nations noticed that Soviet Republic was becoming a
superpower, and was growing in the technological field faster than anyone had
ever imagined. Within a few short years, the Republic was able to break the
barrier of sound and launch a fully operational nuclear warhead. Under the rule
of Stalin, the Soviet Union would undergo a very noticeable change as they built
up in strength and intelligence.
But it was when Stalin started to bombard Europe with the first attacks, which
United Nations felt they needed to act on it.
Over the next five years, the Soviet Union had blanketed most of Europe in a
“Iron Curtain”.
This war between the Soviet Union and United Nations became later known as the
Great World War II.

By the time Einstein had realized his mistake, the effects of the chronsphere
wore off, and he and his assistant were integrated into the new timeline. The
Iron curtain began to fall on all of Europe and the Allies were left with a
bigger problem than they had ever bargained for. Unlike Hitler’s way of using
concentration camps and press censorship, Stalin took Europe by sheer force.
The Soviet Union had wiped out more than twice the amount Hitler had. More than
3/4 of Europe was left in pure destruction once the Iron Curtain had finished
with it, leaving only Britain, Spain and Portugal to fight for their freedom.

Einstein’s plan to avoid World War II was a failure, as all of Europe was under
Red Alert. United Nations was reluctant to come to the aid of Europe, as it was
a war that could turn worldwide very easily. The technology used by the Soviet
Union was devastating, consisting of V2 rockets (Trucks that launch violently
exploding missiles), MiGs (Planes that can break the sound barrier). It wasn’t
only their quantity that was the best in the world, it was also the quality. The
European Allies (under the rule of German General Gunther Von Esling and Greek
General Nikos Stravos) was a worthy opponent as they managed to battle Soviet
units despite the unimaginable losses of lives and territory, desperately trying
to get the “neutral” United Nations to help them.
Also, having Albert Einstein was a major advantage, as the use of Chronoshift
technology (The technology responsible for this situation) was used as a very
powerful war machine against the Soviets.

Eventually, due to the heroism of Europe holding their ground for so long, and
due to the fact that they realized Europe was only the first step in Stalin’s
eyes, several of the worlds most powerful countries turned against the Soviet
Union, and together they fought until they broke through the last lines of the
Soviets and Stalin was killed at the last siege of Moscow.

It was the early seventies when the Allies had won the war, knowing it had cost
them all but their lives. Europe was wash dry of human lives, as more than 100
million human lives had been extinguished during the war. Not before long,
United Nations had formed a committee that would prevent terrorism and wars on
that scale from ever happening again. Amidst all this, they searched for a man
named Kane, believed to be Stalin’s right hand man.

1988 – Dawn of the Tiberium Age

After the war, the Allies reported casualties to the United Nations, who decided
to put together a committee of delegates from all over the world, mainly United
Nations leaders. This was to be the Peace Corps of today, named Black OPS9. It
was Black OPS9 that signed the form to have the Soviet Union hand over all of
their technology that they used in the Great World War II. The remaining Soviet
Union citizens, eager to make alliances due to United Nations threats, were
believed to have destroyed the most important technologies that they possessed.
United Nations also continued reviewing and assessing documents salvaged from
the Soviets for nearly 6 years to gain knowledge on potential enemy threats and
intelligence to make Black OPS9 more efficient. Each country involved in United
Nations contributed to the funding of Black OPS9 and each countries military
leader was in charge. Black OPS9 was originally a secret organization, but
because of civil wars and the odd terrorist attack, Black OPS9 made itself
more and more visible.
Naturally, mass media tried to get itself involved with BO 9 (Black OPS9) and
OGE (Operations Group Echo) and started twisting it into stories related to
aliens and UFO’s. Although the UN continued to say that there was no secret
organization, trying to hide the truth while such matters were leaking out was
becoming more and more difficult. It would be the Desert Storm operation that
revealed BO 9, OGE and their purpose in the special organization peace unit.
When the international media discovered the attempted assassination on Saddam
Hussein in 1985 failed and resulted in a large number of OGE deaths, first
stories in the paper or in the news caused a catastrophe. Nevertheless, the UN
soon took over the press and limited the amount of information of BO 9 and OGE.

In 1995, United Nations Global Defense Act (UNGDA) renamed the Operations Group
Echo “Global Defense Initiative” (GDI).
New regulations were formed, and information on GDI’s purpose and activities
were released to the public, and trust in UN was restored.

Not long after the Global Defense Initiative was formed, a strange meteor
impacted on earth near the Tiber River in Italy. A man named Doctor Mobius, a
highly qualified research biologist, analyzed the meteor, and found it was home
to an alien like plant. He took a sample back to his lab for it to undergo a
series of tests. Once Dr. Mobius had sampled the plant for it’s chemical
make-up, Mobius saw the intense danger he and the rest of the world could be in.
He watched as the plant visibly grew and mutated. Within 10 days of plant one
seed in a 10 meter square garden, it had nearly completely covered the whole
garden, top to bottom. The scientists working on the project wondered at the
origins of the plant. But it was the strange deaths of some of Mobius’
colleagues that really started to frighten him. While taking root samples in
the garden, the scientists had mutated until they died, growing some alienated
features that even the strongest stomach couldn’t help but revolt.

It seemed that Tiberium (named after the Tiber River) excreted highly toxic
gases that had the potential of causing an unstable chemical build-up of any
living organism. This resulted in severe mutation, which had killed Mobius’
fellow workers. Mobius discovered though, that Tiberium was composed of
inorganic material, and that it was a non-carbon based life form like the rest
of the animal kingdom. The mutation is caused by the physical interaction with
non-carbon and carbon based life forms. The possibilities of Tiberium are
endless, because it can grow anywhere there’s a mineral deposit. Literally the
whole Earth is affected, apart from the pole and desert regions. There are four
types of Tiberium, Vinifera, Riparius, Aboreus, and Cruentus.
Riparius is the most common, a neon green colour with less strong effects on
mutation. It is, however the fastest growing plant and gives of enduring effects
of toxic gas. Vinifera is a more mature life form than Riparius, and has
stronger effects of mutation. Its worth is more than Riparius but is harder to
harvest. It has a light bluish colour. Aboreus is rather like Vinifera, but the
effects are less strong on life forms. It will however react to solid metals,
so artillery is forced to avoid Tiberium Aboreus. Cruentus is the strongest
form of Tiberium yet discovered, basically rearranging your genetics as fast as
up to 2 minutes. It grows large blue crystals and is extremely hard to process.
The composition table can be found below.

42.5 % Phosphor
32.5 % Iron
15.25 % Calcium
5.75 % Copper
2. 5 % Silica
1. 5 % Unknown material

Gas composition

22 % Methane
19 % Sulphur
12 % Naphthalene
10 % Argon
6. 5 % Isobutane
1. 5 % Xylene
27 % Unknown gases

By the time Dr. Mobius and his team had realized the dangers of Tiberium, it
was reported to have slowly but surely spread over all the southwest countries
in Europe. Then they decided it was too late to warn the world about the dangers
of Tiberium, it wasn’t the shortage of time that stopped him, it was that
Tiberium soaked the minerals out of the ground like a sponge, large dangerous
crystals full of the enriched minerals. Trying to halt Tiberium would be like
trying to stop a rearing bull with your little finger. Then, out of the blue,
an organization began releasing information to the press explaining how they
have been studying Tiberium ever since it arrived, and that they’ve discovered
a unique way to harvest the plant at minimal mining expense. United Nations
recognized this plant to be of incredible economical value, and harvesting it
not only would decrease the amount of Tiberium, but make extreme amounts of
wealth from it as well.
Immediately this organization began leasing it’s equipment to the highest
payers, mainly the United Nations Countries, but made sure it kept it’s high
ranking position as the leader of Tiberium Harvesting Incorporation (THI). As
the Tiberium industry grew, many more country leaders began buying harvesting
equipment from this mysterious organization. Soon after the processing of
Tiberium began, it out weighed the value of gold and oil together six fold. As
the business grew, THI changed their named to the Brotherhood of Nod, led by
none other than Kane himself.

2000 – Brotherhood of Nod

The discovery of Tiberium was basically the beginning of a new age for the
world. It brought about massive changes in the stock markets, gold and oil
being shunted down for the lowliest of buyers. The Tiberium crystal was rated
the most wanted of all sellable items. It provided a new resource for countries
and continents that were without a lot of resources before as Tiberium grew
literally anywhere with a stable mineral supply. It was when Tiberium nearly
completed its reign on the whole planet when organizations like GDI and UNGDA
started to see the other side of Tiberium. Tiberium related deaths numbered
more than thirteen hundred thousand a year. Ninety thousand were due to
mutations. Ten thousand were due to severe brain damage. The other Thirty
thousand were addicted to the Tiberium drug ephantalene, and died from heart
However, there was nothing GDI could do but to study the origins of Tiberium.
Mobius’ objections to the harvesting of Tiberium were “taken under advisement”
or otherwise, completely ignored. Caring more for its value than its fatalities,
the world turned blind to the dangers of Tiberium.

One debate that still outlasted was the origins of Tiberium. While a meteor
impact seemed a normal event, scientists still theorized that it was sent by
intelligent alien species. Some say to weaken our defences, some say that the
aliens didn’t know we existed, and sent it to fertilise the world ready for
their coming. Some even say that Tiberium was the alien itself. Among the wild
thoughts and ideas, the Brotherhood of Nod claimed it was a gift from heaven to
help us fight against the tyranny of the United Nations Office. Kane, the
missing link in the Soviet Unions war against Europe, said he was a prophet sent
by God, to lead the world into a glorious Tiberium future.

The Tiberium brought changes in technology, economics, politics and environment.
Everyone started to look at Nod as the founder of all these advances, even more
so than Tiberium itself. In the eyes of Nod, Tiberium had turned from a curse
into a blessing, and Nods popularity around the world began increasing rapidly
throughout the whole world. However, while the Brotherhood of Nod was welcomed
into the world warmly, a number of important intelligence agencies such as
Interpol made some disturbing discoveries about Nod. The brotherhood apparently
had close relationships with wealthy and anti-UN groups all over the world.
Because of this, UNGDA has been closely monitoring Nod’s activities ever since
they discovered the Tiberium Harvesting technology in the mid 90’s.

Nod’s connections to dangerous groups in poorer parts of the world could mean
that Nod was trying to get a hold of people all over the world, much like
Hitler’s strategic foothold. However, this theory was a worst-case scenario,
and considering that Nod’s dark connections to light would also mean exposing
America and Europeans manufacturing weaponry for the Brotherhood of Nod. All
UN could do was to let Nod keep on doing what it was doing, they had no
legitimate reason to stop it.
Slowly but surely, United Nations’ worst case scenario became a reality.
By 2008, Nods influence covered United States, Canada, Russia, Germany, China,
France, Japan, Mongolia, Korea, Turkey and India. Only 19 % of the worlds
population were now either neutral or United Nations.

2010 – Revolution

Every day, more than 300 people on average converted to the Nod religious
views. United Nations was beginning to realize the situation they were in.
UN politicians were stunned when Kane revealed himself as the mastermind
behind The Great World War II. Some called him bluff, but the profile matched.
The only Soviet Union leader they never found was the man crippling UN every
day. Kane started to accuse the UN of all the misery mankind has seen, for
attempting to halt the harvesting of Tiberium, and for trying to make us believe
in what they believe.
In those few statements, UN’s popularity dropped from hardly any to what might
as well be none. Kane was pictured as a messiah for his wisdom at the UN’s
apparent betrayal to the world. As Kane’s intelligence and charisma became
undeniable to the world, high ranking citizens and professors offered all of
their knowledge and possessions to the Brotherhood of Nod.

Knowing that their situation was serious, UN tried to gain back popularity by
spreading false information about the Brotherhood in the media, but when these
efforts failed Kane’s response was terrifying.
Several of UN’s most trusted politicians and officials turned out to be
Brotherhood followers, keeping Kane posted with all the anti-Nod proposals and
scandals. Kane also periodically sent information regarding the personal lives
of UN officials to the media, a sick success at embarrassing UN. The
consequences for the UN were phenomenal. They lost credibility everywhere; with
countries situations becoming so critical the local army wasn’t enough to keep
them in control. While some officials were forced to step down, others were
involved in bombings, explosions, and even assassinated by their own bodyguards
that appeared to be a part of Kane’s movement as well.

Funded by huge Tiberium businesses, Kane built up his religious army and started
taking over the remaining UN loyal countries, mainly in the south pacific. And
when UN’s strongest supporter defected to Kane’s alliance, UN decided that Nod
had to be wiped out immediately. Over a large worldwide broadcast, UN declared:

“We have seen enough of religious defection. This man you call the Messiah,
is the greatest danger mankind could have lived to see. I…Colonel Socrates am
officially ordering Global Defence Initiative, to liberate the countries Kane
has hypnotised by any means necessary.”

With those words, GDI set out to do the impossible.

2019 – The First Tiberium war

UN was very aware, that should GDI not be able to handle Nod, nothing would
stop Kane from leading the whole world.
Although it wasn’t as large as the Great World War II, it still caused human
slaughtering beyond all imagination. Looking back to that history, although
Kane doesn’t have the mass military production Stalin had, but Stalin was never
nearly the danger Kane is now. “Where Stalin was an aggressor bent on conquering
land, Kane was bent on conquering the human spirit.” (Extract from FAQ by

A year or two into the war, all hell broke loose in Europe and Africa. The
Brotherhood of Nod turned out to be a heavily armed military corporation and
used very well trained soldiers, and because it was funded by the huge amount
of Nod countries, Nod was able to use very advanced weaponry. Stealth Generators
casted a shield around a limited area, basically making anything in the
proximity invisible. It soon became clear that GDI was having much more
difficulty in controlling Nod than the UN had ever anticipated. As Nod
continued to research Tiberium, Nod fought back with never seen before weaponry
and tactics. Kane sent false information out to the press ruining GDI’s image.
Soon, Kane had the masses criticizing GDI and the UN. Loyalty to UN in the
world had fallen below 5 % of the worlds population, and UN came to the
conclusion that they could not overcome this genius man who had literally the
whole world at his hands. It was when Nod declared that they were going wipe
out the town of Beoulistock when GDI decided to evacuate the town. A reporter
went with them to film what had happened, so GDI might be able to gain some
reputation back. But the UN was stunned to find that the reporter was a member
of the Brotherhood, who broadcasted that GDI had obliterated the town of
Beoulistock. UN was forced to stop funding GDI, who had suffered the major blow
of defeat. GDI officers were forced to be monitored by the Security Council,
who were swiftly killed by the Nod men in disguise.

What Kane was unaware of however, was that UN had faked its no-funding contract,
and continued to fund GDI. Quietly, GDI built up outposts and strong bases
throughout strategic points. Within weeks, Nod was less and less aggressive
towards GDI activity. Surprised overconfident Nod officers and soldiers found
GDI bases working well and heavily armed, and GDI was able to outsmart Kane for
the first time. Two years later, and GDI had attacked with full force, and
limited the large Nod bases down to 10-12. It was then, when GDI got the
advantage they were seeking. They had found photos of Kane’s recent locations.
He was in a Tiberium research facility near Yugoslavia, testing the effects of
Tiberium drugs on human guinea pigs of all ages, trying to create a new super
But short in manpower and equipment, GDI decided to send a small group of elite
troops under the command of an Afro-American Kyle Solomon. He was perhaps the
greatest commander UN ever saw.

GDI had only one real advanced weapon, the Ion cannon. About 20 Ion cannons now
orbit around the Earth; it has a very destructive laser beam that can vaporize
a few buildings in the blast radius. The only drawback however is the long
recharge period. For the first time, Ion cannons were used to break the strong
defences at Yugoslavia so GDI troops could penetrate the heavily armed base.
What they found in the Tiberium research facility was never disclosed, but even
hardened heart soldiers suffered psychological trauma when they entered the room
where innocent civilians had been tested on. Kane was nowhere to be found.

GDI chased the remaining Nod followers out of the Eastern European countries,
and found another Nod base in Poland, with a strange structure that Nod
followers called the Temple of Nod. This building was not only Kane’s centre of
operations for the war; it was also the creation of NBC (nuclear, biological,
chemical) weaponry. The only thing preventing Kane from using this powerful
weaponry was the media. Now Kane was losing however, he would jump at the
chance to launch some of these weapons of mass destruction. Solomon ordered the
Ion cannon to destroy the heart and mind of the Brotherhood of Nod
In the end it was a complete clash between Solomon’s elite force and Kane’s
private guard that lasted for nearly three days. When Kane’s last defence was
crippled, GDI forces locked down the Temple of Nod with Kane inside, and waited
for the Ion cannon to blow it to hell. The last images Solomon ever saw of Kane
was him welcoming the Ion blast with open arms and a cruel smirk on his face.
Those images would come to haunt Solomon for years. The first Tiberium war was
finally over, as without Kane as leader, Nod forces broke in no time.
2028 – The Aftermath.

Tiberium was near to populating every possible mineral bearing place, and deaths
were still rated higher than births. Speaking of births, more and more were
becoming deformed as the effects of Tiberium spread around the whole world.
Small Nod loyalists were still fighting against GDI, but the UN had no problem
in extinguishing those sorts of actions against humanity. But GDI was fighting
another battle that they knew they could not win. GDI and the UN knew that they
either had to get Tiberium out of the way, or get the civilians out. UNGDA
commissioned a multi-billion dollar project to evacuate all affected civilians
to regions like deserts or poles without a liable mineral source. GDI
constructed a large orbital space station; named Philadelphia to keep
high-ranking UN, UNGDA, and GDI officials away from the Tiberium infested Earth.
Any person infected with a slight Tiberium related disease or infection was
strictly prohibited from boarding Philadelphia much to the unpopularity of the
public. A year and a half had gone by before the worlds population
(numbering between 15 and 16 million) was replaced in safe colonies mostly in
the Sahara desert and Antarctica.
Then suddenly, September 2, 2030, General Solomon received a transmission from
none other than Kane. This was the conversation that started the second Tiberium
“I am cut, Why not bleed. it would be a sad error of judgement to mistake me for
a corpse.”
“My judgement is sound, Kane. I’m not afraid of ghosts or you.”
“Perhaps you should be. As you see the battle just starting to unfold, I’ve
already seen the final act; it is my lead mankind into a new
Tiberium age”
“Mankind has forgotten you Kane,”
(Extract from game Tiberian Sun)

The second war began to unfold, and although Nod had nearly fully recuperated,
GDI still managed to push back the outer defences. It was then when things
started to go wrong. A strange UFO (later called a scrin ship) crash-landed near
a Nod facility in Madrid, Spain. GDI immediately tried to investigate, but Nod
was not so easily shunted away. Knowing they would not be able to investigate
the UFO, tried to destroy it. GDI put up a good fight however, and a field
commander by the name of McNeil was the first one to discover the delicate
cargo inside. Human at first sight, the only difference was the bright green
tattoos on their bodies, and the illuminating green eyes. McNeil escaped with
the only surviving aliens, a young woman named Umagon, her crewmember Tratos
and Oxanna. The GDI transport only just left when a multi-cluster missile
obliterated what was left of the scrin ship.

Back at Philadelphia, Umagon revealed to GDI that their colony had accidentally
sent the meteor of Tiberium to earth when the coordinates turned out to be
wrong. By the time their scientists had discovered the faults, the meteor was
ready to launch. Immediately, they began a mission to follow the meteorite to
see where it had gone.
They were genetically similar to humans, until Tiberium was biologically
manufactured and spread over the world, much like it did here. Unlike our earth,
they grew immune to the mutation they underwent, making them genetically
stronger, more intelligent and faster. They could push themselves further than
humans, and proved themselves to be far more effective fighters than GDI
soldiers. The mutants offered their recourses and abilities to GDI, and it was
their help that knocked Nod head over heels. The mutants were able to survive
the effects of chemical and biological missiles. The mutants were the key to
GDI’s complete take over of the Nod situation. Yet it was still 10 years before
Nod was completely cleansed from the Earth.

Within 15 years, the minerals in the Earth began to run out, and Tiberium began
to die out. Tiberium’s value on the trade markets dropped and gold and oil took
up the reigning position again. Even though the Tiberium was gone by 2050, the
world was left, sucked dry of all the minerals. Rainforests had been reduced to
sandy dunes, lakes were dried out, but worst of all, the worlds population had
been reduced to no more than 14 million people, all because of the problems
Tiberium caused. Humans tried many fugal attempts at growing forests and mineral
enriched places, but it would take decades before any hopes of living on Earth
safely became possible. But meanwhile, humans had to make do with orbiting space
stations and colonisations.

GDI grew back its popularity to almost 97 %. Naturally, the UN couldn’t stop
terrorism 100 %, but by the time Earth was inhabitable again and the population
was back up to the billions, the world was pretty much the way it if Einstein
had not gone back in time and changed the future. Speaking of Einstein, we
depart with a relevant quote:

“Time will tell…sooner or later…Time will tell.”

Albert Einstein, Chronoshpere lab in Greenwich, Britain.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Part I))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

This is PART I in the FAQ's I am writing for Command and Conquer. Normally,
if someone has one of these games, they get some of the others as well. Any
way, this Part I FAQ is devoted to RED ALERT. It is the first in the series,
but is my favourite. Look under "Red Alert Aftermath, Tiberian Sun, and
Tiberian Sun FireStorm" to get my other FAQ's like these. Enjoy...

((((((((2.2))))))))((((((((((((((((((Red Alert))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Red Alert is the start of the Great World War Two, the effects of Einsteins
Chronosphere. The Soviets are wreaking havoc on Europe, and you are the
leader of each side. Below is the legend for the statistics in the following

Prerequisite = The structure you need to have built before getting this
Primary = The primary weapon that this building/unit has
Secondary = The alternate weapon thei building/unit has
Strength = The amount of power the weapon is
Armour = The amount of sheilds this building/unit has
Techlevel = The level of Technology required before being able to build this
Sight = The distance it can see when it moves over shroud
Speed = The speed of this unit
Owner = The owner of this building/unit
Cost = The amount of credits it takes to build this
Power = The amount of power this building produces or drains

Red Alert Vehicles))

V2 Rocket Launcher
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Radar Dome
Primary = SCUD
Strength = 150
Armor = light
TechLevel = 4
Sight = 5
Speed = 7
Owner = soviet
Cost = 700

Light Tank
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = 75mm
Strength = 300
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 4
Sight = 4
Speed = 9
Owner = allies
Cost = 700

Heavy Tank
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = 105mm
Secondary = 105mm
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 4
Sight = 5
Speed = 7
Owner = soviet
Cost = 950

Medium Tank
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = 90mm
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 6
Sight = 5
Speed = 8
Owner = allies
Cost = 800

Mammoth Tank
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Soviet Tech Center
Primary = 120mm
Secondary = MammothTusk
Strength = 600
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 10
Sight = 6
Speed = 4
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1700

Mobile Radar Jammer
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Radar Dome
Strength = 110
Armor = light
TechLevel = 12
Sight = 7
Speed = 9
Owner = allies
Cost = 600

Mobile Gap Generator
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Allied Tech Center
Strength = 110
Armor = light
TechLevel = 11
Sight = 4
Speed = 9
Owner = allies
Cost = 600
Points = 40
ROT = 5
Crewed = yes

Mobile Artillery
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = 155mm
Strength = 75
Armor = light
TechLevel = 8
Sight = 5
Speed = 6
Owner = allies
Cost = 600

Ore Truck
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Ore Refinery
Strength = 600
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 4
Speed = 6
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 1400

Mobile Construction Vehicle
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Service Depot
Strength = 600
Armor = light
TechLevel = 11
Sight = 4
Speed = 6
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 2500

Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = M60mg
Strength = 150
Armor = light
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 6
Speed = 10
Owner = allies
Cost = 600

APC (Armoured Personel Carrier)
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Allied Barracks
Primary = M60mg
Strength = 200
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 5
Speed = 10
Owner = allies
Cost = 800

Mine Layer
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Service Depot
Strength = 100
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 5
Speed = 9
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 800

Red Alert Ships))

Prerequisite = Sub Pen
Primary = TorpTube
Strength = 120
Armor = light
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 6
Speed = 6
Owner = soviet
Cost = 950

Prerequisite = Naval Yard
Primary = Stinger
Secondary = DepthCharge
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 7
Sight = 6
Speed = 6
Owner = allies
Cost = 1000

Prerequisite = Naval Yard, Allied Tech Center
Primary = 8Inch
Secondary = 8Inch
Strength = 700
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 10
Sight = 7
Speed = 4
Owner = allies
Cost = 2000

Prerequisite = Naval Yard
Strength = 350
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 6
Speed = 14
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 700

Gun Boat
Prerequisite = Naval Yard
Primary = 2Inch
Secondary = DepthCharge
Strength = 200
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 7
Speed = 9
Owner = allies
Cost = 500

Red Alert Infantry))

>> All of these obviously need their corresponding barracks, so I have left
>> out to save writing.

Attack Dog
Prerequisite= Kennel
Primary = DogJaw
Strength = 12
Strength = 5
Armor = none
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 5
Speed = 4
Owner = soviet
Cost = 200

Rifle Soldier
Primary = M1Carbine
Strength = 50
Armor = none
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 4
Speed = 4
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 100

Primary = Grenade
Strength = 50
Armor = none
TechLeve = 1
Sight = 4
Speed = 5
Owner = soviet
Cost = 160

Primary = RedEye
Secondary = Dragon
Strength = 45
Armor = none
TechLevel = 2
Sight = 4
Speed = 3
Owner = allies
Cost = 300

Prerequisite = Soviet Tech Center
Primary = Flamer
Strength = 40
Armor = none
TechLevel = 6
Sight = 4
Speed = 3
Owner = soviet
Cost = 300

Strength = 25
Armor = none
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 4
Speed = 4
Owner = soviet,allies
Cost = 500

Prerequisite = Radar Dome
Strength = 25
Armor = none
TechLevel = 6
Sight = 5
Speed = 4
Owner = allies
Cost = 500

Prerequisite = Allied Tech center
Strength = 25
Armor = none
TechLevel = 11
Sight = 5
Speed = 4
Owner = allies
Cost = 500

Prerequisite = Allied Tech Center
Primary = Colt45
Secondary = Colt45
Strength = 100
Armor = none
TechLevel = 11
Sight = 6
Speed = 5
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 1200

Primary = Heal
Strength = 80
Armor = none
TechLevel = 2
Sight = 3
Speed = 4
Owner = allies
Cost = 800
Points = 15

Red Alert Aircraft))

Spy Plane
Prerequisite = Airfeild
Primary = Camera
Strength = 2000
Armor = heavy
Sight = 0
Speed = 40
Owner = soviet

Prerequisite = Airfeild
Primary = Maverick
Secondary = Maverick
Strength = 50
Armor = light
TechLevel = 10
Sight = 0
Speed = 20
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1200

Yak Attack Plane
Prerequisite = Airfeild
Primary = ChainGun
Secondary = ChainGun
Strength = 60
Armor = light
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 0
Speed = 16
Owner = soviet
Cost = 800

Prerequisite = Helipad
Strength = 90
Armor = light
TechLevel = 11
Sight = 0
Speed = 12
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1200

Prerequisite = Helipad
Primary = Hellfire
Secondary = Hellfire
Strength = 225
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 9
Sight = 0
Speed = 16
Owner = allies
Cost = 1200

Prerequisite = Helipad
Primary = ChainGun
Strength = 225
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 9
Sight = 0
Speed = 12
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1200

Red Alert Buildings))

Iron Curtain
Prerequisite = Soviet Tech Center
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 12
Sight = 10
Owner = soviet
Cost = 2800
Power = -200

Allied Tech Center
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Radar Dome
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 10
Sight = 10
Owner = allies
Cost = 1500

Prerequisite = Allied Tech Center
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 12
Sight = 10
Owner = allies
Cost = 2800
Power = -200

Weapons Factory
Prerequisite = Ore Refinery
Strength = 1000
Armor = light
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 4
Owner = soviet,allies
Cost = 2000
Power = -30

Naval Yard
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 1000
Armor = light
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 4
Owner = allies
Cost = 650
Power = -30

Sub Pen
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 1000
Armor = light
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 4
Owner = soviet
Cost = 650
Power = -30

Pill Box
Prerequisite = Allied Barracks
Primary = Vulcan
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 2
Sight = 5
Owner = allies
Cost = 400
Power = -15

Camo Pill Box
Prerequisite = Allied Barracks
Primary = Vulcan
Strength = 600
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 5
Owner = allies
Cost = 600
Power = -15

Tesla Coil
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Primary = TeslaZap
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 7
Sight = 8
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1500
Power = -150

Prerequisite = Allied Barracks
Primary = TurretGun
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 4
Sight = 6
Owner = allies
Cost = 600
Power = -40

AA Gun Emplacement
Prerequisite = Radar Dome
Primary = ZSU-23
Secondary = ZSU-23
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 6
Owner = allies
Cost = 600
Power = -50

Flame Turret
Prerequisite = Soviet Barracks
Primary = FireballLauncher

Construction Yard
Strength = 1000
Armor = heavy
Sight = 5
Owner = allies,soviet

Ore Refinery
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 900
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 6
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 2000
Power = -30

Prerequisite = Ore Refinery
Strength = 300
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 4
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 150
Power = -10

Prerequisite = Radar Dome
Strength = 800
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 9
Sight = 5
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 1500
Power = -10

Radar Dome
Prerequisite = Ore Refinery
Strength = 1000
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 10
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 1000
Power = -40

Gap Generator
Prerequisite = Allied Tech Center
Strength = 1000
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 10
Sight = 10
Owner = allies
Cost = 500
Power = -60

SAM Site
Prerequisite = dome
Primary = Nike
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 9
Sight = 5
Owner = soviet
Cost = 750
Power = -20

Missile Silo
Prerequisite = Soviet Tech Center
Strength = 400
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 13
Sight = 5
Owner = soviet,allies
Cost = 2500
Power = -100

Prerequisite = Radar Dome
Strength = 1000
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 5
Sight = 7
Owner = soviet
Cost = 600
Power = -30

Power Plant
Prerequisite = Construction yard
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 4
Cost = 300
Power = 100

Advanced Power Plant
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 700
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 8
Sight = 4
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 500
Power = 200

Soviet Tech Center
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory, Radar Dome
Strength = 600
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 6
Sight = 4
Owner = soviet
Cost = 1500
Power = -100

Soviet Barracks
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 800
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 5
Owner = soviet
Cost = 300
Power = -20

Allied Barracks
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 800
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 1
Sight = 5
Owner = allies
Cost = 300
Power = -20

Prerequisite = Soviet Barracks
Strength = 400
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 4
Owner = soviet
Cost = 200
Power = -10

Service Depot
Prerequisite = Weapons Factory
Strength = 800
Armor = wood
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 5
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 1200
Power = -30

Strength = 1
Armor = none
TechLevel = 2
Sight = 0
Owner = allies
Cost = 25

Concrete Wall
Strength = 1
Armor = heavy
TechLevel = 8
Sight = 0
Owner = allies,soviet
Cost = 100

Barbed Wire Fence
Strength = 1
Points = 1
Armor = wood
Cost = 25

Fake Construction Yard
Owner = allies
Armour = none
TechLevel = 1
Strength = 30
Cost = 50
Sight = 4
Power = -2

Fake Weapons Factory
Prerequisite = Ore Refinery
Owner = allies
TechLevel = 3
Cost = 50
Strength = 30
Sight = 4
Power = -2

Fake Naval yard
Prerequisite = Power Plant
Strength = 30
TechLevel = 3
Sight = 4
Cost = 50
Owner = allies
Power = -2

Fake Radar Dome
Prerequisite = Ore Refinery
Strength = 30
Sight = 4
TechLevel = 3
Cost = 50
Owner = allies
Power = -2

Red Alert Difficulty Statistics))

Easy Statistics

ROF ~ 0.8
Cost ~ 0.8
FirePower ~ 1.2
Armour ~ 1.2
GroundSpeed ~ 1.2
AirSpeed ~ 1.2

Medium Statistics

ROF ~ 1.0
Cost ~ 1.0
FirePower ~ 1.0
Armour ~ 1.0
GroundSpeed ~ 1.0
AirSpeed ~ 1.0

Difficult Statistics

ROF ~ 1.2
Cost ~ 1.0
FirePower ~ 0.8
Armour ~ 0.8
GroundSpeed ~ 0.8
AirSpeed ~ 0.8

Red Alert Weaponry))

Colt .45
Tanya Adam's perferred weapon. It is very accurate, and usually a one shot
kill. Tanya has these guns as primary and secondary, so she basically has two
guns in her pocket.

Standard AA Gun weapon. Obtained by the Allies in the start of the Great World
War Two, they aren't extrememly powerful but they get the job done.

These are very liable air-to-surface missiles, fired by MiGs. They are fast,
like their masters, but are free fall, they don't have seeking devices.

Used by the Spy-Planes for the Soviets. Click on a space you want to expose,
and your spy-plane takes a photo of that area, and removes the shroud.

Vulcan Cannon
Fast firing weapon, usually mounted on non-moving things. In this case it is
Pillbaox's and Camo-pillbox's. Good against Infantry.

Fireball launcher
The Flame Turret is the only object inthis game to have this weapon, but it
is a very good anti-infantry thing to have. Great if a soldier needs a smoke...

This guy smokes too much. This weapon is just like the one above except it is
for infantry to have. Don't have flamers all clustered together, if one dies...
they all die.

I haven't actually found a unit that has this gun yet. No matter, I will
continue my search. According to Tiberian Sun, it is a very good gun though.

Notorious for it's use in Yaks. No, the other sort of Yak. The Red Alert plane?
Yes...that one. Fast firing, anti-personel sort of weapon.

If you piss the civilians off, they might start shooting at you. Those are
pistols. They are harmless (don't get that idea in real life).

The standard arms for Rifle infantry. It is fast firing, and is good against
other soldiers.

It is like the APTusk, except weaker. It is a lock-on weapon however, and is
used in the Chrono Tank.

This air-to-surface missile is much like the maverick, except that it is
designed for stationary launching, unlike the MiG launching mavericks at the
speed of sound.

Used by...Duh...Grenadiers. Don't stick these guys into bug groups either, if
one dies, the lot dies.

Small, anti-armour weapon. Used by light tanks and I have only one thing to say
about them. THEY SUCK!

Medium, anti-armour weapon. Used by medium tanks for medium tasks. They are
okay to say the least, especially when you have them in big groups.

Standard, anti-armour weapon. Used by the heavy tank for heavy purposes. These
are mean weapons for destruction, and the heavy tank has two of 'em.

Heavy, anti-armour weapon. Used by the Mammoth Tank for mammoth jobs. They are
the best forms of offense, and the Mammoth Tank has TWO OF'EM!!!

Turret Gun
This is much like the 105mm. Infact, I'd be prepared to say it was, if I didn't
know that it was a Turret Gun, which is used by the Turret.

Mammoth Tusk
The secondary weapon of the Mammoth Tank, these are anti-tank, AND
anti-aircraft. Two major weapons in one.

The best of the best, 155mm is an artillery weapon used by the Artillery.
Whatever gets in the way of an Artillery is gone in the dust.

This is a vehicle mounted machine gun, like the one on the APC, which is
really good at taking out pesky infantry.

Little bomblets dropped from a plane. They might be able to clear ore patches
but they couldn't hurt a fly.

The standard weapon used by Tesla Coils. It is a bolt of bright blue
electricity, and is very powerful and destructive.

The commonly known Surface-to-Air missile. Fired from a SAM site to the air,
locks on to aircraft, and blows them out of the sky.

Another SAM weapon. The rocketers are the keepers of these unreliable weapons.
They lock on to a heat source.

Common cruiser weapon. They are like VERY long range 255mm cannons, and very
powerful. Very valuable weapons to have.

Smaller Destroyer weapons. Good for taking out smaller and weaker buildings
such as Barracks and Power Plants.

These are the weapons on a Gunboat, yet another SAM type of weapon. However,
these are faster to fire, but weaker.

These are the subs only weapon. However they can attack bridges, the only unit
able to do that apart from Tanya. They are severely annoying.

"The Anti-Sub weapon". These are the only form of defense against submerged
submarines. First you have to find them.

Sometimes, you get parabombs. These are worse than Napalms, so don't spend too
much time trying to kill things with them.

The attack from a Dog. It works against Infantry in one bite, but you cannot
attack vehicles with it.

The medics way of healing wounded soldiers. You will hear a chorus of angels
going "aahhhh" when the medic heals someone.

The rocket off a V2 launcher. They are slow to reload; aim them at a pack of
infantry to decimate them all.

((((((2.2.6)))))))((((((((((((Red Alert Allied Missions)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Mission 1
Rescue Einstein from the Headquarters inside this Soviet complex. Once found,
evacuate him via the helicopter at the signal flare. Einstein and Tanya must
be kept alive at all costs. Beware the Soviet's Tesla Coils. Direct Tanya to
destroy the westmost power plants to take them off-line.
Initially some enemy infantry will attack you. Use the rangers to shoot them
down. Now use Tanya (who will have arrived by aircraft) to move down the let
hand side of the map, killing any enemy infantry on the way and place a C4
explosive on a power plant. Now use her to kill the infantry around the prison
tech centre and Einstein will emerge. Guide him north to the helicopter that
will arrive and get him in it. It will automatically take off and the mission
will be accomplished. Make sure you keep Tanya out of the way of the Cruiser
missiles that will be fired at the base when Einstein is rescued!

Mission 2
A critical supply convoy is due through this area in 25 minutes, but Soviet
forces have blocked the road in several places. Unless you can clear them out,
those supplies will never make it to the front. The convoy will come from the
northwest, and time is short so work quickly.
Start off by building your base quickly. You should make it defensive with
pillboxes and units around the West and South side of your base to fend off
attacks from the enemy. Build plenty of infantry and vehicles and take a large
group south along the road. Kill any enemy units you find, aiming at grenadiers
first so that their grenade will explode and kill the surrounding enemy
infantry. Move west when you reach the bottom of the map and then north
following the road where you will find the main enemy base. Destroy the barrels
first to get rid of part of the base and then take out the defences before
destroying the rest of the structures. The convoy will arrive when you have
killed off all of the enemy. During this time remember to keep building up
your base with defences and other useful structures because it will be used in
a later mission.

Mission 3
You start with a Medic who is being shot. Move the medic north and Tanya south
to kill the soldier. Now follow the only possible route west and then south
killing any enemy infantry on the way. Keep an eye out for infantry hiding
behind trees. Try to use the artillery to get stationary infantry and Tanya
for those that are moving. To the south you will find a small enemy base with
a flame turret. Use the artillery to destroy this before advancing. Remember
to blow up any barrels you see which will take out hard to get enemy units
such as the V2 Rocket launcher. Destroy the bridges you find to the East being
careful not to get caught out by the infantry that sneak up on you from behind
trees. Try not to get Tanya stuck on an island when you destroy the bridges.
Remember, the artillery can be destroyed but Tanya must remain alive to
complete the mission.

Mission 4
Soviet forces are trying to retake the pass you cleared for our convoys. Don't
let this happen. Hold the pass and prevent the Soviets from taking this vital
area. Destroy all Soviet units and buildings in this region.
You now return to the map and base left from mission 2. If you remembered to
build plenty of defences and vehicles this will be a simple mission. You can
take it easy by killing the initial attacks off with these defences. You may
need some rocket infantry to defend against air attacks. Build up a small army
of tanks and use these to get the enemy ore truck to the north west to cut off
enemy cash supplies. Drive the tanks straight through the Soviet base to get
the ore truck if necessary. Light tanks are fast and will not get hit too much.
Send a ranger around the map so you can see what the enemy is doing. Once you
have several tanks (about 10) and maybe a few rangers to take out the infantry
you can make attacks on the base, taking out the defensive structures first.
Try to run over groups of infantry with your tanks whenever possible.

Mission 5
Rescue Tanya. Your spy can move past any enemy unit, except dogs, without being
detected. Direct him into the weapons factory located at a nearby Soviet Base
where he will hijack a truck and free Tanya. With Tanya's help, take out the
air defenses on the island and a Chinook will arrive to rescue her. Then
destroy all remaining Soviet buildings and units.
There are three different maps to this mission depending on which you choose on
the European map. They all have the same strategy though. Move your spy around
a bit until you can see the enemy base. Wait and watch the dogs until you can
see an opening and then make a run for it. If you think your spy won't make it
you can often retreat back quickly and the dogs may give up the chase. Once you
get into the weapons factory follow the truck along the road until it reaches
the prison where Tanya is being held. Infiltrate this structure and Tanya will
emerge. Use her to place C4 explosives on all the SAM sites around the prison.
You may have to kill a few enemy units before you can reach them. Now a
helicopter will arrive. Evacuate Tanya in this immediately. Now reinforcements
arrive. They don't look much, but some of the infantry are engineers. Shoot the
structures in the small enemy base until they are down to 25% health and then
take them over with an engineer. Take over the important buildings first such
as construction yard, barracks, weapons factory, ore refinery and a power
station. Build an ore truck to get some money. Taking over a barracks will
allow you to train more engineers. Now keep building tanks and V2s and maybe
another couple of ore trucks. Remember you now have access to Soviet military.
Don't let up on building stuff and keep an eye on your ore trucks. It can be
difficult, but with enough units you can start making attacks on the enemy base.
If you have control of a service depot remember to use it. Repairing units is
very cheap. To attack the enemy try to find the back entrance to the base which
is less well guarded than the main entrance. While you are doing this don't
forget to keep building more units in case the Soviets attack your base while
your strike force is away. It will probably take a few waves of attack before
you can destroy the entire enemy base. Building Yaks to take out some defences
can be useful if you have enough money.
Mission 6
Priority One is to establish a base and get your spy into one of the Soviet
tech. centers in the base across the gulf. Data on the Iron Curtain is in
there and we need it. Once you get the data complete your mission... wipe out
Deploy your MCV where it lands. Get a power plant and barracks up straight
away, followed by a refinery. The enemy will send troops and tanks from the
south. Your only anti-tank weapons at this time are your rocket infantry.
Build a pillbox or two to act as sponge for enemy fire while your rifle and
rocket units work on the enemy units themselves. Remember to repair the
pillboxes the moment they come under attack. Your rocket units will also handle
any enemy aircraft that try to strafe your base.
Crank out some medium tanks and attack the base in the south. Capture the
barracks with an engineer, and infiltrate the radar dome with a spy. Now you
can see what the enemy is doing. Build a naval yard by the barracks you
Block your coastline with tanks to prevent the enemy from landing troops on
your island. Get a spy into the enemy subpen, and get another one into one of
the tech centers. It's easiest if you land them on the craggy piece of land
that juts out before their Tesla coil.
The next stage of the mission is destroying all enemy units and buildings. Land
30 medium tanks in the north and slowly work your way down, destroying all the
enemy units. The computer will sell all the buildings at the last moment, and a
horde of tanks and V2 launchers will erupt from the south, so be careful.

Mission 7
A combat situation arises immediately. Kill the infantry with your jeep and
tanks. Deploy your MCV, and set up a base. Scout the ore fields to the east
and south with the jeep. Build a pillbox to help kill enemy troopers. Build
another refinery. Make some medium tanks. Build rocket infantry to combat
enemy airpower. Put a permanent AA gun in the north of your base. Also put
rocket infantry where the ore truck travels so you can shoot down marauding
Your first objective is to capture the radar dome in the south. A handful of
tanks and an engineer will do it. You can sell the radar dome after it's been
The key to finishing the second objective is to destroy the enemy ore trucks
and starve your opponent of cash. The only way to do this is to use your
minelayers to lay thick fields of mines. Once the ore trucks are gone, you can
mass as big a force as you want to destroy the enemy subpens.

Mission 8
Our latest technology, the Chronosphere, is housed in this research station.
The timer represents the appointed time for the completion of a vital
experiment. The Soviets have learned of this and are moving in. Protect the
Chronosphere and the Advanced-Tech research center. Make sure the base is
fully powered at the appointed time. If not, all will be lost!
Move the two destroyers by your power stations. Train five rocket infantry.
You need to get your MCV into the base where your construction yard will be
better protected, and where you can put your mine layers to good use. Clear
the pass of enemy tanks using focused fire, and move all your remaining
vehicles into the base.
Plop the construction yard down somewhere inside. Replace the destroyed
advanced power plant. Stick an AA Gun in a corner. Lay solid minefields on the
road outside your northern entrance and in the pass that faces your easternmost
entrance. Construct a camouflaged pillbox next to one of the northern turrets.
Build several light tanks, and line the open areas of coastline with them to
block the enemy from landing ground forces. Keep those minelayers busy
replacing detonated mines! Remember that mines are free once you have built a
minelayer and they can do a lot of damage to enemy units.

Mission 9
One of Stalin's top atomic strategists, Vladimir Kosygin, wishes to defect. His
knowledge of Stalin's atomic strategies is invaluable to us. We wish to
"extract" him from the Riga compound, where he is stationed. Use a spy to
infiltrate the Soviet command center and contact Kosygin. Once he is out of
the building, get him back to your base any way you can.
Build the base by the ore deposit to the east. Build fifteen rocket infantry,
and place them in groups of five by the north shore. Build light tanks, and
block the beaches the enemy uses for its invasion attempts. Put a spy and an
APC into a transport, and carry the them to the top right corner of the screen.
Land the spy on the beach, and move him across the bridge into the enemy base.
Once there, enter the headquarters building, and free the defector, Kosygin. A
bunch of dogs will appear. Keep Kosygin north of the headquarters building for
now, and wait for all the dogs to "settle". Land the APC, and command it to run
over the dog that parked itself by the top Tesla coil. With the dog gone,
Kosygin can safely pass by the buildings, run over the bridge, and get to the
transport. Your mission ends once you transport him back to your base.

Mission 10
Kosygin has indicated that this is the site of Stalin's main atomic weapons
plant. Use extreme care in approaching the Soviet base -- we don't know if any
atomic bombs are armed yet. Take the facility off-line and then destroy any
atomic weapons that exist.
Deploy the MCV in the protected area to the east. Scout with your light tanks
and run away from superior forces. The enemy armour is too strong for you to
defeat, so don't plan on too many tank battles. Build a tech center to see
where everything is. Observe the enemy ore trucks, and mine what ore deposits
you can. If the ore trucks are gathering ore from a field behind enemy lines,
build five helipads and go after those ore trucks. It will take two sorties to
destroy each truck.
Without ore trucks, the enemy will leave you be. Concentrate on gathering ore
and building a massive horde of medium tanks. Pick off what units you can from
the air. The enemy infantry is only an annoyance, and annoyances are quickly
cleared with a couple pillboxes. Build rocket infantry for air defense, and
place two AA guns in the northern part of your base. Focus your fire on the
nearby Tesla coils before attacking the tanks. When you've destroyed a large
portion of the base, Stalin will launch the missiles. Run a group of engineers
up to the control center in an APC and capture it. It is useful to have a
couple of APCs, with a few engineers a couple of riflemen in each to kill any
enemy infantry that try to shoot the defenceless engineers.

Mission 10b
Now that the complex has been infiltrated, the launch control centers must be
deactivated. Get your engineers to the control centers and deactivate them
before the missiles reach their targets. Enemy technicians can help in locating
the control centers if they are kept alive.
You are deep inside the control center, the clock is ticking, and you have very
limited resources. Move your units south until you hit the mammoth tanks. Send
your spy south towards the "exit", and Tanya will appear. With Tanya as your
point, explore the passages. Remember that Tanya will not fire at the enemy
unless you tell her to. Move slowly to give you more chance to see the enemy
before they see you. You may find slowing the game down helps. Remember to heal
Tanya and other infantry whenever you get the chance.
Take Tanya and an engineer north and east. Kill the soldiers, disable the first
control center. Go west, and do the same to the second control center. Head
north until you see the flame turret. Set a demolition charge on the flame
turret. North of the flame turret is the third control center. Disable it with
an engineer, and head all the way east and north, and disable the final control
Mission 11
Our assault on the USSR is underway, although our efforts are being hindered by
large pockets of soviet armor. To counter this we need to move warships up the
Volga river, but there is a bottleneck near Volograd which you must clear so
our naval vessels can move in. Good Luck.
At the start you'll have two MCVs. Deploy both of them to get your base up and
running, and build two refineries early on. Explore with one of your light
tanks. There's a mammoth tank patrol to the east and north. Make a mental note
of their resting locations, and mine them. Get a tech centre up to see where
the enemy ore truck is. Build six helipads and destroy the ore truck. Use
rocket infantry as anti-aircraft defences.
Assault the base with a task force of medium tanks. Don't destroy the subpen;
infiltrate it with a spy since we need a sonar pulse. Capture the construction
yard and weapons factory. The enemy base on the other side of the river will
start construction. Destroy their ore trucks with your helicopters.
Make some V2 rocket launchers to take out the Tesla coils on the island. Break
a whole in the concrete wall on the coastal side of the base, and send your
tanks through to the northern section of your land mass and destroy the power
stations. Create a naval yard and make a transport. If submarines attack the
naval yard, destroy them with V2 rocket launchers and helicopters. Land V2
rocket launchers on the Tesla coil island and get rid of the SAM sites.
Fire the sonar pulse. The V2 rocket launcher should take out some of the
submarines nearby. To get the others, use your transport as a decoy to make the
subs surface, and blast them from the sky with helicopters. Friendly naval
power will arrive and if you've destroyed all the subs, your mission will be

Mission 12
Rumors abound that the Soviet Iron Curtain is nearing completion. In addition,
an even more powerful version of that weapon is also in the works. One research
facility is more protected than the rest - find out why. Capture all technology
centers, and destroy any Iron Curtain prototype that you encounter.Our newly
developed Longbow Helicopter should be able to assist your attacks.
You start at the bottom of the map and you have some ore and a little jewels to
the right and more ore to the left. There are two Soviet "bases", one on the
left corner and the other about midway up on the right. At the FAR upper left
corner there's a whole slew of power plants with just SAM sights that are
begging to be blown up. But that's guarded by that base to the right. I used
my trusty air superiority to wear down the base to the right while guarding my
left flank from those pesky mammoth tanks which become invincible if you don't
kill them quickly. I then invaded the left base with the famous tank rush,
assisted with plenty of air support of course. After I had decimated that base
and taken over some power plants, the construction yard, tech center, and ore
refinery, I was ready for the assault on the left. I found I had to build some
Tesla coils on the shore, connected to the ore refinery by
airstrips, to get rid of those subs long enough for me to get some gunboats out.
I had to build two, one near the island on the shore to kill one, and another
near the point to clear another out. There was still another which would keep
hacking away at my naval yard, but I put the wrench to it and kept it
operational until my gunboat blew the sub out of the water without taking a hit.
After that, I merely cranked out destroyers as fast as possible to clear the
way for the 1-2 cruisers. After you've achieved naval superiority, the levels
a piece of cake, until you occupy the 2nd tech center and blow up the Iron

Mission 13
Your top units are Group A, and your bottom units are Group B. Move Group A
engineers to the control panel to destroy a flame turret. Move Group B to the
east, and kill everyone there. Move Group B further east, and use the control
panel to destroy the northern turret.
Move Group A east past the tanks. If you have trouble killing the enemy
infantry, remember to group your riflemen in groups of five and move slowly one
square at a time. Follow the riflemen with the medic, and heal the soldiers
while they fight. Let the enemy come to you; riflemen can't shoot on the move.
Go north through the passageway; the first generator is here. Head back out and
east, where there's another turret control panel to disable.
Backtrack a bit with Group B, and advance south. There's a grenadier at the
generator controls. Rush him with rifle infantry. When your engineer sets a
charge on the generator, you'll get some more rifle infantry as reinforcements.
Move Group B east until you hit another room with a generator. Set a charge on
this one, and continue east until you reach big room with flame turrets and
several control panels.
The center control panel takes out the north-west turret. The north-west panel
takes out the center turret. With good timing, you can send a single engineer
to do both of these without getting hurt. The south-west panel is a generator,
but you can't get to it safely just yet. Instead, move Group B up to Group A,
and make a new team consisting of five rifle infantry, two doctors, and one
Move the team east to another generator, then south and west. You'll be back at
the central hub. Kill all the infantry now that you have two medics helping out
with the healing. Head south. A very small computer is in the west wall. Place
an engineer here to activate the turret control. Head west from the V2 room,
and kill the flame thrower and the dog by shooting the barrels. Two control
panels on the wall disable turrets, and the one in the room to the west itself
is another generator.
There are two generators left in the central hub. Disable both of them. If the
flame turrets are still up, don't worry. The engineers will get to the control
panels before dying. Take the lower right passage. Move all your units inside.
Move your spy into the room with all the units. Something strange will happen!
All the bad guys will ignore your men and run out of the room! Move your
engineers east, and reprogram the last generator computer.

Mission 14
This is it -- the final confrontation! The Soviets have nowhere to run now. The
only thing that remains is to topple the Soviet seat of power. Destroy
everything to make sure that no one takes Stalin's place. No sorrow. No pity.
No remorse.
To start this mission you need to get money. Why the Allies would send a final
attack on the Soviets with no money is beyond me, but that's the mission. Move
Tanya and the thieves down to protect them from the barrel explosion, then move
them up to protect them from the other barrel explosion. Shoot all the infantry
while you move west. When you hit the coast, move north into the base. Destroy
the small power stations. Shoot at the delivery van with Tanya's pistol. If it
runs away, go back south the way you came and cut it off and the river
Shoot at it some more, and it will explode, revealing a crate full of money.
Go back up, and destroy the large power plants. Move the thieves into the ore
silos and steal their money. Reinforcements will arrive. Deploy the MCV where
you see the signal flare. If the theives die before you get to steal enough
money you can scout around with Tanya. Try destroying civilian buildings you
find, especially churches. You can find a crate in some of these to get your
Like in the previous missions, the Soviets will send invulnerable mammoth tanks
at you. These tanks travel in a predictable path to get to your base, so by
mining their paths, you'll pre-empt this particular threat. Rocket infantry
will protect you from planes. Back them up with some AA guns around your power
stations. Find the enemy ore truck once the GPS is launched. Build six
helicopter pads, and destroy the ore truck. Without the ore truck, the enemy
will stop sending units at you. When the ore truck of the southern base is
destroyed, the eastern base will start sending out its trucks. Their ore fields
have no SAM cover, so destroying them shouldn't be a problem.
Construct a naval yard and build a cruiser. To extend your base to the water,
build a chain of barracks building until you hit the coast. Put up some anti-
air defenses by the naval yard, including rocket infantry. The chronosphere can
move units from one place to another for a limited amount of time. Chronoshift
the cruiser into the lake by the southern base, and tear their buildings to
shreds. If the cruiser guns overshoot, force attack on a game square that is
slightly above the building to correct it. Repeat this until they give up and
sell all the buildings. Next, chronoshift the cruiser into the small lake in
the bottom left corner and shell the airstrips and power stations to the north.
Send your helicopters on SAM site busting missions. You'll lose a helicopter in
the process, but that's what money is for. With the SAM sites gone, you can
destroy the power stations at your leisure to silence the Tesla coils, then
your tank groups in for the kill.

((((((2.2.7))))))((((((((((((Red Alert Soviet Missions))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Mission 1
A pitiful excuse for resistance has blockaded itself in this village. Stalin
has decided to make an example of them. Kill them all and destroy their homes.
You will have Yak aircraft to use in teaching these rebels a lesson.
The Allies store barrels full of petrol next to their buildings and units.
Shoot all the barrels you see with your airplanes. A few friendly soldiers will
drop in to assist. There's a heal-everyone crate under the church to the west.
Move your men north, and as you explore more of the map, you'll find more
barrels to shoot. Edge a few soldiers near the unexploded bridge. Shoot the
barrels by the pillboxes to destroy them. The map will reveal more buildings
and barrels. Blow up the other barrels. If your mission doesn't end, it's
because you've left the civilians alive. Kill them all and destroy their

Mission 2
Tomorrow, the attack on Germany begins, but today, we must protect our facility
from Allied attacks. Keep the Command Center intact at all costs, and destroy
any Allied fortification you might find.
Shoot the stacks of barrels by the bridge. Build a refinery, aircraft, power
plant, and barracks. Send one man to scout up north. It's okay if he gets
killed by the jeep. Strafe the jeep with both aircraft. You'll notice that a
rocket infantryman shoots at you. Next time you're up there, strafe him, too.
Gather all your rifle infantry and organize them into two groups of equal size.
Move south past the river crossing, and head past the ore deposits to the west.
Always keep the two groups next to each other for defense. Inch your way one
square at a time until you begin combat with the enemy. If a jeep appear mixed
with the infantry, kill the rifle infantry first, the jeep second, and any
rocket infantry last. The enemy ore truck will show up. Destroy it with
concentrated rifle infantry fire. With the ore truck gone, the enemy won't have
enough cash reserves to put up much of a fight. The turrets are best destroyed
with concentrated rifle fire. The Yak aircraft is good for lightly armored
buildings such as power plants and construction yards.

Mission 3
An Allied spy has bypassed our security, damaged our base, and is now seeking
to escape. Use your attack dogs to track him down and exterminate him. The
civilians are aiding the spy and will have set traps for your men. If the spy
escapes you, your life is forfeit.
Kill the soldier defending the farmhouse and you'll get riflemen and grenadiers.
Send a grenadier south to blow up a line of barrels to destroy the pillbox.
Send the men south, killing enemy infantry. Move all the units west until you
see the enemy village. Move the dogs back. Cluster the infantry in a counter
ambush formation at the pass. Send a dog into the village, and immediately pull
it back when computer starts the ambush. Kill them. The spy escapes up north.
Move all your units half way east then north through the valley, killing the
little men there. Get a grenadier to blow up all the barrels again. Move all
units north, then into an attack formation where you can grenade the enemy
soldiers one by one until they die. Move everyone west. blow up more barrels.
Move everyone west, kill the spy. Mission complete.

Mission 4
The Allied base in this region is proving to be problematic. Your mission is to
take it out so that we can begin to move forces through this area. As long as
they have communications they will be able to call upon heavy reinforcements.
Crush their communications, and they should be easier to remove.
We're going to do this one slightly differently. Move your units west until you
get to the village. Deploy the MCV along the road that stretches to the bottom
corner of the map. Build your base with a power plant first, followed by a
barracks and a refinery. You're surrounded by minerals, and there's not much
space to build buildings, but as you gather ore, the real estate will open up.
Dogs make good border guards if you put them near your perimeter. They'll die
in the crossfire if you mix them up with your normal infantry. Build an
airstrip. Send a spy plane to an area at the very top of the screen, aligned
vertically with the first river crossing, counting from the west. See that
radar dome? You've got to take it out. When your paratroopers are ready, drop
them next to the radar dome and destroy it. The one major strength of the
Soviets is armor, so take advantage of it by building as many heavy tanks as
you can afford. Send your armor north from the gap generator and destroy the
ore truck and refinery. Stay out of reach of the turrets, but destroy any tanks
and jeeps that you see. Destroy the weapons factory also. With unit production
crippled, the enemy will lie still. Build more armor and finish them all off.

Mission 5
Khalkis island contains a large quantity of ore that we need. The Allies are
well aware of our plans, and intend to establish their own base there. See to
it that they fail. In addition, capture their radar center so we can track
Allied activity in this area.
Set up your base just south of the road. Get a radar dome up as soon as you
can. Scout to the north with one of your rifle infantry, and see if you can
drag the bad guys down to your turf. Pump out some tanks. Move them into the
ore fields in the north and destroy the enemy ore truck. Retreat back to your
base where your infantry can help destroy the remaining "rescue" force. Build
three V2 launchers, and use them to take out enemy turrets. Keep a squad of
infantry close, and follow them with your tanks. Capture the Allied
construction yard, and radar dome, but don't touch the refinery or any of the
barrels. Build six airstrips and Yaks to go with them. Use the spy plane to
reveal portions of the middle island. You're looking for the enemy refinery.
When you find it, strafe it with your Yaks to destroy it. Pick off the units on
the island one by one by air assault, or build a naval yard to bombard them
from the coast with gunboats. If you do this, you'll need to get rid of the
enemy destroyer cover with submarines. The mission ends when every last soldier
on the middle island is dead.

Mission 6
There is a special cargo that needs to be transported to a nearby Soviet base
in the northeast. Make sure the trucks reach their destination intact. Along
the way, there is a bridge which the Allies may have destroyed. If so, use the
Naval options at your disposal. Our attack subs will make short work of any
Allied boats you discover.
Retreat to the west, and set up your base at the far edge of the map. Several
waves of enemy rocket infantry and light tanks will attack. Counter them with
rifle infantry and five or six heavy tanks. Send an APC into the base in the
north to scout a little bit. Try to find the refinery. Build three airstrips,
and make two strafing runs on the refinery to destroy it. Build three V2
launchers to remove enemy fortifications, and let your tanks and your infantry
deal with the other enemy units. Capture the weapons factory and build another
repair bay by it. Repair your tanks before fighting your way east. Cruisers
will open fire on you as you reach the main island in the east. That's okay.
Concentrate on getting rid of the tanks on the island. Move the convoy trucks
through the path you cleared. Your mission ends when you get them on the

Mission 7
The Allies have infiltrated one of our nuclear reactors! They have tampered
with the core so that a meltdown is imminent within 30 minutes. They must not
succeed! Enter the base and find any remaining technicians. Guide them to the
4 coolant stations so they can activate them, then activate the main computer.
The security systems have been armed so beware. Kill any Allies you find.
Run for it! Move all your men down the east passageway. When you reach the end,
light the barrels and give them a taste of their own barbecue. Head past a
guarded control room to the west, and turn south. There's a pillbox with a
barrel fuse and a bunch of dogs wagging their tails. Light the barrels to free
the pups from the pound. Split the dogs into four groups of roughly even size.
Attack the control room guards and kill them all. Move a soldier onto the
control panel plates to destroy the flame turrets. Head west, but stop before
you get a bunch of barrels. A pair of rocket infantry will fire on the barrels,
hoping to catch you in the blaze, but they will have no such luck. Unleash the
dogs on them. Continue moving through the corridor, shooting the barrels you
come across. It will widen up into a large area full of more barrels. Stand
back. Chase after the enemy soldier and kill him. Move further towards the
engineers and kill their lone guard. Move one engineer onto each computer
terminal. Some flame turrets will pop out of the ground and fry the Allied
intelligence team. Move your remaining engineer to the core computer terminal
to end your mission.

Mission 8
We have detected Allied activity on Elba island. The Allies plan to use this
island to stage an attack on the Soviet Empire. You must ensure that the island
ceases to be under Allied control. Destroy all Allied units on and around the
island. The local population has been aiding the Allies as well. There is only
one punishment for helping the enemy - Death.
This is a difficult mission. Quickly build a barracks and place it somewhere.
The enemy will disperse. If a few still linger around, a couple rifle infantry
will silence them. Construct a refinery. Build a war factory, and pump four or
five heavy tanks. You'll get several shipments of infantry reinforcements. Put
the flame infantry in front of the rifle infantry, and pay attention to that
manufacturer's label that says "This side towards enemy". Explore the coastline
with a transport. Ore is going to be a problem soon. First, deal with the
civilians who keep popping flares to signal enemy transports by killing the
civvies. Move your tanks north to the large ore fields. Destroy the mine layers
before they lay mines, or you'll wish that you had later. Rush back down to
your base and defend against marauding jeeps. Capture the tan enemy's power
station and build a barracks and refinery up there. Roll out big numbers of
heavy tanks and go after the enemy ore trucks. If you don't kill those ore
trucks, it's impossible to win. Use hit and run tactics to slowly deplete the
enemy reserve of vehicles. When it's time to assault the base, use the V2's to
take out the turrets and pillboxes. Your mission will end when everything is

Mission 9
The Allied forces have intercepted and destroyed a convoy that carried parts for
our secret weapon. One truck remains, but they have captured that last truck
and its cargo. This is not acceptable! You are to destroy that truck before
the Allies leave the area with it.
Destroy all enemy units in your base and immediately repair all your damaged
buildings. Send the ore truck south to mine gem deposits. Construct an advanced
power plant. Construct a weapons factory. Build two heavy tanks, and an
engineer. You have to move quickly to capture an enemy base being established
in the western portion of the map. Move your tank units and your engineer to
the west. Capture the construction yard, and destroy the other buildings. The
enemy will attempt to land on a strip of beach by your original base,
accompanied by helicopters to destroy your Tesla coil. You can build Allied
structures now, so build an AA gun by the Tesla Coil, and move your tank units
to the beach to deal with the enemy land units. Later, an engineer laden APC
will attempt to infiltrate your east base, and a group of helicopters will go
for your west base. Be on the lookout for both of these. You can build an
Allied barracks and make some rocket infantry to counter the air threat. With
three refineries, you'll have enough income to build another weapons factory
and produce a dozen heavy tanks. Drop paratroopers into the blackness at the
west edge of the map, on the same line as your captured Allied construction
yard. Move them north and expose the bridge. Advance northwards from your
western base and destroy the armor. Park your two mammoth tanks at the start of
the bridge. Move your group of heavy tanks east until you hit a clump of pine
trees. There's an isthmus here. It's heavily mined, so advance your tanks one
square at a time, shooting the square ahead of each tank to destroy any mines
that might be there. An Allied cruiser will open fire on the tanks. Luckily, it
is so far away that it will miss, and its shots will destroy the Allied Force's
own mines. Destroy any enemy tanks and artillery that attack your armor column.
We want to flush the convoy truck out. Push through their base, without
stopping to destroy their turrets. The convoy truck will panic and leave.
That's what we want. Pursue it with your heavy tanks. The convoy truck will
eventually make it down to the bridge where we parked our mammoth tanks and
paratrooper infantry. Your mission will end five seconds later.

Mission 9b
Slow the game down to the slowest so that you can keep up with the computer.
And select all your units and target the convoy truck before it leaves your
base. Then, just put it back to normal speed and watch your units waste the
convoy truck!! Its a lot easier and faster.

Mission 9c
Start off the same way as above, but instead of moving you units into their
base to chase the truck (cointaining Iron Curtain parts) out, go up on the side
that your original base is on past the bridge were you park you mamoth tanks.
Go over the bridge you will see a small base. Use v2 rocketers to destroy the
turrets and then destroy ONLY the power plants. For some reason the big base is
suffering from low power. Find the truck and drop your paratroopers down neer
the truck. Tell the paratroopers to just attack the truck and not to bother
with anything else, once its destroyed the mission will end so don't bother
getting ready to destroy the base.

Mission 10
You must defend a Soviet convoy that is moving through Allied occupied
territory. Using the new MIG jet and a complement of Yaks, get the convoy
through the area intact.Be careful -- your resources for this mission are very
limited. If at least one truck makes it through to the other side, the mission
will be a success.
Destroy the enemy tanks with concentrated tank fire. The convoy trucks will
always follow the closest unit. Since we want them to be safe, leave one tank
behind as a shepherd to keep the flock out of trouble. Kill rifle infantry with
Yaks. Kill rocket infantry by running over them with your tanks. Kill other
vehicles by picking on them with concentrated tank fire. Kill AA guns with
tanks. Kill turrets with MiGs. Kill ships with a combination of MiGs and tanks.
Destroy barrels with anything that is convenient. Use the spy plane to uncover
your surroundings screen by screen. If you lose a Yak, replace it with a MiG.
Two Yaks and three MiGs seems to work best on this level. Shoot the barrels by
the radar dome to destroy the AA gun, then destroy the turret from the air.
Proceed west through the trees, and squish the rocket infantry who attempt to
ambush you. Keep heading west until you see an AA gun on a plateau. Destroy it,
and head south past the barrels. Don't stop to fire at the turret. Once in the
clearing to the south, destroy the southern AA gun. Shoot the barrels leading
up to the central AA gun to destroy it. Three friendly engineers will airdrop.
Move them to the enemy base and capture the repair bay and the construction
yard. Destroy the ship to the south, and destroy the ship in the north You can
now repair your aircraft without fear of being shot down.Keep going west.
Destroy the barrels on the southern plateau. Use a Yak to destroy the barrels
on the northern plateau. Continue west. Destroy the tank, squish over the
rocket infantry. Blow a hole through the concrete barrier. If you now move your
"shepherd" tank to the far west, the convoy will follow. The mission will end
when the convoy trucks make it to the western edge of the map.

Mission 11
Intelligence indicates that a large portion of the Allied Naval Fleet will stop
for refueling at a base in this area. Destroy the fleet and the base. Beware
the long range of their cruisers.
Make landfall slight to the north-west of your starting position. Build a
refinery and weapons factory right away. You need some heavy tanks for
protection. Move your subs east. From time to time, a cruiser will pop up in
the eastern sea, and the subs will take it out. Use your leftover transport to
scout the contours of your island. If you don't stop, you can map out almost
all of the islands despite the massive Allied naval power. When you have four
heavy tanks, send one of them east to scout past the bridges. In the ore fields
north of the bridge is a minelayer that you should destroy quickly. Some enemy
tanks will invade your beach, but the three heavy tanks you left behind can
contain them without any problem. To safely cross the bridges without getting
them blown to hell, you need to destroy the cruiser in the east. This can only
be done with airpower. Three MiGs will kill the cruiser in a short period of
time. Build two subpens. Place one past your north shore, and the other one
past your south. Create a wolfpack of five or six submarines in the north, and
replace any subs you lose in the south. Destroy the Allied sea power in the
channel, culminating in the destruction of their shipyard in the bay. There is
a crate worth 2000 credits on the island in the north-west. You can drop some
paratroopers to get it if you need it, but because you need to get rid of the
enemy navy, you might as well destroy their northern fleet with your submarine
pack. Any enemy transports you see can be destroyed by your MiGs. Use a
combination of helicopters and MiGs to kill the enemy defenses around the only
approachable beach head. The pass is heavily mined, so destroy them with
helicopters by firing at random squares. Begin destroying AA-guns, starting
from the west. Three MiGs will destroy one gun emplacement without losing
aircraft. With the gun emplacements gone, strafe the rocket infantry with your
Hind helicopters, then knock out their power stations. Destroy whatever you can
from the air. Land some heavy tanks. The bridge may blow up. Route your units
through the narrow gap east to avoid the heavy minefield in the west pass.
Destroy all units and buildings. If your mission doesn't end after you've
destroyed everything in sight, you missed some of those camouflaged pillboxes
hidden behind clumps of trees.

Mission 12
We have learned the location of the Chronosphere weapon, and we want to capture
it. The Allies have boobytrapped the Chronosphere to explode if approached.
Capturing the tech. centers BEFORE taking the Chronosphere may allow you to
defuse any traps. Use extreme caution.
Save the V2 rocket launcher at all costs. Kill the enemy vehicles with your
armor, and destroy the turrets with the V2 launcher. Set up your base. To begin
with, put up a weapons factory, barracks, and a repair bay. Send some of your
leftover grenadiers exploring. If one of them attracts the attention of an
enemy helicopter, lead it to the mammoth tank. Snipe at the tanks and men in
the southern valley with the V2. Make some heavy tanks. Watch out for a
chopper landing in the northern area of the base at the same time of an enemy
tank attack. Your V2 can take out the chopper, and your armor can deal with the
tanks. A thief incursion is possible at this point. Kill them with the mammoth.
Move your tanks to the ore field just east of the base. Ambush the mine layer
as the transport delivers it. Speaking of mines, there are some mines south and
to the west of the ore field fencing. Kill all the tanks and men on this side
of the island. Five tanks from the enemy base will attack under the shadow of a
mobile gap generator. In combat, you'll catch glimpses of the enemy units.
Remember to concentrate your fire, and you'll have no problem with this.
Capture the Allied tech center in the south-west. You'll get a GPS map that
will show everything. Take over the allied base in this sector using the V2's
to remove gun emplacements, and using the tanks to project your might. Capture
the weapons factory and construction yard, but only after you've sunk the
cruisers. Hind choppers are best for this because they won't fly over AA on the
other island. Drop some paratroopers over the power plants to silence the AA
guns. Clean up the lake of naval units. Fill the transports with five mammoth
tanks, five heavy tanks, three V2s, and two APCs loaded with engineers. Unload
the transports on the south shore. When the beach head is secured, use the V2's
to destroy all the turrets and pillboxes. Capture the three tech centers to
complete your mission.

Mission 13
We have another chance to capture the Chronosphere. Take out the Radar Domes to
cut the link between them and the Chronosphere. Then capture it!
Destroy the enemy tanks. Deploy the MCV. Build a refinery, barracks, weapons
factory, and repair bay. Train some grenadiers for base defense. Build three
heavy tanks, and move your tank units south through the ravine. Destroy the
tanks and artillery, and continue until you've gone to the very end. Turn back.
Build another refinery. Construct a subpen and make enough subs to destroy the
Allied ships in the bay farthest south. Send a transport full of heavy tanks
right up the bay, and destroy the radar dome and the power plants, including
those on the top of the cliffs. Charge the enemy camp with six or seven tanks,
with the aim of destroying the center radar dome. Drop paratroopers nearby to
assist. Curve your tanks northward and remove another radar dome. Construct a
new armor column. The enemy will have run out of nearby ore, and will send the
ore trucks farther north. Destroy the trucks with some tanks, and then destroy
the enemy's weapon factory. If you don't, you'll be up to your ears in enemy
tanks and artillery. Send ten tanks all the wa*y north, and then west. Cross
the bridge and do not stop for anything! Carry on south through the enemy camp,
past the ore fields. There is one more radar dome you need to take out. Do it.
The chronosphere is south of those cliffs. Don't send a spy plane over there,
however, because the Allied units will try to destroy the chronosphere. Make a
large group of tanks to clean a path for your engineers, and capture the
chronosphere. When I did this, I heard EVA say, "Objective reached." A split
second later, our mission failed. I don't know if this is a bug, but there's
another way to complete the mission. Instead of capturing the chronosphere,
capture the barracks to the north-west of it. Build a large group of rocket
infantry and destroy the helicopters that attack the chronosphere. Keep some
tanks and infantry down there to keep the chronosphere safe. Systematically
destroy every Allied vehicle, structure, infantryman, and ship. Regardless of
your originally assigned mission, you'll see the words "Mission Successful"
when the last Allied unit is killed.

Mission 14
Your final test is at hand. The destiny of the Soviet union rests on the shores
of England. Here lies the final resting place of the Allies pitiful resistance.
Crush them and attain your place at the right hand of Stalin.
There are several mines in the area, so only move your units straight up and
down, and not to the east or the west. Concentrate fire on the light tanks,
artillery, then medium tanks. Deploy your MCV. You can check for mines in the
vicinity of your base by constructing a building, and moving the white
placement markers around your perimeter. If a square within your placement
marker turns red for no apparent reason, there is a mine under that square.
Group your mammoth tanks together as an air defense system. Destroy the other
enemy units using your heavy tanks. Don't wander into the mines. Defeat the
Allied vehicles that approach from the south and from the west. Destroy the
turrets guarding the bridge north of your base with V2 rockets. Get a weapons
factory and repair bay quickly, and create tank units. Scatter two or three
SAM sites around your base. The Allies will make constant landings at certain
points on your shore. Block their landing sites with heavy tanks. Scout the
rest of your land mass with a heavy tank. Construct a subpen and build a
wolfpack of submarines and a transport. Scout the eastern contours of your
island. Some cruisers will open fire on your base. Build an airfield in the
north-eastern corner of your base as a cruiser fire sponge. Sink the cruiser
with your wolfpack. If the cruiser is close enough to shore, V2 rockets will
also work well. Take your wolf pack north, and destroy any other naval units,
the naval yard and a large section of bridge. The enemy ore trucks will start
coming down to your island to gather ore. The loss of their ore trucks will be
the deathblow to the Allies, so take them out any way you can. For best
results, place your mammoth tanks in the middle of the ore patch and wait for
the trucks. The Allies will end up sending six or seven trucks, so be prepared
to wait a while before they run out of money. Run a large group of heavy tanks
up the bridge north of your base. Concentrate your fire on the turrets, and
try to squish the rocket infantry. Take out the power plants. Run more heavy
tanks up the western side of the island and take out the power plants, but
leave the AA guns and construction yard intact. Time to assault the base. The
enemy helicopters are painful, but the base lacks AA guns in the west part of
the base. Send an infantry squishing heavy tank up into the base from the
western side. Render it invulnerable using the Iron Curtain, and run over the
rocket infantry. If you're lucky, the cruisers will end up destroying much of
their own forces. To take out the cruisers, take out their destroyer escorts
from land. The channel is narrow enough for several heavy tanks to get good
shots at the destroyers. Then, the cruisers can be sunk by either MiG or Hind
helicopter. Put 10 heavy tanks and 5 V2 launchers into transports. Send them
north through the east channel, and make landfall on the strip of beach. Move
the V2s north to the very edge of the cliff, and destroy more power plants.
Move west, eliminating everything you can see until the very last Allied unit
and structure is gone.

(((((2.2.8))))))((((((((((((((((((Red Alert Maps))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Sorry, this section has not been completed yet. Please come back at the
specified date. Thank You.
Due 25th October 2004

(((((2.2.8))))))((((((((((((((Hidden Units/Buildings))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Sorry, this section has not been completed yet. Please come back at the
specified date. Thank You.
Due 25th October 2004


First of all, I have to credit the makers of TibEd greatly for the help
with the production of this FAQ, it has been a monster to complete, but I am
here now, so thank you very very much.

Westwood, for creating four of the best PC games I've ever played, there is
no FAQ for Red Alert without Red Alert.

Thomas and Henry, my cousins. They were the ones who introduced me to RA and
Tiberian Sun, and that means a lot to me. Cheers cuz...

My Granny, thanks for the time I've spent on your computer trying to conquer
Russia. Thanks.

www.ra, for it's guidance. I got a lot of help from there to help
me with the missions, and the mission guides are extracts from that website.
I give the site full credit for the mission faq.

I have to admit, for the time I've spent on the websites, playing RA, Tib Sun,
Aftermath, looking at History Books, just to write this FAQ...I have done
quite well. Write to me at "".
Find me in some of my other FAQ's:


Coming Soon...

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
Spyro 1 (PS)

Ideas for future FAQ's...

Lord of the Rings: FOTR (PS2)
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (PS2)
Lord of the Rings: ROTK (PS2)


well guys, this is it. My departure. Please contact me, I want to help. Without
bragging, I can say I know just about everything about RA and nearly
everything about Tiberian Sun. Just ask the question and I will get back to

Oh Well...So long for now.

((((((Bye)))))))((((((((((((((((((BIGGS DARKLIGHTER)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Unit Health list & guide to "Specials"
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 1-7

14.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 1-7

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Ra_eng.exe ausführen und readme.txt lesen

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