Command & Conquer - Red Alert

Command & Conquer - Red Alert

17.10.2013 10:14:33


Unit Health list & guide to "Specials"

(c) Gunbladelad September/October 2002
Email :

Legal Stuff
I'll get this out of the way first. At present, only 4 websites are permitted to display this
guide. These are listed at the end of this guide and on my website. My website will always
have an up to date list of permitted websites. Anybody else who wishes to display this on
their website MUST get explicit permission via email. The address is given at the top.

Section 1 - Introduction
Section 2 - In-Game limits
Section 3 - Units Statistics
Section 4 - Structure Statistics
Section 5 - Bonus crate contents
Section 6 - Glossary
Section 7 - Permitted Websites
Section 8 - Version History

Although this is intended to aid playstation owners, the values have come from the "Rules.ini"
file which is used on the PC version. As such, it may not be 100% accurate. This is only
intended as a rough guide, rather than a definitive list. Full credit goes to "Machinegun"
from the PC Red Alert board, as without me downloading the "INI Package" from his website, this
guide would not exist.

Also, let me know if any of this information is seriously wrong, and I'll correct it ASAP.
Hopefully I've got it all correct here. You can let me know on the GameFAQs PSX C&C
Retaliation message boards, or by email.

In-Game limits
As I mentioned before, this is the PC specific limits, but I don't think that the PSX version
would be much different. This section is only a rough guide - not fact.

Aircraft - 100
Animations - 100
Building - 500
Bullets - 50
Factories - 32
Infantry - 500
Projectile - 20 (projectile types, not actual projectiles)
Team - 60 (Unit limit per team)
Terrain - 500 (scenery)
Vehicles - 500
Vessels - 100
Warheads - 10 (warhead types, not actual warheads)
Weapons - 55 (weapon types, not actual weapons)

Country Stats
Although I have listed the details for all the in-game stuff below, each country has an
advantage over the others in some respects. There are other countries listed in the file, but
they only have a standard deal.

England has 10% more Armour
Germany's weapons have 10% more power
France's weapons fire 10% faster
Ukraine's units move 10% faster
Russia gets a 10% discount on prices.

Unit Statistics
This section, I've done in the form of a table so that I can cover the unit stats including
the cost, HP, speed, and weapon. I have also included a brief comment beside each one,
based on my personal opinion. I have split the units into types, which should hopefully make
it easier to find the units you want to check up on.

| Name | Cost | HP | Armour | Speed | Weapon | Note |
| MAD Tank | 2300 | 300 | Heavy | 3 | Timequake | This does 40-45% damage |
| | | | | | | opposed to the usual |
| | | | | | | 33%. Range is 20 squares |
| Tesla Tank | 1500 | 110 | Light | 8 | Tesla Zap | Also acts as a Radarjammer |
| Chrono Tank | 2400 | 350 | Light | 5 | Rockets | Cannot teleport in groups |
| Demo. Truck | 2400 | 110 | Light | 8 | Demo Charge | Ideal suicide units, as |
| | | | | | | they carry a nuke that goes |
| | | | | | | off when it reaches it's |
| | | | | | | target or destroyed |
| Phase APC | 800 | 200 | Heavy | 10 | AP Tusk | Not buildable! Available in |
| | | | | | | one mission only |
| Radar Jammer | 600 | 110 | Light | 9 | None | Disables enemy radar & some |
| | | | | | | AA defenses. |
| | | | | | | Jamming radius=15 squares |
| A. Minelayer | 800 | 100 | Heavy | 9 | AV Mines | Lays Anti-Vehicle mines |
| S. Minelayer | 800 | 100 | Heavy | 9 | AP Mines | Anti-Personnel minelayer |
| V2 Launcher | 700 | 150 | Light | 7 | Scud | Very slow to reload - Keep |
| | | | | | | behind your main forces |
| Light Tank | 700 | 300 | Heavy | 9 | 75mm Cannon | Allied light tank. Go for |
| | | | | | | for medium tanks instead. |
| Med. Tank | 800 | 400 | Heavy | 8 | 90mm Cannon | Best standard Allied tank. |
| Heavy Tank | 950 | 400 | Heavy | 7 | 105mm Cannon | Standard Soviet tank. |
| Mammoth Tank | 1700 | 600 | Heavy | 4 | 120mm Cannon | Also has rockets and can |
| | | | | | Mammoth Tusk | also repair itself to 50% |
| Mob. Gap Gen. | 600 | 110 | Light | 9 | None | Creates "Shroud" covering |
| | | | | | | a small area around itself |
| Attilery | 600 | 75 | Light | 6 | 155mm Cannon | Allied long range weapon |
| Harvester | 1400 | 600 | Heavy | 6 | None | Your link to the cash. Can |
| | | | | | | also heal to 50% |
| M.C.V. | 2500 | 600 | Heavy | 6 | None | Deploy to start your base |
| Ranger (Jeep) | 600 | 150 | Light | 10 | Machine Gun | Allied scouting vehicle |
| APC | 800 | 200 | Heavy | 10 | Machine Gun | Carries 5 infantry |
| Convoy Truck | 500 | 110 | Light | 10 | None | Not buildable! |
| Submarine | 950 | 120 | Light | 6 | Torpedo | Basic Soviet naval vessel |
| Missile Sub | 1650 | 150 | Light | 5 | Sub Scud | Soviet First strike ship |
| Gunboat | 500 | 200 | Heavy | 9 | 2 Inch Guns | Light Allied attack ship |
| Battleship | 1000 | 400 | Heavy | 6 | Stingers | Allied Medium attack ship |
| | | | | | | with AA capability.
| Cruiser | 2000 | 700 | Heavy | 4 | 8 Inch guns | Allied Navy beast. Can |
| | | | | | | destroy whole bases! |
| Transport | 700 | 350 | Heavy | 14 | None | Can carry up to 5 units |
| MIG Jet | 1200 | 50 | Light | 20 | Mavericks | Best used on structures |
| Yak Fighter | 800 | 60 | Light | 16 | Chain gun | Best used for infantry. |
| Hind | 1200 | 225 | Light | 16 | Chain gun | Soviet Attack Helicopter |
| Longbow | 1200 | 225 | Light | 16 | Hellfires | Allied Attack helicopter |
| Chinook | 1200 | 90 | Light | 12 | None | Infantry transporter |
| Attack Dog | 200 | 5 | None | 4 | Dog Jaws | Ideal for killing spies. |
| Rifleman | 100 | 50 | None | 4 | M1 Carbine | Basic foot soldier |
| Grenadier | 160 | 50 | None | 5 | Grenades | Explodes when he dies |
| Rocket Inf. | 300 | 45 | None | 3 | Redeye / | Only infantry able to give |
| | | | | | Dragon | AA defence |
| Flamethrower | 300 | 40 | None | 3 | Flamethrower | Keep them separate, as they |
| | | | | | | go out in a blaze of glory! |
| Engineer | 500 | 25 | None | 4 | None | Captures buildings when the |
| | | | | | | damage is over 66% |
| Spy | 500 | 25 | None | 4 | None | Allows you to find out some |
| | | | | | | things from the enemy. |
| Thief | 500 | 25 | None | 4 | None | Steals about 50% of enemy's |
| | | | | | | cash from refineries |
| Tanya Adams | 1200 | 100 | None | 5 | Twin Colt.45 | Can destroy buildings. |
| Field Medic | 800 | 80 | None | 4 | None | Heals your infantry. |
| Civilians | N/A | 25 | None | 5 | Pistol | Technicians fall into this |
| | | | | | | category. |

Structure Statistics
As above, this part is in the form of a table. I just decided to separate the 2 bits so that
you wouldn't be reading one giant table. Makes things easier to find too. I haven't yet
included the fake structures that the Allies can build on some missions. I will if it's
requested by anyone, however. Post to the message boards if you want them.

| Name | Cost | Armour | HP | Note |
| Pillbox | 400 | Wood | 400 | Allied defensive structure using miniguns |
| Camo. Pillbox | 600 | Wood | 600 | Harder to see version of the pillbox |
| Gun Turret | 600 | Heavy | 400 | Allied defense against vehicles. |
| Flame Tower | 600 | Heavy | 400 | Soviet anti-personnel defenses |
| Tesla Coil | 1500 | Heavy | 400 | Ultimate land defense - Needs LOADS of power |
| AA Gun | 600 | Heavy | 400 | Allied AA Defensive structure |
| SAM Site | 750 | Heavy | 400 | Soviet AA Defensive Structure |
| Gap Generator | 500 | Wood | 1000 | Creates an area of shroud to block the enemies |
| | | | | view of that area. Useless with all map code |
| | | | | or against AI opponents. |
| Iron Curtain | 2800 | Wood | 400 | Allows you to make a vehicle/structure |
| | | | | invincible for a short time |
| Chronospere | 2800 | Wood | 400 | Allied teleportation device. Causes the |
| | | | | Timequake / Chronal Vortex 20% of the time |
| Nuke Silo | 2500 | Wood | 400 | Allows launching of a Nuclear Missile. |
| Command Centre | N\A | Wood | 400 | Available pre-built in some campaigns. |
| All. Tech Centre | 1500 | Wood | 400 | Allied Advanced Weapons research Facility. |
| Sov. Tech Centre | 1500 | Wood | 600 | Soviet Advanced Weapons research Facility. |
| War Factory | 2000 | Light | 1000 | Vehicle construction factory. |
| Shipyard | 650 | Light | 1000 | Allied Naval Shipyard |
| Subpen | 650 | Light | 1000 | Soviet Naval shipyard |
| Construction Yd. | N/A | Heavy | 1000 | A deployed MCV. The centre for your base. |
| Refinery | 2000 | Wood | 900 | The centre of your cash-flow. Defend this well |
| Ore Silo | 150 | Wood | 300 | Holds 1500 credits, the refinery holds 2000. |
| Helipad | 1500 | Wood | 800 | Each side's allows construction of different |
| | | | | helicopters. Soviet=Hind, Allies=Longbow |
| Radar Dome | 1000 | Wood | 1000 | Allows you to see the areas you've explored on |
| | | | | the map. |
| Airstrip | 600 | Wood | 1000 | Allows the construction of soviet planes |
| Power Plant | 300 | Wood | 400 | Supplies power to the base. |
| Adv. Power Plant | 500 | Wood | 700 | Twice the power, but is it worth the risk? Two |
| | | | | of these can supply power for 3 Tesla Coils |
| Barracks | 300 | Wood | 800 | Produces infantry. Although they may look |
| | | | | different they have the same stats. |
| Kennel | 200 | Wood | 400 | Allows you to train Attack Dogs. |
| Service bay | 1200 | Wood | 800 | To fully repair a unit, it will cost 20% |
| | | | | of the original cost. 10hp is restored with |
| | | | | each animation cycle |
| Sandbag Wall | 50 | None | 1 | Only able to block most basic infantry. |
| Chainlink Fence | 75 | None | 1 | Another basic barrier |
| Concrete Wall | 100 | None | 1 | Strongest out of the 3 basic barriers avalable |

Bonus Crate Contents
This is a complete list of the bonus crates you may pick up in a skirmish / Linkup battle.
Water crates always hold the money bonus. I've simply put "Unknown" where I haven't seen
the ingame logo for the crate. These are the Timequake (Rare in the game anyway), and the
invisibility powerup.

All crates that give a benificial effect to your units have a radius of 3 squares. There is
also a 20% chance of a water crate on levels that have water on them.

| Bonus | Pickup Logo | Notes |
| Armour | Steel plate | Doubles the unit's armour strength |
| Cloak | Unknown | Makes units within a set perimeter invisible. I have only |
| | | seen this personally twice on map 51 while playing |
| | | Retaliation on the PSX, but missed the logo both times. |
| Shroud | Broken Globe | Replaces the shroud over the entire map |
| Bang | None | Nasty. Does 500 hp damage each time |
| Napalm | None | Another nasty. Like the bang, but only with flames doing |
| | | an extra 100 HP damage bringing it to 600 hp damage. |
| Firepower | Diagonal missile | Doubles the unit's firepower |
| Heal | Atom | Completely heals units/structures in a set area. |
| Nuke | ICBM | A one shot Nuke. Charges as normal first |
| Money | Dollar symbol | An instant 2000 credits |
| Parabomb | Skull (I think) | A "Parabomb" strike. Very poor compared to the original |
| | | C&C's airstrike. It's mainly useful against infantry on a |
| | | linkup. |
| All Map | Globe | Removes the shroud from the entire map, just like the |
| | | Allied side's GPS |
| Sonar | Sonar Screen | A one shot Sonar Pulse. Useless unless you're chasing |
| | | Subs, and then it's pretty darn useful! |
| Speed | Lightning bolt | Almost doubles the unit's speed. Only affect the unit |
| | | that collected it. |
| Squad | None | A squad of 5 Random infantry |
| Unit | None | A random vehicle. This can change with your circumstances |
| Invincible | Iron Curtain | Instant Invincibility lasting exactly 1 minute |
| Timequake | Unknown | The "Cronoquake". Does 33% of full damage to units / |
| | | structures within a set radius |

Allies - A group of countries that have joined forces against the massive soviet
invasion. The senior officers come from separate countries, and volunteers
such as Tanya Adams are held in high regard.
Chronosphere - A time travel device created by Einstein. In the game itself, it basically
teleports a unit to another location. The unit will teleport back to it's
original location after a set amount of time.
Chronotank - A tank that has been modified to teleport without causing time disruptions or
the requirement to teleport back to the original position after a set time.
Einstein - A world famous scientist. In the C&C universe he alters time by going back
and "removes" Hitler from time itself shortly after World War 1 simply by
shaking hands. I am currently unsure of the theory about this, but
apparently things transported in time apparently cannot touch things in the
target time or that thing (in the past) will be destroyed.
Gen. Carville - An American General. The US joined the war against the soviets late on in
the war, and are helping push back the soviet aggressors.
Kane - Stalin's mysterious Advisor. His name is known to few people. Perhaps
he is responsible of Stalin's promotions of certain people.
Nadia - One of Stalin's chief military advisors. Rumours are that Stalin selected
her on the basis of her looks as well as her talents.
Prof. Tesla - A scientist who discovered certain aspects of electricity. In the C&C
universe his work has been used in the creation of weapons. In real life his
findings have lead to the creation of strip lights, and energy-saving
lightbulbs. I mention him here purely because his name is used in the
Soviets - The soviet army. Centered in Russia. Stalin, the Soviet leader (unopposed by
Hitler in the C&C universe, due to Einstien's experiments) has decided to make
the whole of Europe into the "Continent of Soviet Union", despite the wishes
of the other countries to rule themselves.
Stalin - The soviet leader. His wish is to make all of Europe into one Soviet state.
He is extremely ruthless, and does not hesitate to kill any he suspects may be
disloyal to his rule.
Stavros - One of the Allied Generals. He is one of the 2 main Commanding Officers in
Red Alert.
Tanya Adams - A mercenary working for the Allies. Her weapon of choice is 2 Colt .45
pistols. She also has extensive training including demolition skills. An
excellent soldier for all situations.
Timequake - An Earthquake that is also caused by the Chronosphere time disruptions.
Gen. Topelov - A soviet General. He's dissatisfied with his job, and currently seems to be
losing the taste for war. So far, Stalin has not found out.

This is simply a list of websites that have permission to display this. My own website will
have a separate page giving a up to date list of all websites permitted to display my guides.

1. My personal website (\gunbladelad)
2. GameFAQs (
3. German Gaming Website (
4. Neoseeker (

Version History
0.1 - Decided to make a unit FAQ to go alongside my main guide. Saved it onto Floppy with
the ".INI package" from "Machinegun's" website.
1.0 - Initial release. It was done during my spare time at work while my monitor was being
used by other family members. Moved "Chrono Information" to the main guide
1.1 - Tidied up the whole lot, got rid of a bunch of typing errors, and redone some
information. Still haven't bothered to include Fake Structure data, but added some
stuff I noticed I'd missed out. Chrono information stays in the main guide for now.
Also added permitted websites after 2 other websites showed interest.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Unit Health list & guide to "Specials"
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Soviets-Missionen 1-7

14.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 8-14

17.Oktober 2013
Savegames für die Alliierten-Missionen 1-7

15.Oktober 2013
Ra_eng.exe ausführen und readme.txt lesen

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