Star Wars - Empire at War

Star Wars - Empire at War

17.10.2013 10:49:59
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Star Wars Empire at War
Full Walkthrough / Strategy
Author: Liam "Madbird" Humphries
Email: madbird4u[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au
Copyright 2006, Liam Humphries
Version: 0.8

|Table of Contents|

i - Personal Rant
ii - Contact Info
iii - Copyright Info
iv - Version History

Part 1: In the Beginning...
1.1 - Empire at War

1.2 - The Factions
1. The Empire
a. Land Units
b. Space Units
c. Heroes
d. Land Structures
e. Space Structures
2. The Rebellion
a. Land Units
b. Space Units
c. Heroes
d. Land Structures
e. Space Structures
3. Shared Stuff
a. Buildings
b. Heroes

1.3 - Playing Empire at War
1. Tutorials
a. Basic Land [Rebellion]
b. Basic Galactic [Rebellion]
c. Basic Space [Empire]
d. Advanced Galactic [Empire]
e. Advanced Land [Empire]
f. Land Skirmish Mode
g. Space Skirmish Mode
2. Campaign
3. Galactic Conquest
4. Skirmish
a. Land Skirmish
b. Space Skirmish

1.4 - Tactical Battles
1. Land
2. Space

1.5 - Basic Concepts
1. Reinforcement Points
2. Contested Structures
3. Ship Hardpoints
4. Space Platforms
5. Galactic Map
6. Ship Classes

Part 2: Campaign Walkthroughs

2.1 - Rebel Campaign
1. Shipyard Diversion
2. Interpreting the Network
3. Theft of the X-Wing
4. Kessel Rescue
5. Stealing from the Rich
6. Imperial Liberation
7. Highest Bidder
8. Rescue the Millennium Falcon
9. Needle in a Haystack
10. Borrowed Time
11. Handle with Care!
12. The Defence of Mon Calamari
13. The Final Battle

2.2 - Empire Campaign
1. Taking Thyferra
2. Crush. Kill. Destroy.
3. Rooting out the Pirates
4. The Pirate Menace
5. Subjugating Geonosis
6. Attack on Mon Calamari
7. Trouble on Kashyyyk
8. A New Weapon of War
9. The Rebel Fortress
10. The Traitorous Moff
11. An Engagement with the Emperor
12. Capturing a Princess
13. Destroying Alderaan
14. End of the Rebellion

Part 3: After the Campaigns

3.1 - Galactic Conquest Strategies
1. Alderaan's Demise
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
2. Closing on Coruscant
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
3. Empire at War
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
4. Empire Surrounded
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
5. Galactic Conflict
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
6. The Conflict Begins
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
7. The Lines are Drawn
a. Rebellion
b. Empire
8. The Shipyards of Kuat
a. Rebellion
b. Empire

3.2 - Land Tips and Tricks and Strategies

3.3 - Space Tips and Tricks and Strategies

Part 4: Afterword

4.1 - FAQ

4.2 - Final Words
1. Contributors
2. Hosting Rights
3. Thanks and Seeya

|i. Personal Rant|
Hi! Welcome to Madbird's walkthrough for Star Wars: Empire at War. I won't get
into the game itself in much detail here, that's in the 'Empire at War'
section. This'll mostly be about me. And my address, so you can send me
presents. Just kidding... but not really. Seriously though, thanks for reading
my walkthrough. I hope it helps you in whatever it is you want to do. Within
the game that is. This doesn't answer questions like 'Why Am I Here?' or 'What
Is The Meaning Of Life?'. Frankly, I don't know. I'm not a God fearing man, so
I just thought you should know. Oh, and I also swear quite a bit. Sorry, but
I can't help it. In this I will limit it to 'shit' downwards.

|ii. Contact Info|
If you need to email me, or just want a chat, my email is:
I wrote it like this to stop the evil spambots. Just substitute [at] for @ and
[dot] for . and you'll do fine. Make sure you put 'Empire at War' somewhere in
the subject heading, or your email will most likely NOT be read. I you are
emailing for a chat [God, you must be lonely], then... I dunno... put 'Hi' in
the subject heading. Try talking to friends and family first... unless you
have none [God, you must be really really lonely]. So yeah, email me with
questions, strategies, tips or tricks... or to have a chat. Also, please
indicate whether you want to stay annonymous or not. Make sure you tell me
what you want me to call you, or I'll just use the name next to your email
address. Alright, that's it.


|iii. Copyright Info|
This game is Copyright 2006 Lucasarts and Petroglyph. All Rights Reserved
This document is copyrighted 2006 by US and Canadian and Australian Laws.
This FAQ is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or
personalgain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face
punishmentunder the law. No website other than GameFAQs may host this guide
without my permission.

|iv. Version History|


- = General updated / continued section

# = Started section

* = Finished section

+ = Added a new section

? = A piece of info I couldn't be stuffed finding, could one of you tell me?

! = An announcement, pertaining to the walkthrough or something equally
important. Like my birthday, Christmas, or New Years. Or Easter.

Version 0.1 [Sunday, 25/06/06, 7:57pm]
Whooo! Started the walkthrough, at the time above. Rock on, biatches! Does
anybody know the name of the Fatboy slim song where he's going down the
escalator in the clip? Please?
Anyway, finished the 'table of contents', for now at least, and also
everything before Part 1, i.e. the 'i', 'ii' and 'iii'. That's it. Hopefully
within a week or so, I'll have gotten this into some semblance or order.
Alright! Let's get up to our knees in it!

# Table of Contents, The Empire
* Personal Rant, Contact Info, Copyright Info, Empire at War

Version 0.2 [Tuesday, 27/06/06, 10:33pm]
Yeah, started the new timetable for next semester today. Don't know why I'm
telling you this, just thought I'd let you into my life. Sniff. I'm so
desperately lonely. Sigh.

Anyway! Ignore that sudden bout of melancholia, and focus on the guide. Oh,
before that, I found the Fatboy Slim song... 'tis called 'Weapon of Choice'.
Also got the video clip for it. Now, what was I talking about? Bah, forget it.
OH. MY. GOD!! Rove just, like, totally, like, shaved Rob from Big Brother's
Mo-let! That's just totally rockin, girlfriend! Oh, have I been typing this?
How embarrasing.

* The Factions: The Empire
# The Factions: The Rebellion

Version 0.3 [Friday, 30/06/06, 8:07pm]
Kept doing some stuff on the Rebellion. It's been really hectic recently, what
with exams and all. Probably not the best time to start a walkthrough. Anyway,
I'm gonna try to start the Rebellion Walkthrough soon. Maybe today, maybe not.
Not much left in today.

* The Factions: The Rebellion
# Campaign Walkthroughs: The Rebellion

Version 0.4 [Saturday, 1/07/06, 1:04am]
I hope you're happy. I really do. I'm staying up to 1 in the morning for you
people. I... I don't know where I am! Just kidding. It's actually 1pm. I'm
watchin 'Rain Man' with Tom Cruise. Hooray. I've also done some more of this,
the Rebellion Walkthrough. I reckon I'll get about halfway through it before
day's end.

- Campaign Walkthrough: The Rebellion

Version 0.5 [Wednesday, 5/07/06, 8:26pm]
Haven't done much on this. Once I finish Part 1 and the rebel walkthrough, Ill
submit it to GameFAQs. Two weeks of holidays starting Saturday, so I'm
ecstatic. Hooray. I've got a lot of work to do over the holidays, but I'll get
stuck into this so deep, I'll need to be towed out by a pack of dingoes.
Sorry, that's 'Australian Wild Dog' for you uninformed people. Ok then.

- Campaign Walkthrough: The Rebellion

Version 0.6 [Monday, 10/07/06, 9:27pm]
Done some more, but I got some marks back, and I've been celebrating. I've
gotten this into some semblance of order [see first entry], and submitted it
to GameFAQs. Umm.... yeah.

- Campaign Walkthrough: The Rebellion
# 1.3 - Playing Empire at War
* Final Words
* Basic Set Out [NOT a chapter/section]

Version 0.6 [Wednesday, 12/07/06, 5:21pm]
Going over to a mate's place in a few hours, so I'll have to hurry up with
this. I'll probably finish the Tactical Battles section and maybe some of the
campaign walkthrough. Submitted and accepted into GameFAQs. Already I got a
email from asking to host it. I told them to go to hell, just not in
such colourful terms. Added a new section; Basic Concepts. Small at the
moment, but it might get bigger.

+ 1.5 - Basic Concepts

Version 0.7 [Monday, 24/7/06, 1:28pm]
Look upon me and weep. No, actually don't. I don't want that on my conscience.
It's been almost a fortnight since my last update, and I have done nothing.
Nothing. NOTHING!!! The problem is Dawn of War. The new expansion is coming
out later on in the year, and I've gotten too psyked. Also, I got back into
Warhammer for a day or two. Didn't last. I'm going to make up for my... not-
doing-anything-iness today, the last day of my holidays. Hooray. Hopefully
I'll finish Part one today. I've just gotta do the tutorials.

* 1.5 - Basic Concepts [the bit I've got]
# 1.3 - Tutorials

Version 0.8 [Tuesday, 25/7/06, 6:20pm]
Alright. After coming home and staring blankly at my poster of Rachel Bilson
for five or ten minutes, I got enthused about the guide. Yes, it is an odd
connection isn't it? I've got some work to do apart from this guide, so I will
only do a couple of tutorials today. Realised I'd been spelling Bothawui with
a 'ai'. Idiot. Submitted this as an update to

- 1.3 - Tutorials

|Part 1: In the Beginning...|

1.1 - Empire at War
Star Wars: Empire at War is a real time strategy [RTS] game from Lucasarts,
who are of course makers of all Star Wars games, and Petroglyph, which
contains many former members Westwood, who made the legendary Command and
Conquer... One of my favourite series of games. Yeah, that's right! The game
is set at some point between Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, and
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It's a fantastic game with both land and
space combat, which I have always yearned for. I remember thinking 'Someone
should make a Star Wars game where you can control Star Destroyers and Mon Cal
Cruisers and just throw them at each other.', and, lo and behold, this came
up. I should get a percentage of the the game profits, since I so obviously
came up with the idea. *cough*. There are some things I think should have been
in there, but since I'm not a programmer, I don't know how hard some of these
things could be; When you've beaten a ship so bad it only has shields and
engines, it should be able to surrender, and you could either accept or deny
this. If you accepted it, the ship is added to you fleet, and if you deny, you
destroy the ship. You should be able to play as the Pirates, but word on the
street is that in the expansion that will inevitably come out, dubbed 'Forces
of Corruption', you will play as a Pirate, and space stations will be
customisable... *drools*. Imagine, a station bristling with proton and
concussion missile launchers. Fighters would thrash you, but anything larger
than a corvette would be slaughtered. Anyway, email me with any ideas you have
to make the game better.
In conclusion, Empire at War has almost everything you'd want in a RTS game.

1.2 - Factions

|1. The Empire|
The Galactic Empire is the powerhouse of the galaxy. They rely on raw power
and force to win their battles, and don't like seeming cowardly. The Empire
are an excellent choice if you are a first time player, or you're just crap.
Green players always like the Empire, but so do veterans. The Empire has a few
advantages over the Rebellion. One; Tie fighters and bombers boil out of most
Empire ships, such as Star Destroyers. Two; The Empire's heroes are land
based, which I like, and they have Boba Fett and Vader for spacework. Three;
Probe Droids. The Empire has the ability to send probe droids out to planets
to find what kind of forces are there. And four; The Death Star. This baby can
destroy planets, turning them into space-only area. It also comes with a
garrison of Victory-Class Star Destroyers and Tartan Cruisers. Nice. So, if
you like power, or you're green as grass, then use the Empire.

|a. Land Units|

Cost: 60
Ability: Take Cover - The Stormies take cover, reducing their speed but they
only take just over half of their usual damage.
Description: The Stormies are the heart of the Empire. They carry out the
Emperor's orders without question, sympathy or fear. Scary shit.
Strategy: Use a lot of them whenever you can. Slowly replace them with
vehicles, but always have at least two squads at your disposal.

Scout Bike
Cost: 150
Ability: Mine - The bike drops a mine that explodes with quite a bit of force
after five to ten seconds.
Description: The Scout Troopers of Return of the Jedi. No Ewoks riding them,
Strategy: Use them to kill MPTLs. Speed up to them, drop a mine, and try to
get them out alive.

Cost: 150
Ability: Barrage Area - Fires cannons at random at a certain area, spelling
death for anyting that stays within the area for too long. Lasts
until the AT-ST is moved.
Description: The All Terrain Scout Walker, or Chicken Walker, is the Empire's
main assault walker. Weaker than the AT-AT, but cheaper too.
Strategy: This'll be the Walker you use the most, and I reccomend you have at
least two brigades of these in every force.

TIE Mauler
Cost: 180
Ability: Self Destruct - The Mauler self destructs, with a pretty lethal force
which can kill most units within a small radius.
Description: A new addition to the Star Wars family, the Twin Ion Engine
Mauler is a fast assault vehicle perfect for tackling infantry.
Strategy: Run these into infantry formations and watch the magic.

2-M Repulsor Tank
Cost: 500
Ability: Weapons Boost - Slows down, but pumps out light.
Description: The main workhorse of the Empire's ground forces, this is the all
rounder. It's good for vehicles, and it has shields so it will
probably survive PLEXs long enough to kill them.
Strategy: Use them behind your stormies, but in front of your AT-ATs/STs. Turn
on the power if you're outnumbered.

Cost: 1000
Ability: Deploy - Deploys itself so it can actually shoot.
Description: The Empire's artillery unit. It has small cannons for defence, so
it's a step above the Rebel equilivent.
Strategy: Deploy these behind your main forces or just outside the enemy base,
and guard them with stormies and AT-STs.

Cost: 1000
Ability: Deploy Stormtroopers - Drops a squad of stormtroopers from the belly
of the beast. Maximum of two deployed at once.
Description: The All Terrain Armoured Transport is the ultimate weapon of war.
It tears through vehicles and buildings with ease, and can drop
stormtroopers to take care of infantry.
Strategy: Use these. Use them a lot. Use them so much that you want to scream
and throw your computer out the window. That's all.

Cost: 500
Ability: Unknown
Description: The All Terrain Anti-Aircraft is the Empire's only defence
against bombers and speeders, apart from turrets.
Strategy: Hopefully, you'll never have to use these useless pieces of shit.
Stick with turrets.

|b. Space Units|

Probe Droid
Cost: 30
Ability: Use - Send the droid to a planet to see what opposition you will meet
there. Very vague, just showing you the strongest unit/s, with '?'s
along with the number of '?'s there are.
Description: A droid that the Empire uses to scout out unknown territory. It
was with these that the Empire was able to find the Rebellion's
secret base on Hoth.
Strategy: A lot of people underestimate these. I, however, find them useful.
I usually have one on every planet along the line between my planets
and the enemy's. Use them to make sure that your two Tartans aren't
going to run into a battle group of Mon Cal Cruisers.

Tie Fighter
Cost: -
Ability: Hunt - The squadron runs off around the map to find any enemies.
But, since they are weak as piss and sound twice as worse, they're
likely to get demolished. Scout around with two or three yourself,
and only use this when you don't have the time to do it yourself.
Description: The fast, agile and eerily sounding Twin Ion Engine Fighters are
probably the most well known sign of the Empire, apart from the
Stormies of course. They sound like banshees, so you'll know when
they're coming.
Strategy: These boil out of any Acclamator, VSD, ISD or Space Station. Use
them against fighters and bombers and, in groups of 8-10 squads,
Corellian Corvettes and Gunships.

Tie Bomber
Cost: -
Ability: None [yeah, piss weak, eh?]
Description: The bomber version of the TIE, this can bombard enemy space
stations, bases and capital ships with ease.
Strategy: Use these against capital ships. Home One first, then Mon Cals,
then Mk. II Frigates, then space stations. Never, but NEVER, use
these against corvettes of any discription.

Tie Scout
Cost: 240
Ability: Unknown.
Description: The Empire needed a living, breathing version of the probe droid,
so they retrofitted Bombers with hyperdrive and advanced sonar
equippment, which eventually led to the Tie Scout.
Strategy: Useless apart from capturing turret platforms. That's all. 'Perhaps
you' like to use them as cannon fodder?', as Alex Wilson says.

Tarton Patrol Cruiser
Cost: 1250
Ability: Boost Weapons - Lose shields and speed to pump out the hurt. Use when
outnumbered and surrounded by fighters. Also useful if you intercept
a Rebellion ground fleet, with only shuttles and transports. Tear 'em
to shreds.
Description: The Carrack-class Light Cruiser, or Tartan, is used to protect
against fighters.
Strategy: Use it against fighters and bombers. Is to the Empire what the
Corellian Covette and Gunship are to the Rebellion, packed into one
neat little package.

Cost: 2500
Ability: Boost Weapons - Lose shields and speed to pump out the hurt.
Description: The Acclamator-class Star Destroyer is from the Clone Wars, and
was the Republic's main transport/warship, along with the Venator
class Star Destroyers [why didn't they bring them back??].
Strategy: Use these early on, but phase them out in favour of Victory-class.
They can deploy one squadron each of TIE fighters and Bombers.

Broadside Cruiser
Cost: 1600
Ability: Barrage Area - Fire tons of missiles at a selected area until the
cruiser moves. Good for fighters and Space Stations.
Description: The Empire's answer to the rebel's Marauder, the Broadside fires
hundreds of high-powered concussion missiles at it's enemies,
passing shields and damaging the ship's hard points.
Strategy: I tend not to use them, but I admit that they are KILLER against
caps. The missile bypass the shields and damage the actul ship, and
that's gotta count for something. they are weak as hell though, so
keep them at the back, and protect them with some TIEs or something.

Cost: 3800
Ability: Boost Weapons - Lose shields and speed to pump out the hurt.
Description: The Victory-class Star Destroyer was Kuat's first Empire-Exclusiv
ship, and is one of the most well known signs of Empire
Strategy: Use these instead of Acclamators. Phase some out for ISDs, but keep
a few. Vics can deploy two squadrons of TIEs and a squadron of
bombers at a time.

Cost: 3000
Ability: Gravity Well - The Interdictor creates a gravity well, stopping ships
from entering Hyperspace. It also pulls ships from hyperspace.
Missile Jammer - Missiles fly off course when they near the
Description: The Interdictor-class Star Destroyer was the Empire's idea to
stop rebel hit-and-run attacks, flying in, shooting, and hyping
Strategy: Keep these towards the back of your fleet, and guard them fiercely.
If you look like you're gonna lose, but you've severely damaged the
enemy forces, turn off the grav-wells and let the enemy retreat.

*Only built on Fondor, Sullust, Kuat, Mon Calamari

Cost: 5900
Ability: Tractor Beam - Tractors an enemy ship, which does nothing as far as
I'm concerned. What DOES it do???
Description: The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is the largest of the family,
with the exception of the SSD [Super Star Destroyer]. Commence
the drooling.
Strategy: Whoa. This is your momma. These can take on pretty much everything
apart from Home One, and maybe two Mon Cals. Of course, if one of
these is attacked by fifty Corellian Gunships, it probably won't
survive, but it'll take at least twenty with it. Nice.

Death Star
Cost: 20000
Ability: Omega Beam - Destroys the planet the Death Star is over. This will
turn the planet into an asteroid field, and therefore a space-only
Description: The largest man-made object, at the size of a small moon, and
also the most powerful. It's OMEGA BEAM can destroy any planet
with one shot.
Strategy: Beautiful. Simply, B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. The fact that it comes with
three VSDs and some Tartans only sweetens the deal. You could have
potentially have destroyed all enemy forces without bringing in any
of your actual fleet.

|c. Heroes|

Boba Fett
Ability: Flamethrower [Ground] - Spray the unit/s with fire. Especially useful
against infantry.
Jetpack [Ground] - Use Fett's jetpack to get from A to B really quick
Sonic Charge [Space] - Drops a charge that wipes out enemy fighters
nearby. Nice.
Description: Jango Fett's famaous son, Boba Fett, is the most respected bounty
hunter in the galaxy. He will do any job, no matter the danger,
for a price of course.
Strategy: I try to have him most of the time. Very useful for taking out
fighter squads too close together, as the Sonic Charge tears through
them like 9mm bullets through tin foil. Takes out a sizeable bit of
corvette shields too. Also good for ship hardpoints, once the shield
is down. It tears through THEM like.... 9mm bullets through tin foil
I guess.

Darth Vader
Ability: Force Push [Ground] - Sends nearby infantry flying backwards, killing
Force Crush [Ground] - Lifts an enemy vehicle up and slowly crushes
it, eventually destroying it.
Description: Emperor Palpatine's right-hand-man, and the only Jedi left, apart
from Obi-Wan and Yoda. Isn't his voice amazing? JAMES EARL JONES!
Strategy: Use him in most ground attacks, since he is pretty much the best
thing you got, apart from Palpatine, perhaps.

General Veers
Ability: Focus Fire - Focuses all power into energy weapons, destroying the
thing targeted and usually a lot more.
Deploy Stormtroopers - Drops a squad of stormtroopers from the belly
of the beast. Maximum of two deployed at once.
Description: The inventor of the AT-AT, and you've gotta worship him for that.
He rides in an enhanced AT-AT, which is faster and more powerful
than the regular ones.
Strategy: Use him in conjunction with AT-ATs, AT-STs and Stormtroopers. If
there's a group of T2-B or T4-B tanks clusterd together, use the
Focus Fire on the one near the middle, and watch as the all die.

Emperor Palpatine
Ability: Force Lightning - Uses raw energy from the dark side of the force to
electrocute enemy infantry. Can target more than five squads of them,
and kill them all.
Force Corrupt - Turns nearby enemy units to the dark side.
Description: Once the senator of Naboo, now the evil head of the Empire,
Palpatine is the strongest human left alive. His awesome power
over the dark side of the force is not something to be reckoned
Strategy: Use him against lots of infantry. His lightning will kill about
seven squads of them at a time. Nice. Send him into the middle of
a large cluster of enemy units and use corrupt to bring them around
to your mode of thinking. Even nicer.

Admiral Piett
Ability: Proton Blast - Fires a proton beam at a target, effectively
destroying it. Good for annoying hangers and corvettes.
Tractor Beam - Tractors an enemy ship, which does nothing as far as
I'm concerned. What DOES it do???
Description: The admiral of the Empire's fleet. I don't care what the game
says, he'll always be 'Admiral Piett' to me. He flys and enhanced
ISD, which can take on the Home One. Very good.
Strategy: Remember in Empire Strikes Back, where Vader kills the old one and
says 'You're in command now, ADMIRAL Piett.', so I will refer to
him as admiral. Just like Veers, use him in conjunction with normal
ISDs and VSDs and the like.

Mara Jade
Ability: Force Corrupt - Turns nearby enemy units to the dark side.
Thermal Detonator - Uses a powerful grenade, such as what the
Infiltrators use. Attaches to vehicles and structures, like the
Description: If Vader is Palpatine's right-hand-man, then Mara is his left-
hand-woMan. I think in some book she ends up falling in love with
Luke Skywalker.
Strategy: I'm a bit ashamed to say this, but I've never actually used her. I
suppose she'd be good. I dunno. You tell me.

Grand Moff Tarkin
Ability: Makes all Empire forces on the same planet 25% better in every way.
Description: The Grandest, Moffiest Moff of all, Tarkin is the overseer of the
Death Star project. He is also the only human, bar Mara and the
Emperor, who isn't afraid of Vader.
Strategy: You can't retreat with this hard-ass nearby, so I tend not to use
him. Boohoo.

|d. Land Structures|

Cost: 500
Description: Builds the Empires infantry units.
Pre-Requisites: None
Allows: Officer Academy
Builds: a. Stormtrooper
b. Scout Bike
Garrison: a. Stormtrooper
b. Scout Bike

Light Factory
Cost: 500
Description: The Empires first way to build vehicles.
Pre-Requisites: None
Allows: Heavy Factory
Builds: a. AT-ST
b. TIE Mauler
Garrison: a. AT-ST

Mining Facility
Cost: 500
Description: Increases a planets income, drastically sometimes.
Pre-Requisites: None
Allows: None
Builds: None
Garrison: None

Research Facility
Cost: 1800
Description: This facility researches all of the Empires upgrades.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: Tech Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.
Garrison: None.

Officer Academy
Cost: 800
Description: Trains the Empires officers.
Pre-Requisites: Barracks
Allows: None.
Builds: a. Field Commander
b. Fleet Commander
Garrison: None.

Heavy Factory
Cost: 800
Description: Builds the Empire's heavier vehicles.
Pre-Requisites: Light Factory, Tech Level 2
Allows: Advanced Factory
Builds: a. 2-M Repulsor Tank
Garrison: a. 2-M Repulsor Tank

Manga-Pulse Cannon
Cost: 2000
Description: Fires an EMP pulse, which disables vehicles temporarily.
Pre-Requisites: Tech Level 2
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Turbo-Laser Tower
Cost: 4000
Description: A huge tower of raw power, and when you purchase this, about
four-five of them are put around your base.
Pre-Requisites: Tech Level 2
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Shield Generator
Cost: 2000
Description: Creates a shield over your base, stopping bombing runs on it.
Pre-Requisites: Tech Level 2
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Power Generator
Cost: -
Description: The generator builds automatically when you build anything that
needs power. See below.
Pre-Requisites: M-P Cannon, Turbo-Laser Tower or Shield Generator.
Allows: These things to work.
Builds: None.

Advanced Factory
Cost: 1000
Description: Builds the Empire's heaviest vehicles.
Pre-Requisites: Heavy Factory
Allows: AT-AA [Tech level 4]
Builds: a. AT-AT
b. AT-AA [T L 4]
Garrison: a. SPMA-T

Hyper-Velocity Gun
Cost: 2000
Description: A cannon that fires several rounds into space, hitting enemy
ships above the planet.
Pre-Requisites: Power Generator, Tech Level 3
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

|e. Space Structures|

Space Station [Level 1]
Cost: 600
Description: The first type of space station. Sad, really.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x1
d. Turbo Laser Battery x1
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x1
Allows: Space Station Level 2
Builds: a. Probe Droids
Garrison: a. TIE Fighter
b. TIE Bomber

Space Station [Level 2]
Cost: 1200
Description: The second type of space station. A little better, but not
something I'd rely on all that much.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 1
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x2
d. Turbo Laser Battery x2
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x1
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x1
Allows: Space Station Level 3
Builds: a. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer
b. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
c. Probe Droids
Garrison: a. TIE Fighter
b. TIE Bomber
c. Tartan Patrol Cruiser

Space Station [Level 3]
Cost: 2400
Description: The third type of space station. I could take it or leave it.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 2, Tech Level 2
Armament: a. Shield Generator x
b. Hanger x
c. Laser Cannon Battery x2
d. Turbo Laser Battery x2
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x2
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x2
g. Ion Cannon Battery x1
Allows: Space Station Level 4
Builds: a. Probe Droids
b. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
c. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer
d. Victory-class Star Destroyer
e. Broadside Cruiser
Garrison: a. TIE Fighter
b. TIE Bomber
c. Tartan Patrol Cruiser

Space Station [Level 4]
Cost: 4800
Description: The fourth type of space station. Rock On! I get knocked down...
But my space station pulls me back up again.. You neva gonna
keep me down...... sorry. Tubthumpers.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 3, Tech Level 3
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x3
d. Turbo Laser Battery x3
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x2
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x2
g. Ion Cannon Battery x2
Allows: Space Station Level 5, Long Range Scanner
Builds: a. Probe Droids
b. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
c. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer
d. Victory-class Star Destroyer
e. Broadside Cruiser
f. TIE Scout
g. Imperial-class Star Destroyer
h. Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
Garrison: a. TIE Fighter
b. TIE Bomber
c. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
d. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer

Space Station [Level 5]
Cost: 6000
all Space Stations.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 4, Tech Level 4
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x3
d. Turbo Laser Battery x4
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x3
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x3
g. Ion Cannon Battery x3
Allows: Death Star [with Tech Level 5], Gravity Well Generator
Builds: a. Probe Droids
b. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
c. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer
d. Victory Class Star Destroyer
e. Broadside Cruiser
f. TIE Scout
g. Imperial-class Star Destroyer
h. Interdictor-class Star Destroyer
Garrison: a. TIE Fighter
b. TIE Bomber
c. Tartan Patrol Cruiser
d. Acclamator-class Star Destroyer

Long Range Scanner
Cost: 210
Description: Increases unit sight range.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 4
Armament: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Gravity Well Generator
Cost: 1500
Description: Keeps forces from retreating to Hyperspace.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 5
Armament: Gravity Wells
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

|2. The Rebellion|

|a. Land Units|

Rebel Trooper
Ability: Take Cover - The Troopers take cover, reducing their speed but they
only take just over half of their usual damage.
Description: Volunteers to the Rebellion forces. Will do whatever they're
asked, but not if it's suicidal.
Strategy: Unlike the Empire, you need these. They can replace them with
vehicles, but you need at least five squads of these in every force.

PLEX Trooper
Ability: Take Cover - The PLEXies take cover, reducing their speed but they
only take just over half of their usual damage
Description: The Rebellion's answer to the Empire's endless vehicle brigade,
the PLEX trooper carries a PLX rocket launcher, which can tear
through armor and buildings.
Strategy: Use these a lot. The Empire can run them over, but who cares? Have
so many that it would take five Maulers ten minutes to crush them,
and by then you'd have killed them anyway!

Cost: 500
Ability: Hunt - Much like the TIE Fighters, except on ground. It roves the
map for enemies.
Description: The Reellion's main attack vehicle, the T2-B Hovertank has a
shield and can take a lot of abuse before yielding.
Strategy: Use these a lot. They are good against AT-STs, TIE Maulers and
Stormies. They quickly are destroyed, however, by AT-ATs, Turbo-Lasr
turrets and bombing runs, but who isn't?

Ability: Deploy - Allows the thing to actually fire.
Description: This is the Rebellion's artillery unit. It comes with a MPTL-2A
Spotter, which can scout out enemies, or use their ability to
reveal parts of the map.
Strategy: Deploy these behind your forces or outside of enemy bases and let
the fun begin. These things tear through Stormies.

Ability: Rockets - Switches to Rockets and fires them instead.
Description: The T2-B's big brother, this treaded tank is the Rebellion's
heavy assault vehicle. It can use either rockets or laser.
Strategy: Use the rockets for infantry, and the lasers for vehicles and
buildings. It can crush stormies, but they've usually gotten out of
the way by the time you reach them.

Air Speeder
Cost: 500
Ability: Tow Cable - Uses a tow cable to bring down mighty AT-AT walkers.
Description: Better known as the Snow Speeder, and for it's performance in the
Battle of Hoth, the Air Speeder is the best thing for an AT-At
Strategy: These are only good for scouting for bombing runs and bringing down

Cost: 100
Ability: Thermal Detonator - Throws a powerful grenade at a vehicle or
Description: The Infiltrator is the Rebellion's stealth unit. A squad of these
can destroy an entire Imperial base.
Strategy: I LOVE these guys. Three of these [they come as two, so three = six]
really can destroy an enemy base. Use the sniper rifles for infantry
and the grenades for vehicles and buildings. LOVE THEM!

|b. Space Units|

Z-95 Headhunter
Cost: 230
Ability: Unknown
Description: The Z-95 Headhunter is considered the prelude to the X-wing, as
it is exactly the same apart from the fact that it only has two
S-Foils. It's better off in a museum than a battlefield.
Strategy: These aren't worth it. Use X-Wings.

Cost: 200
Ability: Ion Cannon Shot - The Y-Wing uses it's Ion Cannon to shred shields
and immobilize ships.
Description: The Koensayr Y-Wing is the workhorse of the Rebel fleet, being
the only major fighter-bomber in their arsenal. Although it's
design is several years old, it is still found very useful.
Strategy: Use these against ship and station hardpoints. Their Ion Cannons
are great at taking down ship shields and letting the Caps come in
and blow them away.

T-65 X-Wing
Cost: 300
Ability: Lock S-Foils - Closes the X-Wing's four S-Foils, letting it move
faster but severely impairing it's firepower.
Description: The X-Wing is the Rebellion's main fighter craft. Incom's design,
like Koensayr's Y-Wing, is several years old, but still more
effective than the Imperial TIE craft.
Strategy: These will be the main part of your space forces. They are the
driving force behind all space attacks, and they are a bit of an
all rounder. I think that their special ability should be a Proton
Torpedo. In all the X-Wing books, their main Capital ship stopping
power is in the proton torps.

Cost: 300
Ability: Lure - Lures enemy ships after the A-Wings, leaving the path clear
for the bombers and capital ships.
Description: The A-Wing was developed by General Jan Dodonna, the mastermind
behind the attack on the first Death Star. The craft is a marvel
or engineering. The A-Wing has a speed that far surpasses that
of any ship in the Rebellion fleet. Their two laser cannons can
swivel 360-degrees to attack in any direction.
Strategy: These are like X-Wings, but better. I myself prefer the X-Wing, but
I'm pretty nostalgic. I've never used the lure ability before. Is it
useful? You tell me.

Corellian Corvette
Cost: 1250
Ability: Boost Engines - Pretty much the exact opposite of the Empire's 'Boost
Weapons' ability, this pumps all energy into the engines, letting the
corvette blast into battlefields, or beat a hasty retreat.
Description: The Corellian Corvette, or Blockade Runner, is the Rebellion's
main hit-and-run ship. It's also the fastest capital ship in the
Strategy: Good. It's nice, but I tend to use more Gunships. I always have a
few of these, though. Is that wrong?

Corellian Gunship
Ability: Boost Engines - Pretty much the exact opposite of the Empire's 'Boost
Weapons' ability, this pumps all energy into the engines, letting the
corvette blast into battlefields, or beat a hasty retreat.
Description: The Corvette's big brother. This has concussion missiles, which
are more effective against other capital ships
Strategy: Use these like the corvettes; send them in against the fighters, cos
it kills them. That's kinda the point. But also, it can be used in
groups of four or more against capital ships, so if you make a fleet
of these, you've got a good one. It isn't as good as other capital
ships, but it'll get the job done. If ou've only got a few, use it
to screen your capitals from bombers.

Marauder Cruiser
Ability: Barrage Area - Fire tons of missiles at a selected area until the
cruiser moves. Good for fighters and Space Stations.
Description: The Marauder was developed in answer to the Empire's
Broadside-class Cruisers causing havoc on battlefields across the
Strategy: This is exactly the same as the Broadside in all ways. Use it as
such. Keep it behind your main force and barrage the space station.

Nebulon-B Frigate
Ability: Boost Shields - Firepower and speed go down, shields go way up.
Description: The Nebulon-B was originally an Imperial craft that would defend
outer-rim planets. It was easily captured, which led to it being
used less and less by the Empire, and more and more by the
Rebel Alliance.
Strategy: I love these things. They are good against pretty much everything,
bar forty VSDs or an ISD, but they're useful in groups of five or
more. They're good for taking out the Empire's tartan patrol ships.

Alliance Frigate Mk. II
Ability: Unknown
Description: The Assault Frigate Mk. II's design is decades old, and it was
used by the Old Republic, before the Empire. It is susceptible
to damage as it has relatively weak shielding when compared to
other Rebellion ships such as Nebulon-B Frigates and Mon Calamari
80b Cruisers, but it more than makes up for it with firepower.
Strategy: I tend not to use these that often. I usually use Nebulon-Bs instead
but I admit, they are good. I love them when I do use them, but they
seem to perish quite quickly.

Mon Calamari Cruiser
*Only built on Fondor, Sullust, Kuat, Mon Calamari

Ability: Boost Shields - Firepower and speed go down, shields go way up.
Description: The Mon Calamari 80b Starcruiser is the largest warship at the
Rebellion's disposal. They were once luxury cruisers, but it
wasn't difficult for the amphibious Mon Calamari to convert them
to war.
Strategy: I abso-bloody-lutely love these. They are your most powerful unit,
and they can take on ISDs toe to toe. The shield boost ability is
great for these babies, as even with the lowered firepower, they are
still a force to be reckoned with. However, they are very expensive,
they take a long time to build, and unless you start at Tech 5, then
you'll have to wait for ages to get them.

|c. Heroes|

Ability: Repair Vehicle - Repairs an allied vehicle, very slowly.
Slice Turret - Takes control of an enemy turret.
Description: The intrepid droids R2-D2 and C-3P0 are the Rebellion's most
faithful smugglers. They will complete any mission with R2-D2's
smarts and C-3P0's pesimism.
Strategy: I know it's R2-D2 and C-3P0, but I prefer C3-D2. They're shit, and
they shouldn't be heroes. Their repair thing goes so slowly, if you
ever actually need it, you'll have lost the battle before it's done.
The slice turret is shit, since if it is actually something worth
it, they'll be dead before they get to it.

Captain Antilles
Ability: Boost Engines - Pretty much the exact opposite of the Empire's 'Boost
Weapons' ability, this pumps all energy into the engines, letting the
corvette blast into battlefields, or beat a hasty retreat.
Description: Captain Antilles was the
Strategy: This guy is basically in a suped-up corvette. Use him like one, and
spell death for enemy fighters. Mwahahahahahahaha.

Mon Mothma
Ability: Everything costs 25% less at her location. Yay.
Description: Senator Mon Mothma was one of the last of those left in the
Galactic Senate who weren't tainted by Palpatine. She, along with
Bail Organa, founded the rebellion.
Strategy: Old Mothie! Keep her towards the front line and get discounts. Yes!

Han Solo/Chewbacca
Ability: EMP Pulse [Solo - Ground] - Sends out an electro-magnetic-pulse,
temporarily disabling vehicles and turrets.
Sprint [Solo & Chewie - Ground] - Run fast. Quick, like a bunny.
'Commandeer' [Chewie - Ground] - Take over the vehicle of your choice
Invulnerability [Milennium Falcon - Space] - The Milinnium Falcon is
invincible for a short time.
Description: The fabled Milennium Falcon is the only smuggling craft that has
never been caught be authorities.
Strategy: Yeah! Use it against fighters and use the ability to get away. On
the ground, Solo and Chewie are very useful. They complement each
other well, and Chewie's ability can save worlds. Capture an AT-AT
and let the fun begin.

Home One
Ability: Boost Shields - Firepower and speed go down, shields go way up.
Focus Firepower - Focuses all firepower on one target. Useful.
Description: The Home One is Admiral Acbar's personal Mon Cal 80b Cruider,
slightly modified. He commanded the attack on the second Death
Star from this ship.
Strategy: I LOVE this guy. He's easy to beat with TIE bombers, but they don't
seem to know that. The Home One can take on two Imperial-class Star
Destroyers on it's own.

Red Squadron
Ability: Lucky Shot - Does a lot more damage than they ordinarily would. It's
more effective when the squadron is at full strength.
Lock S-Foils - Closes the X-Wing's four S-Foils, letting it move
faster but severely impairing it's firepower.
Description: The squadron that took down the original Death Star, complete
with all it's members; Biggs Darklighter, Dack, Wedge, Luke, and
more... and only $9.95 at your local Browse In!
Strategy: Use these like a super-X-Wing squadron. That's all.

Obi-Wan Kenobi
Ability: Heal Troops - Heals nearby troops to full.
Protect - Uses the force to protect one unit.
Description: The wisened Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Strategy: Yeah... umm.... never used him, never wanted to. Sounds bad, since
all he does is heal and protect. Oh, and slice people in half.

Kyle Katarn
Ability: Sprint - Run fast. Quick, like a bunny.
Thermal Detonator - Throws a powerful grenade.
Description: Some guy who thinks the Rebels are A-OK. Isn't he from Dark
Forces, or some other game?
Strategy: I guess you'd use him like Solo.

|d. Land Structures|

Cost: 500
Description: Builds the Rebellion infantry units.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: Officer Academy
Builds: a. Rebel Trooper
b. PLEX Trooper
Garrison: a. Rebel Trooper
b. PLEX Trooper

Light Factory
Cost: 500
Description: The Rebellion's basic vehicle building place.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: Heavy Factory
Builds: a. T2-B Tank
b. Airspeeder [With Tech Level 4]
Garrison: a. T2-B Tank

Mining Facility
Cost: 500
Description: Increases a planet's income, drastically sometimes.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Shield Generator
Description: Creates a shield over your base, stopping bombing runs on it.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Power Generator
Cost: -
Description: The generator builds automatically when you build anything that
needs power. See below.
Pre-Requisites: Shield Generator, Turbo-Laser Tower.
Allows: These things to work.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Officer Academy
Cost: 800
Description: Trains the Rebellion's officers.
Pre-Requisites: Barracks
Allows: Infiltrator Academy
Builds: a. Field Commander
b. Fleet Commander
Garrison: None.

Heavy Factory
Description: Builds the Rebellion's heavier vehicles.
Pre-Requisites: Light Factory, Tech Level 2
Allows: None.
Builds: a. MPTL-2A
b. T4-B Tank [Tech Level 3]
Garrison: a. MPTL-2A

Ion Cannon
Cost: 2000
Description: Fires an Ion cannon into space, disabling an enemy ship.
Pre-Requisites: Tech Level 2
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Turbo-Laser Tower
Cost: 4000
Description: A huge tower of raw power. Ha. That rhymes. When you purchase
this, aout four-five of them are put around your base.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

Infiltrator Academy
Cost: 1000
Description: A special school for those of the Rebel Troops that show
particular finesse for stealth. They are trained as infiltrators
and are the elite.
Pre-Requisites: Officer Academy, Tech Level 3
Allows: None.
Builds: a. Infiltrator
Garrison: a. Infiltrator

|e. Space Structures|

Space Station [Level 1]
Cost: 600
Description: The first type of space station. Sad, really.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x1
d. Turbo Laser Battery x1
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x1
Allows: Space Station Level 3
Builds: a. X-Wing
Garrison: a. X-Wing
b. Y-Wing

Space Station [Level 2]
Cost: 1200
Description: The second type of space station. A little better, but not
something I'd rely on all that much.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 1
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x2
d. Turbo Laser Battery x2
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x1
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x1
Allows: Space Station Level 3
Builds: a. Nebulon-B Frigate
b. Corellian Gunship
c. Corellian Corvette
d. X-Wing
e. Y-Wing
Garrison: a. X-Wing
b. Y-Wing
c. Corellian Corvette

Space Station [Level 3]
Cost: 2400
Description: The third type of space station. Now we're getting somewhere.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 2, Tech Level 2
Armament: a. Shield Generator x
b. Hanger x
c. Laser Cannon Battery x2
d. Turbo Laser Battery x2
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x2
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x2
g. Ion Cannon Battery x1
Allows: Space Station Level 4
Builds: a. Nebulon-B Frigate
b. Corellian Gunship
c. Corellian Corvette
d. Marauder Cruiser
e. X-Wing
f. Y-Wing
Garrison: a. Corellian Corvette
b. X-Wing
c. Y-Wing

Space Station [Level 4]
Cost: 4800
Description: The fourth type of space station. Rock On! I get knocked down...
But my space station pulls me back up again... You neva gonna
keep me down...
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 3, Tech Level 3
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x3
d. Turbo Laser Battery x3
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x2
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x2
g. Ion Cannon Battery x2
Allows: Space Station Level 5, Long Range Scanner
Builds: a. Assault Frigate Mk. II
b. Nebulon-B Frigate
c. Corellian Gunship
d. Corellian Corvette
e. Marauder Cruiser
f. X-Wing
g. Y-Wing
Garrison: a. Nebulon-B Frigate
b. Corellian Corvette
c. X-Wing
d. Y-Wing

Space Station [Level 5]
Cost: 6000
all Space Stations.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 4, Tech Level 4
Armament: a. Shield Generator x1
b. Hanger x1
c. Laser Cannon Battery x3
d. Turbo Laser Battery x4
e. Concussion Missile Launcher x3
f. Proton Torpedo Launcher x3
g. Ion Cannon Battery x3
Allows: Nada.
Builds: a. Mon Cal Cruiser
b. Nebulon-B Frigate
c. Corellian Gunship
d. Corellian Corvette
e. Marauder Cruiser
f. A-Wing
g. X-Wing
h. Y-Wing
Garrison: a. Nebulon-B Frigate
b. Corellian Corvette
c. X-Wing
d. Y-Wing

Long Range Scanner
Cost: 210
Description: Increases unit sight range.
Pre-Requisites: Space Station Level 4
Armament: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: None.
Garrison: None.

|3. Shared Stuff|
This is the stuff that both sides have that do the same thing. Umm... yeah.

|a. Buildings|

**Only built on Abregado-Rae, Atzerri, Corellia, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, Tatooine**

Description: A bar where the hardest, toughest, roughest blokes in the galaxy
get jobs.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: a. Smuggler
Garrison: None.

Hutt Palace
**Only built on Abregado-Rae, Atzerri, Corellia, Nal Hutta, Ryloth, Tatooine**

Description: This is a bad place. Very bad. But, very good if you need a
bounty hunter. For a small price *cough...BULLSHIT...cough*, you
can get someone to kill anyone else.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: a. Bounty Hunter
Garrison: None.

Pirate Building
Cost: -
Description: This is a building that lets you buy Pirate forces. They're mosty
shit, so you can find out what they acutally are for youself.
Sorry. This'll be in the Land Tactical Battles section.
Pre-Requisites: None.
Allows: None.
Builds: Find out for yourself.
Garrison: None.

|b. Heroes|

Fleet Commander
Cost: 1000
Ability: Increases the sight range of all ships in whatever battle he partakes
in by 20%.
Description: The gallant fleet commanders are the ones who hold the Rebellion
navy together.
Strategy: For the Empire, these guys will automatically be riding in an ISD,
so that's good news. I dunno.

Field Commander
Cost: 1000
Ability: Increases the sight range of all units in whatever land battle he
partakes in by 20%.
Description: The Field commanders command all the troops with a steel-hard
Strategy: This bloke and his guard are good against infantry. Use them against

Cost: 500
Ability: Can set up shop on a planet and steal credits. An enemy planet,
Description: These are smugglers, hired from a Cantina. They aren't Han Solo,
but they're OK.
Strategy: Only use these on planets where they'll do well; Coruscant, Polus,
Alzoc, Kessel.

Bounty Hunter
Cost: 500
Ability: Can take out any hero around any planet.
Description: Bounty Hunters are the anti-christ where smugglers are concerned.
Strategy: It's kinda a waste of money, but it can be useful. Before attacking,
take out Piett or Acbar. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

1.3 - Playing Empire At War

|1. Tutorials|
These are walkthroughs for the tutorials, for those of you who can't complete
them. If you can't finish them, do you realise how sad that is? I mean, the
tutorials are there to show you how to play, and if you can't finish them,
you might as well take the game back. Just thought you'd like to know. Onward!

|a. Basic Land [Rebellion]|

Galactic Map
OH My GOD!!!! The empire is invading Kashyyyk! Luckily, this is just the right
time to train you up. Hmm...

*Land Battle - Kashyyyk*
OK. Seems that a squad of rebel soldiers has gotten lost on a patrol. The
bloke will tell you about the command bar and minimap, and tell you how to
select troops. You'll get a transmission saying that the patrol's last
transmission came from this area. They can't have gotten far. In fact, they
are a little east of your current position, in that little niche south of the
path. Right now though, the pointer is an egg timer, and so the bloke keeps
talking. Listen to him, or don't. Soon, a green marker will appear on the
minimap, indicating the lost patrol is in a little niche south of the path
[huh, huh?]. Just select your squad, scroll across to the position, and right
click where you want them to go. Easy peezie, titee squeezie. Umm... yeah.
The squad are there. They'll inform you that comms are being jammed. You have
to find the jammer, and take it out. Now that you have a real objective,
select both of your squads and move them along the path. You'll find the
jammer just after the dogleg-left... or is that a dogleg-right? I don't follow
golf. Anyway, the jammer is the steam-vent looking thing. Destroy it, and move
on. Someone will notice that it has Imperial markings, and you'll be told to
rush back to base. The base is just north of the jammer, so keep following the
path, or alternatively, just right click on the base. Once you reach it, you
will be told to build some defensive structures. Click on the northward pad
and choose the turret [the only choice], and on the southward pad a bacta
station [again, the only choice]. A fair amount of rebel troops and plexies
will appear out of the barracks, giving you some real firepower for the first
time. Troops will continue to appear from the barracks at regular intervals.
Roughly order your troops along the wall, troops in front, plexies in back.
Oh my! Imperials! Run! Save yourselves! A couple of TIE maulers will destroy
the wall. Select all your troops, and tell them to take cover. This will
lessen the effect of damage to them. Kill all the stormies who come at you,
and get ready to move. Stop the troops taking cover, and move them to the
first reinforcement point. Oh, and take out the AT-STs with your PLEX troops.
Move your troops around the reinforcement point. An Imperial shuttle will land
and drop off some stormtroopers. Your troops should take them out before they
can fire a shot. Move all your force south, around the bend and northeast.
This is the last reinforcement point you need to capture.
As you approach, a shuttle will land and drop off some stormtroopers. They'll
get off a shot or two this time, but your boyz will take them down without a
fuss. Once they're dead, capture the reinforcement point. After, you'll get
a report that a massive fleet is en route to Kashyyyk, and that you need to
flee the sector. The Wookies! What about the Wookies? WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE
Ahem. The bloke will explain retreats and stuff, and when he's done click
the retreat button. The general or whatever will say something patriotic, and
that's the end of that.

|b. Basic Galactic Map [Rebellion|
Right. So, as you can see, you are on the galactic map at the moment. There's
Ryloth, there's Bothuwui... oh look! There's Kashyyyk! And there, on the
surface, the troops who retreated in the last tutorial. Grab them and move
them into one of the empty places over Kashyyyk. Now, drag that fleet to
Bothuwui. The 'Main Alliance Fleet' is a single corvette. Drag the fleet from
Kashyyyk onto it to combine fleets. The loke will rattle off a bunch of shit
about fleets and credits and whatnot. Ryloth is unoccupied, so drag your
fleet into one of the places above it. Turns out you have to control the
surface of a planet as well. Just drag the fleet onto the planetside place.
Any spaceborne vehicles units will stay in orbit, while ground forces will
go down to the surface. Zoom into Ryloth by selecting it and scolling your
mouse wheel up, or by clicking the little magnifying glass in the minimap.
Build a barracks by pressing on the barracks icon. You might have to click the
orange tab before it will let you. Once it's done, the bloke will tell you
that planets have a limit to the amount of buildings they can support. He'll
tell you to train two rebel infantry platoons. Click the orange tab, and
double click on the rebel infantry icon. Once they're done, you should have a
total of five infantry and two PLEX troop platoons. Now, you have to build a
space station, which you need to make space units. Wait until the guy stops
talking, and click on the blue tab. Now click on the space station icon. The
space station will be constructed above the planet. The bloke will say a lot
of stuff about spacefleets, creating spacecraft, yada-yada-yada, now build two
X-Wing squadrons. Click the button twice, and they'll be built. Once they have
been built, you'll be told to zoom out from Ryloth, so either roll the mouse
wheel, or click the zoom out button. Mon Mothma will talk about not being
evil, and not preying on other systems for resources, and then you'll be told
to train a Han-Solo Lookalike. Click on the smuggler icon, and the cantina
will do the rest. Once he's done, drag him onto his own special space over
Nal Hutta; the orange 'Steal Credits' one. He'll head over and siphon off
credits from the Empire's supply there. The little yellow credit symbol and
the green plus indiate that you are gaining credits from this planet.
Alright, now C3-D2 will appear over Bothawui. Drag them onto their own spot,
the orange 'Steal' space over Nal Hutta. The Steal Technology box will appear.
Choose what you want, as it honestly doesn't do anything for the tutorial.
The bloke will explain some stuff about Rebellion tech levels and whatnot, and
then Mon Mothma will tell you to build some planetary defences on Bothawui. A
Shield Generator to be exact. So, build it. The power generators needed to
keep shields and automated defences operational are automatically built when
you build a structure that needs them.
Ok. Now we need to reinforce Tatooine. Blast! Those Imperial dogs have
blocaded the space above the aforementioned planet! Not to worry. One of the
Rebellion's advantages is that they can make use of Raid fleets. Raid fleets
are fleets of four or less ground units, which can bypass space forces and
go straight to the ground, either taking the ground if there are no enemy
structures or units there, or engaging in a land tactical battle. Move the
infantry platoon into the fleet window, and zoom out from Bothawui. Drag the
raid fleet into the 'Raid' space on Tatooine. There. Done.

|c. Basic Space [Empire]|
Hooray! Space combat! Alright. Above Nal Hutta is a fleet of four Tartan
Patrol Cruisers; Your battleforce. The general bloke will yack on about a
peace envoy being assaulted and something about rebel scum. Lo and behold, you
have to move your fleet to Kashyyyk, and destroy the rebel space station.
Drag the fleet into one of the spaces over Kashyyyk and prepare for battle.

*Space Battle - Kashyyyk*
OK. Some general in a Lambda shuttle will tell you that all you need to do is
follow him. Simple, right? Right. He'll also tell you about asteroid fields.
Anyway, follow him 'north' [In a zero-g environment there is no up down or
side to side. I refer to north as the direction upwards of the orientation of
the camera set to default {did that make any sense?}]. Alright, he'll tell you
that you're doing a great job following him, and he'll explain nebula clouds.
So. Move between the clouds, and you'll be attacked by four Z-95 squadrons.
Pathetic rebel scum. Once you're close enough, use the power to weapons
ability. Lances of green death will tear through space, and you should destroy
all of the Z-95s within thirty seconds, if not sooner. The voiceover bloke
will talk about shields, now that yours are probably empty. The general will
mention a frigate in the area. After a moment or two, it's time to play chasey
again. Follow the general 'southeast'. You'll find two Y-Wing squadrons, two
Z-95 squadrons and a Nebulon-B frigate. Kill the Y-Wings first. and you can
ignore the Z-95s for now. Close with the frigate, and aim at their weapons.
Don't worry about engines at the moment. You'll be tempted to use Power to
Weapons at this point; Don't. That saps your shields, and the Nebulon-B is
still tough enough to destroy two of your Tartans before you cripple it. Once
its laser cannons are gone, take out the engines. Voila, instant rubble. Once
it is gone, an Acclamator pilot will radio in. Great. Open the reinforcement
panel and bring in the Acclamators, behind the Tartans if possible. Let the
Acclamators disgorge their one squad each of TIE fighters and bombers. Take
everything 'north'. The voiceover will talk about ion fields. The station will
come into view. Ignore the X-Wings and attack the station with everything.
Grab your TIE Bombers and order them to attack the shield generator... at the
bottom of the thing. The upsidedown spire thing. Once the shield is gone, it's
just a matter of destroying the rest of it. And yes, you can use power to
weapons if you wish. The X-Wings were probably destroyed during the battle,
but if not, they'll be nearby. Kill them and you're done. No more rebel scum
in this sector.

|d. Advanced Galactic Map [Empire]|
It's coming. Settle down.

|2. Campaign|
There are three ways of playing Empire at War, not incuding the tutorials. The
first of these is the Campaign.
Both the Empire and the Rebellion have a campaign, which takes up the majority
of the game. Both of these are set before and during a New Hope [Episode IV].
However, the campaigns do not follow the story of A New Hope, as you have the
oppurtunity to wipe out the Rebellion/Empire before Empire Strikes Back, which
is sort of wierd. I think the Empire is present during that movie... isn't it?
*Cue X-Files Music*
Anyway, as I said, this takes up the majority of the gameplay in Empire at
War, so if you only play Skirmish and Galactic Conquest, you'll have fun, but
you'll feel... incomplete. Or not, I dunno.

|3. Galactic Conquest|
The second way of playing Empire at War is Galactic Conquest. For anybody who
has played Star Wars: Battlefront or Battlefront II, this name will be
familiar. It's the same basic concept; take control of the galaxy. However,
there are a lot of features that do not appear in other Star Wars games:
- You control entire forces, not just a trooper [obviously]
- There are more planets [I think...]
- There are little side missions for you to do [eg. Rescue the Pirate Leader]
- Fleets are NOT confined to two capital ships and a few corvettes [FUCKIN A!]
- Different view [bird's eye-ish]
- It's on a completely different game on a computer, not an X-BOX/PS2/Whatever
else it was on.
- A lot more!!
I put 'A lot more' there because I couldn't think of anything else. Shut up!
There are.... 8 different Galactic Conquest scenarios, and the strategies for
these are covered in the 'Galactic Conquest Section'.

|4. Skirmish|
The last way to play Empire at War is Skirmish. This is basically a quick
battle on land or in space, which follows on from nothing, and leads into
nothing. No repurcussions. Nice.

|a. Land Skirmish|
Land skirmish is very different from the GC and Campaign. For starters, you
have to advance tech level then and there. Everything costs more. There is
another hero [Kyle Katarn/Mara Jade]. The vehicles and infantry or whatever
you build goes into your reinforcement pool. You have to purchase bombing
runs [nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!]. That's all I can think of, but rest
assured; Land skirmish is different from tactical battles. Oh, you have to
capture mining facilities to earn money [dammit!]

|b. Space Skirmish|
Same as land skirmish... but in space... yes sah, good ol' space fun! You have
to upgrade your space station right there, and for the Empire, you can build
the TIEs that boil out of the Station and capital ships. You have to purchase
Ion/Hyprvelocity Cannon shots [nooooooo!!!], and you have to build asteroid
mining facilities on asteroids to get money. That's about it, and this is
pretty fun compared to the ordinary space tacticals in my opinion. Ok. That's

1.4 - Tactical Battles

Tactical battles are the battles you go into during Campaigns and Galactic
Conquest. These differ from skirmish battles in a few ways. Firstly, the
structures on the planet or above it are limited to what you have built in the
Galactic Map [where you see all the planets]. The units are restricted to
garrison units and the units you already had on the planet. You cannot build
new units during the course of the battle. There are two types of tac battle,
like skirmishes; land and space.

|1. Land|
Land tac battles are differ from skirmish battles in a few ways:
- Structures are not built during the battle. You are restricted to structures
already built at the start of the battle.
- Units cannot be built during the battle. You are restricted to garrisoned
units and units already on the planet at the start of the battle.
- In Tac Battles, your credits do not come from mining facilities. Your funds
are restricted to the amount of credits already in your galactic bank at the
start of the battle.
As you can see, the skirmish battles are totally independant of anything else,
while the tac battles are dependant on what you have done on the galactic map.
However, the tac battles are similar to skirmishes in a few ways:
- You can upgrade buildings and units during the battle at certain buildings,
if credits permit the expenses.
- There are still reinforcement points [duhduhduh...]
- There are still contested structures, factories, etc.

|2. Space|
Space tac battles, like land tacs, differ from their skirmish counterparts in
a few ways:
- Your Space Station cannot be upgraded during the battle. It is restricted to
the level it was at at the start of the battle.
- New ships cannot be built during the battle. You are restricted to the fleet
you already had over the planet and garrison ships.
- In Tac Battles, your credits do not come from asteroid mining facilities.
Your funds are restricted to the amount of credits you had in your galactic
bank at the start of the battle.
Same as the land tac battles, space tac battles are more dependant on
happenings outside of the battle than skirmish space. And, like land, some
things are similar between the two.
- You can upgrade your station, ships and fighters at the space station, but
there is only one level of the upgrades.
- There is only ever one space station. The defender is the one with said
space station. Sometimes, there is no space station, and it is just fleet on
- There are no contested structures apart from space platforms.

1.5 - Basic Concepts

Here are some concepts that are within the game, which you may not understand.
It will get bigger as readers suggest things, or I think of new ones.

|1. Reinforcement Points|
Reinforcement points are the places where you can bring in new troops to help
kill your opposition. There are an average of three on most planetary land
maps. These are probably the most sought after things in a battle. The one who
controls these can bring down more units. Each reinforcement point has a
number on it, which shows how many units it will allow, and as you get more
RPs [Reinforcement Points], the numbers will add together, and show you the
total of units allowed above the map, on the lower-left side of the screen.
You can bring in new units at any reinforcement point, even if you had already
used up the allowed units before you got another. Did that make sense?

|2. Contested Structures|
Contested structures are buildings such as abandoned factories and pirate
buildings, which can build extra... 'special' units. I call them special since
you can only build them at these buidlings. They are in no way better than
conventional units. In fact, some are worse.
However, some contested structures are not even structures. Reinforcement
points, for instance, are contested.
The basic idea of contested structures is that you must destroy all enemy
opposition around the structure. You cannot control one [ordinarily] while
enemies are nearby. As they are contested, if the enemy manages to kill all
your sway around the contested structure, or they catch it unguarded, they
can recature it for their side. Guard them well.

I will put the various contested structures in both tactial and skirmish maps
as I find them.

|3. Ship Hardpoints|
On most capital ships, from frigates upward, show small circles when you hover
the pointer over it. For totally undamaged ships, these will all be green.
When you attack a ship, you can either select one of the hardpoints, such as
Engines, Shield Generator, Turrets or Missile Launchers. As they get damaged,
the respective circle will deminish from green to yellow to red. By hovering
over the circle, you can see what percentage still works. Once it reaches 0%,
the hardpoint will stop operating. Therefore, the turret, engine, launcher,
or shield generator will not work. Space stations also have hardpoints.

|4. Space Platforms|
On most, if not all, space maps, be they tac or skirmish in manner, have small
circular platforms scattered throughout... usually in strategic positions [in
choke points for capital ships between asteroid fields, etc.]. You can build
one of two weapons on space platforms; Concussion Missile Launchers or Laser
Cannon Batteries. The missile launchers are good against anything bigger than
corvettes, and even other space platforms. They are basically the same as the
bomber's missiles, in that they can bypass shields. They are weaker, and so
there are more of them. The laser cannons are more for anything smaller than
frigates [fighters and corvettes].

|5. Galactic Map|
The galactic map is the screen where you see everything: Your fleets and
ground forces; which planets you control, and which ones you don't; the
progress of your fleet to another planet; enemy fleets and what's in them;
how many buildings are on a planet; and what level of space station a planet
has. During the campaign walkthroughs, I will use the galactic map a lot.

|6. Ship Classes|
There are five classes of ship; fighter, bomber, corvette, frigate, and
capital ship. I guess you could add 'Death Star' to that, but I dunno. Anyway,
have a bad ASCII table.

|X-Wing | Rebellion | Fighter |
|A-Wing | Rebellion | Fighter |
|TIE Fighter | Empire | Fighter |
|TIE Scout | Empire | Fighter |
|Y-Wing | Rebellion | Bomber |
|TIE Bomber | Empire | Bomber |
|Corellian Corvette| Rebellion | Corvette |
|Corellian Gunship | Rebellion | Corvette |
|Marauder Cruiser | Rebellion | Corvette |
|Tartan Cruiser | Empire | Corvette |
|Broadside Cruiser | Empire | Corvette |
|Nebulon-B Frigate | Rebellion | Frigate |
|Alliance Frigate | Rebellion | Frigate |
|Acclamator-Class | Empire | Frigate |
|Victory-Class | Empire | Frigate |
|Interdictor-Class | Empire | Frigate |
|Mon Cal Cruiser | Rebellion | Capital |
|Imperial-Class | Empire | Capital |
There. Feel better now? When you hear Capital Ship in this guide, I'm usually
referring to stuff bigger than corvettes. Sorry to the bloke who objected.

|Part 2: Campaign Walkthroughs|
This is the walkthroughs for the Empire and the Rebellion campaigns. They were
done on Medium difficulty, so anybody doing hard, good luck, and anybody doing
easy... you're a sissy. You're doing it on easy and you're reading this, yur a
sissy. You know.

2.1 - Rebellion Campaign

This is the Rebellion campaign. This one is a bit harder if you want to take
all the planets as you go, as the Rebellion takes a little while to get warmed
up, but it's good for a challenge. Ok! Let us get into it!


|1. Shipyard Diversion|

Major Objectives This Chapter:
- 'Shipyard Diversion'
- Take Kuat

And so we begin, with the trademarked Star Wars titles. Nothing beats seeing
it in a theater with surround sound and a gigantic screen. Unfortunately, we
are seeing it on the tiny screen of a laptop, PC or Mac [heaven forbid].

Shipyard Diversion
Alright, so the Tyranny is over Fresia, where Antilles and his ragtag fleet
[they got that right] were supposed to get the X-Wings. But if it's here, then
it's not where it usually is, which is where? Kuat! So off we go. Now, we have
to cause as much havoc as possible to get the Tyranny back here. Easy, right?
Right! Head toward the centre area, and you'll run into some satellite
defences and a couple of Tartans. Hit the gas tanks on the left side to take
out all but one Tartan and a station. Kill them and head towards the lowerleft
area on your map. They'll throw some TIE scouts at you. Pathetic, really. Now,
here you can see there are about a dozen gas tanks clustered around the ship-
yard just begging to be blown to smithereens. Sort of dangeroud, isn't it?
Show them the proper safety etiquette. Now, go upward to one of the middle
ones. If you have lost a corvette by now, restart. And may I say, you sir are
a bad RTS player. Just kidding, but not really. [Dodgeball! Huh? Huh?]
If you pause and look around at the last five you have to get, you'll see all
of them have gas tanks around them. Easy. Get the middle one with the Lambda
shuttles around it, then go left to the most left one. Destroy it too. They
might throw a tartan and some TIE scouts at you. You'll tear through them like
a knife through hot butter.
Once you destroy the third one, you'll hear a plea from the administrator of
the Kuat Shipyards to the Tyranny to come help. The Tyrany will flatly refuse,
and you can get about business again. Head towards the other middle one [the
one with the TIE bombers] and blow the shit out of it. Now stop to pick off
and TIEs you've picked up along the way.
Four down, two to go. And how convenient! They're the two with the most gas
around them! Joyous day. Blow up the top one and take out any Tartans or TIEs
after you. Hit one of the tanks around the last one, and voila! Which is
French for ta-da! Instant nuclear explosion.
The adminitrator will call in a Code Zero. The Tyranny will come to the rescue
only to be caught unshielded by four corvettes. They'll tear a chunk from it
and your 'vettes will run. Hooray!

Galactic Map
The fleet of three vettes and three Z-95s and Antilles will appear over
Alderaan. You shouldnt have lost any. Now you'll hear a lengthy discussion
about how the Tyranny dropped some sensors before they hyped to Kuat, and so
they'll know when the Rebellion comes to take the X-Wings. No! First things
first; while they're gossiping, sell your Z-95s. They are useless. Yes, all
of them. Now, upgrade all your space stations. Now, build a barracks on Yavin
and maybe a mining facility or two on Alderaan. Once they're done, you'll hear
that you've gotta head to the Wayland system and stop the sensors. Right-o,
but lets take Kuat first.

Take Kuat
Alright, you don't actually have a battle in space at Kuat, which is good, but
build a corvette and stick it overhead. Now, add a Y-Wing squad to it and get
ready for a land battle. They should have minimal forces there now, but use
C3-D2 to see what their most powerful unit is, and what buildings they have.
It should only be a light factory and a mining facility at the moment, and
that's nice. You can either combine the force from your planets, or build a
new force. I build a new one, cos then you can use the combo for Wayland and
Fresia. You'll need probably three T2-B Tank, three Rebel Trooper, and three
Plexies. Now head down to Kuat.

*Land Battle - Kuat*
At your RP, you can only bring in three. So bring in a Rebel Trooper platoon
and a Plexie platoon. Move them, along with the T2-Bs up to the neck entry of
your island thing. Build a turret or two. Deploy your troops so that you have
a trooper squad in the cover area, one behind one turret, and the last behind
the other. Put the two plexie ones behind the turrets too. Now, send a tank to
lure some enemies. They'll follow him back, where your troops will effectively
send him to Imperial heaven, which I suppose is a gigantic AT-AT. AT-HA [All
Terrain Heaven Area!]. Ok, keep doing this until the only thing getting thrown
at you is AT-STs. Now, head to the north-east island. Head to the large, open
area and use a bombing run on their buildings. Now it's just a simple matter
of cleaning up all resistance. There is one spawn building for Kuatis here. If
they are really annoying you that much, the building is on the north-west

Galactic Map
Now, before we move to Wayland, build a Barracks and a Space Station at Kuat.

|2. Interpreting the Network|

Major Objectives This Chapter
- 'Interpreting the Network'
- Take Wayland

Galactic Map
Alright. Move Antilles' fleet, plus a few bombers, over Wayland. There will be
no opposition in the space. Now, combine your forces from Kuat, Yavin,
Dantooine and Alderaan and add C3-D2 to the mix. Now, move them to Wayland.
It should have roughly ten each of Troopers and Plexies, and a few tanks.
You'll want at least three tanks, so do that now. OK. Move C3-D2's fleet onto
the planet.

Interpreting the Network
Alright, you'll see a nice little cutscene where C-3P0 shows his distaste.
OK. Now, bring down a tank brigade and a platoon of plexies. Use them and
the troopers you start off with to make a defence along the north of the
clearing. You'll notice that the clearing opens up to the north. Array your
forces along the neck to it like so;

T = Tanks RT = Rebel Trooper P = PLEX
** **
*** RT RT RT ***
**** T T T T T ****
P p P

Ok. Now bring down one tank brigade and a few Troopers and Plexies. Move all
of your new forces, NOT the ones arrayed above, up the path to the right. Drop
a bombing run on the AT-STs and Stormies around the base. Once you've taken
out resistance, move a tank brigade and three squads of Troops and two of
Plexies. Destroy the turret to the east and move them down to the bottom. Now,
array them like the ones above, but facing west, into the clearing. Once you
done that, brutha, you need ta move some of those hos to the north and array
them just outside of the clearing. Yeah, biatch. [Move some of the troops to
the north and array them outside of the clearing. Now move C3-D2 near to the
Ok, as soon as they get near it, the Empire will start dropping forces in the
clearings. You troops should tear through them. After a minute or two, C3-D2
will tell you that they're almost done. Hopefully your forces have held up to
any enemies in the clearings. Once the droids are done, move them to a clearin
and... victory is ours!

Take Wayland
Not very hard. Move a land unit to the ground on Wayland. Hooray! You now
control Wayland. Build a barracks and a space station at Wayland.

Galactic Map
You'll hear that now you can go to Fresia. Finally! Before you do, upgrade
all your space stations.

|3. Theft of the X-wing|

Major Objectives This Chapter
- 'Theft of the X-Wing'
- Take Fresia
- Take Korriban

Galactic Map
Alright. Make sure all your space stations are fully upgraded. Now move
Antilles' fleet [with some bombers] over Fresia. He'll tell you that there are
no irregularities on Imperial Channels. Send the force you had at Wayland to
Fresia. Get ready for a fight, albeit an easy one.

Theft of the X-Wing
You'll be shown the Turbolaser turrets scattered around. Shit. But don't worry
as there is a power generator to the north. All you have to do is destroy that
and you can waltz right up to the turrets and nothing will happen. To start,
move the pilots a bit south and bring down some more troops. Focus them to the
east and west of your RP. Once you have a bombing run, move a T2-B tank up the
left side to the power generator and blow it to kingdom come. Try to take some
of the Maulers and AT-STs with you. Now, get all your tanks and move them to
the right and up. Destroy the two turbolaser turrets and any Maulers that come
after you. Ignore any stormies and the two infantry turrets next to the
X-Wings. Only attack the stormies when one of the tanks' shields go down. Make
sure that you destroy the Maulers before they selfdesctruct, the bastards can
do a lot of damage that way.
Once all opposition around the X-Wing is gone, bring in your infantry and
pilots. Make sure you have a bombing run ready, though. Once the pilots get
into the X-Wings, the Empire will start constructing Anti-air defences around
the X-Wings. Cheating scum! Destroy the four nearby and drop a bombing run
on the four all together on the plateau. The X-Wings will take off, and we
are victorious! Joyous day! Onward!

Galactic Map
You'll notice that five X-Wings have appeared over Alderaan. Add them to
Antilles' fleet, which should already have four or five Y-Wings. You'll hear
from Ol' Mothie that some Incom scientists are on their way to Kessel for
service. You have to get over there and free them. They can wait, though.

Take Fresia
Ooh. This is a tough one. Move a unit onto the ground. Done. Build a space
station and a barracks there.

Galactic Map
The time is ripe to build a new mining facility on Alderaan. Move Mon Mothma
to Alderaan to get discounts. Now, build some X-Wings and add them to the
small fleet you should have over Kuat. Now, make sure that Antilles' fleet
has at least four each of X-Wings and Y-Wings. Now, move it to Korriban.

Take Korriban
*Space Battle - Korriban*
You'll be fighting some pirates, which isn't exactly hard. They should only
have a frigate and a couple of fighter squadrons at the moment, so don't
worry. Just use the corvettes and X-Wings for the fighters, and the bombers
for everything else. You'll be fine.

*Land Battle - Korriban*
This battle can be pretty difficult, so make sure you're ready. The pirates
never take the offensive, so you can leave this planet if you want. If you're
a tough nut though, get ready for a challenge. Here's an overview of the map;
There are three reinforcement points: one in the southeast, where you start,
one in the northeast, and one in the northwest. The one in the northwest has
all the indigineous buildings. The pirate base is in the large clearing in the
southwest. Now, for this planet, you'll need at least ten each of PLEX troops
and rebel troopers, and at least five squads of T2-B tanks. Got them? You
ready? You sure? Positive? Ok.
As I said, you start in the southeast, probably with a squad of tanks. Bring
in some tanks and infantry and plexies. you should probably only bring in
infantry for now. To start off with, we have to control the centre
intersection. Here's what you'll be up against; Pod Walkers - Get these guys
with your vehicles and PLEXies. Swamp Speeder - These guys tear through troops
and you'll have to get them with T2-Bs. Skiff - Kill these with PLEXies.
Pirate Troops - use your troops. Missile Soldier - These guys spell D-E-A-T-H
for your vehicles, so kill them with infantry first. Work your way to the
centre and build repair and bacta stations on all the build pads you find. OK.
Once you control the centre, move left to the RP. Drop a bombing run if you
see any concentrations. Once you've captured it, move north. In the little
clearing right in the northwest corner. Ignore the civies and destroy their
buildings. Now kill them. Head back to the RP. It's at this point that you
are most likely to get jumped by the Pirates, so stay alert. Now. Move your
forces towards the pirate base, which is just south of the RP. Are you READY?!
You should be able to kill a lot of them very quickly. Send a T2-B straight
in and scout out their building. Drop a bombing run on it, and then send in
the rest of your forces. Hopefully, your tank lured a lot of vehicles into
the bombing straight for you, and you won't be up against much. Watch the
turrets, and clean up nice. Victory.

Galactic Map
Recoop any losses you took, because this is a good force to use every now and
then. Build on Korriban and get ready to free some prisoners.

|4. Kessel Rescue|

Major Objectives This Chapter
- 'Kessel Rescue'
- Take Kessel

Galactic Map
I used a fleet of three corvettes, Sundered Heart, five X-Wing squadrons and
six Y-Wing squadrons. I suggest you use the same. Move the fleet to Kessel
and get pumped.

Kessel Rescue
Alright, you'll see there are two sets of three shuttles you need to rescue.
As soon as you begin, group your forces like this; Antilles + Corvettes to
Group 1; X-Wings to Group 2; 2 Y-Wings each or Groups 3, 4 and 5.
Move your fleet towards the enemy, and as you near it, pause. Select groups
1 and 2, and tell them to attack the Acclamator. Send groups 3, 4 and 5 after
one shuttle each. As soon as the corvette group move past the Acclamator,
select Antilles and move him to the shuttles. By now, one of the shuttles may
have already been disabled. Move him to each one as they get disabled. Once
you've collected the first group, stop teasing the acclamator and move on.
Do the same thing with the next group. If you piss around too much, two
Victory Star Destroyers will appear at the far end of the field. Please, try
to get the rest of them before they get you. Hooray! Victory!

Galactic Map
As soon as the fleet stops at Korriban, move them back to Kessel. Recoop any
bomber squadrons you lost, and get ready to take Kessel. As you do this, you'l
hear Mon Mothma tell you the Incom scientists have revealed that the Empire is
creating a superweapon. I wonder what it could be? You'll eventually hear that
you have to move C3-D2 to a planet and steal some 'information'. First though,
lets get us a reliable source of credits.

Take Kessel
Move some units to the surface of the asteroid, and you've captured Kessel.

Galactic Map
Build a space station and upgrade it all the way. Fill the groundside build
slots with Mining Facilities. Get ready to impersonate Robin Hood by...

|5. Stealing from the Rich|

Major Objectives This Chapter
- 'Stealing from the Rich'
- Take Mon Calamari
- Take Bothuwui
- Take Tatooine
- Take Nal Hutta
- Take Shola
- Take Ryloth
- Take Geonosis

...and giving to the poor [get it? get it? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!]
Galactic Map
Alright, before we move threepio and R2 onto Mon Calamari, let's tend to our
planets first. In all of your space fleets, have at least one Nebulon-B, and
in your major ones, perhaps two or three. Build a Light Factory on as many of
your planets as possible, and build two on Alderaan to speed up production.
When you are ready for some nicking, move C3-D2 to the steal slot on Mon

Stealing from the Rich
Right now, you can steal one of five things; Corellian Gunship, Marauder
Cruiser, Ion Cannon, Turbolaser Tower and Heavy Factory. I chose the Factory,
but it's your choice. The factory is more beneficial at this point, as it
allows you to build artillery, which is very useful. So, choose your tech. As
soon as you do, the planets of Bothuwui, Tatooine, Nal Hutta, Shola, Ryloth
and Geonosis will be unlocked. What ho! Unlike most of the time, C3-D2 are
not gone now. Use them to check out the defence of these planets. As you will
see, they don't seem to bother much with defending this sector. They have a
lot of forces at Mon Cal however, as you hould have seen before. Anyway, it
didn't matter what you chose before, cos you have to choose it again now! HA!
So, pick the factory or whatever again, and build it on a few planets. Before
we move to Mon Cal, you'll hear that Han Solo is up to his old tricks, freeing
wookies and what not. He can wait, the self-centered arsehole, cos we've got
some squids to save!

Take Mon Calamari
*Space Battle - Mon Calamari*
Alright. Mon Cal has some pretty heavy defenses over it, but as long as you
have a big fleet, you should do fine. I can't really help much more, but I'll
say this; Send X-Wings in and distract forces... send in bomber and destroy
hangers of capital ships. Use X-Wings against TIEs and Bombers against
Acclamators and your capitals [corvettes and nebulon-bs] against Tartans. Oh,
and beware of space platforms.

*Land Battle - Mon Calamari*
Add some MPTL-2A Artillery to your main ground assault force [If you didn't
choose the heavy factory, sucks to be you], and send them to the ground on
Mon Cal. You should have four/five T2-B, and ten PLEX and Rebel Troops. Oh,
and the MPTLs.


|Part 3: After the Campaigns|


|Part 4: Afterword|

4.1 - FAQ

Ok. Send me a question, I'll post it here, along with my answer. Hopefully,
the answer will... answer... everything you wanted to ask. Yeah. I'll put the
alias you want below your question, so let me know what you want there. Ok.
That's all. Bye.

4.2 - Final Words

This is the last chapter of the guide. Yeeeee-haw!

|1. Contributors|
Same as the FAQ, if you send my a tip / strategy / correction / or whatever,
I'll put your name here, along with the thing you contributed with. Happy
happy joy joy, if I were to quote Mr. Ramm.

|2. Hosting Rights|
This is where I'll put the websites that have the permission to host my guide.

|3. Thanks and Seeya|
Well. Here we are. I never thought I'd finish this and, since I'm writing this
at version 0.6, I might not have. I hope I did, and that it did all that I
wanted it to do. I don't know what else to say. Thanks for reading, and I hope
you read my walkthroughs in the future.

Check out my other walkthroughs. Or don't
STAR WARS: Battlefront II - XBOX [GameFAQs]
The Movies - PC [GameFAQs]
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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