Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn

Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn

02.10.2013 20:19:18
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This FAQ is for learning which characters to choose, and how to use the
different characters in and
outside combat.
10. MAGE
W A R R I O R S:

The fighter is a champion, swordsman, soldier, and brawler. He lives or dies
by his knowledge of
weapons and tactics. Fighters can be found at the front of any battle,
contesting toe-to-toe with
monsters and villains. A good fighter needs to be strong and healthy if he
hopes to survive.
Special Abilities: Advanced Weapon Specialization
Restrictions: None

General Comments:
Most groups should have a fighter, since they are the best hack and slasher
in the game. The fighters
should be put in the front of any battle, where the fighting is most
Recommended ability points: put 18 in dex and con if you can. Don't base
yourself so much on the
strength, since the belts will give you that.
Recommended race: half-ogre, for the better con, which can be a lifesaver
when there's a psycho
mage around.


May use Enrage ability once per day per 4 levels. While enraged: +2 to hit,
+2 damage, -2 AC. The
berserker at this time is immune to charm, hold, fear, maze, imprisonment,
stun and sleep. He also
gains 15 hit points while enraged. These hit points are temporary, and are
taken away at the end of
his berserk spree, possibly killing the berserker.

Becomes winded after berserking.
While he's winded, he receives -2 to hit, -2 to damage and a +2 penalty to
Cannot specialize in ranged weapons.

The prize of not being able to use long range is a cheap prize when you
consider the power of the
berserk. Keep him where the battle is hottest, and use the berserk skill
when most needed.


For each successful hit on an opponent,
10% cumulative spell failure penalty is applied.
4% magic resistance per level.
20th level: gains 5% magic resistance every second level. Gains 1% every odd
May not use any magic items except for weapons and armor.

I'd say that the prize is too high. Wizards of any power, would have you
killed in no time, and if
you want the magic resistance that badly, get a monk. Of course he is the
best for slaying mages, so
if you really want him, take him. I'd take a regular fighter any day.


+1 to hit and +1 damage for every three levels.
-2 bonus to AC.
-1 bonus to speed factor for every 4 levels.
May use Kai ability one time per day for every 4 levels (starts at 1st level
with one use). This ability
lasts 10 seconds and makes all the attacks do maximum damage.

May not use missile weapons.
May not wear armor.
May not wear gauntlets or bracers.

Dealing damage is this guy's special! Give him a greater whirlwind attack,
and the enemies are
blown to pieces. Remember though, that this guy has low armor, so 18 in dex
will be really smart
on this guy. Also specialize in a single-handed weapon (long sword or
katana), and put points into
one-handed mastery, to get rid of that horrible armor class. When this is
done, send him into battle,
and watch him kill ]:-)


The ranger is a hunter and a woodsman. He is skilled with weapons and is
knowledgeable in
tracking and woodcraft. The ranger often protects and guides lost travelers
and honest peasant-folk.
A ranger needs to be strong and wise in the ways of nature to live a full
Special Abilities: Weapon Specialization, Racial Enemy, Stealth, charm
Restrictions: Human Elf or Half-Elf only, must be of Good alignment

The Racial enemy gives a 4+ to THACO against your racial enemy. The racial
enemies that you
can take are: Beholder, demonic/fell, dragon, elemental, ettercap, faerie,
genie, ghoul, golem,
hobgoblin, imp, kobold, kuo-toa, lich, lycanthrope, mindflayer, ogre,
otyugh, rakshasa, sahuagin,
shadow, slime, spider, troll, umber hulk, and vampire. I would recommend
vampire, dragon, or


The archer is the epitome of skill with the bow. He is the ultimate
marksman, able to make almost
any shot, no matter how difficult. To become so skilled with the bow, the
archer has had to sacrifice
some of his proficiency with melee weapons and armor.
Special Abilities: Bonuses when using missile weapons. Called shots.
Restrictions: Cannot wear metal armor. Can only be proficient in melee
weapons. At 18th level the
to hit and damage bonus goes down to +1 per 5 levels.
When he activates the called shot, every shot in the next 10 secs will have
the following abilities
(depending on level of ranger):
4th level: -1 to THACO of target
8th level: -1 to save vs. magic of target
12th: -1 to strength of target
16th: +2 bonus to damage

Comments: If you want to have anyone with long-range weapons, then this guy
should be your
choice. Make him real strong (or wear any of the giant strength belts), give
him a good longbow,
and you will see your enemies blood very quickly. Keep him with the
spell-casters in the back row.


Stalkers serve as covert intelligence-gatherers, comfortable in both
wilderness and urban settings.
They are the spies, informants and interrogators and their mastery of
stealth makes them deadly
12th level: All the mage spells gained are memorized as priest spells
Special Abilities: Can backstab like a thief. Has access to a small amount
of mage spells.
Restrictions: Cannot wear armor greater that studded leather.

The spells are: haste, protection from normal missiles, and minor spell

Of course the backstab multiplier can make the damage count, but the prize
of good armor seems
just a little bit to high. If you want him make sure to have him go into
stealth at all times, so he can
start the battle with a nice little backstab, and hopefully a dead enemy.

This ranger is a wanderer and is not comfortable in civilized lands. He
maintains a natural affinity
for animals; they are his friends and com-rades-in-arms, and the Beast
Master has a limited form of
telepathic communication with them.
Special Abilities: Can summon natural animals to his aid.
Restrictions: Cannot use metal weapons.

Summon animals to do the damage instead of your self. Sounds nice don't it?
Well, it isn't. The
animals are way to weak at the later levels. Drop him. If you want to
summon, take a druid, or a

A paladin is a warrior bold and pure, the exemplar of everything good and
true. Like the fighter, the
paladin is a man of combat. However, the paladin lives for the ideals of
righteousness, justice,
honesty, piety and chivalry. He strives to be a living example of these
virtues so that others might
learn from him as well as gain by his actions.
Special Abilities: Weapon Specialization, Lay Hands, Turn Undead, +2 all
Saving Throws, Protection from Evil, Detect Evil
Restrictions: Human only, must maintain Lawful Good alignment

General Comments:
The paladin is a decent fighter, his touch can heal instantaneously, and he
can cast supporting priest
spells. Do I really need to say more?

This class represents the most common picture of the knight; the gentleman
warrior who epitomizes
honor, courage and loyalty. He is specialized in battling "classical" evil
monsters such as demons
and dragons.
Special Abilities: Bonus to hit demons and dragons, immune to fear and
poison. 20% resistance to
Restrictions: Cannot use missile weapons.

My favorite paladin kit! He's immune to a lot of stuff, and if you want to
fire missile weapons, take
an archer. This guy kicks butt! A lot of the strong monsters are demons, so
he's a killer in almost
any strong monster battle.

INQUISITOR (Paladin Kit)
The Inquisitor has dedicated his life to finding and eliminating
practitioners of evil magic and
defeating the forces of darkness and his god has provided him with special
abilities towards that
Special Abilities: Immune to hold and charm. True sight, dispel magic.
Restrictions: May not use 'lay on hands' ability, may not cast priest
spells, may not turn undead,
may not use 'cure disease' ability.

This is a choice, 'cos the Inquisitor is not really a paladin, giving up all
the paladin skills, but his
skills are still very useful. When I've had this guy in my party, I found
his skills great in almost
every battle with a mage in it.

This holy avenger has honed his abilities towards the destruction of the
undead and other unnatural
creatures and is immune to many of their more devastating abilities.
Special Abilities: Immune to hold and level drain. Bonus to hit and damage
vs. undead.
Restrictions: May not use lay on hands

The game contains tons of undeads, and here we have the perfect killer of
them. In battle with
undeads, he'll turn the weak, and then kill the powerful. The lay hands
ability is really great,
healing instantaneously, but it can be replaced by the healing spells if
need be.

A barbarian can be an excellent warrior. While not as disciplined or as
skilled as a normal fighter,
the barbarian can willingly throw himself into a berserker rage, becoming a
tougher and stronger
Special Abilities: Fast movement, berserker rage, high hit points.
Restrictions: Cannot wear full plate, plate mail. Can't specialize past
normal specialization.

A great crash dummy! Make the enemies hit him, and the let your other
characters do some serious
damage. This tactic actually lets your paladin cast spells in the middle of
a battle.

P R I E S T S:

The cleric is a generic priest (of any mythos) who tends to the spiritual
needs of a community. He is
both protector and healer. He is not purely defensive, however. When evil
threatens, the cleric is
well suited to seek it out on its own ground and destroy it.
Special Abilities: Turn Undead, Spell Casting
Restrictions: Cannot use bladed or piercing weapons.
Level 25: Gains holy symbol from his good, which gives the following
+ 1 STR, % magic resistance, memorizes one extra level 6 and 7 spell.
Recommended race: dwarf, since you can't use any really good two-handed
weapons anyway, and
the ring of human influence can negate the charisma penalty found in the

General Comments.
You should keep the cleric in the back, casting supporting spells like
chant, healing, and doing
damage with the spells (like bolt of glory and holy smite). The cleric can
also be quite a good
fighter if you remember to cast spells like, draw upon holy might, spiritual
hammer, and stoneskin,
Level 25: Gains holy symbol from his good, which gives the following
+ 1 STR, % magic resistance, memorizes one extra level 6 and 7 spell.

Talos is the evil god of storms, destruction and rebellion. Clerics of the
Stormlord warn that Talos
must be appeased or he will rain destruction upon the land.
Special Abilities: Casts Lightning bolt, Stormshield
Restrictions: None.

Stormshield protects against lightning, fire, cold, and normal missiles.

If you want to go evil, then this is the way, and the stormshield can be
very useful, but I never use
lightning, because of the annoying bouncing effect.

Followers of the neutral God of Watchers and Protectors are warriors in
their own right and are
often seen as defenders of the innocent.
Special Abilities: Casts True sight, Seeking sword.
Restrictions: None.

The way for the neutral. The seeking sword (like mordenkain's sword) can be
very powerful,
drawing the attention in another way. True sight is nice when the thieves
and the mages are
annoying you. My favorite.

Lathander is the good god of renewal, creativity and youth, and is
celebrated nearly everywhere.
His followers are very popular throughout the Realms and there are numerous
wealthy temples
devoted to Him.
Special Abilities: Casts Hold undead, Boon of Lathander.
Restrictions: None.

The good way. Hold undead is ok, and Boon of Lathander is really great,
making your cleric a
young, renewed and creative fighter.

The druid serves the cause of nature and neutrality; the wilderness is his
community. He uses his
special powers to protect it and to preserve balance in the world.
Special Abilities: Shape Change, Spell Casting
Restrictions: Human or Half-Elf only; leather armor and bucklers only; can
only wield clubs, darts,
spears, daggers, slings, and staffs.
Level 15: Immune to poison
Level 18: 10% resistance to environmental damage (fire, cold, electricity,
and acid).
Level 21: 20% resistance to environmental damage (fire, cold, electricity,
and acid).
Level 24: 30% resistance to environmental damage (fire, cold, electricity,
and acid).

General comments:
Much like the cleric, even though the spell selection is more summoning
based. The shape-change
is good in the start of the game. The druid is more spell-minded, because of
the limited weapon and
armor selection, and the fewer support spells.

This druid closely identifies with a particular animal; an animal that he
feels represents his spirit.
This grants him a special connection to the animal kingdom and he is able to
call upon their spirits
to aid him.
Special Abilities: Summon spirit animal.
Restrictions: Cannot shapeshift.

This druid is certainly better then the normal druid. The spirit animals are
more powerful than the
shapeshift forms, and you can cast spells while the animals attack. The
Americans should be glad
that the Indians couldn't summon creatures like these.

AVENGER (Druid Kit)
A member of a special sect within the Druidic order, a druid of this type is
dedicated to fighting
those who would defile nature. Avengers have powers the average druid does
not; additional
abilities that have been earned through extensive rituals, a process that is
very physically draining.
Special Abilities: May shapechange into normal forms, as well as those of
sword spider, baby
wyvern and fire salamander. May cast a limited selection of mage spells.
Restrictions: -2 to strength and constitution.

Spells (one per level:
1st: Chromatic Orb
2nd: Web
3rd: Lightning Bolt
4th: Improved Invisibility
5th: Chaos
6th: Chain Lightning

The new shapeshifting forms aren't worth it. They're weak, even though
stronger than the original.
The mage-spells are the only things saving this character form total
screw-up. Chain lightning and
chaos are two very powerful spells, but do you really think that they are
the low strength and
constitution worth?

This druid is not called Shapeshifter because he has access to a great
variety of forms, rather
because of his complete dedication to a single alternate form. This druid
has willingly allowed
himself to become infected with Lycanthrope, but due to intense study and
training he has the
ability to control his affliction. The creature he becomes is that of the
Werewolf, the most famous of
the lycanthrope shape changers.
Special Abilities: Shape change into werewolf
Restrictions: Cannot wear armor, cannot shapechange into any other

The best druid kit. The werewolf is really powerful, and when you get the
greater at level 13, you
are going to kick so much but. The no armor thing won't really affect you,
since you'll be hand-to-
hand fighting in the werewolf-form.

7. MONK:
Monks are warriors who pursue perfection through contemplation as well as
action. They are
versatile fighters, especially skilled in combat without weapons or armor.
Though monks cannot
cast spells, they have a unique magic of their own. They channel a subtle
energy, called ki, which
allows them to perform amazing feats. The monk's best known feat is their
ability to stun an
opponent with an unarmed blow.
Special Abilities: Martial arts, magic resistance, fast movement, lay on
hands, thief abilities (stealth and detect traps).
Restrictions: Cannot wear armor, cannot use two-handed weapons.

A monk's natural armor class gets better as he goes up in levels. His armor
class starts off at 9, and
then decreases by 1 for every 2 levels. Stunning blow, once per day for
every 4 levels. All attacks in
the next 6 seconds force the victim to save or be stunned. Note: This
special ability automatically
modifies a monk's normal attack, no targeting needs to be done.
Monks have the Deflect Missiles ability. This gives them a -1 to their AC
Vs. missiles for every 3
The monk gains a +2 to save vs. spells.
A monk starts off moving at +2 move, then +1 move every 5 levels.
5th level: Immunity to all diseases, and cannot be Slowed or Hasted.
7th level: Lay on Hands to heal 2 hit points per level.
8th level: -1 to speed factor.
9th level: +1 to all saves. Immune to charm. The monk's fist is considered a
+1 weapon (+2 at 12th,
+3 at 15th).
11th level: Immune to poison.
12th level: Another -1 to speed factor.
13th level: Quivering Palm spell once per day. This spell gives them one
hand attack. If they hit an
opponent, the opponent must save or die.
14th level: The monk gains 3% magic resistance per level (i.e. 42% at 14th
level) Stops at 78%.
20th level: Immune to non-magical weapons.
21st Level: +1 AC
24th Level: +2 AC
25th Level: Fists +4 weapons
27th Level: +3 AC
30th Level: +4 AC
35th Level: +5 AC
40th Level: +6 AC

Damage increase:
Level 1-2: 1-6
Level 3-5: 1-8
Level 6-8: 1-10
Level 9-14:1-12
Level 15+: 1-20

One of my favorite classes! The magic resistance is always nice, and with a
high dex, the armor
class will be OK. This guy has 4 attacks per round! The stunning blows are
ok, but I didn't use 'em
much. The quivering palm is really great to destroy a greater malison'ed

R O G U E S:

To accomplish his goals, for good or ill, the thief is a skilled pilferer.
Cunning, nimbleness and
stealth are his hallmarks. Whether he turns his talent against innocent
passers-by and wealthy
merchants or oppressors and monsters is a choice for the thief to make.
There are seven thief
abilities in Baldur's Gate II. At first level a thief character will receive
30 points to allocate among
his abilities. Every level thereafter he will gain an extra 20 points. See
Table 2 on pg 138 in the
manual to see how a thief's abilities are modified according to race and
Special Abilities: Open locks, find traps, pick pockets, move silently, hide
in shadows, detect
illusions and set traps.
Restrictions: Cannot be of Lawful Good alignment; cannot wear any armor
other than leather or
studded leather; cannot use any shield except for bucklers; can only wield
clubs, daggers, darts,
crossbows, short bows, slings, long swords, short swords and quarterstaffs.
Recommended race: halfling. A halfling with 18 dex could steal the filling
in a dragon's molar,
sneak away, and have the hole cave filled with traps before the dragon even
discovers a thing.

General Comments:
A party without a thief will very soon be a dead part, since the thief are
the only class that can
actually remove traps. Start of by trying to get detect trap, and open locks
up to 100. Then you can
either concentrated on hide in shadows and move silently, so you can become
a good backstabber
(there's nothing like a blade between the shoulder blades), or you can
concentrate on the traps and
the detect illusions, and stay in the back with a crossbow or a short bow.
Without TOB, the thief is
only fairly good, but with TOB, the thief can create scrolls, potions, use
any item, evade attacks,
and the new traps are real killers :-)

This is a killer trained in discreet and efficient murder, relying on
anonymity and surprise to
perform his task.
Special Abilities: Use poison, combat bonuses
Restrictions: Penalty to thief skills

What is this guy? A thief or a black widow? Give me a monk instead; better
damage and better thief
skills (if you a haven't noticed, I don't like this kit).

This is a hunter of men, skilled in tracking quarry and bringing them back
alive - whether for lawful
authorities or underworld masters. Bounty Hunters are specially trained at
their task and make
fearsome opponents. They have honed their trap making abilities well beyond
that of the average
Special Abilities: Special trap setting
Restrictions: Penalty to thief skills
Special traps and what level they come at:
1st: Damages and slows target unless saving throw is succeeded.
11th: Casts hold on target unless saving throw is succeeded
16th: Casts Otiluke's resilient sphere on target.
21st: Casts Maze on target.

If you want to go the trapping way, then this is your man; the new traps are
really useful.

This rogue is part acrobat, part swordsman and part wit: the epitome of
charm and grace.
Special Abilities: Combat bonuses
Restrictions: Cannot backstab

This guy is the only person (except the blade) who can put three into the
two-weapon fighting style.
This and the combat bonuses makes him a great attacker, so if you can live
without the 4x backstab,
this should be your thief choice.

The bard is also a rogue, but he is very different from the thief. His
strength is his pleasant and
charming personality. With it and his wits he makes his way through the
world. A bard is a talented
musician and a walking storehouse of gossip, tall tales and lore. He learns
a little bit about
everything that crosses his path; he is a jack-of-all- trades but master of
none. While many bards are
scoundrels, their stories and songs are welcome almost everywhere.
Special Abilities: Pick Pockets, Bard Songs, Spell Casting, High Lore
Restrictions: Human and Half-Elf only; must be of partially Neutral
alignment; cannot use a shield
or armor heavier than chain mail.

General Comments:
With a bard in your party, identify is a thing of the past. This guy knows
almost everything there is
to know about items. The bard songs are nifty, making all your attackers
regular monsters (I wish I
could play on a harp like that). The spells are normally low-level, but
there's nothing to equal the
odds in a battle like chaos, or greater malison. The bard also has access to
the same TOB abilities as
the thief, and even some only for the bard. For instance there's an improved
bard song, that's way
better than the usual.

The Blade is an expert fighter and adventurer whose bardic acting abilities
make him appear more
intimidating and fearsome. His fighting style is flashy and entertaining,
but is also quite deadly.
Special Abilities: Offensive spin, defensive stance.
Restrictions: Only has one-half normal lore value, only has one-half pick
pockets percentage; bard
song does not become better with levels.

The blade is kind of weak, giving up his bardic abilities, and trading them
for the offensive and
defensive spin and the three skill points in two weapon fighting, simply
isn't worth it. Take a multi-
class swashbuckler/mage instead if you can't live without the magic.

This bard is well versed in the arts of ridicule and hilarity, and uses his
abilities to distract and
confuse his enemies, cavorting madly during combat. Do not mistake him for a
true fool, however,
as he can also be quite deadly.
Special Abilities: Song will confuse enemies instead of giving bonuses to
Restrictions: None.

The confusing ability is really need, unless you fight undead, whom you
can't confuse. Not much
else to say about the jester. Whether you want the confusion or the better
fighters is totally up to

W I Z A R D S:

10. MAGE:
The mage strives to be a master of magical energies, shaping them and
casting them as spells. To do
so, he studies strange tongues and obscure facts and devotes much of his
time to magical research.
A mage must rely on knowledge and wit to survive. Mages are rarely seen
adventuring without a
retinue of fighters and men-at-arms. Because there are different types (or
schools) of magic, there
are different types of mages. The generalist mage studies all types of magic
and learns a wide
variety of spells. His broad range makes him well suited to the demands of
Special Abilities: Spell Casting.
Restrictions: cannot wear armor, can only wield daggers, staffs, darts, and

General comments:
The mage is really powerful, using magic that the clerics can only dream
about. He has a broad
selection of spells, all with there own special and powerful ability. He can
turn people to dust,
become invisible, and even stop the flow of time itself, or summon the head
of an angry dragon.
Keep him in the back and let him cast his spell from there.
Recommended ability points: 18 in int, and a high wis would also be good if
you plan to use spells
like wish and limited wish.

Mages that specialize in a specific school of magic are allowed to memorize
an extra spell of each
level (once they are able to use spells of the appropriate level). They are
prohibited from learning
spells in their opposition schools, and cannot be combined in a multi-class
character (though
gnomish characters can become Fighter/Illusionists). Human specialist mages
can dual class if they
wish. See Table 4 on pg 139 in the manual for opposition schools. Abjurer: A
mage who specializes
in protective magics. Conjurer: A mage who specializes in creating creatures
and objects to assist
him. Diviner: A mage who specializes in detection and divining magics.
Enchanter: A mage who
specializes in manipulating the minds of sentient beings. Illusionist: A
mage who specializes in
creating illusions to confuse and mislead. Invoker: A mage who specializes
in Invocation/Evocation
magic. Necromancer: A mage who specializes in magic dealing with death.
Transmuter: A mage
who specializes in magic that alters physical reality.

I'd take the necro (Abi-dlazim's horrid wilting, wail of banshee), or the
conjurer (the power word
spells, the symbol spells, and all the summon spells), if I had to take a
specialist, but honestly, I'd
prefer the good old mage.

Wild mages are wizards who specialized in the study of wild magic. They have
access to spells to
protect themselves from Wild magic, and bend it to their wills. Wild magic
is extremely
unpredictable, and should be used with caution.
Abilities: Three wild mage spells: chaos shield, improved chaos shield, and
Nahal's reckless
dweomer. 5% chance of spells exploding in wild surges. Wild surge gives
random effects (good or
bad) instead of the intended spell. Nahal's reckless dweomer can copy the
effect of any other spell
in the mage's book (no need memorizing), but will always go into wild surge,
giving it a 1% chance
of having the actual spell effect. When a wild surge roll is made, the
mage's level will be added to
the roll, since the higher rolls seldom end in a catastrophe. The total wild
surge table can be found
on pg. 40 in the TOB manual. The spells cast by the wild mage also varies in
effect as if a caster
between 5 levels lower, and five levels higher cast it.

If you like gambling, then this is the character for you. With a simple
cheat, the wild mage can
actually become the most powerful person in the game. The wild mage is fun
to play, but if you like
him or not, is very different from person to person.


Sorcerers are practitioners of magic who were born with the innate ability
to cast spells. It is
thought that the blood of some powerful creature flows through their veins;
perhaps they are the
spawn of the gods themselves, or even dragons walking in humanoid form.
Regardless, the
Sorcerer's magic is intuitive rather than logical. They know fewer spells
than mages, and acquire
spells more slowly, but they can cast spells more often and have no need to
select and prepare spells
ahead of time. Sorcerers cannot specialize in magic the way mages do. Other
than these differences,
a Sorcerer is very similar to the mage.
Abilities: Spell Casting, doesn't need to memorize spells.
Restrictions: cannot wear armor, can only wield daggers, staffs, darts, and
slings. Cannot learn new
spells from scrolls.

Well, if the sorceress had been like the Diablo 2 sorceress, I would have
told you that this was the
best character in the game. I don't really like the fact that she gains
spell levels slower than the
mage, meaning she'll be casting weaker spells all the time. Personally I
never really felt that I
needed to cast more spells in a battle, so I think that all this spell does,
is to make your need for
sleep less. A lot of people feel that she's way more powerful than the mage,
so it's your choice.

12. TEAMS:

Remember that these are just suggestions, but you should always have some
kind of thief, and some
kind of cleric or druid in your party. Also a mage is strongly recommended,
but you can do with a
bard, or with non at all, if you feel that magic isn't your playing style.
If you choose not to have a
mage in your party, I would strongly recommend that you have an inquisitor
to take down those
protected mages. For dual and multi class, I can only say that it indeed is
an option, and I've heard
nice things about the Kensai/mage (a super protected Kansai), the
Kensai/thief (a backstabbing
Kensai = dead enemy), the cleric/mage (the hugest spell selection at all!),
and also the gnomish
thief/ illusionist (an invisible thief= backstab, and then backstab again).
You can try other
combinations as well, and I would love to hear about your experience with
dual/multi class.

The classical:

My team:
Mage (human)
Thief (halfling)
Cleric of Lathander (human)
Totemic druid (half-elf)
Monk (human)
Cavalier (human)

Kensai (half-ogre)
Bounty hunter (halfling)
Shaepshifter (half-elf)
Archer (human)
Bard (human)
Cleric/mage (elven)

Damage team (no ac):
Kensai (half-ogre)
Monk (human)
Swashbuckler (halfling)
Necromancer or Invoker (human)
Shapeshifter (half-elf)
Kensai/cleric (dwarf)

Team Lucky:
Wild mage
Bounty hunter
Cleric of Talos


Any ideas, suggestions, comments, questions, or critics can be send to:

Hope this FAQ helped you.

Dark Wolf.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. FAQ

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