Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn

Baldur's Gate 2 - Shadows of Amn

02.10.2013 20:51:12
Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of Amn Item Description FAQ
Version: 23.0
Last Updated: 10/24/01

This FAQ will contain an alphabetical list of the descriptions of all of
the items that I have found in the PC game Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows Of
Amn, which is from Bioware. I will split it up into the following

-Bastard Swords
-Battle Axes
-Chain Mail
-Composite Long Bows
-Full Plate Mail
-Heavy Crossbows
-Ioun Stones
-Large Shields
-Leather Armor
-Light Crossbows
-Long Bows
-Long Swords
-Medium Shields
-Morning Stars
-Plate Mail
-Short Bows
-Short Swords
-Small Shields
-Splint Mail
-Studded Leather Armor
-Throwing Axes
-Throwing Daggers
-Two-Handed Swords
-War Hammers

I hope that you think this FAQ is useful! !)

Amulet of 5% Magic Resistance
Amulet of Magic Resistance
Commissioners working for the Athkatla city council often wear these
amulets while searching for spell users. The amulet provides some small
protection against devious mages who resist any efforts at being
imprisoned or killed.
Magic Resistance: +5%

Amulet of Spell Warding
Amulet of Spell Warding
A favorite item of protection for a mage entering a magical duel, this
amulet provides protection against spells, but does not interfere with
the mage's own spellcasting.
Abilities: +2 bonus to all saves vs. spells

Bloodstone Amulet
Amulets are usually magical devices that are commonly worn around the
neck, suspended from a chain. The type of chain that comes with an
amulet generally increases the item's aesthetic value, not its magical
properties. Only one amulet can be dangled from the neck at a time.

Harper Amulet
All of the Harpers that you have met in this area were wearing one of
these amulets. Perhaps it somehow identifies one as being a Harper.
Could there be a section of this building that can only be accessed by

Rusted Amulet
This tarnished trinket is of little value. Inscribed on the back are
the words: "My love, I implore you to keep this pendant near you
forever, even unto death and beyond."

Sensate Amulet
Sensate Amulet
This amulet originates in the city of Sigil where is was forged the by
the Society of Sensation. It was given out to the most loyal sensates,
to protect them when they traveled the Planes looking for new
While Equipped:
+5 bonus to hit points
+2 bonus to charisma
Permanent protection from evil
Usable By:

Arrow +2
These arrows were enhanced through magical means when they were created.
They appear slightly straighter than the average arrow, almost alive as
they effortlessly leave your bow and streak towards their target with
deadly accuracy.
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:

Bastard Swords
Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters
Bastard sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters: 'Kondar'
At first glance, this sword appears much like any other. In the
presence of any shapeshifting creature however, the blade becomes warm
as its power stirs. Its namesake was the original owner of the weapon,
and his tale, though mostly long forgotten, was wrought with treachery
and deceit. Rumors persist that he paid a fearsome price for this
blade, but with it he revealed the true identities of those that sought
to betray him. Their names and crimes however, are long since lost to
THACO: +1 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Foebane +3
The Archmage Demron created this powerful blade for Captain Fflar of
Myth Drannor. When the elven city fell, the sword was lost beneath the
rubble of the once great metropolis.
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 2D4 + 3, +6 damage vs. undead, shapeshifters, and all extra-
planar beings (demons, planetars, etc.)
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Foebane +5
Reunited with Fflar's Scabbard, Foebane is an even greater weapon than
the legends claimed.
Special Abilities: +1 bonus to all saving throws when equipped
Combat Abilities: Each successful hit casts Larloch's Minor Drain on
the target (no save)
THACO: +5 bonus
Damage: 2D4 + 5, +6 damage vs. undead, shapeshifters, and all extra-
planar beings (demons, planetars, etc.)
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Bastard Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Jhor The Bleeder +2
Jhor the Bleeder, Bastard Sword +2
This blade belonged to Ho Mang, a traveler from Kara-Tur who accepted
dubious service at court throughout Faerun. Skilled in "persuasion", he
would use this sword to perform the "Death Of A Thousand Cuts", an
ancient ritual from his homeland involving a lengthy series of small,
painful incisions. The properties of the blade prevent blood from
clotting, and the victim slowly bleeds to death. The sword was stolen,
and its whereabouts have been a mystery until now.:
Combat Abilities: 2 extra hit points of damage every round, until 10
hit points of damage done
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bastard sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Battle Axes
Axe of Hrothgar +3
Axe of Hrothgar +3
This axe was wielded by an adventurer who lived within the town of
Easthaven in Icewind Dale. He died about a century ago trying to rescue
his town from the ancient demon Balhifet.
Equipped Abilities:
+1 Charisma
+1 Wisdom
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Battle Axe
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four
feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one
end. Battle axes are also called broad axes.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Battle Axe +1
The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four
feet in length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one
end. Battle axes are also called broad axes. This is a magical axe.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Battle Axe +3, Frostreaver
Frostreaver, Battle Axe +3
This was the axe of Illgarth, a Frost Giant that terrorized northern
communities long ago. It is not known where he acquired the weapon, but
he took a perverse pleasure in unleashing it upon small folk,
particularly halflings. Ice and acid maimed those not killed, and the
giant would laugh coldly if he recognized his handiwork from a previous
visit. Ultimately a group did manage to kill him, and at the request of
his victims Frostreaver was buried with him.
Combat Ability:
+1 point cold damage to target
+1 point acid damage to target
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Bolt +1
Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of
the weapon's size. However this bolt has been imbued with a small
amount of magical properties which enhances performance in flight,
almost as if the bolt was guided towards its target.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow

Bolt of Biting
The Bolt of Biting was designed as a deadly compliment to the crossbow.
With the barbed tip coated in a nasty poison, it will infiltrate the
bloodstream of its victims causing agony and oft-times, death.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Poison: 30 damage in 15 seconds (save vs. death for none)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow

Bolt of Lightning
This bolt seems to crackle with energy as it is held in the hand. When
shot from the crossbow, it seems to leap towards its target leaving
behind an electrical sulfuric smell. As it hits there is a crackle as
the energy stored is released into the target's wound.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Special: 4D4 electrical damage (save vs. breath for half)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow

Drow Bolt +1
Drow Bolt +1
Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of
the weapon's size. However this bolt has been imbued with a small
amount of magical properties which enhances performance in flight,
almost as if the bolt was guided towards its target. This item, like
most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an alloy of adamantite
that quickly turns to dust if removed from the Underdark.
Damage: 1D8 +1
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow

Drow Bolt of Stunning
Drow Bolt of Stunning
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
Underdark. A target hit by this bolt must making a saving throw vs.
death or be stunned for four rounds.
Combat Ability: target must save vs. death or be stunned for four
Damage: 1D8 +1
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow

Boots of Avoidance
Boots of Avoidance: 'Senses of the Cat'
The magic of these boots was specifically designed to detect incoming
missiles and aid the wearer in avoiding them. They were originally
commissioned by the instructor of an archery academy, who had tired of
suffering "accidents" at the hands of his inexperienced students.
Armor Class bonus: +5 vs. missile weapons
Weight: 4

Boots of Elvenkind
Boots of Elvenkind
These soft boots make the wearer move as silently as the woodland elves.
Thieves love to get their hands on these boots, but the elves are
reluctant about exporting them, fearful that they may be used for
illegal purposes.
Move Silently: +30% bonus
Usable By:

Boots of Etherealness
Boots of Etherealness
Why these boots were ever made has long been the subject of speculation
among the sages of Candlekeep. Some suggest that a certain noblewoman
was gifted them by an ethereal lover, so that she could join him for a
tryst. Others simply point out that the boots are useful for any mages
to become intangible to attacks while devastating an opponent with
offensive magic.
Use Abilities:
Etherealness: These boots can make a wearer ethereal for 30 seconds
(oncer per day). This makes the wearer immune to normal weapons.
Spells may still be cast, and weapons may still be used.

Boots of Speed
Boots of Speed: 'The Paws of the Cheetah'
These enchanted boots were once the property of a deadly assassin fond
of chasing down his prey. He moved with such speed that his targets
often didn't have the opportunity to respond, even on horseback. Over
time the assassin's fame spread, and though his name was never known,
all knew to fear the words last heard by his victims: "you can hide,
but you cannot run!"
Equipped Ability: increases movement rate

Boots of Stealth
Boots of Stealth: 'Worn Whispers'
In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept.
So skillful were they, that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes and
maps were held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from
within, the tools of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that
none could amass such a band again.
Move Silently Bonus: +20%
Hide in Shadow Bonus: +15%
Weight: 4
Not usable by:

Worn Out Boots
Boots are normally hand-made by cobblers. Common boots are made by
using a form, but good boots are designed for the foot of an individual.
Weight: 4

Bracers of Archery
Bracers of Archery: 'The Dale's Protector'
During a dangerous meeting with a rival ruler, the King of Great Dale
requested the protection of his best archers in addition to his usual
guard. The archers, each equipped with an enchanted bow and bracers,
hid within range of the gathering. As predicted, enemy troops attempted
to seize the King and force their will over his rule, but none had
anticipated the amazing accuracy and lethality of the hidden archers.
The King was able to escape unharmed; in fact, none of the ambush
members even lived to approach him.
THACO: +2 (missile weapons only)
Weight: 2
Not usable by:

Bracers of Defense AC 4
Bracers of Defense AC 4
Sometimes known as Gauntlets of Chain Mail, these bracers were first
worn by Tapid Gornoak. He was still an active warrior at the age of
seventy-five but the weight of his armor was getting harder and harder
to bear. A companion, the sorceress Nadalarin, created these bracers
for him. She also cast a permanent illusion over him so that his men
would think he still wore his heavy chain. Tapid died twenty years
later, his hands wrapped around the neck of an orc chief when old age
took him.
Armor Class: 4
Weight: 2

Bracers of Defense AC 8
Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted,
or tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is
instilled in bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help
protect the bearer from injuries, or improve chances to strike at an
opponent. Exceptions do exist, though such items are rare at best.
Armor Class: 8
Weight: 2

Bullet +3
Magical currents are embedded inside this bullet so that it seems a
little more balanced and lighter as it jumps towards an opponent.
Damage: 1D4 + 4
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: sling

Sunstone Bullet +1
Magical currents are embedded inside this bullet so that it seems a
little more balanced and lighter as it jumps towards an opponent. When
the bullet strikes an opponent it explodes in a flash of fire.
Damage: 1D4 +2, +2 Fire Damage
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: sling

Chain Mail
Aslyferund Elven Chain +5
While in exile from Myth Drannor, Aslyferund learned the secret of
fashioning powerful Elven armor by gilding and heavily enchanting normal
Elven Chain. Alas, his refusal to divulge the secret lead to his murder
by a rival smith.
While worn, user is completely immune to all normal weapons.
Armor Class: 0
Weight: 15
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Chain Mail Armor
Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over
a layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen
the impact of blows.
Armor Class: 5
Weight: 40
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

Corthala Family Armor
This armor, long in the Corthala bloodline, protects the user against
all forms of attacks. The armor is enchanted so that it grants a +3
bonus to Valygar's armor class. It also adds a bonus to resisting acid,
fire, and magical damage. The armor also makes Valygar immune to charm
while he wears it. As it is specifically fitted for Valygar, few other
than he may wear it.
Equipped Abilities: Immune to Charm
Bonuses: +25% Resistance to fire, acid, and magic damage
Armor Class: 2
Weight: 9
Usable By:

Darkmail +3
Whether by design or through exposure to intense heat in battle, the
chain links of this armor are coal black throughout. While legends
usually speak of knights in shining armor facing great beasts, the fire
resistant enchantment on this suit suggests equally great, if
unheralded, battles with fire breathing creatures.
Bonuses: +20% Resistance to fire damage
Armor Class: 2
Weight: 9
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

Drow Elven Chain +3
Drow Chain +3
The delicate yet sturdy craftsmanship of the Elven races allows them to
design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is Elven chain
mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal
clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows
it to be worn by thieves and fighter/mages with few restrictions.
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
This magical drow chain mail gives the wearer a bonus of 5% to magic
resistance and takes 1 off of the speed factor of all spells cast by the
wearer of the armor.
Abilities: +5 Magic Resistance
-1 to casting time of all spells
Armor Class: 2
Weight: 12
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Elven Chain Mail
The delicate yet sturdy craftsmanship of the Elven races allows them to
design many beautiful yet utilitarian goods. Among these is Elven chain
mail, which is so finely wrought that it can be worn under normal
clothing without revealing its presence. This and its lightness allows
it to be worn by thieves and fighter/mages with few restrictions.
Armor Class: 5
Weight: 7
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Melodic Chain +3
The Bards of Melody were a small band of half-elf bardic warriors who
entertained and defended scattered elven communities throughout
Calimshan. Enchantments allowed only minstrels to wear this armor, the
magical links sliding together to produce beautiful melodies as they
danced or fought. Unfortunately the Bards of Melody were disbanded
hundreds of years ago, and the secret of 'playing' the armor faded with
Armor Class: 2
Weight: 12
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:

Cloak of Bravery
This cloak is an evil thing, albeit powerful. Made from the poorly
stitched together skin of innocent nymphs, this cloak grants the wearer
immunity to fear and panic.
Equipped Abilities: Immunity to fear and panic

Cloak of Elvenkind
Cloak of Elvenkind
This green cloak resembles a normal cloak. Wearing it makes any person
able to hide in shadows with astonishing abilities. As per the thief
ability though, the moment the wearer attacks or otherwise makes his/her
presence known the wearer must leave the shadows.
Hide in Shadow: bonus 50%

Cloak of Reflection
Cloak of Reflection
Vorn Druidslayer crafted this cloak and used it with great success in
his campaign to eliminate the druids from all the woods south of
Baldur's Gate. His campaign ended abruptly when he encountered a flock
of wyverns, who were attracted by the cloak's sheen. They killed Vorn
and used the cloak to cover their nest, serving to protect their young
during electrical storms.
Special Abilities: Reflects all electrical damage back to the source

Cloak of the Sewers
Cloak of the Sewers
For a sewer dweller like Ivan, survival meant going where others
refused. Hiding from thugs, Ivan went so deep into the sewers beneath
Baldur's Gate, that he found caverns of natural caves, some of which
opened to the ocean. Within one cave, Ivan discovered what he thought
was a ruined cloak, all torn and stained. He tossed it into the fire he
started, but it would not burn. Curious, he donned it and with some
prying he discovered its hidden abilities. With the right command he
could shift into a rat, a troll, or a mustard jelly.
AC: +1 bonus
Special Abilities:
Polymorph self: Once a day, the wearer can change into a rat, a troll,
or a mustard jelly.

Cloak of the Shield
This cloak projects a sphere of energy that protects the wearer from
missile weapons. It also slows melee weapons somewhat.
Special: +5 Armor bonus vs. missile weapons
Special: +1 Armor bonus vs. all other weapons
Duration: 1 turn
Number of charges: Unknown
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:

Cloak of the Stars
Cloak of the Stars
Thalanta the Fair created many types of cloaks, all known as Cloaks of
the Stars. This particular version is simple, with three stars down
each sleeve. Once per day each star can be removed and thrown as a
dart. The star disappears, only to return the next day.
Special Abilities: Creates six +5 darts each day

Drow Piwafwi Cloak
This cloak belongs to Solaufein, the drow warrior. It increases the
wearer's hide in shadows and move silently abilities. Talented drow
weavers have woven strands of adamantine into this cloak, thus rendering
it useless if exposed to the light -- the effect of which will turn the
cloak to dust.
Hide in Shadows: +75%
Move Silent: +75%
Saving Throw vs. Breath: +6

Montolio's Clasp
This clasp belongs to the cloak of Montolio DeBrouchee, the blind
teacher of the famous drow ranger Drizzt Do'urden. It hums with
powerful enchantments locked within.

Montolio's Cloak
The enchanted cloak of the man who trained the famous ranger Drizzt
Do'Urden undoubtedly possesses powerful abilities. However, since this
cloak is missing the enchanted clasp which keeps it in place it is
virtually useless.

Nymph Cloak
The fabled Nymph Cloak is renowned for its ability to increase the
Charisma of even the most surly dwarf. A Cormyrean noble hoping to make
her politically convenient marriage more palatable apparently went to
great expense to obtain one for herself and another for her husband.
This cloak may be used to charm one person, once per day.
Charisma: +2 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:

Bone Club +2, +3 vs. Undead
Bone Club +2, +3 vs. Undead
This vicious club was created hundreds of years ago, reportedly by a
shaman on a quest for revenge. His family had fallen to undead, and so
personal was his rage that he amputated his own leg, using the femur for
the body of the weapon. Magical runes empower it, though it is likely
the sheer force of his hatred would have served on its own.
THAC0: +2, +3 vs. Undead
Damage: 1D6 +2, +3 vs. Undead
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Most clubs are stout, hardwood sticks, narrow at the grip and wider at
the end. This simple weapon has been used since mankind first began
using tools. Anyone can find a good stout piece of wood and swing it;
hence the club's widespread use.
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Composite Long Bows
Ripper +2
Ripper +2
This composite longbow was one of many made by a half-elven craftsman
whose name has been lost to history. At one time there were several
hundred in use, a favorite of scouts who patrolled the Anauroch desert,
but many have been lost or destroyed. Only a few are still known to
exist, and they see little use due to the tremendous strength they
Damage: +2
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Weight: 8
Requires: 18 Strength
Speed Factor: 5
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Embarl's Dagger
Embarl's Dagger will prove to Mae'Var that Embarl has been 'dealt with.'
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Pixie Prick +3
Pixie Prick +3
The Pixie Prick almost appears to be a toy, so fine and delicate is the
workmanship of the blade and handle. Yet when wielded and the command
word 'Sleep' is intoned, the tiny dagger glows with a blue nimbus. Upon
striking an opponent the Pixie Prick releases a surge of powerful magic,
potentially inducing a deep slumber. Legends say that the ancient
sprite knight, Alfonso de Noble wielded the Pixie Prick, not as a dagger
but as a two handed sword.
Combat Ability: Target must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall
asleep for two rounds
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D4 +3
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Drow Flail +3
Drow Flail +3
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden
rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its
implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally
used as a toll for threshing grain.
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden
rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its
implement is either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally
used as a tool for threshing grain.
Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Flail +2
The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden
rod with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its
implement is either a hinge or chain link. This particular flail has
been magically enhanced.
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Flail of Ages
This one-headed flail causes cold damage. If the other heads for the
Flail of Ages could be found, they would make this weapon more powerful.
Damage: 1D6 +2, +1 Cold Damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Flail of the Ages
This two-headed flail causes acid and cold damage. If the other head
for the Flail of Ages could be found, it would make this weapon more
Damage: 1D6 +3, +1 Acid Damage, +1 Cold Damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Flail of Ages +3
This flail has been in the care of Lord Arnise for some time, a relic of
his adventuring youth. It has been kept disassembled, the individual
pieces stored in separate locations, and only used in the direst of
emergencies. Lord Arnise was likely concerned about the powerful magic
that the weapon radiated when compiled, and rightfully so. A trail of
destruction has followed it through history, leading straight back to
the original owners. The flail was the creation of the warlike
Rakshasa, a race of vengeful spirits that crave human meat, and used an
adaptable weapon that could suit any battle. During a particularly
violent hunt the flail was lost, only to be returned when they used
their affinity for magic to locate its powerful aura. They discovered
that the weapon had found its way into the hands of a great human
warrior, and the battle that followed was truly splendid. They have
since used the item as bait countless times, 'losing' it again and
again. Powerful items gravitate towards powerful people, and powerful
people yield the most glorious battles.
Combat Abilities: A chance each hit that target will be slowed (no
saving throw)
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4, +1 Acid Damage, +1 Cold Damage, +1 Fire Damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Full Plate Mail
Drow Full Plate +5
Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance
and protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially
angled to deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully
adorned with rich engraving and embossed detail. This drow armor will
dissolve to dust if removed from the Underdark.
Armor Class: -4
Weight: 70
Requires: 15 Strength
Not Usable By:

Gauntlets of Dexterity
Gauntlets of Dexterity: 'The Brawling Hands'
This pair of gauntlets was likely developed in Kara-Tur to aid masters
of the martial arts. Legends speak of such masters from the Far East
bringing these items with them on their journeys, though details remain
Dexterity: set to 18
Weight: 2
Not usable by:

Gauntlets of Ogre Power
Gauntlets of Ogre Power: 'Hands of Takkok'
The Hands of Takkok are exactly that; his very hands. He lost them when
he attacked a strange man crossing the Spine of the World. The
mysterious man turned out to be a mage of incredible power, and he used
Takkok's hands to create this pair of ogre skin gauntlets.
Strength: set to 18/00
Weight: 2
Not usable by:

Gauntlets of Weapon Skill
Gauntlets of Weapon Skill: 'Xarrnous' Second Sword Arm'
Perhaps the most well known owner of these gauntlets was a mercenary,
named Xarrnous. He specialized in smuggling, and frequently loaned
these gauntlets to clients if they were to travel with him. In his
eyes, an extra sword arm was always handy.
THACO: +1 bonus
Weight: 2
Not usable by:

Gloves of Healing
Gloves of Healing
These gloves are usually given to novices of the Most Noble Order of the
Radiant Heart who have yet to acquire the ability to cast spells. For
anyone outside of the Order to wear these gloves is a rare honor.
Special Abilities: Heal up to 10 hit points of damage and any poison
effects, once per day

Andar Gem
Andar is hard and durable, yielding translucent gems ("Andars") that
flash green-red or brown-red when properly faceted.

Normally a deep, pleasant seawater green, beljurils periodically blaze
with a glittering, winking, flashing light. Although this particular
stone has a slightly different hue, perhaps a new strain, rarely if ever
seen before. It looks incredibly valuable.

Black Opal
Black Opal has a greenish hue with black mottling and gold flecks.
Usually found in ancient hot springs, the gem is tumbled smooth and cut
cabochon. The phrase in the north "Black as an opal" is used as a
subtle form of praise for kind-hearted rogues and the like.

Chrysoberyl Gem
Chrysoberyl is a hard, transparent, green gem which is usually facet-
cut. It is said that Chrysoberyl has ties to the outer planes and hence
its use with battling demonic possession and the undead.

An Emerald is a brilliant green beryl, cleaved along straight box like
lines, with rectangular cutting in the finished gem. Emeralds are often
connected with health, and so are used ornamentally for such a purpose.

Fire Agate Gem
Fire Agate is the name given to chalcedony which contains thin lines of
iridescent goethite. When properly cut, the iridescence displays red,
brown, gold, and green hues, and the finest specimens are partly

Horn Coral Gem
Horn Coral, which is also called night coral, is a deep black coral,
similar to angel's skin save for its solid color. It is incredibly
difficult to work with, and is used in jewelry as a polished twig or
branch of material, or is cut cabochon.

Iol Gem
Iol is actually short for Iolite (cordierite), although a common
nickname is "violet stone" even though its overall hue is usually blue.
Iols are usually cut into faceted gems to best display the stone's color
changes as it is viewed from different directions. Small, cut iols can
be clear, but larger specimens usually contain silky inclusions of
another substance such as hemitite crystals, which give the same rich
golden flash of color in sunstones.

Jasper Gem
Jasper is an opaque quartz found in reds, browns, and blacks. Very rare
specimens are blue or have bands of blue against the other colours.
Jasper can be crushed and used in making potions and magical devices
which protect against poison.

King's Tears
King's Tears are very rare and found only in the Realms where they are
sometimes called frozen tears. Clear, teardrop-shaped, smooth surfaced,
and totally unbreakable so far by any means. These stones are said to
be the crystallized tears of long-dead necromancer kings. In each gem
can be seen that which the weeping king loved long ago. Their true
nature is unknown but suffice it to say that sages prize these gems
above all others.

Lynx Eye Gem
Lynx Eye is a specific type of labradorite (a feldspar gemstone).
Labradorite as a class of stones is pale to dark gray and has patches of
colored reflections. This "flash" is most commonly blue but can be of
all shades. "Green flash" labradorite is called lynx eye in the Realms.

Moonbar Gem
Moonbar is a pearly white, opaque gemstone, usually pale blue with green
and gold mottling. Related in type to fire and black opal, but is only
slightly more common.

Pearls consist of layers of aragonite agonizingly formed around a bit of
grit or other irritant inside oysters and other mollusks. The resulting
pearl has a rich, deep luster. Most of the pearls in the realms are
white, however there are varieties that are much more rare such as
rainbow and black.

Rogue Stone
A small, shifting, rainbow coloured, irridecent gemstone. The fluid
shades of colour appear almost liquid under normal sunlight, it is truly
a beautiful sight to behold. Rogue stones are extremely rare and are
used for the gemjump spell, hence one of the most sought after gems in
the Realms.

Shandon Gem
Shandon is another name for natrolite in the Realms; its slender,
colorless crystals yield tiny faceted gems used often in veils and robes
in order to capture the beading effect of water glistening upon the

Skydrop Gem
Skydrop is the common name given to clear or lightly colored tektite
material; fragments of glass of celestial (meteoric) origin, found in
the vast shifting sands of Anauroch and other deserts.

Sphene Gem
Sphene is a soft, brittle gemstone (and, like scapra, easily worked by
unskilled cutters) of various yellow to green shades, the most prized of
these being a fine emerald green.

Star Diopside Gem
Star Diopside is the most prized form of a hard, durable gemstone that
is rarely found in attractive colours. It is usually too dark for
beauty, however mountain and streambed-pebble crystals of a pale green
hue make attractive stones such as diopside. When a gem is found that
is darker green it can be cut in such as fashion so to produce four- to
six-rayed stars.

Star Sapphire
Star Sapphire is a precious variation of the sapphire, however is more
translucent, with a white star highlighted in its center. A star
sapphire has been known to ornament devices which protect against magic.

Sunstone Gem
Sunstone is a feldspar jem, closely related to moonstone, and more
properly known as oligoclase. Sunstone can be colorless or faintly
greenish and of facet grade, but most common by far is its softer
(cabochon) variety. This yields gemstones that have bright red or
orange spangles (minute crystals) suspended in a nearly colorless
background in a parallel fashion, giving the whole a rich golden or
redish brown color.

Tchazar Gem
Tchazar is the common name given to aragonite, a straw-yellow gemstone
found in elongated, prism-shaped crystal form. It is soft and fragile,
and requires skilled cutting to yield faceted gems.

Turquoise Gem
Turquoise is an opaque aqua stone with darker mottling, and is found in
the more arid reaches of the Realms. Horsemen will often place a sliver
of this stone in a horse's harness as a sign of good luck.

Water Opal
Water Opal is a colourless, clear opal with a play of colour. It is
rare and valuable in the Realms, where it is used in scrying devices.

Ziose Gem
Ziose is the name given by sages to a particular facet-grade variety of
ziosite; a rare mineral that yields cut stones that flash three vivid
hues depending on how the light catches them; purple, blue, or red or
purple, green, and red. Very large (fist- or foot-sized) gems are found
and are prized for use in pendants and brooches.

Zircon Gem
Zircon is a brownish crystal found in igneous (volcanic) rocks. Zircon
attains its pale blue shade with heating and cutting (usually facet-

Imoen's Belt
Imoen does not know when or how she acquired this belt, and despite all
of her efforts and magic it cannot be removed or unbuckled.

Girdle of Bluntness
Girdle of Bluntness: 'Destroyer of the Hills'
Having lost friends and loved ones to a series of raids by hill giants,
Garrar The Powerful made it his mission to cleanse his homeland of their
presence. It is not known where he acquired this item, but with it he
single handedly dispatched dozens of the creatures, all the while
protected from the blows of their clubs. The remaining giants fled to
neighboring lands, lands that lacked a similar champion and did not fare
as well.
Armor Class Bonus: +4 vs. blunt weapons
Weight: 2

Girdle of Fortitude
Girdle of Fortitude
This girdle greatly increases the wearer's constitution. King Violos
used it when leading an expedition against marsh trolls. He'd been
severely sickened the past winter and was no longer the healthy man he
once was. The belt gave extra years to his life and inspired his men to
renew their confidence in their king once more.
Special Abilities (once per day):
Constitution: set to 18 (lasts for eight hours)

Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
Girdle of Hill Giant Strength
This plain belt makes the wearer as strong as a hill giant, but does not
make him or her giant size. Many a cocky warrior has been suprised by a
much smaller opponent with remarkable strength. More often than not a
belt such as this is the reason.
Strength: set to 19

Girdle of Piercing
Girdle of Piercing: 'Elves' Bane'
An infamous highwayman in his day, Pandar of Scardale made quite a name
for himself vexing the elves of Cormanthor forest. To their annoyance
he continually used the wood to escape the law; and with the aid of this
girdle, the elves' arrows as well. Unfortunately for Pandar, pit-traps
and starvation proved a slower, but effective substitution.
Armor Class Bonus: +3 vs. piercing weapons
Weight: 2

Dragons's Bane +3
Halberd +3: Dragon's Bane
This was the weapon of Thorvin Dukal, one of seven self-proclaimed
Dragonslayers who spent years railing against what they called "an
insidious dragon infestation that threatened Faerun." Thorvin had this
weapon enchanted at great expense and used it on many occasions, though
of dragons only a single white has fallen to it. The Dragonslayers met
their match in a cantankerous ancient red who slew the entire group in
an epic battle. This weapon did not end up in the beast's hoard
however, as the creature returned to its lair to recuperate and when it
emerged the field of combat was well scavenged.
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3, +6 vs. dragons
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:
Halberd +3
Drow Halberd +3
By far the oldest and most often used pole-arm, the halberd consists of
a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff averaging six feet in
length. The axe blade is balanced at the rear with a fluke, and
surmounted by a sharp spike, usually of quadrangular design. The fluke
is sometimes replaced by a hook used to dismount cavalry. A halberd can
be best described as a cross between a spear and an axe.
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Halberd +2
Consisting of a cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff averaging six
feet in length, the halberd is the oldest and most often used pole-arm.
It is best described as a cross between a spear and an axe. Magic has
been used to forge this particular weapon, gifting it with enhanced
abilities to slaughter foes.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +2
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Halberd +2, Duskblade
Halberd +2 Duskblade
Though once a simple halberd, this weapon spend many hundreds of years
in a tomb next to the soul phylactery of a powerful lich. The creature
was eventually erased from existence, purportedly by another of its
kind, but such close proximity to that concentrated evil has imbued this
blade with the very essence of night and the chill of darkness, energy
that becomes deadly in combat. It is a foul weapon, and a warrior
should use it with caution.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +2, +2 points of cold damage
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Halberd +4: Wave
Halberd +4: Wave
Forged in antiquity by a cult devoted to the goddess Umberlee, this
weapon of vengeance was designed to aid the cult's champion in
retrieving a holy artifact from the fire giants of the Storm Horn
Mountains. That was a lot of hope to place in one champion, and
unfortunately the Wave had been lost ever since.
Combat Abilities:
15% chance of draining victim of water (+15 damage)
Slays Fire Elementals, Efreet, Salamanders (no save)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +4
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Harmonium Halberd
Harmonium Halberd +3
This weapon is a powerful weapon usually given out to the most important
of Harmonium captains. The Harmonium is an faction based out of the
planar city known as 'Sigil'.
Equipped Abilities:
+1 strength
-1 Intelligence
-1 Wisdom
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Ravager +4
Taking the blood-soaked shaft of this weapon in hand brings a sudden
chill along your spine. The origins of this gruesome halberd are
unknown, though the very sight of it has been know to strike terror into
the heart of an opponent.
Cast Cloak of Fear twice/day
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D10+4
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Heavy Crossbows
Crossbow of Affliction +4
Crossbow of Affliction +4
A devastating weapon, this crossbow unfortunately draws its power
directly from the wielder. Some bowmen have used it regardless, and
many to great effect, but the drawbacks must be carefully considered.
Its most famous owner, Guil de Lyons, made good use of it fighting
bandits in remote areas of Faerun, but he ultimately fell when he lacked
the strength to defend against a rare assailant that got within striking
Equipped Penalties: -2 Strength penalty
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: +4 (missile)
Weight: 9
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Heavy Crossbow of Searing +1
Crossbow of Searing +1
A marvel of engineering, this crossbow covers bolts in oil and sets them
alight when fired. It is enchanted as well, likely to keep the
mechanism working smoothly. It bears the hallmarks of the inventor's
god, Gond.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: +3 (missile), +2 fire damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Not Usable By:

Dragon Helm
The skillful hand of the warlock Wormsor carefully worked several dragon
scales into this powerful helmet. Red, white and green scales overlap,
protecting the wearer from normal blows as well as fire, cold and
electricity. It is hard to determine whether the benefits originate
within the scales or the spells of the mage.: Sets fire, cold and
electrical resistance to 25%
Armor Class Bonus: None
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Gold Horned Helm
A typical golden helm used by Balthazar's Mercenaries.

Helm of Charm Protection
As its name suggests, the Helm of Charm Protection protects its wearer
from any magical attempts at emotional manipulation. As a precaution,
some high-profile mercenary groups regularly equip their members with
such helmets to ensure that they can perform their prescribed duties
without external interference.
Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits
Wearer is immune to charm
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:

Helm of Glory
Helm of Glory: 'Helm of the Noble'
Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many
great battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir
Tain's squire, who had served him faithfully for almost ten years.
Alas, the young man had neither the strength, nor the skill to uphold
his master's legacy. It is rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a
worthy, but ultimately futile cause, and the helm has had many owners
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Charisma: +1 bonus
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Helm of Infravision
Helm of Infravision: 'The eyes of Truth'
Being a scavenger of a sort, Babette Maelstrom had this created to aid
her in her dungeon excursions. She would later attribute her gathered
wealth solely to its power, though likely it was as much her keen eyes
as anything.
Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits
Grants wearer infravision up to 120 ft
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:

Helm of the Rock
This helm grants a warrior immunities far beyond mere physical
protections. It is obvious there once used to be a set of horns
protruding from the metal cap, though the horns and any magic associated
with them have long since disappeared.
+25% resistance to fire, cold, acid, poison and electricity
Usably By:

Helm of the Rock
With the addition of the horns, the Helm of the Rock is even more
powerful. Generals and military leaders can command both fear and
respect simply by wearing this helm.
+25% resistance to fire, cold, acid, poison and electricity
- Cast Aura of Command 3 times per day (enemies save vs spell at -2 or
flee in terror)
Usable By:

This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal,
covers most of the head, save the face and neck. These helmets commonly
provide protection for the nose.
Armor Class Bonus: None
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

This helmet is black and lustrous, its metal brought to a shine that
nearly matches the small gems that have been placed around the
faceplate. A black veil hangs down the open front of the helmet,
obviously meant to completely obscure the face of whomever wears the

Mask of King Strohm III
This is the reconstructed mask of King Strohm the third. When you place
it on your face, the entire world becomes tinted with odd colors.
Perhaps this mask will allow you to see something that you hadn't been
able to see before, but its use beyond that seems questionable.

Patrol Leader's Helmet
This is the helmet of the Svirfneblin Patrol Leader that you were sent
to kill. It will act as proof that you have succeeded in your mission.

Roranach's Horn
This helm is carved fromt he horn of a great ram. Etchings on the horn
suggest the beast was once worshipped by ancient barbarian tribes.
+50% resistance to blunt weapons
Not Usable By:

Vhailor's Helm
Vhailor's Helm
This helmet was worn by a mysterious warrior named Vhailor. The warrior
was destroyed while helping a creature known as the 'Nameless one'.
Special Abilities (once per day): cast simulacrum
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Ioun Stones
Bronze Ioun Stone
The powerful enchantments on this ioun stone make it a treasure eagerly
sought after by wizards and mages.
Memorize a bonus 7th level spell when equipped.
Usuable by:

Dusty Rose Ioun Stone
This Ioun stone glows with a dusty rose hue, hinting at calming images
and sensations. While pleasing, it does not appear to enhance the basic
protection enchantment upon it.
Armor Class Bonus: +1
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Obsidian Ioun Stone
The tough obsidian stone imbues its owner with a similar hardiness.
+1 to Constitution when equipped

Pale Green Ioun Stone
On his deathbed, aged hero Rigar TrueBlood begged one last request of
his mage companion Spectorial: that his skill and fortitude as a
warrior live on. The reluctant friend consented and transferred these
traits to an item, knowing the warrior's soul would then be lacking
them. This pale green Ioun stone now holds these essences, and grants
the owner TrueBlood's health and skill.
Equipped Abilities:
+10% bonus to hit points
+1 bonus to THACO
Armor Class Bonus: None
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Pearly White Ioun Stone (from Helge)
Legend tells us that this particular type of ioun stone is crafted with
the enslaved soul of a troll. This pearly white iouwn stone will grant
the wearer the ability to regenerate at a rate of 2 hit points per
Abilities: Regenerate 2 hit points every minute
Armor Class Bonus: None
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:

Celestial Fury
Katana +3
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons,
the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it
usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen
to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The
wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the
customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into
battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.
Equipped Abilities:
Lightning Strike: Once per day
Blindness: Once per day
Combat Abilities:
Booming Thunder whenever the sword strikes an opponent (Stun, Save vs.
Shocking Blow chance when sword strikes an opponent (5% chance of 20
additional electrical damage)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Corthala Family Blade
Corthala Family Blade
This fine katana radiates magical energy when wielded by Valygar. The
blade was designed to respond only to those with the blood of the family
Corthala flowing through their veins. This +2 blade causes additional
bleeding damage when it strikes an opponent.
Abilities: 2 points of additional bleeding damage on target every round
for 2 rounds
THAC0: +2 bonus
AC: +2 bonus against slashing weapons
Damage: 1D10 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Usable By:

Dak'kon's Zerth Blade
Dak'kon's Zerth Blade +2
This sword was the weapon of choice of the famous githzerai Dak'kon.
Dak'kon was killed by a powerful entity while working for a creature
known as the 'Nameless One'.
Equipped Abilities:
+1 AC bonus
able to memorize one extra 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level mage spell
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Katana +1
Katana +1
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons,
the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it
usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen
to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The
wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the
customs of Kara-Tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into
battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Katana +1
Yoshimo's Katana +1
This blade, although only lightly enchanted, has achieved a semblance of
awareness, enough so that it allows only the thief known as Yoshimo to
wield it. Any other than he cannot use this flawless katana in battle.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Usable By:

Katana +2
Katana +2
To enchant a katana is no simple process. Unlike conventional weapons,
the katana is already a near-perfect fighting sword. To improve it
usually requires a sacrifice, perhaps a dying samurai might beg a Wu Jen
to infuse his fighting spirit into the spirit of the katana. The
wielder of an enchanted katana, such as this one, must respect the
customs of Kara-tur and of the samurai who once carried this blade into
battle. Not doing so could drastically change one's luck for the worse.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Malakar +2
Katana +2: Malakar
This sleek katana radiates magical energy when carried. The Malakar, or
'Dueling Steel', was used by a less-than-honorable samurai during duels
against other samurai. As if of its own volition it will swoop down and
deflect the slashing attacks of other weapons. It is perfect for the
warrior concerned about defense as well as offense.
THAC0:: +2 bonus
AC: +2 bonus against slashing weapons
Damage: 1D10 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Katana
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Beastmaster Key
The Beastmaster's key should open the cells of the gladiators.

Chapel Key
This is the key that you found in the ruined chapel of the complex in
the Winspear Hills.

Despana Treasury Key
This key, obtained from Phaere, will give you access to the Despana
Treasury room.

Firkraag Prison Key
This key will allow you to open the doors to the prison in which
Garren's child is held.

Gaal's Key
This is the key given to you by Gaal. It will open the door to the
lower levels of the dungeon where you can find one half of the rift

Galvena's Key
This is the Lady Galvena's personal skeleton key to the festhall. It
will allow access to the prison area.

Guildhouse Key
This is the key to the lower levels of Lady Galvena's Festhall, the
Courtesan's Guild.

Haegan's Key
This is the key to the captive chambers in the Slaver Compound. It was
found on the body of Captain Haegan and should open all of the doors in
the building.

Heart Key
This key has the single word "COURAGE" inscribed upon it.

Jon's Key
Jon Irenicus' key. This will allow access to the escape route in the
basement of the Asylum.

Keep Key
This is the mast key to Nalia's keep. It should open most of the doors
in the fortress.

This key is particularly intricate and ornate in its design.

This key will open the sealed door to the underground Saradush prison.

Mae'Var's Strongbox Key
This is a metal key of unique design. Judging from its shape, the lock
that it fits must be impossible to pick.

Planar Key
This thin bar vibrates softly in your hand. It looks as if it could be
used as either a key or a lever.

Planar Prison Cell Key
This rod is actually a key of strange design. This key was found on the
Warden's Body in the strange extra-planar prison the Raelis and
Haer'Dalis were taken to. It is most likely the key to the prisoners'

Portal Key
An intricate key, presumably once owned by the lover of your captor.

Portal Key
You assume this key you recovered from the Chromatic Demon's body will
grant you access to the next level of this dungeon.

Rebel's Heart
This is the heart of the Sahuagin Prince Villynatny.

Sahuagin Scribe's Notes
This scroll seems to be a collection of stories about Great Wars of the
Sahuagin. They mention planned offensives against land dwellers all
along the Sword Coast as well as tales of past offensives. The Sahuagin
appear to be a particularly warlike race, constantly planning full-
fledged invasions of the shores but rarely following through due to
incessant infighting. The events that you have seen in this particular
settlement would seem to bear that out. An interesting insight into
Sahuagin culture.

Sahuagin Treasury Key
This ornate key will open the door to the Royal Treasury.

Samia's Key
This is the key to the tomb of King Strohm III.

Sewer Key
This key has a faint but foul odor clinging to it, like that of the
sewers. There are no sewers within the halls where you found the key.
The lock that this key opens will have to be found elsewhere.

Shadow Prison Key
This key was obtained from the Shadow Jailor. It can be used to open
the prison cells in the Shadow Dungeon.

Shadow Thief Cellar Key
This key will allow you to open a secret door that leads to the Shadow
Thief headquarters, which you will need to find. The secret door is
located on the ground floor of the Shadow thief guild, on the north east

Trademeet Tomb Key
This key will open the sealed tomb in the Trademeet Cemetary. The tomb
used to be the place of burial for Trademeet's elite, but has been
sealed off for many years because of 'trouble' from within.

Wand of Lightning Key
This key gives you a small shock when you touch it.

Wand of Missiles Key
This key resembles a tiny Wand of Magic Missles.

Wand of Summoning Key
This key seems to squirm in your hand as if it is alive.

Large Shields
Large Shield
The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive
metal or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the
user. It must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand
must firmly grip it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the
shield hand for anything but holding the body shield in place.
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 15
Requires: 15 Strength
Not Usable By:

Leather Armor
Karajah's Leather Armor
Leather Armor +3: Karajah's Life and Death
Karajah was Calimshan's champion of pit fighting for a full decade, and
seemingly unbeatable. His success, or so he claimed, was due to the
mobility that his light armor afforded him. He may well have been
unaware of the suit's other qualities, but his peers ignored his claims
of ignorance when enchantments were discovered. The armor survived the
subsequent beating, whereas Karajah did not.
Armor Class: 5
Weight: 4
Requires: 3 Strength
Not usable by:

Leather Armor +3
Basic armor made of thick, wax or water-hardened leather. It is sturdy
protection, not supple like boots or a cloak. Soft garment leathers
like that would offer no more protection than common clothing. Magical
enchantments have improved the protective abilities of this particular
Armor Class: 5
Weight: 4
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

The Night's Gift +5
Originally blessed by Shar, this armor has a long and interesting
history. Only the greatest of thieves have ever owned this heavily
enchanted armor. The essence of night has been woven into the dark set
of armor so that it feels like normal armor but encloses the wearer in a
mass of twisting shadows.
Bonuses: +20% to hide in shadows
Armor Class: 3
Weight: 5
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Protector of the Second +2
Leather armor +2: 'Protector of the Second'
The Mist of Shadows was an elite company of elven rangers that roamed
the Cormanthor wood, the bane of bandit and monster alike. This
particular armor belonged to Indeera Lakhan, the group's most decorated
officer and second in command. The suit is named for her though how it
came to part her company is unknown.
Armor Class: 6
Weight: 5
Requires: 4 Strength
Not Usable By:

Skin of the Ghoul +4
A clever thief, Damien Oneknife always tried to gain from the assets of
his enemies, no matter the cirumstances. After an intense battle with
several ghouls in which two of his companions perished, Damien decided
to even the odds in future encounters. He skinned one of the undead
creatures and brought the hide to a halfling armorer talented in
enchanting leather. When the suit was finished it was magically
protective against physical attacks and paralyzation. Not very epic
perhaps, but practical
Bonuses: +3 bonus to all saves vs. paralyzation/poison
Armor Class: 4
Weight: 4
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Light Crossbows
Drow Crossbow of Speed
Drow Crossbow of Speed
A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswire on a wooden or metal shaft, the
latter called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The
crossbow fires a quarrel (also called a bolt).
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: +3 (missile)
Special: 1 extra attack per round
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Firetooth +4
One of the most powerful crossbows in the realms, Firetooth has no need
for ammunition as it automatically launches magical arrows of fire.
Automatically shoots +2 Fire Arrows
THAC0: +6 bonus (+4 crossbow, +2 Fire Arrow)
Damage: 1D8+4, +2 Fire damage
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Long Bows
Heartseeker +3
Heartseeker +3
Legends say that craftsman Pinn O'Reffen fashioned this bow from the
heart of a Treant, though how he came to possess such material is
unknown. He certainly did not anticipate the enchantment within, magic
that makes the archer's aim almost infallible for a short period every
day. Pinn claimed his skill was responsible, but it is more likely that
some aspect of the soul of the treant is still within the wood. This
bow requires a strength of 18 to use.
Combat Abilities: Once per day can increase bow's aim to an additional
+7 to hit for nine seconds
Damage: +2
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Longbow
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 18 Strength
Not Usable By:

Long Swords
Adjatha The Drinker +2
Adjatha the Drinker, Long Sword +2
This blade belonged to Dabbar, a long dead servant to Bhaal that
exercised control over his minions in the most brutal of ways. In
addition to strengthening the mind against the guile of others, the
sword absorbs life energy from an opponent with each successful hit,
healing the user. Dabbar considered it a failure of his officers if he
returned from battle in less than perfect health, and as the rest of the
company watched, he would administer beatings until fully healed.
Equipped Abilities: Wielder immune to charm and domination spells
Special Abilities: Each hit heals the wielder of 1 hit-point damage
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1d8 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Blackrazor, Long Sword +3
This sword radiates evil like a sour odor, and the owner never knows if
he wields the weapon, or if it wields him. In addition to its combat
abilities, Blackrazor slowly regenerates its owner with the drained
strength of opponents.
Equipped Ability:
Regeneration: 1 hp every 5 seconds
Immunity to Charm and Fear
With every hit it has a 15% chance of draining 4 levels, healing the
wielder by 20 hit points, and hasting him for 20 seconds as well as
increasing his strength by 3 points for 20 seconds.
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Blade of Roses +3
Blade of Roses, Long Sword +3
This blade possesses an unearthly splendor, and it is likely that Sune,
the goddess of beauty and passion, had a hand in its creation. The
effect it has on the wielder is immediate, and more than once in its
history has this sword has been the secret behind a lackluster soldier's
sudden elevation at court.
Equipped Abilities:
Charisma: +2 bonus
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Sunblade: Daystar
Whether created specifically for use in the service of Torm or
appropriated at some point in the long history of the church, Paladins
of the Loyal Fury have made good use of Daystar in their battles against
evil undead. Through magic or blessing it is empowered with the Sunray,
a force of pure life energy so potent that it slays both living and
Special Abilities (once per day):
Damage: 3D6 (save vs. spells or be blinded for 10 rounds)
Undead: an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of caster (save
vs. spells or be destroyed)
Range: 20 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
THACO: +2 bonus, +4 vs. evil creatures
Damage: 1D8 +2, +4 vs. evil creatures, does double damage against
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Long sword +2: Dragonslayer (Peridan)
Few dare to create such items as this, for who does not fear the wrath
of dragons, and what action would more tempt their reckoning? Yet, at a
time lost in Faerun's past, there was a need, and this sword was forged
in answer. Tempered by a wizard's skill, this blade protects the
wielder from the fear they should rightly feel while staring down a
dragon's maw. It also bolsters with regeneration, dispels the trickery
of illusions, and dares to do double damage against the greatest
creatures of the Realms.
Equipped Abilities:
Immunity to Fear
Regenerate 1 hit point every 10 rounds
Special Abilities (once per day):Invisible
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +2, double damage against dragons
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Drow Longsword +3
Drow Longsword +3
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords,
or military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged
blade. Most long swords have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at
the tip. Despite the tip, the long sword is designed for slashing, not
This item, like most drow equiptment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

The Equalizer
Long Sword: The Equalizer
Such is the age of this sword that its true origin has been lost to
time, but markings hint that it was possibly forged in the service of
Helm. Also called the "Sword of Neutrality", it seems designed to seek
and terminate extremes, to shift the universe closer to harmonious
equilibrium. The further the behavior of a target from true balance,
the more potent the damage they suffer.
Always considered +3 when determining what it can hit.
THACO & Damage:
vs True Neutral: +0 to hit, +0 damage
vs Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral +1 to hit, +2 damage
vs Neutral Good, Neutral Evil: +2 to hit, +4 damage
vs other alignments: +3 to hit, +6 damage
Damage type: slashing
Equipped Abilities:
Immune to Charm and Confusion
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Long Sword
These swords are usually referred to as double-edged swords, war swords,
or military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged
blade. There is no single version of the long sword; the design and
length vary from culture to culture, and may vary within the same
culture depending on the era. Among the most common characteristics of
all long swords is their length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47
inches. In the latter case, the blade is known to take up 40 inches of
the total length. Most long swords have a double-edged blade and a
sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the long sword is designed for
slashing, not thrusting.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Long Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Namarra +2
Namarra, Long Sword +2
Also known as the Neversleep, this ancient blade is thought to have been
present at some of the most influential conflicts in Faerun's history.
Sightings have been noted as far north as Thay and as south as the
jungles of Chult, though documentation is oddly lacking regarding
details. It is perhaps a result of the sword's ability to silence all
sound within a large radius, removing the effectiveness of attacking
mages but also preventing any discussion that might have followed.
Special Abilities: Casts Silence 15' Radius three times a day
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +4type: slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Long sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

The Ogre's Sword
An ogre with a woman's voice has asked for this sword, claiming that it
will break the illusion cast over her.

Ardulia's Fall +1
Mace +1: Ardulia's Fall
Ardulia the Agile was a man whose speed and skill at knife play made him
exceptionally lethal in battle, and he repeatedly proved it by leading
raids on settlements along the Sword Coast. He would often challenge
the village leader for possession of the town, and with his speed, the
duels were always quickly decided in his favor. Ardulia met his match
one spring morn however, when he battled the priest Itgan, who wielded
this mace. Ardulia seemed to stagger under each blow, slowing his pace
to recoup and regain his breath. Without his speed, Ardulia was lost,
and fell to the measured attacks of Itgan.
Combat Ability: A creature hit by this mace must make a saving throw
vs. spells at +3 or be slowed for 12 seconds
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Jerrod's Mace
Jerrod's Mace
This was the favored weapon of the priest of Tempus named Jerrod.
Jerrod sacrificed his life to save the town of Easthaven from the
powerful demon known as Balhifet.
THACO: +2 bonus, +5 vs. demons
Damage: 1D6 +3, +5 vs. demons
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more
than a wooden shaft with a stone or iron head mounted on the end. The
head design varies; some being spiked, others flanged, and still others
have pyramidal knobs.
Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Mace of Disruption +1
Mace of Disruption +1
This heavy mace was created for a very specific purpose: to slay
undead. Any such creatures hit by it not only feels the sting of the
weapon, but also has a chance of being simply blasted from existence.
There are legends that speak of a priest so holy a single glancing touch
could send a vampire to oblivion, but whether the weapon empowered her
or she empowered it is a topic of theologians.
Combat Abilities: 2-12 +4 damage to Undead, plus they must make a
saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Skullcrusher +3
Mace +3: Skullcrusher
This mace is permanently bloodstained; a telltale trace of its many
years spent bashing heads. The weapon would have been the bane of
humanoids throughout history, but those that wielded it seem to have
been purposely left out of historic record.
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4, +2 extra damage to humanoid creatures
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Medium Shields
Dragon Scale Shield +2
Another powerful item created by the warlock Wormsor, this shield
consists of red dragon skin stretched over a steel frame. Green and
white dragon scales adorn the red background in a pattern that, when
looked in the right way, reveals the face of an ancient dragon.
Abilities: Sets fire, cold and electrical resistance to 25%
Armor Class Bonus: 3
Weight: 5
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Drow Shield +3
Drow Shield +3
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike
the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using
his shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield.
Medium shields are usually made of metal, range from 3'-4' in diameter,
and can be of any shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's
wings. A typical medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point
facing downward.
This item, like most drow equipment, is created using Adamantine, an
alloy of adamantite that quickly turns to dust if removed from the
Armor Class Bonus: 4
Weight: 7
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Medium Shield +1
A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike
the small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using
his shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield.
This penalty is offset by the fact that this shield is magical, granting
an additional +1 protection to its wearer.
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Weight: 6
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Saving Grace +3
Once a very powerful shield used by the clerics of Bane, most of the
enchantments fled with their god's demise. The basic magical protection
of still remains, making it useful for any adventurer.
Armor Class Bonus: 4
Weight: 5
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Shield of Balduran
Shield of Balduran +3
This shield was worn by the hero Balduran. It is part of a set of
weapons and armor that was stolen from the museum in the city of
Baldur's Gate.
Equipped Abilities:
Reflects beholder rays
-1 Penalty to Strength
Armor Class Bonus: 4
Weight: 5
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

*Note: ????? stands for the Main Character's name.*
*Note: @@@ stands for him/her, based on the Main Character's sex.*

Abazigal's Wardstone
As long as the geas has been lifted, this wardstone, from Abazigal's
green guardian dragon, should allow you to pass by the protective magics
guarding the entrance to Abazigal's personal lair.

These are the dryads' magical acorns that you obtained off of the
duergar leader, Illyich.

Adamantine Dust
This is a pile of Adamantine dust, most likely the end result of
exposing a Drow item to the light of day.

Air Elemental Statue
This statuette depicts the swirling form of an air elemental.

Ammo Belt
This shoulder belt is ideally suited for holding sling bullets, darts,
arrows or bolts.

Air Scepter
This golden scepter key from the elemental room of air is inlaid with
amber and yellow gems. It will open the South door of the Air chamber
and the North door of the Poison chamber.

Amuana's Bones
These are the bones of the child-prophetess Amuana. The bones have been
defiled and gnawed-upon by the shadow wolves.

Anarg's Cup
The golden finish of this large goblet shines brightly as you turn the
cup over in your hands. The cold metal bears a simple inscription,
'Anarg the Fearless'. The cup had been presented to him for faithful
service to the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. It is a badge of
honor for Anarg and losing it was a blow to his pride, only serving to
further fuel his anger over losing his paladin status.

Ankheg Shell
The Ankheg is a burrowing insect-like creature between 10 and 20 feet
long, found mainly in forests or choice agricultural land. They are
covered with plates or shells made out of a substance called chitin
which is extremely tough and very light. The size, weight and strength
of the shells make them highly sought after in many situations,
including the creation of armor.

Baalor's Claw
This demon's hand pulses with evil power. Though harmless enough in its
present state, there are rumors that the magic of a demon's claw can be
unleashed by combining the appendage with another powerful item of evil.

Bag of Holding
As with other magical bags, this one appears to be a common cloth sack
of about 2 feet by 4 feet size. The bag of holding opens into a
nondimensional space, and its inside is larger than its outside
dimensions. Regardless of what is put into this item, the bag always
weighs a fixed amount.

Bag of Plenty +2
The money and resources you invested in the Bag of Plenty have resulted
in an item of even greater magical properties.
Unlimited +2 sling bullets

Beating Heart
Inside a small chest covered with rubies you discover a human heart that
is, somehow, still beating and glistening wetly. How the organ is kept
alive in such a manner you do not know.

Beholder Eye
This is the central eye obtained from the beholder of the Twisted Rune.

This bell is rusted and tarnished, though it still makes a sound when

Black Spider Figurine
Black Spider
This black spider figurine fits in the palm of your hand. When the
command word is spoken the figurine comes to life as a semi-intelligent
spider called Kitthix. The spider will obey its master's commands for
the duration of the spell or until slain. After five minutes,
regardless of whether the spider lived or died, the figurine returns.
It takes a day to recharge the figurine.
Special Abilities: Summons a huge spider for five minutes, once each
day. The spider can Phase during combat. Kitthix can also use it's Web
Tangle ability, which sprays a stream of webbing at one target. If the
target fails its save, it will be held by the webbing for 2 rounds.
Kitthix's melee attack is poisonous.

Blade of the Equalizer
A Piece of the Equalizer
This is a part of the Equalizer, a great long sword forged long ago as a
tool for balancing the powers of the universe. Also known as the 'sword
of neutrality', it did greater damage the further the target's alignment
was from True Neutral. The Equalizer was last rumored to have been
wielded by the elven hero Alaine Greenleaf, who was lost during a voyage
to the Underdark. Other rumors have, however, proposed that the blade's
pommel gem was stolen by an escaped slave who returned to the surface

Blood of Quallo's Friend
A vial of blood collected from Quallo's pet carrion crawler. You can't
help feeling guilty for having had to kill his true friend.

Blue Oil
With the proper tinder to ignite it, this fuel will make torches burn
with a striking blue flame.

Bodhi's Black Heart
The black withered heart of the vampire Bodhi.

Boo is a fuzzy little hamster. While Minsc believes that Boo is a
miniature giant space hamster, you are rather certain that the tiny
rodent is just a normal hamster.

Bowstring of Gond
Gond Wonderbringer, the God of invention and innovation, created this
enchanted bowstring to improve the accuracy of even the most powerful of
magical bows.

Bronze Pantalettes
The pinnacle of style and the epitome of fashion, those of discerning
taste would rather wear nothing at all than substitute inferior apparel
for the Bronze Pantalettes.

Case of Plenty +2
The money and resources you invested in the Case of Plenty have resulted
in an item of even greater magical properties.
Unlimited +2 Bolts

Chunk of Illithium Alloy
This chunk of alloy was created for you by Jerlia the Ore Merchant. You
hope that it will do in the stead of real ore which is nearly impossible
to obtain. Jerlia assures you that Sir Sarles will not tell the
difference. As to the alloy itself, it has an... interesting shape that
looks vaguely like something though you can't put your finger on what
that something might be.

Circlet of Netheril
Combined with the Bronze Ioun Stone, the Circlet of Netheril is a great
boon to any practitioner of the arcane arts. Of Course, something so
valuable is likely to attract unwanted attention from rival mages...
+10 to maximum Hit Points
Memorize one additional 7th and 8th level spell
Usable By:

This is a pile of coal.

Contact's Note
You have been given all the funds necessary for your duties, so you are
to act without hesitation. The coin we have offered to the grave keeper
should be more than sufficient to keep him out of the crypts. Funds
must also be offered to keep the city exterminators from hunting the
spiders. If they find that blasted Pai'Na and her pets, they cannot
help but find us as well. See to these instructions with all haste.

Control Circlet
A circlet of alien metal that dominates even the most powerful of minds
and leaves them defenceless. Perhaps this item could be used to control
a mind flayer and make him help you escape from this hellish prison.

Crom Faeyr Scroll
This yellowed sheet of parchment describes the process used by the
ancient dwarven smith Silverblade to forge the original Hammer of
Thunderbolts, as well as the means by which he intended to continue to
shape the weapon into its ultimate form. By the combining of the Hammer
of Thunderbolts, Gauntlets of Ogre Power and a Girdle of Frost Giant
Strength... and using the power of the hammer's true name "Crom
Faeyr"... an ultimate weapon of destruction could still be completed
using this scroll.

Dawn's Light Symbol
A holy symbol is a physical representation of a god's power. This
symbol depicts a stylized sun rise. This piece seems to be one third of
a circle. If you find the other two pieces you will have the complete

Deirex's Gem
These are the gems in which the lick Deirex stores imprisoned souls of
his enemies.

Demon Heart
No one said that demon hearts were supposed to be pretty, but you
certainly weren't expecting this mushy, fleshy bag of vileness. Heavy
and wet, the organ still beats, and even stuffed away with your
belongings you hear the dreadful thub-dub. Every now and then you must
check to make sure it has not bounced free of your pack.

De'Tranion's Baalor Ale
De'Tranion's Baalor Ale, brewed with pimentos for that extra little

Djinni Painting
An oil painting of a djinn. The work is amateurish at best.

Dog Bones
A collection of bones that once made up the skeleton of a dog. They
have been gnawed upon by something large.

Dog Meat
A bloody piece of dog meat.

Dog Stew
Poor Rex, Sparky, Rover and Spot gave their lives so that this stew
might be made. You've heard that dog meat is a favorite food of umber

Draconis' Head
The latent magic lingering within this grisly trophy grants you the
power to enter Abazigal's underground realm.

Dragon Eggs
These are the eggs of the silver dragon, Adalon. They were stolen by
the drow for some evil purpose.

Drow Wardstone
You have seen enough rune covered rocks to know that the fist sized
stone recovered from the lich will protect you against powerful spells
of warding.

Edwin's Documents
These documents were obtained from a merchant called Marcus at the
request of Edwin. Edwin has made it clear that the contents are none of
your business.

Elder Brain Blood
This is the blood of an Elder Brain. Squishy brain matter floats in the
dark bloody substance.

Elven Priest Stone
This a Holy Stone used by priests of the Elven god Rillifane. A piece
of ritual is written on the back:
From Corellan, all began. Rillifane grew
From the branches of Rillifane the Water flowed,
Granting life to the Tree
Suldanesselar owes all to the Tree.

Energy Cells
These are the cells that powered Rielev's life support unit. They would
most likely work for other units as well.

Exotic Hide
This leather is thick and coarse, unlike even the heaviest hide from a
cow or another domesticated animal. The creature this came off of must
be exotic indeed.

Eyestalk of an Elder Orb
This eyestalk is from an Elder Orb who was none too willing to give it

Fake Dragon Eggs (Phaere's)
These are the false dragon eggs given to you by Phaere.

Fake Dragon Eggs (Solaufein)
These are the false dragon eggs given to you by Solaufein.

Fake Rebel's Heart
This is a fresh sahuagin heart. With luck, the king will accept it as
that of the prince.

This is your familiar, a pseudo-dragon, currently curled up and safe
within your backpack. The lizard-like creature is quite intelligent and
fairly well-armored and quick... its does not do much damage in combat,
but its magical claws are able to render some enemies unconscious. It
is also quite resistant to magical spells. It can also cast blur.
Armor Class: -2
Hit Points: 24
Magic Resistance: 50%
Special Abilities: 2 attacks per round at THACO: 13 for 1-3 damage.
Save or be rendered unconscious for 120 seconds. It can also cast blur.

Fflar's Scabbard
This scabbard is the companion to Fflar's enchanted blade Foebane, and
like the sword was rumored to have been lost when Myth Drannor fell.

First journal of Jon Irenicus
No doubt these texts will prove to be an embarassing legacy, but I must
order my thoughts herein, lest they spill from my accursed mind.
Spellhold is in my control. Once recovered from my torpor I made short
work of what defenses there were. Coordinator Wanev conveniently
removed himself, suffering a peculiar reaction to a spell of mine. I
forget what it was; perhaps something I heard in the temples of
Suldanessellar... does it even matter now?
My condition grows worse, and what I remember of my 'home' is fleeting.
I see images of family whose names I cannot recall, and dream of
emotions I no longer feel vividly. On occasion I sense nature as if she
is my mother, as though never removed from her bosom, but such moments
are few. I bear the hallmarks of senility with the rage and power of a
young elf to lament it.
Bodhi endured the curse much better than I do now, but she was more
focused and, mor importantly, undead. She is now thoroughly seduced by
her vampiric condition, despite its previous failure to counteract the
death sentence she was under. She had embraced her mortality, excited
by the urgency of it, but now she is confused. Imoen's soul has
restored her, but her motives remain transparent, even simplistic. She
revels in her carnal nature, even as the elf within despises the
creature she has become.
I would pity my 'sister' if I was capable, but emotions come to me only
in violent outbursts. Ellesime has taken my ability to truly feel, and
I am left with the threadbare heart of a human, or some other short-
lived vermin. I will not suffer this much longer.
Spellhold has met my needs quite well. They had made a practice of
experimenting on inmates here for quite some time, though in a barbaric
fashion. I refined their instruments, and have finished preparing the
necessary rituals. I am quite through with Imoen, though she can still
serve as bait. I am certain ????? will make an appearance sooner or
Bodhi has delivered more assassins than I had asked for. I disposed of
some in advance, but it seems such a waste. I think she has done this
on purpose, as she has taken to releasing the extras in the maze below
and hunting at her leisure. I marvel at her hunger, and how she seems
so *alive* in her undeath. Perhaps it is the soul of Imoen. Soon I
shall see for myself. ????? had best hurry.

Flail Head (Acid)
This is one of three flail heads belonging to Lord Arnise. Not all
three heads are required to assemble the flail.

Flail Head (Cold)
This is one of three flail heads belonging to Lord Arnise. Not all
three heads are required to assemble the flail.

Flail Head (Fire)
This is one of three flail heads belonging to Lord Arnise. Not all
three heads are required to assemble the flail.

The Gagged Man
A clay figurine depicting a bound and gagged humanoid.

Galvena's Medallion
This is one of the medallions worn by the employees of Galvena's
Festhall. It is used for identification.

Gem bag
This small bag is ideally suited for holding gems.

The Genie's Flask
This flask is an exact replica of Malaaq's flask

Gesen Bow Shaft
Part of the Gesen Bow
This is one part of the Gesen Bow, a powerful short bow created by Gesen
Khan... and used on its own creator when it was stolen by the Shadow
Thieves. Legend relates that the bow fires bolts of lighting instead of
arrows, and it has been highly sought in the past by Shadow Thieves for
used by their assassins and by Cowled Wizards for study.

Gesen Bow String
Part of the Gesen Bow
This is one part of the Gesen Bow, a powerful short bow created by Gesen
Khan... and used on its own creator when it was stolen by the Shadow
Thieves. Legend relates that the bow fires bolts of lightning instead
of arrows, and it has been highly sought in the past by the Shadow
Thieves for use by their assassins and by Cowled Wizards for study.

Giant Troll's Head
After slaying the troll, you've obtained his decapitated head.

Gilded Rope
A length of smooth golden rope, braided into a miniature pair of
shackles. Visaj said that the rope would protect you from the effects
of the lich Deirex's magic.

Glasses of Identification
Glasses of Identification
Wearing these glasses allows the user to see magical items as they truly
are. The proper instructions to activate the object appear like
floating words before the wearer of these glasses. The glasses may be
used three times per day. The glasses act much like a scroll of
identify, in that to identify an item you right-click on that item. A
menu will appear and from here you choose the 'scroll' option. The item
will now be identified.

Golden Arm and Leg
The leg and arm bones of a skeleton made of solid gold. An unmistakable
sense of evil pollutes the very air around the bones.

Golden Circlet
A simple golden circlet.

Golden Goblet of Life
An intricate gilded cup. This is one of the crown jewels of Ellesime,
the Queen of Suldanessellar. The Goblet is a powerful symbol of the
Elven people.

Golden Torso
A skeletal torso made of pure gold. A palpable sense of evil pollutes
the very air around the bones.

Golem Arm
This is a long, iron arm. It is useless without a body.

Golem Head
This is a humanoid head made of darkened iron.

Good Berry
Created by the Goodberry spell, these simple looking blueberries will
heal one point of damage for each handfull of berries eaten.

Grinning Skull
A humanoid skull.

Guril Berries
These are one of the two types of berries that you have obtained from
Bel Dalemark. Rose Bouquet has said that the berries smell something
like a man who may be the murderer that stalks the Bridge District. She
would like to smell them again to be sure.

Hammer Wardstone
This stone is incredibly hot to the touch and must be handled carefully.
It has an etching on its surface which shows some kind of hammer. What
else the stone might be used for is unknown.

This is a desiccated hand that you found in the sewers. Despite the
moisture the flesh has not rotted away.

The Hand of Dace
This is the hand that you've obtained from the dead vampire, Dace.

Harp of Discord
Harp of Discord
Even the most talented bard cannot get this harp to play in tune. Each
stroke of the harp's strings results in a harsh, off-key note. If the
bard attempts to play a proper ballad upon the harp, its magical effects
are released. All creatures, other than the bard and his/her party must
make a saving throw vs. spells or be confused for thirty seconds.
Special Abilities: 3 times a day can cause confusion to all creatures
within listening range (save vs. spells to avoid the confusion). The
bard and fellow party members are not affected by the confusion.
Usable By

Harp of Pandemonium
Ravel's Harp of Pandemonium
Ravel was a powerful night hag that lived in the city of Sigil. Somehow
she angered the Lady of Pain, a powerful godlike figure that rules the
city of Sigil. The Lady of Pain imprisoned Ravel within a magical maze,
where the night hag would be trapped for all time. The harp was one of
the many artifacts that Ravelleft behind in Sigil when she was
Special Abilities: 3 times a day can cause Pandemonium: all enemies
must make a saving throw vs. spells or be tossed away from the bard as
well as confused for three rounds.
Usable By

Harper Bird
From what the Spectral Harpists have said, you gather that this bird was
once poor Montaron. This would be what Xzar is looking for.

Heart of the Damned
The Heart of the Damned is an ancient dried human heart. It takes its
name from the legend of the man that it came from. Legend has it that
during a war, the cause of which has long been forgotten, a keep was
beseiged. The Lord of the keep knew that his walls would soon be
overrun and, rather than have his people enslaved, he slew them all.
When the besiegers next attacked, they found the Lord standing amongst
the slain.
The Lord was burned at the stake and the legends say that his heart
would not burn. The Heart is an artifact of significant malevolent
power and may be of some use.

Helm's Scroll
The Ritual Scroll you received from the apparition of the Vigil Knight
closely resembles the scroll originally given to you by Odren - though
this one tingles with greater power.

Hilt of the Equalizer
A Piece of the Equalizer
This is a part of the Equalizer, a great long sword forged long ago as a
tool for balancing the powers of the universe. Also known as the 'sword
of neutrality', it did greater damage the further the target's alignment
was from True Neutral. The Equalizer was last rumored to have been
wielded by the elven hero Alaine Greenleaf, who was lost during a voyage
to the Underdark. Other rumors have, however, proposed that the the
blade's pommel gem was stolen by an escaped slave who returned to the
surface world.

Hindo's Hand
The fact that someone bothered to preserve the mummified appendage of
the mighty Kara-Tur warrior is a testament to his legendary might.

Holy Symbol of Lathander
Only those most worthy and devoted servants of the Dawnbringer are
granted these powerful holy symbols.
Grants an additional 6th and 7th level spell.
5% Magic Resistance while worn
+1 to Strength while worn
Usuable By:
Good Clerics

Despite a strong dweomer of magic, this ornate animal horn has no
apparent use.

Horn of Blasting
Horn of Blasting
While many army engineers spent their time perfecting siege equipment,
Julius Baggar delved into magical tomes for his engineering insights.
Therein he found ancient scriptures that detailed how to make, control,
and wield sound waves. The Horn of Blasting was his first and only
attempt at taking the theoretical magical knowledge to create a
practical new technology. An apprentice blew through the Horn, aimed in
the direction of Julius who insisted on a 'useful experiment'. The
resulting shockwave that emanated from the Horn first stunned and then
tore poor Julius apart.
Special Abilities (once per day): Sonic wave, everyone in area takes 2-
20 hit points damage and are stunned for two rounds (save vs.
paralyzation for half and to avoid being stunned)

This instrument, made of two bulbs of glass joined by a narrow passage,
tells time with a portion of sand that falls between the two bulbs.
Hour glasses are a common time telling device throughout the Realms.

Human Flesh
This is a tunic made from the badly sewn together flesh that you took
from the Tanner's house in the Bridge District. If completed it may
make seviceable armor, albeit only the most evil of humans could wear
such a vile item.

Ice Scepter
This silver scepter key from the elemental room of ice is inlaid with
white diamonds. It will open the North door of the Ice chamber and the
South door of the Fire Chamber.

Ihtafeer's head
This is the head of the rakshasa, Ihtafeer.

Illithid Correspondence
This note has sections written in several languages, some so alien as to
be painful to look at.
A small section written in common reads as follows:
'The base is established and the infiltration continues. The Hidden
gathers followers and soon we shall dominate the minds of the entire...'
The message continues in one of the more alien scripts. The illithids
are up to somethings, as is typical of the race, but your being here has
most likely disrupted their plans.

Illithid Serum
This is a heavy, metallic liquid that rolls into beads when spilled out
onto the palm of your hand. Whenever the flask containing the oil is
opened a sickly, rotten-egg smell almost overwhelms you. While
disgusting, the odor alone serves to heighten your senses.

Inspector's Body
It's somewhat difficult to tell but you suspect that this is the body of
Inspector Aegisfield. It looks as if the tanner caught him off guard
when the inspector entered the house to investigate your findings.

Jae'llat Wardstone
This is the wardstone that will allow you access to the House Jae'llat.
Without the stone, the wards make the place impenetrable.

Jar of Water
A plain glass jar filled with crystal clear water.

Kuo-Toan's Blood
This is the blood of the Kuo-Toan prince.

Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard
This is the crystal shard obtained from the avatar of Kurtulmak's whose
essence was trapped within a large crystal. The kobolds seemed to
worship it.

The Rhynn Lanthorn is an artifact from ruined Myth Rhynn. It was highly
prized by the city's rulers as it shone through all falsehoods and
illusions. The device, with the lenses in place, can dispel the
illusions that hide Suldanessellar.

Lazarus' Spellbook
This heavily warded spellbook belongs to Lazarus Librarus. He would
probably like to have it back.

Letter of Transfer
This is a letter given to you by Renal Bloodscalp. It will gain access
to Mae'Var's guildhouse so that you may infiltrate his guild and find
proof of his treachery.

Lich's Tooth
This is a tooth from the drow lich Deirex. The tooth acts as a key for
many of the lich's doors. It will also open his treasure vault at the
top of his tower.

Light Gem
This is the Light Gem obtained from the svirfneblin king. The light
that it brings forth seems powerful enough to dispel any darkness.

Lightstone Symbol
A holy symbol is a physical representation of a god's power. This
symbol depicts a lightstone on a pedestal. The rays from the lightstone
destroy creatures of shadow. This piece seems to be one third of a
circle. If you find the other two pieces you will have the complete

Littleman The Stuffed Bear
This is a simpe stuffed children's bear. It depicts the mischevious
Littleman from halfing legend.

Mae'Var's Letter
A letter from Mae'Var to the Night Knives assassins requesting the death
of Renal Bloodscalp. This is just the kind of proof that Renal

Magical Rope
This enchanted rope allows the user to descend or ascend any height. It
will stretch to any length and still maintain its strength. It can be
used to descend into the Underdark through the hole that the sahuagin

Mantle of Waukeen
A golden circlet found within the sealed tomb in Trademeet's cemetary.
The circlet is tarnished with age but one can still make out Waukeen's
symbol on the circlet.

Mastery Orb
If one only knew how to use it, this mastery orb would give power over
any who wear a thrall collar. As it is, the only thing that you could
do would be to find some way to destroy the orb and free the thralls.

Mimic's Blood
The blood of a mimic which you have killed. Mimic's blood is often used
in the creation of golems.

Mind Flayer Painting
An oil painting of a mind flayer. The work is amateurish at best.

Minotaur Horn
This is the stone horn of a minotaur statue.

A simple gilt hand mirror.

Mithril Token
This is a small mithril disk with jagged edges. There is nothing on the
disk that hints at its use.

A powerful Moonblade, this weapon has become one of the most basic
symbols of Suldanessellar. It is truly ancient, and said to have been
wielded by the founder of long ruined Myth Rhynn. It can be used only
by its 'chosen', a citizen of the city that has proven their worth in a
series of mysterious tests unknown to any outsider.

Morn Ritual
This scroll is a tutorial for the morning prayer ritual of a follower of
the Sund God Amaunator.
Know, my childen, that when the holy rays strike the earth and dawn
flows across the land like music, thou must offer the Morn Ritual that
is pleasing to mine eyes and ears. Malign the Ritual at thy peril.
Perform it only as I have written.
(The first part of the ritual is smudged out. Perhaps you could deduce
the action if you had the scrolls for the noon and evening rituals.)
2) Hold the Holy Tome up to the Sun and my power shall bless it.
3) Reflect as thou perceive the victory of Light over the Dark.
These are things that please me.

Noontide Ritual
This scroll is a tutorial for the noon prayer ritual of a follower of
the Sun God Amaunator.
Know, my children, that when the Sun displays the Marvel of my Work and
rides high in the firmament above, thou must offer the Noontide Ritual
which is pleasing to mine eyes and ears. Malign the Ritual at thy
peril. Perform it only as I have written.
1) Let thy voices sound the glorious songs of thy Lord.
(The second part of the ritual has been inked out by the blackest of
inks. Perhaps you could deduce the action by comparing this scroll with
the rituals for morning and night.)
3) Rejoice on the Glory of the Light as it reigns over the Dark.
These are the things that please me.

The Shadow Thieves weaken day by day, and cannot even protect their own
members form the night they claim to know so well. What do your guild
dues pay for, besides the opulence of the Shadow Council? Join with us
and receive what you know you are worth. We meet when the night is half
past. You know the place.

This is a plain note written in a delicate script. It reads:
Do not concern yourself with the thief. If he has accomplices, they
will show themselves soon. As for the thief, himself... the spectral
harpists will release him for his curse once they feel he has learned
his lesson. And if he doesn't, well, we can always hope he acquires a
taste for bird seed, eh?

A note from Mazzy Fentan
We travel this day to search out the wolf lair. My own scouting of the
region has confirmed Merella's suspicions that there is a large pack of
wolves acting in this area. On the map included I have indicated where
I believe the wolf den to be located. Follow us if you can, but be
cautious. We can ill-afford another mysterious disappearance. Until we
meet again.
(on the same sheet is drawn a crude but effective map which indicates
the path to a forested area several hours north of the Imnesvale

Oak Bark
This is a wide piece of oak bark. Bel Dalemark has mentioned that oak
bark is used to make tannin, a necessary ingredient in the tanning of
animal hides.

Old Slippers
It is a miracle that this moldy, misshapen footwear has not already
dissolved into a pile of rancid dust.

Opal Stone
This stone has a certain energy about it. It may come in useful
although, at this point, you aren't sure where.

This is a small and fairly unremarkable silver pendant in the shape of a
miniature sword, hanging on a delicate chain and meant to be worn around
the neck and next to the skin.

Piece of Burial Mask
At first look this seems to be just a shattered piece of pottery.
Closer examination reveals that this is a single piece of King Strohm
the third's burial mask. With all of the pieces it would be possible to
reconstruct the mask. What good this would do, you do not know.

Piece of Red Cloth
This is a piece of red cloth that Tirdir claimed to have torn off of his
captor's clothing. Perhaps you should keep watch for a man in red as
you move through the city.

This is a dark and delicately-crafted meerschaum pipe used for smoking
particular roots and odorous plants. It appears to have been carved
from felsul root, itself, and smells faintly of brimstone and cinnamon.

Pirate Horn
This horn can be blown to signal the harbor guards. They will open the
sea gates to allow a ship through. Without the horn, a ship would never
leave the harbor.

Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer
A Piece of the Equalizer
This is a part of the Equalizer, a great long sword forged long ago as a
tool for balancing the powers of the universe. Also known as the 'sword
of neutrality', it did greater damage the further the target's alignment
was from True Neutral. The Equalizer was last rumored to have been
wielded by the elven hero Alaine Greenleaf, who was lost during a voyage
to the Underdark. Other rumors have, however, proposed that the blade's
pommel gem was stolen by an escaped slave who returned to the surface

Portal Gem
A portal gem is used to open up portals between the planes. Few know
how to use these gems and they are said to occasionally have undesirable
side effects. This particular gem was found on an altar in the house of

Potion Case
Typically carried by travelling healers, this leather case folds open
and allows the user to strap delicate potion bottles to its cushioned
side with numerous leather thongs for safe storage during travel.
Weight: 5

Quiver of Plenty +1
The history of this magical quiver has long been forgotten, though it
likely had something to do with the inexplicable but well documented
shortage of competent fletchers during the Time of Troubles.
Unlimited +1 Arrows

Ransom Note
We will honor your demands in exchange for the release of the Lady
Elgea. As per your request, I will meet you in front of the Copper
Coronet after nightfall and I will bring the ransom.

Rebel's Orb
This Orb was given to you by the sahuagin Royal High Priestess. You can
gain an audience with the Rebel Prince if you take the Orb to their

Red Dragon Scales
There are a large number of scales salvaged from the red dragon. Legend
has it they can be magically forged into powerful armor.

Renfeld's Body
Renfeld asked that you take him or his remains to a man named Rylock in
the Docks District.

Reversal Scroll
Reversal Scroll
This scroll may be able to reverse the geas on Abazigal's guardian

Rift Device
After having used the Rift Device, it cannot be used again due to the
curse put upon it. The Avatar who gave it to you asked that you return
it to him when you have used it to help defeat the Unseeing Eye.

Rift Device
The mysterious Rift Device. This rod is said to be so destructive that
it was cursed by the gods and buried deep within the Earth. The ancient
god Amaunator and his worshippers were charged with the task of guarding
it. Amaunator's fading Avatar has allowed you to use it with the
expressed purpose of destroying the Unseeing Eye. The Avatar asked that
you return it when your task is done, as it would be exceptionally
dangerous to bring this device above ground.

Rift Device Part
This is the first part of the Rift Device rod. This section of the rod
is highly coveted by the Unseeing Eye.

Ritual Scroll
This is the scroll provided by the Knights of the Vigil to reinforce the
seals keeping the Imprisoned One in the dungeon.

Ruby Stone
This stone has a certain energy about it. It may come in useful
although, at this point, you aren't sure where.

Rune of Imprisonment
This rune has had a special enchantment placed upon it, allowing a mage
to cast a very special version of the Imprisonment spell. This item is
specifically attuned to Lord Ketlaar Argrim, and will function against
him and him alone.

Sapphire Stone
This stone has a certain energy about it. It may come in useful
although, at this point, you aren't sure where.

Scepter of Radiance
With the gems restored, you can understand how this magnificent treasure
earned its grand moniker. Each gem glows with its own inner brilliance,
bathing the completed scepter in a luminous rainbow.

Scroll Case
This sturdy container allows dozens of scrolls to be placed in it, safe
from exposure to fire, rain, or lighning -- common hazards faced by any
adventuring wizards.

Second journal of Jon Irenicus
Victory! I am restored! ????? has given exactly what I needed, exactly
as I demanded, and now I see where Bodhi has found such fire! I feel
the essence of the gods within me! Damn Ellesime's curse for the weak
minded spell that it was; now I am free. ????? did not make proper use
of the heritage given @@@.
Now comes the time of retribution. I will not allow such a crime to go
unpunished. The audacity of Ellesime, claiming my punishment was just,
and the hypocrisy of 'my' people, accepting such an act while decrying
mine. I will not let this rest. I will take what I intended, and those
that would stand before me will fall as they should. Today is a much
better day. I will act at my leisure.

Sekolah's Tooth
Only this gigantic shark tooth, said to have been left by the sahuagin
god Sekolah, can open the way to the Rebel Prince's base.

Shadow Dragons Scales
These heavy scales glisten under the light and are warm to the touch.
There are a significant number of them salvaged from the corpse of the
shadow dragon... perhaps they might be useful in the formation of some
kind of shield or armor.

Shadow Dragon Wardstone
This wardstone is a virtual area of darkness, and seems to suck the very
light from space around it. The shape of the stone is hard to discern,
cloaked in shadow as it is.

Silver Blade
Part of a Silver Sword
This is a piece of a Silver Sword, a vorpal two-handed sword used by the
githyanki and considered holy by them. It is magically sharp and can
sever limbs and heads with ease. If the whole weapon could be found, it
could be magically re-forged.

Silver Hilt
Part of a Silver Sword
This is a piece of a Silver Sword, a vorpal two-handed sword used by the
githyanki and considered holy by them. It is magically sharp and can
sever limbs and heads with ease. If the whole weapon could be found, it
could be magically re-forged.

Silver Horn of Valhalla
Silver Horn of Valhalla
In the halls of Valhalla rest the most valiant warriors. Their service
to war during their lives has rewarded them with honored positions in
Valhalla. As part of their service these warriors must offer their
service to any who blow a horn of Valhalla. This horn will summon forth
a fifth level berserk warrior who will fight for the summoner for one
minute. The horn may be used once per day.

This skull is chipped and scratched; its surface scored with numerous
tooth marks.

Skull Wardstone
This stone is incredibly hot to the touch and must be handled carefully.
It has an etching on it which appears to depict a skull. What else the
stone might be used for is unknown.

Slime Scepter
This aquamarine scepter key from the elemental room of slime is inlaid
with emeralds and turquoise gems. It will open the East door of the Ice

Solik Berries
These are one of the two types of berries that you have obtained from
Bel Dalemark. Rose Bouquet has said that the berries smell something
like a man who may be the murderer that stalks the Bridge District. She
would like to smell them again to be sure.

Stone Golem Page
This page appears to be torn from a larger work. Although incomplete,
it seems to describe how to summon a golem made of stone.

Stone Harp
An elegantly carved stone harp. The harp appears to have been part of a
larger carving but has obviously been torn away from it.

Stone Horn
An elegantly carved stone horn. The horn appears to have been part of a
larger carving but has obviously been torn away from it.

Stoneshape Scroll
This scroll -- given to you by the svifneblin king -- gives you the
ability to shape stone. The scroll is specifically attuned to the
recent earthworks of the gnomes that broke through into the prison of
the beast that threatens the town. Use this scroll to reseal the hole.

Sun Medallion
This medallion is a stylized rendition of a sun.

Sun Ray Symbol
A holy symbol is a physical representation of a god's power. This
symbol depicts a worshipper raising his hands to the sky. A beam of
light envelops the worshipper. This piece seems to be one third of a
circle. If you find the other two pieces you will have the complete

This is a rough cut stone sundial that fits in the palm of your hand.

Sword Medallion
A miniature broadsword on a chain.

Symbol of Amaunator
The three holy symbols connected to form this disc, the Symbol of

Talisman of Rillifane
This is the holy symbol of the Elven god Rillifane.

Tanner's Letter
I am bid to write this by those we serve.
You who carry out the work, I am your humble servant. When at last you
need the final ingredient for the grand project, I shall be the one that
brings it to you. Seek me out in the hills of Umar, and signal your
identity witht he purchase of the book, The History of the Zhentarim.
This will identify you, for I do not know your name, nor should I. The
need for security is paramount, so you must also utter my secret name,
constructed from the name of your immediate master. There will be no
mistake with this method.
Our names are the same in their scale and their cut.
The last of his begins just as the first of mine.
The second of my first is the second of his first, though regressed a
full four steps.
The third of my first is four more than the last of his first.
The entire last of my first is the last of his first, except the first
one of these is the first of my last.
The first of his last is mine plus one.
The next of my last is the last of his first plus one.
The last of my last are third and second, coming in first for him.
I am sorry for such games, but it is certain that only you shall know
this. I await your arrival.

Tattered Parchment
This fragment of an ancient and tattered scroll is inscribed with ornate
calligraphy which reads:
...And the Sacred Book shall be placed open upon the Altar.
Let the consecrated wisdom of the Holy Word bless the Faithful,
Let the Bell ring forth a final time in joyous celebration of His name,
Praised and triumphant to Eternity's end, the ritual complete.

Tattered Parchment
This fragment of an ancient and tattered scroll is inscribed with ornate
calligraphy which reads:
...Let the bell be ring forth a second time, in honor of the Holy One
As His name shall forever ring across the lands.
Let the Ritual Candle be lit, in honor of the Holy One
As His name shall forever be a glowing beacon to the faithful...

Tears of Bhaal
A teardrop shaped gemstone of a deep, oddly unsettling color. The Tear
is one of the keys required to open the Watcher's Door.

Thrall Collar
This collar is used to dominate and enslave any individual who wears it.
The slaves, or thralls, are usually controlled by the bearer of the
Mastery Orb. Once worn, the collar's power cannot be broken except
through the use of a Remove Curse spell or the destruction of the
mastery orb.

The long handle attached to this flint and tinderbox leads you to
believe it was specificially designed for lighting stoves, ovens or
hearth fireplaces.

Tombelthen's Journal (2nd half)
This is half of a page of parchment, yellowing and crumbling with age
and speckled with old stains. The top of the page is torn and jagged,
as if ripped from its other part. Its ink is faded but still legible,
however, and reads:
"--clearing in the south of the area, placed carefully within a standing
column of rock. These columns are common in this area, and this column
is different only in that its clearing is surrounded by a copse of
I intend to send this journal on to my family, so that if I happen not
to make it home, one of them might track down my cache and benefit from
Idras Tombelten"

Tree of Life Nuts
A beautiful glittering fruit taken from the section of the Tree of Life
that grows through the palace. The fruit has a tantalizing smell and
looks ripe enough to eat.

Tree of Life Nuts
A small hardened fruit harvested from a section of the Tree of Life that
grew into the palace. There is no obvious use for the smaller fruits
but they have power and should be kept.

Troll Painting
An oil painting of a troll. The work is amateurish at best.

Umberhulk Painting
An oil painting of an umberhulk. The work is amateurish at best.

Warden's Note
The scroll reads as follows:
'Heed this, inmate!
The true test of madness is the simple measurement of the mind's
precision. The cured shall be rewarded. The afflicted shall wander
without recourse.'

This stone looks as if it has been split in half. There is an
inscription on it:
Two towers to ever guard the tomb,
Two wards to now enter the room.

Wardstone for Asylum
This is the wardstone obtained from Perth the Adept. It should lower
the wards that keep you from entering Spellhold.

Wave Blade
Part of the Wave
This is a piece of the Wave, a powerful halberd created as a weapon of
vengeance by a cult worshipping Umberlee. It apparently draws water out
of its victims, and is able to slay creatures of fire almost instantly.
Tales say the Wave was lost long ago to the fire giants of the Storm
Horn Mountains, but was eventually found by the adventurer Arganon of
the Long Reach. He either lost the weapon to a wager in the planar city
of Sigil, or it rests with his bones when his ship was sunk during a
great storm in the Sea of Swords. No one knows for sure.

Wave Shaft
Part of the Wave
This is a piece of the Wave, a powerful halberd created as a weapon of
vengeance by a cult worshipping Umberlee. It apparently draws water out
of its victims, and is able to slay creatures of fire almost instantly.
Tales say the Wave was lost long ago to the fire giants of the Storm
Horn Mountains, but was eventually found by the adventurer Arganon of
the Long Reach. He either lost the weapon to a wager in the planar city
of Sigil, or it rests with his bones when his ship was sunk during a
great storm in the Sea of Swords. No one knows for sure.

Wooden Stake
A sharpened, wooden stake that is marked with the holy symbol of Selune.
Legend has it that staking a vampire will put them permanently to
rest... although likely the vampire would have to be immobile (at rest)
in order to do so properly.

Morning Stars
Ice Star +4
The head of this morning star appears to be forged from unbreakable ice-
blue crystal. The handle is chill to the touch, and the wielder is
surrounded by a soothing nimbus of cool air which protects against even
magical fire.
+20% Fire Resistance
Damage: 2D4 +4 +1-4 extra cold damage
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Morning Star
The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four
feet. Some such weapons have a round, oval, or cylindrical shaped head
studded with spikes. Extending from most morning star heads, regardless
of design, is a long point for thrusting.
Damage: 2D4
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flail/Morningstar
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 11 Strength
Not Usable By:

Necklace of Form Stability
Necklace of Form Stability
Dydaar'a of the Altered was a witch of great temper who rewarded the
slightest insult with harsh punishment. Often this meant several weeks
transformed into some form of wild beast, which of course earned her
many enemies. It is recorded that she once fought a mage named Maxell
who had previously suffered such a fate. For his return he had prepared
this necklace, designed to prevent her changing his form, but he could
not shield those around his as well. Apparently an impromptu army of
farmers-turned-bears eventually overwhelmed him.
Special Abilities: +5 bonus to all saves vs. polymorph

Necklace of Talos
This necklace is made of heavy discs strung together with wire. The
central disk is made of silver and inlaid with the symbol of chaos.

Pearl Necklace
A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of
silver, gold, platinum, or other precious metals, and adorned with gems.
A necklace is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.

Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of
silver, gold, platinum, or other precious metals, and adorned with gems.
A necklace is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.

Silver Necklace
A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of
silver, gold, platinum, or other precious metals, and adorned with gems.
A necklace is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.

Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace
A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of
silver, gold, platinum, or other precious metals, and adorned with gems.
A necklace is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.

The sword of the ninja, the ninja-to, is of lower quality than other
Kara-Tur blades such as the katana. The ninja-to is short with a
straight blade, making it ideal for the subterfuge of the ninja. The
ninja-to is also more suited to fighting in closed places, sometimes
giving the ninja an advantage over the longer blades that the samurai
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Ninja-To +1
Ninja-To +1
Saito Kagizu or 'Cat of the East' as the thieves of Athkatla called him,
brought several of these ninja swords with him when he arrived in
Faerun. They were part of his personal collection, ninja-to that he
either 'collected' from rivals or designed himself. When he died, his
mistress gave away the swords to her other lovers, all of them powerful
thieves in their own right.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +1
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakishashi/Ninja-To
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Plate Mail
Ankheg Plate Mail
This plate mail has been expertly crafted. Sheathed in the chitinous
scales of the ankheg, it provides a greater degree of protection than
traditional plate mail and is not succeptible to rust. As any world-
weary adventurer will tell you, however, the best appreciated aspect of
ankheg mail is its light weight and low encumbrance. Monsters come and
go but fatigue is a constant enemy.
Armor Class: 1
Weight: 25
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

Delver's Plate +2
This armor has been worn by many a fine soldier, but among the best
known, and for whom it was named, was Delver Kinlake. He was a vagabond
whose strong sword-arm and keen wits made him a respected general to the
Lords of Waterdeep. A gift from Lord Baeron, the armor served Delver
well for thirty years, and after his death, it passed to his eldest son.
It has since made its way into the hands of a variety of adventurers.
Armor Class: 1
Weight: 25
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Doomplate +3
Named by Adarius Shin, the Doomplate is deserving of its foreboding
title. He had hoped to strike fear in his enemies, but Adarius set a
grim precedent when he mysteriously died soon after donning the suit,
just as every adventurer who has worn it since has done. It might be
said, however, that most adventurers die in their armor and are not
known for their longevity.
Armor Class: 0
Weight: 27
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Gorgon Plate +4
Hunting Gorgons is a highly dangerous drow sport. Often, after a
successful hunt, the blood of the Gorgon is taken and used in the
creation of a new suit of plate. This special type of drow plate is
actually able to withstand the light of the surface world.
Armor Class: -1
Bonus: 15% resistance to fire and acid
Weight: 30
Requires: 12 Strength
Not Usable By:

Red Dragon Scale
Dragon Scale armor is light of weight, strong, and resistant to fire.
Because of these properties it is much sought after, but finding, let
alone slaying, a powerful ancient dragon is near impossible. It is
usually easier to search for an existing suit, such as this one. One
should be careful wearing it near dragons, however, particularly red
Bonuses: +50% Fire Resistance
Armor Class: -1
Weight: 30
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

As the name implies, this potion will neutralize any poison of which the
imbiber is currently suffering the effects. The cleansing is instant
and the potion may only be used once.

Brine Potion
A potion obtained from a briny pool in which young illithids, tadpole
like creatures, live and grow. When used, the potion will temporarily
make the user immune to psionics.

Elixir of Health
The Elixir of Health is a powerful healing mixture designed to cleanse
the body of all impurities. First it cures all poisons, then once the
system has been purged, the imbibed is cured by 10 hit points to speed
the recovery process.

Oil of Speed
This oil increases the movement and combat capabilities of the imbiber.
Movement rate is doubled and the user of this oil gains one extra attack
per round. Thus, a movement rate of 9, becomes 18, and a character
normally able to attack once in a round attacks twice. This does not
reduce spellcasting time however. The duration of the effect is 5

Potion of Agility
This potion will raise the dexterity of the imbiber to 18, affecting
armor class and missle attack adjustment for the duration of the effect,
in this case 15 turns.

Potion of Defense
This potion is similar to the potion of invulnerability in that it
improves the armor class of the imbiber. The effect lasts for 10 turns.
Armor Class: set to 0
Duration: 10 turns

Potion of Explosions
This potion is a vial of pain as it will explode into a burning ball of
fire upon impact. Keep it in a safe place lest ye meet an untimely end.
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. spell for half)
Area: 40 ft radius

Potion of Extra Healing
When wholly consumed, this potion restores 27 hit points to the person.
The effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.

Potion of Fire Giant Strength
This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion
is consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and
damage while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for
10 turns.
Strength: 22 (Fire Giant Strength)

Potion of Freedom
This potion acts like the spell free action when consumed. The drinker
becomes completely immune to any effects which hinder action or movement
whether it is magical in origin or not. The duration of the potion is
10 turns.

Potion of Healing
When wholly consumed, this potion restores 9 hit points to the person.
The effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.

Potion of Hill Giant Strength
This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion
is consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and
damage while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for
10 turns.
Strength: 19 (Hill Giant Strength)

Potion of Icedust
A shower of fine chunks of ice fly forth from the drinker of this
potion, creating a light dusting of cold flakes that protects all within
the area of effect from fire damage. This potion was created to counter
Fireball and similar spells.
Special Ability (one use): Protects all within area from fire damage
for one round
Range: Caster
Area of Effect: 30 foot radius
Usable By:

Potion of Insight
It will be as if a higher being had stepped into the drinkers head,
filling it with intuitive thoughts and amazing insights. The effect is
to raise the wisdom of the person to 18 for approximately 6 hours or
until dispelled.

Potion of Insulation
This potion will imbue the person drinking it with 50% resistance to
electrical damage. The effect will last for 10 turns or until

Potion of Mind Focusing
This potion will imbue the drinker with the ability to focus the mind
unerringly towards any task that needs to be performed.
Intelligence: +3 bonus
Dexterity: +3 bonus
Duration: 12 hours

Potion of Regeneration
This is a powerful elixir that imbues the drinker with the regeneration
ability similar to that of a troll, wounds literally closing over and
healing as you watch. The effect, which lasts for 3 turns, is to
regenerate 2 hit points per round.

Potion of Stone Giant Strength
This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion
is consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and
damage while using any hand-held or thrown weapons. The effect lasts
for 10 turns.
Strength: 20 (Stone Giant Strength)

Potion of Superior Healing
When consumed, this potion restores 40 hit points to the imbiber. The
effect is instantaneous, and the potion is destroyed in the process.

*Note: ????? stands for the Main Character's name.*

Angel Skin Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some
rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various
magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by
those of the adventuring profession.

D'Arnisse Signet Ring
D'Arnisse Signet Ring
This ring was given to Nalia by her father upon her ascension to
adulthood. Bonded to her blood as it is, the ring may not be removed
from Nalia, nor its powers used by anyone else. The ring grants a +2
bonus to all saving throws, +2 armor class bonus, and 50% resistance to

Dawn Ring
Dawn Ring
These rings are often found in possession of those who worship Lathander
the Morninglord. Lathander espouses the principles of creativity and
prosperity and believes that pride is a sinful trait that requires

Mercykiller Ring
Mercykiller Ring
The Mercykillers are a powerful faction based out of the planar city of
Sigil. This ring is given out to Mercykiller assassins when they are
sent out to punish those who have broken the laws of Sigil. Often these
assassins will roam as far as the Prime Material plane.
Equipped Abilities:
+20% to set snares
+20% to hide in shadows
+20% to move silently
Usable By:

Oaken Ring
This ring is fashioned not from gold or precious metal, but from simple
Useable By:

Onyx Ring
A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some
rare rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various
magical abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by
those of the adventuring profession.

Ring of Acuity
Ring of Acuity:
The origins of this ring are unclear, and while its enchantments share
similarities with historical examples of Rings of Wizardry, there is
something strange in how it feels, either in the weight of the metal or
in the aura it projects, and it does not function the same. It was
likely found on some distant plane, and as such, its maker will remain a
mystery to you.
Spells: Given two extra second level spells, one extra third level
spell and one extra fourth level spell
Only usable by:

Ring of Air Control
Ring of Air Elemental Command
Air elementals are make for powerful foes but with this ring they can
become valuable allies. Dark tales tell of groups of Red Wizards all
with rings of elemental command descending upon small villages with no
warning and destroying every living thing in sight. Although the truth
of these rumors is questionable the fact remains that a ring of this
power in the wrong hands is dangerous.
Special Abilities:
Charm Air Elemental (+2 bonus to elementals saving throw)
Improved Invisibility once per day
Duration: 10 rounds
Area: 1 creature

Ring of Anti-Venom
This ring is an unadorned silver band. However, its plain appearance
belies the powerful magic within. A Ring of Anti-Venom is eagerly
sought after by royalty, influential political figures and other
potential assassination targets.
Wearer is immune to all poison.

Ring of Clumsiness
Ring of Clumsiness: 'The Jester's Folly'
The most notorious owner of this ring made a substantial living
exploiting its cursed nature. Gregoria the Foole, a jester by trade,
would use his incomparable sleight of hand to switch this ring with that
of a patsy taken from his audience. The rest of his performance would
involve the mocking of the newly clumsy individual, much to the delight
of their comrades. The ring was removed (by a method known only to the
wily jester) only once the stooge had promised no reprisals for the
treatment he had received; though Gregoria frequently still had to make
a hasty retreat. His last known performance was rumored to have been an
ill-humored mage in Zhentil Keep; a show from which he did not flee
quite fast enough.
Dexterity: reduced by 50%
Stealth: reduced by 50%
Spells: 75% casting failure
Special: can only be removed by a 'remove curse' spell

Ring of Earth Control
Ring of Earth Elemental Command
If the songs of bards are correct, all one must do is wear this ring and
they will gain the ability to control earth elementals at will. Of
course earth elementals are not easily controlled and care must be taken
when commanding one. An angry earth elemental can make short work of an
inept adventurer.
Equipped Abilities:
AC: +1 bonus
Special Abilities (once per day):
Charm Earth Elemental
Save: (+2 bonus to elemental's saving throw)
Duration: 45 seconds
Stone to Flesh
Save: None

Ring of Free Action
Ring of Free Action: 'Edventar's Gift'
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as
Edventar, by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in
routing the "Pirate Queen" Yenandra of Dambrath was instrumental in
their survival, though Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the
water meets land.
Special: The wearer is immune to everythin, magical and otherwise, that
affects mobility in any way. This includes haste and slow spells.

Ring of Gaxx
Ring of Gaxx
This ring is relatively unadorned, but the vile magic within radiates
intense evil. Indeed, its creator, Kangaxx, was no less evil himself,
even before millennia of undeath honed his power. It is said that a
cadre of Netheril mages fought and imprisoned the demilich once, but
being unable to truly destroy him they became liches themselves to stand
guard over his remains. The construction of the ring may have led to
their enmity, as each of the gem's nine facets was supposedly empowered
by sacrifice and death.
Armor Class: +2 Bonus
Saving Throws: +2 Bonus
Magic Resistance: +10% Bonus
Special Abilities: Immunity to Disease and Poison
Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 hit point every 3 seconds
Special Use: Invisibility, once per day
Improved Haste, three time per day

Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +1: 'Ring of the Princes'
This ring and several of its type were originally crafted to protect the
sons of King Castter De'wess, though who uttered the enchantment is
unknown. History records that the rings remained within that family for
at least 13 generations, though they were all apparently lost within the
space of one. Enmity between the King and the family of the creator may
be to blame.
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throws: +1 bonus

Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Protection +2: 'The Guard's Ring'
The Guard was an immortal sentry assigned to protect a tomb that
sheltered the body of a princess of the Akanal. Over millennia respect
for the grave disappeared with the memory of the royal family, and
adventurers began to try their luck with the Guard. It was inevitable
that he would eventually be bested, and when he was, the ring he wore
was one of many treasures taken from the tomb.
Armor Class: +2 bonus
Saving Throws: +2 bonus

Ring of Regeneration
Ring of Regeneration
A lowly ranked Red Mage named Huhhus is said to have discovered the
perfect way to distill troll flesh to make a potion that provided the
same regenerative ability as that of the troll. Few were willing to
drink the vile liquid however and decades later a student of Huhhus
created this ring, building upon the foundations of knowledge laid by
Huhhus. Within the hollow cavity of the jade ring floats the ichor and
brains of a troll, providing a limited regenerative capability to the
Equipped Abilities: Wearer regenerates 1 hit point every 6 seconds

Ring of Spell Turning
Ring of Spell Turning
A gift to Derek Poodon, apprentice warrior, this ring was his salvation
when he stumbled upon two Red Wizards traveling the Cloakwood Forest.
Enraged at being disturbed, the mages unleashed a score of Magic
Missiles at the seemingly helpless Derek, but to their brief surprise,
the assault reflected back and killed them both. Thereafter, without
having lifted his blade, Derek was rather sheepishly known as Derek the
Red Slayer.
Special Abilities: Cast minor spell turning once per day

Ring of the Ram
Ring of the Ram
Also known as the Breaker of Castles, with one word this ring can
unleash fantastic and deadly powers. When it is triggered, a barely
descernible ram-like shape billows forth from the ring. This force can
potentially knock opponents off of walls, destroy castle gates, or crush
enemies, but it is damaging as well, in its own right.
Damage: Once per day, 5-30 hit points of damage to an opponent.

Ring of Wizardry
Ring of Wizardry: 'Reaching Ring'
This ring is masterfully enchanted, allowing the wearer to memorize more
spells than normally possible. It was originally commissioned by
spellcaster ?????, apparently at great monetary and personal cost.
Spells: Gives one extra fifth level spell, one extra sixth level spell
and one extra seventh level spell
Only usable by:

Robe of Vecna
Robe of Vecna
This robe doesn't even have close to the power that the two famous
artifacts, the Hand and Eye of Vecna possess. Still, from simply being
worn by the powerful lich, the robe absorbed enough magical energies to
become a potent magic item.
Equipped Abilities:
AC: base set to 5
Improves casting speed by 4
+10% Magic Resistance
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)

Rod of Absorption
Rod of Absorption
This rod acts as a magnet, drawing magic spells of any nature (priest or
wizard) into itself. It then nullifies their effects. The magic
absorbed must have been directed at the character possessing the rod.
To activate this absorption ability the user must use the wand after
which time they will be protected for four rounds or until the
absorption disappears.
The rod will absorb nine levels of spells (and can defend against spells
up to ninth level in power). Each use of the rod expends one charge.
Special Abilities (one charge): Spell absorption for four rounds
Usable By:

Rod of Lordly Might
Rod of Lordly Might
Also called The Wrath of Three Kings, though not associated with any
named king in particular, this rod was likely made in 1090DR. It saw
use during The Battle of the Bones, but for which side is uncertain as
it was found amongst the dead after a larger skirmish. Three buttons
unlock the rod's magic: the first transforms it into a fearsome
enchanted Mace; the second, a hypnotic Flaming Blade; the third, a
barbed Spear. Only warriors can properly use its exotic mix of
This rod may transform into any of the following weapons when used.
Each weapon may also change back into the rod at will.
Mace +2
Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+5 bonus) or be
affected by fear for four rounds
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: +2
Flaming Sword +1
Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+5 bonus) or be held
for five rounds
THACO: +1 bonus
Damage: +1
Spear +3
Special Abilities: Target must save vs. spells (+6 bonus) or take 2d4
points of magical damage
THAC0: +3
Damage: +3
Usable By:

Rod of Resurrection
Rod of Resurrection
This rod enables anyone to resurrect the dead as if they were of high
enough level to cast the resurrection spell and if they were a priest.
No rest is required, as the rod bestows the life giving effects. Each
use of the rod expends one charge.
Special Abilities (one charge):

Rod of Terror
Rod of Terror
When activated this rod may be used as a staff +3. Any creature hit by
the rod must make a saving throw vs. spells or flee in terror, fearing
the wielder as if he or she were a flesh eating demon from the Abyss.
There is a drawback to using this rod however. Each time the rod is
used there is a 20% chance that the wielder loses one point of Charisma
Combat Abilities: Target must make a saving throw vs. spells (+4 bonus)
or flee in terror (lasts four rounds)
Thac0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

This curved scimitar is light and appears well-used. It shimmers
slightly with a cool blue hue, and the sparse gems along its pommel
sparkle with a pale light that makes it appear to be almost made of ice.
A quality weapon.
Damage: 1D8
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Scimitar +2, Rashad's Talon
Scimitar +2: 'Rashad's Talon'
Named for Prince Rashad, former ruler of a minor principality to the
East, this blade and many of the Prince's possessions were taken by
disgruntled palace guards after his death. The role of the guards in
the unfortunate affair was never determined, but rumor has it that all
died within a year, slain by this very weapon.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +2
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 10 Strength
Not Usable By:

Short Bows
Bow of Arvoreen
Bow of Arvoreen
This enchanted bow has been in Mazzy Fentan's possession for several
years, given to her by her god Arvoreen. It is usable only by
halflings, granting a +2 bonus to hit rolls.
THAC0: +2 bonus
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Short Bow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Short Bow of Gesen
Short Bow of Gesen
The finest bow crafted by Gesen Khan, this weapon draws energy from
another plane, firing spears of lightning instead of arrows... and
therefore never requiring ammunition of any kind. It is said that Gesen
prepared to retire from his craft after selling the invaluable weapon,
only to have the bow wrested from his grasp by a thief who used it to
end Gesen's own life. A side effect of the bow bestows protection from
electricity upon the user.
THAC0: +4
Damage: 2 piercing, 1-8 electrical
Effects: Grants user 20% resistance to electrical damage
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Short Bow
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Short Swords
Ilbratha +1
Ilbratha, Short Sword +1
This ancient bronze sword is set with six matching bloodstones, and was
apparently forged for Azoun the First, a long dead king of Cormyr. It
saw little use, and eventually found its way to a favored of the king's
guards. Despite the aid of its illusionary magic, that unnamed soldier
fell in a later battle, and the sword was lost to brigands or
Special Abilities: Casts Mirror Image once per day
THACO: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Kundane +2
Kundane +2: Sword of Quickness
Disfigured as a child, Dramnek Olk was ostracized and ridiculed by his
peers. In his loneliness he spent many hours alone on the hills
overlooking Trademeet. A nearby wizard, Galloma discovered the youth
and found in him a kindred soul. The two fast became friends; master
and apprentice. Galloma died before Dramnek's tutorage could be
completed however and the youth found himself once more alone in the
world. Eventually he made his way to the streets of Athkatla. There he
became a cutpurse, augmenting his thieving skills with the little magic
he'd learned from Galloma. Eventually he crafted this sword, which
enhanced Dramnek's weak physical body. This weapon has no speed factor.
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Short Sword of Mask +4
This blade is highly prized by those who serve the Shadowlord, as well
as any who engage in shadowy business.
Combat Abilities: 15% chance with every hit that opponent is entangled
for 24 seconds, no save
THACO: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Sword of Arvoreen
Sword of Arvoreen
Another gift to Mazzy from Arvoreen, this short sword may only be used
by halflings. The enchantments that exist within this sword give it the
ability to slow any opponent struck by it.
Abilities: Target must save vs. wand or have movement rated slowed by 2
(for 45 seconds). Wielder of the sword is immune to slow and stun
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Usable By:

Sling +3: 'Arla's Dragonbane'
Sling +3: 'Arla's Dragonbane'
None know better than Halflings the value of a well-placed stone when
confronting a larger foe. This particular weapon was the property of a
young woman named Arla Surestep, one of the few small-folk that leave
the hearth to seek adventure. Legend speaks of the diminutive Arla
using this sling to place a well-sharpened pebble through the skull of a
green dragon in mid-flight, though the same tale in another tavern
places the stone squarely in the creature's hindquarters for more
humorous than lethal effect. It would seem that Halflings prefer
entertainment over accuracy when it comes to their history.
Damage: +3 (missile damage)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength

Sling of Arvoreen +4
Sling of Arvoreen
This sling is blessed by the Halfling goddess Arvoreen. The weapon was
granted to the heroic Tuckerby Lettleworp after the Battle of Moor Road,
in which an invading army of Yuan-ti were slain by Lettleworp's forces,
saving his halfling village.
The sling has the ability to rend the senses of the wielders enemies
with a wall of sound said to be the voice of the goddess herself.
Combat Abilities: Sonic boom once per day. Must save vs. spell or be
stunned for three rounds
Area: 60 feet
THACO: +4 bonus
Damage: +4 (missile damage)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Sling of Everard +5
Sling of Everard
The sling of Everard was a holy weapon created by the god Tempus and
given to Everard to help him defeat the enemies of Icewind Dale.
Equipped Abilities: does not require bullets
THACO: +5 bonus
Damage: +2 (missile damage)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength

Sling of Seeking +2
Sling of Seeking
Unlike most other slings, the Sling of Seeking is capable of throwing
stones and allowing a strength bonus to be applied to the damage it
inflicts. Although the sling is magical, giving it a bonus to hit and
to damage, it is capable of inflicting strength damage due to its
design, not magic.
Damage: +2 (missile damage), plust Stength bonus
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Sling
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Small Shields
Shield of Harmony +2
Audn of the Field, Knight-Champion for the wizard Kekkim, carried this
shield for most of his life. It protects the bearer from most forms of
mind control, a benefit for a wizard who needed warrior allies to stay
faithfully at his side. Both Kekkim and Audn have long since returned
to the earth, leaving this shield to whomever might recover it from
Kekkim's tower.
Abilities: Immunity to charm, confusion, domination, and hold person
Armor Class Bonus: 3
Weight: 2
Requires: 4 Strength
Not Usable By:

One of man's earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of
times, the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at
one end. When man mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and
steel. Having reached this end, weaponers began experimenting with
different types of spear heads, thus leading to the development of
certain polearm types.
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Spear +1, Halcyon
Halcyon Spear +1
The electrum plated shaft of this weapon hums with magical power.
Occasionally blue bolts of energy run down the length of the spear,
charging it. In battle when it hits an opponent it strikes for
additional electricity damage.
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +1, +1 electricity damage
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Spear +3, Backbiter
This cursed spear will appear as a magical spear, however when a combat
situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and Backbiter will
attack the wielder. For every attack made, Backbiter will attack the
foe and also the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if
it is worth it in the end. The only way that Backbiter can be removed
is by a remove curse spell.
Damage: 1D6 +3
Damage type: piercing
Special: 3 (piercing) damage inflicted upon the wielder upon every
successful hit
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Spear of Kuldahar +3
Spear of Kuldahar +3
This spear was forged by the druids who dwelt close to the great tree of
Kuldahar. It was meant to be used by the warrior who was appointed as
Kuldahar's defender.
Equipped Ability: +8 max hit points
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +3
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Splint Mail
----------Scales +2
Instead of metal strips, this armor uses wyvern scales bound to a chain
backing by means of a magical fire. The resulting armor is ash grey in
color and more flexible than standard splint mail. A ranger, Usher
Skacan. made this armor after slaying several wyverns that were killing
all the deer and elk in his forest.
Armor Class: 2
Weight: 18
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

Splint Mail
Splint Mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are
applied vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather
than horizontally as in banded mail. Since the human body does not
swivel in mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is
more restrictive in battle.
Armor Class: 4
Weight: 40
Requires: 8 Strength
Not Usable By:

Cleric's Staff +3
Cleric's Staff +3
This simple staff radiates a powerful enchantment, though its plain
design suggests a simple origin. It reflects the quiet strength that
faith brings, and was likely the modest weapon of a priest or cleric.
Damage: 1D6 +3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength

Quarter Staff +2
Quarter Staff +2
The simplest of staff weapons is the quarterstaff, a length of wood six
to nine feet in length. High quality quarterstaves are made of stout
oak and are shod with metal at both ends. Powerful enchantments during
the making of this staff have improved its accuracy and the damage it
can cause, but they bear no signature.
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength

Shaman's Staff
This is a Staff of Goodberries that belonged to the Kobold Shaman in the
sewers below the slums.
Creates Goodberries once per day
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed

This is a long staff made of thick, sturdy oak. It is crawling with a
strange, black radiance and feels quite warm and tingly to the touch.
Small runes of arcane origin have been carved in various places at both
Damage: 1D6
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Staff
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Staff Mace
This weapon appears to be a normal large walking staff, but it has a
faint aura of alteration magic. Uttering the command word causes the
staff to assume the attributes of a mace, allowing it to be wielded with
one hand. This was likely designed for priests of druids, though that
does not preclude use by most others.
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +2
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 2
Damage type: Bludgeon
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Staff of Fire +2
Staff of Fire
This staff bears an ancient rune that may link it to the wizards of
faraway Halruaa, but it is impossible to be certain. Drawing from the
Plane of Fire it can erupt in a Fire Shield that damages attackers, it
can summon a Fire Elemental under the control of the wielder, and it can
potentially draw all the energy from any fire elemental that it hits,
destroying them instantly. Some abilities are limited with charges
Combat Abilities: If a fire elemental is hit it must save vs. spells or
be destroyed
Abilities: (one charge)
Summon an 8 hit dice Fire Elemental
Duration: 1 hour
Fire Shield (Red)
A protective shield that surrounds the wielder of the staff as per the
4th level wizard spell Fire Shield (Red).
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +2
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength

Staff of Rynn +4
Quarter Staff +4, Staff of Rynn
There was a time when magic was distrusted even more so than now, and
the burning of "heretics" was woefully common. Delmarey, a witch from
the swamplands near Myth Rynn, faced just such a fate when she was
blamed for an unseasonable drought. Taken by surprise and sentenced by
a mob, she was put to the torch in the Village Square. With her dying
breath she uttered a foul curse, fueling the fire to an unstoppable
magnitude. By dawn, the entire village was reduced to black coal, save
the burnt remnant of the pole Delmary had been bound to. This staff has
been imbued with some remnants of Delmarey's power, making it a highly
enchanted weapon.
THACO: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength

Staff of the Magi
Staff of the Magi
This type of staff is thoroughly linked of the imaged of the
spellcasting profession, rare though it is. It is among the most
powerful tools that a wizard can possess, the culmination of complex
enchantments and endless study. This particular example is good in
melee, grants Invisibility, and offers protection from Charms and Evil.
It can also cast a Spell Trap, launch a Fireball-Lightning Bolt
combination, and Dispel Magic. The quintessential mage item.
Armor Class: +2
Saving Throw: +2 bonus
Equipped Abilities:
Immunity to Charm
Protection From Evil
Damage: combined lightning and fireball damage
Range: 150 feet
Use: Three times a day
Abilities: Trap Spell
Duration: 8 hours or until 30 spell levels have been trapped
Use: Once per day
Combat Ability (each hit): Dispel Magic
THAC0: +1 bonus (strikes as a +5 weapon)
Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarterstaff
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By:

Staff of the Woodlands +4
Staff of the Woodlands
Known only as the "Wild Man of the Wood", the man that carried this
staff was a legendary figure near Trademeet until the day he died and
returned to the soil. Those who saw him remember his dark, bark-like
skin, a feature that would fade if the staff were set aside. He would
harass irresponsible loggers and poachers, and old-timers tell of
mercenaries chasing him with a dozen hunting dogs or more. The animals
seemed ready to rip the poor druid to pieces, but he quickly turned them
on their former masters. Rushing forward in hopes of ending his
influence, the men-at-arms saw the final power of the staff, and as the
vegetation trembled with the "Wild Man's" magical calling, there formed
a green, rotting mix of life and death that shambled overtop of the
terrified soldiers, killing them all.
AC: +3 bonus
Equipped Abilities: Barkskin (AC 3)
Use Abilities (cost 1 charge)
Summon Shambling Mound
Enhanced Charm Animal
Duration: 5 minutes
Saving throw: save vs. spells with a -4 penalty
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D6 +4
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Usable By

Staff Spear +2
If examined, this quarterstaff has an aura of alteration, and a long
sharp speahead extends from its upper end on command. Likely made by a
wizard or priest hoping to increase their melee abilities, it can be
used by anyone capable of handling a staff.
THACO: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D8 +3
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Staff
Type: two handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Studded Leather Armor
Shadow Dragon Scale
This suit of armor is formed from interlocking shadow dragon scales.
Elegant workmanship and practical considerations make this armor both
beautiful and useful. The shadow dragon scales grant the wearer extra
protection from acid.
Bonuses: +50% Resistance to Acid
Armor Class: 1
Weight: 10
Requires: 6 Strength
Not Usable By:

Throwing Axes
Throwing Axe
The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade
has a sharp steel tip, counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short
handle has a point of the bottom and the head may have a spike on the
Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: missle (piercing)
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 4 Strength
Not Usable By:

Throwing Daggers
Poisoned Throwing Dagger
The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade,
as opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than
the dagger. Unlike a dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is
balanced perfectly. A thin coating of poison has been applied to each
poisoned throwing dagger, making it a lethal tool in the hands of
trained assassins.
Damage: 1D4
Poison Damage: 2 hit points of damage per second
Poison Duration: 10 seconds
Damage type: missile (piercing)
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 3 Strength
Not Usable By:

Book of Infinite Spells
This ancient tome creaks as you open it. Each page of the Book of
Infinite Spells contains a spell described in layman's terms, easy
enough for a thief, cleric or even a fighter to understand and cast it.
Each spell on a page can be cast once per day. A second function of the
book is to turn to a different page of the book. This allows for the
possibility of getting a better spell. However, once the page has been
turned the previous spell is lost forever, unless it happens to appear
Be warned. Once you turn to the last page of the book, you are stuck
with that spell.
The spell on this page is:
Fireball (Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: Visual range of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
A fireball is an explosive burst of flame, which detonates with a low
roar and delivers damage proportional to the level of the wizard who
cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each level of experience of the
spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). The wizard points his finger and
speaks the range (distance and height) at which the fireball is to
burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts
upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed
range, blossoms into the fireball (an early impact results in an early
detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full
damage from the blast. Those who roll successful saving throws manage
to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half.

The Book of Kaza
The Book of Kaza is a famed tome written by the lich, Kaza. It is said
to deal with the darkest secrets of necromancy, though the pages appear
to be blank when you look at it. Kaza was destroyed during the upheaval
of Netheril's final days. The book was brought to what is now Amn by
Kaza's disciples. How it has come to its present location after so many
years is anyone's guess.

Book of Rituals
This is a book of Elemental Rituals that is the possession of a mage
called Vithal. It is of little use to any other person.

Conjur Ota Servanta
Conjur Ota Servanta
This text is written in a very old dialect of southern common that you
are not familiar with, thought it does not appear to be a particularly
ancient tome. It seems to be a section of the personal journal of a
noble named Tomass Sangui, and deals with the acquiring and control of
his most devoted servants. It is difficult to ascertain much more,
though from the frequency of certain words you are reasonably sure that
Tomass was creating vampire minions, if not some other creature that
feeds on blood. His knowledge on the subject seems quite intimate
indeed, and he details the long process of completely turning a victim.
Apparently, if the process is interrupted it can be reversed, but the
author does not say how. There is a stamp on the back of the book that
indicates it was once archived and recorded by the followers of Oghma.

Dea Vampir Becomos
Dea Vampir Becomos
This book has been drenched in blood, ruining most of the pages within.
The original ink, faded to begin with, is now thoroughly illegible. A
more recent script handwritten in the margins has left an impression
revealing a few words here and there, just enough to decipher the nature
of the tome. This text apparently dealt with the process that one would
go through to become a vampire, though the little you can see gives no
indication why someone would want to do such a thing. There is a stamp
on the back of the book suggesting that this tome was once archived and
recorded by the followers of Oghma.

Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa
Elminster's Ecologies: Appendix IIIa
This time-worn tome is written by the sage Elminster, and apparently
part of a much larger body of work containing detailed studies of most
of the strange creatures from around Faerun.
The appendix seems to refer to newly-discovered variations on normal
breeds of creatures. Of particular interest:
"Dense Puddings - a relative of the slimes and molds, this pudding is
relatively normal...except when exposed to electricity or fire. When
this occurs, it splits into new puddings and can therefore be very
"Fire Trolls - a new form of troll thought to have been created by
sorcerous Fire Giants for use as servants and guards. They are similar
to regular trolls in most respects except for their lava-temperature
skin and burning touch. Once they are defeated, they can only be
permanently killed by cold or acid."
"Fission Slime - an off-shoot of the slimes and molds, this particular
slime will split into new and independent creatures when hit. It is
vulnerable to fire, which will kill it permanently."
"Magic Golems - this rare type of golem is formed from pure magical
energy and is completely immune to spellcraft as well as enchanted
weapons. To my knowledge, only weapons without enchantments have any
effects on this creature."
"Marileths - while this is apparently a legitimate form of demon, it is
one that only an exceptional few have encountered and survived. The
Marileth is a six-armed demon with a human female front half and the
back half of a snake. She is incredibly quick and deadly, and on top of
her martial prowess with six swords, she casts spells as well. Fighters
should beware: in addition to being immune to normal weapons and minor
enchantments, this demon also likes to cast Immunity to Magic
Weapons...which must be dispelled if a fighter is to have any chance
with his armaments."

Golem Building Book
Finally, I have created a guardian Golem that is specially suited for
the challenging task of cleansing my sphere of planar creatures. It is
exceedingly efficient in combat, having just recently destroyed a score
of Dretch and Chasme demons, though it was damaged in the encounter.
These notes will serve as a reminder to me on the proper method of
constructing the Golem should it be destroyed.
Note to self: Avoid engaging other planar creatures. The exercise is
quite difficult and better left to the Golem.
A standard Golem requires two legs, two arms and a head. Be wary that
some denizen of the Sphere does not steal any of my spare Golem pieces.
It would be frustrating to have to actually track down the pieces
The most difficult task comes after the pieces are assembled in the
workroom. To activate the Golem you must...
(Unfortunately the pages past this point are burnt and their words can
no longer be deciphered)

History of the Drow
History of the Drow, The Descent:
We know very little of the Ilythiiri, or "Elves of the South," before
this crucial event. Even they they were known as "Dark Elves," for the
hue of their skins. They dwelt in the jungles and hot forests of the
South. A proud, warlike, culturally advanced (some sages of other elven
peoples say "decadent") folk, the Ilythiiri attacked all neighbors,
including other elven tribes. Their cruel raids and depredations,
ordered by warlike nobility and the clergy of their two cruel deities,
Ghaunadaur and Lolth, forced elves, humans, dwarves, and others to ally
against them.
Defeated in a series of titanic magical battles, the dark elves fled
into underground warrens they had earlier discovered. This event, known
as "the Descent," marked the end of the drow as a surface-dwelling race.

History of the Moonsea
History of the Moonsea:
The Moonsea has a long history as the border between the elven lands to
the south and the darker, more sinister lands of the Ride and Thar, home
of dragons and giant and ogre tribes in great multitudes. The deep sea
was an excellent barrier to the raiders, as those tribes who sought
invasion had to detour around and through the lands that would
eventually hold Yulash, Zhentil Keep, and Hillsfar.
The first true settlement in Moonsea was Northkeep, a shining citadel
established as a beacon of civilization and a jumping-off point for
merchants seeking trade with the dwarves of the North - including not
only Tethyamar, but the clans of the Cold Lands - who traded their
metalwork and craft for much-needed magic. In the end, Northkeep was
sunk beneath the icy waters of the Moonsea by the inhuman forces, and
humankind suffered one of many setbacks in the region.
So has been the nature of human habitation of this region since the
beginning. Human settlements thrive for a few years, usually through
sheer willpower and on the strength of a sharp sword, and then are
overrun by goblins, orcs, dragons, beholders, or giants. Phlan has
fallen and risen again. Yulash is a ruin where a decade ago there was a
thriving town. Hulburg and Sulasspryn are empty hulks. Each of the
cities of the Moonsea seems threatened with extinction in its turn, then
is rebuilt.
This cycle may be the reason that only the strongest and the most savage
survive, even prosper, in the lands of the Moonsea. The greatest cities
- Hillsfar, Mulmaster, and the impenetrable Zhentil Keep - are all ruled
by evil people who control their lands with iron grips. The lesser
cities, Elventree, Phlan, and Thentia, may be less evil, but have a
strong, independent, almost chaotic nature. In many ways the Moonsea is
a frontier, with a frontier mentality.

History of the North
History of the North - Recent History of the North:
In the waning summer months of 1367, an immense orc horde descended from
the Spine of the World, intent on winding its way south into the trade
lands of the North. This force of orcs, led by King Greneire, surged
its way south between the Moonwood and the Cold Wood, stopping just
outside the Citadel of Many Arrows.
King Obould, orc ruler of the Citadel of Many Arrows, was terrified at
the prospect of another orc horde, despite the fact that he knew they
should be working together against the humans of the North and the spawn
of Hellgate Keep. His tribal shamans, however, had been predicting a
treacherous fall of the citadel - and they'd told the king that he'd be
disposed by other orcs.
Thus, it was a dark day when King Greneire and his horde of 150,000 orcs
appeared on the plains outside the Citadel of Many Arrows. King Obould
announced to his followers that this horde had been sent to dislodge
them from their home and send them out to be scavengers among the
plains. He vowed that, as Gruumsh as his witness, the Citadel of Many
Arrows would slaughter these treacherous orcs "like elves during a
For four months, the 40.000 orcs within the citadel held their ground.
Assault after assault was mounted against the high walls of the
garrison, but the attacking orcs were losing far more than the
defenders. Still, the living conditions within the walls - never too
good to begin with - created losses of their own.
The battle for the Citadel of Many Arrows culminated during the first
week of Uktar. As another light blanket of snow sought to bury the
gathered orcs, King Greneire threw his entire remaining army at the
citadel, bursting its gates and pitting orc against orc in a flurry of
swords. As the two orc kings sought one another out along the ramparts,
the citadel began to burn.
The orcs that survive the battle still speak of the superhuman prowess
of the two kings as they battled one another before their troops.
Finally, however, King Obould ran Greneire through with his long sword,
but Obould was severely wounded by the time Greneire had breathed his
last breath. The orcs erupted into battle once again, and no one is
quite certain what became of King Obould.
It was through the smoke and snow that the victors of the conflict
emerged: the dwarves of Clan Warcrown along with a contingent of troops
from Silverymoon. Charging in through the shattered gates, these new
attackers quickly routed the exhausted orcs of the citadel, sending them
scurrying off into the wilderness.
King Emerus Warcrown now rules the Citadel of Many Arrows, though the
dwarves now call the city by its old name of Felbarr. Most in the North
still tend to refer to the city as the Citadel, however, waiting to see
if it can withstand the next orc horde. King Warcrown has put out a
call for all dwarves to help defend the citadel, and news of a new vein
of gold and silver is spreading rapidly through dwarven communities.

History of Waterdeep
History of Waterdeep - Age I, the Rise of the Warlords:
Over the years, the forest was cut back farther and farther from the
shore, and tribes began to stay most of the year there, farming the
cleared land. The wiser among them claimed and controlled some of the
timber in order to trade for more weaponry and tools. Such claims
angered many who found the squatters rich from frequent trade, and
brought attacks from land and sea, the more warlike tribes slaughtering
the more sedentary settlers. Noted among these tribes was that led by
Nimoar, a chieftain who ordered his people to seize the farms, crude
wooden docks, trading sheds, and storage barns built up around the bay.
They settled there themselves, and erected a log palisade within an
earthen embankment to protect the holdings. After several abortive
pirate and tribal raids, Nimoar's people thrived in their new home, a
fledgling town referred to as "the town of Water-deep."
Farther north, orc tribes had outgrown their mountain strongholds.
Attempts to expand underground met with fierce dwarven resistance
(although many small gnomish colonies were overwhelmed and wiped out),
and the orcs spread out on the surface of the land, coming south and
down out of the mountains, hurling their seemingly endless numbers
against all who stood in their path. Here and there elven enclaves held
out, but the push southward displaced many other northern inhabitants,
including the "everlastin ones" (trolls), who came down into the newly-
cleared lands northeast of Nimoar's Hold, those lands now known as the
Trollmoors. Nimoar died of old age during this time of increasing
danger. Younger War Lords led the men of Waterdeep (for so the ship-
captains called the harbor) in battles against the trolls. There were
many bloody struggles between men and trolls for a decade, until the
magic of a Northern youth named Ahghairon turned the fortunes of war
against the trolls, and the "everlasting ones" were destroyed or
scattered. Ahghairon rose slowly in skill and power with the passage of
years, until he became a great mage. He discovered a supply of potions
of longevity (or learned the art of making such), for he lived on, still
physically a man in his prime, for decade upon decade.
Fearing further attacks, the men of Water Deep raised a small keep on
the slopes of Mount Waterdeep above their farms, where fire arrows from
on high could defend against attacking trolls. Many outlying tribes who
had come to the settlement for safety from the trolls stayed, and
expanded the walls with new farms several times. War Lords ruled the
Free City of Waterdeep, holding it independent and increasingly wealthy
as years passed.

History of Waterdeep
History of Waterdeep - Age IV, The Return of the Lords:
One day to the Courts of the Lord Magister came two people masked and
robed as the Lords of Waterdeep of old. Where they came from no one
knew, but they appeared in the Castle's Great Hall where the Courts
were, and commanded the Lords Magister to leave the city forthwith.
Laughing, the Lords Magister refused, whereupon the shorter of the
masked intruders (the lady Shilam, apprentice to Ahghairon and his
undeclared heir as first Lord of the City) blasted them with lightning
and fire, and their very thrones were shattered and toppled.
The taller of the two intruders (Baeron) then called for the heads of
the noble houses to come to them, or leave the city forthwith and
forever, if they cared not to come by nightfall. All in the Courts
heard, and the news was cried in the streets.
The surviving nobles came, reluctantly and with bodyguards, expecting
such a summons to be a trap. Baeron spoke to them and the crowd of
curious townsfolk that had also come, saying, "this must not happen
again." If Waterdeep was to be safe once more, he told them, all must
support what he and his fellow Lord now planned, as they had supported
Ahghairon in the past. The two would choose others to be Lords as
before, he said, and they would rule in secret, as before - save for
himself. He removed his mask, and said, "I am Baeron. I would be Lord
as Ahghairon was before. I would be safe in this my city again." And
the folk of Waterdeep there agreed. Shilarn, still masked, commanded
that the houses of the Two Lords Magister be Outcast. There was
protest, and she raised her hands that had blasted thrones, and it was
still again. And the house of Gildeggh and of Zoar were outcast.
Peace returned to the city, and Waterdhavians to their labors. To
inhibit discovery of who the Lords were, Baeron selected certain men of
character whom he knew well, and appointed them Magisters ("Black
Robes," they were soon called, from their robes of office) under the
Lords, to judge and apply the laws of Waterdeep in daily affairs. These
Magisters he paid well, to raise them form temptation, and gave lodgings
to those who feared for safety to dwell among the people. To so serve,
he told the city, was a burden, not a proud misuse of authority, and if
any wished to no longer serve, or were found wanting, they were not to
be vilified, but accorded respect. And over the Magisters the Lords sat
in their Court, to correct and overrule the judgements of the Magisters.
Baeron told the people that none were to decry or belittle any judgments
of Magisters that the Lord saw fit to alter or cast aside. If any
thought ill of the offices or those who held them they could turn back
to the rule of sword and whim, and perish as had those before them.
Before the Lord's Court Baeron encouraged people to speak freely for the
length of a short candle's burning, without fear of chastisement or
reproach from the Lords for anything said, as long as they spoke openly
and answered questions or opposing views put to them by any there.
Thus, he held, just grievances of folk would be heard, no matter how
small the matter or lowly the speaker. And so it was. Slow to take
hold, until people knew it for careful justice, but enduring beyond
Baeron's time, and beyond the time of their daughter Lhestyn "The Masked
Lady," who wed Zelphar Arunsun of Neverwinter, and was mother to Khelben
"Blackstaff" Arunsun, a Lord of Waterdeep today, who knows the secrets
of long years as Ahghairon did. And as the years have passed, Waterdeep
has grown in size and variety, flourishing with good trade under the
tolerance and protection of strong defenders and good government. The
years passed not without troubles, varying from the Godswar (when
Waterdeep played host to gods dying and ascending) to such occurrences
as a green dragon assailing the Field of Triumph (part of a plot by the
Knights of the Shield to overthrow the Lords' Rule) but the city and her
peoples survived and prevailed against all strife. The Lords' Alliance
provides continued safety for all the settlements of the northern Sword
Coast and those inland, with Waterdeep as the heart of the alliance.
Though it can be matched in size or commerce, there is no city the
Realms over that compares to the sheer variety of life and experiences
found in fair Waterdeep, Crown of the North.

Merella's Journal
You skip many of the entries of times and places far removed from your
current worries.
Flamerule 7
Kaatje came to visit again. A sweet child, eager to learn my ways with
the wild creatures.
Flamerule 12
Dark creatures roam the forests. Several townspeople have been slain by
some unknown predator. Everyone seems to have their own opinion of what
is doing the killing. The strangest thing is that the bodies are
disappearing in the morning. This leaves me baffled, for most signs
point to a pack of wolves that have been in the area for a long time.
Wolves don't steal bodies.
Flamerule 13
Or perhaps I should say wolf-like creatures. At night while I've been
patrolling I've often caught shadowy glimpses of these 'wolves' running
alongside me. I've tried to attract their attention but they ignore me.
I find this most strange, as if the pack is being controlled by someone
else. Years ago I spoke with the pack leaders and they were cordial.
Now they either flee from me, or, and I fear to say this, they stalk me.
Flamerule 21
It is near noon and still the wood outside my cabin seems full of
shadows. I've been hard pressed to hear birds and most of the larger
animals have long fled. I plan to find the wolf's den (this afternoon).
I've drawn a map of it. All signs point to them as being the culprits,
but what wolves act like these? They are wolves with the cunning of
And there is something else, a whispering in my mind. It is faint now,
in the waking hours, but while I sleep I dream only of this voice and
the face behind it. Whether it is connected to the voices, I do not
know. I suspect by the time that the sun sets tonight I'll have answers
to my questions.

Orcish Cookbook
Slice Onion, crush garlic, peel chestnuts, and cut boar into tiny cubes.
In a greatpot over a large flame heat oil; when it begins to smell hot,
toss in the elk feces, then pour in horse urine. Mmmmmm...can you smell
great food already?
Maybe use different stuff for stew if boar not available. Flesh of
genies from tomb would work well. Could use wolf men in west dungeon.
Hmmm. If only I could avoid air monster in the well, then the well
treasure would be MINE! Then could buy any stuff for stew I wanted!

Tome of Amaunator
Blessed by the light of Amaunator. The Temple of Amaunator shines like
a beacon of radiance in the hills of Umar. Amaunator wards us form the
shadows of evil. Pilgrims come from areas far off to be blessed by the
beauty of Amaunator. Amaunator is endless and without equal.
Yet our gods serves us well, in that he is constantly on vigil against
shadows. The Temple serves a further purpose towards this end.
Amaunator keeps the caster of shadows from walking the land. Any and
all who dare to taste of shadow magic should know that Amaunator and his
most holy servants will seek them out and cast them into chains within
the Temple. Lightstone, Dawn's Light, and Sun Rays are Holy Symbols,
guides in any spiritual journey that a disciple of Amaunator my embark
Blessed be the light of Amaunator.

The Vapiricus Omnibus: Unabridged
The Vapiricus Omnibus: Unabridged
Ending the Plague of Teeth
This tome is quite ancient, and you do not recognize the tongue in which
it is written. Fortunately, Bodhi has scrawled a translation of
selected passages in the margins, as well as further questions she
apparently wished to ask on the subject.
Stuat tuo Gotha:
The resolution:
With the witch at the fore, long previous to her treachery, we did
stride the hills of Umar seeking comfort in our hour of need. The time
had come for the living to mourn no more, and the blades that were
fettered by sentiment were cut free, and it was decided that we would
speak for our lives with the sinews of our sword arms. The honored dead
that did take flight in the darkness of shadow would no more receive
sorrow from those of us that had lost their friends and relatives to the
plague of teeth.
Mornat de'pas Golvana Fathorn:
Battles when came the dead:
There came we, the army of light, armed with faith and conviction, and
we did march unto the tombs of the restless dead during hours of day.
With wooden edge we struck down master and slave, though many paid for
each thrust with their lives. In the fallen there was the danger of a
scourge anew, and many of the newly infected seemed doomed to walk again
with dire purpose.
Aegato Davon:
The plea:
"No more" cried we! Nor more would we lose to the plague. These new
fallen could not be abandoned. We had fought for our lives and theirs,
and they would not be taken. To the Temple we went, to the god of Sun
and Light. Amaunator would save them. Amaunator, whose touch turns
shadows to fire. In the arms of the Sun god were the infected placed,
and the hearts of their dark masters were laid there with them. Blood
did burn, and the dead returned, but not as undead or unliving, but
alive and freed from taint. Many did walk the light side home, when
last the plague did fall.
Relevance of archaic worship of Amaunator?
Origin of vampiric plague?
Any link to a modern cure to be worried of?
Historical document or historical fiction?
A final note is scribbled...
*Interrogate Oghma monk at Docks district temple about further
information. He should be able to provide more information on reversing

Umar Witch Project Journal
This journal seems to be that of an apprentice mage, telling the tale of
her expedition into the Umar Hills with two other apprentices in the
search for evidence of the fabled witch. The tale is hard to believe,
but seems to relate the group's horror at getting lost and being hounded
by an unseen predator during the nights. The script is in a panicky,
feminine hand and the last page can barely be made out as follows:
"...sorry to Joshellus' mother. I'm sorry about what happened to
Michaelus. There's something out here with us. We thought it to be
peasants but peasants aren't this clever. Joshellus says its the witch.
I hear her when I sleep. I don't want to sleep. I don't want to sleep.
I don't want..."
The journal ends here.

Two-Handed Swords
*Note: ????? stands for the Main Character's name.*

Carsomyr +5
The Holy Avenger: Carsomyr
Carsomyr is a weapon of legend, perhaps one of the most powerful blades
ever forged on Faerun, though its origin and history is thought
purposefully forgotten, such that the sword itself never overshadow the
importance of the struggles that must be fought today. It is infused
with the very essence of virtue, and requires as much from any paladin
that would hope to wield it. The evils of the Realms must truly stand
aside when this weapon is brought to bear, their magic dispelled with a
word, steadfastly resisted with ease. Carsomyr also harbors a special
distaste for the forces of evil and chaos, and such creatures must fear
additional damage from its touch in battle.
Equipped Abilities:
50% Magic Resistance
Dispel Magic 3 times per day
Combat Abilities:
+5 damage to chaotic evil opponents in addition to other bonuses.
Dispels magic whenever the sword strikes an opponent
THAC0: +5 bonus
Damage: 1D12 +5
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Usable By:

Cursed Berserking Sword +3
Two-Handed Sword, Cursed Berserking +3
This is a cursed sword which performs perfectly under every test, save
the heat of battle. Upon entering combat, the wielder will immediately
go berserk, killing everything within reach until either calming down or
falling unconscious. A very powerful sword, but one must decide whether
or not it is worth the risk. Even after the battle-fury has ended, this
sword can only be removed via an exorcism using a remove curse spell.
THACO: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: slashing
Causes the wielder to go berserk
Can only be removed with a 'remove curse' spell
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Two Handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Flame Of The North
Two Handed Sword: Flame of the North
The title does not refer to the blade itself, but rather to the woman
who originally wielded it in the icy hinterlands of Faerun. Her name
was Carerra, and she was a veritable firestorm that swept across arctic
trolls and the northern orcish tribes. She was a hated enemy of many a
shaman whose magic often floundered against her fury. After a lifetime
of raucous battle, it was old age that eventually claimed her. The
sword was passed to her granddaughter, an adventurer, who presumably
brought it to Amn.
Equipped Abilities: 10% magic resistance
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +2, +4 extra damage to chaotic evil opponents
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two-handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Gram the Sword of Grief +5
This is one of the many weapons of the great hero Siegfried. The blade
is particularly sharp and well balanced, and in a certain light one can
see the faint image of a serpent within the hilt.
Combat Abilities: 10% Chance of 2d12 poison damage
THAC0: +5 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +5
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 9
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Harbinger +3
Two Handed Sword +3: Harbinger
When the hero Trueblood destroyed the Harbinger, a demon gorging itself
on the blood of peasant folk near Luskan, he bound its essence in the
only vessel capable of holding it, his fabled sword, Deliverance.
Though the evil creature was dominated by the will of the semi-sentient
blade, it was not truly defeated, and it transformed the weapon from
within. Now it acts much like any other enchanted weapon, but when it
strikes, there is a small chance that a fireball erupts, a sign that the
demon within still rages at its imprisonment. There is also a chance
that any ogre it hits will be turned to stone. Whether this is an
ability of the demon or a vestigial power of the original blade is not
Combat Abilities: Fireball
There is a 5% chance per hit that a 10d6 fireball explodes, centered on
the target
Flesh to Stone
All ogres when hit must save vs. spells or be turned to stone
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Joril's Dagger +3
Joril's Dagger (Two Handed Sword +3)
Joril was a powerful Frost giant that lived with his clan in the Spine
of the World. His magic dagger was lost when he was killed by a band of
adventurers. Eventually the dagger wound up in the town of Kuldahar
where it was reforged so that it could be used as a Two handed sword.
Combat Abilities:
25% chance of each hit confusing an opponent for three rounds (save vs.
spells to negate effect)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3, +1 cold damage
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 13 Strength
Not Usable By:

Lawrence Lilarcor was well known, not for being brave, but as an idiot.
As the tale goes, the boastful Lilarcor left his village at the urging
of his friends so that the "great hero" could do battle with a devious
Treant. He walked for days in the dead of winter until, feverish, he
found his target and began an epic wrestling match. Unfortunately (or
perhaps luckily), the "Treant" was nothing more than a craggy old normal
oak. His friends had been jesting, not actually expecting that Lilarcor
would go fight the fictitiously dangerous tree. That might have been
the end of it, but Lilarcor, not really knowing what a Treant was in the
first, didn't realize the truth. He eventually uprooted the oak and,
marching proudly home, he declared himself a hero. Thus was born a
laughing stock of epic proportions, and over time the name of Lilarcor
became the sacrificial fool in many tales of "less than brilliance".
It is not known whether this enchanted weapon is Lilarcor himself,
perhaps imprisoned by an evil mage or some other odd coincidence of
fate, but it certainly acts in a manner consistent with his level of
competence. If it is he, he has never bemoaned his captivity. He might
not realize, or care, that he is no longer a human.
As a weapon, Lilarcor has its uses, but many a warrior has eventually
given it away. Banter such as "Ouch, that musta hurt", "Oh yeah! Got
'im good", and "Beware my bite for it might...might...might really hurt
or something" is a constant barrage on a warrior's psyche.
Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: slashing
Equipped Abilities:
Immune to Charm
Immune to Confusion
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two Handed Sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Silver Sword
Silver Sword
This Vorpal Silver Sword radiates a dark aura when you examine it, and
the blade is so finely sharpened it could likely sever a head in a
single blow.
Combat Abilities:
25% chance each hit that target must make a saving throw vs death (-2
penalty) or die.
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +3
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Soul Reaver +4
Two Handed Sword +4: Soul Reaver
A social faux pas placed upstart Andor Licon in a duel with Baron Eeirk,
heir to a warrior king. Though they seemed of even skill, Andor grew
oddly weaker with each hit of the Baron's family blade. Panicking, he
bade his bodyguards kill Eeirk. Despite his claims of morality, some
noted that the young noble had positioned his men before the duel was
even underway, and though he professed disdain for its dark magic, Andor
made a tidy fortune off the sale of the evil blade.
Combat Abilities: Each hit makes the target receive a cumulative 2
point penalty to their THAC0
Duration: 20 rounds
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +4
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Two handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:
Good characters

Sword of Chaos +2
Sarevok's Sword of Chaos
The blade of Sarevok, brother of ?????, used in the battle they fought
in faraway Baldur's Gate. ????? prevailed, destroying Sarevok's plans
and rescuing the Sword Coast from the brink of war. The sword itself
defies identification, likely forged specifically for Sarevok to best
focus the infernal energy he hoped to control. Much of its power died
with him.
Abilities: each hit drains one hit point from the target and transfers
it to the wielder. This will not heal beyond the wielder's maximum.
Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Two Handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Requires: 14 Strength
Not Usable By:

Unholy Reaver
Unholy Reaver
This dark, two-handed sword radiates evil from a distance and is only
usable by anti-paladins.
THAC0: +5 bonus
Damage: 1D10 +5
Damage type: slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Two Handed sword
Type: 2-handed
Usable By:

Kachiko's Wakizashi +3
Kachiko's Wakizashi +3
This sword was the favored weapon of a female warrior named Kachiko.
Not much was known about her other than that she hailed from the far
eastern lands in Kara-Tur.
Combat Ability: drains 2 points of target's wisdom (lasts two rounds)
on each hit. Target may save vs. death to avoid wisdom loss.
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage: 1d8 +3
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Scimitar/Wakizashi/Ninja-To
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Yamato +4
The name of the mighty Wu Jen who fashioned this "companion sword" is
long forgotten. However, the name Yamato, loosely translated, means
"Guardian" or "Defender".
Special Abilities:
Grants a +1 bonus to AC when equipped
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage: 1d8 +4
Damage type: piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type:
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 5 Strength
Not Usable By:

Wand of Apprenti
This wand was created for you by your apprentices, and will randomly
cast a variety of three spells, each from a separate elemental source.
It apparently has 50 charges.

Wand of Cloudkill
This wand emits a vapor bubble that travels towards the target exploding
into a deadly cloud of noxious gas that expands to fill an area roughly
20 feet in radius. The cloud will instantly kill any creature with 4 HD
or less with no saving throw. Any creature with 5 to 6 HD must make a
saving throw or be slain. Creatures with greater than 6 HD simply take
1-10 damage for every round that they remain within the cloud. The
cloud will dissipate after approximately 1 turn.
Effects: 1-10 damage per round
1-4 HD: Instant death no save
5-6 HD: save vs. spell or instant death
Range: 60 ft.
Area: 20' radius
Duration: 1d4 turns
Not usable by:

Wand of Fear
A Wand of Fear strikes terror into the heart of any creature within its
target area. This panic is not universal, however, as the stout of
heart have been known to resist its magic. Like all wands, the Wand of
Fear can only be used a limited number of times before it is destroyed.
Special: Cause enemies to run in fear unless they save vs. spells
Range: 100 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: 15 rounds
Not usable by:

Wand of Wonder
Wand of Wonder
Only those with a gambling streak dare use this wand in battle. When
triggered it is, at best, unpredictable and, at worst, suicidal. The
whimsical mage Malimak created it as a gift for a rival, though more as
a prank than with hurtful intent. The recipients's reaction is not
known, though Malimak relocated shortly thereafter. It should be used
with caution, or not at all.
Special Abilities: Random effects appear each time the wand is used

Shout outs to the following people:
Tiffany a/k/a J.C. Chasez (Shuh-zay NOT Cha-zez!), Julia a/k/a The
Biggest Eskimo In Town, Andrew a/k/a Moo, Anthony a/k/a Ony, Alisha
a/k/a Ali, Austin a/k/a The Baby Austin, Meghan a/k/a Basil, Jessica,
Sonja (I love both of you), Ma, Da, Grandma, Grandpa, Oreo, Ong Noi, Ba
Noi, Uncle Tam, Uncle Bao, Auntie Bay, Auntie Diu, Uncle Tony, Auntie
Sau, Auntie Nam, Uncle Tri, Peco, Justin Randall, "Loud" Lou, Fred,
Henry-D, Denniz, and last but certainly not least...I'd like
to thank GameFAQs for posting this guide. If I forgot you...just because
you're not on this doesn't mean you're not in my heart!

War Hammers
Crom Faeyr
Crom Faeyr
This is the true name that the dwarven weaponsmith, Silverblade, gave to
the weapon he intended to create for his son. Alas, his son died before
the weapon was ever completed, but here it stands complete... forged
from the combined magic of the original hammer with the Gauntlets of
Ogre Power and a Girdle of Frost Giant Strength. Crom Faeyr gifts is
user with all the powers of the original Hammer of Thunderbolts, in
addition to enormous strength and the ability to kill golems, ettins and
trolls in one blow.
Special Abilities:
grants 25 Strength
kills Stone Golems, Clay Golems, Ettins and Trolls
Thac0: +5 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: War Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:

Hammer of Thunderbolts +3
Hammer of Thunderbolts
A dwarven smith, Silverblade, forged this hammer and two other items; a
girdle of giant strength and gauntlets of ogre power. His intention was
to gift them to his son, who was then a high officer in the dwarven
armies, fighting the giant and ogre tribes of the area. Unfortunately
Silverblade's son died just after the completion of the three items and
before they could be gifted to him. In grief Silverblade himself donned
the girdle and the gauntlets. Taking up the Hammer of Thunderbolts he
went to battle against the giant folk. He died valiantly. Alone, the
Hammer of Thunderbolts is a powerful magical weapon but when merged with
the gauntlets of ogre power and a girdle of giant strength the hammer is
transformed. This transformation requires magical assistance. The
Hammer of Thunderbolts is then capable of doing an additional +8 damage
as well as instantly killing any giant or ogre that it strikes.
Thac0: +3 bonus
Damage: 2D4 +3
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Warhammer
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 18 Strength
Not Usable By:

Runehammer +4
This darksteel hammer has a rune of power inscribed upon its head, and
has many of the powers of a Mace of Disruption.
Equipped Abilities: Negative Plane Protection
Combat Abilities: 4-16 +8 damage to Undead, plus they must make a
saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
Thac0: +4 bonus
Damage: 2D4 + 4
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Warhammer
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 16 Strength
Not Usable By:

Runehammer +5
The Rune of Clangeddin is now inscribed on the head of this hammer,
granting even greater powers to any who wield the weapon.
Equipped Abilities: Negative Plane Protection
Immunity to Fear
Fire Giant Strength once/day
Mass Cure once/day
Combat Abilities: 4-16 +10 damage to Undead, plus they must make a
saving throw vs. death (-4 penalty) or be utterly destroyed
Thac0: +5 bonus
Damage: 2D4 + 5
Damage type: crushing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Warhammer
Type: 1-handed
Requires: 16 Strength
Not Usable By:

Version History
1.0- 09/26/00 I WILL do a better job on this FAQ
2.0- 09/28/00 A few more items were added
3.0- 09/30/00 The last update for September
4.0- 10/03/00 I'm two days late, but happy birthday, Tiffany
5.0- 10/07/00 A couple of items were put into the FAQ
6.0- 10/08/00 I added a few ordinary items to the listing
7.0- 10/09/00 I put in several items that I just found in the game
8.0- 10/11/00 To J and S, "I built my dreams around you."
9.0- 10/13/00 I put in a few more categories
10.0- 10/14/00 As usual, more item descriptions have been added
11.0- 10/18/00 Rest in peace Mommy's uncle; she misses you
12.0- 10/21/00 I will improve myself
13.0- 10/22/00 Happy birthday Oreo
14.0- 10/23/00 I swear that I will finish this thing no matter what
15.0- 10/24/00 This has become my first 100 KB FAQ
16.0- 10/27/00 My website was nice while it lasted
17.0- 10/31/00 Happy Halloween!!!
18.0- 11/05/00 I'm four days late, but happy birthday, Mommy
19.0- 11/23/00 Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
20.0- 12/02/00 The 20th update has happened
21.0- 06/23/01 Sorry about the delay, I was waiting for the expansion
22.0- 07/28/01 Lots of items from the expansion were added
23.0- 10/14/01 One more item added

Feel free to contact me if there are any mistakes or questions.

This document Copyright 2000 "DTJAAAAMJS"
I do not give my permission for this guide to be used for anything
unless you have asked me. If you would like to use it, please contact me
at Thank you.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Engl. FAQ

01.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

29.September 2013
Ranger/Cleric Solo Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

01.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

01.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Exzellente dt. Lösung im Word-Format (Achtung: etwa 2 MB)

04.Oktober 2013
Anfangspunkte die bei der Charaktererstellung einfrieren

04.Oktober 2013

26.September 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Gegenstände-FAQ
Engl. FAQ

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

02.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

02.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

03.Oktober 2013
Skills- und Goldtrainer

04.Oktober 2013
Spezial-FAQ: Scorcerer
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013

10.Oktober 2008
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

28.September 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung im UHS-Format

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung im Word-Format
Engl. Lösung

03.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer - kann 10 Veränderungen vornehmen

03.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer - 8 Variationen möglich

02.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
28.Februari 2016
11.Juni 2014
04.Maart 2019