

18.10.2013 00:36:06
Limona Razvan

Legal note
This faq/walkthrough belong to me. Feel free to use it,except one situation.
If you obtain money from him,send some to a humanitarian foundation (Children
Care, Green Peace, fight against antipersonnel mines,etc.). If posted, mail
me to keep track on him.

Version 1.10

Contents :

1. Introduction / General tips
2. Missions walkthrough/Bugs/Eggs/Cheats
3. Ships
4. Bases and trade
5. Weapons
6. Wrecks
7. Jump hole
8. Credits


This faq/walkthrough is mainly a small manual. Use it to create your own game
strategies. The information below are the result of more then ten times
playing Freelancer,but for spoiler reasons I don`t go to deep, so here you’ll
find just the best strategy to win. Enjoy !


1.There are three ways to deal with money problems in this game :
Search the wrecks and sell everything
Bar missions
The first one gives you a financial boost and good weapons,but requires
pleasure/talent for close dogfight.Otherwise mean spending a lot of time, a
full cargo of nanobots and battery for each wrecks,since their are in
dangerous areas ( mines,gas pockets,criminals).The second imply a lot of time,
but is a lot safer.Third one is difficult only if you choose hard tasks,
without taking in consideration your skills.

2.Remember that speed is essential in Freelancer.Strong weapons and ships
with good maneuverability ensure fast killings,looting and running.This
is important because a long fight enhance your chances to die or suffer
damage,as the search for wrecks when everybody breathe on your neck.

3.Choose weapons configuration wisely.Doesn`t matter what type of cannon
and turret you use, if you ignore News Vendor advice. They let you know
what specific shield a faction use , so you have to choose those weapons
who do the biggest damage. For example Liberty and Kusari officials use
Graviton shields, Bretonia, Outcast, Corsair, etc. Positron and Bounty
Hunters, Xenos or Rheinland Molecular.But this information is not
always true. The enemy weapons dictate what type of shield they use.
So find the enemy and identify the shield.If you can`t buy/obtain the
right weapons, use "neutral"ones, who don`t imply in their description
any references to a specific shields.Example: if fighting a graviton
shield, you could use weapons best against molecular and weak against
positron shields.

4.Use TAB a lot in dogfights. If not is likely you burn or spend necessary
money on repairs,nanobots and shield battery.

5.Missiles attack from distance and mines from close by. “ Tactics save the
day “(AquaNox!). Mainly missiles,mines and countermeasures scare the enemy,
making him strafe and stop the attack for a while, reducing the pressure on
your shield.

6.Looting wrecks is difficult business without good to advanced dogfight
skills. Practice by taking level 1–2 missions from bars and advance gradually
to more difficult tasks. When skilled enough, go for it!

7.Never hesitate to buy a powerful weapon or shield. They make the difference
through missions.

8.Freighters imply trade.Heavy or very heavy fighters are designed for combat.
Don`t use it for other purposes.Be careful when using light fighters.
Generally their shield and weaponry make them useful for hit and run
missions,not for intense fights. Some freighters are strong enough for the
enemy pounding,like Mule and Dromadery, but are really slow and much more
easy to hit by weapons platform, gunboats, cruisers and battleships.

9.Keep an eye to your status.Avoid to be recognized as enemy by powerful
criminal organization as Corsairs and Outcast.Check weapons information to
decide what cannons/turrets you need and your status with that particularly
factions.Strong weapons imply friendly relationships.

10.Trade become much easy with the data you’ll get from this faq.Choose the
profitable routes and don`t forget that this strategy involve time and
patience to gather the necessary money.

11.Save whenever you can.Except some mission automatic save,only saved game on
bases or after a system jump can be reloaded.The rest bring you to the latest
saved game.

12.Through compulsory missions is forbidden to use jump holes unless you are
friendly with the factions that control them. Also the jump holes to Tohuku
system don`t work,except for game missions.

13.Hear what News Vendor tells you on bases.Information mean better chance to
go through problems.

14.Try bar missions involving getting back a life pod.This way the chances to
fight on your way back are lower.

15.Whenever is possible hide behind structures(shipyards,bases,rocks,jump
gates) and conserve your nanobots/shield battery.Avoid weapons platform more
than battleships, they are deadly on close combat,especially in compulsory

16. Be aware when closing to a neutral faction base. They get the tendency
to claim your loot or cargo and shoot when get a no answer.



Tip: Be neutral/friendly with Junkers.
Tip: Willard Research Station give the best shields around.

Sell all nanobots and shield battery - don`t worry,the first mission is easy-
and buy two Lavablade MkII ,because game scripts seems to like this and you’ll
get more loot from destroyed ships. Don’t bother to think,is all about
bringing down Order and Liberty Rogues ships. Also in the first part of the
mission one try to destroy 3 more Rogues before going to Pittsburgh and get
extra credits. After that you face a big problem,everything is expensive!.
Try to buy a Bloodhound light fighter from Junkers or a Defender heavy
fighter from battleships and choose careful the weapons configuration
acording to enemy shields. Barrager MkI-II cannons from Junkers and Ad.
Stunpulse from Detroit are best suited against positron shields,like those
used by Outcast in third mission.Fight Xenos around Detroit(Molecular
shield!), they are excellent dogfighting partners,beam some Scorpion cannons,
fill nanobots/battery shield in your cargo and go for the second mission.
After successful completion loot all the wrecks around Liberty,install
Pyros 1 turret,continue fighting Xenos around Ouray base until they slip Ad.
Scorpion and reach a neutral status with Rogues.Simply fly to Ouray Base and
at a certain distance (7-9 km) the protection fighters will show up. Engage
the battle with a fully maximized ship and avoid close contact with weapons
platform. You could use Defender,but I suggest Mule freighter from Alcatraz or
Dagger light fighter from Buffalo Base. Mule is somewhat slower than Defender,
but the shield from Willard Station and a mix of right weapons make all the
difference in harsh battles. Dagger is even better than Mule, but you`ll
need at least neutral relations with Rogue and Outcast.If you feel confident
go to Texas,fight Outcasts around jump gate and get some Pyros 1 cannons.
Then buy a friendly status with Junkers,who`s going to make you neutral with
Rogues and Outcast.Take third mission and head to Alcatraz to buy Cardamine.
Sell it on Manhattan, reach level six,go back to Junkers and buy 2 Barrager
Mk2 cannon and 1 turret. This weapon presume friendly relationships,obtained
by blasting Xenos or bribing the bartender. Now the configuration should be*:
A. DAGGER: Scorpion / Ad.Scorpion,1 Dragoon Type 1**, 1 Pyros 1 turret ;
B. MULE :Scorpion/Ad.Scorpion,2 Barrager MkII and turrets 2 Barrager MkI,1
Barrager MkII,1 Pyros; C.DEFENDER: Scorpion/Ad.Scorpion,3 Barrager MkII,1
turret Barrager MkII,Imp.Countermeasures,nano and shield battery. Don`t
forget powerful missile and mines.Join Juni and fight through most difficult
dogfighting in Liberty.

* A is the best option , B good enough , C hard time
** Sometimes Outcast ships from third missions let it slip


Tip : Wrecks gives everything you`ll need. If you survive mines,gas pockets,
Corsairs, Molly’s and Gaians.
Tip : When level 10 is in hand you could buy a freighter from Mactan Base,
Magellan and put to good use those 275 of space. It is a easy way to increase
an account, but the Bounty Hunters will smell your tracks once more.

Once you reach Bretonia Systems,planet Leeds, head to New London to buy a
new ship, because is the only way Bounty Hunters will lose your smell. The
Battleship there sell a good heavy fighter called Crusader. Install level
5 weapons, strong missile/mines, finish the first mission here and make money
until you reach the level. Now start looking around Sirius,going up to Kusari
systems or down to Omega 3,5,7,etc. Use jump holes,visit Corsairs/Outcast
nearest systems,buy a Borroco Pulse gun , try looting the wrecks, no
point rushing in missions. Then go for it***. Once you reached Hood save and
then race. Bretonian heavy fighter is kind of slow, so, maybe, your opponent
light fighter will win most of the first races. Become familiar with the race
gates placement in space and try to run taking short the corners, reducing by
this his speed advantage. If doesn`t work buy the fast Cavalier light fighter
from Hood, win, make the best with weapon configurations and continue the
mission.When landing on Leeds again refuse next mission until you get back
the heavy fighter and buy a Starkiller/Tadpole to blast through “enemy lines“
in third mission here.

*** Another option is to buy a Drake light fighter from Kyushu or New Tokyo,
install Angelito MkII and MkI or Sunfury II/Angelito Mk I from wrecks and go
back to second and third missions on Bretonia.


Tip : Pay attention to wrecks !
Tip : Start trading goods, even to Bretonia, Border or Independent Worlds.

After trade adventures is time to analyze strong and weak points that ships
matching your level have. They are 3 : Wolfhound , Dragon and Barracuda. All
share the same shield 3600, level of weapons 4/6 and lose a gun point to a
Catapult Missile :
WOLFHOUND: 5/1 (4 cannons, 1 turret, missile, 1 Starkiller, mine). Require
a trip back to Magellan and, using a jump hole, Cortez or head to Molly’s
Base Arranmore from Dublin System (to avoid Bounty Hunters attention).
Wolfhound is a difficult ship to master, slower in reaction than Barracuda
and Dragon.
DRAGON: 6/0 (5 cannons,missile, 1 Starkiller, mine). Kind of slow .
BARRACUDA : 6/0 (5 cannons, 1 missile, 1 Starkiller, mine). Excellent

The best weapons combination is 4 Angelito MkII AND 2 Pyros 2.Go fight
weapons platform, gunboats/heavy fighters on first Kusari mission. Next you
land on Kyoto Base, Blood Dragons faction. Here is the last time out before
all 13 compulsory mission end. From now one you have 2 option:
a) Take as many mission from Kyoto bar against Kusari Military/Police you
can and don’t hesitate to refuse compulsory mission proposal if money are a
problem. From this point one missiles, torpedoes, mines, batteries, nanobots
are going to be used fast in order to keep you alive. When cash are enough,
around 100,000 credits to play safe, but not less than 50,000, is time to
charge. Use afterburners like crazy, make sudden stops and accelerations,
keep missiles and torpedoes for the primary big target, use carefully mines
against the first wave of Kusari heavy fighters. After you acomplished the
task,victory is near and is enough to fight as taff you could in order to
escape the remains of Kusari fleet.

b) If you want more exciment, use the jump holes to go in Honshu, Sigma 19,
Omicron Beta and Sigma 13 system (avoid trade lane/gate system, have
the tendency to shoot at you) and reach level 16 by taking mission from GMG
Naha base or loot wrecks. After buying Sunblasts A from GMG, go to Ruiz Base
(Omicron Beta) or Cali Base (Tau 23) for Pyros 3****, head back to Kyoto and
finish Ozu mission. It is a good idea also to replace your turret with an Ad.
Debilitator, if you take Wolfhound for a ride .

**** I prefere Angelito MkII in combination with Pyros 2/3, but you`ll choose
what suit best your stile.


Tip: Get cover and fly around when shooting big alien target!
Tip: Now money shows they key role, shop the best in every base you happened
to land.


Tip: Get cover when possible. Use Tab always.
Tip: This tasks aren’t really that hard. I think is Anubis fault, the best
designed ship so far in the compulsory missions, fast, strong armor and shield,
a little less agile than Barracuda . Or maybe the training I got so far make
it easier to win.

The Order gives you a very heavy fighter called Anubis in exchange to 1.100
credits. Do the thinking, is Anubis better than what I have? Weapons power
raise to 7 hard points (6/1), allows level 5/6 weapons, presuming that you
didn`t forget to loot the wrecks and shop . Check also on his battleships
what can give as weapons, battery and nanobots. A full cargo insure your
chance to live. Now a big problem. Fighting alien presume taking out huge
space constructionS and you should put in balance the power of your weapon
system. It’s possible to replaced a cannon with another missile, like
Catapult, to obtain better results in blowing up alien structures.Then come
the space combat against alien ships/gunboats/battleships where every missing
gun could be that touch to ensure or not the survival. In my experience is
no straight answer, sometimes work to have one more missile, sometime don’t.
Still, the final battle requires, in my opinion, 1 missile and 1 torpedo
because it is a lot to destroy. To play safe destroy enemy interceptors when
you get short on nanobots and batteries to replace the reserve and concentrate
fast heavy fire/misssiles/torpedoes on big alien targets to avoid premature


When game missions end, you are free to freelancer Sirius. It’s a pleasure,
because I could do whatever I want, bribe some, making money from trade or
bar missions, search for better ships ... About level 30 – 32 ships: every
one have some advantages. Sabre is capable to achieve better results than
Titan with level 10 weapons and her turret can shoot in front of you, but
respond a little slower to mouse movements than Titan. Titan have the best
armor, but the turret cannot shoot in front , even that at this level very
few enemies do a real damage, so Sabre, Eagle and Titan are the same.
Hammerheads ship from Bounty Hunters become a fierce adversary especially in
hard areas like systems belonging to Corsairs and Outcast. They have the
tendency to get Advanced Barrier Molecular Shields and you need 4 to 10 shots
with a level 9/10 combination of weapons to bring them down. Try to go in
Omicron Alpha and Gamma to fight aliens.Sometimes they let it slip some nice
Energy Cannons and Blasters superior to level 10 special weapons you find on
wrecks .


1. The most important "bug" of the game is the fact that I can’t use all that
strong ships like Eagle, Sabre or Titan , who accept level 10 weapons, in the
compulsory missions. Maybe the enemy will have a better equipt me in
Freelancer 2 !

2. Repetitive voices and faces! Except key players, everyone else share the
same voices and faces, with minor modifications. Especially those two voices,
male and female, when you speak in bars with peoples! It gets on one nerves
hearing them everywhere .

3. No saving in space. Is hard to play again a difficult mission.

4. All the times key players and others, less important, use weapons and
shields far superior or not matching their ships configuration. This is the
reason because you see Juni using a Defender(!) all the way (believe me, you
cannot survive in that rig to what awaits after Liberty missions) with Magma
Hammer MK3, Vengeance III and a Light Fighter Graviton Shield, just because
is stronger than everything sold in Liberty for heavy fighters, for example.

5. When landing on Gammu Robots planet the info you get is similar with that
received for Junyo planet, Shikoku system.

6. The gate/trade lane system is way to slow and sometimes I get bored
traveling in space. Of course I could read the game log or the information
about different bases , but still ...

7. First time is interesting watching the cutscenes . Second time is
tolerable . After that the fact I can`t skip them become annoying .

8. Many ships flying around game use shields with regeneration rate 1 ,
something that I couldn`t find .Also i didn`t get my hand on Ad. Barrier
Molecular shield ,the best so far, being forced to admire them on
Bounty Hunters Hammerhead heavy fighter in Omicron Gamma .

9. Ships physics is strange. Even that bumping on rocks could be accepted,
because of the shields, the way they suddenly stop, shoot and run when
awaiting, for example, docking procedure make things cartoonish.


1. When traveling I stumbled two times on Gaspar Orrilion, leader of Order,
cover identities. First was a miner on Cardiff base, Cambridge, called Jim
Levine and second the flight controller to a Unioners base called Pacifica,
Bering System .
2. Digital Anvil promo is showed briefly on a New Berlin building when
leaving the planet in search for von Claussen .
3. Choose decline first time a mission is proposed to you and read the
log . It`s pretty fun to read everything Digital Anvil prepare for this


It is only one that mean something to me. Go to My Documents, My Games and
find a folder called Freelancer. Inside is a PerfOptions file where you could
change the Difficulty Scale line from 1.00 to 0.00 and , voila !,God mode. I
suggest doing this for training your dogfight skills and replay the game
without being constantly destroyed there and here sometimes when shooting and
looting. If necessary play Freelancer until you don`t get nowhere with your
current abilities, change file, finish the mission and start again a new game.
If you don`t want to spoil the finish, concentrate on bar mission.


Here you could compare informations about all the ships in Freelancer game.
Factions and House vessels can`t be used, they are just part of the game and
I put it to have a complete image about ships around Sirius .

Name Cargo Armor Guns Class Registry Class Level


Piranha 35 1800 4/0 2/4 AP-6364 Light Fighter 4
Barracuda 45 3600 6/0 4/6 AP-7031 Heavy Fighter 13
Hammerhead 70 7900 6/1 7/9 AP-8050 Very Heavy Fighter 26


Cavalier 30 2100 4/0 3/5 B-224-F Light Fighter 6
Clydesdale 125 2200 3/5 2/4 B-27-E Freighter 4
Crusader 35 2600 6/0 3/5 B-907A Heavy Fighter 8


Starflier 20 1100 3/0 1/3 CTE–750AE Light Fighter 0
Startracker30 1800 3/0 2/4 CTE–1270AV Light Fighter 4
Hawk 45 3300 4/0 4/6 CTE–1500 Light Fighter 13
Falcon 60 6200 5/1 6/8 CTE–3000 Heavy Fighter 24
Eagle 70 9900 6/1 8/10 CTE-6000 Very Heavy Fighter 30


Legionnaire35 2400 4/0 3/5 M3 Class Light Fighter 8
Centurion 45 9200 6/0 7/9 M7 Class Heavy Fighter 28
Titan 70 12600 6/1 8/10 M10 Class Very Heavy Fighter 32


Drake 35 2800 4/0 4/6 J7P-7Q Light Fighter 10
Drone 175 3600 2/6 4/6 J20P-21F Freighter 10
Dragon 40 3600 6/0 4/6 J10P-15P Heavy Fighter 13


Patriot 25 1300 4/0 2/3 LZF–6364 Light Fighter 1
Rhino 80 1600 3/5 1/3 EL–Hil27 Freighter 1
Defender 30 1600 5/1 2/4 BDR – 337 Heavy Fighter 2


Bloodhound 35 1900 3/1 2/4 Z-2010 Light Fighter 2
Mule 90 2200 4/4 2/4 Z-1138 Freighter 4
Wolfhound 40 3600 5/1 4/6 Z-3005 Heavy Fighter 13


Anubis 70 4200 6/1 5/6 07A Very Heavy Fighter 16


Dagger 35 1800 4/1 2/4 Series X Light Fighter 4
Dromedary 275 3600 3/5 4/6 Series YX Freighter 10
Stiletto 45 4900 6/0 5/7 Series YX Heavy Fighter 20
Sabre 70 10800 6/1 8/10 Series Z Very Heavy Fighter 30


Banshee 45 4500 4/0 5/7 72-ARKM-G3 Light Fighter 20
Humpback 250 5800 2/6 5/7 203-ARKM-B5 Freighter 20
Valkyrie 50 5800 5/1 6/8 90-ARKM-N9 Heavy Fighter 22


Name Cargo Guns Class Porpouse


CSV 799,999 2/1 2/7 Salvage Vessel


Liberty Dreadnought 0/10 Military Capital Ship
( Battleship )
Cruiser 1/7 Medium Range Military Ship
Large Transporter 4000 0/5 Transporter
Heavy Lifter 0/5 Person Transporter
Prison Ship 0/5 Prison
Train 799,999 0/6 Trade
Armored Transport 7999 0/9 5/6 Trade / Person

Places to find it :

Type Name Base and System

Light Fighter Patriot Planet California Minor
Patriot,Startracker Planets Denver(Colorado),
Manhattan (New York),Houston
(Texas),Los Angeles
Bloodhound Rochester Base (New York)
Dagger Buffalo Base (New York)
Cavalier, Piranha Planets Cambridge (Cambridge),
Leeds (Leeds),New London
(New London)
Cavalier Battleship Hood (Dublin)
Piranha Sheffield Station (Manchester)
Legionnaire Trafalgar Base (New London)
Hawk Kyoto Base (Chugoku)
Hawk, Drake Planets Honshu (Honshu),Kyushu
Drake Planet New Tokyo (New Tokyo)
Banshee Planets Hamburg (Hamburg), New
Berlin (New Berlin),Stuttgart

Freighters Mule Alcatraz Depot (California)
Rhino Planets Denver (Colorado),
Pittsburgh,Manhattan(New York),
Houston (Texas),Los Angeles
Clydesdale Planets Cambridge (Cambridge),
Leeds (Leeds),New London
(New London)
Dromedary Mactan Base (Magellan)
Drone Planet New Tokyo (New Tokyo)
Humpback Planets Holstein (Frankfurt),
Hamburg (Hamburg),New Berlin
(New Berlin),Stuttgart
(Stuttgart),Harris(Tau 31)

Heavy Fighters Defender Battleships Yukon(California)
Rio Grande (Colorado),Missouri
(New York), Mississippi(Texas)
Crusader Battleships Norfolk(Cambridge)
Essex (Dublin),York (Leeds),
Suffolk (New London)
Wolfhound Arranmore (Dublin),Montezuma
Base (Cortez)
Dragon BattleshipsMatsumoto(Hokkaido)
Barracuda Planets Honshu (Honshu),Kyushu
(Kyushu),New Tokyo(New Tokyo),
Curacao (Cortez)
Stilleto Bruchsal Base (Frankfurt)
Valkyrie Battleship Westfalen (Hamburg)
Falcon Planets Hamburg (Hamburg), New
Berlin (New Berlin),Stuttgart,
Baden Baden (Stuttgart),Kurile
(Sigma 17)

Very Heavy Fighters Anubis Battleship Osiris;Planet
Toledo (Omicron Minor)
Hammerhead Freistadt Base (Omega 7),Leon
Base (Omega 41)
Eagle Freeport 9 (Omicron Theta)
Sabre Vogtland Base (Dresden),Planet
Malta (Omicron Alpha)
Titan Planet Crete (Omicron Gamma)


I want to thank Gary Dwyer whose work in maping Edge, Border and
Independent Worlds was very helpful for me.I mention only those trades who
give you at least 140 credits more for every item sold than the buying price,
because otherwise trade will be real boring.


Prison Station Mitchell LSF G5

Alcatraz Depot 5F Rogue Battleship Rio Grande 4C Navy
Battleship Yukon 4C/D Navy Ouray Base 6C/D Xenos
Planet California Minor 6E Planetform Planet Denver 4E/F Police
Planet Los Angeles 4C/D Police Pueblo Station 5C Ageira
San Diego Border Station 6C Police
Willard Research Station 6D Navy

Baltimore Shipyard 3E DSE Battleship Mississippi 4F Navy
Battleship Missouri 5F Navy Beaumont Base 3D Junkers
Buffalo Base 7E Rogues LPI Huntsville 4F Police
Detroit Munitions 4B Ageira LPI Sugarland 5F Police
Fort Bush 3E Police Planet Houston 4F Police
Newark Station 4C Interspace
Norfolk Shipyard 5F Navy
Planet Manhattan 3/4C Police
Planet Pittsburgh 2F DSE
Rochester Base 3D Junkers
Trenton Outpost 4D Universal
West Point Military 5C/D Navy

Best buy/sell :

Basic Alloy: Boron: Pittsburgh(120)/Ouray (317); Cardamine:Alcatraz Depot
(1049)/Manhattan(1500);Consumer Goods: Houston(36)/Rio Grande, Ouray(180);
Engine Components:Houston(600)/Los Angeles(974);Aur:Denver(269)/Alcatraz
Depot(467);Light Arms:Detroit Munitions(140)/Beaumont,Huntsville(280);
Toxic Waste: Yukon,California, Los Angeles, Willard, Rio Grande(2)/



Battleship Norfolk 5F Armed Forces Arranmore Base 6C Mollys
Cambridge Research Station 6D Cryer Battleship Essex 4F Navy
Cardiff Mining Facility 3E IMG Battleship Hood 4D IMG
Planet Cambridge 6D Police Graves Station 6E/F BMM


Aberdeen Border Station 4/5F Police Battleship York 3E Navy
Islay Base 3F Gaians Durham Border 7D/E Police
Luxury Liner Shetland 3E Spa and Cruise Glasgow Outpost 2/3F Bowex
Perth Station 5E Planetform LD-14 3D BMM
Planet Leeds 6E Police
Stokes Mining 4F BMM


Birmingham Station 4D BMM Battleship Suffolk 6C/D Navy
BPA Newgate 5E Police Canterbury Station 4F Planetform
Kingstone Border Station 2F Police Kensington Shipping 4F Gateway
Liverpool Border Station 4G Police Planet New London 6D Police
Sheffield Station 4E/F Bounty Hunters Southampton Shipyard 3D BMM
Thames Outpost 6D BMM
Trafalgar Base 3C Junkers
Waterloo Station 6D Interspace

Best buy/sell :

Alien Organism:Glasgow(1400)/Cardiff(2000);Artifacts:Trafalgar(145)/New
London(1147);Beryllium: Cardiff(144)/LD14(360);Boron:Sheffield(600)/
LD14(960);Cardamine:Trafalgar(600)/everyone 750 except New London(659);
Construction Machinery:Leeds(300)/Cambridge(459);Consumer Goods:
Cambridge(192)/Arranmore, Hood(420);Engine Components:Glasgow(974)/
Cambridge(1274);Gold:Arranmore(271)/Cambridge(543);H-Fuel: lasgow(269)
/Arranmore(480);Light Arms: Sheffield(280)/Arranmore(560);Luxury
Consumer Goods:New London(630)/Liner Shetland(990);Luxury Food:Cambridge
(160)/Shetland(320);Mining Machinery:Leeds(400)/Arranmore (600);Optical
Pharmaceuticals:Cambridge esearch(176)/Islay(359).



Kyoto Base 4/5D/E Dragons Akita Border Station 5/6F Police
Aomori Station 4G GMG
HOKKAIDO Kansai Research Station 3C Navy
Osaka Storage Facility 6D Samura
Ainu Depot 5/6C Golden C. Planet Honshu 3E/F Police
Battleship Matsumoto 3D Navy Yukawa Shipyard 4C/D Kishiro
Chugoku Gate C. S. 3D DSE
Sapporo Station 6D/E Police


Battleship Nagumo 5B Navy Kabukicho Depot 5C Hogosha
Kagoshima Depot 4G Alliance Narita Outpost 4E Police
Nansei Research 4/5C Navy Planet New Tokyo 6D Police
Planet Kyushu 3E/F Police Roppongi Station 6D Interspace
Tsushima Depot 3D Samura Shinagawa Station 5/6F Kishiro
Shinjuku Station 5C Samura
Yokohama Shipyard 3D/E Samura

Battleship Myoko 6F Navy TOHOKU
Deshima Station 6E Bounty Hunters
Fuchu Prison 6F Police Ryuku Base B5 Dragons
Ohashi Border Station 2E Police Takagi's Base BC56
Planet Junyo 4F Samura

Best buy/sell :

Consumer Goods:Deshima(90)/Ainu(270),Kagoshima(240);Engine Components:Honshu
(150)/Ainu(450);Space/Trade Lane Gates:Roppongi(560)/Chugoku(1120);H-Fuel:
Aomori(35)/Kyoto(240);Light Arms:Deshima(531)/Matsumoto(1120);Luxury Consumer
Goods:New Tokyo,Roppongi(810)/Ainu(1440);Luxury Food:Junyo(1040)/Honshu(1360);



Bautzen Station 4F Kruger Bruchsal Base 3D/E Bundschuh
Leipzig Station 6C Daumann Fulda Border Station 2D/E Police
Pirna Border Station 6E Police Mainz Storage Facility 4D Republican
Vogtland Base 3D Hessians Mannheim Station 6C/D Kruger
Planet Holstein 3/4D Daumann


Alster Shipyard 5E/F Republican Bonn Station 5C Interspace
Altona Station 4F Republican Brandenburg Border 6D/E Police
Battleship Westfalen 3D Navy Dortmund Station 3D ALG
Lubeck Border Station 7E Police Essen Station 3D Kruger
Planet Hamburg 4F Police Kreuzberg Depot 4C Junkers
Vierlande Prison 6D Police Oder Shipyard 5F Navy
Planet New Berlin 5F Police
The Ring 5F Daumann


Darmstadt Depot 4F LWB
Freiburg Station 3C Republican
Konstanz Border Station 7C/D Police
Planet Baden-Baden 6E Spa and Cruise
Planet Stuttgart 3E Police
Ulm Border Station 4B Police

Best buy/sell :

Artifacts:Kreuzberg(742)/New Berlin(1012);Beryllium:Freiburg(900)/Dortmund
(1152);Cardamine:Kreuzberg(1049)/New Berlin(1349);Engine Components:New
Berlin,The Ring(225)/Darmstadt(450);Diamante:Vogtland, Darmstadt(285)/Mainz
(506);Gold:Freiburg(1020)/Alster(1275);H-Fuel:Mainz(71)/Leipzig, Pirna(330);
High Temperature Alloy:Dortmund(20)/Mainz(320);Light Arms:New Berlin,The Ring
(280)/Darmstadt,Konstanz(518);Luxury Consumer Goods:New Berlin(900)/Baden
Baden(1260);Niobium:Freiburg(1248)/The Ring(1440);Optronics:Mainz(377)/Alster



Douglas Station 6D BMM Freital Base 4C Hessians
Freeport 1 4C Zoners Solarius Station 3C Daumann
Rugen Station 6F Daumann


Cadiz Base 5D Corsaires Gas Miner Naha 4D GMG
Ronneburg Base 4E Hessians Helgoland Station 6D ALG
Yanagi Depot 5C Junkers
Briesen Mining 5F/G Daumann
Elbich Mining 3E/F Kruger Atka Research 3/4C/D Cryer
Friestadt Base 5D IMG Planet Kurile 5F Samura


Gas Miner Ogashawa 5C/D GMG Holman Outpost 6E IMG
Luxury Liner Hawaii 6D/E Spa and Cruise Planet Harris 4B/C Planetform

TAU 23 TAU 37

Cali Base 4F Outcasts Falkand Base 6C IMG
Java Station 3D/E IMG Freeport 10 4F Zoners
Tau 31 Construction Site 6/7C BMM

TAU 29

Freeport 6 6D/E Zoners
Nago Station 5F Kishiro
Shinkaku Station 5C Samura

Best buy/sell :

Alien Organisms:Kurile(600)/Freeport 6(1000);Artifacts:Friestadt(135)/Hawaii
Liner(364);Cardamine:Cali(389)/all Omega bases(750);Construction Machinery:
Holman(400)/Freeport 10(880);Consumer Goods:Cadiz, Yanagi(330)/Falkland(570);
Engine Components:Yanagi(524)/Briesen, Friestadt(1199);Diamonds:Douglas,
Freital(198)/Briesen, Elbich, all Sigma and Tau bases(660);Space/Trade Lane
Parts:Holman(980)/Tau 31 c.s.(1400);H-Fuel:Gas Miner Ogashawa(23)/Friestadt
(600);Light Arms:Yanagi(560)/Elbich(1260);Mining Machinery:Holman(480)/
Falkland(900);Niobium:Falkland(160)/Holman, Harris, all Omega, Sygma 17 and 19
Atka(570);Ship Panels:Yanagi, Freeport 6(280)/Freeport 10(480);Terraforming
Gases:Shinkaku(10)/Helgoland, Freeport 10(400);Water:Holman(30)/Briesen,



Freeport 2 4/5F Zoners Barrow Base 3E/F Xenos
Pacifica 5C Unioners Dawson Base 5E/F Rogues


Montezuma Base 6E Rogues Ames Research Station 4D Zoners
Planet Curacao 3D Spa and Cruise Nome Base 6B/C Xenos


Leiden Base 2/3B Hackers Freeport 4 5E IMG
Padua Base 6C Rogues Mactan Base 4C Hackers

Best buy/sell :

Engine Components:Ames(524)/Montezuma, Mactan(1424);H-Fuel:Leiden,Ames(240)/
Mactan(516);Light Arms:Freeport 2(490)/Barrow, Dawson(770);Pharmaceuticals:



Freeport 5 5E Zoners Freeport 9 4E Zoners
Leon Base 5D Corsairs


Planet Malta 5D Outcasts Ruiz Base 4/5E Outcasts


Planet Crete 5E Corsairs
Tripoli Shipyard 6D Corsairs

Best buy/sell :

Alien Organisms:Ruiz(100)/Freeport 9(400);Cardamine: Malta(300)/Freeport5,Leon
Base,Planet Crete,Tripoli Shipyard,Freeport9(750);Goods:Leon(390)/Crete(540);
Engine Components:Leon(825)/Malta(1350);Food Rations:Leon(40)/Tripoli(200);
H-Fuel:Leon(40)/Freeport 5(389);Light Arms: Freeport9(1050)/Malta(1400);
Silver:Leon(140)/Malta,Ruiz,Crete,Tripoli,Freeport9 (280);Water:Leon(60)/
Freeport 9(240).


Alien Organisms:Ruiz(100)/Cardiff(2000);Artifacts:Friestadt(135)/Manhattan
Altona(275);Construction Machinery:Houston(100)/Freeport 10(880);Consumer
Goods:Houston(36)/Falkland(570);Engine Components:Ames(524)/Montezuma,
Mactan(1424);Fertilizer:Houston(30)/Crete(285);Food Rations:Stuttgart(9)/
Tripoli(200);Space/Trade Lane Parts:Pueblo(140)/Tau 31 c.s.(1400);Gold:Denver
H-Fuel:Aomori(35)/Friestadt(600);Light Arms:Detroit M.(140)/Malta(1400);
Luxury Consumer Goods:New London(630)/Ainu(1440);Luxury Food:Cambridge(160)/
Honshu(1360);Mining Machinery:Essen,New Berlin(120)/Falkland(900);Diamonds:
Douglas,Freital(198)/New Tokyo(1650);Niobium:Falkland(160)/The Ring(1440);
High Temperature Alloy:Dortmund(20)/Yokohama(640);Optical Cips:Shinagawa(80)/
Leeds, Essen(440);MOX: Dortmund(120)/Matsumoto, Chugoku(660);Optronics:
Silver:Leon(140)/California(713);Super Alloy:Pueblo(120)/Oder Shipyard(920);
Superconductors:Pueblo(100)/Kansai(440);Toxic Waste:Yukon,California,Los
Angeles,Willard,Rio Grande(2)/Dortmund(200);Polymers:Ronneburg(107)/Tripoli
(600);Ship Panels:Stokes(80)/Freeport 10(480);Water:Denver,Cambridge,Islay
Base,New London,Kyushu,Curacao(15)/Briesen,Elbich,Freeport 9(240).


For every weapon I mention if a turret(T) version is available, as long that
I now. Best and weakest columns refers to shields against the weapons could be
used with big/small success. Generally Civilian cannons/turrets could be
found on almost every base in Sirius, so the Equipment Room for all factions
isn’t reduced to their specific weaponry. In shield area P stand for positron,
G graviton and M molecular. For weapons Pa equal particle,Pl plasma,Ph photon,
Pu pulse, T tachyon, L laser, N neutron. The Other Weapons can`t be used by
player, as long they are destined to factions and houses ship.

Class Name Best Weakest Type Hull Shield Range Bullets Refire Energy
against against speed required

Blood Dragon

5 Tanto(T) P G L 40 20 600 750 8.33 12
6 Wakizashi P G L 52 26 600 750 8.33 16
7 Katana(T) P G L 69 34 600 750 8.33 21
8 Gendaito P G L 106 53 600 750 8.33 33

Bounty Hunters

2 GunslingerMk1(T)P G L 20 10 649 700 8.33 7
2 Brave Mk1 G M Pa 49 24 650 650 4 15
4 GunslingerMk2(T)P G L 31 15 649 700 8.33 11
4 Brave Mk2(T) G M Pa 75 37 750 750 4 23
6 Winchester Mk1 P G L 52 26 649 700 8.33 19
6 Warrior Mk1 G M Pa 126 63 650 650 4 34
7 Winchester Mk2 P G L 69 34 649 700 8.33 26
7 Warrior Mk2 G M Pa 167 83 750 750 4 52
8 Reaver Mk1 P G L 106 53 649 700 8.33 39
9 Reaver Mk2 P G L 163 81 649 700 8.33 61
9 Buckshot G M Pa 391 195 750 750 4 122


4 Skyrail(T) G M Pa 94 47 600 600 4 23
4 Ripper M P T 79 39 700 700 4 23
5 Ad.Skyrail G M Pa 121 60 600 600 4 30
5 Ad. Ripper M P T 101 50 700 700 4 30
6 Sunrail G M Pa 158 79 600 600 4 39
6 Dissolver M P T 131 65 700 700 4 39
6 Dissolver(T) M P T 131 65 800 800 4 39
7 Ad.Sunrail G M Pa 209 104 600 600 4 52
7 Ad.Dissolver M P T 174 87 700 700 4 52


6 Luger Type A M P T 210 105 700 700 3.03 52
7 Luger Type B M P T 278 139 700 700 3.03 69
8 Luger Type C M P T 426 212 700 700 3.03 106


1 Starbeam(T) P G L 14 7 600 750 8.33 4
2 Ad.Starbeam(T) P G L 18 9 600 750 8.33 5
2 Stunpulse(T) P G Pu 4 155 700 700 4 9
3 Ad.Stunpulse P G Pu 5 189 600 750 4 11
3 Heavy Starbeam P G L 22 11 600 750 8.33 7
6 Flashpoint P G L 47 23 600 650 8.33 14
6 Debilitator(T) P G Pu 11 401 700 700 4 23
7 Ad.Flashpoint P G L 62 31 600 750 8.33 19
7 Flashpoint(T) P G L 62 31 700 700 8.33 14
7 Debilitator P G Pu 15 530 600 750 4 31
8Ad.Debilitator(T)P G Pu 23 806 600 750 4 47
8Heavy Flashpoint P G L 95 47 600 750 8.33 29


5 Borroco P G Pu 10 308 600 600 4 24
5 Angelito Mk 1 M P N 121 60 600 600 4 24
6 Borroco(T) P G Pu 13 401 700 700 4 31
6 Angelito Mk 2 M P N 158 79 600 600 4 31
7 Angelito Mk 3 M P N 209 104 600 600 4 41
7 Rapier P G Pu 17 531 600 600 4 41
8 Salamanka Mk 1 M P N 318 159 600 600 4 63
9 Salamanka Mk 2 M P N 489 244 600 600 4 97
9 Tizona del Cid P G Pu 40 1242 600 600 4 97

Farmer Alliance

4 Vulture 1 M P N 126 63 549 600 3.03 21
5 Vulture 2 M P N 161 80 549 600 3.03 26
6 Vulture 3 M P N 210 105 549 600 3.03 35


3 Avenger Type A P G Ph 41 20 600 750 5.88 9
4 Avenger Type B P G Ph 52 26 600 750 5.88 12
5 Gaia`s Savior A P G Ph 67 33 600 750 5.88 16
6 Gaia`s Savior B P G Ph 87 43 600 750 5.88 21

Gas Miner Guild

6 Sunblast A(T) P G Ph 79 39 700 700 8.33 19
7 Sunblast B(T) P G Ph 104 52 700 700 8.33 26
8 Skyblast A(T) P G Ph 159 79 700 700 8.33 39
9 Skyblast B(T) P G Ph 244 122 700 700 8.33 61

Golden Crysantemum

4 Suncannon A P G Ph 52 26 600 750 5.88 15
5 Suncannon B P G Ph 87 43 600 750 5.88 26
6 Suncannon C P G Ph 176 88 600 750 5.88 53


6 Drake Type A(T) G M Pl 158 79 550 650 4 32
7 Drake Type B G M Pl 209 104 550 650 4 43
8 Drake Type C(T) G M Pl 318 159 550 650 4 66

Independent Miner Guild

3 Matterthief 1 M P T 49 24 700 700 4 14
4 Matterthief 2 M P T 63 31 700 700 4 18
6 Vampire 1 M P T 105 52 700 700 4 31
8 Vampire 3 M P T 212 106 700 700 4 63


2 Barrager Mk 1(T)P G Ph 30 15 600 600 8.33 9
4 Barrager Mk 2(T)P G Ph 47 23 600 600 8.33 14
6 Barrager Mk 3 P G Ph 79 39 600 600 8.33 23


5 Sunfury 1(T) P G Ph 50 25 600 600 8.33 15
5 Scrambler 1 M P N 101 50 549 600 4 20
6 Sunfury 2(T) P G Ph 65 32 600 600 8.33 19
6 Scrambler 2 M P N 131 65 549 600 4 26
7 Sunfrenzy 1(T) P G Ph 87 43 600 600 8.33 26
7Disinfector 1(T) M P N 174 87 549 600 4 34
8 Disinfector 2 M P N 265 132 549 600 4 53
8 Sunfrenzy 2 P G Ph 132 66 600 600 8.33 39

Lane Hackers

4 Hellflury Mk 1 M P T 79 39 700 700 4 23
4 Hellflury Mk1(T)M P T 79 39 800 701 4 23
5 Hellflury Mk 2 M P T 101 50 700 700 4 31
6 Hellflury Mk 3 M P T 131 65 700 700 4 39


1 Justice Mk1(T) P G L 16 8 600 750 8.33 5
1 Lavablade Mk1(T)G M Pl 97 48 600 500 2 20
2 Justice Mk2(T) P G L 20 10 600 750 8.33 6
2 Lavablade Mk2 G M Pl 122 61 600 500 2 25
3 Justice Mk3(T) P G L 24 12 600 750 8.33 7
3 Lavablade Mk 3 G M Pl 149 74 600 500 2 31
3 Lavablade(T)Mk2 G M Pl 149 74 700 500 2 31
4 Vengeance Mk 1 P G L 31 15 600 750 8.33 9
4 Magma Hammer
Mk1 G M Pl 189 94 600 500 2 35
5 Vengeance Mk 2 P G L 40 20 600 750 8.33 12
5 Magma Hammer
Mk2(T) G M Pl 242 121 600 500 2 50
5 Vengeance (T) P G L 40 20 700 700 8.33 12
6 Vengeance Mk 3 P G L 52 26 600 750 8.33 16
6 Magma Hammer
Mk 3 G M Pl 316 158 600 500 2 65

Liberty Rogue

1 Azrael P G L 19 9 600 750 8.33 6
1 Zaphiel Turret P G L 19 9 700 700 8.33 6
3 Badariel Turret P G L 29 14 700 700 8.33 9
3 Drail P G L 29 14 600 750 8.33 9
4 Raphael P G L 37 18 600 750 8.33 11
5 Usiel P G L 48 24 700 750 8.33 15
5 Sapiel Turret P G L 48 24 700 700 8.33 15
7 Vassago P G L 83 41 700 750 8.33 26
7 Thoth Turret P G L 83 41 700 750 8.33 26


6 Ad.Devastator M P T 175 87 700 700 3.03 35
7 Eliminator M P T 232 116 700 700 3.03 35


5 Dublin Duster
Mk 1(T) M P N 101 50 549 600 4 20
6 Dublin Duster
Mk 2 M P N 131 65 549 600 4 26
7 Dublin Duster
Mk 3(T) M P N 174 87 549 600 4 34


5 Death’s Hand
Mk 1(T) P G L 40 20 600 750 8.33 12
5 Reaper Mk 1(T) M P N 101 50 549 600 4 20
6 Death’s Hand
Mk 2 P G L 52 26 600 750 8.33 16
6 Reaper Mk 2 M P N 131 65 549 600 4 26


4 Pyros 1(T) G M Pa 113 56 600 600 4 23
4 Dragoon Type 1 M P T 126 63 700 700 3.03 31
4 Dragoon Type1(T)M P T 94 47 800 701 4 23
5 Pyros 2 G M Pa 145 72 600 600 4 30
5 Dragoon Type2(T)M P T 161 80 700 700 3.03 40
6 Pyros 3(T) G M Pa 189 94 600 600 4 39
6 Dragoon Type 3 M P T 210 105 700 700 3.03 52
8 Kraken 1(T) G M Pa 381 190 700 700 4 79
8 Wyrm 1(T) M P T 424 212 700 700 3.03 106
9 Kraken 2 G M Pa 586 293 700 700 4 122
9 Wyrm 2 M P T 652 356 700 700 3.03 163

Red Hessians

5 Natter(T) P G L 53 26 700 700 5.88 16
6 Natter Zwei P G L 70 35 600 750 5.88 21
7 Rotter Blitz P G L 92 46 600 750 5.88 29
8 Natterturn P G L 141 70 600 750 5.88 48


6 Flamecurse
Mk 1(T) G M Pl 316 158 600 500 2 65
6 Stealthblade
Mk 1 M P T 70 35 700 700 5.88 26
7 Flamecurse
Mk 2(T) G M Pl 418 209 600 500 2 87
7 Stealthblade
Mk 2 M P T 92 46 700 700 5.88 34
8 Firekiss Mk1(T) G M Pl 636 318 600 500 2 132
8 Hornviper Mk1(T)M P T 141 70 700 700 5.88 53


4 Protector Mk 1 M G N 79 39 549 600 4 15
6 Protector Mk 2 M G N 131 65 549 600 4 26
8 Protector Mk 3 M G N 265 132 549 600 4 53


2 Scorpion G M P 73 36 549 699 4 15
3 Ad. Scorpion G M Pa 89 44 549 699 4 18
5 Tarantula G M Pa 145 72 549 699 4 30
6 Ad. Tarantula G M Pa 189 94 549 699 4 39


3 Helios 1 P G Ph 41 20 649 700 5.88 12
4 Helios 2(T) P G Ph 52 26 649 700 5.88 15
6 Fury 1(T) P G Ph 87 43 649 700 5.88 26
7 Fury 2 P G Ph 116 58 649 700 5.88 34
8 Fury 2(T) P G Ph 176 88 750 750 5.88 53
8 Fury 3 P G Ph 176 88 750 750 5.88 39


10 Energy Blaster - - - 635 317 699 600 4 0
10 Energy Cannon - - - 847 423 699 600 3.03 0

Special Weapon

10 Diamond Back - - - 1173 586 699 600 2 293
10 Cerberus - - - 1173 586 699 600 2 293
10 Onix - - - 1075 537 699 600 2 268
10 Guardian - - - 1075 537 699 600 2 268
10 Blue Blaze - - - 1075 537 699 600 2 244
10 Wild Fire - - - 1075 537 699 600 2 220
10 Archangel - - - 978 489 699 600 2 268
10 Dark Blossom - - - 978 489 699 600 2 268
10 Thor`s Hammer - - - 880 440 699 600 2 244
10 Iron Hammer - - - 880 440 699 600 2 220
10 Blood Stone - - - 880 440 699 600 2 220
10 Golden Blade - - - 782 391 699 600 2 195
10 Silver Fire - - - 717 358 699 600 3.03 179
10 Jade - - - 652 326 699 600 3.03 163
10 Prometheus - - - 586 293 699 600 3.03 146


Small Train
Turret Mk 1 - - - 81 40 1200 1000 2 0
Large Train
Turret Mk 1 - - - 40 20 1099 1222 2 0
Lifter Turret - - - 124 62 1200 1000 2 0
Prison Turret - - - 40 20 1099 1222 2 0
Cruiser Forward
Gun - - - 202 101 1000 500 2 0
Cruiser Turret - - - 40 20 1099 1222 2 0
Cruiser Missile
Turret - - - 81 40 1500 200 2 2,90
Primary Turret - - - 81 40 1099 1222 2 0
Secondary Turret - - - 81 40 1099 1222 2 0
Tertiary Turret - - - 81 40 1099 1222 2 0
Defense Turret - - - 40 20 1099 1222 2 0
Flak Turret - - - 81 40 0 249 2 100

6. Wrecks

I want to thank Matthew Lawson , who`s wreck faq was very helpful for
their placement in Edge and Border Worlds especially .


C5/6 Balboa: Cardamine(20),Pyros 2,Pyros 1(T) - lower right on line
Dangers : Outcast , Lane Hackers

New York
C67 Flint Rogue Fighter: Cardamine(20),Azrael(3),Badariel(T) - lower left
D6 Aggressor Bounty Hunter: Gunslinger Mk 1 - upper right
E6 Navy Patrol 27: Justice Mk III(8) - center
Dangers : Radiation , Rogues , Outcast

C34 Avenger Bounty Hunter: Winchester Mk I, Catapult,Gunslinger Mk 1 - right
part on line
CD3 Prudhoe Rogue Fighter: Diamonds,Usiel,Vengeance Turret - center
CD6 Ft. Worth Transport: Trade Lane Parts(20) - lower part on line
Dangers : Radiations , Rogue , Xenos


E6 Caraz: Artifacts(20), Angelito Mk1 (2) - center to right
F5 Henry Jones: Gold(10),Starbeam - lower left corner
Dangers : Corsairs

D6 Storm Bretonia Military: Ad. Ripper (2) - center to left
E6 Scargill Molly Fighter: Gold(20), Dublin Duster Mk2(2) - center to right
Dangers : Mines , Molly

C3 Lorenzo: Cardamine(20),Dragoon Type 1(T),Pyros 2(2) - upper right corner
D6 San Vicente Outcast: Dragoon Type 1(T) and 2(2) – center to left
Dangers : Radiation , Molly

New London
C3 Puno: Cardamine (20), Dragoon 2(2) and 1(T) - lower center
C5 Vanguard Molly Fighter: Gold(20), Dublin Duster Mk 1 - lower left corner
G4 Trujillo Corsairs: Artifacts(20), Angelito Mk 1(2) - lower left corner
Dangers : Volatile Gases , Radiation , Corsairs , Molly


C3 Kusari Naval Fighters: Scrambler2(4),Sunfury2(2),Disinfector MkI(2)- center
F4 James Morrell: Trade Lane Parts(10) – upper right corner
Dangers : Golden Chrysanthemums , Blood Dragon , Radiation

C3 Fugaku Blood Dragon Fighter: Tanto(2),Tanto(T) – upper right corner
F7 Malaga Corsair Fighter: Angelito Mk2I (2) – upper left corner
Dangers : Corsairs , Mines

B4 Shoki Blood Dragon: Wakizashi(2), Tanto(T) - center
D2 Ohtori Golden C.: Suncannon B (2) – lower center
Dangers : Blood Dragon , Golden Chrysanthemums

C5 Kobe Maru Hogosha: Artifacts(20), Drake A (2) - center to left
D6 Shibuya Maru: Cardamine(20), Suncannon B (2) - center to left
Dangers : Rogue , Xenos , Police


D3 Danzig Kruger Minerals: Diamonds – upper right corner
Dangers : Red Hessians

New Berlin
C3 Hessian Fighter: Natter Zwei(2), Natter(T) – lower right corner
Dangers : Unioners , Red Hessians

C6 Nurnburg Red Hessian: Light Arms(20), Natter(2), Natter(T) – upper center
D6 Patrol 421: Stealthblade Mk1(2) and Mk2(2) - upper left corner
F5 Babylon: Luxury Consumer Goods(10),Starbeam(T)(6) – center to right
G4 Belknap Freighter: Luxury Food(20) - center to left
Dangers : Red Hessians , LWB


DE5 Corsairs and Red Hessians wrecks: Salamanka Mk1, Natter, Rotter Blitz(T),
Angelito MkI, Natter Turn,Natter turret
Dangers: Mine , Corsairs , Red Hessians

C5 Corsair Fighter: Angelito Mk1 (6) - lower left corner
E34 Monschau Kruger: Silver(5), Starbeam(T)(6) – center part on line
E6 Bremerhaven: Engine Components(20) – lower right corner
Dangers: Volatile Gases , Corsairs , Red Hessians

E6 Daumann Fighter: Diamonds(5), Flashpoint(2) - upper left corner
D6 Corsair Fighter; Diamonds(20), Salamanca Mk1(2) - upper right corner
E6 Bounty Hunter: Diamonds(20), GOLDENBLADE(2), Gunslinger(T) - upper
left corner
F5 Hessian Fighter: Diamonds(10), Natter Turn(2) - center to left
Dangers : Radiation , Red Hessians , Corsairs

C3 Old Imperial Navy Fighter: IRON HAMMER(2) - lower right corner C5
Old Imperial Navy Fighter; JADE(2),Drone mines(20), Wasp(5), Cruise
C3 Old Imperial Fighter: SILVER FIRE - center to right
C4 Old Imperial Navy Fighter: ONYX 2),Drone(20),Wasp(5) – lower left corner
C4 Old Imperial Navy Fighter: BLOODSTONE(2), Drone(20),Wasp (5) – upper
CD5 Old Imperial Navy Fighter: DIAMONDBACK(2),Drone(20),Wasp(5) - upper left
C5 Old Imperial Navy Fighter: JADE(2),Drone mines(20),Wasp rachete(5),Cruise
disruptor - center
Dangers : Radiation , Volatile Gases , Corsairs , Junkers , ALG

E6 Mongoose Bounty: BLUE BLAZE(2), Gunslinger MkI, Paralyzer(10) – center
F4 Robert Fitzgerald: Alien Organism(20), Heavy Starbeam(2), Adv.
Starbeam(T)(3) -- lower center
Dangers : Radiation , Corsairs

CD3 Perez Outcast: Cardamine(2), Wyrm 1(2), Dragoon Type 1(T) – lower part
on line
E3 Hiem GMG Ship: Sunblast B(2), Sunblast A(T) - center
F6 Menorca Corsair: Artifacts(20), Angelito Mk2 (2) – upper left corner
Dangers : Radiation , Corsairs , Outcast

E56 Wolverine Bounty Hunter: Winchester Mk2(2), Wasp, Gunslinger Mk 1(T) -
right part on line
H67 Edward Marshall: Beryllium - right part on line
Dangers : Mines , Outcast

D3 Valiant: Gaia`s Savior B(2), Countermeasure – center
D34 Whetstone: Machinery(20), Heavy Starbeam(2), Adv.Starbeam(T)(3) –
right part on line
Dangers : Gaians , Outcasts

E2 Griffin: DARK BLOSSOM(2), Gunslinger Mk 1(T) – center to left
E67 Barossa IMG: Niobium(20), Flashpoint(T) - left corner
Dangers : Outcast


C6 Lonestar: Advanced Tarantula(2) - center
Dangers : Unioners

C5 Edward Kane: Gold(10), Starbeam(T)(6) - center to left
Dangers : Rogues

C3 Shibuya Maru: Cardamine - upper right corner
C3 Chesapeake: Pharmaceuticals(20) - upper right corner
D5 Freespirit: Artifacts(20), Vassago(2), Badariel(T) – upper left corner
Dangers : Radiation , Rogues , Lane Hackers

E3 Nikko Maru: Luxury Consumer Goods(8), Starbeam(T)(6), Tanto(T) – upper
F3 Kamakura Maru: Niobium(20) - center to left
F6 McKinley: Superconductors(20) - upper left corner
Dangers : Radiation , Xenos

C7 Bradley: Gate Parts (13) – upper center
Dangers : Lane Hackers , Outcast


D4 Volsung: ARCHANGEL(2) – left corner
DE4 Independence: Diamonds(20) - center of line
Dangers : Radiation , Mines , Corsairs

Omicron Alpha
D6 Viking Bounty: PROMETHEUS(2),Gunslinger Mk 1(T),Paralyzer(10),Ripper -
F4 Outcast Fighters: GUARDIAN(2),CERBERUS(2),Wyrm 2, Ripper - center
Dangers : Radiation , Outcast , Nomads

Omicron Beta
C5 Pathfinder: WILDFIRE(2), Gunslinger Mk1(T), Paralyzer(10) - lower center
E4 Hosho Maru GMG and 2 escort ship: Adv.Starbeams(2),Adv.Starbeams(T)(4),
Skyblast B(2) - center
Dangers : Radiation , Outcast

Omicron Gamma
C5 Vengeance Bounty Hunter: GUARDIAN(2), Gunslinger Mk 1(T),Paralyzer(10) –
upper right corner
F2 Graveyard of Innocents: Artifacts, Salamanca Mk 1 - center
Dangers : Corsairs , Nomads

Omicron Theta
E6 Rebel Bounty: THOR`S HAMMER(2), Gunslinger Mk1(T), Paralyzer(10) –
lower center
G4 Fearless: Flashpoint(T)(2), Heavy Starbeam(2) – lower left corner
Dangers : Radiation , Corsairs

7. Jump Holes


California Colorado
BC5 Cortez - middle part on line B4 Kepler - lower right corner
FG5 Texas - upper part on line D3 Galileo - upper center
D7 New York - upper left corner

New York

C3 Colorado - upper left corner
E7 Texas - center to left
EF7 New York (inside system jump hole) - upper part on line
FG6 Zone 21, New York (inside system jump hole) - upper part on line

C4 California - center to right
D23 New York - lower right corner
E7 Hudson - center to right


Cambridge Dublin
C3 New London - upper right corner E3 Leeds - lower left corner
F3 Leeds - upper right corner E3 New London - lower center
F6 Omega 5 - lower right corner

Edinburgh Leeds
CD23 Tau-31 - crosslines C3 Edinburgh - upper center
F3 Leeds - center to right C6 Dublin - upper left corner
D6 New London - lower left corner
EF6 Magellan - middle part of line
F6 Manchester - lower center

Manchester New London
D3 Leeds - upper center B5 Dublin - lower right corner
F3 Magellan - lower left corner C23 Leeds - left part on line


Chugoku Hokkaido
D56 Hokkaido - middle part on line C3 Chugoku - lower center
E45 Tohoku - right part on line C6 Kyushu - lower center
E5 Sigma 13 - upper center E3 Tohoku - center to right
E5 Honshu - lower center

Honshu Kyushu
C34 New Tokyo - left part on line BC4 Tau 23 - upper part on line
D23 Chugoku - left part on line E2 Hokkaido - lower center
F67 Sigma 13 - middle part on line G4 New Tokyo - center
G3 Sigma 19 - lower center G45 Shikoku - middle part on line

New Tokyo Shikoku
C6 Kyushu - upper right corner D3 Kyushu - center to left
G4 Honshu - lower left corner E7 Galileo - upper center


Dresden Frankfurt
C3 Stuttgart - center to right CD3 Hamburg - lower part on line
C4 Omega 11 - lower left corner D67 Dresden - middle part on line
D3 New Berlin - upper left corner E3 Sigma 13 - upper left corner
G45 Frankfurt - left part on line

Hamburg New Berlin
DE7 New Berlin - upper part on line C3 Hamburg - upper left corner
E2 Bering - lower center D6 Dresden - lower left corner
F5 Frankfurt - upper right corner E5 Sigma 13 - lower right corner
FG4 Frankfurt - upper part on line

CD6 Omega 11 - lower part on line
G4 Dresden - lower left corner


Omega 3 Omega 5
B56 Cambridge - right part on line CD5 Cambridge - middle part on line
D7 Omega 5 - center D34 Omega 3 - middle part on line
D34 Omega 7 - middle part on line
D56 Omega 41 - left part on line
EF4 Omega 11 - lower part on line

Omega 7 Omega 11
C6 Omega 5 - center to left BC4 Omega 5 - middle part on line
FG6 Omega 11 - upper part on line C34 Omega 7 - left part on line
C5 Omega 41 - lower left corner
D23 Stuttgart - right part on line
EF3 Dresden - center

Sigma 13 Sigma 17
C3 Honshu - center to right C4 Sigma 13 - upper center
C5 New Berlin - upper left corner D3 Sigma 19 - center to left
C6 Frankfurt - upper center F6 Omicron Theta -upper left corner
D4 Choguku - upper left corner
E3 Sigma 19 - upper right corner
F5 Sigma 17 - lower left corner

Sigma 19 Tau 23
C45 Honshu - middle part on line E2 Tau 37 - lower center
C5 Sigma 13 - center F3 Kyushu - lower right corner
E3 Omicron Beta - lower left corner FG5 Tau 29 - lower part on line
F6 Sigma 17 - center

Tau 29 Tau 31
B5 Tau 31 - upper right corner AB5 Edinburgh - lower part on line
D3 Tau 23 - upper right corner F4 Tau 29 - upper left corner

Tau 37
D67 Tau 23 - right part on line
E3 Omicron Alpha - center


Bering Cortez
C4 Hudson - center E6 Magellan - lower center
D6 Hamburg - center to left FG5 California - lower part on line

Galileo Hudson
B2 Shikoku - center CD3 Texas - middle part on line
B3 Kepler - center F56 Bering - middle part on line
CD6 Colorado - middle part on line

Kepler Magellan
BC6 Colorado - middle part on line C2 Cortez - lower right corner
FG4 Galileo - middle part on line C3 Leeds - lower right corner
C4 Manchester - center to left


Omega 41
CD5 Omega 5 - upper part on line
D34 Omega 11 - right part on line
E5 Omicron Gamma - lower center
EF4 Omicron Theta - lower part on line

Omicron Alpha
C5 Tau 37 - lower left corner
F4 Unknown System ( Nomads ) - center
F5 Omicron Beta - upper right corner
F5 Omicron Theta - lower right corner

Omicron Beta
DE3 Omicron Alpha - middle part on line
E6 Sigma 19 - lower left corner

Omicron Gamma
C5 Omega 41 - center
D3 Omicron Theta - upper right corner
F2 Unknown System (Primus/Gammu) - center

Omicron Theta
C5 Omega 41 - center
E3 Sigma 17 - center to left
E6 Omicron Gamma - center to right
FG34 Omicron Alpha - crosslines

8. Credits

Thank you Microsoft Games and Digital Anvil for hours of pleasure. Also I
want to give my appreciation to all the fans who put a suggestion or a faq on
webs. They been a lot of help in my beginners time.

Copyright 2005 Limona Razvan
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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18.Oktober 2013
Wegbeschreibung zur Nomaden-Energiekanone als Word-Dokument

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DLH.Net Hinweissammlung

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

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"Starflier" Walkthrough
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Ships Guide
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Engl. FAQ

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Dt. Trainer für Geld, Gegenstände und Munition

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