

17.10.2013 09:54:52


Wrecks FAQ

Written by: Matthew Lawson (Board name: Ivresse)

Contact e-mail:



Game: Freelancer
Format: PC
Guide basis: A list of hidden wrecks found in the game, and what they provide
Created: 27/04/03
Last Update: 01/05/03
Current Version: 1.0
Copyright: Matthew Lawson.

Welcome to my first ever FAQ, based on the wrecks of Freelancer, the space
flying/trading/shooting game made for PC.

If you want to put this FAQs on a public or private site, please ask me for
permission before you do so. If you do get permission, then you must follow
these three simple rules:

(1) This FAQ must display the correct credit (i.e. I wrote this, not you)
(2) This FAQ must not be altered at all (i.e. don't add extra words or delete
any words I have written)
(3) This FAQ must be for non profit (i.e. I didn't get any money out of this,
neither should you...)

Freelancer is copyright of Digital Anvil and Microsoft. I am in no way
affiliated with either of these two companies and I am not recieving any money
from this. I just wanted to help...

If you locate any mistakes or missing wrecks that I have not found yet, please
drop me a line. I promise to give you full credit for any wreck locations or
any other advice that you can help me with.



1. Update history

2. A guide to what Wrecks are, and what they do...
- So what are wrecks, exactly?
- How exactly can a bunch of scrap help me out?
- Really? So where are they? I want my weapons!!
- So it's just find 'em, shoot 'em, grab 'em. Easy...or is it?
- Is it really worth the hassle?

3. Wreck Locations
- Descriptions and things to point out...
- Liberty
- Bretonia
- Kusari
- Rheinland
- Borderworlds
- Independant
- Edge Worlds
- Outcasts
- Corsairs

4. End notice




Ok, I've just gone through every available system and have listed all the
wrecks I've found. Hopefully, this list is pretty much complete, but if it
isn't, please send me any wrecks you may have found that have not been listed
yet, and I'll make sure it goes in straight away.

On a final note, thanks to Atruebond who gave me a link to a small list of
wrecks where there were some I hadn't found yet, so thanks to him.

Updates for today: - Chapter 3: - All systems done.
- A couple of changes to the introductions
(Coded weapons)


Have just finished the single player campaign (again), and have discovered all
the wrecks that can be found during the single player campaign. This means that
all the Kusari wrecks are now complete (unless I've missed some, which I don't
think I have, but email me if I have, please)

I also found some wrecks that I missed earlier and have put them into their
relevant systems, notobly some in Bretonia, Independant and Borderworld. The
systems mentioned are written below. Finally, I've put more general locations
in some of the wrecks that I've missed out.

Updates for today: - Chapter 3: - Kusari systems done
- New wreck found in Cambridge (Caraz)
- New wreck found in Galileo (Freespirit)
- New wreck found in Kepler (Nikko Maru)
- New wreck found in Tau-31 (Whetstone)
- Found wreck in Magellan system
- More general locations of some wrecks


Welcome to my first ever FAQ. After looking at some of the FAQs in various
games, I'd thought I'd try it out myself by starting with something simple, but
still relatively helpful. So I decided to write a small guide to the various
wrecks found in Freelancer.

As yet, this guide is still incomplete, but I've given people a start by writing
in the Liberty, Bretonia, and part of the Kusari systems. I've also displayed the
wrecks for some of the independant and Border world systems as well.

If anyone knows the locations for any wrecks that I have missed out for the
systems I've gone through, then please send me an email at the address at the
top of the FAQ, as well as any comments about improving this FAQ. Please don't
send me wreck locations for the systems I've not covered as yet, I like to find
these things out for myself...

Updates for today: - chapter 2 complete
- Chapter 3: - Liberty systems done
- Bretonia systems done
- Kusari, Independant and Borderworld systems
partially done.



- So what are wrecks?

Wrecks are the remains of various ships that have been lost for various reasons
(pirates, broken down, destruction by various phenomena, etc.)in several sectors
of the entire Sirius galaxy. They've been slowly decaying there for years drifting
in space waiting for someone to run into them. Think of them as hidden treasure

- How exactly can a bunch of scrap help me out?

Wrecks aren't just a bunch of scrap metal. The weapons and cargo inside the wrecks
have survived the initial destruction and are just waiting to be dislodged from the
ships and then tractor beamed aboard your own ship to be used or sold at a nearby
base (or a far away one, depending on the value of the loot in the bases you've
A lot of the weapons found on wrecks are ones that are often more powerful than the
ones you're currently using, and not only that, are likely to be weapons that are
hard to get as they're either unable to be purchased because you are too low a level,
or normally located in criminal bases (Liberty Rogues, Outcast, Corsairs etc.) that
you are likely to have a bad reputation with unless you've spent a good deal of money
on bribes or a huge amount of time attacking cargo ships and police forces, and
therefore unable to purchase. And if you don't need 'em, you can always sell 'em.
Not only that, but the commodities that some wrecks hold can provide a high source
of income. For example, 20 Cardamine from a Rogue fighter wreck in New York, and
then sold in Planet Manhattan instantly provides $30,000, very useful in the
beginning of the single player campaign.
Finally, the most powerful weapons (Coded weapons) can only be found by wreck hunting.
So there's another incentive...

- Really? So where are they? I want my weapons!!

Well, wrecks aren't exactly floating around the trade lanes. They require a good
deal of searching for, and are going to be found in asteroid fields, darkmatters,
dustclouds, and other space phenomena. Just keep searching, your scanners have a
decent range and will show them up when you are pretty close by. They will appear
on your map as red crosses. Then when you find them, just hit them and their
contents will fly out, ready to be tractored in.

- So it's just find 'em, shoot 'em, grab 'em. Easy...or is it?

Unfortunately, it's not quite as easy as that. Most of these wrecks can be found
in the most inhospitable places in the whole of Sirius (how do you think they
became wrecks in the first place?). There are three problems to consider when
searcing for wrecks.

1) Almost every wreck is located in an area which will hamper your ship
in a variety of ways. These include radiation damage to your hull,
minefields, volatile gases and reduced sensor efficiency.
2) Wrecks are likely to be in places with major criminal activity, so you
can expect several pirate patrols to cross your path while you search
for the wrecks. If you've got a good reputation with them, all well
and good, but if you've got a bad reputation with them, then prepare
to to defend yourself frequently in very dangerous areas (fighting
a group of 6 Outcast Daggers in a volatile gas pocket can be very
hazardous indeed)
3) If the cargo you looted from a wreck happens to be contraband
(Cardamine, Artifacts), be wary when travelling to a planet to sell
it. Police patrols will sometimes scan your cargo, and if discovered,
you'll have two choices: Dump the cargo and lose it altogether, or
face the police and the problem of being unable to land at your
potential destination.

So be very well prepared when searching for wrecks, you might find yourself in a
rather tricky situation.

- Is it really worth the hassle?

As long as you keep your wits about you and feel you are able to take on some
tough fighters, then wrecks are very useful indeed, not just to power up your ship
so that you can take down local hostiles very quickly indeed, but also to sell
expensive weapons and cargo that have been taken for free for large sums of money.
To give you an idea, I had $200,000 in the bank when I had to move to Bretonia in
the single player campaign, and most of it came from finding wrecks throughout



| Descriptions and things to point out |

Layout - The following tables are an area by area description of where wrecks are
located, what items you can obtain from those wrecks, and what potential
hazards can await you when finding these wrecks. Main systems are listed
by capital first, then other systems in capital order (e.g. New York,
California, Colorado, Texas)

Hazards - There are four different types of hazards that can be found in the
various wreck locations (minus pirate factions). These hazards are
described below:

- Reduced Sensor Efficiency (RSE):
Basically, this means that any nearby enemies will only show up on your
sensors when they're a lot closer to you than normal, which means you
can't target them until they start shooting you.
- Radiation:
Radiation damage penetrates your shields and immediately does damage to
your hull, weapons and systems gradually. Make sure you bring plenty of
nanobots with you, and hope a stray shot doesn't immediately rob you of
a weapon quicker than expected.
- Minefields:
These are deadly. Displayed as very spikey explosives the same colour as
the surrounding asteroids, if you stray close to one, the mine explodes
and you lose a very large chunk of your shields. Don't even try to go to
cruise speed in these fields. If you happen to be unshielded when a mine
explodes, well...prepare to press the autoload/respawn button...
- Volatile gases:
These are similiar to mines in that they explode and damage you when you
fly too close to them. Fortunately, they aren't as powerful as mines, but
they make up for this by having a helluva lot more of them to navigate

Fortunately, enemy ships are just as susceptible to these hazards as you are
so as long as you're a good pilot, you can risk escaping the enemy and let
them get destroyed by the mines and volatile gases while searching for the

Location - Location gives the sector square that the wreck is located, as well as a
general location inside that square. The general locations are keyed in as
follows: C = Center, CL = Center Left, CR = Center Right, UC = Upper Center
UL = Upper Left, UR = Upper Right, LC = Lower Center, LL = Lower Left,
LR = Lower Right

Coded guns - In case your wondering what the weapons that are coded in capital letters
are, they're weapons that cannot be bought or sold, but are among the
most powerful weapons in the game (some even doing higher than 1,000 hull
damage). They're very power intensive though, and they can only be used
by ships that can carry Class 10 guns (e.g. Sabre, Eagle, Titan).


New York

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Aggressor | 6D (UR) | Gunslinger Mk.1 (X 4) | | Radiation
| | Gunslinger Turret Mk. 1 | |
Patrol 27* | 6E (C) | Justice Mk III (X 3) | | Radiation
Flint | 6C (LR) | Azrael (X 2) |Cardamine (20) | Radiation
| | Badarael Turret (X 3) | |

* - There are three of these ships in the same area


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Balboa | 5C (LR) | Pyros Type 1 Turr. |Cardamine (20) | RSE
| | Pyros Type 2 (X 2) | |
| | Wasp Cruise Dis. (X 2) | |


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Prudhoe | 3D (LL) | Usiel (X 2) |Diamonds | Radiation
| | Vengeance Turret | |
Avenger | 4C (UR) | Winchester Mk. 1 (X 2) | | Radiation
| | Catapult Missile (X 2) | |
| | Gunslinger Turret | |
Storage | 6C (UC) | |Supercond. (40)| Radiation
Container* | | | |
Supply ship| 6C (LR) | |Gate lane | Radiation
Ft. Worth | | |parts (20)|

* - must be fully destroyed to take loot


New London

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Puno | 3C (LC) | Dragoon Type 2 (X 2) |Cardamine (20) | Radiation
| | Dragoon Turret Type 1 | |
Vanguard | 5C (LL) | Dublin Duster Mk. 1 (X 2)|Gold (20) | Volatile Gases
Trujillo | 4G (LL) | Angelito Mk. 1 (X 2) |Artifacts (20) | Volatile Gases


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Henry Jones| 5F (LL) | Starbeam Turrets (X 6) |Gold (10) |
Caraz | 6E (CR) | Angelito Mk. 1 (X 2) |Artifacts (20) |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Scargill | 6E (UR) | Dublin Duster Mk. 2 (X 2)|Gold (20) | Minefield, RSE
Storm | 6D (CL) | Adv. Ripper (X 2) | | Minefield, RSE


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Lorenzo | 2C (LL) | Pyros Type 2 (X 2) |Cardamine (20) | Radiation
| | Dragoon Turret Type 1 | |
San Vicente| 6D (CL) | Dragoon Type 2 (X 2) | | RSE
| | Dragoon Turret Type 1 | |


None found


New Tokyo

None found


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Naval Force| 3C (C) | Scrambler 2 (X 2) | | RSE
Battlefield| | Sunfury 2 (X 2) | |
* | | Disinfector Mk. 1 (X 2) | |
James | 4F (UR) | |Trade Lane | RSE
Morrell | | |Parts (10) |

* - There are three of these ships in the same area. Each one contains each type
of weapon


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Malaga | 7F (UL) | Angelito Mk. II (X 2) | | RSE
Fugako | 3C (UR) | Tanto (X 2) | | RSE
| | Tanto Turret | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Ohtori | 2D (LC) | Suncannon Type B (X 2) | | RSE
Shoki | 4B (C) | Wakazashi (X 2) | | RSE
| | Tonto Turret | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Shibuya | 6D (CL) | Suncannon Type B (X 2) |Cardamine (20) | RSE
Maru | | | |
Kobe Maru | 5C (L) | Drake Type A (X 2) |Artifacts (20) | RSE


New Berlin

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Hessian | 3C (LR) | Natter Zwei (X 2) | | Radiation
Fighter | | Natter Turret | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Danzig | 3D | Advanced Starbeam (X 2) |Diamonds (20) | Radiation
| | Adv. Starbeam Turret(X 2)| |


None found


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Babylon | 5F (CR) | Starbeam Turret (X 6) |Luxury Consumer| RSE
| | |Goods (10) |
Belknap | 4G (CL) | |Luxury Foods | RSE
| | |(20) |
Nurnberg | 6C (C) | Natter (X 2) |Light Arms (20)| RSE
| | Natter Turret Type 1 | |
Patrol 421*| 6D (UL) | Stealthblade Mk I (X 2) | | RSE
| | Stealthblade Mk II (X 2) | |

* - There are two of these ships in the same area. Each one contains each type
of weapon



None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Omega-5 | 5E/D | Salamanka Mk. I (X 2) | | Mines
Battlefield| | Natter (X 2) | |
(4 ships)* | | Rotter Blitz Turret | |
| | Angelito Mk. I (X 2) | |
| | Natter Turn (X 2) | |
| | Natter Turret | |

* Note: There are multiple wrecks here, but most of them are empty. Use the solar
scanners to detect ships that have full energy and then hit them to see whether they
have anything. There are 4 ships in this scrap pile, see if you can locate them
(Hint: 3 of them are in the Upper left, one is in the lower right).


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Bremerhaven| 6E (UR) | |Engine | Volatile Gases
| | |Components (20)|
Corsairs * | 5C (LL) | Angelito Mk. 1 (X 6) | | Volatile Gases
Monschan | 3E | Starbeam Turrets (X 6) |Silver (5) |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Hessian | 5F (CL) | Natterturn (X 2) |Diamonds (10) | Radiation
Fighter | | | |
Daumann | 6E (UL) | Flashpoint (X 2) |Diamonds (5) | Radiation
Fighter | | | |
Corsair | 6D (UR) | Salamanca Mk. 1 (X 2) |Diamonds (20) | Radiation
Fighter | | | |
Bounty | 6E (UL) | Code: GOLDENBLADE (X 2) |Diamonds (20) | Radiation
Hunter | | Gunslinger Turret | |

Note: These wrecks are all in the highly radioactive Von Rohe Belt. Any other wrecks
located in the belt are empty.


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Imperial | 3C (LR) | Code: IRON HAMMER (X 2) | | Volatile Gases
Navy Fight.| | | |
Kassel | 3C (LR) | Code: SILVER FIRE (X 2) | | Volatile Gases
| | | |
Imperial | 4C (LL) | Code: ONYX (X 2) | |
Navy Fight.| | Drone Mines (X 20) | |
| | Wasp Missiles (X 5) | |
Imperial | 4C (UC) | Code: BLOODSTONE (X 2) | | Volatile Gases
Navy Fight.| | Drone Mines (X 20) | |
| | Wasp Missiles (X 5) | |
Imperial | 5C (CL) | Code: JADE (X 2) | | Radiation
Navy Fight.| | Drone Mines (X 20) | |
| | Wasp Missiles (X 5) | |
| | Cruise Disruptor | |
Imperial | 5C (LR) | Code: DIAMONDBACK (X 2) | | Radiation
Navy Fight.| | Drone Mines (X 20) | |
| | Wasp Missiles (X 5) | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Mongoose | 6E (UR) | Code: BLUE BLAZE (X 2) | | Radiation
| | Gunslinger Mk 1 Turret | |
| | Paralyzer Missile (X 10) | |
Robert | 4F (LC) | Heavy Starbeam (X 2) |Alien | Radiation
Fitzgerald | | Adv. Starbeam Turr. (X 3)|Organisms (20) |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Hien | 3E (C) | Sunblast Type B (X 2) | |
| | Sunblast A Turret | |
Menorca | 6F (UL) | Angelito Mk. II (X 2) |Artifacts (20) |
Perez | 3D (LL) | Wyrm Type 1 (X 2) |Cardamine (2) | RSE
| | Dragoon Turret Type 1 | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Wolverine | 5E (LC) | Winchester Mk. II (X 2) | | Mines
| | Wasp Cruise Disrupter | |
| | Gunslinger Turret Type 1 | |


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Valiant | 3D (C) | Gaia's Savior B (X 2) | |
| | Countermeasure Dropper | |
Whetstone | 4D (UR) | Heavy Starbeam (X 2) |Construction |
| | Adv. Starbeam Turret(X 3)|Machinery (20) |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Griffin | 2E (CL) | Code: DARK BLOSSOM (X 2) | |
| | Gunslinger Turret | |
Barossa | 6E | Flashpoint Turret |Nobium (20) | RSE



Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Lonestar | 6C | Advanced Tarantula (X 2) | | RSE


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Edward Kane| 5C (C) | Starbeam Turrets (X 6) |Gold (10) | RSE


None found


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Kamakura | 3F (CL) | |Nobium (20) | Radiation
Maru | | | |
McKinley | 6F (UL) | |Supercond. (20)| Radiation
Nikko Maru | 3E (UC) | Starbeam Turret (X 6) |Lux. Consumer | Radiation
| | Tanto Turret |Goods (8) |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Chesapeake | 3C (UR) | |Pharmaceu. (20)| Radiation
Freespirit | 5D (CL) | Vassago (X 2) |Artifacts (20) | Radiation
| | Badariel Turret | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Bradley | 7C (UC) | |Jump Gate/Trade| RSE
| | |Lane Parts (13)|



Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Independence| 4D (CR)| |Diamonds (20) | Radiation
Volsung | 4D (CL)| Code: ARCHANGEL (X 2) | | Mines


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Rebel | 6E (LC)| Code: THOR'S HAMMER (X 2)| | Radiation
| | Gunslinger Mk.1 Turret | |
| | Paralyzer Missile (X 10) | |
Fearless | 4G (LL)| Flashpoint Turrets (X 2) | | RSE
| | Heavy starbeams (X 2) | |


Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Barossa | 7E (uL)| Flashpoint Turrets (X 2) | | RSE
| | Heavy Starbeams (X 2) | |
Griffin | 3E (UL)| Code: DARK BLOSSOM (X 2) | | RSE
| | Gunslinger Turret | |


Omicron Alpha

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Outcast | 4F (C) | Wyrm Type 2 (X 2) | | Radiation, RSF
Fighters * | | Ripper Mk. 3 (X 2) | |
| | Code: GUARDIAN (X 2) | |
| | Code: CERBERUS (X 2) | |
Viking | 4D (CL)| Code: PROMETHEUS (X 2) | |
| | Gunslinger Turret | |
| | Paralyser (X 10) | |
| | Ripper Mine | |

* Note: There are multiple wrecks here, but most of them are empty. Use the solar
scanners to detect ships that have full energy and then hit them to see whether they
have anything. There are 4 ships in this scrap pile, see if you can locate them.
(Oh, and you'll come under fire from 4 Nomad ships from time to time...)

Omicron Beta

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Pathfinder | 5E (LR)| Code: WILDFIRE (X 2) | | Radiation
| | Gunslinger Mk.1 Turret | |
| | Paralyzer Missile (X 10) | |
Hosho Maru | 4E (CR)| Adv. Starbeam Turr. (X 4)| | Radiation
| | Advanced starbeams (X 2) | |


Omicron Gamma

Name Location Weapons Cargo Hazards
Vengeance | 5C (UR)| Code: GUARDIAN (X 2) | | Radiation
| | Gunslinger Mk.1 Turret | |
| | Paralyzer Missile (X 10) | |
Graveyard of| 2F (C) | Salamanca Mk. 1 (X 32) |Artifacts (320)| Radiation
Innocents* | | | | RSE

*Note: Unlike other multi-wreck locations, all the wrecks here have items to
salvage. Each ship contains 2 Salamanca Mk. 1 guns and 20 Artifacts
(4 Nomad ships attack you from time to time at this location).



Credits -

1. Companies:

Digital Anvil - For making this great game
Microsoft - For publishing this great game
GAME - For selling me this great game

2. Sites:

GameFAQs - for providing a great site and for allowing me to try out my FAQ writing

3. People:

Atruebond - for directing me to a site that showed some wrecks I hadn't found yet.


For any wreck locations I may have missed, or just helpful comments, please email me at:

A couple of guidelines:

- English only please
- Write clearly
- No spam or gibberish
- please be nice to me, I'll be nice to you...

This FAQ is copyright Matthew Lawson. Please ask permission if you want to distribute.


Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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