

18.10.2013 00:46:40
Freelancer Jump Holes/Gates, Base List, Commodities List, and Ships
Version 1.1 - 06/12/03
By Dustin Shaffer - Copyright 2003

**** CONTENTS ****



I made this FAQ, because I wanted a complete map (with coordinates)
of the Freelancer galaxy, including all of the systems, jump holes,
and bases, as well as a list of commodity prices to maximize profits
while trading. I hope you all find it useful too. I was very thorough
exploring, so I think I found everything. However, if there is anything
I missed, please let me know. I have no intention of including
the wreck locations / Class 10 weapons in this FAQ - these are adequately
covered by other FAQs at this site. In the future, I may include an
equipment list, similar to my commodity list. For the latest version,
be sure to check

TIP: To find the exact location of the bases/jumps, check your patrol
path map. For bases, find the spot where 2 or more (usually more)
lines intersect. Jump holes will usually either have multiple
lines intersecting, or a single line ending abruptly. Obviously,
if there is a break in a trade lane, there is most likely a base

Version History:
1.1 - 06/12/03 - Completed commodites list and ships list
1.0 - 06/11/03 - Complete jump hole/gate List, complete base list


**** 1. JUMP HOLES/GATES ****

( ) Doesn't work after you finish the story

From System
-->To System Coordinates

-->New York (F5)

-->Hamburg E7
-->Hudson C4
-->Texas D2

-->Cortez B4,C5
-->Magellan C6
-->New York F3
-->Texas F5

-->Leeds F3
-->Omega 3 F3,G4
-->Omega 5 F6
-->New London B3,C3

-->Hokkaido D5
-->Honshu E5
-->Sigma 13 E5
-->Tohoku (E5)

-->Galileo D3,E2
-->Kepler B4,C3
-->New York D7,E7

-->California F4,F5
-->Magellan E6
-->Manchester B6

-->Frankfurt G4
-->New Berlin D3,E2
-->Omega 11 C4
-->Stuttgart C3

-->Leeds E3
-->New London E3,F4

-->Leeds F3,F4
-->Tau 31 D3

-->Dresden D7
-->Hamburg D3,D4
-->New Berlin B6
-->Sigma 13 D2,E3

-->Colorado D6,D7
-->Kepler B3
-->Shikoku B2,E2

-->Bering E2,F2
-->Frankfurt F5,G4
-->Hudson C2
-->New Berlin E7,E7

-->Chugoku C3
-->Kyushu C6
-->New Tokyo E6
-->Tohoku (E3)

-->Chugoku D3
-->New Tokyo B5,C4
-->Sigma 13 F6,F7
-->Sigma 19 G3,G4

-->Bering F6
-->Hamburg E7
-->Texas D2,D3

-->Colorado B4,D7
-->Galileo F4
-->Shikoku D2

-->Hokkaido E2
-->New Tokyo G3,G4
-->Shikoku G4
-->Tau 23 B4
-->Tau 29 B5

-->Cambridge D6
-->Dublin C6
-->Edinburgh B5,C3
-->Magellan E6
-->Manchester F6
-->New London D6,E7
-->Tau 31 F3

-->California G4
-->Cortez C2
-->Leeds C3
-->Manchester C4,C5
-->New York D4

-->Cortez F2
-->Leeds D3
-->Magellan F3,G4
-->New London B4

New Berlin
-->Dresden D6,D7
-->Frankfurt G4
-->Hamburg C3,D2
-->Sigma 13 E5
-->Stuttgart B5

New London
-->Cambridge G5,G6
-->Dublin B6,C5
-->Leeds C3,D2
-->Manchester G3

New Tokyo
-->Hokkaido D2
-->Honshu G4,G5
-->Kyushu B5,C6
-->Shikoku E7

New York
-->Alaska (G5)
-->California B6
-->Colorado C3,D2
-->Magellan D7
-->New York G6,F7
-->Texas E7,F6

Omega 3
-->Cambridge B4,B5
-->Omega 5 D7
-->Omega 7 G5

Omega 5
-->Cambridge D5
-->Omega 3 D4
-->Omega 7 D4
-->Omega 11 F4
-->Omega 41 D6

Omega 7
-->Omega 3 B5
-->Omega 5 C6
-->Omega 11 F6
-->Stuttgart G5

Omega 11
-->Dresden F3
-->Omega 5 B4
-->Omega 7 C4
-->Omega 41 C5
-->Stuttgart D2,E3

Omega 41
-->Omega 5 C5
-->Omega 11 D4
-->Omicron Gamma E5
-->Omicron Theta E4

Omicron Alpha
-->Omicron Beta F5
-->Omicron Theta F5
-->Tau 37 C5

Omicron Beta
-->Omicron Alpha E3
-->Omicron Major (D4)
-->Omicron Minor (D4)
-->Sigma 19 E6

Omicron Gamma
-->Omega 41 C5
-->Omicron Theta D3

Omicron Theta
-->Omega 41 C5
-->Omicron Alpha F4
-->Omicron Gamma E6
-->Sigma 17 E3

-->Galileo E7,F7
-->Kepler D7
-->Kyushu D3
-->New Tokyo E2

Sigma 13
-->Chugoku D4
-->Frankfurt C6,E7
-->Honshu C3,D2
-->New Berlin C5
-->Sigma 19 E3
-->Sigma 17 F5

Sigma 17
-->Omicron Theta F6
-->Sigma 13 C4
-->Sigma 19 D3,E2

Sigma 19
-->Honshu C3,C4
-->Omicron Beta E3
-->Sigma 13 C5
-->Sigma 17 E6,F6

-->Dresden G4
-->New Berlin G3
-->Omega 7 B4
-->Omega 11 C6,D7

Tau 23
-->Kyushu F3
-->Tau 29 G5
-->Tau 31 C7
-->Tau 37 E2

Tau 29
-->Kyushu F4
-->Tau 23 D3
-->Tau 31 B5,C5

Tau 31
-->Tau 23 E2
-->Tau 29 F4,G4
-->Edinburgh A5
-->Leeds C7

Tau 37
-->Omicron Alpha E3
-->Tau 23 D6

-->Bering G5
-->California C4
-->Hudson D7,E7
-->New York D3,E2

-->Chugoku (B5)
-->Hokkaido (B5)

-->Omicron Gamma E6

-->Omicron Alpha E6


**** 2. BASE LIST ****

### Base Name Coord Owners

001 Freeport 2 4/5F Zoners
002 Pacifica 5C Unioners

003 Alcatraz Depot 5F Rogues
004 Battleship Yukon 4C/D Navy
005 Planet California Minor 6E Planetform
006 Planet Los Angeles 4C/D Police
007 San Diego Border Station 6C Police
008 Willard Research Station 6D Navy

009 Battleship Norfolk 5F Armed Forces
010 Cambridge Research Station 6D Cryer
011 Cardiff Mining Facility 3E IMG
012 Planet Cambridge 6D Police

013 Kyoto Base 4/5D/E Dragons

014 Battleship Rio Grande 4C Navy
015 Ouray Base 6C/D Xenos
016 Planet Denver 4E/F Police
017 Pueblo Station 5C Ageira

018 Montezuma Base 6E Rogues
019 Planet Curacao 3D Spa and Cruise

020 Bautzen Station 4F Kruger
021 Leipzig Station 6C Daumann
022 Pirna Border Station 6E Police
023 Vogtland Base 3D Hessians

024 Arranmore Base 6C Mollys
025 Battleship Essex 4F Armed Forces
026 Battleship Hood 4D IMG
027 Graves Station 6E/F BMM

028 Aberdeen Border Station 4/5F Police
029 Islay Base 3F Gaians
030 Luxury Liner Shetland 3E Spa and Cruise
031 Perth Station 5E Planetform

032 Bruchsal Base 3D/E Bundschuh
033 Fulda Border Station 2D/E Police
034 Mainz Storage Facility 4D Republican
035 Mannheim Station 5/6C/D Kruger
036 Planet Holstein 3/4D Daumann

037 Leiden Base 2/3B Hackers
038 Padua Base 6C Rogues

039 Alster Shipyard 5E/F Republican
040 Altona Station 4F Republican
041 Battleship Westfalen 3D Military
042 Lubeck Border Station 7E Police
043 Planet Hamburg 4F Police
044 Vierlande Prison 6D Police

045 Ainu Depot 5/6C GC
046 Battleship Matsumoto 3D Naval Forces
047 Chugoku Gate Construction Site 3D DSE
048 Sapporo Station 6D/E Police

049 Akita Border Station 5/6F Police
050 Aomori Station 4G GMG
051 Kansai Research Station 3C Naval Forces
052 Osaka Storage Facility 6D Samura
053 Planet Honshu 3E/F Police
054 Yukawa Shipyard 4C/D Kishiro

055 Barrow Base 3E/F Xenos
056 Dawson Base 5E/F Rogues

057 Ames Research Station 4D Zoners
058 Nome Base 6B/C Xenos

059 Battleship Nagumo 5B Naval Forces
060 Kagoshima Depot 4G Alliance
061 Nansei Research Complex 4/5C Naval Forces
062 Planet Kyushu 3E/F Police
063 Tsushima Depot 3D Samura

064 Battleship York 3E Armed Forces
065 Durham Border Station 7D/E Police
066 Glasgo Outpost 2/3F Bowex
067 LD-14 3D BMM
068 Planet Leeds 6E Police
069 Stokes Mining Station 4F BMM

070 Freeport 4 5E IMG
071 Mactan Base 4C Hackers

072 Birmingham Station 4D BMM
073 BPA Newgate 5E Police
074 Kingstone Border Station 2F Police
075 Liverpool Border Station 4G Police
076 Sheffield Station 4E/F Bounty Hunters

New Berlin
077 Bonn Station 5C Interspace
078 Brandenburg Border Station 6D/E Police
079 Dortmund Station 3D ALG
080 Essen Station 3D Kruger
081 Kreuzberg Depot 4C Junkers
082 Oder Shipyard 5F Military
083 Planet New Berlin 5F Police
084 The Ring 5F Daumann

New London
085 Battleship Suffolk 6C/D Armed Forces
086 Canterbury Station 4F Planetform
087 Kensington Shipping Platform 4F Gateway
088 Planet New London 6D Police
089 Southamptom Shipyard 3D BMM
090 Thames Outpost 6D BMM
091 Trafalgar Base 3C Junkers
092 Waterloo Station 6D Interspace

New Tokyo
093 Kabukicho Depot 5C Hogosha
094 Narita Outpost 4E Police
095 Planet New Tokyo 6D Police
096 Roppongi Station 6D Interspace
097 Shinagawa Station 5/6F Kishiro
098 Shinjuku Sation 5C Samura
099 Yokohama Shipyard 3D/E Samura

New York
100 Baltimore Shipyard 3E DSE
101 Battleship Missouri 5F Navy
102 Buffalo Base 7E Rogues
103 Detroit Munitions 4B Ageira
104 Fort Bush 3E Police
105 Newark Station 4C Interspace
106 Norfolk Shipyard 5F Navy
107 Planet Manhattan 3/4C/D Police
108 Planet Pittsburgh 2F DSE
109 Rochester Base 3D Junkers
110 Trenton Outpost 4D Universal
111 West Point Military Academy 5C/D Navy

Omega 3
112 Douglas Station 6D BMM
113 Freeport 1 4C Zoners
114 Rugen Station 6F Daumann

Omega 5
115 Cadiz Base 5D Corsairs
116 Ronneburg Base 4E Hessians

Omega 7
117 Briesen Mining Facility 5F/G Daumann
118 Elbich Mining Facility 3E/F Kruger
119 Friestadt Base 5D IMG

Omega 11
120 Freital Base 4C Hessians
121 Solarius Station 3C Daumann

Omega 41
122 Freeport 5 5E Zoners
123 Leon Base 5D Corsairs

Omicron Alpha
124 Planet Malta 5D Outcasts

Omicron Beta
125 Ruiz Base 4/5E Outcasts

Omicron Gamma
126 Planet Crete 5E Corsairs
127 Tripoli Shipyard 6D Corsairs

Omicron Theta
128 Freeport 9 4E Zoners

129 Battleship Myoko 6F Naval Forces
130 Deshima Station 6E Bounty Hunters
131 Fuchu Prision 6F Police
132 Ohashi Border Station 2E Police
133 Planet Junyo 4F Samura

Sigma 13
134 Gas Miner Naha 4D GMG
135 Helgoland Sation 6D ALG
136 Yanagi Depot 5C Junkers

Sigma 17
137 Atka Research Station 3/4C/D Cryer
138 Planet Kurile 5F Samura

Sigma 19
139 Gas Miner Ogashawa 5C/D GMG
140 Luxury Liner Hawaii 6D/E Spa and Cruise

141 Darmstadt Depot 4F LWB
142 Freiburg Station 3C Republican
143 Konstanz Border Station 7C/D Police
144 Planet Baden-Baden 6E Spa and Cruise
145 Planet Stuttgart 3E Police
146 Ulm Border Station 4B Police

Tau 23
147 Cali Base 4F Outcasts
148 Java Station 3D/E IMG
149 Tau 31 Construction Site 6/7C BMM

Tau 29
150 Freeport 6 6D/E Zoners
151 Nago Station 5F Kishiro
152 Shinkaku Station 5C Samura

Tau 31
153 Holman Outpost 6E IMG
154 Planet Harris 4B/C Planetform

Tau 37
155 Falkland Base 6C IMG
156 Freeport 10 4F Zoners

157 Battleship Mississippi 4F Navy
158 Beaumont Base 3D Junkers
159 LPI Huntsville 4F Police
160 LPI Sugarland 5F Police
161 Planet Houston 4F Police

162 Planet Gammu 6F Robots
163 Planet Primus 5C/D Monkeys

None Found


**** 3. COMMODITIES ****

Match the Base Number from the Base List (above) with the following
item codes to determine price:

A. Alien Organisms (highly perishable)
B. Artifacts (illegal in Liberty)
C. Basic Alloy
D. Beryllium
E. Boron
F. Cardamine (contraband)
G. Cobalt
H. Construction Machinery
I. Consumer Goods
J. Copper
K. Diamonds
L. Engine Components
(Scroll down for M-LL)

*This base sells this item.

001| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *150 40 660 225
002| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 150 40 *660 225
003| 100 270 40 120 120 *1049 120 100 *53 40 660 900
004| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
005| 2000 270 40 120 120 750 120 139 60 40 660 225
006| 100 270 40 *840 *167 750 120 *139 *96 40 660 *974
007| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
008| 2000 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
009| 100 270 40 60 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
010| 2000 270 40 60 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
011| 100 270 40 *144 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
012| 100 270 40 60 120 750 120 459 *192 40 *879 *1275
013| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 210 40 660 180
014| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
015| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 107 40 660 870
016| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 139 96 40 660 *825
017| 100 270 120 1020 167 750 648 100 60 400 660 225
018| 100 270 40 120 120 *840 120 100 180 40 660 1424
019| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 132 40 660 225
020| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 *330 225
021| 100 270 40 120 120 750 *192 100 270 *40 219 225
022| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 219 225
023| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *222 40 *285 225
024| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 420 40 660 1500
025| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
026| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *300 40 660 225
027| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
028| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
029| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 420 40 660 225
030| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *335 40 660 225
031| 1700 270 40 120 120 750 120 379 60 40 660 225
032| 100 270 40 120 24 750 120 100 300 40 440 225
033| 100 270 40 120 24 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
034| 100 270 *100 120 *107 750 *275 100 *288 40 *506 225
035| 100 270 40 120 24 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
036| 100 270 40 120 *107 750 120 400 60 40 440 225
037| 100 *1080 40 120 120 750 120 100 *155 40 660 *675
038| 100 *1093 40 120 120 750 120 100 197 40 660 690
039| 100 270 103 120 192 750 120 400 60 40 440 375
040| 100 270 40 120 120 750 *275 100 60 *180 440 225
041| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
042| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
043| 100 270 40 120 275 750 120 100 *210 40 *483 225
044| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
045| 100 270 40 120 120 *479 120 100 *270 40 660 *450
046| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
047| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 700 60 40 660 225
048| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 *500 60 40 660 225
049| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
050| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 *180 40 660 225
051| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
052| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
053| 100 270 160 960 120 150 960 *400 *174 40 660 *150
054| 100 270 160 120 300 150 120 419 60 40 660 225
055| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 180 40 660 225
056| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 180 40 *704 225
057| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *107 40 660 *524
058| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *137 40 660 *675
059| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
060| 100 *715 40 120 120 150 120 100 240 40 660 225
061| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
062| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 *174 40 660 *344
063| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
064| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
065| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
066| *1400 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *281 40 660 *974
067| 100 270 40 360 960 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
068| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 *300 *258 40 1275 225
069| 100 270 *60 *300 *900 750 120 100 60 240 660 225
070| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *132 40 660 *1350
071| 100 270 40 120 120 *810 120 100 60 40 660 1424
072| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
073| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
074| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
075| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
076| 100 270 40 120 *600 750 120 100 *251 40 660 225
077| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 *131 330 225
078| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 330 225
079| 100 270 *60 1152 155 750 204 100 60 140 330 225
080| 100 270 68 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 440 225
081| 100 *742 40 120 120 *1049 120 100 *192 40 *374 *299
082| 100 270 68 120 144 750 120 250 60 40 330 225
083| 100 1012 68 120 120 1349 120 250 *150 40 *396 *225
084| 100 270 68 1200 120 750 *215 *250 60 *140 330 *225
085| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
086| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
087| 100 270 40 *192 120 750 120 100 *215 40 660 225
088| 100 1147 *75 120 120 659 120 *350 *222 40 *1056 *1199
089| 100 270 71 120 660 750 120 340 60 40 660 1199
090| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
091| 100 *945 *83 120 120 *600 120 *440 *240 40 660 *1199
092| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
093| 100 *675 40 120 120 150 120 100 *125 40 660 225
094| 100 270 40 *780 *455 150 120 100 60 40 660 *225
095| 100 810 *200 120 120 450 120 *469 *107 40 1650 *225
096| 100 270 40 120 120 810 120 *469 60 40 660 225
097| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
098| *1100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 *120 40 660 225
099| 100 270 203 120 480 150 120 490 60 40 660 225
100| 100 270 108 120 120 750 120 120 60 40 660 720
101| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
102| 100 270 40 120 120 *1229 120 100 48 40 *836 704
103| 100 270 116 120 120 750 120 100 72 40 660 225
104| 100 270 *108 120 *144 750 *600 *120 *53 *360 660 225
105| *1860 270 40 *960 *155 750 120 100 66 40 660 225
106| 100 270 103 120 155 750 120 120 48 40 660 675
107| 100 1282 40 120 *155 1500 120 129 *66 40 990 225
108| 100 270 40 120 *120 750 120 129 72 40 660 225
109| 100 *1215 40 120 120 *1409 120 100 *77 40 *923 225
110| 100 270 *111 120 *155 750 120 100 66 40 660 225
111| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
112| 100 135 40 120 120 750 120 100 *480 40 *198 *1050
113| 100 135 40 120 120 750 120 100 450 40 *219 225
114| 100 135 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 219 225
115| 100 135 40 120 120 750 240 100 *330 40 219 *1050
116| 100 135 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 219 225
117| 100 *202 40 120 120 750 120 100 *540 40 660 *1199
118| 100 *188 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
119| 100 *135 40 120 120 750 120 100 450 40 176 *1199
120| 100 67 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 *198 1125
121| 100 135 40 120 120 750 *132 100 60 *100 219 225
122| 100 135 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 219 225
123| 100 135 40 120 120 750 *120 100 *390 *80 219 *825
124| 300 270 240 120 120 *300 120 1000 551 40 660 1350
125| *100 270 40 120 120 *329 120 100 *450 40 660 *974
126| 100 *162 40 120 120 750 120 1000 540 40 660 225
127| 100 162 280 120 120 750 120 1000 60 40 660 1199
128| *400 *188 40 120 120 750 120 100 *480 40 660 *1125
129| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
130| 100 270 240 120 120 750 120 100 *90 40 660 *344
131| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 660 225
132| 100 270 40 120 120 150 120 100 60 40 660 225
133| 1300 270 40 120 120 750 120 519 60 40 660 225
134| 100 270 40 120 120 450 120 100 240 40 660 225
135| 100 270 40 120 120 450 120 100 60 40 660 225
136| 100 *350 *140 120 120 *510 120 100 *330 40 660 *524
137| 700 270 40 120 120 450 120 100 60 40 660 225
138| *600 270 40 120 120 450 120 700 420 40 660 225
139| 100 270 40 120 120 300 120 500 270 40 660 225
140| 100 *364 40 120 120 300 120 500 300 40 660 225
141| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 *240 40 *285 *450
142| 100 270 40 *900 120 750 120 100 60 40 *308 *375
143| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 308 225
144| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 300 40 308 225
145| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 400 *258 40 308 225
146| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 60 40 308 225
147| 100 270 40 120 120 *389 120 100 60 40 660 225
148| 100 270 40 120 120 300 120 100 480 40 660 225
149| 100 270 40 *300 120 300 120 600 60 40 660 225
150| *1000 270 *88 120 120 450 120 *500 *390 40 660 225
151| 100 270 40 120 120 450 120 100 60 40 660 225
152| 100 270 40 120 120 450 120 100 60 40 660 225
153| 100 270 40 120 120 540 120 *400 *360 40 660 225
154| 1300 270 40 120 120 540 120 400 60 40 660 225
155| 100 270 40 120 120 300 120 100 570 40 660 225
156| *600 270 *180 120 120 300 120 *880 *540 40 660 225
157| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 36 40 660 225
158| 100 270 40 120 120 *1200 120 100 *41 40 *813 *675
159| 100 270 40 120 120 750 120 100 36 40 660 225
160| 100 270 *80 120 167 750 120 100 36 300 660 225
161| 100 270 83 120 120 1319 *551 *100 *36 *300 *857 *600

M. Fertilizer
N. Food Rations
O. Jump Gate / Trade Lane Parts
P. Gold
Q. H-Fuel
R. High Temperature Alloy
S. Hydrocarbons
T. Light Arms
U. Luxury Consumer Goods
V. Luxury Food (highly perishable)
W. Mining Machinery
X. MOX (perishable)

001| 45 *45 140 425 *300 80 40 *490 180 160 150 240
002| 30 70 140 425 360 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
003| 30 70 140 *713 467 80 40 *224 180 160 150 240
004| 30 33 140 425 *419 80 40 210 180 160 150 480
005| 30 31 140 425 *425 80 40 195 180 160 150 240
006| 75 *29 140 *764 *419 80 *180 195 *216 960 150 240
007| 30 40 140 425 *444 80 40 224 180 160 150 240
008| 30 40 140 425 *444 80 40 195 180 160 150 240
009| 30 29 140 425 *396 80 40 461 180 160 150 300
010| 30 29 140 425 389 80 80 280 180 160 150 240
011| 30 29 140 425 389 80 40 280 180 106 499 240
012| *150 *29 140 *543 *389 *680 *80 420 810 *160 150 240
013| 30 99 140 425 *240 80 40 770 180 160 150 240
014| 30 74 140 425 *281 80 40 238 180 160 150 540
015| 30 84 140 425 317 80 40 *238 180 160 150 240
016| *75 *70 140 425 *269 80 40 238 *233 1360 150 240
017| 30 79 *140 425 300 80 200 238 180 160 150 503
018| 30 60 140 *629 510 80 40 *700 180 160 150 240
019| 30 50 140 425 510 80 40 280 396 800 150 240
020| 30 60 140 425 300 40 40 280 180 160 199 180
021| 30 70 140 425 330 *40 320 280 180 160 220 240
022| 30 65 140 425 *330 40 40 490 180 160 100 180
023| 30 *55 140 425 *269 40 40 *476 180 160 100 240
024| 30 60 140 *271 480 80 40 560 180 160 600 240
025| 30 45 140 425 *389 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
026| 30 *50 140 *322 *419 80 40 280 180 160 *520 120
027| 30 45 140 *340 389 80 40 280 180 160 499 120
028| 30 60 140 425 *383 80 40 420 180 160 150 120
029| 30 67 140 425 450 80 40 280 180 160 150 120
030| 30 *70 140 425 419 80 40 280 *990 *320 150 120
031| 30 60 140 425 389 80 40 280 180 160 450 120
032| 30 89 140 425 *90 80 40 448 180 160 150 180
033| 30 52 140 425 *77 80 40 420 180 160 150 180
034| *135 *50 140 425 *71 *320 40 280 180 160 150 180
035| 30 24 140 425 *90 80 40 280 180 160 *150 180
036| 30 50 140 425 77 80 40 280 180 160 150 180
037| 30 *99 140 425 *240 80 40 *700 180 1200 150 240
038| 30 101 140 425 245 80 40 *657 180 160 150 240
039| 30 50 140 1275 233 80 40 280 180 160 100 144
040| 30 50 140 425 240 *280 40 280 180 160 *130 120
041| 30 50 140 425 *251 80 40 420 180 160 100 180
042| 30 43 140 425 *222 80 40 406 180 160 150 120
043| *75 *29 140 425 *245 80 40 *391 180 160 100 120
044| 30 52 140 425 *240 80 40 420 180 160 100 120
045| 30 *140 140 425 *90 80 40 *980 1440 160 150 240
046| 30 99 140 425 *120 80 40 1120 180 160 150 *660
047| 30 99 1120 425 *120 80 40 280 180 160 150 660
048| 30 89 140 425 *90 80 40 770 180 160 150 240
049| 30 86 140 425 *42 80 40 717 180 160 150 240
050| 30 *86 140 425 *35 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
051| 30 86 140 425 *54 600 40 280 180 160 150 240
052| 30 86 140 425 *42 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
053| 30 *84 140 1189 *47 560 160 700 990 1360 150 240
054| 30 86 140 1189 42 *560 40 280 180 160 150 360
055| 30 79 140 425 389 80 40 *770 180 160 150 240
056| 30 79 140 425 389 80 40 770 180 160 150 240
057| 30 *79 140 425 *240 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
058| 30 *99 140 425 *300 80 40 630 180 160 150 240
059| 30 53 140 425 *180 80 40 812 180 160 150 264
060| 30 70 140 425 180 80 40 686 180 160 150 240
061| 30 55 140 425 *168 80 40 280 180 160 150 251
062| 150 *50 140 425 *150 80 40 797 990 160 150 240
063| 30 53 140 425 162 80 100 280 180 160 150 240
064| 30 52 140 425 *269 80 40 391 180 160 150 72
065| 30 48 140 425 *311 80 40 420 180 160 150 83
066| *90 52 140 425 *269 80 40 280 180 160 150 83
067| 30 52 140 425 294 80 151 280 180 160 430 *72
068| 30 *50 140 425 *300 80 40 *350 180 160 *400 83
069| 30 50 140 425 281 80 *140 280 180 160 409 83
070| 30 *50 140 425 *419 80 40 280 180 160 649 240
071| 30 70 140 *594 516 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
072| 30 48 140 425 396 80 *120 280 180 160 499 180
073| 30 48 140 425 *389 80 40 280 180 160 150 180
074| 30 45 140 425 *408 80 40 280 180 160 150 180
075| 30 45 140 425 *408 80 40 280 180 160 150 180
076| 30 *45 560 425 *402 80 *128 *280 180 160 150 180
077| *105 *26 *797 425 191 80 40 280 180 160 100 120
078| 30 31 140 425 *168 80 40 293 180 160 100 120
079| 30 31 140 425 168 *200 200 280 180 160 100 *120
080| 30 31 140 425 168 80 40 280 180 160 *120 120
081| 30 *40 140 425 *209 80 40 *321 180 160 100 120
082| 30 29 140 1189 155 167 40 280 180 160 100 *180
083| 30 *29 140 1189 *150 80 40 *280 *900 320 *120 120
084| 30 29 140 425 155 *167 200 *280 180 160 100 120
085| 30 40 140 255 *353 80 40 350 180 160 150 120
086| 30 *38 140 255 347 80 40 280 180 160 150 120
087| 30 *41 140 *459 *347 80 40 280 180 160 *450 120
088| *120 *40 140 *459 *347 80 40 *350 *630 *192 150 120
089| 30 41 140 476 341 800 40 280 180 160 150 96
090| 30 *38 140 255 *347 80 40 280 180 160 *450 120
091| 30 *45 140 *407 *360 80 40 *350 180 160 150 144
092| 30 38 *700 255 347 80 40 280 180 160 150 120
093| 30 *65 140 425 *150 80 40 *672 180 160 150 240
094| 30 65 140 *1122 *120 *624 40 280 180 160 150 240
095| 30 *65 140 1104 *120 80 40 *630 *810 *1120 150 240
096| 30 *65 *560 425 120 80 40 280 *810 1120 150 240
097| 30 *65 140 425 *108 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
098| 30 *65 140 425 *120 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
099| 30 65 140 1104 *125 640 40 280 180 160 150 *300
100| 30 53 140 866 360 80 40 140 180 160 150 455
101| 30 52 140 425 *336 80 40 181 180 160 150 420
102| 30 60 140 *747 444 80 40 *195 180 160 150 480
103| 30 53 140 425 389 80 40 *140 180 160 150 240
104| 30 *53 140 425 *330 80 40 140 180 160 *300 240
105| 30 50 140 425 *360 80 *240 140 180 160 150 240
106| 30 52 140 850 360 600 40 140 180 160 150 420
107| 30 *50 140 850 *360 80 40 154 *180 1200 150 240
108| 30 58 140 425 341 80 40 140 180 160 319 240
109| 30 *63 140 *798 *360 80 40 *168 180 160 150 240
110| 30 *50 *181 425 360 80 40 *154 180 160 150 240
111| 30 45 140 425 389 80 40 168 180 160 150 240
112| 30 *99 140 425 *480 80 40 *980 180 160 150 240
113| 30 89 140 425 450 80 40 280 180 160 499 240
114| 30 89 140 425 450 80 *40 280 180 160 550 240
115| *170 *70 140 425 *419 80 *60 280 180 160 499 240
116| 30 79 140 425 432 80 *40 280 180 160 550 240
117| *240 179 140 425 300 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
118| 30 179 140 425 300 80 40 *1260 180 160 150 240
119| 30 159 140 425 600 80 40 840 180 160 150 240
120| 30 110 140 425 539 80 40 1022 180 160 150 240
121| 30 19 140 425 389 80 40 280 180 160 409 240
122| 30 19 140 425 389 80 40 280 180 160 409 240
123| 30 *40 1120 425 *40 80 40 280 180 160 400 240
124| 165 *89 140 425 240 80 40 1400 180 160 150 960
125| 30 110 140 425 *180 80 40 *1120 180 160 150 240
126| 285 190 140 425 300 80 40 1330 180 160 150 240
127| 30 200 140 1529 *330 80 40 1330 180 160 150 960
128| *255 *169 140 425 *240 80 40 *1050 180 160 150 240
129| 30 60 140 425 *180 80 40 546 180 160 150 420
130| 120 *58 140 425 *180 80 40 *531 180 160 150 240
131| 30 60 140 425 *186 80 *120 546 180 160 900 240
132| 30 67 140 425 *150 80 40 587 180 160 150 240
133| 30 29 140 425 162 80 40 280 180 *1040 150 240
134| 30 89 140 425 *30 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
135| 30 89 140 425 65 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
136| *165 99 140 425 *60 80 40 *560 180 160 150 240
137| 30 130 140 425 150 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
138| 30 140 140 425 150 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
139| 30 89 140 425 *23 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
140| 30 89 140 425 30 80 40 280 1260 1600 150 240
141| 30 *60 140 425 *300 80 40 *518 180 160 150 180
142| 30 *12 140 *1020 *240 80 40 280 180 160 *150 180
143| 30 14 140 425 *251 80 40 518 180 160 150 180
144| 30 12 140 425 245 80 40 280 1260 176 150 180
145| 135 *9 140 425 *240 80 40 420 180 *240 150 180
146| 30 14 140 425 *251 80 40 448 180 160 150 180
147| 30 120 140 425 180 80 40 560 180 160 150 240
148| 30 120 140 425 419 80 40 280 180 160 *720 240
149| 30 99 1400 425 360 80 40 280 180 160 619 300
150| *60 *79 140 425 *198 80 40 280 180 160 *600 180
151| 30 89 140 425 173 80 *40 280 180 160 600 180
152| *45 79 140 425 198 80 40 280 180 160 600 180
153| 30 *89 *980 425 *240 80 40 280 180 160 *480 120
154| 30 *89 140 425 *269 80 40 280 180 160 469 120
155| 30 140 140 425 419 80 40 280 180 160 900 240
156| *135 *120 1190 425 *360 80 40 280 180 160 150 240
157| 30 50 140 425 *408 80 40 251 180 160 150 300
158| 30 *60 140 425 *450 80 40 *280 180 160 150 240
159| 30 52 140 425 *413 80 40 251 180 160 150 240
160| 30 50 140 425 413 80 280 280 180 160 250 300
161| *30 *50 140 425 *408 *520 40 *251 180 160 *259 240

Y. Niobium
Z. Optical Chips
AA. Optronics
BB. Oxygen
CC. Pharmaceuticals
DD. Polymers
EE. Scrap Metal
FF. Hull Panels
GG. Silver
HH. Super Alloy
II. Superconductors
JJ. Terraforming Gases

001| 320 80 210 *20 *200 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
002| 320 80 210 30 248 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
003| 320 80 210 10 176 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
004| 320 80 210 *5 144 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
005| 320 80 210 *6 144 60 5 80 713 120 100 35
006| 320 *160 210 *5 *144 *330 *20 80 *700 120 *179 5
007| 320 80 210 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
008| 320 80 210 *8 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
009| 320 80 210 *6 87 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
010| 320 80 210 6 *176 180 5 80 280 120 100 5
011| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
012| 320 415 1329 *5 *176 *180 5 80 280 120 100 5
013| 320 80 210 *6 272 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
014| 320 80 210 *6 96 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
015| 320 80 210 8 103 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
016| 320 80 *462 *5 *87 491 5 80 280 *132 *110 5
017| 800 80 210 10 79 468 5 80 280 *120 *100 *5
018| 320 80 210 10 216 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
019| 320 80 210 *2 192 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
020| 320 80 210 15 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
021| 1600 80 210 20 480 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
022| 320 80 210 *17 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
023| 320 80 210 *16 *439 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
024| 320 80 210 35 79 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
025| 320 80 210 *25 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
026| 320 80 210 *25 263 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
027| 320 80 210 22 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
028| 320 80 210 *35 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
029| 320 80 210 *35 359 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
030| 320 80 210 40 304 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
031| 320 80 210 *32 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 25
032| 320 80 210 *30 383 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
033| 320 80 210 *12 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
034| 320 *320 *377 *12 *400 60 5 *240 *531 120 100 *20
035| 320 80 210 *10 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
036| 320 80 210 *10 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
037| 320 80 210 *30 *159 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
038| 320 80 210 30 159 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
039| 320 400 699 6 79 420 *90 240 280 600 400 5
040| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
041| 320 80 210 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
042| 320 80 210 *8 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
043| 320 80 210 *5 *287 60 5 80 *420 120 100 5
044| 320 80 210 *6 296 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
045| 320 80 210 *15 *400 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
046| 320 80 210 *30 359 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
047| 320 80 210 *30 79 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
048| 320 80 210 *15 *320 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
049| 320 80 140 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
050| 320 80 140 *6 *248 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
051| 320 80 140 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 440 5
052| 320 80 140 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
053| 575 111 *140 *5 *239 450 5 80 280 120 440 5
054| 320 103 153 6 79 431 *20 480 280 120 *430 5
055| 320 80 210 35 263 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
056| 320 80 210 35 239 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
057| 320 80 210 *20 *120 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
058| 320 80 210 *30 *159 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
059| 320 80 210 *10 255 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
060| 320 80 210 10 239 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
061| 320 80 210 *10 79 60 5 80 280 120 419 5
062| *415 80 210 *5 *239 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
063| 320 80 210 8 79 *270 5 80 280 120 100 5
064| 320 80 210 *25 255 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
065| 320 80 210 *22 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
066| 320 80 *909 25 *255 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
067| 320 80 210 27 279 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
068| 320 440 *980 *20 *239 240 5 80 280 120 100 5
069| *640 80 210 25 79 270 70 *80 280 *215 100 *5
070| 320 80 210 *6 *192 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
071| 320 80 210 6 216 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
072| 320 80 210 *15 79 *180 5 80 280 120 100 *10
073| 320 80 210 *20 248 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
074| 320 80 210 *17 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
075| 320 80 210 *16 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
076| 320 *296 210 *16 *239 *185 5 80 280 120 100 5
077| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 *350 120 100 5
078| 320 80 210 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
079| 1376 80 210 6 79 360 100 *160 280 120 100 *5
080| 320 440 210 6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
081| 320 80 210 *8 *335 60 *90 80 280 120 100 5
082| 320 400 210 6 79 360 *95 176 280 960 700 5
083| 320 400 489 *5 *320 360 5 80 *363 120 100 5
084| *1440 400 518 6 79 *360 5 80 280 120 700 5
085| 320 80 210 *6 224 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
086| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 *363 120 100 5
087| *688 80 210 *6 *224 60 5 80 *363 120 100 5
088| 320 80 *1203 *5 *224 60 5 80 378 120 100 5
089| 320 360 1190 6 79 240 *55 160 280 240 600 5
090| 320 80 210 *6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
091| 320 80 210 *8 *239 60 *45 80 280 120 100 5
092| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
093| 320 80 210 *8 *231 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
094| *512 80 *210 6 79 60 5 80 *797 120 100 5
095| *512 *88 210 *5 *216 360 5 80 840 120 100 5
096| 320 80 210 6 79 60 5 80 280 *408 *300 5
097| 320 *80 210 6 79 *390 5 80 280 120 100 5
098| 320 80 210 6 *224 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
099| 320 88 224 *6 79 360 *15 440 280 431 320 5
100| 320 216 560 6 79 438 *18 560 280 120 100 5
101| 320 80 210 *8 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
102| 320 80 210 12 168 60 *20 80 280 120 100 5
103| 320 80 210 8 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
104| 320 80 *560 *6 *111 60 *20 80 280 120 *120 5
105| 320 80 210 5 79 *414 *20 80 280 120 100 5
106| 320 207 210 8 79 420 *18 80 280 180 129 5
107| 911 80 210 *5 *120 60 5 80 630 120 100 5
108| 320 80 210 5 144 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
109| *880 80 210 *8 *135 60 *18 80 280 120 100 5
110| 320 200 210 5 79 60 5 80 280 *167 *129 5
111| 320 80 210 *6 144 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
112| 320 80 210 *45 *400 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
113| 320 80 210 55 480 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
114| 320 80 210 20 79 *120 5 80 280 120 100 5
115| 320 80 210 *15 *255 *120 5 80 280 120 100 5
116| 320 80 210 20 79 *107 5 80 280 120 100 5
117| 320 80 210 60 *680 *480 5 80 280 120 100 5
118| 320 80 210 40 719 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
119| 320 80 210 80 *335 *240 10 80 280 120 100 5
120| 320 80 210 60 439 60 10 80 280 120 100 5
121| 320 80 210 25 79 60 5 80 140 120 100 5
122| 320 80 210 25 79 60 5 80 *154 120 100 5
123| 320 80 210 *20 *320 60 5 80 *140 120 100 5
124| 160 80 1190 *30 800 540 5 560 280 120 100 5
125| 320 80 *1050 *60 800 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
126| 160 80 210 *45 680 570 5 80 280 120 100 5
127| 320 80 1260 *55 79 600 5 640 280 120 100 5
128| 320 80 210 60 *543 *540 5 80 280 120 100 80
129| 320 80 210 *12 176 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
130| *592 120 *279 *12 *176 420 5 80 280 120 *220 25
131| 320 80 210 *15 176 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
132| 320 80 210 *12 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
133| 320 80 210 *10 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
134| 320 80 210 *25 320 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
135| 320 80 210 *25 79 60 *30 80 280 120 100 5
136| 320 80 *630 *25 79 60 *25 *280 280 120 100 *40
137| 320 80 210 40 *415 570 5 80 280 120 100 5
138| 320 80 210 *30 480 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
139| 320 80 210 *10 311 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
140| 320 80 210 15 335 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
141| 320 80 210 *17 *448 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
142| *1248 80 210 *4 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
143| 320 80 210 *5 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
144| 320 80 210 *5 359 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
145| 320 80 210 *3 *383 60 5 80 280 120 100 20
146| 320 80 210 *4 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
147| 223 80 210 50 400 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
148| *223 80 210 50 480 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
149| 223 80 210 40 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
150| *287 80 210 *20 *320 *192 5 *280 280 120 100 *15
151| 287 80 210 25 79 *180 5 80 280 120 100 5
152| 287 80 210 25 79 60 5 80 280 120 100 *10
153| *320 80 210 *10 *400 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
154| 320 80 210 *15 415 60 5 80 560 120 100 25
155| *160 80 210 50 719 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
156| 160 80 210 *40 *639 *360 5 *480 280 120 100 40
157| 320 80 210 *6 144 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
158| 320 80 210 *6 *168 60 *50 80 280 120 100 5
159| 320 80 210 *6 144 60 5 80 280 120 100 5
160| 320 80 210 6 152 60 70 80 280 120 100 5
161| 320 *232 770 *5 *144 480 5 *440 *560 *215 *179 5

KK. Toxic Waste
LL. Water

001| 2 *75
002| 2 105
003| 2 30
004| *2 *24
005| 2 *24
006| 2 *24
007| 2 *20
008| 2 *24
009| *90 *18
010| 2 18
011| 2 20
012| 2 *15
013| 2 *20
014| *2 *20
015| 2 24
016| 2 *15
017| *4 30
018| 2 30
019| 2 *15
020| 2 45
021| 2 60
022| 2 *53
023| 2 *48
024| 2 105
025| *110 *75
026| 2 *75
027| 2 66
028| 2 *18
029| 2 *15
030| 2 20
031| 2 *15
032| 2 *90
033| 2 *38
034| 2 *36
035| 2 *30
036| 2 *30
037| 2 *90
038| 2 92
039| *170 18
040| 2 20
041| *160 *20
042| 2 *24
043| 2 *15
044| 2 *18
045| 2 *45
046| *10 *90
047| 2 *90
048| 2 *45
049| 2 *20
050| 2 *18
051| 2 *18
052| 2 *20
053| 2 *15
054| *20 18
055| 2 120
056| 2 120
057| 2 *60
058| 2 *90
059| *20 *30
060| 2 30
061| 2 *30
062| 2 *15
063| 2 24
064| *122 *75
065| 2 *66
066| 2 75
067| 124 83
068| 2 *60
069| *120 75
070| 2 *18
071| 2 20
072| 2 *45
073| 2 *60
074| 2 *51
075| 2 *48
076| 2 *48
077| 2 18
078| 2 *18
079| 200 20
080| 2 20
081| 2 *24
082| *190 18
083| 2 *15
084| 2 18
085| *100 *18
086| 2 24
087| 2 *20
088| 2 *15
089| *110 18
090| 2 *18
091| 2 *26
092| 2 20
093| 2 *24
094| 2 20
095| 2 *15
096| 2 18
097| 2 20
098| 2 20
099| *40 *18
100| *10 20
101| *12 *24
102| 2 41
103| 2 24
104| 2 *20
105| 2 15
106| *10 24
107| 2 *15
108| 2 30
109| 2 *26
110| 2 15
111| 2 *20
112| 2 *150
113| 2 195
114| 2 60
115| 2 *45
116| 2 60
117| 2 240
118| 2 240
119| 2 210
120| 2 165
121| 2 75
122| 2 75
123| 2 *60
124| 2 *150
125| 2 *180
126| 2 *195
127| 2 *225
128| 2 240
129| *20 *36
130| 2 *36
131| 2 *45
132| 2 *36
133| 2 *30
134| 2 *75
135| *40 *75
136| 2 *75
137| 2 120
138| 2 *90
139| 2 *30
140| 2 45
141| 2 *51
142| 2 *18
143| 2 *18
144| 2 *15
145| 2 *15
146| 2 *18
147| 2 150
148| 2 150
149| 2 120
150| 2 *60
151| 2 75
152| 2 75
153| 2 *30
154| 2 *33
155| 2 210
156| 2 *180
157| *40 *48
158| 2 *60
159| 2 *48
160| *44 60
161| 2 *45

Note: Planet Gammu and Planet Primus have no commodity shops.


**** 4. SHIPS ****

Name Cargo Armor Guns Class
Starflier 20 1100 3/0 1/3
Patriot 25 1300 4/0 2/3
Bloodhound 35 1900 3/1 2/4
Startracker 30 1800 3/0 2/4
Piranha 35 1800 4/0 2/4
Dagger 35 1800 4/1 2/4
Cavalier 30 2100 4/0 3/5
Legionnaire 35 2400 4/0 3/5
Drake 35 2800 4/0 4/6
Hawk 45 3300 4/0 4/6
Banshee 45 4500 4/0 5/7

Name Cargo Armor Guns Class
Defender 30 1600 5/1 2/4
Crusader 35 2600 6/0 3/5
Wolfhound 40 3600 5/1 4/6
Dragon 40 3600 6/0 4/6
Barracuda 45 3600 6/0 4/6
Stiletto 45 4900 6/0 5/7
Valkyrie 50 5800 5/1 6/8
Falcon 60 6200 5/1 6/8
Centurion 45 9200 6/0 7/9

Name Cargo Armor Guns Class
Anubis 70 4200 6/1 5/6
Hammerhead 70 7900 6/1 7/9
Eagle 70 9900 6/1 8/10
Sabre 70 10800 6/1 8/10
Titan 70 12600 6/1 8/10

Name Cargo Armor Guns Class
Rhino 80 1600 3/5 1/3
Mule 90 2200 4/4 2/4
Clydesdale 125 2200 3/5 2/4
Drone 175 3600 2/6 4/6
Dromedary 275 3600 3/5 4/6
Humpback 250 5800 2/6 5/7

Note: The best fighters are the Titan and the Sabre. The Titan has
the most armor, but I like the Sabre better, because you can use
the turret for additional fire power (the Titan's turret only shoots

The following list shows which ships are available at each base.
Refer to the Base List for base names and locations.

001 - None
002 - None
003 - Mule
004 - Defender
005 - Patriot
006 - Patriot, Startracker, Rhino
007 - None
008 - None
009 - Crusader
010 - None
011 - None
012 - Cavalier, Clydesdale, Piranha
013 - Hawk
014 - Defender
015 - None
016 - Patriot, Startracker, Rhino
017 - None
018 - Wolfhound
019 - Barracuda
020 - None
021 - None
022 - None
023 - Sabre
024 - Wolfhound
025 - Crusader
026 - Cavalier
027 - None
028 - None
029 - None
030 - None
031 - None
032 - Stiletto
033 - None
034 - None
035 - None
036 - Humpback
037 - None
038 - None
039 - None
040 - None
041 - Valkyrie
042 - None
043 - Banshee, Falcon, Humpback
044 - None
045 - None
046 - Dragon
047 - None
048 - None
049 - None
050 - None
051 - None
052 - None
053 - Hawk, Drake, Barracuda
054 - None
055 - None
056 - None
057 - None
058 - None
059 - Dragon
060 - None
061 - None
062 - Hawk, Drake, Barracuda
063 - None
064 - Crusader
065 - None
066 - None
067 - None
068 - Cavalier, Clydesdale, Piranha
069 - None
070 - None
071 - Dromedary
072 - None
073 - None
074 - None
075 - None
076 - Piranha
077 - None
078 - None
079 - None
080 - None
081 - None
082 - None
083 - Banshee, Falcon, Humpback
084 - None
085 - Crusader
086 - None
087 - None
088 - Cavalier, Clydesdale, Piranha
089 - None
090 - None
091 - Legionnaire
092 - None
093 - None
094 - None
095 - Drone, Drake, Barracuda
096 - None
097 - None
098 - None
099 - None
100 - None
101 - Defender
102 - Dagger
103 - None
104 - None
105 - None
106 - None
107 - Patriot, Startracker, Rhino
108 - Rhino
109 - Bloodhound
110 - None
111 - None
112 - None
113 - None
114 - None
115 - None
116 - None
117 - None
118 - Titan
119 - Centurion
120 - None
121 - None
122 - None
123 - Hammerhead
124 - Sabre
125 - None
126 - Titan
127 - None
128 - Eagle
129 - Dragon
130 - None
131 - None
132 - None
133 - Drone
134 - None
135 - None
136 - None
137 - None
138 - Falcon
139 - None
140 - None
141 - None
142 - None
143 - None
144 - Falcon
145 - Banshee, Falcon, Humpback
146 - None
147 - None
148 - None
149 - None
150 - None
151 - None
152 - None
153 - None
154 - Humpback
155 - None
156 - None
157 - Defender
158 - None
159 - None
160 - None
161 - Patriot, Startracker, Rhino
162 - None
163 - None


**** 5. LEGAL STUFF ****

Okay, let's keep this simple. I spent a lot of time making this, so
be kind and follow these simple rules:

1. You may distribute this freely as long as you keep it whole and
2. If you use any of this in your own documents, please give proper


**** 6. THANKS ****

Special thanks go out to the following:

Ben - for introducing me to this great game. - for allowing me to distribute this file.


**** 7. CONTACT ME ****

Comments / Suggestions / Corrections / Questions
-- Dustin Shaffer:




Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Wegbeschreibung zur Nomaden-Energiekanone als Word-Dokument

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07.Maart 2014
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