Evil Genius

Evil Genius

17.10.2013 05:53:31
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Table of contents:

2-Contacting Me
3-Version Info
4-The Guide-A)Difficulty levels
5-Object/Trap List
7-AOIs: Coming soon! (See version info)

1- Legal 100% done(?)

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except
for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site
or otherwise distributed publicly without advance permission. Use
of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

I am not responsible for anything lost by
the use of information in this guide. I can not, do not and will not guarantee
that your playing experience will match the one I had, and made this guide
based on. I tried to make it as universally correct as I can, but I am unable
to control many factors of the game. In short: This guide is as correct as I
could make it while working on it at midnight for about a week. It's not my
fault if it isn't perfect.

Copyright 2005 Bryan Weaver

The only sites that are allowed to post or otherwise use
this guide as of now are: Gamefaqs.com, Neoseeker.com, and
DLH.net. If it is on another site, please E-mail me at
Bryanmweaver@yahoo.com and let me know.

Thanks to: All the companies that made this great game,
GameFAQs for accepting this guide, and
Torias for writing the guide that inspired me to write this one.
Whoever made the files so easy to get into and get onformation from,

2- Contacting Me 100% done

I only want to be contacted by E-mail. My E-mail address is
Please E-mail me with any suggestion, comment or other type things.

3- Version Info 11/? done

V0.75, My first attempt. 2/24/05. Had walkthrough to Ch.7.

V1.0, Second try. 2/28/05 I added the Object lists, the Evil Geniuses
section, and the Minions section. Also changed a few things.

V2.0, Whatever I'm on now try. 3/18/05. Completely redid walkthrough section,
added Agents and Super Agents sections, Switched the placement of some parts
of the guide, and changed it a little in some sections.

V2.1, 3/19/05. Added traps section, updated Legal section.

V2.11, Also 3/19. Fixed arcade machine mistake, and changed a couple other

V2.12, 3/22/05. Added Neoseeker.com to the list of allowed sites.

V2.3, 3/31/05. Updated sites list to include DLH.net, changed a couple other
things. Unless something comes up, don't expect an update soon. The next one's
going to be big! (That, and I just got a new game, things are going on at
school, and my brain hurts from everything I've been doing lately.)

V2.4, Also 3/31. Something came up! When I opened up Word to do a school
thing, I decided to spell-check my guide. From now on, every update is
getting spell-checked. (It’s amazing how long it took.)

V3.0A, 4/3/05. This is just a small bit of what I'm going to be doing. The
AOIs section is one that I don't expect to be finished for a long time, but
I'm starting it now. These are just a few reasons it's not going to be
finished for a while: 1. I'm lazy, I'm 13, and I procrastinate. 2. Things are
going on at school. 3. I'm lazy. Oh, I also made a couple minor fixes, if you

V3.0B, 4/8/05. I've started it! Sure, it's only one, but it's done! Let's see,
only... *Counts how many AOIs are left* ...145 more... Um... wow, there's a
lot of AOIs in the game... :( *Runs about 3 yards to bed and cries*

OK... all done crying! I'll work on more later! (By the way... if any of the
people who notice that I've not been updating actively care, I've been sick
this week, so I didn't work on it. I get breaks too!)

V3.1, 4/9/05. A very small update fixing a few things I (and one my mom)
wanted fixed (or removed) began to add Henchmen section, but I'm too lazy to
put any in yet.

4- The Guide A lot/Too much done

Difficulty Levels:

Easy- Agent's armor (Resistance to damage to any of their stats) is reduced,
minion's armor is increased, AgentStatsScale (Probably just the stats of
agents) is reduced, MinionStatsScale is increased, AgentBoredomScale (Don't
ask me) is increased, objects cost less, your Evil Geniuses armor is
increased, and the "CoverDamageMod" (I have NO idea what this is) is at 0.20

Medium- Everything I mentioned in Easy is at its regular setting, and
CoverDamageMod is set to 0.10

Hard- My advice: don't do this until you've played for a long time.
My reasons: Agents armor is increased, minion armor...screw this.
Opposite of easy. Happy? No? Too bad, that's all I'm not too lazy to do.


Evil Geniuses:

Starting Henchman: Jubei
Sphere of Influence: Medium
Special: None (Meant to be reduction in Research Initiative cost)

Starting Henchman: Eli Barracuda
Sphere of Influence: HUGE!
Special: Minions lose loyalty slower

Shen Yu-
Starting Henchman: Lord Kane
Sphere of Influence: Small
Special: Agents take longer to arrive.


Worker: The basic minion. They are the only minions able to build new rooms
and are very expendable. They use handguns and melee combat.

Guard: The basic Military minion. They are also expendable, but to a lesser
extent. They use rifles and melee combat.

Technician: The basic Science minion. They are the only minions able to
repair broken equipment. They use melee combat if they are attacked.

Valet: Basic Social minion. Lowers the attention of agents tagged for
weakening. They use melee if attacked.

Mercenary: Military minion. They use heavy rifles, flamethrowers or melee

Scientist: Science minion. They have higher smarts than a technician. They
use melee combat if attacked.

Spin Doctor: Social minion. They drain smarts for their weakening attack and
use melee combat if attacked.

Marksman: Top Military minion. They always carry a sniper rifle, and can
shoot from very far away. They also can use melee combat.

Martial Artist: Top Military minion. Melee masters.

Quantum Physicist: Top Science minion. They have very high smarts and might
use melee if attacked. (I don't know if they do.)

Biochemist: Everything a Quantum Physicist is. (I think...)

Diplomat: Top Social minion. Drain loyalty as their weakening attack. I don't
know what they do if they get attacked.

Playboy: Top Social minion. Their weaken drains all non-physical stats. I
don't know about their actual attacking...


These guys try to photograph evidence against you. If they have red sections
around their yellow circles and they get away, your heat will rise.

They steal stuff. More specifically, loot and money that happens to be on the
ground. If they steal loot, you can redo the mission to get it (normally), but
your notoriety will decrease slightly.

They attempt to get to important rooms in your base and blow them up with
time bombs.

They kill and destroy EVERYTHING. They travel in large groups and are the
biggest threat to your plans besides some super agents.

Super Agents:

Mariana Mamba
Not a huge threat, but you should still be careful. If she uses her special
ability, the minion she used it on will have 0 loyalty FOREVER. Nothing can
bring it back. She has no guns, so armed minions shouldn't have too much
trouble knocking her out, and social minions can have her out of your base
very quickly if they weaken her.

Jet Chan
Unlike Mamba, he is a HUGE threat. I should know, considering the fact that
once he broke out of his cell, he blew up my armory THREE TIMES. His special
ability allows him to dodge all bullets, so guns are useless against him. He
also has time bombs to randomly destroy your base with. He is unarmed. I have
anger issues because of him.

Katerina Frostonova
The first armed Super Agent. Her special ability makes it harder to see her,
and I'd assume that it makes her invisible to minions and/or security
networks. Overall, about as much of a threat as Mamba.

Dirk Masters
Armed with 2 machine guns, he's the biggest threat to you, besides
Steele. And that's only because he can do Base Havoc or whatever it's called.
I think he's got time bombs, and his special ability allows him to shoot
everyone within a certain range with his 2 machine guns. (I think.)

John Steele
Words cannot describe my hatred for this character. For some reason, I seem to
have had a great deal of beginner’s luck with him. What a pleasant surprise I
had when I KOed him before he used his ability (Which causes your alert
setting to change randomly and ALL doors to be set to level 1 security). Next
time, though... let's just leave it at 'things were a bit different'. His gun
isn't extremely powerful compared to some (Dirk's) guns but it's better than



^Objective 1-Evil Intentions^

*Ensure a healthy minion force by building a Barracks. You'll need at least
one Bunk Bed and Locker.

**Build a barracks, put in at least 1 bunk bed and 1 locker.

*Before you can send minions around the world to carry out Acts of Infamy, you
need to construct a Control Room to help filter information. Make sure you
have at least one Control Console and one Memory Bank.

**Build a control room, put in at least 1 control panel and 1 memory bank. A
time clock isn't that bad an idea for this room.

*It seems you are under scrutiny even before you begin. Somewhere on the island
are some pesky investigators, tipped off of your arrival. Eliminate them!

** Kill the 4 'feeble investigators'.

*Reports indicate that trained civilians are holidaying on the island. Capture
and imprison a maid in a security holding cell.

**Build an armory, put in at least 1 holding cell. Find and capture
the maid on your island.

*The civilian maid could yield useful information to your men. Interrogate her
to train up an advanced minion.

**Put an interrogation chair in the armory. Interrogate the maid.

Objective complete!

^Objective 2: Head Of The Underworld^

*Crime Lords, just like Evil Geniuses, are impressed by shows of wealth. You
need somewhere suitably ostentatious to host this gathering of criminal
masterminds. Build an Inner Sanctum and Conference Table in preparation for
this nefarious delegation.

**Build an Inner Sanctum big enough for a conference table and put one
in there.

*Rumor has it that all of Indian Subcontinent is controlled by one man -
Armand Krishnan. He has many nefarious plots and intrigues, mostly concerning
corruption of local government officials. Track him down and encourage him to
come to bend to our way of thinking.
*Marvin de Luca the nefarious Mafia don of all North America is a powerful
man, but with too much hubris. He must be made to respect true power and
*The inscrutable Lei Ying Lo is the undisputed head of organized crime across
China and Southeast Asia. Track him down and send out a party to show him we
mean business.

**Get the crime bosses in: West Coast,
Indian Subcontinent and,
North China

*Nikita Leonov, the notorious butcher of St. Petersburg, has arrived here on
your very island, but he is refusing to acknowledge your authority. Maybe
there is some way you can 'mix' up his principles and bring him round to your
way of thinking.


*Nikita Leonov, the notorious butcher of St. Petersburg has arrived here on
your very island, but he is refusing to acknowledge your authority. A good
battering in the Mess Hall Counter's Big Mixing Bowl should bring him round to
your way of thinking.

**Capture the crime boss that comes to your island and interrogate
him with a Mixer in the Mess Hall.

*Nigel Ewing, the CIA agent, has since gone rogue and is now the ruler of all
criminal activities on the African continent. He was last seen cruising off
down the Nile with a vast shipment of arms and a veritable army of loyal
tribesmen. He won't be easy to find and makes a point of only seeing seriously
connected Criminals. If you aren't notorious enough, you'll never find him!

**Get 70 notoriety and find another crime boss in the Middle East.

*Bob 'Barking' Caine, the respected organized crime boss from the East End of
London is the last of the major crime bosses. He isn't going down without a
fight, reports indicate that fighters loyal to his cause will be landing on
our shores very shortly. We must show him who is boss, crush his men and bring
him to heel!

** The last crime boss sends a few waves of his own minions to kill
you. They are easy to kill, and when all of them die, the crime boss

Objective Complete!

^Objective 3: Better Living Through Chemistry^

*Our technicians have received word that a brand new research machine is in
development - this equipment would let us develop new technologies. The
scientists who came up with the machine are showing it off at the Brilliant
Boffin's Bazaar (or B3) in Tokyo next week. This is an excellent opportunity
to steal the machine and kick-start the evil research program.

**Send the needed minions to Japan to complete the 'Oriental Investigation'

*The laboratory needs at least one piece of Experimental Apparatus before you
can start ordering experiments. Steal either the Centrifuge, Impact Stress
Analyzer or Laser, then research some new stuff.

**Steal 1 piece of Laboratory Apparatus from: Europe,
West Coast or,
Don't bother trying to get more than 1, it doesn't work.

*The forces of justice are going to be a constant thorn in our side until
they've retrieved the Research Machine. Build a fake, and trick them into
stealing that.

**Get the forces of Justice to steal a Fake Research Machine. I know, it's
hard, (Because they never leave right when they get it, it's always long
after) so try doing the 'Fool The Press' AOI in Europe so more burglars come.

Objective complete!

^Objective 4: Masterplan Machination^, ^Objective 5: Loot And Pillage^

You get both of these at the same time.

Ob. 5:

*Reach the Notoriety rank of "Insane (200)".

**Complete AOIs until your notoriety is 200. Be careful as it goes up, not
only should you stop between AOIs to let Heat start going down, but Super
Agents will start coming, too, if they aren't already.

*There are three embryonic ideas for Doomsday Devices, but each needs three
pieces of vital information before it can be pursued any further. The
information can be found in many ways. It could be hidden in a region on the
World Domination map, or captured as a reward for completing an Act of Infamy,
or even held by an enemy agent invading your very base!

**If you see agents, click on them. If they have a Doomsday symbol below
their alliance picture, capture 1 of them in that group and interrogate them.
Also, plot in Cuba, North Africa, and Australia to find Doomsday Info
AOIs. Once you have ALL 9 (You should start out with 3, if you don't, try
having all 3rd level minions (I'm not talking about the very top ones)) pieces
of Doomsday Info, you are ready to move on. (DON'T only get 8, you will be
missing a lab item later.)

Objective Complete!


*Steal 4 of the 6 pieces of uber-loot strewn across the globe. Each alliance
has at least one item of uber-loot in one of its regions.

**The uber-loot locations are: East coast,
Europe (again),
Central Russia,
Middle East, and
North China.
Try to get all of them now, you can't on the second island.

*Now that you have possession of the most important artifacts in the world,
some serious cash flow is needed to further cement your organization as a true
world power. Generate at least $10000 per minute through world domination
theft activity for 5 minutes, while still holding onto the required number of
loot pieces.

**Put a lot of people in the rich areas (East Coast, Europe, Middle East,
and Southeast Asia) and keep getting over 10,000 for 5 minutes.

Objective Complete!


When you choose to move to Island 2, you will get the AI Supercomputer, the
Greenhouse, and the Environment Chamber (If you got all the Doomsday data).

^Objective 6: Road to Doomsday^

*Once a laboratory has been built, the Codex of Knowledge can be stolen from a
Siberian research lab. Analyze the Codex, then combine it with a top-tier item
of laboratory apparatus to unlock one of three potential Doomsday Devices.

**Build a Lab. Plot in Siberia until you can steal the Codex Of Knowledge,
then steal it.

*The Codex of Knowledge is beyond the comprehension of your science minions.
Persuade a mercenary scientist to come to the island and unlock the Codex's
potential. Each world alliance has a disaffected scientist who can be

**Find and kidnap a Mercenary Scientist in West Coast,
Southern Africa,
Southeast Asia, or
They can take a very long time to find, so be patient. Once on your island,
Some assassins will try to kill him. Be very, very, very careful, you don't
want to have to keep recruiting new ones because they keep dieing.

*The mercenary scientist has had a change of heart, and is trying to escape
the island to defect back to the forces of justice. Kill him!

**Once he is at about 80%, get a henchman or 2 (NOT Ivan, unless you WANT your
lab exploded...) in the lab, ready to kill him. When he's done analyzing the
codex, he will attempt to defect and return to the Forces of Justice, so kill
him when he's done. If he gets away, heat in the region you recruited him from
will rise by about 25% of the maximum.

*Research the Codex of Knowledge with one of the top-tier items of laboratory
apparatus to choose the Doomsday Device payload that will be used to bring the
world to its knees!
A) Codex + Greenhouse = ID Eliminator
B) Codex + Environment Chamber = Earthquake Beam
C) Codex + AI SuperComputer = Gravity Disruptor

**Research the codex with the piece of lab apparatus that you want.

*Build the rocket cavern in preparation for the Doomsday Device construction.

**Have you seen the huge hole in your base? Right in the middle? Put a rocket
cavern in it.

Objective complete!

^Objective 7: Global Chaos^

*Building the rocket super-structure takes a variety of different resources,
from rocket fuel to titanium. These resources are rare and valuable and only
available from a number of facilities dotted around the globe. Our agents in
the field have located a number of locations where we can obtain these
valuable resources. We must hijack them until we have the necessary components
to build each section of the rocket super-structure.

Each section requires five crates, your forces will siphon these resources
from each facility for as long as they are able and the message bar will
inform you when you have enough resources to allow you to build a new section
of the rocket. Be advised, the forces of Justice won't take kindly to you
pillaging such valuable resources; therefore. your forces both on the island
and out in the wider world should be on full alert.

**Plot in one of these regions: Eastern Bloc,
Southern Africa,
South America,
Central Asia, or

until you get a big, shiny AOI. Complete it until you have 25 crates total.
(The mission automatically starts again when it's done) The crates go in your
freezer. When you have 5, buy a rocket part in the rocket chamber.(The parts
are in the object list.)

*A foolish S.A.B.R.E. diplomat has arrived on the island. This is an ideal
opportunity to interrogate him, then use the secrets he revealed to replace
him with our own mole.
*A P.A.T.R.I.O.T. diplomat has decided to pay our island a little visit.
Interrogate him until he gives us some information we can use to install one
of our own diplomats in his stead.
*An A.N.V.IL. diplomat is taking an ill-advised holiday on the island. Subject
him to an interrogation, then replace him with one of our own.
*A H.A.M.M.E.R. diplomat is taking a hands-on approach to investigating our
operations. Interrogate him and make him see the error of his ways, then
replace him with one of our own diplomats.
*A S.M.A.S.H. diplomat has made an unscheduled stop at our island. Interrogate
him and force him to reveal some information that will help us to install one
of our own diplomats in his now vacated position.

**You start out with only the part about a SMASH diplomat, but you
eventually get the rest. Capture and interrogate the diplomats.

*Plant the diplomat at the British Consul at Bangalore, in the Indian
*Install a diplomat into the US Senate.
*Send a diplomat to infiltrate the Singaporean government.
*Plant a diplomat in the Soviet cabinet.
*Send a diplomat back to Uruguay in place of the one we liquidated.

**Do the big shiny AOIs in: Indian Subcontinent,
East Coast,
South America,
Eastern Bloc, and
Southeast Asia

Objective complete!

^Sub-objective: Engine Construction^

*The rocket superstructure is useless without the engine. The science team has
attempted to build an engine block from scratch, but their efforts have been
pitiful. A blueprint of an existing engine design will be needed if the
Doomsday Device is to ever get off the ground. The French are known to be
developing a rocket of their own in Morocco, their colony. Infiltrate their
testing lab in Casablanca and steal the vital engine plans.

**Plot in North Africa until you see a big, shiny mission-type AOI. Do the

**Buy a Rocket Engine

Sub-objective complete!

^Objective 8: Doomsday Beckons^

**Do one of these things:

A. Steal and research the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Doomsday Technology object, while
defending it against their retrieval teams.

**Do the mission AOI in the Mid-West, and research the item you get with the
Environment Chamber, the Laser, and the Biotanks.

B. Steal and research the S.A.B.R.E. and A.N.V.I.L. Doomsday Technology

**Do both the mission AOIs in Polynesia and Australia. Research both the items
with the Environment Chamber, Laser and Biotanks

C. Capture the cosmonaut who has been lured to the island, and interrogate him
multiple times on a health-draining device; an attention-draining device; and
a smarts-draining device. H.A.M.M.E.R. will be trying to rescue him - if they
succeed, lure him back through an Act of Infamy.

**Capture the Cosmonaut that's on your island. interrogate him twice with a
health-draining torture device, twice with a smarts-draining torture device,
and twice with an attention-draining torture device.

Objective complete!

^Sub-objective: Satellite Contraction^

**Put a satellite in the rocket chamber.

Very, very short sub-objective complete!

^Objective 9: Evil Ultimatum^

*Build a launch button on the cavern catwalk, then make your Evil Genius
interact with it to start the rocket engine test. Firing the engines is a
dangerous process - if you run out of minions in the rocket cavern, the test
must be started again. Providing multiple entrances to the cavern will make it
easier for your minions to enter it. Fire the engines for an unbroken minute
to proceed.

**Do I need to explain it?

*Construct a global communications network by building 5 transmitter aerials
outside and a TV studio in the inner sanctum. When the rocket engine test has
been successfully completed, make your Evil Genius interact with the inner
sanctum TV studio to issue your ultimatum to the world.

**Build AT LEAST 5 aerials. other than that, it's self-explanatory.

Objective complete!

^Objective X: Take Over the World^

*Assemble the rocket in preparation for launch. This is a long process, and the
forces of justice aren't going to stand idly by while you do it. Keep the
agents at bay until the rocket is ready for launch.

**Bring everybody in from the world map. Kill any agent you see. Have red
alert on. Lock your doors. Dig a moat. Do that thing you've been needing to do
for a few weeks. Or just watch the rocket construction. Once the systems are
up and running, press the big red button to send the rocket into orbit

Then the time will come...They'll see...They'll ALL see...They didn't even
know who you were when you started...And now that they do, they laughed in
your face...Even under the threat of global destruction...You'll show the
world leaders...the alliances...THE ENTIRE WORLD...that you truly are what you
say you are...


Final objective complete!!!

Thus ends that long story. How good it feels (to me) to have that huge part
done. FIANLLY! YAY!!!

5- Objects/ Traps Lists 9/10 done (I want to edit a few of them...)


^=Only one can be built at a time
!=Staffing Required



Fire Extinguisher- Lets Valets put out fires.


Briefcase Rack- Lets your minions take briefcases to the Depot to buy stuff.
Gold Enhancer^- If you have this, you get slightly more money from stealing.


Fake Research Machine^- If you have it, get it stolen.
Research Machine^- Gives science minions canisters to use for research.
Databank^- When science minions look for research potential, they put their
findings here.
A.I. Supercomputer^- Research Apparatus.
Environment Chamber^- Research Apparatus.
Greenhouse^- Research Apparatus.
Biotanks^- Research Apparatus.
Laboratory Laser^- Research Apparatus.
Centrifuge^- Research Apparatus.
Impact Stress Analyzer^- Research Apparatus.


Multi Gym- Restores endurance
Cryogenic Chamber- Restores endurance very quickly.
Bunk Bed- Basic endurance recovery equipment.
Locker- Lets you recruit 1 more minion .
Equipment Storage Rack- Lets you recruit 4 more minions.

*Mess Hall:

Automat- Restores endurance faster than a Salad Bar.
!Counter- Restores endurance.
!Mess Hall Counter- Counter with built-in torture device.
Salad Bar- Restores endurance slower than the counters.

*Staff room:

Widescreen TV- Restores attention.
Drinks Machine- Restores attention.
Egg Chair- Restores attention slowly.
Table Tennis Table- Restores attention.
Pinball Machine- Restores attention.
Arcade Cabinet- Restores attention.

*Control Room:

!Control Station- Allows you to see detailed info about a region.
!Control Panel- See 'Control Station'. Needs 2 people to staff it.
Stock Market Watchdog- Make money from stealing come more often.
Schematics Station- No known information.
!Memory bank- If Control panels/stations become un-staffed, this keeps the
info for a short amount of time.
Communications Array- Exact information not known.
Big Screen- Restores attention.


!Security Desk- If staffed, activates security system.
Interrogation Chair- Basic lethal torture device.
Holding Cell- Used to keep captured agent locked up.
Death Cubicle- Holding Cell that kills agents itself instead of a minion.
Disguised Holding Cell- Holding cell that doesn't generate Heat.
Heavy Rifle Cabinet- Allows Mercenaries to arm themselves.
Flamethrower Rack- Allows Mercenaries to arm themselves with a flamethrower.
Rifle Cabinet- Allows Guards to arm themselves.
Disguised Rifle Cabinet- Rifle Cabinet without the Heat.
Handgun Cabinet- Allows Workers to arm themselves.

*Training Room:

Shooting Range Stall- Lets Mercenaries train to Marksmen.
Dojo- Lets Mercenaries train to Martial Artists.
Heavy Rifle Shooting Range- Lets Guards train to Mercenaries.
Training Punchbag- Lets Workers train to Guards.
Electron Microscope- Lets Scientists train to Quantum Physicists.
Biochemical Training Workshop- Lets Scientists train to Biochemists.
Chalkboard- Lets Technicians train to Scientists.
Laboratory Workshop- Lets Workers train to Technicians.
Playboy Training Equipment- Lets Spin Doctors train to Playboys.
Diplomat Trainer- Lets Spin Doctors train to Diplomats.
TV Studio- Lets Valets train to Spin Doctors.
School Desk- Lets Workers train to Valets.


Brain Washer- Restores smarts.
Brainiac Machine- Restores smarts.
Multimedia Educational Center- Restores smarts.
Reading Table- Restores smarts.
Microfilm Table- Restores smarts.
Bookcases- Lethal torture device.


Auto-Surgeon- Restores health.
!X-Ray- Restores health.
!Examination Chair- Restores health.
!Pharmacy Booth- Restores health.

*Inner Sanctum:

Conference Table^- Used in objective 2.
Impressive Desk^- Heal your Evil Genius here.
Soothing Atrium- I don't think this even has a purpose.
Cabinet- I don't think this even has a purpose.

*Power Plant:

Nuclear Power Station- Provides 35 units of power.
Power Generator- Provides 15 units of power.
Disguised Power Generator- Provides 15 units of power. No Heat.
High Density Capacitor- Keeps your base running longer in a blackout than a
normal Capacitor.
Capacitor- Keeps your base running for a while in a blackout.


Freezer Rack: Holds 6 Bodybags on 3 tiles.

Time Clock- Controls staffing in a room.
Security Camera- Sees tagged people.
Zoom Lens Security Camera- Security camera with a longer, thinner range.
Security Loudspeaker- Tells minions about tagged people that Cameras see.
Heavy Duty Loudspeaker- Security Loudspeaker with a larger range.
Security Radio Loudspeaker- Loudspeaker that broadcasts through walls.
Security Door- A standard door to help keep agents and tourist out of your
Heavy Security Door- Door that lasts much longer if it's under attack.
Field Barrier Door- Unknown benefit.


Hotel Room- Keeps Tourists in during the night.
!Lobby Counter- Keeps Tourists occupied when they arrive.
!Grand Piano- Distracts a Tourist sometimes.
Lobby Bench- Lets Tourists sit down for a while.

!Lounge Bar- I bet you can't guess this one!
!Lounge Table- Do I have to say it?
Dancefloor- Gives Tourists (and disloyal agents) a place to dance

!Craps Table: Let Tourists waste their money at this.
!Roulette Table: Tourists can gamble here.
!Baccarat Table: Gives Tourists a place to gamble.
Pinball Machine: Keeps Tourists busy.


Hotel Hub- Main part of the Hotel, but the smallest.
Hotel Wing- Addition to the Hub. Up to 3 per Hotel Hub, if you can fit it.
Evil Base Entrance- The way to get in your base.
Camouflaged Door- Hides your entrance.
Outdoor Sentry Gun- Shoots at tagged Agents.
Disguised Sentry gun- Shoots at tagged Agents. No Heat unless in use. (Thus,
Agents see no need to attack it)
Outdoor Security Camera- Security Camera for outside.
Disguised Security Camera- Security Camera for outside. No Heat.



Gas traps- Comes in 5 types: Poison, Knockout, Laughing, Nerve, and
Hallucinogen gas. They target (in the same order) Health, Endurance,
Attention, Smarts, or Loyalty.
Beehives- Releases a swarm of vicious bees that target the stat indicated by
the dot on the hive.
Electroshock Cannon Trap- After a long charge-up, it releases a bolt of
electricity that jumps from person to person, (I said "person" and not
"agent" for a reason) and can bring most agents close to death.
Do Not Press trap- Reduces attention and gives you a good laugh.
Dreadmill- Lets agents get a good (endurance-reducing) workout, then throws
them off.
Satin’s Chimney trap- Open up under an agent, then spits them back out in a
bunch of flames.
Money Madness- ATM rigged to give out free "money" to lower loyalty.
Piranha Tank trap- Do I have to tell you?
Pit Punisher- Like Satin’s Chimney, but without fire.
Confusing Popup trap- A cardboard dummy pops up and lowers smarts.
Prometheus’s Revenge trap- Like a wind trap, but it doesn't blow people, it
shoots fire at them!
Sawblades trap- Sawblades come out from the floor.
Giant Magnet trap- Opposite of a wind trap.
Wind Machine trap- Blows up to 9 tiles away from it.


NOTE: Some inside traps can go outside.
D***ed Damsel- Reduces attention.
Misdirection trap- Reduces attention.
Monkey Inna Box trap- I've never had this trap, so I don't know what it does.
Explosive Palm Tree trap- Exploding coconuts. Best used as a large set.
Venus Man trap- Eats people.

6- Cheats ?/? done

Right now, all I'm doing is the cheats to add characters to your island.

In the console, type "add (how many you want) ___" Replace the ___ with a set
of numbers below.

NOTE: If you use these cheats and they screw up your game, it's not my fault.
I didn't make you use them.

00003-Shen Yu

00107-Spin Doctor
00111-Martial Artist
00112-Quantum Physicist


The rest: Coming when I stop being lazy! (Which can take lots of months.)

7- AOIs 1/146 done :(

AOI: The actual number of the AOI.
Name: The name of the AOI.
Reward: When you complete it, this is what you get.
Henchman skill points: How many skill points your henchmen that participated
in it get.
Risk: Take a guess.
Duration: how long the AOI takes (in seconds).
Plot: The in-game number of how long you must plot, best used as a comparison
between AOIs.
Notoriety: How much notoriety you need to get it (not how much you get).
Delay between attempts: How long you wait to try again if you fail.
Region: See "Risk".
Minions needed: See "Region" or "Risk".

Name:Steal the libray blueprints
Reward:Archives room,reading table,10 heat,1N (Notoriety), $10,000
Henchman skill points:10
Delay between attempts:30
Region:East Coast
Minions needed:2Workers

Henchman skill points:
Delay between attempts:
Minions needed:
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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