Evil Genius

Evil Genius

18.10.2013 05:57:05
Evil Genius Loot AoIs and Items Guide by mekanikal


1. Guide Info
2. Version Info
3. The Guide (General Notes)
4a - Normal Loot Missions
4b - Uber-Loot Missions
4c - Kidnap Missions
4d - Doomsday Information Missions
4e - Totem Section Missions
4. Contact Info
5. Thanks
6. Legal

1. Guide Info:

If, like me, you're taking it slow through the game, trying to keep
hordes of saboteurs and veterans from reducing your base to rubble, it pays to
choose your missions carefully. With that in mind, I'm compiling a complete
guide to loot missions so you can be sure you're getting something for your
trouble. I suggest always finishing Loot AoI's first, then make up whatever
notoriety you still need with the normal missions, so at least your getting
something for your trouble and not missing out on potentially helpful research.
I've also decided to add uber-loot, kidnapping, Doomsday Information, and Totem
section AoI's (at least those that I have located).

2. Version Info:

This guide is obviously a work in progess. I will be adding to it as time
allows, both for typing this stuff up and for playing the game.
These are the only missions I have found up to Objectives 3 and 4. If I
missed something, please let me know.
All unknown fields are because I finished mission prior to starting this
list, if anyone can help fill in the blanks let me know (see Contact Info -
section 5)
10.16.04 - submitted initial draft of guide to gameFAQs with loot AoI's
found through Objective 2.
10.18.04 - first update, afters hours of "research" filled in some missing
information on existing missions, added uber-loot, kidnap, Doomsday, and Totem
AoI's, re-organized section 3.

3. The Guide:

General Notes:
All Heat and Time stats given as a "base value" - adding social minions to
a region before starting the mission will change these numbers. In general,
you can cut down heat and time by half with the right amount of social minions.
What's the right amount? On most of the early AoI's five valets will do the
trick, but later on it will take more depending on the difficulty and impor-
tance of the mission.
Sphere of Influence (SoI) given as *approximate* radius of tiles covered.
For example, a minion must be standing within 3 spaces of the Space Suit to
recieve it's loyalty bonus. I'm unsure what the access points on loot items
do, though I assume that when a minion is actually "using" the loot item,
rather than passing through its SoI, it's effects are more powerful.
I'm playing the game on the Easy difficulty level (yeah, yeah, I know -
got my *** handed to me on Normal). I don't think any information here is
effected by difficulty, but be aware there might be some inconsistencies
between your game and mine. If I find out they are different, I'll change this
guide to reflect that.

3a - Normal Loot Missions

Notes: Loot Items marked with an asterisk (*) have research potential - if
you don't plan on doing all the loot AoI's at least do these or you'll miss out
on lots of cool stuff! Also, I'm cataloguing my research as I go. I'd event-
ually like to put together a decent tech tree and might add what you can get
from specific items to this list. Keep checking the boards at gameFAQs - I'll
post more information about it whenever I can.
The description of mission "And Another Ming" says that there are three vases
available, but I was only able to find two of them. It's possible that it
comes along later in the game, or I might have missed it. If you have any info
on that mission or anything else, let me know.
YOu won't be able to find all these missions from the begining of the game.
The first eight are available (and finishable) once you start Objective 2 (or,
at least, they were for me). Mission "Grab Priceless Model" may appear in the
World Domination Screen then as well, but you can't finish it until later
because it requires minions you won't get until later.

Now You Steal It
Region: Central Asia
Required Minions: 2 Va, 2 Te, 2 Gu
Risk: 1
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Time: 1:00
Loot Gained: Chameleon Cloth (+Loy +Att, SoI=2, Heat=10)*

Ming Bling Bling
Region: Central Asia
Required Minions: 2 Wo, 2 Va, 1 Te
Risk: 1
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Time: 1:00
Loot Gained: Babylonian Vase (+Loy, SoI=2, Heat=15)

And Another Ming
Region: North China
Required Minions: ?
Risk: ?
Heat: ?
Notoriety: ?
Time: ?
Loot Gained: Grecian Urn (+Loy, SoI=2.5, Heat=15)

Sheiking the Rug.
Region: Middle East
Required Minions: ?
Risk: ?
Heat: ?
Notoriety: ?
Time: ?
Loot Gained: Persian Rug (+Loy, SoI=2, Heat=15)

Coming in from the Cold
Region: Antarctica
Required Minions: 3 Wo, 3 Te
Risk: 1
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Time: 1:00
Loot Gained: Pete Bog (+Loy, SoI=2.5, Heat=10)*

Eye Spy
Region: Australasia
Required Minions: 6 Wo, 1 Te
Risk: 1
Heat: 10
Notoriety: 5
Time: 1:00
Loot Gained: Mercury Mirror (+Loy, SoI=1.5, Heat=10)*

Mission Name Unknown
Region: Midwest
Required Minions: ?
Risk: ?
Heat: ?
Notoriety: ?
Time: ?
Loot Gained: Space Suit (+Loy, SoI=3, Heat=10)

Mission Name Uknown
Region: Eastern Bloc
Required Minions: ?
Risk: ?
Heat: ?
Notoriety: ?
Time: ?
Loot Gained: Sonic Generator (+Loy +End, SoI=2.5, Heat=10)*

Grab Priceless Model
Region: India
Required Minions: 8 Sp
Risk: 2
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10
Time: 1:00
Loot Gained: A Stolen Roman Galley (+Loy, SoI=2, Heat=15)

Steal El Presidente's Painting
Region: Cuba
Required Minions: 10 Wo
Risk: 4
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 10
Time: 0:30
Loot Gained: A Marvelous Masterpiece (+Sma, SoI=2.5, Heat=15)

3b - Uber-Loot Missions

Notes: Uber-Loot AoI's are just like normal loot missions except you're
required to finish at least four of the six to complete Objective 5. I suggest
getting all six because they're really nice items to have in your base - they
have large SoI's and most boost more than one minion characteristic. The Ark,
for instance, makes a great addition to your control room. The boost to
endurance will dramatically increase the amount of time a minion can work in
there. Be careful though, all these items have a very high heat rating
When this objective opens up several of the uber-loot missions will already
be revealed on your WD screen. I think how many show up depends on your infor-
mation level. In the game I'm currently playing all six popped up immediately,
just be aware that may not happen for you.
Notoriety for all uber-loot missions is 5. Heat of all uber-loot items is 25.

Uber-Loot: Eiffel Tower
Region: Europe
Required Minions: 4 Te, 4 Va
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 6:20
Loot Gained: Miniaturised Eiffel Tower (+Loy +Att, SoI=4.5)

Uber-Loot: Arthur's Excalibur
Region: Europe
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 6 Gu
Risk: 1
Heat: 10
Time: 2:00
Loot Gained: Excalibur (+Loy +Sma***, SoI=4.5)
I'm not sure if this actually increases Smarts or Endurance, it's
difficult to tell what color the SoI is sometimes.

Uber-Loot: Mummy's Sarcophagus
Region: Middle East
Required Minions: 4 Te, 4 Gu
Risk: 1
Heat: 20
Time: 5:20
Loot Gained: Mummy's Sarcophagus (+Loy +Hea, SoI=4.5)

Uber-Loot: Ark of the Covenant
Region: Central Russia
Required Minions: 8 Gu
Risk: 1
Heat: 20
Time: 6:20
Loot Gained: The Ark of the Covenant (+Loy +Att +End, SoI=4.5)

Uber-Loot: Million Dollar Bill
Region: East Coast
Required Minions: 8 Va
Risk: 2
Heat: 10
Time: 7:20
Loot Gained: Million Dollar Bill

Uber-Loot: Samurai Armor
Region: North China
Required Minions: 4 Va, 4 Gu
Risk: 3
Heat: 15
Time: 4:00
Loot Gained: Suit of Samurai Armor (+Loy, SoI=3.5)

3c - Kidnap Missions

Notes: Missions marked with an asterisk (*) are "given" to you once you begin
Objective 2. As you can see, it pays to plot out the other three as their re-
quirements are significantly lower.
All missions of this type are worth one Notoriety point.
On my first game some of the third tier minion missions where different, so I
assume that there are two for each of them. However, I haven't been able to
plot them yet, so it's possible that you only get one per game. It's also
possible that I haven't reached a high enough notoriety to unlock them yet. If
you know anything about this, or have info on the ones I'm lacking, please let
me know.

- First Tier Minions -

*Kidnap Hotel Head Maid
Region: Polynesia
Required Minions: 4 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Valet

Seize Hotel Head Maid
Region: Middle East
Required Minions: 2 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 1:00
Minion Gained: Valet

*Capture Guard
Region: South America
Required Minions: 4 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Guard

Take Guard Hostage
Region: Central Russia
Required Minions: 2 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Guard

*Capture Technician
Region: North China
Required Minions: 4 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Technician

Abduct Repairman
Region: Pacific Allies
Required Minions: 2 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 15
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Technician

- Second Tier Minions -

Take Spin-Doctor Hostage
Region: Mid-West
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 1 Va
Risk: 1
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Spin-Doctor

Abduct Spin-Doctor
Region: Europe
Required Minions: 6 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Spin-Doctor
Capture Mercenary Soldier
Region: South America
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 1 Gu
Risk: 1
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Mercenary

Kidnap Militia Leader
Region: Mid-West
Required Minions: 4 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Mercenary

Take Scientist Hostage
Region: Central Russia
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 1 Te
Risk: 1
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Scientist

Snatch Science Specialist
Region: Antarctica
Required Minions: 6 Wo
Risk: 0
Heat: 25
Time: 4:00
Minion Gained: Scientist

- Third Tier Minions -

Seize Hollywood Playboy
Region: West Coast
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 3 Te, 1 Sp
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Playboy

Capture Diplomatic Envoy
Region: Middle East
Required Minions: 8 Va
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 5:20
Minion Gained: Diplomat

Capture Marksman Specialist
Region: Siberia
Required Minions: 8 Gu
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 2:40
Minion Gained: Marksman

Capture Martial Arts Master
Region: Southeast Asia
Required Minions:
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 5:20
Minion Gained: Martial Artist

Abduct Quantum Physicist
Region: Mid-West
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 3 Te, 1 Sc
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 2:00
Minion Gained: Quantum Physicist

Kidnap Bio-Chemist
Region: South America
Required Minions: 4 Wo, 3 Te, 1 Sc
Risk: 2
Heat: 35
Time: 5:20
Minion Gained: Bio-Chemist

3d - Doomsday Information Missions

Notes: For some reason, the time on these missions kept changing on me. May
be another bug in the game, but aware the times of these may be different for

Acquire Some Doomsday Device Data
Regions: Africa / Cuba / Australasia
Required Minions: 4 Sc / 4 Sp / 4 Me
Risk: 1
Heat: 20
Notoriety: 1
Time: 3:40
Gained: 3 of the 9 pieces of information needed to complete Objective 4.
For more information on the other pieces of information see Torias' Full FAQ.

3e - Totem Pole Missions

Notes: I think the order of these missions changes, but the locations seem
to stay consistent. Also, I'm not altogether certain how you uncover them. I
think you have to reach a certain notoriety to unlock the next one in the
series. So far I've only got three of them.
In case you don't know what these missions are, they're basically loot
missions, but the items you get are like anti-uber-loot. They're high heat,
high SoI, but the effect they have on your minions is negative rather than
positive. When you have all four pieces you place them all right next to each
other which reassembles the totem pole making it a very nice, multiple char-
acterist enhancing loot item. Until you have all four it's best to keep the
pieces well hidden both from agents and your own minions.
Heat for all of these missions is 20, Notoriety is 1. The totem sections
have a Sphere of Influence of 4.5 and Heat of 25.

Steal the First Cursed Totem Pole Section
Region: Polynesia
Minions Required: 6 Wo
Risk: 2
Time: 5:00
Section Characteristic: -Loy

Steal the Second Cursed Totem Pole Section
Region: Central Russia
Minions Required: 5 Gu
Risk: 1
Time: 1:00
Section Characteristic: -Sma

Steal the Third Cursed Totem Pole Section
Region: Middle East
Minions Required: 5 Te
Risk: 2
Time: 3:00
Section Characteristic: -Hea

Steal the Fourth Cursed Totem Pole Section
Region: West Coast
Minions Required: ?
Risk: ?
Time: ?
Section Characteristic: ?

Completed Totem Pole Characteristics: ?

4. Contact Info:

If you have comments, suggestions, or information you'd like to share
with me, please send an email to mekanikal@ou.edu. Please put something in
your topic line about Evil Genius, or chances are I'll delete your message
without reading it, and neither of us wants that.

5. Thanks:

Big thanks go to Torias for his excellent FAQ, without which mine never
would have been started. Thanks also to Fearful Ferret and all the folks on
the EG message boards at gameFAQs. Also, of course, to Elixir for the great
game, Vivendi for mailing to the store where I bought it, and to gameFAQs
(http://www.gamefaqs.com) for being the best gaming resource on the net.

6. Legal:

Evil Genius is copyrighted by Vivendi Universal Games and Elixir Studios.
If I have in any way infringed on these rights, let me know and I'll fix it.
This guide copyrighted by Simon A. Calvin (mekanikal@ou.edu) 2004, but
please feel free to use this guide on your site so long as access to it is
free, the content is not changed and my name is on it somewhere. That's all.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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