

16.10.2013 06:05:17
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| Starcraft Units FAQ |
| By: Happybuddha311 AKA Ben Semisch |
| Version: 1 |
| Last Update: No current Updates |
| |

My goal is to try and make this guide as easy for you to read and use, and as
helpful as possible, if you can think of anything that would help this guide
fulfill that goal, then send it to me at Happybuddha311(at)Aol(dot)com. Make
sure you include two things in the subject line "Your Starcraft FAQ" and what
site you are reading the guide from. That way I can tell that it isn't spam,
and if you ask a question already found in the guide that either the host
hasn't updated or you're a lazy, stupid pile.

If you are a webmaster looking to host this guide, don't. The only two sites
that are allowed to have this guide are and If you are
reading this guide anywhere else, please inform me, so the parties involved
can be dealt with in a courtroom setting.



1) Intro
2) Table of Contents
3) Some stuff I must say first
4) Zerg Force
- Land
- Air
5) Terran Force
- Land
- Air
6) Protoss Force
- Land
- Air
7) Outro



* Starcraft is quite possibly the best game ever.

* I will be listing the units in order of weakest (In my opinion) to strongest.

* Things that will be listed include:
- Hit Points
- Basic Attack
- Cost
- Supply used
- Best Unit to use against (IE: If you're using this unit, what to attack)
- Best unit to defeat this unit (IE: What to kill this unit with).
- Best Co-unit to use with this unit (IE: What else should be near it at all
times for great attacks)

* Anything with "***(Name here)***" in it's own sub-sub-section indicates this
unit is only available in brood war.

* The attack won't always do that much damage, there's other factors that go
into damage calculation, such as the enemies' type and level of armor.

* Knowing what kills what best is essential for triumphing over your opponent.

* Make sure you know what will easily kill your units so you can move them
before they get their asses handed to them.

* The Protoss aircraft carriers are easily the best unit in the game.

* If you want to play me in a game of starcraft e-mail, or
look out for me on as "HB311" (I can also be seen playing WC3 and
WC2), so perhaps sometime in the summer I will play you, if I'm not busy.
Though I'm usually only playing really late, or really early (1 Am till 8 Am if
I'm on at all).

* If you have anything to add, a correction (spelling or info wise) or feedback



The zerg, power in numbers is certainly the main strategy that you'll be using
with these bad-boys. However Guerilla tactics also work extremely well, and if
you play the Zerg right you can control the map, and you can monitor all other
enemy movement throughout the game. The best way to use the zerg is to build
up a ton of hatcheries then set a rally point a few feet from the enemies base,
and burrow the zerglings there. Then once you see the enemies leave to go
attack someone, wait for a full count of 60 (to insure the attacking force
won't be coming back) then rush in as hard as possible. Another technique that
I've learned is on small maps you can just keep building out creep colonies to
ensure that nobody but zerg will be able to build on top of anywhere. Also
great is that you can spawn some canals to quickly get troops from point A to
point B.

Anyway enough about general strategy let's get into the zerg force.


Land Units

Any given unit in the Zerg land force isn't too powerful on it's own, but if
you use the right combination then you are sure to defeat anything the enemy
can throw at you. However the power of the swarm is not to be under-estimated.

Buildings Needed to produce: Queens Nest
Mineral Cost: 0
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 4
Hit Points: 30
Supply Used: 0
Best unit to use against: Siege Tanks, Ultralisks, Dark Templars
Best unit to defeat this unit: Just smash it.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: None

Description: This unit is created by a queen implanting eggs in a enemies units
stomach which then burst out instantly killing the unit. These are great for
guerilla attacks, though the broodlings that come out are quite weak, the fact
that you can easily kill some of the games most powerful units in one hit is
awesome. The only downside is that they eventually die, usually in a few
minutes, but 9/10 the enemy will kill them anyway.

Strategies to use with this unit: Guerilla warfare. Basically you can slow an
enemies attacking advance of strong troops, giving you a few extra seconds to
build up some more troops. Also if you have quite a few queens you can stop
enemy advancements or get some of your units deep into enemy territory where
they can attack some un-defended structures.

They are also good if you're going up against a bunch of weak enemies and a
strong enemy or two, then you can bust the strong unit to pieces while you move
and mop up the weak enemy. The possibilities for this unit are large, get
creative and use your imagination, this is a great tool.

Buildings Needed to produce: Hatchery
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 5
Hit Points: 40
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: None
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Don't attack with this unit.

Description: While drones are one of the worst units for the Zerg, they are the
most important and you'll end up building tons of them. The drones serve two
important purposes, the first is mining minerals and gas, and the second is
morphing into buildings. When you morph you lose your drone unlike the other
two races, but it also takes one supply cost off, so at the end of the game
getting rid of these units so you can free up your supply is quite easy.

Strategies to use with this unit: If there is every an enemy attack that
breaches your first line defense burrow all of your drones so you don't end up
losing a bunch of them. Besides that I can't think of any really good
strategies to use.

Buildings Needed to produce: Spawning Pool
Mineral Cost: 25 each (two spawn at once)
Gas Cost: 0
Hit Points: 35
Base Attack: 5
Supply used: 1/2 per zergling (two spawn at a time)
Best unit to use against: Siege tanks in siege mode
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air-borne units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Hydralisks

Description: Zerglings are the bread and butter units of the zerg force.
You'll probably end up building a few hundred of them in a good game. The
power of these units lies in their numbers. If you swarm the enemy can only
target one at a time allowing you to kill them. Another benefit of the
zerglings is their quick developing time and cheap cost, allowing you to
quickly and cheaply build some up. This makes for a good rush at the beginning
of a large multi-player game so you can free up some resources that you should
go to as soon as you start getting developed.

Strategies to use with this unit: Research Burrow right away, then you can use
a Leap frog technique to monitor enemy movement. This is a great technique
just to give you a 30-45 second warning when an enemy is coming at you, that 30
seconds makes a huge difference, hell you can produce a ton of zerglings in
that time.

Another great technique is the ambush. Stick two groups of zerglings on either
side of a choke point, and then when the enemy units file into the choke point,
pop-up and slay them.

One of my favorite techniques is to burrow an large group of zerglings right
outside your base with defenses, that way the enemy can't cut his losses and
flee, but he'll have to take it like a man (or a computer) and lose all of his

Buildings Needed to produce: Hydralisk Den
Mineral Cost: 75
Gas Cost: 25
Base Attack: 10
Hit Points: 80
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Air units, Fire bats
Best unit to defeat this unit: Siege tanks, marines
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Zerglings

Description: These are your distance attack units, they are one of the few that
zerg units that can attack well without being up super close. They resemble
the spitters in Aliens and other movies like it. These are your all-around
units, great for offense and defense.

Strategies to use with this unit: Using these with zerglings is good because
then the zerglings can rush the enemy and draw their fire while the hydralisks
do the real damage to the enemy.

Another good one is to leave a zergling just sitting out in the open with a
bunch of hydralisks burrowed, so hopefully one enemy troop will walk by and see
it and try to attack it. Then pop up and let him have it, if the enemy
movement is too strong, just burrow the zergling and let them walk on past.
Also, make sure you move after you do this more than twice, or they could get
wise and send a small convoy to take your ass out.

Buildings Needed to produce: Hydralisk Den
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 20
Hit Points: 125
Supply Used: 2 + Hydralisk unit
Best unit to use against: Anything that doesn't have detectors
Best unit to defeat this unit: A Science vessel + a Wraith/ Observer + Scout
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Hydralisks.

Description: These units are awesome if the map is full of choke points, as
they burrow (they have burrow already enabled) and they attack using spines
that pop out of the ground. They make for setting up new bases super easy as
you can move them and a drone and set the base up with defenses all ready to

Strategies to use with this unit: As I said before, these are great for setting
up new bases, however they are also good to lure an enemy to attack your base,
if he sees your entrance relatively un-guarded, and you move some lurkers in,
he'll attack and get decimated.

Another fun strategy that I use, if you have the minerals and gas to spend,
look for a highly traveled path by all teams, then burrow 2-6 lurkers right in
a line, to decimate any and all troops that walk by. Though controlling the
timing of the attack is crucial to doing the most amount of damage. Make sure
none attack prematurely by highlighting them all and mashing "Hold" until every
lurker can hit something.

One other strategy to use, is to get like 8-10 lurkers and burrow them right in
front of the enemies base, that way he can't get out to attack or expand
without the help of a transport unit. Then you can bring in the thunder with
units coming out the ying-yang. Or hell you could just build a hatchery right
there and send units in 3 to 12 at a time.

Buildings Needed to produce: Defiler Mound
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 150
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 80
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Large enemy movements
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything really
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Large groups of zerglings,
hydralisks or burowed lurkers.

Description: This unit is going to probably un-used for the majority of
people, as while it does have some cool abilities, it just isn't worth the time
and money you'll invest trying to get them, instead Ultralisks or queens make a
much better investment.

The Defilers have 3 powers:

Dark swarm - This makes a big cloud above an enemy or friendly units, so as the
unit will be harder to target. Of course the computer usually has little to no
trouble seeing right through the clouds.

Consume - The Defiler eats another zerg unit to regain energy for another

Plague - Causes poison gas to be released and it hurts all units it touches.
Well the ones that aren't robots that is.

Strategies to use with this unit: These guys work will with your burrowed
lurkers randomly placed among the map, pop up and use dark swarm to hide your
boys, or plague to inflict extra damage. They are also good against an enemy
with heavy amounts of air units that decide they want to attack your drones.
And Plague is good to lower the numbers of an advancing army.

One of the best tricks is to have a queen or 2 swoop in and cast slow while the
2-3 defilers cast plague. By the time the enemy reaches you their troops will
be seriously disabled.

Infested Terrans
Buildings Needed to produce: Infested command center
Mineral Cost: 500
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 500
Hit Points: 60
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Buildings
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything you can use to stop it from blowing up.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Other infested terrans, an attack
force to follow up.

Description: Infested terrans are a rare treat, to get them you need to beat
down a command center until it is red and burning, then a queen needs to swoop
in and capture it. Then you need to find a way to get it out of there without
being destroyed. It's easiest to watch for a terran group expanding then
attack them before they can build up too many troops, then send some mutalisks
and scourges to defend it while you move it closer to your base.

Strategies to use with this unit: Send them a few seconds ahead of your attack
force to attack the entrance blockade of the enemies base, or anything else
that might give your troops trouble.

You could also capture the command center first, then use the infested terrans
to help with the razing of buildings while the rest of your troops attack the
enemy units.

Buildings Needed to produce: Ultralisk Cavern
Mineral Cost: 200
Gas Cost: 200
Supply needed: 6
Hit Points: 400
Base Attack: 20
Best unit to use against: Anything that isn't air-borne
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything in the air
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: zerglings and hydralisks

Description: The ultralisk is a rather beastly unit with huge attack rates,
tons of hit-points and a thick hide. This unit is costly to produce and
doesn't usually serve the purpose intended. Basically this unit is great for
drawing the enemy fire (and the enemy will focus fire on this) while you can
take out the rest of the enemy defenses with your zerglings and hydralisks

Strategies to use with this unit: Use this to draw fire away from your main
units that you are attacking with, they do just as much damage as a lurker, so
a bunch of lurkers will have time to get into their hiding spots while the
enemy targets the ultralisk. These also make a great surprise through a nydus


Air Units

The Zerg air-force is quite weak and they aren't worth much more than as
support troops. The only thing that can even come close to combating enemy air
units are the scourges. 5-8 Scourges + 1 Battle Cruiser = Ship goes down.

Buildings Needed to produce: Hatcheries
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 200
Supply used: -9 (they add 9 to your supply limit).
Best unit to use against: None
Best unit to defeat this unit: Valkaries and Corsairs
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Mutalisks, Ground based defenses

Description: Overlords are the pylons or the supply depots of the zerg. They
are pretty nifty as they double as transports and detectors, though they need
to be upgraded to be of any use in either category. They are weak, but you
need them, the best thing to do is just stick them all in a corner behind some
defenses some-where so no enemies bust up your supply availability.

Strategies to use with this unit: Have them hover over sunken colonies to catch
any cloaked units that try to waltz into your base. Also at the very beginning
of the game you can go looking for enemy locations so you don't waste time with
a rush. Just make sure they don't have marines built yet or you'll be out 100
minerals at a very crucial point in the game.

Buildings Needed to produce: Spire
Mineral Cost: 25 each (2 spawn at a time)
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 110
Hit Points: 25
Supply used: 1/2 per scourge
Best unit to use against: Carriers, Battle Cruisers
Best unit to defeat this unit: Ground to Air defenses of any sort.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: More Scourges.

Description: Ahh, Scourges the kamikaze pilots of starcraft. These bad-boys
are good for one thing, suicide attacks, they fly in and screw up the enemies
new prized toy that it was planning on blasting you with. And the benefit is
you only spent like 150 to spawn the scourges to kill their 400 dollar unit.
Can you say OWNED?

Strategies to use with this unit: Attack big pricey units with this cheap unit,
do you really need any strategy besides that?

Buildings Needed to produce: Spire
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 9
Hit Points: 120
Supply used: 2
Best unit to use against: Zerglings
Best unit to defeat this unit: Ground to air defenses, Valkaries, Corsairs
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Guardians, Devourer

Description: These are the base unit of the zerg air-force and they mutate into
two different forms from here, either the guardian, which is like a long range
bomber, or the Devourer which is the zergs' air to air combatant. When they
attack they shoot a bouncing round that inflicts damage on the target you're
attacking, then 2 units close to it.

Strategies to use with this unit: Mutalisks are great for ravaging an enemies
base as they can attack three structures at one time. A good strategy is to
deploy a ton of units that will be fairly hard to dispose of at the front of an
enemy base, then rush in the back and take out all of their supply gathering
teams. This little attack will set them back a huge amount, as they'll have to
build new SCVs/Drones/ probe, and they'll be forced to spend resources on that,
instead of new defenses. By the time they're producing defensive units you'll
have another attack force built up to devastate them.

Buildings Needed to produce:
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 20
Hit Points: 150
Supply Used: The supply needed for the mutalisk
Best unit to use against: defense installations (Missile turrets, Bunkers Etc.)
and destroying things from afar.
Best unit to defeat this unit: Any air-based unit that can attack air units.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Devourers.

Description: The Guardian is a great unit to use if the enemy is hunkered down
with tons of defenses guarding the entrance to his base. Use a group of
guardians to open the can from long distance, and unless the enemy comes out to
attack, their installations shouldn't be able to touch you.

Strategies to use with this unit: As said before a pack of guardians can open
up a previously enclosed enemy base. A good strategy is to sneak in some
lurkers that go real close to where the guardians are so that way if the enemy
comes out to attack with ground units, the lurkers devastate them in no time
flat. Also make sure to keep a few devourers our hydralisks to guard against
air based attacks.

Buildings Needed to produce:
Mineral Cost: 150
Gas Cost: 50
Base Attack: 25
Hit Points: 250
Supply Used: The supply used by the mutalisk.
Best unit to use against: Air units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Ground to air attackers
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Guardians

Description: The Devourer is another one of the zergs new units, like the
valkarie or the corsair, this baby only attacks sky based units with attacks.
Best suited for guarding or escorting other air units or ground conveys that
would otherwise be defenseless against an enemy air attack.

Strategies to use with this unit: Basically any time you're going out with some
overlords full of units, bring a pack of devourers along for protection. Also
keep a few around

Buildings Needed to produce: Queen's Nest
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 150
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 120
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Bothersome ground units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Scout or Wraith
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: None

Description: The queen is just one more unit in the zerg's guerilla style
arsenal. The queen has 3 attacks:

- Spawn broodling - This targets a unit and instantly kills them spawning two
broodlings in their place. Great for Siege tanks and Ghosts as well as just
about any other ground unit that is giving you problems.

- Parasite - This is quite frustrating if you get hit with one, especially if
you're a protoss or zerg, as they have no way to get rid of them. What it does
is implants a little thing inside a units head so you can see what it sees.
Great for units like observers or something that is going to move around a lot.

- Infest Command Center - This is a rare site to see an infested command
center, though as you're pummeling someone to death swoop in a queen when you
get their command center in the red and you'll have your own mobile shock troop

Strategies to use with this unit: This unit is plain and simple guerilla war.
Swoop in for an attack then swoop out again without the enemy even seeing you.
The parasite is probably something you'll use a lot at the beginning and mid
game, but near the end of the game you'll start using broodlings effective to
hinder enemy attacks and resource gathering.



The terrans bring a new style to the table, while the protoss and the zerg are
restricted as to where they can build most of their structures, the Terran are
able to build nearly anywhere. They also have the unique ability to raise most
of their structures and transport them to new places. This is an amazing
feature as if you get rushed by zerglings or zealots you can raise some
important buildings and wait for them to leave, though if they don't leave you,
you're SOL. Another benefit of this nomadic style is that you can move
barracks to the front door of the enemy and start churning out units creating a
siege that only gets bigger the longer they let you stand outside their door.
And since the barracks is right there your reinforcements are almost
instantaneous after the attack begins.


Land Units

The terran ground troops are quite different form the zerg units, they rely
more on technology then zerg rely on numbers. They also rely on mobilized
mechanical units to help fight enemies.

Buildings Needed to produce: Command Center
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 5
Hit Points: 60
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: N/A
Best unit to defeat this unit: Mutalisk
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Bunkers, wraiths

Description: The SCV is your basic worker unit. He mines resources and builds
buildings as well as repairs buildings and mechanical units. This is one big
advantage the terrans have, the ability to repair, while the zerg regenerate
(SUPER SLOW I might add), and the Protoss have shields that recharge, neither
of them can instantly get a damaged structure at full capacity in a number of

Strategies to use with this unit: Build leap frogging Bunkers, and keep an scv
in one or two of the bunkers so they can run out and repair during the attack
increasing the life of the bunker and turning the tide of battle in your favor.

Buildings Needed to produce: Barracks
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 6
Hit Points: 40
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Hydralisks
Best unit to defeat this unit: Siege Tanks
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Firebats and Medics

Description: The Marines are your basic unit for attacks, you'll probably build
a ton of them thorough-out any given game. These boys are best used as support
and to lure fire from your big-ticket units.

Strategies to use with this unit: Use these with some firebats and the zerg
will be almost powerless against you unless they have lurkers, or mutalisks.
Add in a medic or two and a troop of these people are near invincible.

The best way to use these troops though is in bunkers as base defense. Then
with a missile turret behind the bunker and a siege tank parked in siege mode.
If you create enough of these little formations you're base will be hard to get

Buildings Needed to produce: Academy
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 25
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 60
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: N/A
Best unit to defeat this unit: Dark Templars, Siege Tanks
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Marines, Firebats

Description: Medics even up the playing field for terrans, in the sense that
the protoss had shields and the zerg could regenerate. Now the terrans can
cure their units, getting the most bang for their buck. The medics also have
a few fun little abilities, among them are:

- Heal - This heals up your troops.

- Restoration - Gets rid of plague and parasite on your inflected units, I'm
not sure if this works on mind-control, but I doubt it does.

- Optic Flare - Blinds the unit this is used on. Good for hitting siege tanks.
A Blinded enemy will do less damage and have a super-short range unless there
are other units to spot for it.

Strategies to use with this unit: There really isn't too much strategy to use
with these girls. They go with your units on an attack if you've got heavy
amounts of marines and fire-bats, but besides that they really aren't that
necessary unless a unit of your gets inflicted by blindness/plague/ parasites.

Buildings Needed to produce: Academy
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 25
Base Attack: 16
Hit Points: 50
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Zerglings, swarms of zealots
Best unit to defeat this unit: Scouts, Wraiths, Mutalisks
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Marines and Medics

Description: Hehe, firebats, the future version of WD-40 + A Lighter (NOTE:
HAPPYBUDDHA311 is not responsible if you singe all of your body hair off trying
to be a firebat). Anyway, these boys have tons of splash damage, making them
great for attacking any swarms of units quickly. It's usually a good idea to
keep a 1 or 2 of these guys in bunkers if you're fighting against zerg or a
protoss player that likes zealots and dark templars a lot.

Strategies to use with this unit: Bring these bad-boys along with some marines
to have yourself some zergling ka-bob. Light up and melt through them like a
hot iron through butter.

Firebats are useless by themselves, if you find yourself with a pack of
firebats and no support you might want to find a way to get a few troops to
support them as they're sitting ducks for nearly any distance attackers or air

Buildings Needed to produce: Science Facility w/ Attached Covert Ops
Mineral Cost: 25
Gas Cost: 75
Base Attack: 10
Hit Points: 45
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Lone units that can be picked off.
Best unit to defeat this unit: A detector + Any attacking unit or two.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: None.

Description: Ghosts are good for two things, lone wolf nuclear strikes and
cloaked sniping, and preventing mech attacks. The Ghosts do this with their
two skills learned, or purchased.

- Lock down - This will freeze any mech unit for a time of around 30-60
seconds. Usually enough to blast the hell out of it.

- Nuke Strike - This will paint a target (best to use at the enemies command
center/ Hive / Nexus). Then after around 30 seconds that feels like 5 minutes
the nuke will launch from your command center (add-on needed for it) and blow
the painted target away. Now once you choose to paint, you can only stand and
watch or abort and run. Once the painting is finished you must RUN LIKE HELL
if you want to keep your ghost. I once had a ghost that performed 7 Nuke
strikes before he was slain on the way back to the base, on the kill counter it
read 138, "CAN YOU DIG IT?" (Cookie if one of you youngins can tell me where
that quote comes from.)

Strategies to use with this unit: The best thing to do is to create a few
ghosts and stick them all in different directions, then set them on hold
position, with one actually doing the nuking. The enemy will have to pick and
choose killing precious time. You could also do the super-evil make 6 nukes
and aim them all at the same time at the same area. Great for a forth of july
blast. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY SUCKA!, though that kind of seems cheesy, the way
that the movie "Independence day" was cheesy. That script was doomed from the
start, though Will Smith's great acting didn't help it any either.

Buildings Needed to produce: Factory
Mineral Cost: 75
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 20
Hit Points: 80
Best unit to use against: Ground units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Bunkers and siege tanks

Description: The vulture is better off suited for defense and for scouting as
it has a ranged attack, but can only hit ground units like the siege tank. It
works much better than a siege tank as the splash damage is much smaller (if at
all) on your allied units and any allied buildings around. This is even truer
if there is zerglings or firebats or zealots attacking a bunker.

Strategies to use with this unit: One of the better things about the vultures
is the spider mines, problem is you only get three. Well, while scouting with
a vulture plant a spider mine or two in choke points to insure a surprise to
enemies later. I would defiantly not recommend using spider mines in your own
base because the splash damage is huge.

Buildings Needed to produce: Armory
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 50
Base Attack: 12 ground / 20 air
Hit Points: 125
Best unit to use against: Air units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Ground units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Siege Tanks

Description: Goliaths are these cool mech units, though they are best used as
mobile missile launchers, they don't detect anything so don't rely on them as
permanent stations.

Strategies to use with this unit: Goliaths are support units for your siege
tanks so that way the STs don't take too much damage trying to attack melee
units and they aren't as vulnerable by air. Goliaths are also real cheap to
build up as missile turrets while you focus on building an army. Keep a few
around for defense nearly anytime just in case your opponent wants to get his
nice air fleet shot down.

Siege Tank
Buildings Needed to produce: Factory w/ attached machine shop
Mineral Cost: 150
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 30 regular/ 70 in siege mode
Hit Points: 150
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Installations (Bunkers, Sunken colonies etc)
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Goliaths

Description: The siege tanks have two purposes, defense and leveling enemy
buildings. Most people use them together with some bunkers and missle turrets
in choke points to ensure an enemy has a really tough time passing through, and
usually they work pretty well. As for attacks they can certainly be a double
edged sword. The best time to use them is to open up crowded choke points,
then you let in your other units to take care of the enemy units inside the
base, after that you can use your siege tanks to mop up the buildings.

Strategies to use with this unit: Siege tanks excel in defensive mode. They
can be parked a row or two behind a row of bunkers to just hammer away at the
approaching enemy. As for offense they are best suited as can openers and to
mop up. Though if the map has cliffs siege tanks make for a nice surprise as
the ground units can only see up on cliffs if the enemy attacks, allowing you
to pick and choose your battles. Though make sure you have some anti-air ready
to defend or you might get raped by some air-bourn patrols.


Air Units

The Terran air force is pretty weak, and its best suited for guerilla attacks
and stealthy sneak attack ambushes. If you aren't a fan of the hit and run
style of attack you'll probably want to keep your force on the ground and
invest in some goliaths for your anti-air needs.

Buildings Needed to produce: Star port
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 150
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: None
Best unit to defeat this unit: Any unit that can attack air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Wraiths

Description: Transport units with this unit. Isn't that pretty self

Strategies to use with this unit: Transports open up a few new opportunities
for guerilla combat. See on some maps with a choke point and 1 or 2 entrances
to a base the enemy will pile up defenses there. A transport can fly right
into the heart of a base a drop off troops to attack from the inside. Then the
enemy may just peel off some of it's entrance defenses, allowing you to use a
large force to crack open the base. Though you should try this with an
expendable force to make sure the enemy will peel away his defenses.

The other great thing you can do with a transport is to drop units off on
cliffs. As other ground units can't see them unless they are attacking they
have almost no chance of survival causing them to flee. Though make sure you
have some air defenses around or you could get nailed.

Science Vessel
Buildings Needed to produce: Science Facility.
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 225
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 200
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Zerg swarms and protoss defenses
Best unit to defeat this unit: Units that can attack the air
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: another science vessel

Description: The Science vessel is a great unit for scouting and for guerilla
attacks. It also serves as a great support during an attack and as a great
opening attack. It uses three abilities:

- Defensive matrix - This creates a super strong force field around a selected
unit, makes the unit tough to go down.

- Eradicate - Poison gas that attacks biological unit, great against zerg

- EMP Blast - IF you've ever seen ocean's eleven this is just like the "Pinch"
they used. In other words it nulls the shields of protoss.

Strategies to use with this unit: Guerilla war-fare baby. There is one good
strategy for each ability, I'm sure there is way more though, send them to me
(even if it's for a different unit). For the defensive matrix you can plant
one on a battle cruiser then use the cruiser to yamoto gun something important,
like a command center/nexus etc. When it comes to eradicate, big zerg swarm
knocking on your front door? 3-4 Science vessels casting eradicate will turn
the tables rather quickly. The last one, the EMP blast should be pretty easy
to use, if the protoss enemy has hunkered down with those little annoying
photon cannons everywhere, send them one of these then let fly with the attack
to quickly level them.

Buildings Needed to produce: Armory
Mineral Cost: 250
Gas Cost: 125
Base Attack: 10
Hit Points: 200
Supply Used: 3
Best unit to use against: Carriers, Overlords, Battle Cruisers
Best unit to defeat this unit: Goliaths, hydralisks, dragoons.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Wraiths, battle cruisers.

Description: The Valkarie isn't really a stand-alone unit, unless you're attack
an enemies group of overlords that are all stored in one place. Any other time
the valkarie is best suited for support and fire fighting.

Strategies to use with this unit: Attack your enemies' overlords if they are
all staged in one place. Aside from that keep one or two on hand to fire-fight
any enemy air-units that appear un-expectedly.

Buildings Needed to produce: Star port
Mineral Cost: 150
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 8 ground, 20 air
Hit Points: 120
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Air borne enemies or ground units that can't fire
Best unit to defeat this unit: Goliaths, Valkaries, Corsairs, Devourers.
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Battle Cruiser, Valkaries

Description: Wraiths are the staple of your air force, they're best used for
three different operations: Hit and run, Defense and support.

Strategies to use with this unit: As said before this unit is good for 3 basic

The first is covert attacks, if you research the cloak feature, you can spring
a surprise attack on an enemy base without detectors. This is great for hit
and run attacks on enemy swarms that are staging an attack right before they
launch at your base. They are also good for slipping in and destroying an un-
guarded overlord that is spying around.

Next there is the defensive roll. The Wraith is an excellent tool for defense
in that it can patrol your perimeters to make sure no transports sneak into
your base, and 3-6 wraiths is a hell of a lot cheaper then building a perimeter
of missile stations. A wraith or two is also handy after you've expanded your
base into some other resource nodes, a wraith can fly right to hot spots and
help put out fires, I suggest keeping a hand full flying around at all times.

Lastly, there is as support. Battle cruisers are big and expensive, they're
also slow as hell, making them sitting ducks unless you have some support.
Basically what you'll want to do is get about 3-6 wraiths and group them, then
Right-click on the battle cruiser (I think this is how it's done..) and the
wraiths will automatically follow the battle cruiser wherever it goes. This is
the best way to support a battle cruiser without letting the wraiths get away
from it, or having to sit there "flying" the wraiths yourself.

Battle Cruiser
Buildings Needed to produce: Science Facility with attached physics lab
Mineral Cost: 400
Gas Cost: 300
Base Attack: 25 air and ground
Hit Points: 500
Supply Used: 8
Best unit to use against: Stationary air-defenses
Best unit to defeat this unit: Scourges
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Wraiths

Description: The Battle Cruiser is basically a really big fucking gun. A
really big fucking gun that can fly. The Yamato cannon is the most powerful
attack in the game, leveling air-defenses with one shot. If you have a fleet
of Battle Cruisers you can take out all the enemies stationary defenses in mere

Strategies to use with this unit: There really isn't much strategy to using
this unit, basically it's point click shoot, retreat and allow lesser units to
do the main-stay of the attacking. Also, make sure you have at least 3 wraiths
per battle cruiser, yes that seems like a lot, but if the zerg send some
scourges at you, the wraiths will catch most of them, and take the damage from
the rest of them.




The protoss battle philosophy is much like zerg, but slightly different. The
Protoss believe more in technology then they do in brute force. All of their
units are much, much better than every other teams units, but they are more
costly meaning that you have to be great at resource management, or you have to
be playing on an unlimited resource map. While they are much more powerful,
they still seem to have great swarming attacks, especially with a group of
carriers. One thing that sets the protoss apart from the other 2 races is that
they don't regenerate and they can't be healed, they do however have shields,
which recharge and can be recharged at shield batteries. The shields also tend
to regenerate quicker than the zergs health which gives you a good advantage,
plus the shields usually double the amount of punishment a protoss unit or
building can take. When you add in the fact that you can upgrade both shields
and armor for the protss, you have a rather mighty force when fully upgraded.

One other thing about the protoss is that more than any other race they love
their abilities and upgrades. Most of your strategies with the protoss should
involve these magic users, and if they don't you're probably playing the wrong
race. For example a templar's psionic storm can devastate an army of advancing
organic units. Or the Dark archons mind control, how cool is that, with a dark
archon you can build units from every race if you can capture an SCV and a
Drone. Though it's tough to build zerg as protoss and terran can't build on
creep. Also they don't share the same food source which is kind of bothersome,
but when you have siege tanks, carriers and ultralisks knocking on an enemies
gates he's sure to suddenly "Have to help his mom with groceries", making the
hassle well worth it.


Land Units

As you might expect the protoss land force is superior in nearly everyway.
Problem is, they're much more expensive so you'll need to really be whoring up
the resources to make them in any amount of numbers. They are of course well-
worth it. Of course it does help if you build a shield battery near where your
defensive units will be standing, that should increase the length of your units

Buildings Needed to produce: Nexus
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 5
Hit Points: 20
Shield Points: 20
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: Mineral Patches
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything that can fire
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Photon Cannons

Description: The probes are what you're going to use to harvest your resources
as well as open warp gates, which will bring buildings in. Of course you need
to have a pylon in close proximity to warp in buildings.

Strategies to use with this unit: Probes are much more useful then SCVs or
Drones, as the warp gates bring in buildings so you don't have to sit and wait
for them to finish building.

Buildings Needed to produce: Gateway
Mineral Cost: 100
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: 16
Hit Points: 80
Shield Points: 80
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Hydralisks, marines
Best unit to defeat this unit: Zerglings, firebats, air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Dragoons

Description: The zealot is the staple of your army, they are also the strongest
of the ground units that you can produce minutes into the game. These will
probably be the troops you build the most.

Strategies to use with this unit: Basically you should rush with zealots, if
you rush anything. Also use these right off the bat to defend against rushes
and to do a little searching about the map. It's usually good to at least find
one of your enemies as it will save you time when you have your armies built

Buildings Needed to produce: Cybernetic core
Mineral Cost: 125
Gas Cost: 50
Base Attack: 20
Hit Points: 100
Shield Points: 80
Supply Used:2
Best unit to use against: Air units, fire bats, marines
Best unit to defeat this unit: Zerglings
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Zealots

Description: The dragoon is the first unit the protoss can get that can fire at
air units. Also dragoons act as mobile photon cannons, as they have pretty
much the same stats as one, plus you can upgrade them, they're also a bit

Strategies to use with this unit: Dragoons make for great defenses as if there
is an observer near by they have the same attack, and hit points as a photon
cannon. Though they have smaller shields (by 20), they can be upgraded, and a
shield battery can repair them. So they can be moved from start-up base to
start up base until you have the permanent photon cannons set up.

High Templar
Buildings Needed to produce: Templar Archives
Mineral Cost: 50
Gas Cost: 150
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 40
Shield Points: 40
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Large groups of units, and as support
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Zealot with upped leg speed.

Description: The high templar is the magic user of the protoss, he has the
following abilities:

- Psionic Storm - This is a lighting storm that causes damage to all units
unlucky enough to be in it.

- Hallucination - Creates a mirages of the units you cast this on, great for
using nuke strikes if you happen to ally with a terran.

- Spawn Archon - Merges two high templars into the destructive being known as
an archon.

Strategies to use with this unit: Ambushes are key with this unit, run a zealot
into a zerg base, then run him toward a pack of templars, then have the
templars cast psionic storm. As already said you can cast hallucination on a
terran ghost right before a nuke, delaying your opponents from catching the
right one. And if all else fails, merge into an archon.

***Dark Templar***
Buildings Needed to produce: Templar Archives
Mineral Cost: 125
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 40
Hit Points: 80
Shield Points: 50
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Zerglings, Marines, probes
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Another Dark Templar

Description: Dark Templars, Hoohoo baby these things are bad ass. If you've
ever played the original campaign in starcraft you may have remembered a few
missions where you could play with one or two of these bad-boys. Well now you
can actually build armies of your own. I like to think of the Dark Templars as
Ninjas of the future, as they have the cool shinobi scarves, they're always
cloaked and they have huge bad-ass swords.

Strategies to use with this unit: Send in a few dark templars to a start-up
base or punish a base that doesn't have detectors. Either way, dark templars
will fuck up a base in no time flat.

Buildings Needed to produce: Robot Support Bay
Mineral Cost: 200
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 100
Hit Points: 1000
Shield Points: 80
Supply Used: 4
Best unit to use against: Ground based defenses and buildings
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air units, zerglings
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Dragoons

Description: The reaver is the protoss version of a siege tank, though it's a
bit different. Basically it launches out really quick scarabs that explode on
impact causing large damage. The downside is you have to pay for each scarab
and they take time to build.

Strategies to use with this unit: Grab a shuttle plus two of these fully
stocked and drop them in the middle of an enemy base. It's sure to do more
damage to them then it will have hurt your bank building the reavers. You
could also send them to attack the enemy's defenses as they have a longer range
than photon cannons, sunken colonies and marines in bunkers.

Buildings Needed to produce: Templar Archives
Mineral Cost: The Cost of 2 high templars
Gas Cost: The cost of 2 high templars
Base Attack: 30
Hit Points: 10
Shield Points: 300
Supply Used: 4
Best unit to use against: Anything
Best unit to defeat this unit: Siege tanks
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: An attack army

Description: The archon is easy the assault weapon of choice for most protoss
players. I've been in games where I see conveys 10-20 deep of just archons.
Basically this thing is a big ball of energy that hits air and ground units
with the same effectiveness. Their only downfall is EMP blasts, as they can
render a fleet of archons worthless.

Strategies to use with this unit: This unit doesn't really have strategies,
it's basically good for offense, or defense as it can attack air and ground
units, it's your basic utility player. It goes where it's needed and does just
about any task.

***Dark Archon***
Buildings Needed to produce: Templar Archives
Mineral Cost: The cost of 2 dark templars
Gas Cost: The Cost of 2 dark templars
Base Attack: None
Hit Points: 25
Shield Points: 200
Supply Used: 4
Best unit to use against: High priced units, Carriers, Battle Cruisers,
Ultralisks, as well as Drones/SCVs/Probes
Best unit to defeat this unit: Anything
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Shuttle, and support units

Description: The Dark arcon is pretty useful as you can amass armies of 400-600
supply instead of the basic 200. How is this possible? Simple. All you have
to do is capture a SCV, Drone or Probe and start building that races tech tree.
Easy as that. Let's get to the other abilities shall we? The Dark Archon has
the following abilities:

- Mind control - Captures enemy units permanently.

- Maelstrom - Freeze enemies within a certain area for a few seconds.

Strategies to use with this unit: Use mind control on the enemies drones or
SCVs so that you can build up their tech tree and unleash some truly killer
combinations of units. Aside from that the Dark archons really aren't all that
useful. It's good to keep a shuttle dedicated just for the dark archon. Also
make sure you mind control and Overlords/Shuttles/transport ships if you can,
as if you mind control that you also mind control all of the units inside of
the ship.


Air Units

The protoss have a rather awesome air force that IMO is far far better than the
enemies. However it is necessary to look out for scourges as they can shoot
your fleet down rather quickly. The Protoss air-force however does have one
major advantage over the other races air forces, numbers. A carrier for
example can hold up to 8 units, meaning two carriers full of interceptors
equals 16 air borne zerglings. These can quickly devastate an enemies base or

Buildings Needed to produce: Observatory
Mineral Cost: 25
Gas Cost: 75
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 40
Shield Points: 20
Supply Used: 1
Best unit to use against: None
Best unit to defeat this unit: Missile turrets, photon cannons, spore colonies
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: None

Description: The Observer is your eyes and ears on the foreground of the
battle. These little babies are quite useful in watching empty resource areas
and watching troop movement. They also make for great scouts, every now and
then you will find an enemy that hasn't any detectors at all, if you can fly
your observer in, it's a pretty good bet for that.

Strategies to use with this unit: Finding bases or teams without observers
(units that can see cloaked units). If you see one of these bases IMEADIATLY
build 3-4 dark templars and send them packing. Make sure to have at least one
templar watching in case the team builds an observer. Aside from that, it's
open season on their asses.

Buildings Needed to produce: Robotics Facility
Mineral Cost: 200
Gas Cost: 0
Base Attack: N/A
Hit Points: 80
Shield Points: 60
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: None
Best unit to defeat this unit: Any flying attack units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Reavers, Dark archons

Description: The shuttle is great for moving slow units, and surprise attacks
of sorts. The unit can hold various amounts of troops, 8 probes, 4 zealots, 2
archons or reavers. There are also tons of combinations you can use.

Strategies to use with this unit: Send a small expendable force at the enemies
front gate, then take a shuttle or two full of dark templars and reavers and
drop them in the back. With luck the enemy will send all of his units up to
attack the front base, while the reavers and templars destroy the base.

Buildings Needed to produce: Arbiter Tribunal
Mineral Cost: 350
Gas Cost: 45
Base Attack: 10
Hit Points: 200
Shield Points: 150
Supply Used: 4
Best unit to use against: Enemy bases
Best unit to defeat this unit: Missile turrets, spore colonies, photon cannons
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: A Fleet of carriers.

Description: The arbiter has guerilla war written all over it. With two unique

Recall -> Recall creates a warp portal. If you have some arbiters with this
ability and energy, it renders shuttles useless. Since this is a better unit
to have, don't waste your time researching or building shuttles, just hold out
a little bit longer for arbiters.

Stasis Field -> Creates a brief state of stasis around a unit (the unit will be
frozen for a few seconds). This is great to use against ghosts or anything
that can take done your arbiter quick, allowing you to cast a recall spell to
warp in re-enforcements.

Now the arbiter also has the ability to cloak units that are in it's area.
This is a pretty powerful ability.

Strategies to use with this unit: 1 control group (highlight a group of 12
units and click the control button (ctrl) and a number 1-9 (plus 0) to assign a
hotkey/control group. Hit that number to bring up those units). Now 1 control
group can hold 12 units, 2 arbiters plus 9 carriers and an observer. This is
just devastating to nearly anything the pathetic enemy could call "Defense".
Plus you can always hot key another arbiter to stay in the base to cast recall
if shit hits the fan.

Buildings Needed to produce: Stargate
Mineral Cost: 150
Gas Cost: 100
Base Attack: 5
Hit Points: 100
Shield Points: 80
Supply Used: 2
Best unit to use against: Air units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Air units

Description: The corsair is the protoss version of the "Dog fighter" that all
of the races got in the expansion pack. IMO it's pretty worthless. I rarely
ever build these as a scout is more useful, faster and can attack ground units.

Strategies to use with this unit: Build them and watch them get destroyed by an
enemy. That's pretty much all these are good for.

Buildings Needed to produce: Stargate
Mineral Cost: 300
Gas Cost: 150
Base Attack: 28 air, 8 ground
Hit Points: 150
Shield Points: 100
Supply Used: 3
Best unit to use against: Air units
Best unit to defeat this unit: Ground units that attack the air units
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Observers

Description: I like the words of someone else's FAQ (Might have been Prima)
"The Scout is the protoss firefighter, it goes from hot-spot to hot-spot and
works in nearly any situation" (or something like that). That's basically what
it is, Build a bunch of these babies because they work in tons of positions.

Strategies to use with this unit: Use this unit to put out hot spots, it works
best that way.

Buildings Needed to produce: Fleet Beacon
Mineral Cost: 350
Gas Cost: 250
Base Attack: 5 per fighter
Hit Points: 300
Shield Points: 150
Supply Used: 8
Best unit to use against: Anything
Best unit to defeat this unit: Lots of golaiths
Best unit to Co-unit to use with this unit: Arbiters and observers

Description: Ahh.. The last unit in the faq, and my favorite in the whole game
of starcraft. The carrier is the bringer of doom, and the weapon of choice for
"fukin n00bs" like myself according to some dumbass on Anyway, the
carrier is basically a shuttle that carries little fighter planes that swarm
out and destroy anything in their path.

Strategies to use with this unit: Get 36 carriers and finish the game. The



Thanks for reading this guide, remember send me e-mails about what you think
about it or mistakes or anything that you think I should add, or to play a

What follows is some thank yous, credits and an about the author. Plus a bit
of legal information if you're curious.


Ass Kissing by Happybuddha311


You - For reading it.

Blizzard - For making this game.

CjayC - For posting this.

The Boys at IGN - For Posting this as well.

Your mother - for the grade A sex she gave me last night >_>

Maddox - For writing funny shit. Check out his site at ""

Zoop Soul and Burning Fox - For helping me with some little decisions on
formatting and stuff, as well as encouragement.

BTB - For the format I currently use.

TAY-TAY - For being a super fine interweb girl.

Brian Sulpher - Cause he's a cool guy and he shares the same fate to have the
initials "BS" like I do. Plus he should be a motivational speaker for FAQ
writers, talking to this guy always gets me in the mood to write. Someday, I'll
have the most NES guides and I'll laugh at your pathetic mountain of them, much
like Mount Everest laughs at every other puny mountain! BWHAHAH!

The Following bands for making some Uber cool music for me to write to:
311, Descendents, Operation Ivy, The Strokes, The Misfits, The Clash, Ramones,
The Aquabats, Escaping Sobriety, Andrew W.K., T.S.O.L., Streetlight Manifesto
and The Dead Kenndys, Mustard Plug, Motor head, The planet smashers, GWAR,
Ludo, The Mars Volta and so many others. Check all of them out because they
rock hard.




(Correct as of June 5th, 2004)

Hello, thank you for reading this guide. If you cared enough to read this far,
I might as well entertain you. I'm a 17 year old Virgo who has graduated from
high school. In my spare time I like to work at the ice rink, write some
stories, and surf the internet, you can find me on the outboards
( or on a few of the various Gamefaqs boards (rare these
days). This will be my FAQ and I feel that writing these has given me
something better to do then watch the stupid shit that's on TV these days. I
hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it.


Legal Stuff


This FAQ is for personal use only. You can print it or parts of it for that
reason only. Do not copy any part of this document and claim it as your own or
you will be guilty of plagiarism, which is punishable by law. If you post it on
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promotional way, or use it in any way for personal gain (i.e. a pay only site),
civil and/or criminal charges can and will be pressed against you. The newest
version of this FAQ can always be found at and and if
you see this anywhere without credit to me please let me know. This document is
(c)Ben Semisch AKA Happybuddha311; 2002 - 2003

(Thanks to Laura (L621) for letting me borrow her copyright info)
If you would like to host this guide, just give up, there is no way I'm going
to let you host it. If you steal it, that is theft and I will pursue you in
the court of law. It'd be real nice to have a new car, so if you think I'm
joking, go ahead and try posting this guide on your site without my permission.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Megatrainer (für v1.16.1)

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.16.0)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v.1.15.2)

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Terrans Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Units FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ressourcentrainer (für dt. v1.0)

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für die Ressourcen Mineralien und Gas

12.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (auch für Broodwar)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung für die Terraner

18.Oktober 2013
Technisches FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Mapmaker's Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Geld für alle Rassen, Schnelles bauen

17.Oktober 2013
Protoss FAQ
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Terraner)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Zerg)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

08.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Hinweise zur Kartenerstellung

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.08b; Achtung: 2 MB)

14.Oktober 2013
Ressourcen-Trainer für alle Gruppen

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien (für v1.07)

11.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.06 und v1.07)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.07 dt)

04.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.0 dt)

13.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Kristalle und Gase

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

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07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
25.Juni 2019