

08.10.2013 04:06:54
Newbee walkthrough
Version 1.0

by Dikitain

Table of Contents

I. Verson data
II. Why I created this walkthrough
III. What to e-mail me about
IV. How this walkthrough is layed out
V. Terran missions
1. Tutorial
2. Mission 1
3. Mission 2
4. Mission 3
5. Mission 4
6. Mission 5
7. Mission 6
8. Mission 7
9. Mission 8
10. Mission 9
11. Mission 10
VI. Zerg missions
1. Mission 1
2. Mission 2
3. Mission 3
4. Mission 4
5. Mission 5
6. Mission 6
7. Mission 7
8. Mission 8
9. Mission 9
10. Mission 10
VII. Protoss missions
1. Mission 1
2. Mission 2
3. Mission 3
4. Mission 4
5. Mission 5
6. Mission 6
7. Mission 7
8. Mission 8
9. Mission 9
10. Mission 10
VIII. Ending notes
IX. Fun stuff
X. Cheats
XI. Credits
XII. Legal information

I. Version Data

1.0 - Well, even though I started college and had the stomach flu
at the same time, plus the attack on america that stoped me from
working on this walkthrough for a few days, I managed to release
this walkthrough when I wanted to. You will hopefully see a
walkthrough for brood war and for Warcraft 2 sometime after
christmas. In the mean time, I will update every month and
hopefully be able to help many people with this walkthrough for
the couple of years I hope to be making them.

II. Why I Created This Walkthrough

I believe myself to be a newbee. I am a person who cannot compete
on, nor fight in a stratagy game very well. I am more
of a role-playing or action game fighter myself. Stratagy games
are one of my worst enemys. Starcraft was the first stratagy game
I ever played. It taught me about the rigors of a real stratagy
game. By some miracle unbenonced to me, I managed to beat the
game and cannot quite figure out why. Luckly, for you and me, I
took notes while playing this game and now understand some of the
ways and stratagies I used to beat the game without using cheats.
This walkthrough is a compalation of the notes I took in an easy to
read form. Most walkthroughs for this game use complex stratagies
that are too veteranish to use for my newbee tastes. That is why
I created this walkthough by a newbee, for newbees. It is the way
that I beat the game, and a way I hope you can use to beat the game.

III. What To E-mail Me About

Here are some suggestions on what you could e-mail me about:
1. Alternate walkthroughs(as long as they are not to complex)
2. Spelling and grammer fixes
3. Stuff for the fun stuff section
4. Suggestions on how to make the walkthrough look better

Here are e-mail ideas that I will not accept(you will be lucky if
they get read for more than 5 seconds):
1. Complex walkthroughs(that's why it is called NEWBEE walkthrough)
2. Spam mail
3. Letters wanting me to get rid of the fun stuff section
4. Letters asking for personal information(I shall remain behind
my screen name)

IV. How This Walkthrough Is Layed Out

After you find the mission that you want, you will see a note
that gives mission objectives. It will look like this:

Mission Objectives|

Underneth that are the Mission Objectives. The bullets will
have these meanings:

- <-----This is an objective given by the game.
= <-----This describes the type of mission it is.

There are 5 types of missions.

1. Instalation
2. Take/Destroy and objective
3. Acumulate
4. Defend an objective
5. Destroy a base

(I put take and destroy an objective together because you have
to take it before you destroy it)

After that, you should see a section that looks like this:

Please note...|

This section contains things to rebember throughout the game.
They are in bullet form.

Then you should see a section that looks like this:

Mission Walkthrough|

This section contains the actual walkthrough. It is also in
bullet form. (Instalation missions will not have a mission
walkthrough section, they are pretty straight forward).

That is how the walkthrough will be layed out. Now, on to the
important stuff......

V. Terran Missions
1. Tutorial

Mission Objectives|
- Build 3 Supply Depots
- Build a Refinery
- Gather 100 Vespene Gas
= This is a ACUMULATE mission

Please note...|
- This is not a camaign related mission
- This mission is optional, but if you want to know how the
game is played, I highly recomend that you play this mission
- This is also your first acumulate mission, you will need to
get supply depots and vespene gas

Mission Walkthrough|
- Build 4 scv's
- Set all but one scv to mine minerals
- Build a supply depot
- Wait for 100 minerals
- Build another supply depot
- Wait for 100 minerals
- Build another supply depot
- Wait for 100 minerals
- Build a refinery
- Set all scv's to mine vespene gas
- Wait for 100 gas
- Victory!
2. Mission 1

Mission Objectives|
- Find Raynor
- Build a Barracks
- Train 10 Marines
= This is a ACUMULATE mission

Please note...|
- This is your first mission(on the campagin at least)
- This is your last acumulate mission, treat it well

Mission Walkthrough|
- Set group to move to base
- Get Raynor
- Take raynor with group
- Set all but one scv to mine
- Wait for 100 minerals
- Build a barracks
- After construction, set the scv to mine minerals
- Train 5 marines
- Victory!
3. Mission 2

Mission Objectives|
- Eradicate the alien infestation
- Raynor must survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This is your first destroy a base mission, luckly it is rather easy
- Remember to use the attack command to move trops in hostile teretory, not the
move command
- I will implement a gathering stratagy from now on that usually works for me:
1 scv per mineral clump, 4 per vespene geyser
- Raynor must be kept alive or the mission will end in defeat

Mission Walkthrough|
- Set scv's to gather minerals
- Train more scv's
- Set scv's to gather gas
- Build an Engenering Bay
- Send marines to attack north
- Claim the terran base there
- Create group of 12 marines
- Send marines to explore the whole map
- Destroy all zerg
- Destroy infested command center
- Victory!
4. Mission 3

Mission Objectives|
- Survive for 30 Minutes
= This is a DEFEND AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- Lasting 30 minutes may have sounded easy at first, but you will be under
heavy oposition
- This mission is ment to help your defence skills
- Do not send attack teams, they are usless to the mission objective and have
no chance of destroying the zerg bases
- You will not need much vespene gas, just gather enough to upgrade marines and
repair buildings

Mission Walkthrough|
- Repair the bunker and vulture with an scv
- Set other scv's to gather minerals
- Build more scv's
- Build a refinery
- Set 4 scv's to gather gas
- Train more marines
- Upgrade marines
- Build more bunkers blocking base enterances
- Send marines into these bunkers
- Build missile turrets north of minerals
- Do this for 30 minutes
- Welcome dropships
- Victory!
5. Mission 4

Mission Objectives|
- Retrieve Data Disks From the Confederate Network
- Raynor must Survive
= This is a INSTALATION mission

Please note...|
- This is your first instalation mission, these missions involve no buildings
- As mentioned before, there is no mission walkthrough, only notes on how to
complete the mission
- Always send your group with the attack comand
- Explore everything so as not to miss anything
- Always touch becons
- Some becons activate cameras
- Some becons open doors
- Some becons warp you to another part of the instalation
- One of the becons ends the mission by downloading the information that you
6. Mission 5

Mission Objectives|
- Bring Kerrigan to the Antigan Command Center
- Denend the Antigan Rebels
- Raynor and Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Things get harder from now on, be prepared
- The objectives will change after you kill the general, you will have to
destroy a confederate base
- This mission teaches you to use cloak to your advantage
- It also uses wraiths for the first time
- This is the first time you will use 2 groups, learn how to set different
groups to different numbers

Mission Walkthrough|
- Send troups south
- Meet with Kerrigan
- Use troups to destroy missle turrets
- Leave troups at turrets
- Cloak Kerrigan
- Send Kerrigan to becon
- Wait for her to kill general(I just put this for you to know it happens)
- Send troups to destroy confederate bunkers and missle turrets
- Move troups into base
- Build academy
- Use gathering stratagy
- Build 2 engineering bays
- Add control tower to starport
- Build another starport with control tower
- Build another barraks
- Upgrade all air and marine
- Produce 12 wraiths, set to group 1
- Produce 12 marines, set to group 2
- Produce enough drop ships to hold marines
- Move wraiths to east edge
- Cloak wraiths
- Attack south and destroy refinery
- Uncloak wraiths
- Load marines in drop ships
- Unload next to wraiths
- Cloak wraiths
- Use marines to destroy missle turrets, and wraiths to kill anything attacking
- Destroy everything
- Victory!
7. Mission 6

Mission Objectives|
- Protect Battlecruiser Norad II
- Bring Raynor and 2 Drop Ships to Norad II
= This is a TAKE AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- I had quite a complecated way of doing this, but thanks to Joseph Christopher
(also has a walkthrough on Game FAQs for this game), I managed to simplify it
- This mission was the first place I got stuck in the game for some time
- Constantly repair Norad II when it gets damaged

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move troups north
- Repair all buildings
- Gather minerals
- Build more scv's
- Build refinery
- Gather gas
- Build academy
- Build factory
- Build starport
- Build an armorys
- Train 12 marines
- Build 5 dropships
- Upgrade all marine and air armor upgrades
- Load raynor into a dropship
- Load marines into dropships
- Move marine filled dropships east to elevated ground
- Unload on elevated ground
- Attack all that the marines can
- Move remaining dropships to east, then north through the area the marines
- Unload raynor at becon
- Victory!
8. Mission 7

Mission Objectives|
- Bring the Psi-Emitter to the Enemy Base
- Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a TAKE AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- For some reason, I had no trouble with this mission
- My notes seam very vague
- The begining is the hardest
- You will probly have to use all resorces
- Good luck, I will probly not be much help here

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move units near command center
- Move buildings into apropriate places
- Build scv's
- Gather minerals
- Build refinery
- Gather gas
- Build a Factory
- Build 4 Armorys
- Build a Starport
- Build machine shop
- Build control tower
- Upgrade all
- Build lots of goliaths
- Build lots of wraiths
- Build a science vessle
- Attack base until you run out of minerals
- Use science vessle to protect scv
- Bring emiter to becon
- Victory!
9. Mission 8

Mission Objectives|
- Eliminate the Confederate Forces
- Duke Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Another destroy a base mission, and this one is harder
- You are going to use ghosts and nuclear strikes on this mission
- Always remember to cloak ghosts
- Duke will show you just how powerful a battlecruser can be

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move troups in place
- Land buildings into apropriate places(with the right add-ons)
- Gather minerals
- Build more scv's
- Build a refinery
- Gather gas
- Build 2 armorys
- Arm nuke silos
- Use 1 nuke on defences
- Use other nuke on command centers
- Build 12 wraiths
- Attack unit producing buildings with wraiths
- Attack with duke to destroy the rest of the base
- Attack second platform from the west using same stratagy
- Set duke in a group with wraiths
- Attack the final base
- Patrol the map for any remaining opposition
- Victory!
10. Mission 9

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Protoss Force
- All Zerg Buildings Must Survive
- Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Your first time going against the protoss, good thing their base is not very
- You cannot attack the zerg, only defend against them
- Battlecrusers will be used for your attack force
- For defence against the zerg, 3 marine filled bunkers and 2 missle turrets
work fine
- Supply depots are going to be in great command, devote one scv to just them

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more scv's
- Build a refinery
- Gather gas
- Build defence against the zerg
- Build 3 starports
- Build 2 armorys
- Build 3 control towers
- Build a science facility
- Build a physics lab
- Upgrade air weapons and air armor
- Build 12 battlecrusers
- Attack the protoss
- Expand south if needed
- Destroy all protoss buildings
- Repair and replace battlecrusers if needed
- Victory!
11. Mission 10

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Ion Cannon
- Raynor Must Survive

Please note...|
- This is your last Terran Mission
- I will concentrate mostly on battlecrusers
- If my way does not work the first few times, try using shockwave from the
science vessle on the ghosts
- This mission is not hard if you keep your cool and only concentrate on the

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather Minerals
- Build more scv's
- Build a refinery
- Gather gas
- Build a barraks
- Build a factory
- Build 3 starports
- Build 2 armorys
- Build a control tower for each starport
- Build a science facility
- Build a physics lab
- Upgrade all air
- Upgrade all in physics lab
- Build 12 battlecrusers
- Wait for full power
- Attack twords cannon
- Set units to Yamato cannon
- Attack cannon if yamato was not enough
- Watch cannon be destroyed
- Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VI. Zerg Missions
1. Mission 1

Mission Objectives|
- Create a Spawning Pool
- Create a Hydralisk Den
- Protect the Chrysalis
= This is a PROTECT A BASE and DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- I do not like the zerg very much, they just do not fit into my playing
- You will get a note halfway through the mission to destroy a confederate base
- This mission will teach you how to use the zerg
- Listen to the cerebrets carefuly, the zerg can be quite confusing to a newbee

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Spawn more overloards
- Mutate an extractor
- Gather gas
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate 2 evolution chambers
- Mutate a hydralisk den
- Spawn 15 hydralisks
- Move 3 next to chrysalis
- Attack confderates with 12
- Protect chrysalis
- Victory!
2. Mission 2

Mission Objectives|
- Bring the Chrysalis to the Becon
= This is a TAKE AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- You get to use Hunter Killers in this mission, just leave them to guard
- When moving the chrysalis, right click on it with a drone
- Also, make sure the drone does not die, you will have to recover the
chrysalis in under 2 min.

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Mutate an extractor
- Gather gas
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate a spire
- Spawn more overloards
- Spawn 12 mutalisks
- Attack and destroy a path to the becon
- Use drone to grab chrysalis
- Move drone to the becon
- Victory!
3. Mission 3

Mission Objectives|
- Protect the Chrysalis
- Eliminate the Terran Presence
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This mission is pretty self expanetory, just make sure the chrysalis stays

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more dornes
- Mutate an extractor
- Gather gas
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate a spire
- Upgrade all air
- Spawn more overloards
- Spawn 12 mutalisks
- Attack to the south east
- Spawn more mutalisks to replace the ones that die
- Attack unit producing buildings
- Attack command center
- Victory!
4. Mission 4

Mission Objectives|
- Protect the Chrysalis Untill It is Ready to Hatch

Please note...|
- You will find out what is in the chrysalis this mission, be prepared to be
- After the chrysalis has hatched, you will have to destroy of infest raynors
command center
- I chose to infest, but eather way can be done easly

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Gather gas
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate a queens nest
- Mutate a spire
- Upgrade all air
- Spawn 12 mutalisks
- Spawn 12 queens
- Spawn more mutalisks untill chrysalis hatches
- Attack raynor command center with all mutalisks
- Attack untill it is destroyed or at 500/1500 (this means it is in the red)
- Use all queens to infest
- Victory!
5. Mission 5

Mission Objectives|
- Bring Kerrigan to the Supercomputer
- Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a INSTALATION mission

Please note...|
- Yep, Kerrigan was in the chrysalis
- Another instalation mission, so no walkthrough
- Attack with the whole group
- Use ensnare on firebat
- Stop periodically to recharge health
- When you are near the computer, wait for full health and send everything
except kerrigan
- Make sure you destroy the missle turets
- After they are done, cloak kerrigan and send her to the computer
- She should get the information automatically
6. Mission 6

Mission Objectives|
- Exterminate the Protoss Intruders
- Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This mission will introduce you to the best flying unit for the zerg, the
- You will have to bring kerrigan to a platform after destroying the base, so
upgrade trasportation for overloards sometime in your mission

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Gather gas
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate 2 spires
- Mutate a queen's nest
- Mutate a hive
- Mutate a greater spire
- Upgrade all flying
- Mutate 3 more hatcheries
- Spawn 24 mutalisks
- Mutate 12 mutalisks into guardians
- Attack protoss units and buildings
- Spawn more mutalisks and guardians if needed
- Load kerrigan into an overloard
- Unload kerrigan next to tassadar
- Move overlord back to base
- Victory!
7. Mission 7

Mission Objectives|
- Eradicate Every Last Reminant of the Garm Brood
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This is a zerg vs. zerg battle
- Nothing more to say except good luck

Mission Walkthrough|
- Attack with zerglings and hydralisks
- Mutate a hatchery
- Mutate a extractor
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Gather gas
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate 2 spires
- Mutate a queen's nest
- Mutate a hive
- Mutate a greater spire
- Upgrade everything in spires
- Spawn 24 mutalisks
- Mutate 12 mutalisks into guardians
- Attack everything
- Spawn more guardians and mutalisks if needed
- Victory!
8. Mission 8

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Protoss Bases
- Let no Dark Templar Escape
- Kerrigan Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Dark tempar are going to make this mission very tough
- Remember to guard the open points and make sure that the overlords stay in
- At the start, send kerrigan and 2 ultralisks to the lower guard
- Split up the other starting units to the other guards

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Mutate an extractor
- Gather gas
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate a queen's nest
- Mutate 2 spires
- Mutate a hive
- Mutate a greater spire
- Spawn 24 mutalisks
- Upgrade everything in spires
- Morph all into guardians
- Move 12 to the right corner
- Move 12 to the left corner
- Attack each nexus with each respective group
- Victory!
9. Mission 9

Mission Objectives|
- Bring a Drone to the Khaydarin Crystal Formation

Please note...|
- Even though it is only a take an objective mission, you will have to destroy
some bases
- You will have to get the chrytal back to the base after harvesting for 10

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Gather gas
- Morph a spawning pool
- Morph a lair
- Morph 2 spires
- Morph a queen's nest
- Morph a hive
- Morph a greater spire
- Upgrade everything in spires
- Evolve vental sacks and movement
- Spawn 24 mutalisks
- Morph 12 mutalisks into guardians
- Attack and destroy green tribe
- Spawn more mutalisks and guardians if needed
- Attack and destroy yellow tribe
- Move troups to the chrystal formation
- Load drone into overloard
- Unload at chrystal formation
- Load drone after it has gathered the chrystal
- Unload at base
- Victory!
10. Mission 10

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Protoss Temple
= This is a DESTOY AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- This is your last zerg mission
- Do not attack the orange protoss, they will not harm you
- You will have to manage at least 3 groups to complete this mission
- After you destroy the temple, you will have to send the drone from the last
mission there
- Good luck, you will definatly need it

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Spawn more drones
- Mutate another hatchery(west)
- Mutate an extractor
- Gather gas
- Mutate some creep colonies
- Mutate both sunken and spore colonies
- Mutate 2 evolution chambers
- Mutate a spawning pool
- Mutate a hydralisk den
- Spawn 36(yes, 36) hydralisks
- Upgrade all hydralisk aspects
- Attack a teal base (west or east)
- Spawn more hydralisks to recover forces
- Attack and destroy other teal base
- Attack north, stop at land bridges
- Mutate 4 hatcheries near land bridges
- Mutate spore colonies around land bridges
- Mutate a lair
- Mutate 2 spires
- Mutate a queen's nest
- Mutate a hive
- Mutate a greater spire
- Upgrade everything in spires
- Spawn 24 mutalisks
- Morph 12 into guardians
- Upgrade vental sacks and movement
- Attack north to temple
- Attack and destroy temple
- Load drone with chrystal into an overlord
- Move overlord to temple ruins
- Unload drone at ruins
- Victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

VII. Protoss Missions
1. Mission 1

Mission Objectives|
- Meet Fenix at Antioch
- Destroy the Zerg Base
- Fenix Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Your first mission with the protoss
- The protoss are my favorite unit
- Get yourself acuanted with how the protoss work in this mission
- Don't worry, the mission is easy

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move group to the base
- Attack all units you encounter
- Move into base
- Build probes
- Gather minerals
- Warp in an extractor
- Gather gas
- Warp pylons and photon cannons to help guard base
- Warp in a cybernetics core
- Warp in 12 dragoons
- Upgrade all dragoon aspects
- Attack to the north
- Attack zerg base
- Victory!
2. Mission 2

Mission Objectives|
- Distract the Zerg While Fenix gets into Position
- Kill the Zerg Cerebrate
- Fenix Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This was a TAKE/DESTROY AN OBJECTIVE mission, but you basically have to
destroy the base to get through
- This mission will introduce you to reavers
- You have to wait 15 minutes for fenix to get into position

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more probes
- Warp in an assimilator
- Gather gas
- Warp in more pylons
- Warp in a gateway
- Warp in 3 forges
- Warp in a cybernetics core
- Warp in 12 dragoons
- Upgrade everything
- Wait for fenix group
- Build scarabs
- Attack with dragoons to the east
- Attack with reavers to the south after dragoons die
- Move other troups to guard reavers
- Attack and destroy the zerg base
- Attack the cerebrate with fenix
- Victory!
3. Mission 3

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Zerg Colonies
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- Not much to say, just your basic kill everything mission
- Oh, you do use scouts for the first time this mission

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more probes
- Warp in a assimilator
- Gather gas
- Warp in 3 gateways
- Warp in 3 forges
- Warp in 2 cybernetics cores
- Warp in more pylons
- Warp in photon cannons
- Warp in 3 starports
- Warp in citadel of adun
- Upgrade everything
- Warp in 12 scouts
- Attack red zerg (to the west)
- Attack all buildings
- Warp in more scouts if needed
- Warp in 12 zelots
- Attack white zerg (to the north)
- Attack all buildings
- Victory!
4. Mission 4

Mission Objectives|
- Find Tassadar
- Bring Tassadar to the Becon
= This is a INSTALATION and a TAKE AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- This starts out as an instalation mission
- The walkthrough will begin after you get to tassadar's base
- You will also get to see jim raynor in this mission
- Set the templar to 2, and everybody else to 1
- Use psy storm when needed
- Save often
- Tassadar's base is in the north-west corner
- When you get there, you will have to get him back to the becon

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more probes
- Gather gas
- Warp in 2 cybernetics cores
- Warp in 3 starports
- Upgrade all air
- Warp in 12 scouts
- Warp in more pylons
- Set scouts to 1, tassadar to 2, and raynor to 3
- Attack your way back to the becon
- Use psy storm when needed
- Touch becon with tassadar and raynor
- Victory!
5. Mission 5

Mission Objectives|
- Bring Tassadar and 2 Zelots to the Instalation Enterence
= This is a TAKE AN OBJECTIVE mission

Please note...|
- This mission will teach you how to use halucination

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more probes
- Warp in an assimilator
- Gather gas
- Warp in cybernetics core
- Warp in forge
- Warp in citadel of adun
- Warp in templar archives
- Warp in 2 templar
- Upgrade halucination
- Wait for full power on the templar
- Halucinate drop ship 6 times
- Load tassadar and 2 zelots
- Move all to the becon
- Unload at the becon with real one
- Hold position with all troups
- Victory!
6. Mission 6

Mission Objectives|
- Rescue Zeratul
- Tassadar Must Survive
= This is an INSTALATION mission

Please note...|
- This is your last instalation mission
- Set zelots to group 1
- Set tassadar and other templar you find to group 2
- Scoure the instalation comepletely
- Use psy storm when needed
- Rest often
- Recrute when possible
- Find dark templar and zeratul
7. Mission 7

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Heart of the Conclave
- Fenix, Zeratul, and Tassadar Must Survive
= This is a DESTROY A BASE mission

Please note...|
- This is your last destroy a base mission
- Read the first objective carefully
- It means you only have to destroy the nexus of the base
- You will use dark templar for this

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move all dark templar to base
- Set them, including zeratul, to group 1
- Move them south in search of a bridge
- Move them across the bridge and follow the river to the south-western tip
- Move east in single file
- Move to the nexus
- Attack and destroy the nexus
- Victory!
8. Mission 8

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Stasis Cell
- Fenix and Raynor Must Survive

Please note...|
- No dark templar in this mission
- Just concentrate on the cell when you see it
- You get to use the best protoss unit in my opinion, the carriers

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals
- Build more probes
- Warp in an assimilator
- Gather gas
- Warp in a gateway
- Build interceptors in carrier
- Warp in 2 cybernetics cores
- Warp in 3 starports
- Warp in fleet becon
- Warp in 12 carriers
- Upgrade max interceptors
- Upgrade all air
- Upgrade shields
- Build interceptors in all carriers
- Move to center of the map
- Attack down untill you find stasis cell
- Attack and destroy stasis cell
- Victory!
9. Mission 9

Mission Objectives|
- Use Zeratul to Destroy the Zerg Cerebrates
- Zeratul and Fenix Must Survive

Please note...|
- This is the hardest mission in my opinion
- Time to kill some cerebrates
- Zeratul is the only one who can kill a cerebrate
- Save often, zeratul may run into a trap when he destroys a spore colony

Mission Walkthrough|
- Move probes the the mineral field in the west
- Warp in a nexus
- Gather minerals
- Warp in a assimilator
- Build more probes
- Gather gas
- Warp in 3 gateways
- Warp in 3 forges
- Warp in a cybernetics core
- Warp in robotics facility
- Warp in lots of pylons
- Warp in 24 zelots
- Warp photon cannons around the base
- Warp in some shuttles
- Warp in 12 dragoons
- Load and unload dragoons outside base
- Attack spore colonies with zeratul
- Attack base 2 with the force you created
- Attack and kill the cerebrate with zeratul
- Move forces back to base
- Warp in all the dragoons and zelots that suplies will alow
- Attack base 1 with everything
- Attack the cerebrate with zeratul
- Victory!
10. Mission 10

Mission Objectives|
- Destroy the Overmind
- Tassadar, Raynor, and Zeratul Must Survive

Please note...|
- This is your last mission(Hurray!!!!!)
- You have both a terran base and a protoss base
- The terrans will be the attacking force for this mission
- Remember to use the comstat station to scan for the overmind
- You will reconize the overmind, it is a big glob in the middle of the map
- Good luck!

Mission Walkthrough|
- Gather minerals with scvs
- Gather minerals with probes
- Build more scvs
- Build more probes
- Warp in 2 assimilators
- Build a refinery
- Gather gas from both bases
- Move protoss defence to north end of base
- Set to 2
- Set terran defence to 1
- Build a factory
- Build 3 starports
- Add on control towers for each
- Build a science facility
- Add on a physics lab
- Upgrade all in physics lab
- Build an acadomy
- Add comstat station
- Scan center of map for zerg base and overmind
- Build 2 armories
- Upgrade all air
- Build 12 battlecrusers
- Wait for full power
- Move to center of western side
- Yamato gun overmind
- Attack overmind after all 12 have finnished yamato gun
- Take screenshot

VIII. Ending notes

This was a hard game, but I beat it. Don't delete the game
yet, there are a few things you can do. First you can get the
brood war expantion set, I have it and find it very fun. Second
you can get on B-net, I was on for a while but am not anymore.
Third you can just forget about the game and delete it, it is your
choice. This was a hard game and if you beat it, celebrate and
get ready for brood war. Good luck, you will need it.

IX. Fun stuff

(Note: This is a soiler section)
This section contains fun things relating to starcraft.
If you want to submit anything, e-mail it to me. Include
your alias and a tilte for it. If you are confused, see my
example below:

1. Fenix or Phonix? -Dikitain
Fenix was the protoss hero who died, but was reincarnated
in the body of a dragoon after everyone thought he was dead.
The Phonix was a bird that was said to be burned to death, yet
rose from his ashes to come back to life. Think Blizzard planed
it this way?

X. Cheats

Thanks to for the cheats.

To use a cheat code, press the enter key, type in the code,
and press enter again. The message "Cheat Code Enabled" should
appear. Note that these codes only work in single-player missions.

Power overwhelming - God Mode
Show me the money - Gives you 10,000 gas and 10,000 crystal
Operation CWAL - Speeds construction of buildings and units
The Gathering - Gives unlimited energy to all casting units
Game over man - Ends your game as a loss
Staying Alive - Prevents the mission from ending due to victory
or defeat
There is no cow level - Completes the current mission
Whats mine is mine - Free minerals
Breathe deep - Free Vespene Gas
Something for nothing - Gives all upgrades
Black Sheep Wall - Shows entire map
Medieval man - Free upgrades to units
Modify the phase variance - Ability to build all buildings
War aint what it used to be - Disables fog of war
Food for thought - Ability to build units beyond the support limit
Ophelia - this to enable level skipping cheat. Then enter the
mission you want to skip to (that is, "terran10") to go there.
Noglues - Enemy can’t use Psionics

XI. Credits

Thanks to everyone who posted on gameFAQ's for helping me
beat the game

Thanks to gamespot for the guide(though confusing sometimes)

Thanks to gameFAQ's for posting my walkthrough

Thanks to everyone who read it and are going to send suggestions


XII. Legal information

I do not care if you use part of my walkthrough,
just contact me and wait for aproval first

copywrite 2001 by Dikitain

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Megatrainer (für v1.16.1)

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.16.0)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v.1.15.2)

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Terrans Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Units FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Ressourcentrainer (für dt. v1.0)

18.Oktober 2013
Trainer für die Ressourcen Mineralien und Gas

12.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (auch für Broodwar)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung für die Terraner

18.Oktober 2013
Technisches FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Mapmaker's Guide
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Geld für alle Rassen, Schnelles bauen

17.Oktober 2013
Protoss FAQ
Engl. FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Terraner)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung (Zerg)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

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17.Oktober 2013
Hinweise zur Kartenerstellung

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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.08b; Achtung: 2 MB)

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Ressourcen-Trainer für alle Gruppen

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Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien (für v1.07)

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Megatrainer (für v1.06 und v1.07)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.07 dt)

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Dt. Trainer für Gas und Mineralien für alle Rassen (für v1.0 dt)

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Engl. FAQ

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