Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

17.10.2013 22:56:28

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Item FAQ

Written By: Sammy Forlenza

Game FAQs Name: Head Dopus



Section 1. Table of Contents

Section 1... ...Table of Contents
Section 2... ...Version History
Section 3... ...Contact Information
Section 4... ...Copyright Information
Section 5... ...Introduction
Section 6... ...Item FAQ Preview-Must Read!
Section 6A... ...Alphabetical Order
Section 6B... ...Order by Level
Section 6C... ...Order by Group
Section 7... ...Closing
Section 8... ...Special Thanks


Section 2. Version History

Version 1.0: September 6, 2002: Finished Section 6A. Have the list for
Section 6B. Not at Section 6C yet.

Version 1.1: September 8, 2002: Made corrections to Phat Lewt and Mask of
Death. Expect next big update in a few days.

Version 1.2: September 11, 2002: Corrected Goblin Land Mines, Gerard's Lost
Ledger, and Scroll of the Beast. Made the item info easier to read. Added
Ring of Superiority and Ring of Regeneration, both of which I missed and
noticed myself. Added my comments to Alleria's Flute of Accuracy (because I
forgot). Finished Section 6B. Did a tad bit of Section 6C. Updated the
Heart of Searinox. Fixed mistake concerning Primary Attributes. Updated
Enchanted Gemstone.

Version 1.3: September 17, 2002: Updated all of the flags. Added Section 7.
Finished Section 6C. I'm pretty much done. There will only be one or two
more updates at most.

Final Version 1.4: September 26, 2002: Updated a few items (made more
descriptive), updated Cheese. This is my final version. I can't improve it
in any way, shape, or form, so I'm done. Thanks again everyone!


Section 3. Contact Information

Contact me with questions, comments, suggestions, spelling errors (not
grammar errors, because me speak English good), and anything else at:

E-mail: supersam@adelphia.net
AIM: SuperSam11986

I check my e-mail everyday, so once you send me something, you'll get a reply
within a couple days. Oh, and if you are registered at GameFAQs, tell me
your account name. I would rather credit your account name rather than your
real name.

*****IMPORTANT***** Also, please understand that I may receive multiple e-
mails about the same item. I'll use the one that I receive first, or I might
possibly do a combination. If I don't use your e-mail, I'll still put you in
the Special Thanks section, because you did contribute, and because I don't
want to severely damage your self-esteem.


Section 4. Copyright Information

The Warcraft series and everything to do with Warcraft is copyrighted by
Blizzard and I am in no way affiliated with them. The Item Section on the
Blizzard website is also copyrighted by Blizzard, and I have not plagiarized
from that site.

This document copyright 2002 Sammy Forlenza

I should only see this FAQ on:

If I see it somewhere else, I will take appropriate action. (Trust me, you
don't want to get me mad). If you would like to use this FAQ on your site,
please contact me first. If you see it somewhere else other than the
aforementioned sites, contact me.


Section 5. Introduction

This is my first FAQ, so go easy. This will only focus on the 132 items that
are in this game. Since there are several ways to order them, and I know
everyone prefers a different way, I've decided to order the items three
different ways. The information is the same in every section, just presented
in a different order. All of the orders are very easy to use. Like I said
before, feel free to contact me. Enjoy!


Section 6. Item FAQ Preview-Must Read!

READ THIS FIRST! All right! Time for the good stuff! I counted 132 items.
If I missed one, forgive me. But please check before you contact me about a
missing item. Items are the treasure chests that can be purchased, found, or
won from killing creeps. Each Hero can have a maximum of 6 items, so choose
your items wisely. Items can be dropped for better ones or given to other
Heroes on your team. Items can change the tide of a battle, or even a game.
Items should not be underestimated, as they all serve a purpose.

I talk about each item in the same format. I'll give you a skeleton example,
and then an example of how one will really look:

Item Name
-Level of the Item.
-If it needs to be used for the affect or merely kept with the Hero.
-First Description: This is the game description when the item is
clicked on when it is in the treasure chest.
-Second Description: This is the game description when the item is in
your inventory, which tends to be more descriptive.
-My comments on the item.

Here's a real example of how an item will be described:

Tome of Power
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Gives the Hero an experience level.
-Increases the level of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Be careful when you use this. It gives you the remaining experience
points you need to level up, whether that is 40 or 400. Try to use it
right when you level up so you don't waste any experience points.

The first section is ABC order, the second is ordered by level, and the third
is ordered by group. I hope this helps you!


Section 6A. Alphabetical Order

Here they are! All 132 items in alphabetical order from A-Z. But first, a
list of all the items in ABC order.

Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
Amulet of Recall
Ancient Figurine
Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Ankh of Reincarnation
Anti-magic Potion
Belt of Giant Strength +6
Blood Key
Book of the Dead
Boots of Elvenkind +6
Boots of Speed
Bracer of Agility
Circlet of Nobility
Claws of Attack +12
Claws of Attack +15
Claws of Attack +3
Claws of Attack +6
Claws of Attack +9
Cloak of Flames
Cloak of Shadows
Crown of Kings
Crystal Ball
Demonic Figurine
Druid Pouch
Empty Vial
Enchanted Gemstone
Full Vial
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
Gem of True Seeing
Gerard's Lost Ledger
Ghost Key
Gloves of Haste
Glyph of Purification
Goblin Land Mines
Goblin Night Scope
Healing Wards
Health Stone
Heart of Aszune
Helm of Valor
Hood of Cunning
Horn of Cenarius
Human Flag
Inferno Stone
Ironwood Branch
Jade Ring
Key of the Three Moons
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
Legion Doom-Horn
Lion's Ring
Mana Stone
Mantle of Intelligence +3
Manual of Health
Mask of Death
Maul of Strength
Medallion of Courage
Moon Key
Necklace of Spell Immunity
Night Elf Flag
Orb of Fire
Orb of Frost
Orb of Lightning
Orc Flag
Partial Key of the Three Moons
Pendant of Energy
Pendant of Mana
Periapt of Health
Periapt of Vitality
Phat Lewt
Potion of Greater Healing
Potion of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Greater Mana
Potion of Healing
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Invulnerability
Potion of Mana
Potion of Restoration
Potion of Speed
Red Drake Egg
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Protection +4
Ring of Protection +5
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of Superiority
Robe of the Magi +6
Scepter of Mastery
Scourge Bone Chimes
Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Healing
Scroll of Mana
Scroll of Protection
Scroll of Restoration
Scroll of Resurrection
Scroll of the Beast
Scroll of Town Portal
Sentry Wards
Skull of Gul'dan
Skull Shield
Slippers of Agility +3
Sobi Mask
Soul Gem
Spider Ring
Spiked Collar
Stone Token
Sun Key
Talisman of Evasion
Talisman of the Wild
The Heart of Searinox
The Lion Horn of Stormwind
Tome of Agility
Tome of Agility +2
Tome of Experience
Tome of Greater Experience
Tome of Intelligence
Tome of Intelligence +2
Tome of Knowledge
Tome of Power
Tome of Strength
Tome of Strength +2
Totem of Might
Undead Flag
Urn of King Terenas
Voodoo Doll
Wand of Illusion
Wand of Lighting Shield
Wand of Negation
Wand of the Wind
Warsong Battle Drums


Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units' missile attacks do more damage.
-Increases nearby units' ranged attacks by 10%. Does not stack with
Trueshot Aura.
-Good item to have, if you don't have Trueshot Aura.

Amulet of Recall
Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Can be used to teleport units to the user.
-Teleports 12 of the player's units within the targeted area to the
location of the Hero when used.
-Like mass teleport, only it can't take as many people, and the
teleporting has to be to the Hero. This is good to have when you're
attacking an enemy base and you're in trouble.

Ancient Figurine
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. A Tome can do this and you don't need to
carry it around.

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units move and attack more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 5% increased attack speed
and 10% increased movement speed.
-Makes you just a touch faster. An ok item.

Ankh of Reincarnation
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Allows reincarnation upon death.
-Automatically brings the Hero back to life with full hit points when
the Hero wearing the Ankh dies.
-Also a very good item to have anytime, especially during a tough
battle. Besides, it's good to have a second chance at life, right?

Anti-magic Potion
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero immune to magic.
-Gives Hero immunity to magical spells for 90 seconds.
-Good item to have for battle, especially if your opponents' strategy
is to put you to sleep or slow you down.

Belt of Giant Strength +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Strength.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 6 when used.
-That's 150 more HP to work with. Very helpful.

Blood Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A bloody key.
-This key is covered in blood.
-I believe that this is used in the Warchasers scenario to open a door.
Also used in the Orc campaign where you meet the prophet.

Book of the Dead
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Summons skeletons.
-Summons 4 Skeleton Warriors and 4 Skeleton Archers to fight for you.
Lasts 120 seconds.
-Skeleton Warrior: 180 HP, damage: 14-15, armor: 1.
-Skeleton Archer: 180 HP, damage: 13-15, armor: 0. These guys are ok
to have around. Pretty weak, but there are 8 of them.

Boots of Elvenkind +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Agility.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 6 when used.
-Now you can attack much faster, and get more hits in on your opponent.

Boots of Speed
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases movement rate.
-Increases the movement speed of the Hero when worn.
-This doesn't increase the attack speed, just the movement speed.

Bracer of Agility
-Level 0
-Must be kept
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-This does the exact same thing as a Tome of Agility, and the Tome is

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-It's the cheese!
-Cheese cheese cheese cheese!
-Behold, the power of cheese...it doesn't do anything. Only seen in
multiplayer custom maps. Thanks to The BooB for that.

Circlet of Nobility
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 2 when
-Gives you +50 hit points, increased hit point regeneration, increased
attack speed, +30 mana points, increased mana regeneration, and
increases damage by +2. Helps you in every category, but I prefer the
tomes because you don't need to keep them.

Claws of Attack +12
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 12.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 12 when worn.
-Very good item, makes you hit a lot harder.

Claws of Attack + 15
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 15.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 15 when worn.
-The best Claws of Attack. Definitely a keeper.

Claws of Attack +3
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 3.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-The worst Claws of Attack. Still, I'd keep unless you find a better

Claws of Attack +6
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 6.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-Not a bad item at all. Worth keeping.

Claws of Attack +9
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 9.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 9 when worn.
-The middle range Claws of Attack. I'd keep this one.

Cloak of Flames
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Surrounds the Hero with damaging flames.
-Engulfs the Hero in fire which deals 10 damage per second to nearby
enemy land units. Does not stack with Immolation.
-This is like Immolation, only in item form. Very good when you're
attacking any land unit.

Cloak of Shadows
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Provides the Shadowmeld ability.
-Provides the Hero with invisibility at night when worn. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero moves,
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Helps with scouting and creeping during the night.

Crown of Kings
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +5 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 5 when
-That's 125 more HP, faster HP and MP regeneration, faster attack
speed, 5 more damage, and 75 more MP. Like the Circlet of Nobility
only much better. I'd keep this.

Crystal Ball
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Permits the viewing of distant areas.
-Reveals a targeted area. Invisible units are also revealed by the
Crystal Ball's affect. Lasts 8 seconds.
-This is like the Goblin Laboratory's Reveal, only better.

Demonic Figurine
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Doom Guard.
-Summons a Doom Guard to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Doom Guard: 1350 HP, 500 MP, damage: 41-48, armor: 3, abilities:
Dispel Magic, War Stomp, Cripple, Rain of Fire (ultimate). Enough
said. Use him to kick some serious butt!

Druid Pouch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. Keep it until you find something better.

Empty Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an empty vial.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-This was given to you by some Furbolgs in the level where you freed
Illidan in the Night Elf campaign.

Enchanted Gemstone
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an Enchanted Gemstone.
-This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make
constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the
Razormane Quillboars were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful
and powerful objects.
-This item appears in mission 7 of the Orc Campaign. Credit to
Molotov for that.

Full Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This vial is full of healing waters.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-Once again, you must take this to the Furbolg camp to save their

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts strength by 3.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I'd keep this one. A modest boost, but nothing to brag about.

Gem of True Seeing
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Permits invisible units to been seen.
-Allows the Hero to detect hidden or invisible units in Hero's line of
sight when carried.
-An ok item. Good for detecting Shades and any Night Elves with
Shadowmeld, but common sense and towers can do that too.

Gerard's Lost Ledger
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ledger.
-This Ledger looks to be full of boring facts and history.
-This was used in the first mission in the Human campaign. You have to
kill bandits and return the ledger for a reward. Credit to "S C".

Ghost Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ghostly key.
-This key is rather insubstantial.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is pretty cool, I
might add. Also used in level 7 of the Orc campaign.

Gloves of Haste
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases attack speed.
-Increases the attack speed of the Hero by 15% when worn.
-Helps you kick butt faster!

Glyph of Purification
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glyph.
-Created by ancient druids, this glyph has the power to heal the land.
-This was an optional quest in the Orc Campaign. There was a Defiled
Fountain, and you had to kill a Centaur to get this glyph to make the
Fountain pure.

Goblin Land Mines
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Explosive mines.
-Places a hidden land mine at a target point. Enemy units that move
near the land mine will activate the mine, destroying the mine and
causing area of effect damage to nearby units.
-The mine deals 600 damage to the unit that triggered it and also does
splash damage. You can find these in random places. Credit to "S C".

Goblin Night Scope
-Level 2
-Must be kept.
-Increases sight range at night.
-Provides an increase to the Hero's line of sight radius at night when
-Excellent item to have at night. It more than doubles your line of
sight radius, and that's a lot.

Healing Wards
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Conjures a Healing Ward.
-Drops a ward that heals nearby friendly units for 30 seconds.
-Good healing item, if you have the time to use it. It can be

Health Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster hit point regeneration, and can be consumed for hit
-Increases the life regeneration rate of the Hero by 1 hit point per
second when worn. Can be consumed for 500 health.
-Lets you regenerate your life very quickly, plus your Hero
regeneration, so you're your HP is flying back up. And if you're in a
bind, it's edible!

Heart of Aszune
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The magical amulet Heart of Aszune.
-Legends say that the imprisoned spirit of Aszune seeks out her heart
to this very day.
-This was used in the Orc Campaign. Thrall needed to find this item so
he could open the door to the Spirit Bridge. You must kill a level 10
Red Dragon for it.

Helm of Valor
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Agility.
-Increases the Strength and Agility of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Like the Hood of Cunning and Medallion of Courage.

Hood of Cunning
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonus to Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-This is like the Medallion of Courage only with Agility instead of

Horn of Cenarius
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Horn of Cenarius.
-This ancient relic of the Night Elves is said to hold the power to
call the spirits of the Night Elves. It imbues its owner with 200 hit
points, and a 2 hit point per second regeneration bonus.
-Very good item. A lot more HP and a really fast HP regeneration rate.
You'll be hard to kill with this.

Human Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Inferno Stone
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Brings down an Infernal demon.
-Calls an Infernal down from the sky, causing 50 damage and stunning
enemy land units for 4 seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts for 180
-Infernal: 1500 HP, damage: chaos, fast, 49-60, armor: heavy, 6, fast.
Enough said. Like the Dreadlord's Infernal spell.

Ironwood Branch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-An ok item. Like I've said before, Tomes are much better.

Jade Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Tomes are better, Tomes are better...

Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the complete Key of the Three Moons.
-Cut from the sapphire Body of Enulaia, it opens the soul of the Gate
-You needed this key in the Undead Campaign to open the gate to Quel

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units regain mana more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and friendly units 1 bonus mana per second
regeneration. Does not stack with Brilliance Aura.
-Pretty fast MP regeneration, very helpful, but unnecessary if you have
Brilliance Aura.

Legion Doom-Horn
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units heal and move more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units increased life regeneration
and movement speed. Does not stack with Unholy Aura.
-Another good aura item. However, this is unnecessary if you have
Unholy Aura.

Lion's Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-I know you're sick of reading this, but, Tomes rock!

Mana Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster mana regeneration, and can be consumed for mana
-Increases the mana regeneration rate of the Hero by 25% when worn.
Can be consumed for 300 mana.
-Like the Health Stone, only with mana. Not a bad item either, but
Health Stone is more valuable.

Mantle of Intelligence +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 3.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Bet you didn't know what this one did. Again, not a bad item.

Manual of Health
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Permanent +50 hit points.
-Permanently increases the hit points of the Hero by 50 when used.
-Always a good item to find. Anything that permanently increases your
stats is worthwhile.

Mask of Death
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-This mask permits attacks to drain life.
-Gives melee Heroes a vampiric attack that converts 50% of their attack
damage into life.
-I first looked at this the wrong way, but I get it now. If you deal
50 damage to your opponent, you get +25 life. Thanks to Abraham Kan
for pointing this mistake out.

Maul of Strength
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Again, a decent item, but Tomes are better.

Medallion of Courage
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength and Intelligence by 4 when used.
-Gives you +100 HP, increased HP regeneration, +60 MP, and increased MP
regeneration. A very good item that is in my opinion better than the
Circlet of Nobility.

Moon Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A faintly glowing key.
-This key glows faintly.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is a lot of fun to

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is one part of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the emerald Eye of Jennala, it opens the mind of the Gate
-Doesn't this remind you of Ghostbusters? "I am the Key Master. I
need to find the Gate Keeper." Part 1 of 3 keys you need to find to
open the Elf Gate.

Necklace of Spell Immunity
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Grants immunity to magic.
-Renders the Hero invulnerable to magic.
-This item is definitely worth keeping. You won't have to worry about
getting put to sleep or slowed down, or anything else for that matter.
This could hurt your opponents' plans big time.

Night Elf Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Orb of Fire
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do fire damage.
-Adds 12 bonus fire damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also do splash damage to nearby enemy units.
-This is one of my favorite items. An increase in damage AND splash
damage. I love that.

Orb of Frost
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Attacks cause Frost Shock.
-Adds 6 bonus cold damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also slow the movement of speed and attack rate of the
enemy for 3 seconds.
-Another cool item. Slowing people down while doing bonus damage

Orb of Lightning
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do lightning damage.
-Adds 6 bonus damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also dispel magic and slow the movement speed of the
enemy for 4 seconds. Deals 75 bonus damage to summoned units.
-These Orbs kick butt! Seriously. Anyway, this orb can rip apart
summoned units, and hurt the rest as well.

Orc Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Partial Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is two parts of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the amethyst Stone of Hannalee, it opens the heart of the
Gate Keeper.
-"Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!" Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop now.
Two keys down, 1 to go!

Pendant of Energy
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases mana capacity of the Hero by 150 when worn.
-That's a 150 point boost to mana. That's a lot, and you can squeeze
one more basic spell in with that.

Pendant of Mana
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Another mana boosting item. This is even more than the Pendant of
Energy. That's probably two basic spells or one more ultimate that
you can fit in.

Periapt of Health
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Keep this one. A 300 HP gain never hurts. In fact, it helps.

Periapt of Vitality
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 100 when worn.
-An ok item. Keep it until something better comes along.

Phat Lewt
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The phattest lewt.
-There is no phatter lewt than this.
-OK. I know what it is now. "Lewt" refers to "loot," like treasure.
This usually appears in online RPG and MMORP games. Credit for this
goes to both Alex Wang and Abraham Kan.

Potion of Greater Healing
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 500 hit points when used.
-Always good to have during battle. This could help you outlast your

Potion of Greater Invisibility
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 180 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Excellent for scouting, and it lasts 3 minutes, which is a long time.

Potion of Greater Mana
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 300 mana when used.
-Another good item to have. Replenishes a lot of mana.

Potion of Healing
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 250 hit points when used.
-Not as good as the Potion of Greater Healing, but still worthwhile.

Potion of Invisibility
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 120 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Also excellent for scouting, but doesn't last as long as the Potion of
Greater Invisibility.

Potion of Invulnerability
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invulnerable.
-Makes Hero invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds when used. An
invulnerable Hero may not be the target of spells or effects.
-Another good battle item. Now, you can't be stopped, you're
invincible! For a few seconds, anyway. After that, you're on your

Potion of Mana
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 150 mana when used.
-A good item, but not as good as the Potion of Greater Mana.

Potion of Restoration
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points and mana.
-Completely restores the hit points and mana of the Hero when used.
-This is an extremely useful battle item. When you're about to die,
use it, and you're brand new again.

Potion of Speed
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Provides Hero with a temporary speed increase.
-Increases movement speed of the Hero by 60% for 30 seconds.
-You really fly when you use this. Good for running away. (You know
the saying, 'Those who fight and runaway, live to fight another day.')

Red Drake Egg
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Red Drake.
-Summons a Red Drake to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Red Drake: 750 HP, damage: 34-45, armor: 2. Good flying friend. Give
him some land support and a little air support, and he'll burn your

Ring of Protection +1
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 1.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-The Rings of Protection are good finds. Keep them.

Ring of Protection +2
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 2.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 2 when worn.
-Once again, a good item.

Ring of Protection +3
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 3.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Better than the Ring of Protection +2, but worse than the Ring of
Protection +4.

Ring of Protection +4
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 4.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Big armor increase. Keep it.

Ring of Protection +5
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 5.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 5 when worn.
-One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to bind them...this is the One
Ring. A HUGE armor increase. Most units don't even have an armor of
5 and you're gaining that much.

Ring of Regeneration
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides regeneration. -
-Increases the Hero's hit point regeneration by 2 hit points per
-A great item to find. It will make you really hard to kill because
your HP is flying up.

Ring of Superiority
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +1 bonus to Strength, Intelligence and Agility.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 1 when
-An ok item. Keep until something better comes along.

Robe of the Magi +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to intelligence.
-Increases the intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-It increases your MP by 90, and increases MP regeneration. Not a bad
item to have.

Scepter of Mastery
-Level 10
-Used 3 times.
-Allows mind control of non-Hero units.
-Transfers control of the targeted non-Hero unit to the player who uses
the scepter. The transfer of control is permanent. Cannot be used on
Heroes and creeps above level 5.
-This is the Banshee's Posses spell only in item form. Very useful,
especially against power units like the Druids of the Claw and Frost

Scourge Bone Chimes
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units gain some life from damage they deal to enemy units.
-Grants a melee Hero and friendly nearby melee units life stealing
attacks which take 15% of the damage they deal and convert it into
life. Does not stack with Vampiric Aura.
-A nice item. While you damage your opponent, your life goes up!

Scroll of Animate Dead
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Animates the dead to fight for you.
-Raises 6 nearby dead units to fight for 120 seconds.
-Raises the dead units back to full health and they fight for you.

Scroll of Healing
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points to nearby units.
-Heals 150 hit points to all friendly non-mechanical units around the
Hero when used.
-Not exactly a big restoration, but useful.

Scroll of Mana
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Restores mana to nearby units.
-Restores 100 mana to all friendly units in an area around the Hero.
-Again, not a ton of restored mana, but helpful.

Scroll of Protection
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Temporarily increases the armor of nearby units.
-Increases the armor of all friendly units in an area around your Hero
by 2 for 30 seconds.
-Good item to use right when you engage in battle.

Scroll of Restoration
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points and mana to nearby units.
-Fully restores the hit points and mana of friendly non-mechanical
units in an area around your Hero.
-The best healing item. Period. Fully restores every unit to full
health and mana.

Scroll of Resurrection
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Resurrects your dead to fight again.
-Brings 6 of your dead units back to life.
-This randomly raises 6 dead units, but it can definitely change the
tide of a battle.

Scroll of the Beast
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Boosts friendly unit combat damage.
-Gives friendly units nearby a 25% bonus to damage for 45 seconds.
-Another item to use right before battle. This is like the Druid of
the Claw's Roar. Credit to "S C" for that piece of info.

Scroll of Town Portal
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Transports troops to friendly town hall.
-Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly
town hall.
-Very good for running away. If you can't make it back on foot, use
this. Remember, 'Those who fight and runaway....'

Sentry Wards
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Conjures a Sentry Ward.
-Drops a Sentry Ward to spy upon an area for 600 seconds.
-Very good scouting item. Worried about getting attacked? Put these
around your base and you'll know in advance. If your enemy spots, it
can be destroyed.

Skull of Gul'dan
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Skull of Gul'dan.
-Once a powerful user of Demonic magics, the Demons answered his calls,
and found a greater use for his head.
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the orcs killed him in Warcraft
II, not the Demons. Oh well. Anyway, Illidan needs this to stop the
corruption of Ashenvale Forest, and ends up abusing its power.

Skull Shield
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-You should know by now that I like Tomes much better.

Slippers of Agility +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 3.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I saw this one coming a mile away. Actually, just one item away, but
still. A keeper.

Sobi Mask
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Increases mana regeneration rate.
-Increases the Hero's rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
-A good item if you use spells a lot, which you should.

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is a trapped soul.
-A soul, trapped by the enchantments of the Soul Gem.
-This is basically the Soul Gem with a Soul. Be careful though,
because your opponent will always see the Hero carrying this. Also,
you cannot drop this item.

Soul Gem
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Allows the theft of a Hero's soul.
-Traps the targeted enemy inside the Soul Gem when used. The enemy
Hero is returned to play when the bearer of the Soul Gem is killed.
While an enemy Hero is trapped, the bearer of the Soul Gem is revealed
to the enemy through the fog of war.
-This was used to capture Grom Hellscream in the Orc campaign, and it's
also a neat item. As long as your Hero is strong, you can capture a
soul and not worry about being killed.

Spider Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Guess what are better...Tomes!

Spiked Collar
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Felhound.
-Summons a Felhound to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Felhound: 750 HP, 200 MP, damage: 22-25, armor: 3, abilities: Mana
Burn. The Felhound is nothing special. Much more effective in a

Stone Token
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Rock Golem.
-Summons a Rock Golem to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Rock Golem: 750 HP, 400 MP, normal damage: 29-33, piercing damage: 29
33, armor: 4, abilities: Hurl Boulder, Spell Immunity. He's a pretty
strong foe with a couple support units.

Sun Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glowing key.
-This key glows brightly.
-Once again, this is used in the Warchasers scenario.

Talisman of Evasion
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Makes the Hero harder to hit.
-Causes attacks against the wearer to miss 15% of the time. Does not
stack with Evasion.
-Somewhat helpful. It'll keep you alive longer.

Talisman of the Wild
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Summons Furbolgs.
-This mystic stone summons one Furbolg to fight for you. Lasts 180
-Furbolg: 550 HP, damage: 17-19, armor: 2. Summon all 3 at once, and
you have some decent warriors.

The Heart of Searinox
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The heart of the Dragon Searinox.
-The still beating heart of Searinox can be used to imbue an orb with
the fiery powers of a Dragon.
-In the second mission in the Human campaign, you must defeat Searinox
and bring his heart back to a Dwarf camp and you get the Orb of Fire.
Credit to DrBenoid and "S C".

The Lion Horn of Stormwind
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Generates a protective aura around the Hero.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 1 bonus armor. Does not
stack with Devotion Aura.
-A good item to have unless you have Devotion Aura.

Tome of Agility
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Another good item to find. You should try to get every tome possible
to beef your Hero up.

Tome of Agility +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Bet you didn't know what that one did. Obviously a good find.

Tome of Experience
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 200 experience to the Hero when used.
-That could be a level up if you find this item.

Tome of Greater Experience
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 500 experience to the Hero when used.
-That is most likely a level up or will bring you really close to one.

Tome of Intelligence
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you smarter so you can pass school! Actually, it helps with

Tome of Intelligence +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increase intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Once you find this, you won't be a dummy! And it helps mana.

Tome of Knowledge
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Permanently increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the
Hero by 1 when used.
-It's a 3-in-1 tome! Loads of fun! Seriously a very good item.

Tome of Power
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Gives the Hero an experience level.
-Increases the level of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Be careful when you use this. It gives you the remaining experience
points you need to level up, whether that is 40 or 400. Try to use it
right when you level up so you don't waste any experience points.

Tome of Strength
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you stronger so you can beat people up! And it gives you 25
more HP.

Tome of Strength +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 2 when used.
-I honestly had no idea what this did for a while. (Just kidding.)

Totem of Might
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-There are a lot of items that boost Strength by 1, and Tomes are all
better than them.

Undead Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Urn of King Terenas
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This urn contains the remains of King Terenas.
-Formerly the container of King Terenas' ashes, this magically
enchanted Urn was chosen by Tichondrius to preserved Kel'Thuzad's
-Undead Arthas needs the Urn to keep Kel'Thuzad in until he can be

Voodoo Doll
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-I bet you know what I'm going to say...Tomes are better!

Wand of Illusion
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Creates a phantom double.
-Create an illusionary double of the targeted unit when used. The
illusory double deals no damage to enemy units, takes 2 times the
damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear after 60 seconds or when
its hit points reach zero.
-Pretty neat item. Your double still attacks, so if the battle is
intense, your opponent might not notice that the double isn't doing
any damage.

Wand of Lightning Shield
-Level 5
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Lightning Shield.
-Allows the Hero to cast Lightning Shield on a target unit. Lightning
Shield surrounds a unit with electricity, deal 20 damage per second to
nearby units. Lasts 20 seconds.
-This item is quite shocking. (Pun intended). Good item to use on
melee attackers.

Wand of Negation
-Level 2
-Used 3 times.
-Dispels magic in an area.
-Dispels all magical effects in a target area. Deals 200 damage to
summoned units.
-Good item to have if your units are slowed or put to sleep.

Wand of the Wind
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Cyclone.
-Allows the Hero to cast Cyclone. Cyclone tosses a target enemy unit
into the air, rendering it unable to attack, move or cast spells.
Lasts 30 seconds.
-Nice item to use on Heroes and other strong units to get them out of
the way while you kill the weaker units.

Warsong Battle Drums
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases combat effectiveness of nearby units.
-Increases the attack damage of nearby friendly units by 10% when worn.
Does not stack with Command Aura.
-Good to have, unless you have Command Aura. Too bad items didn't
stack with abilities.

That's it for alphabetical order!


Section 6B. Order by Level

Here they are again. This time, I've ordered them by Level, starting with
Level 0 and going to Level 10. But first, a list of all the items ordered by

Level 0

Ancient Figurine
Blood Key
Bracer of Agility
Druid Pouch
Empty Vial
Enchanted Gemstone
Full Vial
Gem of True Seeing
Gerard's Lost Ledger
Ghost Key
Glyph of Purification
Heart of Aszune
Horn of Cenarius
Human Flag
Ironwood Branch
Jade Ring
Key of the Three Moons
Lion's Ring
Maul of Strength
Moon Key
Night Elf Flag
Orc Flag
Partial Key of the Three Moons
Phat Lewt
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Speed
Ring of Superiority
Skull of Gul'dan
Skull Shield
Soul Gem
Spider Ring
Sun Key
The Heart of Searinox
Totem of Might
Undead Flag
Urn of King Terenas
Voodoo Doll

Level 1

Potion of Healing
Potion of Mana

Level 2

Anti-magic Potion
Goblin Night Scope
Scroll of Mana
Tome of Agility
Tome of Experience
Tome of Intelligence
Tome of Strength
Wand of Negation

Level 3

Claws of Attack +3
Cloak of Shadows
Crystal Ball
Manual of Health
Potion of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Invulnerability
Ring of Protection +1
Scroll of Healing
Scroll of Protection
Sentry Wards

Level 4

Amulet of Recall
Boots of Speed
Claws of Attack +6
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
Gloves of Haste
Goblin Land Mines
Mantle of Intelligence +3
Potion of Greater Healing
Potion of Greater Mana
Ring of Protection +2
Scroll of the Beast
Scroll of Town Portal
Slippers of Agility +3
Wand of Illusion

Level 5

Book of the Dead
Claws of Attack +9
Orb of Fire
Pendant of Energy
Periapt of Vitality
Ring of Regeneration
Tome of Agility +2
Tome of Greater Experience
Tome of Intelligence +2
Tome of Strength +2
Wand of Lightning Shield

Level 6

Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Ankh of Reincarnation
Circlet of Nobility
Healing Wards
Health Stone
Kadgar's Pipe of Insight
Legion Doom-Horn
Mana Stone
Red Drake Egg
Ring of Protection +3
Sobi Mask
Spiked Collar
Talisman of Evasion
Talisman of the Wild
Tome of Knowledge
Wand of the Wind

Level 7

Claws of Attack +12
Cloak of Flames
Orb of Frost
Pendant of Mana
Periapt of Health
Potion of Restoration
Scourge Bone Chimes
Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Resurrection
Stone Token
The Lion Horn of Stormwind
Warsong Battle Drums

Level 8

Belt of Giant Strength +6
Boots of Elvenkind +6
Demonic Figurine
Inferno Stone
Mask of Death
Orb of Lightning
Ring of Protection +4
Robe of the Magi +6
Scroll of Restoration
Tome of Power

Level 9

Claws of Attack +15
Helm of Valor
Hood of Cunning
Medallion of Courage
Ring of Protection +5

Level 10

Crown of Kings
Necklace of Spell Immunity
Scepter of Mastery


Level 0

Ancient Figurine
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. A Tome can do this and you don't need to
carry it around.

Blood Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A bloody key.
-This key is covered in blood.
-I believe that this is used in the Warchasers scenario to open a door.
Also used in the Orc campaign where you meet the prophet.

Bracer of Agility
-Level 0
-Must be kept
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-This does the exact same thing as a Tome of Agility, and the Tome is

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-It's the cheese!
-Cheese cheese cheese cheese!
-Behold, the power of cheese...it doesn't do anything. Only seen in
multiplayer custom maps. Thanks to The BooB for that.

Druid Pouch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. Keep it until you find something better.

Empty Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an empty vial.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-This was given to you by some Furbolgs in the level where you freed
Illidan in the Night Elf campaign.

Enchanted Gemstone
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an Enchanted Gemstone.
-This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make
constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the
Razormane Quillboars were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful
and powerful objects.
-This item appears in mission 7 of the Orc Campaign. Credit to
Molotov for that.

Full Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This vial is full of healing waters.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-Once again, you must take this to the Furbolg camp to save their

Gem of True Seeing
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Permits invisible units to been seen.
-Allows the Hero to detect hidden or invisible units in Hero's line of
sight when carried.
-An ok item. Good for detecting Shades and any Night Elves with
Shadowmeld, but common sense and towers can do that too.

Gerard's Lost Ledger
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ledger.
-This Ledger looks to be full of boring facts and history.
-This was used in the first mission in the Human campaign. You have to
kill bandits and return the ledger for a reward. Credit to "S C".

Ghost Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ghostly key.
-This key is rather insubstantial.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is pretty cool, I
might add. Also used in level 7 of the Orc campaign.

Glyph of Purification
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glyph.
-Created by ancient druids, this glyph has the power to heal the land.
-This was an optional quest in the Orc Campaign. There was a Defiled
Fountain, and you had to kill a Centaur to get this glyph to make the
Fountain pure.

Heart of Aszune
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The magical amulet Heart of Aszune.
-Legends say that the imprisoned spirit of Aszune seeks out her heart
to this very day.
-This was used in the Orc Campaign. Thrall needed to find this item so
he could open the door to the Spirit Bridge. You must kill a level 10
Red Dragon for it.

Horn of Cenarius
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Horn of Cenarius.
-This ancient relic of the Night Elves is said to hold the power to
call the spirits of the Night Elves. It imbues its owner with 200 hit
points, and a 2 hit point per second regeneration bonus.
-Very good item. A lot more HP and a really fast HP regeneration rate.
You'll be hard to kill with this.

Human Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Ironwood Branch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-An ok item. Like I've said before, Tomes are much better.

Jade Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Tomes are better, Tomes are better...

Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the complete Key of the Three Moons.
-Cut from the sapphire Body of Enulaia, it opens the soul of the Gate
-You needed this key in the Undead Campaign to open the gate to Quel

Lion's Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-I know you're sick of reading this, but, Tomes rock!

Maul of Strength
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Again, a decent item, but Tomes are better.

Moon Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A faintly glowing key.
-This key glows faintly.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is a lot of fun to

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is one part of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the emerald Eye of Jennala, it opens the mind of the Gate
-Doesn't this remind you of Ghostbusters? "I am the Key Master. I
need to find the Gate Keeper." Part 1 of 3 keys you need to find to
open the Elf Gate.

Night Elf Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Orc Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Partial Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is two parts of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the amethyst Stone of Hannalee, it opens the heart of the
Gate Keeper.
-"Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!" Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop now.
Two keys down, 1 to go!

Phat Lewt
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The phattest lewt.
-There is no phatter lewt than this.
-OK. I know what it is now. "Lewt" refers to "loot," like treasure.
This usually appears in online RPG and MMORP games. Credit for this
goes to both Alex Wang and Abraham Kan.

Potion of Invisibility
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 120 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Also excellent for scouting, but doesn't last as long as the Potion of
Greater Invisibility.

Potion of Speed
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Provides Hero with a temporary speed increase.
-Increases movement speed of the Hero by 60% for 30 seconds.
-You really fly when you use this. Good for running away. (You know
the saying, 'Those who fight and runaway, live to fight another day.')

Ring of Superiority
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +1 bonus to Strength, Intelligence and Agility.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 1 when
-An ok item. Keep until something better comes along.

Skull of Gul'dan
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Skull of Gul'dan.
-Once a powerful user of Demonic magics, the Demons answered his calls,
and found a greater use for his head.
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the orcs killed him in Warcraft
II, not the Demons. Oh well. Anyway, Illidan needs this to stop the
corruption of Ashenvale Forest, and ends up abusing its power.

Skull Shield
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-You should know by now that I like Tomes much better.

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is a trapped soul.
-A soul, trapped by the enchantments of the Soul Gem.
-This is basically the Soul Gem with a Soul. Be careful though,
because your opponent will always see the Hero carrying this. Also,
you cannot drop this item.

Soul Gem
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Allows the theft of a Hero's soul.
-Traps the targeted enemy inside the Soul Gem when used. The enemy
Hero is returned to play when the bearer of the Soul Gem is killed.
While an enemy Hero is trapped, the bearer of the Soul Gem is revealed
to the enemy through the fog of war.
-This was used to capture Grom Hellscream in the Orc campaign, and it's
also a neat item. As long as your Hero is strong, you can capture a
soul and not worry about being killed.

Spider Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Guess what are better...Tomes!

Sun Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glowing key.
-This key glows brightly.
-Once again, this is used in the Warchasers scenario.

The Heart of Searinox
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The heart of the Dragon Searinox.
-The still beating heart of Searinox can be used to imbue an orb with
the fiery powers of a Dragon.
-In the second mission in the Human campaign, you must defeat Searinox
and bring his heart back to a Dwarf camp and you get the Orb of Fire.
Credit to DrBenoid and "S C".

Totem of Might
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-There are a lot of items that boost Strength by 1, and Tomes are all
better than them.

Undead Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Urn of King Terenas
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This urn contains the remains of King Terenas.
-Formerly the container of King Terenas' ashes, this magically
enchanted Urn was chosen by Tichondrius to preserved Kel'Thuzad's
-Undead Arthas needs the Urn to keep Kel'Thuzad in until he can be

Voodoo Doll
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-I bet you know what I'm going to say...Tomes are better!

Level 1

Potion of Healing
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 250 hit points when used.
-Not as good as the Potion of Greater Healing, but still worthwhile.

Potion of Mana
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 150 mana when used.
-A good item, but not as good as the Potion of Greater Mana.

Level 2

Anti-magic Potion
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero immune to magic.
-Gives Hero immunity to magical spells for 90 seconds.
-Good item to have for battle, especially if your opponents' strategy
is to put you to sleep or slow you down.

Goblin Night Scope
-Level 2
-Must be kept.
-Increases sight range at night.
-Provides an increase to the Hero's line of sight radius at night when
-Excellent item to have at night. It more than doubles your line of
sight radius, and that's a lot.

Scroll of Mana
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Restores mana to nearby units.
-Restores 100 mana to all friendly units in an area around the Hero.
-Again, not a ton of restored mana, but helpful.

Tome of Agility
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Another good item to find. You should try to get every tome possible
to beef your Hero up.

Tome of Experience
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 200 experience to the Hero when used.
-That could be a level up if you find this item.

Tome of Intelligence
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you smarter so you can pass school! Actually, it helps with

Tome of Strength
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you stronger so you can beat people up! And it gives you 25
more HP.

Wand of Negation
-Level 2
-Used 3 times.
-Dispels magic in an area.
-Dispels all magical effects in a target area. Deals 200 damage to
summoned units.
-Good item to have if your units are slowed or put to sleep.

Level 3

Claws of Attack +3
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 3.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-The worst Claws of Attack. Still, I'd keep unless you find a better

Cloak of Shadows
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Provides the Shadowmeld ability.
-Provides the Hero with invisibility at night when worn. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero moves,
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Helps with scouting and creeping during the night.

Crystal Ball
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Permits the viewing of distant areas.
-Reveals a targeted area. Invisible units are also revealed by the
Crystal Ball's affect. Lasts 8 seconds.
-This is like the Goblin Laboratory's Reveal, only better.

Manual of Health
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Permanent +50 hit points.
-Permanently increases the hit points of the Hero by 50 when used.
-Always a good item to find. Anything that permanently increases your
stats is worthwhile.

Potion of Greater Invisibility
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 180 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Excellent for scouting, and it lasts 3 minutes, which is a long time.

Potion of Invulnerability
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invulnerable.
-Makes Hero invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds when used. An
invulnerable Hero may not be the target of spells or effects.
-Another good battle item. Now, you can't be stopped, you're
invincible! For a few seconds, anyway. After that, you're on your

Ring of Protection +1
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 1.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-The Rings of Protection are good finds. Keep them.

Scroll of Healing
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points to nearby units.
-Heals 150 hit points to all friendly non-mechanical units around the
Hero when used.
-Not exactly a big restoration, but useful.

Scroll of Protection
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Temporarily increases the armor of nearby units.
-Increases the armor of all friendly units in an area around your Hero
by 2 for 30 seconds.
-Good item to use right when you engage in battle.

Sentry Wards
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Conjures a Sentry Ward.
-Drops a Sentry Ward to spy upon an area for 600 seconds.
-Very good scouting item. Worried about getting attacked? Put these
around your base and you'll know in advance. If your enemy spots, it
can be destroyed.

Level 4

Amulet of Recall
Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Can be used to teleport units to the user.
-Teleports 12 of the player's units within the targeted area to the
location of the Hero when used.
-Like mass teleport, only it can't take as many people, and the
teleporting has to be to the Hero. This is good to have when you're
attacking an enemy base and you're in trouble.

Boots of Speed
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases movement rate.
-Increases the movement speed of the Hero when worn.
-This doesn't increase the attack speed, just the movement speed.

Claws of Attack +6
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 6.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-Not a bad item at all. Worth keeping.

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts strength by 3.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I'd keep this one. A modest boost, but nothing to brag about.

Gloves of Haste
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases attack speed.
-Increases the attack speed of the Hero by 15% when worn.
-Helps you kick butt faster!

Goblin Land Mines
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Explosive mines.
-Places a hidden land mine at a target point. Enemy units that move
near the land mine will activate the mine, destroying the mine and
causing area of effect damage to nearby units.
-The mine deals 600 damage to the unit that triggered it and also does
splash damage. You can find these in random places. Credit to "S C".

Mantle of Intelligence +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 3.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Bet you didn't know what this one did. Again, not a bad item.

Potion of Greater Healing
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 500 hit points when used.
-Always good to have during battle. This could help you outlast your

Potion of Greater Mana
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 300 mana when used.
-Another good item to have. Replenishes a lot of mana.

Ring of Protection +2
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 2.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 2 when worn.
-Once again, a good item.

Scroll of the Beast
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Boosts friendly unit combat damage.
-Gives friendly units nearby a 25% bonus to damage for 45 seconds.
-Another item to use right before battle. This is like the Druid of
the Claw's Roar. Credit to "S C" for that piece of info.

Scroll of Town Portal
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Transports troops to friendly town hall.
-Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly
town hall.
-Very good for running away. If you can't make it back on foot, use
this. Remember, 'Those who fight and runaway....'

Slippers of Agility +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 3.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I saw this one coming a mile away. Actually, just one item away, but
still. A keeper.

Wand of Illusion
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Creates a phantom double.
-Create an illusionary double of the targeted unit when used. The
illusory double deals no damage to enemy units, takes 2 times the
damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear after 60 seconds or when
its hit points reach zero.
-Pretty neat item. Your double still attacks, so if the battle is
intense, your opponent might not notice that the double isn't doing
any damage.

Level 5

Book of the Dead
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Summons skeletons.
-Summons 4 Skeleton Warriors and 4 Skeleton Archers to fight for you.
Lasts 120 seconds.
-Skeleton Warrior: 180 HP, damage: 14-15, armor: 1.
-Skeleton Archer: 180 HP, damage: 13-15, armor: 0. These guys are ok
to have around. Pretty weak, but there are 8 of them.

Claws of Attack +9
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 9.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 9 when worn.
-The middle range Claws of Attack. I'd keep this one.

Orb of Fire
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do fire damage.
-Adds 12 bonus fire damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also do splash damage to nearby enemy units.
-This is one of my favorite items. An increase in damage AND splash
damage. I love that.

Pendant of Energy
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases mana capacity of the Hero by 150 when worn.
-That's a 150 point boost to mana. That's a lot, and you can squeeze
one more basic spell in with that.

Periapt of Vitality
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 100 when worn.
-An ok item. Keep it until something better comes along.

Ring of Regeneration
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides regeneration. -
-Increases the Hero's hit point regeneration by 2 hit points per
-A great item to find. It will make you really hard to kill because
your HP is flying up.

Tome of Agility +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Bet you didn't know what that one did. Obviously a good find.

Tome of Greater Experience
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 500 experience to the Hero when used.
-That is most likely a level up or will bring you really close to one.

Tome of Intelligence +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increase intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Once you find this, you won't be a dummy! And it helps mana.

Tome of Strength +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 2 when used.
-I honestly had no idea what this did for a while. (Just kidding.)

Wand of Lightning Shield
-Level 5
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Lightning Shield.
-Allows the Hero to cast Lightning Shield on a target unit. Lightning
Shield surrounds a unit with electricity, deal 20 damage per second to
nearby units. Lasts 20 seconds.
-This item is quite shocking. (Pun intended). Good item to use on
melee attackers.

Level 6

Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units' missile attacks do more damage.
-Increases nearby units' ranged attacks by 10%. Does not stack with
Trueshot Aura.
-Good item to have, if you don't have Trueshot Aura.

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units move and attack more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 5% increased attack speed
and 10% increased movement speed.
-Makes you just a touch faster. An ok item.

Ankh of Reincarnation
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Allows reincarnation upon death.
-Automatically brings the Hero back to life with full hit points when
the Hero wearing the Ankh dies.
-Also a very good item to have anytime, especially during a tough
battle. Besides, it's good to have a second chance at life, right?

Circlet of Nobility
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 2 when
-Gives you +50 hit points, increased hit point regeneration, increased
attack speed, +30 mana points, increased mana regeneration, and
increases damage by +2. Helps you in every category, but I prefer the
tomes because you don't need to keep them.

Healing Wards
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Conjures a Healing Ward.
-Drops a ward that heals nearby friendly units for 30 seconds.
-Good healing item, if you have the time to use it. It can be

Health Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster hit point regeneration, and can be consumed for hit
-Increases the life regeneration rate of the Hero by 1 hit point per
second when worn. Can be consumed for 500 health.
-Lets you regenerate your life very quickly, plus your Hero
regeneration, so you're your HP is flying back up. And if you're in a
bind, it's edible!

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units regain mana more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and friendly units 1 bonus mana per second
regeneration. Does not stack with Brilliance Aura.
-Pretty fast MP regeneration, very helpful, but unnecessary if you have
Brilliance Aura.

Legion Doom-Horn
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units heal and move more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units increased life regeneration
and movement speed. Does not stack with Unholy Aura.
-Another good aura item. However, this is unnecessary if you have
Unholy Aura.

Mana Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster mana regeneration, and can be consumed for mana
-Increases the mana regeneration rate of the Hero by 25% when worn.
Can be consumed for 300 mana.
-Like the Health Stone, only with mana. Not a bad item either, but
Health Stone is more valuable.

Red Drake Egg
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Red Drake.
-Summons a Red Drake to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Red Drake: 750 HP, damage: 34-45, armor: 2. Good flying friend. Give
him some land support and a little air support, and he'll burn your

Ring of Protection +3
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 3.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Better than the Ring of Protection +2, but worse than the Ring of
Protection +4.

Sobi Mask
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Increases mana regeneration rate.
-Increases the Hero's rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
-A good item if you use spells a lot, which you should.

Spiked Collar
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Felhound.
-Summons a Felhound to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Felhound: 750 HP, 200 MP, damage: 22-25, armor: 3, abilities: Mana
Burn. The Felhound is nothing special. Much more effective in a

Talisman of Evasion
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Makes the Hero harder to hit.
-Causes attacks against the wearer to miss 15% of the time. Does not
stack with Evasion.
-Somewhat helpful. It'll keep you alive longer.

Talisman of the Wild
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Summons Furbolgs.
-This mystic stone summons one Furbolg to fight for you. Lasts 180
-Furbolg: 550 HP, damage: 17-19, armor: 2. Summon all 3 at once, and
you have some decent warriors.

Tome of Knowledge
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Permanently increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the
Hero by 1 when used.
-It's a 3-in-1 tome! Loads of fun! Seriously a very good item.

Wand of the Wind
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Cyclone.
-Allows the Hero to cast Cyclone. Cyclone tosses a target enemy unit
into the air, rendering it unable to attack, move or cast spells.
Lasts 30 seconds.
-Nice item to use on Heroes and other strong units to get them out of
the way while you kill the weaker units.

Level 7

Claws of Attack +12
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 12.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 12 when worn.
-Very good item, makes you hit a lot harder.

Cloak of Flames
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Surrounds the Hero with damaging flames.
-Engulfs the Hero in fire which deals 10 damage per second to nearby
enemy land units. Does not stack with Immolation.
-This is like Immolation, only in item form. Very good when you're
attacking any land unit.

Orb of Frost
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Attacks cause Frost Shock.
-Adds 6 bonus cold damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also slow the movement of speed and attack rate of the
enemy for 3 seconds.
-Another cool item. Slowing people down while doing bonus damage

Pendant of Mana
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Another mana boosting item. This is even more than the Pendant of
Energy. That's probably two basic spells or one more ultimate that
you can fit in.

Periapt of Health
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Keep this one. A 300 HP gain never hurts. In fact, it helps.

Potion of Restoration
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points and mana.
-Completely restores the hit points and mana of the Hero when used.
-This is an extremely useful battle item. When you're about to die,
use it, and you're brand new again.

Scourge Bone Chimes
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units gain some life from damage they deal to enemy units.
-Grants a melee Hero and friendly nearby melee units life stealing
attacks which take 15% of the damage they deal and convert it into
life. Does not stack with Vampiric Aura.
-A nice item. While you damage your opponent, your life goes up!

Scroll of Animate Dead
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Animates the dead to fight for you.
-Raises 6 nearby dead units to fight for 120 seconds.
-Raises the dead units back to full health and they fight for you.

Scroll of Resurrection
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Resurrects your dead to fight again.
-Brings 6 of your dead units back to life.
-This randomly raises 6 dead units, but it can definitely change the
tide of a battle.

Stone Token
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Rock Golem.
-Summons a Rock Golem to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Rock Golem: 750 HP, 400 MP, normal damage: 29-33, piercing damage: 29
33, armor: 4, abilities: Hurl Boulder, Spell Immunity. He's a pretty
strong foe with a couple support units.

The Lion Horn of Stormwind
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Generates a protective aura around the Hero.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 1 bonus armor. Does not
stack with Devotion Aura.
-A good item to have unless you have Devotion Aura.

Warsong Battle Drums
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases combat effectiveness of nearby units.
-Increases the attack damage of nearby friendly units by 10% when worn.
Does not stack with Command Aura.
-Good to have, unless you have Command Aura. Too bad items didn't
stack with abilities.

Level 8

Belt of Giant Strength +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Strength.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 6 when used.
-That's 150 more HP to work with. Very helpful.

Boots of Elvenkind +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Agility.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 6 when used.
-Now you can attack much faster, and get more hits in on your opponent.

Demonic Figurine
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Doom Guard.
-Summons a Doom Guard to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Doom Guard: 1350 HP, 500 MP, damage: 41-48, armor: 3, abilities:
Dispel Magic, War Stomp, Cripple, Rain of Fire (ultimate). Enough
said. Use him to kick some serious butt!

Inferno Stone
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Brings down an Infernal demon.
-Calls an Infernal down from the sky, causing 50 damage and stunning
enemy land units for 4 seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts for 180
-Infernal: 1500 HP, damage: chaos, fast, 49-60, armor: heavy, 6, fast.
Enough said. Like the Dreadlord's Infernal spell.

Mask of Death
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-This mask permits attacks to drain life.
-Gives melee Heroes a vampiric attack that converts 50% of their attack
damage into life.
-I first looked at this the wrong way, but I get it now. If you deal
50 damage to your opponent, you get +25 life. Thanks to Abraham Kan
for pointing this mistake out.

Orb of Lightning
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do lightning damage.
-Adds 6 bonus damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also dispel magic and slow the movement speed of the
enemy for 4 seconds. Deals 75 bonus damage to summoned units.
-These Orbs kick butt! Seriously. Anyway, this orb can rip apart
summoned units, and hurt the rest as well.

Ring of Protection +4
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 4.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Big armor increase. Keep it.

Robe of the Magi +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to intelligence.
-Increases the intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-It increases your MP by 90, and increases MP regeneration. Not a bad
item to have.

Scroll of Restoration
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points and mana to nearby units.
-Fully restores the hit points and mana of friendly non-mechanical
units in an area around your Hero.
-The best healing item. Period. Fully restores every unit to full
health and mana.

Tome of Power
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Gives the Hero an experience level.
-Increases the level of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Be careful when you use this. It gives you the remaining experience
points you need to level up, whether that is 40 or 400. Try to use it
right when you level up so you don't waste any experience points.

Level 9

Claws of Attack + 15
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 15.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 15 when worn.
-The best Claws of Attack. Definitely a keeper.

Helm of Valor
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Agility.
-Increases the Strength and Agility of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Like the Hood of Cunning and Medallion of Courage.

Hood of Cunning
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonus to Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-This is like the Medallion of Courage only with Agility instead of

Medallion of Courage
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength and Intelligence by 4 when used.
-Gives you +100 HP, increased HP regeneration, +60 MP, increased MP
regeneration, and increases damage by +4. A very good item that is in
my opinion better than the Circlet of Nobility.

Ring of Protection +5
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 5.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 5 when worn.
-One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to bind them...this is the One
Ring. A HUGE armor increase. Most units don't even have an armor of
5 and you're gaining that much.

Level 10

Crown of Kings
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +5 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 5 when
-That's 125 more HP, faster HP and MP regeneration, faster attack
speed, 5 more damage, and 75 more MP. Like the Circlet of Nobility
only much better. I'd keep this.

Necklace of Spell Immunity
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Grants immunity to magic.
-Renders the Hero invulnerable to magic.
-This item is definitely worth keeping. You won't have to worry about
getting put to sleep or slowed down, or anything else for that matter.
This could hurt your opponents' plans big time.

Scepter of Mastery
-Level 10
-Used 3 times.
-Allows mind control of non-Hero units.
-Transfers control of the targeted non-Hero unit to the player who uses
the scepter. The transfer of control is permanent. Cannot be used on
Heroes and creeps above level 5.
-This is the Banshee's Posses spell only in item form. Very useful,
especially against power units like the Druids of the Claw and Frost

That's it for order by level!


Section 6C. Order by Group

This is the last way the items will be ordered. I've ordered them by group.
Everything in the group will be related to each other. You'll be able to
tell what is in the group by the name. For example, the "Ring Group" has all
of the rings in it. First, I'll put a list up.

***IMPORTANT***Some items seem like they don't belong in some groups. If
something seems like it doesn't belong, look up the word first.
Also, several items are in two different groups. Please be aware
that's how it should be.
It was very tricky to make sure every item found a group to be in. If
you think I am missing an item from the following list, please check all of
the groups, and double check the Miscellaneous Group before you contact me.

Arm/Leg Group

Boots of Elvenkind +6
Boots of Speed
Bracer of Agility
Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
Gloves of Haste
Slippers of Agility +3

Body Group

Belt of Giant Strength +6
Cloak of Flames
Cloak of Shadows
Heart of Aszune
Mantle of Intelligence +3
Robe of the Magi +6
The Heart of Searinox

Book Group

Book of the Dead
Manual of Health
Tome of Agility
Tome of Agility +2
Tome of Experience
Tome of Greater Experience
Tome of Intelligence
Tome of Intelligence +2
Tome of Knowledge
Tome of Power
Tome of Strength
Tome of Strength +2

Claws of Attack Group

Claws of Attack +12
Claws of Attack +15
Claws of Attack +3
Claws of Attack +6
Claws of Attack +9

Flag Group

Human Flag
Night Elf Flag
Orc Flag
Undead Flag

Head/Neck Group

Amulet of Recall
Ankh of Reincarnation
Circlet of Nobility
Crown of Kings
Helm of Valor
Hood of Cunning
Mask of Death
Medallion of Courage
Necklace of Spell Immunity
Pendant of Energy
Pendant of Mana
Periapt of Health
Periapt of Vitality
Sobi Mask
Spiked Collar
Talisman of Evasion
Talisman of the Wild

Horn Group

Horn of Cenarius
Legion Doom-Horn
The Lion Horn of Stormwind

Key Group

Blood Key
Ghost Key
Key of the Three Moons
Moon Key
Partial Key of the Three Moons
Sun Key

Miscellaneous Group

Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
Ancient Figurine
Ancient Janggo of Endurance
Druid Pouch
Empty Vial
Full Vial
Gerard's Lost Ledger
Glyph of Purification
Goblin Land Mines
Goblin Night Scope
Healing Wards
Ironwood Branch
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
Maul of Strength
Phat Lewt
Scepter of Mastery
Scourge Bone Chimes
Sentry Wards
Skull of Gul'dan
Skull Shield
Urn of King Terenas
Voodoo Doll
Warsong Battle Drums

Orb/Stone Group

Crystal Ball
Enchanted Gemstone
Gem of True Seeing
Health Stone
Inferno Stone
Mana Stone
Orb of Fire
Orb of Frost
Orb of Lightning
Soul Gem

Potion Group

Anti-magic Potion
Potion of Greater Healing
Potion of Greater Invisibility
Potion of Greater Mana
Potion of Healing
Potion of Invisibility
Potion of Invulnerability
Potion of Mana
Potion of Restoration
Potion of Speed

Ring Group

Jade Ring
Lion's Ring
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Protection +3
Ring of Protection +4
Ring of Protection +5
Ring of Regeneration
Ring of Superiority
Spider Ring

Scroll Group

Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Healing
Scroll of Mana
Scroll of Protection
Scroll of Restoration
Scroll of Resurrection
Scroll of the Beast
Scroll of Town Portal

Summon Units Group

Book of the Dead
Demonic Figurine
Inferno Stone
Red Drake Egg
Scroll of Animate Dead
Scroll of Resurrection
Spiked Collar
Stone Token

Wand Group

Wand of Illusion
Wand of Lighting Shield
Wand of Negation
Wand of the Wind


Arm/Leg Group

Boots of Elvenkind +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Agility.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 6 when used.
-Now you can attack much faster, and get more hits in on your opponent.

Boots of Speed
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases movement rate.
-Increases the movement speed of the Hero when worn.
-This doesn't increase the attack speed, just the movement speed.

Bracer of Agility
-Level 0
-Must be kept
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-This does the exact same thing as a Tome of Agility, and the Tome is
better. Thanks to Scott Blum for pointing out it belongs here.

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts strength by 3.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I'd keep this one. A modest boost, but nothing to brag about.

Gloves of Haste
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Increases attack speed.
-Increases the attack speed of the Hero by 15% when worn.
-Helps you kick butt faster!

Slippers of Agility +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 3.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-I saw this one coming a mile away. Actually, just one item away, but
still. A keeper.

Body Group

Belt of Giant Strength +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to Strength.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 6 when used.
-That's 150 more HP to work with. Very helpful.

Cloak of Flames
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Surrounds the Hero with damaging flames.
-Engulfs the Hero in fire which deals 10 damage per second to nearby
enemy land units. Does not stack with Immolation.
-This is like Immolation, only in item form. Very good when you're
attacking any land unit.

Cloak of Shadows
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Provides the Shadowmeld ability.
-Provides the Hero with invisibility at night when worn. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero moves,
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Helps with scouting and creeping during the night.

Heart of Aszune
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The magical amulet Heart of Aszune.
-Legends say that the imprisoned spirit of Aszune seeks out her heart
to this very day.
-This was used in the Orc Campaign. Thrall needed to find this item so
he could open the door to the Spirit Bridge. You must kill a level 10
Red Dragon for it.

Mantle of Intelligence +3
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 3.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Bet you didn't know what this one did. Again, not a bad item.

Robe of the Magi +6
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Provides a bonus to intelligence.
-Increases the intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-It increases your MP by 90, and increases MP regeneration. Not a bad
item to have.

The Heart of Searinox
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The heart of the Dragon Searinox.
-The still beating heart of Searinox can be used to imbue an orb with
the fiery powers of a Dragon.
-In the second mission in the Human campaign, you must defeat Searinox
and bring his heart back to a Dwarf camp and you get the Orb of Fire.
Credit to DrBenoid and "S C".

Book Group

Book of the Dead
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Summons skeletons.
-Summons 4 Skeleton Warriors and 4 Skeleton Archers to fight for you.
Lasts 120 seconds.
-Skeleton Warrior: 180 HP, damage: 14-15, armor: 1.
-Skeleton Archer: 180 HP, damage: 13-15, armor: 0. These guys are ok
to have around. Pretty weak, but there are 8 of them.

Manual of Health
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Permanent +50 hit points.
-Permanently increases the hit points of the Hero by 50 when used.
-Always a good item to find. Anything that permanently increases your
stats is worthwhile.

Tome of Agility
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Another good item to find. You should try to get every tome possible
to beef your Hero up.

Tome of Agility +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Agility.
-Permanently increases the Agility of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Bet you didn't know what that one did. Obviously a good find.

Tome of Experience
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 200 experience to the Hero when used.
-That could be a level up if you find this item.

Tome of Greater Experience
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Gives bonus experience points.
-Gives 500 experience to the Hero when used.
-That is most likely a level up or will bring you really close to one.

Tome of Intelligence
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you smarter so you can pass school! Actually, it helps with

Tome of Intelligence +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increase intelligence.
-Permanently increases the intelligence of the Hero by 2 when used.
-Once you find this, you won't be a dummy! And it helps mana.

Tome of Knowledge
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Permanently increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the
Hero by 1 when used.
-It's a 3-in-1 tome! Loads of fun! Seriously a very good item.

Tome of Power
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Gives the Hero an experience level.
-Increases the level of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Be careful when you use this. It gives you the remaining experience
points you need to level up, whether that is 40 or 400. Try to use it
right when you level up so you don't waste any experience points.

Tome of Strength
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when used.
-Makes you stronger so you can beat people up! And it gives you 25
more HP.

Tome of Strength +2
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Permanently increases Strength.
-Permanently increases the Strength of the Hero by 2 when used.
-I honestly had no idea what this did for a while. (Just kidding.)

Claws of Attack Group

Claws of Attack +12
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 12.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 12 when worn.
-Very good item, makes you hit a lot harder.

Claws of Attack + 15
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 15.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 15 when worn.
-The best Claws of Attack. Definitely a keeper.

Claws of Attack +3
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 3.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-The worst Claws of Attack. Still, I'd keep unless you find a better

Claws of Attack +6
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 6.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 6 when worn.
-Not a bad item at all. Worth keeping.

Claws of Attack +9
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Boosts attack damage by 9.
-Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 9 when worn.
-The middle range Claws of Attack. I'd keep this one.

Flag Group

Human Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Night Elf Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Orc Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that often is captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Undead Flag
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Can be captured in special scenarios.
-An object that is often captured in special scenarios as a win
-The flags can be used in user made maps. They slow you down by about
25%. They are also used with the scoring triggers. Credit goes to

Head/Neck Group

Amulet of Recall
Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Can be used to teleport units to the user.
-Teleports 12 of the player's units within the targeted area to the
location of the Hero when used.
-Like mass teleport, only it can't take as many people, and the
teleporting has to be to the Hero. This is good to have when you're
attacking an enemy base and you're in trouble.

Ankh of Reincarnation
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Allows reincarnation upon death.
-Automatically brings the Hero back to life with full hit points when
the Hero wearing the Ankh dies.
-Also a very good item to have anytime, especially during a tough
battle. Besides, it's good to have a second chance at life, right?

Circlet of Nobility
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +2 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 2 when
-Gives you +50 hit points, increased hit point regeneration, increased
attack speed, +30 mana points, increased mana regeneration, and
increases damage by +2. Helps you in every category, but I prefer the
tomes because you don't need to keep them.

Crown of Kings
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +5 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 5 when
-That's 125 more HP, faster HP and MP regeneration, faster attack
speed, 5 more damage, and 75 more MP. Like the Circlet of Nobility
only much better. I'd keep this.

Helm of Valor
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Agility.
-Increases the Strength and Agility of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Like the Hood of Cunning and Medallion of Courage.

Hood of Cunning
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonus to Agility and Intelligence.
-Increases the Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-This is like the Medallion of Courage only with Agility instead of

Mask of Death
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-This mask permits attacks to drain life.
-Gives melee Heroes a vampiric attack that converts 50% of their attack
damage into life.
-I first looked at this the wrong way, but I get it now. If you deal
50 damage to your opponent, you get +25 life. Thanks to Abraham Kan
for pointing this mistake out.

Medallion of Courage
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Provides bonuses to Strength and Intelligence.
-Increases the Strength and Intelligence by 4 when used.
-Gives you +100 HP, increased HP regeneration, +60 MP, and increased MP
regeneration. A very good item that is in my opinion better than the
Circlet of Nobility.

Necklace of Spell Immunity
-Level 10
-Must be kept.
-Grants immunity to magic.
-Renders the Hero invulnerable to magic.
-This item is definitely worth keeping. You won't have to worry about
getting put to sleep or slowed down, or anything else for that matter.
This could hurt your opponents' plans big time.

Pendant of Energy
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases mana capacity of the Hero by 150 when worn.
-That's a 150 point boost to mana. That's a lot, and you can squeeze
one more basic spell in with that.

Pendant of Mana
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Provides additional mana.
-Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Another mana boosting item. This is even more than the Pendant of
Energy. That's probably two basic spells or one more ultimate that
you can fit in.

Periapt of Health
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 when worn.
-Keep this one. A 300 HP gain never hurts. In fact, it helps.

Periapt of Vitality
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero.
-Increases the hit points of the Hero by 100 when worn.
-An ok item. Keep it until something better comes along.

Sobi Mask
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Increases mana regeneration rate.
-Increases the Hero's rate of mana regeneration by 50% when worn.
-A good item if you use spells a lot, which you should.

Spiked Collar
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Felhound.
-Summons a Felhound to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Felhound: 750 HP, 200 MP, damage: 22-25, armor: 3, abilities: Mana
Burn. The Felhound is nothing special. Much more effective in a

Talisman of Evasion
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Makes the Hero harder to hit.
-Causes attacks against the wearer to miss 15% of the time. Does not
stack with Evasion.
-Somewhat helpful. It'll keep you alive longer.

Talisman of the Wild
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Summons Furbolgs.
-This mystic stone summons one Furbolg to fight for you. Lasts 180
-Furbolg: 550 HP, damage: 17-19, armor: 2. Summon all 3 at once, and
you have some decent warriors.

Horn Group

Horn of Cenarius
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Horn of Cenarius.
-This ancient relic of the Night Elves is said to hold the power to
call the spirits of the Night Elves. It imbues its owner with 200 hit
points, and a 2 hit point per second regeneration bonus.
-Very good item. A lot more HP and a really fast HP regeneration rate.
You'll be hard to kill with this.

Legion Doom-Horn
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units heal and move more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units increased life regeneration
and movement speed. Does not stack with Unholy Aura.
-Another good aura item. However, this is unnecessary if you have
Unholy Aura.

The Lion Horn of Stormwind
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Generates a protective aura around the Hero.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 1 bonus armor. Does not
stack with Devotion Aura.
-A good item to have unless you have Devotion Aura.

Key Group

Blood Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A bloody key.
-This key is covered in blood.
-I believe that this is used in the Warchasers scenario to open a door.
Also used in the Orc campaign where you meet the prophet.

Ghost Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ghostly key.
-This key is rather insubstantial.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is pretty cool, I
might add. Also used in level 7 of the Orc campaign.

Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the complete Key of the Three Moons.
-Cut from the sapphire Body of Enulaia, it opens the soul of the Gate
-You needed this key in the Undead Campaign to open the gate to Quel

Moon Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A faintly glowing key.
-This key glows faintly.
-This is also used in the Warchasers scenario, which is a lot of fun to

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is one part of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the emerald Eye of Jennala, it opens the mind of the Gate
-Doesn't this remind you of Ghostbusters? "I am the Key Master. I
need to find the Gate Keeper." Part 1 of 3 keys you need to find to
open the Elf Gate.

Partial Key of the Three Moons
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is two parts of the Key of Three Moons.
-Cut from the amethyst Stone of Hannalee, it opens the heart of the
Gate Keeper.
-"Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!" Ok, I'm sorry, I'll stop now.
Two keys down, 1 to go!

Sun Key
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glowing key.
-This key glows brightly.
-Once again, this is used in the Warchasers scenario.

Miscellaneous Group

Alleria's Flute of Accuracy
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units' missile attacks do more damage.
-Increases nearby units' ranged attacks by 10%. Does not stack with
Trueshot Aura.
-Good item to have, if you don't have Trueshot Aura.

Ancient Figurine
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. A Tome can do this and you don't need to
carry it around.

Ancient Janggo of Endurance
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units move and attack more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and nearby friendly units 5% increased attack speed
and 10% increased movement speed.
-Makes you just a touch faster. An ok item.

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-It's the cheese!
-Cheese cheese cheese cheese!
-Behold, the power of cheese...it doesn't do anything. Only seen in
multiplayer custom maps. Thanks to The BooB for that.

Druid Pouch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Not really a great item. Keep it until you find something better.

Empty Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an empty vial.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-This was given to you by some Furbolgs in the level where you freed
Illidan in the Night Elf campaign.

Full Vial
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This vial is full of healing waters.
-A special vial adept at containing the magical healing waters of a
Fountain of Life.
-Once again, you must take this to the Furbolg camp to save their

Gerard's Lost Ledger
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A ledger.
-This Ledger looks to be full of boring facts and history.
-This was used in the first mission in the Human campaign. You have to
kill bandits and return the ledger for a reward. Credit to "S C".

Glyph of Purification
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-A glyph.
-Created by ancient druids, this glyph has the power to heal the land.
-This was an optional quest in the Orc Campaign. There was a Defiled
Fountain, and you had to kill a Centaur to get this glyph to make the
Fountain pure.

Goblin Land Mines
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Explosive mines.
-Places a hidden land mine at a target point. Enemy units that move
near the land mine will activate the mine, destroying the mine and
causing area of effect damage to nearby units.
-The mine deals 600 damage to the unit that triggered it and also does
splash damage. You can find these in random places. Credit to "S C".

Goblin Night Scope
-Level 2
-Must be kept.
-Increases sight range at night.
-Provides an increase to the Hero's line of sight radius at night when
-Excellent item to have at night. It more than doubles your line of
sight radius, and that's a lot.

Healing Wards
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Conjures a Healing Ward.
-Drops a ward that heals nearby friendly units for 30 seconds.
-Good healing item, if you have the time to use it. It can be

Ironwood Branch
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-An ok item. Like I've said before, Tomes are much better.

Khadgar's Pipe of Insight
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units regain mana more swiftly.
-Grants the Hero and friendly units 1 bonus mana per second
regeneration. Does not stack with Brilliance Aura.
-Pretty fast MP regeneration, very helpful, but unnecessary if you have
Brilliance Aura.

Maul of Strength
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-Again, a decent item, but Tomes are better.

Phat Lewt
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-The phattest lewt.
-There is no phatter lewt than this.
-OK. I know what it is now. "Lewt" refers to "loot," like treasure.
This usually appears in online RPG and MMORP games. Credit for this
goes to both Alex Wang and Abraham Kan.

Scepter of Mastery
-Level 10
-Used 3 times.
-Allows mind control of non-Hero units.
-Transfers control of the targeted non-Hero unit to the player who uses
the scepter. The transfer of control is permanent. Cannot be used on
Heroes and creeps above level 5.
-This is the Banshee's Posses spell only in item form. Very useful,
especially against power units like the Druids of the Claw and Frost

Scourge Bone Chimes
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Nearby units gain some life from damage they deal to enemy units.
-Grants a melee Hero and friendly nearby melee units life stealing
attacks which take 15% of the damage they deal and convert it into
life. Does not stack with Vampiric Aura.
-A nice item. While you damage your opponent, your life goes up!

Sentry Wards
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Conjures a Sentry Ward.
-Drops a Sentry Ward to spy upon an area for 600 seconds.
-Very good scouting item. Worried about getting attacked? Put these
around your base and you'll know in advance. If your enemy spots, it
can be destroyed.

Skull of Gul'dan
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is the Skull of Gul'dan.
-Once a powerful user of Demonic magics, the Demons answered his calls,
and found a greater use for his head.
-Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the orcs killed him in Warcraft
II, not the Demons. Oh well. Anyway, Illidan needs this to stop the
corruption of Ashenvale Forest, and ends up abusing its power.

Skull Shield
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Strength by 1.
-Increases the Strength of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-You should know by now that I like Tomes much better.

Urn of King Terenas
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This urn contains the remains of King Terenas.
-Formerly the container of King Terenas' ashes, this magically
enchanted Urn was chosen by Tichondrius to preserved Kel'Thuzad's
-Undead Arthas needs the Urn to keep Kel'Thuzad in until he can be

Voodoo Doll
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Intelligence by 1.
-Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 1 when carried.
-I bet you know what I'm going to say...Tomes are better!

Warsong Battle Drums
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Increases combat effectiveness of nearby units.
-Increases the attack damage of nearby friendly units by 10% when worn.
Does not stack with Command Aura.
-Good to have, unless you have Command Aura. Too bad items didn't
stack with abilities.

Orb/Stone Group

Crystal Ball
-Level 3
-Used 5 times.
-Permits the viewing of distant areas.
-Reveals a targeted area. Invisible units are also revealed by the
Crystal Ball's affect. Lasts 8 seconds.
-This is like the Goblin Laboratory's Reveal, only better.

Enchanted Gemstone
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is an Enchanted Gemstone.
-This artifact of the Kelani Magi is said to hold the power to make
constructs out of pure energy. When the Kelani fell to ruin, the
Razormane Quillboars were quick to scavenge and covet these beautiful
and powerful objects.
-This item appears in mission 7 of the Orc Campaign. Credit to
Molotov for that.

Gem of True Seeing
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Permits invisible units to been seen.
-Allows the Hero to detect hidden or invisible units in Hero's line of
sight when carried.
-An ok item. Good for detecting Shades and any Night Elves with
Shadowmeld, but common sense and towers can do that too.

Health Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster hit point regeneration, and can be consumed for hit
-Increases the life regeneration rate of the Hero by 1 hit point per
second when worn. Can be consumed for 500 health.
-Lets you regenerate your life very quickly, plus your Hero
regeneration, so you're your HP is flying back up. And if you're in a
bind, it's edible!

Inferno Stone
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Brings down an Infernal demon.
-Calls an Infernal down from the sky, causing 50 damage and stunning
enemy land units for 4 seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts for 180
-Infernal: 1500 HP, damage: chaos, fast, 49-60, armor: heavy, 6, fast.
Enough said. Like the Dreadlord's Infernal spell.

Mana Stone
-Level 6
-Can be kept and used 1 time.
-Provides faster mana regeneration, and can be consumed for mana
-Increases the mana regeneration rate of the Hero by 25% when worn.
Can be consumed for 300 mana.
-Like the Health Stone, only with mana. Not a bad item either, but
Health Stone is more valuable.

Orb of Fire
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do fire damage.
-Adds 12 bonus fire damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also do splash damage to nearby enemy units.
-This is one of my favorite items. An increase in damage AND splash
damage. I love that.

Orb of Frost
-Level 7
-Must be kept.
-Attacks cause Frost Shock.
-Adds 6 bonus cold damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also slow the movement of speed and attack rate of the
enemy for 3 seconds.
-Another cool item. Slowing people down while doing bonus damage

Orb of Lightning
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Attacks also do lightning damage.
-Adds 6 bonus damage to the attack of the Hero when carried. The
Hero's attacks also dispel magic and slow the movement speed of the
enemy for 4 seconds. Deals 75 bonus damage to summoned units.
-These Orbs kick butt! Seriously. Anyway, this orb can rip apart
summoned units, and hurt the rest as well.

-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-This is a trapped soul.
-A soul, trapped by the enchantments of the Soul Gem.
-This is basically the Soul Gem with a Soul. Be careful though,
because your opponent will always see the Hero carrying this. Also,
you cannot drop this item.

Soul Gem
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Allows the theft of a Hero's soul.
-Traps the targeted enemy inside the Soul Gem when used. The enemy
Hero is returned to play when the bearer of the Soul Gem is killed.
While an enemy Hero is trapped, the bearer of the Soul Gem is revealed
to the enemy through the fog of war.
-This was used to capture Grom Hellscream in the Orc campaign, and it's
also a neat item. As long as your Hero is strong, you can capture a
soul and not worry about being killed.

Potion Group

Anti-magic Potion
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero immune to magic.
-Gives Hero immunity to magical spells for 90 seconds.
-Good item to have for battle, especially if your opponents' strategy
is to put you to sleep or slow you down.

Potion of Greater Healing
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 500 hit points when used.
-Always good to have during battle. This could help you outlast your

Potion of Greater Invisibility
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 180 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Excellent for scouting, and it lasts 3 minutes, which is a long time.

Potion of Greater Mana
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 300 mana when used.
-Another good item to have. Replenishes a lot of mana.

Potion of Healing
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points.
-Heals 250 hit points when used.
-Not as good as the Potion of Greater Healing, but still worthwhile.

Potion of Invisibility
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invisible.
-Renders the Hero invisible for 120 seconds when used. An invisible
Hero is untargetable by the enemy unless detected. If the Hero
attacks, uses an ability, or casts a spell, the invisibility effect is
-Also excellent for scouting, but doesn't last as long as the Potion of
Greater Invisibility.

Potion of Invulnerability
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Renders Hero temporarily invulnerable.
-Makes Hero invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds when used. An
invulnerable Hero may not be the target of spells or effects.
-Another good battle item. Now, you can't be stopped, you're
invincible! For a few seconds, anyway. After that, you're on your

Potion of Mana
-Level 1
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost mana.
-Restores 150 mana when used.
-A good item, but not as good as the Potion of Greater Mana.

Potion of Restoration
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Restores lost hit points and mana.
-Completely restores the hit points and mana of the Hero when used.
-This is an extremely useful battle item. When you're about to die,
use it, and you're brand new again.

Potion of Speed
-Level 0
-Used 1 time.
-Provides Hero with a temporary speed increase.
-Increases movement speed of the Hero by 60% for 30 seconds.
-You really fly when you use this. Good for running away. (You know
the saying, 'Those who fight and runaway, live to fight another day.')

Ring Group

Jade Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Tomes are better, Tomes are better...

Lion's Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-I know you're sick of reading this, but, Tomes rock!

Ring of Protection +1
-Level 3
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 1.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-The Rings of Protection are good finds. Keep them.

Ring of Protection +2
-Level 4
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 2.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 2 when worn.
-Once again, a good item.

Ring of Protection +3
-Level 6
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 3.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 3 when worn.
-Better than the Ring of Protection +2, but worse than the Ring of
Protection +4.

Ring of Protection +4
-Level 8
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 4.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 4 when worn.
-Big armor increase. Keep it.

Ring of Protection +5
-Level 9
-Must be kept.
-Boosts armor by 5.
-Increases the armor of the Hero by 5 when worn.
-One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to bind them...this is the One
Ring. A HUGE armor increase. Most units don't even have an armor of
5 and you're gaining that much.

Ring of Regeneration
-Level 5
-Must be kept.
-Provides regeneration. -
-Increases the Hero's hit point regeneration by 2 hit points per
-A great item to find. It will make you really hard to kill because
your HP is flying up.

Ring of Superiority
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Provides a +1 bonus to Strength, Intelligence and Agility.
-Increases the Strength, Intelligence and Agility of the Hero by 1 when
-An ok item. Keep until something better comes along.

Spider Ring
-Level 0
-Must be kept.
-Boosts Agility by 1.
-Increases the Agility of the Hero by 1 when worn.
-Guess what are better...Tomes!

Scroll Group

Scroll of Animate Dead
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Animates the dead to fight for you.
-Raises 6 nearby dead units to fight for 120 seconds.
-Raises the dead units back to full health and they fight for you.

Scroll of Healing
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points to nearby units.
-Heals 150 hit points to all friendly non-mechanical units around the
Hero when used.
-Not exactly a big restoration, but useful.

Scroll of Mana
-Level 2
-Used 1 time.
-Restores mana to nearby units.
-Restores 100 mana to all friendly units in an area around the Hero.
-Again, not a ton of restored mana, but helpful.

Scroll of Protection
-Level 3
-Used 1 time.
-Temporarily increases the armor of nearby units.
-Increases the armor of all friendly units in an area around your Hero
by 2 for 30 seconds.
-Good item to use right when you engage in battle.

Scroll of Restoration
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Restores hit points and mana to nearby units.
-Fully restores the hit points and mana of friendly non-mechanical
units in an area around your Hero.
-The best healing item. Period. Fully restores every unit to full
health and mana.

Scroll of Resurrection
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Resurrects your dead to fight again.
-Brings 6 of your dead units back to life.
-This randomly raises 6 dead units, but it can definitely change the
tide of a battle.

Scroll of the Beast
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Boosts friendly unit combat damage.
-Gives friendly units nearby a 25% bonus to damage for 45 seconds.
-Another item to use right before battle. This is like the Druid of
the Claw's Roar. Credit to "S C" for that piece of info.

Scroll of Town Portal
-Level 4
-Used 1 time.
-Transports troops to friendly town hall.
-Teleports the Hero and any of its nearby troops to a target friendly
town hall.
-Very good for running away. If you can't make it back on foot, use
this. Remember, 'Those who fight and runaway....'

Summon Units Group

Book of the Dead
-Level 5
-Used 1 time.
-Summons skeletons.
-Summons 4 Skeleton Warriors and 4 Skeleton Archers to fight for you.
Lasts 120 seconds.
-Skeleton Warrior: 180 HP, damage: 14-15, armor: 1.
-Skeleton Archer: 180 HP, damage: 13-15, armor: 0. These guys are ok
to have around. Pretty weak, but there are 8 of them.

Demonic Figurine
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Doom Guard.
-Summons a Doom Guard to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Doom Guard: 1350 HP, 500 MP, damage: 41-48, armor: 3, abilities:
Dispel Magic, War Stomp, Cripple, Rain of Fire (ultimate). Enough
said. Use him to kick some serious butt!

Inferno Stone
-Level 8
-Used 1 time.
-Brings down an Infernal demon.
-Calls an Infernal down from the sky, causing 50 damage and stunning
enemy land units for 4 seconds in an area. The Infernal lasts for 180
-Infernal: 1500 HP, damage: chaos, fast, 49-60, armor: heavy, 6, fast.
Enough said. Like the Dreadlord's Infernal spell.

Red Drake Egg
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Red Drake.
-Summons a Red Drake to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Red Drake: 750 HP, damage: 34-45, armor: 2. Good flying friend. Give
him some land support and a little air support, and he'll burn your

Scroll of Animate Dead
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Animates the dead to fight for you.
-Raises 6 nearby dead units to fight for 120 seconds.
-Raises the dead units back to full health and they fight for you.

Scroll of Resurrection
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Resurrects your dead to fight again.
-Brings 6 of your dead units back to life.
-This randomly raises 6 dead units, but it can definitely change the
tide of a battle.

Spiked Collar
-Level 6
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Felhound.
-Summons a Felhound to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Felhound: 750 HP, 200 MP, damage: 22-25, armor: 3, abilities: Mana
Burn. The Felhound is nothing special. Much more effective in a

Stone Token
-Level 7
-Used 1 time.
-Summons a Rock Golem.
-Summons a Rock Golem to fight for you. Lasts 180 seconds.
-Rock Golem: 750 HP, 400 MP, normal damage: 29-33, piercing damage: 29
33, armor: 4, abilities: Hurl Boulder, Spell Immunity. He's a pretty
strong foe with a couple support units.

Talisman of the Wild
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Summons Furbolgs.
-This mystic stone summons one Furbolg to fight for you. Lasts 180
-Furbolg: 550 HP, damage: 17-19, armor: 2. Summon all 3 at once, and
you have some decent warriors.

Wand Group

Wand of Illusion
-Level 4
-Used 3 times.
-Creates a phantom double.
-Create an illusionary double of the targeted unit when used. The
illusory double deals no damage to enemy units, takes 2 times the
damage from enemy attacks, and will disappear after 60 seconds or when
its hit points reach zero.
-Pretty neat item. Your double still attacks, so if the battle is
intense, your opponent might not notice that the double isn't doing
any damage.

Wand of Lightning Shield
-Level 5
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Lightning Shield.
-Allows the Hero to cast Lightning Shield on a target unit. Lightning
Shield surrounds a unit with electricity, deal 20 damage per second to
nearby units. Lasts 20 seconds.
-This item is quite shocking. (Pun intended). Good item to use on
melee attackers.

Wand of Negation
-Level 2
-Used 3 times.
-Dispels magic in an area.
-Dispels all magical effects in a target area. Deals 200 damage to
summoned units.
-Good item to have if your units are slowed or put to sleep.

Wand of the Wind
-Level 6
-Used 3 times.
-Casts Cyclone.
-Allows the Hero to cast Cyclone. Cyclone tosses a target enemy unit
into the air, rendering it unable to attack, move or cast spells.
Lasts 30 seconds.
-Nice item to use on Heroes and other strong units to get them out of
the way while you kill the weaker units.

That's it for order by group!


Section 7. Closing

In closing, I hope you all enjoyed reading my FAQ. I also hop that you all
found what you were looking. This was my first FAQ, and I have to say, I
enjoyed working on it very much. It was also rather exciting to get several
e-mails from readers like you. (That's because my friends don't e-mail me.
Oh yeah, I don't have any friends. That's why). Anyway, thank you all very
much for reading this FAQ and for making it a pleasant experience for me.


Section 8. Special Thanks

This section is for thanking the numerous people for helping me out. The
first part is for people whose help I used. The second part is for people
who contacted me later than the others.

Special Thanks to:
-Blizzard, for making Warcraft III and other great games.
-GameFAQs and CJayC, for the great site.
-My computer, for only crashing once (so far!) while I made this.
-Alex Wang, for helping with Phat Lewt.
-Abraham Kan, for helping with Phat Lewt and Mask of Death.
-"S C", for helping with Gerard's Lost Ledger, Goblin Land Mines,
Scroll of the Beast, and the Heart of Searinox.
-tweaks87, for pointing out that only additions to the Hero's primary
attribute increases damage and for pointing out that there is an Item
Section on the official Warcraft III site run by Blizzard.
-DrBenoid, for helping with The Heart of Searinox.
-Molotov, for helping with Enchanted Gemstone.
-AnarchyMan879, for helping with the flags.
-Scott Blum, for helping with the Bracer of Agility.
-The BooB, for helping with Cheese.

Special Thanks to:
-XCaliber, for noticing there was no Ring of Superiority.
-Dark Knight, for helping with The Heart of Searinox.
-Stevie A64, for helping with the flags.
-Chen XuanJie, for helping with the Orbs of Fire and Lightning.




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