Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

18.10.2013 04:57:46
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Warcraft 3
Hero guide

Version 1,0

Written by:
Arman Darkahi


Table of Contents:
1: Introduction
2: Version history
3: Disclamer
4: What are heros
5: Hero guide
5.1- humans
5.2- orcs
5.3- night elves
5.4- undead
5.5- learning magic
5.6- using magic
6: Email policy
7: Closing
1: Introduction
Hi welcome to my guide about heroes in Warcraft from
Blizzard. Before the guide i would like to tell you about
My self. My name is Arman Darkahi I'm 15 years old and
i LOVE games.
I have always been a fan of Blizzard it started when i played
Warcraft 1 and then I played Warcraft 2 and loved them
even more, but then i just forgot about Blizzard when they
decided to do a RPG, Diablo, i didnt play it and i still
haven't. But when they made Diablo 2 I slowly started to
give in. And when they made the expansion pack
Lord of Destruction they won I loved it... for 6 months,
then I started to dream about Warcraft 3 I wanted it so
badly and everytime they realsed new pictures it started
again BUT now that I have it I just LOVE IT!! It's one of
the best RTS in gaming history. One of the things that make
it so good is the heroes. Now enough about me lets get on
with the guide.
2: Version history

2002-10-19: v2,0
WOW long time without updates, well the reason is that
no one gives a damn about the FAQ, atleast I though so,
but there is a few who emails me with crits so i moved my ass
and finnely put the undead hereos in the FAQ(feels good
to change to version 2). I didnt add any ratings because
i dont plat with undead much so it would only go wrong.
There is a big chance that this is the last version, but
if i get a lot of emails who wants me to continue the
FAQ i do it.

-added the undead hereos
-a few tips


2002-07-30: v1,6
-new site who host this guide

-fixed spelling

-more tips

-added why demon hunter change into a demon
(thx to dragonlord)

-added a note to PoM starfall and KoG tranquility
(thx to Ogukuo)

2002-07-17: v1,6
-2 new sites who host the guide

-Added a note at the top please read

-Adding some more tips. Please send them in if you got any.

-(I know that undead isnt on the guide yet the reason is that
i dont play with them much I dont like them but they will
come very soon)

2002-07-13: v1,5
Adding tips on how to use the magic
if you have any tip send them in(you get credit)

2002-07-12(00,30 AM): v1,4b
changed the ascii logo thx to DonTonberry
for making it

2002-07-11: v1,4
New site that host this faq www.actiontrip.com
Fixed MANY of the spelling errors

2002-07-08: v1,3
New site that also host this guide, neoseeker.com
Fixed spelling
Added human heroes undead coming soon

2002-07-07: v1,2
Fixed some spelling mistakes
Fixed the '3' don't know what I was thinking when I made
it as a E :)
The other heroes are coming very soon now I just have some
important stuff to do in real life.
100 emails telling me that my ratings are bad.

2002-06-29: V 1,0 First version :)

3: Disclaimer

This FAQ is copyright (c) 2001-2002 Arman Darkahi. If you
would like to use this FAQ, or any part of it, on your
site, magazine, unicycle telegraph service, or anywhere
else, just send me an email. I'll proberly say yes so just
ask. I want to know where it is and if you use it you are
not allowed to change anything, ANYTHING.
4: What are heroes
Heroes are special characters that you summon to help you
in battles. The special thing about heroes are that they
can go up in levels and use/learn strong magic attacks.
They can also pick up items like potion and town portals.
I heard that many people say that the heroes made the game
bad but I say they make it better it gives more to do in
the game. The heroes magic and ability changes from race to
race. The night elves heroes likes nature more then let
say undead heroes. To summon a hero you need a special
building, altar. Heroes are they key to victory in Warcraft3.
It's important to level up with the hero and more important,
how to play with it. If the hero has ranged attack then you
should stand behind your troops and let they do the close
fighting. Many new players send their hero with the rest of
the troop and they die more. I can't tell you how to play
with your hero you have to play and see for yourself it
also depends on the hero you summoned.

5: Hero guide

To summon a hero you have to use one of your workers to
build the building/altar. If you play with Night elves
use a wisp to build an "Altar of Elders". When you have
build the building left click on it, In the lower right
corner you should see 3 buttons with pictures (of a face)
on it that is your hero. If you hold your mouse over
it you see what magic's it can learn and what is required
to summon it. You also see the name of the hero.

The ratings in this guide are my own opinion.
If you have any tip on how to use the magic send them in
and be more then happy to put it in the guide

MP= mana points (mana)
HP= hit points (health)

1:BEFORE every battle turn on Active
spells that dont need targets
i.e. Immolation for Demon hunter
(thx to warbringer87)

2: empty waiting for some tip :)

5.1 Humans

Attacks land and air units
- Blizzard
- Summon water elemental
- Brilliance Aura
- Mass teleport

Requires: nothing

Calls down a waves of hard ice

Level 1: 6 waves at 30-damage wave
Level 2: 8 waves at 40-damage wave
Level 3: 10 waves at 50-damage wave

Rating: 4/5
*note* this magic also hurts allies or yourself if they get hit.
==-TIP-== make yourslef invisibly and go in to the enemys base and
use this spell. It wouldn't hurt to have a potion or two.

Requires: nothing

Summons a warrior of water, which you can control

Level 1: 450HP, 21-29 damage
Level 2: 675HP, 31-39 damage
Level 3: 900HP, 41-49 damage

Rating: 4/5
==-TIP-== You can make more then one fighter.

Requires: nothing

Regenerates heroes and friendly spellcasters mana faster then normal

Level 1: Adds 100% mana regeneration.
Level 2: Adds 200% mana regeneration.
Level 3: Adds 300% mana regeneration.

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Teleports your hero and your nearby troops to any friendly unit or building

Rating: 4/5
*note* you can only teleport 24 units

==-TIP-==(thx to Pecker for this one)
Sending a single invisible unit into the center of an enemy's base, having
him Hold Position, and then Teleporting the Archmage in with a small army of
troops bypasses most defenses entirely and definitely disrupts the enemy's

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-27 I
I Strengh: 14 I
I Armor: 3 I
I Agility: 17 I
I Intelligence: 19 I


--[Mountain King]--
Attacks land units
- Storm bolt
- Thunder Clap
- Bash
- Avatar

Requires: nothing

Throws a hammer at one enemy hurting and stunning it.

Level 1: 100 damage, 5 seconds stun
Level 2: 200 damage, 7 seconds stun
Level 3: 300 damage, 9 seconds stun

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

The hero slams the ground dealing damage to surrounding enemy units

Level 1: 70 damage, -25% movement speed, -25% attack rate
Level 2: 110 damage, -50% movement speed, -50% attack rate
Level 3: 150 damage, -70% movement speed, -70% attack rate

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Gives a chance to do extra damage and stun an enemy

Level 1: 15% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Level 2: 25% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.
Level 3: 35% chance to deal 25 damage and stun for 2 seconds.

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Transforms the hero into a giant, which improves his armor with 5, HP with 500 and it
also improves is attack with 20. It also makes him immune to spells.

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 26-36 I
I Strengh: 24 I
I Armor: 2 I
I Agility: 11 I
I Intelligence: 15 I


Attacks land units
- Holy light
- Divine shield
- Devotion aura
- Resurrection

Requires: nothing

Healing allies or does damage on undead units

Level 1: Heals 200HP, 100 damage to undead
Level 2: Heals 400HP, 200 damage to undead
Level 3: Heals 600HP, 300 damage to undead

Rating: 4/5
==-TIP-== If your are playing against undead max this spell out fast
and use it against there hero. Have some mana potions, they help.

Makes the hero temporarily invulnerable

Level 1: Lasts 10 seconds
Level 2: Lasts 20 seconds
Level 3: Lasts 30 seconds

Rating: 2/5

Requires: nothing

Gives armor bonus to nearby allies

Level 1: Increases base armor by 1
Level 2: Increases base armor by 2
Level 3: Increases base armor by 3

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Gives life to 6 dead allies.

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 24-34 I
I Strengh: 22 I
I Armor: 4 I
I Agility: 13 I
I Intelligence: 17 I

5.2 Orcs
Building required: Altar of storms

Attacks land units
- Windwalk
- Mirror image
- Critical strike
- Blade master

Requires: nothing

Makes the hero invisible for a set of time. He also moves faster

Level 1: drains 100 mp hero walks 10% faster last for 20 seconds
Level 2: drains 75 mp hero walks 40% faster lasts for 40 seconds
Level 3: drains 24 mp hero walks 70% faster lasts for 60 seconds

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Creates a mirror image of the hero which does the same thing you do.

Level 1: creates 1 image
Level 2: creates 2 images
Level 3: creates 3 images

Rating: 4/5
*note* you can't use magic when you have used this spell.

Requires: nothing

Gives a chance to do more damage then normal.

Level 1: 15% chance to do 2 times more damage
Level 2: 15% chance to do 3 times more damage
Level 3: 15% chance to do 4 times more damage

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Creates a destructive force around the blademaster dealing 110 damage
per second to any enemy nearby.

Rating: 4/5

==-TIP-== Not really a tip, but when you use this spell run around
the enemy troops/hero. If you have learned Windwalk, use them both
at the same time.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 25-47 I
I Strengh: 18 I
I Armor: 5 I
I Agility: 23 I
I Intelligence: 16 I


Attacks land units
- Shockwave
- War stomp
- Endurance aura
- Reincarnation

Requires: nothing

Sends a wave of energy damaging everyone it hit.

Level 1: makes 75 damage
Level 2: makes 130 damage
Level 3: makes 200 damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

The hero slams the ground damaging and stunning nearby enemy units

Level 1: 25 damage 3-second stun
Level 2: 50 damage 4-second stun
Level 3: 75 damage 5-second stun

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Increases the movement speed and attackrate of allies

Level 1: 10 to movement speed 5% attack
Level 2: 20 to movement speed 10% attack
Level 3: 30 to movement speed 15% attack

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

If the hero gets killed he will come back to life but you must
wait 240 second to use it again

Rating: 5/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 27-37 I
I Strengh: 15 I
I Armor: 2 I
I Agility: 10 I
I Intelligence: 14 I


--[FAR SEER]--
Attacks land and air units
- Chain lightning
- Far sight
- Feral spirit
- Earthquake

Shoots a bolt of lightning at a enemy that jumps to nearby enemies,
each jump deals less damage

Level 1: 100 damage jumps 4 times
Level 2: 140 damage jumps 6 times
Level 3: 180 damage jumps 8 times

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Reveals the area of the map that it's cast upon. Also shows invisible

Level 1: shows a small area needs 150mp
Level 2: shows a large area needs 100mp
Level 3: shows a huge area needs 50mp

Rating: 4/5

Requires: nothing

Creates 2 spirit wolves which you can control and fight with for a
limited time.

Level 1: 220hp wolves
Level 2: 230hp wolves with critical strike
Level 3: 240hp wolves with critical strike and invisibility

Rating: 5/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Creates an earthquake. Damages buildings with 50hp and slowing down
units with 75% lasts for 25 seconds

Rating: 2/5

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-27 I
I Strengh: 15 I
I Armor: 3 I
I Agility: 18 I
I Intelligence: 19 I

5.3 Night elves
Building required: Altar of Elders

Attacks land units
- Mana burn
- Immolation
- Evasion
- Metamorphosis

Required: nothing

The hero sends a bolt of energy who drains the targets mana and
turns it to damage. If you drain 100 mana it damages the enemy
with 100 etc.

Level 1: Drains 100 mana
Level 2: Drains 200 mana
Level 3: Drains 300 mana

Rating: 3/5

Required: nothing

The hero puts it self on fire deals damage to any enemy who comes
near the hero. It drains mana until you deactivate it.

Level 1: deals 10 damage per second
Level 2: deals 15 damage per second
Level 3: deals 20 damage per second

Rating: 4/5

Gives a bigger chance to avoid attacks

Level 1: 10% chance
Level 2: 20% chance
Level 3: 30% chance

Rating: 2/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

This is a cool attack :). It transforms the hero into a powerful
demon (I though he hunted demons?) that gives him ranged attack. It
also adds 500 hp.
It lasts for 60 seconds.
Rating: 5/5

Sent in by DragonLord
you mention the night elf demon hunter was
supposed to hunt demons, so it seems odd that he would
turn into a demon at his ultimate level. Yet somewhere
along the way (In the book that came with it, or the
actual game itself) I remember reading Demon Hunters
gave up their Night Elf Social status and begun
learning Demon Lore in hopes of using it against the
demons. Sort of like a fight fire with fire deal. Most
Demon Hunters were banned from the Night Elves for
How could i miss that :)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 24-46 I
I Strengh: 19 I
I Armor: 5 I
I Agility: 22 I
I Intelligence: 16 I


Attacks land and air units
- Entangling roots
- Force of nature
- Thorns aura
- Tranquility

Requires: nothing

Makes roots come up from the ground and deals damage to a target

Level 1: 15 damage per second lasts 15 seconds
Level 2: 15 damage per second lasts 30 seconds
Level 3: 15 damage per second lasts 45 seconds

Rating: 4/5

Requires: level 3 hero

Converts a area of trees into Treants(tree monsters: Þ)

Level 1: 2 treants lasts for 75 seconds
Level 2: 3 treants lasts for 75 seconds
Level 3: 4 treants lasts for 75 seconds

Rating: 4/5
*note* the treants are like characters you have to
control them.

Gives an aura to nearby allies. The aura deals damage to enemies hitting
you with melee attacks

Level 1: deals 4 damage
Level 2: deals 8 damage
Level 3: deals 12 damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn
Starts a rain of healing energy, which heals allies health with 20 hp
seconds. It lasts for 30 seconds
Rating 4/5
*NOTE* If you do use another spell while using this, the spell cancelles
(thx to Ogukuo)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 20-26 I
I Strengh: 16 I
I Armor: 3 I
I Agility: 15 I
I Intelligence: 18 I

Attacks land units
- Scout
- Searing arrows
- Trueshot aura
- Starfall

Requires: nothing

Summons an Owl who you can use to scout the map

Level 1: Summons for 100 mp
Level 2: Summons for 75 mp
Level 3: Summons for 50 mp

Rating: 2/5

Requires: level 3 hero to learn

Adds fire to the heroes arrows = more damage.

Level 1: 10 bonus damage
Level 2: 20 bonus damage
Level 3: 30 bonus damage

Rating: 3/5

Requires: nothing

Gives an aura to allies who increases range attacks

Level 1: 10% increase
Level 2: 20% increase
Level 3: 30% increase

Rating 3/5

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Calls down a wave of stars that hurt the enemy. Each wave deals 75
damage. Lasts for 30 seconds.

Rating: 5/5
*NOTE* If you do use another spell while using this, the spell cancelles
(thx to Ogukuo)

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 21-31 I
I Strengh: 18 I
I Armor: 4 I
I Agility: 19 I
I Intelligence: 15 I

5.4 undead

Attacks land units
- Death coll
- Death pact
- Unholy aura
- Animate dead

Requires: nothing

Shoots a bolt of death wich heals undead allies and damages the enemy.

Level 1: Heals 200HP; damages 100HP
Level 2: Heals 400HP; damages 200HP
Level 3: Heals 600HP; damages 300HP

Requires: nothing

You destroy an undead unit(friendly) wich restores the heroes HP

Level 1: 100% of the targets HP
Level 2: 200% of the targets HP
Level 3: 300% of the targets HP
==-TIP-== Use this on skeleton warriors and then use a Necromancer
to raise them again.

Requires: nothing

Speeds up the HP regeneration and movemnt speed of allies

Level 1: 10% faster movment; 50% faster HP regeneration
Level 2: 20% faster movment; 100% faster HP regeneration
Level 3: 30% faster movment; 150% faster HP regeneration

Requires: level 6 hero to learn

Raises 6 dead units(friendly or hostile) they all become yours for
120 seconds.
*NOTE* If there is more then 6 dead units the hero raises the
most powerful.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 25-35 I
I Strengh: 23 I
I Armor: 4 I
I Agility: 12 I
I Intelligence: 17 I

Attacks land units
-Carrion swarm
-Vampiric aura

Requires: nothing

Shoots a group of bats to damage the enemy

Level 1: 100 damage per unit
Level 2: 150 damage per unit
Level 3: 200 damage per unit

Requires: nothing

Puts a unit to sleep

Level 1: Puts a unit to sleep mana cost 100
Level 2: Mana cost lowers to 75
Level 3: Mana cost lowers to 50

Requires: nothing

Nearby allies gain HP when they hit a enemy

Level 1: 15% of attack damage to HP
Level 2: 30% of attack damage to HP
Level 3: 45% of attack damage to HP

Requires: level 6 hero

Summons a inferno(got to love them) wich drops down from the sky(god are you there?)
it last for 180 seconds

=-TIP-= Summon it on a army because they will get stunned and take
damage when it hits the ground yo can also summon it on trees and
POFF they are gone :D

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 22-32 I
I Strengh: 20 I
I Armor: 3 I
I Agility: 16 I
I Intelligence: 18 I

Attacks land and air units
-Frost nova
-Frost armor
-Dark ritual
-Death and decay

Shoots enemy units around a target enemy unit with a frost wave
wich slows movement and attack rate

Level 1: 100 target damage and 50 nova damage
Level 2: 100 target damage and 100 nova damage
Level 3: 100 target damage and 150 nova damage

-auto cast

Creates a ice shield around a allie unit, it adds armor and slows
melee units who attack it

Level 1: adds 3 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown
Level 2: adds 5 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown
Level 3: adds 7 armor and 5 seconds of slowdown

Kills a friendly unit add its HP to Lichs MP

Level 1: 33% to MP
Level 2: 66% to MP
Level 3: 100% to MP

Requires: Level 6 hero to learn

Damages everything in its area of effect but takes away
4% of its base hit points per second.

I Hero starting stats I
I Damage: 22-28 I
I Strengh: 15 I
I Armor: 2 I
I Agility: 14 I
I Intelligence: 20 I

5.5 learning magic

Every time your hero fights he gain experience (exp) after a while he/she
will go up a level now is your chance to learn some magic spells. If
you look at your heroes picture in the upper right corner you see a
a number (normally 1) this shows how many spell points you have left (you
get one from each level up).

If you know select your hero and look at the right panel, you see a
big "+" this is not a first aid kit or something. Now click on it
and you know see all the magic you hero can learn. Now the only
thing you have to do is click on one of the buttons and voila you
have learned a spell.

5.6 using magic

When you have learned a spell, select you hero and look at the right
panel. You should see a button with a picture of the spell you learned.

Now click on it, if you get a select circle select a target and BOOM
you used magic.



If you want to email me please read this section.

First check the FAQ if your question is already answered it gets very
annoying to answer something I wrote in the FAQ, which is ment to help
YOU :).

If you checked the FAQ and it wasn't answered feel free to email me
but you must put the name of the FAQ in the subject line.

You want to add/correct something in the FAQ:
First check the guide and be sure that I haven't added it.
Also don't send me anything that don't have with heroes to do (like

Of course you get credit for it.

Opinions/ratings of the FAQ:
Just send them in :) if I get many I make a section for it

YOU HAVE TO ADD THE TITLE OF THE FAQ (warcraft3 hero guide) IN THE

7: Closing

Well people that's it the end of the FAQ *cries* I hope you enjoyed
It I would like to thank a few people

Blizzard for making this damn game that have destroyed my life :)
and also for doing one of the best games in gaming history. You
guys are the best!

Gamefaqs for putting the guide on there site.

Neoseeker for putting the guide on there site.

Actiontrip for putting the guide on there site

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/warcraft_III_strategy/ for hosting it

http://ggmania.com/ for hosting the the guide

http://www.cheats.de for hosting the guide

DonTonberry for sending me some good crits without calling me asshole ;)
and also for making the logo

Pecker for sending me some tips

Warbringer87 for sending me some tips

YOU for reading the guide

That's all for me thank you

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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