Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos

18.10.2013 02:15:55
WarCraft III : Reign of Chaos
Undead Scourge Guide
Updated on 8th August 2002
Version 2.36
Done by dralf
Email: psydralf@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/psydralf
Best viewed using IE, resolution 800*600, font size medium.

Version 1.0 (7th July 2002) : 1st Faq.
Version 1.11 (10th July 2002) : Added in "Undead Tactics" Section
Added in more details about Undead Units
Added in more details about Undead Structure
Added in Fortified and Hero Armors.
Changed the format
Version 1.23 (11th July 2002) : Optimised format for cheathappens, neoseeker
Changed the layout for buildings
Fixed some spelling mistakes
Version 1.36 (13th July 2002) : Fixed format problem (hopefully)
Added in more details about Types of Attacks
Added in more details about Types of Armors
Added Drechenn in Credits
Version 1.50 (19th July 2002) : Added in Critter Waves.
Added in more details about Undead Units
Version 2.00 (23th July 2002) : Added in Skellies Tactic.
Added Vampiric_Aura in Credits
Version 2.11 (26th July 2002) : Added in Undead Rush.
Added in "Frequently Asked Questions"
Version 2.23 (3rd August 2002) : Added in Favourite Tactic.
Added in Mass Knights
Added in Mass Huntresses
Added in Lusty Troops
Added Pecker in Credits
Version 2.36 (8th August 2002) : Refined Ghoul Ultimate Rush (GUR)

Undead is the best offensive race.
Even the trees-cutters can be sent to battle with results.
Plus, all undead units can self-regenerate hit points
so long as they are inside the Blight (the corrupted area encompassing
undead structures) even including Blight generated by the enemy.
To create Blight, you can either build a Necropolis on normal ground
or build haunt a gold mine.
The main disadvantage with undead is that the
ranged ground units are not powerful enough.

1. Undead Tactics
2. Types of Armor
3. Types of Attack
4. Undead Units
5. Undead Structures
6. Frequently Asked Questions
7. Credits

1. Undead Tactics
Tactics are important in any game.
Proper use of it will result in you being a victor,
while lousy use of tactics will result in your defeat.
Here are some of the tactics that I have thought up and some gathered from the
Since counters are also considered tactics, I have decided to add in the
tactics from other races and the counters to them.

I. The Turtle Tactics
As the name implies, this tactic required you to be a Turtle.
Basically, you just build a lot of Spirit Towers around your base, providing
strong defense against your opponent(s). You may build a ring or 2 to ensure
better protection, and also as a fallback in case the outermost ring breaks.
PROS : Impregnable defense.
CONS : Provoking insults from your opponent(s)
COMMENTS: Just don't overdo it. While a ring or 2 might be acceptable by your
opponents, 3 or 4 or 5 will infuriate him. At that time, be
prepared for provoking insults.
Turtle is a commonly exclaimed insult.
(of course there will be some adjectives in front of the Turtle^#^)
If the your opponent send in siege units, make sure to order your
troops to destroy them.

II. The Freeze Tactic
From the Gamefaqs Message Board, I'd noticed a lot of people have encounters
with this particular tactic. This tactic requires you to train a lot of Frost
Wyrms and then take them along with you to attack the enemies base. Once
there, Frost Wyrms will be assigned to attacking defensive structures and
mechanical units, causing them to be unable to utilize their defensive
capabilities and attack the intruders, thus making the job of the attackers
PROS : Super effective against defensive structures and mechanical units.
CONS : 1 Frost Wyrm = 7 population space,
limited numbers of Frost Wyrms that can be recruited.
COMMENTS: This tactic is getting entirely too popular for its own good. A
lot of people already have counter-tactics against this.

III. Anti-Air Tactic
Team up Crypt Fiends with Meat Wagons. Position the Crypt Fiends at
intervals around your base.
Position each Meat Wagon at some distance behind each Crypt Fiends. Then
when the enemies come from the air, use your Crypt Fiends to web them, then
fall back some distance behind, out of the range of the enemies. Instantly,
select the Meat Wagons and order them to attack the webbed enemies. If the
enemies still are living at around 18 seconds, send up the Crypt Fiends
once again, and prepare to web them again. Repeat the procedure until
the enemies are eliminated.
PROS : If done correctly, there will be no loss to the defenders.
CONS : Very troublesome.
COMMENTS: This tactic can actually be used against the Frost Wyrms.
But then, in order to defend your base well, there must be quite a
few number of Crypt Fiends and Meat Wagons. Hence taking a sizable
chunk out of the population limit of 90.

IV. Critter Waves
Recruit a lot of Banshees. Get Banshee Master training. Then, send them
to possess critters. After that, send the critters by the load into your
opponent's base. Repeat the procedure many times.
Afterward, just watch how he will react.
PROS : Entertaining.
CONS : Stupid way to squander your resources.
COMMENTS: Best if used in LAN shops, where you can see your opponent's face.
He will definitely be stunned and wonder how come there's such an
idot playing Warcraft 3.
If used against those unfamiliar with the undead, they may even
think that you are using cheats to order the critters to
attack them.
Basically, use this if you are either
(1) Very sure of winning
(2) Very sure of losing

V. Skellies Waves
Recruit a lot of Necromancers and Ghouls. Switch "Raise Dead" to autocast,
and proceed on to attack your opponent(s). The Ghouls will most likely
drop like flies, but your Necros will automatically revive each ghoul
corpse as 2 skeletons. And since there will definitely be casualties on
both sides, there will be a lot of fresh corpses for you to keep on
summoning skellies out when they'are down.
Alternatively, you can use Meat Wagons to transport fresh corpses
gathered from the Graveyard, and order them to dump them when
the fighting starts.
Eventually, you will overwhelm your opponent with skeletons.
PROS : Can mass up units very cheaply and in a very short time
CONS : Can be dispelled by others easily
COMMENTS: Since you can only have 25 skellies on the screen at one time,
it will be wise to limit your necromancers to 12 or less.
Getting more will be just a waste of resources.
Recommended to use the Meat Wagon variation as you can create
skellies out without having to wait for the ghouls to die first.
Even more recommended to combine the two.
Note: This is the tactic most commonly used by undead players.
Be sure to have a counter at hand whenever you play against
undead players.

VI. Ghoul Ultimate Rush (GUR)
I have come up with this strategy entirely on my own, without seeing any
replays of such or any discussion about this. There may be others who have
also come up with this. As the saying goes,
"What one can do, another is also able to"
***GUR works 100% in Hills of Glory.
Ok, to use this strategy, you will have to follow my build order carefully.
Here's the build order for GUR,
Order 1 acolyte to summon an Altar of Darkness on the edge of the Blight.
Select the remaining 2 acolytes to mine gold.
Command the ghoul to rush to the enemy's base.
Order that 1st acolyte to summon Crypt and Ziggurat.
Then send him to mine.
Set rally point of Necropolis on the Haunted Gold Mine.
Build 2 Acolytes as soon as you got the money.
Set rally point of Altar of Darkness and Crypt on the enemy base.
Keep on pumping out more ghouls.
Build another Necropolis when you have hit the population limit.
(Necropolis requires 350 gold only, no need lumber)
-----Here's the way to attack
When the ghoul reaches the enemy base, order him to attack any wisps
harvesting lumber.
-Keep your attention on your ghoul. Don't let the wisp lure you to creeps.
If he attempts to lure you, fall back and attack another wisp or moonwell.
If he pump out an archer, your ghoul can easily kill it even with moonwell
Your 2nd ghoul should be ready.
Combine forces and kill the wisps harvesting wood or attack moonwell.
By the time your 3rd ghoul is on his way, his Hero should be ready.
Select your 2 ghouls and fall back to combine forces with the 3rd ghoul.
Attack the Hero.
Your Hero should also be on his way.
-Get DeathKnight. His Death Pact can heal him. He has the best armor in your
entire troop now, whether in amount or type. Let him take all the damage.
You can use Death Pact to regain hit points when at low hit points.
Let all except 1 of your troop to attack the Hero.
The remaining 1 should attack any archer that will be present.
Basically, that's it.
You shouldn't lose.
Be versatile, change your strategy as fitting. No 2 opponents are the same.
PROS : 100% Can destroy any Night Elf user in minutes in Hills of Glory.
CONS : Must play a suitable map; No lumber.
COMMENTS: Ultra-effective against computer players of all races, though it
seemed to be cheating...
Always can defeat a Night Elf player, no matter what how he build
up his base. (In Hills of Glory)
If you can't succeed, send me your replay and I will tell you
what you did wrong.
Replays must be under 100KB.
More than that, you will have to notify me before you send me.
***Replays available at my website.

VII. Favourite
This strategy is my favourite. I will usually win by using this. But it takes
too long to get sufficient abominations unless I build 2 SlaughterHouse.
Just build 2 meatwagons, >6 necromancers, some shades, DeathKnight, Dreadlord
and the rest abominations.
Order the meatwagons to gather corpses from the Graveyard.
Send the shades to scout your opponent's base and expansions.
Get DeathKnight's Unholy Aura and Dreadlord's Vampuric Aura to maximum level.
Research all the upgrades for abominations.
Research to master level for the necromancers.
Then just order all your troops to your opponent's base.
At about 1 - 2 screen away, where your opponent cannot see you, order the
meatwagons to drop all the corpses, and turn on auto-cast on Raise Dead for
the necromancers. Order all the skellies to your opponent's base as strikers.
Then send in all your troops.
Cast Unholy Frenzy on all the abominations. Cripple any Heroes you see.
Cast Sleep on Heroes. Use DeathKnight's Deathcoil to recover the hit points
of abominations and Dreadlord. Heck-care about the necromancers, they are
not so important right now.
PROS : Quite stong; can defeat almost any tactic thrown at you;
CONS : Will get completely trashed by air units.
COMMENTS: Usually people will not get many air units because air units ain't
very good. Risk it. If you get anti-air units, you have to upgrade
their attack/defence at the Graveyard, which costs resources.
Might as well focus on the ones for abominations.
If you are unlucky enough to meet any air units, Cripple them
and use Death Coil, Sleep to counter.
If there are a lot of air units, then you will have to use the
Ultimate Stratagem, which gathers all the wisdom of the conquerors
throughout the ages, and teaches you how to counter any unknown
and powerful attack thrown to you.
This Ultimate Stratagem is ranked 1st, yet put at the last
in the famous 36 Stratagems, thereby capturing the notice of the
This Ultimate Stratagem is known as RUN.

VIII. Mass Knights
Recruit a lot of knights. Upgrade to Animal War Training. Upgrade all kinds
of attack/defence for the knights.
Recruit a lot of priests. Upgrade to Master level.
Make sure to have Paladin. Get his Devotion Aura to maximum level.
Turn on autocast for InnerFire and Heal for the priests.
Then you are all set to go and destroy your enemies.
PROS : Very high armor rating.
CONS : Nothing much.
Counter : Possession.
Use Banshees and possess all of the knights. If there are any
Banshees left over, just use them to possess the priests. Let them
have a taste of their own medicine.
COMMENTS: Make sure to have other units beside Banshees. You never know what
your opponent has up his sleeve.

IX. Mass Huntresses
Early in the game, build a lot of huntresses and rush.
PROS : Strong; Fast
CONS : Short range; lousy armor type.
Counter : Use Turtle, and then my Favourite later on.
COMMENTS: Pure troop will never work in this game.
If they have dyrads and druids of the Claw thrown in, you will gonna
have a hard time.

X. Lusty Troops
Build a lot of Shamans. Get them up to master level.
Turn on auto-cast for Bloodlust.
Build some Kodo Beasts. Research the War Drum.
Recruit Taurens. Get the Pulverise upgrade.
Upgrade the armors and attacks at the War Mill.
Rush your opponents.
PROS : Strong
CONS : Nothing much.
Counter : Possess the Taurens and the Kodo Beasts.
Then use my Favourite.
COMMENTS: Purge from the Shamans can kill your skellies. So kill the shamans
first if you are able to.

2. Types of Armor
Light : 150% damage from Normal Attacks;
75% damage from Piercing Attacks;
50% damage from Siege Attacks.
Medium : All Attacks do full damage.
Heavy : 150% damage from Piercing Attacks.
Fortified: 150% damage from Siege Attacks;
35% damage from Piercing Attacks;
50% damage from Normal Attacks;
Hero : 50% damage from Piercing Attacks;
50% damage from Siege Attacks;
75% damage from Spells.

3. Types of Attack
Normal : 150% damage against Light Armors;
50% damage against Fortified Armors.
Piercing: 150% damage against Heavy Armors;
35% damage against Fortified Armors;
75% damage against Light Armors.
Siege : 150% damage against Fortified Armors;
50% damage against Light Armors.
Chaos : Do damage to Divine beings.

4. Undead Units

Acolytes are human beings who have given themselves over to the power of
Ner'zhul and the Scourge. These bitter, fanatical men and women will stop at
nothing to promote the Lich King's will and maintain the secrecy and
dominance of the Cult of the Damned. They view their own deaths and the
possibility of becoming undead as the ultimate rewards for the service
to Ner'zhul.
Through the unholy pact, acolytes gain the ability to create matter out of
thin air. They now serve the Scourge with this ability gained.
--->Brings up a list of buildings for you to summon.
Necropolis --->350 gold
Crypt --->280 gold; 50 lumber
Haunt Gold Mine --->300 gold; 170 lumber
Graveyard --->250 gold
Ziggurat --->150 gold; 50 lumber
Altar of Darkness --->300 gold; 100 lumber
Temple of the Damned --->220 gold; 80 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
Slaughterhouse --->240 gold; 80 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
Sacrificial Pit --->200 gold; 80 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
Boneyard --->350 gold; 125 lumber
Requires--->Black Citadel
Requires--->Sacrificial Pit
The unsummoning of buildings allows the acolytes of the Scourge to reduce
fully constructed buildings to their base forms of matter and energy. Some
of this matter and energy is lost in the conversion, as are most things that
are pulled through The Great Dark Beyond.
--->Unsummon a building to regain 50% of the spent resources.
Though the acolytes have switched over to the unholy, they still crave for
wealth, and will gather any gold seen.
--->Mines gold from Haunted Gold Mines.
The acolytes were once human beings. They do not forget the things learned
during their time as humans. They now serve the Lich King by repairing His
inorganic units.
--->Repairs mechanical units and buildings at the cost of resources.
Right-click to activate auto-casting.
Acolytes who wish to serve as the eyes and ears of Ner'zhul are capable of
shedding their bodies and taking on the forms of invisible Shades.
--->Target a Sacrificial Pit to sacrifice the Acolyte and turn it into a
Hit points : 180
Damage : 9-10
Type of Attack : Normal
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Slow
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Slow
PROS : They can be turned into shades.
CONS : Slow movement speed.
COMMENTS: Recruit 5 of them only.
A Haunted Gold Mine can only have 5 Acolytes at time.

Ghouls are the basic warriors of the undead Scourge. These lumbering,
rotting corpses were once innocent townsfolk who have made the final
transition into true undeath. Ghouls have great stamina and revel in combat
with living beings. Ghouls are ravenous cannibals who can regenerate their
health by eating the flesh of fallen warriors.
Ghouls that are wounded can consume the flesh of the newly dead to replenish
their own lost health.
--->Consumes a nearby corpse to heal 10 hit points per second.
Hit points: 330
Damage : 12-14
Type of Attack : Normal
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average (Fast when GHOUL FRENZY is researched)
PROS : Can harvest lumber.
CONS : Lousy type of armor.
COMMENTS: Station them in base. They can harvest lumber in peacetime
and help to defend when attacked. Also, they function well as
fodder for Necromancers to raise skellies.
Each swipe of their claws while harvesting lumber will give you 2
units of lumber. They deposit the lumber after every 10 swipes.

Though they retained their humanity after making their pact with
death, necromancers became some of the most terrifying agents of
the Scourge. These dark, nefarious men were once thought to be
aspiring geniuses by the Magocracy of Dalaran. However, their
insatiable lust to delve into the dark arts drove them to forsake their
very souls. Ner'zhul, the Lich King, granted these malevolent sorcerers
true power over the dead in exchange for their obedience.
The shadowy necromancers have the power to raise skeletal warriors
from the grave and bestow a number of dark enchantments
upon their fellow warriors.
Through the powers of Ner'zhul, the corpses of the recently slain can be
raised again as skeleton warriors. Though relentless and fearless, these
mindless automatons of death soon fall apart and fall to dust.
--->Raises 2 skeleton Warriors from a corpse. 75 mana per casting.
Right-click to activate auto-casting.
With their unholy powers, necromancers can greatly accelerate a creature's
movement and attack rates. Those under the influence of this spell
find themselves moving so quickly that their bodies begin to burn and
ache, slowly dying from the effects of their unholy frenzy.
--->Increases the attack rate of a target unit by 75%;
but drains target unit's hit points by 4 per second.
Lasts 45 seconds. 50 mana per casting.
Drawing dark energies directly from Ner'zhul, necromancers can cause
their enemies' muscles to suddenly spasm and quake - leaving them
immobile and effectively helpless.
--->Reduces movement speed by 75%, attack rate by 50%
and damage by 50% of a target enemy unit.
Lasts 60 seconds. 175 mana per casting.

Hit points : 230
Mana : 200
Damage : 9-12
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
--->Raise Dead

Hit points : 305
Mana : 300
Damage : 10-16
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
--->Raise Dead + Unholy Frenzy

Hit points : 380
Mana : 400
Damage : 11-20
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 600
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
--->Raise Dead + Unholy Frenzy + Cripple

PROS : Nice spells.
CONS : Die easily + low damage dealt.
COMMENTS: Cast Unholy Frenzy on units with high hit points,
such as Heroes, Abominations + Frost Wyrms.
Summon skellies with them. Proper use of them can turn the tide of

Skeleton Warrior
Called forth from the grave by the insidious necromancers, skeleton
warriors are mindless slaves of the Lich King's powers. These
lumbering fighters are highly resilient and tireless. When operating
in great numbers, skeleton warriors serve as an invaluable part
of the Scourge's combat force.
Hit points : 180
Damage : 14-15
Type of Attack : Normal
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Slow
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 1
Move Speed : Average
PROS : Free units.
CONS : No powerful enough.
COMMENTS: Position the necromancers near the graveyard.
Wait for mana to be full.
Then click activate auto-casting.
Send the Skeletal Warriors that are produced along with
some other undead units to attack the enemies.
Recruiting a meat wagon to dump corpses is also preferable.

The twisted, mutilated bodies of the abominations are comprised
of multiple dead limbs and body parts from many different
corpses. These enormous warriors, scarred by loose stitchings and
putrid, open sores, love to carve flesh and tear their enemies
apart. The slow-moving and dull-witted abominations constantly
drip blood and smell like disease-ridden slaughterhouses. They
carry large cleavers into combat and wield various sickle-bladed
hooks on their disproportionate limbs.
A cloud of festering rotten flesh-vapors follows the abominations wherever
they go. The vile cloud is renowned for rotting living flesh upon contact.
This nameless disease is often spread to meat wagons, thus allowing the
contraptions' rotting ammunition to deal further damage to the enemies of
the Scourge.
--->Infects nearby enemy units with Disease Cloud.
Undead are immune to disease cloud.
Disease Cloud deals 1 damage per second.
Lasts 120 seconds.
Hit points : 1080
Damage : 33-39
Type of Attack : Normal
Range : Melee
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Heavy
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Average
PROS : High overall stats.
CONS : Melee attacker.
COMMENTS: Recruit a lot of them, they are the most powerful undead
ground units.

Banshees were once beautiful female elves who fell before the power
of the Scourge. Their restless spirits were left to wander the world in
silent, tortured lamentation. Then, the Lich King gathered them
together and gave them terrible voices so that the living would finally
hear their bitter anguish. Thus, the banshees have pledged themselves to
Ner'zhul's cause and now serve as valuable agents of the Scourge. On certain
nights, when the moon is full, their unnerving, unholy screams can be heard
in the icy winds blowing from the north.
By channeling the powers of their unholy screams, banshees can cause their
enemies to temporarily lose their honed combat skills. As a result of this
terrible curse, the victims of this spell find themselves unable to hit
their targets.
--->Curses a target enemy unit, causing it to have 25% chance to miss on
an attack.
Lasts 60 seconds. 50 mana per casting.
Right-click to activate auto-casting.
By melding the powers of necromancy and the warped music of their screams,
banshees can form protective shells around any creatures. The uncanny
"shell" makes those creatures impervious to all magics for a short period
of time.
--->Creates a barrier that stops spells from affecting target unit.
75 mana per casting. Lasts 90 seconds.
Banshees have an unsettling ability to force their way into the bodies of
living creatures, thus replacing the creatures' spirits with their own.
While this ability causes the banshees' bodies to dissipate, it does give
them permanent control over their new forms.
--->Displaces the soul of the target unit, giving you control of it,
but destroys the castor's body.
Possession can't be used on flying units, Heroes, creeps above level 5.
250 mana per casting.

Hit points : 210
Mana : 200
Damage : 11-15
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 500
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average

Hit points : 285
Mana : 300
Damage : 12-20
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 500
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
--->Curse + Anti-magic Shell

Hit points : 360
Mana : 400
Damage : 13-25
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 500
Attack speed : Average
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
--->Curse + Anti-magic Shell + Possession

PROS: Can possess enemies.
CONS: Lousy in attacking.
COMMENTS: Use them as supporting units, and also to possess powerful units.

The dreaded gargoyles of Northrend are voracious flying creatures who revel
in slaughter and mayhem. Brought from the frozen north by the armies of the
Lich King, these strange, wiry flyers have rough, crystalline hides which
protect them from all manner of attacks. In times of great peril, gargoyles
can land and condense their hides into a stone-like surface. Though they are
unable to attack in this state, they can take time to regenerate their
wounds and replenish their energies.
The voracious gargoyles of Northrend are capable of condensing their
crystalline hides to make themselves nearly impervious to any forms of
attacks. Though they must land and remain motionless while in this state,
Stone Form does allow them to recoup their energies for battle.
--->Transforms the Gargoyle into a statue that is immune to spells,
gains additional armor and has a regeneration rate of 8 hit points
per second.
The Gargoyle can't attack in this form.
Hit points : 400
Damage : 46-57 Damage : 16-18
Type of Attack : Normal Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : Melee Range : 300
Attack speed : Fast Attack speed : Slow
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 5
Move Speed : Fast

[While in Stone form mode]
Hit points : 400
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 15

PROS : Can heal self + superb air attack + low(2) population space
CONS : Lousy ranged attack.
COMMENTS: Recruit a few to defend your air space.

Crypt Fiend
The cunning crypt fiends were once the lords of the ancient spider kingdom
of Azjol-Nerub that ruled over the arctic land of Northrend in ancient
times. However, the Lich King destroyed the crypt fiends' civilization
and took control of the frozen continent. Now the vile fiends command
their spider underlings in the name of their master, Ner'zhul. These
aberrant creatures are capable of summoning swarms of vile insects and
projecting weblike strands to incapacitate and harm their enemies.
The crypt fiends of Azjol-Nerub have always been adept at catching flying
creatures in their powerful webbing. Though creatures captured in this
webbing will eventually break free and may still defend themselves,
they are immobilized while caught in the crypt fiends' webs.
--->Binds a target enemy air unit in webbing, forcing it to the ground.
Webbed units can be hit as though they were land units.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Right-click to activate auto-casting.
Hit points : 550
Damage : 27-32
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 550
Attack speed : Slow
Type of Armor : Light
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Average
PROS : Can drag down air units with the Web command.
CONS : Slow attack speed.
COMMENTS: They have a decent damage rating, but then they are a bit expensive,
compared to using skellies, therefore I seldom use them.

Frost Wyrm
In ages past, venerable dragons nearing death flew to the land of
Northrend to die. To this day there are entire dragon graveyards littered
with massive petrified bones and skulls. When Ner'zhul, the
Lich King, took control of Northrend, he used his powerful magics
to raise the ancient dragon skeletons from the dead. Now the skeletal
dragons radiate cold power and think of nothing other than serving
their dark master. Frost wyrms have a cold-based breath
weapon that can shatter entire buildings. They are also quite fond of
devouring their hapless enemies whole.
Ner'zhul's vicious frost wyrms hold the frosts of Northrend within their
skeletal hearts. By inhaling a great deal of air, frost wyrms can expel
blasts of freezing cold so extreme, that they pull all the moisture from
the air around a building and freezes it solid.
--->When used on a building,
temporarily stops all building activities for 5 seconds.
Hit points : 1100
Damage : 85-105
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 300
Attack speed : Very Slow
Type of Armor : Heavy
Amount : 0
Move Speed : Slow
PROS : Ultra effective against buildings that can attack back;
has the ability to slow organic units.
CONS : 7 population space needed to recruit it.
COMMENTS: Recruit a few. You'll need it against the enemy base.

Meat Wagon
One of the strangest and most dire tools utilized by the Scourge is
the dreaded meat wagon. This rickety contraption is used to collect
and store recently slain corpses from the field of battle. At any
time, corpses can be pulled from the meat wagon and raised into
undead warriors. When upgraded, the Meat Wagon can also fling
diseased corpses at enemy units with its crude catapult device. An
invaluable support vehicle for the Scourge, the meat wagon strikes
fear and woe into the hearts of even the most resolute defenders.
--->Picks up a nearby corpse for later use.
Right-click to activate auto-casting.
A cloud of festering rotten flesh-vapors follows the abominations wherever
they go. The vile cloud is renowned for rotting living flesh upon contact.
This nameless disease is often spread to meat wagons, thus allowing the
contraptions' rotting ammunition to deal further damage to the enemies
of the Scourge.
--->Drops a Disease Cloud with each attack.
Undead are immune to disease cloud.
Disease Cloud deals 1 damage per second.
Lasts 120 seconds.
Hit points : 450 (Changed to 380 in Version 1.01)
Damage : 71-88
Type of Attack : Siege
Range : 1000
Attack speed : Very Slow
Type of Armor : Medium
Amount : 2
Move Speed : Slow

PROS : High damage dealt.
CONS : Very Slow attack rate.
COMMENTS: Use the Get Corpse command to pick up corpses of powerful enemies.
Then use DeathKnight to revive them.
Also, you can use the necromancers to summon skellies from the

Called forth from the depths of the sacrificial pits, shades are vile,
wraith-like creatures who exist only to serve their dark lord,
Ner'zhul. The invisible shades are virtually undetectable by normal
sight, making them ideal scouts and spies for the Scourge. Though
they cannot attack the living, they are still considered valuable
assets to the Lich King's forces.
Reveals nearby invisible units.
Hit Points : 250
Armor Type : Light
Armor Amount : 0
Movement speed : Average

PROS : Shades are invisible.
CONS : Shades can't attack.
COMMENTS: Shades are the only invisible unit, so use them to scout.
Shades are the only units that can detect invisible units.
Station a few shades at critical points to detect invisible units.

5. Undead Structures

The necropolis serves as the central command structure of the undead army.
Lumber harvested by ghouls is processed and loyal acolytes train for tasks
from their undead masters. Even when unattended, the vengeful spirits of
the dead protect the necropolis from enemy attackers. In time this
structure can be further modified to become the halls of the dead.
--->Basic worker.
Can summon structures, harvest gold and Restore.
Can be sacrificed at Sacrificial Pit to create shades.
Costs 90 gold and 1 population space.
--->Enable the production of additional types of buildings.
Attacks both land and air units
Costs 300 gold; 150 lumber
Hit points : 1500
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5
Food : 10

At this site, undead minions are summoned into the service of the Scourge.
Here gargoyles are made animate and given deadly attack capabilities.
Ghouls are trained to cannibalizing fallen foes to renew strength. Crypt
fiends are empowered to cast their inescapable webs.
--->Basic attack unit and lumber harvestor.
Can learn Cannibalize and Ghoul Frenzy.
Attacks land units and trees.
Costs 140 gold and 2 population space.
--->Ranged combat support creature.
Can learn the web ability.
Costs 250 gold, 40 lumber and 3 population space.
--->Flying attack creature.
Can learn the Stone Form ability.
Attacks land and air units.
Costs 220 gold, 30 lumber and 2 population space.
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Enables Ghouls to use the Cannibalize ability.
Costs 75 gold.
--->Increases the attack rate of Ghouls by 25% and increases movement speed.
Costs 150 gold and 100 lumber.
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Enables Crypt Fiends to use the Web ability.
Costs 100 gold and 50 lumber.
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
--->Enables the ability for Gargoyles ro assume Stone Form.
Costs 150 gold and 75 lumber.
Requires--->Black Citadel
Hit points : 1300
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Haunted Gold Mine
Before the acolytes converted, they crave for gold.
After the acolytes converted, they still crave for gold.
Yet, their minds are corrupted already, and ordinary gold can't satisfy
them. They had to have gold that is corrupted. The Haunted Gold Mine provide
Hit points : 800
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Servants of the Undead tirelessly study the arcane arts in an effort to
imbue weapons and armor with unholy power. The graveyard, like the
necropolis, is able to process lumber for weapon and armor construction.
This building also pulls fresh corpses from deep within the earth,
exhuming them for use by the vile necromancers. The graveyard also serves
as a drop-off point for harvested lumber.
--->Increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons,
Abominations, and skeletal Warriors.
Costs 125 gold and 50 lumber
--->Increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, and skeletal Warriors.
Costs 125 gold and 50 lumber
--->Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 150 gold and 50 lumber
--->Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 150 gold and 75 lumber
--->Further increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons,
Abominations, and skeletal Warriors.
Costs 250 gold and 100 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
--->Further increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, and
Skeletal Warriors.
Costs 250 gold and 100 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
--->Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 225 gold and 150 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
--->Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 250 gold and 150 lumber
Requires--->Halls of the Dead
--->Further increases the attack damage of Ghouls, Meat Wagons,
Abominations, and skeletal Warriors.
Costs 375 gold and 150 lumber
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Further increases the armor of Ghouls, Abominations, and
Skeletal Warriors.
Costs 375 gold and 150 lumber
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Increases the attack damage of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 300 gold and 150 lumber
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Increases the armor of Crypt Fiends, Gargoyles, and Frost Wyrms.
Costs 350 gold and 225 lumber
Requires--->Black Citadel
Hit points : 900
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

These towers of the ancient spider kingdom of Azjol-Nerub are called into
service once again to provide a source of raw energy for undead forces.
Several ziggurats are required to sustain a high number of Scourge warriors.
In time, these towers can be further empowered to provide protection.
--->Upgrades to a defensive structure.
Can attack both land and air units.
Costs 120 gold; 40 lumber.
Hit points : 550
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Spirit Tower
Once infused with the restless spirits of the vengeful dead, spirit towers
present a formidable defense. The wraiths of the tower attack with
supernatural efficiency, and quickly add enemy forces to the ranks of dead.
Multiple towers in an undead city will chill the heart of even the most
courageous foe.
Hit points : 550
Damage : 27-32
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 700
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Halls of the Dead
As the presence of the Undead in the living world grows stronger, further
modifications to the command structure become necessary. Transforming a
necropolis into the halls of the dead gives the Scourge power to raise more
ancient structures and advance their cruel efficiency. With continued
advancement, the halls of the dead may be further modified.
--->Basic worker.
Can summon structures, harvest gold and Restore.
Can be sacrificed at Sacrificial Pit to create shades.
Costs 90 gold and 1 population space.
UPGRADE TO Black Citadel
--->Enable the production of additional types of structures and units.
Attacks both land and air units
Costs 345 gold; 150 lumber
Hit points : 2000
Damage : 41-50
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 800
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5
Food : 10

Temple of the Damned
Once used by the orcish horde to channel demonic energies, the
Scourge has now reclaimed this powerful edifice. From the Temple
the insidious necromancers emerge to animate fallen corpses and
the tormented spirits of the banshees are called into service.
--->Essential spellcaster.
Can cast Raise Dead at Initiate level;
Unholy Frenzy at Adept level;
Cripple at Master level.
Attacks land and air units.
Costs 170 gold, 20 lumber and 2 population space.
--->Supporting spellcaster.
Can cast Curse at Initiate level;
Anti-magic Shell at Adept level;
Possession at Master level.
Attacks land and air units.
Costs 180 gold, 30 lumber and 2 population space.
--->Increases the necromancers' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate,
hit points, attack damage and the ability to cast Unholy Frenzy.
Costs 150 gold.
--->Increases the banshees' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate,
hit points, attack damage and the ability to cast Anti-magic Shell.
Costs 150 gold.
--->Increase the duration of raised Skeleton Warriors by 15 seconds.
Costs 100 gold and 75 lumber.
--->Increases the necromancer's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate,
hit points, attack damage and the ability to cast Cripple.
Costs 250 gold and 100 lumber.
--->Increases the banshees's mana capacity, mana regeneration rate,
hit points, attack damage and the ability to cast Possession.
Costs 250 gold and 100 lumber.
Hit points : 1100
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Meat at the slaughterhouse is used to serve the twisted purpose of the
malevolent Scourge. Grotesque, monstrous abominations are pieced
together and instilled with the single purpose of killing. Meat wagons
are constructed to lob plague-infected body parts at the enemy.
--->Can duel-function as a corpse storage machine and a siege weaponry.
Exceptional damage against buildings, but slow and vulnerable.
Can learn the Disease Cloud ability.
Attacks land and air units.
Costs 270 gold, 65 lumber and 4 population space.
--->Heavy melee unit.
Can learn the Disease Cloud ability.
Costs 280 gold, 70 lumber and 4 population space.
Requires--->Black Citadel
--->Gives Abominations a Disease Cloud aura that deals 1 damage/second
to nearby enemy units.
Meat Wagons will cause Disease Cloud to wherever they attack.
Costs 225 gold and 125 lumber.
Requires--->Black Citadel
Hit points : 1200
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Altar of Darkness
This structure serves as a channeling nexus for the Scourge's dark
restorative powers. When a hero falls in battle, his essence may be
recalled to this site, where it is given new, unholy life. Provided
that the building stands and resources are sufficient, undead
heroes will not stay dead for long.
1st Hero : 5 population space.
2nd Hero : 5 population space; 500 gold; 100 lumber; Halls of the Dead
3rd Hero : 5 population space; 500 gold; 100 lumber; Black Citadel
Hit points : 900
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Black Citadel
When the powers of the Undead in the living world become fully
manifested, further modifications to the halls of the dead become
necessary. Building of the black citadel allows the Scourge to operate
at peak efficiency. Along with this modification comes increased
fortification, making the black citadel a truly formidable stronghold.
--->Basic worker.
Can summon structures, harvest gold and Restore.
Can be sacrificed at Sacrificial Pit to create shades.
Costs 90 gold and 1 population space.
Hit points : 2300
Damage : 49-60
Type of Attack : Piercing
Range : 800
Attack speed : Fast
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

Sacrificial Pit
The sacrificial pits of Azjol-Nerub were used long ago to sacrifice
enemy forces in exchange for success in battle. Undead forces may
be sacrificed at this location to call forth a shade, an invisible wraith
capable of spying on the enemy, detectable only through magic.
--->Target an acolyte to turn it into a shade.
Shades are invisble units that can see invisble units.
Shades can't attack.
Hit points : 900
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

The boneyard is the home of the frost wyrms, once magnificent
dragons now reduced to skeletal frames, manipulated by the
dark magic of the Scourge to serve the Lich King. Frost wyrms
have a crippling ability to cast their freezing breath onto enemy
forces and buildings. In large numbers, frost wyrms present a
truly dominating force.
--->Flying heavy assault creature. Can learn the Freezing Breath ability.
Attacks land and air units.
Costs 450 gold; 120 lumber; 7 population space.
--->Enables Frost Wyrm to use the freezing Breath ability.
Costs 250 gold; 175 lumber.
Hit points : 1500
Type of Armor : Fortified
Amount : 5

6. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What should my build order be?
A: Select 1 acolyte to summon Crypt; Order the 2 remaining acolytes to mine;
Order the Ghoul to harvest lumber; Train 1 acolyte;
Unless you are damn quick or had built the Crypt too far away, that 1st
acolyte should have just finish summoning, order him to summon an Ziggurat,
then send him off to mine; Train 2nd acolyte;
1st trained acolyte should be ready, order him to build Altar of Darkness,
then send him off to mine.
Click on Crypt, then right-click on trees. Train 4 Ghouls.
Summon one more Ziggurat.
Train Hero. When Hero is out, send him off to creeping, accompanied by
around 5 ghouls.
Summon Graveyard.
Upgrade to Halls of the Dead.
Upgrade Ziggurats to Spirit Towers.
*Basically, your build order should be something like this. For the later
stages, just do whichever you prefer.

Q: Can Banshees possess air units?
A: Yes. Research Web at the Crypt, then use Crypt fiend to web the target up,
thereafter order the Banshee to possess the victim.
Can frustrate users who are relying on Frost Wyrms heavily.

Q: Can I recruit Heroes from other races if I had possessed an opponent's
builder unit and built his Altar?
A: Yes. But the maximum number of Heroes that you can have on screen at one
time is only 3. So, make sure to recruit the best Hero from each race.

Q: How many Skeleton Warriors can I have at one time?
A: 25.

Q: Can Skeletons Warriors be created from the bodies of dead Skeleton Warriors?
A: No. Restricted to fresh corpses only, no bones allowed.

Q: Why do Infernal still suffer damage from abolishing spells when he has
the ability "Spell Immunity"?
A: It seems to be a bug. Maybe someone can go and inform Blizzard.

Q: Where can I get umlimited fresh corpses?
A: Around the Graveyard, there are 5 corpses. If you had used up/ took away
them, there will automatically be new ones being regenerated after
some time.

7. Credits
Father and Mother for rearing me up
Furnaces for helping me with some of the information.
Blizzard for the descriptions.
The webmasters of the 4 sites for posting my guide up.
Drechenn for pointing out the adjective bit and the Gargoyles comments.
Vampiric_Aura for reminding me to put in the Skellies Waves Tactic, and
also some of his comments.
Pecker for urging me to put in the siege units can defeat Turtle.

This Guide is supposed to appear on only the following sites:

If any other sites other than these 4 post my Guide, it's not authorized by
me, and therefore infringe on my copyright.
I will have the right to sue them.
Send an email to me if you sees any other sites posting my faq.
*Don't send me strategies. I will post up more strategies when I'm free.

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