Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

17.10.2013 18:37:45
Final Fantasy X International FAQ/Walkthrough Final Version
By: Mogg 13-42 (Kathlynn Tan)
Submitted: May 28, 2002
Last Updated: November 11, 2002
Mail me at:


This FAQ is for personal use only. You are not allowed to use it for profit.
(eg: selling it) Please DO NOT rip off any part of this guide, and you are
not allowed to use it as a basis for making your own. You are allowed
however, to post this FAQ/Walkthrough on your non-commercial/non-profit
website provided that the entire content of this document remains as is.
And lastly, if you wish to post this guide on your site please inform me.


Greetings everyone! This is my first guide so I welcome any comments /
suggestions / contributions concerning the guide.


I. E-mail Policy
II. FAQ/Walkthrough Updates/Revisions
III. Game Information
i. Game Controls
ii. Game Menus
1. main menu screen
2. config menu
iii. Game Basics
1. character navigation
2. battle system
3. element system
4. character customization
5. equipment customization
6. save spheres
iv. Character Stats
IV. Walkthrough
i. Walkthrough
- Zanarkand Stadium
- Ruins
- Salvage Ship
- Underwater Ruins
- Besaid
- Cloister of Trials (Besaid)
- S.S. Liki
- Kilika
- Kilika Woods
- Kilika Temple
- Cloister of Trials (Kilika)
- S.S. Winno
- Luca
- Highroad
- Mushroom Rock
- Djose Temple
- Cloister of Trials (Djose)
- Djose Pilgrimage Road
- Moonflow
- Guadosalam
- Thunder Plains
- Macalania Woods
- Macalania Temple
- Cloister of Trials (Macalania)
- Lake Macalania
- Sanubia Desert (Bikanel Island)
- Al Bhed Home
- Airship
- Bevelle
- Cloister of Trials (Bevelle)
- Via Purifico
- Calm Lands
- Mount Gagazet
- Gagazet Mountain Cave
- Zanarkand
- Zanarkand Dome
- Cloister of Trials (Zanarkand)
- Within Sin
ii. Extra Ending
V. Sidequests
i. Airship Coordinates / Passwords
ii. Luca Sphere Theater
iii. Chamber of Fayth Treasures
iv. Remiem Temple (Chocobo Racing)
v. Hidden Aeons
1. Yojimbo
2. Anima
3. Magus Sisters
vi. Celestial Weapons
1. Tidus
2. Yuna
3. Auron
4. Wakka
5. Lulu
6. Rikku
7. Kimahri
vii. Dark Aeons
1. Dark Valefor
2. Dark Ifrit
3. Dark Ixion
4. Dark Shiva
5. Dark Bahamut
6. Dark Yojimbo
7. Dark Anima
8. Dark Magus Sisters
9. Penance
VI. Overdrives
i. Overdrive Modes
ii. Overdrive List
VII. Aeons
i. Aeon Information
ii. Aeon Abilities
iii. Aeon Attributes
VIII. The Sphere Grid
i. Sphere Grid Basics
1. Moving
2. Activating Nodes
ii. Sphere List
iii. Character Ability List
1. Skills
2. Special
3. White Magic
4. Black Magic
iv. The International Sphere Grid
IX. Equipment Customization
i. Weapon Abilities
1. Ability Description
ii. Armor Abilities
1. Ability Description
X. Monster Arena
i. Fiend List
ii. Prize List
1. Area Conquest
2. Species Conquest
3. Original Monster Conquest
iii. Area Conquest
iv. Species Conquest
v. Original Monster Conquest
XI. Jecht's Spheres
XII. Al Bhed Primers
XIII. Blitz Ball
i. Blitz Ball Basics
1. Game Modes
2. Character Stats
3. Action Commands
4. Encounters / Breakthroughs
5. Techcopy
6. Status Ailments
ii. Blitz Ball Techniques
XIV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
XV. Credits


Due to the amount of mails I've been receiving lately, I decided to impose
some guidelines on what you should and should not do if you are to send me
mail. Well, I felt like I had to do this since some of the mails are really
beginning to annoy me. Here are the guidelines:

1. Only send me questions that are not yet answered in the guide. I'll be
more than happy to help you out.

2. Please be specific. How am I suppose to reply to your mail if I don't
even understand what you want to know?

3. Please read the FAQ section first before sending me mail.


II. Updates/Revisions

Version 1.01 (May 29, 2002)

- Corrected some spelling and grammar errors
- Added info and strategy on Penance

Version 1.02 (May 31, 2002)

- Added guide for Zanarkand Destruction Sphere Puzzle
- Added new section: Aeon Information
- Added new section: Blitz Ball

Version 1.03 (June 1, 2002)

- Added new section: Al Bhed Primers
- Added new section: Jecht's Spheres

Version 1.04 (June 3, 2002)

- Added new section: Luca Sphere Theater
- Completed Overdrive List Section
- New strategy on Blitzball match against Luca Goers
- Added and updated Credits Section

Version 1.05 (June 7, 2002)

I apologize for the late update, since I've had some problems with my ISP.

- Added new section: Monster Arena
- Completed most parts of the Monster Arena section

Version 1.06 (June 11, 2002)

- Completed Monster Arena section

Version 1.07 (June 13, 2002)

- Added new section: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Added new section: E-mail Policy

Version 1.08 (June 20, 2002)

Again, I'm sorry to have kept you guys waiting. I've been real busy these
past few days. Please bear with me. ^_^

- Added and completed new section: Character Ability List
- Added descriptions of all equipment abilities
- FAQ section updated

Version 1.09 (June 25 & 26, 2002)

I've been planning to finalize the guide since I believe that I already
managed to cover all the important aspects of the game. If you want an
item list, mix list or anything like that, just check some other guides.
But feel free to send me questions / contributions.

- Added additional information regarding the Dark Aeons.
- Added and completed new section: Extra Ending
- Added an alternate strategy against Evrae

Version 1.10 (June 29, 2002)

I've received several mails from people that are asking me to make a mix
list... well, perhaps you guys can tell me if you really want one so that
I can decide whether or not I should make it. ^_^

- Completed most parts of the sphere grid section.
- Added an illustration of the config menu.

Version 1.11 (July 4, 2002)

This is pretty much a small update. Well, I guess I lied about my plans
on finalizing the guide ^_^ Anyways, keep those e-mails coming.

- Corrected some spelling errors
- Added new section: Chamber of Fayth Treasures
- Made some minor corrections on the Dark Aeons section
- Added some new Overdrive Modes

Final Version (July 6, 2002)

Well... I guess I ended up keeping my word. I decided to finalize this since
I think its complete enough. But I will keep adding small updates if
necessary. Feel free to ask questions and send contributions.

- Added and corrected some information regarding the Dark Aeons.

Final Version (July 12, 2002)

I would like to remind everyone that regardless of any updates I'll
be adding to this guide from this point onwards, it will still be
in its Final Version. I still accept questions and cotributions,
so keep 'em coming.

- Added the full translation of the extra ending.
- Added a new overdrive mode.
- Corrected some drop items of some monsters in the monster
arena section.
- FAQ section updated
- Credits section updated

Final Version (August 24, 2002)

- Added the URLs of the sites I gave permission to post my FAQ.

Final Version (November 11, 2002)

First off I'd like to apologize to all those who contributed to this
FAQ, since it took me this long to include your contributions. But anyway
here's what's new in this update.

- Added a new tip on getting rid of Seymour's guardians in Macalania
Temple battle.
- Added a new strategy for defeating Anima in Macalania Temple.
- Added steal info for Biran & Yenke battle.
- Added a pretty neat trick in beating Braska's Final Aeon.
- Added an ultra-detailed strategy in beating Penance.
- Corrected an error in the location of the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 3.
- Added some URLs of the sites I gave permission to post my FAQ.
- Credits section updated

III. Game Information
i. Game Controls

Circle |Confirm/Talk/Examine |
X |Cancel/Hold down to walk/Dive |
Triangle |Go to Menu Screen/Show character |
|status window in sphere grid |
|menu/Defend in battle(skip turn) | |
Square |Scout Blitzball players |
Directional Buttons/ |Move character/Move cursor in |
Left Analog Stick |battle |
Right Analog Stick |Used during Lulu's overdrive |
|(rotate clockwise) |
L1 |Change characters in menu screen/|
|Display switch window in battle |
L2 |Scroll menus back/Scroll down |
|switch window in battle |
R1 |Change characters in menu screen/|
|Scroll CTB window up |
R2 |Scroll menus forward/Scroll CTB |
|window down |
L1+R1+L2+R2+Select+Start|Soft Reset(Press the buttons |
|simultaneously) |

ii. Game Menus

1. The main menu screen

|HP ???/??? / \ | Sphere Grid |
Lulu |MP ??/?? S|LvL. 2 ||--------------|
-----------------------------\ / | Item |
|HP ???/??? / \ |--------------|
Tidus |MP ??/?? S|LvL. 1 || Ability |
-----------------------------\ / |--------------|
|HP ???/??? / \ | Overdrive |
Rikku |MP ??/?? S|LvL. 0 ||--------------|
-----------------------------\ / | Equip |
| Status |
| Aeons |
| Formation |
| Customize |
| Config |
| Help |
Playing Time ?????? Gil
Current Location

2. Config Menu

Sound | Stereo Mono |
Subtitles | On Off |
Names | On Off |
Cursor | Default Memory |
Help | On Off |
Aeons | Default Short |
Map | On Off |
Language | English Japanese |
Loading | HDD DVD-ROM |

iii. Game Basics

1. Character Navigation
This is in fact no different from the previous installments of the series.
Except that now, there will be an overhead map located at the top left corner
of your screen. The RED ARROW indicates the path you must take to proceed.
The YELLOW ARROW indicates where you are. GREEN SQUARES are doors/rooms,
while WHITE SQUARES are save spheres.

2. Battle System
This game features a totally turn-based battle system, since the ATB is gone.
Meaning, your opponents will not move until you have finished taking your
turn. There will be something called CTB on the right side of your screen
indicating the order of turns to be taken during battle. Your turns
come either faster or slower depending on several factors, such as: time
magics (haste or slow) and what a party member did during his/her turn.

3. Element System
As usual elements are used. There are 4 elements namely: Fire, Ice, Water
and Lightning. Fiends of a certain element are weak against opposing
elements. Fire fiends are weak against ice while lightning fiends are
weak against water and vice versa.

4. Character Customization
Characters are customized via the sphere grid. You receive AP after
every battles won. When enough AP has been accumulated then, you gain
sphere levels (S.LVL) which permits you to move around the sphere grid
and activate nodes.

5. Equipment Customization
Equiments, that is weapons and armors can be customized by adding
different abilities to them. But you must have all the necessary items
required to add an ability you want a weapon or armor to have.

6. Save Spheres
There are 3 types of save sphere in this game:
- Traveler's Save Sphere Level 1: Allows you to save your game.
- Traveler's Save Sphere Level 2: Allows you to save your game
and play blitzball.
- Traveler's Save Sphere Level 3: Allows you to save your game,
play blitzball and board the airship.

Note: Touching the save sphere fully restores your party's HP and MP.

iv. Character Stats

Strength Determines the overall power of your physical attacks.
The higher the value, the stronger your attacks.

Defense - Determines your character's resistance to physical

Magic - Determines the strength of the character's magic. This
seems to affect the strength of your aeons as well.

Magic Defense - Determines your character's resistance against
magical attacks.

Agility - Determines the speed of the character's CTB. The higher
the value, the character is more likely to have more turns
during battle.

Luck - Determines the amount of items stolen.

Evade - Determines the character's ability to evade physical attacks.

Accuracy - Determines the character's chances in successfully hitting
an opponent with physical attacks.

IV. Walkthrough


First of all, when you choose NEW GAME on the main menu screen, you'll
be asked to choose which sphere grid you wish to use. The FIRST option
being the ORIGINAL sphere grid, and the SECOND one being the INTERNATIONAL
sphere grid. Also, you are allowed to change the subtitles and everything
else EXCEPT the voiceovers from english to japanese or vice versa in the
CONFIG menu. Alright, now onto the guide :)

Note: Press Ctrl+F and check match case, then type the keyword in CAPITAL
letters to jump to a specific part of the walkthrough. Look at the
table of contents for the keywords :)


After the FMV, you'll be controlling Tidus. Just go south and talk to the
2 girls or the 3 children. You can rename him if you want. Afterwards the
game will begin and Tidus will leave. When you regain control, just keep
going east. On the next screen head north into the building. You'll watch
the blitzball game, then Sin will attack Zanarkand. When you regain control,
head south towards the screen and you'll meet up with Auron. After their
short talk about Sin, you'll have to fight some sinscales. These are easy,
just attack. After that there will be a boss.

HP: 2400
AP: 0
Gil: 0
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: N/A

This one is very easy. First, you'll be taught about how to use overdrives.
Auron's Dragon Fang will get rid of all the sinscales. As for the Ammes,
just attack it and unleash your Overdrive when available. It can't kill
you even at 1 HP so don't worry.

There will be a save sphere here, so save your game if you want. You'll
fight those sinscales again. Just keep attacking them until Auron tells
you to destroy the machine on the right. After a few scenes you'll see
an FMV of Tidus being absorbed into Sin with Auron.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Ether, Potion x2, 200 Gil
Key Items: Withered Bouquet, Flint

Head to the circular platform with a boy on it. Hold X to dive. You'll be in
the ruins. Head west for a chest with 2 Potions. Go back into the water then
head east for a chest with 200 Gil. Head back into the water again, this
time go north. There's a save sphere here, take the west path to the end for
a chest with a Hi-Potion. Go back, then head north. You'll fight a group
of Sahagins. Kill two of them and a big fish will come.

HP: ?
AP: 0
Gil: 0
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: N/A

This is another easy one. Just attack it, for about three to four times and
heal when you need to.

After some scenes, go north and up the stairs. You'll be at the main hall
and you'll need fire. Now, head north into the room, then inside head a
little bit south for a chest with an Ether. Still in the same room, head
north and up the stairs to get the Withered Bouquet, keep going until the
end of the path for a chest with a Hi-Potion. Head back to the main hall,
then into the room southwest. There will be a save sphere here, you can save
your game here if you want before going in. In the room, take the Flint.
Head back out to the main hall and examine the wood at the center.

There will be some more scenes, then Tidus will be attacked.

HP: 1500+
AP: 5
Gil: 100
Items: Ability Sphere x2
Equip: none
Steal: Grenades x3

This is another easy one. Have Rikku use her grenades to deal about 300+
damage every turn. If you happen to run out of grenades, just steal. Have
Tidus attack it or use Potions if necessary. You'll win eventually.

You'll be taken to their ship afterwards.

Treasures: Potion x3
Key Item: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 1

The people here will be speaking the Al Bhed language. Tidus will be asked to
work. When you regain control, save your game. Then head to the right side of
the upper deck to get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 1. Then talk to one of the guys
and he'll give you 3 Potions. Talk to Rikku and you'll learn how to use
the sphere grid. Talk to Rikku again. You'll be swimming now, dive and
move towards the red indicator at the end. Keep going until after the next


There will be a save sphere behind you, save if you want. Examine the blue
panel up ahead. This will open a new path. Go in. You'll be fighting a
group of Piranhas here, I suggest that you steal some grenades from them,
you'll need it later. After the battle, examine the machine at the center.
Then head back out. You'll have to fight another boss.

HP: 2,100+
AP: 5
Gil: 100
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: Grenades x2

This is also quite easy. He'll be hiding behind the pillar, thus Tidus won't
be able attack him. So, have Tidus cast Cheer or on Standby using the
Trigger Command. As for the Rikku use her grenades, you'll be able to hit him
even from that distance. Tros will attack you and hide again. With Tidus,
open the Trigger Command menu again then choose Pincer Attack. They will now
attack Tros from both sides, and this time he can't escape so just pummel him
until he dies.

After the battle follow Rikku towards the exit. You'll be back on the ship.
There will be another scene with Tidus talking to Rikku about Zanarkand
and other things. Sin will come and attack the ship. You'll be asked if you
wish to save your game afterwards.

Treasures: Potion x5, Hi-Potion x2, Pheonix Down x5, Antidote x4, 600 Gil,
Ether, Seeker's Ring, Remedy
Key Items: Moon Crest, Al Bhed Primer Vol. 2

You'll have to watch some scenes again. When you regain control, head
ashore then go west for a chest with 2 Antidotes. Go back into the water,
this time head east for a chest with a Moon Crest. Head to where the
Besaid Aurochs are. then you'll see more scenes. When you regain control,
talk to the Blitball players several times and you'll receive some items.

Just follow Wakka to the valley, and he'll push Tidus off the cliff and
into the water. In the water you should notice a chest, dive to get a
Pheonix Down. Head towards the red indicator at the end, dive along the
way for a chest with a Hi-Potion. There will be another chest farther
ahead with 2 Antidotes.

After a short talk between Wakka and Tidus, you'll be at Besaid Village.
Here, you'll have to look around. Proceed to the shop(the first house
to your left) there will be a chest with a Pheonix Down. Head for the
Crusader's Lodge. Get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 2 by the entrance.
With that done, head for the temple up ahead.

You'll see another scene here, about Braska. After that, head back out
and find Wakka. After the scene, go all the way back to the temple.
Some more scenes will take place and you'll end up in the Cloister
of Trials.

Treasures: Rod of Wisdom

Examine the glyph to the north, then touch the one to the right. Take the
Glyph Sphere in the next room, then head down the next flight of stairs.
Insert it into the recess you see on the door. Now, in the next room,
go west and you'll see a pedestal. Now, examine the symbols on the wall
on the opposite side of the pedestal. The wall will open, take the Besaid
Sphere inside and insert it into the pedestal. Now, head back to the door
where you inserted the Glyph Sphere. Remove the sphere. Insert it into the
recess on the left wall, take the Destruction Sphere. Insert it into the
recess where you found the Besaid Sphere. This will reveal a treasure
with the Rod of Wisdom. Head back to where the pedestal is and push it
towards the shining glyph on the floor.

Wakka will come in. You will see some scenes, then an FMV. After that,
head out of the temple and proceed to where Wakka is. There will be
another scene and you will receive your first aeon, Valefor.

Later, you'll see some scenes again. Just talk to Wakka afterwards. The
next morning, Wakka will give you a new sword. When you regain control,
you'll now have Yuna and Lulu in your party. Just follow the path to the
end, you'll also have some tutorials on battling basics.

Keep going towards the red indicator and Tidus will be ambushed by a Ronso.

HP: 750
AP: 3
Gil: 100
Items: Ability Sphere x2
Equip: Metal Shield/Metal Armguard (varies)
Steal: N/A

This is an ordinary battle, not a boss. Just use normal attacks against
him. He's quite easy, the only move you have to watch out for is his Jump
which deals considerable damage. Heal when you run low on HP. Unleash your
Overdrive when available.

Wakka will interrupt the fight. Keep following the path, you'll have a
tutorial on using Aeons, and on using status attacks along the way.
You'll be at the beach. Save your game. Talk to the people here and
receive some items. Board the ship afterwards.

Treasures: None

After the scene talk to Wakka, then to Yuna. There will be more scenes.
Then Sin will come and attack the ship.

HP: 2,000/200 each
AP: 0
Gil: 0
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: N/A

This is another easy one. First, have Tidus cast Cheer and/or Haste (if you
have it) As for Wakka and Lulu, have them to focus on the fin. Have Yuna in
as the main healer. Then have Tidus and Kimahri attack the sincales. Don't
kill all three though, just leave one. You should be fine.

After the battle, there will be a scene. Then another boss.

HP: 2,268
AP: 10
Gil: 573
Items: Power Sphere, Ability Sphere x3, Mana Sphere x4
Equip: Red Ring, Blue Armguard/Liquid Steel, Ice Ball (varies)
Steal: N/A

This fight is easy but long. First, have Wakka use Dark Attack on Echuilles,
so that his Drain Touch won't hurt you. Have Tidus attack, and cast Cheer
preferably every other turn. As for Wakka, have him concentrate on the boss
as well. Ignore the little fishies, even though they can get pretty annoying.
What are those potions for anyway, right? Once the boss uses Blender,
heal at once. When your Overdrives become available use it.

There will be an FMV of Sin obliterating Kilika.

Treasures: Potion x3, Ether
Key Item: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 4

When you regain control after some scenes, save your game first. Head east
then west. There'll be more scenes about the "sending" and an FMV. The
next morning, leave the inn. Datto will tell you to go see Wakka. Head for
the house to the west first to get 3 Potions from the chest there. Go east
to the next screen and into the Tavern to get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 4.
Go back to the previous screen and head west, save the kid there. Now go
back to the Tavern, and grab the chest with an Ether. Go back to the
previous screen again and head east to find Wakka. Head all the way west
to get to the woods.

Treasures: Remedy, Elixir, Hi-Potion, NulBlaze Shield, Scout,
Mana Sphere x2, Luck Sphere, Antidote x4

I suggest you get all the treasures here first before fighting Lord Ochu.

When you regain control after the short scene, save your game first. Now,
from the save sphere head east to the end for a chest with 2 Mana Spheres.
Go back to the save sphere and this time head west, then north for a chest
with a Scout. Follow the path and talk to the Crusader to receive a Remedy.
Keep following the same path and talk to another Crusader for a Hi-Potion.
From there, go north then west for a Luck Sphere. Now go all the way back
to the save sphere and head north, talk to Luzzu several times and you'll
receive 4 Antidotes. Its time to fight Lord Ochu. But before you do that
save first, just in case :)

HP: 4,649
AP: 40
Gil: 420
Items: HP Sphere/MP Sphere (varies)
Equip: Variable Mog/Bright Bangle (varies)
Steal: N/A

Just have Lulu use Fire magic against this guy. That should deal about 400+
damage every turn. Have Tidus and Kimahri attack and Yuna heal or use Esuna
when you get poisoned. As for Wakka, have him use his Silence Attack to
prevent it from casting Water magic. Once you have dealt sufficient damage,
Lord Ochu will sleep. When this happens, summon Valefor and wake it up.
Its Earthquake won't hurt you now. Keep casting Fire and that should do it.

Note: You can avoid fighting Lord Ochu by going around it through the back.
Also, never try to distill anything from him, because if you do, you
won't receive any HP Sphere or MP Sphere.

Talk to Luzzu after you win to receive an Elixir. Continue north. Once you
regain control after the short scene, go up and save your game. You'll be
fighting another boss.

HP: 3,000/450 each
AP: 82
Gil: 350
Items: Speed Sphere x2, Power Sphere x6
Equip: Bright Armlet/Bright Bangle (varies)
Steal: N/A

Kill its tentacles first. Once they're out, use magic (Fire especially) on
Geneaux. It'll reveal itself. Now just attack or use Fire magic on it. You
can also summon Valefor here and use Sonic Wings to delay its turn several
times. Just heal when you need to.

After the battle, continue up into the temple.


Here, go north and you'll see some scenes. Proceed to the temple afterwards.
Wakka will be praying, you can choose to pray too if you like. Then there
will some more scenes, this time with Dona. Once you regain control, go
north into the door. After the short scene, wait for the elevator to come
back up. Dona and Barthello will come in and play a little game with Tidus
just as she said. You'll be taken down to another Cloister of Trials.

Treasures: Red Armlet

Take the Kilika Sphere from the pedestal on the left and insert it into the
door. This will burn the door down. Take the sphere back out and go through
the door. In the next room, insert the Kilika Sphere into the slot on the
northern wall. A glyph will appear. Take the Kilika Sphere out and insert it
into the recess on either side. Now examine the glyph on the wall, a new
path will open. In the next area, take the Kilika Sphere from the right wall
and insert it into any empty slot outside. Take the Glyph Sphere from the
pedstal and insert it into the recess in the next room. A new path will open.
Go in and take the Destruction Sphere. Now step on the shining panel on the
floor to make the pedestal appear near you. Go back to the previous room,
take one Kilika Sphere and insert it into the pedestal. Push the pedestal
onto the shining panel on the floor. It will reveal another Kilika Sphere
below. Take the Kilika Sphere and insert it into the recess in the room
where you got the Destruction Sphere. Now, insert the Destruction Sphere
into the recess below. This will destroy the wall and reveal a chest with
the Red Armlet. Head back up and take the Kilika Sphere. Insert it into
recess at the door up ahead, then take it back out. Go through the door.

In the next room, talk to Wakka. Then try to leave and Yuna will come out.
You now have Ifrit. Leave the temple and you'll see some scenes. When you
regain control once more, go all the way back to the village and board the
ship (head south from the Tavern).

Treasures: Hi-Potion
Key Item: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 5

When you regain control of Tidus in the Cabin go a little bit north and
check along the left side for a chest with a Hi-Potion. Then head east
into the door. You'll meet O'aka here, you can lend him some gil. Note
that the more gil you lend him, the cheaper his stuffs will be later on.
Go up the stairs to the deck, head to the bridge (the door to your left)
and get the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 5. Go up the stairs listen to the
dialogue between Wakka and Lulu. Keep going back up to hear the entire
story. When that's done, head back down and head north to the front
deck (where the blitzball is)

Its time for the Jecht Shot Challenge. Here, you have to press the
corresponding directional buttons plus circle simultaneously depending on
where the text appears on your screen. For example, if the text appears at
the TOP LEFT corner of your screen, then you would have to press UP+LEFT+
CIRCLE simultaneosly. Just press CIRCLE if it appears at the CENTER though.

Tip: I recommend using the LEFT ANALOG STICK in executing the directional
button commands since its easier that way.

If you manage to execute all the commands correctly, Tidus will hit the ball.
If not, he will miss. Also, if you manage to successfully perform it you'll
be able to use the technique in all your Blitzball games once you reach
level 3.

After that you'll see some scenes, then you'll be asked if you wish to save
your game.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Pheonix Down x2, Tidal Spear, 1600 Gil, HP Sphere,
Magic Sphere, Strength Sphere
Key Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 6, Al Bhed Primer Vol. 7

There will be an FMV, and some scenes where Yuna will suggest that you go
see Mika. When you regain control just go south, there will be more scenes.
Then you'll be asked to save your game again. After that, Yuna will ask
Tidus to accompany her and find Auron.

Note: I won't be giving directions on where to find the treasures here,
since it can become extremely confusing if I did. So, I'll just give
the locations instead.

When you regain control once more, find the treasures. Here are the

Stadium Basement B: Hi-Potion x2, Al Bhed Primer Vol. 6
Number 1 Dock: Tidal Spear, 600 Gil
Number 2 Dock: Pheonix Down x2
Number 5 Dock: HP Sphere, Magic Sphere
Sphere Theater: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 7
City Limits: 1000 Gil

When you're done, go all the way back to the save sphere (main gate) and go
south. After the scene head east towards the red indicator. Again, there
will be a short scene. When you regain control, head north into the bar.

Yuna will be kidnapped by the Al Bhed Psyches. Proceed to Dock 4, just
follow the red indicator. You'll be fighting some Al Bhed machinas along
the way. After the scenes, save your game and head east. Another boss fight.

HP: 6,000
AP: 36
Gil: 58
Items: Elixir
Equip: Metal Armlet/Thunder Moomba (varies)
Steal: N/A

Another easy one. First, have Tidus cast Haste on Lulu. Then have Lulu cast
Thunder on the crane (3 times) to activate it. Once activated, have Tidus
operate it using the Trigger Command. Doing this will damage the boss for
5200+ HP. Now just attack it with Tidus and Lulu cast one last Thunder
magic to kill it.

After a long scene. Go all the way back to the Auroch's locker room. More
scenes. Talk to Wakka afterwards. Its time for your first Blitzball match.

This one will be tough. The Goers have very good shooters, so its highly
unlikely that Keepa will be able to stop their shots. But its possible
to win even without the Jecht Shot ability. I won after 4 overtimes! :)

You'll receive a Strength Sphere if you win.

Here are some tips: Try to pass the ball around to enable your shooter to
have a clear path towards the goal. Secondly, if you see 1 opposing player
behind you, press square immediately so that you'll have an easier time
breaking through. And lastly, once you score just pass the ball around to
waste the clock, this one is risky but it works.

Strategy from: Ulrich Unterbrunner (

In Luca it is also possible to win the Blitzball-match without overtime
using the sphere shot. In the first half you have to play around within
your team, so that Tidus gets enought experience for lvl 3 and the Luca
guys don't score. In the second half (at least I did it that way - and it
cost me about 25 tries) by using Tidus' sphere-technique I scored first.
Then Luca scored. Wakka came in at 1-1. Using his Venom Shot. I scored,
2-1 at 4:50. No time for Luca to hit me another time. Repeated it twice
and it worked out properly.

After the match, fiends will pop out of nowhere. Just fight your way through.
Outside, you'll be controlling Auron against a cheap fiend (one attack and it
dies) Wakka and Tidus will meet up with him. You'll battle a bird this time.
There will be an FMV of Seymour showing off Anima. You'll be asked to save
your game again afterwards.

Watch a long scene between Tidus and Auron. Once you regain control, follow
Auron to the City Limits. You'll see more scenes. Now off to Djose.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x3, Antidote x6, Hunter Spear, Ice Brand, Red Ring,
Echo Ring/Seeker's Ring, Remedy, 2000 Gil, Soft x3, Ether,
Eye Drops x3, Lv. 1 Key Sphere x2, Mega Potion x2
Key Items: Al Bhed Primer Vol. 8, Saturn Crest

Save Spheres from this point onwards are at level 2. Meaning, you can now
play Blitzball at every save sphere anytime.

Make sure to talk to every person you see along the way, as most of them
give you items. Alright, now go north. You'll meet Maechan, the scholar.
Continue north, then west and around the structure for an Ice Brand.
Proceed to the next screen, then go east. You'll meet Belgemine, she'll
challenge Yuna to a one-on-one Aeon battle.


She will be using Ifrit. Her Aeon's pattern will be ATTACK-METEORSTRIKE-
ATTACK-METEORSTRIKE, just like that. So, use Blizzard on him, then Shield.
Keep repeating the process. You can also try boosting Valefor. Once your
Aeon's Overdrive gauge is full use it. You shouldn't have any problem

You'll receive an Echo Ring if you win, or a Seeker's Ring otherwise.
Proceed to the next screen, go east then north for a Remedy. There will be
a short scene here. When you regain control, continue east to the next screen.
Here, go north then east for a chest with 2000 Gil. Keep going north then a
little bit west, talk to the soldier for an Ether. Continue north. You'll
see some scenes with Shelinda. Just follow the path to the end, get the chest
with 3 Eye Drops.

You'll be at the Inn/Agency, save your game then leave. Watch the long
scene between Tidus and Yuna. Once you regain control again, you'll receive
a Lv. 1 Key Sphere. Try to leave the Inn, Rin will come in and you'll
receive the Al Bhed Primer Vol. 8.

Somebody will then be screaming for help about the chocobos. You'll receive
2 Mega Potions from Rin. Save your game then leave. Outside, just go a
little bit north. A boss fight once more.

HP: 10,000
AP: 90
Gil: 970
Items: none
Equip: White Ring
Steal: N/A

First, have Tidus cast Haste on everyone, and Wakka use Dark Attack. Now just
attack it or use magic on it (Fire especially) to make it fall on its back.
Once this happens keep attacking to push it back. You can use Aeons here if
you want. Also, Delay Attack works very well here, I recommend that you use
it if you have it.

Note: It won't be Game Over if you get pushed off the cliff. You'll be near
the chest with the Saturn Crest. But you'll miss out on the AP though.

If you did defeat it, you'll be given the priveledge of a free chocobo ride,
which is a good thing if you don't want any random encounters. Alright, lets
assume you defeated it. Continue north. When you reach the north end of the
Highroad, get the chest with 2 Hi-Potions. Take the path to the right and
follow it to the end to get the Saturn Crest. Go back up and head north.

Talk to the guy on the right and you'll be asked to donate. Any amount will
do, but the higher your donation the better the item you will receive in
return. Here's the list:

100 Gil - Scout
1,000 Gil - Ice Lance
10,000 Gil - Moon Ring

Try to go through the gate, the guard will not let you pass. So, go back
then Seymour will come. After the short scene, go through the gate. On the
next screen, just go west.

Treasures: Hi-Potion, 1000 Gil, Potion x10, Remedy, X-Potion, Serene Armlet,
Mega Potion x2

There's a save sphere here, you can save if you like. Talk to the man and
receive a Hi-Potion. Take the platform up and follow the path east. Talk to
the soldier and receive 10 Potions, get the chest here with 1000 Gil. Turn
back and go north, get the chest for a Remedy. Follow the red indicator to
the end and take the platform up. Here, talk to the soldier for an X-Potion.
Go north then east and take the platform down to get the chest with a Serene
Armlet. Head north and take the platform up. Talk to the guard for a Mega
Potion. Save your game. Don't go up yet, head south first to watch an
interesting scene between Luzzu, Wakka and Lulu, about Chappu. After the
scene go up. Here, just head south.

When you regain control after the scenes, head east to the command center.
You can buy some items from Oaka if you like (Pheonix Downs especially)
Go east a bit and get the chest with a Mega Potion. Talk to the guard,
choose yes.

There will be some scenes, then a boss fight.

HP: 12,000 (Head: 4,000/Arms: 800 each)
AP: 0
Gil: 0
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: N/A

This can be tough. First, if you have your Aeons at Overdrive use it. I
suggest you use Valefor and save Ifrit for later. This will eliminate the
arms. Now, have Lulu and Wakka focus on the head, since it can deal
severe damage on a character with its Venom attack. Once the arms regenerate,
summon Ifrit. There's not much strategy after that, so just unload on it
with all you got and heal whenever anyone takes serious damage. Of course,
once your party's Overdrives are full use it. You'll win after a while.

There will be an FMV of the Crusaders and the Al Bhed fighting Sin, then some
scenes. You'll be fighting Gui again.

HP: 6,000 (Head: 1,000/Arms: 800 each)
AP: 850
Gil: 4,500
Items: Lv. 1 Key Sphere x6
Equip: Alert Armguard
Steal: N/A

This one is easy. Just use Seymour's level 2 magics and you'll win no time.

After the battle, you'll see another FMV and some more scenes. When you
regain control of Tidus, go to the northmost end of the map and talk to
Gattta. There will be an FMV and a long scene afterwards.

When you regain control once more go south and save your game. Head
southwest from the save sphere for a Hi-Potion. Talk to Auron. Continue east
to the red indicator afterwards. You'll be at Djose Highroad, just follow the
path, get the chest with 2 Pheonix Downs. Talk to the people along the way
for some items.

Treasures: 4,000 Gil, Ability Sphere x4, Mega Pheonix, Remedy

Outside the temple, go northeast for a chest with 4 Ability Spheres. Get a
chest with 4,000 Gil on the other side. Proceed into the temple. You'll meet
Isaaru. When you regain control after the scene, go into the northeast room
and get the chest with a Mega Pheonix. Leave the room, and into the one
northwest for a Remedy. Head into the room at the center. Maroda will warn
about a rumor he heard. Proceed into the Cloister of Trials.

Treasures: Magic Sphere

Take the 2 Djose Spheres and insert it into the slots at the door. In the
next room take the 2 Djose Spheres from the side and insert it into the slots
at the right wall. This will light up the pillar above. Now push the pedestal
with a Djose Sphere to right. Take the the charged Djose Sphere and insert it
into the right slot at the north wall. The wall will open. Take the 2 Djose
Spheres (those at the right recesses) and insert them into the pedestal.
Now, push the pedestal north until it falls into the pit. It will stay afloat.
Step on it to get to the other side. Here, press O to push the pedestal. This
will activate a part of the symbol outside. Go back to the previous room and
take the charged Djose Sphere and insert it into the left slot on the same
wall. In this same room, go left and step on the shining panel on the floor
to get the pedestal back at the center. Take the 2 Djose Spheres and insert
it into the slots in the first room. This will complete the symbol. A
platform will appear at the center. Ride it up to the next area.

Push the 5 pedestals here. Once done, another pedestal will appear. Go back
down to the previous area and head left. Examine the glowing glyph on the
wall. This will reveal a Destruction Sphere. Take it and go up to the next
area. Here, insert the Destruction Sphere into the lone pedestal to reveal
a chest with a Magic Sphere. Go up the stairs to the next area.

Here, talk to Lulu. Dona will come and insult Auron, calling him a riffraff.
Then you'll see a scene between Barthello and Auron. Try to leave the room
and Yuna will come out, you'll then receive your 3rd Aeon, Ixion.

Treasures: Switch Hitter, Halberd, Hi-Potion x2, Potion x10

Go back inside the inn once you regain control to get the chest with a
Switch Hitter. Talk to Wakka afterwards and go back into the temple. Go
to the northeast room and talk to the woman beside the bed. Just go
south after some scenes and talk to the people along the way for some
items. Continue towards Moonflow.

Treasures: X-Potion, Lv. 1 Key Sphere x3, Dragon Scale x2, Pheonix Down x2,
5000 Gil
Key Item: Summoner's Soul

Here, just keep going north. Biran and Yenke will warn your party about the
disappearance of Summoners. Continue on afterwards. Get the chest with an
X-Potion here. There will be a chest with 3 Lv. 1 Key Spheres a little bit
west farther ahead. Keep going and you'll meet Belgemine again.


This is a lot easier compared to the first one. His pattern is the same as
Ifrit's, ATTACK-AEROSPARK-ATTACK. But he'll cast Haste on himself after a
few turns, so make sure you kill him quickly after he does that.

You'll receive 2 Dragon Scales if you win and a Summoner's Soul which allows
your Aeons to learn abilities. Keep going north. You'll be at the south
shoopuf wharf. Get the chest with 2 Pheonix Downs. Continue west and you'll
see some scenes between the Chocobo Knights and the Shoopuf driver. Go into
the tent and get the chest with 5000 Gil afterwards. Go back to the previous
area and talk to the Shoopuf driver.

You'll see some scenes aboard the Shoopuf. Yuna will be kidnapped by the Al
Bhed again. Another boss fight.

HP: 4,000
AP: 600
Gil: 2,400
Items: Mega Pheonix x4
Equip: Ice Lance
Steal: N/A

If you have any weapon with the Lightningstrike ability it'll be wise to
equip it here. Have Tidus cast Haste and Cheer on himself and Wakka.
Then use Delay Attack to give you an advantage. Once it pulls up, keep
attacking it until it comes back down to prevent it from unleashing its
Depth Charges. Another thing, don't be adventurous enough to try and
Provoke it. Believe me, you'll regret it.

You'll be at the North Bank now, save your game and go west 2 screens. Get
the chest with an Ether. Continue west once more and you'll find Rikku.
There will be an FMV and some scenes. Continue north afterwards. You'll
have a tutorial on Stealing and Mixing here. Keep going north and get the
chest with 4 Antidotes. There's a chest with a Mega Potion farther ahead.

Treasures: Mega Potion, Elixir, Hi-Potion x2, 3000 Gil

Tromell will greet you upon arrival, telling you to go see Seymour. When
you regain control, go into the Inn and save your game. From here go north
for a Mega Potion. Then go south and into the house for a chest with 3,000
Gil. Continue to the end of the path for an Elixir. Now go into Seymour's
manor. Here, go upstairs and check around the area for a chest with 2
Hi-Potions. Head back down and into the door. Talk to everyone. There will
be some scenes and you'll be shown an FMV of Zanarkand. When you regain
control once more, leave the manor and go south.

Yuna wants to go to the Farplane, so go south then east to get there. Here,
you'll see more scenes. Continue on afterwards. Talk to everyone except
Kimahri, since he won't say anything anyway. Go back to the manor once you
regain control and keep talking to Lulu. Head back to the Inn and take the
other path to find Shelinda. She will tell Tidus that Seymour left for the
Temple of Macalania. Go back to the manor. Head to the Farplane first to
hear Oaka's story, then proceed to the Thunder Plains afterwards.

Treasures: Pheonix Down x2, Water Ball, Yellow Shield, Remedy

Rikku will be scared stiff. When you regain control after the funny scene,
go north and get a chest with 2 Pheonix Downs. Keep going north, then look
for an L-shaped indention on the map to the east for a Water Ball, then
continue east to the end. You'll be at the Inn, save your game and talk to
Rikku, now she'll tell you why she is very scared of lightning. Proceed
north into the room after that. There will be some scenes. Talk to Rikku
and leave the Inn, pick up the Yellow Shield outside. Keep going north to
the next area. There will be more scenes. When you regain control again,
continue north and get the chest with a Remedy along the way.

Treasures: 2000 Gil

You'll have to listen to a short conversation between Tidus and Auron. When
you regain control, save your game and follow the path north. Get the chest
with 2,000 Gil at the end. At the next area, follow the path again and
Barthello will come. Dona is missing. Continue along the path, and you'll be
able to catch some butterflies here. Keep going towards the red indicator.
In the next area, save your game and go north. There will be a short scene,
then a boss fight once more.

HP: 11,800
AP: 3,000
Gil: 3,800
Items: Power Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere
Equip: White Bracer
Steal: Ether

This is a pretty simple battle. Just use magic with an element opposite to
what he is using. So, have Lulu, Yuna and Auron manage this fight. Whenever
you damage him with magic of the opposing element, his element will shift.
So, have Auron attack to find out what his element is and simply use the
opposite. That's about it.

Watch the Jecht Sphere. You are now allowed to find all the Jecht Spheres.
When you regain control, just follow the path to the next area. Here, go
into the inn and save your game. You can buy some items from Oaka if you
like. Go south afterwards. Continue south once more after the short scene.
You'll have to fight another machina.

HP: 16,000/1,000
AP: 6,820
Gil: 6,800
Items: Potion x2, Power Sphere x2
Equip: Blue Armlet/Survivor (varies)
Steal: Lunar Curtain

You have 2 options here, either kill the Negator which prevents you from
using any type of magic or keep it there and attack Crawler normally
instead. I prefer that you use the first option since this can finish the
battle pretty quickly. Use Wakka to attack the Negator. Once it is dead,
bring Lulu in and just use Thundara and equip a weapon with the Lightning
strike ability on your attacking characters to speed up the process. But
take note that the Negator also prevents Crawler from unleashing Mana
Beam which deals about 900+ damage on a character, this comes slowly though.

Wakka will be furious about Rikku being Al Bhed. You'll see more scenes with
either Rikku or Lulu aboard the snowmobile afterwards. (I think this depends
on who you use more often.)

Treasures: Mega Potion, 400 Gil, Shell Targe, Elixir, Ether, Pheonix Down x3,
Remedy x2, Hi-Potion x2

When you regain control after those scenes, get the chest with a Mega Potion.
Go north down the stairs and follow the path to the temple. Talk to the man
by the entrance to receive 400 Gil. In the temple, talk to Tromell for a
Shell Targe, then go to the northwest room first for 3 Pheonix Downs, be sure
to talk to the people here too for an Ether and Elixir. Go back out and this
this time head into the northeast room to watch Jyscal's Sphere. Get the chest
with 2 Remedies and talk to one of the guys here for 2 Hi-Potions afterwards.

Go back to the main hall and SAVE your game. Proceed into the room at the
center. You'll find Seymour here, after some scenes you will have to fight

HP: 6,000/2,000 each/18,000
AP: 7,620
Gil: 8,600
Items: Ability Sphere x4, Blk Magic Sphere x2
Equip: Hunter's Blade, Alert Shield, Echo Shield, Double Penalty
Steal - 1st Seymour: Elixir; Anima: Silence Grenade x3;
2nd Seymour: Turbo Ether

He is tough and annoying. Your primary concern will be to get rid of the 2
Guado Guards. You have 2 options in acheiving this, either steal their Hi-
Potions to prevent them from healing themselves or have Auron use Threaten to
stop them from moving. Once they are frozen just focus your attacks on
Seymour, since if he dies so will the Guado Guards and vice versa.

He will summon Anima now. If you talked to Seymour earlier, it will make
this battle a bit easier. Have Tidus cast Haste on everyone, then attack
normally. Bring Lulu in and keep casting ice magics (preferably Blizzara).
Another problem is Anima's Pain which causes instant death on a character,
and it comes every other turn. So it is recommended, though not required to
have at least 2 characters with Life magic. Auron deals a decent amount of
damage against Anima as well, so be sure to have him in. Now once Anima
has about 9000+ HP left, summon Shiva and use her Overdrive to finish it off.
Also, if Anima does Oblivion its game over, so make sure you kill him before
this happens.

Seymour will reappear. Have Yuna cast all 4 Nuls on your party to protect
against his Multi Level 2 magic attacks. Then just attack normally after

Note: You can also summon an aeon to block Anima's overdrive. Thanks to
David Curran ( for telling me this.

Strategy vs. Guado Guardians from Rhys Hughes

Add the ability 'stonetouch' to either Tidus or Auron on one of their
weapons. This, with luck, will shatter the guards in one hit.

Strategy vs. Anima from Charles Thio

When Seymour summons Anima, have Yuna summon Shiva immediately. Now on your
next succeeding turns, keep using Heavenly Strike. When Shiva's HP is below
500 cast Blizzara on her to heal. Keep doing this and Anima will be gone
before she gets her chance to use her overdrive.

After the battle, you'll be given a chance to rename Shiva. The party will be
branded as traitors now. Once you regain control after the scenes save your
game and proceed into the west door.

Treasure: Luck Sphere

This one is a bit tricky. First push the pedestal east, this will break the
ice. Then take the Macalania Sphere from the slot at the RIGHT wall and
insert it into the pedestal. Now, push the pedestal north, this will reveal
a passage that leads below. Remove the Glyph Sphere from the CENTER pillar
and go down to the next area. Here, insert the Glyph sphere into the LEFT
recess on the north wall. This will reveal another Macalania Sphere. Push
the pedestal with a Macalania Sphere east into the gap on the pillar to
form a part of the ice bridge above. Go back up, take the new Macalania
Sphere and head back down. Insert it into the recess on the LEFT pillar to
form another part of the bridge. Now go back up, take the last Macalania
Sphere and insert it into the recess on the CENTER pillar to complete the

Go up but don't cross the bridge just yet, instead step on the shining
panel on the floor to make the pedestal appear near you. Then take the
Macalania Sphere and push the pedestal down. It will embed itself to
the ice on the other side. Go down and insert the Macalania Sphere into
any slot below. Head back up and step on the shining panel again. The
pedestal will be beside you once more, but this time with the Destruction
Sphere. Take it and go down to the basement area. Here, insert the
Destruction Sphere into the RIGHT recess at the north wall. This will
reveal a treasure chest with the Luck Sphere. With that done, rebulid the
bridge and proceed to the next area.

Treasures: Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere

There will be some scenes, then Tromell will send guards to go after you.
Once you regain control save your game, Oaka will be here so you can buy
his pricey items if you want. Continue south and keep running. Take the
right path first and go south to the end for a chest with a Lv. 1 Key
Sphere. Continue following the path towards the red indicator. In the
next area, save your game and prepare for another boss fight.

HP: 18,000/1,200 each
AP: 3,160
Gil: 3,800
Items: Ability Sphere x4, Power Sphere x2
Equip: Seeker's Bangle
Steal: Hi-Potion

Wendigo is powerful especially when Berserked. First, it is important that
you get rid of the 2 Guado Guards quickly. Steal their Hi-Potions to
prevent them from healing themselves. They also cast Protect and Shell on
Wendigo before they die, so it is recommended that you have Dispel by now.
Once the 2 cronies are dead cure Wendigo of Berserk and start attacking and
using Fira. Have Yuna ready since healing and reviving will be quite often.
You can also have her summon Ifrit to deal massive damage on Wendigo with

The party will fall all the way down the bottom of the lake. Here, save your
game and talk to everyone. Get the chest with a Lv. 2 Key Sphere beside
Kimahri. There will be some scenes, you'll at the Oasis afterwards.

Treasures: Remedy x4, Al Bhed Potion x36, Hi-Potion x16, Ether x2,
X-Potion x2, Mega Potion x2, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Megalixir x3,
10,000 Gil
Key Item: Venus Crest

Tidus will be alone here, in the water get the chest with 4 Remedies. Save
your game. Go north. You'll battle a Zuu and meet up with Auron and Lulu
during that same battle. Continue north afterwards to find Wakka, get the
chest with 8 Al Bhed Potions here. In the next area, head east for Kimahri.
Follow the path to the next area and you'll find Rikku, get the 2 chests
for 8 Al Bhed Potions and 2 Ethers. Continue along the path and go west for
4 Hi-Potions, keep going to get the chest with another 4 Hi-Potions. At the
end, go west for 2 Mega Potions proceed north afterwards. From the save
sphere head west to for 8 Al Bhed Potions, keep going west and around the
structure for 2 chests with a Lv. 2 Key Sphere and 10,000 Gil. Continue
north to the next area. Here, go north then west for 8 Hi-Potions. Keep going
west and into the whirlpool to get the Venus Crest. Continue north, there
is another chest near the whirlpool here but you have to fight a Sandragora
to get it, the chest contains 3 Megalixirs. Go a little bit northwest for 2
X-Potions afterwards. Continue towards the Al Bhed home but before you get
there, you'll have to fight another Sandragora.

Treasures: Hi-Potion x2, Al Bhed Potion x6, Special Sphere, Friend Sphere,
Skill Sphere, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Lv, 4 Key Sphere, 10,000 Gil

The Home will be under attack, you'll see Cid here for the first time too.
When you regain control, search one of the bodies here for 2 Hi-Potions.
Save your game and go in, then go north. Follow the others into the room.
Cid will tell Rikku to go underground, just follow her to the Summoner's
Sanctum. Here, there will be an intersection with 3 split roads. Proceed
to the center to get a chest with 6 Al Bhed Potions. Then go northeast and
into the room at the end. Examine the chest here, the code is 5633 to get
the Special Sphere, there's another chest here and when you examine it
you'll be prompted to answer several questions:

- Are you Al Bhed? --> Yes
- Name the son of the Al Bhed leader --> Brother
- Name the island where the Al Bhed live --> Bikanel
- What is Al Bhed in Al Bhed? --> Al Bhed

Get a Skill Sphere from the chest. Leave the the room and go all the way back
south and into the room on the left. Here, there will be 2 more chests. One
with a Friend Sphere, and the other one depends on what you choose:

- The treasure chest of dreams asks: What do I contain?

Bomb Elixir Hi-Potion
Mega Potion Soft Chimera
Potion Remedy Evil Eye

Once done proceed to the northwest room. Save your game first then go in.
When you regain control after some scenes, go down and check around the area
for 2 chests with a Lv. 2 Key Sphere and a Lv. 4 Key Sphere. Proceed into
room afterwards. You'll see some scenes here, Tidus will be very upset. Then
some flashbacks follow. Once you regain control, check around the area for a
chest with 10,000 Gil. Leave the room and follow the path to the airship.


Here, save your game after the scenes. Leave and take a tour around the ship.
Talk to the Summoners here to listen to their story, you can buy some stuffs
from Rin too if you like. Go back to the bridge. There will be some more
scenes. After that proceed to the Cabin and you'll see Evrae, the protector
of Bevelle. Cid will tell you to fight it, so save your game and head for the

HP: 32,000
AP: 8,100
Gil: 2,500
Items: Blk Magic Sphere x2
Equip: Fossil Cait Sith
Steal: Water Gem

This can get very annoying if you don't know what to do. Before you fight
make sure that at least one of your characters has an armor that protects
against Poison equipped (Poison Ward will do) just in case Evrae manages to
unleash Poison Breath before Cid takes his turn. First, have Tidus cast Slow
on him then Haste on your party. Now bring Rikku in to cast Reflect on him.

Just keep attacking until he inhales, once this happens pull back immediately
with either Rikku or Tidus. After his Poison Breath fails move in again and
continue attacking. Alright, now Evrae will cast Haste on himself. But with
Reflect, he won't be able to. He'll be repeating the same move every turn so
you shouldn't worry. Just do whatever you please to finish him off.

Alternate Strategy Against Evrae:

This is a strategy for those who don't have Reflect. Your first move should
be to cast Slow on him, then Haste on your party. It is IMPORTANT that
you have Shell or Protect with you as this reduces the damage from Poison
Breath by 1/2. (if you fail to pull back) Now once he uses Haste, don't
panic just attack him with all you got and heal your party using Al Bhed


You'll see an FMV where the party infiltrates Bevelle using the airship. When
you regain control, fight your way through the sea of guards. There will be
some scenes at the end, and another FMV where Seymour will kiss Yuna. There
will more of those afterwards. When you regain control once more proceed into
the temple and save your game.

Treasures: HP Sphere, Knight Lance

This is the most confusing cloister in the game. But I'll try my best to
explain this clearly. First, there will be glyphs with arrows on the floor
indicating the directions you could go to. Press O to go to that direction.

-At the first intersection, go right. Follow the path down to the end.
-Take the Bevelle Sphere here and insert it into the pedestal.
-Push the pedestal and ride it back up to the previous area.
-Here, ignore the 1st intersection and go right at the 2nd.
-Take 1 sphere from the pedestal and insert it into the slot here. This will
reveal a new section of the cloister.
-Ride the pedestal all the way north to return to the starting point.
-Ignore the 1st intersection once more then go left at the 2nd. Take the
sphere here and insert it into the pedestal.
-Ride the pedestal all the way north once more to return to the starting
-At the 1st intersection head right to get to the lower area. At the glyph
here go left.
-Ignore the 1st and and 2nd intersection then go right at the 3rd.
-Take 1 sphere from the pedestal and insert it into the slot here. This will
unlock a new path with a purple glyph.
-Push the pedestal back on track and ride it south to return to the starting
-Ignore the 1st intersection and go right at the 2nd. Take the Glyph Sphere
here and put it into the pedestal. Ride the pedestal again all the way
north to return to the starting point.
-Ignore the 1st and 2nd intersection then go right at the 3rd.
-Take the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal and insert it into the slot far
north to obtain the Destruction Sphere.
-Push the pedestal and ride it again north to return to the starting point
once more.
-Ignore the 1st intersection and turn right at the 2nd. Insert the
Destruction Sphere into the slot where you first got the Glyph Sphere.
This will open a new path.
-Ride the pedestal all the way north to return to the starting point.
-Ignore the 1st and 2nd intersection and turn right at the 3rd.
-Take the Bevelle Sphere here and insert it into the pedestal.
-Ride the pedestal north once more to return to the starting point.
-Now turn right at the 1st intersection. Push the pedestal south to proceed
to the new area.

Here, go up and get the chest east for an HP Sphere. This will reveal a
shining panel on the floor, step on it to make the pedestal appear near you.
Take 1 sphere from the pedestal and insert it into the slot on the right.
Push the pedestal west and ride it to get the chest with a Knight Lance at
the other side. Go back and up the stairs to the right.

You'll reach the Chamber of the Fayth. Tidus will force his way in. Yuna will
be praying here. Kinoc and his cronies will then ambush the party outside.

Watch the entire trial. You'll be controlling Yuna in Via Purifico

Treasures: Elixir, Mega Potion, Blk Magic Sphere, Wht Magic Sphere

Save your game here, then go east to the end for a Mega Potion. Kimahri will
be here too. Go back to the save sphere and this time go west, follow the
path into the room for an Elixir. Proceed into the next room for a chest
with a Blk Magic Sphere. From here go north then east to find Lulu and a
chest with a Wht Magic Sphere. Head for the red indicator, you'll find
Auron here. Save your game and continue north.

Isaaru will not let you pass so you'll have to fight his Aeons.

HP: 7,800+/11,800+/20,600+
AP: none
Gil: none
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: N/A

Yuna will be alone in this battle. Just use whichever Aeon you want,
preferably those with elements (Shiva, Ifrit, Ixion) so that you can heal
whenever your Aeons take serious damage. Also note that Grothia starts
with a full Overdrive gauge, so Shield on your first turn.

You'll regain control of Tidus now. There will be a treasure chest that sells
items behind you, you can buy here if you want. Save your game. Keep going
until you reach the second save sphere. Another boss will show up.

HP: 16,000
AP: 5,700
Gil: 3,000
Items: Blk Magic Sphere x4
Equip: Soft Armguard
Steal: Water Gem x2

Don't fight him just yet. Instead open the 2 locks using the Trigger Command.
This will give you a chance to escape. Now, at the next area you'll notice
2 treasure chests. Once the battle begins again, fight him. Evrae Altana will
be inflicted with the Zombie status from the very beginning which means that
any curative magic or items will damage him. Now, just use 2 Pheonix Downs to
finish him off.

Go back south after the battle to get the chest with an Avenger. (*I couldn't
find the other treasure chest so I don't know whats in there :)*) Continue
north to the next area.

There will some scenes here, once you regain control save your game and go
back to Kimahri. You'll battle Seymour once more.

HP: 36,000/?
AP: 9,450
Gil: 3,500
Items: Lv. 2 Key Sphere x4
Equip: Shocking Fist/Shell Bangle (varies)
Steal: Tetra Elemental x2

First utilize all Trigger Commands. Forget about Seymour and just
concentrate all your attacks on Mortibody. Have Yuna cast all 4 Nuls on
your party. Once Mortibody is low on HP, it'll drain 4,000 HP from
Seymour! (note that the amount of HP it drains decreases everytime you
defeat it) That will provide some help. If you think Mortibody's drain is
no longer enough, go for Seymour. Don't bother using your Aeons here
unless they are at Overdrive since Seymour will simply Banish them anyway.

The party will be running once more. You'll be at Macalania Woods again
afterwards. Once you regain control here, save your game and go south then
east. There will be a long scene between Yuna and Tidus then a very nice FMV

When regain control once more, go back to the Campsite and get the chest with
a Lucid Ring there. Follow the others east afterwards.

Treasures: Lv. 2 Key Sphere, 15,000 Gil

This place is huge, so you'll probably get annoyed with all the random
encounters if you are cover the entire area on foot. Anyway, just go north
towards the central area. There will be a save sphere here, you'll also see
some scenes with Father Zuke. When you regain control go around to the back
and get the chest with a Lv. 2 Key Sphere. Continue northwest to find the
Chocobo Trainer, talk to her to train your chocobo. (I recommend riding a
chocobo here since it will make your exploring a lot easier.) Now go all the
way back southeast to get the 2 chests with 10,000 and 5,000 Gil. You'll
also find the Training Arena here. (its the green square on the map)
Continue towards the red indicator. In the next area, save your game then go
north. A boss fight once more.

HP: 64,000
AP: 9,900
Gil: 3,500
Items: Lv. 2 Key Sphere x2
Equip: none
Steal: Lunar Curtain x4

First of all you must know that he is made of stone not steel. Use Auron's
Armor and Mental Breaks, then have Tidus Provoke him. This way, he'll only
use Blast Punch which works like Demi so it won't kill you even at 1 HP.
Now bring Lulu in and use Water magic (preferably Waterga) since this deals
no less than 4,000 damage. Use your Aeons only if they are at Overdrive.

Another thing, he'll cast Mighty Guard on himself when his HP is low. So,
make sure you Dispel him immediately after that.

Head down the valley to get to the Cavern of Stolen Fayth. From here, go
south then east for the Rusty Sword. Head back up and go north across the
bridge to Mt. Gagazet.

Treasures: Mega Potion x2, Defending Bracer, HP Sphere, Lv 4 Key Sphere
Key Item: Jupiter Crest

Here, you'll see some scenes. When you regain control, save your game there's
a Ronso here that sells weapons so buy from him if you like. Continue to the
next area. Biran and Yenke will stop you once more, after some scenes you'll
have to fight both of them with Kimahri alone.

HP: (depends on Kimahri's strength)
AP: 8,000
Gil: 3,000
Items: Return Sphere x2/Friend Sphere x2
Equip: Sorcery Bangle/Sorcery Armlet
Steal: Lv. 3 Key Sphere x2

You can learn a lot of skills from them, so use Lancet as much as possible.
First, if Kimahri has his Overdrive available use Doom on Yenke and leave him
to die on his own (you can learn that skill from Biran) With that, just
concentrate on attacking Biran.

When Biran's HP is low, he'll use Mighty Guard but only if both of them are
alive. That's why I recommended that you use Doom, since the countdown starts
at 20. Yenke on the other hand will use White Wind under the same situation.
But since White Wind is a much more common skill compared to Mighty Guard, I
suggest that you learn Mighty Guard instead.

After the battle go back down and save your game once more. Continue on.
There will be more scenes here. Go north then west for 2 Mega Potions. Keep
going then head northwest to the end for the Braska's Sphere. After the scene
keep going until tou see a path that leads up, go there to get the Defending
Bracer. Head back down and follow the path north, you'll see Wantz here, buy
some Holy Waters from him. Go back south then west to reach the area below.
Get the 2 chests with an HP Sphere and a Lv. 4 Key Sphere. Head towards the
red indicator and save your game. In the next area just go north, there will
be some scenes. You'll fight Seymour again.

HP: 70,000/?
AP: 15,000
Gil: 6,000
Items: Lv. 4 Key Sphere x2
Equip: Jammer
Steal: Elixir

I suggest having your characters with the highest Agility in first, so that
once he does Lance of Atrophy you'll still get at least one turn before
Mortiorchis follows with Full-Life. Thus, giving you a chance to remove the
Zombie status. Its even better if you enter this battle with at least
Bahamut at Overdrive. Use Auron's various Breaks on Seymour, Tidus cast
Hastega, then just attack. Seymour will cast Reflect on himself after some
time. Make sure you Dispel him once this happens since he will most likely
REFLECT FLARE on his next turn. If you manage to remove his Reflect, his
counterstrike will fail and damage himself instead for 6,000+ HP. When he
has about 24,000 HP left, summon Bahamut and unleash Mega Flare for the kill.

Also, note that Cross Cleave can be quite powerful too so having Protect
should help. If he does Total Annihilation, you will most likely die. Just
make sure you kill him before he gets his chance to do it.

After the battle you'll see some more scenes. When you regain control go
north and save your game. Check behind the pillars on the left for a chest
with the Jupiter Crest.

There will be some more scenes here, then you'll regain control of Tidus
in his dream. Here, just go east then north into the door. You'll see the
kid (Bahamut's Fayth) follow him once he runs out. He'll reveal one of the
few major twist in this game. Tidus will wake up afterwards. When you regain
control continue to the next area.

Treasures: Lv. 1 Key Sphere, Fortune Sphere, Return Sphere, Recovery Ring,
Pep Talk

Note: Solving the Trials of Gagazet opens the way to some treasures.

Keep going towards the red indicator. You'll be swimming once more, just
proceed to the next area. Here, go north. You'll encounter the First Trial
of Gagazet, simply hit the center using Wakka's blitz ball. Get the chest
with a Lv. 1 Key Sphere. Go all the way back to the previous screen and go
south to the next area. There's a save sphere here, you can save if you
like. Climb the stairs and keep going north. You'll see the Second Trial
of Gagazet, here send Rikku into the GREEN hole, Tidus into the BLUE hole
and Wakka into the RED hole. You should see a chest underwater, dive to get
a Fortune Sphere. Swim back to the previous area then go northwest and up
the stone steps. In the next area, save your game and head out. Another
boss will show up.

HP: 40,000
AP: 16,500
Gil: 6,500
Items: Return Sphere x2
Equip: Arc Sword/Magic Armguard (varies)
Steal: Turbo Ether

He isn't hard, in fact it is possible to defeat him even before he takes his
first turn. Alright, have your 3 characters with the highest Agility at the
beginning of the battle. Now, switch any of the 2 characters (except Tidus)
with Auron then have him use Threaten. Sanctuary Keeper will freeze! Have
Tidus cast Hastega on your party to make the boss' turn drop way down
below (you'll see it on the CTB) Just do whatever you want afterwards.
Once it starts moving, recast Threaten (you will most likely miss the 3rd
time. But remember, its miss NOT immune so just try again.) You can keep
repeating this as many times as you want until it dies.

Afterwards, there will be more scenes. When you regain control just keep
going until you reach the end. The party will now see Zanarkand. Examine
Yuna's sphere. You'll hear her last words to everyone. Continue on to
Zanarkand. The FMV from the beginning replays.

Treasures: Fortune Sphere, Spiritual Targe, Friend Sphere, Lv. 3 Key Sphere,
Luck Sphere
Key Item: Sun Crest

Save your game and keep going to the end, get the 2 chests with a Fortune
Sphere and Spiritual Targe along the way. You'll reach the Dome now. Here,
someone will tell the party to go see Yunalesca. Go in.


Inside, you'll see the memories of the other summoners and their guardians.
When you regain control, just follow the path until you reach the save
sphere. From here go north then east for a Friend Sphere, go back and
continue north. Look at the map and you'll notice a narrow path that leads
below, go there to get the chest with a Lv. 3 Key Sphere. Go back up and
continue towards the red indicator. In the next area, just go north and get
the chest with a Luck Sphere to the right. You'll see a scene between Braska,
Jecht and Auron. Once you regain control save your game and proceed to the
next area.


Here, examine the pattern at the north wall, then just step on the shiny
squares on the floor that correspond to a particular block. Once done,
the door will open and 6 pedestals will appear. Just push a pedestal
(Except the 2 at the center) to reveal another puzzle at the next room.
You need to complete all 4. In order to move the 2 center pedestals,
take 1 sphere fom the recess at the north wall of the 2nd room and insert
it into the pedestal. Once completed, a platform will appear at the
center as well as a save sphere. Save and go to the next room. You'll
have to battle another boss.

HP: 52,000
AP: 12,000
Gil: 7,000
Items: Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Equip: Red Shield/Elemental Bracer (varies)
Steal: Ether

Before you fight, give Tidus an armor that protects against Berserk. Once the
battle begins, have Tidus cast Hastega and move your 2 other characters, pre-
ferably Auron and Yuna behind the boss. Now, have Tidus Provoke Spectral
Keeper and Yuna cast Protect on Tidus. On your next succeeding turns keep
Tidus IN FRONT of the boss ALL THE TIME. This will give your other 2
characters freedom to pummel him from behind without being disturbed. You
may use your Aeons here too, but only if they are at Overdrive since Keeper
will kill them at once with Glyph Mines anyway.

If you use the strategy above, Keeper will only use Berserk Tail and nothing
else as long as Tidus remains alive. So have Yuna heal him as often as


Go back to Zanarkand Dome after you kill Sin. Your goal is to step on all
the SQUARE blocks. (7 of them) If you make a mistake you'll have to start
over. Once done, the wall will open and reveal the final Destruction Sphere.
Take it and proceed to the other room. Insert the sphere into the right
pedestal to the north. This will destroy a part of the wall, get the chest
there with a Magistral Rod.

After the scenes continue on and save your game. You'll meet Yunalesca, she
will tell you the whole truth about the final aeon and stuff. When you regain
control go back out and save your game once more. Follow Yunalesca afterwards.

There will be some more scenes here, then you'll have to fight her.

HP: 1ST FORM: 24,000/2ND FORM: 48,000/3RD FORM: 60,000
AP: 19,000
Gil: 9,000
Items: Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Equip: Blessed Targe
Steal: Stamina Tablet x2

Her first form should be easy. Have Tidus cast Hastega, then Yuna cast
Reflect on your attackers. Now, just attack her until she dies.

For her second form, Dispel your Reflect and start attacking her. She will
use Hellbiter, which will inflict Zombie on everyone, feel free to remove
this status with Holy Water for now. But once she uses Hellbiter when she's
dying, keep your Zombie status don't remove it. Also, her physical attacks
are quite weak but it Dispels all good status effects. It will really help
if you have Holy here since it does 9,999 damage against her.

For her third and final form she will use Mega Death on her first turn, so
it will be game over if all your characters are not Zombies. Now is the
time to use your Overdriven Aeons, that should get the job done.

Climb the broken ladder to the left, this will reveal a hidden area. Get the
UNLESS YOU KILL DARK BAHAMUT!) Leave the room afterwards. Outside, Auron
will talk to Tidus about himself. He will also show Tidus his memories.
When you regain control again, go all the way out the Dome. Later, the
airship will come and pick you up.


You'll see some scenes here, save your game afterwards. Go to the Cabin and
talk to Yuna twice. She will tell you to go to Bevelle. Go back to the bridge
and talk to Cid. Choose Highbridge from the destination list.


Here, you'll find out that Shelinda has become the new captain of the guards.
Tidus will tell her that the party wishes to see Mika. She'll leave. Then
Mika will appear, after the talk he'll go away. Yuna and Tidus will go see
the fayth. He'll ask you if you've found a way to defeat Sin. Its up to you
what to choose. You'll see more scenes with Shelinda afterwards.

When you get back to the airship, talk to Cid and head straight for Sin. When
you regain control after some scenes go to the Cabin and save your game.
Continue to the deck. There will be a short scene between Yuna and Tidus.
The battle with Sin commences.

HP: 65,000
AP: 17,000(normal) 24,000(overkill)
Gil: 10,000
Items: HP Sphere x2
Equip: Venomous Blade/Sidewinder
Steal: Mega Potion

This is easy. Just move in and attack with all you got. If you try to cast
any positive status effects on your party, Sin will simply dispel that with
Negation. Once you see its core begin to energize pull back immediately since
Gravija will most likely follow.

There will be some scenes, then you'll have to battle the other fin.

HP: 65,000
AP: 17,000(normal) 24,000(overkill)
Gil: 10,000
Items: Lv. 3 Key Sphere
Equip: Stone Cold
Steal: X-Potion x2

Same as the other Fin.

You'll see some more scenes where Brother fires the main gun which will severe
Sin's other Fin. The main gun will be broken. Just as Cid tells everyone to go
back inside the ship, the party decides to jump. You'll battle another boss

HP: 20,000/36,000
AP: 27,000 (overkill)
Gil: 20,000
Items: Return Sphere x2, MP Sphere x2
Equip: Baroque Sword, Light Ring
Steal - Genais: Shining Gem; Sin: Stamina Spring x9

The battle against Genais is easy. First, it is weak against Fire attacks so
Firaga will deal a decent amount of damage. Once you've dealt sufficient
damage, it returns into its shell, if you attack at this state it recovers
with Cura. So if you have any weapon with the Zombiestrike ability, equip it
and attack Genais until it becomes a Zombie. Once this happens, its Cura will
damage it instead of heal it. When you defeat Genais, Sin will emerge.

Sin's moves will be pretty much the same as the Fins, only this time there
will be nothing to pull you back from its Gravija. So just heal if this

Sin will crash and you'll be back in the airship, when you regain control go
to the deck then talk to Yuna. There will be some scenes, then something will
happen to Sin. You'll be back on the bridge once more, save your game and
proceed to the deck.

HP: 140,000
AP: 20,000(normal) 30,000(overkill)
Gil: 10,000
Items: Lv. 3 Key Sphere x2
Equip: Echo Targe
Steal: Ether x2

This is quite hard. First have Tidus cast Hastega, then Yuna Grand Summon
Anima. This will deal incredible damage especially if Yuna's magic is high.
On Yuna's next turn, summon Bahamut and unleash Mega Flare. Sin will now have
only about 60,000 HP left. When he gets close enough, use Auron's Armor and
Mental Breaks on him and Tidus use Quick Hit. Attack as normal afterwards.

Make sure you kill him before his Overdrive gauge is full or else he'll use
Giga-Graviton and its instant Game Over for you.


You'll find yourself inside Sin afterwards. Here, save your game and continue
on. In the next area, just find your way towards the red indicator. There
will be a save sphere at the end. Save and continue up.

You'll see Seymour again. He'll brag about having been chosen by Sin and all.
You'll fight him again for the last time after that.

HP: 80,000
AP: 32,000 (overkill)
Gil: 13,000
Items: Lv. 3 Key Sphere x4
Equip: Flexible Arm
Steal: Shining Gem x2

He isn't that hard especially when you know how to counter the elements he
is using. First let me explain how his wheels work. Whenever you attack a
wheel with magic it spins to the right, if you attack it physically it'll
spin to the left. Now, if 3 orbs of the same color are facing Seymour, he'll
use Lv. 3 magic with that element 4 times. If only 2 orbs of the same color
are facing him, then he'll use Lv. 2 magic with that element twice. If no
colors are the same, then he'll use Lv. 2 magic of the 4 elements only
once. With that in mind, have Yuna cast NulBlaze on your party, since he
uses Fire as his element by default. Then have Tidus cast Hastega, Auron use
Armor and Mental Breaks and Lulu cast Blizzaga. When he has only about
25,000-30,000 HP left, summon Bahamut at overdrive to get it over with.

Yuna finally succeeds in sending him. After that, go back down and save
your game once more. Head back up and continue on. Here, just keep going
towards the red indicator at the end. Press O while stepping on the blue
panels you see along the way, this will lead to hidden treasures around the
area. Continue on until you reach your last save sphere. Once you're ready
continue north. A large pillar will drop from the sky, approach the large
pink circle to get to the next area.

Here, you have to collect the white crystals that appear. (10 of them) If
you happen to get hit the crystal shards that protrude from the ground,
you'll fight fiends. Once you've collected all 10 crystals you'll
automatically be taken to the next area.

The party will see Jecht here, just go towards where he is and you'll see a
long scene between him and Tidus. The toughest battle of the game will
commence after that.

HP: 1ST FORM: 60,000/2ND FORM: 120,000
AP: Nothing
Gil: Nothing
Items: Nothing
Equip: Nothing
Steal: Turbo Ether x2

Your first move here should be Hastega then Auron's various Breaks
(Full Break recommended) You should also have a Stoneproof or Stone Ward
armor equipped as Jecht Beam causes Petrify. If you have a weapon with
the Zombiestrike ability it will be a very good idea to equip it in this
battle since Jecht is NOT immune to Zombie. Start attacking him after that.
Once Jecht turns green (zombie) repeatedly cast Curaga on him as this deals
massive damage especially if Yuna has a weapon with Break Damage Limit.
(22,000-25,000 damage per Curaga) He'll also take damage from the Yu
Pagoda's Power Wave (1,500 HP) If the zombie status wears off, reinflict it
again. Also have Tidus talk to him only when his Overdrive gauge is 3/4 full,
since you are only allowed to use the Trigger Command twice. Just use the
same strategy for his second form. Good Luck!

Strategy from Martin Lindell

There's an easy way to beat Braska's Final Aeon. Just have Yuna Grand Summon
Yojimbo then pay him 200,000 gil, and hope for Zanmato. This will result to
an instant kill.

Note: The odds of having Yojimbo perform Zanmato are completely random. But
then it's worth a try. since Martin's tip will save you a lot of time
in fighting Jecht. Besides you're at the end of the game, so you don't
have to worry about money. :)

The game is practically over now. You'll see more scenes between Tidus and
Jecht after that. Then Yu Yevon will come. The final battle of the game will

HP: varies/99,999
AP: Nothing
Gil: Nothing
Items: Nothing
Equip: Nothing
Steal: Nothing

The Aeons will have the same amount of HP as they did when they are still
with Yuna. This should be very easy, since you won't lose here even if
you wanted to. You have infinite Auto-Life! Just do whatever you think is
best, trust me you'll be fine!

Sit back and watch the ending (such a tear jerker =)) Congratulations! you're


****************************SPOILER WARNING**********************************
****************************SPOILER WARNING**********************************

Foreword: Here's the full translation of the extra ending, as contributed
to me by Evan Panahi He told me that he
got this from The GIA so credit goes to them too.

The Eternal Calm: Final Fantasy X Another Story

Scene 1: Besaid Beach

Yuna (thinking): 37, 38, 39, 40, 41...

(Sound of surfacing, gasp of breath)

Yuna (thinking): --two minutes, forty one seconds--a new high!

(Wakka runs onto Besaid beach and yells to Yuna)

Wakka: Yuna! C'mon!

Yuna: Be right there!

(Close up on Wakka. He crosses his hands and sighs contentedly.)

Wakka: Pretty good at holding your breath now, ya?

Yuna (laughing): Not as good as you!

Wakka: Yeah, well, I haven't even practiced recently.

Yuna (jokingly): You sure look it.

(Embarassed by his spare tire, Wakka brings his hand to his forehead.)

Wakka: Eh--ah...

Yuna: It's not like you're the one having a baby!

(Wakka turns, sighs, and runs off, leaving Yuna alone on the beach.)

(Yuna turns towards the beach and thinks to herself.)

Yuna (thinking): It's been two years since then. I can hold my
breath underwater for two whole minutes now. It takes more than
just physical strength, there's a few tricks to it that you
need to figure out--I didn't understand when it was explained
in words, but after a lot of practice I finally got it.

Yuna (thinking): I'd never thought there was any kind of trick
to it--I couldn't afford to think about anything back then.

Yuna (thinking): The Eternal Calm. It's my two minutes and
forty one seconds and Wakka's pudgy stomach. It's not
much--just a quiet kind of happiness.

Scene 2: Besaid Temple

(Yuna stands at the door and looks around before entering the
dimly lit temple. She walks over to where Wakka is talking
with a man. The pair walk towards her and the man begins to speak.)

Tasgio: I saw you from a distance at the stadium two years ago...
but I never thought I'd get to see you in person. You're as
beautiful as ever...

Yuna: Thank you.

Tasgio: I have a favor to ask about my grandson. He's joined up with
the Young Persons' Alliance.

Tasgio: Now, not to say the Alliance is bad in and of itself... but
me and the missus are both with New Yevon--my son and daughter-in-
law too. My grandson used to come to our meetings, too, but one day
he just...

Tasgio: There's a lot of young folks in the Alliance, so I'm sure
it's exciting for him, but still--

Yuna (thinking): A number of groups have formed across Spira since
then. How should we build this new world? What should Spira be
like in the future? Everyone is looking for their own path.

Tasgio: I feel that ... my grandson and his companions are
moving too quickly.

Yuna (thinking): With so many different ways of thinking, at times
conflict is inevitable. Some people are uncomfortable with the new
way of things. Honestly, I am too, sometimes... But this is good
enough for now. That's what I keep telling myself.

Yuna: I understand your feelings. But try talking over with your
grandson. His actions may appear reckless to you, but his feelings
for Spira are the same as your own.

Scene 3: Besaid Island

(Yuna is walking along an island path when Wakka runs in from
off screen.)

Wakka: He-ey!

Yuna: Who is it? A visitor?

Wakka: Ya, you know how it is - the village geezers are shooting
their mouths off about that again...

Yuna: Who is it this time?

Wakka: The son of the head of New Yevon.

Yuna: No way. I'd probably just end up being used by him.

Wakka: Man... sorry, Yuna.

Yuna: I'll go turn them down.

Wakka: No problem, I got it. I mean, you don't wanna hafta see their
frowning faces, do ya?

Yuna: ...right.

(A messenger runs on screen.)

???: Lady Yuna!

Yeivel: Lady Yuna! I am Yeivel of the Young Persons' Alliance!
I have come today to deliver a message from our leader Nurge!

Wakka: She's not joining the Alliance.

Yeivel: But--

Yuna: Is that why you came?

Yeivel: ...yes, it is.

Yuna: I'm not going to join with any group.

Yeivel: Are you perhaps going to form your own group?

Yuna: Please leave.

(Rikku runs on screen, screaming and out of breath.)

Rikku: Yuna! Wakka!

(Close up on Rikku, fade to black. Fade in on:)

Scene 4: Salvage Ship

Yuna (thinking): Rikku sometimes comes by Besaid Island. She travels
about Spira, teaching people how to use machines, excavating old
machines from undeground or underwater... She's awfully busy--but
she seems to be enjoying herself.

(Rikku pokes Wakka's stomach, making little poking noises.)

Wakka: Stop that!

Rikku: Quite the tummy you've got now! So how's Lulu?

Wakka: She's in the village. Go say "hi" later, ya?

Rikku: Of course! And Yunie--same as always, huh?

Yuna (cheerfully): That's right. Same as always.

(A seagull flies overhead.)

Wakka: So Kimahri's still at Mt. Gagazet?

Rikku: You betcha! He's teaching the Ronso children tons of stuff--
he's really quite the teacher!

Rikku: Anyway, I got something from Kimahri for you--he said he
found it up in the mountain.

Yuna: A Sphere?

Wakka: Weird shape, huh?

(Rikku activates the Sphere and holds it out for Yuna.)

Rikku: Look closely, Yunie.

Scene 5: A Cage

(This scene is difficult to see and hear; the screen is awash in
colored noise, and the sound is distorted and strung out. The
cage may be underwater, though it's difficult to tell. Though the
location of the cage is uncertain, it is clearly Tidus trapped

Tidus: What the hell do I get arrested for? Let me go already!

Tidus: You hear me, don't you? What'd you think if she was your girl?

Tidus: Who cares if I used the enemy's machina? It was the only way
to save the Summoner!

Tidus: What would you have done instead?!

Tidus: Let me out of here! Let me see her!

Scene 6: Salvage Ship

Yuna (thinking): A voice... a voice that had been close by for what
seemed like forever...

Wakka: What's this about? What's he doing there? Is that really him?
What's this all about?

Rikku: I don't really know... but you want to find out, don't you?

Wakka: Well, yeah!

Yuna: Yes.

Rikku: Then let's go!

Yuna: Where to?

Rikku: No idea! Let's go talk to Kimahri first and think about it
then, okay?

Wakka: But we don't know anything! Shouldn't we look into it a
little first?

Rikku: And just who's gonna find it out for us?

(Yeivel appears suddenly on the bridge.)

Yeivel: Leave it to us!

Yeivel: Our leader Nurge should agree as well! I'll convince him

Wakka: Get outta here!

Yeivel: Y-yessir! I'll return as soon as something has been

(Yeivel runs off.)

Rikku: I think that Yunie ought to go herself.

Wakka: That's impossible.

Rikku: Why's that?

Wakka: The next three months are completely booked. Everyone wants
to meet Yuna.

Rikku: And what about what Yunie wants!

Wakka: Well, y'know...someday, when the world's settled down and all...

(Rikku is furious at Wakka.)

Rikku: Whaddya mean, someday? What someday? What's the matter with you,
Wakka? Yunie always worked so hard, she should only have to worry about
herself now--so why!? Everytime I come here, I always think about how
everyone's busy finding their own happiness... except for Yuna.

Wakka: Well, that's--

(Rikku runs over and shouts in Wakka's face.)

Rikku: Has your head gone as soft as your belly?!

Rikku: Yunie!

Yuna (thinking): I... I want to go. But--if I leave, I may
disappoint people.

Yuna: I...

[Ed. Note: The following line is a direct quotation from Final
Fantasy X; however, since we couldn't find the exact wording of
the English version we have gone ahead and retranslated it.]

Tidus (voiceover): Well, if acting grown up means not being
able to say what I want, then screw it! Nothing'll change
that way!

Yuna: I'll go.

Wakka: Yuna!!

(Rikku sighs with relief.)

Yuna: After all... this is my story.

Rikku: Ha! I knew you'd say that, so I went ahead and brought
some stuff for you.

Wakka: Oh, no...

Rikku: First off, we gotta get you into some new clothes! You're
famous, after all, so you'd better go undercover!

Wakka: J--just a sec, ya? Lemme go get Lu.

Yuna (thinking): The Eternal Calm. It's my two minutes and forty
one seconds and Wakka's pudgy stomach. It's a small and quiet
kind of happiness ... but, I guess I can ask for a little more,
can't I?

Yuna: Rikku, let's get going!

The End...




Omega Ruins | x = 74.101, y = 36.099 | - |
Sanubia Sands | x = 15.028, y = 41.836 | Ascalon |
Baaj Temple | x = 16.726, y = 57.986 | - |
Besaid Falls | x = 29.688, y = 73.073 | Dragoon Lance |
Battle Site | x = 39.676, y = 57.985 | Phantom Bangle |
Mi'ihen Ruins | x = 33.938, y = 57.135 | Sonar |


Mushroom Rock | GODHAND | God Hand |
Besiad Ruins 1 | VICTORIOUS | Victorious |
Besaid Ruins 2 | MURASAME | Murasame |


You can watch some movies and listen to some music here. But you will need
a lot of gil to purchase the entire collection of spheres that they have,
since a movie sphere costs 5,000 each and a music sphere for 2,000 each.
There's a total of 50 movie spheres and 71 music spheres. Here's the list.

#1: Zanarkand #26: Otherworld
#2: We Call It "Sin" #27: Sin Sleeps
#3: Sinspawn #28: Homecoming
#4: This Is It #29: Dry Dock
#5: Blitzball! #30: Nayto Du Ku
#6: A Summoner Is Born #31: Leaving Home
#7: Lulu's Contempt #32: The Glory of Yevon
#8: Kimahri's Challenge #33: The Red Carpet
#9: Fear On The Sea #34: False Vows
#10: Sin Arises #35: Believe
#11: Sin's Threat #36: The Spring
#12: Futile Resistance #37: The Summit
#13: Failure #38: The Last Chapter
#14: Kilika Dusk #39: Sinrise
#15: The Dance #40: Departure
#16: Luca Harbor #41: The Approach
#17: Let The Games Begin #42: Terra Graviton
#18: The Legend Lives #43: Gravity Sucks
#19: The Dark Aeon #44: Heaven's Fall
#20: No Better Plan #45: Vena!
#21: Judgement #46: Machina Redux
#22: Ex Machina #47: Sinfall
#23: Sin's Wake #48: Evenfall
#24: Reunion #49: Face Off
#25: Metropolis #50: Breaking Through

#M01: Zanarkand #M37: Moment Of Truth
#M02: Prelude #M38: Djose Temple
#M03: Tidus' Theme #M39: Ridess The Shoopuf?
#M04: Run!! #M40: Rikku's Theme
#M05: Creep #M41: Oui Are Al Bhed
#M06: Battle Theme #M42: Guadosalam
#M07: Enemy Attack #M43: Thunder Plains
#M08: Game Over #M44: Jecht's Theme
#M09: Out Of The Frying Pan #M45: The Burning Sands
#M10: Victory Fanfare #M46: The Wedding
#M11: Leap In The Dark #M47: Assault
#M12: Underwater Ruins #M48: Tragedy
#M13: The Blitzers #M49: Believe
#M14: Wandering #M50: Servants Of The Mountain
#M15: Besaid #M51: Macalania Woods
#M16: Spira Unplugged #M52: Via Purifico
#M17: Phantoms #M53: Bravely Forward
#M18: The Trials #M54: The Unsent Laugh
#M19: The Summoning #M55: Seymour's Ambition
#M20: Braska's Daughter #M56: Illusion
#M21: Yuna's Theme #M57: Yuna's Decision
#M22: Good Night #M58: Nostalgia
#M23: Decision On The Deck #M59: Peril
#M24: Movement In Green #M60: Launch
#M25: A Fleeting Dream #M61: Challenge
#M26: Calm Before The Storm #M62: Beyond The Darkness
#M27: Face Off #M63: The Void
#M28: Grand Maester Mika #M64: The Truth Revealed
#M29: Luca #M65: Pursuit
#M30: The Splendid Performance #M66: Gloom
#M31: Auron's Theme #M67: Patricide
#M32: Blitz Off! #M68: The Temple Players
#M33: Mi'ihen Highroad #M69: Hum Of The Fayth
#M34: Chocobo Jam #M70: Lulu's Theme
#M35: The Travel Agency #M71: Wakka's Theme
#M36: Seymour's Theme

Tracks 69 to 71 are part of the special music sphere set which can be bought
for 40,000 Gil once you've completed the collection from Tracks 1 to 68.


You can only revisit the temples after you defeat Sin and the dark aeons that
are blocking the entrance to some of them. You have to solve the puzzles
again to gain access to the Chamber of the Fayth. Here, the Fayth will tell
a part of the story about Sin, Jecht and their dream. You'll receive some
treasures too, which are mostly rare spheres.

Besaid Temple | Evasion Sphere, Potion x2, Wht Magic Sphere, |
| Hi-Potion, Elixir |
Kilika Temple | Luck Sphere, Defense Sphere, Agility Sphere, |
| Accuracy Sphere |
Djose Temple | Luck Sphere, Magic Defense Sphere, Agility |
| Sphere |
Macalania Temple | Magic Sphere, Accuracy Sphere, Magic Defense |
| Sphere |
Cavern of Stolen Fayth | Strength Sphere |
Remiem Temple | Defense Sphere |


Key Item: Cloudy Mirror

In order to get to this area, go to the southwest part of Calm Lands on a
chocobo. Press O on the feather and the chocobo will fly down below.

Here, there will be an intersection. Go left and examine the sphere, you'll
also see the champion chocobo. Now, go right at the intersection and ride
the chocobo. The race will start, your goal is to get to the central
platform ahead of the champion chocobo. You'll receive the Cloudy Mirror
if you win.


1. Anima

You have to go to Baaj Temple, enter the coordinates at the airship to access
this area.

Treasures: Megalixir, Mega Pheonix x4

Save your game first then go north, Tidus will automatically jump at the end.
When you regain control after the short scene, head for the entrance. You'll
meet the big fish once more.

HP: 32,767
AP: 4,200
Gil: 1,000
Items: Ability Sphere x4
Equip: Reflect Shield/Variable Mog
Steal: Water Gem

Make sure your party has a Stone Ward armor equipped since his Stone Punch
causes Petrification. Cast Hastega on yourself first then attack. Use Bomb
Core on him if you have it. After a few turns he'll swallow one of your
characters, use the Trigger Command: Struggle to deal twice as much damage.

But take note that if one of your characters are still inside him the moment
he dies, he'll spit that character out dealing 9,999 damage on everyone! So
just make sure his stomach is empty before you kill him.

After that, dive and go south. Check around the area to find the chest with
the Onion Knight, you'll need the Celestial Mirror to open it though. (more
on that later) Proceed into the temple.

Inside, you'll see 6 statues. Approch each one to activate it. If you managed
ONE IN ZANARKAND the door will open. After some scenes, you'll receive Anima.

2. Yojimbo

He is inside the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth. It is located below the valley
where you fought Defender X. Get down there and proceed to the next area.

Treasures: Megalixir, Lv. 2 Key Sphere, Fortune Sphere, Mega-Potion x2,
Flexible Arm, X-Potion x2, Teleport Sphere x2, MP Sphere

Here, check every corner of the cavern for some treasures. Then keep
going towards the end, there will be a save sphere here. Save first and
continue on. There will be some scenes, you'll battle Yojimbo afterwards.

HP: 33,000
AP: 0
Gil: 0
Items: none
Equip: none
Steal: nothing

Just unload on him with all you got and use your aeons here as much as
possible to kill him quickly. Once his overdrive gauge is full, he'll do
Zanmato so summon an aeon immediately to shield yourself.

Step on the teleport panel and go to the areas which are indicated with ???
for some treasures. Proceed to the Chamber of Fayth afterwards. Inside,
you'll see some scenes. Yojimbo will ask you to pay him 250,000 Gil. Its up
to you how much you'll offer, the higher the price the better the items he'll
give you in return. Yojimbo will join you after that.

3. Magus Sisters

To get this aeon you need 2 items:

- Flower Scepter - defeat Belgemine's Bahamut aeon in Remiem Temple
- Blossom Crown - You'll receive this from the monster trainer at the Calm
Lands training arena once you've captured all the monsters
in Mt. Gagazet and Gagazet Mountain Cave.

Once you have both items, go back to Remiem Temple and examine the glowing
glyph on the door to the north and use the 2 items there.

Reminder: You must have both Anima and Yojimbo before going to the Remiem
Temple to get the Magus Sisters.


You need the Celestial Mirror in order to acquire the ultimate weapons for
each character but first you should have the Cloudy Mirror. Now, go to
Macalania Woods. Talk to the mother and child here and they will tell you
that their husband/father is missing. Go east to the next area, here go
west and you'll see the guy. Tell him that his family is waiting for him.

Go back to the couple and they'll tell you that their child is missing. Now
from the save sphere, find a crystal path and go up, at the intersection
head north and you'll find the boy. Use the Cloudy Mirror there and it will
become the Celestial Mirror.

Another thing, you should know that when you initially get a weapon, it will
possess nothing more than the No AP ablity, rendering it useless. You will
need Crests and Sigils to maximize the power of each weapon.

1. Tidus (Caladbolg)
Requirements: Sun Crest, Sun Sigil

You can obtain the Sun Crest from a chest at the area where you fought

As for the Sigil, well... you have to endure hours after hours of annoyance
and frustration. =) Anyway, to get it you have to race with the Chocobo
Trainer in Calm Lands. You need to acheive a time of 0.0, that would mean
getting 14 balloons and hitting only 1 bird, if you reach the finish line
at 39 seconds or less. But it is better if you don't let any birds hit
you. It is very important that you get 4 or better yet all of the balloons
at the beginning of the race. As you progress however, getting the balloons
will be significantly harder since it will be scattered randomly all
over the track. Not to mention both the Trainer herself and the birds
getting in your way. Good Luck!

Once you have both items, go to the northern area of Calm Lands and find a
slope that leads below. Examine the glyph and use the Celestial Mirror
there. You'll receive the Caladbolg.

2. Yuna (Nirvana)
Requirements: Moon Crest, Moon Sigil

You can get the Moon Crest from a chest at Besaid Beach.

You'll receive the Moon Sigil from Belgemine once you beat all her aeons in
Remiem Temple.

Here's a list of all the items you'll receive from her every time you defeat
each of her aeons:

Valefor | Aeon's Soul / Lightning Gem x4
Ifrit | X-Potion x30
Ixion | Chocobo Feather x10
Shiva | Mega-Potion x60
Bahamut | Flower Scepter
Yojimbo | Shadow Gem x8
Anima | Stamina Spring x60
Magus Sisters | Shining Gem x40

If you caught all the monsters in Calm Lands, the Trainer will give you a
chest which requires the Celestial Mirror to open. Get the Nirvana there.

3. Auron (Masamune)
Requirements: Saturn Crest, Saturn Sigil

You can get the Saturn Crest from a chest at the southmost end of the Old
Road. (Mi'ihen Highroad)

You will receive the Saturn Sigil from the Monster Trainer in Calm Lands
once you have captured at least 1 of all the fiends from at least 10 areas.

To get the Masamune, you will need the Rusty Sword which can be found
stuck in the ground to the east of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.
Once you have all the items, go back to Mushroom Rock and examine Lord
Mi'ihen's statue. Insert the Rusty Sword there and a glyph will appear,
examine it and you'll receive the Masamune.

4. Wakka (World Champion)
Requirements: Mercury Crest, Mercury Sigil

Go back to the Auroch's Locker Room in Luca and get the Mercury Crest from
one of the lockers there.

The Mercury Sigil will appear as a prize at the Blitz Ball League once you
completed all of Wakka's Reels. (Attack, Status, Aurochs)

Talk to the bartender at the Cafe in Luca. If you've won enough Blitz Ball
games, you'll receive the World Champion.

5. Lulu (Onion Knight)
Requirements: Mars Crest, Mars Sigil

The Mars Crest can be found in a chest at the Farplane, go back there once
you have the airship.

The Mars Sigil will be a little harder to acquire. It will require lots of
concentration and very little distraction. Now go to the Thunder Plains and
try to dodge 200 consecutive lightning bolts. (I strongly recommend having
the No Encounters ability here since any random battle might distract you.)
Once you're done claim your prize at the Rin Travel Agency.

# of bolts dodged | Prize
5 | X-Potion x2
10 | Mega-Potion x2
20 | MP Sphere x2
50 | Strength Sphere x3
100 | HP Sphere x3
150 | Megalixir x4
200 | Mars Sigil

You can get the Onion Knight from a chest that is underwater outside Baaj

6. Rikku (Godhand)
Requirements: Venus Crest, Venus Sigil

You'll find the Venus Crest in a chest that is within a whirlpool at Bikanel

You need to complete the Cactuar Village side quest to get the Venus Crest.
This event is triggered once you examine the cactuar stone located somewhere
in Bikanel Island. (I don't know the exact location) You have to find all 10
cactuars to gain access to the area blocked by the sandstorm. Here's a list
of the 10 Cactuars.

1st Cactuar: Tomay

Clue: Tomay's gone to fetch water.
Location: Oasis
Time Limit: 10 seconds
2nd Cactuar: Rovivea

Clue: Rovivea's gone walkabout
Location: Running around to the west of Sanubia Desert East
Time Limit: 13 seconds
3rd Cactuar: Chava

Clue: Little Chava likes big numbers.
Location: 20% off sign post at Sanubia Desert West
Time Limit: 13 seconds
4th & 5th Cactuar: Alek & Aloja

Clue: Alek & Aloja play tag in the ruins of men.
Location: From the save sphere at Sanubia Desert Central, go west to the
Time Limit: 13 seconds.
6th Cactuar: Vachella

Clue: Vachella seeks the shining blue.
Location: Examine the save sphere at Sanubia Desert East.
Time Limit: 14 seconds
7th Cactuar: Robeya

Clue: Robeya's stuck inside.
Location: Southwest area of Sanubia Desert Central, look for a treasure
chest near the wire fence.
Time Limit: 14 seconds
8th Cactuar: Isrra

Clue: The lord of the hole is gone, Isrra thinks.
Location: Check among the whirlpools at Sanubia Desert West (he appears
Time Limit: 15 seconds
9th Cactuar: Elio

Clue: Much curious, Elio has left on a journey.
Location: He's at the airship, go all the way back to the Oasis and watch a
scene where Elio teleports into the airship. Find him on the Deck
Time Limit: 11 seconds
10th Cactuar: Flaile

Clue: Flaile is always behind.
Location: Just put Elio's sphere into the stone and he'll show up
Time Limit: 13 seconds

If you managed to find all 10 cactuars the sandstorm that once blocked your
path will disappear. You can now go that area and get the Venus Sigil from
a chest there.

To get the Godhand, go to Mushroom Rock (the one that was unlocked by the
GODHAND password) and use the Celestial Mirror to open the treasure chest.

7. Kimahri (Spirit Lance)
Requirements: Jupiter Crest, Jupiter Sigil

The Jupiter Crest can be found in a chest situated behind one of the pillars
at Gagazet Prominence. (where you fought Seymour Flux)

For the Jupiter Sigil you need to catch 7 blue butterflies at Macalania Woods

To get the Spirit Lance, go to the Thunder Plains and examine 3 Cactuar
Stones there with the SQUARE button. A Ghost Cactuar will appear. Now go
to Thunder Plains South, then a bit northeast from the save sphere. When you
see a fallen lightning rod tower examine it with the SQUARE btton to receive
the weapon.

Once you have all the weapons and the necessary crests and sigils, go to
Macalania Woods and examine one of the white orbs there to complete the
ritual and maximize the power of the weapons.


Defeating these aeons is indeed the most difficult task to accomplish in this
game. But I'll try my best to help you out. Very well then, lets begin.

REMINDERS: All Dark Aeons are IMMUNE to all types of status ailments,
including all Breaks.

Ribbon DOES NOT prevent KO / Death, but Deathproof DOES.

I'm using the max stats cheat when fighting these dark aeons,
meaning all my stats are at 255 with 99,999 HP and 9999 MP.
1. Dark Velefor
HP: 800,000
AP: 10,000 (normal) 15,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x2
Equip: Double Header / Genji Shield
Steal: X-Potion x4
Attacks: Energy Ray - deals 10,000+ damage on all characters
Energy Blast - deals 52,000+ damage on all characters
Physical Attack - 3,500+ damage on 1 character
Elemental Immunities: none, but half damage all elements
Recommended Armor Abilities: Break HP Limit, Auto Pheonix
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, One MP Cost

Location: You'll find him at the entrance of Besaid Village. A summoner will
block your path and summon Dark Valefor.

I recommend that you have an Accuracy of at least 80, if not repeatedly cast
Aim on yourself. Cast Hastega immediately at the beginning of the battle.
Set your Overdrive Mode to Stoic (this is your best choice) Start attacking
after that, use Tidus' Blitz Ace Overdrive and Wakka's Attack Reels. He'll
die soon enough.

Dark Valefor uses Energy Ray first then immediately follows with Energy Blast
once his overdrive gauge is full. Save yourself with Auto-Life.

2. Dark Ifrit
HP: 1,400,000
AP: 20,000 (normal) 30,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x2
Equip: Arcane Ring / Soul of Mog
Steal: Mega Pheonix x2
Attacks: Meteorstrike - 20,000+ damage on 1 target.
Hellfire - 33,000+ damage against all targets.
Physical Attacks - 9000+ damage on 1 character
Elemental Immunities: Absorbs fire, immune against lightning & water, half
damage against ice
Recommended Armor Abilities: Break HP Limit, Auto Pheonix, Fire Eater
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Counterattack, One MP Cost

Location: Entrance to Al Bhed Home, a man will ask you to help him find his
daughter. You must choose yes and he'll ask you to look by the
cliff. You'll see Dark Ifrit there.

It is recommended that all members of your battle party has Auto-Life and
Hastega with them. This will be easy if you have the Fire Eater ability.
Now, cast Hastega on yourself, then Auto-Life on all your party members. His
physical attacks are pretty powerful so you should also have Protect, but
even so you'll still die if your HP isn't high enough. If you have the Fire
Eater ability, Meteorstrike won't hurt you but heal you instead. Recast Auto
Life if necessary and continue attacking. Once his overdrive gauge is full,
summon an aeon to block.

3. Dark Ixion
HP: 1,200,000
AP - 1st Battle: 20,000 (normal) 30,000 (overkill)
- 2nd Battle: 40,000 (normal) 50,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x4
Equip: Ochre Bangle / Ochre Bracer / Genji Shield
Steal: Stamina Tablet x2
Attacks: 1st Battle: Thundaja - 4000+ damage on 1 character.
Aerospark - 6000+ damage 1 character.
Physical Attacks - causes Sleep
2nd Battle: Aerospark - instant kill (99,999 damage) on 1 character
Thor's Hammer - 19,000+ damage on all characters
Physical Attacks - causes Sleep & Full Break
Elemental Immunities: absorbs lightning, immune against ice & fire, half
damage against water.
Recommended Armor Abilities: Sleepproof, Auto-Pheonix, Break HP Limit,
Lightning Eater
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Counterattack, Magic
Booster, One MP Cost

Location: Talk to the soldier under the lightning rod tower, north of the
agency. Once you do, he'll run off and call a summoner who will
then summon Dark Ixion.

Your very first move should be Hastega then Auto-Life on all your party
members. Lightning Eater will protect you from Thundaja, but not from
Aerospark. Remember that there is no way you can prevent Full Break. Now,
with that in mind start attacking. Doublecast Ultima as much as you can.
If you have your overdrives available, don't use it just yet, save it for
later. His overdrive will only be Aerospark.

When you fight him for the second time, cast Hastega on yourself then Auto-
Life on all your party members. Unleash your overdrives and keep Double-
casting Ultima. Once he does Aerospark, one of your characters will die
for sure, but with Auto-Life you shouldn't worry. When his overdrive
gauge is full it is important that you immediately summon an aeon to block
if your HP isn't high enough.

4. Dark Shiva
HP: 1,100,000
AP: 20,000 (normal) 30,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x2
Equip: Rod of Ice / Excalibur
Steal: Mana Tablet x4
Attacks: Physical Attacks - 4000+ damage to a character.
Heavenly Strike - causes KO / death
Diamond Dust - 84,000+ damage! on all characters.
Elemental Immunities: absorbs ice, immune against water & lightning, half
damage against fire
Recommended Armor Abilities: Break HP Limit, Auto Pheonix, Deathproof
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Double Overdrive, One MP
Cost, Counterattack / Magic Booster

Location: Macalania Temple Entrance. A Guado Guard will block your path and
summon Dark Shiva.

It is required for your party to have high defense, otherwise she will
simply kick you and you're dead. Cast Hastega first, Aim, then Auto-Life on
your entire party, start attacking with Quick Hit after that. Her Heavenly
Strike causes Death, but with Deathproof you'll be fine. Recast Auto-Life
if necessary. Once her overdrive gauge is full, summon an aeon immediately
to save yourself.

Once she's dead, an infinite supply of Guado Guadians will emerge from the
temple, so never bother to think about killing all of them. Just run.

5. Dark Bahamut
HP: 4,000,000
AP: 30,000 (normal) 40,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter
Equip: Super Goalie
Steal: Twin Stars x2
Attacks: Physical Attacks - 12,000-13,000 damage on 1 character.
Impulse - 6,000+ damage in addition to Slow, Full Break & Petrify
on all characters.
Mega Flare - Massive damage to all characters, that is if you're
not inflicted with Full Break, which never happens
Elemental Immunites: Half damage against all elements including Holy
Recommended Armor Abilities: Ribbon, Auto-Pheonix, Break HP Limit.
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Magic Booster, Double
Overdrive, One MP Cost

Location: Zanarkand Dome. (the place where you fought Yunalesca) Dark Bahamut
will be waiting there.

This battle is long and hard. First cast Hastega then Auto-Life on your
party, Protect will help too. Start attacking with Quick Hit after that.
Make sure your party ALWAYS has Auto-Life, meaning when a character dies and
is revived, recast Auto-Life immediately. Be very prepared because once his
overdrive gauge is full, he'll use Impulse then immediately follow with Mega
Flare, so make sure your HP is high enough to survive from Impulse to
preserve your Auto-Life, because you'll definitely die from Mega Flare.

6. Dark Yojimbo
HP: 1,600,000
AP: 8,000 (normal) 10,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x7, Master Sphere x1
Equip: Nemesis Rod / Ashura / Vendetta / Genji Bracer / Heaven's Cloud
Steal: Stamina Tonic x2
Elemental Immunities: Regular damage against all elements including Holy
Attacks: Daigoro - 6,000+ damage with Petrify on 1 character
Kozuka - 12,000+ damage with Full Break and Curse on 1 character
Wakizashi - 22,000+ damage on all characters
Zanmoto - instant death on all characters
Recommended Armor Abilities: Ribbon, Auto Pheonix, Break HP Limit
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Magic
Booster, One MP Cost

Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, step on the teleport panel to get to
the back of the cave then try to go back out. A summoner will
block your path and call Dark Yojimbo.

You have to fight him 5 times by going after the summoner towards the
entrance of the cave. Set your overdrive mode to Stoic. Now, cast Hastega
then Auto-Life on your first turn as usual. Start attacking with Quick
Hit and keep Doublecasting Ultima. Once his overdrive gauge is full,
summon an aeon to block Zanmoto because if you don't you'll die and
reviving won't be possible even with Auto-Life. Use your Overdrives as
much as possible.

There will be a save sphere here, but saving will be useless since if you
reload you'll have to start over again. So just use it to recover your HP
and MP.

7. Dark Anima
HP: 8,000,000
AP: 30,000 (normal) 40,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x2
Equip: Sanctuary
Steal: Three Stars x2
Attacks: Physical Attacks - 10,000+ damage with Petrify and Curse on 1
Mega-Graviton - MASSIVE damage (46,000+ at 99,999) with Sleep,
Blind, Doom, Silence, Curse on all characters.
Pain - Instant death on 1 character
Oblivion - Instant death + Osmose on all characters.
Elemental Immunuties: absorbs all elements, immune to Ultima and Drain
Recommended Armor Abilities: Ribbon, Auto-Pheonix, Break HP Limit,
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive,
Counterattack, One MP Cost, Magic Booster

Location: Mt. Gagazet Gate. Go to Gagazet Mountain Cave and repeat the 1st
Trial of Gagazet (Wakka's ball challenge). Once you're done, Anima
will be waiting at the gate of Mt. Gagazet.

This fight is extremely long and quite hard too. Cast Hastega then Auto-Life
on your party and start attacking with Quick Hit. Again, make sure all your
party members ALWAYS has Auto-Life. Just summon an aeon once his overdrive
gauge is full to block his DEADLY attack. Also, remember that his Pain will
kill a character even with Deathproof, your aeons are not immune to this as
well. Rely on Auto-Life to revive you from Mega-Graviton.

8. Dark Magus Sisters
HP: Mindy - 2,000,000
Sandy - 2,500,000
Cindy - 3,000,000
AP: 30,000 (normal) 40,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x4, Master Sphere x1
Equip: Excalibur x3
Steal: Mindy - Teleport Sphere
Sandy - Friend Sphere
Cindy - Return Sphere
Attacks: Mindy - Calamity - casts Poison, Blind, Curse, Silence, Full Break
on 1 character
- Passado - inflicts Death on 1 character
Sandy - Physical Attacks - 12,000+ damage with Petrify on 1
- Razzia - Instant death on 1 character (99,999 damage)
Cindy - Camisade - Instant death on 1 character (99,999 damage)
plus Osmose
All of them - Delta Attack - Instant Game Over
Elemental Immunities: Regular damage against all elements including Holy
Recommended Armor Abilities: Ribbon, Auto-Pheonix, Deathproof, Break HP Limit
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Magic Booster, One MP Cost,
Triple Overdrive

Location: From the North End of Mi'ihen Highroad, go north to Mushroom Rock.
You'll see 2 summoners there, approach them.

You can run from them and beat them one by one. But lets assume you got
caught by all 3.

The most important thing to remember here is that they start with a full
overdrive gauge. First cast Hastega then Auto-Life on your party. After
that summon an aeon at overdrive immediately, preferably Anima and have him
do Oblivion and at the same time save you from Delta Attack. Now, pummel
Mindy with your character overdrives (Blitz Ace and a perfect 2-Hit Attack
Reels) to get rid of her quickly and prevent further Delta Attacks. Once
one of them is gone, the two left will do Mega-Graviton when their
overdrive gauges are full. Make sure all your party members ALWAYS have
Auto-Life, since its hard to predict what they will do next.

If it so happened that you got tired of killing each one of them manually,
just grand summon Yojimbo and pay him lots of gil (I paid him 1.7 million)
and hope that he'll do Zanmato to kill one of them instantly.

9. Penance
HP: Body - 7,000,000
Arms - 600,000 each
AP: 100,000 (normal) 130,000 (overkill)
Items: Dark Matter x3, Master Sphere x3
Equip: Eternity
Steal: Elixir x6
Attacks: Body - Obliteration - 22,000+ damage plus Slow on all characters
Right Arm - Calamity - Casts Poison, Blind, Silence, Curse,
Full Break on 1 character
- Mighty Guard - casts Shell, Protect + Regen
- Physical Attack - 33,000+ damage on 1 character
Left Arm - Tetra-Graviton - MASSIVE damage on all characters
(74,000+ at 99,999) with status ailments
- Physical Attack - 33,000+ damage on 1 character
Elemental Immunities - Body - Absorbs all elements including Holy; Half damage
against Ultima
- Arms - Absorbs all elements including Holy; Half damage
against Ultima
Recommended Armor Abilities: Ribbon, Auto-Pheonix, Break HP Limit, Curseproof
Recommended Weapon Abilities: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, One MP
Cost, Magic Booster, Counterattack

Location: Select from airship destination list once all Dark Aeons are dead.

He's extremely tough! First cast Hastega then Auto-Life on all your party
members. Now, your primary concern is to get rid of the left arm quickly
since it carries the biggest threat. (Tetra-Graviton) Once its gone, Double
cast Ultima repeatedly. Summon your aeons at overdrive, especially Anima and
Magus Sisters. The right arm will cast Mighty Guard on all the parts after a
few turns so be ready to use Dispel or Purifying Salt to remove it. But
remember that the arms regenerate so you'll have to kill it again.

Another alternative in defeating Penance is to grand summon Yojimbo and pay
him lots of gil again then hope for Zanmato. This occurs randomly and the
worst thing is, he does Wakizashi the moment he appears, thus he dies even
before you get to pay him for Zanmato.

Tips vs. Penance from Nic Musson

Before entering this battle, be sure that you have the following:

Weapons: Lengendary weapons for the 3 characters who are going to face it.

Armor: Equip all characters with the following abilities: Break HP Limit,
Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Stoneproof (or Ribbon if available)

The five important stats that the characters would need are: Luck: 100+;
Strength: 255; Accuracy 255; Agility 255; HP 30,000+.

Items needed include a few Three-Stars, around 10-20 Megalixirs/Elixirs,
around 10 or so Hi-Potions, and the equivalent amount of Power/Mana/Speed/
Ability Distillers.

I also recommend having Rikku in team as she has Ultra-Potion (Hi-Potion +
Ability Distiller). Quick-hit and Quick-pockets for all characters is a

Battle Tips:

The key to defeating Penance is in two main objectives:

- Do not let any of the arms have a turn (quick-hit with all characters on
the arms when they regenerate)

- Do not let any of the characters die (heal when below 10,000HP)

* No need for Auto-Life... why waste three valuable turns when there are
arms to kill?

* Auto-Haste means no wasting time casting Haste on any character at the
beginning of the fight or after being dispelled no thanks to Power/Mental
Break from Penance's Tail.

* No need for Auto-Phoenix since the objective is to stay alive, and the
only physical attack that Penance does will be halved thanks to Auto-
Protect. If a character so happens to die through human error... then
there's normally enough time to revive him/her using Quick-pockets.

* No need for anything other then Stoneproof as the objective is to defeat
the arms that do status effects before they can have a turn.

Once Penance looses it's posterior, the attack will be on a single target,
and causes Power/Mental Break. Cast Dispel on characters. Since they will
have Auto-Protect and Auto-Haste, there will not be any time wasted on
recasting protection and haste. Big time saver, no? :)

I don't recommend characters using their Overdrives unless the Arms need
more then two hits before it's their turn. I don't recommend using Aeons as
the fight instantly becomes unfair (3 vs 1?) and Magnus Sisters suck at boss
fights (IMO). Besides, the arms will attack and send the Aeon back where it
came from, leaving all three characters running back for some serious pain.
Therefore, Yuna is kinda hopeless in this one.

I used Rikku, Tidus, and Auron... defeated Penance in 1hr 18mins.

Extra Tip: Having Master Thief should allow your characters to steal
Megalixirs off Penance; while stealing without the Master Thief
ability will give you Elixirs. This can be very useful when
you're a little short on healing items.



I believe most or if not all of you already know how to use overdrives so I
won't explain how it works or anything that concerns basics. Anyway, here's
a list of the available overdrive modes that you can set for use on your


DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character receives damage.
REQUIREMENT: None; Default
NOTES: This mode is most ideal when you are fighting strong enemies,
particularly the Dark Aeons, since their attacks deal massive
damage. Thus, your meter is always full.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character damages an enemy.
REQUIREMENT: Allow a character to receive damage from an enemy.
NOTES: none for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when allies take damage.
REQUIREMENT: This mode is learned automatically as your party receives damage
from an enemy
NOTES: Mode is useless especially when a character fights alone.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character defeats an enemy.
REQUIREMENT: Allow a character to defeat as many enemies as possible.
NOTES: This mode is the best possible substitute for Entrust.
(Instant overdrive is very possible)

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character defeats strong enemies.
REQUIREMENT: Allow a character defeat strong enemies.
NOTES: You can easily learn this mode if you fight often in Omega

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges on character's turn.
REQUIREMENT: Let character have more turns during battle. (cast Haste)
NOTES: Meter charges very slowly, not that useful.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character's HP is critical.
REQUIREMENT: Fight with character's HP at critical
NOTES: None for now.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character inflicts status ailments
on an enemy.
REQUIREMENT: Allow character to use status attacks more often.
NOTES: None for now.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when a party member gets KO'd.
REQUIREMENT: Your party should get KO'd more often.
NOTES: Ideal for fights in which you get killed pretty often.
(battles against Wendigo and Defender X)

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character is inflicted with status
REQUIREMENT: Allow character to suffer from status ailments as much as
NOTES: None for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges whenever your party wins a battle
REQUIREMENT: Fight and win as many battles as possible.
NOTES: None for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when hit with status attacks.
REQUIREMENT: This is learned automatically, but it will take some time.
NOTES: If you want to learn this mode faster, hit yourself with status

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when party runs away from battle.
REQUIREMENT: Flee from battle more often.
NOTES: None for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character fights alone.
REQUIREMENT: Have your other 2 characters escape from battle.
NOTES: None for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character successfully evades an
opponent's attack.
REQUIREMENT: Allow character to evade attacks from enemies.
NOTES: This mode is difficult to learn so it is strongly recommended
that you have the Evade & Counter ability.

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when a character heals an ally.
REQUIREMENT: Allow character to use curative magic and items more often.
NOTES: None for now

DESCRIPTION: Overdrive meter charges when character magically blocks attack.
REQUIREMENT: Cast Protect magic on your characters to block physical attacks
from enemies.
NOTES: None for now.


Here's the list of all the overdrives of the characters. I'll also include
info on how to get the particular technique.

Ovedrive Name: Swordplay

DESCRIPTION: Inflicts moderate damage on 1 target.
REQUIREMENT: None, default
DESCRIPTION: Performs 6 consecutive slashes against random targets
REQUIREMENT: Execute 10 Spiral Cuts
DESCRIPTION: Deals massive damage against all targets
REQUIREMENT: Execute 30 Slice & Dice
DESCRIPTION: Performs 9 consecutive powerful slashes plus massive damage
with the Blitz ball against 1 target.
REQUIREMENT: Execute 80 Energy Rains

Overdrive Name: Grand Summon

DESCRIPTION: Summons an Aeon at Overdrive
REQUIREMENT: None, default

Overdrive Name: Bushido

BUTTON COMBINATION: Down, Left, Up, Right, L1, R1, X, O
DESCRIPTION: Deals moderate damage against all targets.
REQUIREMENT: None, default
BUTTON COMBINATION: Triangle, X, Square, O, Left, Right, O
DESCRIPTION: Ejects target from battle
REQUIREMENT: Obtain 1 Jecht Sphere
TECHNIQUE NAME: Banishing Blade
BUTTON COMBINATION: Up, L1, Down, R1, Right, Left, Triangle
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Full Break on 1 target
REQUIREMENT: Obtain 3 Jecht Spheres
BUTTON COMBINATION: O, Right, R1, Left, L1, Triangle
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts massive damage against all targets
REQUIREMENT: Obtain 10 Jecht Spheres

Overdrive Name: Slots

DESCRIPTION: - no match means a critical hit without any elemental
- 2 matches would mean a hit with that element against
1 random target.
- 3 matches means elemental damage against all targets.
REQUIREMENT: None, default
DESCRIPTION: Allows Wakka to deal a large number of hits depending on
the matches you managed to get.
REQUIREMENT: Win 1st place at the Blitz Ball Tournament.
DESCRIPTION: Adds status to your attack depending on the match you
REQUIREMENT: Win 1st place at the Blitz Ball League.
DESCRIPTION: Allows Wakka to deal massive damage (over 9999 if you
managed to match 3 Auroch logos)
REQUIREMENT: Win 1st place at the Blitz Ball Tournament.

Overdrive Name: Fury

DESCRIPTION: You'll have to rotate the right analog stick clockwise
to cast a spell several times.
AVAILABLE SPELLS: Fire, Ice, Thunder, Water, Fira, Blizzara, Thundara,
Watera, Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Waterga, Bio, Demi,
Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare, Ultima
REQUIREMENT: None, default

Overdrive Name: Mix

DESCRIPTION: You have to pick two items from your inventory and see
what you created.
REQUIREMENT: None, default.

Overdrive Name: Ronso Rage

DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Confusion on 1 target.
LEARNED FROM: Ragora, Grat
DESCRIPTION: Kimahri jumps and disappears from the screen, then comes
back down on the enemy dealing moderate damage.
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Petrify on all targets.
LEARNED FROM: Basilisk, Anacodaur, Biran
DESCRIPTION: Kimahri explodes, dealing damage on all targets. But he
will be gone all throughout the battle.
LEARNED FROM: Grenade, Bomb
DESCRIPTION: Deals Fire elemental damage on all targets
LEARNED FROM: Dual Horn, Yenke
DESCRIPTION: Deals Water elemental damage on all targets.
LEARNED FROM: Chimera, Chimera Brain, Yenke
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts a number of status ailments on all targets
LEARNED FROM: Malboro, Great Malboro
DESCRIPTION: A countdown begins, which starts at 20. When it reaches
0 the target dies.
LEARNED FROM: Ghost, Wraith, Biran
DESCRIPTION: Ejects target from battle.
DESCRIPTION: Heals party equal to the amount of Kimahri's HP, plus
removes all negative status effects.
LEARNED FROM: Dark Flan, Yenke
DESCRIPTION: Casts Protect, Shell, and NulAll on party.
LEARNED FROM: Behemoth, Behemoth King, Biran
DESCRIPTION: Massive non-elemental damage on all targets.
LEARNED FROM: Omega Weapon



Here are the various info about the different aeons.

AEON NAME: Valefor
EFFECT: Delays target's next turn
OVERDRIVE: Energy Ray, Energy Blast
BREAKS DAMAGE LIMIT BY: Obtain Yuna's Nirvana
SPECIAL ATTACK: Meteorstrike
EFFECT: Inflicts normal damage even with Protect
BREAKS DAMAGE LIMIT BY: Obtain Wakka's World Champion
EFFECT: Dispels positive status effects
OVERDRIVE: Thor's Hammer
ELEMENT: Lightning
BREAKS DAMAGE LIMIT BY: Obtain Kimahri's Spirit Lance
SPECIAL ATTACK: Heavenly Strike
EEFECT: Inflicts Threaten status on target
OVERDRIVE: Diamond Dust
BREAKS DAMAGE LIMIT BY: Obtain Lulu's Onion Knight
AEON NAME: Bahamut
AEON NAME: Yojimbo
SPECIAL ATTACK: Daigoro, Kozuka, Wakizashi, Zanmoto
EFFECT: ? (random)
OVERDRIVE: *not specific* (random)
BREAKS DAMAGE LIMIT BY: Obtain Auron's Masamune
EFFECT: Inflicts Death status on target
SPECIAL ATTACK: Camisade, Razzia, Passado
OVERDRIVE: Delta Attack
Element: None


In order to make you aeons learn abilities, you must first have the
Summoner's Soul which you will receive from Belgemine when you first met her.
Here's the list of abilities that can be learned by your aeons.

Dark Attack Smoke Bomb 6
Silence Attack Silence Grenade 3
Sleep Attack Sleeping Powder 3
Dark Buster Smoke Bomb 12
Silence Buster Silence Grenade 10
Sleep Buster Sleeping Powder 10
Zombie Attack Holy Water 99
Triple Foul Skill Sphere 4
Delay Attack Silver Horglass 30
Delay Buster Gold Hourglass 30
Extract Power Power Sphere 20
Extract Mana Mana Sphere 20
Extract Speed Speed Sphere 20
Extract Ability Ability Sphere 20
Power Break Stamina Spring 8
Magic Break Mana Spring 4
Armor Break Lv. 2 Key Sphere 2
Mental Break Shining Thorn 4
Full Break Dark Matter 2
Pray Healing Water 5
Cheer Power Sphere 5
Aim Speed Sphere 5
Focus Mana Sphere 10
Reflex Speed Sphere 10
Luck Fortune Sphere 2
Jinx Fortune Sphere 2
Lancet Soul Spring 20
Doublecast Three Stars 5
Cure Hi-Potion 99
Cura X-Potion 30
Curaga Mega-Potion 60
NulBlaze Bomb Fragment 2
NulShock Electro Marble 2
NulTide Fish Scale 2
NulFrost Arctic Wind 2
Scan Ability Sphere 10
Life Elixir 8
Full-Life Megalixir 1
Haste Chocobo Feather 10
Hastega Chocobo Wing 16
Slow Silver Hourglass 4
Slowga Gold Hourglass 8
Shell Lunar Curtain 4
Protect Light Curtain 6
Reflect Star Curtain 3
Dispel Purifying Salt 3
Regen Healing Spring 60
Holy Blessed Gem 60
Fire Bomb Fragment 1
Thunder Electro Marble 1
Water Fish Scale 1
Blizzard Arctic Wind 1
Fira Bomb Core 2
Thundara Lightning Marble 2
Watera Dragon Scale 2
Blizzara Arctic Wind 2
Firaga Fire Gem 4
Thundaga Lightning Gem 4
Waterga Water Gem 4
Blizzaga Ice Gem 4
Bio Poison Fang 8
Demi Shadow Gem 8
Death Farplane Shadow 30
Drain Stamina Spring 30
Osmose Mana Spring 10
Flare Shining Gem 60
Ultima Supreme Gem 99


You need the Aeon's Soul to customize an aeon's attributes. You'll receive
the key item from Belgemine when you defeat Valefor in Remiem Temple. Here's
a list of the different attributes and the amount of items required to raise
each of them.


HP Power Sphere 32
MP Mana Sphere 17
Strength Power Sphere 52
Defense Power Sphere 71
Magic Mana Sphere 65
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 58
Agility Speed Sphere 28
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 38
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 35
MP Mana Sphere 17
Strength Power Sphere 55
Defense Power Sphere 99
Magic Mana Sphere 63
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 52
Agility Speed Sphere 25
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 9
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 35
MP Mana Sphere 18
Strength Power Sphere 59
Defense Power Sphere 84
Magic Mana Sphere 62
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 73
Agility Speed Sphere 22
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 21
Accuracy Speed Sphere 35


HP Power Sphere 34
MP Mana Sphere 18
Strength Power Sphere 57
Defense Power Sphere 51
Magic Mana Sphere 71
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 60
Agility Speed Sphere 40
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 58
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 39
MP Mana Sphere 19
Strength Power Sphere 69
Defense Power Sphere 99
Magic Mana Sphere 55
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 73
Agility Speed Sphere 28
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 40
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 41
MP Mana Sphere 20
Strength Power Sphere 99
Defense Power Sphere 84
Magic Mana Sphere 66
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 58
Agility Speed Sphere 25
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 40
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 35
MP Mana Sphere 10
Strength Power Sphere 90
Defense Power Sphere 99
Magic Mana Sphere 49
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 48
Agility Speed Sphere 25
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 99
Accuracy Speed Sphere 54


HP Power Sphere 48
MP Mana Sphere 21
Strength Power Sphere 88
Defense Power Sphere 99
Magic Mana Sphere 65
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 73
Agility Speed Sphere 28
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 40
Accuracy Speed Sphere 31


HP Power Sphere 45
MP Mana Sphere 19
Strength Power Sphere 0
Defense Power Sphere 95
Magic Mana Sphere 74
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 73
Agility Speed Sphere 28
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 35
Accuracy Speed Sphere 37


HP Power Sphere 40
MP Mana Sphere 22
Strength Power Sphere 69
Defense Power Sphere 84
Magic Mana Sphere 86
Magic Defense Mana Sphere 73
Agility Speed Sphere 33
Luck Fortune Sphere 9
Evasion Speed Sphere 45
Accuracy Speed Sphere 34



Yeah, I know most of you already understand this, but I'll explain it anyway
for the sake of those who are new to the game.

1. Moving

In order to move around the grid you'll need sphere levels (S.LvL) which
you will then spend as you move around. Gaining them is just like leveling
up your characters in previous FFs. But now, instead of getting EXP after
each battle, you receive AP.

If you wish to move from one node to another, you have to spend the same
amount of S.LvL depending on how far you want to go. For example, if you
move 1 step forward then you will have to spend 1 sphere level and so on.

What if you want to return to a certain part of the grid? You'll also use
your S.LvL. But this time you'll be allowed to move 4 STEPS BACKWARD USING

2. Activating Nodes

You activate nodes that contain character attributes (strength+, magic+,
defense+, etc) and abilities. Just press O then choose Use from the command
window. Another menu will appear, there choose the necessary sphere to
activate the node.


Power Sphere Activates HP, Defense and Strength nodes
Mana Sphere Activates Magic, Magic Defense and MP nodes
Speed Sphere Activates Accuracy, Agility and Evasion nodes
Ability Sphere Activates Ability nodes
Fortune Sphere Activates Luck nodes
Attribute Sphere Activates Attribute node already used by ally
Special Sphere Activates Special node already used by ally
Skill Sphere Activates Skill node already used by ally
Wht Magic Sphere Activates Wht Magic node already used by ally
Blk Magic Sphere Activates Blk Magic node already used by ally
Master Sphere Activates any Ability or Attribute node
HP Sphere Converts empty node to HP node
MP Sphere Converts empty node to MP node
Strength Sphere Converts empty node to Strength node
Defense Sphere Converts empty node to Defense node
Magic Sphere Converts empty node to Magic node
Magic Defense Sphere Converts empty node to Magic Defense node
Agility Sphere Converts empty node to Agility node
Luck Sphere Converts empty node to Luck node
Evasion Sphere Converts empty node to Evasion node
Accuracy Sphere Converts empty node to Accuracy node
Lv 1 Key Sphere Opens Level 1 lock
Lv 2 Key Sphere Opens Level 2 lock
Lv 3 Key Sphere Opens Level 3 lock
Lv 4 Key Sphere Opens Level 4 lock
Clear Sphere Turns any non-empty node to empty node
Return Sphere Return to any previously activated node
Friend Sphere Move to any ally's location
Teleport Sphere Move to any node activated by an ally
Warp Sphere Move to any node


1. Skills

SKILL NAME: Dark Attack
DESRIPTION: Inflicts darkness on an enemy for 3 turns.
SKILL NAME: Silence Attack
DESRIPTION: Inflicts silence on an enemy for 3 turns.
SKILL NAME: Sleep Attack
DESRIPTION: Puts an enemy to sleep for 3 turns.
SKILL NAME: Delay Attack
DESRIPTION: Delays target's next turn.
SKILL NAME: Zombie Attack
DESRIPTION: Inflicts zombie status on an enemy.
SKILL NAME: Dark Buster
DESRIPTION: Always inflicts darkness on an enemy for 1 turn.
SKILL NAME: Silence Buster
DESRIPTION: Always inflicts silence on an enemy for 1 turn.
SKILL NAME: Sleep Buster
DESRIPTION: Always infilicts sleep on an enemy for 1 turn.
SKILL NAME: Delay Buster
DESRIPTION: Greatly delays target's next turn.
SKILL NAME: Triple Foul
DESRIPTION: Inflicts darkness, silence & sleep on an enemy for 3 turns.
SKILL NAME: Extract Power
DESRIPTION: Allows target to drop power spheres.
SKILL NAME: Extract Mana
DESRIPTION: Allows target to drop mana spheres.
SKILL NAME: Extract Speed
DESRIPTION: Allows target to drop speed spheres.
SKILL NAME: Extract Ability
DESRIPTION: Allows target to drop ability spheres.
SKILL NAME: Power Break
DESRIPTION: Lowers opponent's strength.
SKILL NAME: Magic Break
DESRIPTION: Lowers opponent's magic.
SKILL NAME: Armor Break
DESRIPTION: Lowers opponent's physical defense.
SKILL NAME: Mental Break
DESRIPTION: Lowers opponent's magic defense.
SKILL NAME: Full Break
DESRIPTION: Inflicts Power, Magic, Armor & Mental Breaks on an enemy.
DESRIPTION: Attack and steal items at the same time.
DESRIPTION: Attack and steal gil at the same time.
DESRIPTION: Strike quickly with reduced recovery time.

2. Special

DESCRIPTION: Aids party's escape from battle.
DESCRIPTION: Steal items from enemies.
DESCRIPTION: Use special items.
DESCRIPTION: Restores a small amount of HP to all allies.
DESCRIPTION: Raises party's strength and defense.
DESCRIPTION: Raises party's accuracy.
DESCRIPTION: Raises party's magic & magic defense.
DESCRIPTION: Raises party's evasion.
DESCRIPTION: Raises party's luck.
DESCRIPTION: Lowers opponent's luck.
DESCRIPTION: Absorb HP & MP from an enemy.
DESCRIPTION: Allows character to take damage for an ally.
DESCRIPTION: Allows character to guard allies while in defensive stance.
ABILITY NAME: Spare Change
DESCRIPTION: Attack by throwing gil.
DESCRIPTION: Immobilize an enemy with fear; inflicts Stop.
DESCRIPTION: Draw an enemy's attack toward you.
DESCRIPTION: Contribute your overdrive charge to an ally's gauge.
DESCRIPTION: Mimic an ally's previous action.
DESCRIPTION: Steal gil from an enemy.
ABILITY NAME: Quick Pockets
DESCRIPTION: Swiftly use items with reduced recovery time.
ABILITY NAME: Doublecast
DESCRIPTION: Allows character to cast black magic spells twice.
DESCRIPTION: Pay an enemy to make it go away.

3. White Magic

Cure 4
Cura 10
Curaga 20
NulBlaze 2
NulShock 2
NulTide 2
NulFrost 2
Scan 1
Esuna 5
Life 18
Full-Life 60
Haste 8
Hastega 30
Slow 12
Slowga 20
Shell 10
Protect 12
Reflect 14
Dispel 12
Regen 40
Holy 85
Auto-Life 97

4. Black Magic

Fire 4
Thunder 4
Water 4
Blizzard 4
Fira 8
Thundara 8
Watera 8
Blizzara 8
Firaga 16
Thundaga 16
Waterga 16
Blizzaga 16
Bio 10
Demi 32
Death 20
Drain 12
Osmose 0
Flare 54
Ultima 90


In my opinion, this is the better sphere grid of the two as it makes the game
so much easier due to 2 major differences:

1. Initial position of your characters in the grid

It will be impossible to illustrate the sphere grid accuately, so I just
made a diagram to emphasize my point.

EN --> Empty Node Str --> Strength Node MP --> MP Node
(T) --> Tidus Def --> Defense Node Mag --> Magic Node
(W) --> Wakka Ag --> Agility Node MagDef --> Magic Defense
(Y) --> Yuna Acc --> Accuracy Node Node
(A) --> Auron Eva --> Evasion Node
(R) --> Rikku HP --> HP Node
(L) --> Lulu L1 --> Lv.1 Lock
(K) --> Kimahri L2 --> Lv.2 Lock

\ |
\ Ag+2----------- |
-------Def+2 | | MP
| Str+1 | |
| |-----Mag+4 | \ Def+2 |
Delay | Haste \ \ |
MP---Attack---L1 / | EN \ |
/ Eva+2 | \ |
MP | E. Speed Str+1---Provoke
/ Str+1 | |
HP | MagDef+3 |
Flee \ |
| \ |
| Mag+3 EN
| \
Acc+1 Ag+1 \
\ / | -------\------
Str+1 | | EN |
---------------------- | | |
| | Cheer-----Def+1 | Rikku's |
| Auron's | | | Table |
| Table | | | |
| | | | EN(R) |
| EN L2 EN | | --------------
-------/----|------\-- EN----------------|
/ | \ (T) |
EN Power----EN(A) |
/ Break EN
/ /
/ D. Attack Jinx---------| /
EN---EN | \ | | /
/| | \ | | /
/ | (W) | \ EN-----| |/
Si Att EN--EN----EN---EN \ | EN
| \ /
| \ (K) /
Def+2 Lancet Scan--EN--L1
| \ / | |
| \/ | |
HP--Str+1 EN | |
| | |
| E. Ability--| |
| |
EN---E. Mana |
/ |
/ |
---Fire Bliz.--------EN-----EN-----EN---------EN-------EN EN
| \ / (L) (Y) \ /|
| \ / | EN |
| EN | |
| EN Cure-----Esuna
| /
---Thunder---Water /
NulB. NulF.
| \ /
| EN
Well, I sure hope you guys can understand the diagram. What I'm trying to
point out is that in the international sphere grid all your characters start
out at the center table (the one with the Lancet ability) and its up to you
as to where you want to move your characters. For example, you can let Lulu
or Kimahri learn Cure and Esuna quickly and that will definitely be an
advantage later on.

2. Easier access to useful magics

This is very true for most magics such as Cure, Esuna, Haste, Life, Full-Life,
and Hastega. As you might have noticed from the diagram above, (*if you
understood it*) its so much easier to learn Haste compared to the other
sphere grid. You can also let 2 characters (Kimahri & Lulu) learn Cure and
Esuna first before proceeding to their own tables. As for Full-Life, it is
only closed off with a single Lv. 2 lock. These are just a few of the easy
access magics, you'll notice more of those as you move around the grid.


Later in the game, you'll be allowed to customize your equipments, that is
add specific abilities to your weapons and armor. In order to do so, you
must have a sufficient amount of the item required to add that abilty to
your equipment. Here's a list of the available abilities.


Sensor Ability Sphere 2
Piercing Lv 2 Key Sphere 1
First Strike Return Sphere 1
Initiative Chocobo Feather 6
Firestrike Bomb Fragment 4
Lightningstrike Electro Marble 4
Waterstrike Fish Scale 4
Icestrike Antarctic Wind 4
Darktouch Eye Drops 60
Darkstrike Smoke Bomb 20
Silencetouch Echo Screen 60
Silencestrike Silence Grenade 20
Sleeptouch Sleeping Powder 10
Sleepstrike Dream Powder 16
Poisontouch Antidote 99
Poisonstrike Poison Fang 24
Stonetouch Petrify Grenade 10
Stonestrike Petrify Grenade 60
Deathtouch Farplane Shadow 30
Deathstrike Farplane Wind 60
Zombietouch Holy Water 70
Zomiestrike Candle of Life 30
Slowtouch Silver Hourglass 16
Slowstrike Gold Hourglass 30
Distill Power Power Sphere 2
Distill Mana Mana Sphere 2
Distill Speed Speed Sphere 2
Distill Ability Ability Sphere 2
Strength + 3% Power Sphere 3
Strength + 5% Stamina Spring 2
Strength + 10% Skill Sphere 1
Strength + 20% Supreme Gem 4
Magic + 3% Mana Sphere 3
Magic + 5% Mana Spring 2
Magic + 10% Blk Magic Sphere 1
Magic + 20% Supreme Gem 4
Counterattack Friend Sphere 1
Evade and Counter Teleport Sphere 1
Magic Counter Shining Gem 16
Magic Booster Turbo Ether 30
Alchemy Healing Water 4
Half MP Cost Twin Stars 20
One MP Cost Three Stars 30
Double AP Megalixir 20
Triple AP Wings to Discovery 50
Overdrive -> AP Door to Tomorrow 10
SOS Overdrive Gambler's Spirit 30
Double Overdrive Underdog's Secret 30
Triple Overdrive Winning Formula 30
Gillionaire Designer Wallet 30
Break Damage Limit Dark Matter 60

1. Ability Description


The enemy's HP and elemental immunities/weaknesses automatically becomes

Allows character to deal regular damage even against enemies with tough

Allows character to always have the very first turn in a battle, even when

Allows character to make the first move in a battle; also somewhat prevents

Adds fire element to your physical attacks.

Adds lightning element to your physical attacks.

Adds water element to your physical attacks.

Adds ice element to your physical attacks.

Adds Darkness status to your attacks.

Adds Darkness status to your attacks; works more often than Darktouch.

Adds Silence status to your attacks.

Adds Silence status to your attacks; works more often than Silencetouch.

Adds Sleep status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Sleep on an enemy when you attack.

Adds Poison status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Poison on an enemy when you attack.

Adds Petrify status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Petrification on an enemy when you attack.

Adds Death status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Death on an enemy when you attack.

Adds Zombie status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Zombie on an enemy when you attack.

Adds Slow status to your attacks.

Almost always inflicts Slow on an enemy when you attack.

Automatically extracts Power Spheres from enemies when you attack.

Automatically extracts Mana Spheres from enemies when you attack.

Automatically extracts Speed Spheres from enemies when you attack.

Automatically extracts Ability Spheres from enemies when you attack.

Raises character's overall strength stat by 3%.

Raises character's overall strength stat by 5%.
-STRENGTH + 10%-

Raises character's overall strength stat by 10%.
-STRENGTH + 20%-

Raises character's overall strength stat by 20%.
-MAGIC + 3%-

Raises character's overall magic stat by 3%.
-MAGIC + 5%-

Raises character's overall magic stat by 5%.
-MAGIC + 10%-

Raises character's overall magic stat by 10%.
-MAGIC + 20%-

Raises character's overall magic stat by 20%.

Character counters if attacked physically.

Character evades the opponent's attack and counters at the same time.

Character counters when attacked with magic.

Doubles the damage dealt by magic, but also consumes twice as much MP.

Doubles the potency of healing items.

Reduces MP consumption of all magics by 1/2.

Reduces MP consumption of all magics to 1.

Receive twice as much AP after every battle.

Receive 3x as much AP after every battle.

Your overdrive gauge is converted to AP gauge, which means that every time
the meter charges, you receive AP instead of going into overdrive.

Overdrive meter fills faster once character's HP is at critical.

Overdrive gauge charges 2x faster than normal.

Overdrive gauge charges 3x faster than normal.

Doubles the amount of gil earned after every battle.

Allows max damage to exceed 9999.


Fire Ward Bomb Fragment 4
Fireproof Bomb Fragment 8
Fire Eater Fire Gem 30
Lightning Ward Electro Marble 4
Lightningproof Electro Marble 8
Lightning Eater Lightning Gem 30
Water Ward Fish Scale 4
Waterproof Fish Scale 8
Water Eater Water Gem 30
Ice Ward Arctic Wind 4
Iceproof Arctic Wind 8
Ice Eater Ice Gem 30
Dark Ward Eye Drops 40
Darkproof Smoke Bomb 10
Silence Ward Echo Screen 30
Silenceproof Silence Grenade 10
Sleep Ward Sleeping Powder 6
Sleepproof Dream Powder 8
Poison Ward Antidote 40
Poisonproof Poison Fang 12
Stone Ward Soft 30
Stoneproof Petrify Grenade 30
Death Ward Farplane Shadow 15
Deathproof Farplane Wind 30
Zombie Ward Holy Water 30
Zombieproof Candle of Life 10
Slow Ward Silver Hourglass 10
Slowproof Gold Hourglass 20
Confuse Ward Musk 16
Confuseproof Musk 48
Berserk Ward Hypello Potion 8
Berserkproof Hypello Potion 32
Curseproof Tetra Elemental 12
SOS NulBlaze Bomb Core 1
SOS NulShock Lightning Marble 1
SOS NulTide Dragon Scale 1
SOS NulFrost Arctic Wind 1
SOS Shell Lunar Curtain 8
SOS Protect Light Curtain 8
SOS Reflect Star Curtain 8
SOS Haste Chocobo Feather 10
SOS Regen Healing Spring 12
Auto-Shell Lunar Curtain 80
Auto-Protect Light Curtain 70
Auto-Reflect Star Curtain 40
Auto-Haste Chocobo Wing 80
Auto-Regen Healing Spring 80
Defense + 3% Power Sphere 3
Defense + 5% Stamina Spring 2
Defense + 10% Special Sphere 1
Defense + 20% Blessed Gem 4
Magic Defense + 3% Mana Sphere 3
Magic Defense + 5% Mana Spring 2
Magic Defense + 10% Wht Magic Sphere 1
Magic Defense + 20% Blessed Gem 4
HP + 5% X-Potion 1
HP + 10% Soul Spring 3
HP + 20% Elixir 5
HP + 30% Stamina Tonic 1
MP + 5% Ether 1
MP + 10% Soul Spring 3
MP + 20% Elixir 5
MP + 30% Mana Tonic 1
Auto-Potion Stamina Tablet 4
Auto-Med Remedy 30
Auto-Pheonix Mega-Pheonix 20
Pickpocket Amulet 30
Master Thief Pendulum 30
HP Stroll Stamina Tonic 2
MP Stroll Mana Tonic 2
No Encounters Purifying Salt 30
Break MP Limit Three Stars 30
Break HP Limit Wings to Discovery 30
Ribbon Dark Matter 99

1. Ability Description


Reduces damage received by a character from a fire based attack by 1/2.

Provides immunity to all kinds of fire elemental attacks.

Absorbs damage received from fire based attacks.

Reduces damage received by a character from a lightning based attack by 1/2.

Provides immunity to all kinds of lightning elemental attacks.

Absorbs damage received from lightning based attacks.

Reduces damage received by a character from a water based attack by 1/2.

Provides immunity to all kinds of water elemental attacks.

Absorbs damage received from water based attacks.

Reduces damage received by a character from a ice based attack by 1/2.

Provides immunity to all kinds of ice elemental attacks.

Absorbs damage received from ice based attacks.

Randomly protects against Darkness.

Provides immunity against Darkness.

Randomly protects against Silence.

Provides immunity against Silence.

Randomly protects against Sleep.

Provides immunity against Sleep.

Randomly protects against Poison.

Provides immunity against Poison.

Randomly protects against Petrification.

Provides immunity against Petrification.

Randomly protects against Death.

Provides immunity against Death.

Randomly protects against Zombie.

Provides immunity against Zombie.

Randomly protects against Slow.

Provides immunity against Slow.

Randomly protects against Confuse.

Provides immunity against Confuse.

Randomly protects against Berserk.

Provides immunity against Berserk.

Provides immunity against Curse.

NulBlaze magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

NulShock magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

NulTide magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

NulFrost magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Shell magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Protect magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Reflect magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Haste magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Regen magic will automatically be activated once character's HP is at

Character automatically has Shell at the beginning of the battle.

Character automatically has Protect at the beginning of the battle.

Character automatically has Reflect at the beginning of the battle.

Character automatically has Haste at the beginning of the battle.

Character automatically has Regen at the beginning of the battle.
-DEFENSE + 3%-

Raises character's overall defense stat by 3%.
-DEFENSE + 5%-

Raises character's overall defense stat by 5%.
-DEFENSE + 10%-

Raises character's overall defense stat by 10%.
-DEFENSE + 20%-

Raises character's overall defense stat by 20%.

Raises character's overall magic defense stat by 3%.

Raises character's overall magic defense stat by 5%.

Raises character's overall magic defense stat by 10%.

Raises character's overall magic defense stat by 20%.
-HP + 5%-

Raises character's max HP by 5%.
-HP + 10%-

Raises character's max HP by 10%.
-HP + 20%-

Raises character's max HP by 20%.
-HP + 30%-

Raises character's max HP by 30%.
-MP + 5%-

Raises character's max MP by 5%.
-MP + 10%-

Raises character's max MP by 10%.
-MP + 20%-

Raises character's max MP by 20%.
-MP + 30%-

Raises character's max MP by 30%.

Character automatically uses Potion when damaged.

Character automatically uses a specific item to remove a specific negative
status effect.

Character automatically uses Pheonix Down when a party member is KO'd.

Raises the probability of stealing rare items.

Steal only rare items.

Gradually recover HP while walking.

Gradually recover MP while walking.

No random encounters.

Allows character's max MP to exceed 999.

Allows character's max HP to exceed 9999.

Provides immunity against all negative status effects except Death, Curse &
Full Break.



Fiend Name Price
Dingo 24
Condor 18
Water Flan 27

Fiend Name Price
Dinonix 40
Killer Bee 34
Yellow Element 49
Ragora 72

Fiend Name Price
Mi'ihen Fang 49
Ipiria 69
Floating Eye 66
White Element 72
Raldo 63
Vouivre 90
Bomb 106
Dual Horn 187

Fiend Name Price
Raptor 72
Gandarewa 93
Thunder Flan 75
Red Element 82
Lamashtu 108
Funguar 63
Garuda 210

Fiend Name Price
Garm 132
Simurgh 109
Bite Bug 93
Snow Flan 193
Bunyip 145
Basilisk 187
Ochu 780

Fiend Name Price
Melusine 162
Aerouge 216
Buer 198
Gold Element 160
Kusariqqu 168
Larva 495
Iron Giant 900
Qactuar 4000

Fiend Name Price
Snow Wolf 288
Iguion 207
Wasp 213
Evil Eye 307
Ice Flan 282
Blue Element 270
Murussu 247
Mafdet 258
Xiphos 330
Chimera 1455

Fiend Name Price
Sand Wolf 337
Alcyone 360
Mushussu 405
Zu 1800
Sand Worm 1500
Cactuar 4000

Fiend Name Price
Skoll 630
Nebiros 480
Flame Flan 672
Shred 552
Anacondaur 1125
Ogre 1470
Coeuri 1650
Chimera Brain 1500
Malboro 1650

Fiend Name Price
Yowie 720
Imp 915
Dark Element 780
Nidhogg 903
Thorn 795
Vahala 1080
Epaaj 1425
Ghost 1215
Tonberry 3000

Fiend Name Price
Bandersnatch 1320
Ahriman 975
Dark Flan 1620
Grenade 810
Grat 780
Grendel 1095
Bashura 1095
Mandragora 1800
Behemoth 2025
Splasher 300
Achelous 630
Maelspike 495

Fiend Name Price
Exoray 1260
Wraith 1605
Gemini 1666
Gemini 1666
Demonolith 2205
Great Malboro 2250
Barbatos 2325
Adamantoise 3300
Behemoth King 2775

Fiend Name Price
Zaurus 1425
Floating Death 1895
Black Element 1560
Halma 1545
Puroboros 1455
Spirit 1950
Machea 2175
Master Coeuri 3045
Master Tonberry 3600
Varuna 2670


You'll receive a prize everytime you manage to capture every monster from
every area or unlock a monster created by the trainer himself. Here's the
list of all the prizes.

1. Area Conquest Prizes

Besaid Island Stamina Tonic 99
Kilika Poison Fang 99
Mi'ihen Highroad Soul Spring 99
Mushroom Rock Road Candle of Life 99
Djose Highroad Petrify Grenade 99
Thunder Plains Chocobo Wing 99
Macalania Shining Gem 60
Bikanel Island Shadow Gem 99
Calm Lands Farplane Wind 60
Sunken Cave Silver Hourglass 40
Mt. Gagazet Blossom Crown -
Inside Sin Lunar Curtain 99
Omega Ruins Designer Wallet 60

2. Species Conquest Prizes

Birds Mega Pheonix 99
Lizards Stamina Spring 99
Wolves Chocobo Feather 99
Imps Mana Spring 99
Bombs Turbo Ether 60
Elements Star Curtain 99
Flans Twin Stars 60
Moles Gold Hourglass 99
Bees Mana Tonic 60
Dragons Purifying Salt 99
Mushrooms Healing Spring 99
Eyeballs Stamina Tablet 60
Horns Light Curtain 99
Iron Giants Mana Tablet 60

3. Original Monster Prizes

Earth Eater Three Stars 60
Greater Sphere Supreme Gem 60
Catastrophe Door to Tomorrow 99
Th'uban Gambler's Spirit 99
Neslug Winning Formula 99
Ultima Buster Dark Matter 99
Shinryu Megalixir 30
Nemesis Master Sphere 10


Area Conquest monsters will be unlocked if you've captured 1 of each monster
from every area.

HP: 310,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Amulet x4
Equip: Knight Bracer
Steal: Stamina Spring x4
How to unlock: Capture all of the monsters at Besaid Island.

This one's pretty easy. Cast Hastega then simply pummel him with your normal
attacks and Overdrives, he should go down after a while.

HP: 640,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Mana Tonic x4
Equip: Faerie Shield
Steal: Mana Spring x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Kilika Island.

I'll be honest. He is tough, not to mention annoying. Because first you'll
be ambushed and then he'll use Putrid Breath, which inflicts Poison, Confuse,
Blind and Silence on everyone. So make sure you have an armor that at least
prevents Poison and Confuse. Cast Hastega first, then attack. That's not all,
he'll use Mega Gastric Juice which inflicts Full Break after a while, and
there is no way you can prevent this. Just heal yourself when you need to
and summon your aeons at overdrive. You'll win eventually.

HP: 440,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Healing Spring x40
Equip: Soldier's Ring
Steal: Soul Spring x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Mi'ihen Highroad

He'll counter your every move against him, which can be quite powerful if
your defense is low. But having Protect helps a lot. Cast Hastega, then
start attacking. Healing and reviving will be often so have your healers

HP: 380,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Shining Gem x6
Equip: Double Score
Steal: Blessed Gem x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Mushroom Rock Road

Beware of his Chaos attack since it inflicts Confuse, Doom and Curse on your
party. So make sure that you have an armor that protects against Confuse.
Another thing you should watch out for is his Hyper Blaster which inflicts
Death, so Deathproof is also recommended. With that, just attack him with
your overdrives and aeons to finish the job.

HP: 520,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Supreme Gem x4
Equip: Triple Guard
Steal: Three Stars x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Djose Highroad.

This one's easy despite its high HP. Just get an armor with the Stoneproof
ability to protect you against its Cold Stare. Cast Hastega on your party
and start attacking. You'll win after a while.

HP: 100,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Blessed Gem x6
Equip: Tetra Ring
Steal: Designer Wallet
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Thunder Plains.

He's hard to hit so cast Aim on yourself several times. He has 2 moves called
10,000 Needles and 99,999 Needles which are both deadly, so you'll have to
revive often. But since he has pretty low HP, just use an overdrive that deals
at least that much damage (Wakka's Attack Reels or Tidus' Blitz Ace) to kill
him instantly.

HP: 280,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Rename Card x2
Equip: Knight Sword
Steal: Farplane Wind x3
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Macalania.

An armor with the Deathproof ability is a must since he counters every one
of your moves with Hades Claws which inflicts Death on a character. He also
has Auto-Regen. Cast Hastega on yourself first then attack him with all you
got. This fight should be easy enough if you have Deathproof, or you can
also use your aeons here if you want.

HP: 480,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Stamina Tonic x2
Equip: Dance Macabre
Steal: Stamina Tablet
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Bikanel Island.

He isn't hard, its just his HP that's the problem. Cast Hastega on yourself
first then attack. He'll swallow one of your characters after a while, but
don't worry he'll spit that character out later on anyway. There isn't much
strategy here so just do whatever you wish to finish him off.

HP: 120,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Return Sphere x2
Equip: Tri-Rod
Steal: Stamina Spring x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Calm Lands

This ones easy. He's pretty slow so if you use Hastega, it'll be possible for
you to delay his turn considerably. But beware of his Aqua Breath and Mediggo
Flame though, as this can really hurt you. Just attack him and you'll win in
no time.

HP: 480,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Farplane Wind x6
Equip: Faerie Ring
Steal: Designer Wallet x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at the Cavern of Stolen Fayth

He's really tough. Because first he counters your every move against him
with Karma. So I strongly recommend that you customize an armor with the
Auto-Pheonix ability for this fight, as this prevents you from wasting your
turns on reviving every time a character gets killed. But the damage Karma
deals depends on how many enemies a character has defeated, so chances are
your mages won't die. Cast Hastega on yourself first then summon an aeon at
overdrive, preferably Anima and Magus Sisters so that they'll be able to
deal major damage before he kills them with Voodoo. This battle definitely
takes some time but you should win.

HP: 550,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Three Stars x2
Equip: Faerie Armlet
Steal: Stamina Tonic x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Mount Gagazet & Gagazet Mountain Cave

He can be tough if you don't know what to do. First cast Hastega on your
party then bring in your white mages to cast Protect and Shell on everyone.
This will help a lot especially against his physical attacks which can be
quite deadly. Just unload on him with all you got, since this guy is immune
to sensors, you will have to count the damage you inflicted on him. Once his
HP is low, heal yourself with items, not magic since you have Shell. Now
he'll cast Ultima before he dies, but with Shell you'll be fine.

HP: 380,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Mana Tablet x2
Equip: Echelon
Steal: Shining Gem x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters inside Sin

First be aware that he has Auto-Reflect and NulAll from the very beginning.
He's also pretty fast even with Hastega. Now cast Hastega on your party then
attack. He'll use Level 3 magics repeatedly and you won't be able to reflect
it, so just cast Shell. Another thing to watch out for is his Pharaoh's
Curse which inflicts Curse, Blind and Poison. This battle can be quite long
since he has high defense, so take your time.

HP: 630,000
AP: 8,000
Items: Friend Sphere x2
Equip: Double Play
Steal: Healing Spring x2
How to unlock: Capture all monsters at Omega Dungeon

Your primary concern is to lower his defense, but since he's immune to Armor
Break use Auron's Banishing Blade. Cast Hastega on yourself then unleash
your Overdrives especially Wakka's Attack Reels and Tidus' Blitz Ace. He
counters with Mortar most of the time, so make sure you always keep your HP
above 5,500 to survive.


To unlock these monsters you have to capture a specific number of monsters
of a certain type.

HP: 850,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Agility Sphere x2
Equip: Faerie Ring
Steal: Chocobo Wing x3
How to unlock: Capture 3 of the following fiends: Dingo, Mi'ihen Fang, Garm,
Snow Wolf, Skoll, Bandersnatch, Sand Wolf

He's pretty fast even with Hastega. In addition to that, his attacks are
powerful too. He has an attack called Fangs of Hell which is deadly since
it inflicts Death on a character and Deathproof cannot prevent this. Another
one of his attacks, Fangs of Chaos works like Demi so it won't kill you even
at 1 HP. Cast Hastega on yourself, then Aim to be able hit him. Now, just
attack and summon your aeons at overdrive. This can be long so be patient.

HP: 800,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Gambler's Spirit x4
Equip: Gold Targe
Steal: Chocobo Wing x2
How to unlock: Capture 3 of the following fiends: Dinonix, Ipiria, Raptor,
Melusine, Iguion, Yowie, Zaurus

You should have an armor that protects against Poison for this fight. Now,
cast Hastega on yourself then use Aim to be able to hit him if your accuracy
is low. He has a move called Venomous Touch, which inflicts Poison so if you
have an armor with Poisonproof then that move will be sort of like Demi. He
also drains your HP. Just attack him and unleash your character and aeon
overdrives when available.

HP: 100,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Evasion Sphere x2
Equip: Platinum Bangle
Steal: Candle of Life x2
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Condor, Simurgh, Alcyone

His Beak of Woe inflicts Curse on everyone, so it is recommended that you
have an armor with Curseproof. If you don't have that then just use Holy
Water. Cast Hastega on yourself and use Wakka's Attack Reels or Tidus'
Blitz Ace to finish the job.

HP: 620,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Accuracy Sphere x2
Equip: Platinum Armlet
Steal: Purifying Salt x2
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Killer Bee, Bite Bug,
Wasp, Nebiros

You should have an armor that protects against Poison, Confusion, Blind, and
Silence since his attacks cause those status. Now cast Hastega on yourself,
then use Aim to be able to hit him. Use your aeon and character overdrives
when it becomes available.

HP: 95,000
AP: 10,000
Items: MP Sphere x2
Equip: Golden Hand
Steal: Mana Tonic x2
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Gandarewa, Aerouge, Imp

He as Auto-Regen and NulAll at the beginning of the fight. Cast Hastega first
then Shell on your party to be able to survive from Ultima. With that, attack
him with all you got and unleash your overdrives when available.

HP: 150,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Magic Defense Sphere x2
Equip: Sorcery Shield
Steal: Blessed Gem
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Floating Eye, Buer,
Ahriman, Evil Eye, Floating Death

This is easy, since he's pretty slow. But beware of his Shockwave as it
inflicts Sleep, Confuse, and Silence. So make sure you are protected from
those status. Cast Hastega on your paty then just attack. The battle will be
over before you know it.

HP: 1,300,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Magic Sphere x2
Equip: Vigilante
Steal: Mana Tablet x2
How to unlock: Capture 3 of the following fiends: Water Flan, Ice Flan,
Snow Flan, Thunder Flan, Flame Flan

This one is HARD! Believe me! First, he is immune to physical attacks.
Secondly, he has Auto-Reflect and lastly, he absorbs all elemental magics
including Holy. Now, cast Hastega on yourself then doublecast Ultima with
Yuna or Lulu. Summon your aeons at overdrive, except the ones with elements.
Let me remind you that this fight is extremely long, it actually took me an
hour to beat this thing! Anyway, good luck!

HP: 1,300,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Twin Stars x4
Equip: Elemental Shield
Steal: Twin Stars x2
How to unlock: Capture 3 of the following fiends: Yellow Element, White
Element, Red Element, Gold Element, Blue Element, Dark
Element, Black Element

This one is tough too, but not as hard as the Jumbo Flan though. There are
a few things I would like to point out. First, he counters your every move
against him with Utima, second he absorbs all elemental magics except Holy.
Now, cast Hastega first then Reflect on your party. With that just double
cast Ultima and Reflect Holy, since he does not counterattack when you do
that. Another thing, if you have Kimahri at overdrive, have him use Mighty
Guard as this will make the battle so much easier.

HP: 900,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Defense Sphere x2
Equip: Iron Claw
Steal: Lunar Curtain x8
How to unlock: Capture 3 of the following fiends: Raldo, Bunyip, Murussu,
Mafdet, Shred, Halma

This ones pretty easy. Cast Hastega on yourself first, and if you have Auron
at overdrive, use Banishing Blade as this works extremely well. It is also
a good idea to cast Protect on your characters to reduce the damage from his
physical attacks. You can summon your overdriven aeons too if you want.

HP: 1,100,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Light Curtain x40
Equip: Phantom Armlet
Steal: Stamina Spring x2
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Vouivre, Lamashtu,
Kusariqqu, Mushussu, Nidhogg

This can be tough, because of his HP. Now cast Hastega on yourself and have
Auron use Banishing Blade to give you a significant advantage. Watch out for
his Triple Attack as this is quite deadly if your physical defense is low.
Also, make sure you cast NulAll or Mighty Guard on your party to prevent his
Breath attack. Simply attack and summon your aeons (especially Anima) at
overdrive after that to finish the job.

HP: 98,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Teleport Sphere x2
Equip: Talisman
Steal: Farplane Wind
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Funguar, Thorn, Exoray

I hope you have a high defense and magic defense value, because he has a
move called Goodnight which inflicts Sleep, Berserk and Poison. I haven't
really found a way to prevent that since it affects my characters even
with a Ribbon armor. So make sure you have the First Strike ability and hope
that you get a preemptive strike. Cast Hastega on your party then just
attack and summon your overdriven aeons, especially Anima to kill him with
a single blow.

HP: 480,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Door to Tomorrow x2
Equip: Baroque Sword
Steal: Shining Gem
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Bomb, Grenade, Puroburos

This isn't that hard. Cast Hastega on yourself first, then cast Shell. Now
just attack him with your character and aeon overdrives. After 3 turns he'll
cast Ultima, heal yourself using Mega-Potions since you have Shell. You'll
win after a while.

HP: 1,200,000
AP: 10,000
Items: Strength Sphere x2
Equip: Platinum Ring
Steal: Shining Gem
How to unlock: Capture 5 of the following fiends: Dual Horn, Grendel, Valaha

This is easy if you have an armor with a Fireproof or Fire Eater ability.
He is also quite slow and considering the fact that he wastes his first turn
to prepare his fire attack, Hastega should do the trick. Use Auron's
Banishing Blade on him too, as this works well. With that, just attack him
with all you got and he should go down after some time.

HP: 2,000,000
AP: 10,000
Items: HP Shere x2
Equip: Soldier's Armlet
Steal: Stamina Tablet x2
How to unlock: Capture 10 of the following fiends: Iron Giant, Gemini (A),
Gemini (B)

This can be hard, because of the HP. Cast Hastega on yourself, then use
Protect. Your primary concern is to lower his defense, but since Armor Break
doesn't work use Banishing Blade instead. He also counters your every move
against him with a powerful sword attack, so heal often. Just unleash your
character and aeon overdrives on him to deal a lot of damage every turn.
This will be a long fight, so be patient.


These monsters will be unlocked once a specific condition is met. The monster
trainer will say something like this: "I've done it, I've created a monster."

HP: 1,300,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Fortune Sphere x2
Equip: None
Steal: Lv. 1 Key Sphere
How to unlock: Capture all the monsters from at least 2 areas.

I recommend that you enter this fight with a high defense stat since his
attacks are powerful. Cast Hastega first then use Protect on your party.
Now try to hit him with your strongest attacks to make him fall on his back.
Once this happens, pummel him with your character and aeon overdrives. Also
use Anima's Pain as this deals no less than 90,000+ damage. This guy also
has Auto-Reflect, so keep that in mind.

HP: 1,500,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Luck Sphere x2
Equip: Buccaneer
Steal: Return Sphere
How to unlock: Capture all the monsters from 2 different species

Cast Hastega first, then Protect and Shell on all your party members, or
better yet use Mighty Guard instead. Doing that will lessen the damage from
his Hydraulic Press attack and Ultima. He counters with Ultima almost every
time you damage him, so heal often. Since it is very difficult to predict
what element he is using, unleash the overdrives of your non-elemental
aeons. Remeber that if you used magic with the wrong element on him, he'll
absorb it. Don't forget to use your character overdrives too.

HP: 2,200,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Designer Wallet x2
Equip: Faerie Bracer
Steal: Lv. 2 Key Sphere
How to unlock: Capture all monsters from 6 areas.

First, make sure that you have a Poisonproof and Confuseproof armor equipped.
Cast Hastega first then Shell. He will be in his shell, but he will emerge
once you've dealt sufficient damage. His Toxic Cloud attack inflicts Poison,
Confuse and Curse on everyone. With that in mind start attacking and summon
your aeons at overdrive to get him out of his shell. Once this happens, he
will begin his patterned attack which is: Toxic Cloud, Demi, Hundred Thorns.
Beware of Hundred Thorns since its quite deadly, just summon an aeon to save
yourself. Continue pummeling him until the word "OVERKILL" appears :)

HP: 3,000,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Underdog's Secret x2
Equip: Platinum Shield
Steal: Teleport Sphere
How to unlock: Capture all monsters from 6 different species.

I'll admit that he looks intimidating at first, but he's actually pretty
easy. I assume that you've already learned the Doom skill for Kimahri. Just
use that on this guy and all you have to do is survive until the good ol'
counter reaches 0. It will be all over after that.

HP: 4,000,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Pendulum x4
Equip: Faerie Targe
Steal: Friend Sphere x3
How to unlock: Capture 1 of every monster from every area.

This ones pretty tough. First, cast Hastega then Protect on your party. You
have to get rid of his shell before he manages to get into it and heal
himself for 70,000+ HP every turn. To do this, use Wakka's Attack Reels and
Tidus' Blitz Ace on him at least twice, so use Entrust as often as you can.
Once the shell is off, he'll use his Slime attack every turn. Just heal
yourself every time he does that. Summon your aeons and attack him with all
you got and the battle will be over after a while.

HP: 5,000,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Winning Formula x2
Equip: Kotetsu
Steal: Lv. 3 Key Sphere x2
How to unlock: Capture 5 of every monster from every area.

Be prepared for a long and painful battle. As usual cast Hastega first, then
Protect and Shell. Use Blitz Ace and Attack Reels along with your overdriven
aeons as much as possible. So, set your overdrive mode to Stoic and keep
using Entrust. There's nothing more I can tell you after that, except for
the fact that it took me at least 45 minutes to beat this thing. Good luck!

HP: 2,000,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Wings to Discovery x6
Equip: Vendetta
Steal: Three Stars x2
How to unlock: Capture 3 of every monster at Mt. Gagazet and Gagazet
Mountain Cave.

You only have Tidus, Wakka and Rikku in this battle. So there won't be any
aeons. (*How I wish Yuna can swim ^_^*) First make sure you have an armor
that prevents Petrify to protect you from Eraser. Now, cast Hastega on
yourself, and hopefully you have Protect and Shell with Rikku. Also, watch
out for his attack called Shining as it deals massive damage. Just attack
and use your overdrives (Attack Reels & Blitz Ace) to finish the job.

HP: 10,000,000
AP: 50,000
Items: Warp Sphere x6
Equip: Excalibur
Steal: Lv. 4 Key Sphere x2
How to unlock: Capture 10 of every monster from every area

I suggest that you strengthen your characters until they are able to deal a
consistent 99,999 damage, and don't forget to learn Quick Hit too. But even
with those enhancements this battle is still HARD! Once you feel confident
enough to face him, go back to the monster arena. Another thing, make sure
that you enter this fight with all your aeons and Yuna at overdrive. Once
the battle begins cast Hastega then Protect and Shell on your party. Quick
Hit is the best method of attacking here, summon your aeons and have them
do their overdrives immediately. Let me remind you that Nemesis counters
all your overdrive attacks. Another alternative in defeating him just
in case you get terribly annoyed and frustrated is to simply Grand Summon
Yojimbo and pay him tons of gil, then hope for Zanmoto. This will end the
battle instantly :) Good luck to you!


These are spheres where Jecht recorded his memories during his journey with
Lord Braska and Auron to Zanarkand. Here's a list of all the spheres and
their locations.


Location: Macalania Woods. You'll get this after defeating Spherimorph.
Event: Jecht's message for Tidus.

Location: Macalania Woods South
Event: This one shows how Jecht ended up being Braska's guardian.

Location: Besaid Village. Check the area to the right of the temple
Event: This shows what happened when the trio first arrived in Besaid.

Location: Bridge of S.S. Liki
Event: Jecht, Braska and Auron on their way to Kilika.

Location: Luca Stadium Basement A. Outside Auroch's locker room.
Event: Jecht and Auron talks about Blitz Ball and Tidus.

Location: Southmost end of Old Road (Mi'ihen Highroad)
Event: Jecht, Braska and Auron fights Chocobo Eater.

Location: Mushroom Rock Precipice, close to elevator.
Event: Auron talking to Kinoc about him leaving with Braska to Zanarkand

Location: Moonflow South Wharf
Event: Jecht's regrets about attacking the Shoopuf.

Location: Thunder Plains South (east area)
Event: The three of them leaving the Thunder Plains to Guadosalam.

Location: Gagazet Mountain Trail
Event: Braska's message for Yuna


Volume 1 (Y -> A) - Deck of Salvage Ship
Volume 2 (P -> B) - Crusader's Lodge Entrance
Volume 3 (L -> C) - S.S. Liki Engine Room
Volume 4 (T -> D) - Kilika Tavern (bar)
Volume 5 (A -> E) - S.S. Winno Bridge
Volume 6 (V -> F) - Luca Stadium, Basement B
Volume 7 (K -> G) - Luca Sphere Theater
Volume 8 (R -> H) - Receive from Rin at Mi'ihen Travel Agency
Volume 9 (E -> I) - Mi'ihen Highroad, North End
Volume 10 (Z -> J) - Mushroom Rock Valley
Volume 11 (G -> K) - Djose Highroad
Volume 12 (M -> L) - Moonflow, North Wharf
Volume 13 (S -> M) - Guadosalam, in the house with 3,000 Gil treasure
Volume 14 (H -> N) - Thunder Plains Travel Agency
Volume 15 (U -> O) - Macalania Lake Road
Volume 16 (B -> P) - Outside Macalania Travel Agency
Volume 17 (X -> Q) - Sanubia Desert
Volume 18 (N -> R) - Northeast of Sanubia Desert Central
Volume 19 (C -> S) - Near the save sphere outside Al Bhed Home
Volume 20 (D -> T) - Al Bhed Home Living Quarters
Volume 21 (I -> U) - Al Bhed Home Corridor (northeast)
Volume 22 (J -> V) - Bevelle Priest's Passage
Volume 23 (F -> W) - Calm Lands, northwest (near Chocobo Trainer)
Volume 24 (Q -> X) - Outside Remiem Temple
Volume 25 (O -> Y) - Cavern of Stolen Fayth
Volume 26 (W -> Z) - Omega Ruins



1. Game Modes

League Mode - You'll have to play 10 games in this mode, wherein 3 points
are awarded for every win and 1 point for a tie. Basically,
you'll have to accumulate points.

Tournament Mode - 2 to 3 games will be played, where teams battle for the

Exhibition - This one's fully intended for practice, no experience points
will be given but you are allowed to learn techniques.

2. Character Stats

Hit Points (HP) - Stamina of character, once it reaches 0 all the stats of
that character will be halved. This includes BL, AT, PA,

Speed (SPD) - Determines the quickness of the character.

Block (BLK) - Determines the ability of the character to intercept passes or
block shots.

Attack (AT) - Determines the ability of a character to steal the ball during
a breakthrough.

Pass (PA)- Determines the length of the pass a character can do.

Shoot (SH) - Determines the ability of a character in making a successful
shot / goal.

Catch (CA) - Determines the capability of a goal keeper to catch a shot made
by the opposing player.

Endurance (EN) - Determines the ability of a character to withstand tackles
done during breakthroughs.

3. Action Commands

The action menu appears whenever you press the square button, which enables
you to choose between 3 commands.

Pass - Everytime you choose to pass, you should keep an eye on your PA stat
which depletes gradually during passing. If it reaches 0 before the
receiver catches the ball, the pass will fail.

Shoot - Here the SH stat is taken into consideration. Whenever you shoot,
your SH decreases gradually, thus when your SH value is lower than
the goal keeper's CA, chances are the shot will fail.

Dribble - This is when you try to take the ball closer to your net. Whenever
you shoot very close to this area, the success rate of scoring
gets significantly higher. But of course that still depends on
your SH value.

4. Encounters / Breakthroughs

This takes place once a defender/s confronts the ball carrier. Here, the
character's EN value comes into play. If you decide to breakthrough, you
should look at your opponent's AT value. When it is lower than your EN stat,
there's a big chance that your breakthrough will be a success, but that's
not always the case, otherwise it will result in a turn over.

5. Techcopy

In order to learn techs you should set marks so that your characters will
follow the opposing players they are assigned to before the game begins.
During the game, press Triangle then choose Mark Mode. Now, once an opposing
player uses a tech, you will see the word Techcopy appear at the top left
corner of you screen. Press O immediately when it appears to learn that tech.
Be aware that the only techs you can learn are the ones highlighted in blue.

6. Status Ailments

Just like in a regular battle, characters can also be inflicted with status
ailments in Blitz Ball.

Poison - Character's HP depletes rapidly when he has the ball, also a
character inflicted with Poison does not recover HP even after he
gets rid of the ball. Techs also get disabled when a player is

Sleep - The affected character will be inactive for a while. You can wake
him up by throwing the ball to him.

Wither - When inflicted with wither, any of the following stat gets halved:


TECH NAME: Jecht Shot
HP COST: 120
SUCCESS RATE: Depends upon the distance the shot was taken, also depends on
goal keeper's CA value.
DESCRIPTION: Removes 2 defenders without depleting SH value.
TECH NAME: Jecht Shot 2
HP COST: 999
SUCCESS RATE: Depends upon the distance the shot was taken, also depends on
goal keeper's CA value.
DESCRIPTION: Removes 3 defenders and makes the ball invisible so that its
difficult to catch.
NOTE: In order to learn this tech, you should have all of Tidus' key
techniques (Venom Tackle, Drain Tackle 2, Anti-Venom 2)
TECH NAME: Sphere Shot
EFFECT: Adds random value to SH stat.
SUCCESS RATE: Depends upon the distance the shot was taken, also depends on
goal keeper's CA value.
DESCRIPTION: Adds random value to SH stat. Press O to stop.
TECH NAME: Invisible Shot
HP COST: 220
DESCRIPTION: It disregards the SH and CA value and decides randomly whether
or not the shot succeeds.
TECH NAME: Venom Shot
DESCRIPTION: Poisons goal keeper
TECH NAME: Venom Shot 2
DESCRIPTION: Poisons goal keeper
TECH NAME: Venom Shot 3
HP COST: 100
DESCRIPTION: Poisons goal keeper
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep status on goal keeper
TECH NAME: Nap Shot 2
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep status on goal keeper
TECH NAME: Nap Shot 3
HP COST: 350
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep status on goal keeper
TECH NAME: Wither Shot
DESCRIPTION: Halves any stat of goal keeper
TECH NAME: Wither Shot 2
HP COST: 180
DESCRIPTION: Halves any stat of goal keeper
TECH NAME: Wither Shot 3
HP COST: 390
DESCRIPTION: Halves any stat of goal keeper
TECH NAME: Venom Pass
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Poison if pass is deflected
TECH NAME: Venom Pass 2
HP COST: 120
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Poison if pass is deflected
TECH NAME: Venom Pass 3
HP COST: 350
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Poison if pass is deflected
TECH NAME: Volley Shot
DESCRIPTION: Shoots a loose ball, disregards all defenders except the goal
TECH NAME: Volley Shot 2
DESCRIPTION: Shoots a loose ball, disregards all defenders except the goal
TECH NAME: Volley Shot 3
HP COST: 250
DESCRIPTION: Shoots a loose ball, disregards all defenders except the goal
TECH NAME: Venom Tackle
DESCRIPTION: Poisons ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Venom Tackle 2
DESCRIPTION: Poisons ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Venom Tackle 3
HP COST: 160
DESCRIPTION: Poisons ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Nap Tackle
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep on ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Nap Tackle 2
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep on ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Nap Tackle 3
HP COST: 180
DESCRIPTION: Inflicts Sleep on ball carrier during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Wither Tackle
DESCRIPTION: Halves any of ball carrier's stats during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Wither Tackle 2
DESCRIPTION: Halves any of ball carrier's stats during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Wither Tackle 3
HP COST: 250
DESCRIPTION: Halves any of ball carrier's stats during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Drain Tackle
DESCRIPTION: Drains 30 HP from opponent during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Drain Tackle 2
DESCRIPTION: Drains 150 HP from opponent during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Drain Tackle 3
DESCRIPTION: Drains 500 HP from opponent during breakthrough.
TECH NAME: Tackle Slip
DESCRIPTION: Evade opponent's tackles.
TECH NAME: Tackle Slip 2
HP COST: 170
DESCRIPTION: Evade opponent's tackles.
TECH NAME: Anti-Venom
DESCRIPTION: Resists Poison.
TECH NAME: Anti-Venom 2
DESCRIPTION: Resists Poison.
DESCRIPTION: Resists Sleep.
TECH NAME: Anti-Nap 2
HP COST: 210
DESCRIPTION: Resists Sleep.
TECH NAME: Anti-Wither
DESCRIPTION: Resists Wither.
TECH NAME: Anti-Wither 2
HP COST: 200
DESCRIPTION: Resists Wither.
TECH NAME: Anti-Drain
DESCRIPTION: Resists Drain.
TECH NAME: Anti-Drain 2
DESCRIPTION: Resists Drain.
TECH NAME: Spin Ball
DESCRIPTION: When you shoot, the ball swings around thus the goal keeper
will have a much more difficult time catching it.
TECH NAME: Grip Gloves
DESCRIPTION: Increases the chance of the goal keeper catching the ball.
TECH NAME: Elite Defense
DESCRIPTION: Enables player to intercept the ball from far away.
TECH NAME: Brawler
DESCRIPTION: Allows player to help with encounters even from far away.
TECH NAME: Pile Venom
DESCRIPTION: Allows poison effect to disable other techs besides those that
involves shooting.
TECH NAME: Pile Wither
DESCRIPTION: Allows wither effect to halve more than 1 stat at a time.
DESCRIPTION: Speeds up HP recovery when character moves without the ball.
TECH NAME: Good Morning!
HP COST: 180
DESCRIPTION: Boosts stats when character wakes up from Sleep.
HP COST: 300
DESCRIPTION: All stats besides HP and Speed are halved, but character
receives more experience points.
TECH NAME: Golden Arm
DESCRIPTION: Decreases the depletion of PA and SH when ball travels in
HP COST: 300
DESCRIPTION: All stats except HP and Speed are randomized when character
wakes from Sleep.
TECH NAME: Super Goalie
EFFECT: Adds random value to CA
DESCRIPTION: Adds random value to CA.
TECH NAME: Auroch's Spirit
HP COST: 600
EFFECT: SH + all original Aurochs SH value
DESCRIPTION: Adds SH value of all original Aurochs to Wakka's SH value


After receiving all your mails, I decided to compile them and came up with
this section. So please read this first before sending me mail. ^_^

Q: Where can I find the latest version of your guide?

A: The latest version of this guide can be found at the following sites, but
I strongly recommend that you check for the updated vesion at GameFAQs.
Q: I failed to acquire the destruction sphere treasures at Besaid and
Macalania Temples. Now I can't go back since the entrance is blocked by
Dark Aeons! What should I do?

A: Well, there's no way you can go back into those temples if you don't at
least try to defeat them.
Q: Is Penance an aeon? If so, how do I acquire it?

A: No, Penance is not an aeon. He is just a boss that appears after you
defeat all the dark aeons.
Q: There are a lot of errors in your guide! Are you sure that you've played
the game more than once?

A: Ok, I'll make myself clear once and for all. I own the JAPANESE version of
FFX International, so this guide is actually intended for people who owns
the same version of the game as I do. So please stop bugging me with this
kind of questions!
Q: I forgot to get the Sun Crest at Zanarkand Dome! Now I can't get it since
Dark Bahamut is there! What should I do?

A: I think I made it clear that you must not forget that, didn't I? Well now
I guess you have no choice but to kill dark bahamut in order to get it.
Q: Is the extra ending available in the European version? If so, why didn't
I see it?

A: I'm not sure about that, as I don't have the european version of the game.
But I believe the japanese version of FFX International is a special
Q: Is there any other way to defeat the dark aeons without having to spend
so much time maxing out character stats?

A: Fotunately, yes there is. Here's what you should do:

- You will need tons of gil, so go to Omega Ruins and slaughter as many
enemies as you can until you're extremely rich. (Gillionaire ability
recommended for this process.)

- Grand Summon Yojimbo and pay him at least 1 million gil, then HOPE
for Zanmato.
Q: After defeating Dark Shiva at Macalania Temple, there are these Guado
Guardians that keep coming out of the temple. Does that mean I'll never
be able to get the destruction sphere treasure inside if I happen to
forget it?

A: No, not necessarily. As I said before, those guards are infinite. One way
to get around this is to revisit the place after you defeat Sin. The
guards will disappear.
Q: Where the heck is the Chocobo Trainer? She's not at the northwest area of
Calm Lands, where is she?

A: I received alot of mails about this so I decided to put it here. The
Chocobo Trainer is near the tent with the save sphere. Go a little bit
south from there to see her.


- Many thanks to CjayC for posting this guide on GameFAQs!
- Many thanks to Squaresoft for making this GREAT game!
- Thanks to Ulrich Unterbrunner for the strategy against the Luca Goers.
- Thanks to David Curran for the reminder about the battle with Anima at
Macalania Temple.
- Thanks to "mrbs" for the corrections on the drop items of some monsters
in the monster arena section & for telling me about the Rook overdrive
- Thanks to Evan Panahi and The GIA for the full translation of the
extra ending!
- Thanks to Andy Pachla for the correction about the location of the Al
Bhed Primer Vol. 3.
- Thanks to Rhys Hughes for the strategy against Seymour's Guado guardians.
- Thanks to Charles Thio for the strategy against Anima in Macalania Temple.
- Thanks to Ron Wisniewski for Biran & Yenke's steal info.
- Thanks to Martin Lindell for the strategy against Braska's Final Aeon.
- Thanks to Nick Musson for the ultra-detailed strategy against Penance.

Final Fantasy X International FAQ / Walkthrough
Copyright May, 2002
Mogg 13-42

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Oktober 2013
The Story

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Oktober 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Oktober 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Oktober 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Oktober 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Item List

14.Oktober 2013
Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Item List

16.Oktober 2013
Equipment Remodeling Guide

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Oktober 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

17.Oktober 2013
Blitzball Techniques FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Bribe FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Secrets FAQ

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014