Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

15.10.2013 01:06:05
-- Final Fantasy X (US) Bribe FAQ --
-- by CB! (Christine Bomke, --
-- Final Version numero 3, 2/2/02 --

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This guide is for PERSONAL USE ONLY, copyrighted to me,
Christine Bomke. Do not put this FAQ on your site without first emailing
me for permission. If permission IS granted, you are not permitted to
change a single word of this FAQ when you post it, and must leave it as a
.txt file unless I've explicitly told you otherwise that you may change
it. Do not steal information from this FAQ for your magazine, or other
form of media - printed, online, or otherwise. Do not pass GO, do not
collect $200. If you violate this disclaimer anyway, know that I have the
means and mettle to pursue this matter legally, and you _will_ regret it.

NOTE TO WEBMASTERS: If permission is granted to post this guide on your
site, it is _your_ responsibility to get the most recent version from my
site or periodically. If you can't be bothered to keep it
current, then you may not post it.

Avast ye matey, thar be spoilers ahead.

-- Table 'o Contents --

I. Version History
II. Foreword / Contact Information
III. Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is Bribe?
2. Where is Bribe?
3. What does it take to Bribe?
4. Do some monsters offer better "deals" than others?
5. So what are some must-bribe items?
6. Wow, where can I get that much gil?
7. I bribed a monster, but I got less or more of the number of items you
list in your FAQ! Why?
8. If I killed the Ultima Weapon or Lord Ochu, did I miss my chance to
bribe them?
IV. Alphabetical Bribe List by Monster
V. Alphabetical Bribe List by Item
VI. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs

-- I. Version History --

v3Final 2/2/02: Added items I'd missed (Chocobo Wings, and Wings to Discovery)
to Section V, and rewrote most of the Frequently Asked Questions for clarity.

v2Final 1/2/02: Added seventh and eighth frequently asked questions.

vFinal 12/25/01: The alphabetical bribe list by item is finished, complete
with the best deals for every item noted in section V.

v0.5 12/22/01: Decided to list monsters in alphabetical order, finished the
monster portion of the list, and began the alphabetical bribe list by item.
I'll finish that tomorrow...

v0.1 12/21/01: Created list, wrote out sections II and III, and debated
whether it would be better to have monsters organized by location, or
alphabetical. Not released to the public.

-- II. Foreword / Contact Information --

First, this is not a gameplay FAQ. This is a complete list of all the rare
items you can acquire through Bribe, which monsters to Bribe for them, and the
gil cost to accomplish such feats. If you need help figuring out the Sphere
Grid system, or want a walkthough, look elsewhere. Only monsters that you can
Bribe are listed - anything prior to Besaid, the Monster Arena monsters, and
all bosses with the exception of Lord Ochu and the Ultima Weapon, are not
bribable. All of this information can also be found in my Monster Encyclopedia,
but I understand that not everyone wants to wade through 370k of text just to
find out where to obtain Winning Formulas (from Sand Worms, natch), hence this
Bribe FAQ.

If you have a submission or a question regarding bribery that I haven't
covered in this document, you may email me at, or contact me
via AOL Instant Messenger as "Ceebsie". I'm also on the GameFAQs message boards
as "Ceebs" occasionally. If your question is already answered in this FAQ, or
one of my FAQs, I will probably delete your email. I hate to be strict like
this, but I currently recieve between 20-40 letters per day about Final Fantasy
X, most of which are from people who didn't read a FAQ well enough. I have a
full-time job, a part-time job, and a social life, and I simply don't have time
to answer every email. I wish I did. I've done my best to make this document as
complete and self-explanatory as possible, so please respect that, and don't
ask me to regurgitate material from it. The latest version of this guide, and
all the other ones I've written, can always be found at GameFAQs
( and my site ( Please
take a look at them before finding fault with what may be an out-of-date

-- III. Frequently Asked Questions --

1. What is Bribe?

"Bribe" is quite possibly the funniest skill since the Tonberry (doink!)
summon in Final Fantasy VIII - you bribe enemies to go away, and leave rare
items for you. There's something oddly humorous about seeing one of your
characters tiptoe up to a monster three times their size, and daintily give
them some shiny gold gil, causing the monster to turn on its heel and flee.
Although you can acquire just about every rare item without Bribe, you won't
get enough of them to remodel your equipment, or really make a difference
unless you Bribe like mad.

2. Where is Bribe?

Bribe is the last ability on Rikku's part of the Sphere Grid, located at the
bottom center of the grid map, directly to the left of the loop with all of
Lulu's "-ra" spells.

3. What does it take to Bribe?

Cold hard gil, and lots of it. The exact cost to Bribe is twenty times a
particular monster's max HP - if the monster can't kill you, it's certainly
going to want to extort every last penny from you. They don't call them
"fiends" for nothing. NEVER EVER bribe a monster that is afflicted by "Sleep"
status, because sleeping monsters are not bribable, and you will have wasted
any gil you used in doing so.

4. Do some monsters offer better "deals" than others?

Yes, definitely! For example, you can obtain Wings to Discovery from the
Marlboro and the Great Marlboro, but the Marlboro charges you 540,000 gil for
4 Wings to Discovery, while the Great Marlboro charges you 1,280,000 gil for
8 Wings to Discovery - that's over twice as much for only twice as many
items. (Remember what I said about monsters extorting every last penny from
you?) Another example is with Pendulums: the Master Tonberry will give you 3
Pendulums for 960,000 gil, BUT the Ultima Weapon will give you 99 Pendulums
for 1,400,000 gil. Now that is an incredible deal!

5. So what are some must-bribe items?

Some of the best deals for rare items include:

- Level 3 Key Sphere x40 for 900,000 gil from the Demonolith
- Level 4 Key Sphere x2 for 196,000 gil from the Chimera Brain
- White Magic Sphere x2 for 256,000 gil from the Dark Flan
- Black Magic Sphere x2 for 152,000 gil from the Black Element
- Skill Sphere x2 for 360,000 gil from the Zuu
- Special Sphere x6 for 1,088,000 gil from the Adamantoise
- Door to Tomorrow x2 for 74,000 gil from the Mech Leader
- Mega Phoenix x2 for 8,600 gil from the Alcyone
- Chocobo Wing x60 for 360,000 gil from the Machea
- Ether Turbo x16 for 81,600 gil from the Thorn
- Wings to Discovery x4 for 540,000 gil from the Marlboro
- Pendulum x99 for 1,400,000 from the Ultima Weapon
- Rename Card x10 for 157,000 gil from the Zaurus
- Remedy x80 for 92,980 gil from the Lord Ochu
- Winning Formula x15 for 900,000 from the Sand Worm
- Supreme Gem x20 for 260,000 from the Halma
- Healing Spring x20 for 90,000 from the Octopus

6. Wow, where can I get that much gil?

The Mimic Boxes in the Omega Ruins are pretty easy to defeat, and they leave
behind 50,000 gil per battle - 100,000 gil if someone in your active party
is equipped with a weapon with the [Gillionaire] auto-ability. Alternately,
you can repeatedly kill One-Eye at the Monster Arena, who will drop weapons
with [Triple AP], which you can sell for 60,000+ gil apiece. For the
conditions to unlock One-Eye, please see my Monster Arena FAQ.

7. I bribed a monster, but I got less or more of the number of items you list
in your FAQ! Why?

More often than not when you bribe a monster in the US release, it'll give
you an incorrect number of items for your money, or none at all (!). This
was never the case in the Japanese import, so presumably Square decided
they'd been too generous with bribery in the Japanese release, and randomized
it. Bribe can also miss, even if the monster isn't sleeping. To save yourself
some frustration, it would be a good idea to save before you bribe, so that
you don't flush large amounts of gil down the drain.

Summoner ( submitted the following treatise on bribe
amount variations, which I am pasting verbatim:

"20X hp seems to be a pretty sure spot for a successful bribe, but they often
will leave for less. Sometimes, 20X isn't even enough! But, fortunately, an
unsuccessful bribe does NOT mean wasted Gil. Each bribe attempt stacks with
previous attempts and the monster has a chance of leaving again, using the
total amount of money given to it as the chance to leave. Here's an example.
I was trying to bribe a monster where 20X his hp was equal to 360,000 Gil. I
gave him 300,000 Gil and it missed. The next turn I gave it 10 Gil and it
missed again. The next turn I gave it another 10 Gil and it worked! There's
no way that a monster will leave if you only give it 10 Gil so I came to the
conclusion that it just keeps a running total of all the Gil you've tried to
bribe with. I've found the best way to bribe is just hastega and bribe with
small amounts. Another example. Same monster. I first throw 100,000, then
50,000, then 50,000, then 100, 100, 100....... after 6-7 attempts of giving it
100 it finally went away. Also, one last thing. The number of items you get
is proportional to the amount of money you give it. BUT, the rate of increase
is LOGARITHMIC, so it usually DOESN'T pay to give it more Gil. Another
example. Same monster. I usually pay him about 200,000 and I get about 30 or
so of the item he leaves. I tried 600,000 a couple times and got about 60
each time (how much he drops is random also). I paid 3x the money and only
got 2x the items. I also tried giving it 3 million and it dropped 99 items
:). Also, I tried it on a monster with very low HP and only gave 2-3 items
usually. 20x it's HP was only about 9,000 Gil. I gave it 3 million and it
only dropped about 15 items. Diminishing returns at work here. Try to bribe
for as little as possible and you will usually get the most bang for your

Wasnt that informative? Email Summoner with your praises.

8. If I killed the Ultima Weapon or Lord Ochu, did I miss my chance to bribe

Yes. If you killed either of these pitifully easy bosses, you missed your
chance to bribe them. Sorry, I hope that you have an earlier save...

-- IV. Alphabetical Bribe List by Monster --

- A -

Monster: Achelous
Bribe: Healing Spring x16 for 102,000
Location: Mt. Gagazet flooded cavern

Monster: Admantoise
Bribe: Special Sphere x6 for 1,088,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Aerouge
Bribe: Lightning Marble x4 for 4,000 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

Monster: Ahriman
Bribe: Farplane Wind x6 for 56,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet cavern, Zanarkand Ruins, Inside Sin

Monster: Alcyone
Bribe: Mega Phoenix x2 for 8,600 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert

Monster: Anacondaur
Bribe: Healing Water x16 for 116,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Aqua Flan
Bribe: Water Gem x15 for 40,500 gil
Location: Via Purifico

- B -

Monster: Bandersnatch
Bribe: Dream Powder x20 for 36,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet

Monster: Barbatos
Bribe: Teleport Sphere x20 for 1,900,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin

Monster: Bashura
Bribe: Stamina Spring x80 for 340,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet, exterior and cavern

Monster: Basilisk
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x24 for 40,500 gil
Location: Djose Highroad

Monster: Bat Eye
Bribe: Silence Grenade x12 for 7,600 gil
Location: Via Purifico

Monster: Behemoth
Bribe: Level 2 Key Sphere x30 for 460,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet cavern, Zanarkand Ruins

Monster: Behemoth King
Bribe: Three Stars x14 for 1,350,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin

Monster: Bite Bug
Bribe: Poison Fang x2 for 4,000 gil
Location: Djose Highroad, Moonflow

Monster: Black Element
Bribe: Black Magic Sphere x2 for 152,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Blue Element
Bribe: Water Gem x9 for 30,000 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

Monster: Bomb A
Bribe: Bomb Core x16 for 17,000 gil
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad, southern Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Bomb B
Bribe: Fire Gem x14 for 44,000 gil
Location: Al Bhed Home, Airship

Monster: Buer
Bribe: Musk x2 for 4,600 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

Monster: Bunyip
Bribe: Hypello Potion x16 for 8,000 gil
Location: Northern Djose Highroad, Moonflow

- C -

Monster: Cave Iguion
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x6 for 11,000 gil
Location: Via Purifico

Monster: Chimera A
Bribe: Mana Tablet x10 for 105,000 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

Monster: Chimera B
Bribe: Underdog's Secret x15 for 180,000 gil
Location: Al Bhed Home

Monster: Chimera Brain
Bribe: Level 4 Key Sphere x2 for 196,000
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Coerl
Bribe: Friend Sphere x2 for 120,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands, Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Condor
Bribe: Smoke Bomb x3 for 1,900 gil
Location: Besaid Island

- D -

Monster: Dark Element
Bribe: Return Sphere x3 for 36,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Dark Flan
Bribe: White Magic Sphere x2 for 256,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet cavern, Zanarkand Ruins

Monster: Defender
Bribe: Stamina Tablet x20 for 240,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Defender Zero
Bribe: Designer Wallet x5 for 846,000 gil
Location: Yevon Dome, Omega Ruins

Monster: Demonolith
Bribe: Level 3 Key Sphere x40 for 900,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Dingo
Bribe: Sleeping Powder x4 for 2,500 gil
Location: Besaid Island

Monster: Dinonix
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x2 for 2,800 gil
Location: Kilika Forest

Monster: Dual Horn A
Bribe: High Potion x60 for 37,500 gil
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad, southern Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Dual Horn B
Bribe: Mega Potion x25 for 75,900 gil
Location: Al Bhed Home, Airship

- E -

Monster: Epaaj
Bribe: Farplane Wind x25 for 174,000 gil
Location: Valley Bottom, Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Evil Eye A
Bribe: Musk x3 for 6,200 gil
Location: Macalania Snowfield

Monster: Evil Eye B
Bribe: Musk x4 for 8,600 gil
Location: Al Bhed Home, Airship

Monster: Exoray
Bribe: Turbo Ether x30 for 148,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin

- F -

Monster: Flame Flan
Bribe: Fire Gem x10 for 30,000
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Floating Death
Bribe: Gambler's Spirit x10 for 134,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Floating Eye
Bribe: Musk x1 for 2,800 gil
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad, southern Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Funguar
Bribe: Turbo Ether x2 for 10,800 gil
Location: Mushroom Rock Road, Djose Highroad, Moonflow

- G -

Monster: Gandarewa
Bribe: Lightning Marble x3 for 2,960
Location: Mushroom Rock Road, Djose Highroad, Moonflow

Monster: Garm
Bribe: Sleeping Powder x7 for 4,800 gil
Location: Djose Highroad, Moonflow

Monster: Garuda
Bribe: Smoke Bomb x99 for 80,000 gil
Location: Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Gemini (red)
Bribe: Stamina Tonic x10 for 720,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Gemini Blue
Bribe: Mana Tonic x10 for 720,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Ghost
Bribe: Mega Phoenix x38 for 199,980 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Gold Element
Bribe: Lightning Marble x20 for 24,000 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

Monster: Grat
Bribe: Remedy x40 for 80,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet, exterior and cavern

Monster: Great Marlboro
Bribe: Wings to Discovery x8 for 1,280,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Grenade
Bribe: Fire Gem x12 for 150,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet

Monster: Grendel
Bribe: Mega Potion x60 for 190,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet cavern, Zanarkand Ruins

Monster: Guado Guardian A (appears with Seymour)
Bribe: Ether x10 for 40,000 gil
Location: Macalania Temple

Monster: Guard Guardian C
Bribe: X-Potion x30 for 52,000 gil
Location: Al Bhed Home

- H -

Monster: Halma
Bribe: Supreme Gem x20 for 260,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

- I -

Monster: Ice Flan
Bribe: Ice Gem x9 for 27,000 gil
Location: Macalania Snowfield

Monster: Iguion
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x5 for 7,400 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

Monster: Imp
Bribe: Level 1 Key Sphere x4 for 17,600
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Mt. Gagazet

Monster: Ipiria
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x3 for 3,600 gil
Location: Old Mi'ihen Highroad, southern Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Iron Giant
Bribe: Stamina Tonic x1 for 72,000 gil
Location: North Thunder Plains

- K -

Monster: Killer Bee
Bribe: Poison Fang x1 for 2,200 gil
Location: Kilika Forest

Monster: Kusariqqu
Bribe: Silver Hourglass x20 for 8,900 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

- L -

Monster: Lamashtu
Bribe: Silver Hourglass x10 for 5,500 gil
Location: Mushroom Rock Road, Djose Highroad

Monster: Land Worm
Bribe: Dark Matter x2 for 1,600,000
Location: Inside Sin

Monster: Larvae
Bribe: Shining Thorn x10 for 29,960 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

Monster: Lord Ochu
Bribe: Remedy x80 for 92,980 gil
Location: Center of Kilika Forest

- M -

Monster: Machea
Bribe: Chocobo Wing x60 for 360,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Maelspike
Bribe: Attribute Sphere x1 for 200,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet flooded cavern

Monster: Mafdet
Bribe: Hypello Potion x28 for 14,200 gil
Location: Macalania Snowfield

Monster: Mandragora
Bribe: Return Sphere x24 for 620,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet cavern, Zanarkand Ruins

Monster: Marlboro
Bribe: Wings to Discovery x4 for 540,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Master Coerl
Bribe: Warp Sphere x1 for 260,000
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Master Tonberry
Bribe: Pendulum x3 for 960,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Maze Larvae
Bribe: Water Gem x14 for 44,440 gil
Location: Via Purifico

Monster: Mech Defender
Bribe: Al Bhed Potion x99 for 174,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet, exterior and cavern

Monster: Mech Guard
Bribe: Grenade x50 for 25,600 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert

Monster: Mech Gunner
Bribe: Al Bhed Potion x40 for 56,000
Location: Sanubia Desert

Monster: Mech Leader
Bribe: Door to Tomorrow x2 for 74,000
Location: Mt. Gagazet, exterior and cavern

Monster: Mech Hunter
Bribe: Al Bhed Potion x60 for 110,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Mech Scouter
Bribe: Door to Tomorrow x1 for 55,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands, Valley Bottom

Monster: Melusine
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x4 for 5,300 gil
Location: Thunder Plains

Monster: Mi'ihen Fang
Bribe: Sleeping Powder x5 for 3,200 gil
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad

Monster: Mulfushu
Bribe: Hypello Potion x24 for 11,600 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

Monster: Mushussu
Bribe: Gold Hourglass x5 for 13,600
Location: Sanubia Desert

- N -

Monster: Nebiros
Bribe: Poison Fang x6 for 14,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Nidhogg
Bribe: Gold Hourglass x12 for 40,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Mt. Gagazet

- O -

Monster: Ochu
Bribe: Remedy x70 for 144,000 gil
Location: Moonflow

Monster: Octopus
Bribe: Healing Spring x20 for 90,000 gil
Location: Underwater Via Purifico

Monster: Ogre
Bribe: Stamina Tablet x50 for 188,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

- P -

Monster: Phlegyas
Bribe: Healing Spring x6 for 33,600 gil
Location: Underwater Via Purifico

Monster: Puroboros
Bribe: Shining Gem x36 for 400,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

- R -

Monster: Ragora
Bribe: Remedy x8 for 15,600 gil
Location: Kilika Forest

Monster: Raldo
Bribe: Hypello Potion x10 for 4,800
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad

Monster: Raptor
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x2 for 4,000 gil
Location: Mushroom Rock Road, Djose Highroad

Monster: Red Element
Bribe: Bomb Core x8 for 9,000
Location: Mushroom Rock Road, southern Djose Highroad

Monster: Remora
Bribe: Water Gem x20 for 60,000 gil
Location: Underwater Via Purifico

- S -

Monster: Sahagin B
Bribe: Water Gem x8 for 27,600 gil
Location: Via Purifico

Monster: Sahagin C
Bribe: Water Gem x3 for 7,600 gil
Location: Underwater Via Purifico

Monster: Sand Wolf
Bribe: Sleeping Powder x12 for 9,000 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert

Monster: Sand Worm
Bribe: Winning Formula x15 for 900,000 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert, ruins and sandstorm areas

Monster: Sandragora
Bribe: Remedy x99 for 255,000 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert, in antlion pits

Monster: Shred
Bribe: Hypello Potion x50 for 39,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Simurgh
Bribe: Smoke Bomb x5 for 4,000
Location: Northern Djose Highroad (very very rare!)

Monster: Skoll
Bribe: Dream Powder x12 for 20,000 gil
Location: Calm Lands

Monster: Snow Flan
Bribe: Arctic Wind x10 for 12,000 gil
Location: Djose Highroad, Moonflow

Monster: Snow Wolf
Bribe: Sleeping Powder x11 for 8,000 gil
Location: Macalania Snowfield

Monster: Spirit
Bribe: Twin Stars x10 for 200,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Splasher
Bribe: Dragon Scale x4 for 4,000 gil
Location: Mt. Gagazet flooded cavern

- T -

Monster: Thorn
Bribe: Turbo Ether x16 for 81,600 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Thunder Flan
Bribe: Lightning Marble x8 for 9,600 gil
Location: Old Mi'ihen Highroad, south Mushroom Rock Road

Monster: Tonberry
Bribe: Amulet x2 for 270,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

- U -

Monster: Ultima Weapon
Bribe: Pendulum x99 for 1,400,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

- V -

Monster: Valaha
Bribe: X-Potion x60 for 174,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

Monster: Varuna
Bribe: Mega Elixir x20 for 1,120,000 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

Monster: Vouivre
Bribe: Silver Hourglass x10 for 5,100 gil
Location: Old Mi'ihen Highroad, Mushroom Rock Road

- W -

Monster: Wasp
Bribe: Poison Fang x3 for 7,200 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

Monster: Water Flan
Bribe: Water Gem x2 for 6,300 gil
Location: Besaid Island

Monster: White Element
Bribe: Arctic Wind x7 for 7,800
Location: Mi'ihen Highroad

Monster: Wraith
Bribe: Farplane Wind x60 for 444,440 gil
Location: Inside Sin, Omega Ruins

- X -

Monster: Xiphos
Bribe: Mega Elixir x1 for 54,000 gil
Location: Macalania Forest

- Y -

Monster: Yellow Element
Bribe: Lightning Marble x6 for 6,000 gil
Location: Kilika Forest

Monster: YKT-11
Bribe: Elixir x12 for 124,000 gil
Location: Yevon Dome

Monster: YKT-63
Bribe: Elixir x8 for 84,000 gil
Location: Palace of St. Bevelle, Great Bridge

Monster: YAT-97
Bribe: Ether x16 for 74,000 gil
Location: Yevon Dome

Monster: YAT-99
Bribe: Ether x10 for 54,000 gil
Location: Palace of St. Bevelle, Great Bridge

Monster: Yowie
Bribe: Petrify Grenade x12 for 18,000 gil
Location: Cavern of the Stolen Fayth

- Z -

Monster: Zaurus
Bribe: Rename Card x10 for 157,000 gil
Location: Omega Ruins

Monster: Zuu
Bribe: Skill Sphere x2 for 360,000 gil
Location: Sanubia Desert

-- V. Alphabetical Bribe List by Item --

- A -

Item: Al Bhed Potion
Monster: Mech Gunner - Al Bhed Potion x40 for 56,000 (BEST DEAL)
Mech Hunter - Al Bhed Potion x60 for 110,000 gil
Mech Defender - Al Bhed Potion x99 for 174,000 gil

Item: Amulet
Monster: Tonberry - Amulet x2 for 270,000 gil

Item: Arctic Wind
Monster: White Element - Arctic Wind x7 for 7,800 (BEST DEAL)
Snow Flan - Arctic Wind x10 for 12,000 gil

Item: Attribute Sphere
Monster: Maelspike - Attribute Sphere x1 for 200,000 gil

- B -

Item: Black Magic Sphere
Monster: Black Element - Black Magic Sphere x2 for 152,000 gil

Item: Bomb Core
Monster: Bomb A - Bomb Core x16 for 17,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Red Element - Bomb Core x8 for 9,000 gil

- C -

Item: Chocobo Wing
Monster: Machea - Chocobo Wing x60 for 360,000 gil

- D -

Item: Dark Matter
Monster: Land Worm - Dark Matter x2 for 1,600,000 gil

Item: Designer Wallet
Monster: Defender Zero - Designer Wallet x5 for 846,000 gil

Item: Door to Tomorrow
Monster: Mech Scouter - Door to Tomorrow x1 for 55,000 gil
Mech Leader - Door to Tomorrow x2 for 74,000 gil (BEST DEAL)

Item: Dragon Scale
Monster: Splasher - Dragon Scale x4 for 4,000 gil

Item: Dream Powder
Monster: Skoll - Dream Powder x12 for 20,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Bandersnatch - Dream Powder x20 for 36,000 gil

- E -

Item: Elixir
Monster: YKT-63 - Elixir x8 for 84,000 gil
YKT-11 - Elixir x12 for 124,000 gil (BEST DEAL)

Item: Ether
Monster: Guado Guard A - Ether x10 for 40,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
YAT-99 - Ether x10 for 54,000 gil
YAT-97 - Ether x16 for 74,000 gil

- F -

Item: Farplane Wind
Monster: Epaaj - Farplane Wind x25 for 174,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Ahriman - Farplane Wind x6 for 56,000 gil
Wraith - Farplane Wind x60 for 444,440 gil

Item: Fire Gem
Monster: Bomb B - Fire Gem x14 for 44,000 gil
Flame Flan - Fire Gem x10 for 30,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Grenade - Fire Gem x12 for 150,000 gil

Item: Friend Sphere
Monster: Coerl - Friend Sphere x2 for 120,000 gil

- G -

Item: Gambler's Spirit
Monster: Floating Death - Gambler's Spirit x10 for 134,000 gil

Item: Gold Hourglass
Monster: Mushussu - Gold Hourglass x5 for 13,600 gil (BEST DEAL)
Nidhogg - Gold Hourglass x12 for 40,000 gil

Item: Grenade
Monster: Mech Guard - Grenade x50 for 25,600 gil

- H -

Item: Healing Spring
Monster: Octopus - Healing Spring x20 for 90,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Phlegyas - Healing Spring x6 for 33,600 gil
Achelous - Healing Spring x16 for 102,000 gil

Item: Healing Water
Monster: Anacondaur - Healing Water x16 for 116,000 gil

Item: High Potion
Monster: Dual Horn A - High Potion x60 for 37,500 gil

Item: Hypello Potion
Monster: Raldo - Hypello Potion x10 for 4,800 gil (BEST DEAL)
Bunyip - Hypello Potion x16 for 8,000 gil
Mulfushu - Hypello Potion x24 for 11,600 gil (2nd BEST DEAL)
Mafdet - Hypello Potion x28 for 14,200 gil
Shred - Hypello Potion x50 for 39,000 gil

- I -

Item: Ice Gem
Monster: Ice Flan - Ice Gem x9 for 27,000 gil

- L -

Item: Level 1 Key Sphere
Monster: Imp - Level 1 Key Sphere x4 for 17,600

Item: Level 2 Key Sphere
Monster: Behemoth - Level 2 Key Sphere x30 for 460,000 gil

Item: Level 3 Key Sphere
Monster: Demonolith - Level 3 Key Sphere x40 for 900,000 gil

Item: Level 4 Key Sphere
Monster: Chimera Brain - Level 4 Key Sphere x2 for 196,000 gil

Item: Lightning Marble
Monster: Yellow Element - Lightning Marble x6 for 6,000 gil
Thunder Flan - Lightning Marble x8 for 9,600 gil
Gandarewa - Lightning Marble x3 for 2,960 gil (BEST DEAL)
Aerouge - Lightning Marble x4 for 4,000 gil
Gold Element - Lightning Marble x20 for 24,000 gil

- M -

Item: Mana Tablet
Monster: Chimera A - Mana Tablet x10 for 105,000 gil

Item: Mana Tonic
Monster: Gemini (Blue) - Mana Tonic x10 for 720,000 gil

Item: Mega Elixir
Monster: Xiphos - Mega Elixir x1 for 54,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Varuna - Mega Elixir x20 for 1,120,000 gil

Item: Mega Phoenix
Monster: Alcyone - Mega Phoenix x2 for 8,600 gil (BEST DEAL)
Ghost - Mega Phoenix x38 for 199,980 gil

Item: Mega Potion
Monster: Dual Horn B - Mega Potion x25 for 75,900 gil (BEST DEAL)
Grendel - Mega Potion x60 for 190,000 gil

Item: Musk
Monster: Floating Eye - Musk x1 for 2,800 gil
Buer - Musk x2 for 4,600 gil
Evil Eye A - Musk x3 for 6,200 gil (BEST DEAL)
Evil Eye B - Musk x4 for 8,600 gil

- P -

Item: Pendulum
Monster: Master Tonberry - Pendulum x3 for 960,000 gil
Ultima Weapon - Pendulum x99 for 1,400,000 gil (BEST DEAL)

Item: Petrify Grenade
Monster: Dinonix - Petrify Grenade x2 for 2,800 gil
Ipiria - Petrify Grenade x3 for 3,600 gil (BEST DEAL)
Raptor - Petrify Grenade x2 for 4,000 gil
Basilisk - Petrify Grenade x24 for 40,500 gil
Melusine - Petrify Grenade x4 for 5,300 gil (2nd BEST DEAL)
Iguion - Petrify Grenade x5 for 7,400 gil
Cave Iguion - Petrify Grenade x6 for 11,000 gil
Yowie - Petrify Grenade x12 for 18,000 gil

Item: Poison Fang
Monster: Killer Bee - Poison Fang x1 for 2,200 gil
Bite Bug - Poison Fang x2 for 4,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Wasp - Poison Fang x3 for 7,200 gil
Nebiros - Poison Fang x6 for 14,000 gil

- R -

Item: Remedy
Monster: Lord Ochu - Remedy x80 for 92,980 gil (BEST DEAL)
Ragora - Remedy x8 for 15,600 gil (2nd BEST DEAL)
Ochu - Remedy x70 for 144,000 gil
Sandragora - Remedy x99 for 255,000 gil
Grat - Remedy x40 for 80,000 gil

Item: Rename Card
Monster: Zaurus - Rename Card x10 for 157,000 gil

Item: Return Sphere
Monster: Dark Element - Return Sphere x3 for 36,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Mandragora - Return Sphere x24 for 620,000 gil

- S -

Item: Shining Gem
Monster: Puroburos - Shining Gem x36 for 400,000 gil

Item: Shining Thorn
Monster: Larvae - Shining Thorn x10 for 29,960 gil

Item: Silence Grenade
Monster: Bat Eye - Silence Grenade x12 for 7,600 gil

Item: Silver Hourglass
Monster: Vouivre - Silver Hourglass x10 for 5,100 gil
Lamashtu - Silver Hourglass x10 for 5,500 gil
Kusariqqu - Silver Hourglass x20 for 8,900 gil (BEST DEAL)

Item: Sleeping Powder
Monster: Dingo - Sleeping Powder x4 for 2,500 gil (BEST DEAL)
Mi'ihen Fang - Sleeping Powder x5 for 3,200 gil (2nd BEST DEAL)
Garm - Sleeping Powder x7 for 4,800 gil
Snow Wolf - Sleeping Powder x11 for 8,000 gil
Sand Wolf - Sleeping Powder x12 for 9,000 gil

Item: Smoke Bomb
Monster: Condor - Smoke Bomb x3 for 1,900 gil (BEST DEAL)
Garuda - Smoke Bomb x99 for 80,000 gil
Simurgh - Smoke Bomb x5 for 4,000 gil

Item: Special Sphere
Monster: Adamantoise - Special Sphere x6 for 1,088,000 gil

Item: Stamina Spring
Monster: Bashura - Stamina Spring x80 for 340,000 gil

Item: Stamina Tablet
Monster: Ogre - Stamina Tablet x50 for 188,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Defender - Stamina Tablet x20 for 240,000 gil

Item: Stamina Tonic
Monster: Iron Giant - Stamina Tonic x1 for 72,000 gil (TIE)
Gemini (Red) - Stamina Tonic x10 for 720,000 gil (TIE)

Item: Supreme Gem
Monster: Halma - Supreme Gem x20 for 260,000 gil

- T -

Item: Teleport Sphere
Monster: Barbatos - Teleport Sphere x20 for 1,900,000 gil

Item: Three Stars
Monster: Behemoth King - Three Stars x14 for 1,350,000 gil

Item: Twin Stars
Monster: Spirit - Twin Stars x10 for 200,000 gil

- U -

Item: Underdog's Secret
Monster: Chimera B - Underdog's Secret x15 for 180,000 gil

- W -

Item: Warp Sphere
Monster: Master Coerl - Warp Sphere x1 for 260,000

Item: Water Gem
Monster: Piranha - Water Gem x1 for 1,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Water Flan - Water Gem x2 for 6,300 gil
Blue Element - Water Gem x9 for 30,000 gil
Sahagin B - Water Gem x8 for 27,600 gil
Sahagin C - Water Gem x3 for 7,600 gil (2nd BEST DEAL)
Aqua Flan - Water Gem x15 for 40,500 gil
Maze Larvae - Water Gem x14 for 44,440 gil
Remora - Water Gem x20 for 60,000 gil

Item: White Magic Sphere
Monster: Dark Flan - White Magic Sphere x2 for 256,000 gil

Item: Wings to Discovery
Monster: Great Marlboro - Wings to Discovery x8 for 1,280,000 gil
Marlboro - Wings to Discovery x4 for 540,000 gil (BEST DEAL)

Item: Winning Formula
Monster: Sand Worm - Winning Formula x15 for 900,000 gil

- X -

Item: X-Potion
Monster: Guado Guardian C - X-Potion x30 for 52,000 gil (BEST DEAL)
Valaha - X-Potion x60 for 174,000 gil

-- VI. Thanks, Credits, Shameless Plugs --

Big thanks go out to Tronix ( and National Console
Support, Inc ( for selling me Final Fantasy X and a
Japanese Playstation 2, respectively. Best import shops on the web, they are!

Thanks to Summoner ( for testing Bribe amount variations
extensively in the US release.

Thanks to Muni Shinobu ( for his excellent FFX
walkthrough and numerous other guides on the game. Without him, we would not
know wairo from Shinola.

Extra special thanks to Square ( for creating FFX
and many other quality titles, and GameFAQs ( for
hosting FAQs on every game imaginable, and respecting FAQ author's rights.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Walkthrough Spanish

15.Oktober 2013
The Story

15.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
International FAQ/Walkthrough

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Monster Arena FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Original Soundtrack List

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part One

14.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough Part Two

16.Oktober 2013
Aeon In-Depth FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Sphere Grid FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Blitzball Database

14.Oktober 2013
12 Random Chests FAQ | Omega Ruins Side-Quest FAQ

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Walkthrough and FAQ Part 1/2

14.Oktober 2013
Monster Encyclopedia

16.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough und FAQ Part 2/2

14.Oktober 2013
Chocobo Racing Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Item List

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Character/Aeon Overdrive In-Depth FAQ

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Item List

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Equipment Remodeling Guide

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17.Oktober 2013
Ultimate Weapons Guide

15.Oktober 2013
In den Macalania Woods kurz vor der FMV Sequenz mit Tidus und Yuna.

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Blitzball Techniques FAQ

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Bribe FAQ

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Secrets FAQ

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Spoiler-Free Walkthrough

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