Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X

17.10.2013 17:42:23
Final Fantasy X Spoiler-Free Walkthrough (NA) v. 1.0
By Aru Sulato (Steve Bergstrom)
Last Updated: 1/19/02
This document copyright (c) 2002 by Steve Bergstrom.
If you'd like use this document on your website, email me at the following
address: and most likely I'll let you use it.
However - I will only allow use of this walkthrough 100% unaltered - and only
with my permission. Otherwise this walkthrough should only appear at:
GameFAQs -
Please - don't email asking for game tips - I'm including everything I'm
capable of answering in this FAQ. If you wish to make corrections to the FAQ,
or other comments, etc, feel free to email me at
Don't be surprised if the reply comes from a different address, though.
Include something like 'Final Fantasy X' in the subject.
If you have gameplay questions, try the GameFAQs FFX message boards.
So, I welcome contributions and corrections to the walkthrough, but I will not
even reply to requests for game tips. Anything I can help you with is already
in this walkthrough. Thanks.
1. Introduction
2. Updates/Revision History
3. Walkthrough
4. Thanks
This is meant to be a no-frills, no gimmicks, as spoiler-free as possible
guide. Look to other FAQs for gameplay information beyond the walkthrough.
(The locations of Al Bhed Primers are included, since you can't go back for
some of them - but, otherwise, no sidequest info is included.)
Be warned - the location names may be slight spoilers - but little to no
information about the plot is revealed. For the most part, no boss strategies
are given (or they are very minimal.)
In general, just talk to all relevant people, and follow the red arrow on most
maps. That should get you through most of the game. Enjoy.
v. 1.0 - 1/19/02 - Created walkthrough.
1. Zanarkand
- Talk to the fans (both the children and the girls)
- Walk along the highway
- Push through the fans and enter the stadium
- After an event, leave the stadium
- Attack the enemies in front of you - ignore the ones behind you
- Use Auron's Overdrive, then just attack the boss - it can't kill you
- Follow Auron
- Attack the enemies in front of you, then attack the tanker when Auron tells
you to (make sure to stay healed with Potions)
- After another event, press circle to go down towards the platform

2. Submerged Ruins
- Swim north
- Walk north along the stone walkway
- Fight the enemies (you can't lose) until a scene happens
- Walk up the stairs to the next room
- Go into the north room - get the Withered Bouquet - go back
- Go into the SW room, by the save sphere - examine until you find Flint
- Go to the center of the main room
- Fight the enemy

3. Al Bhed Salvage Ship
- Grab Al Bhed Primer Vol. I on the NE corner of the ship
- Talk to the girl, then talk to her again
- Swim down along the chain
- Swim all the way down the passage, examine the object at the end, swim back
- Fight the boss - use 'Pincer Attack' when it becomes available
- Exit on the side of the chamber (look at the red arrow on your minimap)
- Swim up and out
- Talk to Rikku again

4. Besaid
- Swim towards the people on the beach
- Follow Wakka, walk to the edge of the cliff
- Swim down, around, and up
- Follow the road to the village
- Go to the upper-left hut, get Al Bhed Primer Vol. II on the counter
- Go to the temple at the north end of the village, walk forward to the statue
- Go to Wakka's hut (middle hut on the right), take a nap
- Return to the temple

- Touch the glyph in front of you
- Touch the glyph on the right wall
- Go down, take the Glyph Sphere from the recess
- Place the Glyph Sphere in the door
- Take the Glyph Sphere out of the open door
- Move down the hall, place the Glyph Sphere in the left wall
- Move down the hall, touch the symbols on the right wall (there are three
rows of white symbols)
- Take the Besaid Sphere in the room that was just revealed
- Place the Besaid Sphere in the pedestal opposite from that room
- Go back down the hall - get the Destruction Sphere from the room you opened
with the Glyph Sphere
- Place the Destruction Sphere into the recess where you got the Besaid Sphere
- Get the item in the treasure chest at the end of the hall
- Push the pedestal forward

- Leave the temple, walk toward the group of people
- Go up to the summoner, then tell Wakka you're ready for bed
- Walk down the road to the harbor, following your friends' instructions on
how to fight the enemies
- Board the ship

5. S.S. Liki
- Go below (the stairs down are to the right of the bridge)
- Go into the power room (bottom right), grab Al Bhed Primer Vol. III
- Go back up, go to the crowd around Yuna, then talk to Wakka
- Talk to Yuna
- Fight the boss (use long range attacks - Wakka's ball and Lulu's magic)
- Fight the next boss

6. Kilika
- Walk down the docks
- Go back down the docks, talk to Wakka
- Go into the pub, get Al Bhed Primer Vol. IV
- Go into the jungle (just keep walking along the docks)
- Proceed through the jungle to the temple ahead
- Defeat the boss outside the temple, then go into the temple
- Talk to Wakka, then try to enter the Cloister of Trials
- Wait for the elevator to come back up, then step on it

- Take the Kilika Sphere from the pedestal
- Place the Kilika Sphere in the recess by the door, then remove it again
- Place the Kilika Sphere in the recess in the front wall, then remove it again
- Place the Kilika Sphere in the left wall
- Touch the glyph on the front wall
- Move down the hall, take the Kilika Sphere from the right wall
- Go back down the hall, place the Kilika Sphere in the right wall in that room
- Take the Glyph Sphere from the pedestal
- Move down the hall again, place the Glyph Sphere in the recess where you got
the Kilika Sphere, on the right wall
- Step on the shining glyph just north of there
- Push the pedestal onto the shining glyph
- Take one of the Kilika Spheres from the previous room - place it into the
- Take the Kilika Sphere that is revealed below
- Place it in the door up the stairs
- Take the Destruction Sphere from the room you opened with the Glyph Sphere
- Place the Destruction Sphere in the wall you revealed by pushing the
pedestal (down below)
- Take the treasure
- Take the Kilika Sphere from the door - exit ahead

- Talk to Wakka, then try to leave the way you came in
- Walk out of the temple, then back through the jungle to Kilika
- Walk down the docks, back toward where you got off the ship

7. S.S. Winno
- Head up on deck - get Al Bhed Primer Vol. V from the bridge
- Go to the back of the ship, then talk to Yuna
- Try to go up to the top of the ship (up the stairs by the bridge)
- SAVE below deck - you may wish to do this next part a couple times
- Try the Jecht Shot Challenge - if you want the Jecht Shot (for blitzball),
you'll need to do this successfully
- Talk to Yuna again

8. Luca
- Head north, to the next dock
- Head to the locker room hallway opposite the one you came out of - grab
Al Bhed Primer Vol. VI on the ground - go back out
- Head south, then go north 3 screens - get Al Bhed Primer Vol. VII on the
ground in the theater - go back south again
- Go to the cafe
- Go to the #4 dock
- Use Lulu's Lightning on the crane 3 times, then have Tidus activate it
- Go down, get back to your locker room
- Talk to Wakka (this will start a blitzball game after some events - be ready)
- Play some blitzball, fight some enemies
- Follow the red arrows out of Luca
- Talk to Yuna

9. Mi'ihen Highroad
- Walk up the road
- If you wish, talk to Belgemine (the woman in green standing off the road) to
fight in an aeon battle
- After resting, head outside, then you'll rest some more
- Try to go outside - you'll recieve Al Bhed Primer VIII automatically
- Walk north a little bit
- Fight a boss - afterwards, move ahead along the road
- (If you came from the lower, old road, turn back down the left path when you
get to the blockade, pick up Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX)
- (If you came from the upper, new road, pick up Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX along
the path)
- Try to go through the blockade, then turn back
- Proceed through the blockade

10. Mushroom Rock Road
- Head down the road until you are stopped
- Proceed along the road to the command center
- Near then end of the road, there is a C-shaped path off the road - at the
end of that is Al Bhed Primer Vol. X
- Go up the last elevator, then walk over to the command center
- Talk to the soldier when you're ready to proceed
- Fight the boss, then the next boss
- Find Gatta by a wall to the north
- Walk up to the Djose Highroad

11. Djose Highroad / Djose
- Walk down to the end of the highroad
- Al Bhed Primer Vol. XI is easy to miss - there is a treasure box halfway
down the road - a little bit further down the road, on the opposite side is
a pillar - the primer is hidden behind it
- At the fork in the road near the end, follow your friends to the temple
- Enter the Cloister of Trials

- Take both Djose Spheres from the sides of the room, place them in the door
- Move down the hall
- Take both Djose Spheres from the sides of the room - place them in the two
recesses along the wall to the right
- Push the pedestal right until it is directly below the pedestal hanging from
the roof (with the sphere still in the pedestal) - this will charge the sphere
- Take the charged Djose Sphere from the pedestal - place it the recess to the
right of the door
- Step on the shining glyph on the left side of the room to reset the pedestal
- Take both Djose Spheres from the recesses to the right and place them in the
- Push the pedestal into the pit ahead - jump across the pit
- Push the pedestal ahead into the alcove - jump back across the pit
- Take the Djose Sphere from the recess to the right of the door
- Place the Djose Sphere into the recess to the left of the door
- Step on the shining glyph again to reset the pedestal
- Take both Djose Spheres from the pedestal - place them in the recesses in the
room where you started - this will reveal an elevator
- DONT go up the elevator yet - go to the left of the elevator
- Touch the flashing glyph on the wall to the left
- Take the Destruction Sphere - bring it with you up the elevator
- Push all 5 pedestals into the alcoves ahead of them
- Place the Destruction Sphere into the pedestal that just appeared
- Take the treasure - then go up the stairs

- After the conversation with Dona, try to leave the room
- Go into the temple, then into the room left of the Cloister to find Yuna
- Head back, then down the other fork in the road

12. Moonflow
- Just walk down the road, as usual
- If you wish, talk to Belgemine to fight in an aeon battle (Doing so gets you
the Summoner's Soul, which teaches your aeons abilities)
- Once at the shoopuf wharf, talk to the blue guy up the stairs to ride
- After a battle, go left one screen, then up the ramp to find Al Bhed Primer
Vol. XII sitting on the platform
- Contine going left to get back on the road
- Find the girl laying on the road
- Walk along the road to Guadosalam

13. Guadosalam
- From the entrance - go up the ramp towards the manor, then turn back down the
left path - enter the house in the left corner there - grab Al Bhed Primer Vol.
XIII hidden behind the tree trunk inside the house
- Go into the manor, enter the door on the bottom floor
- Talk to your party members while you wait
- Leave the manor, go down the left path and then up the ramp (the one further
south) and through the door at the top - follow the path from there
- Go up the stairs
- Go talk to Wakka and Yuna
- Go down and talk with your friends
- Try to leave to the Thunder Plains (near the entrance, the passage guarded
by a Guado), then go back and talk to your friends
- Leave for the Thunder Plains

14. Thunder Plains
- You can dodge lightning by pressing 'X' when you see a bright flash - but,
it isn't necessary for the moment - the lightning doesn't do any damage
- Follow the path and cross the first part of the Thunder Plains
- Speak to Rikku in the Travel Agency, then talk to Rin and tell him 'Okay'
and he'll give you Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIV
- Go into the hallway that Yuna went into
- Talk to Rikku again
- Continue along the path until you reach Macalania Forest

15. Macalania Woods / Lake Macalania
- Proceed along the forest path
- About halfway through, there is a butterfly catching/dodging mini-game - its
optional, so feel free to skip it for now, if you want
- Towards the end, by the save sphere, Al Bhed Primer Vol. XV is along the
lower right path that leads to the sparkly trail - its hard to see, and easy
to miss
- Once you approach the end, go down the path Auron makes
- There will be a boss - to beat it, attack it, and it will counterattack with
an element - attack it with the OPPOSITE element after that - it will then
change weaknesses, so attack it again to find its new weakness and repeat
- Continue along the path to Lake Macalania
- Pick up Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVI sitting outside the travel agency, left side
- When you're ready, continue down the path - there will be a boss

16. Macalania Temple
- Walk along the path to the temple
- Go into the room on the right side after someone comes out
- Go up the stairs into the Cloister of Trials
- Fight a boss, after which its time to solve the...

- Go down the ramp - take the Glyph Sphere from the center pole
- Place the Glyph Sphere into the pedestal
- Push the pedestal right, then up
- Go down the ramp that was just revealed
- Take out the Glyph Sphere - place it in the far left recess
- Go up the ramp - take the Macalania Sphere from the recess directly above
where you put the Glyph Sphere (on the left side of the room)
- Go down the ramp - place the Macalania Sphere into the pedestal
- Push the pedestal right
- Go up the ramp - take the Macalania Sphere from the right side of the room
- Go down the ramp - place the Macalania Sphere in the pole on the left
- Go up the ramp - take the Macalania Sphere right next to the ramp
- Place the Macalania Sphere into the center pole
- Go up the ramp, back to where you started - step on the shining glyph on
the uppermost level
- Take the Macalania Sphere from the pedestal
- Push the pedestal down the ramp
- Go down the ramp - place the Macalania Sphere into the recess on the right
wall (this should create the iceberg)
- Take the Macalania Sphere from the center post - place in the recess by the
ramp to the lower level (this should create the ramp)
- Step on the shining glyph on the middle level
- Take the Destruction Sphere from the pedestal - then push it right, then up
- Go down the ramp - place the Destruction Sphere into the right recess on the
left wall (just right of where the Glyph Sphere is)
- Take the treasure
- Go up the ramp - take the Macalania Sphere from the right side of the room
- Go down the ramp - place the Macalania Sphere into the pedestal
- Push the pedestal right
- Go up the ramp - take the Macalania Sphere right next to the ramp
- Place the Macalania Sphere into the center pole
- Go up the ramp to the uppermost level - BE CAREFUL NOT TO STEP ON THE SHINING
GLYPH, OR THE PUZZLE WILL RESET - walk across the ice walkway

- Run from the temple
- Go back down the path to the lake
- Past the save sphere, you'll fight a boss
- Talk to Rikku, then go up to Yuna, then talk to Auron

17. Sanubia Desert
- Move north, fight in a battle to get Auron and Lulu
- Go forward and find Wakka, then head over the dune to the next area
- Go right to find Kimahri, then turn back and go left
- Continue along the left path to find Rikku
- In the next area, ('Sanubia Desert - Central'), Al Bhed Primer Vol. XVIII
is sitting next to a sign that says 'This way to Home' in Al Bhed, right by the
exit to the next area
- Continue through the desert until you reach Home

18. Home
- NOTE: The Al Bhed Primers in Home cannot be obtained after you leave Home -
so its now or never. There are 3 Primers in Home.
- Get Al Bhed Primer Vol. XIX, on the left side of the first area of Home
- Go into the building, and walk up to your party - you'll fight a battle
- Follow your party through the door
- After another battle, go down the hall until the view changes, then turn back
and go into the room off the side to get Al Bhed Primer Vol. XX
- When the path forks in 3 directions, take the right fork and go into the room
for Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXI
- Go back and take the left fork - go through the door - another battle
- Head down the stairs, then through the door to the sanctum
- After the conversation, head through the next door and up the stairs

19. Airship
- Leave the bridge and come back
- Talk to the pilot (sitting at the top end of the bridge)
- Try to leave the bridge
- Walk down the corridor til you reach the cabin, then go out on deck
- Fight the boss (Use Tidus and Rikku to move the ship in airship battles)

20. Bevelle / Via Purifico
- Move forward and fight the guards til you reach the stairs
- After an event, walk down the stairs
- Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXII is laying on the ground in front of the stairs
just before the save sphere - pick it up now, because you can't come back
- Head through the door into the Cloister of Trials

- Push the pedestal into the middle of the circle
- The track here is in a continuous loop - going off the end will place you
back at the beginning - so if you miss a turn, simply try again
- From the beginning, go forward, skip the first turn, then go left at the
second turn (It may take some practice to get the timing down)
- Take the Bevelle Sphere from the recess on the wall - then push the pedestal
back out onto the track
- Loop back around again - skip the first turn, take the second turn RIGHT
- Place the Bevelle Sphere into the recess on the wall - then push the pedestal
back out onto the track
- Loop back around - take the first turn right, then go straight at the next
- Take the Bevelle Sphere, then push the pedestal back out onto the track
- Go right at the intersection
- This loop moves faster, so it may take a few tries to get the timing down
- From the intersection at the start of this loop - take the last turn right
- Place the Bevelle Sphere into the recess in the wall - push the pedestal
back onto the track
- From the start of the loop - go forward - take the second turn right
- Take the Glyph Sphere - push the pedestal back onto the track
- Take the last turn right again
- Place the Glyph Sphere into the recess in the glyph
- Take the Destruction Sphere - push the pedestal back onto the track
- From the start of the loop - go forward - take the second turn right
- Place the Destruction Sphere into the recess here (it should be the same spot
where you got the Glyph Sphere)
- * If you want the Knight Lance (it is NOT the Destruction Sphere Treasure),
stop off at the last turn, take the Bevelle Sphere from the wall, push the
pedestal back onto the track
- From the start of the loop - go forward - take the first turn right
- Push the pedestal onto the track ahead of you
- Go up the stairs, take the treasure (This is the Destruction Sphere Treasure,
so you recieve it automatically)
- If you took the Bevelle Sphere earlier at the * - place it in the recess,
step on the shining glyph where the treasure chest was, and push the pedestal
onto the track - take the other treasure

- After some events, you'll be in a dungeon
- It is possible to find Auron, Kimahri and Lulu - but, the boss battle is an
aeon battle, so it isn't necessary
- For the shortest path: Go forward, past the first transporter to the second,
and teleport when the arrow is pointing up
- Walk down the hall to the end to fight a boss
- After the battle, swim through the passage until you fight a boss - the boss
can be easily defeated by using 2 Phoenix Downs on it
- Swim all the way to the end of the passage
- Run all the way down the path to the end to fight another boss

21. Calm Lands / Macalania Woods
- Once you're at the campsite, go down 2 areas and find Yuna by the spring
- After an event, start to walk back toward the campsite
- If you want the sphere from Auron's Overdrive, go west 2 screens, and look
for it on the ground
- Walk back east toward the Calm Lands
- If you wish, talk to Belgemine (she's standing by a rock cropping in a valley
near the shop) to fight in an aeon battle
- To go forward with the game, go west down the hill, then northeast to
the far northeast exit of the Calm Lands (the exit along the east wall leads
to the Monster Arena)
NOTE: Information about the Monster Arena sidequest is not discussed in this
short walkthrough.
- Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIII is found near the NW corner of the Calm Lands,
right at the tip of a cliff along the western edge. (The cliff juts out pretty
far - you should be able to see it on your minimap)
- Once you've left the main area of the Calm Lands, cross the bridge to fight
a boss
- Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXIV is found at Remiem Temple, accessible from the Calm
Lands - ride a chocobo to the broken bridge near the entrance from Macalania,
(the southeast corner of the Calm Lands), and press 'X' by the chocobo feather
on the ground - you'll jump the gap. Walk over to the temple, and find the
primer outside, down the left path around the temple.
- Al Bhed Primer Vol. XXV is found in the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, now
accessible - from where you fought the path - go down into the canyon below
the bridge ahead - follow that path to the cavern
NOTE: Information about the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth and Remiem Temple
sidequests is not discussed in this short walkthrough.
- Continue forward to Mt. Gagazet

22. Mt. Gagazet
- After an event, move forward up Mt. Gagazet
- You'll fight a boss - afterwards, climb the snowy slope (its a fairly long
journey up the mountain)
- Partway up the mountain, you should see a narrow path off the main 'road' -
go down it to find a sphere for Auron's Overdrive
- After the save sphere at the top of the slope, you'll fight another boss
- Continue along the path
- When an event occurs, go into the house ahead of you, then go up to the table
- Go outside again, then go up the stairs and talk to the person there
- Continue up the mountain to a cave
- From the save sphere in the cave - take the left path, and swim through the
water to the first trial
- Complete the first trial (throw Wakka's ball so it hits the center - it just
takes a little timing, and you have unlimited tries)
- Swim back, and go back to the save point
- From the save sphere - go up the stairs, then take the left path
- When the path splits in two on the minimap, go into the water to the right
- Swim to the second trial - send Rikku to the green circle, Tidus to the blue,
and Wakka to the red
- Go back to the spot where the path split in two - this time, go up the steps
to the left
- Save, then fight another boss
- Continue down the path
- Pick up the sphere that Yuna drops, then continue along the path again

23. Zanarkand Ruins / Dome
- Sorry if that location name was a spoiler - but I warned you in the intro
- After the event, walk along the long highway
- Enter the dome
- Continue down the highway to the Cloister

- The basic principle of this puzzle is to step onto tiles that activate the
Tetris-like shapes that correspond with what is displayed on the screen
- Consult the Zanarkand Ruins Trial Map by BWiese at GameFAQs (its a GIF) for
help with this trial - its much more clear than any ASCII art I could create
- Step on the correct tiles in the first room - 6 pedestals will appear
- Push the pedestal in the upper left corner into the alcove, then step on the
correct tiles in the second room
- Repeat this for the upper right, lower left, and lower right pedestals
- Take the Kilika Sphere from the recess by the screen - go back to the first
room and place it in the middle-left pedestal
- Take the Besaid Sphere from the recess by the screen - go back to the first
room and place it in the middle-left pedestal
- A save sphere will appear - you'll fight a boss when you return to the
second room, so be ready
NOTE: You cannot get the Destruction Sphere treasure yet - when you get the
airship, you can return for it. To get it, step on all the white squares,
then take the Destruction Sphere and place it into the recess where you got
the Kilika Sphere.

- After beating the boss, you'll go down the elevator
- Head down the hall, then into the next room, then the next
- You'll fight another boss - afterwards, turn back the way you came until
you get outside

24. Airship
- Leave the bridge, then go all the way down the corridor to the cabin - talk
to Yuna
- Return to the bridge
- The final Al Bhed Primer, Vol. XXVI, is now accessible - go to coordinates
X-74 Y-36, the Omega Ruins.
NOTE: Information about the Omega Ruins sidequest is not discussed in this
short walkthrough.
- Talk to Cid, and go to the airship location 'Highbridge'
- Walk down to the end of the hall
- After the event, you'll return to the airship
- Talk to Cid - select the top airship location on the list when you're ready
- Go down the corridor, to the cabin and up to the deck
- You'll fight three consecutive bosses
- You'll go back inside - go back down the corridor, then go out on deck and
talk to Yuna (Don't worry - the next boss fight won't start yet)
- You're free to leave now, or go back out on deck to fight the next boss

25. Inside Sin
- Sorry if that location name was a spoiler - but I warned you in the intro
- The first main area can be confusing - since the minimap doesn't reveal the
path to travel, only the places you've explored
- Wander along this path until you reach a save sphere and the next area
(The path, as obscured as it seems, is fairly straightforward - keep walking
and you'll get there)
- Fight a boss, then proceed forward
- Move along the path til you reach the save sphere
NOTE: This is the last save sphere in the game - the next area beyond it
(where the red arrow points) is the 'point of no return', so to speak.
- Move up the ramp and up to the tower
- Collect ten of the crystals that appear - dodge the spikes that come up
- Once you've collected ten, you'll move ahead and fight a boss
- Choose each of your aeons, and fight a battle for each
- Fight the final boss, watch the ending

4. Thanks
First - a thanks to CJayC, for the glory of GameFAQs.
Thanks to Square, for making another great FF game.
Another thanks to all the other FAQ writers for FFX - including but not limited
to CB! and Muni Shinobu, whose guides were a good deal of help both in going
through the game the first time and completing the sidequests.
Also, thanks to all the other short/spoiler-free walkthrough writers for a good
deal of inspiration (Elranzer and Nemesis come to mind first, but I'm sure
there are more)

Copyright (c) 2002 by Steve Bergstrom
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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