Street Fighter EX 3

Street Fighter EX 3

14.10.2013 00:45:44

Street Fighter EX 3 - Playstation 2

Sakura Kasugano Character FAQ - Version 2.0 - 12/29/2001

by Shin Gotenks (

First, I'm sorry for some errors on the commands section. Thanks to the
readers who tell me about it!


--------------------------- COPYRIGHT ------------------------------

This document is copyright of Elton Bruno, 2001. You can't copy it for
any commercial use. You can publish it on your site, but ask me
permission first. You can't force the users to click on a banner to see
this. The last version of this FAQ can be found at If
you want me to send a copy of this FAQ to your magazine/fanzine, contact
me and I'll see what I can do.
Let the battle begin...


----------------------- MOVE LIST --------------------------


WP - weak punch
MP - medium punch
SP - strong punch
P - any punch button
PPP - three punches at same time
WK - weak kick
MK - medium kick
SK - strong kick
K - any kick
KKK - three kicks at same time
D - down
U - up
B - back
F - front
DB - down-back (diagonal)
DF - down-front (diagonal)

1. Throws

These moves must be done closer to the enemy.

-- Seoi Nage: WK + WP

* Sakura catches the enemy, goes to his back and hang him by the neck
3~6 times and end with an elbow blow. If you tilt the D-Pad and press
the buttons as faster as you can, the Sakura will hang the enemy more
time than normal.

-- Cellar Shoot: B + WK + WP

* Sakura catches the enemy, holds his arms and use his thorax to give
her an impulse to jump, then she loosen enemy's arms and stop a little
more in front.

2. Normal Moves

-- Flower Kick: MP + MK

* Sakura lift her leg and do a top-to-bottom kick, which can break the
enemy's defense, equal as the same move on Street Fighter EX plus alpha
and Street EX 2, but here, it has a low success rate.

3. Special Moves

-- Hadouken: D,DF,F + P

* Classic fireball, the same Ryu/Ken/Akuma move. This move has only a
difference. If you press PUNCH repeteadly, Sakura will create a Hadouken
that is bigger than normal, but the fireball goes to a small distance
than normal, it will disappear after a little time. Very good to make a
surprise to the enemy, leaving him worry about in which moment you'll
let the Hadouken go.

-- Shououken: F,D,DF + P

* It's not the same Shouryuken. There's a difference. This move hits the
enemy several times more than the Shouryuken, and Sakura will slide on
the ground, to after it go to air. Depending the button you press,
Sakura hits the enemy more times, being: WP (2 times), MP (3~4 times)
and SP (6 times). It can avoid some projectiles, in tis beginning.

-- Shunpuu Kyaku: D,DB,B + K

* Not good move. It's an "helicopter kick", but it has a low sucess
rate, can be used on combos, but it's only good to avoid the enemy's
sweeps/slides (D + SK). Depending the kick button you press, Sakura will
spin more or less times.

-- A-Ha-Ha: one clock-wise turn (360 degrees) + P
* Horrible move. It's only a provocation move, Sakura points to the
enemy and laughs at him. It causes a minuscule damage, like Chun Li's
Gomen Ne!. It can be canceled, but it's very hard. Best to use it when
far from enemy or when he's fallen.

4. Super Combos

-- Shinkuu Hadouken: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P

* A larger version of the normal hadouken. Sakura says
"Shinkuu...Hadouken!" and release a big fireball at the enemy. Very good
trick: if you hold Punch, Sakura will hold the Hadouken, good to catch
the enemy in the right time. Sakura will not hold the Hadouken forever,
so is good to release it when you think it's on best position to hit the

-- Midare Zakura: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K

* Three Shououkens at sequence, can avoid ALMOST ANYTHING, if you do the
move in the beginning of the enemy's act. If done in combos, can cause a
biger damage.

-- Haru Ichiban: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K

* Sakura does various slides at the enemy and ends with a kick. It can
be blockable only in bottom. You can make a big surprise to the enemy
with this.

-- Shun Goku Satsu: WP,WP,F,WK,SP

* The same Akuma's/Evil Ryu's move. Sakura run towards the enemy,
catches him and does a big sequence at him (as you may see, the screen
brights and you can't see anything). This move is unblockable, but very
easy to avoid. Only jump. But expert players can predict the exact
moment to do this and got you very easily. A good use to this is knock
the enemy with a sweep/slide (D + SK), and do this move when enemy is
fallen on the ground, there's only a few chances that him can escape.

5. Meteo Combos

-- Nekketsu Hadouken: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + PPP

* The same Hadouken, but much bigger and doing more damage. Best move to
avoid any projectile, since the Hadouken is almost larger than the
screen, and it can surpass any of these moves. If the enemy is doing any
action (not blocking), and he's far from you, there's 90 percent of
sucess on this move.

-- Meteo A-Ha-Ha: two clock-wise turns (720 degrees) + PPP

* Another horrible move. Sakura walks towards the enemy and do
A-Ha-Ha, but with a difference. The damage is EXTREME, so don't try to
block it or jump it. To avoid, is very easy. Wait the move activation.
When Sakura is getting closer to you, jump backwards and Sakura will do
the move in that place where you was before. This move is horrible, but
wait for surprises.

6. Meteo Tag Combo

To do this move, four conditions must be respected:

1: Sakura's TAG partner must be Ryu, and only Ryu.

2: Sakura's Super Bar may be on Level 3.

3: The Tag Bar (that blue one, in the side of the life bar) may be full

4: Sakura activates the move, not Ryu.

-- Double Nekketsu Hadouken: WP,WP,B,WK,SP
* Sakura runs to the enemy, catches him,holds him with the Seoi Nage,
Ryu appears, do some blows, stuns the enemy and they two end each with a
Nekketsu Hadouken (in case of Ryu, I think it's Denjin Hadouken). This
move's damage is EXTREME, so don't wait for kindness.


-------------------------- SUPER CANCEL ----------------------------

This section explains which moves are cancelable and which are not. On
the left side (before the arrow) is the move itself, and on the right,
the moves that can cancel it. Some moves can be canceled on ALL Super
Combos, so when you see "all Super Combos" means that this move can be
canceled on ALL Super Combos (Duuhhh....)

-- Seoi Nage -> can't be canceled
-- Cellar Shoot -> can't be canceled
-- Flower Kick -> all Super Combos
-- Hadouken -> all Super Combos
-- Shououken (only the versions with MP or SP) -> Shinkuu Hadouken,
Midare Zakura, Haru Ichiban, Shun Goku Satsu, Nekketsu Hadouken
-- Shunpuu Kyaku -> can't be canceled (you can CONTINUE this move, but
not cancel it)
-- A-Ha-Ha -> all Super Combos (if you can do it in the right moment...
not easy, you must know!)
-- Shinkuu Hadouken -> all Super Combos, minus Meteo A-Ha-Ha
-- Midare Zakura -> Shinkuu Hadouken, Haru Ichiban, Nekketsu Hadouken
-- Haru Ichiban -> Shinkuu Hadouken, Midare Zakura, Nekketsu Hadouken,
Shn Goku Satsu
-- Shun Goku Satsu -> can't be canceled
-- Nekketsu Hadouken -> can't be canceled
-- Meteo A-Ha-Ha -> can't be canceled
-- Double Nekketsu Hadouken -> can't be canceled

SPECIAL NOTE: if you don't know how to cancel a Super Combo on a Meteo
Combo, see my Character FAQ about Kairi or a General FAQ, to more


------------------------- COMBOS ------------------------------

Sakura's combos are a little different, so I did write only the most
hard. I mean that combos that have Super Cancels and something like
that. When you see "jump with [button/button]", it means that the move
that continues the sequence must be done when you reach the ground.

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + SP -> Shououken (with SP) -> Shinkuu Hadouken
-> Midare Zakura/Haru Ichiban -> Shinkuu Hadouken

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + MP -> D + MK -> Shououken (with SP) -> Shinkuu
Hadouken -> Haru Icihban -> Shun Goku Satsu

-- [Level 6] Jump with SK/SP -> D + MP -> D+MK -> Shououken(with SP) ->
Haru Ichiban -> Shinkuu Hadouken -> Haru Ichiban -> Nekketsu Hadouken

One more thing: If the enemy is getting up after a combo, and he's near
you, do MP + MK to break his guard and do another combo. It doesn't
works all times, but be sure that it'll work various times.


---------------------------- CREDITS ----------------------------

-- Myself, for writing all of this.

-- Some readers, for telling me about some errors on the "commands"

-- GAMEFAQS for publishing this.

-- Blinking Hellish Death for the tip of Guard Break move after a combo
and the translation of Shun Goku Satsu.

NOTE: One thing I discovered: the translation for Shun Goku Satsu is
Blinking Hellish Death (and not Raging Demo).
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