Street Fighter EX 3

Street Fighter EX 3

13.10.2013 07:51:55
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by FFrulez (---------------)(----) (---)(---------) (------------) (----) (----) (-----)
kairi-guide (------) (----) (----) (----)
copyright 2001 (-----------) (----(--)----) (--------)
november (------------) (--(----)--) (----)
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/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/Table of Contents/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ =================== /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 1] Introduction /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 2] Controls /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 3] Moves /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 4] Combo /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 5] Credits /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ =================== /_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

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In this guide I will help you with my favorite character: kairi.
I'll explain all his moves, how they look, combo's, critical parade
combo's and his tag combo. I didn't include a damage indicator or
hit indicator in this guide, cause it I heard that some characters
receive more damage and others less.

About Kairi

To be honest, Kairi is a sort of ryu/ken clone with stronger moves.
Sounds good, ehh??? Well that's also why I think it's a good
character and especially handy for the streetfighter-newbies.
Kairi has cool white hair and that makes him look like Sephiroth
from final fantasy 7, I like sephiroth, so that's why Kairi is one
of my favorite characters.

A good plus about Kairi is that he has a high fighting speed.
His kicks are very fast and this also makes him a well fighter to
keep grapling opponent's, like zangief and duran mister, on a

The moves of Kairi are somewhat the same of ryu/ken and sakura.
This makes him a pretty good jugling character, if you have the
option on that is.

A bad thing about Kairi is that every newbie will be able to kick
but with him. His moves are very easy to do and do far too much
damage, in my opinion. If you have Kairi there's almost no reason
use ken or ryu anymore, cause in my opinion Kairi also looks
better then those two.

Well enough intro, let's do some battle.

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^-button = jump
>-button = move right
<-button = move left
v-button = crouch
[]-button = light punch
/\-button = middle punch
r1-button = hard punch
><-button = light kick
()-button = middle kick
r2-button = hard kick
start = pause
r1+r2 = change fighter(only in tag-battles, duh!!!!)
[]+>< = grab fighter

Guide thingy's
DB = down back
DF = down forward
UF = up forward
UB = up back
B = back, away from enemy
F = forward, towards enemy
D = down
U = up
LP = light punch
MP = middle punch
HP = hard punch
LK = light kick
MK = middle kick
HK = hard kick
P = any punch-button
K = any kick-button
PPP = all punch buttons
KKK = all kick buttons

For example
If I say: F,D,DF+P
You put in forward, down, down-forward+a punch button fast.

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It's a list of Kairi's moves with some comment of mine.
I gave them all my own name, but I'll put in the orriginal
names as well.

Another strange thing about Kairi is when you have
3 full supercombo-gauges, your hands and feet will start flaming(blue).
Now when you kick or punch an opponent, they will burn in blue flames
too. It also makes your special moves a bit more damaging.

Well here they are:

Surprise Blow)

Superkick(Bukyaku): MP+MK
Kairi charges up slowly and kicks forward with the bottom of his feet.
The move is slow, so use it from a little distance. If you miss your
opponent you're open to an attack, so be careful. You can also use
this to penatrate the opponent's defense. If the opponent is
crouch-guarding, you will penetrate his block and stun him!!!
Use this oppurtunity for putting in supercombo's.


Chestslam(Kuteikaku): LP+LK
Kairi tackle the enemy and slams him onto the chest three times.
After that he kicks the opponent away.
Like with all throws, make sure you don't miss, cause then
you're open to an attack.

Roll throw(Uraji Goku Guruma):B+LP+LK
Kairi grabs the opponent and roll-throws him/her.
Now this is a cool looking attack, but it's a little bit less damaging
then the Chestslam. So, Like with all throws, make sure you don't miss,
cause then you're open to an attack.

Special moves)

Knee(Ryoubu): F+MK
Kairi jumps towards the enemy, raising his knee.
Well, this is a very good move. It's fast and has good damage.
Use this as an unblokable counterattack or simply to surprise the
enemy. Be careful when it's blocked, cause the move has a very
short recovery period in which the enemy could supercombo you.

Dropping air kick(Ryuujin Kyaku): D+MK or D+HK(perform in mid-air)
Kairi moves down fast with one leg down, to kick the enemy.
Not a very fast attack or a very damaging one, but still quite
useful. When you jump up and your enemy also does, immediatly use
this attack to kick you're opponent to the ground. You can also
use it to surprise the newbies, but be careful that it's not
blocked, cause then you'll backflip giving your enemy the change
to use a supercombo.

Teleport(Mekkuu Zangeki): B, D, DB+P
Kairi teleports (back, middle, or forward) high in the sky.
A very useful move to escape combo's or incoming fireballs. It
can be used to start combo's with, but I'll explain that later.
The LP-version teleports Kairi towards the enemy.
The MP-version teleports Kairi right above his head.
The HP-version teleports Kairi backwards.
Off course in all versions you're high in the sky(that rimes!!)

Dragon uppercut(Maryuu Rekkou): F, D, DF+P
Kairi uppercuts the opponent while he jumps in the air.
This is a very cool as well as useful attack. It's the same as
Ken's or Ryu's dragon punch, but Kairi's has a more powerful
version, which I will explain later. Use this to slam opponent
into the air and then change from fighter to jugle your enemy.
Make sure that it's not blocked or avoided, cause you will be
open to attacks as you land or drop down.
COMMENTS: there's also a 7-hit version of this move.Perform the
uppercut when Kairi is on fire(after he has performed
the Ki-Beam(Shouki Hatsudou).

Instant fireball(Shinki Hatsudou): D, DF, F+P
Kairi puts his hands together and generates a fireball.
WOW!! A cool move! This move is very surprising, cause the
fireball will not travel across the screen, but simply will
be generated from nothing. Too bad it's not that fast, but
it still has a good recovery time that makes up for it.
COMMENTS: there's also another version of this moves. The difference
is that the other fireball will travel across the screen, not being
surprising, but having more range. Just perform the move when Kairi
is on fire(after he has performed the Ki-Beam(Shouki Hatsudou).

Whirlwind kick(Mouryou Kasen): D, DB, B+K , followed by B+K
Kairi jumps and hits the enemy with four spinning mid-air kicks.
Again another cloned move from Ryu. Don't get me wrong it's
still a good move, but I had appreciated it if capcom made one
only for Kairi. Anyways, the LK-version of this kikcs the enemy
higher and higher into the air, which make this good for combo's.
Be careful if you miss, cause a jumpkick or uppercut will get you
on your back while doing this.

Super Combo's)

Energy Ball(Shinki Hatsudou Kai): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+P(perform in mid-air)
Kairi jumps in the air and creates a damaging energyball.
Not his best supercombo-move, but still a good one. Use it when your
opponent is in the air or when you almost land near the opponent.
The ball is not unblockable and doesn't do too much damage. There's
practicly no recovery time, but you'll simply fall down and land.

Combo Rush(Sairou Kyoushu): D,DB,B,D,DB,B+P
Kairi hits opponent in the air and slams him down with both fists.
The most damaging and the most inpresive looking combo I think. Be
close to your opponent when doing this move. If the first hit
connects the rest will go automaticly. If you miss, you're NOT
open to an attack, so you can immediatly go on with a special move.

Downward Kickrush(Garyuu Messhuu): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+K(perform in mid-air)
Kairi jumps up and comes down, kicking his opponent, then he lands
and puts in another knee-attack.
A nice move that can get a lot of hits. Use it the same as the
Energy Ball(Shinki Hatsudou Kai). The only difference is that this
move has better damage but you're open to attacks if you miss.

Meteor Combo's)

Beating Up(Kyouja Renbu): LP,LP,F,LK,HP
Kairi grabs the opponent and beats the crap out of him!!
An excellent move to kick a defensive player's butt. If you're
fighting against an opponent that blocks a lot, use this up close and
there goes the half of his energy-bar. Watch out though, cause when
using this at a distance you'll fly across the screen defenslessly.
In this time the opponent could start a nasty combo.

Ki-Beam(Shouki Hatsudou): D,DF,F,D,DF,F+PPP
Kairi fires a big blue energy beam!!
Probably the most flashing move from the game. To be honest, I
wouldn't use this. This move drains up your own lifebar while you're
shooting the beam. After that you'll be on fire, giving you some
advantages like powered up moves, but your lifebar will still
decrease until it reaches 1. So a LP or LK, kan KO you at that state.
Only use this if you're absolutely sure that the opponent can't
block it and will instantly get KO'ed from the beam.

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This chapter is about all the combo's Kairi can do ALONE. For the
tag combo's see the next chapter.

In this chapter I will discuss the momentary combo's, super cancels
and the special combo's.

Momentary Combo's)

Shinki Hatsudou into Maryuu Rekkou: D,DB,F+P then P on impact
To make this work, only use the MP-version or LP-version of the
Shinki Hatsudou. After it hits, you'll be sure to uppercut the
opponent with off course the HP-version of Maryuu Rekkou.

Maryuu Rekkou into Mouryou Kasen: F,D,DB+P then K on impact
Timing can be hard, but when you can pull it of, it's worth it.
Be careful not to miss, cause the opponent then will get the
chance to slam you out of the air.

Super Cancel)

COMMENTS: supercancels simply are two or more supercombo's
chained with eachother.

Sairou Kyoushu into Garyuu Messhuu into Shinki Hatsudou Kai
OK this is a tough one. Start of the first supercombo like
you would normally do. Then when you're almost about to slam
down you're opponent, make the first supercancel. While
you're rushing down, get ready for the second cancel. As you
land start the motion of Shinki Hatsudou Kai. Then, when
timed correctly, you'll perform Shinki Hatsudou Kai right
after the last knee attack from Garyuu Messhuu.

Sairou Kyoushu into Shinki Hatsudou Kai
Well another tough cancel. You have to choices here.
If you're timing skills are very good, wait for the last
two handed punch to connect before performing the
Shinki Hatsudou Kai. If you suck at timing, simply do the
Shinki Hatsudou Kai while you're punching you're opponent.

Teleport into Garyuu Messhuu into Shinki Hatsudou Kai
I recommend using the MP-version of the teleport and
then start of with the Garyuu Meshuu. But if you're very
far away from you're opponent, use the HP version.
If you're on the opponents lip use the LP version.
Make sure that you let the knee attack hit before starting
the Shinki Hatsudou Kai.

Special Combo's)

Teleport into Ryuujin Kyaku into Garyuu Messhuu
into Shinki Hatsudou Kai
A tough combo. Use the teleport as said above. As soon as
you appear start the Ryuujin Kyaku. You'll somersault over
the opponent, at least if you hit him on top of his head
which is the objective here. Then after the somersault use
the Garyuu Messhuu into Shinki Hatsudou Kai-combo for
extreme damage.

Mouryou Kasen into Garyuu Messhuu into Shinki Hatsudou Kai
Use the LP-version of the Mouryou Kasen and DON'T finish it
with the last kick. Instead use a Garyuu Messhuu into
Shinki Hatsudou Kai-combo to do more damage.

Well you can off course use any variety of these combo's
and make different cancels. Be experimental.

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Well I hope you enjoyed this FAQ.

Many thanx too:

- FFrulez, that's me, for creating this guide.

- CJayC for making a good Movelist/FAQ on SFEX3

- Again CJayC for posting this FAQ

- Again CJayC(yes I'm sucking up, drool) for still accepting
this even though I got banned form the boards.

- Akira

- Capcom

- You, for reading this.

This is it people.
If you want this FAQ on your site


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Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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