Street Fighter EX 3

Street Fighter EX 3

14.10.2013 21:51:32

Street Fighter EX 3 - Playstation 2

Ken's Character FAQ - Version 1.0 - 11/23/2001

by Shin Gotenks (


--------------------------- COPYRIGHT ------------------------------

This document is copyright of Elton Bruno, 2001. You can't copy it for
any commercial use. You can publish it on your site, but ask me
permission first. You can't force the users to click on a banner to see
this. The last version of this FAQ can be found at If
you want me to send a copy of this FAQ to your magazine/fanzine, contact
me and I'll see what I can do.
And so on...


------------------------------- STORY ---------------------------

In this game, Ken doesn't has a detailed story, so I'll resume some of
it, from some games and animes.

Ken Masters trained together with Ryu, when they are teenagers. Their
master was Shen Long (in Japan, he's called Gouken), brother of
Akuma/Gouki. Shen Long and Akuma were trained by Goutetsu, who teached
them the arts of Shotokan Karate. Before, this techinique was only used
to kill, but Shen Long, with the intention of using these techiniques
not to kill, but to defend lifes, teached it to Ryu and Ken, but by
different means, without the black side of Shotokan Karate, while Akuma
absorbed all this black side of Shotokan Karate, using these techiniques
with the intention to kill, giving more importance to the attack than to
the defense.

Goutetsu has been killed after he not agreeded to teach the Secret Arts
of Shotokan Karate nor to Shen Long, neither to Akuma. Akuma, thinking
Goutetsu is a fool for not teaching the secret arts, killed him. Then he
goes after Shen Long, to steal his strenght, known as KI. He fought Shen
Long before Ryu and Ken's training is over, then he can't teach the
techinique Shin Shoryuken perfectly to Ryu, but only a little more to
Ken (as you may see, Ken's moves resembles more Akuma's moves than Ryu's
moves). After it, Ken promised to his master that he'll beat Akuma,
thinking Shen Long died, Ken goes after Akuma.

But Shen Long not died, he survived, even by a miracle. He appeared only
on Street Fighter III - Third Strike: Fight for the Future, as a secret
character, and to fight against him some insane conditions have to be
done. He has long hair, a scar in his face, and the same symbol as
Akuma. Without his necklace (yes, the Akuma's necklace was from Shen
Long), Shen Long fights again, only to see his two pupils.

Ken is son of a very rich man, even he doesn't think money is all in
this world. Ken is at the same time friend and rival of Ryu, they two
only still fighting to prove one to the other who's the best fighter of
the world.

In the beginning of Street Fighter, Ken was the more powerful, because
Shen Long teached a little more to him than to Ryu, but when Evil Ryu
appears, Ken is not the powerful guy more. And he continues to try to
beat Ryu, even doesn't liking the Ryu's evil personality, Evil Ryu.

In the epoch of Street Fighter III, Ken married with Eliza and now has a
son to care about, so he's more responsible now. Still trying to beat
Ryu, that is more stable about his personality (in Street Fighter III).
He gain a new friend: Sean. This guy only wants to be best than Ken, and
begin the training with Ryu, even Ryu doesn't like too much to train
him, he likes more to test his Shin Shoryuken skills, the last
techinique teached by Shen Long.


------------------------- MOVE LIST -----------------------------

The commands:

WP- weak punch (square)
MP- medium punch (triangle)
SP - strong punch (R1)
P - any punch
PPP - three punches at the same time (L1)
WK - weak kick (X)
MK - medium kick (circle)
SK - strong kick (R2)
K- any kick
KKK - three kicks at the same time (L2)
D - down
U - up
B- back
F - front
DB - down-back (diagonal)
DF - down-front (diagonal)

Note: if you want to use L1 and L2 buttons, pause the game, enter in Key
Configuration and set L1 as(Px3) and L2 as (Kx3).

1. Throws

These moves you have to do them closer to the enemy.

-- Seoi Nage: WP+WK

-- Jigoku Guruma: B + WP + WK
* Ken catches the enemy, rolls with him and throw him with a leg move.

-- Jigoku Fuusha: D + MP or D + SP (in the air)
*The same Jigoku Guruma, but it's an aerial version of it.

2. Normal Moves

-- Inazuma Kakato Wari: MP + MK
*This is a move to break the enemy guard. Ken do a kick, that hits on
the stomach, I think. If you hit well, the enemy will open his guard,
giving possibilities to do any other move. If you do this move again,
after the enemy opens his guard, you will only knock him to the ground.
This move can be canceled on a Super Combo. If you hit the enemy with it
when he's jumping, he'll fall more quickly.

-- Zenpou Tenshin : D,DB,B + P
*This move will avoid the attacks that hit you above your waist. Ken
rolls toward the enemy, like the KOFs games. The low attacks will hit
you certainly. You can pass to the backside of the enemy with this. Good
too to avoid projectiles, like Hadoukens or Psycho Cannons, but it'll
not avoid Sagat's Ground Tiger Shot.

3. Special Moves

-- Hadouken: D,DF,F + P
*The most classic move of all the fighting games that I see. Ken will
launch a fireball on the enemy. The recover time is medium. Good to...
hit the enemy. It can be canceled on ALL Super Combos.

-- Shouryuken: F,D,DF + P
*Other classic move. Depending on the button you hit, the height on that
Ken rises will change. If you do this move with SP (strong punch), Ken
will do a Fire Shouryuken, that can hit the enemy three times, causing
more damage than normal. Good to hit the enemies when they are jumping
(Duuhhhh!!!). Can counter-attack various moves and Super Combos. Some
persons call this Dragon Punch.

-- Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku: D,DB,B + K (can be also done on air)
* Ken does that classic move from Street Fighter 2 (different from
Street EX plus alpha same move). Good to avoid sweeps and some
projectiles. Doing it on air will surprise the enemy several times.
Depending on the button you press, the move can be longer or shorter (WK
is shorter, MK is medium and SK is longer).

4. Super Combos

To do these moves you need at least one Level of the Super Bar. You can
cancel some Super Combos on other, but not all these are cancelable. See
the section "Super Cancel" below to more details.

-- Shouryuureppa: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + P
*Ken does two Shouryukens in sequence, and the second one is a fire
Shouryuken. Because of it's activation, this move is very good to avoid
anything, except for a few, like Shin Bison's Psycho Cannons.

-- Shinryuuken: D,DF,F,D,DF,F + K
*Ken does a rotative Shouryuken, that hits the enemy several times. You
can hit the enemy more times tilting the D-Pad and pressing the buttons
as faster as you can. Its effect vary, can do about 7 hits (if you do
not press any button) until 20 hits (pressing the buttons and tilting
the D-Pad). This move is best if done closer to the enemy, because if
Ken is not closer to the enemy, the Shinryuuken will throw the enemy

-- Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + K (D,DB,B + K to cancel)
*Ken does a kick sequence, that ends on an air Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
Good to avoid the normal moves. I advise that it's best to do this move
closer to the enemy, or the sequence will not be completed. Even if the
enemy is blocking, Ken continues his sequence. To cancel it (before Ken
goes to the air) press D,DB,B + K. It's very useful to trick the enemies
that stay blocking your attacks, only waiting to hit you when you're
recoveringv from it.

4. Meteo Combo

This move needs the Super Bar to be on Level 3, or it will not works.

-- Kuzuryuureppa: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + KKK
* It's a mix between Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku, Shouryureppa and Shinryuuken.
Ken starts with a Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku, continues with a Shouryureppa
and ends it on a Shinryuuken. If you hit the enemy with all the blows, a
greater damage will be inflicted on him.

5. Meteo Tag Combo

Four conditions may be respected in order to perform this move:

1: Ken's TAG partner must be Ryu, and only Ryu.

2: Ken's Super Bar may be on Level 3.

3: The Tag Bar (that blue one, in the side of the life bar) may be full

4: Ken activates the move, not Ryu.

-- Ken & Ryu Ultra Combo: D,DB,B,D,DB,B + PPP
*Ken kicks the enemy with an Inazuma Kakato Wari. If you suceed, Ryu
appears, do a fly kick on the enemy, Ken continues the sequence, lifts
the enemy to the air, and they two ends with a double Shoryuken (this is
no cool... for the enemy!). If you haven't kill the enemy, Ken goes out
and Ryu continues the fight. This move is blockable and can't hit an
enemy that is jumping. This move ends with ALMOST ALL the enemy's life


---------------------- SUPER CANCEL ------------------------------

This section explains which moves are cancelable and which are not. On
the left side (before the arrow) is the move itself, and on the right,
the moves that can cancel it.

-- Seoi Nage ---> can't be canceled
-- Jigoku Guruma ---> can't be canceled
-- Jigoku Fuusha ---> can't be canceled
-- Inazuma Kakato Wari ---> any Super Combo
-- Zenpou Tenshin ---> can't be canceled
-- Hadouken ---> Shouryuureppa, Shinryuuken, Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku,
Kuzuryuureppa, Zenpou Tenshin
-- Shouryuken ---> Shouryureppa, Shinryuuken, Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku (with
some luck), Kuzuryuureppa (with some luck too)
-- Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku ---> can't be canceled, but you can do Shippuu
Jinrai Kyaku or Kuzuryuureppa, at the exact moment when Ken reaches the
ground (after this move), and the enemy is recovering.
-- Shouryuureppa ---> Shinryuuken, Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku, Kuzuryuureppa
(you may have 4 or more levels of the Super Bar, refer to my FAQ about
Kairi and you'll understand)
-- Shinryuuken ---> Shouryuureppa
-- Shippu Jinrai Kyaku ---> Shouryureppa, Shinryuuken, Kuzuryureppa (you
need 4 or more levels of the SUper Bar, refer to my FAQ about Kairi and
you will understand)
-- Kuzuryuureppa ---> can't be canceled
-- Ryu & Ken Ultra Combo ---> can't be canceled


----------------------- COMBOS ---------------------------------

I only listed here the combos that I though that inflict more damage,
and you can change some buttons (the damage is not the same), but if you
change them, perhaps the combo not works.

I haven't listed the Momentary Combos, because I'm having a little
problem to figure out the correct timing. Later, maybe I'll list it.

I divided the combos in:

- Easy Combos: very easy, no Super Combos.

- Normal Combos: Super Combos and Super Cancels.

- Hard Combos: needs precise timing or Level 6 at Super Bar.

Note: when is written "jump with [button]" , the next move of the combo
may be done when you reach the ground.

1. Easy Combos

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + SP -> Hadouken/Shouryuken/Tatsumaki Senppuu

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + MP -> D + MK -> Hadouken

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + WP/WK -> D + WP/WK -> WP -> Hadouken

-- Jump with SK/SP -> MP -> Shouryuken/Hadouken

2. Normal Combos

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + SP -> Hadouken -> Shouryuureppa -> Shinryuuken
-> Shouryuureppa

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + MP -> D + MK -> Hadouken -> Shippu Jinrai
Kyaku -> Shouryuureppa -> Shinryuuken

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + WP/WK -> D + WP/WK -> WP -> Hadouken ->
Shouryureppa -> Shinryuuken -> Shouryuureppa

-- Jump with SK/SP -> D + SP -> Tatsumaki Senppuu Kyaku -> Shippuu
Jinrai Kyaku -> Shouryuureppa -> Shinryuuken

3. Hard Combos

-- (Level 6) Jump with SK/SP -> D + SP -> Hadouken/Tatsumaki Senppuu
Kyaku -> Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku -> Shouryuureppa -> Shippuu Jinrai Kyaku -
> Kuzuryuureppa

This is the combo that more inflicts damage, I think. The others you can
predict, it's easy. Only change a move here, a button there...

Ken & Ryu Ultra Combo can't be used in a combo. This move is very slow
and the enemy can block it easily.


-------------------------- CREDITS ------------------------------

- To me (hey, don't think wrong, no one wanted to help me yet) --Shin
Gotenks-- for writing, testing and sending this thing.

- CAPCOM for creating this good game (not awesome more).

- GAMEFAQS for publishing this.

Last note: Hey! Please help me! If you have a games or animes community,
please let me know of it, and if I can enter it! I'm tired of talking of
games alone, no one here where I live talks about it, I'm a strange in
the nest! Please help me and maybe I'll help you. Oh no! I'm being
crazy! Oh...what a headache. Well, it's done.

Ah, to that guys who asked where I live, I live in Brazil, country of
Sean, Blanka and Rikuo. And this is not a jungle. It's an urban jungle.

Then...see ya later! :)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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