Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

17.10.2013 01:02:25
[-Medal Of Honor: Underground Walkthrough Version 1.1-] Author: X-Dragon

**********************Legal Copyright Info*****************************

This Walkthrough is copyrighted and may not be used for any profitable
purposes. If you'd like to use this walkthrough on your website, please feel
free to do so without my written consent, just don't try charging people for
its display on your website is all I ask.
**********************Legal Copyright Info*****************************

[-Beginner Faq: More Faqs will be added as I get closer to finalizing
this walkthrough:-]

Q. Have you completed the entire walkthrough? If so, will you send me
the entire walkthrough?

A. No, I haven't completed the entire walkthrough yet. What you see
uploaded on the Walkthrough page is as far as I've gotten myself. I
run through a level 4-5 times before starting the writing portion
where I say exactly where to go and what to do next. This is how I
can provide such great detail in the walkthrough. I believe, if you
are going to help people in playing the game, time must be taken to
ensure each step is explained correctly and thouroughly. Dreamworks
didn't speed through the making of this game or it wouldn't look and
play as real as it does. If I made the walkthrough as quickly as I
could, number one, what enjoyment would I get from making the
walkthrough? And number 2, how great would you understand what I was
saying? I notice many walkthroughs are written well, for people who
can get used to that persons writing style. Many more people are
playing games nowadays, so by writing the walkthrough so everyone
can understand it, is my walkthrough philosophy. I take the time
needed at each step, to make sure the walkthrough is accurate and
descriptive. It's not complete yet, but it will be soon enough.

Q. What other games are like this one on the Playstation Game Console?
A. Medal Of Honor the first one. Syphon Filter 2, in the third person
persepctive, Syphon Filter, The World Is Not Enough coming out
soon, Alien Ressurection is really cool and another good FPS. Time
Splitters for the PS2, Any of the Tomb Raider games, Unreal
Tournament for the PS2. Many more to come for the future I'm
certain. Quake 1 2 and 3 coming soon are also great FPS games.

Q How do I kill the dogs shooting at me in the mission 7 level?

A. What? Someone asked me this question and I haven't gotten to this
part yet. I know it's on mission 7 somewhere I'll get to it soon.

Q. Is there a secret Hitler Level?

A. Dunno.

Q. Will you list the gameshark codes for the game?

A. No, that's why they're listed on the page before the link to my
walkthrough page. I'm not trying to win any KB contest just for
posting say 5k worth of gameshark codes.

Q. What is Civil War Mode?

A. I have yet to test this mode out yet, when I finish the
walkthrough I will try it and let you all know what each secret
code does and what it means.

Q. What is Podiski Mode?

A. Refer to the Answer in question 6.

Q. Is this a multiplayer game?

A. Did your instruction manual fail to mention this? Mine didn't.
For the benefit who don't yet own the game yes it is Multiplayer.

Q. How many Multiplayer Characters are there?

A. I haven't even played the Multiplayer yet so I don't know.

Q. When will the walkthrough be done?

A. Hoping in the next couple of days it will be finalized. I will
probably rework a few that I got mixed up on.

Q. How many Walkthroughs have you done so far?

A. If you are on this walkthrough, push your back button. When you
return to that page click on the link that has my name X-dragon
and it will list all the games I've done stuff for.

Q. Do you only make walkthroughs for Sony Games and products?

A. Yup, Sony is the only machine worth writing walkthroughs for In
my opinion

For The Sony Playstation Game Console

A Game By Dreamworks Interactive. Publisher: Electronic Arts.


[-Jacques Locket-] You get this in the first mission level 1 from
Manon' brother Jacque.

[-Foreign Legions Badge-] You Receive this Badge for getting an
excellent rating on all Mission 2 levels.

[-Photograph Of Knossos Ruin Being Defaced-]

[-Captured SS Ring-]

[-la Medaille de la campagne d'Italie-]You Receive this medal for
completing the 5th mission
levels on excellent.

[-Piece Of Destroyed V-1-] You get this upon completion of the Mission
6 Level 2 near the end.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
Mission Name: Occupied
Number Of Levels in Mission: 4

May 10,1940

[-Mission One: Midnight Rendez-Vous-]

Mission Objectives: 1. Find Your Brother 2. Open Garage Door.

You start this mission in an alley with some stairs to your right. Go straight
to the middle section where 1 guard walks in from the left and circles around.
Walk out just a bit and another guy walks in from the right so shoot him first.
Shooting this guy alerts the first guy you saw and another from the right to
run in and attack you. Shoot them next fast and keep your distance so they
won't hit you. After eliminating them, collect their ammo rounds and head to
the middle section where there is a fountain.

Go around this circled area near the fountain and there is 2 Medicinal Canteens
to collect if you received any damage during the first attacks. Collect both or
1 if needed and then head around the fountain. Walk up to where there is a
store front that says Eoulade and collect a petrol bomb. Now head left around
this corner and go to the right side of the alley and under the overhang is a
small med kit, if you need that take it, otherwise keep on going forward.

You'll see a clearing to the right so slowly go around it and blast the guard
around this right corner and if you get damaged this time, which could happen
at closer range, go and get the med kit. If the guard manages to get a shot off
this will alarm a guard through an opening where there is a bridge so run and
hide if so. Now go right, where the guard at close range was, and back here is
a steel fence and another small Med Pack if you need it. Now turn around and
hug the right side of the bridge and sneak to the right side of the bridge
wall. Use your aimer button and you'll see a guard ahead and to the left. You
can make a safe kill from this distance using the aimer button and not getting
more attention than you need.

Once you shoot this guard collect his ammo in this forest area with park
lights. Head up either side and eventually you'll see the words "Brother Under
Attack" in white letters and it gets kinda hairy. Head up the middle section of
small walls and shoot the guard here. Head left to the small wall and pick up
another Petrol Bomb. Now walk left around the wall and your first objective is
complete, when you find your brother. He will have some things to say so listen
to him and then follow his lead.

Follow him closely all the way around and he will make most of the kills so
collect the ammo. Now keep following him and there will be a section to the
left where a guard is going to pop out, help him this time, or you'll get the
message, Brother Under attack. Go left around the corner and he will kill off
another guard, you'll now hear him picking the lock to a building so wait for
him to open the door and follow him in. This part in the building is kinda fast
but nothing to kill. He will get to another door and start picking another lock
so just wait for him to open it and then quickly turn around and shoot 2 guards
approcahing from behind and he finds the truck. Go through the door and open
the garage door. The truck goes through and you must follow it out and shoot
guards in this section. The truck crashes so now turn left and go down the
steps here to end this level. Save if you like.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

1 May 1942
[-Mission 1 Level 2: Amongst The Dead.-]

Mission Objectives: 1. Seal Catacomb Entrances. 2. Find Forged Papers.

In this area you'll go down some winding stairs in a catacomb. I was crouched
down in this section so do that till you see a guy standing at the bottom of
the steps on the right. Use the aimer and shoot at his head to make a fast and
easy kill, then collect his canteen, like you need it. Head right now in this
small hallway. Crouch down once again till you get to a wall on the left and
stay crouched. Crawl out around the hall and you'll see 2 guards just ahead so
aim quickly and shoot them fast from that safe distance. The guard on the right
is really easy to kill with the aimer so kill him and then bravely crawl around
the left side and shoot the guy hiding on the left side.

Move in and collect ammo from the right guard and a medicinal canteen from the
left guard. Now head up the middle section of the hallway to another hallway to
the right. Head up here slowly and you'll see to the right a wall of skulls.
Head up the second section and shoot the guy on the small wall of skulls. This
triggers another guard and a general to run in so make quick work of them and
collect their ammo. Head around this corner going left and enter this long
hallway going straight. When you can make your first right, so so and collect
some pistol rounds, petrol bombs, and a small med pack after shooting the guard

Turn around now and take a right out and then an immediate left to yet another
hallway. Quiclkly shoot the guard that pops out here or you can get big time
damage if you are shy on the trigger. Collect his ammo and then head up the
sloped ramp. Make your way to an area to the right and when you do run back and
hide after this guy shoots at you. Allow him to run after you and then blast
him to next week when he runs after you. Now head back from where this guy ran
from and you'll see some rocky area and a section highlighted in red. Use the
action button to set the charges and then run for cover while the bomb ticks
away and finally detonates and you will now have 1 entrance sealed.

Now turn back around and leave this area, turn right and fall off the small
ledge here. Head around the corner going right. Once around this corner you'll
see another area going right, so just peek yourself around it to get the 2
guards attention. Turn around now and run back hugging the right wall, and wait
for the stupid guards to run into your line of fire and blast them. Collect a
canteen and some ammo and now head around the right corner into what other,
then another hallway. A general runs up when you make the turn so blast him and
collect his ammo if needed. Head up the hallway and hug the left skull wall.
Turn left around this area and back here is some Sten Ammo and a small med
pack, collect if needed.

Turn around now and head out right and go up this hallway. I reccommend
crouching here and mosying your way up and hugging the right wall. 3 guards
approach from the left wall so blast them and collect a medicinal canteen and
some ammo. As soon as you can take your first right in this section, do so and
then hug the wall. Go up this section and turn right and blast a guard ahead
and to the right here. You can easily stay crouched and use the aimer to shoot
at the head and make a fast kill. This alerts the guard standing left so shoot
him before he has a chance.

Now go and collect a medicinal canteen from the right guard you killed and some
ammo from the left guard. Now your in a room with a ladder to climb, so climb
up here and crouch to enter the tiny crawl space. Crawl on through and you have
now reached what I call the Goodies room. Collect a petrol bomb a small med
kit, 2 sten SMG rounds and complete objective 2 of collecting the forged papers
and collecting a small medicinal canteen also. Turn around now and head back
out the way you entered to the main hallway going right. Go to the next open
section where a guard on the left and right stand watch so blast them next
using the aimer button aiming up at them for easier killing.

Go up the ladder and collect his ammo and immediately kill the guard to the
left qnd you'll see another area to use your detonator charges so use them here
and take cover for when they blow up. You'll now get the message, One entrance
left so go down the ladder now and head right up this hallway. Here you'll see
a round looking bunker and a guard runs in from the left so take him down and
collect his canteen he drops if needed. Go around the stone bunker and head
right into another hallway and take your first left. Go up the small winding
staircase here and once at the top, stop and look ahead and left to see a guard
standing there. Use the aimer button and take out the first guard easily and
keep the aimer positioned in the same are and easily shoot the other guard.

Now run in and collect the medicinal canteen, the small med pack and the petrol
bombs where the guards were standing near some kegs. Now head out the main
hallway and hug the left wall and peek around the corner and a guard will
scream something in German. Hide behind the wall and then go back there and
blast him when he pops his head around the corner. Take your first left and
you'll see 2 guards ahead running into position so turn back around and run to
where you shot the last guard and wait for one guard to run into your line of
fire and blast away.

Another guard follows in behind and when he sees you when you go around the
corner he runs to the right wall for cover. Stay near the wall your next to and
blast him from safety distance. Collect his medicinal canteen if needed and
stay on the main path. Head up this next section and a guard runs in from the
left. Again, when he sees you up close he runs away to another hallway further
down and to the right for cover. Use the aimer button here to shoot him and
make an easy kill and then collect his ammo. Up the next section is a kind've
bridge section where another guard waits for you. Aim up and left and you can
make a rather easy kill. Another gaurd begins shooting at you as soon as you
kill that one so run for cover.

Run up the hall and you'll hear footsteps, so wait for the guards to run up and
point-blank range practically and blast them easily. Up the next section you'll
see a chessboard and some kegs stacked to the left so keep running straight
here. Go up the sloped hall and then take your first right around this hallway,
around the left corner is a guard so shoot him and collect a Field Surgeon
Pack, a medicinal canteen, some petrol bombs and some sten ammo. Turn around
now and go to the left side and shoot a guard up and to the right wall. Collect
the Petrol bomb and Field Surgeons Pack if needed. Equip the Petrol bomb now
and aim around the left corner. Hold it down a bit to throw it further and
release when ready to blast the guy around the left corner. After blowing this
guy up go collect his ammo and then set your last explosive on the final
entrance and run for cover. Your second objective is now complete so turn
around and take your first left to an open section.

Go left around this next section and I don't know about you, but this corner
was majorly bugged for me as 2 guards shoot at me, no weapon is showing and I
can't shoot? Anyways try your best to shoot these 2 guards here without getting
too badly damaged. This section is extremely hard so try surviving it and just
go nuts with the Sten shooting everything that freakin moves. There is an area
on a higher ledge where more guards drop down from and it seems like they won't
stop dropping but eventually they do. Keep using that Sten on them and then
collect all the goodies here. My advice is to stay in a crouched position and
wait for them to run into the line of fire.

Now after killing off all that you can climb back up the ledder at the entrance
of this area and collect more goodies by jumping on the stone ledges in the
middle of the room and then collecting ammo, health packs and bombs on either
side. Go up the furthest ledge now with the small ladder and turn right and go
up another tiny ladder. Follow this hallway around until you hear a guy yell
something and head back into position and shoot him. Go around the right hall
and go up here. Take a right and you'll see some more winding stairs and then
you'll hear another guy yell something. This is your Queue to find cover and
shoot 2 more guards.

Go up the steps till you reach an outside area with an iron gate and a guard
walking around to the left. Head to the first right and then left and a guard
is running around here so blast him first. Another guard runs in from the left
behind the iron fence so blast him next and then collect ammo from the first.
As soon as you run to the left to collect ammo, shoot another guard that's
behind the iron gate. To your right is a car parked so now go to the back of
the Hearse to end this long level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

10 May 1942
Mission 1 Level 3: Without A Trace

Mission Objectives: 1. Destroy Distribution Evidence 2. Check Distribution
Trucks 3. Hide Printing Press 4. Find Hidden Machineguns

You start this mission in a small hallway so head straight and crouch down and
when you turn right you'll see 2 guards standing near some crates. Use the
aimer button and shoot the left guard first making an easy kill. The second
guard runs out and it's a pie kill here so blast him next. This is actually a
large outside alter and you'll see it when you go and pick up the ammo your
foes left behind. Head to the back section where there is a big opening and
some buildings and lights.

Head left here and collect some sten rounds and a petrol bomb and then head
back to the main section. Go up one small section and to the right is a guard
so when he takes cover make the easy kill. Another guard comes in suddenly and
hugs the right wall so since you're already positioned this way, killing him
won't be a big hassle. Collect the ammo and then stay to the right while going
straight and you'll hear some guy on a magaphone speaking german.

Go right now and head to the end section and look left and you'll see a guard
behind a bunker. The best way to take him out unnoticed is hug the small
right-most wall and then stay against it while crouched. Use the aimer button
and shoot when you got the easy headshot range. Now head up this alley and turn
right when you get near some doors and use action button to open tham.

As soon as they open start blasting moving objects shooting through anything
that moves and in the end you'll have killed 2 guards. Now just collect their
ammo and a Petrol bomb on the counter where there used to be a crate. Now shoot
the other 2 crates. The left crate on the counter has some Sten rounds in it
and the one on the floor has a small med pack in it. Collect all you need to
collect here and then go around the counter and you'll find some evidence in a
kit. Shoot the red kit or box on the ground and you'll have 2 more to destroy.

Head through the opening now and go right and then left to a larger opening
where wayyy in the background you can see a guard in green going nuts running
around. Use the aimer button and aim in his direction and wait for him to run
into your line of fire and blast him from a nice safe distance. Walk up this
road and you'll hear some gunfire but not to worry it is just a background
noise effect for now.

Go to the back area where you shot the green guard and wait here for a few
seconds till you hear some footsteps. Turn around and ease on out looking left
and hugging the wall. You'll see a guard running around behind the steel fence
so make a quick kill from safety. Now make your way across the small yard to
the next fence opening taking a left. Go around here and you will want to equip
a Petrol bomb here so don't make your way around this corner going left. Throw
that bomb around the corner and blow up the 2 guards beyond that wall.

Now go around and collect the ammo from these 2 guards and then once you walk
down this area you will complete objective 2 and work on Objective 5. Instead
of wasting your ammo on the truck take your first left to a small section that
has sloped areas leading up. Shoot the guy in this room and now open the large
crate and operate the large machinegun. Shoot all the guards and the truck and
now collect 1 Sten Ammo, some pistol ammo and a field surgeons pack. Now head
back down to where the now blown up truck is and to make things easier after
destroying the truck head up the path and allow the enemies to see you. Turn
back around and hide beside the left wall nearest the truck and wait for the
green guard to run in your line of fire for a nice easy kill.

Collect the medicinal canteen he drops if needed and then head out left to the
main road again. To the left is another guard so kill him when you see him and
collect his medicinal canteen. Head further down the road and to the right
you'll notice a small crawl space but don't enter it yet. Head to the back wall
here and turn left and get the small mdicinal canteen and petrol bomb if
needed. Now enter that crawl space and crawl through it.

Once through the crawl space you turn left and find another evidence box so
destroy it and now only 1 distrubution location left. Head left here and hug
the right wall. Around the corner is 2 guards and can be difficult to kill at
close range so blast them and the boxes back here to get some Sten rounds, a
field surgeons pack and a medicinal canteen. Head to the fron section of the
building your near and collect another medicinal canteen if needed.

Head out to the road now and face right and back a ways behind a wall you'll
see a green guard running around. Use the aimer button to shoot safely and make
the kill and then turn around and head up the left portion of the road. Stop
when you get to the fork and ahead and to the right is 2 guards walking around.
Wait for the guard on the left to walk off screen before shooting the right
guard. This makes it so his buddy won't notice you killing him. Hug the right
wall and then go right again to the inner most part of the wall.

The second guard will walk by so get him before he dissappears behind the wall
again. Collect the ammo off the 2 guards and then head right to a back section
being patrolled by a green guard. Hug the back wall here and equip your petrol
bomb to kill this guy off. Now turn back around and return to the path you
whence came. Head right and you'll see a small white wall to the left and
another Green guard here. Stand up quickly if crouched down and shoot this guy.

Go straight now and descend the ladder (I noticed the ladder was a bit tricky
so when you reach the bottom turn the other way to get off it and then turn
around to the main path.) Make your first right around the corner and you'll
see 3 boxes back here and some petrol bombs. Shoot the boxes to receive a small
med kit, a Sten SMG round and a pistol round. Walk up the ladder back to the
left and once up top fece right and quickly kill the green guard back here.
Turn around right away and kill a blue guard running at you.

Shoot the windows if you feel like it, it isn't necessary but now go around
thie section and pick up some Sten rounds, a Petrol Bomb and a medicinal
canteen. Now open the crate using the action button. It opens up a nice machine
gun weapon so use action button to get behind it and the fire button to start
your carnage. Just keep the gun moving left and right constantly, there is no
ammo limit once behind this gun so let loose all your anger and shoot at
everything. In the end you'll kill around maybe 10-15 guards.

After doing your damage head on out of that room to the right now. Stop when
you see a nice ways down the left side building and shoot the blue guard from a
safe distance using the aimer. You will want to crouch after killing this guy
just in case the gunfire you hear afterwards doesen't head your way. Go down
the stairs now and collect the medicinal canteen from the guy you killed. Now
head around left and go up a small flight of stairs and then go left. You'll
see another crate to open with another machine gun inside it. A truck below to
shoot with it and a army of guards to kill afterwards.

I will say, by far this is the most awkward controls on a gun I have ever seen.
The first time I attempted these controls I died horribly and with good reason.
The gun moves extremely slowly and there is just all around too much happening
on-screen at one time and it makes for a frustrating gaming expierience. All I
can say is just try shooting the best you can here and hope you make it alive.
Now either hop down the ledge where the machinegun is making sure the coast is
clear or taking the stairs back down and head left up the road. Crouch down and
crawl when you see the small wall and go to the small staircase and look right.

There is a green guard standing in a field by himself not aware of you being
there so make a quick kill by using the aimer button and get in an easy
headshot. Still staying crouched mosy down the steps and stop when you reach
the second to last stop just stop and look left. A guard walks in and won't
notice you at all if you quickly shoot him. Stay crouched and crawl down to
where he was and collect the medicinal canteen. Now still staying crouched head
down the right side of the stairs staying close to them and another guard walks
in from the right so blast him. You'll now hear louder deeper gunshot blasts so
stay really close to the right wall and look right and pick off the guard
shooting at you.

Collect the medicinal canteen he dropped and now stand if you like and climb
the winding staircase. When you reach the top you'll see some blue brick arches
and the one on the right has a Petrol Bomb and a Small Med Pack so collect
those. Turn around quickly now and shoot the green guard that has snuck up
behind you. As soon as you collect his ammo another guard walk out of nowhere
and attacks you so turn quick left and blast him. Just when you think the coast
is clear it isn't. Now back on the main road, a green guard is in laying
position shooting at you so aim down quickly or throw a petrol bomb at him and
take him out. Collect the medicinal canteen and then quickly aim up and left as
another guard is shooting at you from the safety of a Fire Escape. No sooner
you move a tad forward and collect his ammo another guard, far right on another
fire escape is shooting at you.

Aim quickly up and right to take care of this guy. Now as soon as you see a
door to you left enter here and destroy the final evidence box. Now shoot the
box only if you need a medicinal canteen, otherwise save your ammo and collect
the Petrol bomb on the right and then head out of this room and head left on
the main road. Now head to the right side of the road and enter another room.
Use the action button to hide the printing press and your final objective is
met. Collect the medicinal canteen from the guy you killed earlier if needed
and shoot the gas can if you feel like it, not necessary and then exit this

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

10 May 1942
Mission 1 Level 4: Tread Carefully

Mission Objectives: 1. Find A Panzerfaust 2. Stop The Tanks

Don't take this level too lightly it may come to haunt you it's not easy. Okay
you start off by headind straight and then turning right and blasting the green
guard. 2 more guards are ahead so shoot the left guard first, and another pops
out and runs right so shoot him next. Collect the ammo and then head to the
right where there is a machine gun and some petrol bombs and a med pack,
collect them quickly if needed and control that gun. Start shooting straight
ahead as there is a tank coming towards you. Aim for the big guns first and
just shoot like mad as these guns are unlimited ammo. You'll see a part of the
tank blow up so now aim left and shoot the machinegunner there and don't stop
shooting for a second. The tank will blow up once you shoot it enough and it
can be a bit difficult. If the tank gets too close just jump on the machine gun
you used to get around it.

Now head out of the bunker and go straight up the road, to the right is a tiny
corner with a small canteen in it so get it if needed. Now don't go around the
corner just yet, equip your Petrol Bomb and use your aimer button to throw it
farther and now hold the button down to throw farther. You'll throw it over the
small wall and make quick work of the guy on the other side of the wall. Now
just run out in the open for a second so the enemy sees you, and then run back
behind the same wall. This draws them out in the open, making a nice easy 2
kills on the green guards there. Now walk around the next right wall and kill
the guard here and another to your left hiding behind a pillar.

Now walk forward after collecting ammo and goodies and further back section is
a bench, next to it is a small med pack, take if needed. Now go left up the
steps and a guard will pop up from the right so get him fast. Walk up the
sloped area and collect his medicinal canteen and then head right through the
small entryway. Shoot the box in front of you to collect some Sten rounds, then
Pertol Bombs, turn right and another small med pack if needed. Now go straight
ahead and crouch down and enter the small duct. Once through it shoot the 2
boxes and collect a Field Surgeons Pack in the right box and a Panzer Faust
Shell in the left box. Head through the rest of the duct and you'll see some
guards legs, excellent oppurtunity to take the first shot before being noticed
in your safe spot.

As soon as you leave the duct stay crouched and 2 guards from the left run in
so quickly shoot them and collect their ammo. Now turn right and enter a goodie
room, which contains another Panzer Faust Shell, Small Med Pack and some Petrol
Bombs. Turn left now and operate the Machine gun here. Just keep aiming left
and shooting guards that pop out. When it's quiet start shooting again and this
draws out more guards to kill from the left. Once they are all dead head up to
where all the guards were popping out of and shoot the box here and collect a
Panzer shell. Turn right and head to the end of this walk and collect a small
med pack and another Panzer Shell.

If you filled up on Panzer shells and can't collect them all don't fret cause a
tank is coming. Equip your Panzer gun and shoot the tank before it notices you.
You'll use up your shells, so just collect more of them from the ones you
couldn't pick up here. The tank gets destroyed and now 2 green guards bail out
the tank and begin shooting at you so make sure you change to a lower caliber
weapon so the afterblast of the Panzer Gun doesen't kill you too. Now head up
the main road till you see a stone monument in the road. A guard is hiding
behind it so wait for him to run out and blast him. Collect his ammo while
shooting at the guard no appreoaching you and get his ammo next.

Hug the right wall here and go forward a small ways and kill the guard that's
to the right shooting at you. Now there is a barrel to the right side and one
to the left side of the road, shoot these to get powerups. The left barrel has
Sten Ammo and the right has a small med pack, collect if needed and then head
right. Run up the steps and draw the enemy out by letting them see you, turn
around and run beside the right wall near the small med pack and wait for them
to arrive and blast them. You probably also noticed a Panzer Tank in that mix
and probably low on Panzer Gun ammo too so heres what to do. Run up the left
side and collect some Panzer Ammo near the machine gun and then go back and
right where you entered here at. Make sure you lure the tank to the right first
and then wait for it to do a pass from the right while standing in the middle
area that's an opening. 2 blasts from the Panzer gun will destroy the tank.

Now a third tank is nearby so stand back and aim from saftey standing just to
the right of the machine gun and use your panzer gun through the clearing to
finish off the last tank and now both objectives are completed. Now take
control of the machine gun and start shooting right. Keep killing the guards
and shoot the barrel across the street for a health powerup. Go right now and
then back to the left is the exit of this level, watch the movie.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
Mission Name: Hunting The Desert Fox.
Number Of Levels In Mission: 4

5 November 1942
Mission 2 Level 1: Casablanca

Mission Objectives: 1. Escape Hotel 2. Find Logistics Officer Dossier 3.
Find Location Of Supply Depot 4. Leave City By Truck

Start this level by going to the left dresser and collecting the 2 Sten Ammo
rounds. There is a dresser back right with 2 small med packs, but you just
started the level so you won't need them. Head out the door and shoot the guy
that tries entering the room. Walk out into the hall and then run back in the
room and a guy in white suit starts shooting at you. If he hits he does a great
deal of damage so collect the health packs if needed and then go out into the
hallway. Turn right and blast the guy near the next room over by the door. Turn
left and kill the guy hiding behind the pillar over here. Now just stand facing
left and you'll hear footsteps shuffling, so wait and another guard runs up the
steps. Shoot him right where you shot the last guy and collect the ammo.

Go down the steps going right and hide by the wall. Go around the corner and
start shooting like crazy like 4 guards here. In the next room is 3 more guards
to shoot and a medicinal canteen to get you through. More guards run in
probably 3 more and they hide by the left and right walls so kill them quickly.
Now entert the Kitchen and there is a box to the right on the floor, shoot it
and collect a small med pack, I'm sure you need it. Head to the door and look
right and you'll see a yellow guard smoking a ciggerrette so shoot him with
easy headshot and collect his ammo, you'll complete Objective 1 with 3 more to

The name of this next section is the silencer Pistol you have and only use it,
unless you want unneeded attention from other guards. Walk down the path and a
guy in white walks by so shoot him headshot before he notices you. Now head
right, into a small room which has a Field Surgeons Pack and some Sten ammo on
a small table. Shoot the box to your right and collect the Pistol rounds. Leave
here and shoot the guy to the left, collect his ammo and then turn around and
shoot 2 more guards here. Enter the room to the left and get the small med pack
to the right and collect the Dossier on the table to the left and complete
objective 2.

Leave here and head out the main road and then crouch now and crawl out to the
left and kill the white suited guard down the road. Go up the road a small ways
and look up and center and shoot a sniper in a window. He may not die so keep
shooting him till he does. Now enter the right entryway and immediately turn
left and shoot the guard in the blue doorway. Turn around qucikly where you
entered at and shoot the yellow guard now shooting at you. Collect the SMG
rounds and Small Med Pack that's here. Shoot the box and collect some ammo on
the table. Now enter the blue doorway and head through this alley and shoot the
white suited guard. Enter the right doorway now and before collecting the small
med pack on the floor, get out the big gun and shoot the 2 guards hounding you
from the rear. They will literally tear you apart if you aren't quick enough,
collect the small med pack now if they did do any damage.

Head through the small alley and hug the right wall, You'll see to the right a
yellow guard and not very far away either so take aim with the pistol and get
in a silent head shot. Turn around now and head back to the main road where you
shot the white suited guard and head right and then left to the entryway. In
this room is 2 boxes, one to the left on the floor which has SMG ammo in it so
use the big gun to destroy the box. The other box on the table has a small med
pack, collect it if needed. Turn around now and take a left to the main road
and head up a small ways till you hear some voices. Run back in the same room
you left and hide behind the wall. You'll encounter a white suited guard and a
Yellow. When there isn't any gunfire on you use the silencer gun and aim for
headshots and take these 2 out, then collect ammo.

Head down the road till you get to an opening, so hug the left wall and creep
on out. A yellow guard is to your immediate left, he will take time positioning
himself so shoot him first. In the back corner where he was killed off is some
SMG rounds and a small med pack, collect if needed. See the large Yellow doors?
Use action to open them and a guard jumps down from a ledge so get in a quick
headshot. Another pops up from the right wall, so headshoot him and that
section is done, now collect ammo. Head up the road a bit till you see a blue
with green trim, door to your right. Creep around this corner and a guard jumps
down from the ledge on the left so shoot him next. Go up left a small ways and
a guard will jump over a wall and surprise you so kill him quickly. Turn back
to the main road and a guard up and to the left is shooting at you so get him
killed off.

Go up a small ways till you see a doorway to you right, enter here but stop and
creep around the corner and kill the guard to your immediate left. Now, there
is a bench back here with some Sten rounds and a small med pack, collect if
needed. Leave this room and head out right and up the road till you go down
some steps. Stop when you enter a large clearing and look up and left, there is
a sniper up on the ledge so get in a headshot and kill this guy. Walk out a
small ways and back and left is another guard behind a wall, so shoot him and
collect a medicinal canteen if needed. Turn around and head back the way you
entered here and you'll now see another doorway to enter, but first a guard
runs in from who knows where. He's so fast you can't shoot him while he moves
so just wait till he positions himself behind the wall in that doorway. He
can't hit you from where your standing and that makes the kill all the more

Head through the doorway ahead now and be prepared for a good 3 on 1, you 1,
them 3. Anyways you'll see 2 yellows run into position allow the left guy to go
to the left wall and shoot him. Suddenly a white runs in from nowhere so shoot
him, he's on the right wall. The other yellow guard ran to the right where
naturally he cowardly waits behind another doorway so eliminate him by looking
at the right doorway, where he hides and collect his medicinal canteen. Head up
2 sets of steps now and turn right and you'll see another large clearing in a
building. You'll hear someone seemingly Yell TAXI so run back beside the right
wall and take cover. Run out now and aim and kill a yellow guard. To the right
of this area is 2 window sills or ledges, the first has a small med pack and
the other some Pistol rounds so collect both. Turn around now and shoot the
guard shooting at you from another building to your right.

Head around the corner now and up a small ways and when you can see out a
window to a ledge to the left you'll see a yellow guard running around there.
Run to the back section and stick to the back wall, look right and aim to shoot
a white suited guard. Head out slowly to the middle area where the window is on
the left, aim up and shoot the yellow guard on the ledge. Follow the walk
around till your at another clearing, you'll see a yellow guard standing there
kinda right in front of you so shoot him while he doesen't notice you. Creep
out a small ways and when you hear a guy yell run back to the right wall and
hide here, 2 yellows and a white appear from nowhere like this whole level has
been. Shoot the 2 yellows and then the white and collect their ammo. Once they
are dead head right now and to the right is some Sten ammo and a small med pack
collect these and then keep going straight.

When you can make a right around a corner do so and then stop, look ahead and
left and you'll see a guard in a doorway to the left and another to his right.
Shoot the right guard first with an easy headshot, and this makes another guard
pop out of nowhere right in front of you so kill hime next. The third guy will
be hiding beside the wall where you killed the first dude so aim left to kill
him off. Now go across the bridge and into the next room, taking a right and
center yourself near the desk with powerups. Press action button to locate the
supply Depot and objective 3 is met. Now collect a field surgeons pack, pistol
rounds, and a small med pack if needed.

Head left now where the stairs go down and then run back behind the wall in the
supply depot room. A white guy follows you so shoot him when he is preparing to
shoot you. Head around the corner going left again and blast the yellow guard
here. Head down the 2 sloped areas and you'll hear a guard yell something, aim
and shoot right to take him out. Go to the right through this room and head up
the hallway in the crouched position. Crawl till you see the exit and aim and
shoot left the guard standing watch. Go up a small ways around the corner going
right and a guard will jump off the bridge you crossed earlier so eliminate
him. Quickly aim up and right on the bridge is another guard so kill him and
he'll fall off the bridge.

Head to the right now and kill the guard standing next to the wall and then
stay in the area where the last guy you killed was and another guard approaches
from the left, kill him next. Go up a small ways and look right, you'll see
some powerup stuff, but first pay attention to the wall here. A white guard
jumps the wall so shoot him next and then immediately turn around and kill a
yellow guard behind you. Now collect 2 Small med packs after shooting the box,
some SMG ammo and some pistol ammo. Turn back around where you killed the last
guard and head right around this corner looking and aiming up at the sniper in
the ledge, shoot him and then take a left. Go up a small ways till you go right
and see a room with pillars all around it and a guard standing in the middle.
Kill midde guard and back and to the right another guard pops out, shoot him,
now turn left immediately and past the doorway to the left is another so shoot

Collect the Medicinal canteen from the farther right guy and another guard runs
in from your left so kill him next. Next go around the right corner and kill a
white guard and a yellow guard that pop out from the left corner, then collect
the guys medicinal canteen. Collect the last guards canteen and then walk into
the back of the truck to finally exit this long level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
5 November 1942
Mission 2 Level 2: Lighting The Torch

Mission Objectives: 1. Find Shipping Records 2. Find Disguise 3. Radio
American Fleet.

Walk out the back of the truck and face left, you'll see a guard approaching so
kill him before he notices you. Now turn right after collecting the ammo if
needed. Go around the right side of the truck and stop before getting around
it, look right and you'll see a guard walking up so hide behind the truck where
you exited it. Wait till he walks out of seeing distance and then walk on the
left side to the front of the truck and hide beside the right wall. Once he
approaches the scene aim and shoot him and 2 more guards run into place. Aim
and shoot them making sure you're using the silencer gun. Collect ammo now and
head around the left side of the back of this truck. Go around to the other
side and get beside the wooden crates and wait a bit here. Use your silencer
gun and take aim ahead of you, a guard will walk into place where you can shoot
him from behind.

Go left now around the back side of the next truck and collect the ammo from
that dude. Head straight back now and around the left corner a guard is
standing, he can't see you so shoot from saftey. 2 guards pop out the back of
the truck in front of you so shoot them next, quickly. Collect ammo and a
medicinal canteen from the one guard. Now take a right and there is a small
corner of crates with another medicinal canteen in it so get that of needed.
Now head out left following the main path and take your first left around a
corner and shoot a guard back here. Get beside the right wall and wait for the
other guys gunfire to stop for a moment. When it stops it gives you probably 3
seconds to get out, aim to the left wall, and shoot and kill the guy hidiing
beside the wall. Take a left where you just killed the last guard and another
is walking from the left so kill him and take both ammo.

Go around the right corner now and shoot the guard ahead and to the right,
next. Now go along the main path and when you get to an adobe looking building
take a left and aim up. There is a guard walking on a walk above so shoot him,
another guard comes in from the right of the back right of the building so
shoot him next. Now walk up where you shot the guy on the right side of the
building and aim up and right when around the corner and shoot a guard back
further. Next go to the right where there is a door in this building and open
the door, action button. Immediately shoot a guard standing behind the door,
then access the file cabinet in the back corner of the room use the action
button and you'll complete Objective 1. Leave the small building and go right
around the building and you'll see some doors opening and 2 guards heading
through it.

Take cover by hiding beside the right wall of the small building and shoot one
guard who isn't aware of you yet. The other comes running, so take him down
quickly. Enter the open doors the guards walked through and around the left
corner is 2 guards hiding. Walk out in the open for a second to draw them out
then hide beside the wall. When they come out of hiding quickly sweep the left
wall and come out blasting, with the machinegun of course. I reccommend for
this area of the level, the machinegun. Anyways head up a small ways and 2 more
guards pop out of nowhere so kill them quickly. Now turn around to the right
and back here is a small med pack to the left and under the boxes is Pistol
rounds and Smg rounds, collect them, I'm sure you'll need them.

Turn around and walk around the wall to the right and you'll see an area the
looks like a large bathroom with stalls, but it's just a warehouse type room.
Walk up a small ways and 3 guards pop out, one near you on the right. one
forether back right and one further back left. Shoot these guys quickly and
collect their ammo. Walk to the back left of this room and go up a ladder and
then follow the path. Once near the doorway, you will see a guard at a doorway
below, and just above and to the right in a window is another. Kill the bottom
dude first and then the top guy. You'll now hear someone shooting a rifle but
he doesen't see you cause he's down and to the right. Pop out anough so he sees
you then back away from the doorway. Crouch down now and mosy out to the
doorway, he'll spot you and take a few seconds to get positioned so take that
time and shoot this guy before he takes aim first.

Drop down the ledge now and go to the far back right corner of this area, look
back and left now and shoot the guard back here before he spots you. Now head
straight back to the ladder hanging down and climb up it. Once at the top
you'll see a case with the disguise kit in it so collect it and objective 2 is
met. Walk up to the door now beside the bed and use the action button to trap
the photographer and now objective 4 is met. Walk down the hall and use action
to open the door and enter the hallway. Head around to the left and show
credentials to the guard and then walk back to the end of this hallway and
enter the goodie closet. On the bottom shelf, 3 medicinal canteens and on the
top by jumping to get it is some SMG ammo and pistol ammo. A guard will
probably walk up after you get all the stuff, so wait till he tunrs his back
and then shoot him while he isn't looking. Equip the camera right away after
shooting him and collecting his ammo.

Walk up the right side hallway now and use the same tactic with the camera with
these 2 guards near here. Walk on the main path to some double-steel doors and
exit here. You'll clearly see here with camera equipped a guard standing at the
doorway ahead, and another guard to the right of you. As soon as you walk a
small bit forward show your credentials to the right guard, He'll wave you on.
Go to the guy on the steps and do the same, He'll wave you on as well. Now wait
till the guard gets to the left side of the stairs and blast him with the
silencer. Quickly shoot the guard you past a moment ago and then enter the
doorway. Walk up the stairs here into the lobby and then go left where there is
a radio on a table. Use action button to use the radio and your 3rd and last
objective is met. Now you'll start hearing gunfire so equip your camera again
and go to the left when you get the chance.

This will alert a guard to pop out so take cover on the left wall and wait for
the gunfire to stop. Head out in the open when the fire stops, aim left and
shoot the guard here. Enter the room to the left now and back behind the table
is a window, enter here to end the level. Save if you want to.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
5 November 1942
Mission 2 Level 3: Burning Sands

Directions for taking pictures: Use your aimer button to bring up the camera
view. To take a snapshot while holding down the aimer button, press x button
and it takes the shot.

Mission Objectives 1. Get Access To The Armory 2. Find Explosives 3. Destroy
4 Fuel Trucks 4. Photograph Cypher Key Book.

You begin this level with camera equipped so head out straight towards the door
and a guard pops in from nowhere so equip a silencer and take him out. Climb
the ladder equipping the camera again and once at the top a guard will be
shuffling at the bottom of the other side so equip the silencer, jump down,
turn around, and blast him with a quick-close ranged blow. Turn right now with
silencer still equipped and look down and below the barbed wire fence. There is
a guard down there so use aimer to get head inline and shoot him. Walk on
across the bridge and go down the stairs to an open area. Go left up the next
area with stairs now and you'll see a whte guard and yellow guard walking the
other direction. Use this oppurtunity to blast them from behind and collect

Now go right, and up the hall, equip the camera and when you go left around the
corner take a snapshot of the guard, He'll block his eyes and won't be able to
see you. Equip a weapon and blast him. In this hallway is a door to your left,
enter it and another guard is there so show him your papers. He'll wave you on,
so take his picture and then blast him. On the table is the armory access
papers so get that. Turn around now and there is a table in the back right
corner with a book on it. Walk back here and the game will prompt you to take a
snap of the cypher key, so do that and Objective 4 is complete.

Head back to the main hall and this time go left at the section I mentioned to
go right from earlier. Enter the hallway and you'll see a guard to the left so
show papers and take a picture to blind him, equip weapon and blast away. Now
go right and you'll need to shoot the lock on this door to get it open. Use
your silencer when doing this as you don't want to attract unwanted attention.
The lock will fall down and you can enter the door now. In this room is powerup
items, to the left is a shelf with Sten ammo on the top shelf, the one to the
right has pistol ammo. On the back table to the right is 2 small med packs,
collect if needed. Leave this room and head out right and descend the stairs

Take a right and use the credential, snapshot, kill method on this guard.
Another runs up from some steps so kill him next. Now descend the stairs the
guard just tan up and open the door here by shooting the lock. This makes
objective 1 complete with 2 more to go. Enter this room and on this first back
shelf is some sten ammo and a small med pack. Go around the right side of this
shelf and collect the explosives on the next shelf. This somehow prompts a
guard to run down after you so equip the silencer and kill him. On this last
shelf is some sten ammo and a medicinal canteen. Look straight ahead now and
ascend the ladder straight ahead. Once at the top of the ladder there is a
guard up here now outisde so show him your papers. Aim the camera at him and
He'll pose for you LOL. Take his picture and then blast him.

Fall down the ladder and stand close to the wall. Look down and right and near
a opening is a guard shooting at you so quickly take aim and kill him next.
Fall down next to the truck with the palm tree and Nazi symbol on it and climb
up the ladder in the back, drop an explosive in the hatch automatically and
then run for cover. Head left now and Enter the area where you killed the last
guard and follow the pathway up. When you get to a truck with a ladder on the
back of it, look left up a staircase. 2 guards start walking down the steps so
shoot one, the other runs after you. Now shoot the other and then climb the
ladder of the truck and walk up to the hatch. Use action button to
automatically drop an explosive inside the truck, Run away behind a wall and
wait for the explosion. A guard runs down the steps and may take the farther
left wall to hide behind, if so take aim and shoot him next. Another guard is
just above the steps the 2 other guards descended earlier so aim up and right
to take him out.

Head up the stairs now and enter the doorway on the right and descend the
stairs now. Once to the bottom show the guard your credentials and then blast
him. 2 more guards ahead start around frantically so crouch and shoot them
easily. Collect the medicinal canteen one guard drops and then head around the
path to another clearing. In this area is the last 2 fuel trucks but first go
left and approach the guard here and use credentials and then blast him. Now
get on top of the right fuel truck first and drop the explosives, jump straight
ahead to get off the bombed truck and take cover where you first entered this
area. You'll hear gunshots now so equip the machine gun and then head left back
to this same section. A guard immediately runs up so blast him, another runs in
and heads back to the left wall and hide and shoots. Walk over there to him and
get him next.

Behind this wall is a small med pack if you need it so now destroy the last
fuel truck to complete your final objective. Jump over the truck and where you
got the last med pack another guard pops out so kill him and then enter the
right doorway to end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
5 November 1942
Mission 2 Level 4: Ally In The Desert

Mission Objectives: 1. Disable Antiaircraft Bombs 2. Turn On Landing Lights
3. Esacpe Morroco By Plane

Satrt this level climbing the steps and entering the room with 2 SMG ammo
rounds, a small med pack and 2 grenade packs.. Just remember this room for
future reference if you need health powerups or ammo/grenade powerups. Follow
the path up to a an area that looks like the top of a castle and there is a
tank below so get into crouch position. Crawl Right now to in bewteen the 2
barriers and get the yellow Panzerfaust tank in view. Equip the grenades and
chuck one down at the tank and enemies below and the barriers may disintegrate.
Just follow the tank around using the barriers as protection and try avoiding
gunfire the best you can from enemies below. It will take 6 grenades to destroy
the one tank and these must be direct hits or it will obviously take more

Once you destroy the tank go back to the artillery room and collect the other
grenade pack, you'll need it and whatever health powerups you need. Now switch
to the machine gun and kill the guard below. After killing the first guard 3
more run out randomly every time you kill another foe. Go down the right area
down the stairs and when you get down here turn left and kill a guard here. Now
go right, where there is a large opening. Upon turning right you'll see 2 large
palm trees, on either side hiding behind the palms is 2 guards so quickly aim
and kill them from safe distance. Turn left now and there is a guard over here
also so kill him and then walk back against the wall, turn around and look and
aim up at a guard in a window, shoot him next.

Back at the right palm tree the guard you killed dropped a medicinal canteen,
collect it if needed and then the ammo from the guy hiding behind the left
palm. Now go up a small ways where there is another doorway ahead, 2 guards pop
out on either side, left and right, take them out quickly and the left guy
drops a medicinal canteen, right guy sten ammo, collect. Turn right and then
your first left through an arch but don't go all the way through it yet. When
you make your presence known to this area a guard runs up so run back to the
left wall, aim and fire at the left guard and collect his medicinal canteen if
needed. Head around the corner and immediately turn left, look up and kill the
guard shooting at you from snipers position off the ledge.

Head up a small ways till you see an arch and some stairs and stay beside the
wall. A guard runs in to your left, blast him quickly. You'll now hear some
gunshots, and Yes they are directed towards you, peek around the right corner
to get an idea of where this guy is. Get caddy cornered and you'll have no
problem shooting him with aimer. Hug the left wall now and you'll notice a
guard in the right window but he's hiding. Let out a few warning shots to send
a guard from the left running towards you, blast him when he rounds the corner.
Aim up and right now,cause the other guard hiding in the window was alerted to
your presence too so blast him next. Go to the stairs next and look straight
ahead, you'll see a large hole from probably where a tank shot through. Look
further down and you'll see a guy who looks like he's using binochulars so aim
and shoot him from a safe distance.

Head on the main path and when you can, take your first left up a flight of
stairs. Once to the top you'll notice this was where you killed that one guy on
the ledge and some good powerup items are here also. Turn around quickly if you
walked to the window to look out it and turn around quickly and shoot a guard
cheaply shooting you from behind before collecting stuff. In this room you'll
find a medicinal canteen, a field surgeons pack, some grenades and some SMG
rounds. Look out the window now and get to the crouched position, you'll see a
plane fly overhead and bomb the guard below shooting at you, very cool. Turn
around now and leave the same way you entered and go to where you killed the
binocular dude.

Once here you'll see one of the antiaircraft guns, use your aim button to lob
the grenade further and these guns take only 1 grenade to destroy it. A guard
may run in from the left, kill him if he does and then if the tank is all the
way right either lure it to the left by running in front of it as bait or just
wait for it to drive by you. Run right quickly and take control of the machine
gun back here. Shoot the tank and hit the big gun first and take it out and
then the machinegunner to the left and save your grenades. Run now across the
bridge and kill 2 guards that get in your way. Run up a small ways now to a
large arch and you'll see another watchmen by the antiaircraft guns so shoot
him next. A guy gets out of the gun and attacks so shoot him next and then
quickly aim and shoot right at the gunner behind the .50 caliber bunker.

Run up to the side of the antiaircraft gun and shoot a guy who is cowering in
the corner and then quickly use a grenade on the antiaircraft gun. Hide behind
the gun too,collect grenade pack and medicinal canteen and small medpack back
here and wait for the tank to pass, then take control of the machine gun and
shoot at the tank. You'll also get some more grenades behind the machine gun
and a small med pack if you didn't notice already. Head right now and through
the large arch. A tank starts driving up towards you and a plane overhead helps
you out by dropping a bomb on it. You still must destroy it with grenades and
it's tough so run back for cover once in a while and pop out when the shooting
stops and lob a grenade on the tank, this takes 4 grenades thanks to the help
of the bomber.

Now once the tank is destroyed run to the right and take control of the machine
gun and shoot at the antiaircraft gun and all the guards that run out. Takes
quite a few shots to take the gun out but when you do objective 1 is complete.
Go right now through the fenced in area and up and left is a guard hiding, so
take him out. Another guard runs out after you kill the first so kill him next.
Collect their pistol rounds and a medicinal canteen and then enter the left
door. Once you take first step in this hallway stop and look ahead and left,
you'll see a guard attempting to shoot at you. Stay put as he throws 2 grenades
at you, then allow them to blow up and when the smoke clears shoot this dude.
At the end of the hall is a door and the game prompts you to use action button
to open the door but it's locked. Head left up the hall now and You'll collect
some grenades from the guy who was first throwing them at you. Up this hall aim
left and shoot another guard, collect more grenades from this dude.

Up the next hall look and aim left again and shoot the guard behind the wall
and collect some gun ammo now. Turn left at the top and you'll see a table with
some SMG rounds and a small med pack, collect if needed. Go up the stairs in
the back of this room and once at the top immediately take a left and shoot a
guard up here. In this room go to the back left and activate the light switch
here to turn on the landing lights for your escape plane to land and now the
2nd objective is complete. Remember where you couldn't open the door before, go
this way now as it's open. When you go out here 3 guards infiltrate the area
shooting, so quickly take aim or just go crazy using what I call the sparay
pattern and work it left to right or right to left shooting everything in your

Collect ammo, turn right and exit this level by boarding the plane by simply
walking up to it.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
Mission Name: Undercover In Crete
Number Of Levels In Mission: 3

12 June 1943
Mission 3 Level 1: Getting The Story

Mission Objectives: 1. Get Photo Pass 2. Get Restricted Pass 3. Get
Archaeology Pass 4. Photograph Map 5. Find Supply Schedule

You begin this mission equipped with the camera, making me wonder where it was
for the previous level, mysteriously it reappears in this one. Walk up to the
one window on your right and a guy will say Welcome to the Island and then
strike a disco pose LOL. Take his pic and then shoot him fast. Now enter the
room towards the back and another guard is standing there, aim your camera and
he says " How about this one"? Does that disco pose, LOL shoot him next.

Turn left now and shoot all the boxes and collect a bunch of pistol ammo, it
only takes you to 19 ammo so it isn't much help. Collect the Photo pass nearby,
now turn around and enter the ventilation duct by crouching and crawling
through it. Once through the duct get up and face a guard, who asks for your
papers, show them to him and he announces " Hey, you are not a photographer"
and draws his weapon, you know what to do, collect ammo. Leave this room and
you'll hear gunfire so allow it to happen, this is where the germans and the
Privateers are fighting each other. The privateers get killed and now you must
kill 2 guards quickly.

Turn right down the alley and collect the small med pack if needed. Don't try
shooting the box it's indestructible go and collect the pistol and Smg ammo off
the 2 guards you just killed. Head up this path and quickly take your first
right into a small alley and be prepared for gunfire from the right side wall
your hiding behind. A privateer runs in to the hall and attacks so shoot him
quickly and collect his ammo. Next take a right down another small alley and
kill the privateer that's on the left.

Head up the alley and take a left and when you see a doorway on the right head
to it and then quickly run back. A privateer runs in from the right, kill him.
Once you can get around the next corner quickly aim right and take out yet
another Privateer up ahead. Go right now to a larger opening and then left and
it seems a bit too quiet so head up and right up the next hall. Look left
before going too far up and you'll see a guard not aware of you. Equip the
silencer and get in an easy headshot so it won't alert other guards.

As soon as you enter here and go right a Privateer comes in from nowhere, so
shoot him quickly. Now collect the ammo from him and the other guard around the
right corner. Crouch down now and wait for the scene to erupt, allow it to
happen as the Privateers and German guards shoot each other. In the end, if
your lucky you'll only need to shoot one guard, cool eh? Before you go
collecting all that ammo be aware of the building to your left and the window.
Quickly aim and shoot the guard in here or he'll make quick work of you.

Enter this building to the left and in the back left corner on a desk is the
restricted pass, Objective 2 is complete. Now turn around and prepare to leave
and 2 guards run in from nowhere so get in some headshots and then collect
ammo. Head out right and follow the road up staying crouched. You'll see a
guard ahead who is distracted by a Privateer yelling "NAZI". Enter the doorway
to the left now and then collect some pistol rounds and a medicinal canteen.

Turn around now and head out left up the main road. Hug the right wall now and
go up a small ways, you'll see a guard walking up the road, shoot him in the
back and then collect his ammo. On your way up there, a Privateer jumps down
from the upper fence so quickly get rid of him and then keep going forward.
Stay glued to the right wall and you'll hear someone shooting like crazy. When
the shooting ceases for maybe a second and a half, quickly move up, aim right,
and kill the Privateer here.

Move up 1 step, literally,and another Privateer jumps over the wall in front of
you, take quick aim and kill this dude. Enter the room on the right and collect
ammo, and a medicinal canteen to the back of this small room. Go now and
collect the ammo from the wall leaper you killed and you'll see some stairs to
the left. Walk up a small ways and you'll see a brief glimpse of a Privateer.
Run back into the tiny room and wait for him to arrive in your line of fire and
make an easy kill.

Now go up the left side up the steps and follow the path around and down some
more steps. Go down a sloped area and a german guard will kill a Privateer, he
then approcahes you so kill him. Another Privateer runs out of the door of a
small building to your left, get in quick shots and take him down. Go left into
the small room with a medicinal canteen. Turn around and leave this room and
collect all the ammo from bad guys. Crouch down now and head up to the small
wall to your left. As soon as you get to it stand up, look ahead and to the
left and shoot the guard up ahead.

Collect his ammo and then enter the small crawl space and go through it. Crawl
out and stay crouched and crawl up to a doorway on the left, shoot the guard
here and another approaches from the right, shoot him next and collect ammo.
Enter the left doorway of the tiny room and in the back right corner near the
desk is the supply schedule, collect it and complete objective 4. Turn around
and be prepared for another guard who pops out of nowhere, shoot him collect

Leave here going left and use your camera now on the guard approaching take his
picture and then shoot him. Turn right immediately and kill the guard
approaching from the right. Another guard approaches from the background, shoot
him and ignore the room on the left, it's just a bunk room, nothing in there.
Next go right at the next section and open the door, the game will prompt not
all objectives met so turn around and remember this area for when you are ready
to exit.

Go back out and take a right up the road to the next room to the left, it has
some smg ammo and a small med pack to the left. Go to this back room now and
the game will prompt you to photograph the map but first walk to the desk and
get the archaelogy pass. Now use the aimer button and take a picture of the map
on the wall. Now all objectives are met so go back to where the truck is and
exit this level by walking into the back of the truck.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
12 June 1943
Mission 3 Level 2: What Lies At Knossos

Mission Objectives: 1. Eliminate Archaeologists 2. Locate Propoganda Report
3. Recover Relics 4. Destroy Bunker Supplies 5. Locate Bunker Entrance.

(This level will be re-edited in the future, when I mention to not destroy the
boxes, these are actually the bunker supplies. You must destroy all crates in
this level to complete the 4th objective.)

In this level just stand in place for a moment and wait for a guard to approach
from the right. Take his Pic and then shoot him and collect his smg ammo. Now
go down the right hall down a small slope to a room with a guard and some
vases, use camera on guard to blind him and then walk up and right to collect a
medicinal canteen. The vases are merely decorative, but destroyable if you want
to shoot them, although a waste of ammo really.

Head left now and keep on the main path till you you see an Archie ahead, blast
him and then go straight here down the hall and be careful here also. You'll
see a guard to the right so show him your papers and get on the other side of
him. You'll notice another guard behind him so get ready to equip the SMG gun
and blast quickly the 2 guards here. There is some crates in this room and they
can be shot but prove useless since there is no powerup items hidden within

Now go to the back left of the room and enter the room using the action button
to make the door lift. You'll see an arkie back here and he's a camera ham,
take as many snaps a him as you want, He'll pose every time. Shoot him and
collect his ammo when you're done fiddling around with the camera. Enter the
next door now and another arkie is here make sure you re-equipped the camera so
he won't suspect you and take his pic to distract him and then blast him.
Collect his ammo and now collect the 2 medicinal canteens and the postol rounds
to the right.

Go to the right box now and press action button to collect a relic. Turn back
around now and head all the way back to the hall where you killed the first
arkie. Go left up the hallway with the blue wave mural on the walls here. Over
here is almost the same kind of setup as the one room with the 2 guards. Wait
for the guard on the right to move up a bit so he's aligned with his buddy
behind him near the alarm. When they are close to each other use machine gun
and blast them both quickly. Shoot the left side crates and get a small
med-pack behind this bunch of crates.

Enter the right door now and go in to the right side till you see a guard and
an arkie in here. Ok this part can be a bit difficult but heres what to do.
Stand and speak with the guard and take a picture, quickly equip the silencer
don't aim and shoot point blank the guard. Aim up quickly and kill the arkie.
Next to the right pillar is some pistol ammo, collect it. Go up to where the
arkie was standing and collect the Porpaganda report and the small med pack.

Objective 2 is complete so now turn back around and leave the way you entered
here. Take a right at the door and turn left to a small hall with a guard. Show
him your papers and take him out, then quickly change back to the camera. Go up
right now in a hallway and you'll see a guard walking down the hall. He says
something, I can't understand him so take his picture and then kill him. I
could never manage to figure out why a General always ran up and managed to
turn the alarm on and I tried lots of times. If this happens run back to the
other room where you entered this hallway and make the guard follow you.

Kill him off and quickly run up to the alarm here and use action button to turn
it off. Go up right when you see an opening going that way once in the main
hall again and quickly shoot the guard with smg to get him dead. He won't
access the alarm but when you do get him killed, quickly equip the camera again
as another guard starts walking up. Another approaches from behind him so use
the same, line up method as with the others and you shouldn't have problems
taking these guys out.

At the hallway take a right and go down some steps and there is another arkie
here, get him dead and collect his ammo. To the left now is some pistol ammo,
collect it with the 2 small medicinal canteens on the ground. Turn back around
now and head up the first and then the second flight of stairs. Once up the
second flight go around the hall and a guard is walking down the hall. Show
your papers and then blast him or take his picture first and then blast, it's
up to you.

Now enter the door to the left and a guard is in here, so show papers, take
picture, blast, collect ammo then leave this pointless room. Go left now and
descend the steps to a dark sortve catacomb area and follow the hallway. Once
in this room do the same line up trick and make 2 extremely simple kills. Don't
bother equipping the camera this time but enter the door and shoot the guard in
the middle first, then the right one and then the left or however.

Collect their ammo and at this point turn around and go back the way you
entered, oh and the crates in this room are all empty. Take a left now and go
down the hall here. Up to the right you go and the room to the back and right
has a guard. Take care of him, collect his ammo and a pistol round and
medicinal canteen in the right corner. Turn around now heading left at the hall
and follow it down to the door, open it. Once in here kill the arkie and
onjective 1 is complete with all arkies eliminated. Collect the medicinal
canteen in the sill and then collect the relic in the box.

Turn around now and head out back to the room with the pillars. Take a left
back up the stairway and follow the hall to the top of the steps. Follow the
hall around till you get to the 2 sets of steps leading down. descend the first
set of steps and then go right at this hallway and follow it to the end of the
hall and go right. Take your first left and open this door. Apparently the
computer lied when it said all arkies were eliminated so kill this one and
collect the final relic and objective 3 is complete. Head back to the pillar
room now and when you see the doorway where you killed the 3 guards, you'll see
a box that's tied to the ceiling so enter here, then further back is another
hall. Turn right and kill the guard and your final objective is met, walk out
the left doors to end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
12 June 1943
Mission 3 Level 3: Labyrinth

Mission Objectives: 1. Locate Artillery Bunker 2. Destroy All Cannons 3.
Locate Communications Room 4. Destroy Comm Devices

Equip your Silencer for this first part and crouch down. Wait around a small
bit till you begin hearing gunfire. A guard will run up the steps to your left,
aim and blast this guy. As long as you stay crouched you can mosy out to the
stairway in the middle and not be hit. A guard on the right and another on the
left, aim carefully and kill these 2 guys easily.

Go down the steps and collect the amg ammo from the 2 guards killed and then
turn right. Destory the box to you right and collect more smg ammo. The box in
the middle is indestructible, don't bother trying to destroy it. Head right now
and go straight up the hall to a door at the end. Open the door and kill the 2
guards back here, your 3rd objective is now complete. Equip a weapon now and
shoot at the communications equipment and now your 5th objective is complete.
In the right section of this room collect some grenades and a small med pack.
Leave this room and take your first left to the next hallway you passed

Take your first right when you go up the middle hallway and when you approach
the middle section of this hallway, stop. You may hear a slight clicking sound,
wait maybe 3 seconds and wait for a grenade to blow over, next room over.

Quickly turn right and shoot the guard at the bottom of the steps, if you're
too slow doing this, he'll chuck another grenade your way. Stop when you
collect his ammo, look left and you'll see a guard shooting at you from behind
a crate. Aim and blast him, the quickly look up and left on the walk you're on
now and blast another guard. Get in crouch position and creep down the steps.
Remember the crate you killed the last guy at, a few seconds another does the
same thing so again, aim here and shoot the guard there.

Move back up the stairway staying crouched and on the stone railing is a smg
ammo, further back up the steps is a small med pack. Stand up now when you get
the small med pack and another guard is standing behind that same crate so
shoot him. Go down the steps of just drop down to the main area and head up
this path. Make sure you stay crouched and then head up to where the hall veers
right. Look right and you'll see a guard walking towards you. Go back and hug
the right wall, aim up and wait for him to get in your field of fire and blast

Head up the right hall, and when you get to the middle part, stand up and blast
the 2 guards running after you. Head up the right side of the fountain and
collect the medicinal canteen sitting on the fountain ledge if needed. Once in
this room stay in the center of it and aim for just above the right crate and
keep the aimer there. 2 guards will pop up there so blast one, wait for the
other to raise his gun up and quickly blast him.

Go right up the next hall and look right when entering this room and collect
the grenades and the medicinal canteen down here. 2 guards run into the room
now so run back to the right or left wall where you entered here for cover, aim
and shoot them both from beide the wall, collect ammo. Stay centerd up this
hallway and you'll eventually start hearing gunfire. Wait for 2 guards to run
in, aim right first and kill the first guard, quickly turn around and kill the
other attacking from the left.

Quickly turn back around again and a guard is up on the left hiding by a wall
this way, blast him next. Go around left and then around this room and collect
2 medicinal canteens on the ledge. Make your way around and next to the left
wall is some smg ammo get that next. Peek around this corner and a guy starts
shooting at you. Run back a small ways and aim right, a guard runs in and you
make an easy kill. Run past that same section again and sweep out another
guard. He'll run to the room and hide beside the right wall, careful though, he
has grenades, blast him quickly.

In this next room head right and this will sweeep out 3 guards who all shoot
from the same spot, go nuts with the gun and kill these 3 guards. There was a
door with a hall the guards came out of but don't enter here yet. Go around the
room, collect some more grenades back here and shoot another guard up this hall
near another door. Open this door and head up this way now. Follow the hallway
around till you can see a small med pack in the left corner but don't collect
it yet. Equip your grenades and throw one around the corner and kill the guard
here. Now collect the small med pack and get prepared.

Aim up and right and make a quick kill from far away and then quickly spray
right and kill other guard hiding behind pillars. Move up to where you killed
the guys and equip a grenade, throw it at the next set of pillars directly
center and shoot at the grenade. This makes the delay of the blast detonate
immediately and kill off the 2 guards ahead hiding behind the pillars. Collect
the small medicinal canteen from the first left pillar and the ammo from the
right pillar. Along the same column of pillars you got the ammo go up and
collect the small medicinal canteen.

Equip your grenades and throw it dead center of the last section of pillars and
take out the last 2 guards. Collect the grenade pack and medicinal canteen over
here and then open the door back here. Once you enter these doors the first
objective is complete. Immediately upon doing this turn around immediately and
shoot guards from the second set of pillars on both sides. Head up the right
hall now and equip your grenades. Once you see the room to the left chuck one
around the corner and kill the 2 guards here. Try throwing it on top of the
artillery gun right in the middle too, and it will also be destroyed.

Head to the other side now and keep grenades equipped and do the same thing
here. This will complete your 2nd objective and now all are complete. Turn left
and use the doors to exit this level. Watch the interactive movie and save if
you like.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
Mission Name: Wewelsburg: Dark Camelot
Number Of Levels In Mission: 3

19 September 1943
Mission 4 Level 1: Ascent To The Castle

Mission Objctives: 1. Find A Crowbar 2. Find Wire Cutters 3. Destroy Radio
4. Steal A Cable Car

(Shooting boxes in this level reveals powerup items.)

Crouch at the beginning and crawl up the train tracks till you see an opening
to the right. There is a guard over here who is completely unaware of you being
there, which makes for an easy kill. Go over and get his ammo but don't change
weapons as of yet. Go up the tracks a bit more and to the left you'll see
another guard unaware of you being there. Shoot him next and another guard
comes running. Run back beside the forest and shoot the guard when he runs
after you. Switch now to the other gun and blast 2 more guards ahead.

Collect their ammo and a medicinal canteen as well as a small med pack on the
right side of the tracks. Head across the bridge and once across crouch and hug
the left side of the brush. Crawl ahead a bit and you'll see a guard walking
towards you. Get to cover behind the brush and wait for that guard to walk up.
Kill him with the gun and 2 more guards come running, stay aimed and left and
shoot when you see the guards. Another guard will come running when you walk
out to the tracks so kill him quickly and collect ammo and a medicinal canteen.

Crawl along up the tracks until you see a guard just to the left in the foggy
distance. Use your Big Joe on him and a guard will take a while but will run in
from the left, switch to the gun now and blast him. Go up beside the building
the last guard was standing at and collect ammo. Walk up till you see a
clearing to the left and you'll hear loud gunshots. Step back a bit and wait
for the guard to come running from the left side of the building and blast him.

Now head around to the other side of the building and enter the doorway. Climb
the ladder and collect the small med pack on the loft and the crowbar to the
left of it and objective 1 is complete. Now go
back to where you killed the last dude and there is a small patch of forest
showing you can crouch here and crawl through it. Crawl through and you'll see
a guard ahead shuffling around. Kill him and then climb out of this space,
collecting his ammo. Climb out and walk to the building on the left keeping
close to the left wall as cover. Shoot the guard around this corner and collect
his ammo as you enter the building.

As soon as you turn left you see a guy peeing in the corner so blast him before
he notices you. Run to the back right corner and collect some gun ammo and then
go to the toilet where the guy was and collect his ammo. Now head around the
main hallway and follow it to the next room. Once in this room, immediately
turn around and blast a guard that approaches. Walk to the oven now and collect
2 medicinal canteens if needed, then head out of this building the same way you
entered it.

Head out the building left and blast a guard in this back section and collect
the medicinal canteen he drops. Turn around now and you'll head up and left,
hugging the fence and a new path opens up to another section of the train
tracks. At the opening take a right and stay close to the right side near the
brush. There is a guy sitting around back here, shoot him and collect his ammo
and a medicinal canteen.

Turn around now and hug the right side of the tracks staying crouched and head
up the tracks a bit. A guard will run in from the left so blast him and collect
his ammo and medicinal canteen if needed. Up ahead is a guard just standing
around so now take out your Sniper rifle and get in an easy headshot. Head up
the tracks a bit and off to the left is a lookout tower that is manned. Use
your sniper rifle and get a close up shot for the easier kill.

Go up to the watch tower now and collect some ammo and a small med pack if
needed. Aim out of the watch tower and shoot opposition now running your way.
The first set of guards is around 3 and they are spread out so make quick work
of them. Then another 2 run up, one stays center and the other takes cover by
hiding behind the right building. Kill them both and then another guard runs
in. He makes cover on the same right side building so just aim right and blast
him next.

Leave the watch tower and go out to the main clearing and a guard runs in from
the right blast him next. No time to rest, quickly look left and up and shoot
the guard in the tower. Run up to the watch tower and collect a small med pack
if you need it and then head out the main path. Hug the right side of brush and
2 guards run out, kill them and collect ammo and a medicinal canteen. Now you
have 2 paths to take, the bridge or the right path, take the right path for now
and when you see a building head around the right side.

You'll see 2 guards standing guard at the doorway of the building start opening
your spray lead can and kill them. Another guard runs out the doorway, and
quickly cowers back to inside the building. Collect some ammo and a medicinal
canteen from last bunch then enter the building. Collect the small med pack and
now shoot the radio on the table to the right. Now objective 3 is complete,
turn around quickly and shoot a guard that tries running in. Another grenade
toting dude is just outside. Keep aimer up and on the right side of the door so
when he runs up to the side, killing him, NO prob.

Collect ammo and another small med pack, I suppose the grenade guy dropped it.
Leave the building and head out to where the bridge is and continue going that
way. When you walk up the road, half-way immediately turn around and blast the
2 guys on the ground. Turn back around and quickly disperse the guards ahead in
the distance. Collect ammo and a medicinal canteen here and then look in the
doorway f this building. See the guard to the back left? Shoot him first,
another guard runs in from right on the left side of the doorway, very close to
you, shoot quickly and collect ammo.

Go to the left now and in this section you'll go back a small ways and see some
Cable Car Controls. Use the crowbar on the switch to the right of the controls.

Turn back around and in the main room is 2 guards shooting, kill them and
collect their ammo. Head back to where the equipment was and go straight here.
You'll see a guard ahead so shoot at him and more run in closer so shoot them
and then head around left to a small room with ammo and small med pack so
collect it. Kill the guard to your right now.

Head back around the corner now and you'll see a hatch to fall through, fall
here and shoot the guard down here. Grab the wire cutters and objective 2 is
complete. Head back up the ladder now and go back to the control room where the
cable car is. To the left is some wires to cut with the wire cutters, use
action button to perform this and the doors to the cable car slide open. Head
back to the main room now where you first entered this building and walk back
to the right a small ways and board the cable car to end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
19 September 1943
Mission 4 Level 2: Dark Valhalla

Mission Objectives: 1. Enter The Castle 2. Get Knife Of Abraham 3. Find
Demolition Charges 4. Get Contents Of Safe 5. Find Valhalla

When you start this level the cable car doors slide open and you are defaultly
equipped with the rifle. Switch to the machine gun and head out the car and
then right. Go right and follow the guy up the path shooting him when you are
ready. Switch to the sniper rifle and go up a small ways. There is a guard up
ahead standing guard, use the aimer button to activate the scope and aim for
the head and shoot him next. Collect medicinal canteen from the last guy and
the SMG rounds from the guy you just shot.

Head up the same path and when you see a tower in the diatance aim up and left
with the sniper rifle and shoot the guard up here, a nice, safe distance kill.
Collect his ammo once through the castle doors they shut, so no turning back
now. Head up the to the middle section of the hallway with sniper rifle
equipped and look ahead and left using the aimer on the rifle. Shoot the guard
standing there and another is alerted so quickly switch to the machine gun and
aim to the left wall where he hides and shoot him.

You will probably still hear the sound of feet shuffling so wait right there. 2
guards run in from the right and position themselves on both sides of the
doorways. Shoot in whichever order suits you best. Head through the large
opening and objective 1 is complete. Collect their ammo and then look and wait
right, another guard enters the room, blast him and collect his ammo.
Immediately turn around as a guard pops out of nowhere behind you, quickly get
rid of him.

Make a right and head up the hallway here and just follow the basic path. You
climb some winding stairs and make it to a room with a small med pack and rifle
rounds. Now go back to where you first entered the castle and enter the 2 large
doors to the left. Take a left right away once through these doors and enter
the crawl space. Go through it and to the right is a guard standing there. Use
the sniper rifle to shoot him and then quickly switch to machine gun and take
out the guard that is running around.

Stand up now and take your first right into the next room and shoot a guard in
here. Get rifle rounds now and there is a box standing upright next to a desk.
Pick this up and complete objective 3. Collect the medicinal canteen if needed
and then Leave this room. Head out left now and crawl back through the crawl
space and once out follow the main hallway. When you get to this main hall
where you first entered to the right, go left and enter the large doors. This
is some type of treasure room so go left, there is nothing to get here.

Head back into this room and there is a center pedastal with the Knife Of
Abraham. Use action to take it and your second objective is now complete. Turn
back around and leave this room taking a left at the main hall and following it
around. Towards the end of the hall on the left is another crawl space to enter
so crawl through it. Once towards the end you may hear some gunfire. Stay at
this end part and look right, you'll eventually see a guard pop up so shoot
him. Head out to the middle now and a guard runs in from the left. Kill him and
collect ammo.

This room is where Himmel and his own version of the round table of Knights is.
Collect the 2 small medicinal canteens on the left side of the table and
continue through the doors. Go down the winding staircase and take your first
right to another hall. Walk up about half way and then stop in the hallway.
You'll hear a guy yell something in German and 2 guards run in and take either
side of the walls, left and right. Kill them and collect ammo. In this roundish
room there is a hatch towards the back, climb down the ladder here. Once down
here BE EXREMELY CAREFUL!!!. See those Knights with Nazi symbols on them? They
aint statues, head to the next room to see what I mean.

They slash at you and can kill you very easily, just run farrrr back down the
hall, and shoot with the machine gun at them. They take lots of bullets to kill
but they are killable. Once you kill them head into that next room where you
first activated them. Once in this room, turn left and use action button to
place a bomb on the safe. Run back and collect a field surgeons pack while
you're waiting for the charge to blow. Once the door blows open walk up and
collect the safe contents and now objective 4 is complete.

Leave this area and climb back up the ladder, going left once at the top and
following the main hallway. Further up is 2 guards using the right and left
walls as cover. Aim from a safe distance and shoot them and collect their ammo.
Enter the tiny hall to the right now and take a left right away and follow this
hall up. Once you get to a room with a wooden floor walk to the center area.
Look up and right and use the sniper rifle to take out a general smoking a

Incidentially he drops a small med pack but don't get tempted to get it yet,
it's a trap. Walk up, hugging the right wall, peek out and shoot the guard to
the right and then collect the small med pack. Turn around right away and
you'll see a Nazi Knight like earlier just standing like a statue. Make use of
it not moving by shooting it now. Eventually after a few shots it will start
moving but then just a few more bullets takes him down rather easily. Head up
the right now and climb the first set of steps. On the second steps going right
again stop half way up them. Equip the sniper rifle and shoot the guard ahead
on the left.

Head up the left hall where some meals on wheels carts are I guess and you will
hear a guy say something once half way up the hall. Once up here, immediately
run back far as this guy on the left lobs a grenade at you. Look up and left
and shoot him and kill him. Collect his medicinal canteen and when you see a
doorway to the right, quickly turn right and get in a quick headshot on the
knight running at you to make a quicker kill.

Go in the room now and collect the ammo and med pack. Stick around here too
long and the guards will keep spawning in and you must keep killing them so
leave quickly. Enter the hall quickly again and run across to the left room and
collect a Field surgeons pack to the left of the desk. Immediately turn around
and blast a guy that runs in to the left wall for cover and blast him. Enter
the hall now and head up left in the next room there is some rifle ammo back
here so collect it next.

There is a door to the back left, upon opening it 2 knights run after you. Try
getting in headshots and constantly move so they can't hit you. I know it
sounds impossible but it can be done, kill them off and enter the next room.
Take another right in this round room and out the doorway to the right a guard
stands in the distance. Equip the sniper rifle and take care of him.

I don't know if this will happen for you but it did for me. Immediately look
left after killing this guy, a guard runs in so shoot him. There is a grenade
guard standing in the left doorway and this is what happened. He got stuck in
the doorway and blew himself up. If this doesen't work for you, aim left and
shoot him quickly. Enter the left door now and collect his medicinal canteen
and follow this wooden floored hallway.

When you reach this next room turn right but don't go down the stairs yet. Some
guy yells something like, his arm hurts, sounded like that and he runs up the
steps. Take cover on the wall to your left and shoot him from around the
corner. Head down the stairs now and around the left side of the room and there
is more stairs leading down. About 4 guards start running up the steps so take
the time and blast them and then collect their ammo.

As you start making your way down this set a steps, 3 Knights run after you,
Run back to the room you entered here at and take aim for all 3 guys and make 3
easy headshots. When you get ready to enter the next room another Knight enters
from the door towards the back. Run a small ways up the hall and get in a
headshot. Enter this room after that last knight dies, and you will complete
your last objective. Walk around the left side of the room and exit this level.
Save if you like.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

20 September 1943
Mission 4 Level 3: A Vicious Cycle

Mission Objectives: 1. Destroy Bridge To Barracks 2. Destroy Siren Controls
3. Go To Safe House

(Note: Along one of the roads, is a bridge and when you head down it you'll see
a building to the left. Head up this path and shoot some guards. Enter the
building now and shoot at the siren controls to complete objective 2. Turn
around and blast 2 more guards on your way out. I overlooked this area and just
caught where I missed destroying the siren controls. Just remember a road with
a bridge to the right and a building to the left where a path leads up to,
otherwise objective 2 will never complete.)

If you played the first Medal Of Honor, this level looks just like the Attack
on Ft. Schmerzen level. Head down the steps and enter the woods. Go down the
path till you see a clearing and aim right to shoot a guard hiding behind a
tree. Immediately aim left and shoot another guard hiding behind a tree here,
collect ammo. Head right now and follow the next path to the middle and 3
guards pop out, take cover further back and shoot from behind the brush, then
collect ammo.

Once to another opening head left and follow this small path down. Another
clearing now and you'll hear a motorcycle start up and start riding around.
Allow them to turn your way, and when they face you start shooting by aiming at
the drivers head. He'll crash the cycle into the tree on the right, cool. Walk
to the cycle and 2 more guards pop out so shoot them next. Head out to the
right now and a siren will start sounding. Head up the left path and you will
eventually see a guy next to a gate to the left. Shoot him before he sees you,
then immediately turn right and shoot 2 more guards hiding behind the brush.

Head right, down the road a bit and you'll hear another motorcycle moving. A
guard runs up first take care of him. The motorcycle will be heading right for
you so move to the right side of the road and aim for the drivers head to make
him crash. Collect the granades from the biker and then keep heading down the
road. A guard will ebentually run up from the road so get rid of him now. Turn
left at the path just beofore the gate and shoot a guard up here.

Once to the opening head out to the left tree by staying crouched. Equip a
grenade here just for kicks and throw it at the guard standing to your right.
One comes in from the left, so switch to a gun and shoot him next. Collect his
grenades and the Small Med pack down here to the right. Go down the path now
and when you get to the clearing immediately aim left and kill a guard here,
immediately turn right and kill another guard, collect ammo.

Head up left now and you will see the bridge to the barracks. Place 4 explosive
charges on the different sections of the bridge and run away and wait for it to
blow. Look up and left and you'll see a guard in a watch tower, get him next
and then follow the road right. Head down about mid-ways on the road and chuck
a grenade down this way. By the time the one guard gets ready to throw it, he
blows himself and his 2 buddies up. If that doesen't work, just shoot them from
safe distance and collect ammo.

Head down the road a bit and you'll see a watch tower to your left. Kill the
guard inside here and immediately kill the guard further down the road. Turn
around now and kill the guard who approaches from behind. Go down the road a
tiny bit and you'll see a guard walking. Run back a small ways and equip a
grenade, lob it at him and make an easy kill, collect his medicinal canteen. Go
down the road a bit and kill a guard to the right, you'll hear a motorcycle
coming up the road. Equip a grenade quickly and throw it left. The cycle drives
up and right over the grenade. Run back a bit and the cycle will blow up.

Collect medicinal canteen and then the grenades when heading down the road
again. Make a right before reaching the bridge ahead and head down this path
now. At the end of the path to the left you'll see an arch. Equip a grenade and
lob one down there, also make sure you were crouched to get it in there good,
blow up guards and collect goodies. Head to the right side of the road now and
enter the Poison Ivy crawl space. Well it might be Poison Ivy, anyways head
through this section and then once at the clearing aim left. Shoot the guard
that runs up and collect the small med pack he drops.

Head left now on another small patch of road and kill a guard to the right side
of the road. Kill another one and then collect the granade pack. Turn left now
and enter another Poison Ivy patch,path and head through it. Upon heading out
of this space 2 guards are out there, they'll notice you but won't crouch down
to shoot till you shoot first. Simple kills here collect medicinal cantten and
some ammo. Now in the clearing head left up the road a bit, equip your
grenades. Throw one quickly when you hear the motorcycle and blow these guys
up. Collect a small med pack and a medicinal canteen.

Head up the road now and 2 guards run in from the right, shoot them quickly and
collect ammo. Now stay where you're at and use sniper rifle and aim dead
center. A guard walks in so make a quick,easy kill and collect ammo. A guard
will now approach from the right doorway, turn right quickly and kill him next.
Head into the doorway where you shot the last dude and follow the hallway to a
doorway. 2 guards here who run in to you, shoot them and collect ammo. Collect
the small med pack and head into the safe house to end this level. Save and
watch movies.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

Mission Name: Last Rights At Monte Cassino
Number Of Levels In this mission: 3


15 June 1944
Mission 5 Level 1: Roundabout

Mission Objectives: 1. Disable Guard Tower 2. Destroy Supply Trucks 3.
Destroy Supply Depot 4. Locate Crypt Entrance.

Walk up the path a ways and kill 2 guards ahead. Look left and ahead and shoot
another guard in a tower. Immediately turn left now and shoot the guard over
here. Go around the trees and go left and take the SMG ammo back here. Get on
the path now ahead of you and keep going along the road here. Turn left at the
beginning of the path and take the medicinal canteen next to the tree. 2 guards
come running up now, so take care of them and collect their ammo.

Head up the path till you see a barbed wire fence and turn right. Run back when
you see the guard here and aim left, surprisingly. Shoot 2 guards that run in.
Immediately aim right and move close to the brush on the right side, blast the
guy hiding here. Go left first and collect the ammo back here now go right and
at the back of the barbed wire fence is a medicinal canteen to collect if you
need it. Back here make a right and head down this path next. A guard runs up,
Big surprise eh? Shoot him and take his ammo and keep following the path up.

Head up the middle section of the path and stop. Aim ahead and right and kill
the guard next to the left tree. Now get the guard hiding behind the more
further left tree and collect ammo. Drop down this small ditch and you'll see 2
guards to the right, you'll also see a truck coming in from the right. Equip
your bazooka and shoot the supply truck first, if you let the truck escape you
must restart this mission. Now kill the 2 guards to the right of you.

Be prepared, this section is much harder than I thought. Save those med packs
behind you for when you really need them. You'll need to keep up with shooting
guards running from the right and once you kill off a bunch of them, switch to
the panzerfaust gun and shoot the trucks. You must destroy 4 trucks here and
kill many guards. Collect small med packs now and head up this way.

Near the gate when turning to take the left path, there is another small med
pack here. Collect it and head up the road. Go up until you see some land
sticking out to the left and 2 guards pop up. Kill them, collect their ammo and
keep going up the road. Once you see a long straight path, you'll see 2 guards
ahead, eliminate them quickly and keep going ahead on the path. When at the
clearing run right and stay against the gate. 2 guards run up and staying close
to this gate, ensures you won't get hit.

Aim ahead and take them out, quickly walk right to the right tree and collect
some panzerfaust shells and a small med pack. Equip the panzerfaust and a truck
will drive up. Destroy that truck and the guard running to the left of it gets
destroyed also. Quickly now, equip your smg gun and aim right. Shoot the guard
coming from the right and collect some pistol ammo to the left, and some

Go back to the right now and collect the small med pack beside the tree. Walk
up the road and stop before the bridge, equip the panzerfaust. Shoot the truck
when it comes your way, probably take 2 hits. Now walk up the road a small ways
and shoot 2 guards up ahead. Next equip your panzerfaust and the final truck to
destroy is coming so shoot it with 2 shots and objective 2 is complete. Go up
the road and collect ammo and another guard runs up from the right. Shoot him
and then collect his ammo.

Keep on going up this road until you get to the small flat roofed buildings.
Turn left and you'll see a small opening there, aim there and shoot the guard
that comes out. Quickly look up and left and there is another guard back here.
Shoot him quickly and watch him, if he lobs something at you run back for
cover, they are grenades. Shoot him and collect the first guys ammo. Shoot the
boxes to the left and immediately aim and shoot right at a guard coming towards
you. Shoot the barrel to the right now and you'll take out a guard that is
stupid enough to be near it while shooting.

Where you killed the guard near the barrel go back here and collect some smg
ammo. Turn left and use the action button to place charges in the guard tower.
The first objective is now complete and now head out left. Go in between the
buildings and you'll see a box on the floor, destroy it and objective 3 is
complete, just 1 more to go. Turn left after destroying the supply depot and
take your first right into another foresty path.

Up a small ways is a guard near an opening so shoot him, he won't see you if
you keep your distance which makes it easier. Walk up to where that guy was
standing and you'll complete your last objctive. Fall down the ledge and climb
the ladder to end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

15 June 1944
Mission 5 Level 2: Prisoners Of War

Mission Objectives: 1. Free Captain 2. Rescue Pilots From Cells 3. Protect
Captain 4. Destroy War Room 5. Eliminate Command Staff

Climb out of the hatch and head to the right side of the room for some grenades
and sten ammo. Now head out left and there is some stairs back here. A guard
will walk down them so stay next to the left wall and shoot him when he comes
into view. If you got hurt during that, head back to the ammo and grenade area
and collect the medicinal canteen. Now go up the steps and follow the hall up.
Go right and go up another set of stairs. Up here equip the grenade and throw
it to the right and this will blow up a guard over here. Collect his ammo and
then head out right.

Up this way turn left and shoot through the window getting in a headshot on the
guard standing by it. DON'T shoot the guy sitting at the table, this is the
captain and if you kill him the mission ends and you must restart it. You'll
now have your first objective complete. Now just follow the captain up to the
right and ahead and to the right some guards are attacking, make sure you shoot
and kill them, covering the captain while he picks the lock.

In the prisoners cell to the right of his cot is a small med pack, collect if
needed and then leave here staying close to the captain. Run up the next area
and he will start picking the lock after he shoots the guard on the right.
While he's occupied picking locks turn up the right hall and kill the guard
running down that hallway. The next prisoner is freed so enter his room and on
near the left cot is another small med pack, collect if needed. Turn around and
leave this cell and keep close to the captain. Run to the right side of the
hallway and use your body as a shield for the captain.

Aim ahead and left around the corner and shoot 2 guards shooting at you. Go to
the left side of this cell and collect another small med pack if needed. Turn
around and leave here and keep following the captain. When he gets to the next
cell immediately turn around and the doorway closer to the right a guard pops
out. Shoot him and then ahead and right 2 more guards pop out shoot them next.
Go back to aiming at the doorway and another guard runs out here, blast him
next. In the Cell near what else? The cot is what? Another Small Med Pack,
collect it.

Head out of this cell and keep following the captain to the next cell. Up here
it gets kinda difficult, Aim up and left and allow the captain to take out the
guys on the right. He may take some hits and he might even be in your line of
fire with the guys ahead and left. If he moves in front of you, stop shooting,
or it's mission over. Kill all these guards and then another guard takes the
corner so shoot him. 2 more guards further down the long hallway come out,
shoot them next. He arrives at the final cell and when he successfully frees
his last comrade your 2nd and 3rd objective are complete.

Enter the cell and collect the small med pack and leave here going right. Head
up ahead of the captain here and shoot the guards from the right. ANother shows
up from the left and shother on the stairs ahead. Collect the grenades, and
ammo and small medicinal canteen here and head up the stairs around the right
corner. Once at the top of the stairs look left and kill the 2 guards that pop
out. 2 more guards run up a second later so blast them next and enter this
large hallway.

Turn left and on both sides here collect 4 medicinal canteens if you need them.
Now head right and you will walk back to a pedastal and behind it is a pistol
round and some grenades collect these and then turn around here. There is a
hidden door here and when your near it you press action and it will slide left.
Descend the stairs and equip either the grenade or the panzerfaust makes no
difference. Lob a grenade or shoot the panzerfaust down into this room and
you'll complete objective 4 and take out 2 guards too.

Immediately turn around and shoot 2 more guards and your final objective is
complete. Walk down into the war room if you want and collect some grenades to
the left and 2 small med packs to the right. Turn back around now and climb
back out to the main, large hall. Once back in this large hall be prepared for
some serious gun shootouts. Every time you go up one set of columns 2 guards
from the right and left pop out. What I did was ran ahead and lured them all
out while they grouped together. Pulled out my Panzerfaust and shot the one guy
in the front and the blast took them all out. An alternative is to run behind
the pedastal near the hidden door, hide there and make cover shots.

It's up to you which way you'd rather do it, now just enter the large doors and
end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

15 June 1944
Mission 5 Level 3: Mayhem In The Monestary

Mission Objectives: 1. Locate Quartermaster Ledger 2. Destroy Munitions 3.
Destroy Supplies 4. Destroy All Half Trucks

Head up a tiny ways and up to the right is a guard who pops out, get him first
and collect his ammo. Go right, now and go to this small hall aligned with
lights. Aim ahead and left, and about 3 pillars up a guard pops out so shoot
him first. Collect that ammo and aim up and left quickly and kill the guard at
the last pillar at the back of the room. Another guard from the center section
and left comes running in, aim left and kill him next.

Right about this time face forward and aim left, a guard will run in from the
left pillar you're closest to so blast him. Where the guard was running from
the middle part from the left, is a statue in the middle of this room. Behind
it is a small med pack collect it if needed. Back to the left and beside the
last, left pillar is some ammo collect this next.

Turn back right now and enter this hallway and follow it up. You'll see some
guard back there, so shoot them from safety with the smg gun with headshots, or
the spray pattern when the other runs towards you. Head half-way up the hall
till you see an opening to the right. Stop here and wait for the guard to round
the corner and take him out. Enter the room he ran out from and collect a small
med pack to the left and a panzer shell to the right. Leave here going right,
up the main hallway.

Take a left and by now you'll hear a truck moving around somewhere. Go up this
hall and shoot the guard that is using the left pillar as cover. The half truck
will now drive up, equip the panzer and shoot it twice to destroy it. Hug the
right wall and move a small ways up the hall and you'll see this room resembles
the first one where you began this mission. Stay right next to the first left
pillar and aim up and left and kill a guard up there. Now look and aim left and
kill another guard out here to the left. A guard only 1 pillar ahead and to the
left of you pops out, eliminate him next.

Head out in the middle section now and immediately aim right, for the last
pillar and kill a guard over here. Head towards the steps and on the left side
before climbing them is a small med pack, collect it and climb the steps. Head
about half way up till you can see 2 guards hiding on either side of the pillar
ahead. Quickly run back down the steps, now you know where they are located
equip the machine gun and run up and blast one. Run back to safety and then
blast the other, collect their ammo.

Back to the right coner near the right set of doors is some grenades so collect
those next and head up the left hall. Turn right as soon as you reach the end
of the hall and quickly terminate the guard here. Turn around immediately and
kill 3 more guards running down the hall, collect their ammo and then go right.
At this back hall is a small med pack, left, and some smg ammo right.

Once you see the open area to the right you'll be able to collect some sten
ammo on the sill. Keep going straight here and half way up this stone walk,
stop and aim right. Kill 2 guards around the corner then once around the corner
quickly kill a third guard. Collect ammo and keep on follwoing the path till
you see a large opening going left. Chuck a grenade down here and you'll blow
up one guard. Get in the open and quickly aim right and ahead and kill a guard
by the wall.

Don't go this way just yet, turn back around and go to the end of the hall
where it gets dark and collect some grenades and a small med pack. Now go back
where you shot those last guards and keep going along this way. Once at the
right side of the wall near the end of this hall shoot 2 more guards that pop
out on the right.

Around the next corner arm a grenade and throw it out there, you'll blow up 2
guards over here. By now you'll be hearing a truck so enter the duct to the
right and crawl through it. You'll see a guard up here, shoot him and then
crawl out just a hair. Another guard runs up so shoot him next, another behind
him so take him out. Look out left and you'll see a large opening area that's
outside and the truck driving around. To the right out here is a panzerfaust
shell, collect it.

Turn around now and take control of that .50 caliber machinegun. Shoot all the
boxes on the ground and objective 2 is complete, now a guard runs in from the
left, easily kill him. Now just go nuts with the gun and keep shooting that
truck. This saves you a panzer faust shell or 2 for later. To the left of the
gun ahead a bit near the wall is some grenades so take them next. Beside this
pillar on the right just opposite the grenades is another small med pack,
collect if needed.

Turn around now and in the back right section where you use the .50 caliber is
a doorway. Don't go through here just yet, equip a grenade and throw it inside
there to take out 2 guards. Enter the room and collect ammo, right away turn
around and aim right. Kill 2 more guards hiding back here. Enter the small
right hallway now and follow it to the end and then go left. Head down a small
bit till you see the first guard. Run back and right for the wall for cover and
then throw the grenade once out in the open.

This will take care of all opposition down the next room. Once in this room,
turn right and collect a medicinal canteen and some pistol rounds. Just as you
do that, ahead 2 guards casually walk by, one walking right and one walking
left. Get the early jump and shoot these guys and then Collect ammo. When you
collect the second guys ammo stop, aim right and kill a guard that hides by the

Keep right where you're at and you'll shoot about 6 more guys that keep on
running from the right. Now you'll see a ladder leading up so climb it next.
Once up here you can take control of a .50 caliber. Shoot the boxes below and
you'll blow up the guard below manning another .50 caliber. Shoot all boxes
down there and you'll complete objective 4. Go down the ladder now and collect
ammo and a small med pack near the back section where you must crouch and crawl
through now.

Crawl through and shoot 3 guards from down here anc then crawl out and collect
their ammo. There is also a box in this room to the right, walk up to it and
collect the ledger and now your first objective is complete. Head to the left
now and stop when half way in this hall, aim right and wait for the idiot
German guards to run to your crossfire trap, blast them. Turn up the right hall
and again stop when half way up this hall. Aim left and you'll hear a guard
yell something, 2 guards run in from the left, blast them.

Collect their ammo and on the right sill is another panzerfaust shell, get it
now up one more sill is some grenades get these next. Now head up the walk and
take your first left up some stairs. 2 guards will run from the right wall,
kill them and collect their ammo. At the top of the steps and back a small ways
you'll hear another truck running. A guard pops out from the left doorway so
blast him. Now equip your panzerfaust gun and get rid of the truck driving

Once this Track is gone your final objective is complete. Collect another
panzer shell to you left if you want to. Head to the right side of the room and
up this path is a small med pack collect if needed. Head to the left side now
and collect some grenades, back in the left of the building ahead is a guard.
He'll run up a bit so shoot him, and a guard will then run into the building
ahead. Take cover where the last guy you killed was at and the last guard of
the level will approach. Kill him and then enter the last section and end this
level through the door.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************


Mission Name: A Mittelwerk Saboteur
Number Of Levels In Mission: 3

4 July 1944
Mission 6 Level 1: Plans For Destruction

Mission Objectives: 1. Find The Explosives Backpack 2. Get The Plans For The
Factory 3. Activate The Generator 4. Activate The Tram

Finally, the shotgun. Head up and when you can go right you'll see a guard
approaching from that direction. Shoot him and another will come running so get
him next. Switch to the machine gun now and look back a little and you'll see a
guard standing on a wall. The shotgun doesen't have the range to make the kill
which is why you needed to change guns. Head forward now until you reach the
section where the last guard on the wall was. Collect some grenades and head
right, now along this next path.

Don't bother shooting the barrels, here they don't give anything. When you see
a large crate to the left ahead on the path stop and aim left and just above
it. You'll see a guard peek his head over the crate and shoot at you. Kill him
first and then head up to the crate, a guard will be to the right of you. Duck
down and use the crate as cover and when the guy runs right, stand up and aim
right. He runs back in just so you can blast him. Walk right and collect the
shotgun ammo from the guy you killed over here and then collect the other guys

It actually isn't ammo but grenades so collect that and keep on going along the
path. Crouch down when you start seeing a door leading to a warehouse to your
left and stop right in the middle path. Look up and right on the roof and
you'll see a shiny looking thing kinda. This shiny thing is a Gunner so aim
near the gun and shoot around it to take this guy out. Take a right now, into a
small room and you'll find the backpack with explosives and objective 1 is

Turn right now and collect a field surgeons pack if you need it. Turn around
and head out of this area and go up the steps to your left. Take control of the
machine gun and shoot a guard approaching from the right. Turn it left and
shoot 2 more guards over here. Shoot the barrels and boxes if your desire for
destruction is enough cause they don't hold anything in them. Leave here and
head out right, go up a small ways till you can see a small ledge ahead and to
the right. There is a guard on that ledge so kill him quickly.

Walk up to a fork in the path with signs pointing 2 different ways for places.
Go left for now until you see a guard walking in from the right, shoot him.
Another one will be tip-toeing in from the right also so blast him before he
becomes aware of you there. You'll see a weird looking tree when you go a bit
further so make a right and blast the guard tip-toeing from the right. If you
were using a shotgun up to this point, switch to machine gun and aim up and
left, you'll see another guard on a ledge.

Don't even think of moving forward yet, there is a guard on a ledge to the
right of you. Look almost straight up and right to find him and blast him.
Collect his ammo and continue along the path. Walk up the path a small ways
till you see a guard run in from the right hurry and blast him. Collect some
grenades from this dude and take a right when you reach near the end of the
path. Hug the left wall and inch your way up and look right and up. Have your
aimer ready so when you see a guard on a metal walk you can easily blast him
without him even seeing you.

Once around this corner look up when you get mid ways up the path. You'll see
another well hidden guard on a ledge so shoot him now. Turn left now and around
and where you shot the last guy on the metal walk is a ladder leading up. CLimb
the ladder here and collect 2 field surgeon packs if you need one or both get
those, and some grenades. Now just jump down to the path from before and take a
left at the end of the path. Climb both ladders and then go up the steps about
mid ways.

Equip a grenade and aim it to the right, then lob it and destroy these 2
guards, they pack a mean wallop if you miss them. When you reach the top head
left up a path, you'll see a guy with his hand out by a door, DONT SHOOT THIS
GUY HE'S THE GOOD GUY. He hands you the plans for the factory and now your
second objective is complete. The guy then says "Let's Go It's Not Safe Heya".
Oh Goodie another protect the NPC level. He will follow your lead luckily so
now drop down the ledge and wait for him to catch up.

Once he does head out this other path and you'll see ahead and left a bit
another guard. Shoot him and then head around the right path and a guard will
run up when you reach the stairs. Shoot him and another from the right wall
will pop out, shoot him now. Collect his ammo and there is a steel bridge
ahead, shoot 3 guards that run across it randomly. The guy who you were
protecting seemed to dissappear, oh well one less person to worry about

Collect the 2 medicinal canteens and the ammo once across the bridge and go
left. When you go across the bridge stop and face left when you get near the
end. Aim right and equip a grenade and throw it, it will blow up the guard over
here. Head down the tiny hall and stop when mid ways up it. Look up with your
gun and blast the guy on the flat roof. Collect a medicinal canteen he drops
and keep on going straight. You'll see a blue light ahead now on a barber pole,
there is some steps leading into t building so head inside there.

Make a right in here and crouch down and collect the Field Surgeon Pack in
needed and crawl on through. A guard will throw a grenade towards the crawl
space you're in so wait for it to blow over. He may throw another so wait for
that one and then he gets impatient and is ready to crawl into the space. Blast
him then, it makes things much easier. Okay this next part is a total bitch and
I can garuntee you will be hit. Anyways head out a bit till you start getting
shot, aim up and left and quickly kill the gunner up here as fast as you can.

Get out of the crawl space now and walk straight a small ways but don't round
the corner yet. A guard will run in from the left, so quickly shoot him. Go
left around the corner and make your first left to a small area around some
structures. Back here is a Field Surgeons pack to the right and some grenades
from the guy you shot from down in the crawl space. Collect both if needed and
then get back out and go left again. Walk up this path mid ways and look up and
right, on a ledge is a guard so shoot him quickly.

2 more guards run in from the left, kill them next and quickly also. Collect
their ammo and then follow the path a small ways till you see a purplish light
again like earlier. Head around the right corner here and blast the guard
standing there. Don't move yet though, wait about 3 seconds and another guard
runs up quickly dispose of him now.

Move up a little bit more till you can see some barrels near a building,
quickly turn right and aim up and kill a guard here. These guards just pop up
from nowhere, it's rather annoying. The building serves no purpose at this
point or at all for that matter so just climb the ladder now. Look towards the
back section and you'll see another tall ladder after climbing this one. At the
top is a guard so shoot him from safe distance. Once at the top of this taller
ladder you'll encounter a guard from the right shoot him. Another one right and
then another from the left so kill them quickly and collect their ammo.

Once you collect the 2 medicinal canteens up here another guard from the right
comes in after you so blast him next. Head left and take 2 more medicinal
canteens near the building. Further back is a Fields Surgeon pack, take if
needed. Turn around and take the main path and up a small ways 2 guards will
pop out, one from the left and one from the right, quickly kill them off. Back
to the right is just an old rusty gate so head left up the road. A guard runs
down, kill him off and collect his ammo.

Around the next corner there is some barrels to your right so be aware of them.
Stop here and look up and right and shoot a guard here, had you walked forward
and he shoots the barrels near you, meant mission over. Follow the path up and
across another steel bridge till you see a guard running around which takes you
mid ways across the bridge. He will use the right side of the bridge for cover.
Shoot him right in the back when he tries getting positioned and he won't even
stand a chance.

Walk up near the end of the bridge aiming right, kill the guard that runs in.
Keep the aimer aimed right and another guard runs in broken record here, kill
him collect ammo, yadda yadda yadda. When you get around the right corner, hmm
guess what comes running? No, not the good guys, shoot this guy next, collect
ammo. When you make it to a building turn right and you'll see some barrels.
The first one is empty and the one behind it actually has something, a field
surgeons pack, collect.

Head left around the buildings and a guard will come running up from behind a
truck. Shoot him and then head inside the left building and the game will
prompt you to activate the generator so do that. Your third objective is
complete. Turn around and leave here taking a left out the building. HUG the
left wall and stay there, making sure you crouch or you will die quite easily.
Anyways crawl till your just past the small building where you activated the

Turn right now not even budging the tiniest bit forward. Look ahead and you'll
see a guard behind a bunker with a .50 caliber, line up his head with you gun
and shoot him. Head right and collect a Field Surgeons pack and then jump
behind that .50 caliber and start spraying lead. Guards pop out from everywhere
so just spray from right to left, from up to down and from in to out and that
will get the job done.

Head up and right and use another .50 caliber and you only shoot maybe 3 guards
tops. Head back to where you used the first one and head inside the building to
the left. Once in here, activate the tram box and your final objective is
complete. Walk through the gate and you will end this level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

4 July 1944
Mission 6 Level 2: Sabotage

Mission Objectives: 1. Find Control Room Key 2. Activate Door Controls 3.
Destroy V1 Machinery 4. Destroy V1 Stockpile

(Be Prepared For An Extremely Long Level.)

Start this level by going up and left and collect some SMG rounds and some
grenades. Head down the main hall about mid ways and stop when you see the
opening to the left. A guard runs towards you on the left side of the hall
blast him first. Around the right wall aim there next and kill another guard.
Take a left now and kill a guard in this room now, collect the 2 medicinal
canteens on the desk and head out the room into the main hallway.

When you see an area going right, don't go that way yet, head to the end of the
hall and go left. You'll see a medicinal canteen in the middle of the floor so
take if needed. Go around the hall and to the left side is 2 more canteens,
collect if needed. When you head around the hall now, shoot the large crate
open and collect some shotgun ammo. Go around the corner and then immediately
aim left and up to shoot a guard hiding around the corner.

To the left is the showers and a toilet that doesen't serve a purpose so
collect the last guys ammo then head right. Blast the guard in this wooded
floored room and collect the control room key he drops and objective 1 is
complete. Collect the 2 medicinal canteens next to the bunk beds if needed and
then head back to the main hall. Follow it back around till you can make your
first left up the next hallway. Go left up the next small stretch of hall and
then when you reach the end and take a right stay right there and aim for the
left wall.

Wait patiently with aimer pointed near the wall and blast 2 guards that pop
around the corner. Wait around maybe 5 more seconds, maybe longer and a third
will come, blast him and collect ammo. Head around the corner and to your right
you'll see a ventilation duct, go straight instead for now. In this room
collect the Medicinal canteen to the right of the bunk and the 2 on either side
of the door near the back of the room.

Turn back around and head back into the crawl space and crawl through. Go up a
small ways and shoot a crate to your right and collect another medicinal
canteen if needed. Go now left towards a tiny hallway and when you see some
guards ahead run back and aim left. When the pop in shoot the barrel, this
starts a chain reaction explosion and should nab all 3 guards back there. There
is a slight possibility the third guard will run to the right and use the wall
as cover, if he does quickly aim right and blast.

Collect ammo and 2 medicinal canteens, you probably need them after the attack.
Notice to your right is a door that isn't accessible? You will need to
backtrack to this door eventually so take note of its location. I will provide
the directions back to it when the walkthrough gets to this part so don't worry
about finding it. Head up the left hallway now and then when you get mid-ways
up the hall shoot the crate to your right and collect medicinal canteen if

Keep going up the hall to the end, when you get about 3/4 the way down the
hall, stop and aim left. A guard will already be in place to attack so take
advantage of already knowing this and shoot him, Don't move yet. Wait maybe 3
more seconds, another guard takes his place, aim, wait for him to pop around
the corner and blast him. Collect ammo and shoot the crate when you round the
corner and collect some smg ammo. Go up the hall and shoot the first left crate
for more smg ammo. Shoot the left crate for a medicinal canteen and the right
one for some more smg ammo.

Take a right now and head down the hall to the end, then go left. In this area
go up to the door on the left with the wheel to turn and use action to open it.
Turn left and activate the controls to be allowed access to the other doors.
You'll complete objective 2 so turn around quickly and one facing the door aim
left, wait for 2 guards to come popping around the left corner. Wait another 3
seconds and a third guard will come running. Shoot him and now turn around and
collect a Field Surgeons Pack towards the back section of the room. Near the
machine is a medicinal canteen if needed, collect them.

Once you leave this room again you'll notice to the right, 2 open doors but
don't go that way yet. Instead go back straight and follow the hall the way you
came here. Once you enter the room with the old Furnace take a left down the
hall. Follow it around and go up the stairs and around and right, down the tiny
hallway. Head back straight here and enter the now open door that was closed
earlier. When you get right to the doorway, stop and creep up and look left a
tiny bit. The Machinists will notice you and there is 2 that will run up to

Kill the one, then his friend, you'll see a machine to the left, go that way
and turn right down the hall and blast a third machinist down this hall. Turn
right and set the explosives on this machine where the flashing box is with
action button. Take cover quickly and wait for the explosion. Head left now and
use your crouch button and crawl under this duct. Back here is some shotgun
shells, smg ammo, some grenades and a medicinal canteen, collect all you need
then head around to the right back to the middle of the room.

Take a left back down the hall where you killed the last machinist and to the
left on some crates is 2 medicinal canteens, save them and set the explosives
on the machine to the right. Turn around quickly now and aim up and left to the
middle of the room and shoot a guard and another machinist. If you got damaged
during that attack, now collect the medicinal canteens. Collect ammo and head
back to the back of this room till you see a red door. Turn left and place
another explosive on this machine, leave this room, it'll blow up.

Run back through this area to the room with the old furnace that should now be
on your left and take a right up the hall. Once you see the room that you
activated the doors at go straight up the hall, not right. Follow the winding
hallway and climb the metal stairs. When you get to the top make a quick left,
blast a guard up here and collect his medicinal canteen. Blast the crate just
in the next room and collect another medicinal canteen if needed. In this room
to the right is a desk, upon it is some smg ammo collect.

Walk straight ahead and collect a medicinal canteen, to the right on a crate is
some grenades so collect those and then enter the ventilation duct. Before
falling down the hatch, aim down and shoot a machinist from safety. Another
will run out in the open, shoot him now and now drop down to this next room.
Immediately turn right and collect 2 medicinal canteens. Set the explosives on
this machine and run ahead. Behind the machine now is another medicinal
canteen, collect that now. Run straight ahead and set the explosives on this
next machine to the right.

Immediatelty following you doing that the door opens and a machinist runs in,
shoot him. A guard runs in now, kill him and another guard runs in Jesus. Shoot
him and then set the explosive on the left machine and leave via the door that
just opened. Soon as that last machine blows, a machinist runs in from the
right so blast him now. Take a right up the hall and when you reach the room
where the old furnace is, just ahead another machinist is walking, not aware of
you. Shoot him and then take a left back up this hallway.

You'll now be back at the room where you first activated the doors and they'll
open again when you approach them. Go right this time and head down the hall.
When you get about half way down the hall, stop, aim right and kill the
machinist that will pop around the corner. Stay still for 3 seconds, aiming in
the same place and another guard will pop around the corner, blast him before
he has a chance. Go right and you'll see some crates in this hall. Shoot the
one and the other will blow up and reveal some smg ammo and some grenades.

Head down the hall some more and then as soon as you see a red light above some
kind of chute, aim left and kill the guard that pops around the corner. Go up
the hall till you can take your first left and collect a Field Surgeons Pack
over here. Head on the main hall going left and following it around. When you
get around this corner a little bit a guard will be running toward you, blast
him. Head up to where the chute is to the left and lob a grenade down here,
blast 2 guards down there.

Head down the hall taking a left at the end and collect the ammo from the guys
you just blew up. Head down the hall some more until you can go right, blast a
guard in the middle hall, follow the hall around now again. You'll be in a room
with some wooden crates, go right and aim up and right and kill a guard up
here. Head left now and shoot a guard immediately to your left near a machine.
If you got damaged at all first set the explosives on the machine and turn
around quickly and blast a guard behind you. Back behind the wooden crates is a
Field Surgeons Pack, you probably need that so get it.

Re-renter the room with the machines and in the next machine bay, shoot a guard
and then set the explosives. Go now to the final bay and set the last explosive
and then run back and right up the elevator and wait to get to the top. You
will now have objective 3 complete with only 1 more left. When you raise to the
top floor head around left and shoot a guard walking left at the back of the
hall. Take a left now and enter this door. Go to the end of the hall and face
left to make your presence known to the guards. Run back mid-ways the hall your
in and aim up and left, kill a guard.

2 more run in from the right so blast them quickly. Go to the end of the
hallway now and take a left and go down this hallway. Shoot the right box and
get some shotgun shells, middle has a Field Surgeons Pack, the last one has
some SMG ammo. Collect all those and another Field Surgeons Pack to the left on
the ground. Turn aound now and head back the other way. Head straight up the
tiny hallway till it opens up a little bit. When you see a wall to the left, 2
guards pop out so blast them.

Head up the hallway now and shoot the crate and get some grenades. The crate
behind it is empty, turn right and shoot the one crate. It opens the rest with
chain reaction and you can collect 2 medicinal canteens and some smg ammo.
Immediately turn left and shoot the guy ahead not aware of you. When you see a
hallway going right, keep going straight cause this is your exit. Take note of
the signs name AUSGANG the arrow points left. You'll need to remember this in
just a few moments. Turn right up this hallway and aim for the right crate
after shooting the middle guy.

Shoot the crate to the right and this takes out 2 guards, move up a bit and aim
left and shoot the guard over here. Turn left at the entrance to this room.
You'll see the red flashing box. place the explosive and then FOLLOW MY
INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY. When the explosive is place, don't even bother turning
around as it wastes too much time and you will die. Run backwards and when
you're against the wall, quickly turn right and run down the hallway, dont stop
for a second. Run left down the hall and when you see the sign AUSGANG and it
pointing left, go that way and RUN LIKE HELL. The level ends by the skin a yer

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************
4 July 1944
Mission 6 Level 3: Sidecar Shootout

Mission Objectives: 1. Destroy First Launch Site 2. Destroy Second Launch
Site 3. Exit Town

(This Level is Extremely fun, you'll have a blast.)

Start this level by obviously shooting the green guard ahead. Walk back a step
and receive the grenades, some shotgun shells to your left and smg ammo to your
right. Head up here and look and aim right, up left shoot a guard, another runs
in from the right blast this one next. Up ahead to the left on a metal step is
2 Field Surgeons packs, you probably need them by now so get them. If you are
still in need of health shoot the left crate when you turn right and get
another Field Surgeons Pack.

Shoot the next crate with grenades and the last one is empty. Turn left now and
head up this way. Shoot 2 more guards up here and then to the back right corner
is a crate, more grenades to collect. Head through the broken gate and a guard
runs in from the right blast him then go right and collect his ammo and then go
left. Go up this path and you'll see your comrade with the sidecar motorcycle
and he waves you on to get inside. No he can't be killed or blown up I tried
and he is immortal.

Use action to get on the bike and now have FUN FUN FUN!!!. This part is really
fun riding sidecar and shooting your machine gun. You have unlimited ammo so
hold your thumb or finger on the firing button and dont let go. Aim all over
with the gun and shoot every single thing that moves. Some guys get run over
and it's comical, they sometimes get stuck on the bike. When you run them over
sometimes the bike goes in the air. Anyways after riding around and blasting
everything the bike will come to a halt. Get off the bike now and collect a
small med pack on the ground and the guy says he'll wait and to hurry.

Shoot the right and left crates and collect some shotgun ammo and then go up a
small ways and be careful. If you hear a clicking sound that means they lobbed
a grenade at you so take cover just in case. SHoot 3 guards up here and collect
ammo. Set the explosive on this first launch site and wait for the explosion.
Objective 1 is complete, now shoot the large crate and collect a Field Surgeons
Pack if needed.

Head to the left side of the Launcher now and shoot a crate back here for
another Field Surgeons Pack if needed. Turn around now and head back to the
bike and be prepared for the fun part again. Hop off the cycle now and head
into the curvy looking tunnel until you see an opening. A guard will be walking
to the right, blast him from behind and collect his Small Med Pack. Quickly aim
right and shoot 3 guards back here and then collect a small med pack and a
field surgeons pack at the back of the truck. Another small med pack is at the
front of the second launch site get that.

Set the explosives now and then turn around quickly and shoot a guard to your
right. Run back to the cycle and be prepared for some more shooting fun. You'll
eventually make it to a tunnel and end the level. Man this level was a
BLAST!!!!. Watch the movies and save.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

Mission Name: Liberation
Number Of Levels In Mission: 3

Saturday, August 19th.,1944
Mission 7 Level 1: Final Uprising

Mission Objectives: 1. Find Petrol Bomb Cache 2. Destroy All Half Tracks 3.
Neutralize Prefecture Guards 4. Enter the Paris Prefecture

Walk up the road here until you see a barrel in flames to the left. A guard is
up here, use the sniper rifle on him from a safe distance. Collect his ammo and
then head up the road till you see an old destroyed tank. To the right on the
sidewalk is some Petrol Bombs and objective 1 is done. Turn left and head up
the road a small ways. You'll see 2 guards running down the middle of the road
towards you. Don't even use the aimer, just walk up to them and shoot, strafing
from side to side to avoid fire.

Collect some machine gun rounds and a medicinal canteen and head up the road
till you can make your first right. Make sure you've equipped the machine gun
and quickly round the right corner and shoot the guard over here. Head up the
road a small ways till you can see a barrel on the left side of the road.
Quickly turn right and kill a guard running from the right. Quickly turn left
and kill the guard ahead just behind the barrel. The guards in this level pop
out of tall, narrow openings in the sides of the buildings if you wonder where
they pop out of.

Go up the road a small ways now till you hear a guard yell something, aim right
and shoot the guard running for cover. Before going to collect the guy you just
killed ammo, get beside the next street lamp on the right side of the road. Aim
left and 3 guards come running so use the street lamp as cover and blast away
when you get the chance. Collect the ammo and small med pack these guys dropped
and then collect the right guys stuff.

Head to the back of the road now and there is a stone barricade back here. Go
behind it and collect some mchine gun ammo and a FIeld Surgeons pack if needed.
Leave here now and cross the road to the left side and stay crouched. Crawl to
the corner and when you can look left and ahead shoot the guard on the railing.
You'll continue hearing gunfire so head right to another stone barricade and a
guard jumps the wall, kill him quickly. Head a small ways up the road and blast
3 guards using the walls to the left as cover. Collect a medicinal canteen and

Immediately use that left underhang as cover and aim ahead and right to blast a
guard here. You'll hear more gunfire so when it stops briefly, run out, aim
ahead and left and kill this guard. Go up the road till you can go right, into
a sortve alley. Upon entering aim ahead and to the right wall and kill the
guard there. Collect his ammo and then right where your at aim ahead and right,
2 more guards are up here. Shoot from safety and then collect their ammo 2
small med packs and some powerup ammo on the ground.

Now once up the next road I give you an option. Either take a right and
continue on without shooting the guards in the back alley or going back here.
If you go back here shoot a guard who drops to the ground a bit further back.
Run till you almost reach the other side. Turn around now and aim up and kill
the guard on the railing. Aim down and left now and kill another guard here.
Head back to the main road now and when you make the corner just stop and wait
for guards to run out. One from the left runs at you so shoot him, then another
further back left shoot him. Finally from the right a third pops out kill him

When you start seeing the end of the road here, use sniper rifle and aim up and
shoot the guard up top. Head around to the right now and you'll see some summer
furniture back here. Stop before even reaching the furniture and aim ahead and
left around the barricade wall and kill the guard there. Behind the barricade
is a Field Surgeons Pack and some Petrol bombs collect these. Leave this back
area and shoot the guard to the left of you behind the one table.

Head up the road and stop before reaching the end. Look left now and see the
large opening to the left? Wait for a guard to pop out and blast that sucker.
Head around the corner to the right, now for a quick peek and enemy agitation.
Run beside the wall and aim ahead, a guard right on queue runs in, easy kill.
Now head around the corner when gunfire ceases and quickly aim ahead and left
and kill the guard beside the left wall.

When you go towards the end of this road stop and don't round the corner.
You'll hear someone speaking, aim right and blast when you see 1 guard, a
second later blast another. Collect the ammo and Small Med Pack they drop and
now equip your Petrol Bombs. Throw about 3-5 good solid hit-throws at this
half-track to destroy it. There is a slight possibility you may walk up too far
and trigger the next guard to come out. If this happens, it's a really bad
thing cause this guy has a bazooka. It amazes me how agile a guy with a
extremely heavy gun can set up as fast as they do and make shots with such

Anyways if this doesen't happen to you, be warned, this isn't the only bazooka
guy, there is many more. Once the half-track is destroyed walk up a small ways,
if you see a green guy pop out, get ready to make the quickest kill you've ever
made in the game thus far. Kill this guy and fire out a few warning shots. This
triggers another bazooka guy to come running down the road. Blast him quickly
when you see him and now go under the breezway. Go up a small ways and just
before you exit it you'll see a kind've triangular advertisment. Stop right
where you are and aim ahead, when a guy pops out kill him.

Up a small ways till you see another half-track pop out from the right. Look
immediately up as far as you can to the right. There is 2 balcony patios here
and guards posted at each. Shoot the lower one first then the higher one and
collect their ammo. By this time you'll have a bazooka dude setting up behind
you. Quickly turn around and aim ahead and a little left and dispose of this
guy. I reccommend crouching right about now and wait for the half track to come
driving along. When it does from the left quickly equip some more Pertol bombs
and throw them while crouched but make sure you keep your distance.

Once it blows up objective 2 is complete but don't get happy just yet. Stay
crouched and then move a little bit to the center and you'll hear gunshots
faintly. Look right and up, on the rooftop you can barely see a guard up here,
but he's there and shoot your silent assassain. Just move your aimer down a few
notches and to the right, like where the wall is. Shoot a guard that seemingly
appears out of nowhere and collect ammo. Now this next part I really hated so
be prepared for madness. Enter the park area to the right, there is bazooka
guys every freakin where over here.

Go around the first right corner and when you see your first guard from the
left shoot him. Immediately turn around from whence you came and blast a guy
from behind you. Go back a small ways to where the truck is and blast a bazooka
guy over here. Head back to the park now and continue on. As soon as you get to
the center area a bazooka guy is aimed and ready to shoot. Quickly aim and
shoot him first. To the left is a large crate with some Petrol bombs in there
collect those.

The middle crate is empty so the back crate has some ammo. Get towards the next
area and blast 2 guards to the left. Further now a bazooka guy sets up, quickly
shoot him. Head to the right on the sidewalk and crouch here. Around the right
corner a bazooka guy runs towards you and a machine gun dude. Quickly kill them
and then head around the corner, aim ahead and in the small alcove shoot the
guard up there. A bazooka guy again comes running from the right so blast him
quickly, collect ammo. Head up the road a small ways and when you get near the
barrel shoot it. Just ahead and left you'll see a large opening in the building
where 2 guards pop out shoot them. Now Head up a small ways and see the damn
booth ahead and left?

I freakin swear I played this level 7 times before getting it right and I still
got killed by this bastard. He pops out with the agility of a cat so just go
nuts on the guns and just shoot everywhere where he stands before he cheats you
out of the level. By now you'll have completed objective 3,and 4 is right
around the corner. Enter the doors on the left after shooting 2 or 3 more
guards and the level is complete. God what a frustrating level that was, glad
it's over. I think Dreamworks went a bit overboard on that level.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

Monday, August 21st,1944
Mission 7 Level 2: Street By Street

Mission Objectives: 1. Neutralize Barricade Guards 2. Find Subway Map 3.
Enter Marketplace.

Once you begin here go right and up the small staircase. You'll see a blue
uniformed soldier, don't shoot him, he's on your side. Let him run ahead and
kill the competition. Collect some Petrol Bombs and take note of the Field
Surgeons Pack on your way through the door. The soldier will kill the enemy and
you can now continue going forward. If the soldier gets killed by the guard on
the stoop aim up and kill him next.

Go around the right corner and kill a guard here. Turn around now and head up
the road. Towards the end of the road look ahead and right and kill a guard
hiding by the doorway. Turn around immediately and shoot a guard to your left
and one that's crouched and to your right on the street. Collect a medicinal
canteen and take a left down another road and an immediate right into a room
with ammo and a small med pack behind a table. Leave this room going left and
cross the street when you'll see a stairway going down.

Go down the stairs and through the hallway till you see an opening to the
right. Quickly go straight and aim right to shoot a guard here, collect ammo.
Head up the stairs now and when you reach the top, immediatelty aim up while
looking left. Kill a guard on the balcony and then be very careful after you've
collected his ammo. Equip your sniper rifle and hug the right wall. Scoot out
and look left and you'll see a bunker with a .50 caliber gun. Use aimer on the
Sniper Rifle and kill 2 guards back here and you'll have 1 bunker taken care

Turn around now and you'll see a guard from behind, don't shoot him he's on
your side. He will take care of the guy to your left on a balcony. Collect a
Small Med Pack off that guy he killed and follow him up the road. Take your
first left into an alley and back here is 2 guards so kill them and collect
ammo. In the back right corner is some more ammo so collect it and then head
back out on the main road.

As soon as you make it here aim up and left and shoot a guard up on the
rooftop. Immediately look up and right, across the street in a doorway is a
guard shoot it. Now immediately aim down and a little ahead and shoot a guard
crouched down. Head up the road a bit till you see a blue uniform guy, your
side. He'll turn around quickly and indicate a guard approaching from the rear,
kill this one and collect ammo.

Run back to where that guard was and he will kill a guard coming up the road.
He will probably now be killed by the .50 caliber gunner ahead. Take cover by
staying further back here and using the sniper rifle here and take out 2
guards. Walk back a bit further here and shoot another guard. This next part
may happen for you and maybe not but it happened for me on many attempts. Equip
your Petrol Bombs and you'll hear a Motorcycle approaching. It'll jump the
barricade so just lob the Petrol Bomb at it knowing your being shot at from
behind. The Motorcycle blows up and runs the guard over that's shooting you
from behind and takes him out also after it makes it's final crash.

If this doesen't work out for you, then equip a gun quickly and take out the
rear guard. You'll now have only 1 barricade left to take out. Collect a small
med pack near the left front of the barricade if needed and then turn around.
Head all the way back left and crouch here and enter a crawl space. Go through
it and when you reach the end you'll hear another motorcycle so equip a Petrol
Bomb and take it out next by aiming and throwing it further, while staying

Make sure you're out of the space enough or you'll just blow yourself up if you
hit the wall, happened to me a few times. Anyways take a right now and up and
right is a guard shooting so shoot him next. Collect his ammo and you'll see an
alley to the left but don't go that way. There is a doorway with stairs leading
up a smaller ways up so go up these steps. Once you go up the steps you'll see
your guy shooting down at some other guards. Get crouched now and collect a
small med pack and some ammo and Petrol Bombs to the back right section of this
small room.

The guy may get killed here, so when he does, equip the Petrol Bombs and don't
even move forward once against this far wall. Aim up and hold the button down
for a few seconds so you'll throw it furthest. Aim a small ways left and let
go, you'll make an easy kill on the guard manning the .50 caliber behind the
barricade. Get up now and look down and right, you'll see a guard over there.
Shoot him, he may end up blowing himself up for some reason, it happened when I
played this level almost all the time. Yeah Dreamworks, smart A-I, Gives the ok
symbol with fingers and winks.

Don't even bother taking the steps down, just use your jump button here and
save some time. Go right, to the next section and up a little. You'll hear a
motorcycle so equip bombs. Again, throw one when your lined up with them and
take them out easily. Immediately look up and right, on the roof is a guard
that's stuck. Another good A-I move here as every time I played the level the
guard is stuck on something running in place. Easy killins here so blast him
and then head left around the next corner. Cross the street and collect a small
med pack, then look left and ahead and kill a guard up a small ways.

Look now left and up, shoot a guard on a balcony to the left and then head
through the next section. Follow the alley around till you see some debris
that's blocking the way. Crouch here and collect a medicinal canteen and crawl
under the Debris to the other side. Once you exit this alley you'll see your
guy taking on some other guys to your left. He will get killed off, so turn the
corner and quickly blast 2 guards close to each other. Collect a medicinal
canteen and then take your first left through a doorway and up some steps.

Look right and try shooting the guard before he runs off the ledge, it's kinda
tricky. If he runs off the ledge then crouch while on the metal porch. Equip a
Petrol and aim up kinda high, staying kinda close to the railing. Throw it when
you have held the button for maybe 3 seconds and you'll blow this dude up with
ease. Just hop the railing now and you'll be down on the street. Collect last
guys medicinal canteen and then head around the right corner. Go to this back
alley and crouch and go left through a crawl space. You'll see some red lights
as you approach the end of the space.

Stand here and take note of the Field Surgeons Pack to the left or just collect
it if needed. Immediately aim ahead and left and wait for the guard to pop out
from the left wall. Once he's shot head up and look right and collect some
Petrol Bombs in the doorway to the right. Head up the road now and when you can
take a right under a breezeway do so. This part is a little difficult so be
aware. Equip the sniper rifle and aim for the middle guard behind the bar
ahead. Quickly equip the machine gun and kill the other 2 that come running
after you. Creep out a small bit and kill a guard to the right.

Cross the street and collect the map on the ground now and objective 2 is
complete. Leave this section out the main road and a guard will run in from the
area where you first entered this area at so blast him. Out in the main street
again there is a balcony right beneath where you collected the subway map.
There is a guard up there so kill him next. Go to the end of this road and to
the left descend some steps and collect some Petrol Bombs and a Field Surgeons
Pack, you probably need that.

Leave this section and when your out in the open, immediately aim right and up,
on the roof is a guard to shoot. Immediately aim left and up now as another
stratigically placed guard resides on this roof. Head down the right stairway
and through the winding hall, killing a guard along the way. You'll enter a
room identical to the one on the other side where you collected a Field
Surgeons Pack and some Petrol Bombs. Same things here, collect them if needed
and go up the stairs and exit this section. When you get to the top aim at the
left side wall and kill a guard here.

Head out right and collect a small med pack and kill a guard approcahing from
further down. When you reach an area going to a left alley turn left and shoot
a guard behind a barricade. Immediately turn around to your right and shoot a
guard wayyyyyyyy far up on a building. Just follow the gunshot from where he's
shooting at you from to find him and blast him next. Equip the Sniper Rifle now
and shoot 3 guards back here. Approach the barricade and shoot another guard
that runs up. A motorcycle will start coming at you now so equip the Petrol
Bombs and blow this cycle up.

Your first objective is now complete so turn around and where you shot the
other guard in the left alley is where you must go to next. BE REALLY CAREFUL
HERE!!!. Equip your machine gun and approach the next corner with caution. When
you see a guard pop out just start puttin down that lead and spray this guy
full of it. He will kill you quickly and seems to rarely have to reload. Once
you kill him just walk to the door marked Aux Marche. You will complete your
last objective and end the level too.

*****************Medal Of Honor Underground****************************

Monday, August 21st,1944
Mission 7 Level 3: Operation Marketplace

Mission Objectievs: 1.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Dt. Megatrainer

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