Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

10.10.2008 18:36:20
**********************Medal Of Honor Walkthrough***********************
I'd Like to Thank everyone that added their comments and
suggestions, and a great thanks to mrcairo I believe whom added
some of his knowledge to the Faq and I will be reworking the
Mission 4 Level 1 level as a result of his advice. The rest of it,
I'm sorry for any mistakes, so go ahead and just laugh at them if
you can find the humor in it. Please enjoy this walkthrough as this
is my first walkthrough. Finally Complete after 25,000 words and
15 trillion pauses later. I need some more feedback from readers on
this walkthrough so that I may add a Faq for this game as well, so
don't hesitate to email me with questions. Keep that feedback
coming I'll post any and all questions and answers as I know them
as soon as they come in or I figure them out myself.
Thanks,X Dragon
****************************Medal Of Honor Faqs************************
The Questions below are some I have heard and some that people
have been asking me.
****************************Medal Of Honor Faqs************************
1.Q: Do you know any of the cheats for Medal of honor?
A: The only cheats I know of are the gameshark codes and there is
certain levels in regular game mode where you must get the right
medals to unlock cheats within the game. A Dex Drive is a super
handy tool to have if you can get one cause on gamesharks site
there is a save there that is 99% complete and gives you all the
cheats in the game without gameshark codes. The Dex Drive is
actually affordable now at only $20.00 where it used to be $40.00
which was still a good deal then. If your too lazy to get the
codes on your own gaining medals to open up cheats then the Dex
Drive is a must have. The Gameshark codes didn't work at all on my
system and it made the game freeze up on load screens between

2. Q: Do you know any passwords for this game?
A: Yes and if you don't see the passwords section below I will list
them up here also.
They are Jimmy,Gunther,Robbie,Manon,Ulf,Helmut,Heinrich.

3. Q: Is There a Hitlers Hideout/Bunker Level?
A: Your guess is as good as mine at this point I personally have no
clue wheather there is or not.

4. Q. Is there something you did on particular levels to get an
excellent rating for it?
A: Simple. All you have to do is KILL 95% of the enemy in the
level. And you MUST reach the end of the level with 75% or
MORE HEALTH.(Submitted by Outlaw and Geoff Hanschen)

5. Q. How is the multiplayer mode?
A. This is for people interested in getting this game and I'm sorry
for not adding this to the review below. The Multi-player mode
isn't bad but it's not much different than any other games with
the multi-player feature. It's pretty much still a Death Match
but I guess it just depends how much you enjoy games with a death
match feature. I don't really care that much for the Multi-Player
games but thats just my opinion you'll just have to try it out
and see for yourself.

6. Q. What is the code for multiplayer powerups mean?
A. This mode is enabled for the sole purpose of making the death
matches easier or maybe it's more difficult for both people. If
you could turn off the power-ups for one person and turn it on
for someone else it'd be cool if some friend of yours came over
and wasn't familiar with the game and say you were a pro. Other
than that it just extends the time it would normally take to kill
your opponet without that mode on.

7. Q. What Characters can you play as?
A. You start out with some default characters named Jimmy,
Gunther,Robbie,Manon,Ulf,Helmut,Heinrich at the beginning of the
game. When you finish the game with 3 star ratings in every level
gaining every medal you get these extra characters.
Panzerknacker,Steven and Will.

8. Q. Are They all World War 2 Characters?
A. Not all of them are but you must see them for yourself IE get the
game if you need to know what they look like.

9. Q. Is There a Stealth Mode?
A. I'm working on that as well as the Supposed Hitlers
Bunker/Hideout level but right now I'm unaware of these levels
weather they exist or not.
***************************Medal Listing All Levels********************
Mission 1: Distinguished Service Medal
Mission 2: Army Commendation Medal
Mission 3: American Campaign Medal
Mission 4: Legion Of Merit
Mission 5: Norweigan War Cross
Mission 6: Soldiers Medal
Mission 7: Victory Medal
Extra Medal #1: Dreamworks Medal Of Valor
Extra Medal #2: Medal Of Honor

Okay I finally finished this game with all excellent ratings in
all the levels and it gives you these new Multi-Player
characters. Rosie,Kurt,Jens,Johan,Jurgen,Manfred,Karl,Felix,Von
Panzerknacker,Steven and Will.
These cannot be used as in the password section but they are
hidden multi-player characters. You must finish the game with all
excellents meaning 3 stars on each level to access these hidden
characters. Even though I got the final medal which is the Medal
Of Valor It still says 99% of the game is finished. Somewhere
there must be a hidden level or maybe 3 levels but how to access
them is still yet a mystery. Still hacking around with the game
passwords though and if I find anything new I'll be sure and show

***************Dreamworks Interactive**********************************
A very Special Thanks Go out to DreamWorks Interactive for their
support and also for making such an outstanding WW2 First person shooter.
Visit their site at for more information and great
pictures of the game. It opens to a very cool movie so check it out. Thanks also
and espicially to Peter Hirschmann for his support and the entire Medal Of Honor
Team for their support you know who you are. Also Thanks to Steven Spielberg and
Company for making this game such an intriguing Playstation Title. Everything
from the sounds, to the orchestrated music gives this title a genuine War
expierience. Again I tip my hat to you guys for the great work you do and
looking forward to a sequel.
**************Medal Of Honor Team**************************************

Passwords: Enter Jimmy, Gunther,Robbie,Manon,Ulf,Helmut,Heinrich in the password
screen I haven't any idea what they do but I did get a positive bleep. I can
only imagine that you can play the game as each of these guys but what good does
it do, thats a good question. These are the guys available in Multi-Player for
those of you who wondered how I got these names.

A Game By Dreamworks Interactive!


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********************Medal Of Honor Review******************************
What can I say this game rules. The graphics are superb and some of the best
light sourcing I've ever seen in a first person shooter. The enemies look
authentic down to the Nazi Uniforms and the flags in the game. The control is
top notch as was the aiming with the exception of the analog controller. The
levels started off easy and progressively got harder as the missions got higher.
The A-I is some of the neatest and smartest I've ever seen. The way the enemies
react to how you shoot thou throw a grenade at them. Some protect their buddies
by jumping on a grenade and also how they avoid gunfire when you shoot at them.
The artwork in this game receives my round of applause and pat on the back for
being so accurate in detail. The entire game was a total blast to play and it
has excellent replay value as you have the multi-player as well as the challenge
of getting all the medals you can. There is still yet one more thing I don't
know what it's for and that is the password feature. Some say there is supposed
to be a level where you face off against Hitler but I don't know what the
password is. Others say there is many secret levels of which I'm baffled by as
big as the game already is. In closing I think Medal Of Honor was and is the new
standard for first person shooters for future console systems. If there is any
first person shooter to use as a role model for other shooters I think
DreamWorks Interactive hit the nail on the head with this Must-Have Playstation
Title. If you haven't played it yet then go buy it it's worth it. Don't even
bother renting it you'd never finish the massive levels. All around I give it a
10 in each catergory except the analog controller. It's a site to behold when a
magnificent title like this one comes along which isn't too often in the first
person shooter genre.

Any questions you might have, or, if I've left something out then email me at Thanks again for using my walkthrough.
I needed to update yesturdays screw up when I said you can search for what level
your looking for by entering in the Level name. I listed the level names above
and I then uploaded this walkthrough. I tried the find option myself cause I'm
always testing things to make sure everything works and unfoutunately this
didn't work. You can still use the control button on keyboard and then press the
f letter key to find the level your looking for. I can't list the levels though
otherwise it will always show the first time it would see the level name. The
best way to get all the level names is before the beginning of each level where
you get your orders at look at the top portion of each or any of the pages
listed in your orders and up here it lists the level name. To make it even
easier would be to scroll throughout this walkthrough writing down each level
name I have listed at the top of each level walkthrough. questions can be
directed to Thanks,X Dragon
Also I would reccommend that if you have a standard Playstation controller and
not a Dual Shock that you use a standard controller for playing this game. For
some reason at the beginning of every level if you don't catch it before it goes
back into analog mode you have a really terrible time aiming. The look up and
down deal was kinda dumb too when I first played it I thought the camera got
stuck and I was gonna have to play the whole game looking at the sky. I was so
mad cause I thought it was a major bug and almost took it back to the store and
then I tried it again and I realized I was just pushing a button that made the
camera do that. OH Well.
!!!WARNING!!! Copyright 1999 Xaivier Dragon !!!WARNING!!!
Do not use this Faq for the purpose of making a quick profit. This Faq took me a
lot of time and effort to make, and I don't want it being used for someone elses
profit. For the benefit of those less fortunate to know what this means, email
me if you don't understand something about the above mentioned warning
***************************Excellent Ratings For Levels****************
In order to finish the game with 3 stars on each level you must kill off all the
guys in the levels. When doing this however, it makes the spy missions no longer
spy missions. If you are just starting this game and don't care at this point of
how your rating turns out then follow my walkthrough. If you just wanna kill em
all and get excellent ratings I warn you it is somewhat difficult but is
something I did after I beat the game and got all the modes enabled. It's your
choice of how you want to play the game so if you like getting 3 star ratings
then go for the kill em all attitude. If not then play the game according to my
walkthrough and either way you'll still like the game, I promise.

Medal Of Honor Walkthrough
***********************The Fight begins********************************
***********************Rescue The G3 Officer***************************
***********************Find The Downed Plane***************************
Mission 1 Level 1
Objectives :1.Recover LogBook 2.Find Plane 3. Enter Town_Happens when you find
the plane._
Start the game with Rifle and Plane flying overhead. Walk Straight ahead a few
paces and you will see a guard so shoot him. Keep straight till you see a
building with Glass windows. Head Right and shoot a guard making sure you
reload. Head around to the front of the building and Shoot another guard. Enter
Building and get Small med pack and Rifle Ammo. _Shoot the windows if you
choose, it's optional._
Now go up and pick up the rifle rounds from the guy you shot earlier to the
right of the building. Now follow the path Through the archway where you first
entered the building staying on the path.

Go a little ways down the path and you will have to shoot 2 guards so keep your
distance and they won't be able to hit you. Keep going straight till you see
some gasoline cans lining the path and there is some buildings off to the left.
Go right and shoot the cardboard boxes. Shoot the wodden crate and get some more
rifle ammo. Shoot the cardboard box in the middle and get a medicinal canteen if
you need it. Now shoot the left box and get the other medicinal canteen if you
need it. Now get the field surgeons pack begind the 50 caliber bunker if you
need it.

Now face the 50 caliber gun bunker and walk behind it using the square button to
grab hold. Shoot the boxes left with the 50 caliber and also get 2 guards
approaching from the left. Pick up the rifle ammo from the 2 guards and on you
go. Gi up the hill and off to the left is a sniper so get rid of him. Now jump
up the path where the sniper was and follow the path. Walk up the path until you
see some grenades on the left so pick them up. Once past the path you can get a
medicinal canteen straight ahead. A little further you'll see 3 cardboard boxes
on the left and 2 guards straight ahead. There is a guard near the boxes so
shoot him first.

Now shoot the other guards and now the one box. The box has some Rifle ammo and
so do the other guards you just shot. Now walk ahead near a town and a truck and
use the truck as cover and shoot the 2 guards that are here. Another guard waits
for you across the street in an abandoned building so shoot him when he appears
in the open window type area. Jump the small wall and collect some rifle ammo.

Now get behind the 50 caliber bunker and shoot the 3 guards that appear as soon
as you grab the gun. You can't collect ammo when you shoot guards with this gun
but the guns are unlimited so you can make some bullet holes. Now walk away for
like a second from the 50 caliber bunker and then grab ahold of it cause there
is 3 more guards you need to shoot. Now you'll see a building on the left with
some stairs there so enter here and climb the stairs.

Up the stairs then you fall one step down now go left and you'll see a little
area to crouch under and you complete your first objective which is recovering
the logbook. Now stay crouched and crawl forward slowly and a guard will appear
around the corner so shoot him. Now go past this area walking and there is a guy
shooting from around the corner at you so shoot him. Now go left and you'll find
a small room and a surgeons medical pack so get it if you need to.

Now go out and to the left. Follow the alleyway out to a main path back in the
wooded area. You might see a guard run off to the right once past the wooded
area. Here there is a gate to your left and look right and you'll see a bridge.
Crouch and slowly crawl about a quarter over the bridge then immediately stand
up and shoot the guard thats now there. Go a little ways forward and a guard
will see you and keep running away. About a second later you'll find the second
objective and you'll see the plane. Another new objective is added
automatically. Enter the town.

Go a little ways up and there is 2 guards on the right of where the plane is so
shoot them. Now go behind the plane and get another surgeons pack if you need
it. Follow the winding path to some street lights on the right of you. Now look
left and you'll catch a guard smoking a ciggerette and you have lots of time to
prepare as he takes his time getting up, shoot that guard. On the way into town
you'll see some doors on the right but ignore them you can't enter them. Now
you'll see a guard on the left and a 50 caliber gun bunker straight ahead you
know what you gotta do. Walk towards the bunker and the 3rd objetive is
complete. Now go back a little ways and on the right there is some doors that
swing open just enter here and the level is done.
***********************The Fight Continues*****************************
***********************Search The Town*********************************
Mission 1 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Destroy Radio Transmitter 2. Neutralize Gestapo Theat 3. Locate
Maquis Hideout.
Walk out of the alcove your in and look right and shoot the first guard here.
Now walk forward and enter the doorway on the left. The first objective is met
when you destroy the radio transmitter. Get on the right side and enter the
alcove on the end. Now look up and left and get the sniper guard thats up on the

Now walk a little ways till you reach then end of the alleyway and face straight
ahead and be careful. This guard here has a SMG Machine gun and it does kill
quickly. Hit him fast and get his ammo and now you have a new gun in stash. Now
enter the Alley past that guard and get the smg Ammo thats on your left. Look up
and left and there is a guard on a walkway like before so shoot him before he
detects you. Walk a little farther forward and a guard jumps out from the right
alcove. Shoot him fast before he shoots you.

Enter the alcove the guard was in and get the surgeon pack. Now walk out slowly
and shoot the 2 guarrds that pop up. Follow the street and there will be 2 more
guards one on the right (closer) and one down and on the left of you. Shoot the
one on the right first cause he's closer. The left guy can't hit you cause the
wall is blocking you. Now crawl to where the other guard on the left is and get
the smg ammo and the small med pack. Now stand up and blast the guard. Now
follow the path and look ahead. There is 2 guards standing on a bridge. Lure
them out and crouch behind the wall on your left and you will easily kill the 2
guards. They both have rifle ammo.

Follow the path to near the end of some buildings and kill this guard in the
left alcove and half of the gestapo threat is neutralized. Now walk back in the
alcove and pick up some grenades and some rifle ammo. Earlier near the bridge
there was an opening on the right hand side which you can now fall down to. Now
to your immediate left is a guard here and a railing and some water. Shoot the
guard and pick up his rifle rounds and get the small med pack here. Shoot the
guard in the distance off to the left as well. Follow the path and you'll
eventually see another guard so shoot him. Now walk across the bridge and go
left and on the right you'll see a small alleyway and a guard there so shoot

Follow the path to the left and climb the ladder. Past the ladder and straight
ahead is another guard so shoot him. Look back and to the right and another
guard is perched atop another walkway. Shoot him. Go Right and another guard
pops out so shoot him. Now go up some stone steps. Once up the steps a guard
walks in from the right. Once you shoot that guard walk into the alcove on the
left and the gestapo threat is neutralized the second objective is complete.
Once out of the alcove another guard is behind you so shoot him. Go straight
till you see an opening on the right where there is some crates and 2 guards
inside. Either shoot the crates or lob a grenade in there and yeah the 2 guards
get blown to smithereens. Get the rifle ammo and the smg ammo thats here. Also
get the Surgeon pack thats here. Now go out the left side and shoot the guard
that pops out. Look up and left and shoot the guard thats on the catwalk.

Get the grenades on your left side alcove. Walk to the end and make a right and
get the guard thats standing on the left hand side. Where the guard was standing
get his ammo turn around and walk forward and take the surgeons pack. Now walk
out in the open and look up and right and get the guard on the catwalk. Then
turn left and get the guard thats now up ahead. Now go right and on the right
hand side there is a guard so shoot him and then get the small med-pack thats
there. Now go straight and 2 guards pop out one on the right and one on the left
so shoot them. Now go right and walk left to the small building and get a small
med pack some smg ammo and some grenades.

Walk out go left and back up into the alcove. Walk forward and you'll see a
stony walkway. Shoot the guard thats here and follow the path up. Now shoot the
other guard thats here. Now there will be 2 more guards here so shoot them.
Another guard pops out so shoot him. Now look up and left and get the guard
thats on the catwalk. Walk forward and kill 2 guards ahead. Walk right in alcove
and get some smg ammo. Now on the right there is a hideout area with crates so
throw a grenade in here and kill guards. If it misses then you'll just have to
shoot the 3 guards here. Go through this area and walk right and get the surgeon
pack. Next area will have about 4 guards from around the corner so shoot them. 2
guards ahead just run till the one sees you then run back and aim and when he
appears shoot him. Walk left and get the small med pack and then shoot the smg
armed guard in front of you. Now you should see a big tank but don't worry cause
it wont try to shoot you and you can't operate it:(.

Shoot the guard and move slowly forward. 2 guards come from behind so shoot them
and then lob a grenade into the next building. Now you'll find the Maquis
Hideout and end the mission.
**************************The Fight Continues**************************
**************************Sewer Chase**********************************
Mission 1 Level 3
Objectives: 1.Acquire G3 Attache Case 2. Locate Maquis Weapon Cache 3. Exit
You start this mission facing 3 barrels so head to the left opening. Walk
forward once turning left through the opening and you'll see the dead pilot
slumped over in a corner. Get the Attache case near him and your first Objective
is complete. Turn left and walk down the corridor or small cave-like walkway.
Now a dog will run after you and jump and bite you so shoot it and then kill the
guard behind it. Follow the path down until you reach the next right and keep
following. Go down to an area where there is an opening and a walk to the right
or left and 2 guards should pop out so kill them and make sure you listen for
the dogs bark it indicates which direction the dog is coming from. At the
opening go left and walk up to the window and then turn around. Always try and
bury yourself into some areas and in some cases crouch down.

This helps to make you less noticeable and you won't get hit as often. Now walk
a little forward and there should be a dog walking around so hit him from a
distance and wait for a guard to pop around the corner and kill him. Now go left
and follow the path up to a grated area on the left. Get the SMG ammo and the
small Medical Pack. Walk back down and head left and then take your first right.
Now go up this area and pick up the small Med pack. Now go down and follow the
path and wait before going left. There is a guard and a dog that are waiting for
you here so blast them and then move forward. There will be 2 areas to enter so
enter the left path first. Go up and pick up some SMG rounds and some grenades.
Now take the right path and there will be a dog and a guard here so shoot them
and then go right. Now walk to where there is a rusty looking window and turn
left and shoot the guard and the dog here before hitting and rusty bars and
finding a weapons stash. Your second objective is completed and you get a
surgeon pack,some shotgun shells and I believe some SMG ammo. Jump back out of
here and head right. Follow the path up to the grenades and the medicinal

When you collect those and turn around a guard casually walks up the path
unaware that your there so blast him. Now head back around to the path from
earlier and shoot a guard and a dog thats there. A little farther up is again a
dog and his guard so shoot them and get the medicinal canteen. Now head right
and you should see some pipes sticking out of the ground in a right left pattern
so go around them. When you get to the end of this pathway that goes right there
is 2 guards hiding near the last pipe on the right so make sure you leave some
distance and shoot them suckers. Now walk to the opening and immediately head
left and shoot the guard thats standing on the upper concrete area. Move back a
little and to the left is another guard so blast him as well.

Now walk straight over to where there is a small med pack and pick it up. Now go
left from here and you will then go right where there is a path going up and a
guard and a dog is. Kill them and then head up the path. Once your up the path
you realize your where those 2 guys that shot at you earlier were. You can now
get their ammo. Follow the path and you will have to shoot the dog thats now
here. Further up there is a guard so shoot him and then keep following the path.
Now follow the path up and look right you can see a small med pack,some grenades
and some ammo so pick them up. Follow the path and you will see 2 guards at the
bottom of the path so shoot them. Before going down there look left and you will
see a big pipe sticking out of the wall and 2 medicinal canteens so get them.
Now follow the path and a dog will pop out so shoot it and then shoot the guard
off to the right. Go straight here and get the grenades at the end of the hall.
Go back the other way and you will see a ladder leading down but don't go down
yet. Lob a grenade down below to blow up the dog there.

Now head on down the ladder and go right and get the med-pack here. Go back out
and head right until you get to another left-right path decision. First face
left and kill the guard thats shooting at you then go right and kill the dog and
guard here and then get the grenades at the end area. Now head back the oppisite
direction and go further down and kill 2 more guards that are shooting at you.
Now you'll see a area with a railing around a main portion of the room and a
left-right decision. Kill the dog and guard on the right and then head right.

Shoot a guard in the distance and then shoot another guard thats standing near
some steps off to your left. Walk up near the stairs and your 3rd objective is
completed. Now walk around the other side and go all the way back and pick up a
small med-pack then go left and head forward and get some more grenades. Now
walk to where the stairs are and exit this level. Now watch the film The
Invasion Of Europe if you choose.
Mission 2: Destroy The Mighty Railgun: Greta
****************************The Fight Continues************************
****************************Sneak Into Railstation*********************
Mission 2 Level 1
Objectives: 1. Switch Tracks 2. Obtain Ausweis Blau "ID Blue" 3. Obtain Ausweis
Rot "ID Red"
First off make sure you never hold your weapon when approaching guards since
this is a Spy Mission. Always have your passport papers equipped. Start by
descending the stairs and going left. Go left again and look left and there is a
ladder here so climb it. Enter the tiny corridor and then walk on to a grated
walkway and you'll see a guard guarding the rail switch. Show the guard your
papers by pushing the x button and then be prepared to switch to silenced weapon
quickly and shoot the guy.

Once he's shot you get the "ID Blue" and complete your second Objective. Now
walk up to the podium looking switch plate and use action button and you
complete your first Objective. Now fall down this area to a room below on to a
train car. You can get pistol Ammo here. Now walk back the way you entered this
room and on your left there is a ladder to climb back up. Follow grated flooring
back to the tiny corridor towards to beginning of the level. Now go back up the
stairs right at the beginning and go to the guy near the chest and show him your
papers. He'll let you through no need to shoot him unless you want some unwanted
attention. Walk through this door and go straight up the stairs where on the
left is a small area to crawl into. Crawl in and through the grated area. Shoot
through the next area and Shoot the guy below in the office. You obtain "ID Red"
and your final Objective is complete. In one corner of the office is some more
pistol ammo. Now go down the stairs and out the door switching back to the
papers and show this guard your papers.

Walk to the back of the room and get the med pack and the ammo thats behind the
car. Now go behind the guard here and shoot him. Now shoot the other guard. Walk
up the steps to your left and it will say end of level located so go ahead and
end it.
***********************The Fight Continues*****************************
***********************Find the Gift Package***************************
Mission 2 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Steal Freight Manifest 2. Obtain Ausweis Rot "ID Red" 3. Find
Gift Package. 4. Disable Reserve Engine 5. Follow Rails To Rail Tunnel.
When you begin this level you'll see a guard walk by. Let him go by or walk up
to him and he will salute you. Now walk left up a little slope and get the
Freight Manifest tacked on the wall_this completes the first objective_. Now
walk to near the end of the hall and turn back around facing where the guy that
passed you earlier now is. Wait till he walks back out to that area and you'll
notice now there is alarms. There is a guard on the right and you gotta wait
till that guy walks behind the wall till you shoot him with your pistol.

Remember to equip your papers whenever you kill another guy or you'll be killed
quickly. Now go and shoot that guard and get his ammo and head back the way you
were going. Go left around the corner and around a docked looking area and there
is a door near the back of this room which you can open. Follow the path around
and there will be another german guard that salutes you. Walk around him and
shoot him from behind. Now go back and you'll see a hook hanging down and enter
this room. Now on the right there is a guard and straight ahead is an outside
area. Walk outside and another guard will salute you. You'll now see a roofed
breezeway with benches beneath it. Walk around this area and get Ammo and
medicinal canteen. Walk back around and see some chests now go left and you
should see a water tower and a train with lights on behind a gate.

Now your standing on the train tracks. Go back to where the water tower is and
stand behind the guard thats now there. Make sure the other guard is nowhere in
sight and shoot this guy. Get the medicinal canteen and on the left there is a
guitar case with a weapons stash in it so open it with the square or action
button. Once open you get a Sniper Rifle which is very handy for later in the
level but right now it's too noisy. Your third objective is now complete as this
was the gift package.

Now shoot the other guard before he spots you and take his ammo. Now go back in
the room where the guard now on your left is at. Walk up to him and show your
papers and he will know your a traitor so shoot him before he sounds the alarm
directly behind him. You can shoot the alarms and destroy them but it takes up
too much ammo. Now on the desk near that guard is the Ausweis Rot "ID Red" and
your 2nd. Objective is complete. Now head back to the beginning of the level and
walk back past the guard to a fenced area and at the end of this area get the
medicinal canteen and then show the guard in this area your ID and He'll allow
you to pass.

Enter this area and head to the back of the train car and you'll see a red
flashing box here. Push the action button and then run like Hell cause it's
gonna blow. Now once she blows the guards sound the alarm and they come after
you with vicious guns so react quickly shooting them with your puny pistol. Now
shoot the alarm so if more guards come running they can't let anyone else know
they need backup. Shoot the 2 guards as fast as you can here and then hit the
alarm till it explodes. Also now the 4th Objective is complete which is
disabling the Reserve Engine. Now go back where you were outside and this time
follow the train tracks all the way down to your left and shoot the guards that
are there in your way. Walk to a bridge and use sniper rifle to kill the guard
there. Now crawl a ways down and a guard will shoot you from behind so get up
quick and shoot him. Now there will be 2 guards that lie down and shoot so lie
down yourself and shoot them and then get the medicinal canteen on the side of
the tracks. Now you'll see a tunnel and your final objective is complete. Enter
the tunnel to end this level.
****************************The Fight Continues************************
****************************Rail Canyon********************************
Mission 2 Level 3
Objectives 1.Procure Grenades 2. Destroy Fuel Containers 3. Exit Canyon to
Follow the tracks around until you get to a ropey looking bridge and stop a ways
back. Get your sniper rifle ready and shoot the guard here. Now go to your first
right and get the small med-pack and fall down the gulley here. Crouch down and
crawl under the metal insulation duct to where there is a guard but this time
use the silencer. Enter the 50 caliber bunker and get the rifle rounds, and the
stick grenades and now your first objective is met.

Go back up and grab the 50 caliber and go nuts and shoot all the guys running
around. There should be between 3-4 guys to shoot here depending on weather the
one guy showed up earlier when you first entered this bunker. Now shoot the
crates on the floor which starts a chain reaction and blows the door off so you
can exit through this bunker. Now go to the right and when you come to an
opening on the left enter here and shoot the guard thats taking a ciggerrette
break before he sees you. Now shoot or throw a grenade at the fuel containers
and objective 2 is complete. Also on the left side of the containers is a
medicinal canteen. Now walk forward and to the right and now stand and look left
and there is 2 guards shooting at you. Use the sniper rifle here and shoot the 2
guards. Now you should be at an area with a yellow sign and a number 2 on it.

Go left to a sign thats red and has a x through it. Turn right and go up path.
Now drop to another metal insulation duct and crawl through it. Shoot the guy
here with silencer and grab hold of the 50 caliber. Get the stick grenades thats
here and the Medicinal canteen on the right. Now blow the crates up and exit the
bunker. Walk to the rope bridge and kill the 2 guards there. Walk a small ways
under the bridge and to the left behind a rock is a guard so shoot. Walk in this
area and get small med-pack and some SMG rounds. Now follow the small path
behind here and shoot the guard to the left of you. Now go back to where the red
sign was and follow the path except this time go straight instead of falling to
the metal insulation duct. You'll come to a small camp area where a guy is
standing near a camp fire so shoot him. Then move back cause you will be shot
at. Move back a little ways and then lob a stick grenade down the small drop
near there and blow this guy up. Jump down and get the small med-pack near the
camp-fire and just beside the fire is a medicinal canteen. Now go right and get
the 1 rifle rounds,and the 2 smg rounds and the 2 pistol rounds and the small-
medpack under a greenish tent. Now walk out the tent and look up and right and
there is a sniper there so shoot him.

Now walk back out the way you entered from and carry on down the train tracks.
Now walk up to where there is another bunker and lob a stick grenade in at this
guy to take him out. Now look ahead and to the right and see the one guard?
Shoot him and his buddy will pop up so kill them 2 and then head left up the
path and get the small-medpack. Now head into the metal insulation duct and do
the same thing like before except this guy is already dead so just collect the
stick grenades and smg smmo. Now grab the 50 caliber and look for stuff to shoot
at. Exit the bunker and go left and head to a sign thats white with a black x on
it near a tunnel. Walk up to the first switch in the tracks and pick up the 2
medicinal canteens. Forget about the rail car on the right for now. Just head
left to the rail car on the left. Now be careful here because these guards have
on some good armor so use the smg machine gun and kill 1 guard behind you then
turn around and kill 2 more guards near the rail car. Now look to your right and
you need to shoot 2 more guards thats one rail car ahead of where your now
standing. Climb the back rail car and get the stick grenages and smg ammo. Now
you should go forward and see another rail car with a ladder on it. There is
first a guard on your left and then 2 more on your right. If you distance
yourself from them they won't be able to hit you.

Shoot from afar. Now climb the car and get the small-medpack. Now head forward
and drop down the small hatch to the final objective completion, which is, exit
canyon to railgun. Now run left to exit this level.
*****************************The Fight Continues***********************
*****************************Meeting Greta*****************************
Mission 2 level 4
Objectives: 1. Destroy Railgun Greta
Walk forward and kill 2 guards ahead and then you'll see a guard standing under
a light on the left of the screen. Shoot 3 guys here but use your smg gun and
then move on. Now look for a small path on the cliffside and head up it and
shoot the guy thats there but use your silencer here and get a head shot. Now go
back to main area where the train tracks are and keep on walking. Another guard
is waiting for you on the right up a little ways so shoot him. Move forward and
look for a small opening on the right side and there will be 2 guards there
shoot them. Go into that opening and a guard will be standing under a light so
shoot him. Follow the path around the mountain and kill the 2 guards that are in
the open. Keep going forward until you see a structure and 2 guards equally
adjacent to each other. Either lob a grenade and risk them throwing it back or
just shoot the 2 guards. Now walk towards the structure and look right and get 2
small med-packs. Now walk directly across and take the grenades.

Now walk back the same you came in and start walking along the train tracks once
again. The area on the right serves no purpose so just head towards the rail car
that you now can see. Shoot the guy on the right with the silencer and then run
like hell back to a safer place and switch to the machine gun and blast the 2
guards chasing you. This car is actually the Greta and don't stand directly
under it when it's shooting cause it can cause a little damage. Look for the red
sections that are showing all around the car you must set 4 bombs on the car to
blow it up. Afterwards or after placing 2 or 3 bombs some more guards run in so
keep your machine gun equipped and shoot them guys.

Mission 3: Scuttle Das Boot U9401
******************************The Fight Continues**********************
******************************Escape The Wolfram***********************
Mission 3 Level 1
Objectives: 1. Gain Access to the Promenade 2. Gain Access To Bridge
3. Find Wrench 4. Gain Access To Engineering 5. Jam ENgine 6. Exit Ship Through
Cargo Hold.
Go past the few crates and see the first guard and he will salute you. The key
to killing in this level is at a point blank range. Stand right behind him and
draw your weapon and shoot him. Now walk a little farther and you'll be at an
opening. A guard will walk from the left hand side but don't let him salute you.
Just shoot him this time and this time only from a distance. Now take your first
right and then go left into another room of crates. Walk behind the guard here
really close and shoot him. Then collect the smg ammo thats here. Make sure your
only using the silencer so far otherwise you'll attract attention. Also make
sure you always equip your papers after shooting a guard or you'll be killed

Now go the opposite direction and enter the last entryway to the left avoiding
the one on the right for now. Now explore this area and there is a guard back in
the corner. Shoot him and then go to the opening on the right that will now be
on your left. Walk to this part and get the generals pass. Leave here go left
and then right to the guard on the end and show him your papers but don't shoot
this guy. Once past this door your first objective will be complete so keep
going straight and then yuor first right it's to the bridge. Now take your first
right and show this guy here your papers and he will know your a spy so quickly
dispose of him. Now go up one more opening and get the medicinal canteen and the
ammo rounds in here. Over here there is a door and a guard but you don't have
the right credentials yet and don't shoot this guy either. Go back the way you
came and walk towards engineering. Take your first left when you see the
opening. Walk in here and dispose of the guard and get the ammo rounds and
medicinal canteen and the Bridge crediantials. Now walk back to the bridge and
you will be allowed to pass. Follow the path to the ladder where another guard
stands watch. Show him your papers and pass here but don't kill him. Walk up the
ladder and follow the path to A guard that leads to another section like the one
your in now.

Wait till the guard turns his back and then shoot him with silencer. Now there
is an area off to the right but don't go there yet. Go in the next section and
get the medicinal canteen and the ammo rounds. Now go back to that section and
show papers to the guard on the left. A guard will approach from the right
asking for papers so show them and he will confront you demanding your name but
you must contend with 2 guards in as quiet a manner as possible so shoot them
with the silencer. Now go left into the main bridges room where there are 2
guards. Shoot the one with a head shot and then take the other out. If the other
guard sounds the alarm just walk up to it and use your action or square button
to turn it off,otherwise the troops will come a shootin. Now get the pass to
engineering and your second Objective in complete. Now walk to the end path and
walk out and a guard will ask for papers so show them and he'll let you by,
don't kill this guy.

Turn around and go straight to the opening and go right. A guard is here so show
him your papers and wait for him to turn his back and then shoot him. Now go
back and check both sides of the bridge. One side has the wrench you need to jam
the engine in engineering. The one side has pistol rounds and a medicinal
canteen. The other side has the wrench and now Objective number 3 is complete. 3
more to go. Now head back towards engineering. Fall down the ladder and show the
same guard your papers again but don't kill him. Just keep going forward on the
way to the engineering showing everyone your papers and don't kill anyone.

Now go down the ladder here and show the guard your papers. Make your first
right after the guard and you've accomplished your 4th objective. Now head
beneath the engine and shoot the guard here. The guard in the next room over
needs killing also before jamming the wrench into the engine. Now jam the engine
and your 5th Objective is complete. The alarm will sound so run into the next
room where the other guard was and quickly use the action button to turn it off.
Head out of engineering but kill the guard thats at the top of the sloped area
first then exit engineering. There is a part to the right that has stuff there
but you get pummeled so just head for the cargo hold near the beginning of the
level to exit the level. Look for the big door that says Fracht that means
freight in German. Shoot the 2 guys here using your machine gun then climb the
ladder to exit.
******************************The Fight Continues**********************
***************************The Rooftops of Dachsmag********************
Mission 3 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Locate Smuggled Weapons 2. Secure Deployment Timetable 3. Blow up
truck with demo charges 4. Find Hatchway To Production Facility.
Walk forward about a foot and press action or square button and you already
complete your first mission objective. _You get the sniper rifle in the black
box_ Go forward a little more and look down and you'll see a guards head on the
lower part of the roof so shoot him. Now walk left and drop off of the building
after taking the guards stick grenades. As soon as you drop here face left and
shoot the guard standing there.

Now switch to the sniper rifle and walk to your left to a opening. Walk a little
forward and you'll see a guard on the left side of the screen and kill him with
the sniper rifle. Get this guys ammo and you should get to another open area
with a truck to you left. Walk straight and go around a small building where
there is a guard,2 medicinal canteens and the timetable. Shoot the guard,get the
canteens and then complete objective 2. Walk back around the building to where
the truck is and use the square button or action button to set the charges and
then run away from the blast. Your third objective is now complete and now 1
more to go. Once the truck blows up there will be 3 guards that run after you
so use your machine gun to get rid of them. Now walk back to the area where you
first fell down to and kill the second guard that was just to the left of you.

There is a ladder here so climb up it. Now walk across the roof to the crate on
the end. Jump to the crate on the other side and drop right onto the lower
crate. Now climb this ladder and You should now be on another roof with a Iron
Gate looking fence on your right. Walk a little ways until you see a guard in
the distance so use the Sniper Rifle to get him. This guard didn't have any ammo
but there is a medicinal canteen on your right hand side. Now walk forward where
the guard once stood and on the right is a break in the railing where you can
fall down so do that. Now your on top of yet another roof and on your right
below the roof is a guard standing so shoot him. Another guard starts shooting
but doesen't hit you. Don't worry about them it's 2 guards below but they can't
see you anyways . Now hop down to the middle crate and get the stick grenades.

Now you will be behind 2 guards off to your right so get rid of them. Now stick
to the right wall and walk forward to a small area of 3 crates and there is some
SMG rounds here. Go left out of the small area and then take another left and
there is a long wall here and some stick grenades in the back section. Turn
around and walk straight past 2 buildings close together and you wills see a
ladder on the left so climb it. You'll be back on the roof you dropped down from
earlier. This time on the left side is an open area to fall down to and now you
can fall here. Fall down the first drop and then go left and fall down on your
left side and you'll be in a small alley. The next right you take has a guard
there so get rid of him. Walk through this small alley and then take your first
left and then walk to an opening and then keep going straight until you have to
make your first right. Here,there is a pipe overhanging a train car,but also
there is a guard here lurking around the next corner in another alleyway.

Shoot him and check out this train car area. Follow the alley the guard was at
all the way around,ignoring the ladder for now thats on the left. Follow the
alley all the way back to some medicinal canteen and some pistol rounds. Now
head back to the ladder and climb up it. You'll see a ladder to the right but
don't climb up it. There is a guard to your right thats up that ladder so stay
low and and shoot this guy. Now climb up the ladder and look left and you'll see
another guard standing on a distant roof. Shoot this guard and another guard
will be shooting at you but don't worry he's out of range. Go left and drop to
the lower part of the roof and now climb the ladder to the upper ledge and get
the Small med-pack and the SMG Ammo to your left.

Now face right and jump to the other roof and cross the pipe that was over the
train car. Be careful you don't fall off or you have to retrace your steps. Walk
right once you get off the pipe and follow the small alley to another ledge.
Drop here and follow the alleyway shooting a guard. Turn left and walk to
another opening where there is 2 more guards and a truck. Set the demo charges
on this truck and 2 guards run towards you so kill them before they kill you.
Now walk forward near the end and take a left. In the opening turn left and
shoot the 2 guards here. Optionally you can throw some stick grenades around the
corner to kill them. Now get the small med-pack and the Stick grenades that are
here. Walk back the way you came and follow the alley back a ways Till you reach
a wall. Turn left twice here and climb the ladder on the left side of the
building. Once up this ladder there is a guard on the roof. Shoot him and then
on the distant roof is another guard.

Kill him and then Jump over to the other roof where the other guard was. Go left
here and find the small med-pack here and follow the roofway around to a small
ladder. Climb the ladder and on another roof farther away is another guard so
shoot him. Line up with the smallest area to jump and jump the building. Now
head left and get the small med-pack thats here. Youll now complete your final
objective. Go to the hatch and climb in to end the level.
*******************************The Fight Continues*********************
*******************************The Hunters Den*************************
Mission 3 Level 3
Objectives: 1. Find Engine Specs 2. Find Hull Blueprints 3. Destroy Sea Door
Control 4. Locate and board U 4901
Shoot out the rusty grate here and wait for the guard to walk by before shooting
him. Now walk towards a garage looking door and then take a right here. Walk
around the corner and face right and take out the guard thats sitting down. Now
wait for his buddy to come to the rescue and shoot him also. This section is a
litle more dangerous cause there is flammable liquid drums and cylinders that
the enemy can also use against you.

Don't get caught resting near one of these. Go in the next room where the yellow
drum is and then go right to where there is a light that has a bad bulb flashing
and go up this hall. The next room has some big blue cabinets and 3 guards will
pop out at you so hurry and get rid of them. Go towards the cabinet on the left
and next to it is a medicinal canteen. Now turn right and follow the hallway To
a field surgeons pack and some stick grenades. Now head back to the room where
you began and go the other way. Follow this hallway to a room where there is a
machine on the left with some red tags hanging off of them. Now face right and
you should see 2 poles leaning against a wall. Go around this corner and there
is a guard to your immediate right so kill him and then get the guard on the
left. The guard on the left is a diversion for the guard on the right to blast
you. Walk past the alarm on the left and throw a grenade in here there is lots
of drums to blow up and the guards there will get blown up also. Now walk past
the torpedos and around a small area and get the small med-pack back here. Now
head back out and keep going foward.

Walk around the corner and shoot the guard here in another torpedo room. Go
behind the torpedo platform and get the stick grenades and follow the path
around. The next section is a big room and if you go to far in the guards will
sound the alarm and 2 guards will come at you so eliminate them. Go towards the
back of this room and get the medicinal canteen and the Rifle Rounds just to the
left of the canteen. Here there is a rolltop desk which you must use the action
or square button to open. Now your first objective is complete. Now walk left to
exit this room and kill the guard thats behind the Engines. Next section has a
guard to the left so quickly kill him and a machine gun dude comes at you from
the right so kill him. Then from the left another guard comes at you so kill him

Walk towards the back of this tube-looking thing and turn around and kill the
guards that come in after you but make sure your on the left hand side of the
tube. Now collect the small med-pack and the Stick grenades and exit to your
left near some yellow drums. Follow the path around to another big room.
Straight ahead there is a guard there so kill him. Walk straight back to a table
with some big blue papers on it and your second objective will be complete. Now
walk to a hallway with some red lights and follow it. Walk a little ways and
down a slope is a guard so kill him. Now go left and kill the guard there and
enter this area.

Go left and get the medicinal canteen on the left and turn around and go down
this red hallway and kill the guard walking up. Now there is a guard standing
next to a podium so kill him next. Now make sure you equip your Machine gun and
press the square or action button to set the charges to destroy the sea door
control. Now your third objective is complete. There will be guards running
after you so eliminate them. Run back up the red hallway getting the medicinal
canteen in the corner on the left. Enter this big room now and kill the guard
before entering the big room. You should be in a room with some Nazi flags
hanging and a railing on your left and a boat in the center. To the left and
below is a guard so kill him and then one will be running towards you so then
kill him. Now kill the guy on the bridge of the sub and then another guy towards
the back part of the sub. Go towards the end of the walk and kill off another

Now go to where the guard was standing and get the medicinal canteen thats
there. Walk down the sloped area and follow the concrete walk up near the end of
the room and kill the guard here. Walk around the walk to the end of this
section and kill the guard there. There is another red hallway on your left but
don't go there yet. Fall off the concrete path to the bottom part of the sub and
follow it around to get some Grenades and a Field Surgeon Pack. Now there will
be 2 guards down here also so eliminate them. Now walk back up the ladder down
here and enter the red hallway. Follow the red hallway and there will be a guard
walking in from the right so kill him. Keep following the red hall until you see
a small med-pack and now your in another room. Walk down the slope and kill the
2 guards here and keep following the path around. Now equip your Sniper Rifle
and look to your right and there will be a guard here so kill it.

Follow the path around and there are 2 guards guarding the entrance to this sub.
Shoot them and then walk to the end of this walk instead of boarding the sub and
get the SMG Rounds,Pistol Rounds and Small Med-Pack thats here. Cross the bridge
to board the U 4901 and complete your final objective. Turn left and walk
towards the fron of the sub and enter the hatch to end the level.
****************************The Fight Continues************************

Mission 3 Level 4
Objectives: 1. Radio Coordinates To HMS Belfast 2. Lock Fins To Dive Setting 3.
Destroy Fin Controls 4. Blow Ballast To Surface Boat 5. Find Exit Hatch
Walk into the latrine or bathroom where a guard is relieving himself and shoot
him. If he managed to get a shot off at you get the medicinal canteen to the
right of the toilet. Next there is 2 guards guarding an entryway. Shoot the left
guard using the sniper and try to get a 1 hit kill,otherwise both will be after
you. If you get a 1 hit kill the other guy is too scared to go after you so you
can hide. Now switch to the revolver and shoot this guy full of holes. Walk
forward through this room and a guard will pop out from the right and then
another behind him so shoot them. Before going down the ladder on the left throw
some grenades down there and kill off some guards down there. Walk to the back
of this room at the bottom of the ladder and on the left in the back is the
stick grenades.

Now follow the room to where the ladder is and follow that path around. Shoot
the 2 guards here and keep folowing along the path. This hall is long and
consists of 4 guards each with machine guns so equip your machine guns and show
em who's boss. Now walk to the end and make a left and climb the ladder here.
Walk all the way up the ladder cause you can't use your weapon when on a ladder
which sucks. There is 2 guards here but look left and a guard will shoot you so
kill him first and then quickly dispose of the 2 guards on your right. Now pick
up the small med-pack and the stick grenades. Now up the small ladder and
collect the ammo from these guys. Go towards a blue looking room and 3 guards
will run out into the hallway. Kill them off and then go right into the next
room to radio coordinates _push the action button or square button at the
radio_to the HMS Belfast and now your first objective is complete. Walk straight
across this room and get the ammo and the small med-pack.

In the blue room 2 guards will pop in one from left and one from right so step
back and wait for them to walk into firing range and shoot them. Now go right to
the next room and face right and kill the guard here. Your second objective will
automatically complete and then you'll see a red flashing box where you press
your action or square button to set the explosives and now your third objective
is complete. Now walk straight into the next room and look to you right and
there is 2 switches on the wall. Use your action or square button and your 3rd
objective is complete. Now leave this room and enter the next room shooting the
2 guards there first. Climb the tiny ladder and enter the red room and your
final objective is complete. Now just climb the ladder loacted on the other side
of the periscope and climb the ladder to exit the level.
***************** Mission 4: The Attack on Impentrable FortSchmerzen***
**************************The Fight Continues**************************
**************************The Siegfried Forest*************************
Mission 4 Level 1
Objectives 1. Destroy Stuka Dive Bomber 2. Locate Crowbar 3. Open Hatch To Enter
Fort 4. Find Entrance To Sublevel 1 _Happens late in the level_
I can't stress enough that this mission is hard so be prepared to meet grenade
throwing maniacs and really hard 50 caliber head on battles. The key to this
level is to use every weapon except the machine gun. Save this gun for near the
end part you'll need the ammo.Now on with the walkthrough. The first 2 guys are
hard to see so just turn the corner to face them and blast away. Now don't get
too carried away here cause a few more steps and you'll have to face some more
guards. The first guard on the right kill him first and then a guard on the left
beside a tree.

Now another guy from the right now kill him and be careful here. Look up and to
the left and there is a sniper in the tree. Thats one thing about this level
that sucks is that the snipers blend right in so keep your eyes open for
snipers. Now that you've killed the sniper in the tree the coast is clear and
you can go and collect your ammo. Now follow the pathway to a dugout area where
before entering this part look up and to the left and there is a sniper hiding
in the trees. Kill him and then burry your way into the dugout part to a small
entryway you must crouch for to enter, and get the medicinal canteen here. Leave
the dugout area and collect the ammo from the sniper in the tree. Now enter
another dugout area and there is another medicinal canteen in here.

Exit the dugout and then head back on the main path to a guard standing in the
open looks like he's picking his nose actually so blast him. Now here is a
tricky part,crouch down using the crouch or l2 button and you must crawl up the
hilly area past a 50 caliber bunker. Crawl up the left side only and don't worry
he can't see you. Take the Surgeons Field Pack thats right below the bunker and
then the next part will or may take some practice. You must aim yourself just
right at the bunker and lob a grenade inside of the bunker so you can get the
grenades and shotgun shells on the opposite side. Now you can get up and walk
normal it's safe now. Now walk back down the hill and look right and you'll see
a medicinal canteen next to a tall tree. Now head back and follow a path next to
a sign that says UNWEG! and follow this pathway.

Now a guard will be around this area so shoot him and then you'll see a wall
surrounding a tree but don't jump the wall just yet. Go around this area and
there is a guard there so kill him first. Now go and jump the wall and get the
medicinal canteen. The next part is a little tricky but pretty fun as well.
Throw a grenade at the guys on ground and one guy will dive on the grenade to
save his buddy. Now switch to a gun and blast his friend. Now look up and left
and get the sniper thats up in this tree. Once all 3 are dead you can go and
collect ammo. This is the graveyard so walk forward and then in a little patch
thats kinda hard to see to your left is a small med-pack.

Now go ahead and shoot these 2 guards in this area and then move on. Here there
are 3 guards and most times the first guard on the right throws a grenade in at
you so step back. Just wait a minute and the other guard from the right runs
right over the grenade and gets blown up. Now shoot the other guy on the right
behind the bushes and then the guy on the left. Now it's clear for you to get
ammo and move on. This area has a medicinal canteen on the left side as well as
a sniper in a tree. Get the canteen and then take out the sniper and move on.
Next a guy appears from over a hill so get rid of him. Now head for the dugout
area and crawl under this part. Sneak up by staying crouched to a guard in this
tunnel part. Now shoot him before he sees you. Now you'll see a tiny ladder and
a guard standing atop it. Kill guard first and then climb the ladder and grab
the 50 caliber and start shooting everything in sight.

To be precise there is a sniper in the tree to the right of you and 2 guards
coming from the left hand side. Shoot these 3 goons and you're done with this
area. Now exit this area and on your left there will be a guard so go slowly
around the corner and shoot or lob a grenade at him. Now leave the leave the
dugout and head left. Walk a little ways up and there will be 2 guards standing
on the path. Lob a grenade or just shoot these guys. Now go forward and you're
right at the part where you shot those goons earlier when in the truck which is
on your left. Keep going straight and you'll see a white step and a rocky
looking wall. Jump over the wall and get the Small med-pack and some shotgun
shells. Jump back over and head out and follow the path. Stay to your right here
until you reach another sign that says UNWEG! and stop before getting to it. Now
look up and left and shoot the sniper thats here. Stand right and await a guard
approaching from the right and blast him.

Now in the background is another guard that you must shoot as well. Now walk to
the gate and on your right is a medicinal canteen. Now go up the path marked
UNWEG! and You'll come to a path that goes left or straight,you'll wanna go
straight for now and wait near some stone steps and make sure you turn around. 3
guards approach from behind and you'll need to shoot them first. Now jump the
stone steps and get the Grenades and the Field Surgeons Pack. Now go back to the
path to the left and follow it around and near the end of it is a guard you must
kill. You'll now be in front of a dropdown area where if you'll look left there
is a small med-pack. Now drop down this area and follow the path. You'll get to
a part in the path where it goes right or straight,you'll want to stay straight
here. Follow the path out till you get to some crates where you'll want to jump
over the crates and you'll see a guy on the right standing in another 50 caliber
bunker/hut. Shoot him and another guard below will start shouting and shooting.
Locate him and lob a grenade at him.

Now head back to the other path and you'll see the Stuka Bomber in the middle of
the screen you have to destroy this. The preferred to destroy the Stuka is to
shoot it with the 50 caliber cause it saves you from using your own ammo or
grenades. Before destroying it however walk right and beside some crates is a
small med-pack and on the other side of the crates is some Grenades. Now get in
the 50 caliber bunker and shoot the Stuka Bomber till it blows up and your first
objective is complete. Stay in the hut and look right and pick off the sniper in
the tree. Now walk through the big door and walk right and to the left near the
back gate is a medicinal canteen. Now follow the path until you see 2 wooden
crates in the middle of the screen and stop right where your at. You need to now
equip your machine gun and walk right. Aim your gun towards the right building
or area and shoot like mad and now walk to the left side and shoot like mad just
shoot everywhere around this section and eventually the 2 gunners are killed.

This is a 50 caliber bunker area and 2 of them is a bad situation. I hated this
part espicially cause this level is long and I died here alot only to have to
restart the level. Anyways don't feel bad when you have a hard time with this
part just know that I was there too. Next go forward and pick up the crowbar and
Field Surgeons Pack. Now your second objective is complete. From here on out to
the end of the level just keep your machine gun equipped cause this is a hard
level. Walk up the new path on the right and pick up the grenades. Go to the end
of the path where there is a guard standing and shoot him. Now look up ahead and
see there is a dome shaped building? Stay right where your at and Aim towards
the middle of it cause there is a guy with a 50 caliber there. Now move a little
bit left just past the bushes and look right and you must just trust me here and
shoot through the bushes cause there is another 50 caliber here in a dugout
area. This part is very difficult and is very stupid cause of how hard it is so
keep trying. Now walk into the dugout area and get a small med-pack and some
ammo and a medicinal canteen. Now shoot the 50 caliber if you wish but there is
nothing to kill here.

Now jump out of the dugout and start following the path. Look up and left and
shoot the sniper in the tree there. Now walk a little bit up to where if you
look right you can see another sniper on your right so kill him. Now you'll see
some white looking slabs in the ground and this is yet another stupid difficult
part. You gotta try and hide behind a white slab but also shoot the 50 caliber
gunmen thats inside a building type bunker now. Now once you kill that guy
immediately crouch and crawl to the small med-pack thats to the left of you. Now
crawl your way behind the white slabs and then get near the last one going right
and then get up and quickly aim and get rid of the 50 caliber gunmen thats here.
Walk to a part where you must crouch down and crawl under and surface or stand

Now jump the small crate to the bigger crate and get a grenade and a Medicinal
Canteen and some shotgun shells. Now walk to where the hatch is and get the SMG
Rounds. Now use the action or square button to enter the next area. Now your 3rd
Objective is complete and you think your done right? WRONG. You get a 4th
Objective added and it gets really hard here but bear with me. Fall down the
hatch and enter the sewer area Follow the sewer to a ladder you can climb and
then immediately crouch when you get up here. Now crawl to your left side and
now you know there is nothing there. Now crawl back the way you came never
getting up. By this time a guard should walk by a small wall thats providing you
cover so blast him befroe he discovers you.

Now crawl out and see the domed 50 caliber shooting structures? First crawl to
your right keeping close to the trees and you'll find a Field Surgeons Pack
here. Keep crawling around them till you get to an opening on your left. First
look straight ahead and see a guy in a window go ahead and shoot him first and
then go left. Your final Objective is complete now and a guard runs from the
left side shouting something in german. Kill him off and then enter the room
where you shot the other guy in the window. Back here is a medicinal canteen and
in the other room is a small med-pack.

The next section straight ahead has some good ammo and I imagine is a bonus
cause you don't need to do it if you don't want to. If you do then go up the
ladder and get the ammo here and you'll see 3 50 caliber guns here. You must
switch between the 3 guns and shoot the crap outta enemies coming from
everywhere and they do shoot back so be careful. After a while they will
eventually all die out and then you just climb down the ladder and look left and
you'll see another ladder leading down for your exiting of this level.


******************************The Fight Continues**********************
******************************Officers Quarters************************
Mission 4 level 2
Objectives: 1. Send False SOS 2. Find Orders From Colonel Muller 3. Acquire Key
To Lower Levels. 4. Find Gas Mask _happens later in level_
Walk forward and then head right or throw a grenade around this corner. Now
shoot the guard on the left and right sides. Go Right and your now in a red
hallway head left and get the medicinal canteen and the ammo rounds. There is
some guards ahead hiding around the right and left corners so get them and then
go forward and go left first. Go up the steps here and then climb the ladder.

Shoot the guy here and then on your left is a medicinal canteen. Now go straight
across to a big door with a black turning wheel and shoot the guards that are in
here. Turn left here and up ahead are 2 guards from the left room so shoot them.
Enter this room on the left and walk up to the radio and use the action or
square button and now objective 1 is complete. Turn around from the radio and on
the table behind you is a medicinal canteen. As you turn to leave this little
room 2 guards appear to your left so blast them. Now turn right and follow the
path until the end here and now go left. Shoot at the boxes in this room to get
rid of the 2 guys that are standing guard here. Now enter the room and on the
left side should be a rusty looking grate thats been blown apart from the blast
of the box that killed the 2 guards.

Crawl through this area and blast this other rusty grate and enter the next
room. When you stand up to your left is 2 ammo rounds and a medicinal canteen
and some grenades. Get those and then turn right and shoot the box to get the
Field Surgeons Pack. Now head back through the crawl space into the next room
and get up. Now turn left and then right to climb the ladder here. Now once up
the ladder immediately turn left and climb the ladder here. Go all the way up
and shoot the guard thats in here. Collect the 2 ammo rounds and the medicinal
canteen in here and then quickly climb back down. Depending on how fast you went
back down the ladder will depend on if there is a guy down at the bottom or not.
If you were slow then stand at the top of this room and look down with the

Now shoot the guard thats down there. Now go to the other side of the room and
climb another ladder just like the other side. Now kill the guard here and get
the 2 ammo rounds and the medicinal canteen. Go down the ladder and head to you
left where there is a stairway leading up. Climb the stairs and stop at around
the 3rd step from the top aim and shoot the guard standing in the enourmous gun
room. You can't operate the gun here sorry. Go up a little bit more up the steps
and face right and now there is another guard to shoot and kill. Now look left
and there should be a box near a ladder with a small med-pack and some ammo
rounds. Shoot the box if you wish and then lob a grenade down the ladder here.
Try throwing at least 3 grenades to make sure there is noone left to blast you
at the bottom and then proceed down the ladder. One major bug in this game
sometimes is ladder decension. If you get stuck on the ladder use your strafe
buttons either side to get off the ladder.

In this next room is a guard once you've ascended the ladder so kill him and
another guy will yell Intruda. Don't be alarmed just stand near the back of this
room and aim at the wall and shoot the 2 guards that comes running from the
right. Shoot the box on your left and then take the now 2 ammo rounds here. Head
right after this part and then go through the caddy-corner looking hallway and
then when you get to the opening stay right and go straight across to the
latrine or bathroom and go left and get the medicinal canteen in the toilet.
Head out of here and take a right and follow the hallway to the end. Step back 2
steps and a guy from the left corner will approach so kill him off. Now don't
move yet cause another guard runs in from the right so kill him off too.

Now you'll hear someone going nuts with their gun but don't worry he is for now
out of range to hit you. Around the next left corner is 2 boxes and some ammo
rounds beside them. Don't shoot the boxes unless you can spare the wasted ammo.
Turn left and go dow the small ladder here. A guard will confront you here so
blast him and then head left and get the stick grenades. Now head left from here
and your back on the path so keep going forward here. Climb the ladder here and
kill off the 2 guards in this area then make a left and follow the path into
Muellers office. Look immediately left and shoot the guard in here and then
shoot the boxes for a medicinal canteen and some ammo rounds. Look left and
you'll see a small med-pack so pick it up and then walk up to the table in here
with the big book on it. Get that book and now objective number 2 is complete.

Now that you found the orders another objective is added. Leave the office and
head right to the main hall. The hall turns into a red hallway where there is a
guard ahead. Kill him and then look right and another guard is here so kill him
and shoot another guard to your right. Don't go through the door on the right
side yet. Now to the left there is a hole in the wall so walk through it and
follow it through to find a Field Surgeons Pack and 2 ammo rounds. Go back the
way you came and now head straight across the hall into this hall. Follow the
hall around it goes to the left kinda and when you get around the corner on your
left is another guard so kill him. Don't move from where your at yet cause if
you look ahead there is a big room and some guards on a higher ledge. Shoot 2
guards up above,look for their boots. If you move too far forward here they will
take the liberty of lobbing some stick grenades at you.

Move into the room when it's safe and to your right is a ladder to climb so
climb up here and walk around the ledge to the ammo rounds and Stick grenades.
Now walk around the ledge until you see s crawl space. Crouch here and crawl on
through to the other side. Now you'll hear some gunshots and a guy yelling tear
him apart. There is a ladder leading down once you go a little further but stay
crouched in the little crawl space. Aim and lob around 3-4 grenades down this
ladder area to make sure all these guys are dead. Before going down here stay
crouched and aim down at the box thats visible here and shoot it to reveal a
small med-pack. When you fall down this ladder immediately look right and blast
the guard here and then get your med-pack. Head right to an area thats been
blown up and on the left is a medicinal canteen. Turn back around and head the
other way shooting the guard thats on your left. head right and get the
medicinal canteen thats here also. Now head back left and blast the guard on
your left. Walk into the furnace room and look left immediately and get the
medicinal canteen.

Go right now and another guard appears from the right so shoot him. Head right
here and shoot another guard and another is hiding in the middle cemented
section and he's a bit to the left. Walk down the sloped area here on around and
follow the hall to some blue doors but you can't enter here yet. Turn right and
here there is a blue barrel and a guard standing behind it. Shoot it with the
shotgun to blow it and the guard up as well. Further down in another doorway is
a grenade throwing maniac so kill him fast before he kills you. Shoot the box on
the left and get the ammo rounds here. Walk to where the grenade guard was and
get the small med-pack on the left hand side. Head left out of here into the
main hall and on the left 3 more guards pop out so kill them. Now shoot the box
on the left to get the small med-pack. Don't get it until you've rounded the
corner to the left and killed again 2 more guards. Now go and get the small med-
pack. Turn around and go right into the next room where you'll see 2 boxes that
are pointless to shoot cause they reveal nothing important.

Get the grenades and the small med-pack that are in this room and then Follow
the hall around and here there will be another guard so shoot him. The next left
corner is dangerous cause there is 3 guards to dispose in around the same
general area. Do alot of shooting here and they will drop like flies. Take a
left here into another room with 2 boxes and a small med-pack behind the boxes.
Shoot the boxes to get the medicinal canteen and ammo rounds. Now head back
beside the locker and get the small med-pack. Jump on the table to get the gas
mask and to also complete objective number 4. Just 1 more objective to go. Head
out of this room going left and getting the 2 ammo rounds on the right and the
medicinal canteen in the back. Go left at the end of the hall and enter Mullers
quarters. Go to the back of the room and kill the guard taking a leak in the
bathroom and take the key from him. Your final objective is complete.

Just retrace your steps killing guards along the way back to the blue doors and
enter them to end the level. The first guard jumps out from the right when you
go to the main hall so kill him. The next hall has a guard on the left and on
the right so kill them. Now you can go right where before you couldn't so go
right and you'll enter the barracks of some troops. The first room on the right
has a guard and 2 boxes. Shoot the guard and then the boxes to receive Some ammo
rounds. Now leave this room and to your right 2 guards apporach so kill them and
then head left to another room on the left hand side. Enter this room and shoot
the guy on the top bunk bed and then the guy below him. Shoot the box to get
some ammo rounds and then leave this room to the right. Now it should be safe to
just walk to the blue doors I spoke of earlier. Just enter them and shoot the 2
guards here and go down the ladder and the level is done.
***************************The Fight Continues*************************
***************************Mustard Gas Production**********************
Mission 4 Level 3
Objectives: 1. Activate Gas Valve one 2. Activate Gas Valve two 3.Exit Fort
Walk forward and shoot the guard off to the left. Now go Straight to a small red
hall and some wooden crates stacked up in another room. There is one crate
opening in the next room where there is a guard so shoot him. Notice how the one
guy gets on the intercom and says Attention American Commando you are surrounded
and there is no chance for escape put down your weapon now and you will be
treated with charity and kindness. Thats a total bunch of BS,Nazis treating
people with respect? right. Back to the walkthrough. Get the grenades and the
ammo rounds on the left side of this room.

Go back out of this room killing the guard that steps in before you can leave.
Before leaving officially though head to the right hand side of the room and go
around the crates where the first guy you killed in here was standing and get
the small med-pack. Now leave the room going to the right doorway into the small
red room and on your right will be another guard so kill him and then Walk into
the next room going right and killing 2 guards in here. Go past the small red
room and hang a left and then look left and a guard will be there so kill him
off. Walk left and then go to the doorway on the right and look right and behind
a crate is another guard. Kill him then walk behind that part to get a medicinal
canteen. Turn right and another guard runs in from the left so shoot him and get
the ammo rounds. Now walk back and take a left a right and then another right to
get another medicinal canteen beside some crates.

Leave this room going straight across the hall and then go right here. Take your
next right and there is a guard on your right and then another behind him hiding
behind a cement pillar. Shoot these 2 guys and then head up the sloped area
where another guard runs in behind another cement pillar so wait till he is in
firing range and blast him. Go to near the end of this room and then go right
where 2 guards run from the left for cover and to set up shooting at you. Kill
them before they even reach their cover spot. Go to the right when the coast is
clear and where the 2 guards were running for cover on the right is a medicinal
canteen. A guard will now run in as soon as you get the canteen from the left

Kill him before he can even see the light of day. Go right to the next part and
there will be some big pipes sticking out of the wall and some guards will come
running seeking cover to the first pipe on your right. Get his before he has a
chance to get cover. Walk forward and you will see a few pipes along the 2 sides
of the walls and a guard will run and take cover behind the last pipe on the
right. Go up to him and shoot him before he starts firing at you. Now a guard
will be on the right hand side so shoot him and go right here. Enter this red
room to get a Small Med-pack and some ammo rounds. Follow the hall around after
leaving the red room right and then straight to another room where off to the
left in the small red room is another guard so kill him. Walk towards the small
red room and a guard from the left and one from the right will shoot at you so
kill them before going in the red room. Walk in the red room and walk left and
get the ammo rounds.

Walk back to the center of the small red room and look ahead to another room and
2 guards will start shooting at you so kill them off. Enter the next red room
and on the left is some grenades and the right has a small med-pack. Exit this
red room and there should be a ladder descending down throw a grenade down here
a few times to clear up the guards down there. Fall down the ladder and when you
land look left immediately and there will be a guard there so shoot him. Look
left now and you should see a ladder leading up to a catwalk. Don't climb here
yet as a guard will soon come rushing in at you so kill him first then ascend
the ladder. Now climb the ladder and follow the catwalk around once right and
then once left to a straight area. There is a guard here so blast him. Wait
right here and another gaurd approaches from the right so blast him as well.
Follow the catwalk the rest of the way and you can fall down a ladder.
Immediately face left for 2 guards to pop out and kill them off. Walk left here
and go around the hall to get the Field Surgeons pack to the left just ahead.

Turn around and take the 2 ammo rounds and grenades. Now go back into the room
where the ladder was and right from where you landed go right and behind a pipe
is a medicinal canteen. Now go to the open section near here and follow the
hallway till you reach an end of the hall. A guard is off to the left here so
shoot him. Now walk a few steps forward to a red room and a guard will run out
from the left and the right trying to take cover. Kill them before they do. In
this red room is valve on your right hand side which you'll want to use your
action or square button on to complete objective 1. Also right below the valve
is a medicinal canteen and on the left up a small ways is another medicinal
canteen. Turn left and then right and wait for the 3 guards one will run in from
the left and 2 will be up ahead on the right so kill them. Now at this point
there is a opening on the left but don't go here yet. Go straight and follow the
hallway around the right to another red room. Walk inside and take the guard on
the right out. Now turn around and look to your left and aim while 2 more guards
run right into firing range blast them.

Now if you went right in this red room right away you'd have already picked up a
small med-pack if not it's on the right in a corner when you first enter the
room. Otherwise if your leaving the room it's on your left. In this red room is
yet another valve you must use your action or square button to activate and
complete objective 2. Leave the red room and go back to your right to where I
told you earlier to avoid and enter this section following the hallway halfway.
Look right here and there is 3 guards here to kill. On your right near the
entering of another room with pipes is another medicinal canteen. Look left a
little and notice another guard hiding behind the pipe here blast him. Walk
straight ahead here and get the small med-pack and then go right by jumping over
the low lying pipe on your right. Look left and up in this room and kill the guy
standing on the catwalk.

Another guard comes in from the right so kill him. Walk up the ladder here and
when you get to the top do a 360 or complete turn around and look down and left
and pick off the guy thats now down there shooting you in the back. Now follow
the catwalk around to the right and your final objective is complete. Turn
around and jump the railing that leads into a red hallway and you automatically
exit this level.
Mission 5
***********************Sabatoge the Rjukan Hydro Plant*****************
***********************The Fight Continues*****************************
***********************The Roaring Penstocks***************************
Mission 5 level 1
Objectives: 1. Stop Water Flow In Center Pipe 2. Destroy All Power Relays 3.
Shut Down Main Power Grid 4. Enter Hydro Plant

Enter this level and say to your right under the big pipe and get the ammo
rounds behind you. Now stay under the big pipe and shoot the guy walking forward
on the left and his buddy will jump out from the left pillar so shoot him. Keep
under the big pipe and walk forward till you come to a chrome looking wheel
which you must turn with the action or square button. Once turned your first
objective is complete,3 more to go. Walk all the way to the end of the big pipe
but don't go to the left till you've reached the end wall. Behind this last
pillar is a medicinal canteen.

Walk around the pillar and go right and then take your first right to a small
hall and on the left wall is another chrome wheel that you must turn. You'll
start hearing gunfire at this point but don't panic they are out of striking
range. Walk right at this next area and go down a sloped area. Walk inside the
big pipe going right and there is 2 guards right here shooting at you so blast
them. Look left and further down is another guard so shoot him. Turn around and
walk to the end of this pipe and there is another guard here so shoot him. Turn
back around and walk straight till you get to an opening on the left side. Enter
left there and take your first right where you'll be confronted by 2 guards and
there is 2 boxes in here as well. Shoot at the boxes to blow them as well as the
2 guards here.

Walk forward and you'll see another box behind a pillar but don't bother with it
it just blows up no ammo or med-packs. You'll now see an area to the left if you
continue up the pipe but don't go left yet. Go to the end of this room and
behind the last pillar is a small med-pack and 2 ammo rounds. Head to the
opening that should now be on your right and immediately look right and blast
the guard here and then follow the path down. Go to the end of this path and if
you look left you should see 2 boxes that blow up if you shoot them. Shoot the
boxes and kill the guard here. Next on the right and left hand sides of the wall
is 2 more guards shooting around the corner at you so get rid of them. Another
box is straight ahead and if you wait around 2-3 seconds another guard walks
right next to it so shoot the box and blow him up. At the end of this hall go
left and walk to the back section to get 2 medicinal canteens on the right and
an ammo round on the left.

Go straight after getting those things and walk to the end and take a left here.
Go straight through this next small hall and look up and left to see 2 more
guards running in from the left side. Shoot them and then look right and blast
the box on the left for some ammo rounds. From where the box was blown walk
forward and take your first right. In this room look to your right and you'll
see 2 boxes. Shoot the box nearest to the rusty grate and then you can enter
this small crawl space. Don't shoot the other box unless you just feel like it.
Now enter this crawl space and follow it around and shoot the guard crawling in
near the end. Stand up in the next room and look right for a medicinal canteen
and the ammo rounds here. Look left now and toy can see 2 flashing red boxes
that you need to set your explosives indside of.

To do this you walk up to the red flashing boxes and press the action or square
button to set the explosives. You must destroy 6 sections like this to complete
objective number 2,this will make 2 sections out of the way and 4 more to go.
Leave this room by heading to you right and at the opening head left and shoot 4
guards here and then 2 more towards the end of the hallway. Backtrack here and
enter the room on your left once you turn around. There is 2 cement looking
blocks or shelves in this room one on the right and one on the left. Go to the
one on the right and get the 2 medicinal canteens and the 2 ammo rounds. Look
down and you'll see a rusty grate to shoot at. Shoot it and get the Field
Surgeons Pack nestled inside and no you can't shoot the other rusty grate and
access another area but try if you must. Leave this room and head left. Follow
the hall to the end where it should have a torn banner with R5 on it and some
hard to read writing. Follow it right and then off to you right is where you
exited the first small crawl space.

Here there is 4 boxes on the left side that can all be blown up but is a watse
of ammo. Follow the hall around left and go to the end where there is a ladder
leading up and a guard standing on the upper area here. Stand on the lower area
not climbing the ladder yet and shoot this guy before climbing it. Climb the
ladder now and behind a box on the left is an ammo round to get. The box is
pointless to blow up unless you have the ammo to spare. Look near the end of
this blue walled looking room now and shoot out the rusty grate thats here and
enter the crawl space. Follow the crawl space right and shoot the guard crawling
in after you before exiting the crawl space. Once out of this crawl space you
should be in another room with red lighting and now stand up and jump the small
cemented area on the left and take the medicinal canteen. Jump back over the
slab and now crouch down and go through another crawl space and follow it
around. Once taking your first right look ahead and to the right a guard crawls
in so shoot him before he makes it around that corner. Follow the crawl space
out and then stand up and jump over the big area of pipe to another crawl space
you need to crouch down for and crawl through. Follow this space until you see
some red lighting on the floor and crawl to where you can see a guard walking in
the distance.

Blast him and then stand up and jump over the railing straight ahead and there
is 2 small flashing red boxes but don't set the charge yet. Turn back towards
the area you just crawled out of and shoot the guard crawling out. Pick up the
small med-pack and ammo rounds here and then set the charge to this red box. Run
away quickly to safer ground and let the thing blast and now 3 of the 6 power
relays are taken care of so 3 more to go. Climb the steps near the exit of this
room and crouch here and go through the crawl space to the next red room. Before
getting out however stay still for a second cause another guard approaches from
the right so either shoot him in the feet before he crouches down or just allow
him to crouch down and shoot him in his face. It's now safe to get out of this
crawl space and stand up in the red room. Walk forward and then crouch again for
yet another crawl space. Stand up once through and walk all the way left to the
end of this room where there is some alcoves sticking out.

Go to the last one on the right and blast the guard here and take the medicinal
canteen in this alcove. Follow the hallway now taking a left and then a right.
Once to this new hall look left and a guard is standing with his back to you so
don't just stand there blast him. Go forward now to another room where there is
a big overhanging pipe and go left. Shoot the guard in this section and now
you'll see a hallway veering off to the right. Walk in this hall and blast the
guard here just before the hall straightens out. Go to the straighter hall now
and a guard will be on the ground waiting for you so blast him. In this next
room turn left right away and get the small med-pack behind the railing. Go
towards the center of this room and you can crouch and crawl through this
part,go right and take the 2 ammo rounds here. Exit that part and head left.

Follow the hall around to an area where there is some old looking stained out
yellow windows and a guard standing next to those windows. Shoot the guard here
and then keep jump left here and drop down the cement wall and look right
blasting the 2 guards now behind you. Turn back around completely and follow the
hallway here and you'll now see another power relay area with red flashing box.
Use the action or square button here to set the explosives and then run away.
Follow the hall out of this area and look right to blast another guard on your
right. Go right here and go a little ways down and take your first right at an
opening here. Blast the guard on the left in this power relay room and then the
scientist in the white coat on the right towards the back part of the room.
Before continuing turn completely around and blast the guard now shooting at you
from behind. Look left now and there is 1 flashing red box so set the
explosives and run away and head towards the other flashing red box and set the
explosives and run and now objective 2 is complete. Look right here now and
you'll see a power switch with a red lightning bolt symbol on it.

You'll want to hit this switch with the Square or action button to complete
objective number 3. Before leaving this room get the medicinal canteen in the
middle area of the room if you haven't already. Leave this room and head right
and follow the hallway around until you see a guard and kill him. Another guard
is beside of him stooped down to one knee so blast him next. Look down some
steps now and you'll see a box on the left and a guard next to it so shoot the
box and get rid of the guard there. Now get the medicinal canteen to the right
of the pipe hanging down and then shoot the guard on the left. Walk around the
big pipe and enter the next room. Shoot the box next to the guard on the left in
here but avoid shooting the box thats closest to you.

Go through this room mid-ways and up ahead on the right a guard is shooting at
you so get rid of him. Shoot this box on the right and get the medicinal canteen
and then the ammo rounds behind it. Immediately look left afterwards and shoot
the guard on the left. Turn around now and the room you were just in has 2
guards on the right and left sides shooting at you so kill them idiots and move
to the next room again. Your final objective is complete and look left and climb
the ladder here to exit this level.
**************************The Fight Continues**************************
**************************Generators Of Destruction********************
Mission 5 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Disable All Generators 2. Shut Down Flow To Heating Tanks 3.
Destroy All Research Files 4. Locate D20 Output Report 5. Locate Elevator

Upon starting this level there is a scientist that runs from the left shooting
at you so blast him. Go left around the big piston and shoot the guy around the
corner here. Follow the room out left to a ladder and climb it. Follow the hall
left and you'll see an area going down and some more scientists around 3 in all
so blast them from above. Now descend the ladder and enter this room. Take your
first right into a hall and shoot 2 guards coming in from the left. Once they
are all shot go right in this hall and enter the room where 3 generators are and
use the square or action button to disable them.

Objective number 1 is now complete. Follow the hallway and take your first right
to a room with a red siren flashing. In this room is 3 guards so turn right as
soon s you get in the flashing room and shoot the guard hiding behind the crate
on the right and then the guard on the left and now completely turn around and
shoot the guard directly behind you. First go around the crate nearest to you
and get the medicinal canteen thats there. Now around the far left crate and
get some ammo rounds behind this crate. Now leave this room to the far left and
follow the hall a little ways up until you get to a middle section where a guard
is walking around here so shoot him. Follow the hall around and you'll
eventually reach the end where a guard is standing so shoot him and then go
left. Go forward and in this room 2 scientists will run towards you so blast

Before entering this room however,look right and blast this guard first and then
get the medicinal canteen on the right. Enter this room and you'll see some
furnaces on the left and a wheel in the middle area. Go between the set of
furnaces first to get a medicinal canteen next to the last furnace on the left.
Now leave this section and turn the wheel to complete the 1 of 2 heating tanks
to be shut down. Leave this room and be really careful when you go right here
and see a scientist ahead and a white box. Shoot the white box quickly and then
shoot this scientist quickly he is operating a 50 caliber round machine gun.
Once he's killed enter the room on the right where there is some wooden crates
stacked. Go right here and look beside the right crate to get the small med-pack
here and then go to the left crate to get the ammo rounds. Leave this area and
walk across the hallway to the small crawl space and enter it and follow it
around to a rusty grate you can shoot out.

Stand up here and go right and you get a medicinal canteen and some ammo rounds
and now you can operate the 50 caliber machine gun where 2 guards up ahead and
right pops out so shoot them. Turn back around and you'll see 4 furnaces in a
caddycorner pattern in the middle of the room and a guard walking from the left
side. Shoot the guard and turn the wheel in this room to complete objective
number 2. Leave this room and follow the hall around and there is 2 guards ahead
so shoot them and get the medicinal canteen here. Walk a little more forward and
get the medicinal canteen and to your right a guard is hiding behind a white box
so shoot the box and then him and another guard is on the right side so shoot
him next. Turn right here and a doorway is ahead and 2 guards on either side so
kill them and move on. Go right here and in this hall is door on the right so
enter it and kill the guard standing in here and get the medicinal canteen in
here as well. Turn around completely now and in the doorway another guard is
standing so kill him.

There is 2 flashing red boxes in this room so set the explosives and run and now
2 of 6 file cabinets have been destroyed so 4 more to go. Leave this room and on
your right is another hallway but don't go that way yet. Go straight and then
left and your in an office where a guard is standing off to the right. Shoot him
and another guard runs in from the left so kill him also. Walk up to the table
here and get the D20 output report and now objective 3 is complete. Leave this
room taking a righ and then a left to the hall I told you to avoid earlier. Walk
in this hallway and take your first right into another file cabinet room and 2
scientists. Kill them and get the medicinal canteen and ammo rounds in here.
There is another red flashing red box in here so set the explosives and run.
Leave this room and follow the hall and take a left here and shoot 2 more guards
here. In this hall take your first left into another filing cabinet room where
there is another guard so shoot him and then set the 2 explosives and now 5 of
your 6 filing cabinets have been destroyed and 1 more to go.

Leave this room going left and then a left to another hall then left again and
at the end of the hall turn left again and destroy the last filing cabinet.
Finally all objectives are complete. Head right after leaving this room and then
left and then go straight to another room on your left where 2 guards are at so
shoot them and then leave this room going left and then your first right. Follow
the hall a little and kill the 3 guards here. Now enter the elevator for the
exiting of this level.
******************************The Fight Continues**********************
******************************Betrayal In The Telemark*****************
Mission 5 level 3
Objectives: 1. Open Emergency Release Valve 2. Divert Heavy Water Vats 3.
Acquire Delivery Schedule 4. Locate Garage 5. Disable Truck
Go forward and on the right is 2 guards so shoot them. Wait a small while and
another guard comes in from the right so blast him. Go right here and follow the
hall around to a locker room. Go right around the first set of lockers and a
guard on the left just past the set of lockers on your left pops out so shoot
him. Then another guard runs at you from the right so shoot him. Now go around
the lockers and look left and shoot the guard on the right. Instead of going
left walk around the lockers and get the medicinal canteen just to the right and
behind the last set of lockers. From this point turn right after getting past
the last set of lockers and follow the path. Follow the hall around and look
right and blast the 2 guards here and a third will run from the left side so
blast him also.

Follow the hallway until you reach an opening and a guard standing in the middle
so kill him. A guard will now run from the left side so kill him. Turn left here
and there is 3 crates stacked on the left side of the room so go around here
making your first right. Immediately turn right and shoot the guard around the
corner here and there is a ladder in the middle of the room here. Don't climb it
yet,instead turn right and shoot the guard at the end of the next hall. Now
climb the ladder to get the small med-pack on the bookcase. There is a vat ahead
so go ahead and turn the wheel here and 1 od the 4 vats is diverted. Go right
after turning the wheel and go around the big vat and shoot the guard in this
section. Completely circle this vat and a hallway becomes visible with another
vat in the distance and another guard there so shoot him and then walk towards
the vat,face left and shoot the guard and then face right and shoot that guard
and then turn the wheel to that vat. 2 of 4 vats have been diverted so now 2
more to go. Circle around this vat and in the next hall on the right side is
another guard hiding behind a box.

Shoot the box and kill the guard and there is some ammo rounds where that guy
was standing you just killed. Now shoot the last box on the left and there is
some more ammo rounds there too. A guard runs in from the left so blast him and
then get your ammo rounds and medicinal canteen. Turn right next and shoot the
guard near the box and on a catwalk is another guard so blast him as well. Get
on the catwalk and when you start approaching the right wall aim down and shoot
the guard down there. Follow the catwalk to the end and get the 2 Ammo Rounds
and the Small Med-pack and then turn the wheel here. Objective is now complete
so head back around and get off the catwalk and follow the bottom path now to
another vat. Before turning it though face left and kill the guard here and then
get the one on the right. Turn the wheel on this vat and now 3 of 4 vats have
been diverted and 1 more to go. Again like before follow the vat all the way
around and you'll reach a red looking hallway so enter it and take your first

In this hall go crazy with your gun and keep shooting and inching your way
through this hallway there is around 10 guards to kill before completely moving
on. Shoot all the boxes here and get the 2 medicinal canteens in this area. Now
move to your right and you'll see the final vat but don't enter here yet. Shoot
the guard on the left first and then 2 more from the right and then turn the
final wheel vat and your 2nd objective is complete. Circle this vat and this
time at the other side of the vat is a ladder so climb up it. Up here on this
vat is 3 Ammo rounds and a Field Surgeons Pack. Walk left to the pipe on the
left and get the small med-pack here. Fall off the vat and where you entered
this part next to that entrance is a track of sorts to go down so go ahead and
enter here. Walk a little forward and some guards come up so shoot them and then
move on.

In this next room there is 3 guards in here so shoot all the boxes and then step
back. Look left and a guy throwing grenades is on your immediate left. Step back
and let the grenade blow up when your in safe area. Now turn the corner and
blast him. Another guard approcahes where that grenade guy was so kill him also.
Look left and if you want to kill lots of guys just keep facing left and aim and
shoot every guy that comes through there. I believe it's a bug but The guards
keep on coming from the same room. When finished enter the room and kill 4
guards in this room and shoot all boxes and go to the back wall and turn left to
get some ammo rounds. Turn completely around here and on the right hand side of
the room is the delievery schedule and a small med-pack so get them and now
objective 3 is complete. Leave this room and go left to some more tracks. Go to
this next hall and turn the corner and 2 guards are here so shoot them.

Walk forward following the path and there is a guard in this part on the left
and further down 2 more on the left as well so get them and keep following the
path down. Get to the end of the tracks and objective number 3 is complete. Head
right now and kill the 2 guards on the right hiding behind the boxes and then
turn around completely and kill the guard here. Go right and beside the truck is
some ammo rounds so get them first and then disable the truck completing the
final objective. Go around the truck and up the sloped area to the next doorway
which is the exit of the level.
******************************The Fight Continues**********************
******************************Heavy Water******************************
Mission 5 Level 4
Objectives: 1. Disable Both Trucks 2. Disable Power Station 3. Sabatoge Ferry
Shoot the guards to the right and left of you towards the opening ahead and then
shoot the 3 big crates to the left of you to get a medicinal canteen and 2 ammo
rounds. Walk right now and get to the truck here and set the explosives and 1 of
2 trucks is destroyed and 1 more to go. Head back to the opening where you
killed the 2 guards. Follow the road around and shoot the guard stooping down in
the snow on the left. Another guard is further ahead on the left so shoot him.
Go right at the fork and then go right again when you enter this area. Go around
and shoot the 3 guards in this area and ohh how cute they built a snoman atop a
Field Surgeons Pack so destroy that Snowman and get the pack and the 3 ammo
rounds and the medicinal canteen and then head back out now taking the left

This path takes you back to the main road and a bazooka packing german so kill
him quickly and his friend off to the right. Take the medicinal canteen near
these guards and move on. Further ahead is a truck and 3 ammo rounds and then
place your explosives on the truck and objective number one is complete. Turn
around completely to avoing the truck blasting and get behind the small snowbank
to use as cover to the 2 approaching guards from the right so get rid of them.
Follow the road around till you get to a small building on the left where a
guard is standing and another behind and farther down from him so kill them. To
the left of the building is a medicinal canteen and then 2 guards straight ahead
so shoot them. Follow the road till you see an opening on the right and a guard
is up here so shoot him and then enter this opening. Shoot the box here to get a
medicinal canteen and then turn back around cause this path only takes you back
towards the beginning of the level.

Follow the road once again and get around this corner and before entering a
tunnel there is a guard on the left walking right so shoot him and then enter
the tunnel. There is 2 guys with bazookas in this tunnel so back up and get a
closer shot to get rid of them. Follow the road right and 2 more guards are here
so shoot them and then take the left path. Follow this path until you see a
guard standing near a 50 caliber machine gun so blast him and then grab the gun
and blast the 2 guards on the left side. Leave this path going left to the main
road again and 2 guards are up ahead so shoot them and then continue down the
road. Get around this corner and ahead is a bazooka dude to the left so shoot
him first and then kill the other guards. The next corner is dangerous cause the
bazooka guy is already aiming so run away for now getting out of range, Shoot
the bazooka guy then the other 2 guards here and follow the road around. Get
around the corner where the 50 caliber was and you'll see a gate thats blocking
the rest of the way so enter the opening on the left side instead. Follow the
path around to another opening and a electrical box. Stop right here and aim
left and shoot the 50 caliber gunmen and his friend on the left. Here there is a
place to set an explosive on the electrical box as well as 3 ammo rounds but
don't do that yet. Shoot the 5 guards that run up from behind with the 50
caliber first. Now get the ammo rounds and then set the explosives.

Objective number 2 is now complete with 1 more to go. Follow the path back to
the building and the fence and around the next bend is 2 more guards to kill.
Shoot the guard on the right of the opening and then another to the left near
the building. Enter the big gate and hide behind the building and then come
around it blasting the guard here. Go around the building and shoot the guard
just entering the gate. Now turn completely around and walk up to the ferry with
the red flashing box and use your explosives and your final objective is
complete. Run to your left and the level exits.

Mission 6
*********************Capture The Secret German Treasure****************
*********************The Fight Continues*******************************
*********************Mountain Pass*************************************
Mission 6 Level 1
Objectives: 1. Destroy Generator Fuel 2. Locate Mine Entrance
Get the grenades you should be right on top of them when you enter this level.
Walk a little ways forward and shoot the 2 guards in this area. Go a little ways
forward and to the left 2 guards come out and start shooting at you so kill
them. Head left around the cliff-side and follow the path a little ways and be
careful here because there is a bazooka man here and another guard from the left
so shoot them and continue forward. Walk a little ways forward and to the right
is a catwalk with a guard on it so shoot up and right and 2 more guards up ahead
a ways. The one on the left throws grenades so kill him first and then take the
guy on the right out.

Go left now and enter the building here and a guard will be on your left so
shoot him and then explore this building with a small med-pack on the right and
some ammo rounds next to it and on the left is another ammo round. Leave this
building and head left and continue on the path. The catwalk to the right and
above has nothing special to offer so ignore it and stay on the road going
straight. Go around the next corner veering right and kill the guard on the left
first and then the one on the right and then continue down the road. Here there
is a structure on the left where a guard is standing so kill him and look right
to get a medicinal canteen. Go up one section and look right and kill the gaurd
here and then look left and get the grenades. Go a little forward and kill the
guard a bit ahead and to the left in another part of the structure.

Go forward about 2 sections and immediately face left to kill another guard and
then get the ammo rounds here and then turn left and get the medicinal canteen.
Walk up one more section and receive the ammo rounds on your left. Walk a tiny
bit forward looking up and to the right and another catwalk is here and a guard
is also so kill him and then you'll see a field of Big crates on the left and in
the center is some flammable drums. You can shoot the drums and they blow up but
don't give you anything. The crates are destroyable but don't waste your ammo.
There is a truck ahead here on the other side of it is a medicinal canteen but
first look left and shoot the guard here and be careful he has a 50 caliber
machine gun so shoot him fast. Jump over the 50 caliber and look left here and
shoot the guard thats hiding behind the cliff. Now look right and another guard
is here so kill him and then get the ammo rounds and small med-pack thats kinda
hidden in a small alcove. Head left now and shoot the guard in this middle
section just below a bridge and in the distance off to the right another guard
is shooting at you.

Go under the bridge and get the small med-pack off to the right and then head
left. Start going up a small hill and kill 4 guards here and then climb the
hill. Go straight to a big opening and then look left and kill the guard thats
here then head all the way towards the back where there is a ladder and a guard
on it so kill him also. Turn back left now and get the grenades thats over here
and then start heading right. Kill the guy towards the back section first
because he has a bazooka in this next section and then get his buddy to the
right of him. Turn left now and shoot the guy thats atop a ledge where a ladder
leads up to. Climb the ladder to get the medicinal canteen and the grenades
here. Climb back down the ladder and go Straight ahead a little bit and shoot
the bazooka guy on the left and his buddy on the right and then turn left and
get the medicinal canteen here but don't go up this way yet. Turn back around
and head left to the next open section.

Follow the path here a small ways and blast the guy in this middle section and
then aim up and look right and shoot the guy atop this small ledge where a
ladder is. Climb the ladder and get the guys ammo if you want to and then hop
back down and continue on the path. You'll get to a building with an opening and
a guard standing there so shoot him and then enter this building. It has tower
looking things in here and look right and on the ground is another guard so
shoot him. Look left and shoot 3 more guards in here and then head to the right
side of the building. Here pick up an ammo round and a small med-pack and then
head under the tower things all of them and press square or action button to set
your demo charges and blow up all the generator fuel. Now your first objective
is complete so head left to exit this building and go right this time. Walk up
the path and take a left into another building and shoot the 3 guards in here
and then get the Surgeons Field Pack and then head towards the back of the
building and turn right to get 3 ammo rounds and some grenades.

Leave this building now and head left and follow the path and a guard will be
here so shoot him and continue up the path. Take your first right into another
building and get the small med-pack and ammo rounds in this building. Turn back
around and leave this building the same way you entered it following the path
around a little ways until you get to
2 guards guarding a building. Shoot them and then Objective number 2 is complete
and now you can exit this level.
*************************The Fight Continues***************************
*************************Merkers Upper Mine****************************
Mission 6 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Eliminate 8 SS. Demo Squad Members 2. Recover Dahood Script 3.
Acquire Elevator Key 4. Locate Elevator
Go up a small ways in this mine and ahead is 2 guards so shoot them and keep
following the path. Walk to the opening and kill a guard crouching near a
stalagtite and then one one behind the stalagtite and then one from the left.
Just aim near this area on the left and they will eventually all be in firing
range. In this room is some paintings but don't destroy them walk around them
and walk past 2 big crates with some paintings leaning against it and take the
grenades here. Keep going straight here and enter the next hallway here on the
left of the mine.

Walk a small ways up and you'll see an opening on the left and the hall
continuing on the right and a guard on the right so shoot him. Don't go right
however head left instead. Over here there is a bazooka guard so step back to
safety and the bazooka guard might accidentally kill his buddy saving you some
ammo to use on him instead. Head up this section and enter a room with a very
tall pillar in it and some paintings in the back. Go carefully here past the
pillar and immediately look left and shoot the guard behind the electrical box.
There is a medicinal canteen here and again don't destroy the paintings. Leave
this room following the hallway out and now go left to the area I told you to
avoid before. Follow the pathway up here to another room with a very tall pillar
in it and get to the right hand side of the screen hugging the wall.

Up ahead a tad, beside the stalagtite on the right, is a guard just standing
there. Kill him and then go right to the first set of crates and then stop here
and kill the guard just ahead here also. Go left and around the crates and
you'll see another SS Demo Squad Member here the brown coated guys near an
electrical outlet so kill him. Thats 4 Squad Members killed so far and 4 more to
go. Now it should say hald of the Demo Squad Members neutralized. Now walk to
the left of this room and between 2 coal cars is the Damoo Manuscript and now
objective 2 is complete. From these coal cars take 2 rights and then you'll find
some ammo rounds near a stack of crates. Walk to the left side of this room to
enter a red lit corridor with a coal car in the middle so go around the coal car
to continue. Walk up to the next red lit corridor and on the right is some
grenades to get and now you should hear some guards talking. Immediately look
left and 2 guards are on the ground shooting at you so kill them and then
continue onward.

Once going forward a bit you'll eventually be on some tracks and up ahead be
careful. There is a guard on the right shoot him first and then quickly shoot
the left guard and quickly aim towards the middle and take out the bazooka man
in the middle. If your too slow to aim to the middle then run back a ways so
your out of aiming range and re-adjust yourself and blast this guard. Keep
following the path and theres an opening to your right so go this way next. Go
up a small ways up a hilly part and kill the guard to your right and immediately
step back behind this wall as another bazooka guard is already aiming at you. He
will follow you to where you hid so blast him before he has a chance to take you
out. Don't step forward to quickly either cause sometimes he drops his ammo and
if you step here your a goner. Walk up this section and there is another brown
coated guy near a electrical board so shoot him and now you need to shoot 3

Get the ammo rounds and the grenades here and then turn left around the crates
and get the small med-pack. Walk to the back of the room here and the elevator
key is on a small wooden table so take it. Objective 3 is now complete so head
back the way you came to the main path where the tracks are and take a right.
Walk a small ways up and on the right is a guard and he yells it's the intruder
and turns around so blast him. Follow the path until you reach another opening
on the right and kill the brown coated guy here and now you only have 2 more
guys to kill to complete objective number 1. Walk to where you killed the brown
coated guy and to the left is a medicinal canteen. Turn around and head out
but first look left and shoot the bazooka guy here and then take a right to the
main path which is the tracks and keep following until you see another brown
coated guy near another electrical box but don't shoot him yet. Turn around
right away completely and look right and a bazooka guy here so kill him and 2
more guards run in afterwards so shoot them and then do a quick turn around and
kil the browncoated guy and now just 1 more guy left to kill of the SS Demo
Squad Members. Head back to where you just killed the brown coated guy and get
the medicinal canteen here.

Turn back completely around and kill the guard here and then head left on the
main path of tracks and continue on a small ways to where there is another
opening on the right and a brown coated guy so kill him and now and now
objective number 1 is complete. Go forward here and get the medicinal canteen
and then turn around and look left and get the guard thats here and then head
right on the main path of tracks. Walk to the end of the tracks here and get
the Field Surgeons Pack, the Ammo Rounds and the grenades and then turn right
and follow the path. In this next room go right immediatley and get behind the
crate here for cover and while here get the medicinal canteen and grenades here.
Aim left here and allow the guard to introduce himself to your gun so make sure
they become acquainted real well and blast him. Head right next around the
crates you hid behind and shoot the brown coated guy near the electrical box
once turning left.

Go a small ways forward just a tad past the big stalagtite and kill the guard to
your left and then on your right is some more paintings but again don't destroy
them. After the guard is killed go straight to a red lit area and this is the
elevator and now your final objective is complete as is the level,just push your
action button or square button and end it.
****************************The Fight Continues************************
****************************Treasure Caverns***************************
Mission 6 Level 3
Objectives: 1. Locate The Curator Inventory 2. Locate and Disarm All Bombs
In this first part there is a guard to your right and one walking left you'll
want to get the one walking left cause he's armed with a bazooka. Kill him first
and then immediately face right and shoot the guard on the right. Enter this
room and then head right up the steps and be careful here a bazooka guy is
running around getting restless cause he knows he's too close to you. When he
runs to the left side of the screen immediately aim at the center screen and
start shooting he will run into your range od fire before getting set up. Go
right here and carefully go left crouching if you need to and shoot 2 guards
just up ahead quickly.

Follow this hallway a small ways and on your right is a guard standing next to a
doorway so shoot him. Up this way is a red room ahead and the chance to go left
so save the red room for later and go to the left. Stop before going around the
corner and aim center and a guard will be in firing range so shoot him. Follow
this hall around a sharp curvy area and shoot the 2 guards in this room
carefully not shooting any paintings here. Walk in this room and objective
number 1 is complete. Get the small med-pack in here and then turn back around
and head to the red room from earlier. In this room get the 2 grenade rounds and
the ammo rounds in here and now go back to where the stairs were and go back in
this room. Go down the stairs and take your first right following some more
tracks up. Enter this room and kill bazooka Joe on your left and get his buddy
on the right side of the room. Walk up to the circuit box and use the square or
action button to snip the wire and now you have 11 more to snip.

Follow the path to the left and continue on the path. In the next room you'll
want to head to the left and kill the 2 guards here and then back out quickly.
Walk to the middle of the room now and get the bazooka guard thats here. This
section has 3 circuit boxes to snip the wires on so head to the one on the far
right first and get the medicinal canteen thats just beside this one and then
snip the wire here. On the left circuit box get the ammo rounds here and Do the
same for the other 2 and now you'll have 8 more to cut. To the left is some more
paintings so don't destroy them. Go back on the main path and and fall off the
ledge here near some blue looking doors and a small crawl space to the left.
Crouch here and follow the space around but don't get out yet. A bazooka guy
will try and crawl down into the space so throw a grenade at him and crawl back.
Get out of the space quickly and shoot the guy on the right of you. Crouch again
and get behind the big stalagtite and there is a small space in between the
circuit box and the stalagtite where you get a clear,free shot at the guard on
the catwalk in the background. Get up and snip the wire at this circuit and now
7 more to go.

Walk right and get the medicinal canteen where the guard was. Walk up the tracks
and to the left is another circuit box so snip the wire and 6 more to go. Walk
to the right now and below the catwalk on this left side is an already open
grate and some grenades inside. To the right you can shoot out another grate and
get a Surgeons Field Pack in this one. Walk to the back of the catwalk and turn
right to get the ammo rounds hidden behind this catwalk. Turn around now and
follow the tracks out of this room. This next section I would suggest you crouch
and wait for the Bazooka guy to run up and blast him and then continue on in a
crouched position. A guard will come up the path now and he's a lousy shooter
cause he never hits nothing but ground so kill him and then move on down staying
crouched. There is a bridge here and on the bridge is a bazooka man so kill him
quickly and then quickly turn right and blast the guard closer to you. Get up
now and continue walking to the right of the bridge and look across and shoot
the guard on the left side. You now go down the small hill and get the ammo
rounds under the bridge. Come back out and walk around to the main path avoiding
the bridge.

Go around to where the bridge is and jump here to get to it and now cross the
bridge to get the rocket ammo from the bazooka guy. keep going straight and
follow the bridge leading to the main path. Stop near the sloped section and
taunt the 2 guards to come out and then run back to the red car on the left.
Usually the bazooka guy here shoots at you and the other guy is in the way and
they both end up dying. Let the enemy take themselves out thats the name of game
and so is saving on ammo. Enter this next room and a guard pops up from the back
of the room but doesen't see you yet. Shoot this guard before he draws his
bazooka and then immediately face right and kill the 2 guards this way. Go right
the way you should be facing and enter the paintings room and get a ammo round
and in the back is a medicinal canteen near a painting and then snip the wire to
this circuit board. 5 more wires to snip and your done. Walk in the room you
were in before and snip this wire and you now have 4 more to go. Go now right
towards the red light and kill bazooka joe here quickly and then continue on.
Get the medicinal canteen and then walk backwards a few paces and wait for this
new guard to enter and then blast him. Walk to the next hallway and near a coal
car is another medicinal canteen. Keep going and you'll be in a red lit room in
no time.

Kill the 2 guards here both on the left and then head left and snip another
wire. Turn around and get the one directly behind it and now 2 more to go which
are on the other side of the room ao get over there and complete the final
objective. Enter the red room you should now be in front of if you snipped the
wires in order and if you didn't follow the order just look around for a red lit
section and enter it. The words end of level located appears and a ladder ahead
so climb up here and end this level.
***************************Mission 7***********************************
***************************Escape To The V2 Rocket Plant***************
********************************The Fight Continues********************
********************************Buzz Bomb Assembly*********************
Mission 7 Level 1
Objectives: 1. Find V1 Target List 2. Destroy V1 Launch Control System 3. Open
Blast Doors 4. Locate Emergency Hatch
Begin this mission and level by getting the grenades your standing on and then
look to the building on the left and shoot the 2 guards here. Once past the
building on the left is a medicinal canteen so head through the Arched opening
into the lit tunnel and kill the 2 guards ahead and continue on. Turn right here
and lob 2 grenades down this hatch area and kill off the guards below. Fall down
this hatch and if your grenades didn't kill the guard quickly shoot him from the
crate your now standing on. Fall off the crate and head left to a ladder but
first get the grenades here and then ascend the ladder. Get off the ladder
quickly and immediately face right and kill the 2 guards up here. Move forward
and get the medicinal canteen and then follow the path around to an opening
where there is a guard walking left and shoot him.

The next room has a steel railing going around so enter here and go left first
and follow the path to a small room and guard which you need to kill and then
enter the small room. Get the Grenades, Ammo Rounds and Medicinal Canteen in
here and then leave this room now going going right to exit and then to some
stairs leading down but 2 guards on the bottom of the stairs to the left run out
so kill them first and then go down the stairs. Once at the bottom follow the
grated flooring around getting the medicinal canteen here and then continue
following the main path. This next room has a box to the left and 2 guards run
from the left so shoot the box and blow them up and then head left. Follow this
around to another room with some boxes in it. Shoot the middle box taking out 2
guards and now shoot at the box on the right towards the back and you'll take
out 2 more guards. Before entering this section however immediately face left
when you enter this room and kill the scientist. Walk up the steps and get the
medicinal canteen here and then head back left once leaving the grated catwalk.
Enter a hallway with flashing lights to the left and look left at the cheesey
looking explosions in the background and then shoot the guard here. Turn right
and shoot the guard here or taunt him bu running in fron of him then positioning
and shooting the box when he runs in front of it.

Go left here and keep following the path up to a room where there is a scientist
behind some pipes to the left and some guards to the right. Walk straight and
get the medicinal canteen and then take your first right. Shoot the 3 crates on
the right to blow the guard up on the left and get a medicinal canteen here and
head left. Go straight here and use the action or square button to open the
doors here. Enter this room and go left to the rolltop desk and open it to get
the first objective completed. In this room also get small med-pack,Ammo rounds
and a medicinal canteen here. Walk to the back of the room and turn left and
open the big doors here. Shoot all the crates here to get 3 medicinal canteens.
Follow the main hall all the way around and eventually you'll see a scientist
here and a wheel ahead and to the right. Shoot another guard on the left here
and then turn the wheel on the right to complete objective number 3. Walk up the
left side of the catwalk and get the Field Surgeons Pack here and then turn back
around off the catwalk. and then go left and down the small ladder and you
should be in front of some windows and a scientist running around in the next

Look at the control panel here on the right and press the action or square
button to set the explosives and then run away. Objective 2 is now complete and
the scientist in the next room is now killed. Walk back up the tiny ladder and
follow the path back around until you make your first right and shoot 2 guards
and a scientist here and then go right. Go back up this hallway and to the right
is 3 guards so kill them off and head right following the main hall. Head up the
next section and the next left has 4 guards so kill them quickly and go right
into this room you were in earlier where you shot the 2 guards and the scientist
near the pipes. Turn left here and jump up the 2 crates to the higher crate. Lob
a few grenades down here at the guards and scientist below and get rid of them.
Now jump over this section and get the ammo from the scientist from before. Walk
back to the end of this part and fall down the small ladder on the left. Crouch
here and stand up near a train car with a gun on it and there is a Fields
Surgeon Pack here and some Ammo Roounds. Leave this section and drop down the
ladder on the other side and enter the red room here.

Go down the sloped area here and kill the guard running on the right here. In
this middle section is 3 small crates that you must jump on and a rail car
looking thing in the middle of the room also. Jump on the rail car and your
final objective is complete. Go straight off the rail car and head down the red
looking section to exit the level.
(There were some parts left out of this section which I later realized where
there were 2 doors that opened in 2 different sections and it had some bad guys
and ammo and stuff and I didn't mean to leave this part out I just didn't
realize it till it was too late, sorry,)
****************************The Fight Continues************************
****************************Vengeance Production***********************
Mission 7 Level 2
Objectives: 1. Find Scientist Roster 2. Acquire V2 Schematics 3. Gain Access To
Guidance Lab 4. Sabotage Gyro Guidance System 5. Find Launch Area
First go left to the back wall and look below and right and shoot the grate
here. Go through the small crawl space and kill the guard on the right and now
take the Small Med-pack,Grenades,SMG Ammo Rounds and the Rocket Rounds here. Go
back through the crawl space and go now to the
right here following the hall and kill the guard here. Kill 2 more guards in
this section and then go left. Shoot a guard running towards you here and 2 more
on the right and left sides. Go right and your in a room with a rail car. Aim
Left here and intentionally miss the flammable cylinder to get a guard running
and when he runs in shoot the cylinder and blow him up. Take your first right
and follow the path around and on your first right there is a guard in this
small hall so shoot him. Walk straight here and follow the small to the right
where a guard will run after you so kill him and then shoot the 2 on the right
and left sides.

Follow the small hall and enter this next room where 2 undestroyable crates are
stacked on the left. Use the crates as cover staying on the right of them and
then lob a grenade to the left where there is a small table with a small med-
pack on it and kill the guard here. Walk into this room and get the 2 medicinal
canteens here and follow the hallway up. Go right past this room and then take
your first left in another room and 2 scientists are here so shoot them and then
get the Ammo Rounds on the table here and then to the left of that get the
Scientist Roster and objective 1 is complete. Head left out of this room and
follow the small hall. Take your first right and kill the guard here and now
look ahead and right and kill the other guard on the right. Head right here to
the back room and look left and on a small ledge is a small med-pack. Turn back
around quickly and kill the guard behind you. Walk ahead to a bunch of stacked
crates and shoot them and you'll kill 3 guards up ahead. Go straight up this
part and take your first right into a doorway. In this room go right again and
enter another small room where a guard is.

Shoot this guard and then get the medicinal canteens here and the grenades. Head
back out making a right and go around the crates in this room. Make your first
right into the next room where off to the left and ahead is another guard so
shoot him . The opening on the left closest to you now has another guard to kill
so kill him then kill another guard where you killed the first one. Go up the
first left hall and kill the grenade guy here. Now walk up the next left section
just ahead and kill the guard to the right there too. Enter this next room going
straight to the back section and turn right to shoot the scientist standing
here. Walk up the left side of this room looking right and killing the guard
standing there.

Walk a little forward and to the right another guard stands so shoot him and
keep going up the main path. In this next room look left and kill the scientist
guarding some blue prints. Before going on look right quickly and kill the guard
farther ahead. Walk left to the small table and objective number 2 is complete.
Look right and climb this ladder to the upper section. There is an opening to
the left here but go straight first till you can see a guard in this back
section so shoot him and get the 2 medicinal canteens here.

Turn back around and take your first right. Fall down the tiny ladder and go
left following the small hall here. In this room look right quickly and shoot
the 2 scientists here and then turn left quickly and kill the guard here and
enter this small room. Get the medicinal canteen and then enter the room where
the 2 scientists were. Walk left in this office and get the small med-pack in
the corner. Go right and enter the door here and kill a scientist in here and
then you have objective number 3 complete. Once you do that be prepared for 3
guards to run in at you. Turn around and go nuts killing and shooting everything
in sight. Turn towards the table here and there is a box on the table with a
warning label on it. Press the action or square button to open and press it
again and objective number 4 is complete with only 1 more to go.

Before leaving get the ammo rounds near the door here if you haven't already.
Leave that room walking to the right and kill the scientist on the right in
this room and now go left killing the guard in this small room and get the
medicinal canteen. Leave this room and get the canteen just outside this small
room. Go left here and go down the sloped corridor to a missle room and turn
right and kill the scientist here. Turn left and kill the 2 guards here and walk
to the back left area and get the small med-pack here. Turn back around going
around the missle and stay on the left side. Lob a grenade into the next opening
on the left and blow up the guard here. Look ahead and left now and kill the
guard here as well. Walk a little further forward and kill 3 more guards to the
left. This next room is the launch room with 2 guards on the right and another
to the left so shoot them and now your final objective is complete. Walk to the
right side of the screen to exit this level.
******************************The Fight Continues**********************
Mission 7 Level 3
Objective: 1. Launch Sabotaged V2.
Go right here and up ahead is 2 guards talking to each other so shoot them then
go right and get the Surgeons Field pack. Don't go to the right and use the 50
caliber it's wayyy too many guards coming from everywhere instaed go to the main
path and shoot everything you see here taking cover behind anything you can take
cover behind. Go right here killing all bazooka men that approcah and get the 2
small med-packs the 5 ammo rounds the grenades and finally the Field Surgeon
Pack. This level is super hard to beat on normal mode so try and get some good
gameshark codes cause the in game codes require you to get medals to unlock
normal game cheats.

Once everything clears walk behind the train car and get the Field Surgeons Pack
and then get on the small walled area and jump on the blue rail car to get
another Field Surgeons Pack. Head left now past some cliffs and you must shoot
all the stacked crates here to get through. Get a Surgeons Field Pack towards
the back of these crates. Walk down these cliffy steps and lob a grenade below
and blow up the bazooka guy down here. You should see a rocket preparing to
launch and down and left is a scientist. You can't shoot him now so don't
bother. Go down now to the rocket and head left to a hatch and lob a grenade
down the hatch to see if it blows anyone up. Drop down the hatch and turn left
to launch the sabatoged v2 rocket and wait for the countdown. Congratulations
the game is over no watch the movie.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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10.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.0.75.0 Limited Edition)

10.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer

14.Oktober 2013
Alles freischalten

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Leben, Nachladen und Munition/Granaten (für v 1.0.75 - das ist die Erstversion)

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.0 Limited Edition)

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
10.Oktober 2008
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Weapons and Gunfight FAQ

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10.Oktober 2008
+2 Trainer für die Europäische PAL Version

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