Dead or Alive 2

Dead or Alive 2

14.10.2013 08:45:51
Ein Combo

-=Dead or ALive 2 : Ein Combo Faq : Ver. 2.0=-
Best viewed in Editor

:: Nikojokes ::
::::: EE EE II NN NN NN :::::
:::::: EE EE II NN NN NN ::::::
======: EEEEEE II NN NN NN :======
-------: EEEEEE II NN NN NN :-------
======: EE EE II NN NN NN :======
:::::: EE EE II NN NN NN ::::::
::: C O M B O -- F A Q ::

= 29.9.2000: Add the Ein Strategy -part 6.1 Against Computer Players. =
= 30.3.2000: Add 4 new combos. =
= 31.3.2000: Add the Ein Strategy -part 6.2 Against Human Players. =
= 01.4.2000: Add the Ein Strategy -part 6.2 Tag Mode and 5.4 Survival Mode =
= 02.4.2000: Fixed some things :-) =
= =
= =
= =

6.Ein Strategie
1.Against Computer
2.Against Human Player
3.Tag Team


:Name : Ein/ The lost Past:
:Fighting Style: Karate :
:Age : 23 :
:Height : 5`11" :
:Weight : 165 lbs. :
:Nationality : Unknown :

He was left to die in the esoteric Black Forest in Germany. Even
thought he suffered amnesia, his deep desire to fight stayed intact
with his beaten body. He mastered Karate in a very short period.
He hopes to fin answeres to his life time searched of self-discovery
through participation in the "Dead or Alive 2 World combat


N=Normaly Damage
W=Damage against a Wall

: u=up uf=up-front : p=punch : +=must be pushed at the :
: b=back ub=ub-back : k=kick : same time :
: f=front fd=front-down : f=free : >=good timing into the next:
: d=down bd=back-down : ws=get up : move :
*1= p,p,f,p,k can be done instead the last part of the combo if*
* oponent is at the wall. *
*2= Works only against a wall. *


Damage in % for all types of hits

: First Hit : Stagger Hits : Juggle Hits :
:Normal : 100% : 50% : 50% :
:Counter : 125% : 50% : 62% :
:Hi-Counter : 150% : 60% : 75% :


With this Combostarters you can start most of the Combos and
continue them like you want.

: Combostarters :________________________
: db+k,p : uf+k : f+k : ub+k : df+p :
: uf,p : b+s+k : b+k : df,df+k : f+k,k :

:Combo : Hits : Damage :!:
:uf,p > p,p > uf,p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : 73 : 93 : :
:uf,k > p,p > uf,k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 74 : 94 : :
:uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 87 : 107 : :
:uf,p > p,p > uf,p > P > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 85 : 105 : :
:f,f,p > P,P > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 76 : 96 : :
:uf+k > p,p > bd+k,p > f,f+p,k : 09 : 69 : 89 :1:
:bd+k,p > bd+k,p > p,p,f+p,d+k : 07 : 66 : 86 : :
:bd+k,p > bd+k,p > bd+k,f+p,d+k : 06 : 62 : 82 : :
:uf+k > p,p > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 78 : 98 : :
:uf+k > p,p > uf+k > p > f,f+p,k : 07 : 57 : 77 :1:
:uf+k > df,df+k > b+p,p,p : 05 : 62 : 82 : :
:db+K,f+P,P > df+P > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 07 : 73 : 93 : :
:db+K,f+P,P > p,p, > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 76 : 96 : :
:db+K,f+P,P > db+k,p > db+K,f+P,k : 06 : 60 : 80 : :
:uf+K > PP > df,df+K > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 85 : 105 : :
:uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > f+KK,f+K : 09 : 91 : 111 : :
:uf+K > p,p > p > ub+k > b+p,d+k,p : 08 : 79 : 99 :1:
:uf+K > p,p > df,df+k > uf+p,k : 06 : 75 : 95 : :
:f+p > db+k > df+p > df,df+k > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 92 : 112 : :
:b+sk > k > b+sk,p : 04 : 74 : 94 : :
:uf,p > p,p > uf,p > p > ub+k > df+p > d+p : 07 : 65 : - : :
:uf,p > p,p > p,p > df,p > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 75 : 95 : :
:db,k,p > p,p,f,p,k : 05 : 50 : 70 : :
:f+p > df+p > p > ub+k > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 87 : 107 : :
:uf,p > p > uf,p > p > uf,p > ub+k > b+p,p,p : 09 : 81 : 101 : :
:uf,p > p,p > p,p > uf+p,k : 07 : 62 : 82 : :
:uf+k > p > df,df+k > df+p > p,p,f,p,k : 08 : 83 : 103 : :
:uf,p > p > df+p > df,df+k > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : 85 : 105 : :
:db+k,p > p,p > db+k,p > p,p,f,p,k : 09 : - : 96 :2:
:uf,p > p,p > df+p > p > b+p > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : 84 : 104 : :
:f+p > P > df+p > b+s+k,p : 05 : 70 : 90 : :
:uf+k > f+p > p > df,df+k > f+KK,f+K : 07 : 92 : 102 : :
:uf+k > p > df+p > ws,k > f+kk,f+k : 07 : 92 : 102 : :
:bd+k,p > p,p > p,p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 10 : - : 101 :2:
:f+p > p,p > p > df+p > f+kk,f+k : 08 : - : 107 :2:
:kp > p > df+p > uf+k > p,p,f,p,k : 07 : - : 98 :2:
:f+k,k > p,p,f,p,k : 06 : 66 : 86 : :

Ein Strategy

6.1 Against Computer

It´s easy to beat the, comp if you know how. You have to get him stuned
and start a combo. Bests starts for combos that causes stuns are f,f+p,p
or f+p. They are the fastes way to get you computer oponent stuned. The
combos don´t have to be long they must damage your oponent. ANd try to
make BIG juggle combos, just because of ONE reason as long as our
oponent is in air he cannot hit back. But if you not a comboguy try to
make short high damage moves d,df,f+p or uf+p,k, and try to hit your
oponnent against a wall or hit him to the next stage, so he will loose
some more energy except of that, it´s looking damn good if the camera
follows your way down. But the best way is to combine the to methods
wisely :-) at every situation.

6.2 Against Human Players

It´s a bit different to play against human players and I think it´s so
because they use to counter every second punch or kick in a combo. So
the best way to win is to make a stun and a short or long MID AIR COMBO
not on the bottom because he will be able to counter again, so you will
get more damage as him at last. Make a stun like f+p or uf+k or something
else, hit him in the air uf+k or ub+k and give him a good combo p,p,f,p,k,
or if you near a wall f+k,k,f+k he will loose 20 damagepoints more. And
if you see a good chance to hit him after a combo at the end of his motion
don´t counter (just if you want) give him an hopkick and make a combo again.
Throws in DoA2 are not very easy but if you get him THROW him, a good time
to throw is, when your oponnent trys to counter if you get near him so don´t
be stupid and do the same throw him before he is going to do it. And don´t
forget to hit him while he is on the ground ;) d+p. Another important thing
is that you shouldn´t allow your oponnent to start a combo, be faster and
learn how to use the stunmoves to start your combos.

6.3 Tag Mode

In Tag Mode is the most Importand thing, that you have to know your
character(s) very good. What I want to say is that you have to know when to
chance. Not only if you don´t have enough energy anymore, you have to chance
in every combo you start. I´m playing with ein and Kasumi and one of my
Combos is looking like this:
13hit Combo!
db+k,p > p,p > db+k,p -->Kasumi > p,p,ub+K -->Ein > p,p,f+p,d+k
Is a good looking combo and a good combo. Use every move you make and make a
combo with it. Don´t hit your oponent in air and wait start changing and give
him some hits. But you have to find out for yourself how to combine. The rest
just like playing against a computer player.

6.4 Survival Mode

In Survival mode you have to knock your oponnent away with moves like f+s+k or
d,df,f+p every time he comes near, or you do big mid air combos but don´t rush
make it slow and if you on the ground stay and wait for your points. Don´t be
a full and run into your oponnent if he is just standing there wait untill he
is running to you. That´s the basics for the survival mode find out the rest

This document is copyrighted (c) 2000
Niko Komninos, all rights reserved.
All aspects of Dead or Alive 2 used
in this document are Copyright (c) 1999, 2000
Tecmo Inc. All rights reserved.

Niko Komninos (Nikojoke) Icq:61923723

Never do a loose, all I do is win

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