WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

13.10.2013 09:22:06
Complete Guide FAQ
PLEASE NOTE: This is a VERY early version of the guide, I just submitted
it to save my spot, and I will try to update it as much as I can. I will
definitely get the lists done as soon as possible. Thanks for

http://www.gamefaqs.com ----------------------------------- Version 0.7

This art was created by Dallas Scott (Dallas@DodgerStats.com)...

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WWF Smackdown! 2
WWF Smackdown! 2 Complete Guide
Version 0.7
By Steve Saunders
Last Updated: 12/31/00

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide: magegames.com, videogaming.net. No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us and we will be glad to put it in, assuming its correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

-CJayC (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there, and
for hopefully posting this guide!

-Positively Posterior (Daniel Stefano)
For letting me use his character guides move lists for my guide, it is really
appreciated. And he is a really cool guy, with some great guides for
Smackdown! 2, check them out!

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here, though,

-Dallas (Dallas@dodgerstats.com)
For the cool ASCII art.

-SephirothG (SephirothG@aol.com)
For providing me with the Create a Wrestlers found in this guide.

-He wrote a great guide for this game.

He sort of gave me the idea to post an incomplete guide to guarantee it will
be posted, so you can work on it without worrying about it getting posted.

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and all my other guides, and he is
a great friend!

-Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
He rocks, and is a great friend.

For annoying me with his constant whinings that he never gets credited in my
guides, and for the 1 smackdown 2 question he asked me when I needed them.
What a pal! =D

-Jeremy Peeples
He is the one that informed me that Gangrel¹s finisher move name was the
Inverted DDT. Thanks!

For giving me something to do while typing, and also to keep the inspiration
going (I decided to do D-Von¹s move list, for instance, because I had 9
minutes left on my downloaded and needed something to kill the time with.)

Table of Contents -----------------------------------------------------
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Revision History
1.2 Author¹s Information
2.0 Game Modes and Tips
3.0 List of Wrestlers in the game ***FINISHED***
4.0 Basic Move Lists and Controls ***FINISHED***
5.0 Complete Move List for every wrestler
-Al Snow ***FINISHED***
-Big Boss Man ***FINISHED***
-Bradshaw ***FINISHED***
-Buh Buh Ray Dudley ***FINISHED***
-Bull Buchanan ***FINISHED***
-Chris Benoit ***FINISHED***
-Chris Jericho ***FINISHED***
-Christian ***FINISHED***
-Crash Holly ***FINISHED***
-Chyna ***FINISHED***
-Dean Malenko ***FINISHED***
-D'Lo Brown ***FINISHED***
-D-Von Dudley ***FINISHED***
-Eddy "Latino Heat" Guerrero ***FINISHED***
-Edge ***FINISHED***
-Essa Rios ***FINISHED***
-Faarooq ***FINISHED***
-Sho Funaki ***FINISHED***
-Gangrel* ***FINISHED***
-Gerry Brisco ***FINISHED***
-Goodfather ***FINISHED***
-Grandmasta Sexay ***FINISHED***
-Hardcore Holly ***FINISHED***
-Ivory ***FINISHED***
-Jacqueline ***FINISHED***
-Jeff Hardy ***FINISHED***
-Joey Abs ***FINISHED***
-Kane ***FINISHED***
-The Kat ***FINISHED***
-Kurt Angle ***FINISHED***
-Lita ***FINISHED***
-Mankind ***FINISHED***
-Mark Henry ***FINISHED***
-Matt Hardy ***FINISHED***
-Michael Cole ***FINISHED***
-"Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn ***FINISHED***
-Pat Patterson ***FINISHED***
-Paul Bearer ***FINISHED***
-Perry Saturn ***FINISHED***
-Pete Gas ***FINISHED***
-Prince Albert ***FINISHED***
-Rikishi Phatu ***FINISHED***
-Road Dogg ***FINISHED***
-The Rock
-Scotty 2 Hotty
-Shane McMahon
-Shawn Michaels ***FINISHED***
-Stephanie McMahon ***FINISHED***
-Steve Blackman
-Steven Richards
-Stone Cold Steve Austin
-Tazz ***FINISHED***
-Test ***FINISHED***
-Triple H
-Trish Stratus
-The Undertaker
-Val Venis
-Vince McMahon
-X-Pac ***FINISHED***
6.0 Create A Wrestler Guide
7.0 Finisher Guide
8.0 King of Ring Guide
9.0 Other Information
10.0 Closing

1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------

Hello everyone, and welcome to my guide for WWF Smackdown! 2. The game came
out and I was looking forward to getting it. Sadly, it kind of disappointed
me. The ladder match mode was sloppy and the slowdown in some types of matches
is horrible. However, it is a decent game, and being the wrestling guide
master that I am, I decided to do a guide for this game.

Also, you can use this guide on your site just so long as nothing is altered,
credit is given when due, and you do not make any monetary gain off of the
guide. No you may not use the lists...I don't care who you are, NO means NO.
If you violate any of the guidelines, I can take legal and civil action.
There, now you know.

Note: I have submitted a very early version of this guide to GameFAQs to be
posted to ensure I have a spot. This guide will slowly be filled up, and I
apologize greatly for the lack of information found here right now. I will try
my best to update this as much as possible, though, to make this one of the
best WWF Smackdown 2 out there!

It will be tough though, with all of the great writers that have done guides
already. Just look at Slipknotted, Sailor Bacon¹s and Tazzmission's guides,
they are already so much better than mine. But hey, I have a reputation as a
great writer here, so I will definitely not be outdone. It will just take me a
few weeks to get the lists up, but once they are all up, this will be a great

-"DaLadiesMan" Steve Saunders

1.1 Revision History --------------------------------------------------
v0.7 (December 31, 2000)
-This is the version I will submit to GameFAQs.
-I added three more move lists: Pete Gas, Prince Albert, and Rikishi Phatu.
-I also decided to fix the line break errors, like I did with my Final Fantasy
6 guide.
-I added the first CAW to the Create a Wrestler guide. Bret Hart.
-This guide is currently at 207.6K according to my word processor.

December 30, 2000
I am doing one of those "update a lot then submit it" updates, so I can get
this done quicker. Anyway, I added three more move lists after my little
break. I added the move lists for Pat Patterson, Paul Bearer, and Perry
Saturn. Now, you can all move on with your lives. =). Until next update...

v0.6 (December 27, 2000)
-This was a pretty major update.
-This is also the version that will be submitted to GameFAQs.
-I finally found out the name to Gangrel¹s finisher.
-I added seven move lists: Gangrel, Kane, Kat, Lita, Mankind, Mark Henry, and
Michael Cole.
-I hope this guide does not suffer from character errors and line break
problems, as I have tried to devise a solution to this problem.
-I will now go update my Final Fantasy IX guide. Hope you all liked this
-This guide is currently at 187.1K according to my word processor.

December 26, 2000
Update 2: Whee.. it¹s 12:01 but I am counting this as a December 26, 2000
update. I added three more move lists: Ivory, Jacqueline, and Joey Abs. I am
pissed because again I forgot to check the game for Gangrel¹s finisher name
again, blame Chrono Cross. I will at least add Gangrel¹s move list before
sending this guide in, in case I want to update Final Fantasy IX and finish
Smackdown before then.

Update 1: Wow, I have finally done an afternoon update, after a long time of
not updating this guide in the afternoon. I might come back this evening and
update the guide again, hopefully adding Gangrel¹s move list this time. I
forgot to check his finishing move name and was not about to go play the game
again just to see it, so I will check later when I want to play the game. In
this update, I added *gasp* three more move lists. The move lists I added
this time were Goodfather, Grandmasta Sexay, and Hardcore Holly. If you have
not figured it out yet, I am doing a complete 360 from my Smackdown guide and
am doing the move lists in ABC order this time. I figure that the guide
updates will go by quicker now. I should finish my Smackdown guide later..

December 25, 2000
-Merry Christmas, everyone! I decided to update this guide after opening all
my presents. I added three move lists, for Faarooq, Funaki, and Gerald Brisco.
I skipped over Gangrel because I forget what the game called his finisher. I
believe they call it the Inverted DDT, but I am not sure because the WWF¹s
official name of the move is none other than the Impaler, which I believe is
the name of Christian¹s finishing move in the game. It¹s crazy. Well, I also
have two other guides to work on, as some of you may know. But, I think this
is the easiest to complete so I might just finish this one real quick and get
it over with. I might be back later with another update.. if not, I will
probably update tomorrow.

December 23, 2000
-It is currently 3:05 in the morning and I just completed the first of what I
hope to be two updates to the guide today. You never know, however, with my
crazy life and all. But, I did get some positive progress done. I updated the
introduction a little bit, and added another name to the credits. I got the
move lists done for 4 wrestlers: Bull Buchanan, Crash Holly, Chyna, and D-Von
Dudley. I am now done with all the wrestlers from A-E. Cool, huh? This guide
is finally starting to have a positive future, and maybe it will be finished
before the new year¹s.

December 22, 2000
-I have decided to update my three main guides over the course of the next
four days and submit them all at once under one huge update. So, I will give
you the daily progress of my guide here, but it all counts under the December
26, 2000 update. It¹s kind of cool that my Final Fantasy 9 guide is also up to
version 0.6
-I deleted all of the unneeded "filler" stuff, and the guide now looks better
because of it, in my opinion. It also means that I have barely broken even in
terms of K from last update to this update, but that is okay, because in the
next few updates the total amount of K is going to rise anyway. I do not
really care about K to begin with.
-I added the move lists for Bradshaw and Buh Buh Ray Dudley. For some reason,
I stop after doing two move lists, which is way different than the past, which
would see me do up to fifteen move lists at a time. Oh well, I think I will
get the FAQ spirit back for this guide soon enough.

v0.5 (December 18, 2000)
-With so many guides I need to update, I am going to try to update this one
every other day, instead of every day, just to save some time and ensure that
every guide is updated properly.
-I added the move lists for Al Snow and Boss Man. I would go on but I am much
too lazy.
-I updated some of the non-game play information.
-I added another character in, Joey Abs, for some reason before he was not on
any of my lists.
-This guide is currently at 125.0K according to my word processor.

v0.4 (December 16, 2000)
-Again, I apologize for not updating sooner. I have been really busy.
-I added two more move lists, this time for Stephanie McMahon and Test.
-I also added the basic move lists and controls, thanks to IGN.
-This guide is currently at 118.5K according to my word processor.

v0.3 (December 8, 2000)
-I am so sorry for not updating sooner but I came down with a major flu and I
barely had any energy, I still am regaining energy.
-I added Jeff Hardy¹s list (thanks Posterior) as well as the first one I
actually did, D¹Lo Brown.
-This guide is currently at 110.5K according to my word processor.

v0.2 (November 28, 2000)
-I woke up at 7:00 and decided to update it.
-As you can tell I am not focusing too much on this right now. Blame FF9.
-I did add Road Dogg and Billy Gunn though, thanx Positively Posterior.
-I added the new ASCII art, thanx Dallas.
-This guide is currently at 103.5K according to my word processor.

v0.1 (November 27, 2000)
-I woke up and decided to do a Smackdown 2 guide.
-I got the format and several move lists done.
-I will add a lot more stuff later on in the week.
-This guide is currently at 95.7K according to my word processor.

1.2 Author's Information ----------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it though)
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon (same
account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 12/18/00
Reviews: 372
FAQs: this was my 52nd, I now have 60.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!

2.0 Game Modes and Tips -----------------------------------------------


3.0 List of Wrestlers in the game -------------------------------------
Al Snow
Big Boss Man
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Bull Buchanan
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Crash Holly
Dean Malenko
D'Lo Brown
D-Von Dudley
Eddy "Latino Heat" Guerrero
Essa Rios
Sho Funaki
Gerry Brisco
Grandmasta Sexay
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Joey Abs
The Kat
Kurt Angle
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Michael Cole
"Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Perry Saturn
Pete Gas
Prince Albert
Rikishi Phatu
Road Dogg
The Rock
Scotty 2 Hotty
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Stephanie McMahon
Steve Blackman
Steven Richards
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Val Venis
Vince McMahon

4.0 Basic Move Lists and Controls -------------------------------------

Move: directional buttons
Attack: X
Irish Whip: CIRCLE
Reverse/Counter: SQUARE
Climb turnbuckle: TRIANGLE + D-PAD (toward turnbuckle)
Leave ring: R1 + D-PAD (near ropes)
Enter ring: TRIANGLE (near ropes)
Tag partner (tag team match): R1
Face new opponent: R2
Smackdown finisher: L1 (when Smackdown logo appears)
Taunt: L2

Below is a list of all the terms used in each wrestler's moves list.

Ready Moves-Grapple
Facing: Grapple the standing opponent from front.
Groggy: Grapple the groggy opponent from front.

Ready Moves-Attack: Kick and punch the standing opponent.

Ready Moves-Grapple: Behind: Grapple the standing opponent from behind.

Grapple: Upper: Grapple the upper body of the fallen opponent.
Grapple: Lower: Grapple the lower body of the fallen opponent.
Attack: Punch and kick the opponent on the ground.

Upper: Facing: Grapple the opponent at the turnbuckle from front.
Upper: Behind: Grapple the opponent at the turnbuckle from behind.
Lower: Grapple the opponent at the lower turnbuckle from front.
Run to Lower: Strike the opponent at the turnbuckle.

Aerial: Attack from top of the turnbuckle to the opponent in the ring.

Grapple: Run up to the opponent frontally and grapple.
Attack: Run up to the opponent and punch and kick.
Counter: Grapple the opponent running up to the player.

Double Team
(Tag Matches only)
Whip opponent to your team's turnbuckle (make sure your partner is standing in
the corner and not otherwise engaged). Then grapple the opponent to perform a
double team move.

Special: Perform your wrestler's signature move when the Smackdown meter

5.0 Wrestlers Move Lists ----------------------------------------------

_ _ ____
/ \ | | / ___| _ __ _____ __
/ _ \ | | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / /
/ ___ \| | ___) | | | | (_) \ V V /
/_/ \_\_| |____/|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Jaw Breaker - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Scissors Sweep - Down + O
Snap Jab - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Middle Kick - Right + X
Shuffle Side Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Up + O
Trapping Head Butts - Left + O
Suplex - Right + O
Dangerous DDT - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse DDT - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Sleeper with Scissors - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Mahistral Cradle - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Texas Clover Leaf - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Frankensteiner - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Diving Leg Drop - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Diving Moonsault - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Monkey Toss - O
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + O
Shoulder Back Toss - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Opponent Running

Neck Breaker - O
Cross Fixed Pin - Up + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Left + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Right + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Snow Plow - L1

____ _ ____ __ __
| __ )(_) __ _ | __ ) ___ ___ ___ | \/ | __ _ _ __
| _ \| |/ _` | | _ \ / _ \/ __/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
| |_) | | (_| | | |_) | (_) \__ \__ \ | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/|_|\__, | |____/ \___/|___/___/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Head Lock and Punch - Left + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Boss Man Uppercut - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Boss Man Choke Slam - Right + O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Boss Man Uppercut - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Upper Body

Fury Punch - Up + O
Mounted Punching - Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Right + O

Lower Body

Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Back Elbow Strike - Up + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Left + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Right + O
Back Elbow Strike - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Flying Clothesline - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Shoulder Block - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Sidewalk Slam - Up + X
Sidewalk Slam - Left + X
Sidewalk Slam - Right + X
Sidewalk Slam - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Sidewalk Slam - Up + O
Sidewalk Slam - Left + O
Sidewalk Slam - Right + O
Sidewalk Slam - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Sidewalk Slam - L1

____ _ _
| __ ) _ __ __ _ __| |___| |__ __ ___ __
| _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` / __| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / /
| |_) | | | (_| | (_| \__ \ | | | (_| |\ V V /
|____/|_| \__,_|\__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_| \_/\_/

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Side Buster - Down + O
Chop - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Snap Jab - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Swinging Neck Breaker - Up + O
Fall Away Slam - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Pump Handle Drop - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Full Nelson Slam - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Pump Handle Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin Fall - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Fury Punch - Left + O
Camel Clutch - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Boston Crab - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Fall Away Slam - Up + O
Back Elbow Strike - Left + O
Back Elbow Strike - Right + O
Super Fall Away Slam - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Foot Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Flying Clothesline - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Spear - Up + O
Spear - Left + O
Spear - Right + O
Spear - Down + O
Spear - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Shoulder Back Toss - O
Face Crusher - Up + O
Face Crusher - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Face Crusher - Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Opponent Running

Shoulder Back Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Clothesline from Hell - L1

____ _ ____ _ ____
| __ ) _ _| |__ | __ ) _ _| |__ | _ \ __ _ _ _
| _ \| | | | '_ \ | _ \| | | | '_ \ | |_) / _` | | | |
| |_) | |_| | | | | | |_) | |_| | | | | | _ < (_| | |_| |
|____/ \__,_|_| |_| |____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| \_\__,_|\__, |
____ _ _
| _ \ _ _ __| | | ___ _ _
| | | | | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ | | |
| |_| | |_| | (_| | | __/ |_| |
|____/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|\__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Buh Buh Ray Punches - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Body Press Slam - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Right + O
Falling Power Bomb Pin - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Full Nelson Drop - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Back Drop - Right + O
Back Slide Slam - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin Fall - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Falling Head Butt - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Falling Head Butt - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Back Drop - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Groin - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Superplex - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Superplex - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Diving Elbow - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Diving Leg Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Diving Shoulder - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Clothesline - O
Face Crusher - Up + O
Face Crusher - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Face Crusher - Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Opponent Running

Samoan Drop - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Buh Buh Cutter - L1

____ _ _ ____ _
| __ ) _ _| | | | __ ) _ _ ___| |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __
| _ \| | | | | | | _ \| | | |/ __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ \
| |_) | |_| | | | | |_) | |_| | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__,_|_|_| |____/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Arm Drag - Left + O
Side Buster ­ Right + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Back Elbow Smash - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Bear Hug - Up + O
Rib Breaker - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Leg Drop - Left + X
Leg Drop - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Camel Clutch - Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Right + O

Lower Body

Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Kick to Groin - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Back Elbow Strike - Up + O
Body Strikes - Left + O
Body Strikes - Right + O
Back Elbow Strike - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Diving Leg Drop - X
Diving Elbow - Up + X
Flying Fame Asser - Left + X
Flying Clothesline - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Back Elbow Attack - Up + X
Back Elbow Attack - Left + X
Back Elbow Attack - Right + X
Back Elbow Attack - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Back Flip to Pancake - O
Spine Buster - Up + O
Spine Buster - Left + O
Spine Buster - Right + O
Spine Buster - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Bulldog - Up + X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Back Flip to Pancake - O
Spine Buster - Up + O
Spine Buster - Left + O
Spine Buster - Right + O
Spine Buster - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Scissors Kick - L1

____ _ _ ____ _ _
/ ___| |__ _ __(_)___ | __ ) ___ _ __ ___ (_) |_
| | | '_ \| '__| / __| | _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _ \| | __|
| |___| | | | | | \__ \ | |_) | __/ | | | (_) | | |_
\____|_| |_|_| |_|___/ |____/ \___|_| |_|\___/|_|\__|


Real Name: Chris Benoit
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 220 lbs.
From: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Finishing Move: Crippler Crossface
Titles Held: Intercontinental Title, WWF Title (x2, not official)

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Forearm to Back- Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Down + O
Chop- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Snap Jab- Left + X
Back Elbow Smash- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Neck Wrench- Up + O
Backbreaker- Left + O
Gut Buster- Right + O
Northern Lights Suplex- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Dragon Sleeper- Up + O
High Angle Back Drop- Left + O
Rolling German Suplex- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X
Knee Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Neck Wrench- Left + O
Armbar- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Boston Crab- Left + O
STF- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Mudhole Stomping- Right + O
Superplex- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Falling Headbutt- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Diving Headbutt- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Elbow Smash- Up + X
Elbow Smash- Left + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Elbow Smash- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Bulldog- O
Bulldog- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Bulldog- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Elbow Smash- Up + X
Elbow Smash- Left + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Elbow Smash- Down + X

Opponent Running

Power Slam- O
Pancake- Up + O
Pancake- Left + O
Pancake- Right + O
Pancake- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Crippler Crossface- L1

____ _ _ _ _ _
/ ___| |__ _ __(_)___ | | ___ _ __(_) ___| |__ ___
| | | '_ \| '__| / __| _ | |/ _ \ '__| |/ __| '_ \ / _ \
| |___| | | | | | \__ \ | |_| | __/ | | | (__| | | | (_) |
\____|_| |_|_| |_|___/ \___/ \___|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\___/


Real Name: Chris Irvine
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 231 lbs.
From: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Finishing Move: Walls of Jericho
Titles Held: Intercontinental Title (x2), European Title, WWF Title (not

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Single Arm DDT- Up + O
Snap Mare- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Spinning Back Kick- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Up + O
Double Underhook Backbreaker- Left + O
Backbreaker- Right + O
Double Powerbomb- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Reverse DDT- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Backslide Pin- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Stomp- Up + X
Forearm Smash- Left + X
Forearm Smash- Right + X
Stomp- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
One Foot Pose Pin- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock= Left + O
Kick to Knee- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Superplex- Up + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Mudhole Stomping- Right + O
Superplex- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Diving Headbutt- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Missle Dropkick- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Forearm Smash- X
Spinning Heel Kick- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Right + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Forearm Smash- X
Spinning Heel Kick- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Right + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Arm Drag- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Down + O


(Opponent Down: Lower Body)

Walls of Jericho- L1

____ _ _ _ _
/ ___| |__ _ __(_)___| |_(_) __ _ _ __
| | | '_ \| '__| / __| __| |/ _` | '_ \
| |___| | | | | | \__ \ |_| | (_| | | | |
\____|_| |_|_| |_|___/\__|_|\__,_|_| |_|


Real Name: Jay Reso
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 215 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Impaler
Titles Held: Light Heavyweight Title, Tag Team Titles

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Side Headlock- Up + O
Scoop Slam- Left + O
Vertical Suplex- Right + O
Arm Ringer- Down + O
Punch- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Chop- Left + X
Back Elbow Smash- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up + O
DDT- Left + O
Sambo Suplex- Right + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Driving Reverse DDT- Left + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Rear Chinlock- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Kick to Knee- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Reverse Tornado DDT- Up + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Mudhole Stomping- Right + O
Reverse Tornado DDT- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Test Diving Elbow- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Hurricanrana- O
Crucifix- Up + O
Crucifix- Left + O
Crucifix- Right + O
Crucifix- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Down + O


(Behind the Groggy Opponent)

Impaler- L1

____ _ _ _ _ _
/ ___|_ __ __ _ ___| |__ | | | | ___ | | |_ _
| | | '__/ _` / __| '_ \ | |_| |/ _ \| | | | | |
| |___| | | (_| \__ \ | | | | _ | (_) | | | |_| |
\____|_| \__,_|___/_| |_| |_| |_|\___/|_|_|\__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Elbow Strike - Left + O
Snapmare - Down + O
Buh Buh Ray Punches - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Snap Jab - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Hurracanrana - Up + O
Knee Strike - Left + O
Suplex - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O
German Suplex Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Sleeper Hold - Left + O
Crash Holly Cradle Pin - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Stretch Muffler - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Superplex - Up + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Left + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Right + O
Superplex - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Diving Elbow - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Front Dropkick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Neck Breaker - O
School Boy - Up + O
School Boy - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
School Boy - Up + O
School Boy - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + X
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + X
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + X
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Shoulder Back Toss - O
Rolling Boston Crab - Up + O
Rolling Boston Crab - Left + O
Rolling Boston Crab - Right + O
Rolling Boston Crab - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Cross Body - Up + X
Cross Body - Left + X
Cross Body - Right + X
Cross Body - Down + X

Opponent Running

Neck Breaker - O
School Boy - Up + O
School Boy - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

DDT - L1

____ _
/ ___| |__ _ _ _ __ __ _
| | | '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |
| |___| | | | |_| | | | | (_| |
\____|_| |_|\__, |_| |_|\__,_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
DDT ­ Right + O
Club to Neck - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Middle Kick - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Stomach Crusher - Up + O
Low Blow - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Low Blow - Left + O
DDT - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Women¹s Beat Head - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Groin - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Choke - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Choke - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Neck Breaker - O
Spring Board Moonsault - Up + O
Spring Board Moonsault - Left + O
Spring Board Moonsault - Right + O
Spring Board Moonsault - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Handspring to Thump - Up + X
Handspring to Thump - Left + X
Handspring to Thump - Right + X
Handspring to Thump - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Monkey Toss - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Handspring to Thump - Up + X
Handspring to Thump - Left + X
Handspring to Thump - Right + X
Handspring to Thump - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Rear Naked Choke Drop - L1

____ __ __ _ _
| _ \ ___ __ _ _ __ | \/ | __ _| | ___ _ __ | | _____
| | | |/ _ \/ _` | '_ \ | |\/| |/ _` | |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ / _ \
| |_| | __/ (_| | | | | | | | | (_| | | __/ | | | < (_) |
|____/ \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\___|_| |_|_|\_\___/


Real Name: Dean Simon
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 212 lbs.
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing Move: Texas Cloverleaf
Titles Held: Light Heavyweight Title

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Kneebreaker- Up + O
Snap Mare- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Arm Ringer- Down + O
Elbow Smash- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Chop- Left + X
Snap Jab- Right + X
Jumping Heel Kick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up + O
Jaw Breaker- Left + O
Armbar- Right + O
Double Underhook Powerbomb- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Inverted Atomic Drop- Right + O
Double Underhook Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X
Knee Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Armbar- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock- Left + O
Kick to Knee- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up + O
Superplex- Left + O
Superplex- Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Crucifix- Up + O
Crucifix- Left + O
Crucifix- Right + O
Crucifix- Down + O
Elbow Smash- X
Shoulder Block- Up + X
Shoulder Block- Left + X
Shoulder Block- Right + X
Shoulder Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

School Boy- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Elbow Smash- X
Shoulder Block- Up + X
Shoulder Block- Left + X
Shoulder Block- Right + X
Shoulder Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold- O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Up + O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Left + O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Right + O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Flip & Texas Cloverleaf- L1

____ _ _ ____
| _ \( ) | ___ | __ ) _ __ _____ ___ __
| | | |/| | / _ \ | _ \| '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \
| |_| | | |__| (_) | | |_) | | | (_) \ V V /| | | |
|____/ |_____\___/ |____/|_| \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|

Real Name: A.C. O'Connor
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 268 lbs.
From: Chicago, Illonis
Finishing Move: Lo Down
Titles Held: Tag Champ, Euro Champ, IC Champ

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Suplex- Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left + O
Side Buster- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Austin Punches- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up, Down + X
Toe Kick- X and Down, Down

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sky High- Up + O
Whirl Side Slam- Left + O
Back Breaker- Right + O
Running Powerbomb- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Atomic Drop- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Mounted Punches- Down + O
Stomp- X
Stomp- Up + X
Forearm Smash- Left + X
Forearm Smash- Right + X
Stomp- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punches- Up + O
D¹Lo Leg Drop- Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock- Right + O
Pin- Down + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp- Up + O
D¹Lo Clover Leaf- Left + O
Kick to Leg- Right + O
Pin- Down + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrust- Up + O
Frankensteiner - Left + O
Frankensteiner- Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Beat Head- Up + O
Beat Head- Left + O
Beat Head- Right + O
Beat Head- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Foot Choke- Up + O
Foot Choke- Left + O
Foot Choke- Right + O
Foot Choke- Down + O
Knee Attack- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Diving Headbutt- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Missle Dropkick- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker Drop- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Monkey Toss- X
Drop Kick- Up + X
Drop Kick- Left + X
Drop Kick- Right + X
Drop Kick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker Drop- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Monkey Toss- X
Drop Kick- Up + X
Drop Kick- Left + X
Drop Kick- Right + X
Drop Kick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss- O
Pulling Walk Slam- Up + O
Pulling Walk Slam - Left + O
Pulling Walk Slam - Right + O
Pulling Walk Slam - Down + O


(Opponent Down on Mat: Top Turnbuckle)

Lo Down- L1

____ __ __ ____ _ _
| _ \ \ \ / /__ _ __ | _ \ _ _ __| | | ___ _ _
| | | |____\ \ / / _ \| '_ \ | | | | | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ | | |
| |_| |_____\ V / (_) | | | | | |_| | |_| | (_| | | __/ |_| |
|____/ \_/ \___/|_| |_| |____/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|\__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Suplex ­ Right + O
DDT - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Throat Thrust - Left + X
Elbow Smash - Right + X
Shuffle Side Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Pile Driver - Up + O
Jaw Breaker - Left + O
Pendulum Back Breaker - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse DDT - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Face Stretch - Left + O
Big Splash - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Groin - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Superplex - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Superplex - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Diving Leg Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Diving Leg Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Diving Shoulder - X
Diving Forearm Smash - Up + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Left + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Right + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Face Crusher - Up + O
Face Crusher - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Face Crusher - Down + O
Power Shoulder - X
Diving Forearm Smash - Up + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Left + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Right + X
Diving Forearm Smash - Down + X

Opponent Running

Shoulder Back Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Strong Reverse DDT - L1

_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| ____|__| | __| |_ _ ( | ) | __ _| |_(_)_ __ ___
| _| / _` |/ _` | | | | V V| | / _` | __| | '_ \ / _ \
| |__| (_| | (_| | |_| | | |__| (_| | |_| | | | | (_) |
|_____\__,_|\__,_|\__, | |_____\__,_|\__|_|_| |_|\___/
_ _ _ _ _ ____
| | | | ___ __ _| |_( | ) / ___|_ _ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ ___
| |_| |/ _ \/ _` | __|V V | | _| | | |/ _ \ '__| '__/ _ \ '__/ _ \
| _ | __/ (_| | |_ | |_| | |_| | __/ | | | | __/ | | (_) |
|_| |_|\___|\__,_|\__| \____|\__,_|\___|_| |_| \___|_| \___/


Real Name: Eduardo Guerrero
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 220 lbs.
From: El Paso, Texas
Finishing Move: Frog Splash
Titles Held: European Champion, Intercontinental Champion

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Headlock and Punch- Up + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Drop Toe Hold- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Chop- Left + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Jumping Heel Kick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Airplane Spin- Up + O
Hurricanrana- Left + O
Brainbuster- Right + O
Spinning Sunset Flip- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
German Suplex- Right + O
Backslide Pin- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Knee Drop- Left + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Stomp to Face- Left + O
Mahistrol Cradle- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Mexican Surfboard- Left + O
Inverted Surfboard- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Frankensteiner- Up + O
Tornado DDT- Left + O
Tornado DDT- Right + O
Frankensteiner- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Up + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Left + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Right + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Hurricanrana- Right + X
Spinning Senton Splash- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Flying Headscissors- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

School Boy- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Arm Drag- O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Up + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Left + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Right + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Down + O


(Top Rope: Opponent Down)

Frog Splash- L1

_____ _
| ____|__| | __ _ ___
| _| / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
| |__| (_| | (_| | __/
|_____\__,_|\__, |\___|


Real Name: Adam Copeland
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 240 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Downward Spiral
Titles Held: Intercontinental Title, Tag Team Titles

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Hair Pull- Up + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Vertical Suplex- Right + O
Drop Toe Hold- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Punch- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Front Suplex- Up + O
Spinning Back Drop- Left + O
Front Backbreaker- Right + O
DDT- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Electric Chair Drop- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Belly to Back Suplex- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Knee Drop- Left + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Short Arm Scissors- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock- Left + O
Rollover Pin- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Frankensteiner- Up + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Right + O
Frankensteiner- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke- Up + O
Choke- Left + O
Choke- Right + O
Choke- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Spear- Left + X
Missle Dropkick- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Hurricanrana- O
Spear- Up + O
Spear- Left + O
Spear- Right + O
Spear- Down + O
Spinning Heel Kick- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Spinning Heel Kick- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Arm Drag- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Downward Spiral- L1

_____ ____ _
| ____|___ ___ __ _ | _ \(_) ___ ___
| _| / __/ __|/ _` | | |_) | |/ _ \/ __|
| |___\__ \__ \ (_| | | _ <| | (_) \__ \
|_____|___/___/\__,_| |_| \_\_|\___/|___/


Real Name: ????
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 195 lbs.
From: Tijuana, Mexico
Finishing Move: Moonsault
Titles Held: Light Heavyweight

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Arm Ringer- Up + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Monkey Flip- Down + O
Chop- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Punch- Left + X
Uppercut- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Hurricanrana- Up + O
DDT- Left + O
Knee to Face- Right + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Senton Splash- Up + X
Knee Drop- Left + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Senton Splash- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Mahistrol Cradle- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Mexican Surfboard- Left + O
Longbow Backbreaker- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Springboard Arm Drag- Up + O
Frankensteiner- Left + O
Frankensteiner- Right + O
Springboard Arm Drag- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Running Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Leg Drop- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Leg Drop- Right + X
Spinning Senton Splash- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Flying Arm Drag- O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Up + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Left + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Right + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Down + O
Spinning Heel Kick- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Spinning Heel Kick- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Drop Toe Hold- O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Up + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Left + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Right + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Down + O


(Top Rope: Opponent Down)

Diving Moonsault- L1

| ___|_ _ __ _ _ __ ___ ___ __ _
| |_ / _` |/ _` | '__/ _ \ / _ \ / _` |
| _| (_| | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | (_| |
|_| \__,_|\__,_|_| \___/ \___/ \__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Drop Suplex ­ Right + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Body Press Slam - Up + O
Bear Hug Front Side - Left + O
Rib Breaker - Right + O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Abdominal Stretch - Up + O
High Angle Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Camel Clutch - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Groin - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Choke - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Choke - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Neck Breaker - O
Spine Buster - Up + O
Spine Buster - Left + O
Spine Buster - Right + O
Spine Buster - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Spear - Up + O
Spear - Left + O
Spear - Right + O
Spear - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Power Slam - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Toe Kick - Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Toe Kick - Down + X

Opponent Running

Back Flip to Pancake - O
Spine Buster - Up + O
Spine Buster - Left + O
Spine Buster - Right + O
Spine Buster - Down + O


Dominator ­ L1

____ _ _____ _ _
/ ___|| |__ ___ | ___| _ _ __ __ _| | _(_)
\___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |_ | | | | '_ \ / _` | |/ / |
___) | | | | (_) | | _|| |_| | | | | (_| | <| |
|____/|_| |_|\___/ |_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Fireman Carry - Up + O
Arm Drag - Left + O
Snap Suplex ­ Right + O
Leg Trip - Down + O
Snap Jab - X
Shuffle Side Kick - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Front Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Flipping Arm Bar - Up + O
Jaw Breaker - Left + O
Falling Neck Breaker - Right + O
Reverse Arm Bar - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Side Slam - Left + O
Back Drop - Right + O
German Suplex Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Flip Splash - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Flip Splash - Down + X

Upper Body

Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Face Stretch - Left + O
Crash Holly Cradle Pin - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
STF - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Diamond Dust - Up + O
Frankensteiner - Left + O
Frankensteiner - Right + O
Diamond Dust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Head Scissors Take Down - Left + X
Missile Drop Kick - Right + X
Diving Leg Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Head Scissors Take Down - O
Cross Fixed Pin - Up + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Left + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Right + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Head Scissors Take Down - O
Face Crusher - Up + O
Face Crusher - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Face Crusher - Down + O
Elbow Attack - X
Drop Kick - Up + X
Drop Kick - Left + X
Drop Kick - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Hurracanrana ­ L1

____ _
/ ___| __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___| |
| | _ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__/ _ \ |
| |_| | (_| | | | | (_| | | | __/ |
\____|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_| \___|_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Gangrel Suplex - Left + O
DDT ­ Right + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Chop - X
Shuffle Side Kick - Up + X
Snap Jab - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Head Lock and Punch - Up + O
Jumping Tornado DDT - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse DDT - Right + O
Pump Handle Slam - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Double Knee Drop - Left + X
Double Knee Drop - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Groin - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
Tornado DDT - Left + O
Tornado DDT - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Twisting Body Attack ­ Up + X
Snap Jab - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker Drop - Up + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Left + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Right + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Down + O
Back Elbow Attack - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Clothesline - Left + X
Clothesline - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Inverted DDT ­ L1

____ ____ _
/ ___| ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ | __ ) _ __(_)___ ___ ___
| | _ / _ \ '__| '__| | | | | _ \| '__| / __|/ __/ _ \
| |_| | __/ | | | | |_| | | |_) | | | \__ \ (_| (_) |
\____|\___|_| |_| \__, | |____/|_| |_|___/\___\___/

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Head Lock ­ Right + O
Leg Trip - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Slap - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shin Breaker - Up + O
Hip Throw - Left + O
Suplex - Right + O
Standing Cross Face - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Abdonimal Stretch - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
Russian Leg Sweep - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Short Arm Scissors - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
Figure Four Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Throw - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Shoulder Attack - X
Diving Elbow - Up + X
Diving Elbow - Left + X
Diving Elbow - Right + X
Diving Elbow - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Sleeper Hold - O
Monkey Toss - Up + O
Monkey Toss - Left + O
Monkey Toss - Right + O
Monkey Toss - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Neck Breaker - O
Monkey Toss - Up + O
Monkey Toss - Left + O
Monkey Toss - Right + O
Monkey Toss - Down + O


Double Arm Suplex ­ L1

____ _ __ _ _
/ ___| ___ ___ __| |/ _| __ _| |_| |__ ___ _ __
| | _ / _ \ / _ \ / _` | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) | (_) | (_| | _| (_| | |_| | | | __/ |
\____|\___/ \___/ \__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Suplex ­ Right + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Slap - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Arm Wrench and Side Kick - Up + O
Fall Away Slam - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Abdonimal Stretch - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
Russian Leg Sweep - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Short Arm Scissors - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
Figure Four Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Throw - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Shoulder Attack - X
Diving Elbow - Up + X
Diving Elbow - Left + X
Diving Elbow - Right + X
Diving Elbow - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Sleeper Hold - O
Monkey Toss - Up + O
Monkey Toss - Left + O
Monkey Toss - Right + O
Monkey Toss - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Neck Breaker - O
Monkey Toss - Up + O
Monkey Toss - Left + O
Monkey Toss - Right + O
Monkey Toss - Down + O


Pimp Drop ­ L1

____ _ _
/ ___|_ __ __ _ _ __ __| |_ __ ___ __ _ ___| |_ __ _
| | _| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` / __| __/ _` |
| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| \__ \ || (_| |
\____|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/\__\__,_|

/ ___| _____ ____ _ _ _
\___ \ / _ \ \/ / _` | | | |
___) | __/> < (_| | |_| |
|____/ \___/_/\_\__,_|\__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Jumping Arm Breaker ­ Right + O
DDT - Down + O
Snap Jab - X
Shuffle Side Kick - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse Brain Buster - Up + O
Falling Neck Breaker - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Falling Power Bomb Pin - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse Brain Buster - Up + O
Sexay Face Buster - Left + O
Back Drop - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Camel Clutch - Left + O
Mahistrol Cradle - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
10 Punch - Up + O
Superplex - Left + O
Superplex - Right + O
10 Punch - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Throw - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Sexay Missile Drop Kick - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Drop Kick - Up + X
Drop Kick - Left + X
Drop Kick - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Sleeper Hold - O
Back Drop - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Back Drop - Right + O
Back Drop - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Bulldog - Up + X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Hip Hop Drop ­ L1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _
| | | | __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ___ _ __ ___ | | | | ___ | | |_ _
| |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ __/ _ \| '__/ _ \ | |_| |/ _ \| | | | | |
| _ | (_| | | | (_| | (_| (_) | | | __/ | _ | (_) | | | |_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\___\___/|_| \___| |_| |_|\___/|_|_|\__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Beat Head ­ Right + O
Arm Wrench - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Snap Jab - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
DDT - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse DDT - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Double Knee Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Double Knee Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Fury Punch - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Frankensteiner - Left + O
Frankensteiner - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Spear - O
Cross Fixed Pin - Up + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Left + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Right + O
Cross Fixed Pin - Down + O
Drop Kick - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Spear - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Drop Kick - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Falcon Arrow ­ L1

|_ _|_ _____ _ __ _ _
| |\ \ / / _ \| '__| | | |
| | \ V / (_) | | | |_| |
|___| \_/ \___/|_| \__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Head Lock - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Suplex ­ Right + O
Club to Neck - Down + O
Middle Kick - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Front Kick - Right + X
Woman¹s Special Slap - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Standing Cross Face - Up + O
Fire Man Carry - Left + O
Arm Wrench - Right + O
Small Package - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Russian Leg Sweep - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Knee Drop - Left + X
Knee Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Short Arm Scissors - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Leg Lock - Left + O
Mexican Stretch - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Missile Drop Kick - Left + X
Diving Hurracanrana - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Flying Fore Arm Smash - X
Cross Body - Up + X
Cross Body ­ Left + X
Cross Body - Right + X
Cross Body - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Flying Fore Arm Smash - X
Cross Body - Up + X
Cross Body - Left + X
Cross Body - Right + X
Cross Body - Down + X

Opponent Running
Sleeper Hold - O
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + O


Test Neck Breaker ­ L1

_ _ _
| | __ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ___| (_)_ __ ___
_ | |/ _` |/ __/ _` | | | |/ _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \
| |_| | (_| | (_| (_| | |_| | __/ | | | | | __/
\___/ \__,_|\___\__, |\__,_|\___|_|_|_| |_|\___|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Arm Drag - Left + O
Snapmare ­ Right + O
Arm Wrench - Down + O
Middle Kick - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Woman¹s Slap - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Up + O
DDT - Left + O
Suplex - Right + O
Small Package - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse DDT - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Boston Crab - Left + O
Toss - Right + O

Lower Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Tornado DDT - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Tornado DDT - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Missile Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Reverse Pin - Up + O
Rolling Reverse Pin - Left + O
Rolling Reverse Pin - Right + O
Rolling Reverse Pin - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Cross Body - Up + X
Cross Body - Left + X
Cross Body - Right + X
Cross Body - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog ­ Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Bulldog - Up + X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + O


Tornado DDT ­ L1

_ __ __ _ _ _
| | ___ / _|/ _| | | | | __ _ _ __ __| |_ _
_ | |/ _ \ |_| |_ | |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` | | | |
| |_| | __/ _| _| | _ | (_| | | | (_| | |_| |
\___/ \___|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\__, |

Real Name: Jeff Hardy
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 215 lbs.
From: Cameron, NC
Finishing Move: Swanton Bomb
Titles Held: Tag Team Titles (with Matt Hardy)

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Arm Ringer- Up + O
Snap Mare- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Front Scoop Slam- Down + O
Chop- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Snap Jab- Left + X
Back Elbow Smash- Right + X
Front Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Hurricanrana- Up + O
Standing Dropkick- Left + O
Twist of Fate- Right + O
Small Package- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Belly to Back Suplex- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Reverse DDT- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Senton Splash- Up + X
Jumping Knee Drop- Left + X
Jumping Knee Drop- Right + X
Senton Splash- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Side Headlock- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock- Left + O
Leg Drop to Groin- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
10 Punch- Up + O
Frankensteiner- Left + O
Frankensteiner- Right + O
10 Punch- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Senton Bomb- X
Corkscrew Senton- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Hurricanrana- Right + X
450 Splash- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Hurricanrana- O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Up + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Left + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Right + O
Hurricanrana Rollup- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Spinning Back Elbow- Up + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Left + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Right + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Spinning Back Elbow- Up + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Left + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Right + X
Spinning Back Elbow- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hip Toss- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Top Rope: Opponent Down)

Swanton Bomb- L1

_ _ _
| | ___ ___ _ _ / \ | |__ ___
_ | |/ _ \ / _ \ | | | / _ \ | '_ \/ __|
| |_| | (_) | __/ |_| | / ___ \| |_) \__ \
\___/ \___/ \___|\__, | /_/ \_\_.__/|___/

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Suplex ­ Right + O
DDT - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Diving Power Bomb - Up + O
Stomach Crusher - Left + O
Drop Suplex - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Abdominal Stretch - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Blue Thunder Pin - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Sleeper Hold - Left + O
Knee Smash - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Leg - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Left + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Diving Leg Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Test Flying Elbow - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Spear - Up + O
Spear - Left + O
Spear - Right + O
Spear - Down + O
Jumping Knee Attack - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Spear - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Jumping Knee Attack - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Clothesline - Left + X
Clothesline - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Diving Moonsault ­ L1

_ __
| |/ /__ _ _ __ ___
| ' // _` | '_ \ / _ \
| . \ (_| | | | | __/
|_|\_\__,_|_| |_|\___|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Side Buster ­ Right + O
Lifting Choke Hold - Down + O
Body Punch - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Kane Throat Thrust - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Big Boot - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Stomach Crusher - Up + O
Pendulum Back Breaker - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Tombstone Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Full Nelson Slam - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Reverse Brain Buster - Right + O
Reverse DDT - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Darkness Choke - Left + O
Camel Clutch - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker Drop - Up + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Left + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Right + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Power Clothesline - Up + X
Power Clothesline - Left + X
Power Clothesline - Right + X
Power Clothesline - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker Drop - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Whirl Side Slam - Up + O
Whirl Side Slam - Left + O
Whirl Side Slam - Right + O
Whirl Side Slam - Down + O


Chokeslam Moonsault ­ L1

_____ _ _ __ _
|_ _| |__ ___ | |/ /__ _| |_
| | | '_ \ / _ \ | ' // _` | __|
| | | | | | __/ | . \ (_| | |_
|_| |_| |_|\___| |_|\_\__,_|\__|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Elbow Strike - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Arm Wrench ­ Right + O
Club to Neck - Down + O
Woman¹s Slap - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Snap Jab - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Middle Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Elbow Strike - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Arm Wrench - Right + O
Suplex - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Angry Stomp - Left + X
Angry Stomp - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Woman¹s Beat Head - Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Leg - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Kick to Groin - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Kick to Groin - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop ­ X
Knee Drop ­ Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Flying Forearm Smash - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Scotty Face Crusher - Up + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Left + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Right + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Down + O
Neck Breaker - X
Bulldog - Up + X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + O


Diving Moonsault ­ L1

_ __ _ _ _
| |/ / _ _ __| |_ / \ _ __ __ _| | ___
| ' / | | | '__| __| / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | |/ _ \
| . \ |_| | | | |_ / ___ \| | | | (_| | | __/
|_|\_\__,_|_| \__| /_/ \_\_| |_|\__, |_|\___|


Real Name: Kurt Angle
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Finishing Move: Olympic Slam
Titles Held: WWF Title, Intercontinental Title, European Title, King of
the Ring 2000, Olympic Gold Medalist

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Fireman's Carry- Up + O
Headlock Takedown- Left + O
Double Underhook Suplex- Right + O
Double Leg Takedown- Down + O
Punch- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Chop- Left + X
Uppercut- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Up + O
Belly to Belly Suplex- Left + O
Floatover Suplex- Right + O
Small Package- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Choke with Scissors- Up + O
Belly to Back Suplex- Left + O
High Angle Back Drop with Pin- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X
Knee Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Choke with Scissors- Left + O
Crossface Chicken Wing- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock- Left + O
Leg Grapevine- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Slam Face into Turnbuckle- Up + O
Slam Face into Turnbuckle- Left + O
Slam Face into Turnbuckle- Right + O
Slam Face into Turnbuckle- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Hard Clothesline- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Bulldog- O
Bulldog- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Bulldog- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Hard Clothesline- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Arm Drag- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Olympic Slam- L1

_ _ _
| | (_) |_ __ _
| | | | __/ _` |
| |___| | || (_| |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Front Drop Kick - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Elbow Strike ­ Right + O
Arm Wrench - Down + O
Chop - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Middle Kick - Right + X
Front Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Hurracanrana - Up + O
DDT - Left + O
Suplex - Right + O
Hurracanrana Pin - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Flip Splash - Up + X
Double Knee Drop - Left + X
Double Knee Drop - Right + X
Flip Splash - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Mahistrol Cradle - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Mexican Surf Board - Left + O
Bow and Arrow Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Springboard Arm Drag - Up + O
Frankensteiner - Left + O
Frankensteiner - Right + O
Springboard Arm Drag - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Senton Bomb ­ X
Twisting Body Attack ­ Up + X
Missile Drop Kick - Left + X
Diving Hurracanrana - Right + X
Diving Leg Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Hurracanrana Pin - Up + O
Hurracanrana Pin - Left + O
Hurracanrana Pin - Right + O
Hurracanrana Pin - Down + O
Back Elbow Attack - X
Cross Body - Up + X
Cross Body - Left + X
Cross Body - Right + X
Cross Body - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Face Crusher - Up + O
Face Crusher - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
Face Crusher - Down + O
Bulldog - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Arm Drag - O
Scissors Sweep - Up + O
Scissors Sweep - Left + O
Scissors Sweep - Right + O
Scissors Sweep - Down + O


Diving Moonsault ­ L1

__ __ _ _ _
| \/ | __ _ _ __ | | _(_)_ __ __| |
| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| |/ / | '_ \ / _` |
| | | | (_| | | | | <| | | | | (_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
DDT ­ Right + O
Manhattan Drop - Down + O
Buh Buh Ray Punches - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Chop - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Pulling Pile Driver - Up + O
Double Arm DDT - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Jack Knife Power Bomb - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Reverse DDT - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Face Crusher - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Camel Clutch - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
10 Punch - Left + O
10 Punch - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Diving Elbow ­ Up + X
Front Drop Kick - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Elbow Attack - Up + X
Elbow Attack - Left + X
Elbow Attack - Right + X
Elbow Attack - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
School Boy - Up + O
School Boy - Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
Bulldog - Up + X
Bulldog - Left + X
Bulldog - Right + X
Bulldog - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Mandible Claw ­ L1

__ __ _ _ _
| \/ | __ _ _ __| | __ | | | | ___ _ __ _ __ _ _
| |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / | |_| |/ _ \ '_ \| '__| | | |
| | | | (_| | | | < | _ | __/ | | | | | |_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\_\ |_| |_|\___|_| |_|_| \__, |

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Drop Suplex ­ Right + O
Side Buster - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Body Punch - Left + X
Austin Punches - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Oklahoma Slam - Up + O
Body Press Slam - Left + O
Back Side Slam - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Back Side Slam - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Clothesline - Left + X
Clothesline - Right + X
Clothesline - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Power Slam - O
Farewell - Up + O
Farewell - Left + O
Farewell - Right + O
Farewell - Down + O


Big Splash ­ L1

__ __ _ _ _ _ _
| \/ | __ _| |_| |_ | | | | __ _ _ __ __| |_ _
| |\/| |/ _` | __| __| | |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` | | | |
| | | | (_| | |_| |_ | _ | (_| | | | (_| | |_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\__, |


Real Name: Matt Hardy
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 225 lbs.
From: Cameron, NC
Finishing Move: Twist of Fate
Titles Held: Hardcore Title, Tag Team Titles (with Jeff Hardy)

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Arm Ringer- Up + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Rolling Wheel Kick- Up + X
Back Elbow Smash- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up + O
Hair Pull- Left + O
Double Arm Suplex- Right + O
Swinging DDT- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Left + O
Rear Naked Choke Drop- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Fist Drop- Left + X
Fist Drop- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Camel Clutch- Left + O
Rear Chinlock- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Leg Lock- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Tornado DDT- Up + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Mudhole Stomping- Right + O
Tornado DDT- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Up + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Left + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Right + O
Top Rope Powerbomb- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Corkscrew Senton- X
Dropshot- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Hurricanrana- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Whip- O
Cradle Pin- Up + O
Cradle Pin- Left + O
Cradle Pin- Right + O
Cradle Pin- Down + O
Forearm Smash- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Bulldog- O
Bulldog- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Bulldog- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Forearm Smash- X
Cross Body Block- Up + X
Cross Body Block- Left + X
Cross Body Block- Right + X
Cross Body Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hip Toss- O
Samoan Drop- Up + O
Samoan Drop- Left + O
Samoan Drop- Right + O
Samoan Drop- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Twist of Fate- L1


_ __ _ _ _ ____ _
| \/ (_) ___| |__ __ _ ___| | / ___|___ | | ___
| |\/| | |/ __| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ | | | / _ \| |/ _ \
| | | | | (__| | | | (_| | __/ | | |__| (_) | | __/
|_| |_|_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| \____\___/|_|\___|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Arm Drag - Left + O
Club to Neck ­ Right + O
Scissors Sweep - Down + O
Chop - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Round House Drop Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Arm Wrench - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Front Drop Kick - Right + O
School Boy - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Angry Stomp - Left + X
Angry Stomp - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Crash Holly Cradle Pin - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Mexican Surf Board - Left + O
Mexican Stretch - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Choke - Up + O
10 Punch - Left + O
10 Punch - Right + O
Choke - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Scotty Face Crusher - Up + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Left + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Right + O
Scotty Face Crusher - Down + O
Bulldog - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Standing Cross Face ­ L1

_ _ __ __ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _
( | ) \/ |_ __ / \ ___ ___( | ) | __ )(_) | |_ _
V V| |\/| | '__| / _ \ / __/ __|V V | _ \| | | | | | |
| | | | | _ / ___ \__ \__ \ | |_) | | | | |_| |
|_| |_|_|(_) /_/ \_\___/___/ |____/|_|_|_|\__, |
/ ___|_ _ _ __ _ __
| | _| | | | '_ \| '_ \
| |_| | |_| | | | | | | |
\____|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|


Real Name: Monty Sopp
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 286 lbs.
From: Austin, Texas
Finishing Move: Fame Asser
Titles Held: 1999 King of the Ring, Hardcore Title, Tag Team Titles

IV. Move List

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Forearm to Back- Up + O
Headlock and Punch- Left + O
Jackhammer- Right + O
Arm Ringer- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Chop- Left + X
Punch- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gorilla Press Slam- Up + O
Hanging Neckbreaker- Left + O
DDT- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Back Drop- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Right + O
Inverted Atomic Drop- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Forearm Smash- Up + X
Knee Drop- Left + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Forearm Smash- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Side Headlock- Left + O
Rear Chinlock- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Leg Lock- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Tornado DDT- Up + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Right + O
Tornado DDT- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Forearm Smash- Up + X
Flying Fame Asser- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Test Diving Elbow- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Bulldog- O
Bulldog- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Bulldog- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hanging Neckbreaker- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Fame Asser- L1

____ _ ____ _ _
| _ \ __ _| |_ | _ \ __ _| |_| |_ ___ _ __ ___ ___ _ __
| |_) / _` | __| | |_) / _` | __| __/ _ \ '__/ __|/ _ \| '_ \
| __/ (_| | |_ | __/ (_| | |_| || __/ | \__ \ (_) | | | |
|_| \__,_|\__| |_| \__,_|\__|\__\___|_| |___/\___/|_| |_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Arm Wrench ­ Right + O
Falling Neck Breaker - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Elbow Smash - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Bear Hug - Left + O
Jumping Arm Breaker - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
High Angle Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Sleeper Hold - Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Boston Crab - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Stink Face - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Stink Face - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Shoulder Attack - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Roll Up - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Samoan Drop - Up + O
Samoan Drop - Left + O
Samoan Drop - Right + O
Samoan Drop - Down + O


Atomic Drop ­ L1

____ _ ____
| _ \ __ _ _ _| | | __ ) ___ __ _ _ __ ___ _ __
| |_) / _` | | | | | | _ \ / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \ '__|
| __/ (_| | |_| | | | |_) | __/ (_| | | | __/ |
|_| \__,_|\__,_|_| |____/ \___|\__,_|_| \___|_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Arm Wrench ­ Right + O
Leg Flip - Down + O
Buh Buh Ray Punches - X
Chop - Up + X
Overhand Punch - Left + X
Austin Punches - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Arm Wrench - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Leg - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker - Up + O
Neck Breaker - Left + O
Neck Breaker - Right + O
Neck Breaker - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


Big Splash ­ L1

____ ____ _
| _ \ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _ / ___| __ _| |_ _ _ _ __ _ __
| |_) / _ \ '__| '__| | | | \___ \ / _` | __| | | | '__| '_ \
| __/ __/ | | | | |_| | ___) | (_| | |_| |_| | | | | | |
|_| \___|_| |_| \__, | |____/ \__,_|\__|\__,_|_| |_| |_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Gangrel Suplex - Left + O
Wrist Clutch Suplex ­ Right + O
Falling Neck Breaker - Down + O
Austin Punches - X
Shuffle Side Kick - Up + X
Spinning Back Kick - Left + X
Low Kick - Right + X
Sweep - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Standing Cross Face - Up + O
Suplex to Front Slam - Left + O
T Bone Suplex - Right + O
Northern Lights Suplex - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Release German Suplex - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Double Knee Drop - Left + X
Double Knee Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Arm Bar - Left + O
Rings of Saturn - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Ankle Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Frankensteiner - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Frankensteiner - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Super Back Drop - Up + O
Super Back Drop - Left + O
Super Back Drop - Right + O
Super Back Drop - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop ­ X
Twisting Body Attack ­ Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Test Flying Elbow - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker Drop - O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Up + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Left + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin - Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Spinning Wheel Kick - Up + X
Spinning Wheel Kick - Left + X
Spinning Wheel Kick - Right + X
Spinning Wheel Kick - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker Drop - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Back Flip to Pancake - O
Spine Buster - Up + O
Spine Buster - Left + O
Spine Buster - Right + O
Spine Buster - Down + O


Rings of Saturn ­ L1

____ _ ____
| _ \ ___| |_ ___ / ___| __ _ ___
| |_) / _ \ __/ _ \ | | _ / _` / __|
| __/ __/ || __/ | |_| | (_| \__ \
|_| \___|\__\___| \____|\__,_|___/

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Scoop Slam - Left + O
Arm Wrench ­ Right + O
Falling Neck Breaker - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Elbow Smash - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Club to Neck - Up + O
Bear Hug - Left + O
Jumping Arm Breaker - Right + O
Pile Driver - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
High Angle Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Sleeper Hold - Left + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Boston Crab - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Stink Face - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Stink Face - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Shoulder Attack - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Diving Shoulder - Up + X
Diving Shoulder - Left + X
Diving Shoulder - Right + X
Diving Shoulder - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Roll Up - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Samoan Drop - Up + O
Samoan Drop - Left + O
Samoan Drop - Right + O
Samoan Drop - Down + O


DDT ­ L1

____ _ _ _ _ _
| _ \ _ __(_)_ __ ___ ___ / \ | | |__ ___ _ __| |_
| |_) | '__| | '_ \ / __/ _ \ / _ \ | | '_ \ / _ \ '__| __|
| __/| | | | | | | (_| __/ / ___ \| | |_) | __/ | | |_
|_| |_| |_|_| |_|\___\___| /_/ \_\_|_.__/ \___|_| \__|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Body Press Slam - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Drop Suplex ­ Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O
Clothesline - X
Overhand Punch - Up + X
Throat Thrust - Left + X
Big Boot - Right + X
Body Punch - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Lifting Choke Hold - Up + O
Suplex to Front Slam - Left + O
Shoulder Breaker - Right + O
Two Handed Choke Bomb - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Back Drop - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Atomic Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Reverse Chin Lock - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Big Swing - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Mud Hole Stomping - Up + O
Shoulder Thrust - Left + O
Shoulder Thrust - Right + O
Mud Hole Stomping - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Elbow Drop ­ Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Knee Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Lou Thesz Press - Up + O
Lou Thesz Press - Left + O
Lou Thesz Press - Right + O
Lou Thesz Press - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Yakuza Kick - Up + X
Yakuza Kick - Left + X
Yakuza Kick - Right + X
Yakuza Kick - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Roll Up - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Shoulder Back Toss - O
Back Flip to Pancake - Up + O
Back Flip to Pancake - Left + O
Back Flip to Pancake - Right + O
Back Flip to Pancake - Down + O


Spinning Rack Pancake ­ L1

____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _
| _ \(_) | _(_)___| |__ (_) | _ \| |__ __ _| |_ _ _
| |_) | | |/ / / __| '_ \| | | |_) | '_ \ / _` | __| | | |
| _ <| | <| \__ \ | | | | | __/| | | | (_| | |_| |_| |
|_| \_\_|_|\_\_|___/_| |_|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__,_|

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Overhand Punch - Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam - Left + O
Push Attack ­ Right + O
Choke Toss - Down + O
Chop - X
Overhand Punches - Up + X
Throat Thrust - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Shuffle Side Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Belly to Back Flip - Up + O
Strong Head Butt - Left + O
Samoan Neck Breaker - Right + O
Falling Power Slam - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Russian Leg Sweep - Left + O
Abdominal Stretch - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent Up - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Elbow Drop - Up + X
Leg Drop - Left + X
Leg Drop - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Sleeper Hold - Left + O
Hip Drop - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Toss - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Stink Face - Left + O
Stink Face - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Knee Attack - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop ­ X
Banzai Drop ­ Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Knee Attack - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker Drop - Up + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Left + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Right + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Down + O
Sholder Block - X
Thump - Up + X
Thump - Left + X
Thump - Right + X
Thump - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Bulldog - Up + O
Bulldog - Left + O
Bulldog - Right + O
Bulldog - Down + O
Neck Breaker Drop - X
School Boy - Up + X
School Boy - Left + X
School Boy - Right + X
School Boy - Down + X

Opponent Running

Samoan Drop - O
Farewell - Up + O
Farewell - Left + O
Farewell - Right + O
Farewell - Down + O


Rikishi Driver ­ L1

____ _ ____
| _ \ ___ __ _ __| | | _ \ ___ __ _ __ _
| |_) / _ \ / _` |/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` |
| _ < (_) | (_| | (_| | | |_| | (_) | (_| | (_| |
|_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |____/ \___/ \__, |\__, |
|___/ |___/


Real Name: Brian James
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 236 lbs.
From: Nashville, Tennessee
Finishing Move: Pumphandle Slam
Titles Held: Hardcore Title, Intercontinental Title, Tag Team Titles

IV. Move List

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Elbow Smash- Up + O
Snap Mare- Left + O
Vertical Suplex- Right + O
Double Arm Suplex- Down + O
Left Jab- Up + X
Double Axe Handle- Left + X
Uppercut- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up + O
DDT- Left + O
Fallaway Slam- Right + O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Low Blow- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Stomp- Up + X
Forearm Smash- Left + X
Forearm Smash- Right + X
Stomp- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Shake, Rattle, and Roll- Left + O
Rear Chinlock- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up + O
10 Punch- Left + O
10 Punch- Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Forearm Smash- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Test Diving Elbow- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Back Elbow Attack- Up + X
Back Elbow Attack- Left + X
Back Elbow Attack- Right + X
Back Elbow Attack- Down + X

Behind Opponent

School Boy- O
School Boy- Up + O
School Boy- Left + O
School Boy- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Back Elbow Attack- Up + X
Back Elbow Attack- Left + X
Back Elbow Attack- Right + X
Back Elbow Attack- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hip Toss- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Behind the Groggy Opponent)

Pumphandle Slam- L1

_____ _ ____ _
|_ _| |__ ___ | _ \ ___ ___| | __
| | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ /
| | | | | | __/ | _ < (_) | (__| <
|_| |_| |_|\___| |_| \_\___/ \___|_|\_\


____ _
| _ \ ___ __| |_ __ ___ _ _
| |_) / _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \ | | |
| _ < (_) | (_| | | | | __/ |_| |
|_| \_\___/ \__,_|_| |_|\___|\__, |


____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _
/ ___| ___ ___ | |_| |_ _ _ |___ \ | | | | ___ | |_| |_ _ _
\___ \ / __/ _ \| __| __| | | | __) | | |_| |/ _ \| __| __| | | |
___) | (_| (_) | |_| |_| |_| | / __/ | _ | (_) | |_| |_| |_| |
|____/ \___\___/ \__|\__|\__, | |_____| |_| |_|\___/ \__|\__|\__, |
|___/ |___/


____ _ __ __ __ __ _
/ ___|| |__ __ _ _ __ ___ | \/ | ___| \/ | __ _| |__ ___ _ __
\___ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \ | |\/| |/ __| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
___) | | | | (_| | | | | __/ | | | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | |
|____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|


____ _ __ __ _ _ _
/ ___|| |__ __ ___ ___ __ | \/ (_) ___| |__ __ _ ___| |___
\___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ | |\/| | |/ __| '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ / __|
___) | | | | (_| |\ V V /| | | | | | | | | (__| | | | (_| | __/ \__ \
|____/|_| |_|\__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| |_| |_|_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|___/


Real Name: Shawn Hickenbottom
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 227 lbs.
From: San Antonio, Texas
Finishing Move: Sweet Chin Music
Titles Held: WWF Title, Intercontinental Title, European Title, Tag Team


Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Arm Ringer- Up + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Single Arm DDT- Down + O
Snap Jab- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Spinning Back Kick- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Dropkick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Gut Buster- Up + O
Hurricanrana- Left + O
Side Slam- Right + O
Fame Asser- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Russian Leg Sweep- Up + O
Back Drop- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
School Boy- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X
Knee Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Arm Breaker- Left + O
Short Arm Scissors- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Leg Lock- Left + O
Figure Four Leg Lock- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
10 Punch- Up + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Mudhole Stomping- Right + O
10 Punch- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Bronco Buster- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Forearm Smash- X
Test Diving Elbow- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Clothesline- Left + X
Clothesline- Right + X
Clothesline- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Clothesline- Up + X
Clothesline- Left + X
Clothesline- Right + X
Clothesline- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hip Toss- O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Up + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Left + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Right + O
Tilt A Whirl Backbreaker- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Sweet Chin Music- L1

____ _ _ _
/ ___|| |_ ___ _ __ | |__ __ _ _ __ (_) ___
\___ \| __/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ _ \
___) | || __/ |_) | | | | (_| | | | | | __/
|____/ \__\___| .__/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\___|
__ __ __ __ _
| \/ | ___| \/ | __ _| |__ ___ _ __
| |\/| |/ __| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
| | | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | |
|_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|

Real Name: Stephanie McMahon
Height: ??
Weight: ??
From: Greenwich, Connecticut
Finishing Move: Big Slap
Career Highlights: beat Jacquline to win women¹s Title

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Club to Neck - Down + O
Woman¹s Slap - X
Double Axe Handle - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Chop - Right + X
Middle Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Eye Rake - Up + O
Snapmare - Left + O
Standing Crossface - Right + O
Club to Neck - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Turn Facing Front - Left + O
School Boy - Right + O
Reverse Pin - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Angry Stomp - Up + X
Angry Stomp - Left + X
Angry Stomp - Right + X
Angry Stomp - Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Woman¹s Beat Head - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Kick to Leg - Left + O
Leg Lock - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Shoulder Thrust - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Shoulder Thrust - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Choke - Up + O
Choke - Left + O
Choke - Right + O
Choke - Down + O
Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Double Axe Handle - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Elbow Drop - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker - Up + O
Neck Breaker - Left + O
Neck Breaker - Right + O
Neck Breaker - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Monkey Toss - O
Shoulder Back Toss - Up + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Left + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss - Down + O
Shoulder Block - X
Shoulder Block - Up + X
Shoulder Block - Left + X
Shoulder Block - Right + X
Shoulder Block - Down + X

Opponent Running

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker - Up + O
Neck Breaker - Left + O
Neck Breaker - Right + O
Neck Breaker - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Woman¹s Special Slap - L1

____ _ ____ _ _
/ ___|| |_ _____ _____ | __ )| | __ _ ___| | ___ __ ___ __ _ _ __
\___ \| __/ _ \ \ / / _ \ | _ \| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
___) | || __/\ V / __/ | |_) | | (_| | (__| <| | | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__\___| \_/ \___| |____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|


____ _ ____ _ _ _
/ ___|| |_ _____ _____ _ __ | _ \(_) ___| |__ __ _ _ __ __| |___
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___) | || __/\ V / __/ | | | | _ <| | (__| | | | (_| | | | (_| \__ \
|____/ \__\___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_| \_\_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|___/


____ _ ____ _ _ ____ _
/ ___|| |_ ___ _ __ ___ / ___|___ | | __| | / ___|| |_ _____ _____
\___ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | | / _ \| |/ _` | \___ \| __/ _ \ \ / / _ \
___) | || (_) | | | | __/ | |__| (_) | | (_| | ___) | || __/\ V / __/
|____/ \__\___/|_| |_|\___| \____\___/|_|\__,_| |____/ \__\___| \_/ \___|

_ _ _
/ \ _ _ ___| |_(_)_ __
/ _ \| | | / __| __| | '_ \
/ ___ \ |_| \__ \ |_| | | | |
/_/ \_\__,_|___/\__|_|_| |_|


|_ _|_ _ ________
| |/ _` |_ /_ /
| | (_| |/ / / /


Real Name: Pete Senerca
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 240 lbs.
From: The Red Hook District of Brooklyn, NY
Finishing Move: Tazzmission
Titles Held: Hardcore Title

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Grab and Punch- Up + O
Headlock Takedown- Left + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O
Punch- X
Overhand Slap- Up + X
Snap Jab- Left + X
Chop- Right + X
Clothesline- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Single Arm Suplex- Up + O
T-Bone Suplex- Left + O
Sambo Suplex- Right + O
Northern Lights Suplex- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Overhead Belly to Back Suplex- Up + O
Side Suplex- Left + O
Choke into Suplex- Right + O
German Suplex- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Jumping Knee Drop- Left + X
Jumping Knee Drop- Right + X
Knee Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Crossface Punches- Left + O
Armbar- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Boston Crab- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Top Rope Belly to Belly- Up + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Right + O
Top Rope Belly to Belly- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Knee Smash- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Clothesline- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Slingshot- Up + O
Slingshot- Left + O
Slingshot- Right + O
Slingshot- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Spear- Up + O
Spear- Left + O
Spear- Right + O
Spear- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- Up + X
Shoulder Block- Left + X
Shoulder Block- Right + X
Shoulder Block- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Bulldog- O
Bulldog- Up + O
Bulldog- Left + O
Bulldog- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- Up + X
Shoulder Block- Left + X
Shoulder Block- Right + X
Shoulder Block- Down + X

Opponent Running

Belly to Belly Suplex- O
Power Slam- Up + O
Power Slam- Left + O
Power Slam- Right + O
Power Slam- Down + O


(Opponent Down: Upper Body)

Tazzmission- L1

_____ _
|_ _|__ ___| |_
| |/ _ \/ __| __|
| | __/\__ \ |_

Real Name: Andrew Martin
Height: 6'2
Weight: 278 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Pumphandle Slam
Career Highlights: beat Big Boss Man to win hardcore Title

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Falling Neck Breaker - Up + O
Swinging Neck Breaker - Left + O
Side Buster - Down + O
Chop - X
Clothesline - Up + X
Austin Punches - Left + X
Body Punch - Right + X
Toe Kick - Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Test Neck Breaker - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Pendulum Back Breaker - Right + O
Falling Power Slam - Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Sleeper Hold - Up + O
Pump Handle Slam - Left + O
Full Nelson Slam - Right + O
Pump Handle Drop - Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent - O
Pin - Down + O
Angry Stomp - X
Leg Drop - Up + X
Elbow Drop - Left + X
Elbow Drop - Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punching - Up + O
Knee Smash - Left + O
Sleeper Hold - Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Stomp - Up + O
Boston Crab - Left + O
Kick to Leg - Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Back Elbow Strike - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Back Elbow Strike - Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip - O
Beat Head - Up + O
Beat Head - Left + O
Beat Head - Right + O
Beat Head - Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent - O
Foot Choke - Up + O
Foot Choke - Left + O
Foot Choke - Right + O
Foot Choke - Down + O
Foot Choke - Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Elbow Drop - X
Knee Drop - Up + X
Flying Clothesline - Left + X
Double Axe Handle - Right + X
Test Diving Elbow - Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip - O
Knee Attack - Up + O
Knee Attack - Left + O
Knee Attack - Right + O
Knee Attack - Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neck Breaker - O
Neck Breaker Drop - Up + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Left + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Right + O
Neck Breaker Drop - Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Yazuka Kick - Up + X
Yazuka Kick - Left + X
Yazuka Kick - Right + X
Yazuka Kick - Down + X

Behind Opponent

Sleeper Hold - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O
Power Clothesline - X
Yakuza Kick - Up + X
Yakuza Kick - Left + X
Yakuza Kick - Right + X
Yakuza Kick - Down + X

Opponent Running

Sleeper Hold - O
Power Slam - Up + O
Power Slam - Left + O
Power Slam - Right + O
Power Slam - Down + O


(Opponent from Behind)

Diving Power Bomb - L1

_____ _
|_ _|__ _ __(_)
| |/ _ \| '__| |
| | (_) | | | |
|_|\___/|_| |_|


_____ _ _ _ _
|_ _| __(_)_ __ | | ___ | | | |
| || '__| | '_ \| |/ _ \ | |_| |
| || | | | |_) | | __/ | _ |
|_||_| |_| .__/|_|\___| |_| |_|


_____ _ _ ____ _ _
|_ _| __(_)___| |__ / ___|| |_ _ __ __ _| |_ _ _ ___
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| || | | \__ \ | | | ___) | |_| | | (_| | |_| |_| \__ \
|_||_| |_|___/_| |_| |____/ \__|_| \__,_|\__|\__,_|___/


_ _ _ _ _
| | | |_ __ __| | ___ _ __| |_ __ _| | _____ _ __
| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__| __/ _` | |/ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | | | | (_| | __/ | | || (_| | < __/ |
\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| \__\__,_|_|\_\___|_|


__ __ _ __ __ _
\ \ / /_ _| | \ \ / /__ _ __ (_)___
\ \ / / _` | | \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| / __|
\ V / (_| | | \ V / __/ | | | \__ \
\_/ \__,_|_| \_/ \___|_| |_|_|___/


__ ___ __ __ __ __ _
\ \ / (_)_ __ ___ ___ | \/ | ___| \/ | __ _| |__ ___ _ __
\ \ / /| | '_ \ / __/ _ \ | |\/| |/ __| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
\ V / | | | | | (_| __/ | | | | (__| | | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | |
\_/ |_|_| |_|\___\___| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|


__ ___
\ \ / (_)___ ___ ___ _ __ __ _
\ \ / /| / __|/ __/ _ \ '__/ _` |
\ V / | \__ \ (_| __/ | | (_| |
\_/ |_|___/\___\___|_| \__,_|


__ __ ____
\ \/ / | _ \ __ _ ___
\ /_____| |_) / _` |/ __|
/ \_____| __/ (_| | (__
/_/\_\ |_| \__,_|\___|


Real Name: Sean Waltman
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 212 lbs.
From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Finishing Move: X-Factor
Titles Held: European Title, Tag Team Titles

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Snap Mare- Left + O
DDT- Right + O
Headlock and Punch- Down + O
Middle Kick- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Spinning Back Kick- Left + X
Roundhouse Kick- Right + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Down + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Swinging DDT- Up + O
Spinning Back Drop- Left + O
Hurricanrana- Right + O
Fisherman's Suplex- Down + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Rear Naked Choke with Scissors- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Low Blow- Right + O
Backslide Pin- Down + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Up + O
Stomp- X
Stomp- Up + X
Leg Drop- Left + X
Leg Drop- Right + X
Stomp- Down + X

Upper Body

Mounted Punch- Up + O
Side Headlock- Left + O
La Mahistrol- Right + O

Lower Body

Knee Smash- Up + O
Kick to Knee- Left + O
Kick to Groin- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Mudhole Stomping- Up + O
10 Punch- Left + O
10 Punch- Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Down + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O
Super Back Drop- Down + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Choke with Boot- Up + O
Choke with Boot- Left + O
Choke with Boot- Right + O
Choke with Boot- Down + O
Bronco Buster- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Down + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Suplex onto Ropes- Up + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Left + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Right + O
Suplex onto Ropes- Down + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Neckbreaker- O
Sunset Flip- Up + O
Sunset Flip- Left + O
Sunset Flip- Right + O
Sunset Flip- Down + O
Flying Clothesline- X
Spinning Heel Kick- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Down + X

Behind Opponent

Facebuster- O
Facebuster- Up + O
Facebuster- Left + O
Facebuster- Right + O
Facebuster- Down + O
Flying Clothesline- X
Spinning Heel Kick- Up + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Left + X
Spinning Heel Kick- Down + X

Opponent Running

Hip Toss- O
Pancake- Up + O
Pancake- Left + O
Pancake- Right + O
Pancake- Down + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

X-Factor- L1

6.0 Create a Wrestler Guide -------------------------------------------

Bret Hart

Everything is done in advanced mode
B= Brightness: V= Variation: S= Shade: W= Width: T= Thickness

Appearance: Base Model: A - 1
Head: Face: Nose: DD7
Eyes: D12
Mouth: DD9
Hair: Base: D15: B= 96: V & S= 128
Back: DD1: B= 0 : V & S= 128
Glasses: D13: B= 68: V & S= 128
Upper Body: Base: DD4
T-Shirt: Base: D10: B= 12: V= 128: S= 149
Jacket (Optional): D10: B= 100: S & V= 128
Lower Body: Feet: Shoes: DD1: B, V, S= 128 Length = 36
Tights: DD2: B= 204: V= 171: S= 132: Length= 128
Skin Color: Color #1
Figure: Head: W= 108: T= 114
Upper Body: Chest: W= 108: T= 101
Abdomen: W= 117: T= 113
Arms: W & T= 114
Forearms: W & T= 108
Wrists: W & T= 118
Hands: W & T= 100
Lower Body: Waist: W= 116: T= 108
Thighs: W & T= 105
Legs: W & T= 105
Ankles: W & T= 115
Feet: W & T= 115
Height: 604
Weapons: Piped Chair
Profile: Music: Smackdown!
Crowd Signs: #1: Lita
#2: Jaqueline
#3: WWF
Comments: Yes: Yes because I'm the best there is.
No: No

Moves: L= Level: A= Attack: D= Defense
Ability: Powerful: L= 2: A= 1: D= 2
Speedy: L= 3: A= 3: D= 2
Technical: L= 4: A= 4: D= 3
Roughneck: L= 1: A= 1: D=1
Logic: Logic #1: Grapple
Logic #2: Attack
Moves: Bases: Fighting Stance: The Rock
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Taunt #1: Taunt Christian
#2: Taunt Shane McMahon 1
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Entrance: Speedy
Ready Moves: Attack: Dropkick, Toekick, Spinning Back Kick 1, Spinning Kick,
Chop, Jumping Front Kick
Grapple: Hip Throw, Snapmare , Arm Drag, Snap Suplex, Northern Lights Suplex,
Spinning Back Drop, Hurracanrana, Jumping Tornado DDT, German Suplex Pin, Back
Drop, Rear Naked Choke Drop, Diving Reverse DDT
Ground: Attack: Angry Stomp, Leg Drop, Elbow Drop
Grapple: Chicken Wing Crossface, Mahistrol Cradle Pin, Deathlock With Bridge,
Kick To Leg
Turnbuckle: Upper: Tornado DDT, Super Tazzplex, Super Back Drop

Lower: Foot Choke
Run To Lower: Bronco Buster
Rope Opponent: Rope Down: Gulliotine
Jump Off Rope: Vaulting Body Press
Jump Down Over: High Flying Body Press
Aerial: Stand: Spinning Wheel Kick, Missle Dropkick
Down: Test Diving Elbow, Hardy Boyz Leg Drop, Elbow Drop
Running: Attack: Knee Attack, Flying Cross Chop
Grapple: Headscissor Takedown, School Boy, Scotty Facecrusher
Counter: Shoulder Back Toss, Knee Smash
Double Team: Hip Throw, Calf Kick & Sweep
Special: Special Move: Sharpshooter
Favorite Move: Chop
Combination Move
#1: Elbow Smash

#2: Spinning Kick

#3: X-Pac Spinning To Face


7.0 Finishers Guide ---------------------------------------------------


8.0 King of the Ring Guide --------------------------------------------


9.0 Other Information -------------------------------------------------

Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 11/27/00
Reviews: 379
FAQs: this was my 52nd, I now have 52.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!


1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
12. http://www.psxcodez.com
13. http://www.hype.se
14. http://www.supercheats.com
15. http://www.psxgamer.com
16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
20. http://www.psxpower.com
21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs
22. http://www.neoseeker.com

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!

-CJayC (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
For his hard work and dedication to one of the greatest sites out there,
and for hopefully posting this guide!

-Positively Posterior (Daniel Stefano)
For letting me use his character guides move lists for my guide, it is really
appreciated. And he is a really cool guy, with some great guides for
Smackdown! 2, check them out!

-Prima Strategy Guide
Yeah, I admit I took some stuff from them. I am crediting them here, though,

-Dallas (Dallas@dodgerstats.com)
For the cool ASCII art.

-SephirothG (SephirothG@aol.com)
For providing me with the Create a Wrestlers found in this guide.

-He wrote a great guide for this game.

He sort of gave me the idea to post an incomplete guide to guarantee it will
be posted, so you can work on it without worrying about it getting posted.

-Matt Hulbert
A cool guy, he inspired me to do this guide and all my other guides, and he is
a great friend!

-Dyson Turner (Dy$e Murder)
He rocks, and is a great friend.

For annoying me with his constant whinings that he never gets credited in my
guides, and for the 1 smackdown 2 question he asked me when I needed them.
What a pal! =D

-Jeremy Peeples
He is the one that informed me that Gangrel¹s finisher move name was the
Inverted DDT. Thanks!

For giving me something to do while typing, and also to keep the inspiration
going (I decided to do D-Von¹s move list, for instance, because I had 9
minutes left on my downloaded and needed something to kill the time with.)

My Guides will only be found on
The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
12. http://www.psxcodez.com
13. http://www.hype.se
14. http://www.supercheats.com
15. http://www.psxgamer.com
16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
20. http://www.psxpower.com
21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs
22. http://www.neoseeker.com

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you see
this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
guides, especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete
guide, FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

10.0 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------

Hello, everyone, and thanks for reading my guide to WWF Smackdown 2! I know it
really sucks right now, but I am going to update it a lot. I just wanted to
get it posted so I can work on it at my own pace without worrying if it will
be posted or not, you know?

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

____ _ _ _ __ __
| _ \ __ _ | | __ _ __| (_) ___ ___ | \/ | __ _ _ __
| | | |/ _` | | | / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
| |_| | (_| | | |__| (_| | (_| | | __/\__ \ | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__,_| |_____\__,_|\__,_|_|\___||___/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

-Steve Saunders

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide: magegames.com, videogaming.net. No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us assuming it is correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.

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