WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

11.10.2013 15:14:05
Move FAQ
WWF Smackdown 2 Move List
v.1.3by Sailor Bacon
16 December 2000



Warning: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. Please do not email me asking
me to send you updates because I've got better things to do with my life. Do NOT use this
FAQ for any profit making use at all, this is MY work, not yours. If you post this FAQ it
cannot be altered in any way and cannot be displayed alongside any types of advertisements.
WWF Smackdown 2: Know Your Role is copyright THQ. This FAQ is copyright Allen "Sailor
Bacon" Tyner

NOTE: This is a Move List. All emails asking how to unlock certain characters WILL BE
IGNORED! Use other FAQs readily available on the Net to find out how to unlock characters
and don't bug me about it.

The newest version of this FAQ can always be found at:

Revision History

v.1.3 Completed Move List!
v.1.2 Added a few wrestler moves and listed the names of the "unknown" wrestlers so that
people would quit emailing me with one name and demand me credit them on the FAQ.
v.1.1 All wrestlers moves done, working on the "unknown" wrestlers.
v.1.0 Um... everything. Well over half the wrestlers done in one night typing session.

Table of Contents



Normal Wrestlers:

Al Snow
Big Boss Man
Billy Gunn *SECRET*
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Bull Buchanan
Cactus Jack *SECRET*
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Dean Malenko
Debra *SECRET*
D'Lo Brown
D-Von Dudley
Eddie Guerrero
Essa Rios
Gerald Brisco *SECRET*
The Goodfather
Grand Master Sexay
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Joey Abs *SECRET*
The Kat
Kurt Angle
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Michael Cole *SECRET*
Mick Foley *SECRET*
Pat Patterson *SECRET*
Paul Bearer
Perry Saturn
Pete Gas *SECRET*
Road Dogg
The Rock
Rodney *SECRET*
Scotty Too Hotty
Shane McMahon
Shawn McMichaels *SECRET*
Stephanie McMahon
Steve Blackman
Steven Richards
Stone Cold *SECRET*
TAKA Michinoku
Triple H
Trish Stratus
The Undertaker
Val Venis
Vince McMahon

Unknown Wrestlers

Unknown A: Ric Flair
Unknown B: Kevin Nash
Unknown C: Scott Hall
Unknown D: Bill Goldberg
Unknown E: Sting
Unknown F: Hulk Hogan
Unknown G: Jeff Jarrett
Unknown H: Scott Steiner
Unknown I: Manami Toyota / Spel Delphin
Unknown J: Japanese Lucha Collection
Unknown K: Diamond Dallas Page
Unknown L: Booker T
Unknown M: The Great Muta
Unknown N: Japanese Shoot Collection
Unknown O: Naoya Ogawa
Unknown P: Masahiro Chono
Unknown Q: Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger
Unknown R: Vader
Unknown S: Mitsuharu Misawa
Unknown T: US Shoot Collection
Unknown U: Terry Funk
Unknown V: Martial Arts Collection
Unknown W: "Orange Crush" Kenta Kobashi
Unknown X: The Big Show
Unknown Y: Ken Shamrock
Unknown ZS: Sargeant Slaughter
Unknown ZB: Bob Backlund
Unknown ZJ: Jerry "The King" Lawler
Unknown ZA: Andre The Giant

Generic Move Lists:

Rough Neck

-Final Words


u = up
d = down
l = left
r = right
dl = down-left
dr = down-right
ul = up-left
ur = up-right
d-pad = any direction
O = circle button
X = X button
L1 = Special Move
L2 = Taunt


Let's get right to it. These are the names that the game uses for the moves so they are
correct. No fancy ASCII art or anything here, just the moves you want in an easy to follow
format. Enjoy. If you spot any mistakes feel free to email me, but any questions as to how
to unlock hidden characters, etc WILL BE IGNORED! This is a move list, unlocking characters
is covered in WWF SD2 FAQs.

Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Two Handed Choke Bomb
Special Move: Spinning Rack Pancake

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Throat Thrust, Big Boot
d+X: Jumping Front Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Big Boot

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Beat Head
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Body Press Slam
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Two Handed Choke Bomb
l+O: Suplex To Front Slam
u+O: Body Press Bomb
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Big Swing

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning on Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 3
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Back Flip To Pancake 1

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Al Snow
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Trapping Headbutts
Special Move: Snowplow

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Toe Kick, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Spining Back Elbow
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Middle Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Jawbreaker 1
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Al Snow Spinebuster
l+O: Trapping Headbutts
u+O: Jawbreaker 2
r+O: Dangerous DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Sleeper With Scissors
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Texas Cloverleaf
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning on Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Asai Moonsault

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Diving Leg Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Cut Throat
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

Big Boss Man
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Rib Breaker
Special Move: Side Walk Slam Pin

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle, Boss Man Uppercut
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Boss Man Uppercut
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Headlock And Punch
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Rib Breaker
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Boss Man Chokeslam

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Back Elbow Strike 2
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Boss Man Attack

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Side Walk Slam Pin

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Billy Gunn
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Billy Gunn
Favorite Move: Brainbuster
Special Move: Fame Asser

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Double Axe Handle, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Austin Punches

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Headlock And Punch
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Brainbuster

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Falling Neckbreaker
u+O: Body Press Slam
r+O: DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Back Drop
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Fame Asser
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D-X
d-pad + L2: Taunt Billy Gunn

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Cut Throat
Favorite Move: Fall Away Slam
Special Move: Clothesline From Hell

X,X,X: Chop, Snap Jab, Clothesline
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Fall Away Slam
u+O: Swinging Neckbreaker
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pumphandle Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Full Nelson Slam
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Super Fall Away Slam
l or r+O: Back Elbow Strike 2

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Flying Clothesline

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Front Slam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 2
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Buh Buh Ray
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Flip
Special Move: Buh Buh Cutter

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Buh Buh Ray Punches, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Elbow To Back Of Head
r+O: Belly To Back Flip

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerbomb Pin
l+O: DDT
u+O: Body Press Slam
r+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Back Side Slam
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Full Nelson Drop
r+O: Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Falling Headbutt
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Diving Leg Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Samoan Drop
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Headbutt To Groin
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: 3D-B
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Buh Buh Ray
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Bull Buchanan
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Diving Fame Asser
Special Move: Scissors Kick

X,X,X: Back Elbow Smash, Toe Kick, Clothesline
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Elbow To Back Of Head
r+O: Side Buster

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Rib Breaker
u+O: Bearhug
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick to Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Toss

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Back Elbow Strike 2
l or r+O: Body Strikes

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Fame Asser
r+X: Flying Clothesline

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Leg Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Back Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Back Flip To Pancake 1
d-pad+O: Spinebuster

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spike Piledriver
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Edge 2
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Cactus Jack
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Cactus Jack
Favorite Move: Pulling Piledriver
Special Move: Double Arm DDT

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Kane Throat Thrust, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Kane Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Trapping Headbutts
u+O: Pulling Piledriver
r+O: Beat Head

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: It Bites A Forehead

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Woman's Beat Head

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Stomach Crusher
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Cactus Jack
d-pad + L2: Taunt Big Boss Man

Chris Benoit
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Chris Jericho
Favorite Move: Multiple German Suplex
Special Move: Crippler Crossface

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Neckbreaker
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Northern Lights Suplex
l+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
u+O: Standing Crossface
r+O: Stomach Crusher

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Dragon Sleeper
r+O: Multiple German Suplex

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Abdominal Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Armbar

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Boston Crab
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: STF

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Headbutt
u+X: Benoit Diving Headbutt

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Powerslam
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Chris Jericho
d-pad + L2: Taunt Chris Benoit

Chris Jericho
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Chris Jericho
Favorite Move: Lionsault
Special Move: Walls of Jericho

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Spinning Back Kick 1, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Jumping Arm Breaker
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Double Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Double Arm Backbreaker
u+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Facecrusher 2

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Cocky Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Lionsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Spinning Wheel Kick
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Diving Headbutt

Running Attack:
X: Flying Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Chris Jericho
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Christian
Favorite Move: Diving Reverse DDT
Special Move: Impaler

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Headlock
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: DDT
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Sambo Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Diving Reverse DDT
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Reverse Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: High Angle Superplex
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Christian
d-pad + L2: On All Fours

Fighting Stance: Woman
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Woman Win
Favorite Move: Low Blow
Special Move: Rear Naked Choke Drop

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Middle Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Middle Kick
ul or ur+X: Woman's Slap
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Elbow Strike

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Hurracanrana
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Flowing DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Low Blow
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Woman's Beat Hand
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Handspring To Thump

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Chyna
d-pad + L2: Taunt Woman 1

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Crash
Favorite Move: Rolling Boston Crab
Special Move: DDT

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Toe Kick, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Snapmare
l+O: Elbow Strike
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Scoop Slam

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Knee Strike 2
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Crash Holly Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Stretch Muffler
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Diver Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Rolling Boston Crab

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Crash 1
d-pad + L2: Muscle Appealing 1

Dean Malenko
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Jumping Calf Kick
Special Move: Flip&Texas Cloverleaf

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Back Elbow Smash, Jumping Calf Kick
d+X: Jumping Calf Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Back Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Snap Jab

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Shin Breaker
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Flip Suplex With Pin
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Reverse Armbar

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tiger Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Atomic Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Calf Kick&Tiger Suplex
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick & Sweep
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Swing Right Arm

Fighting Stance: Debra
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Woman
Winning Move: Taunt Woman 1
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: Woman's Special Slap

X,X,X: Woman's Slap, Low Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Middle Kick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Snap Jab
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Standing Crossface

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Angry Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Woman 1
d-pad + L2: Woman Manager 1

D'Lo Brown
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: D'Lo Brown
Favorite Move: Sky High
Special Move: The 'Lo Down

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Double Axe Handle, Jumping Calf Kick
d+X: Jumping Calf Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Side Buster
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Running Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Whirl Sideslam
u+O: Sky High
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Atomic Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: D'Lo Leg Drop
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: D'Lo Texas Cloverleaf
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Twisting Body Attack
d+X: Knee Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker Drop
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Pulling Walk Slam Pin

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D'Lo Brown
d-pad + L2: Taunt Christian

D-Von Dudley
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt D-Von Dudley
Favorite Move: DDT
Special Move: Strong Reverse DDT

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Throat Thrust, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Swinging Neckbreaker
r+O: Pendulum Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Big Splash Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Headbutt
d+X: Diving Leg Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Diving Shoulder
d-pad+X: Diving Forearm Smash

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Super Double Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: 3D
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D-Von Dudley
d-pad + L2: Finger Appealing

Eddie Guerrero
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Mark Henry
Favorite Move: Cross Backbreaker
Special Move: Frog Splash

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Chop, Jumping Calf Kick
d+X: Jumping Calf Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Snap Jab
u+X: Dropkick
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Headlock And Punch
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hopping Sunset Flip
l+O: Hurracanrana
u+O: Cross Backbreaker
r+O: Brainbuster DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: German Suplex Pin

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Mexican Stretch

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Tornado DDT

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Cross Powerbomb

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Headscissor Takedown

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Twisting Body Attack
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Whirl Back Breaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick & Sweep
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Eddie Guerrero
d-pad + L2: Swing Hips

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Edge
Favorite Move: Electric Chair Drop
Special Move: Downward Spiral

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Chop, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Beat Head
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Spinning Back Drop
u+O: Reverse Suplex
r+O: Rib Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Facecrusher 2
u+O: Electric Chair Drop
r+O: Back Side Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Pin With Bridge

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Spear
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Spinning Wheel Kick
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Body Attack
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Side Walk&Reverse DDT
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Edge 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Edge 2

Essa Rios
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Backward Somersault
Favorite Move: Spring Board Arm Drag
Special Move: Diving Moonsault

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Judo Flip Suplex
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hurracanrana Pin
l+O: DDT
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Knee Smash

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Facecrusher 2

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Bow And Arrow Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Spring Board Arm Drag
l or r+O: Frakensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Asai Moonsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Diving Hurracanrana

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Leg Drop
d+X: Twisting Body Attack
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Spinning Wheel Kick
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spinning Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Hurracanrana Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Scissor Sweep
d-pad+O: Whirl Back Breaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Essa Rios
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Chris Benoit
Favorite Move: Bearhug Front Slam
Special Move: Dominator

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Bearhug Front Slam
u+O: Body Press Slam
r+O: Rib Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Powerslam
d-pad+O: Spinebuster

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: 3D-B
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Cut The Air
d-pad + L2: Taunt Chris Benoit

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt KAIENTAI 1
Favorite Move: Frankensteiner
Special Move: Hurracanrana

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Throat Thrust, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Throat Thrust

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Fireman Carry
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Armbar
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Flipping Armbar
r+O: Falling Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Side Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Crash Holly Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: STF

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Diamond Dust
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Headscissor Takedown
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Leg Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt KAIENTAI 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt KAIENTAI 1

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Slow Cut Throat
Favorite Move: Gangrel Suplex
Special Move: Inverted DDT

X,X,X: Chop, Snap Jab, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Gangrel Suplex
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: DDT

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Jumping Tornado DDT
u+O: Headlock And Punch
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pumphandle Slam
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Tornado DDT

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Twisting Body Attack
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Falling Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Slow Cut Throat
d-pad + L2: Taunt Chris Jericho

Gerald Brisco
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Cut The Air
Favorite Move: Abdominal Stretch
Special Move: Double Arm Suplex 1

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Body Punch
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Slap

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Headlock

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Standing Crossface
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Shin Breaker
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Monkey Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Pat Patterson
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

The Goodfather
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Goodfather
Favorite Move: Ho Train Attack
Special Move: Pimpdrop

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Toe Kick, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Overhand Punch
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Fall Away Slam
u+O: Arm Wrench & Hook Kick
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Russian Leg Sweep
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Back Elbow Strike 2

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Diving Shoulder
d-pad+X: Ho Train Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Ho Train
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kurt Angle

Grand Master Sexay
Fighting Stance: Grand Master Sexay
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Grand Master Sexay
Favorite Move: Sexay Face Buster
Special Move: Hip Hop Drop

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Austin Punches, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Jumping Arm Breaker

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Falling Neckbreaker
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Beat Head

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Sexay Face Buster
u+O: Reverse Brainbuster
r+O: Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Sexay Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Too Cool Punches
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Too Cool Elbow Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Sexay 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Sexay 2

Hardcore Holly
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Hardcore Holly
Favorite Move: Piledriver
Special Move: Falcon Arrow

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Chop, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Snap Jab

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Beat Head

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Shin Breaker
u+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
r+O: DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Double Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Fury Punch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Dropkick
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spear
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Taunt Hardcore Holly

Fighting Stance: Woman
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Woman Win
Favorite Move: Fireman Carry
Special Move: Test Neckbreaker

X,X,X: Middle Kick, Chop, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Woman's Slap

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Headlock
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Small Package
l+O: Fireman Carry
u+O: Standing Crossface
r+O: Arm Wrench

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Russian Leg Sweep
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Mexican Stretch

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Diving Hurracanrana

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Flying Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Hand-Clapping

Fighting Stance: Woman
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Woman Win
Favorite Move: Missile Dropkick
Special Move: Jumping Tornado DDT

X,X,X: Middle Kick, Back Elbow Smash, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Shuffle Side Kick 2
ul or ur+X: Back Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Woman's Slap

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Snapmare

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Small Package
l+O: DDT
u+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Boston Crab
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Toss

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Running Reverse Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Woman 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt Rikishi 1

Jeff Hardy
Fighting Stance: Jeff Hardy
Ring In Move: Rolling
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Jeff Hardy
Favorite Move: Corkscrew Moonsault
Special Move: Swanton Bomb

X,X,X: Chop, Snap Jab, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerslam
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Small Package
l+O: Front Dropkick
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Jeff Twist Of Fate

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Back Side Slam
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Asai Moonsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 1

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Headscissor Takedown

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Senton Bomb
d+X: The 450
u+X: Corkscrew Moonsault

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Hurracanrana Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hardy Boyz Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Jeff Hardy
d-pad + L2: On All Fours

Joey Abs
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Hard Scoop Slam
Special Move: Diving Moonsault

X,X,X: Chop, Double Axe Handle, Overhand Punch
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Elbow To Back Of Head
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Stomach Crusher
u+O: Diving Powerbomb
r+O: Drop Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Blue Thunder Pin

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Knee Smash

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Leg Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 3
d-pad+X: Jumping Knee Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Body Attack
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Kane
Favorite Move: Tombstone Piledriver
Special Move: Chokeslam

X,X,X: Body Punch, Kane Throat Thrust, Roundhouse Dropkick 1
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Kane Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Clothesline
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Lifting Chokehold
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Side Buster

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tombstone Piledriver
l+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse DDT
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Full Nelson Slam
r+O: Reverse Brainbuster

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Darkness Choke
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Power Clothesline

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Slam
d-pad+O: Whirl Sideslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Double Chokeslam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Kane 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kane 1

The Kat
Fighting Stance: Debra
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Woman
Winning Move: Taunt Woman 1
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: DDT

X,X,X: Woman's Slap, Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Middle Kick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Elbow Strike
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Elbow Strike
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Angry Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Woman's Beat Head
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Kick To Groin
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Scoop Slam

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 1

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Flying Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Tresz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Scotty Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Elbow Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Woman 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt Woman 1

Kurt Angle
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Kurt Angle
Favorite Move: Belly To Belly
Special Move: Olympic Slam

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Toe Kick, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Fireman Carry
r+O: Double Arm Suplex 2

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Small Package
l+O: Belly To Belly
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: Suplex 2 Pin

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Side Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Back Drop Pin

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Chicken Wing Crossface

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Standing Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Kurt Angle
d-pad + L2: Swing Arms

Fighting Stance: Woman
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Matt Hardy
Favorite Move: Hurracanrana
Special Move: Diving Moonsault

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Woman's Slap
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Middle Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Front Dropkick
r+O: Elbow Strike

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hurracanrana Pin
l+O: DDT
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Jeff Twist Of Fate

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Bow And Arrow Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Spring Board Arm Drag
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Asai Moonsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 1

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Diving Hurracanrana

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Hardy Boyz Leg Drop
d+X: Senton Bomb
u+X: Twisting Body Attack

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Hurracanrana Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & On All Fours
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Matt Hardy
d-pad + L2: Taunt Jeff Hardy

Fighting Stance: Mysterious 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Mankind 2
Favorite Move: Double Arm DDT
Special Move: Mandible Claw

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Chop, Overhand Punch
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: DDT

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Double Arm DDT
u+O: Pulling Piledriver
r+O: Beat Head

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Boss Man Attack

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Whip & Lay Down
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Mick Foley
d-pad + L2: Taunt Socko!

Mark Henry
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Powerslam
Special Move: Big Splash Pin

X,X,X: Chop, Body Punch, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Austin Punches

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Choke Toss
l+O: Body Press Drop FW
u+O: Oklahoma Slam
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Back Side Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Clothesline 2

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Powerslam
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Front Slam
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Mark Henry
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Matt Hardy
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Matt Hardy
Favorite Move: Rear Naked Choke Drop
Special Move: Matt Twist Of Fate

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Back Elbow Smash, Rolling Wheel Kick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Back Elbow Smash
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Rolling Wheel Kick
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jumping Tornado DDT
l+O: Beat Head
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Double Arm Suplex 2

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Russian Leg Sweep
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Rear Naked Choke Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Fist Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Cross Powerbomb

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Ropes

Jump Off Rope:
X: Lionsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Spinning Wheel Kick
r+X: Headscissor Takedown

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Corkscrew Moonsault
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Hardy Boyz Leg Drop

Running Attack:
X: Diving Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker Drop
d-pad+O: Running Spinning Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & On All Fours
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Matt Hardy
d-pad + L2: On All Fours

Michael Cole
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Hand-Clapping
Favorite Move: Club To Neck
Special Move: Standing Crossface

X,X,X: Chop, Overhand Chop, Roundhouse Dropkick 1
d+X: Roundhouse Dropkick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Overhand Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Club To Neck

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Front Dropkick

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Angry Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Crash Holly Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Mexican Stretch

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Scotty Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Too Cool Elbow Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Raising Arm & Rounding
d-pad + L2: Hand-Clapping

Mick Foley
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Double Arm DDT
Special Move: Mandible Claw

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Double Axe Handle, Clothesline
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Double Arm DDT
l+O: Trapping Headbutts
u+O: Pulling Piledriver
r+O: Drop Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Big Splash Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Mick Foley
d-pad + L2: Taunt Edge 2

Pat Patterson
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Muscle Appealing 1
Favorite Move: Club To Neck
Special Move: Atomic Drop

X,X,X: Chop, Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Body Punch
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Neckbreaker
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Bearhug
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Jumping Arm Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Stink Face
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Pat Patterson
d-pad + L2: Muscle Appealing 1

Paul Bearer
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Cut The Air
Favorite Move: Eye Rake
Special Move: Big Splash Pin

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Double Axe Handle, Overhand Punch
d+X: Body Punch
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Austin Punches

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Knee Attack
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Standing Crossface
r+O: Club To Neck

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Skipping
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

Perry Saturn
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Perry Saturn
Favorite Move: Tiger Suplex Pin
Special Move: Rings of Saturn

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Low Kick, Sweep
d+X: Sweep
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Low Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench Hip Throw
l+O: Gangrel Suplex
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Wrist Clutch Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Northern Lights Suplex
l+O: Suplex To Front Slam
u+O: Standing Crossface
r+O: T-bone Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tiger Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Release German Suplex
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Anklelock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Twisting Body Attack

Running Attack:
X: Power Clothesline
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker Drop
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Back Flip To Pancake I
d-pad+O: Spinebuster

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: High Angle Back Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Perry Saturn
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Pete Gas
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Cut The Air
Favorite Move: Club To Neck
Special Move: Full Nelson Drop

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Buh Buh Ray Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Toe Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Shoulder Breaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 2

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Christian
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Rikishi
Favorite Move: Stink Face
Special Move: Rikishi Driver

X,X,X: Chop, Snap Jab, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Choke Toss
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Push Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerslam
l+O: Strong Head Butt
u+O: Belly To Back Flip
r+O: Samoan Neckbreaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Abdominal Stretch
l+O: Russian Leg Sweep
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Hip Drop

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Stink Face

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: BANZAI Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Thump

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Samoan Drop
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Rikishi 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Rikishi 2

Road Dogg
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Road Dogg
Favorite Move: Shake Rattle & Roll
Special Move: Pumphandle Drop

X,X,X: Shake Jab, Shake Jab, Shake Rattle & Roll
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Double Arm Suplex 2
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Elbow To Back Of Head
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: DDT
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Fall Away Slam

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Low Blow

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Shaky Knee Drop
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Elbow
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Back Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker Drop
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D-X
d-pad + L2: Taunt Road Dogg

The Rock
Fighting Stance: The Rock
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Rock 2
Favorite Move: The Rock Bottom
Special Move: The People's Elbow

X,X,X: The Rock Punches 1, The Rock Punches 1, The Rock Punches 2
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: The Rock Punches 2
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Shoulder Breaker 2
l+O: The Rock Bottom
u+O: Oklahoma Slam
r+O: Jump Swinging DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Rock Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Sharpshooter

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Samoan Drop
d-pad+O: The Rock Spinebuster

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt The Rock 3
d-pad + L2: Taunt The Rock 2

Fighting Stance: The Rock
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt The Rock 2
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: High Angle Back Drop

X,X,X: Chop, Body Punch, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Club To Neck

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: Club To Neck

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Twisting Body Attack
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Facebuster
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Crash 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt The Rock 2

Scotty Too Hotty
Fighting Stance: Scotty Too Hotty
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Scotty Too Hotty
Favorite Move: Scotty Facecrusher
Special Move: The Worm

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Elbow Smash, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Elbow Smash
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Headlock
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Spinning Back Drop
u+O: Tori Suplex
r+O: Jawbreaker 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Clutch Pin
l+O: Scotty Facecrusher
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: High Angle Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Head Scissor Roll Over

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Bow And Arrow Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Hurricanrana
r+X: Front Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Diving Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Thump

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Running Reverse Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Scotty Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Too Cool Leg Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Falling Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Scotty 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Scotty 2

Shane McMahon
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Shane McMahon
Favorite Move: Bronco Buster
Special Move: Test Diving Elbow

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Boxing Hook Punch, Boxing Body Blow
d+X: Boxing Body Blow
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Buh Buh Ray Punches
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Boxing Hook Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Suplex 1
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Snapmare

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Arm Wrench

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Low Blow

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Dragon Attack
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Flying Forearm Smash

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Running Reverse Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Monkey Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Shane McMahon 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Shane McMahon 2

Shawn Michaels
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Shawn Michaels 1
Favorite Move: Fame Asser
Special Move: Sweet Chin Music

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Spinning Back Kick 1, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jumping Arm Breaker
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Fame Asser
l+O: Hurracanrana
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Side Buster

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Russian Leg Sweep
r+O: Facecrusher 2

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Elbow
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Test Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Whirl Back Breaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Shawn Michaels 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Shawn Michaels 2

Stephanie McMahon
Fighting Stance: Stephanie McMahon
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Woman
Winning Move: Woman Manager 1
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: Woman's Special Slap

X,X,X: Woman's Slap, Low Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Middle Kick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Snap Jab
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Elbow Strike

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Beat Head
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Standing Crossface

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Angry Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Woman's Beat Head
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 2

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Woman Manager 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Vince McMahon

Steve Blackman
Fighting Stance: Steve Blackman
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Hardcore Holly
Favorite Move: Guillotine Choke
Special Move: Martial Arts Kick

X,X,X: Low Kick, Blackman Quick Kick, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Jumping Front Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Blackman Quick Kick
ul or ur+X: Snap Jab
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Side Buster
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Guillotine Choke
l+O: Knee Strike 1
u+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
r+O: Judo Hip Toss 2

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Clutch Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: German Suplex Pin

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Falling Headbutt
l or r+X: Karate Punch

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Bow And Arrow Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Deathlock With Bridge

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Martial Arts Kick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Headbutt
d+X: Knee Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Karate Kick
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 1
d-pad + L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 2

Steven Richards
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Falling From The Top
Favorite Move: Shuffle Side Kick 1
Special Move: Super Kick

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Chop, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Spinning Back Drop
u+O: Shoulder Breaker 1
r+O: DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Russian Leg Sweep
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Short Arm Scissors

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Flying Clothesline

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Stamping 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kurt Angle

Stone Cold
Fighting Stance: Stone Cold
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Stone Cold Special
Favorite Move: Stunner
Special Move: Stone Cold Stunner

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Austin Punches, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Stunner
u+O: Jawbreaker 1
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Russian Leg Sweep
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Taunt Stone Cold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Foot Choke
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Diving Elbow
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Power Clothesline
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Headbutt To Groin
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Stone Cold
d-pad + L2: Taunt Christian

TAKA Michinoku
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: BANZAI
Favorite Move: Tornado DDT
Special Move: Michinoku Driver

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Throat Thrust, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Uppercut Palm Strike
r+X: Throat Thrust

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: DDT

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Falling Neckbreaker
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Jumping Tornado DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Russian Leg Sweep
r+O: Facecrusher 2

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Dropkick & Waiting

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Lionsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: High Flying Body Press

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Headscissor Takedown
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Diving Headbutt

Running Attack:
X: Spinning Wheel Kick
d-pad+X: Diving Forearm Smash

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Running Spinning Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Falling Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt TAKA Michinoku
d-pad + L2: Taunt KAIENTAI 1

Fighting Stance: Tazz
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Tazz
Favorite Move: Tazzplex
Special Move: Tazzmission

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Body Punch, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Tazz Belly To Belly

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Northern Lights Suplex
l+O: T-bone Suplex
u+O: Half Belly to Belly
r+O: Sambo Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Tazzplex
u+O: Release German Suplex
r+O: Half Nelson Suplex

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mounted Punching 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Super Tazz Suplex
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Tazz Belly To Belly
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Tazz
d-pad + L2: Taunt Big Boss Man

Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Pumphandle Slam
Special Move: Diving Powerbomb

X,X,X: Chop, Austin Punches, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Swinging Neckbreaker
u+O: Elbow To Back Of Head
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Powerslam
l+O: Beat Head
u+O: Test Neckbreaker
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pumphandle Drop
l+O: Pumphandle Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Full Nelson Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Boston Crab
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Back Elbow Strike 2
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 2
d-pad+X: Yakuza Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Finger Appealing
d-pad + L2: Taunt Chris Jericho

Fighting Stance: Woman
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Woman Win
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: Tori Suplex

X,X,X: Middle Kick, Low Kick, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Woman's Slap
ul or ur+X: Back Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Headlock

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Abdominal Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Cross Body
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Powerslam
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Edge 2
d-pad + L2: Stepping Around

Triple H
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Triple H
Favorite Move: Knee Smash
Special Move: Pedigree

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Chop, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Snap Jab
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Knee Smash
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pulling Piledriver
l+O: Jumping Arm Breaker
u+O: Rib Breaker
r+O: Manhattan Drop

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse DDT
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Dragon Sleeper
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Fury Punch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Jumping Knee Attack
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Knee Smash

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spike Piledriver
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D-X
d-pad + L2: Taunt Christian

Trish Stratus
Fighting Stance: Debra
Ring In Move: Woman
Ring Out Move: Woman
Winning Move: Taunt Woman 1
Favorite Move: Snapmare
Special Move: Woman's Special Slap

X,X,X: Woman's Slap, Chop, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Middle Kick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Austin Punches
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Low Blow

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Angry Stomp

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Woman's Beat Head
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Kick To Groin
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Scoop Slam

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Flying Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shouler Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Woman 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt Woman 1

The Undertaker
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Undertaker 2
Favorite Move: Chokeslam
Special Move: The Last Ride

X,X,X: The Undertaker Punch, Toe Kick, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Shoulder Breaker 2
l+O: DDT
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Stalling Brainbuster

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tombstone Piledriver
l+O: Chokeslam
u+O: High Angle Spinebuster
r+O: Rib Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pumphandle Slam
l+O: Reverse DDT
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Atomic Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Darkness Choke
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Chokeslam
l or r+O: Body Strikes

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 1

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Knee Drop
u+X: Knee Drop

Running Attack:
X: Flying Lariat
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Running DDT

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Front Slam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt The Undertaker
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kane 2

Val Venis
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Kurt Angle
Favorite Move: Blue Thunder Pin
Special Move: The Money Shot

X,X,X: Chop, Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Kane Throat Thrust

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Scissor Sweep
l+O: Arm Wrench
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: DDT

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Fisherman Suplex
l+O: Double Arm Suplex 1
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Spinebuster

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Russian Leg Sweep
u+O: Octopus Stretch 2
r+O: Blue Thunder Pin

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Double Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Running Knee Strike

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Spinebuster

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Taunt Val Venis 2

Vince McMahon
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Vince McMahon
Favorite Move: Headlock And Punch
Special Move: Stunner

X,X,X: Boxing Snap Jab, Boxing Hook Punch, Boxing Uppercut
d+X: Boxing Uppercut
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Boxing Body Blow
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Boxing Hook Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Headlock And Punch
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Headlock

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Beat Head
l+O: Headlock And Punch
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Trapping Headbutts

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Turn Facing Front
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Abdominal Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Headbutt To Groin
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Vince McMahon
d-pad + L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 2

Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Steve Blackman 2
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Flip
Special Move: Big Splash Pin

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Body Punch, Rolling Wheel Kick
d+X: Rolling Wheel Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Overhand Punch
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Beat Head
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Choke Toss

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Bearhug
l+O: Belly To Back Flip
u+O: Oklahoma Slam
r+O: Body Press Drop

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Darkness Choke
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: Back Elbow Strike 2

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Samoan Drop
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Front Slam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Viscera
d-pad + L2: Slow Cut Throat

Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: X-Pac
Favorite Move: Bronco Buster
Special Move: X-Factor

X,X,X: Middle Kick, Spinning Back Kick 1, X-Pac Spinning To Face
d+X: Spinning Wheel Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Snap Jab
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Spinning Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Headlock And Punch
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: DDT

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Fisherman Suplex
l+O: Spinning Back Drop
u+O: Jumping Tornado DDT
r+O: Hurracanrana

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Facecrusher 2
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Low Blow

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Leg
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Spinning Wheel Kick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Diving Leg Drop

Running Attack:
X: Flying Lariat
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt X-Pac 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt X-Pac 1

Unknown A: Ric Flair
Fighting Stance: Tazz
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Peace Sign
Favorite Move: Piledriver
Special Move: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1

X,X,X: Chop, Chop, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Back Body Suplex
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Headlock And Punch
r+O: Arm Wrench

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Stomach Crusher
u+O: Shin Breaker
r+O: Suplex 1

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Fury Punch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Peace Sign
d-pad + L2: Making A Trumpet

Unknown B: Kevin Nash
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Side Buster
Special Move: Jacknife Powerbomb 2

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Back Elbow Smash, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Back Elbow Smash
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Knee Attack
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Bearhug Front Slam
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pumphandle Slam
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Foot Choke
l or r+O: Back Elbow Strike 1

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Yakuza Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Front Slam
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Taunt D-X

Unknown C: Scott Hall
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt D-X
Favorite Move: Fall Away Slam
Special Move: Insider Edge

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Toe Kick, Clothesline
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Headlock And Punch

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Fall Away Slam
u+O: Body Press Drop
r+O: Rib Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Pumphandle Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Knee Smash

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Super Fall Away Slam
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt D-X
d-pad + L2: Sexual Walking

Unknown D: Bill Goldberg
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Shouting 3
Favorite Move: Spear
Special Move: Brainbuster

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Toe Kick, Shuffle Side Kick 1
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Judo Hip Throw
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Body Press Front Slam
l+O: Belly To Back Flip
u+O: Rib Breaker
r+O: Dragon Screw

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Back Side Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mounted Punching 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Armbar

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Stretch Muffler

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Spear
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Shoulder Block 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spear
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Whirl Sideslam
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Super Double Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Shouting 3
d-pad + L2: Shouting 1

Unknown E: Sting
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Making A Trumpet
Favorite Move: Scoop Reverse DDT
Special Move: Sharpshooter

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Back Elbow Smash, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Elbow Smash
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: DDT
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Body Press Slam
r+O: Falling Neckbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Facecrusher 2
u+O: Full Nelson Slam
r+O: Scoop Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Knee Smash

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Reverse Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Cross Body

Running Front Grapple:
O: Running DDT
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Making A Trumpet
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kane 2

Unknown F: Hulk Hogan
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Pat Patterson
Favorite Move: Running Forearm Smash
Special Move: Leg Drop

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Suplex 1
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Rib Breaker
u+O: Fury Punch
r+O: Oklahoma Slam

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Fury Punch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Boss Man Attack

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Jumping Knee Attack
d-pad+X: Running Forearm Smash

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Running Reverse Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Pat Patterson
d-pad + L2: Shouting 2

Unknown G: Jeff Jarrett
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Peace Sign
Favorite Move: Tornado Arm Buster
Special Move: Sexay Face Buster

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Toe Kick, Front Dropkick
d+X: Front Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Low Kick
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Headlock
u+O: DDT
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Jumping Arm Breaker
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: Shin Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Cobra Clutch
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 2

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Foot Choke
l or r+O: Tornado Arm Breaker

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Peace Sign
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

Unknown H: Scott Steiner
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Powerful
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Suplex
Special Move: Super Camel Clutch

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Chop, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Fireman Carry
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Tazz Belly To Belly

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Flip Suplex With Pin
l+O: Belly To Belly Suplex
u+O: Body Press Drop
r+O: Flip Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tiger Suplex Pin
l+O: Release German Suplex
u+O: Dragon Sleeper
r+O: Pumplehandle Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Taunt & Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Reverse Chin Lock

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: STF

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Whirl Sideslam
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Powerful
d-pad + L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 2

Unknown I: Manami Toyota / Spel Delphin
Fighting Stance: Tazz
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Stone Cold
Favorite Move: Tornado DDT
Special Move: Osaka Street Cutter

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Toe Kick, Strong Spinning Elbow
d+X: Back Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Strong Spinning Elbow
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Flowing DDT
l+O: Elbow Strike
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Running Powerbomb Pin
r+O: Jump Swinging DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Blue Thunder Pin
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Rear Naked Choke Drop
r+O: Release German Suplex

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Senton Splash
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Neck Wrench
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Strangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick to Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Diamond Dust
l or r+O: Tornado DDT

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Spider Stretch

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Clothesline 2

Running Front Grapple:
O: Running DDT
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Whirl Sideslam
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Super Double Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Stone Cold
d-pad + L2: Taunt Chris Benoit

Unknown J: Japanese Lucha Collection
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Hand-Clapping
Favorite Move: Spinning Arm Drag
Special Move: Queen Suplex Pin

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Spinning Back Kick 1, Dropkick
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Low Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Double Arm Suplex 2
r+O: Queen Arm Scissors

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Small Package
l+O: Mexican Stretch Bomb
u+O: Hurricanrana
r+O: Nothern Lights Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Mexican Suplex Pin
l+O: Facecrusher 1
u+O: Spinning Huracanrana
r+O: Stunt Rider Stretch

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Flip Splash
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Head Scissor Roll Over
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Dragon Sleeper

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Queen Angelito Stretch

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Spring Board Arm Drag

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Cross Powerbomb

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Asai Moonsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Corkscrew Body Attack

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Dragonrana
r+X: Flipping Neck Breaker

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Corkscrew Moonsault
d+X: The 450
u+X: Senton Bomb

Running Attack:
X: Flying Cross Chop
d-pad+X: Handspring To Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spinning Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Queen Sunset Flip Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Arm Drag
d-pad+O: Pulling Walk Slam Pin

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & On All Fours
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Stepping Rhythmical
d-pad + L2: Hand-Clapping

Unknown K: Diamond Dallas Page
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Holdup & Down Hands 2
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Slam
Special Move: Buh Buh Cutter

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Boxing Body Blow, Clothesline
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Boxing Body Blow
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Headlock And Punch
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Belly To Back Slam
u+O: Jawbreaker 1
r+O: Beat Head

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Read Naked Choke Drop
r+O: Pumphandle Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Fist Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Fury Punch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Elbow
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Spinebuster
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: 3D-B
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Holdup & Down Hands 2
d-pad + L2: Taunt The Rock 2

Unknown L: Booker T
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: The Rock Bottom
Special Move: Scissors Kick

X,X,X: Back Elbow Smash, Austin Punches, Front Dropkick
d+X: Outside Crescent Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Falling Powerslam

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
l+O: The Rock Bottom
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Spinebuster

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Facecrusher 2
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Face Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Sleeper Hold 1

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Pin With Bridge

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Leg Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Twisting Body Attack

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Flying Forearm Smash

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Facebuster
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taung Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Unknown M: The Great Muta
Fighting Stance: Mysterious 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Mysterious
Favorite Move: Dragon Screw
Special Move: Diving Moonsault

X,X,X: Chop, Kane Throat Thrust, Spinning Back Kick 1
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Kane Throat Thrust
r+X: Blackman Quick Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Dragon Screw

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pulling Piledriver
l+O: Rib Breaker
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Snap Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Dragon Suplex Pin
l+O: Facecrusher 2
u+O: Octopus Stretch 1
r+O: Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Short Arm Scissors
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Armbar

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Deathlock With Bridge
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Double Axe Handle
d+X: Diving Leg Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Diving Forearm Smash
d-pad+X: Handspring To Thump

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spine & Neckbreaker
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Slow Cut Throat
d-pad + L2: Taunt Kane 2

Unknown N: Japanese Shoot Collection
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Come On!
Favorite Move: Guillotine Choke
Special Move: Rear Naked Choke

X,X,X: Low Kick, Low Kick, Middle Kick
d+X: Middle Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Elbow Smash
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Arm Wrench
r+O: Knee Strike 2

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Leg Lock
l+O: Judo Hip Throw
u+O: Reverse Armbar
r+O: Guillotine Choke

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Sleeper With Scissors
l+O: Back Side Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold &Scissors
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Karate Punch

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Side Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Anklelock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Super Armbar Takedown
l or r+O: Mudhold Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spear
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Front Slam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Swing Arms

Unknown O: Naoya Ogawa
Fighting Stance: Muay Thai
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Airplane
Favorite Move: Judo Hip Throw
Special Move: STO

X,X,X: Boxing Snap Jab, Boxing Body Blow, Boxing Straight Punch
d+X: Fake Roundhouse Kick
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Middle Kick
ul or ur+X: Boxing Straight Punch
u+X: Boxing Uppercut
r+X: Boxing Body Blow

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Armbar
l+O: Judo Hip Throw
u+O: Judo Hip Toss 2
r+O: Judo Flip Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Armbar
l+O: Judo Hip Throw
u+O: Judo Hip Toss & Armbar
r+O: Sambo Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Sleeper With Scissors
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold &Scissors
r+O: Back Side Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mounted Punching 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Boston Crab
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Anklelock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Foot Choke
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spear
d-pad+O:Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick & Sweep
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Hand Beating
d-pad + L2: Taunt Christian

Unknown P: Masahiro Chono
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Yakuza Kick
Special Move: STF

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Chop, Roundhouse Dropkick 1
d+X: Roundhouse Dropkick 1
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Eye Rake
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pulling Piledriver
l+O: Standing Crossface
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: DDT

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Abdominal Stretch
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Reverse DDT
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Abdominal Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Groin

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Superplex
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Yakuza Kick
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Scissor Sweep

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Finger Appealing

Unknown Q: Jyushin "Thunder" Lyger
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Muscle Appealing 2
Favorite Move: Shooting Star Press
Special Move: Brainbuster DDT

X,X,X: Slap, Slap, Upper Palm Strike
d+X: Rolling Wheel Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Uppercut Palm Strike
r+X: Snap Jab

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jawbreaker 1
l+O: Elbow Strike
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Running Powerbomb Pin
l+O: Fisherman DDT
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Samurai Driver

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Release German Suplex
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: High Angle Back Drop

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Flip Splash

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Dragon Sleeper

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Mexican Stretch

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Tornado DDT
l or r+O: Frankensteiner

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Fake Diving Attack 2

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Diving Hurracanrana

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Shooting Star Press
u+X: Diving Headbutt

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Whirl Back Breaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Falling Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Raising Arm & Rounding
d-pad + L2: Skipping & Appealing

Unknown R: Vader
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Ho Train Attack
Special Move: Chokeslam

X,X,X: Boxing Hook Punch, Boxing Body Blow, Clothesline
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Boxing Body Blow
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Snap Jab

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Super Powerbomb
l+O: Sambo Suplex
u+O: Oklahoma Slam
r+O: Fall Away Slam

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Release German Suplex

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Dragon Sleeper
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Big Splash Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Leg Lock

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Super Fall Away Slam
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 3
d-pad+X: Ho Train Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Double Chokeslam
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Christian
d-pad + L2: Taunt Edge 2

Unknown S: Mitsuharu Misawa
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Flip Suplex With Pin
Special Move: Emerald Fusion

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Spinning Back Elbow, Strong Spinning Elbow
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Strong Spinning Elbow
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Spinning Back Elbow

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Elbow Strike
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Flip Suplex With Pin
l+O: Front Dropkick
u+O: Roundhouse Dropkick 2
r+O: Dangerous Driver

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Tiger Suplex Pin
l+O: Release German Suplex
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Half Nelson Suplex

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Senton Splash
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Short Arm Scissors
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Eastern Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Mexican Surfboard

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Back Elbow Strike 2
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Shoulder Block

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Twisting Body Attack

Running Attack:
X: Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker Drop
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Whirl Back Breaker

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Perry Saturn
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Unknown T: US Shoot Collection
Fighting Stance: Karate
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Boxer
Favorite Move: Flipping Armbar
Special Move: Finishing Punch

X,X,X: Boxing Quick Jab, Back Elbow Smash, Clothesline
d+X: Roundhouse Kick 1
dl or dr+X: Low Kick
l+X: Boxing Straight Punch
ul or ur+X: Boxing Hook Punch
u+X: Boxing Strong Uppercut
r+X: Roundhouse Kick 2

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Elbow Strike
r+O: Knee Strike 2

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Armbar
l+O: Judo Hip Throw
u+O: Sambo Suplex
r+O: Rolling Leg Lock

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Sleeper With Scissors
l+O: Back Side Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold &Scissors
r+O: Turn Facing Front

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Elbow Drop
l or r+X: Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mounted & Armbar

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Standing Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Mudhold Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Spear
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Back Flip To Pancake 1

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick & Sweep
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Cut Throat
d-pad + L2: Holdup & Down Hands 1

Unknown U: Terry Funk
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Buh Buh Ray
Favorite Move: Pulling Piledriver
Special Move: Spining Toe Hold

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Buh Buh Ray Punches, Boxing Hook Punch
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Elbow Smash
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Boxing Hook Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Overhand Punch

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pulling Piledriver
l+O: Double Arm Suplex 1
u+O: Falling Neckbreaker
r+O: Shin Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Cradle Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Texas Cloverleaf

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: 10 Punch

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Elbow Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Buh Buh Ray
d-pad + L2: Cut Throat

Unknown V: Martial Arts Collection
Fighting Stance: Kung-Fu
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Kung-Fu
Favorite Move: Kung-Fu Toss
Special Move: Kung-Fu Straight Punch

X,X,X: Karate Straight Punch, Tae kwon-Do Jump Kick, Tae kwon-Do Back Kick
d+X: Axe Kick
dl or dr+X: Karate Slide
l+X: Tae kwon-Do Jump Kick
ul or ur+X: High Roundhouse Kick
u+X: Capoeira Spinning Kick
r+X: Tae kwon-Do Back Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jawbreaker 1
l+O: Kung-Fu Toss
u+O: Back Body Suplex
r+O: Kung-fu Back Rolling

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Sambo Suplex
l+O: Oriental Toss
u+O: Guillotine Strikes
r+O: Scissors Kick

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Russian Leg Sweep
l+O: Scotty Facecrusher
u+O: Sleeper Hold 2
r+O: Turn Facing Front

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Double Knee Drop
l or r+X: Karate Punch

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Armbar
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Triangle Hold

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Bow And Arrow Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Deathlock With Bridge

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Foot Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Martial Arts Kick
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Corkscrew Moonsault

Running Attack:
X: Karate Kick
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: Cross Fixed Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Scotty Facecrusher

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: High Angle Back Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Kung-Fu
d-pad + L2: Taunt Steve Blackman 1

Unknown W: "Orange Crush" Kenta Kobashi
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Jumping
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Stamping 1
Favorite Move: Diving Moonsault
Special Move: Clothesline From Hell

X,X,X: Chop, Overhand Chop, Spinning Back Chop
d+X: Spinning Wheel Kick 2
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Overhand Chop
u+X: Spinning Back Chop
r+X: Spinning Back Kick 1

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Brainbuster

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb With Bridge
l+O: Double Arm DDT
u+O: Orange Crush Pin
r+O: Bomb To Facebuster

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Death Valley
l+O: Release German Suplex
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Full Nelson Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Double Knee Drop
l or r+X: Leg Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Sleeper Hold 1
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Boston Crab
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Texas Cloverleaf

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Turnbuckle Powerbomb
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Flying Clothesline

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Leg Drop
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Power Clothesline
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker Drop

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Stamping 1
d-pad + L2: Swing Arms

Unknown X: The Big Show
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Big
Favorite Move: Body Press Drop
Special Move: THQ Slam

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Clothesline
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Chop

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Choke Toss
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Body Press Drop
r+O: Beat Head

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Strong Head Butt
u+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
r+O: Belly To Back Flip

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Full Nelson Slam
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Darkness Choke

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Back Elbow Strike 2
l or r+O: Choke

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Neckbreaker

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Farewell

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Stomach Crusher
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Powerbomb
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Raising Arm
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Unknown Y: Ken Shamrock
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Shouting 1
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Flip
Special Move: Special Anklelock

X,X,X: Low Kick, Back Elbow Smash, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Middle Kick
ul or ur+X: Body Punch
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Back Elbow Smash

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Armbar
l+O: Belly To Back Flip
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Dragon Screw

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Rolling Leg Lock
l+O: Knee Strike 2
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Back Drop

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold &Scissors
r+O: Back Side Slam

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mounted Punching 2
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mounted & Armbar

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Anklelock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Diving Spear
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Backbreaker & Leg Drop
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Shouting 1
d-pad + L2: Come On!

Unknown ZS: Sargeant Slaughter
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Crash 2
Favorite Move: Headlock And Punch
Special Move: Cobra Clutch

X,X,X: Chop, Austin Punches, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Austin Punches
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Body Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Falling Neckbreaker
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Club To Neck
r+O: Headlock And Punch

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Bearhug
l+O: Pendulum Backbreaker
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Rib Breaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Bulldog
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Boss Man Attack

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Powerslam

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Front Slam
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Stomach Crusher
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Taunt Crash 2

Unknown ZB: Bob Backlund
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 2
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: German Suplex Pin
Special Move: Super Atomic Drop

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Chop, Double Axe Handle
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Austin Punches

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Leg Trip
l+O: Hip Throw
u+O: Fireman Carry
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Piledriver
l+O: Double Arm Suplex 2
u+O: Shin Breaker
r+O: Side Suplex

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Abdominal Stretch
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Double Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Camel Clutch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Chicken Wing Crossface

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Shoulder Thrust
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Dropkick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Rolling Clutch Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: School Boy

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Monkey Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Kurt Angle
d-pad + L2: Swing Right Arm

Unknown ZJ: Jerry "The King" Lawler
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: Taunt Big Boss Man
Favorite Move: Fist Drop
Special Move: Piledriver

X,X,X: Boxing Body Blow, Boxing Body Blow, Boxing Straight Punch
d+X: Clothesline
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Boxing Straight Punch
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Overhand Punch
r+X: Boxing Hook Punch

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Knee Attack

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Stomach Crusher
l+O: Beat Head
u+O: Shoulder Breaker 1
r+O: Oklahoma Slam

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: High Angle Back Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Facecrusher 1

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Fist Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Face Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Mudhole Stomping
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Throw To The Rope

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Diving Fist Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 1

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Monkey Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Stomach Crusher
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Spike Piledriver
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Skipping

Unknown ZA: Andre the Giant
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: Normal Win
Favorite Move: Bearhug
Special Move: Giant Elbow Drop Pin

X,X,X: Chop, Toe Kick, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Overhand Punch
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Kane Throat Thrust

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Choke Toss
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Giant Punch
r+O: Giant Slap

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Bearhug
l+O: Giant Knee Smash
u+O: Strong Head Butt
r+O: Giant Shoulder Claw

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: Full Nelson Drop
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Russian Leg Sweep

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Reverse Chin Lock
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Darkness Choke

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Choke
l or r+O: Big Thump

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Shoulder Block
d-pad+X: Clothesline 1

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 1

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Sleeper Hold

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Body Attack
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Cut The Air

Generic Move List: Average
Fighting Stance: Wrestling 1
Ring In Move: Normal
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Favorite Move: Belly To Back Flip
Special Move: Stunner

X,X,X: Austin Punches, Austin Punches, Clothesline
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Chop
ul or ur+X: Double Axe Handle
u+X: Clothesline
r+X: Low Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: DDT
l+O: Scoop Slam
u+O: Headlock And Punch
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
l+O: Belly To Back Flip
u+O: Shin Breaker
r+O: Brainbuster

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Rear Naked Choke Drop
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Austin Elbow Drop 1
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Camel Clutch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: 10 Punch
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Dive Through Ropes

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Missile Dropkick
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: Diving Elbow

Running Attack:
X: Clothesline 1
d-pad+X: Back Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Monkey Toss
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Whip & Lay Down
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Hip Throw
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Come On!
d-pad + L2: Swing Arms

Generic Move List: Powerful
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Favorite Move: Choke Toss
Special Move: Torture Rack

X,X,X: Body Punch, Body Punch, Big Boot
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Body Punch
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Boss Man Uppercut
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Side Buster
l+O: Choke Toss
u+O: Body Press Drop FW
r+O: Drop Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Pulling Piledriver
l+O: Hard Scoop Slam
u+O: Jacknife Powerbomb 1
r+O: Pendulum Backbreaker

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Atomic Drop
l+O: School Boy
u+O: Pumphandle Slam
r+O: Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Austing Elbow Drop 1
l or r+X: Elbow Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Hip Drop
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Big Splash Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Toss
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Boston Crab

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Stink Face
l or r+O: Shoulder Thrust

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Boss Man Attack

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Shoulder Block
r+X: Flying Clothesline

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Test Diving Elbow
u+X: Elbow Drop

Running Attack:
X: Ho Train Attack
d-pad+X: Diving Shoulder

Running Front Grapple:
O: Lou Thesz Press 1
d-pad+O: Lou Thesz Press 2

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Whirl Sideslam
d-pad+O: Side Walk Slam Pin

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Powerbomb
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Front Slam
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Big Boss Man
d-pad + L2: Muscle Appealing 1

Generic Move List: Speedy
Fighting Stance: The Rock
Ring In Move: Rolling
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Favorite Move: Hurracanrana
Special Move: Matt Twist Of Fate

X,X,X: Elbow Smash, Spinning Kick, X-Pac Spinning To Face
d+X: Dropkick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Spinning Back Kick 1
ul or ur+X: Spinning Kick
u+X: Double Axe Handle
r+X: Middle Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Snapmare
u+O: Double Are Suplex 2
r+O: Snap Suplex

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Northern Lights Suplex
l+O: Spinning Back Drop
u+O: Hurracanrana
r+O: Belly To Back Flip

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: German Suplex Pin
l+O: Back Drop
u+O: Rear Naked Choke Drop
r+O: Diving Reverse DDT

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Leg Drop
l or r+X: Double Knee Drop

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Knee Smash
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Mahistrol Cradle Pin

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Mexican Surfboard
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Sharpshooter

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Walk On The Rope
l or r+O: Spring Board Arm Drag

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Foot Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Asai Moonsault

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Rope Flip 1

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Spinning Wheel Kick
r+X: Missile Dropkick

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Twisting Body Attack
d+X: Diving Moonsault
u+X: Senton Bomb

Running Attack:
X: Jumping Knee Attack
d-pad+X: Flying Cross Chop

Running Front Grapple:
O: Headscissor Takedown
d-pad+O: School Boy

Running Back Grapple:
O: Facecrusher 2

Running Counter:
O: Shoulder Back Toss
d-pad+O: Knee Smash

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Hip Throw
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick & Sweep
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Chyna
d-pad + L2: Taunt Matt Hardy

Generic Move List: Technical
Fighting Stance: Shoot Wrestling
Ring In Move: Rolling
Ring Out Move: Normal
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Favorite Move: Half Belly To Belly
Special Move: The Rock Bottom

X,X,X: Snap Jab, Shake Jab, Shake Rattle & Roll
d+X: Jumping Calf Kick
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Shake Jab
ul or ur+X: Chop
u+X: Shuffle Side Kick 1
r+X: Middle Kick

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Arm Wrench
l+O: Arm Drag
u+O: Belly To Back Flip
r+O: Suplex 1

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Flip Suplex With Pin
l+O: Wrist Clutch Suplex
u+O: Double Arm Backbreaker
r+O: Half Belly To Belly

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Reverse Pin
l+O: Back Side Slam
u+O: Half Nelson Suplex
r+O: School Boy

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Knee Drop
l or r+X: Flip Splash

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Abdominal Stretch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Head Scissor Roll Over

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Leg Lock
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Figure 4 Leg Lock 1

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Frankensteiner
l or r+O: Superplex

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Super Back Drop

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Bronco Buster

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Front Dropkick
r+X: Diving Spear

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Diving Moonsault
d+X: The 450
u+X: Diving Moonsault

Running Attack:
X: Back Elbow Attack
d-pad+X: Spinning Wheel Kick

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Hurracanrana Pin

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Samoan Drop

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Too Cool Elbow Drop
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Calf Kick&Tiger Suplex
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Mark Henry
d-pad + L2: Taunt Edge 2

Generic Move List: Rough Neck
Fighting Stance: Normal
Ring In Move: Over The Rope
Ring Out Move: Over The Rope
Winning Move: The Rock 1
Favorite Move: Beat Head
Special Move: Double Arm DDT

X,X,X: Buh Buh Ray Punches, Overhand Chop, Mongolian Chop
d+X: Big Boot
dl or dr+X: Toe Kick
l+X: Throat Thrust
ul or ur+X: Overhand Chop
u+X: Mongolian Chop
r+X: Austin Punches

Front Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Club To Neck
l+O: Headlock And Punch
u+O: Overhand Punch
r+O: Beat Head

Groggy Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: Manhattan Drop
l+O: Jawbreaker 1
u+O: Lifting Chokehold
r+O: Trapping Headbutts

Behind Opponent Grapple:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: School Boy
l+O: Low Blow
u+O: Sleeper Hold 1
r+O: Bulldog

Ground Attack:
X: Angry Stomp
u or d+X: Angry Stomp
l or r+X: Falling Headbutt

Ground Upper Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Fury Punch
u+O: Mounted Punching 1
r+O: Face Stretch

Ground Lower Body Grapple:
O: Raise
d+O: Pin Fall
l+O: Kick To Groin
u+O: Knee Stomp
r+O: Kick To Leg

Opponent Standing in Corner Front:
O: Irish Whip
u or d+O: Foot Choke
l or r+O: Mudhole Stomping

Opponent Standing in Corner Back:
O: Irish Whip
d-pad+O: Beat Head

Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Raise The Opponent Up
d-pad+O: Choke

Run at Opponent Down in Corner:
O: Knee Attack

Opponent Leaning On Ropes:
O: Guillotine

Jump Off Rope:
X: Vaulting Body Press

Attack Through Ropes:
X: Baseball Slide

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Standing:
l+X: Flying Clothesline
r+X: Double Axe Handle

Off the Turnbuckle Opponent Down:
X: Knee Drop
d+X: Elbow Drop
u+X: DIving Headbutt

Running Attack:
X: Yakuza Kick
d-pad+X: Elbow Attack

Running Front Grapple:
O: Neckbreaker
d-pad+O: Spear

Running Back Grapple:
O: Bulldog

Running Counter:
O: Sleeper Hold
d-pad+O: Shoulder Back Toss

Double Team:
O: Irish Whip
d+O: 3D
l+O: Mudhole Stomping
u+O: Headbutt To Groin
r+O: Body Splash & Whip

L2: Taunt Buh Buh Ray
d-pad + L2: Shouting 1

Final Words

I'd like to thank the following:

-CJayC: Hosting the best website for game information and for hosting all of my FAQs.

-THQ: For creating this incredibly cool game.

-abcdefghi: I got the descriptions for some of the Unknowns from his postings on the
GameFAQs message boards (mainly the Japanese wrestlers and the Collection wrestlers).

-Myself: Typing up this FAQ.

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