WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role

17.10.2013 03:24:45
Funaki Character Guide FAQ

WWF Smackdown! 2: Know Your Role! Character Guide/Move Lists
Funaki Character Guide/Move List: Version 1.0
By Positively Posterior (Daniel Stefano)
E-Mail: positively_posterior@yahoo.com
First Created: January 18, 2001
Last Updated: January 18, 2001

Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Update History
III. Wrestler Stats
IV. Move List
V. Closing
VI. Copyright

I. Introduction

(intro from Prima's Official Strategy Guide)

Japan is known for its many exports. Perhaps one of its most
successful is Funaki. This Japanese Superstar is small in size, but big
in game. There isn't a move that Funaki doesn't know, which makes him
dangerous in the ring.
Very often, Funaki can be found at the side of Taka Michinoku. As two
of the only Japanese athletes currently competing in the WWF, Funaki and
Taka have a common bond that keeps them tight. Also, their lack of
English skills has kept them from branching out and befriending other
WWF Superstars. That is, until recently.
Recently, Funaki and Taka can be found drinking beers and hanging out
with the Acolyes. However, what Funaki and Taka don't know is that the
Acolytes keep them around for comedic value. Oh well, what they don't
know can't hurt them.

II. Update History

Version 1.0 (January 18, 2001): First release.

III. Wrestler Stats: Funaki

Real Name: Shoichi Funaki
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 192 lbs.
From: Japan
Finishing Move: Hurracanrana
Titles Held: Hardcore Title

IV. Move List

Facing the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Leg Trip- Down + O
Arm Drag- Left + O
Fireman Carry- Up + O
Snap Suplex- Right + O
Snap Jab- X
Front Dropkick- Down + X
Toe Kick- Down/Left + X
Toe Kick- Down/Right + X
Chop- Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Up/Left + X
Double Axe Handle- Up/Right + X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Body Punch- Right + X

Facing the Groggy Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Reverse Armbar- Down + O
Jawbreaker- Left + O
Flipping Armbar- Up + O
Falling Neckbreaker- Right + O

Behind the Opponent

Irish Whip- O
German Suplex Pin- Down + O
Back Side Slam- Left + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Drop- Right + O

Opponent on Mat

Raise Opponent- O
Pin- Down + O
Angry Stomp- X
Flip Splash- Down + X
Flip Splash- Up + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Right + X

Upper Body

Face Stretch- Left + O
Mounted Punching- Up + O
Crash Holly Cradle Pin- Right + O

Lower Body

Leg Lock- Left + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
STF- Right + O

Turnbuckle Moves

Facing Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Diamond Dust- Down + O
Diamond Dust- Up + O
Frankensteiner- Left + O
Frankensteiner- Right + O

Behind Opponent

Irish Whip- O
Super Back Drop- Down + O
Super Back Drop- Up + O
Super Back Drop- Left + O
Super Back Drop- Right + O

Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle

Raise Opponent- O
Foot Choke- Down + O
Foot Choke- Up + O
Foot Choke- Left + O
Foot Choke- Right + O
Knee Attack- Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

Knee Drop- X
Diving Leg Drop- Down + X
Headscissor Takedown- Left + X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Missle Dropkick- Right + X

Opponent in Ropes

Irish Whip- O
Guillotine- Down + O
Guillotine- Up + O
Guillotine- Left + O
Guillotine- Right + O

Running Attacks

Facing Opponent

Headscissor Takedown- O
Cross Fixed Pin- Down + O
Cross Fixed Pin- Up + O
Cross Fixed Pin- Left + O
Cross Fixed Pin- Right + O
Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Down + X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X

Behind Opponent

Facecrusher- O
Facecrusher- Down + O
Facecrusher- Up + O
Facecrusher- Left + O
Facecrusher- Right + O
Elbow Attack- X
Dropkick- Down + X
Dropkick- Up + X
Dropkick- Left + X
Dropkick- Right + X

Opponent Running

Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Down + O
Powerslam- Up + O
Powerslam- Left + O
Powerslam- Right + O

Double Team Moves

Irish Whip- O
Hip Throw- Down + O
Mudhole Stomping- Left + O
Backbreaker and Leg Drop- Up + O
Body Splash and Whip- Right + O


(Facing the Groggy Opponent)

Hurracanrana- L1

V. Closing

Thank you for choosing my Funaki Character Guide/Move List. I hope it
was helpful to you. If you have any questions please direct them to the
e-mail listed at the top of this FAQ. The following people must be
thanked for their help with this FAQ:

-WWF: For bringing me a great source of entertainment
-THQ: For bring me this great game (which is another great source of
-CJayC: For operating GameFAQs and especially for posting this guide
-Prima's Official Strategy Guide: For the Bio
-DaLadiesMan/SMcFadden: For all his help with this and all my other
-JadeKnight, Nemesis, and Slipknotted- Just for being so damn beefy…
-Dyse: For dubbing me "Positively Posterior"
-And to all of you for using my guide!!!

VI. Copyright

This document is Copyright 2001 Positively Posterior (Daniel Stefano).
This guide may only appear on the following sites:


If you find it anywhere else, please notify me and appriopriate action
will be taken. If you would like to use this guide on your site, please
just drop me an e-mail, and we'll talk. Unauthorized use of this guide
will not be tolerated. No one (besides myself, if I so choose) may
modify or use this guide for profit without written permission from me.
Thank you.

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