Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

10.10.2008 14:05:25
Final Fantasy VII

Secret Character:
You may have heard this 1000 times, but i have an uncle working for Squaresoft
USA And i have information on how to get a secret character. Zack. Remember the
man Cloud mixed his identity with? Zack. Who's Cloud's best friend? Zack. Who
saved Cloud from Nibelheim and brought him to Midgar? Zack. Well, here's how to
get him. 1st, in Midgar, you must answer EVERY question CORREXTLY! It must be
done in a certain way. Now, before starting the Kalm flashback, if you answered
correctly, you will hear Aeris say Cloud reminds her of a man she once dated.
After the flashback, Cloud, Tifa, and Aeris stay in the Inn, and Tifa mentions
something about a man she found half-dead outside of Midgar. Now continue the
game as usual. At the Temple of the Ancients, you'll find Zack killed by
Sephiroth, and he'll enter the lifestream. Now get up to the 3rd CD. Go to the
Gongaga reactor, and bring a Super Sweeper and a Mutsurame Blade ( both Gold
Saucer Shooting Coaster prizes ) and use the Sweeper on the reactor. It will
explode, and then use the Blade. You colapse and find yourself hearing Aeris's
voice, then you wake up, and find yourself next to Zack. You talk for a while,
and he leaves. You meet up with him again the North Crater. Then he is able to
join your party, and starts at level77. Can't say much more about it, except,
he's a great character to have!!!

Protect Ring:
This accesory puts a barrier and m-barrier on whoever is wearing it. there is
two ways to get it. First when you climb up Gae's Cliffs at the top you have to
fight a two headed dragon you can steal this item from it. also in the northen
cave you fight little orange balls that give you 800 AP apiece morph them to get
protect rings.

12 Soldiers:
I have heard a rumor about how to get another hidden character. And this is how
I was told how to get him. First collect all of the 12 small soldiers. The
coaster at the golden saucer is a good way to get them. Once you get all of them
take them to the guy where you get Aerith's level 5 limit breaker and he will
forge them in to a robot soldier or something like that. Also I can't seem to
get the small soldier in Junon on the top bunk in the soldier's room right after
you march in the parade(acually more like mess up the parade) if anyone has any
info e mail me at put subject as FF7

Curse Ring:
This item raises ALL stats big time, but the wearer is death sentenced duing
battle (get around this with death force enemy skill) to get this you go to
mideel before it is destroyed. on the left if you walk around you will hear a
creacking sound press O and it says there is a key stuck in the boards. Look in
the shops. In one of them there is a door on the back wall go uyp to it and
press O, it will say that it is locked, go back to the key and you can yank it
out take the key to the door, the key will break off in the lock and the store
owner will ask you what you were doing, tell him the truth and he will give you
the ring.

Have you always hated having only one ribbon. Go to the northen cave and find a
monster called master tonberry. morph him to get ribbons. he's the hardest
creature to morph because he can't be sensed and he absorbs gravity attacks.

Stealing from bosses:
Unless you meet the turks in the Northern Crater, you can only do this twice.
The two last times you meet the Turks,(in the sunken airplane where you find
Hades and in the subway when youre going after Hojo and the Sister Ray) you can
steal a "Touph Ring"(vitality and spirit +50) from Rude.

Secret Movie:
Here's a great secert.After Cloud recovers from the Mako poisoning return to
Nibelheim and revisit the Shinra Mansion(where U got the Odin summoning
materia) and go to the basement. There U will have a flashback with explains
how Cloud ended up in Midgar and how he got Zack's uniform and sword.

Duplicate Item Trick:
You must have the W-Item materia to do this trick. First, go into battle then
select the W-Item option. Choose the item you want to duplicate and choose any
character to give it to. When you pick your second item, choose a different item
than you chose before. without casting the secon item push O to select a
person, then X to cancle... do this as many times as you want the item you chose
before duplicated. This only works on items which has the item bag symbol next
to it.

More Duplicate Items:
Have W-Item and put it in the character who has the item
you want to duplicate. In the battle use the W-item to do the trick , first
choose the item and give it to any character. Second, choose the item you
would like to duplicate. After that press X and the item will increase by 1
keep doing it by pressing O and X until you have 99 of that item.

Revised Duplicate Items:
1) Get the W-Item Materia (sometime after you beat the Diamond Weapon).
2) Equip it.
3) During a battle, select the W-Item Command.
4) Select the Item you want more of.
5) Select ANY character.
6) Select ANY Item.
7) Press X, O, X, O, X, O, X, O...and get 99 of em'.

Unlimited Sources:
To get unlimited Sources (luck source, magic source, etc.) perform the following
actions. Get in the submarine and go to the downed plane. Wander around until
you get
into a battle and use the morph command on the enemies. The best way to do this
attack the enemies until they are almost dead and then use morph. In this area
are six different enemies and each one morphs into one of the six sources.

Chocobo Racing:
While racing the chocobos, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to increase your speed.

Easy Money:
Go to the desert outside of the golden saucer and walk around for a while.
Sooner or later a little cactus man will appear. You can't beat him with magic
or weapons, but he can be defeated by summoning Chocobos or Mogs. If you manage
to kill him he's worth 10,000 gil!

More Easy Money:
For easier gil go to the southern most island, (where midea is) and on the
beach. Big worm things which are easy to kill are worth 50,000 gil

Knights of the Round Table:
Ride the Golden Chocobo to the North-Eastern part of the map. There you'll find
a hidden island with a cave. Enter the cave and talk to the red light to receive
the "Nights of the Round Table" spell.

Virtual Immortality:
Connect the Phoenix Summon and Final Attack materia in any linked slot. When
your party dies, there Hitpoints will be completely restored. This makes killing
Ruby, Emerald, and Sephiroth simple, just make sure you have enough Mindpoints
to use the Phoenix Summon. For more punch, add a Final Attack/Knight oo the
Round Table to the same weapon. Then when you die you'll resurrect and hit back

Command Materia:
In the second CD, you can get the COMMAND MATERIA "W ITEM". When youre going to
stop Hojo from using the sister ray, right after you get on the sub-way tracks,
head down until you reach a dead end and the W ITEM materia.(Its a LONG walk.)

Contain Materia:
You can also get a "contain" materia in the town that gets destroyed by the
lifestream(I forgot the name, but its at the bottom of the world map.)Go to the
left until the music changes into chocobo music. There will be a little white
chocobo. Talk to him and youll be asked to give him some greens.(You dont have
to buy any)After that, scratch him behind the ear and he will give you the

Alexander Materia:
To get the Alexander Materia you must be at the Great Glacier. find the hot
spring and then touch it , then find a woman name "SNOW" you will fight her if
you beat her you will get the Materia. MORE : To get the "Full Cure" Materia it
is in the back room in the general store in Cosmo Canyon Bot only the second
time you go their. MORE : To get the "Typoon" Materia you must be in the
Sleeping Forest first, you must pick up two insects and put them in the picher
flowers so Cloud can reach the spring stamen this puts you deep in the forest's
canopy. follow the limbs up and all the way to the right to find the "Typoon:
Materia ALSO you must be in area 3 if yo want more contact me at

Guide Book:
The guidebook you were looking for is in the transparent tunnels of the
Underwater reactor. First, you try and get in a battle with a 'ghost ship',
then morph the ghost ship until it changes into the Guidebook. You can exchange
this map for an Underwater materia.

Underwater Materia:
If you did not find out yet there is an "underwater meteria." Its real easy to
get.All you need is the "morph meteria." Go to the place where you get the sub.
You will find your self in a underwater tunel.In the tunel you will fight a bad
guy. He is a boat with a bone body on it. Morph him and you will get a "guide
book" from him. Take it to an old man in Kalam(he is in a house on the 2nd floor
standing still.) This has to be done on the 3rd disk. After you give the item
to him he will give you the "underwater meteria" and ask for 2 more things. A
"desert rose" and a "earth harp". I think to get the 2 items you need to kill
the 2 weapons. The "underwater meteria" helps you with the underwater weapon and
you get something from the underwater weapon. If you take it to the old men he
will give you master meterias.

Underwater Materia:
The Underwater materia is real. I have it. The only use I have found for it so
far is to take the clock away while fighting the emerald weapon. Go to the
place where you fight the ghost ship. Morph it. You will get a guidebook.
Give this guide book to a man in the town just outside Midgar. He's in the
upstairs of one of the houses he'll give you the purple "underwater materia". I
ran in to the man with a sick friend. I didn't help him though. I did run in
to the ghost of Aerith in th church. But she just faded. I haven't been down
to see the fish while I had the materia though.
A little help from a fellow gamer Will

Summon Materia:
To find the SUMMON MATERIA "LEVIATAN", go to WUTAI with YUFFIE in you
party. Enter the 5 story Pagoda (in in the North-West of the village).
When youll try to climb to the next floor, the man there will ask you
if you wish to climb the tower. Answer yes, and you will fight him only
with YUFFIE. After that, go up and talk to each of the persons to fight
them and climb the ladder. The fifth and final battle is against YUFFIEs
father. After youve won that fight, YUFFIEs father father will give you

Bahamut Zero:
I also found BAHAMUT ZERO (yes, the third and most powerful version)to get it,
go to the lab. at the top of COSMO CANYON with BAHAMUT AND NEO BAHAMUT equiped
and inspect the blue colored HUGE MATERIA. BAHAM. AND NEO BAHAM. will react and
creat BAHAM. ZERO. If it doesnt work, E-mail me and ill give you some more
detail.(im not sure if you have to equipe them on a certain person but i dout

To get Yuffie, walk about in the jungle near Red's home until you meet her.
Defeat her and talk to her. Remember:
1) Do NOT go to the save point,
2) Do NOT agree to a rematch, and
3) Do NOT ask her her name.
She'll join you later.

Hidden Characters:
Just a few clarifications and answers for can get the "hidden"
characters pretty much any time, at least in the US version. Vincent is in
Nibelheim, in the locked room in the basement. The combination you have sounds
right, but if not, there's a note in the room left of the Shinra Mansion
entrance. You should get the Odin materia as well. Yuffie is in the forest that
follows the river, and is northwest of Gogonda(where the Mako reactor exploded).
When you actually find her and beat her, you have some choices to make...don't
go to the subscreen when she gives you the chance; when it looks like she may
join you, chosse to say "alright, let's go"(or something like that) and she'll
join you.The only new materia i've gotten from the huge materia is the Bahamut
Zero. About the end of the game, all i can say is it's incredible. Don't use the
save crystal too early, wait at least until after the party has split up and
rejoined again in the northern cave...I was about level 75 when i beat it, but I
imagine it's possible to do it sooner. Good luck!

Yuffie Alternative:
Always have Red13 and Barret before getting Yuffie After getting Yuffie, make
sure she always is the second character and the third character can be Red13 or
Barret. When you talk to allies , always talk with Yuffie First If in a Doubt
when making choices, remember the object is of getting Tifa/Aeris favour of you
down, and getting Yuffie's favour of you up. Finally , make sure that the Cover
materia is always equipped on Cloud, when Yuffie's in your party, so that he can
protect her.....

Below is what choices you need to date Yuffie, do not be daunted by the
number of instructions.
1.-When you meet Aeris, not in church, in the slums, tell her:
Nothing......hey listen.
2.-Answer : Don't see many flowers around here
3.-When she ask you : You want to buy one ?
4.-Answer: No.
5.- When talk to Jessie in train, choose , I'll be waiting, of course,
after he/she(I'm not sure) show you the map of Midgar.
6.-In front of 7th Heaven, talk to Barret, just one time, when he tell you
something like this: Ok , get in.
7.-When Tifa ask to you: Did you fight with Barret?, say ''I didn't"
8.-when talk to Biggs(about food) say: yes, ok
9.-when talk to Wedge don't choose : I'm not interested
10.- Then, when Tifa says, Did you sleep well?, say : Barret snores a lot
11.- When Barret ask about Materia, say : Ok, I'll explain to you
12.-When talk to Tifa at Bar, say: I don't feel like it.

Underwater Materia:
It is easy to get: You get it in kalm from the locked chest.
you have to talk to some guy.

Underwater Cave:
the itme u mentioned is in an underwater cave, along with a sunken ship and some
awesome itmes. BEWARE unless Shinra kills weapon b4 hand (and they will) weapon
is floating around down there. Weapon can doing 8000+ damn to your whoile group
if u fight him, so try not to dr\ve sub into him. I didnt get materia in rocket,
but i did find a spiot where onlt ocen cokobos can go. Find out chocobo breeds
at a small hut near Snowy villiage (air ship only) u can leanr how to get
Mountai, river, ocean and mix of all 3 chocobos. Final tip for the wise : in
seropths area, there are NO save spots. U do get an item called a save crystal,
but u can only use it once. This fight gets difficult at times so watch it. I
died here and got pissed. Phonix materia (delas fire dam and revies and heal
whole party) is very helpfull. I know i missed stuff, but i got Yuffie , who is
a pain to get. u will lose a few thousand gold getting her.

You do need the key in the safe in the Shinra Mansion to get Vincent, and the
combination is ( right-36, left-10, right-59,and right-97.) Now all you to do is
beat "THE LOST NUMBER", a fairly easy last guy, get the key, the "Odin Materia"
and head down the spiral staircase to open Vincent's Wake him up out
of his coffin keep talking to him until he has nothing else to say, go visit
Sephiroth in the library and when your done with that head back up the staircase
and if Vincent doesn't try to join your party then you didn't talk to him
enough, so go back and talk with him some more. Well there you have it!

Vincent Alternate:
yup i got both, and vincent is hardest to get Vincent, a gun toting Seroth
basically, u must do safe puzzle. opening safe gives u Odin mateira (cuts guys
aprt for instant kill or impales for damage) , akey if u search it and u fight a
boss for more shit. vincent is hidden well. Go to basement and right when u
walk into room to the lab (purpleish) walk up to top wall, u will see a door and
when u open it a coffin or 2. Talk to Vincent (who is in coffin) then go chat
with Seroth who is in Lab. When u leave talk to vincent again. Then go to leave
house and he joins you. Hint: u might have to fight something Called Yin-Yang.
this suckers tough! its 2 creatures and they attack really slowly qand for mass
damage. use your best attacks to drop it quickly. Yuffie is in a forset near
reds area, in a small forseted area surround by mountains. when u fight her, go
talk to her then say u are sacred of her. then when she goes to leave ask her
to wait. then ask her to join. but dont ask her name or she take gold from you
ad runs away. she will tell yiou her name when u go to leave. Later she steal
all of your materia in her home town. its a short quest involving helping the
turks but its pretty easy if u talk to EVERYONE ALOT. u will get a good weapon
for cid and kick Don Corneros ass again. Vincent's linit levels are awesome. he
tunrs into diffenrt beats whio deal massive damage to enemy. Get both of these

You can get the guidebook by going down into the Shinra underwater reactor.
Right before you go into the submarine docks there is a underwater tube that you
walk through. It is the only screen where you can see the outside ocean.
Anyways, you fight a big pirate ship thing that looks like a skeleton holding a
paddle. You use the morph command and morph this guy into the Guidebook.

Several Hints:
The Special Battle at the Gold Saucer allowing you to gain
a.Dio's Diary
b. Dio's Greatest Battles
c. And the second half of Dio's diary
(where do you use these?)
2. Winning the Speed Race at the Saucer where you gain an Item that
describes itself as saving a reactor. (eh?)
3. How do you beat the Earth Elemental?
4. Takes exactly 1,000,000 hp for the Water Elemental
5. What's the Sephiroth Sword used for?
6. I know now that taking both Bahumuts and going to the command Huge
Materia creates Bahumut there any other combos with other
7. There's a locked chest in a house in Kalm...can it be opened?
8. Finding the card that allows you to enter Shinra HQ again at Bone
Village. Dig near the crashed plane...I think.
9. Old Grandmother at the first place you ski at (almost only) asks for
some medicine from a doctor at the lifestream place. Can anything be
done with that?
10. Game at the Saucer where you ski...if you beat all three levels
your given a timed trial.

Magic Pots:
Another thing! If your near the end of the game and at the crater go the
the place where there is the vegitation and water where you fight the
Magic Pots. Use the item cheat and get butt loads of AP points and exp.
all for the elixers. Use the cheat get 99 no prob.

Skiing Chocobo
1. Have any kind of chocobo of your own and any vehicle (car, plane on
water,submerine or air plane). 2. Park your chocobo just beside your vehicle. 3.
Get on your chocobo again.

1). Getting Enemy Skill(have to have copy enemy skill materia)

way to get the skill---can be learned when
+:enemy attacks/using control command
|:using control command
-:enemy attacks

1. kael no uta: turns enemy to toad and make them sleep(+) name:tatchemi(he is a
toad) place:forest in gongaga area(south of gold sauser)
2. level 4 jipoku: gives enemy great damage when its level is divisible by 4(-)
name:muu(looks like a squirrel) place:grassland area(near the chocobo farm)
3. magic hammer: damages 100 magic point(+) name:ashigirisou(looks like grass)
place:udai area(near japanese village)
4. holy wind: heals hit points and cures all stat change(|)
name:zemzeletto(looks like huge white bat) place:zunon area(near the town with a
big cannon)
5. mighty guard: casts wall and haste(|) name:bicheprag(retarded snail?)
place:beach near costa del
6. tenshi no sasayaki: heals all hit points and sures all stat change(|)
name:poransarita(girl) place:dakudonabu(last place before the ending)
7. dragon force: increase defence and magic defence(|) name:dark dragon(looks
like a dragon ^_^ ) place:dakudonabu(last place before the ending)
8. death force: protect from all kinds of death spell(|)
name:adamantaimai(turtle) place:beach near uda(japanese village)
9. kaenhosha: fire attack(+) name:arch dragon(its a big flying insect)
place:mithril mine(cave-west of chocobo farm)
10. laser: cuts enemy's hit point to half(+) name:death claw(its a robot)
place:corel prison(a town under the gold sauser)
11. matora magic: missile attack(-) name:super custum(its a robot) place:near
12. kusaiiki: status attack(-) name:monbol(man eating plant-remember super
mario?) place:gaia no sebbeki (the cliff and the cave in ice area)
13. beta: fire attack(-) name:midogalzu orumu(the giant snake) place:west of
chochobo farm
14. aqua breath: water attack(-) name:jenova life *boss* place:the place where
sephiroth kills Aerith
15. train: lightning attack(-) name:materia keeper(looks like a crab maybe?)
*boss* place:cave-mountain near nivellheim
16. magical breath: fire, ice, and lightning attack(+) name:stilva(looks same as
materia keeper) place:zebbekinsaibu (the cliff and the cave in ice area) 17.
????:hmm i am not sure about this find it out for yourself(-) name:zajji (looks
like a scale) place:shinrayashiki(the big house in nivellheim)
18. goblin punch:very powerful when the attacker and monster's level's last
digit is the same(+) name:goblin place:goblin island
19. chocobocle:the damage increases as the number of time you ran away
increases(-) name:chocobo place:you know where to find it
20. level 5 death:kills enemy if its level is divisible by 5(|)
name:parasaido(err... can't say how it looks like) place:dakudonabu(last place
before the ending)
21. shinosenkoi:can i say time bomb?(condemn in FF3) (+)
name:sutelshisteppu(beast) place:kisokuno doukuchu(the dungeon where redVII's
father died)
22. shino ruletto:death roulette(+) name:death dealer(the guy use to throw
cards) place:dakudonabu(last place before the ending)
23. shadow flare:powerful attack(-) name:altima weapon place:random
24. nantoka???:powerful attack(-) name:undead dragon place:dakudonabu(last place
before the ending)
2) way to get master materia 1. magic master materia: master all magic materias
and choose 1st choice at the green materia
2. command master materia: master all command materias(steal, throw, critical
attack, change to item, control, analyze, and copy) and choose 1st choice at the
yellow materia 3. summom master masteria: master all summoom materia and choose
1st choice at the red materia
3) proven facts 1. there are just 4 huge materias 2. caitsith has just 2 limit
attacks 3. Aerith can be revived!!!!!
4) way to get W materias
1. W-item:go down when you are in the tunnel in the "stop the mad science using
the cannon!" event(last even on 2nd CD) 2. W-summon:get 640000 bps in gold
sauser 3. W-magic:find it in the last dungeon
5) easy way go get status increasing potion go to sunken ship and equip yufi
with her best weapon and "change to an item" materia. Then kill monsters with
the change command. All monsters in the sunken ship give the potions when they
are changed to items.

Aerith Rumors:
OK, first off the rumor started at the FF7 Discussion Group on Jason Crafts
page, the Chocobo Range. The forum was quite popular with the hardcore FF fans
and I was a frequent poster (does the name "Akuma Matata" ring a bell?).
Anyways, rumors began circulating that Aerith could be ressurected and many
people claimed to have seen it but nobody came forth with a solid method (cause
there never was one, but I'll get back to that...). Certain people DID
experience glitches and/or found gameshark codes to bring Aerith back, but
nobody found any REAL way. Enter Lansing. Lansing came on the forum claiming to
work for Square and stated that Aerith can indeed be revived but he wasn't
allowed to say the exact method. Many people of course started the bashing and
denouncing and called him a liar...but me and a select few of others decided
that the best way to get the info was to...well...kiss his ass, and beg. It
worked...Lansing began giving us clues as to how to get Aerith back. The list
stated that you needed 4 things: The Sword of Sephiroth, a key, and a General
who would give you Bakusa and the final item you need if you do little missions
for him... Needless to say, we spread the rumor and the whole discussion group
went on a massive search for this General. Lansings lie was pretty safe...there
is nobody that sends you on any kind of missions (I finally translated all the
text..even though I was slow in doing so). However, he stuck by it and started
giving more clues. Once gamers exhausted every option you can possibly think of
and still nobody had a SOLID clue about the general. Almost all the gamers
publicly bashed Lansing as a liar...and I was about to do so too, until I
realized that I needed to play his little game. I went on the discussion group
and replied to the posts stating that Lansing was "telling the truth" and that
everyone didn't derserve to hear it. I told them that we (there were about 3 of
us) would continue the search and Lansing promised to deliver Aerith when he
quit Square at the end of the month. O.K. sounds good... Up until the end of the
month we are constantly in contact with Lansing asking him questions (and giving
him theories as to what we thought was the right method...)...then the end of
the month came. I was intrigued to see how Lansing would respond considering
Smear and Mooncalf and I had tried literally EVERYTHING pertaing to his first
clues. Then he gave us another clue: You needed to cure the General's Friend in
the pipe at the beginning of the game and the medicine was the "key" that we
needed to do this (why didn't he say medicine before?). We searched everywhere
for this medicine but came up empty. Then Smear, I believe it was, told Lansing
privately about his guess that the six signs had something to do with the
Medicine. LANSING SAID YES! This is key because up until this time NOBODY had
posted anything about this on the FF7 forum...but SOME people (namely me) had
already solved that puzzle and knew that you just got a relic for your work. I
didn't confront him with it. I waited...pretty soon more holes started showing
up in Lansing's clues. He said we needed to go under the fish that Aerith was
buried under and doing that we needed "fish food" to do it and the fish food
could be obtained with an "underwater materia" (which was recently posted as a convienent it shows up in his story the next day). BS...nobody found
it. Then he stated that the medicine we needed to cure the guy was actually
Aerith and she needed to find out who she was to cure the sick friend of the
General (note this completely forgets his earlier "job and Bakusa" method...)
and you could do so before leaving the town. BS...I went back at the latest
possible moment after talking to everyone. Then he said that you need the key of
Midgar to get back into the town and cure him later. Only can't
get it until the second or third CD. Upon realizing this he was looking for
something to change his story. He reverted back to a stray rumor about multiple
endings that was on the forum awhile ago...He told me about them (apparently
attempting to see if I would buy it)...and I pretended like I did. The the next
day, came his post about the process being cut and he stated the real process
involved Aerith curing the sick guy but that Square "took out" the key so that
you couldn't do it cause the game wasn't finsihed...but that capper is that he
said the real endings were STILL left on the CD (and popping your CD in the
CDROM of your computer would verify three seperate files) and it is here where
we got him. Many people simply converted the movie files and watched Lansing's
"proof" go down the toilet. Square never inteded for Aerith to be ressurected
and this whole story was made up by a rumor specialist to save face (
can't see anyone on the internet).
If you still don't believe me notice how his clues completely changed over
time... I have left out a lot MORE proof (but I don't want to spend all day
typing this)...but consider this...his story changed completely over time but he
insisted he knew about the method from the original script Square had (note:
Scripts don't change information over time...) and that he indeed worked for
Square as a translator for FF7. Too bad Sony is translated the game (why do you
think THEY made the statement that FF7 will not be altered)...sorry I took so
long to get to the solid proof, but I wanted to show you beyond reasonable
doubt...that Square did not make an unfinished game and you WILL NOT GET A
"REAL" VERSION! Sony is delaying the game till September (like they did last
year) because they want to save the top titles for the Christmas Season. Now I
don't want to hear any more rumors about this AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME!

Master Materias:
I finally defeated the green weapon swimming around underwater. He gave me a
ton of experience and also this item called earth harp, which I thought had no
use at all. Well, I was screwing around and I went to the town of Kalm ( the
one to the northeast of Midgar) and I went into the southeastern most house. On
the second floor, there is an old man who if you talk to him will ask you if you
want to trade the earth harp for something. I said yes and he gave me ALL 3
MASTER MATERIAS!!! That's right, master summon, master magic, and master
command. He then asks for a "desert rose" and a figured that the red weapon in
the desert had it so I beat him and got the desert rose and took it back to the
old man. He gave me an ocean crossing chocobo for it, which wasn't that great
because I already have one. The old man then says he now only needs an item
called "GUIDEBOOK" and he can start his journey to pray for dead people's souls.
He gives me a clue that says " a map sunk along with the ship....GUIDEBOOK." I
have gone through the bottom of the ocean and the sunken Shinra plane for hours
and I can't find the "guidebook". Will someone please look into this and e-mail
me back with suggestions. You can e-mail at Even if
you can't find the guide book, this is a much easier way to get the 3 master
materias because the green weapon isn't that tough if you know the right combos.

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Saves an verschiedenen Stellen des Games

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Feindeskönnen FAQ deutsch

15.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 100, alle Summons inklusive 2 Ritter der round spells, alles Material, alle Gegenstände, alle ultimativen Waffen. Übermittelt von: Andrew Castillo (

15.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Code Guide
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Dieser Trainer bietet nun ungelogen 115 (!!!) Möglichkeiten der Manipulation an

16.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Speed Walkthrough

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: Everything at Boss Fight

16.Oktober 2013
European Version: Everything at Boss Fight

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 199. Ausserdem gibts alles was man braucht in Massen

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Monster Treasure Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Materia Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lucky 7's FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goodies FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
General FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Extra FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon Easy

13.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020