Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

12.10.2013 08:01:30
Gamehack Code Guide
Final Fantasy VII PC Version
Gamehack Code Guide
Version 3.0

Author: Supernova 232

Best Viewed in WordPad!

(***please e-mail me if anything is wrong, if you have suggestions
questions or comments.***)

Revision History:

Version 1.0 (first version)-

Gold Saucer Mini Games
Character codes
Weapon Codes
Armlet Codes
Misc. Codes
Character Editing
Item Codes
Chocobo Codes

Version 2.0

Gold Saucer Mini Games (still havn't found those sub game codes)
Character Codes
Weapon Codes
Armlet Codes
Misc. Codes
Character Editing
Item Codes
Chocobo Codes
Accessorie Edit Codes
Battle Selecion Modifier
Materia/Materia List

Version 3.0 (this one)

Gold Saucer Mini Games (still havn't found those sub game codes)
Character Codes *UPDATED
The name table *Updated
Weapon Codes
Armlet Codes
Misc. Codes
Character Editing
Item Codes
Chocobo Codes
Accessorie Edit Codes
Battle Selecion Modifier
Materia/Materia List




After a long long search on character codes, I came finally
found out what I was missing. See, there were many addresses
beetween 'all limits' and '[character]HP', and I had no clue
what they did, but after a long, long search of the menue
screens, I finally know what they do. Please refer to the
'character codes' section, and check for somenew codes.


Here it is- A full Gamehack Code Guide. Although these Gamehack
codes are strictly for the computer version of FF7, They are just as
good as the ones for the PSX Version.
Although FF7 is one of the most Popular games, I have yet to see
a Gamehack code guide, so that's why its here.
For later Versions of this Guide, you will see them at Gamefaqs,
Possibly neoseekers (if they put it on)
or my site - please go to : It will be
put up shortly.
Although it is a Final Fantasy Art Gallery, at the bottom of this
page will be a link to this Guide (or its updated versions)

Now, without further adu -
The final Fantasy VII, N/A, PSX, Gamehack code Guide,
Version 2.0. I hope you Enjoy

Table of Contents:

0.0 - What is GameHack
0.1 - What you need
0.2 - Why I made this
0.3 - Authors Notes
0.4 - Intro
0.5 - The byte table
1.1 - Gold Saucer Mini Games
1.2 - Character codes
1.3 - Weapon Codes
1.4 - Armlet Codes
1.5 - Misc. Codes
1.6 - Character Editing
1.7 - Item Codes
1.8 - Chocobo Codes
1.9 - Accessory Codes
1.10 - Battle Selection Modifier
1.11 - Materia/Materia List
2.0 - Thanks list

0.0 - What is Gamehack?

Gamehack is the ultimate cheat device. It's cheap ($$) and usable
on any windows game. It's use is just like gameshark and gameshark
codes (except there gamehack codes)And you don't have to buy all this
extra stuff to search for codes, (expansion packs, sharkwire). It
comes in one big package. Its great. Go to the gamehack homepage to
get a copy of it.

0.1 - What you need:

You can't use any of these codes unless first, you have final
fantasy VII for the PC version. You'll also need a copy of Gamehack.
For those of you that are new to gamehack, it is sort of like a
gameshark for the computer. You can get a copy at

Once you have all of these, your ready to cheat.

0.2 - Why I made this:

Well. Theres one reason:
Gamehack is a great cheat device. In some ways, it could be
better than Gameshark. But what I noticed was, there was no code guides
for this great cheat system. And so, I begain, and finally, it was finished.

0.3 - Authors Notes:

Remember. Gamehack is for the use of everyone. You should cheat with
gamehack, but also explore, and make codes of your own. There are probably
codes that I havn't recorded here. Send me some if you've found some codes
I don't have!
In my e-mail, a very good question came up. Its something i didn't explain
so i guess I will have to do it here. In gamehack, you can't simply add a
new code (without an old one first). For this reason, some people who were
new to gamehack came to the conclusion that you 'search' the code, putting
the address in. This is wrong. It may find thousands of results, or none.
To add your own codes, you'll have to do it the way outlined below. (this
is my way of doing it, and it is not nessesarily the only way)

Adding codes to gamehack:

Simply search for a number. Do not search for 0 or 1, because too many
results will come up too fast, and they won't be shown. I search for '9999'.
It usually comes up with three addresses. You will have to search for a
number and have low enough addresses that they show up. Anyways, chose
the number, enter it, and stop the search after one or more results. Now
there should be a code around the top of the gamehack screen. (Its best
not to screw with codes like this that are unknown). Double click it
and it should appear around the bottom half of the gamehack screen. Now
you will be able to edit this code. Simply right click the code, chose
edit and enter the addresses in this Faq in the line 'address'. Then make
a description to the code and voila, you have your code. You can also
edit values and how many bytes the code is.
To add a second code, just right click the first code, and select new.
you should repeat the process with the next code.

0.4 - Intro:

Before beginning, you will have to load FF7, and then load gamehack,
and THEN set Gamehack to the program "DEFAULT", or whatever the programs
name is. This could be "FF7", "final 7" and so on. For me it was "default"
, but it may not be the same for you. This should lock gamehack onto the
coding of Final Fantasy VII. Remember to set Gamehack to the program after
loading FFVII. For further instruction on using gamehack, read the help files.

If you see anything that is wrong, then please contact me. I will give you
credit at the bottom of the document. Thanks, and enjoy.

0.5 - The Byte Table:

By using the Byte Table, you will learn how much value to add to codes
that have different byte rates:

1 byte--------- Allows values from 0 - 255

2 bytes-------- Allows values from 0 - 65535

4 bytes-------- Allows values from 0 - 4294967295

8 bytes-------- Allows values from (-) 9223372036854775808 -
(+) 9223372036854775807

so by learning these, you will have to change byte sizes to get certain



All the codes:

1.1 Gold Saucer:

The Wonder Square

Super Dunk - This code allows you to get as much GP for dunking one ball
in the game Super Dunk. (note- no matter how many dunks you get, you will
only get the amount of GP you put in.

00Cb2b81 - (Freeze to ?)

G-Bike- This Code will allow you to edit your Score in the G-Bike game at
gold Saucer.

00D7D2CC (freeze to 1-99999999)

3d- Battler- This code will allow you to alter the amount of times you have
to hit your enemy, before killing them

(note- but using this code does not in hp or anything. It's the amount of
times you've hit your enemy. So if you put the value to 9, then if you hit
the enemy once, you will win. You will have to put both codes to the same
value for it to work. DO NOT FREEZE. Don't Freeze these codes. If you do,
your enemies HP will stay at the value and never go down (or should I say
up) it would make him invincible.

There is a small bug when using this code the wrong way. First of all,
if you FREEZE the codes to 9, then the enemy will be invincible. But he
will act like he was killed, and then you will have to fight him again.
Try it out, Have fun and don't worry to much about it.

Snowboarding Game- This code will allow you to change how many points you get.

00DC9A1C (Freeze at 1-40) 1 byte
00DC9A12 (Freeze at 1-40) 1 byte
00DC9A14 (Freeze at 1-30) 1 byte
00DC9A18 (Freeze at 1-100) 1 byte

I havn't found much out about the Sub game.

Speed Square

00C30DFC (Freeze at 1-34463) 2 bytes

(note- for this code, I noticed that you will not receive a prize. This may be
just because its an Impossiple score to get, without cheating.

I'm trying to find a code to keep you Power Gauge at full but right now, I wont
be able to. I will update in later versions.


| THE NAME TABLE (updated) |
| Use the specific number to get the desired character |
| |
| 1= ! 36= D 71= g 106= ä |
| 2= " 37= E 72= h 107= ã |
| 3= # 38= F 73= i 108= å |
| 4= $ 39= G 74= j 109= ç |
| 5= % 40= H 75= k 110= è |
| 6= & 41= I 76= l 111= é |
| 7= ' 42= J 77= m 112= ê |
| 8= ( 43= K 78= n 113= ë |
| 9= ) 44= L 79= o 114= ì |
| 10= * 45= M 80= p 115= í |
| 11= + 46= N 81= q 116= î |
| 12= , 47= O 82= r 117= ï |
| 13= - 48= P 83= s 118= ñ |
| 14= . 49= Q 84= t 119= ò |
| 15= / 50= R 85= u 120= ó |
| 16= 0 51= S 86= v 121= ô |
| 17= 1 52= T 87= w 122= ö |
| 18= 2 53= U 88= x 123= õ |
| 19= 3 54= V 89= y 124= ù |
| 20= 4 55= W 90= z 125= ú |
| 21= 5 56= X 91= { 126= û |
| 22= 6 57= Y 92= | 127= ü |
| 23= 7 58= Z 93= } 128= ¤ |
| 24= 8 59= [ 94= ~ 129= º |
| 25= 9 60= \ 95= 130= ¢ |
| 26= : 61= ] 96= Ä 131= £ |
| 27= ; 62= ^ 97= Á 132= ú |
| 28= < 63= _ 98= Ç 133= ù |
| 29= = 64= ` 99= É 134= |
| 30= > 65= a 100= Ñ 135= ¸ |
| 31= ? 66= b 101= Ö 136= (r) |
| 32= @ 67= c 102= Ü 137= (c) |
| 33= A 68= d 103= à 138= (tm) |

| 34= B 69= e 104= á 139= ' |
| 35= C 70= f 105= â 140= ¨ |

Note- What the 'times limit break (#) used means'

When I was testing these codes, i thought "what the hell do these do". They
weren't doing anything. But I thought and thought. And one battle, when I
used a limit break, boom, I gained 4 limits, all in that one battle. So,
how does it work?
Basically, adding this codes address triggers the limit breaks.
(this depends on what character, and what value). Next, the value you put
in will basically tell the game how many times that limit break for that
character was used. so for an example, I used cloud, limit one, and set the
value to 100. Then I go into battle, use his limit, and win. Now you will
notice that you get some new limits.
Basically, all this code is doing, is telling the computer that you
used this limit the ammount of times you put the value too.
One thing to note, using this code, is that you HAVE to use the limit
in the battle, or the code won't work.

CODE Discription Value that the code Byte/s
should be set to.

00DB1384 - Cloud's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1385 - Cloud's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1386 - Cloud's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1387 - Cloud's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1388 - Cloud's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1389 - Cloud's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB138A - Cloud's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB138B - Cloud's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB138C - Cloud's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1375 - Cloud's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB1376 - Cloud's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1377 - Cloud's Intellegence (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1378 - Cloud's Magic Power (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1379 - Cloud's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB137A - Cloud's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB137B - Cloud's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1396 - All Limits for Cloud (763) 2 bytes
00DB1399 - Times Limit break 1 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139A - Times Limit Break 2 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139B - Times Limit Break 3 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139C - Times Limit Break 4 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139D - Times Limit Break 5 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139E - Times Limit Break 6 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB139F - Times Limit Break 7 used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB13A0 - Cloud's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB13A2 - Cloud's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB13A4 - Cloud's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB13A6 - Cloud's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB13B0 - Cloud's game EXP. (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1390 - Cloud's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB1391 - Cloud's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB1392 - Cloud's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB1408 - Barret's name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1409 - Barret's name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140A - Barret's name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140B - Barret's name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140C - Barret's name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140D - Barret's name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140E - Barret's name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB140F - Barret's name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1408 - Barret's name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1410 - Barret's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB13FA - Barret's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB13FB - Barret's Intellegence(1-255) 1 byte
00DB13FC - Barret's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB13FD - Barret's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB13FE - Barret's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB13FF - Barret's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB141A - All limits for Barret (763) 2 bytes
00DB141D - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB141E - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB141F - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1420 - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1421 - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1422 - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1423 - Times Limit Break 7 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1424 - Barret's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1426 - Barret's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1328 - Barret's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB142A - Barret's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB1434 - Barret's game EXP. (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1414 - Barret's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB1415 - Barret's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB1416 - Barret's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB148C - Tifa's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB148D - Tifa's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB148E - Tifa's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB148F - Tifa's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1490 - Tifa's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1491 - Tifa's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1492 - Tifa's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1493 - Tifa's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1484 - Tifa's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB147D - Tifa's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB147E - Tifa's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB147F - Tifa's Intellegence (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1480 - Tifa's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1481 - Tifa's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1482 - Tifa's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1483 - Tifa's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB149E - All limits for TIFA (22235) 2 bytes
00DB14A1 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A2 - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A3 - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A4 - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A5 - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A6 - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A7 - Times Limit Break 7 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB14A8 - Tifa's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB14AA - Tifa's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB14AC - Tifa's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB14AE - Tifa's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB14B8 - Tifa's Game EXP (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1498 - Tifa's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB1499 - Tifa's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB1500 - Tifa's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB1510 - Aeris's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1511 - Aeris's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1512 - Aeris's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1513 - Aeris's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1514 - Aeris's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1515 - Aeris's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1516 - Aeris's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1517 - Aeris's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1518 - Aeris's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1502 - Aeris's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB1503 - Aeris's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1504 - Aeris's Intellegence (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1505 - Aeris's Magic power (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1506 - Aeris's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1507 - Aeris's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1508 - Aeris's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1523 - All limit breaks for (763) 1 byte
00DB1526 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1527 - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1528 - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1529 - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB152A - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB152B - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB152C - Aeris's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB152E - Aeris's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1530 - Aeris's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB1532 - Aeris's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB153C - Aeris's game EXP. (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB151C - Aeris's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB151D - Aeris's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB151E - Aeris's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB1594 - Red XIII's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1595 - Red XIII's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1596 - Red XIII's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1597 - Red XIII's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1598 - Red XIII's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1599 - Red XIII's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB159A - Red XIII's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB159B - Red XIII's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB159C - Red XIII's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1585 - Red XIII's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB1586 - Red XIII's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1587 - Red XIII's Intellegence(1-255) 1 byte
00DB1588 - Red XIII's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1589 - Red XIII's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB158A - Red XIII's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB158B - Red XIII's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB15A6 - All limits for Red XIII (763) 2 bytes
00DB15A9 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AA - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AB - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AC - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AD - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AE - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15AF - Times Limit Break 7 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB15B0 - Red XIII's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB15B2 - Red XIII's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB15B4 - Red XIII's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB15B6 - Red XIII's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB15C0 - Red's Game EXP. (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB15A0 - Red XIII's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB15A1 - Red XIII's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB15A2 - Red XIII's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB1618 - Yuffie's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1619 - Yuffie's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161A - Yuffie's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161B - Yuffie's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161C - Yuffie's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161D - Yuffie's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161E - Yuffie's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB161F - Yuffie's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1620 - Yuffie's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1609 - Yuffie's Level (1-255) 1 byte
00DB160A - Yuffie's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB160B - Yuffie's Intellegence(1-255) 1 byte
00DB160C - Yuffie's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB160D - Yuffie's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB160E - Yuffie's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB160F - Yuffie's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB162A - All limits for Yuffie(763) 2 bytes
00DB162D - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB162E - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB162F - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1630 - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1631 - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1632 - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1633 - Times Limit Break 7 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1634 - Yuffie's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1636 - Yuffie's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1638 - Yuffie's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB163A - Yuffie's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB1644 - Yuffie's Game EXP (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1624 - Yuffie's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB1625 - Yuffie's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB1626 - Yuffie's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB169C - Cait Sith's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB169D - Cait Sith's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB169E - Cait Sith's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB169F - Cait Sith's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB16A0 - Cait Sith's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB16A1 - Cait Sith's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB16A2 - Cait Sith's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB16A3 - Cait Sith's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB16A4 - Cait Sith's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB168D - Cait Sith's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB168E - Cait Sith's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB168F - Cait Sith's Intellegence(1-255) 1 byte
00DB1690 - Cait Sith's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1691 - Cait Sith's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1692 - Cait Sith's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1693 - Cait Sith's Dexterity(1-255) 1 byte
00DB16AE - All limits for Cait Sith(23) 1 byte
00DB16B2 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB16B4 - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB16B8 - Cait Sith's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB16BA - Cait Sith's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB16BC - Cait Sith's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB16BE - Cait Sith's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB16C8 - Cait sith's Game EXP.(1-?) 4 bytes
00DB16A8 - Cait Sith's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB16A9 - Cait Sith's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB16B0 - Cait Sith's Accessory(0-31) 1 byte

00DB17A4 - Cid's Name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17A5 - Cid's Name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17A6 - Cid's Name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17A7 - Cid's Name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17A8 - Cid's Name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17A9 - Cid's Name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17AA - Cid's Name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17AB - Cid's Name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB17AC - Cid's Name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1795 - Cid's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB1796 - Cid's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1797 - Cid's Intelligence (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1798 - Cid's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1799 - Cid's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB179A - Cid's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB179B - Cid's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB17B6 - all limits for Cid (763) 2 bytes
00DB17B9 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BA - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BB - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BC - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BD - Times Limit Break 5 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BE - Times Limit Break 6 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17BF - Times Limit Break 7 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB17C0 - Cid's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB17C2 - Cid's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB17C4 - Cid's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB17C6 - Cid's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB17D0 - Cid's Game EXP (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB17B0 - Cid's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB14B1 - Cid's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB14B1 - Cid's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

00DB1720 - Vincent's name #1 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1721 - Vincent's name #2 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1722 - Vincent's name #3 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1723 - Vincent's name #4 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1724 - Vincent's name #5 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1725 - Vincent's name #6 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1726 - Vincent's name #7 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1727 - Vincent's name #8 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1728 - Vincent's name #9 (33-58) (65-90) 1 byte
00DB1711 - Vincent's Level (1-99) 1 byte
00DB1712 - Vincent's Strength (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1713 - Vincent's Intellegence(1-255) 1 byte
00DB1714 - Vincent's Magic (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1715 - Vincent's Vitality (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1716 - Vincent's Luck (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1717 - Vincent's Dexterity (1-255) 1 byte
00DB1732 - All limits for Vincent(763) 2 bytes
00DB1735 - Times Limit Break 1 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1737 - Times Limit Break 2 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB1739 - Times Limit Break 3 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB173A - Times Limit Break 4 Used (0-?) 2 bytes
00DB173C - Vincent's HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB173E - Vincent's Max HP (1-9999) 2 bytes
00DB1740 - Vincent's MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB1742 - Vincent's Max MP (1-999) 2 bytes
00DB174C - Vincent's Game EXP (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB172C - Vincent's Weapon (0-127) 1 byte
00DB172D - Vincent's Armlet (0-31) 1 byte
00DB172D - Vincent's Accessory (0-31) 1 byte

0099A1C5 -- Character 1 battle timer 1 byte
0099A209 -- Character 2 battle timer 1 byte
0099A24D -- Character 3 battle timer 1 byte

For these codes, set them to 255 for battle timer always full,
so you can attack full force without stopping, or set to 0 for
it to always stay empty (0 is not a good choice)



These codes corrospond with the character codes. Use the specific Weapon
code from which character you want. The numbers shown after the weapons
in this list are the values you should set the codes to. The reason i say
(0-?) is because after weapons for weapons, there armours for weapons.
Then accessories for weapons or something like that.
(anyone experimented with float negative numbers?)


Cloud's Weapons (16 Weapons in all)

0 - Buster Sword
1 - Mythril Saber
2 - Hardedge
3 - Butterfly Edge
4 - Enhance Sword
5 - Organics
6 - Crystal Sword
7 - Force Stealer
8 - Rune Blade
9 - Murasame
10 - Nail Bat
11 - Yoshiyuki
12 - Apocalypse
13 - Heaven's Cloud
14 - Ragnarok
15 - Ultima Weapon

Tifas Weapons (16 Weapons in all)

16 - Leather Glove
17 - Metal Knuckle
18 - Mythril Claw
19 - Grand Glove
20 - Tiger Fang
21 - Diamond Knuckle
22 - Dragon Claw
23 - Crystal Glove
24 - Motor Drive
25 - Platinum Fist
26 - Kaiser Knuckle
27 - Work Glove
28 - Powersoul
29 - Master Fist
30 - God's Hand
31 - Premium Heart

Barret's Weapons (16 Weapons in all)

32 - Gatling Gun
33 - Assault Gun
34 - Cannon Ball
35 - Atomic Scissors
36 - Heavy Vulcan
37 - Chainsaw
38 - Microlaser
39 - A*M Cannon
40 - W Machine Gun
41 - Drill Arm
42 - Solid Bazooka
43 - Rocket Punch
44 - Enemy Launcher
45 - Pile Banger
46 - Max Ray
47 - Missing Score

Red XIII Weapons (14 Weapons in all)

48- Mythril Clip
49 - Diamond Pin
50 - Silver Barrette
51 - Gold Barrette
52 - Adaman Clip
53 - Crystal Comb
54 - Magic Comb
55 - Plus Barrette
56 - Centclip
57 - Hairpin
58 - Seraph Comb
59 - Behimoth Horn
60 - Spring Gun Clip
61 - Limited Moon

Aeris Weapons (11 weapons in all)

62 - Guard Stick
63 - Mythril Rod
64 - Full Metal Staff
65 - Striking Staff
66 - Prism Staff
67 - Aurora Rod
68 - Wizard Staff
69 - Wizer Staff
70 - Fairy Tale
71 - Umbrella
72 - Princess Guard

Cid's Weapons (14 weapons in all)

73 - Spear
74 - Slash Lance
75 - Trident
76 - Mast Axe
77 - Partisan
78 - Viper Halberd
79 - Javelin
80 - Grow Lance
81 - Mop
82 - Dragoon Lance
83 - Scimitar
84 - Flayer
85 - Spirit Lance
86 - Venus Gospel

Yuffie's Weapons (14 weapons in all)

87 - 4-point Shuriken
88 - Boomerang
89 - Pinwheel
90 - Razor Ring
91 - Hawkeye
92 - Crystal Cross
93 - Wind Slash
94 - Twin Viper
95 - Spiral Shuriken
96 - Superball
97 - Magic Shuriken
98 - Rising Sun
99 - Oritsuru
100 - Conformer

Cait Sith's Weapons (13 Weapons in all)

101 - Yellow M-phone
102 - Green M-phone
103 - Blue M-phone
104 - Red M-phone
105 - Crystal M-phone
106 - White M-phone
107 - Black M-phone
108 - Silver M-phone
109 - Trumpet Shell
110 - Gold M-phone
111 - Battle Trumpet
112 - Starlight Phone
113 - HP Shout

Vincents Weapons (13 weapons In all)

114 - Quicksilver
115 - Shotgun
116 - Shortbarrel
117 - Lariat
118 - Winchester
119 - Peacemaker
120 - Buntline
121 - Long Barrel R
122 - Silver Rifle
123 - Sniper CR
124 - Supershot ST
125 - Outsider

126 - Death Penalty
127 - Masamune

128 - Bronze Bangle *these armlets will have no attack power when*
129 - Iron Bangle *used*
130 - Titan Bangle
131 - Mythril Armlet
132 - Carbon Bangle
133 - Silver Armlet
134 - Gold Armlet
135 - Diamond Bangle
136 - Crystal Bangle
137 - Platinum Bangle
138 - Rune Armlet
139 - Edincoat
140 - Wizard Bracelet
141 - Adaman Bangle
142 - Gigas Armlet
143 - Imperial Guard
144 - Aegis Armlet
145 - Fourth Bracelet
146 - Warrior Bangle
147 - Shinra Beta
148 - Shinra Alpha
149 - Four Slots
150 - Fire Armlet
151 - Aurora Armlet
152 - Bolt Armlet
153 - Dragon Armlet
154 - Minerva Band
155 - Escort Guard
156 - Mystile
157 - Ziedrich
158 - Precious Watch
159 - Chocobo Bracelet

1.4 - ARMLET LIST: (0-30)
(same as the above as adding them, just with the Armlet codes)

0 - Bronze Bangle
1 - Iron Bangle
2 - Titan Bangle
3 - Mythril Armlet
4 - Carbon Bangle
5 - Silver Armlet
6 - Gold Armlet
7 - Diamond Bangle
8 - Crystal Bangle
9 - Platinum Bangle
10 - Rune Armlet
11 - Edincoat
12 - Wizard Bracelet
13 - Adaman Bangle
14 - Gigas Armlet
15 - Imperial Guard
16 - Aegis Armlet
17 - Fourth Bracelet
18 - Warrior Bangle
19 - Shinra Beta
20 - Shinra Alpha
21 - Four Slots
22 - Fire Armlet
23 - Aurora Armlet
24 - Bolt Armlet
25 - Dragon Armlet
26 - Minerva Band
27 - Escort Guard
28 - Mystile
29 - Ziedrich
30 - Precious Watch

1.5 - Misc. Codes

00DB1EE2 -- Save Anywhere (0) 1 byte
00DB1EA0 -- Timer Reset (0-?) 4 bytes
0098F970 -- EXP recieved after battle (1-?) 4 bytes
0098F974 -- AP recieved after battle (1-50000) 2 bytes
0098F978 -- Gil recieved after battle (1-?) 4 bytes

00DB200E -- GP (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1E9C -- Gil (1-?) 4 bytes
00DB1F34 -- BP (1-?) 4 bytes

00DAE0C1 -- Random battles
(using this code is odd. Freezing this to 16 is the normal amount of battle
percentage you would get. 0 Would be none.)

00DB1EE2 - Access menu's #1 (255)
(this code is to have options 1-8 accessible.
OODB1EE3 - Access Menus's #2 (0)
This is for PHS and SAVE to be Accessible

00DB1EE0 - Menu Control #1 (255)
This is to have options 1-8 Visible

00DB1EE1 - Menu Control #2 (0)
PHS and SAVE hidden

(note- using this code can be bad. if you use the PHS when there isn't anyone
on your team (such as at the start of the game) you will be stuck in the PHS

00DB1EDC --Total Battles Fought (1-?) 2 bytes
00DB1EDE -- Times Run Away (1-?) 2 bytes

0099C958 -- Enemy 1 HP (1-?) 4 bytes
0099C9C0 -- Enemy 2 HP
0099CA28 -- Enemy 3 HP
0099CA90 -- Enemy 4 HP
0099CAF8 -- Enemy 5 HP
0099CB60 -- Enemy 6 HP

0099A2D5 -- Enemy 1 battle Timer (set to 0 for) 1 byte
0099A319 -- Enemy 2 battle Timer (enemy not to)
0099A35D -- Enemy 3 battle Timer (attack)
0099A3A1 -- Enemy 4 battle Timer
0099A3E5 -- Enemy 5 battle Timer
0099A429 -- Enemy 6 battle Timer

00DB1F04 -- Key Item 1
00DB1F06 -- Key Item 3
00DB1F07 -- Key Item 4
00DB1F08 -- Key Item 5 Set to 255 (ALL)
00DB1F09 -- Key Item 6
00DB1F0A -- Key Item 7
00DB1F0B -- Key Item 8
00DB1F0C -- Key Item 9
00DB1F0D -- Key Item 10

00CB2B9D -- Junon Rating 1
00CF0CE8 -- Junon Rating 2

00CB2B89 -- Gaia Cliff Temp 1 1 byte
00CF0CB8 -- Gaia Cliff Temp 2 1 byte


00DB1818 -- 01 - Character - Top Caracter.
00DB1819 -- 02 - Character - Middle Character.
00DB181A -- 03 - Character - Bottom Character.


0 - Cloud
1 - Barret
2 - Tifa
4 - Aeris
5 - Yuffie
6 - Cait Sith
7 - Valentine
8 - Cid
9 - Young Cloud
10 - Sephiroth
11 - Chocobo

Character Editing Notes-

This is a real glichy code. You might have problems with Young Cloud,
Sephiroth, Chocobo,and Aeris (that is, after she is dead). I will try to
find a more stabler code, (but im not sure if that would be possible.)

1.7 Item List

00DB181C -- Item 1 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB181D -- Item 1 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB181E -- Item 2 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB181F -- Item 2 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB1820 -- Item 3 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB1821 -- Item 3 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB1822 -- Item 4 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB1823 -- Item 4 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB1824 -- Item 5 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB1825 -- Item 5 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB1826 -- Item 6 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB1827 -- Item 6 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB1828 -- Item 7 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB1829 -- Item 7 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB182A -- Item 8 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB182B -- Item 8 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB182C -- Item 9 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB182D -- Item 9 Amount(1-99) 1 byte
00DB182E -- Item 10 (0-255) 1 byte
00DB182F -- Item 10Ammount(1-99) 1 byte

0098f9A0 Item 1 after battle
0098f9A2 Item 1 after battle ammount

0098f9A6 Item 2 after battle
0098f9A8 Item 2 after battle ammount

0098f9AC Item 3 after battle
0098f9AE Item 3 after battle ammount

0098f9B2 Item 4 after battle
0098f9B4 Item 4 after battle ammount

Set the code "Item ?" to one of these items, then set the code "item 1 amount"
for how much of that item you want

0 -- Potion
1 -- Hi-Potion
2 -- X-Potion
3 -- Ether
4 -- Turbo Ether
5 -- Elixir
6 -- Megalixir
7 -- Phoenix Down
8 -- Antidote
9 -- Soft
10 -- Maiden's Kiss
11 -- Cornucopia
12 -- Echo Screen
13 -- Hyper
14 -- Tranquilizer
15 -- Remedy
16 -- Smoke Bomb
17 -- Speed Drink
18 -- Hero Drink
19 -- Vaccine
20 -- Grenade
21 -- Shrapnel
22 -- Right arm
23 -- Hourglass
24 -- Kiss of Death
25 -- Spider Web
27 -- Mute Mask
28 -- War Gong
29 -- Loco weed
30 -- Fire Fang
31 -- Fire Veil
32 -- Antarctic Wind
33 -- Ice Crystal
34 -- Bolt Plume
35 -- Swift Bolt
36 -- Earth Drum
37 -- Earth Mallet
38 -- Deadly Waste
39 -- M-Tentacles
40 -- Stardust
41 -- Vampire Fang
42 -- Ghost Hand
43 -- Vagyrisk Claw
44 -- Light Curtain
45 -- Lunar Curtain
46 -- Mirror
47 -- Holy Torch
48 -- Bird Wing
49 -- Dragon Scales
50 -- Impaler
51 -- Shrivel
52 -- Eye drop
53 -- Molotov
54 -- S-mine
55 -- 8inch Cannon
56 -- Graviball
57 -- T/S Bomb
58 -- Ink
59 -- Dazers
60 -- Dragon Fang
61 -- Cauldron
62 -- Sylkis Greens
63 -- Reagan Greens
64 -- Mimett Greens
65 -- Curiel Greens
66 -- Pahsana Greens
67 -- Tantal Greens
68 -- Krakka Greens
70 -- Tent
71 -- Power Source
72 -- Guard Source
73 -- Magic Source
74 -- Mind Source
75 -- Speed Source
76 -- Luck Source
77 -- Zeio Nut
78 -- Carob Nut
79 -- Porov Nut
80 -- Pram Nut
81 -- Lasan Nut
82 -- Saraha Nut
83 -- Luchile Nut
84 -- Pepio Nut
85 -- Battery
86 -- Tissue

87 -- Omnislash
88 -- Catastrophe
89 -- Final Heaven
90 -- Great Gospel
91 -- Cosmo Memory
92 -- All Creation
93 -- Chaos
94 -- Highwind

95 -- 1/35 Soldier
96 -- Super Sweeper
97 -- Masamune Blade
98 -- Save Crystal
99 -- Combat Diary
100 -- Autograph
101 -- Gambler
102 -- Desert Rose
103 -- Earth Harp
104 -- Guide Book

128 -- Buster Sword
129 -- Mythril Saber
130 -- Hardedge
131 -- Butterfly Edge
132 -- Enhance Sword
133 -- Organics
134 -- Crystal Sword
135 -- Force Stealer
136 -- Rune Blade
137 -- Murasame
138 -- Nail Bat
139 -- Yoshiyuki
140 -- Apocalypse
141 -- Heaven's Cloud
142 -- Ragnarok
143 -- Ultima Weapon

144 -- Leather Glove
145 -- Metal Knuckle
146 -- Mythril Claw
147 -- Grand Glove
148 -- Tiger Fang
149 -- Diamond Knuckle
150 -- Dragon Claw
151 -- Crystal Glove
152 -- Motor Drive
153 -- Platinum Fist
154 -- Kaiser Knuckle
155 -- Work Glove
156 -- Powersoul
157 -- Master Fist
158 -- God's Hand
159 -- Premium Heart

160 -- Gatling Gun
161 -- Assault Gun
162 -- Cannon Ball
163 -- Atomic Scissors
164 -- Heavy Vulcan
165 -- Chainsaw
166 -- Microlaser
167 -- A*M Cannon
168 -- W Machine Gun
169 -- Drill ArM
170 -- Solid Bazooka
171 -- Rocket Punch
172 -- Enemy Launcher
173 -- Pile Banger
174 -- Max Ray
175 -- Missing Score
176 -- Mythril Clip

177 -- Diamond Pin
178 -- Silver Barrette
179 -- Gold Barrette
180 -- Adaman Clip
181 -- Crystal Comb
182 -- Magic Comb
183 -- Plus Barrette
184 -- Centclip
185 -- Hairpin
186 -- Seraph Comb
187 -- Behimoth Horn
188 -- Spring Gun Clip
189 -- Limited Moon

190 -- Guard Stick
191 -- Mythril Rod
192 -- Full Metal Staff
193 -- Striking Staff
194 -- Prism Staff
195 -- Aurora Rod
196 -- Wizard Staff
197 -- Wizer Staff
198 -- Fairy Tale
199 -- Umbrella
200 -- Princess Guard

201 -- Spear
202 -- Slash Lance
203 -- Trident
204 -- Mast Axe
205 -- Partisan
206 -- Viper Halberd
207 -- Javelin
208 -- Grow Lance
209 -- Mop
210 -- Dragoon Lance
211 -- Scimitar
212 -- Flayer
213 -- Spirit Lance
214 -- Venus Gospel

215 -- 4-point Sherukin
216 -- Boomerang
217 -- Pinwheel
218 -- Razor Ring
219 -- Hawkeye
220 -- Crystal Cross
221 -- Wind Slash
222 -- Twin Viper
223 -- Spiral Shuriken
224 -- Superball
225 -- Magic Shuriken
226 -- Rising Sun
227 -- Oritsuru
228 -- Conformer
229 -- Yellow M-phone

230 -- Green M-phone
231 -- Blue M-phone
232 -- Red M-phone
233 -- Crystal M-phone
234 -- White M-phone
235 -- Black M-phone
236 -- Silver M-phone
237 -- Trumpet Shell
238 -- Gold M-phone
239 -- Battle Trumpet
240 -- Starlight Phone
241 -- HP Shout

242 -- Quicksilver
243 -- Shotgun
244 -- Shortbarrel
245 -- Lariat
246 -- Winchester
247 -- Peacemaker
248 -- Buntline
249 -- Long Barrel R
250 -- Silver Rifle
251 -- Sniper CR
252 -- Supershot ST
253 -- Outsider
254 -- Death Penalty

255 Masamune
Pretty Screwed


**When using chocobo Stamina codes, its best to add the code**
**before the start of the race, then just freeze it after the**
**race has started. This will Keep it in the same place the**
**whole race**

(SWTBR=Stay within two bite range)
Chocobo Types
set to =

(0= normal)
(1= Green)
(2= Blue)
(3= Black)
(4= GOLD)

00DB20F3 -- Chocobo 1 type (0-4) 1 byte
00DB2103 -- Chocobo 2 type (0-4) 1 byte
00DB2113 -- Chocobo 3 type (0-4) 1 byte
00DB2123 -- Chocobo 4 type (0-4) 1 byte
00DB2133 -- Chocobo 5 type (0-4) 1 byte
00DB2134 -- Chocobo 6 type (0-4) 1 byte

00DB20E4 Chocobo 1 Speed (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB20E6 Chocobo 1 Speed Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB20E8 Chocobo 1 Sprint (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB20EA Chocobo 1 Sprint Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB20ED Chocobo 1 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB20F1 Chocobo 1 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2209 Chocobo 1 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

00DB20F4 Chocobo 2 Speed 2 bytes
00DB20F6 Chocobo 2 Speed Max 2 bytes
00DB20F8 Chocobo 2 Sprint 2 bytes
00DB20FA Chocobo 2 Sprint Max 2 bytes
00DB20FD Chocobo 2 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2101 Chocobo 2 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB220A Chocobo 2 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

00DB2104 Chocobo 3 Speed (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB2106 Chocobo 3 Speed Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB2108 Chocobo 3 Sprint (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB210A Chocobo 3 Sprint Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB210D Chocobo 3 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2111 Chocobo 3 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB220C Chocobo 3 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

00DB2114 Chocobo 4 Speed (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB2116 Chocobo 4 Speed Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB2118 Chocobo 4 Sprint (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB211A Chocobo 4 Sprint Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB211D Chocobo 4 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2121 Chocobo 4 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB220E Chocobo 4 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

00DB23A7 Chocobo 5 Speed (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23A9 Chocobo 5 Speed Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23AB Chocobo 5 Sprint (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23AD Chocobo 5 Sprint Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23AF Chocobo 5 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB23B1 Chocobo 5 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2210 Chocobo 5 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

00DB23B4 Chocobo 6 Speed (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23B6 Chocobo 6 Speed Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23B8 Chocobo 6 Sprint (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23BA Chocobo 6 Sprint Max (SWTBR) 2 bytes
00DB23BC Chocobo 6 Int (1-255) 1 byte
00DB23BE Chocobo 6 Races Won (1-255) 1 byte
00DB2212 Chocobo 6 Stamina (?) 2 bytes

1.9 Accessory Code List
(use these codes with your character accessory code)
Accessory List:

0 -- Power Wrist
1 -- Protect Vest
2 -- Earring
3 -- Talisman
4 -- Choco Feather
5 -- Amulet
6 -- Champion Belt
7 -- Poison Ring
8 -- Touph Ring
9 -- Circlet
10 -- Star Pendant
11 -- Silver Glasses
12 -- Headband
13 -- Fairy Ring
14 -- Jem Ring
15 -- White Cape
16 -- Sprint Shoes
17 -- Peace Ring
18 -- Ribbon
19 -- Fire Ring
20 -- Ice Ring
21 -- Bolt Ring
22 -- Tetra Elemental
23 -- Safety Bit
24 -- Fury Ring
25 -- Curse Ring
26 -- Protect Ring
27 -- Cat's Bell
28 -- Reflect Ring
29 -- Water Ring
30 -- Sneak Glove
31 -- HypnoCrown

1.10 Battle Selection Modifier

00DABACC -- Character 1 Battle Command 1 2 bytes
00DABAD2 -- Character 1 Battle Command 2 2 bytes
00DABAD8 -- Character 1 Battle Command 3 2 bytes
00DABADE -- Character 1 Battle Command 4 2 bytes

00DABF0C -- Character 2 Battle Command 1 2 bytes
00DABF12 -- Character 2 Battle Command 2 2 bytes
00DABF18 -- Character 2 Battle Command 3 2 bytes
00DABF1E -- Character 2 Battle Command 4 2 bytes

00DAC34C -- Character 3 Battle Command 1 2 bytes
00DAC352 -- Character 3 Battle Command 2 2 bytes
00DAC358 -- Character 3 Battle Command 3 2 bytes
00DAC35E -- Character 3 Battle Command 4 2 bytes

01 = Attack
02 = Magic
03 = Summon
04 = Item
05 = Steal
06 = Sense
07 = Coin
08 = Throw
09 = Morph
10 = D.blow
11 = Manipulate
12 = Mime
13 = Enemy Skill
14 = All
15 - 4X
16 - Blank
17 - Mug
18 - Change
19 - Defend
20 - Limit Break
21 - W-Magic
22 - W-Summon
23 - W-item
24 - Slash All
25 - 2-Cut
26 - Flash
27 - 4-Cut

... MANY MANY MORE. The reason from 28 -on are NOT listed is
because many of them are very glitch.Some Will freeze your computer,
menues will come up, and if you don't use the right item/magic/
whatever, the game will freeze. One thing though. If you want to
experiment with these, I suggest you start with values 200 +. Not
too many will freeze your computer, and theres some cool spells.
(some i havnt seen in the game)

Materia/Materia List

(**to get to the next materia on the list, simply add 4 hex
to the code. This is shown below)

00DB1A9C -- 1st materia in materia list 1 byte
(+4 hex)=
00DB1AA0 -- 2nd materia in materia list 1 byte
(+4 hex)
00DB1AA4 -- 3rd materia in materia list 1 byte
00DB1DB8 -- 200th materia in materia list 1 byte

As shown there, the code 00DB1A9C is the first materia in the
list. once 4 was added, the code equaled 00DB1AA0. This is
the code for the second materia on the list

Materia list:

add value with specific code above.

0 -- MP Plus
1 -- HP Plus
2 -- Speed Plus
3 -- Magic Plus
4 -- Luck Plus
5 -- EXP Plus
6 -- Gil Plus
7 -- Enemy Away
8 -- Enemy Lure
9 -- Chocobo Lure
10 -- Pre-Emptive
11 -- Long Range
12 -- Mega All
13 -- Counter Attack
14 -- Slash-All
15 -- Double Cut
16 -- Cover
17 -- Underwater
18 -- HP<->MP
19 -- W-Magic
20 -- W-Summon
21 -- W-Item
22 -- Blank
23 -- All
24 -- Counter
25 -- Magic Counter
26 -- MP Turbo
27 -- MP Absorb
28 -- HP Absorb
29 -- Elemental
30 -- Added Effect
31 -- Sneak Attack
32 -- Final Attack
33 -- Added Cut
34 -- Steal as well
35 -- Quadra Magic
36 -- Steal
37 -- Sense
38 -- Blank
39 -- Throw
40 -- Morph
41 -- Deathblow
42 -- Manipulate
43 -- Mime
44 -- Enemy Skill
45 -- Blank
46 -- Blank
47 -- Blank
48 -- Master Command
49 -- Fire
50 -- Ice
51 -- Earth
52 -- Lightning
53 -- Restore
54 -- Heal
55 -- Revive
56 -- Seal
57 -- Mystify
58 -- Transform
59 -- Exit
60 -- Poison
61 -- Gravity
62 -- Barrier
63 -- Blank
64 -- Comet
65 -- Time
66 -- Blank
67 -- Blank
68 -- Destruct
69 -- Contain
70 -- Full Cure
71 -- Shield
72 -- Ultima
73 -- Master Magic
74 -- Choco/Mog
75 -- Shiva
76 -- Ifrit
77 -- Ramuh
78 -- Titan
79 -- Odin
80 -- Leviathan
81 -- Bahamut
82 -- Kujata
83 -- Alexander
84 -- Phoenix
85 -- Neo Bahamut
86 -- Hades
87 -- Typhon
88 -- Bahamut ZERO
89 -- Knights of Round
90 -- Master Summon

Characters limit bars (NEW)

*** This Should Be Under Character Codes, But I Decided To Make It ***
*** Seperate so it would be noticed more ***

Brand new. These codes took FOREVER to find. I had to use advance
search methods, and it took close to 5 hours. These codes will 'magically'
bring your characters limit bar completely filled, for unlimited limit
breaks. These are double coding codes. This means that you will have to
add both addresses and add the same value to them to work

0099A470 -- Character 1 limit bar (255) 1 byte
0099A472 -- Character 1 limit bar (255) 1 byte

0099A4A4 -- Character 2 limit bar (255) 1 byte
0099A4A6 -- Character 2 limit bar (255) 1 byte

0099A4D8 -- Character 3 limit bar (255) 1 byte
0099A4E0 -- Character 3 limit bar (255) 1 byte

| |
|--------------------------Version Update ------------------ |

In version 4.0:

Status Ailaments
More Misc. codes (any suggestions)

This FAQ was written for, and could possible be seen at : | Gamefaqs| neoseekers | Final Fantasy Online | My site.


2.0 - Thanks to:

-- Squaresoft for making this game for the computer
-- Gamehack, for making this cheat system
-- Gamefaqs, for actually putting this Guide on
-- neoseekers, for actually putting this Guide on also
-- ;) My brother phil, for entertaining me with binary protocol ;)

To get put on the Thanks list, send me a code that isn't here, or
show me something i did wrong.


3.0- Help, Im running out of Ideas

Please. Send me suggestions, codes i should find out, anything. Im
running out of ideas, so I need them badly. You know my email, so just
think up something I don't have here, and send it to me. Your help will
be much appreciated!

This Guide was completely done by Me (supernova232) This Guide
is Copyright Supernova232 2001. Reproduction of this
Guide without my word is completely

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Saves an verschiedenen Stellen des Games

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Feindeskönnen FAQ deutsch

15.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 100, alle Summons inklusive 2 Ritter der round spells, alles Material, alle Gegenstände, alle ultimativen Waffen. Übermittelt von: Andrew Castillo (

15.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Code Guide
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Dieser Trainer bietet nun ungelogen 115 (!!!) Möglichkeiten der Manipulation an

16.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Speed Walkthrough

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: Everything at Boss Fight

16.Oktober 2013
European Version: Everything at Boss Fight

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 199. Ausserdem gibts alles was man braucht in Massen

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Monster Treasure Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Materia Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lucky 7's FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goodies FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
General FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Extra FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon Easy

13.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020