Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

15.10.2013 14:51:28
Speed Walkthrough

“For the last time…I don’t use any hair care products”




Before I begin, I’d just like to say hello to all my fellow speed junkies. *Hears murmuring* I know…I know…RPG’s and speed don’t mix. You’ll get no argument from me. But finishing the greatest game in the series and, quite possibly, the greatest game ever in a relatively short period of time was just too tempting to pass up.



Outside of a 50-60 minute stretch late in disc one, you’ll be fighting NO random battles. So expect the L1 and R1 buttons to see a lot of action.


Because we’re playing for speed, I’ve omitted many (but not all?) superfluous side events/side quests from this walkthrough.


Yes, the summon spells are easy on the eyes and, in some cases, effective. For the sake of this walkthrough, however, you’ll be using none of them. For that matter, I’d say that +95% of the time the only spells you’ll be using are a couple Enemy skills and Cure.


Try to limit the number of times you access the menu. Let’s say you were to access the menu 180 times in one game (a very reasonable figure) and spend ~1 minute each time…you’d lose 3 hours! If you have to access the menu, try to be as efficient as possible.

Now on with the show…



Materia: Restore

After the classic opening, go to the menu and into configurations. Set everything to their fastest setting. Just proceed to the elevator (you’ll need to “talk” to Jessie and Biggs to open the gates). Just continue along the path until you reach the reactor (don’t forget to take the Restore Materia near the reactor). After Cloud sets the bomb prepare for your first boss fight.

BOSS: Guard Scorpion HP: ~700

Have Cloud attack with Bolt. After you remove ~400hp, the scorpion will raise his tail. Hold off on your attacks until the scorpion lowers its tail. After the battle, you’ll have 10 minutes to make your escape. Don’t forget to equip Barret with the assault gun.

Once you reach daylight, follow Barret up the stairs and you'll run into a flower girl. No time for small talk, so choose the first option. When you come across the soldiers, choose “later!”. Talk to Jessie and then to Barret to move things along on the train.

Materia: All
Item: Ether x3, Tent

When the train comes to a halt make your way to the bar. After your chat with Tifa exit the bar. Barret will come storming in. When he goes to the bottom floor, follow him. After some more dialogue, make your way to the store on the bottom left of town and pick up two more Restore Materia. Go to the second floor of the building on the right to get the All Materia and Ether. Head for the train in the train yard. Talk to Tifa to move things along. Just proceed from car to car until you see the timer on the bottom right of the screen disappear. When you reach the last car, talk to Tifa twice to bail out of the train. Just head up the tunnel until you come to a dead end. Go through the chute on the left. Continue onwards until you reach the open area (grab the Ether along the way). Take the ladder in the middle. In the next area, go down the ladder in the bottom left. Take the ladder in the following room up (don’t forget to grab the tent) and you’ll be in an area identical to the #1 reactor. Ride the pipe down to the bottom floor and continue onwards until you reach the reactor. As you head back, take the steps back up towards the elevator. After a bit of running you’ll encounter your next boss (grab the Ether in the chest). Don’t forget to equip the Assault Gun on Barret (This should be the one and only time you’ve accessed the menu up till now).


BOSS: Air Buster HP: ~1100

Big Shot/Braver will do ~500-600 hp worth of damage from the back so try to time your hits accordingly.

Materia: Cover
Item: Ether
After some small talk with Aeris, you’ll have to maneuver past a couple guards. Select the option to “hold on a minute” each time your given the chance and push the following crates in this order:

Back center

Once you dispose of the soldiers, make your way to the opening at the top of the church. Keep heading west until you reach two boys blocking the entrance to sector 6 and take the exit on top. Exit through the northeast to get to Aeris’ home (there’s an Ether in her yard). After a nap (pick up the potion and phoenix down in the bag), exit the floor by WALKING along the railing. Once you exit the house, head towards the entrance to Sector 6.

Materia: Steal
Item: Ether

After Cloud and Aeris share a moment at a playground, head north to reach the Wall Market. Do the following:

-Head towards the southeast exit. Talk to the heavyset man standing next to the bouncer. Choose “You know a girl named Tifa?”.
-Head north until you reach a man standing in front of a home.
-Head back south and into the clothing store in the upper-left. Talk to the girl.
-Head back north and into the bar on the left and talk to the man standing near the door. Choose “soft” and “shimmers”.
-Go south and into the shop on the upper-right and talk to the man. Choose “what is it?” and “I’ll do it”.
-Go to the restaurant and order a meal to get a coupon (choose “the meal was all right”). Take the coupon to the shop directly below the restaurant and get the digestive medicine.
-Head towards the inn and spend the night. During the middle of the night, spend the 200 gil to get the protein drink.
-Talk to the guy wandering in the southeast to get the member’s card. Go back to the brothel. Enter the room at the upper-left. After the *cough* massage *cough* talk to the girl to get the lingerie. Next, head to the room on top and talk to the girl at the far left to get some make-up put on Cloud.
-Head back to the shop in the upper-right to receive the diamond tiara.
-Head back to the clothing store to get the silk dress.
-Head back north and into the gym on the right. Win the contest to get the blonde wig.
-Head back up north and into the bar. Give the medicine to the lady in the bathroom and receive the “sexy cologne”.
-Head back to the clothing store and change into the dress. Afterwards, make your way to Corneo’s mansion.

Go up the steps and enter the door on the left to find Tifa (and an Ether). Talk to Tifa to get things moving. Afterwards, head back up the steps and into Corneo’s office. After a moment of comic relief, you’ll find yourself in the sewers. After you talk to everyone…

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Aeris: Guard Stick (Lightning), Bronze Bangle
Tifa: Leather Glove (Restore), Bronze Bangle

BOSS: Aps HP: ~1700

Because APS own attack injures himself, this battle won’t be tough. Afterwards, follow the path until you reach the train yard. Pick up the Steal Materia along the way. Make your way through the train yard to reach the Sector 7 slums. Just climb the tower until you reach the top. Prepare for a boss battle.

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Barret: Assault Gun (Cover, Restore), Bronze Bangle
Tifa: Leather Glove (Restore), Bronze Bangle

BOSS: Reno

You’ve got to remove ~1000hp from Reno to win this battle. If one of your allies gets hit with the pyramid attack, just target the pyramid with a physical attack.

Head back to Aeris’ house. After a talk with Aeris’ mom, head back to the Wall Market. Head to the weapons shop, pick up the batteries, then make your way to the area east of Corneo’s mansion and keep climbing until you reach the top, placing the batteries in the sockets as you come across them (you’ll only need to use two batteries).

Materia: Elemental, Enemy Skill, Poison
Item: Elixir

Choose to sneak into the building (trust me, it’s faster) and grab the Elixir near the top. At the 59th floor fight the guards to receive the keycard to the 60th floor. Negotiate your way past the guards here without being seen. When you reach the 61st floor talk to the man walking in the southern area and answer his question with “....” to get another keycard. On the 62nd floor just keep on guessing the password until you get the keycard (If you guess correctly on the first try, you get the Elemental Materia). Skip the 63rd and 64th floors. You’ll have to solve a puzzle on the 65th floor. Open the chests in the following order (just add the pieces in a counter clockwise direction starting with the space just to the right of Cloud as you enter the room):

- Lower chest in upper-left room
- Top chest in upper left room
- Lower chest in lower-left room
- Top chest in lower-left room
- The chest in the upper-right room
- Chest in the room on the right to get the keycard

Go to the 66th floor and into the bathroom located in the northwest. Choose “climb up?” to head up into the vent. Now head back out and follow Hojo to the 67th floor. Continue following him until you reach the cat-like creature in the glass capsule. Head north from here to get to an elevator (grab the Poison Materia on the right). When you arrive on the 68th floor you’ll have to deal with…

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Barret: Assault Gun (Cover, Restore), Bronze Bangle
Red XIII (Preset): Mythril Clip (All-Fire), Mythril Armlet (Sense)

BOSS: Sample-HO512 HP: ~1000

Ignore the little guys. Have Red XIII cast Fire and the other two attack regularly. Afterwards, grab the Enemy Skill Materia and talk to the lab assistant to get keycard 68. Head back down to the elevators on the 66th floor.

Talk with Aeris then choose to rest. When you awaken you’ll find your door unlocked. Go out and talk to the guard, then return to the cell and wake up Tifa. Go back to the knocked out guard and then free your companions. Head towards the elevator to the north and follow the trail of blood until you reach the presidential office. After some dialogue head to the elevator (choose not to remove Cloud and Tifa’s Materia)…

Aeris: Guard Stick (Lightning), Bronze Bangle
Barret: Assault Gun (Cover, Restore), Bronze Bangle
Red XIII: Mythril Clip (Fire), Mythril Armlet

BOSS: Hundred Gunner HP: ~1600

Have Barret attack normally and be your healer. Once you’ve disposed of the Hundred Gunner, it’ll undergo a transformation into…

BOSS: Heli-Gunner HP: ~1000

As with its previous form, this one is also weak against lightning.

After this battle the scene will switch over to Rufus and Cloud.

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle

BOSS: Rufus, Dark Nation HP: (???, ~150)

Eliminate Dark Nation before turning your attention to Rufus. Due to the protection of barrier, you should attack Rufus with Ice. You only have to remove ~500 hp from Rufus to win this battle.

Before the final boss battle at Midgar, you’ll have to survive a mini-game battle. It should be noted here that all damage incurred in the mini-game will carry over to the boss battle. When you reach the end of the road…

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Barret: Assault Gun (Cover, Restore), Titan Bangle (Poison)
Tifa: Leather Glove (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Lightning)

BOSS: Motor Ball HP: ~2600

Motor Ball will have the initial attack. Keep Barret as your healer and have the other two use spells. Once you’ve defeated Motor Ball bid farewell to Midgar.

Item: Megalixir
Time check: 2:20-2:35

Just walk towards the northeast and you’ll eventually hit Kalm. Go to the Inn and Cloud will retell a story about Sephiroth. Grab the Megalixir from the cabinet before you start the story. During the interactive flashback, all you need to do is the following:

1. When you reach Nibelheim, simply head to the inn and talk to Sephiroth and choose to rest.
2. Follow Sephiroth in the plant and talk to him a couple times to move things along.
3. The next scene will take place in the mansion at Nibelheim. Go up the stairs and to the right. Head down and examine the wall to find a secret passage. Follow this passage until you reach the library. When you awaken head back to the library. When Sephiroth leaves, head back to the town.

When you’re out of Kalm, head southeast for the marshes. Wait for the Midgar Zolom to move near the northern tip of the marsh. When it does, simply run across and you should make it*. When you reach the mine, head east until you hit the world map. Continue east to Junon.

*Note: As you’re crossing the marsh, save the game before the Midgar Zolom attacks you. Soft reset and reload the game. The Midgar Zolom should be no where near you, leaving you a clear path across (credit goes to Tru Gamer 45 for discovering this nifty trick).

Materia: Enemy Skill
Item: Force Stealer, Ether x6

When you enter Junon, head to the beach on the southwest. After you talk to the girl…

Cloud: Buster Sword (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Barret: Assault Gun (Cover, Restore), Titan Bangle (Poison)
Tifa: Leather Glove (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Lightning)

BOSS: Bottomswell HP: ~2500

Cast Bio until you poison it. Then have Barret attack with Bio and Cloud with Ice. Keep Tifa as the healer. If you get caught in his water bubble, use a spell to pop it. Keep you hp over 150 because Bottomswell will counter with one final attack when it dies.

After you resuscitate Pricilla, go talk to the lady near the entrance and take a rest. When you awaken, head outside and talk to Priscilla. Head back to the shore and use the dolphin to enter Junon base (don’t move from your original spot, blow the whistle, wait till you land then blow the whistle again to reach the top). Head up the support and keep going until you reach a platform with a button on it. Hit the button to lower the platform and continue onwards into the building. After you change into uniform follow the other soldiers and head towards the parade. Try to get a rating between 39%-49% to get 6x Ether. After some more training, follow the soldiers to the dock. Along the way, buy a Life Materia in the first store, two Hypers at the next store and then go through the third door into the basement to get the Enemy Skill Materia. Afterwards, continue until you reach the docks. Get Rufus’ mood to 100+ to earn a Force Stealer.

Materia: All
Item: Ether, Fire Ring, W-Machine Gun, Turbo Ether

Grab the All Materia and the Ether. Talk to Aeris below and then head towards the top deck and talk to Tifa and Red XIII. Go back down and talk to Aeris again. Head back up and you should now be able to reach Barret. Just talk to him a few times to move things along. After you select your team (put everyone on the back row), head down to the doorway previously guarded by the soldier and enter. As you approach the soldier in red…

Cloud (back row): Force Stealer (Restore, Ice), Bronze Bangle
Barret (back row): Assault Gun (Restore, Cover), Titan Bangle (Poison)
Tifa (back row): Leather Glove (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Lightning)

BOSS: Jenova Birth HP: ~4000

Give everyone a Hyper. Just keep your HP up and attack with ONLY your limit breaks.

When you dock, go to the basement of the Costa Del Sol home and pick up the Fire Ring. When you’re done, head to Mt. Corel in the northwest. Keep heading forward until you go past the reactor and reach the tracks. Continue on the tracks and grab the W-Machine Gun and Turbo Ether in the first area. Take the upper path to get to the control room. Once you hit the control panel back track to the lower path and make your way to North Corel. Sell the White Cape, Star Pendant, Talisman, and Protect Vest and pick up as many Tents before heading to Golden Saucer (remember to leave 3000 gil for the entrance fee). Make your way to Wonder Square (remove Cait Sith’s Manipulate Materia). Afterwards head for the Battle Arena.


Head south into the small town and into the house in the southeast. After Barret tells his story head back to the area you started at and go through the opening in the gate. In the next area head east until you hit a junkyard. Head north to find…

Barret (back row): W-Machine Gun (Restore, Cover, Poison), Titan Bangle
(Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Dyne HP: ~1200

Just keep Barret’s hp above 200 and attack with his “Big Shot” limit for a quick victory.

When you race just hold down R1, R2, L1, L2, and you should be able to sprint a majority of the way. After you win the race, you’ll get the buggy. Drive it south past the river and west to reach Cosmo Canyon*.

*Note: Wander the shores just south of the desert and learn Big Guard from the Beach Plugs and then return to the desert and encounter a Harpy to learn Aqualung. Afterwards, head for Cosmo Canyon.

Materia: Counter-Attack
Item: Powersoul

Go to the observatory and talk to Bugenhagen. Go back down to the room adjacent to the Tiger Lily weapons shop to find your party. Head back up to the observatory. Talk to the mechanic in the northeast, choose “no” and he'll fix your ride. When you’re done, head for the center of Cosmo Canyon, rest in the Inn if you need it, and then talk with everybody (talk to Red XIII last). After you assemble your team head for the Gi Cave (save at the Tiger Lily Weapons Shop). Enter the cave furthest north (it’s facing west). Choose the top option to reveal a passageway. In the next area, take the northwest exit. You’ll come across five caves. Take the second one to the left and continue north. You’ll be forced to fight two Stingers (HP: 2500 each). Have Red XIII and Barret attack with Aqualung and have Cloud be the healer. Afterwards continue north to…

Cloud (back row): Force Stealer (Restore, Ice), Silver Armlet (Revive)
Red XIII (back row): Mythril Clip (Fire, Manipulate), Mythril Armlet
(Enemy Skill)
Barret (back row): W Machine Gun (Cover, Restore, Poison), Titan
Bangle (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Gi Nattak HP: ~5500

Have Cloud cast Life and/or have the others throw Phoenix Downs until you kill it*.

*Note: The word “death” will pop up when the Life spell/Phoenix Down hits.

Exit Cosmo Canyon and take your repaired buggy north to Nibelheim (don’t forget to remove the Enemy Skill Materia from Red XIII). Pass through Nibelheim to get to the mountains. Follow the path and continue onwards until you reach the bridge. Slide down pipe #2 (grab the Powersoul). Save the game before confronting the…

Cloud Lv.14 (back row): Force Stealer (Restore, Ice, Revive), Silver
Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.12 (back row): Powersoul (Restore), Mythril Armlet
Barret Lv.14 (back row): W-Machine Gun (Restore, Cover, Poison), Titan
Bangle (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Materia Keeper HP: ~8500

Fire attacks heal this guy. Open with Big Guard and cast Bio until you poison it. Keep everyone’s HP up and only attack with Limit Breaks. It’s important that you keep Big Guard up at all times. If you’re unlucky enough to have the Materia Keeper cast Trine (which you’ll learn) before you get the chance to cast big guard, you’ll have to restart this battle.

Pick up the Counter Attack Materia when you’re done. Exit through the pathway the Materia Keeper was blocking to exit Mt. Nibel. Spend about an hour in the forests south of Rocket Town (west of the exit from Mt. Nibel) fighting random battles (run from every battle except for the Battery Caps). Make sure Barret gets all the kills (use Aqualung) and use a Tent when he runs out of MP. After he learns his 2/1 limit break, give him another ~68 kills before moving on. When you’re ready head north to Rocket Town.

Time check 5:20-5:50
Item: Yoshiyuki, Drill Arm, Elixir

Before you do anything, go to the item shop and pick up ~10 Hypers and ~5 Phoenix Downs. Then go talk to the guy standing in the middle of town and choose to look at the rocket with him to get the Yoshiyuki. Go to the house to the northeast of the old man (grab the Drill Arm inside). Go to the backyard. Now, head into the rocket and talk to Cid (choose “Tell me about this rocket”). Afterwards, return to the house. Follow Cid outside then head for the backyard to find…

Cloud Lv.27 (back row): Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Silver Armlet (Enemy
Skill, Revive)
Tifa Lv.26 (back row): Powersoul (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Elemental-
Barret Lv.27 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Titan Bangle (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Palmer HP: ~6000

Open with Big Guard. Cloud and Barret should cast Aqualung to make quick work of Palmer. Have Tifa heal if necessary.

Take the Tiny Bronco to the small home east of Gongaga (south of North Corel) near the peninsula. After talking with the man here, return to the Gold Saucer (via North Corel). Go to the battle arena and into the room on the right. Just run away from the first battle. As you attempt to leave the golden saucer you’ll discover that there are some problems, so Cait Sith will suggest you stay at the Ghost Inn. After some fun and games, go to Chocobo Square to quickly capture Cait Sith. Grab the Elixir from the metal cabinet before you leave for the Temple of Ancients.

Item: Trident, Turbo Ether, Ribbon, X-Potion

(Head up, left, up and down the steps. Take the overpass above you and climb down the vines. From there go right, down the stairs (grab the Trident in the chest), and climb the wall via the vines. Take the stairs up and go left under the overpass (grab the Turbo Ether). Keep going down the steps until you reach a set of vines. Take the vines down and continue until you reach another set of vines (an old man should be right above the vines). Climb up and follow the old man. Negotiate the boulders in the next section until you reach the end of the path. Take the stairs down to reach the clock room. After grabbing the Ribbon in room 5, head for room 6. Just enter the second door from the right on the middle level and you’ll catch the old man. Save before entering the door (you can reach the top floor by entering the bottom room on the far right).

Cloud Lv.28 (back row): Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Silver Armlet
(Enemy Skill, Revive)
Aeris Lv.22 (back row): Guard Stick (Enemy Skill), Bronze Bangle
Barret Lv.27 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Titan Bangle

BOSS: Red Dragon HP: ~7000

Open with Big guard and have Barret cast Bio2 until you poison the dragon. Have either Aeris or Cloud put Barret in fury. Cloud should be using Aqualung/Cross Slash/healing, Barret should be healing/ Grenade Bomb/providing Ether, and Aeris should be Aqualung/Healing Wind/providing Ether.

Go to the right and examine the pyramid. Choose “take it” to move the story along. Head back out and rest before heading to room XII in the clock room.

Cloud Lv.28 (back row): Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Silver Armlet
(Enemy Skill, Revive)
Aeris Lv.23 (back row): Guard Stick (Enemy Skill), Bronze Bangle
Barret Lv.28 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Titan Bangle

BOSS: Demon Gate HP: ~10000

Cast Big Guard. Put Cloud and Barret in fury. Cloud should be healing/Cross Slash/casting Big Guard/providing Ether. Barret should be healing/Grenade Bomb/providing Ether. Aeris should be casting Big Guard/Healing Wind. If you find yourself having difficulty with this fight, try lowering the battle speed (this goes for all remaining boss fights. But remember to bring it back up once the fight is over).

Afterwards, you’ll find yourself in Gongaga. Pick up the X-Potion and head for Bone Village on the Northern Continent.

Materia: Enemy Skill
Item: Aurora Armlet, Elixir, Water Ring

Talk to the guy near the chest. You’ll find the Lunar Harp around the entrance to the Sleeping Forest. Once you find it, head through the forest and into the Ancient City (grab the Water Ring under the “tree” bridge). Take the left path as far as you can to get the Aurora Armlet. Return to the fork and take the right path and rest in the second house to move the story along (grab the hidden Enemy Skill Materia behind the bed). Head back to the fork in the road and take the center path. Equip Tifa with the Water Ring before the final battle of disc one.

Cloud Lv.29: Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.27: Powersoul (Restore, Revive), Aurora Armlet (Elemental-
Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.29: Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack, Poison), Titan
Bangle (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Jenova Life HP: ~10000

Open with Big guard. Put Barret and Cloud in fury. Cloud and Barret should either be using limit breaks/recasting Big Guard/regular attacks/healing. Tifa should be healing/providing Ether/regular attack.

Time check 6:35-7:15
Items: Bolt Armlet, Megalixir, Hero Drink, Ribbon, Javelin, Fire Armlet


You’ll start on the right path of the city. Head for the exit to the top right. Climb the tree (?) to enter the next area. Walk to the crevice on the far left and climb it. Since you don’t have to go out of the way for the Bolt Armlet and Megalixir why not pick them up? Grab the power source in the next room and head for Icicle Inn in the northwest. Go to the back of town and talk to the man. Choose “I’m still going”. Press left or right on the control pad after the message box appears to avoid Elena’s punch. Go to the house with the dog near the entrance and talk to the boy to get the snowboard. Then proceed to the house just to the right of that one to get the map on the wall (grab the Hero Drink while you’re there). Go back and talk to the guy standing at the back of town. Take the left path twice while riding the snowboard.

When you land, go right until you hit a lake area. Take the right path and continue going right until you come across a fork in the road. Take the middle path until you hit the snowfield. From there, just keep heading north and you’ll eventually reach a house. After saving, head north toward the mountain. Just keep climbing until you reach the top. You’ll have to keep Cloud’s body temperature above 27 degrees by pressing the “square” button. Remember, you can only do this while you’re standing on a ledge.

Once inside, keep going up until you hit some stairs. Take the entrance near the steps and go all the way to the right to find a hidden room with a Ribbon. Head back out and go northwest picking up the Javelin along the way. Keep going until you reach the boulder and choose to “push” it. Go back to the room with the steps and follow the path until you’re outside again.

As you climb choose “up, right” to reach your next destination (there’s a “camouflaged” save spot in here). Go northeast and you’ll be outside again. Follow the path until you enter a room with icicles. Grab the Fire Armlet in the chest before engaging the icicles in battle (make sure Barret gets the killing blow by having him cast Aqualung first then third). Choose “no” until you defeat THREE of them (you only need to defeat three to gain access to the exit)*. When you’re done, go through the exit. Follow the path until you’re outside. As you climb, choose “up, up” when you’re prompted to. Examine the pool in the next area to restore your HP and MP. I suggest roaming around here until you defeat one Blue Dragon (you’ll get a Dragon Armlet). Afterwards, give Tifa the Fire Ring and head east until…

*Note: You should earn Barret’s 3/1 limit break after these fights.

Cloud Lv.31: Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.30: Powersoul (Restore, Revive), Aurora Armlet (Elemental-
Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.31: Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack, Poison),
Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Schizo HP: ~36000 (both parts)

Open with Big Guard. The left head (your right) is “ice” and the right (your left) is “fire”. Put Barret in fury and leave him as the primary healer/Ether provider. Have Tifa and Cloud attack with Aqualung/Recast Big Guard. When you’re done, leave the cliffs and climb the mountain to reach the sunken crater.

Materia: MP Turbo
Time Check 7:20-8:05

Continue down the crater and use a Tent when you reach the save point. Continue along the path until you reach the first of three green “shields”. Before you continue north give Cloud and Tifa the Ribbon. Tifa should still have the Fire Ring.

Cloud Lv.32: Yoshiyuki (Restore, Ice), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.30: Powersoul (Restore, Revive), Fire Armlet (Elemental-
Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.31: Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack, Poison),
Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Jenova Death HP: ~25000

Open with Big Guard (don’t recast it, however). Put should still be in fury. Just stick with physical attacks/limit breaks. Keep Tifa as the healer.

Afterward, give the Black Materia to someone in your party. Continue heading north and pick up the MP Turbo Materia. Once you're past the final shield, continue along the path. After some very interesting plot twists you’ll find yourself a prisoner in Junon.


Talk to Barret to move the story along. After you fight the guards, try to open the door to free Tifa. After the FMV, talk to Cait Sith and head for the Highwind (you do remember where it is, right?). When you’ve got control of Tifa, just press the buttons in the following order: X, X, T, X+T, T+O, O. Shut off the gas and examine the door. After Weapon provides you with an opening, head towards the front of the cannon. Scarlet will challenge you in a fight. Just jam the “O” button to slap her silly. Once you’re on the Highwind talk to you team and head for the “Operations” room. Go back to the cockpit and talk to the pilot to garner control of the Highwind. When you’re done, head for Mideel.


Go over to the cat and the game will take over. After the scene, head for the reactor in Mt. Corel. When you get there, you’ll have to board the train. Just press the T button and “up” in a steady motion to catch the enemy train. You’ll have to win five battles and stop the train, all in ten minutes.

Cid Lv.28: Javelin (Restore, Revive), Gold Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Red XIII Lv.26: Mythril Clip (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.32: Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack, Poison),
Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

When you fight Wolfmeister (HP: ~10000; battle 3) use Aqualung against him and use Trine against Eagle Gun (HP: ~16000; battle 4). Keep Barret (who should be put in fury) as healer/Ether provider and Cid/ Red XIII as the spell casters.

To stop the train, simply press: down+X three times*. When you’re finished, get Barret’s Catastrophe (Oh Yeah!) manual from the lady in the house (upper right). Then head for Fort Condor (east of Junon).

Note: Whether you’re successful here or, for that matter, any of the Huge Materia quests, has no bearing on the outcome of the game.


Talk to the man sitting at the table then head for the top of the tower and talk to the man there. Choose the middle option to engage in a battle. Just wait until the enemy reaches the shack and fight. Put Barret in fury and use Aqualung to make this a short battle (BOSS: Commander; HP: ~8000). Afterwards, buy a Destruct Materia and head back to Mideel (save before you enter).


As you talk to Tifa…

Cid Lv.32: Javelin (Restore, Revive), Gold Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Red XIII Lv.29: Mythril Clip (Restore), Mythril Armlet (Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.34: Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack, Poison),
Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Ultimate Weapon

All you have to do is remove ~7000 hp. Open with Big guard. Have Cid/ Red XIII attack with Aqualung and keep Barret (who should still be in fury) as the healer. Don’t worry if one or two of your team dies (this battle won’t give you any EXP or AP).

After the battle, you’ll find yourself in Cloud’s subconscious. Have Tifa talk to the Cloud furthest north twice, then to the western Cloud, then to the Cloud on the steps, then to “kid” Cloud, then follow Cloud to Nibelheim. When you’re finished, head for Junon.


Head for main road via the now accessible elevator. Keep going until you reach a passage where some soldiers are in the middle of a drill. Just follow the path until you reach the elevator. Take the elevator down and continue along the path until you reach another elevator. Take that down and head into the underwater reactor. Continue along the path until you run into Reno and…

Cloud Lv.33 (back row): Yoshiyuki, Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill, Restore-
MP Turbo)
Tifa Lv.32 (back row): Powersoul (Restore, Revive, Steal, Manipulate),
Aurora Armlet (Elemental-Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.35 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Carry Armor HP: ~10000 (each arm); ~26000 (body)

Open with Big guard and put Barret in fury. Have Tifa/Cloud attack with Trine and keep Barret as your healer/Ether provider. Try to eliminate the arms first.

Grab the battle trumpet to the left and continue until you reach another submarine. Grab the scimitar and enter the sub. Let your “friends” live and prepare for another mini-game. All you have to do is destroy the red sub. Since you start the battle with the red sub right in front of you, this shouldn’t take you very long. After you emerge, go back into the sub and get the Key to the Ancients near three islands off the southeastern tip of the northern continent. Now, head back to Rocket Town.


Head towards the rocket and you’ll run into an old friend.

Cloud Lv.35 (back row): Yoshiyuki, Dragon Armlet (MP Turbo-Restore,
Enemy Skill)
Cid Lv.32 (back row): Scimitar (Restore, Revive), Gold Armlet (Steal)
Barret Lv.36 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Rude HP: ~9000

Aqualung works well here. You should have no problems stealing the Ziedrich from Rude.

Go inside the rocket. After you lift off, head south for the escape pod. After the FMV, go to Cosmo Canyon and talk to Bugenhagen. Make your way back to the City of Ancients and take the left path until you reach the room with the crystal. When you’re ready, exit the City of Ancients and head back to Midgar.

Time Check 9:55-10:55

Land on the coast of Midgar and wait a couple minutes. Have Tifa and Cloud equipped with ribbons.

BOSS: Diamond Weapon

Cloud Lv.36 (back row): Yoshiyuki, Dragon Armlet (MP Turbo-Restore,
Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.34 (back row): Gods Hand (Restore, Revive, Steal, Manipulate),
Aurora Armlet (Elemental-Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.37 (back row): Drill Arm (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

You need to remove ~29000 HP from Weapon to win the battle. Open with Big Guard. Have Tifa and Cloud attack with trine. Leave Barret as the primary healer.

Head for the Crator. After some dialogue you’ll find yourself back at Midgar. Make a party of Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Talk to Cait Sith to proceed underground. Take the steps down, go down the ladder, and continue right until the floor collapses. Head left and climb the ladder. Follow the path enter the chute. Once you come out of the chute, head down the ladder in front of you and jump on the chute labeled “42” and climb it until you reach the Max Ray. Head back to the first chute and take the steps up to reach the underground tunnels. Head north and you’ll run into…

Cloud Lv.39 (back row): Yoshiyuki, Dragon Armlet (MP Turbo-Restore,
(Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.38 (back row): Gods Hand (Restore, Revive, Steal, Manipulate),
Aurora Armlet (Elemental-Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.40 (back row): Max Ray (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Elena, Rude, Reno HP: ~30000, ~30000, ~25000

Open with Big guard. Hyper Barret and keep him as your primary healer. Have Cloud and Tifa use Aqualung.

After the battle, go back to the save point and use a tent. Then continue north. When you reach a fork in the road, go left. Head north until…

Cloud Lv.39 (back row): Yoshiyuki (MP-Turbo-Restore), Dragon Armlet
(Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.38 (back row): Gods Hand (Restore, Revive, Steal, Manipulate),
Aurora Armlet (Elemental-Lightning, Enemy Skill)
Barret Lv.40 (back row): Max Ray (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Proud Clod/Jamor Armor HP: ~80000 (total)

Open with big guard. Put everyone in fury. Go after the Jamor Armor first.

Now continue going north and grab the, Elixir, Mystile, and Missing Score along the way. Go up the flights of steps until you reach…

Cloud Lv.41 (back row): Ragnorak (Destruct), Dragon Armlet (MP Turbo-
Restore, Enemy Skill)
Tifa Lv.40 (back row): Gods Hand (Restore, Revive), Mystile (Enemy
Barret Lv.41 (back row): Missing Score (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison, Steal, Manipulate, Elemental,
Lightning), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

1st BOSS: Hojo HP: ~12,000
2nd BOSS: Heletic Hojo HP: ~60,000(total)
3rd BOSS: Lifeform Hojo HP: ~27,000

There’s no need to cast Big Guard in any of the battles. In the first battle, just concentrate on Hojo. Use Aqualung and keep Barret as the primary healer.


Items: Save Crystal, Mystile, Elixir, Megalixir

The first chest will give you the Save Crystal. Continue down the spiral path until you reach the next area. Go down the right path and you’ll find a cave to your left. Go right and proceed downward until you run into your entire team. After you form groups, go right and pick up the Mystile and Megalixir until you meet up with your team again. Use the Save Crystal before continuing forward.

Time before final battles - 11:00-12:05

CHARACTER SETUP for final battles-
Cloud Lv.43 (back row): Ragnorak (Destruct, MP Turbo-Restore, Enemy
Skill), Ziedrich
Tifa Lv.41 (back row): Gods Hand (Restore, Revive), Mystile (Enemy
Barret Lv.43 (back row): Missing Score (Restore, Cover, Counter Attack,
Poison, Steal, Manipulate, Elemental,
Lightning), Dragon Armlet (Enemy Skill)

BOSS: Jenova-Synthesis HP: ~80,000

Open with Big Guard and put Barret in fury. Have Cloud and Tifa attack with Aqualung and keep Barret as your primary healer.

BOSS: Bizzaro Sephiroth HP: ~60,000

Open with Big Guard and put Barret in fury. Have Cloud and Tifa attack with Aqualung and keep Barret as your primary healer. After this fight…

BOSS: Safer-Sephiroth HP: ~75,000

You may have to use a Megalixir to start the battle. Then cast Big Guard. Have Barret either heal/regular attacks/Catastrophe and have Cloud and Tifa Aqualung/heal/provide elixir or megalixir.

Congratulations! Your final time should be ~11:30-12:45


The people at Square have stated that the game could be completed, w/o a game shark, in 5-6 hours!? How do you accomplish this? Don’t look at me! These Merkian times are beyond the grasp of this mortal. My personal best is a measly ~11:25 (reached the center of the planet in just under 11:00 and it took me ~25 minutes to get past the final three battles).

Email me at along with your fastest completion time (no game shark aided games please) to see how you measure up to your fellow speed-a-holics.



I welcome any and all input that will improve upon the time of this walkthrough. If information/ strategy sent to me via email is used in this guide, acknowledgement/ credit will be given to the rightful individual(s). If you’d like to share some strategies and tips please feel free to email me at


-Tru Gamer 45 for discovering the “Marsh trick”

FFVII is the © of Squaresoft. This walkthrough was written for public consumption. I am a soon-to-be professional writer and will pursue any deviant who attempts to use any part of this FAQ for financial gain. If you wish to post this FAQ at your site simply email me at

© babo07052

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Saves an verschiedenen Stellen des Games

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Feindeskönnen FAQ deutsch

15.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 100, alle Summons inklusive 2 Ritter der round spells, alles Material, alle Gegenstände, alle ultimativen Waffen. Übermittelt von: Andrew Castillo (

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Strategy Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Code Guide
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Dieser Trainer bietet nun ungelogen 115 (!!!) Möglichkeiten der Manipulation an

16.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

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Speed Walkthrough

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17.Oktober 2013
US Version: Everything at Boss Fight

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European Version: Everything at Boss Fight

18.Oktober 2013
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17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Monster Treasure Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Materia Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lucky 7's FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goodies FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
General FAQ

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11.Oktober 2013
Extra FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon Easy

13.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
11.Februar 2016
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020