Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy 7

14.10.2013 01:40:30
General FAQ
Final Fantasy VII General FAQ
Version 1.0
Copyright 1999



I. Introduction
II. Materia List
III. Spell List
IV. Limit Break List
V. Level 4 Limit Break Locations
VI. Ultimate Weapons Locations
VII. Summon Materia Locations
VIII. Weapon List
IX. Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon
X. Enemy Skills Guide
XI. Chocobo Breeding
XII. Crazy Materia Combinations
XIII. Conclusion
XIV. Thanks


I. Introduction

Welcome to my newest FAQ! I've recieved immense feedback on my other FAQs (99%
of it positive), and, since people seem to love my FAQs, I'll keep writing more
of them! I've recently been reliving my Final Fantasy VII days, and I love the
game even more than before. (Still not as much as Xenogears, though.) It
inspired me to write a FAQ on the lesser aspects of the game, such as where to
get all of the Ultimate Weapons and the Level 4 Limit Breaks. Few people have
done EVERYTHING there is to do in this game, and this FAQ is here to help those
people. Hope you enjoy my newest FAQ! As always, if you have any questions
about any RPG, or want to submit something, you can write me at
[]. Now, on with the FAQ!


II. Materia List

This is a complete (I hope) list of all the Materia in the game. I include what
Spells are learned frome each Materia, where each Materia can be FIRST FOUND OR
BOUGHT, and how much Gil a mastered version can be sold for. For the Command,
Independent, and Support Materia, I will provide a description for each.

- Magic (Green) Materia -

Fire (Fire, Fire 2, Fire 3)
Location: Sector 7 Materia Shop
Sell: 42000 Gil

Ice (Ice, Ice 2, Ice 3)
Location: Sector 7 Materia Shop
Sell: 42000 Gil

Lightning (Bolt, Bolt 2, Bolt 3)
Location: Sector 7 Materia Shop
Sell: 42000 Gil

Earth (Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3)
Location: Kalm Materia Shop
Sell: 105000 Gil

Poison (Bio, Bio 2, Bio 3)
Location: Shinra Building
Sell: 105000 Gil

Gravity (Demi, Demi 2, Demi 3)
Location: Cave of the Gi
Sell: 560000 Gil

Restore (Cure, Cure 2, Regen, Cure 3)
Location: Sector 7 Materia Shop
Sell: 52500 Gil

Treatment (Poisona, Esuna, Resist)
Location: Kalm Materia Shop
Sell: 105000 Gil

Revive (Life, Life 2)
Location: Junon Materia Shop
Sell: 105000 Gil

Seal (Sleepel, Silence)
Location: Junon Materia Shop
Sell: 210000 Gil

Destruct (DeBarrier, DeSpell, Death)
Location: Shinra Mansion
Sell: 630000 Gil

Transform (Mini, Toad)
Location: North Corel Materia Shop.
Sell: 350000 Gil

Exit (Escape, Remove)
Location: Rocket Town Materia Shop
Sell: 700000 Gil

Mystify (Confu, Berserk)
Location: Gongaga Materia Shop
Sell: 420000 Gil

Barrier (Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Wall)
Location: Rocket Town Materia Shop
Sell: 700000 Gil

Time (Haste, Slow, Stop)
Location: Gongaga Materia Shop
Sell: 420000 Gil

Shield (Shield)
Location: Final Dungeon
Sell: 1 Gil

Comet (Comet, Comet 2)
Location: City of the Ancients
Sell: 1400000 Gil

Contain (Freeze, Break, Tornado, Flare)
Location: Mideel
Sell: 1 Gil

Full Cure (Full Cure)
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Sell: 1 Gil

Ultima (Ultima)
Location: North Corel
Sell: 1 Gil

Master Magic (All Spells)
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Sell: 1 Gil

- Support (Blue) Materia -

Location: Sector 7 Slums
Sell: 1400000 Gil
Whenever linked to a Materia that usually only affects one enemy, it will effect
all enemies. The number of time you can use All in battle depends on the
Materia's level.

Added Effect
Location: Cave of the Gi
Sell: 1 Gil
This Materia takes advantage of an effect that it is linked with. For example,
if linked to a "Poison" Materia on a weapon, that weapon will sometimes strike
an enemy with Poison. If linked to a "Poison" Materia on an armor, that armor
will gain protection against Poison.

Location: Shinra Building
Sell: 1 Gil
If linked to a Materia with Elemental properties (such as Fire) on a weapon,
that weapon will gain Fire-Elemental power. If the same is done on an armor
instead, that armor will gain protection from Fire-Elemental attacks.

HP Absorb
Location: Wutai
Sell: 1 Gil
HP will be absorbed from an enemy when you strike it if equipped on a weapon.

MP Absorb
Location: Wutai
Sell: 1 Gil
MP will be absorbed from an enemy when you strike it if equipped on a weapon.

Steal as Well
Location: Wutai Dai-Chao Statues
Sell: 1 Gil
When the Materia this is linked to is used, the character will attempt to steal
from the enemy as well.

MP Turbo
Location: Whirlwind Maze
Sell: 1 Gil
When the Magic or Summon Materia this is linked to is used, the Spell's attack
power will increase by n% (depending on the Materia's level), and the MP cost of
the Spell will increase by n%.

Sneak Attack
Location: Gold Saucer Chocobo Racing
Sell: 1 Gil
The Materia this is linked to will automatically be used at the start of the
battle, before the enemies can attack. This happens n% of the time (depending
on the Materia's level).

Added Cut
Location: Downed Gelnika Plane
Sell: 1 Gil
When the Materia this is linked to is used, the character also uses a regular
attack on an enemy.

Magic Counter
Location: Gold Saucer Chocobo Racing
Sell: 1 Gil
When the character this Materia is equipped on is successfully attacked, the
linked Materia will automatically activate the highest level Spell it has
available. This happens n% of the time, depending on the Materia's level.

Quadra Magic
Location: Mideel Area Materia Cave
Sell: 1 Gil
When the Magic or Summon Materia this is linked to is used, the selected Spell
will be cast four times in a row, at no additional MP cost. The number of times
this effect can be used in a battle depends on the Materia's level.

Command Counter
Location: Final Dungeon
Sell: 1 Gil
Whatever Command (and only Command) Materia this is linked to will be
automatically activated when the character is attacked. The chance of this
happening depends on the Materia's level.

Final Attack
Location: Gold Saucer Secret Duel
Sell: 1 Gil
When the character this Materia is equipped on dies, the Materia it's linked to
will automatically activate its most powerfuk available Spell. Best when used
with a revivial Spell, such as Life, Life 2, or Phoenix. The number of times
this effect can be used depends on the Materia's level.

- Command (Yellow) Materia -

Steal (Steal, Mug)
Location: Midgar Sewers
Sell: 84000 Gil
This allows the selected character to steal an item/weapon/armor/accessory from
an enemy, if it has one. Mug allows the character to do this and attack in the
same turn.

Sense (Sense)
Location: Midgar Sector 6 Playground
Sell: 70000 Gil
When used, this tells you the selected enemy's HP, Max HP, MP, Max MP, Level,
and Elemental Weakness. You can continue to view that selected enemy's stats by
pressing the Select Button. Doesn't work on all Bosses.

Deathblow (Deathblow)
Location: Gongaga Jungle
Sell: 700000 Gil
This is an attack that hits far less often, but does double the damage if it

Manipulate (Manipulate)
Location: Cait Sith begins with this Materia.
Sell: 700000 Gil
The enemy hit with this attack is completely under your control until it's hit
by a party member or fellow enemy. The character manipulating also loses all
his/her turns until that happens.

Morph (Morph)
Location: Temple of the Ancients
Sell: 1 Gil
Allows you to do a special attack that does 1/8 damage if it hits, but morphs
the enemy into an item/weapon/armor/accessory if it's the killing blow.

Throw (Throw, Coin Toss)
Location: Yuffie begins with this Materia.
Sell: 700000 Gil
Allows you to throw any weapon in your inventory at an enemy and do high damage.
You lose that weapon permanently. Coin Toss allows you to throw Gil at your
enemy for damage (10 Gil = 1 HP).

Slash All (Slash All, Flash Slash)
Location: Ancient Forest
Sell: 1 Gil
Causes your regular attack to hit all enemies, but does 1/3 less damage. Flash
Slash makes your regular attack target all enemies, and kills them instantly if
it hits. Very effective.

Double Cut (Double Cut, Quadra Cut)
Location: Downed Gelnika Plane
Sell: 1 Gil
When you attack an enemy normally, they are hit two separate times for maximum
damage. When Quadra Cut is used, you attack four times, hitting enemies at
random for maximum damage each time.

W-Item (W-Item)
Location: Midgar Sector 8 Subway
Sell: 1 Gil
W-Item replaces Item on your battle menu and the character can now use two items
in one turn.

W-Magic (W-Magic)
Location: Final Dungeon
Sell: 1 Gil
W-Magic replaces Magic on your battle menu and the character can now use two
Spells in one turn.

W-Summon (W-Summon)
Location: Gold Saucer Battle Arena
Sell: 1 Gil
W-Summon replaces Summon on your battle menu and the character can now use two
Summons in one turn.

Mime (Mime)
Location: Wutai Area Materia Cave
Sell: 1 Gil
When this option is selected, the character mimics the action of the last

Master Command
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Sell: 1 Gil

Allows you to use every Command in the game.

- Independent (Purple) Materia -

Location: Aeris' House
Sell: 70000 Gil
Whoever this Materia is equipped on will randomly take hits for the other
characters. This happens n% of the time, depending on the Materia's level.

Counter Attack
Location: Gold Saucer Chocobo Racing
Sell: 1 Gil
Whoever this Materia is equipped on will randomly counter attack an enemy when
he or she is attacked. This happens n% of the time, depending on the Materia's

Long Range
Location: Mythril Mine
Sell: 1 Gil
The character equipped with this can attack will full power from the Back Row,
and can successfully attack flying enemies or enemies that are otherwise out of

HP Plus
Location: Cosmo Canyon Materia Shop
Sell: 56000 Gil
Raises the selected character's HP by n%, depending on the Materia's level.

MP Plus
Location: Cosmo Canyon Materia Shop
Sell: 56000 Gil
Raises the selected character's MP by n%, depending on the Materia's level.

Luck Plus
Location: Temple of the Ancients
Sell: 1050000 Gil
Raises the selected character's Luck by n%, depending on the Materia's level.

Magic Plus
Location: Zango Valley
Sell: 1400000 Gil
Raises the character's Magic Attack by n%, depending on the Materia's level.

Speed Plus
Location: Gold Saucer Battle Arena
Sell: 1400000 Gil
Raises the character's Speed by n%, depending on the Materia's level.

EXP Plus
Location: Gold Saucer Wonder Square
Sell: 1 Gil
The EXP recieved at the end of a battle raises by 50% if the Materia's at Level
1 and doubles if it's at Level 2.

Gil Plus
Location: Gold Saucer Wonder Square
Sell: 1 Gil
The Gil recieved at the end of a battle raises by 50% if the Materia's at Level
1 and doubles if it's at Level 2.

Location: Gold Saucer Wonder Square
Sell: 1 Gil
The rate of pre-emptive battles you get will be increased by n%, depending on
the Materia's level.

Chocobo Lure
Location: Chocobo Ranch
Sell: 1 Gil
This Materia attracts Chocobos into a battle (while you're walking on Chocobo
Tracks) when equipped. The rate of Chocobo Fights you'll have increases with
the Materia's level.

Enemy Lure
Location: Gold Saucer Battle Arena
Sell: 1 Gil
This Materia increases the number of random enemy encounters when equipped. At
Level 1, the rate of encounters increases 50%, and at Level 2, it doubles.

Enemy Away
Location: Gold Saucer Chocobo Races
Sell: 1 Gil
This Materia decreases the number of random enemy encounters when equipped. At
Level 1, the rate of encounters decrease by 50%, and at Level 2, the rate of
encounters decrease by 75%.

HP/MP Switch
Location: North Corel Area Materia Cave
Sell: 1 Gil
This Materia switches your HP and MP values. So, for example, if your Max HP is
9999, and your Max MP is 999, you'll get a Max MP value of 9999 and a Max HP
value of 999. For all the difficulty in getting this, it seems to be one
completely useless chunk of rock.

Mega All
Location: Final Dungeon
Sell: 1 Gil
When this is equipped, "Attack" becomes "Slash All" on the Battle Menu and just
about every other Command (Steal, Sense, Morph, Deathblow, Control) now affects
all enemies in the battle.

- Summon (Red) Materia -

Choco/Mog (Deathblow!!!, Fat Chocobo)
Location: Chocobo Ranch
Sell: 1 Gil
This summons a Chocobo and a Moogle (NOT A MOG, DAMMIT!!) to bash into the
enemies for some light type-less damage, and also causes Stop randomly.
Additionally, you may get an alternate attack called "Fat Chocobo" that causes
a, um.. fat Chocobo to fall from the sky and damage all enemies for a bit more
than Deathblow!!!. This happens about 1 in 16 times.

Shiva (Diamond Dust)
Location: Junon
Sell: 1 Gil
The Water Goddess is summoned and does a small amount of Water-Elemental damage
to all enemies.

Ifrit (Hellfire)
Location: Shinra Boat
Sell: 1 Gil
The Fire God is summoned and does a small amount of Fire-Elemental damage to all
enemies. This is slightly stronger than Shiva.

Ramuh (Judgement Bolt)
Location: Gold Saucer Chocobo Jockey Room
Sell: 1 Gil
The Lightning God is summoned and does a small amount of Lightning-Elemental
damage to all enemies. This is slightly stronger than Ifrit.

Titan (Anger of the Earth)
Location: Gongaga Jungle
Sell: 1 Gil
The Earth Elemental is summoned and does a moderate amount of Earth-Elemental
damage to all enemies. This is slightly stronger than Ramuh.

Odin (Steel Bladed Sword, Gungnir)
Location: Shinra Mansion
Sell: 1 Gil
The god Odin is summoned and kills all enemies instantly using Steel-Bladed
Sword. If the enemy is directly unkillable (a Boss, for example), Gungnir will
be used, which will cause heavy non-Elemental damage on one enemy.

Leviathan (Tidal Wave)
Location: Pagoda Wutai
Sell: 1 Gil
The Water Elemental is summoned and does a heavy amount of Water-Elemental
damage to all enemies. This attack is twice as strong as Titan.

Bahamut (Mega Flare)
Location: Temple of the Ancients
Sell: 1 Gil
The God of the Dragons is summoned and does heavy Non-Elemental damage to all
enemies. About as powerful as Leviathan, but much more effective against

Kjata (Tri-Disaster)
Location: Sleeping Forest
Sell: 1 Gil
Kujata is summoned and does heavy Fire, Water, and Lightning-Elemental damage to
all enemies (in three different waves). Much stronger than Bahamut and

Alexander (Holy Judgement)
Location: Ice Gate
Sell: 1 Gil
The Holy Elemental is summoned and does massive Holy-Elemental damage to all
enemies. Stronger than Kjata.

Bahamut Neo (Giga Flare)
Location: Whirlwind Maze
Sell: 1 Gil
The God of the Dragons is summoned and does very massive non-Elemental damage to
all enemies. The damage is high regardless of the enemy's defenses.

Phoenix (Phoenix Flames)
Location: Condor Fort
Sell: 1 Gil
The Fire Elemental is summoned and does a moderately heavy amount of Fire-
Elemental damage to all enemies, and casts Life 2 on the party. Not as strong
as Alexander or Bahamut Neo, but you get to be revived.. best when linked to
Final Attack.

Hades (Black Cauldron)
Location: Downed Gelnika Plane
Sell: 1 Gil
The Darkness God is summoned and does a very heavy amount of Darkness-Elemental
damage to all enemies, plus causes Sleep, Silence, Mini, Frog, Slow, Confuse,
and Paralysis (when it can be done).

Bahamut ZERO (Terra Flare)
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Sell: 1 Gil
The God of the Dragons is summoned and does an incredibly massive amount of non-
Elemental damage to all enemies. The strongest Summon next to Knights of the

Typoon (Disintegration)
Location: Ancient Forest
Sell: 1 Gil
Typoon is summoned and does a heavy amount of non-Elemental damage to all
enemies. Kills some enemies instantly. Kind of a strange/usless Summon I
think, but it looks cool.

Knights of the Round (Ultimate End)
Location: Round Island Materia Cave
Sell: 1 Gil
The thirteen Knights of the Round Table are summoned and each one hits all
enemies for incredibly massive damage each. Typically does 70,000-130,000 HP of
damage to all enemies, and kills Bizarro-Sephiroth in one hit.

Master Summon
Location: Cosmo Canyon
Sell: 1 Gil
Allows the character this is equipped on to use every Summon Spell in the game,
an unlimited number of times.


III. Spell List

All: Can be All'ed

- White (Healing) Magic -

Cure: Restores a small amount of HP to the target. (All)
Cure 2: Restores a medium amount of HP to the target. (All)
Cure 3: Restores a large amount of HP to the target. (All)
Life: Revives the target and restores 1/4 of their HP. (All)
Life 2: Revives the target and restores all of their HP. (All)
Regen: Allows the target to slowly regenerate HP. (All)
Poisona: Nullifies Poison on one target. (All)
Esuna: Nullifies every Status Ailment on one target. (All)
Resist: Prevents all Status Ailments on the target for the remainder of the
battle. (All)
Full Cure: Restores all HP to one target.

- Black (Attacking) Magic -

Fire: Does a small amount of Fire-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Fire 2: Does a medium amount of Fire-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Fire 3: Does a large amount of Fire-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Ice: Does a small amount of Water-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Ice 2: Does a medium amount of Water-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Ice 3: Does a large amount of Water-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Bolt: Does a small amount of Lightning-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Bolt 2: Does a medium amount of Lightning-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Bolt 3: Does a large amount of Lightning-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Quake: Does a small amount of Earth-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Quake 2: Does a medium amount of Earth-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Quake 3: Does a large amount of Earth-Elemental damage to one target. (All)
Bio: Does a small amount of Poison-typed damage, and may cause Poison to one
target. (All)
Bio 2: Does a medium amount of Poison-typed damage, and may cause Poison to one
target. (All)
Bio 3: Does a large amount of Poison-typed damage, and may cause Poison to one
target. (All)
Demi: Hits one target for 1/4 of their HP; not effective against some Bosses.
Demi 2: Hits one target for 1/2 of their HP; not effective against some
Demi 3: Hits one target for 3/4 of their HP; not effective against some
Comet: Hits one target for very heavy damage (4000+).
Comet 2: Hits all enemies for heavy damage.
Freeze: Hits one enemy for massive Water-Elemental damage (5000+).
Break: Hits one enemy for massive Earth-Elemental damage (5250+); may Petrify
the target.
Tornado: Hits one enemy for massive Wind-Elemental damage (5500+).
Flare: Hits one enemy for massive Fire-Elemental damage (6000+).
Death: Kills one target instantly; not effective against Bosses. (All)
Remove: Removes all enemies from battle, ending the battle instantly. Not
effective against Bosses. (All)
Ultima: Hits all enemies for massive damage (5000+).

- Gray (Effect) Magic -

Sleepel: Randomly puts the target to Sleep. (All)
Silence: Randomly Silences the target. (All)
Mini: Randomly causes "Mini" condition on the target. (All)
Toad: Randomly causes "Toad" condition on the target. (All)
Confu: Randomly Confuses the target. (All)
Berserk: Randomly causes "Berserk" condition on the target. (All)
DeBarrier: Destroys all barriers (Barrier, MBarrier, Reflect, Wall, Shield) on
the target. (All)
DeSpell: Destroys all barriers and nullifies Haste, Slow, Stop, Death Sentence,
Regen, and Resist. (All)
Haste: Speeds up the target's Active Time Guage, allowing for more turns. (All)
Slow: Slows down the target's Active Time Guage, forcing less turns. (All)
Stop: Stops the target's Active Time Guage. (All)
Barrier: Puts a Barrier on the target, which cuts all Physical damage by 50% for
a limited time. (All)
MBarrier: Puts a Magic Barrier on the target, which cuts all Magic damage by 50%
for a limited time. (All)
Reflect: Allows the target to reflect the next four Spells that hit him/her back
at the caster. (All)
Wall: All Physical and Magic damage done to the target is cut by 50% for a
limited time. (All)
Escape: Allows the party to escape from battle immediately.
Shield: Puts a Shield on the target, protecting him/her from all Physical damage
and allowing the target to absorb all Elemental (but not type-less) damage as


IV. Limit Break List

Here, I'll give you a description of every Limit Break in the game. First off,
a little fact that most people DON'T know: Limit Breaks are not learned at
random. The first Limit Break in a set is learned by killing 80 enemies (the
person who gets the killing blow gets the kill). The oly exception is Vincent,
who must only kill 60 enemies. The second Limit Break in a set is learned after
the first one is used eight times. The easiest way, I think, to kill as many
enemies as possible in the shortest amount of time is to use a weak Summon Spell
(such as Ifrit or Ramuh) against large groups of weak enemies (groups as big as
four or five enemies can be found in the Corel Mountains). Anyway, however you
decide to do it, good luck.

- Cloud Strife -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Braver: Cloud leaps high into the air, and brings his sword down upon one enemy
for light damage.

Cross-Slash: Cloud cuts the kanji "Kyou" into a single enemy, doing slightly
more damage than Braver and paralyzing the enemy. Doesn't paralyze some Bosses.

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Blade Beam: Cloud fires a beam from his sword at one enemy for moderate damage.
The beam then splits apart and hits all other enemies for 1/4 the damage.

Climhazzard: Cloud drives his sword into an enemy, and then leaps high into the
air, doing heavy damage.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Meteorain: Cloud leaps into the air and fires six meteors at random enemies,
with each one doing light to moderate damage.

Finishing Touch: Cloud forms a tornado that instantly destroys most regular
enemies, and does serious damage to those that live. It does moderate damage to
Bosses, but you're probably better off with Meteorain when fighting Bosses.

Level 4 Limit Break

Omnislash: Cloud launches a flashy, fierce, 15-hit combo against all enemies,
hitting them at random for moderate to heavy damage each.

- Tifa Lockheart -

Tifa's Limit Breaks are a bit different from everyone else's - each new Limit
Break is added to a combo, and each hit depends on what the Slots land on. If
you land on a "Hit", that Limit Break will hit. If it lands on a "Miss", that
Limit Break will be skipped. If it lands on a "Yeah!", that Limit Break will
hit AND do extra damage. The slots become increasingly hard with each new Limit

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Beat Rush: Tifa launches a small combo against an enemy, for light damage.

Somersault: Tifa somersault kicks an enemy for light damage.

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Waterkick: Tifa sweep kicks an enemy for moderate damage.

Meteodrive: Tifa performs a suplex on an enemy for moderate damage.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Dolphin Blow: Tifa summons a dolphin (?) and performs an uppercut against an
enemy, for moderate to heavy damage.

Meteor Strike: Tifa shows off her strength and leaps high into the air with the
enemy, and slams it down, head first, into the ground, for heavy damage.

Level 4 Limit Break

Final Heaven: Tifa focuses her ki into her index finger and hits one enemy with
a huge blast of energy, for incredibly massive damage. Don't even try for a
"Yeah!" on this one.. it's vitually impossible. A 7-hit combo with a few
"Yeah!"s is powerful enough.

- Barret Wallace -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Big Shot: Barret focuses energy into his gun-arm and hits one enemy with a big
blast of energy, for light to moderate damage.

Mindblow: Barret focuses a different, blue energy into his gun-arm and hits an
enemy with it, draining its MP. Great against Bosses with powerful Magic

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Grenade Bomb: Barret fires a grenade into the enemy group, doing moderate damage
to all enemies.

Hammerblow: Using all of his strength, Barret drives into one enemy, completely
eliminating it from the battle. Useless against some enemies and all Bosses.
It doesn't do any direct damage.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Satellite Beam: Barret summons lasers from space that hit all enemies for
moderate to heavy damage each.

Ungarmax: Barret fires 18 rounds at the enemy group, with each hit doing light

Level 4 Limit Break

Catastrophe: Using his gun-arm, Barret launches himself into the air and fires a
massive beam of super-heated plasma energy at all enemies, hitting them 20 times
at random for moderate damage each.

- Aeris Gainsborough -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Healing Wind: Aeris summons a gentle breeze that recovers half of each
character's Max HP (i.e a character with 400 max HP would recover 200 HP).

Seal Evil: Aeris casts a curse on all enemies, which Stops and Silences them,
effectively sealing their spell-casting abilities.

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Breath of the Earth: Aeris summons a healing energy and nullifies all negative
and positive Status Ailments.

Fury Brand: Sacrificing her own Limit Break, Aeris fills the Limit Guages of her
other party members with a strong energy.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Planet Protector: Aeris summons golden energy which surrounds the members,
making them invulnerable for a limited time.

Pulse of Life: Aeris brings forth a healing light that refills everyone's HP and
MP, removes all Status Ailments, AND completely restores any dead party members.

Level 4 Limit Break

Great Gospel: A heavenly beam of light engulfs all the party members, restoring
all their HP and MP, AND making them invincible for a limited time.

- Red XIII -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Sled Fang: Red XIII charges through an enemy with great force, causing moderate

Lunatic High: Red XIII emits a yellow beam which casts Haste on everyone, and
increases their Evade % by 50%.

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Blood Fang: Red XIII charges through an enemy and refills his HP and MP to that
of the enemy's current MP level.

Stardust Ray: Ten energy stars fall from the sky and strike random enemies, with
each hit doing light damage.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Howling Moon: Red XIII leaps in front of the full moon, and casts Haste and
Berserk on himself, as well as raises his Attack Power significantly. This
Limit Break has its obvious advantages and disadvantages.

Earth Rave: Red XIII launches a five-hit Elemental combo that hits each time for
moderate damage.

Level 4 Limit Break

Cosmo Memory: Red XIII absorbs star energy, and after charging up, fires a
massive atomic beam of red energy at all enemies, doing incredibly massive
damage to each (usually 9999 in the higher levels).

- Cait Sith -

Cait Sith has only two Limit Breaks, although his second Limit Break is divided
up into eight different attacks.

Level 1 Limit Break

Dice: Cait Sith throws two to six dice at the enemy. The resulting number is
multiplied by 100, 200, 300, or 400 and the enemy takes that much damage.

Level 2 Limit Break

Slots: You get to try your luck at a slot machine to determine the attack used.
There are eight attacks total:

Toy Box - When you don't get three of a kind, you get a random item from the Toy
Box dropped on the enemy group. This can be a Fat Chocobo, icicles, a huge
weight, etc.

Toy Soldiers - When you get three Crowns, Cait Sith summons an army of small toy
soldiers who attack enemies at random for fairly heavy damage each.

Mog Dance - Incorrectly named, you get MOOGLE (not MOG, dammit!!) DANCE when you
get three Stars. Moogle Dance causes a moogle to appear and completely restore
the party. This is one of the best and most common results.

Lucky Gal - When you score three Hearts, a cute girl dressed as a bunny appears
and blows all of your party members a kiss, which makes every hit during the
battle a critical hit until the end of the battle.

Random Summon Spell - When you get three Bars, a random Summon Spell (out of the
ones you've gotten so far) will be cast on the enemies, at no MP cost for you.
Unfortunately, this means that you'll never have a chance of scoring Knights of
the Round at an early part of the game. ^_~

Combine - When you get three Cait Siths, Cait Sith becomes one with the party
members. Cait Sith's new HP total is that of everyone's max HP added together
(ex. Cloud has 1000 max HP, Red XIII has 1500 max HP, and Cait Sith as 2000 max
HP, 2000+1500+1000 = 4500 max HP). Mega Cait Sith's attacks to fairly massive

All Over - When you score Cait Sith's face, all enemies in the battle are killed
instantly, regardless of whether they have protection from it or not. Watch
out, though - if you mess up, you may accidentally get..

Joker Death - When Cait Sith gets a Bar instead of the right side of his face,
all enemies die instantly.. but so do you. Ribbons do not prevent this. Game
Over. Hope you saved recently. ^_^;;

- Cid Highwind -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Boost Jump: Cid leaps high into the air, and then lands on a single enemy,
spear-first, for moderate damage.

Dynamite: Cid whips out a stick of dynamite, lights it with his cigarette, and
throws it into the midst of the enemy group, hitting them all for light damage.

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Hyper Jump: Cid leaps high into the sky, and then lands hard, creating a blast
of energy that hits all enemies for moderate damage.

Dragon: Cid summons a dragon that appears and attacks one enemy for light
damage. Cid then gains that enemy's current MP worth of HP and MP.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Dragon Dive: Cid jumps high into the sky and lands on the enemies, spear-first,
six different times, hitting enemies at random for light to moderate damage.

Big Brawl: Cid jumps into the middle of the enemy group and launches an eight-
hit combo that hits enemies at random for light damage each (a little weaker
than Dragon Dive, but hits two more times).

Level 4 Limit Break

Highwind: Cid signals to the Highwind, which responds by firing 18 missiles at
the enemy group, hitting them at random for light damage each.

- Yuffie Kisaragi -

Level 1 Limit Breaks

Greased Lighting: Yuffie cuts deep into one enemy for moderate damage.

Clear Tranquil: Yuffie surrounds each of her party members with a blue aura,
which heals them to 50% of their current max HP (i.e, 1000 HP would be restored
to someone with 2000 max HP).

Level 2 Limit Breaks

Landscaper: Yuffie creates a giant shockwave that runs along the ground, hitting
all enemies for moderate damage.

Bloodfest: Yuffie launches into a ten-hit combo, which hits enemies at random
for light damage each hit.

Level 3 Limit Breaks

Gauntlet: Yuffie creates a giant blast of energy that hits all enemies for
equally heavy damage, regardless of their defenses.

Doom of the Living: Similar to Bloodfest, Yuffie launches into a 15-hit combo
that creates cool purple explosions when they hit for the same light damage.

Level 4 Limit Break

All Creation: Yuffie creates a massive, luminescent energy wave that blows away
all enemies for lethal damage (9999 HP in the later levels).

- Vincent Valentine -

Vincent has four Limit Breaks in which he turns into a various beasts. Each
beast cannot be controlled, and they have two attacks that they use at random.
This obviosuly has its advantages and disadvantages.

Level 1 Limit Break

Galian Beast: Vincent turns into a purple demon-beast with increased Speed,
Evade %, and a 30% higher max HP level. This is the fastest of Vincent's forms.

Berserk Dance - The Galian Beast launches a small combo on one enemy for light

Beast Flare - The Galian Beast creates orange orbs that explode around the
enemies, hitting them all for fairly heavy Fire-Elemental damage.

Level 2 Limit Break

Death Gigas: Vincent turns into a Frankenstein-like creature with increased
Defense Power and double the HP, but reduced Speed and low Magic Defense.

Gigadunk - The Death Gigas slams an enemy for heavy damage.

Livewire - The Death Gigas hits all enemies with a blast of electrical energy,
for moderate Lightning-Elemental damage.

Level 3 Limit Break

Hell Masker: Vincent turns into a freaky horror-movie guy with a chainsaw who
sports high Defense Power but low Attack Power.

Splattercombo - The Hell Masker hits a single enemy five times with his chainsaw
for light damage each hit. The total damage this does, though, is less than a
single Gigadunk would do.

Nightmare - The Hell Masker hits one enemy with Sleep, Poison, Cofusion,
Silence, Frog AND Mini conditions. That's nice, but it only hits one enemy.

Level 4 Limit Break

Chaos: Vincent turns into an ultra cool Satan-demon like creature with
incredibly high Attack Power, Defense Power, Magic Defense, and Speed.

Chaos Saber - Chaos uses his Chaos Saber to deliver the same damage as Gigadunk
does.. but to every enemy!

Satan Slam - If the huge skull coming out of the ground doesn't kill every enemy
instantly, then the flying skulls, which do massive damage to all enemies, will.


V. Level 4 Limit Break Locations

Here, you'll find all the locations of the Level 4 Limit Break items. Remember,
to use these items, the character must have mastered (learned) all six previous
Limit Breaks.

- Cloud -

Omnislash: In Disc 2, win 32000 BP (Battle Points) at the Gold Saucer Battle
Square, and exchange them for the Omnislash item.

- Tifa -

Final Heaven: After Cloud regains his senses in Mideel during Disc 2, go back to
Nibelheim with Cloud in the lead and play Tifa's piano. Play the following
song: X, Square, Triangle, R1+Triangle, R1+Square, X, Square, Triangle, R1+X,
Circle, X, Square, Triangle. Not only will you find out what happened to Tifa
after the Nibelheim incident, you'll get the Final Heaven item.

- Barret -

Catastrophe: After you save North Corel from the Shinra Train (you have to save
the town to get this) in Disc 2, go to the house on the west hill, and talk to
the woman inside. She'll give you the Catastrophe item as thanks for saving the
town. Cool.

- Aeris -

Great Gospel: First, drive into Costa Del Sol with the Buggy and sneak a ride in
the Shinra Boat. Make your way out of Junon, and you'll find that you're still
in your Buggy. In this area, look for shallows that the Buggy can cross. Once
you cross the shallows, you'll come to the Sleeping Man's cave. Talk to him,
and he'll give you.. nothing. But talk to him when you've run away a number of
times where the last two digits in the number are the same (i.e. 11, 22, 33, 44,
etc.), and he'll either give you a Lightning Ring or Mythril. If you get the
Lightning Ring, make the numbers match up again and talk to the Sleeping Man one
more time. In any case, once you get Mythril, you're in buisness. Now head
back to the Gongaga Area and look for the Blacksmith's house. Give the Mythril
to him, and he'll allow you to choose an item from either the small or large
box. Choose the small one; it contains the Great Gospel item! The large one
cantains Gold Armor. Yay. Remember, good things do come in small packages.
This can only be done in Disc 1, for obvious reasons.

- Red XIII -

Cosmo Memory: During any Disc (preferably Disc 1), in the Shinra Mansion, open
the safe using the combination Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97 before the
time runs out. If and when you open it, you'll fight a tough Boss, Lost Number.
After defeating it, you'll not only get the Odin Summon Materia, but you'll get
the Cosmo Memory item.

- Cait Sith -

Cait Sith does not have a Level 4 Limit Break.

- Cid -

Highwind: I can't give you specific directions to it, but it's hidden in the
Downed Shinra Plane in Discs 2 and 3. The item IS well-hidden, but it's worth
it, just like every other treasure down there is. Watch out for Emerald

- Yuffie -

All Creation: Defeat the five Gods of the Wutai Pagoda to recieve the Leviathan
Summon Materia and the All Creation item. This can be done during any Disc, but
Disc 1 is preferable.

- Vincent -

Chaos: Visit Lucrecia's Cave with Vincent in your party during Disc 2, and then
visit again in Disc 3 with Vincent in your party. Vincen't Ultimate Weapon and
the Chaos item will be waiting for him.


VI. Ultimate Weapons Locations

In this section, I'll tell you where to find every character's Ultimate Weapon.
Note that even though every Ultimate Weapon has four linked Materia slots and
the highest Attack Power, it doesn't have ANY Materia growth rate, so it's kind
of like a double-edged sword.

- Cloud -

Ultima Weapon: In Disc 3, you may (and probably will) run into Ultimate Weapon
while riding the Highwind in the Overworld. You have to ram him with the
Highwind to get him to attack you, and every time you defeat him, he'll run away
temporarily. Your only option, unfortunately, is to chase him in the Highwind
again. Once you defeat him enough (he has 100000 HP), he'll retreat to his
final resting place, Cosmo Canyon. Defeat him in that area, and he'll yield
Cloud's Ultimate Weapon, the.. Ultima Weapon. Additionally, he'll provide
access to the Ancient Forest.

- Tifa -

Premium Heart: In Disc 2 or 3, return to Bone Village and look for the "Sector 5
Key" (mistranslation). Once you dig it up, you'll be able to open the Sector 7
Door that blocks your access to Midgar. Not much has changed, but if you go to
Wall Market and go to the room with the machine gun mounted on the ceiling,
you'll find that the computer has been fixed.. temporarily. Access it and
you'll get Tifa's Ultimate Weapon, the Premium Heart.

- Barret -

Missing Score: In Disc 2, during the raid of Midgar, you'll find the Missing
Score in a treasure box on the stairs leading up to Hojo.. but only if Barret is
currently in your party. Bummer. -_-

- Aeris -

Princess Guard: You can find Aeris' Ultimate Weapon, the Princess Guard, in the
Temple of the Ancients, behind the IIII Door (yeah, IIII, not IV), during Disc
1. Seems a little late to be getting it, though..

- Red XIII -

Limited Moon: Return to Cosmo Canyon anytime in Disc 3 with Red XIII in your
party, and speak to Bugenhagen. A new event will unfold, and you'll end up
getting Red XIII's Ultimate Weapon, the Limited Moon.

- Cait Sith -

HP Shout: When you return to Midgar and raid the Shinra Building in Disc 2,
return to the 64th Floor and check the locker that Cloud previously said he
found a megaphone. He'll realize that he needs it for Cait Sith now, and it
just so happens to be Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon, the HP Shout.

- Cid -

Venus Gospel: When all of the Huge Materia events in Disc 2 are over, talk to
the guy in Rocket Town who is sentimental about the rocket three times (you'll
know him by the fact that all he does is look at it). He'll give you Cid's
Ultimate Weapon, the Venus Gospel.

- Yuffie -

Conformer: In Disc 2 or 3, go to the Downed Gelnika plane and go to the
Laboratory section (it's kinda hard to find as the door to that section isn't
very well marked). One of the items here is Yuffie's Ultimate Weapon, the

- Vincent -

Death Penalty: In Disc 2, go to Lucrecia's Cave with Vincent in your party.
Return in Disc 3, and you'll get Vincent's Ultimate Weapon, the Death Penalty
(you get this at the same time you get his Level 4 Limit Break, Chaos).


VII. Summon Materia Locations

This section will help you to find each and every Summon Materia in the game.
You don't want to miss any of them, because not only are they powerful, but they
look incredibly cool too.

Choco/Mog: Find this at the Chocobo Ranch. The first time you enter, talk to
the Chocobo nearest to you. Select "Wark!", and the Chocobos will do a cute
little dance for you. All of this concludes with you walking away with the
Choco/Mog Summon Materia.

Shiva: Priscilla will give this Materia to you after you save her from
Bottomswell in Junon, the first time you visit.

Ifrit: Jenova-BIRTH (on the Shinra Boat) will drop this when you beat her.

Ramuh: In the Chocobo Jockey Room you stay in when you're racing to escape from
Corel Prison. You'll know where it is by its flashing.

Titan: In Gongaga, check the location where Scarlet says she's found a "useless"
Materia. Titan maybe useless to her, but.. whatever.. ^_~

Odin: It can be found inside of the safe in the Shinra Mansion, once you beat
the Boss of the safe, Lost Number.

Leviathan: Godo will give this Materia to Yuffie when she beats him at the top
of the Wutai Pagoda. You get this at the same time you get her Level 4 Limit
Break item, All Creation.

Bahamut: The Red Dragon will drop this when you beat it inside of the Temple of
the Ancients.

Kjata: Find this in the Sleeping Forest. It's easy to miss, as it's hidden on
the left side of the screen, and it appears and disappears at will. When you
see a shining red ball, go to where you see it and it will fall into your
possesion soon enough.

Alexander: This one is incredibly hard to get (I missed it my first time through
the Ice Gate). I can't give you directions, so I suggest that you check out one
of the great FAQs at GameFAQs that can. I WILL tell you, however, that you
first must dip your hands in the hot springs, and then touch the Ice Witch, who
is found in an extremely out-of-the-way cave in the massive Ice Gate maze. Good
luck. It's worth it.

Phoenix: Just win at the Fort Condor Huge Materia Event (either by doing the
stupid war/strategy-game or by cranking up the speed and waiting for the Boss to
come to you). Either way, you'll get the Phoenix Summon Materia once you win.

Bahamut Neo: This one's extremely hard to miss. It's laying right in the middle
of your path through the Whirlwind Maze.

Hades: This one can be found in the Downed Gelnika Plane. It's generally easy
to find. If you have THAT much trouble, just E-mail me. ^_^

Bahamut ZERO: Examine the Blue Huge Materia when you have both Bahamut and
Bahamut Neo in your posession, and you'll be given the almighty Bahamut ZERO
Summon Materia.

Typoon: This can be found (although it's really not worth it) in the Ancient
Forest. It does look cool, but it just really sucks.

Knights of the Round: This legendary Materia can be found in the Round Island
Materia Cave, which can only be reached on the back of a self-bred Gold Chocobo.
See the Chocobo Breeding Section for more information.


VIII. Weapon List

Here's a list of all the Weapons in the game, their Attack Power, their Materia
growth rate, their Materia slot layouts, and where they're FIRST found.

- Cloud -

Buster Sword
Attack: 18
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O
Found: Cloud starts with this Weapon.

Mythril Saber
Attack: 23
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O
Found: Kalm Weapon Shop

Attack: 32
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Weapon Shop

Force Stealer
Attack: 36
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Win at Junon Parade

Butterfly Edge
Attack: 39
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Rune Blade
Attack: 40
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Mt. Nibel

Attack: 56
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O
Found: Rocket Town

Attack: 51
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Attack: 62
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Nail Bat
Attack: 70
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Enhance Sword
Attack: 43
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Gaea's Cliff

Crystal Sword
Attack: 76
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Attack: 88
Growth: Triple
Slot: O O O
Found: Ancient Forest

Heaven's Cloud
Attack: 93
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O
Found: Downed Gelnika Plane

Attack: 97
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Win from Proud Clod (Boss)

Ultima Weapon
Attack: 100
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Win from Ultimate Weapon (Boss), see Part VI

- Tifa -

Leather Glove
Attack: 13
Growth: Normal
Slot: O
Found: Tifa starts with this Weapon.

Metal Knuckle
Attack: 18
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O
Found: Wall Market Weapon Shop

Mythril Claw
Attack: 24
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O
Found: Kalm Weapon Shop

Motor Drive
Attack: 27
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Costa del Sol

Grand Glove
Attack: 31
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Weapon Shop

Tiger Fang
Attack: 38
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Platinum Fist
Attack: 30
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Nibelheim

Attack: 28
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Mt. Nibel

Diamond Knuckle
Attack: 51
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Work Glove
Attack: 24
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Dragon Claw
Attack: 62
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Kaiser Knuckle
Attack: 44
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O O O O O
Found: Whirlwind Maze

Crystal Grab
Attack: 75
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

God's Hand
Attack: 86
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Win from Carry Armor (Boss)

Master Fist
Attack: 38
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O
Found: Shinra Building

Premium Heart
Attack: 99
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Wall Market, see Part VI

- Barret -

Gatling Gun
Attack: 14
Growth: Normal
Slot: O
Found: Barret starts with this Weapon.

Assault Gun
Attack: 17
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O
Found: Sector 8 Weapon Shop

Atomic Scissors
Attack: 32
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Weapon Shop

Cannon Ball
Attack: 23
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O
Found: Kalm Weapon Shop

W Machine Gun
Attack: 30
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Mt. Corel

Hard Vulcan
Attack: 39
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Enemy Launcher
Attack: 35
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O O
Found: Shinra Mansion

Drill Arm
Attack: 37
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Rocket Town

Attack: 52
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Rocket Punch
Attack: 62
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Attack: 63
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Solid Bazooka
Attack: 61
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Costa del Sol Weapon Shop (Post-Meteor)

AM Cannon
Attack: 77
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Maximum Ray
Attack: 97
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Sector 8

Pile Bunker
Attack: 90
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Shinra Building

Missing Score
Attack: 98
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Sister Ray, see Part VI

- Aeris -

Guard Rod
Attack: 12
Growth: Normal
Slot: O
Found: Aeris starts with this Weapon.

Mythril Rod
Attack: 16
Growth: Normal
Slot: ?? (I need this info)
Found: Wall Market Weapon Shop

Striking Staff
Attack: 32
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Weapon Shop

Full Metal Staff
Attack: 22
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O
Found: Kalm Weapon Shop

Wizard Staff
Attack: 28
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Mt. Corel

Attack: 58
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Gold Saucer Speed Arena

Fairy Tale
Attack: 37
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O O
Found: Win from Reno (Boss)

Prism Staff
Attack: 40
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Wiser Staff
Attack: 33
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Win from Gi Nanataku (Boss)

Aurora Rod
Attack: 51
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Princess Guard
Attack: 52
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O
Found: Temple of the Ancients

- Red XIII -

Mythril Clip
Attack: 24
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O
Found: Red XIII starts with this Weapon.

Magic Comb
Attack: 37
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Fort Condor

Diamond Pin
Attack: 33
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Materia Shop

Silver Barrette
Attack: 40
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Seraph Comb
Attack: 68
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O
Found: Cave of the Gi

Plus Barrette
Attack: 39
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Mt. Nibel

Gold Barrette
Attack: 50
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Attack: 57
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Wutai

Adaman Clip
Attack: 60
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Materia Shop

Attack: 58
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O O O
Found: Costa del Sol (Post Meteor)

Crystal Comb
Attack: 76
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Spring Gun Clip
Attack: 87
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Ancient Forest

Behemoth Horn
Attack: 91
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O
Found: Shinra Building

Limited Moon
Attack: 93
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon, see Part VI

- Cait Sith -

Yellow Megaphone
Attack: 36
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Cait Sith starts with this Weapon.

White Megaphone
Attack: 35
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Gongaga

Green Megaphone
Attack: 41
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Black Megaphone
Attack: 31
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Cave of the Gi

Silver Megaphone
Attack: 28
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O O O
Found: Shinra Mansion

Blue Megaphone
Attack: 48
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Trumpet Shell
Attack: 68
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Red Megaphone
Attack: 60
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Gold Megaphone
Attack: 58
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Costa del Sol Weapon Shop (Post Meteor)

Crystal Megaphone
Attack: 74
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Battle Trumpet
Attack: 95
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Underwater Reactor

Starlight Phone
Attack: 88
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Sector 8

HP Shout
Attack: 95
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Shinra Building, see Part VI

- Cid -

Attack: 44
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cid starts with this Weapon.

Slash Lance
Attack: 56
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Dragoon Lance
Attack: 66
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O O O
Found: Da-Chao Cave

Attack: 60
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Attack: 68
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Bone Village

Viper Halberd
Attack: 58
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Zango Valley

Mast Ax
Attack: 64
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Attack: 62
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Gaea's Cliff

Attack: 78
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop.

Attack: 86
Growth: Triple
Slot: O-O
Found: Underwater Reactor

Attack: 100
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O O O O
Found: Gold Saucer Speed Arena (Disc 2 or 3)

Spirit Lance
Attack: 92
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Downed Gelnika Plane

Grow Lance
Attack: 78
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Shinra Building

Venus Gospel
Attack: 97
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Rocket Town, see Part VI

- Yuffie -

4-Point Shruiken
Attack: 23
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O
Found: Yuffie starts with this Weapon

Attack: 30
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Junon Weapon Shop

Wind Slash
Attack: 30
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O
Found: Shinra Boat

Attack: 37
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Cosmo Canyon Weapon Shop

Twin Viper
Attack: 36
Growth: Double
Slot: O O O O
Found: Shinra Mansion

Razor Ring
Attack: 49
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Magic Shruiken
Attack: 64
Growth: Normal
Slot: O O O
Found: Wutai

Attack: 61
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Attack: 68
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Fort Condor

Spiral Shruiken
Attack: 68
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O O O O O
Found: Costa del Sol Weapon Shop (Post Meteor)

Crystal Cross
Attack: 74
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Rising Sun
Attack: 68
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Steal from Diamond Weapon (Boss)

Attack: 90
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O O O
Found: Da-Chao Cave

Attack: 96
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Downed Gelnika Plane

- Vincent -

Attack: 38
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O O
Found: Vincent starts with this Weapon

Attack: 38
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O
Found: Kalm

Sniper CR
Attack: 42
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Mt. Nibel

Attack: 48
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Rocket Town Weapon Shop

Attack: 51
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O
Found: Wutai Weapon Shop

Silver Rifle
Attack: 62
Growth: None
Slot: None
Found: Temple of the Ancients

Attack: 48
Growth: Double
Slot: O-O O-O
Found: Bone Village

Attack: 64
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O
Found: Icicle Lodge Weapon Shop

Longbarrel R
Attack: 66
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Costa del Sol Weapon Shop (Post Meteor).

Attack: 73
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Mideel Weapon Shop

Supershot ST
Attack: 97
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O
Found: Ancient Forest

Attack: 80
Growth: Normal
Slot: O-O O-O O O O O
Found: Downed Gelnika Plane

Death Penalty
Attack: 99
Growth: None
Slot: O-O O-O O-O O-O
Found: Lucrecia's Cave, see Part VI


IX. Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon

This Section provides what I think are the best strategies for beating those two
sons of bitches, Emerald and Ruby Weapon. I DID beat them, by the way. And
yes, I am showing off. ^_~

- Emerald Weapon -

The "easier" of the two bosses, he's a sinch if you have the right Materia. And
without a GameShark, the right Materia will take ages to get. First off, you
need to eliminate that damned 20 minute timer Square threw in. To do this, go
to the Underwater Reactor and walk around in one of those big aqua tubes until
you fight a Ghost Ship enemy. Now, Morph it using the "Morph" Materia. Take
the Item you get back to the man I call the "Kalm Dude" (in Kalm, obviously),
and you'll get the Underwater Materia for it. (No, this Materia is NOT used to
revive Aeris. Because Aeris CANNOT be revived.) This will allow your party to
breathe under water, eliminating the timer. Now, you want three Mime Materia,
Knights of the Round, some Turbo Ethers, and the Phoenix Summon Materia with a
mastered Final Attack Materia linked to it. Also, try to have an Enemy Skill
Materia with Big Guard learned. And high HP and MP Levels, and all of the
Ultimate Weapons would help too. Now, go find him, and get ready for a tough-
ass fight. Immediately use Big Guard to boost your Defense. Then, when the
character with the Knights of the Round Materia is ready, cast it. And the Mime
it with the next character. And then Mime it with the other character. And
Mime again. And again. And KotR to Emmy to Hell and back. At one point, he
will use his super-ultra-mega-death-blasto-destructo-hell-hahaha-attack. In
other words, he'll kill you no matter what (9999 on everyone). Not to worry;
you have your Phoenix and Revive combination. Once you're back up and running,
cast Big Guard again, and start the KotR chain again. Remember, Emmy has
1,000,000 HP, so it will take awhile. But you'll win. Once you do, you recieve
the Earth Harp. Take the Earth Harp back to the Kalm Dude and he'll give you a
Master Magic, Master Summon, and Master Command Materia for your efforts.

- Ruby Weapon -

Ugh, I hate this thing. It's at least 10 times harder than Emmy was.. and all
you get is a stinkin' Gold Chocobo for it. Oh, big deal. You should've had one
years ago by this point in the game. Oh well. Anyway, here's the deal: load
one character (preferably with EXTREMELY high HP and MP levels, like Cloud) with
the W-Summon Materia (Master), Knights of the Round (Master), Mime (Master),
Final Attack linked to Revive (both Master), the Shield Materia (Master), a
Ribbon, and the Mystile Armor (to have a 50% chance of avoiding Ruby's repeated
Ultima-casting). A few HP Plus Materias wouldn't hurt either. Now, engage
Ruby. And keep engaging the damn thing until your He-Man/Woman character (the
one with everything on him/her) is the lucky one to survive Ruby's Whirlsand
attack (which throws a character out of the battle). Then, cast Shield on
yourself, and start miming Knights of the Round, and focus on the stalks. One
the stalks are down, focus on Ruby itself until she goes down. If (and when)
your Shield gives out, stop the chain, cast Shield again, use a Megalixir or
Turbo Ether, and start the chain again. Like Emmy, Ruby has 1,000,000 HP to
chip away at, so.. good luck. If you beat it, you'll recieve the Desert Rose.
Take this back to the Kalm Dude, and he'll give you a Gold Chocobo. Woo-hoo.
Well, at least you can.. brag. Or something. Right, that's it. Brag. Yay.


X. Enemy Skills Guide

This section will list all 24 learnable Enemy Skills (including Chocobuckle),
what they do, what enemies they can be learned from, where those enemies are
found, and how many MP it costs.

Angel Whisper:
Completely restores HP and Status of a single ally, and also works like Life 2
if used on a dead ally. You can learn it from the Pollensalita, in the Final
Dungeon. It costs 50 MP.

Does a high amount of Water-Elemental damage to all enemies. You can learn it
from the Chimera in the desert surrounding the Gold Saucer, or from Jenova-LIFE.
It costs 34 MP.

Bad Breath:
Attempts to inflict Poison, Sleep, Mini, Frog, and Confuse on all enemies.
Doesn't work on some Bosses. You can learn it from the Molbor, found on Gaea's
Cliff. It costs 58 MP.

Does a moderate amount of Fire-Elemental damage to all enemies. You can only
learn it from the Midgar Zolom, and that's if you survive the attack anyway. It
costs 35 MP.

Big Guard:
One of the best Enemy Skills. It casts Barrier, MBarrier, and Haste on all of
your party. You can learn it from the Beach Plug enemy, found on the Costa del
Sol beach. It costs a whopping 56 MP for one use, though..

This is the single hardest Enemy Skill to get, but it can be very effective.
First, fight the Mu enemies around the Chocobo Ranch, and stall until they cast
their Enemy Skill, Level 4 Suicide, on you. They rarely cast it, so prepare for
a long battle. Once you learn it, kill them and go to the Chocobo Ranch. Buy
three Mimett Greens, and then fight a Level 16 Chocobo (use "Sense" Materia to
check). Now, feed all three Mimett Greens to him, one after the other. Once
you've done that, use Level 4 Suicide on the poor guy. He won't die, but he'll
be so pissed off that he'll respond with Chocobuckle, allowing you to learn it.
Well, that's it. Now run away from hundreds of battles and you can do 9999
damage to all enemies for a measly 3 MP. Have fun. ^_^

Death Force:
Attempts to cast Death Sentence on a single target, and/or kill the target
instantly. Doesn't work on Bosses. It can be learned from the Adamantaimai in
the area around Wutai. It costs 3 MP.

Death Roulette:
One character in the battle, be it ally or enemy, will be killed instantly.
Doesn't work on Bosses. It can be learned from the Death Dealer in the Final
Dungeon. It costs 6 MP.

Death Sentence:
Inflicts one enemy with Death Sentence. Doesn't work on Bosses. You can learn
it from the Sneaky Step or Death Spector in the Cave of the Gi. It costs 10 MP
to use.

Dragon Force:
One ally's Defense and Magic Defense is increased by 50%. You can learn it from
the Dark Dragon in the Final Dungeon. Costs 19 MP to use.

Flame Thrower:
Does a moderate amount of Fire-Elemental damage to a single target. You can
learn it from the Archdragon in the Mythril Mine. Costs 10 MP.

Frog Song:
Attempts to inflict Frog and Sleep on a single target. Also heals a member who
is a Frog. Doesn't work on most Bosses. It can be learned from the Touch Me
(uh..) in the Gongaga Area. Costs a whopping 120 MP..

Goblin Punch:
Does very light Non-Elemental damage to a single target. If target is the same
Level as user, it will do heavy Non-Elemental damage. Learn it from the Goblin
on Goblin Island. Costs 0 MP, as it's pretty damn useless..

Reduces a single target's HP by 50% (if it has 6000 HP, will hit for 3000).
Doesn't work on Bosses. Learn it from the Bull Motor in Corel Prison. Costs 16

Level 4 Suicide:
Inflicts Death Sentence and Mini on targets whose Level is a multiple of 4 (4,
8, 12, 16, etc..). Doesn't work on Bosses. Learn it from the Mu in the area
around the Chocobo Ranch. Costs 10 MP.

Level 5 Death:
Instantly kills all enemies whose Level is a multiple of 5 (5, 10, 15, 20,
etc..). Doesn't work on Bosses, obviously. Learn it from the Parasite in the
Final Dungeon. Costs 22 MP.

Magic Breath:
Does moderate to heavy Fire, Water, and Lightning-Elemental damage to all
enemies. Learn it from the Stilv in Gaea's Cliff. Costs 75 MP.

Magic Hammer:
Steals 100 MP (if possible) from a single target. Learn it from the Razor Weeds
in the Wutai area. Costs 120 MP.

Matra Magic:
Does light Non-Elemental damage to all enemies. Learn it from the Custom
Sweepers in the Midgar Area. Costs 8 MP.

Pandora's Box:
Hits all enemies for moderate to heavy Non-Elemental damage. Learn it from the
Dragon Zombie in the Final Dungeon. Costs a whopping 110 MP.

Shadow Flare:
Hits one enemy for extrememly heavy Non-Elemental damage. Learn it from Ultima
Weapon, as his last resort death attack. If he hits someone other than the
person with E. Skill equipped, just reset and try again, because this is worth
having. Costs 100 MP for every use..

Does a moderate amount of Lightning-Elemental damage to all enemies. Learn it
from the Materia Keeper (Boss) on Mt. Nibel, or from the Stilv, at Gaea's Cliff.
Costs 20 MP.

White Wind:
Refills HP of all allies by an amount equal to the caster's current HP level.
Learn it from the Zemzelett, in the area around Junon. You must have the
"Manipulate" Materia, because he will (obviously) never use it on you willingly.
Costs 34 MP.

????: (Yes, that's what it's called)
One target takes an amount of Non-Elemental damage equal to that of your Max HP
level, minus your current HP level. Learn it from the Judge in the Shinra
Mansion. It costs 3 MP.


XI. Chocobo Breeding

This section will teach you how to breed that damned elusive Gold Chocobo.
Remember, Chocobo Breeding can be started as early as Mid-Disc 2. The sooner
you get Knights of the Round, the better. The following is a list of the
different types of Chocobos and what they can do:


Yellow Chocobo: The Normal Chocobo. It can run across fields, and not much
Green Chocobo: The Mountain Chocobo. It can run across fields, and pass
mountains with ease.
Blue Chocobo: The River Chocobo. It can run across fields, and wade through
shallow water and rivers easily.
Black Chocobo: The Mountain/River Chocobo: It can run across fields, climb
mountains, AND wade through rivers.
Gold Chocobo: The Sea Chocobo. It can do everything the other Chocobos can, and
can also run across the sea, letting you go anywhere.


This is a list of the different Greens and the stats they raise. Always buy
Greens from the Chocobo Sage, as he has the best and most rare ones.

Gysahl Greens: 100 Gil: Raises Speed and Stamina. 1 Green will do nothing; 10
Greens will yield a .7% increase in Stam.; 30 Greens will yield a 6.7% increase
in Speed and a 2.8% increase in Stam.

Krakka Greens: 250 Gil: Raises Intelligence.

Tantal Greens: 400 Gil: Raises Stamina and Intelligence. 1 Green will do
nothing; 10 Greens will raise Stam. by 2.2%; 30 Greens will raise Stam. by

Pashana Greens: 400 Gil: Raises Intelligence and Tameness.

Curiel Greens: 1000 Gil: Raises Speed and Stamina. 1 Green will do nothing; 10
Greens will raise Stam. by 3.2%; 30 Greens will raise Speed by 5.7% and Stam. by

Mimett Greens: 1500 Gil: Raises Speed. 1 Green will do nothing; 10 Greens will
raise Speed by 7.7%; 30 Greens will raise Speed by 17.9%.

Reagan Greens: 3000 Gil: Raises Speed and Stamina. 1 Green will raise Stam. by
1%; 10 Greens will raise Speed by 25% and Stam. by 12%; 30 Greens will raise
Speed by 79% and Stam. by 36.4%.

Sylkis Greens: 5000 Gil: Raises Speed, Stamina, Intelligence, and Tameness. 1
Green will raise Speed by 11.4% and Stam. by 3.1%; 10 Greens will raise Speed by
68% and Stam. by 22.3%; 30 Greens will raise Speed by 75.9% and Stam. by 119%.

NOTE: Reagan Greens and Sylkis Greens are only available from the Chocobo Sage.


The following is a step-by-step walkthrough of raising a Gold Chocobo.

Step 1: Go to the Chocobo Ranch and buy as many Chocobo Pens as you can, with
the money you have (you'll need a lot).
Step 2: Catch two "Good" Chocobos, found at the Chocobo Tracks near the Gold
Sacuer. Now, feed them both the Greens they need until you raise their stats
(Speed, Stamina, Intelligence, and Tameness) to their maximum levels (not too
hard, since these are relatively basic Chocobos). Now, race them until they get
to at LEAST A Class in the Chocobo Races, and bring them back to their Pens.
Now go to the Icicle Area (right next to the Chocobo Sage's house) and fight a
Brachioladus. Steal a Carob Nut from it. Go back to the Chocobo Ranch.
***SAVE***. Breed your two Chocobos together using the Carob Nut. If you get a
Blue Chocobo or Green Chocobo of either gender, congrats! Keep it! If you just
get another Yellow Chocobo, reset and try again since you just saved. Keep
trying until you get a Blue or Green Chocobo of either gender.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 completely, and keep resetting until you get:
- A Green Male Chocobo if you bred a Blue Female the first time
- A Green Female Chocobo if you bred a Blue Male the first time
- A Blue Male Chocobo if you bred a Green Female the first time
- A Blue Female Chocobo if you bred a Green Male Chocobo the first time
Personally, I got a Green Male and a Blue Female.
Step 4: Raise both the Blue and Green Chocobos to at least A Class (S Class is
better), get another Carob Nut, go to back to the Chocobo Ranch, and SAVE.
Breed the Blue and the Green Chocobo using the Carob Nut, and you'll probably
get a Black Chocobo of either gender. That's what you want. If you got a Black
one, congrats! Go on to the next step! If not, keep trying until you do.
Step 5: Go to the Frozen Continent and find the Chocobo Tracks there, and catch
as many Yellow Chocobos as your number of free Pens will allow. Then, go back
and have them rated. Chances are you'll have a "Wonderful" Chocobo (they're
only found there). If you don't, don't despair; they're very rare, and you may
have to try multiple times to get one. Once you get a Wonderful Chocobo, MAKE
that and your Black Chocobo up to S Class (MUST be S Class).
Step 6: Once your Black Chocobo and Wonderful Yellow Chocobo are champion
racers, go to Goblin Island and fight some Goblins. Steal a Zeio Nut from them.
Go back to the Chocobo Ranch, and mate your Black Chocobo and your Wonderful
Yellow Chocobo together, using your new Zeio Nut. If both parents were S Class
like I suggested, and you used the Zeio Nut to breed them, you hve a pretty good
chance of getting your Gold Chocobo. It may take a few tries though; I had
champion racers and di everything perfectly, and it still took me like 15 tries.
So, have patience and you'll get one eventually. Congrats! Now go get Mime,
HP<--->MP, Knights of the Round, and Quadra Magic!


XII. Crazy Materia Combinations

Here, you'll find some Materia combinations that are stupidly powerful,
extremely effective, or just plain whacked out weird. ^_~

Quadra Magic + Fire, Added Cut + Fire, MP Turbo + Fire, Added Steal + Fire,
MP Absorb + Fire, Magic Counter + Fire, HP Absorb + Fire, W-Magic, Magic Plus
(All Fire Mastered, Quadra Magic Mastered)

- This combo casts Fire 3 at random targets four times, pausing in between to
steal the target's possesion before dying and giving the caster a HP and MP
bonus. Then, you perform a normal attack, and then.. thanks to W-Magic, it
HAPPENS ALL OVER AGAIN!! Kill those bastards!! :D

Quadra Magic + Contain, W-Magic
(Quadra Magic and Contain Mastered)

- This combo is basic, but the results are devastating.. to the enemies, that
is. With a Mastered Quadra Magic and a Mastered Contain linked together, you
will cast all of Contain's four ultra-powerful spells.. twice. Yes, twice for
EACH Spell. Now, throw in that W-Magic and you'll do it all over again.. for a
total of 16 devastating Spells. Even Seraph Sephiroth would have a bad time
with this. :D

Deathblow + Added Cut, Deathblow + Added Steal, MP Absorb + Deathblow
(All high levels)

- This isn't quite as revolutionary as the two combos before this, but it's
still effective nonetheless. First off, if you use Deathblow every turn, not
only will you attack twice every turn and do double damage when you DO hit,
you'll also attempt to steal, and with MP Absorb, you can absorb MP at the same
time! Ok, so it's not so amazing, but.. I like it.. ^_~

Magic Counter + Comet, Command Counter + Deathblow, Counter Attack (as many as
you have), Defend, HP Plus (a lot of 'em)
(All at Master or high levels)

- Let's get to the point. When the enemy attacks the lucky character, he's
&%^$ed. First, he gets himself stuck with three regular attacks, a Deathblow,
and a shitload of comets. And none of your members have even had their turns
yet. 'Nuff said.


XIII. Conclusion

Well, I hope you enjoyed my latest (and biggest so far) FAQ. I know it's an
older game, but it's an instant classic, and is one of THE best games ever made.
The only games I think surpass it are Xenogears, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy
VI, and Final Fantasy Tactics. So, dust off that FFVII game and get everything
you missed the first time.. because trust me, it's hella fun. Look for more
FAQs from me soon! Later! ^_^


XIV. Thanks

First and foremost, I'd like to thank Versus Books for their Unofficial Final
Fantasy VII Ultimate Guide. Without it, many sections of this FAQ would not
have been possible. Secondly, kudos go to BradyGAMES for their Officiall Final
Fantasy VII Strategy Guide. Although not as good as the former, it helped me.

Well, no one has submitted anything yet, so.. that's it. Later, everyone.


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Saves an verschiedenen Stellen des Games

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Feindeskönnen FAQ deutsch

15.Oktober 2013
Weapon Upgrading

14.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 100, alle Summons inklusive 2 Ritter der round spells, alles Material, alle Gegenstände, alle ultimativen Waffen. Übermittelt von: Andrew Castillo (

15.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Code Guide
Engl. FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Dieser Trainer bietet nun ungelogen 115 (!!!) Möglichkeiten der Manipulation an

16.Oktober 2013
Boss FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Speed Walkthrough

15.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
US Version: Everything at Boss Fight

16.Oktober 2013
European Version: Everything at Boss Fight

18.Oktober 2013
Alle Spieler sind auf Level 199. Ausserdem gibts alles was man braucht in Massen

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
PAL Patch für die US NTSC Version.

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Monster Treasure Chart

14.Oktober 2013
Weapon FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Materia Combo FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Lucky 7's FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Goodies FAQ

13.Oktober 2013
General FAQ

14.Oktober 2013

11.Oktober 2013
Extra FAQ

12.Oktober 2013
Beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon Easy

13.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
13.Dezember 2013
01.Dezember 2014
11.Februar 2016
11.Februar 2016
25.September 2015
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020