Pokémon Rot

Pokémon Rot

18.10.2013 07:13:56


Get Mew and 99 Masterballs First enter this code


Go to Cerulean, and go in the Shop. You can now buy masterballs
for free! Buy 99 and save your game. Press the button on the
GG labeled code screen. Erase the current code and enter this one

Blue Version





Red Version




Then go to the field to the left of Cerulean, the one under the hedge
you jumped to get here after Mt. Moon. If you fight a couple
times, you'll find Mew! Use a masterball on him! It has an attack
called Transform, and if he uses it and you catch him, you will
catch a Ditto.

Rare candy First enter this code 284-55d-f7a

Then go to Cerulean city's mart. They now sell rare candy.

Get rich quick First enter this code 996-11b-e6a

Then press the button that says "code on/off" to turn off the code.
Go to any Pokemart and buy lots of pokeballs. Then press the
"code on/off" button again. Now sell all of those pokeballs you just
bought. The store owner will give you a ton of money for each
one. Talk about profit!

Item Codes

These are the item codes. Use them to buy anything
(if you have enough money)!


Here the codes for some stores listed by town. Replace
the x's with a number for an item found in the item list below.

Veridian City


Pewter City


Cerulean City


Vermilion City



These are the items. Use the number to the left of the item in
place of the x's in the store codes above.

Number Item Price

01 Master Ball 0

02 Ultra Ball 1200

03 Great Ball 200

04 PokÚBall 200

0A Moon Stone 0

0B Antidote 100

0C Burn Heal 250

0D Ice Heal 250

0E Awakening 200

0F Parlyz Heal 200

10 Full Restore 3000

11 Max Potion 2500

12 Hyper Potion 1500

13 Super Potion 700

14 Potion 300

1D Escape Rope 550

1E Repel 350

20 FireStone 2100

21 ThunderStone 2100

22 WaterStone 2100

23 HP Up 9800

24 Protein 9800

25 Iron 9800

26 Carbos 9800

27 Calcium 9800

28 Rare Candy 4800

2E X Accuracy 950

2F Leaf Stone 2100

31 Nugget 10000

32 PP UP 9800

33 PokÚDoll 1000

34 Full Heal 600

35 Revive 1500

36 Max Revive 4000

37 Gaurd Spec 700

38 Super Repel 500

39 Max Repel 700

3A Dire Hit 650

3B Coin 10

3C Fresh Water 200

3D Soda Pop 300

3E Lemonade 350

41 X Attack 500

42 X Defend 550

43 X Speed 350

44 X Special 350

4B Exp. All 0

4F PP Up 0

50 Ether 0

51 Max Ether 0

52 Elixer 0

53 Max Elixer 0

TMs and HMs

It's true! You can buy TMs and HMs too! Use them the same way as items,
only one difference.....

They're F-R-E-E!!!!!!

Number TM/HM Ability

C4 HM01 cut

C5 HM02 fly

C6 HM03 surf

C7 HM04 strength

C8 HM05 flash

C9 TM01 mega punch

CA TM02 razor wind

CB TM03 swords dance

CC TM04 whirlwind

CD TM05 mega kick

CE TM06 toxic

CF TM07 horn drill

D0 TM08 body slam

D1 TM09 take down

D2 TM10 double-edge

D3 TM11 bubble beam

D4 TM12 water gun

D5 TM13 ice beam

D6 TM14 blizzard

D7 TM15 hyper beam

D8 TM16 pay day

D9 TM17 submission

DA TM18 counter

DB TM19 seismic toss

DC TM20 rage

DD TM21 mega drain

DE TM22 solar beam

DF TM23 dragon rage

E0 TM24 thunderbolt

E1 TM25 thunder

E2 TM26 earth quake

E3 TM27 fissure

E4 TM28 dig

E5 TM29 psychic

E6 TM30 teleport

E7 TM31 mimic

E8 TM32 double team

E9 TM33 reflect

EA TM34 bide

EB TM35 metronome

EC TM36 self destruct

ED TM37 egg bomb

EE TM38 fire blast

EF TM39 swift

F0 TM40 skull bash

F1 TM41 soft boiled

F2 TM42 dreameater

F3 TM43 sky attack

F4 TM44 rest

F5 TM45 thunder wave

F6 TM46 psywave

F7 TM47 explosion

F8 TM48 rock slide

F9 TM49 tri attack

FA TM50 substitute

by Kevin J.

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2016-12-22 16:37:16... -

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