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Get Mew and 99 Masterballs First enter this code
Go to Cerulean, and go in the Shop. You can now buy masterballs
for free! Buy 99 and save your game. Press the button on the
GG labeled code screen. Erase the current code and enter this one
Blue Version
Red Version
Then go to the field to the left of Cerulean, the one under the hedge
you jumped to get here after Mt. Moon. If you fight a couple
times, you'll find Mew! Use a masterball on him! It has an attack
called Transform, and if he uses it and you catch him, you will
catch a Ditto.
Rare candy First enter this code 284-55d-f7a
Then go to Cerulean city's mart. They now sell rare candy.
Get rich quick First enter this code 996-11b-e6a
Then press the button that says "code on/off" to turn off the code.
Go to any Pokemart and buy lots of pokeballs. Then press the
"code on/off" button again. Now sell all of those pokeballs you just
bought. The store owner will give you a ton of money for each
one. Talk about profit!
Item Codes
These are the item codes. Use them to buy anything
(if you have enough money)!
Here the codes for some stores listed by town. Replace
the x's with a number for an item found in the item list below.
Veridian City
Pewter City
Cerulean City
Vermilion City
These are the items. Use the number to the left of the item in
place of the x's in the store codes above.
Number Item Price
01 Master Ball 0
02 Ultra Ball 1200
03 Great Ball 200
04 PokÚBall 200
0A Moon Stone 0
0B Antidote 100
0C Burn Heal 250
0D Ice Heal 250
0E Awakening 200
0F Parlyz Heal 200
10 Full Restore 3000
11 Max Potion 2500
12 Hyper Potion 1500
13 Super Potion 700
14 Potion 300
1D Escape Rope 550
1E Repel 350
20 FireStone 2100
21 ThunderStone 2100
22 WaterStone 2100
23 HP Up 9800
24 Protein 9800
25 Iron 9800
26 Carbos 9800
27 Calcium 9800
28 Rare Candy 4800
2E X Accuracy 950
2F Leaf Stone 2100
31 Nugget 10000
32 PP UP 9800
33 PokÚDoll 1000
34 Full Heal 600
35 Revive 1500
36 Max Revive 4000
37 Gaurd Spec 700
38 Super Repel 500
39 Max Repel 700
3A Dire Hit 650
3B Coin 10
3C Fresh Water 200
3D Soda Pop 300
3E Lemonade 350
41 X Attack 500
42 X Defend 550
43 X Speed 350
44 X Special 350
4B Exp. All 0
4F PP Up 0
50 Ether 0
51 Max Ether 0
52 Elixer 0
53 Max Elixer 0
TMs and HMs
It's true! You can buy TMs and HMs too! Use them the same way as items,
only one difference.....
Gute liste, vermisse die starter codes