Pokémon Rot

Pokémon Rot

17.10.2013 23:50:43


Ab welchen Level lernt ein Pokémon welche Attacken?

Aus der unteren Tabelle kann man erkennen welches Pokémon ab ein
bestimmtem Level welche neue Attacke lernt.

Nummer & Name Level Fähigkeit Typ

001 Bisasam - Tackle Normal
- Heuler Normal
7 Egelsamen Pflanze
13 Rankenhieb Pflanze
20 Giftpuder Gift
27 Rasierblatt Pflanze
34 Wachstum Normal
41 Schlafpuder Pflanze
48 Solarstrahl Pflanze
002 Bisaknosp - Tackle Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Egelsamen Pflanze
13 Rankenhieb Pflanze
22 Giftpuder Gift
30 Rasierblatt Pflanze
38 Wachstum Normal
46 Schlafpuder Pflanze
54 Solarstrahl Pflanze
003 Bisaknosp - Tackle Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Egelsamen Pflanze
- Rankenhieb Pflanze
- Giftpuder Gift
- Rasierblatt Pflanze
43 Wachstum Normal
55 Schlafpuder Pflanze
65 Solarstrahl Pflanze
004 Glumanda - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
9 Glut Feuer
15 Silberblick Normal
22 Raserei Normal
30 Schlitzer Normal
38 Flammenwurf Feuer
46 Feuerwirbel Feuer
005 Glutexo - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Glut Feuer
15 Silberblick Normal
24 Raserei Normal
33 Schlitzer Normal
42 Flammenwurf Feuer
56 Feuerwirbel Feuer
006 Glurak - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Glut Feuer
- Silberblick Normal
- Raserei Normal
36 Schlitzer Normal
46 Flammenwurf Feuer
55 Feuerwirbel Feuer
007 Schiggy - Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
8 Blubber Wasser
15 Aquaknarre Wasser
22 Biß Normal
28 Panzerschutz Wasser
35 Schädelwumme Normal
42 Hydropumpe Wasser
008 Schillok - Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Blubber Wasser
15 Aquaknarre Wasser
24 Biß Normal
31 Panzerschutz Wasser
39 Schädelwumme Normal
47 Hydropumpe Wasser
009 Turtok - Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Blubber Wasser
- Aquaknarre Wasser
24 Biß Normal
31 Panzerschutz Wasser
42 Schädelwumme Normal
52 Hydropumpe Wasser
010 Raupy - Tackle Normal
- Fadenschuß Käfer
011 Safcon - Härtner Normal
012 Smettbo 12 Konfusion Psycho
15 Giftpuder Gift
16 Stachelspore Planze
17 Schlafpuder Planze
21 Superschall Normal
26 Wirbelwind Normal
32 Psystrahl Psycho
013 Hornliu - Giftstachel Gift
- Fadenschuß Käfer
014 Kokuna - Härtner Normal
015 Bibor 12 Furienschlag Normal
16 Energiefokus Normal
20 Duonadel Käfer
25 Raserei Normal
30 Nadelrakete Käfer
35 Agilität Psycho
016 Taubsi - Windstoß Flug
5 Sandwirbel Normal
12 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
19 Wirbelwind Normal
28 Flügelschag Flug
36 Agilität Psycho
44 Spiegeltrick Flug
017 Tauboga - Windstoß Flug
- Sandwirbel Normal
- Ruckzuckhieb Normal
21 Wirbelwind Normal
31 Flügelschag Flug
40 Agilität Psycho
49 Spiegeltrick Flug
018 Tauboss - Windstoß Flug
- Sandwirbel Normal
- Ruckzuckhieb Normal
- Wirbelwind Normal
- Flügelschag Flug
44 Agilität Psycho
54 Spiegeltrick Flug
019 Rattfratz - Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
7 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
14 Hyperzahn Normal
23 Energiefokus Normal
34 Superzahn Normal
020 Rattikarl - Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Ruckzuckhieb Normal
14 Hyperzahn Normal
27 Energiefokus Normal
41 Superzahn Normal
021 Habitak - Schnabel Flug
- Heuler Normal
9 Silberblick Normal
15 Furienschlag Normal
22 Spiegeltrick Flug
29 Bohrschnabel Flug
36 Agilität Psycho
022 Ibitak - Schnabel Flug
- Heuler Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Furienschlag Normal
25 Spiegeltrick Flug
34 Bohrschnabel Flug
43 Agilität Psycho
023 Rettan - Wickel Normal
- Silberblick Normal
10 Giftstachel Gift
17 Biss Normal
24 Giftblick Normal
31 Kreideschrei Normal
38 Säure Gift
024 Arbok - Wickel Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Giftstachel Gift
17 Biss Normal
27 Giftblick Normal
36 Kreideschrei Normal
47 Säure Gift
025 Pikachu - Donnerschock Elektro
- Heuler Normal
9 Donnerwelle Elektro
16 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
26 Sternschauer Normal
33 Agilität Psycho
43 Donner Elektro
026 Raichu - Donnerschock Elektro
- Heuler Normal
- Donnerwelle Elektro
027 Sandan - Kratzer Normal
10 Sandwirbel Normal
17 Schlitzer Normal
24 Giftstachel Gift
33 Sternschauer Normal
38 Kratzfurie Normal
028 Sandamer - Kratzer Normal
- Sandwirbel Normal
- Schlitzer Normal
27 Giftstachel Gift
36 Sternschauer Normal
47 Kratzfurie Normal
029 Nidoran f. - Heuler Normal
- Tackle Normal
8 Kratzer Normal
14 Giftstachel Gift
21 Rutenschlag Normal
29 Biß Normal
36 Kratzfurie Normal
43 Doppelkick Kampf
030 Nidorina - Heuler Normal
- Tackle Normal
- Kratzer Normal
14 Giftstachel Gift
23 Rutenschlag Normal
32 Biß Normal
41 Kratzfurie Normal
50 Doppelkick Kampf
031 Nidoqueen - Heuler Normal
- Tackle Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
14 Giftstachel Gift
23 Bodyslam Normal
032 Nidoran m. - Silberblick Normal
- Tackle Normal
8 Hornattacke Normal
14 Giftstachel Gift
21 Energiefokus Normal
29 Furienschlag Normal
36 Hornbohrer Normal
43 Doppelkick Kampf
033 Nidorino - Silberblick Normal
- Tackle Normal
- Hornattacke Normal
- Giftstachel Gift
23 Energiefokus Normal
32 Furienschlag Normal
41 Hornbohrer Normal
50 Doppelkick Kampf
034 Nidoking - Tackle Normal
- Hornattacke Normal
- Giftstachel Gift
23 Fuchtler Normal
035 Piepi - Pfund Normal
- Heuler Normal
8 Gesang Normal
14 Duplexhieb Normal
21 Komprimator Normal
29 Metronom Normal
36 Einigler Normal
43 Lichtschild Psycho
036 Pixi - Gesang Normal
- Duplexhieb Normal
- Komprimator Normal
- Metronom Normal
037 Vulpix - Glut Feuer
- Rutenschlag Normal
16 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
21 Brüller Normal
28 Konfustrahl Geist
35 Flammenwurf Feuer
42 Feuerwirbel Feuer
038 Vulnona - Glut Feuer
- Rutenschlag Normal
16 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
21 Brüller Normal
039 Pummeluff - Gesang Normal
9 Pfund Normal
14 Aussetzer Normal
19 Einigler Normal
24 Duplexhieb Normal
29 Erholung Psycho
34 Bodyslam Normal
39 Risikotackle Normal
040 Knuddeluff - Gesang Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
- Einigler Normal
- Duplexhieb Normal
041 Zubat - Blutsauger Käfer
10 Superschall Normal
15 Biss Normal
21 Konfustrahl Geist
28 Flügelschlag Flug
36 Dunkelnebel Eis
042 Golbat - Blutsauger Käfer
- Superschall Normal
- Biss Normal
- Konfustrahl Geist
32 Flügelschlag Flug
43 Dunkelnebel Eis
043 Myrapla - Absorber Pflanze
15 Giftpuder Gift
17 Stachelspore Pflanze
19 Schlafpuder Pflanze
24 Säure Gift
33 Blättertanz Pflanze
46 Solarstrahl Pflanze
044 Duflor - Absorber Pflanze
- Giftpuder Gift
- Stachelspore Pflanze
- Schlafpuder Pflanze
28 Säure Gift
38 Blättertanz Pflanze
52 Solarstrahl Pflanze
045 Giflor - Giftpuder Gift
- Stachelspore Pflanze
- Schlafpuder Pflanze
046 Paras - Kartzer Normal
13 Stachelspore Pflanze
20 Blutsauger Käfer
27 Pilzspore Pflanze
34 Schlitzer Normal
41 Wachstum Normal
047 Parasek - Kartzer Normal
- Stachelspore Pflanze
- Blutsauger Käfer
30 Pilzspore Pflanze
39 Schlitzer Normal
48 Wachstum Normal
048 Bluzuk - Tackle Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
24 Giftpuder Gift
27 Blutsauger Käfer
30 Stachelspore Pflanze
35 Psystrahl Psycho
38 Schlafpuder Pflanze
43 Psychokinese Psycho
049 Omot - Tackle Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
- Giftpuder Gift
- Blutsauger Käfer
- Stachelspore Pflanze
38 Psystrahl Psycho
43 Schlafpuder Pflanze
50 Psychokinese Psycho
050 Digda - Kratzer Normal
15 Heuler Normal
19 Schaufler Boden
24 Sandwirbel Normal
31 Schlitzer Normal
40 Erdbeben Boden
051 Digdri - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Schaufler Boden
- Sandwirbel Normal
35 Schlitzer Normal
47 Erdbeben Boden
052 Mauzi - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
12 Biss Normal
17 Zahltag Normal
24 Kreideschrei Normal
33 Kratzfurie Normal
44 Schlitzer Normal
053 Snobilikat - Kratzer Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Biss Normal
- Zahltag Normal
- Kreideschrei Normal
37 Kratzfurie Normal
51 Schlitzer Normal
054 Enton - Kratzer Normal
28 Rutenschlag Normal
31 Aussetzer Normal
36 Konfusion Psycho
43 Kratzfurie Normal
52 Hydropumpe Wasser
055 Entoron - Kratzer Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
39 Konfusion Psycho
48 Kratzfurie Normal
59 Hydropumpe Wasser
056 Menki - Kratzer Normal
- Silberblick Normal
15 Karateschlag Normal
21 Furienschlag Normal
27 Energiefokus Normal
33 Geowurf Kampf
39 Fuchtler Normal
057 Rasaff - Kratzer Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Karateschlag Normal
- Furienschlag Normal
- Energiefokus Normal
37 Geowurf Kampf
46 Fuchtler Normal
058 Fukano - Biss Normal
- Brüller Normal
18 Glut Feuer
23 Silberblick Normal
30 Bodycheck Normal
39 Agilität Psycho
50 Flammenwurf Feuer
059 Arkani - Brüller Normal
- Glut Feuer
- Silberblick Normal
- Bodycheck Normal
060 Quapsel - Blubber Wasser
16 Hypnose Psycho
19 Aquaknarre Wasser
25 Duplexhieb Normal
31 Bodyslam Normal
38 Amnesie Psycho
45 Hydropumpe Wasser
061 Quaputzi - Blubber Wasser
- Hypnose Psycho
- Aquaknarre Wasser
26 Duplexhieb Normal
33 Bodyslam Normal
41 Amnesie Psycho
49 Hydropumpe Wasser
062 Quappo - Duplexhieb Normal
- Bodyslam Normal
- Hypnose Psycho
- Aquaknarre Wasser
063 Abra - Teleport Psycho
064 Kadrabra - Teleport Psycho
- Konfusion Psycho
20 Aussetzer Normal
27 Psystrahl Psycho
31 Genesung Normal
38 Psychokinese Psycho
42 Reflektor Psycho
065 Simsala - Teleport Psycho
- Konfusion Psycho
20 Aussetzer Normal
27 Psystrahl Psycho
31 Genesung Normal
38 Psychokinese Psycho
42 Reflektor Psycho
066 Machollo - Karateschlag Normal
20 Fußkick Kampf
25 Silberblick Normal
32 Energiefokus Normal
39 Geowurf Kampf
46 Überroller Kampf
067 Maschock - Karateschlag Normal
- Fußkick Kampf
- Silberblick Normal
36 Energiefokus Normal
44 Geowurf Kampf
52 Überroller Kampf
068 Machomei - Karateschlag Normal
- Fußkick Kampf
- Silberblick Normal
36 Energiefokus Normal
44 Geowurf Kampf
52 Überroller Kampf
069 Knofensa - Rankenhieb Pflanze
- Wachstum Normal
13 Wickel Normal
15 Giftpuder Gift
18 Schlafpuder Pflanze
21 Stachelspore Pflanze
26 Säure Gift
33 Rasierblatt Pflanze
42 Slam Normal
070 Ultrigaria - Rankenhieb Pflanze
- Wachstum Normal
- Wickel Normal
- Giftpuder Gift
- Schlafpuder Pflanze
23 Stachelspore Pflanze
29 Säure Gift
38 Rasierblatt Pflanze
49 Slam Normal
071 Sarzenia - Wickel Normal
- Giftpuder Gift
- Schlafpuder Pflanze
072 Tentacha - Säure Gift
7 Superschall Normal
13 Wickel Normal
18 Giftstachel Gift
22 Aquaknarre Wasser
27 Umklammerung Normal
33 Barriere Psycho
40 Kreideschrei Normal
48 Hydropumpe Wasser
073 Tentoxa - Säure Gift
- Superschall Normal
- Wickel Normal
- Giftstachel Gift
- Aquaknarre Wasser
- Umklammerung Normal
35 Barriere Psycho
43 Kreideschrei Normal
50 Hydropumpe Wasser
074 Kleinstein - Tackle Normal
11 Einigler Normal
16 Steinwurf Gestein
21 Finale Normal
26 Härtner Normal
31 Erdbeben Boden
36 Explosion Normal
075 Georok - Tackle Normal
- Einigler Normal
- Steinwurf Gestein
- Finale Normal
29 Härtner Normal
36 Erdbeben Boden
43 Explosion Normal
076 Geowaz - Tackle Normal
- Einigler Normal
- Steinwurf Gestein
- Finale Normal
29 Härtner Normal
36 Erdbeben Boden
43 Explosion Normal
077 Ponita - Glut Feuer
30 Rutenschlag Normal
32 Stampfer Normal
35 Heuler Normal
39 Feuerwirbel Feuer
43 Bodycheck Normal
48 Agilität Psycho
078 Gallopa - Glut Feuer
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Stampfer Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Feuerwirbel Feuer
47 Bodycheck Normal
55 Agilität Psycho
079 Flegmon - Konfusion Psycho
18 Aussetzer Normal
22 Kopfnuß Normal
27 Heuler Normal
33 Aquaknarre Wasser
40 Amnesie Psycho
48 Psychokinese Psycho
080 Lahmus - Konfusion Psycho
- Aussetzer Normal
- Kopfnuß Normal
- Heuler Normal
- Aquaknarre Wasser
44 Amnesie Psycho
55 Psychokinese Psycho
081 Magnetilo - Tackle Normal
21 Ultraschall Normal
25 Donnerschock Elektro
29 Superschall Normal
35 Donnerwelle Elektro
41 Sternschauer Normal
47 Kreideschrei Normal
082 Magneton - Tackle Normal
- Ultraschall Normal
- Donnerschock Elektro
- Superschall Normal
38 Donnerwelle Elektro
46 Sternschauer Normal
54 Kreideschrei Normal
083 Porenta - Schnabel Flug
- Sandwirbel Normal
7 Silberblick Normal
15 Furienschlag Normal
23 Schwerttanz Normal
31 Agilität Psycho
39 Schlitzer Normal
084 Dodu - Schnabel Flug
20 Heuler Normal
24 Furienschlag Normal
30 Bohrschnabel Flug
36 Raserei Normal
40 Triplette Normal
44 Agilität Psycho
085 Dodri - Schnabel Flug
- Heuler Normal
- Furienschlag Normal
- Bohrschnabel Flug
39 Raserei Normal
45 Triplette Normal
51 Agilität Psycho
086 Jurob - Kopfnuß Normal
30 Heuler Normal
35 Aurorastrahl Eis
40 Erholung Psycho
45 Bodycheck Normal
50 Eisstrahl Eis
087 Jugong - Kopfnuß Normal
- Heuler Normal
35 Aurorastrahl Eis
44 Erholung Psycho
50 Bodycheck Normal
56 Eisstrahl Eis
088 Sleima - Pfund Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
30 Giftwolke Gift
33 Komprimator Normal
37 Schlammbad Gift
42 Härtner Normal
48 Kreideschrei Normal
55 Säurepanzer Gift
089 Sleimok - Pfund Normal
- Aussetzer Normal
- Giftwolke Gift
- Komprimator Normal
- Schlammbad Gift
45 Härtner Normal
53 Kreideschrei Normal
60 Säurepanzer Gift
090 Muschas - Tackle Normal
- Panzerschutz Wasser
18 Superschall Normal
23 Schnapper Wasser
30 Aurorastrahl Eis
39 Silberblick Normal
50 Eisstrahl Eis
091 Austos - Tackle Normal
- Panzerschutz Wasser
- Superschall Normal
- Schnapper Wasser
- Aurorastrahl Eis
50 Dornkanone Normal
092 Nebulak - Schlecker Geist
- Konfustrahl Geist
- Nachtnebel Geist
27 Hypnose Psycho
35 Traumfresser Psycho
093 Alpollo - Schlecker Geist
- Konfustrahl Geist
- Nachtnebel Geist
29 Hypnose Psycho
38 Traumfresser Psycho
094 Gengar - Schlecker Geist
- Konfustrahl Geist
- Nachtnebel Geist
29 Hypnose Psycho
38 Traumfresser Psycho
095 Onix - Tackle Normal
- Kreideschrei Normal
15 Klammergriff Normal
19 Steinwurf Gestein
25 Raserei Normal
33 Slam Normal
43 Härtner Normal
096 Traumato - Pfund Normal
- Hypnose Psycho
12 Aussetzer Normal
17 Konfusion Psycho
24 Kopfnuß Normal
29 Giftwolke Gift
32 Psychokinese Psycho
37 Meditation Psycho
097 Hypno - Pfund Normal
- Hypnose Psycho
- Aussetzer Normal
- Konfusion Psycho
- Kopfnuß Normal
33 Giftwolke Gift
37 Psychokinese Psycho
43 Meditation Psycho
098 Krabby - Blubber Wasser
- Silberblick Normal
20 Klammer Normal
25 Guillotine Normal
30 Stampfer Normal
35 Krabbhammer Wasser
40 Härtner Normal
099 Kingler - Blubber Wasser
- Silberblick Normal
- Klammer Normal
- Guillotine Normal
34 Stampfer Normal
42 Krabbhammer Wasser
49 Härtner Normal
100 Voltobal - Tackle Normal
- Kreideschrei Normal
17 Ultraschall Normal
22 Finale Normal
29 Lichtschild Psycho
36 Sternschauer Normal
43 Explosion Normal
101 Lektrobal - Tackle Normal
- Kreideschrei Normal
- Ultraschall Normal
- Finale Normal
- Lichtschild Psycho
40 Sternschauer Normal
50 Explosion Normal
102 Owei - Stakkato Normal
- Hypnose Psycho
25 Reflektor Psycho
28 Egelsamen Pflanze
32 Stachelspore Pflanze
37 Giftpuder Gift
42 Solarstrahl Pflanze
48 Schlafpuder Pflanze
103 Kokowei - Stakkato Normal
- Hypnose Psycho
28 Stampfer Normal
104 Tragosso - Knochenkeule Boden
- Heuler Normal
25 Silberblick Normal
31 Energiefokus Normal
38 Fuchtler Normal
43 Knochmerang Boden
46 Raserei Normal
105 Knogga - Knochenkeule Boden
- Heuler Normal
- Silberblick Normal
33 Energiefokus Normal
41 Fuchtler Normal
48 Knochmerang Boden
55 Raserei Normal
106 Kicklee - Doppelkick Kampf
- Meditation Psycho
33 Fegekick Kampf
38 Sprungkick Kampf
43 Energiefokus Normal
48 Turmkick Kampf
53 Megakick Normal
107 Nockchan - kometenhieb Normal
- Agilität Normal
33 Feuerschlag Feuer
38 Eishieb Eis
43 Donnerschlag Elektro
48 Megahieb Normal
53 Konter Kampf
108 Schlurp - Wickel Normal
- Superschall Normal
7 Stampfer Normal
15 Aussetzer Normal
23 Einigler Normal
31 Slam Normal
39 Kreideschrei Normal
109 Smogon - Tackle Flug
- Smog Gift
32 Schlammbad Gift
37 Rauchwolke Normal
40 Finale Normal
45 Dunkelnebel Eis
48 Explosion Normal
110 Smogmog - Tackle Flug
- Smog Gift
- Schlammbad Gift
39 Rauchwolke Normal
43 Finale Normal
49 Dunkelnebel Eis
53 Explosion Normal
111 Rihorn - Hornattacke Normal
30 Stampfer Normal
35 Rutenschlag Normal
40 Furienschlag Normal
45 Hornbohrer Normal
50 Silberblick Normal
55 Bodycheck Normal
112 Rizeros - Hornattacke Normal
- Stampfer Normal
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Furienschlag Normal
48 Hornbohrer Normal
55 Silberblick Normal
64 Bodycheck Normal
113 Chaneira - Pfund Normal
- Duplexhieb Normal
24 Gesang Normal
30 Heuler Normal
38 Komprimator Normal
44 Einigler Normal
48 Lichtschild Psycho
54 Risikotackle Normal
114 Tangela - Umklammerung Normal
- Klammergriff Normal
29 Absorber Pflanze
32 Giftpuder Gift
36 Stachelspore Pflanze
39 Schlafpuder Pflanze
45 Slam Normal
49 Wachstum Normal
115 Kangama - Kometenhieb Normal
- Raserei Normal
26 Biss Normal
31 Rutenschlag Normal
36 Megahieb Normal
41 Silberblick Normal
46 Irrschlag Normal
116 Seeper - Blubber Wasser
19 Rauchwolke Normal
24 Silberblick Normal
30 Aquaknarre Wasser
37 Agilität Psycho
45 Hydropumpe Wasser
117 Seemon - Blubber Wasser
- Rauchwolke Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Aquaknarre Wasser
41 Agilität Psycho
52 Hydropumpe Wasser
118 Goldini - Schnabel Flug
- Rutenschlag Normal
19 Superschall Normal
24 Hornattacke Normal
30 Furienschlag Normal
37 Kaskade Wasser
45 Hornbohrer Normal
54 Agilität Psycho
119 Goldking - Schnabel Flug
- Rutenschlag Normal
- Superschall Normal
- Hornattacke Normal
- Furienschlag Normal
39 Kaskade Wasser
48 Hornbohrer Normal
54 Agilität Psycho
120 Sterdu - Tackle Normal
17 Aquaknarre Wasser
22 Härtner Normal
27 Genesung Normal
32 Sternschauer Normal
37 Komprimator Normal
42 Lichtschild Psycho
47 Hydropumpe Wasser
121 Starmie - Tackle Normal
- Aquaknarre Wasser
- Härtner Normal
122 Pantimos - Konfusion Psycho
- Barriere Psycho
23 Lichtschild Psycho
31 Duplexhieb Normal
39 Meditation Psycho
47 Delegator Normal
123 Sichlor - Ruckzuckhieb Normal
17 Silberblck Normal
20 Energiefokus Normal
24 Doppelteam Normal
29 Schlitzer Normal
35 Schwerttanz Normal
42 Agilität Psycho
124 Rossana - Pfund Normal
- Todeskuß Normal
15 Gesang Normal
23 Duplexhieb Normal
31 Eishieb Eis
39 Meditation Psycho
47 Blizzard Eis
125 Elektek - Ruckzuckhieb Normal
- Silberblick Normal
34 Donnerschock Elektro
37 Kreideschrei Normal
42 Donnerschlag Elektro
49 Lichtschild Psycho
54 Donner Elektro
126 Magmar - Glut Feuer
36 Silberblick Normal
39 Konfustrahl Geist
43 Feuerschlag Feuer
48 Rauchwolke Normal
52 Smog Gift
55 Flammenwurf Feuer
127 Pinsir - Klammer Normal
25 Geowurf Kampf
30 Guillotine Normal
36 Energiefokus Normal
43 Härtner Normal
49 Schlitzer Normal
54 Schwerttanz Normal
128 Tauros - Tackle Normal
21 Stampfer Normal
28 Rutenschlag Normal
35 Silberblick Normal
44 Raserei Normal
51 Bodycheck Normal
129 Karpardor - Platcher Normal
15 Tackle Normal
130 Garados 20 Biß Normal
25 Drachenwut Drache
32 Silberblick Normal
41 Hydropumpe Wasser
52 Hyperstrahl Normal
131 Lapras - Aquaknarre Wasser
- Heuler Normal
16 Gesang Normal
20 Weißnebel Eis
25 Bodyslam Normal
31 Konfustrahl Geist
38 Eisstrahl Eis
46 Hydropumpe Wasser
132 Ditto - Wandler Normal
133 Evoli - Tackle Normal
- Sandwirbel Normal
27 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
31 Rutenschlag Normal
37 Biss Normal
45 Bodycheck Normal
134 Aquana - Tackle Normal
- Sandwirbel Normal
27 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
31 Aquaknarre Wasser
37 Rutenschlag Normal
40 Biss Normal
42 Säurepanzer Gift
44 Dunkelnebel Eis
48 Weißnebel Eis
54 Hydropumpe Wasser
135 Blitza - Tackle Normal
- Sandwirbel Normal
27 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
31 Donnerschock Elektro
37 Rutenschlag Normal
40 Donnerwelle Elektro
42 Doppelkick Kampf
44 Agilität Psycho
48 Nadelrakete Käfer
54 Donner Elektro
136 Flamara - Tackle Normal
- Sandwirbel Normal
27 Ruckzuckhieb Normal
31 Glut Feuer
37 Rutenschlag Normal
40 Biss Normal
42 Silberblick Normal
44 Feuerwirbel Feuer
48 Raserei Normal
54 Flammenwurf Feuer
137 Porygon - Tackle Normal
- Schärfer Normal
- Umwandlung Normal
23 Psystrahl Psycho
28 Härtner Normal
35 Agilität Psycho
42 Triplette Normal
138 Amonitas - Aquaknarre Wasser
- Panzerschutz Wasser
34 Hornattacke Normal
39 Silberblick Normal
46 Dornkanone Normal
53 Hydropumpe Wasser
139 Amoroso - Aquaknarre Wasser
- Panzerschutz Wasser
- Hornattacke Normal
- Silberblick Normal
44 Dornkanone Normal
49 Hydropumpe Wasser
140 Kabuto - Kratzer Normal
- Härtner Normal
34 Absorber Pflanze
39 Schlitzer Normal
44 Silberblick Normal
49 Hydropumpe Wasser
141 Kabutops - Kratzer Normal
- Härtner Normal
- Absorber Pflanze
- Schlitzer Normal
46 Silberblick Normal
53 Hydropumpe Wasser
142 Aerodactyl - Flügelschlag Flug
- Agilität Psycho
33 Superschall Normal
38 Biss Normal
45 Bodycheck Normal
54 Hyperstrahl Normal
143 Relaxo - Kopfnuß Normal
- Amnesie Psycho
- Erholung Psycho
35 Bodyslam Normal
41 Härtner Normal
48 Risikotackle Normal
56 Hyperstrahl Normal
144 Arktos - Schnabel Flug
- Eisstrahl Eis
51 Blizzard Eis
55 Agilität Psycho
60 Weißnebel Eis
145 Zapdos - Donnerschock Elektro
- Bohrschnabel Flug
51 Donner Elektro
55 Agilität Psycho
60 Lichtschild Psycho
146 Lavados - Schnabel Flug
- Feuerwirbel Feuer
51 Silberblick Normal
55 Agilität Psycho
60 Himmelsfeger Flug
147 Dratini - Wickel Normal
- Silberblick Normal
10 Donnerwelle Elektro
20 Agilität Psycho
30 Slam Normal
40 Drachenwut Drache
50 Hyperstrahl Normal
148 Dragonir - Wickel Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Donnerwelle Elektro
- Agilität Psycho
35 Slam Normal
45 Drachenwut Drache
55 Hyperstrahl Normal
149 Dragoran - Wickel Normal
- Silberblick Normal
- Donnerwelle Elektro
- Agilität Psycho
- Slam Normal
- Drachenwut Drache
60 Hyperstrahl Normal
150 Mewtu - Konfusion Psycho
- Aussetzer Normal
- Sternschauer Normal
63 Barriere Psycho
66 Psychokinese Psycho
70 Genesung Normal
75 Weißnebel Eis
81 Amnesie Psycho

Von Andre W.


This is a complete list of Pokémon attacks, including the levels on which they learn them

Nr. Lvl Attack Nr. Lvl Attack Nr. Lvl Attack

001 - Tackle 002 - Tackle 003 - Tackle
- Growl - Growl - Growl
7 Leech Seed - Leech Seed - Leech Seed
13 Vine Whip 13 Vine Whip - Vine Whip
20 Poison Powder 22 Poison Powder - Poison Powder
27 Razor Leaf 30 Razor Leaf - Razor Leaf
34 Growth 38 Growth 43 Growth
41 Sleep Powder 46 Sleep Powder 55 Sleep Powder
48 Solar Beam 54 Solar Beam 65 Solar Beam

004 - Scratch 005 - Scratch 006 - Scratch
- Growl - Growl - Growl
9 Ember - Ember - Ember
15 Leer 15 Leer - Leer
22 Rage 24 Rage - Rage
30 Slash 33 Slash 36 Slash
38 Flamethrower 42 Flamethrower 46 Flamethrower
46 Fire Spin 56 Fire Spin 55 Fire Spin

007 - Tackle 008 - Tackle 009 - Tackle
- Tail Whip - Tail Whip - Tail Whip
8 Bubble - Bubble - Bubble
15 Water Gun 15 Water Gun - Water Gun
22 Bite 24 Bite 24 Bite
28 Withdraw 31 Withdraw 31 Withdraw
35 Skull Bash 39 Skull Bash 42 Skull Bash
42 Hydro Pump 47 Hydro Pump 52 Hydro Pump

010 - Tackle 011 - Harden 012 12 Confusion
- String Shot 15 Poison Powder
16 Stun Spore
17 Sleep Powder
21 Supersonic
26 Whirwind
32 Psybeam

013 - Poison Sting 014 - Harden 015 12 Fury Attack
- String Shot 16 Focus Energy
20 Twineedle
25 Rage
30 Pin Missile
35 Agility

016 - Gust 017 - Gust 018 - Gust
5 Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack
12 Quick Attack - Quick Attack - Quick Attack
19 Whirlwind 21 Whirlwind - Whirwind
28 Wing Attack 31 Wing Attack - Wing Attack
36 Agility 40 Agility 44 Agility
44 Mirror Move 49 Mirror Move 54 Mirror Move

019 - Tackle 020 - Tackle
- Tail Whip - Tail Whip
7 Quick Attack - Quick Attack
14 Hyper Fang 14 Hyper Fang
23 Focus Energy 27 Focus Energy
34 Super Fang 41 Super Fang

021 - Peck 022 - Peck
- Growl - Growl
9 Leer - Leer
15 Fury Attack - Fury Attack
22 Mirror Move 25 Mirror Move
29 Drill Peck 34 Drill Peck
36 Agility 43 Agility

023 - Wrap 024 - Wrap
- Leer - Leer
10 Poison Sting - Poison Sting
17 Bite 17 Bite
24 Glare 27 Glare
31 Screech 36 Screech
38 Acid 47 Acid

025 - Thundershock 026 - Thundershock
- Growl - Growl
9 Thunder Wave - Thunder Wave
16 Quick Attack
26 Swift
33 Agility
43 Thunder

027 - Scratch 028 - Scratch
10 Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack
17 Slash - Slash
24 Poison Sting 27 Poison Sting
31 Swift 36 Swift
38 Fury Swipes 47 Fury Swipes

029 - Growl 030 - Growl 031 - Tackle
- Tackle - Tackle - Scratch
8 Scratch - Scratch - Tail Whip
14 Poison Sting 14 Poison Sting 14 Poison Sting
21 Tail Whip 23 Tail Whip 23 Body Slam
29 Bite 32 Bite
36 Fury Swipes 41 Fury Swipes
43 Double Kick 50 Double Kick

032 - Leer 033 - Leer 034 - Tackle
- Tackle - Tackle - Horn Attack
8 Horn Attack - Horn Attack - Poison Sting
14 Poison Sting - Poison Sting 23 Thrash
21 Focus Energy 23 Focus Energy
29 Fury Attack 32 Fury Attack
36 Horn Drill 41 Horn Drill
43 Double Kick 50 Double Kick

035 - Pound 036 - Sing
- Growl - Doubleslap
13 Sing - Minimize
18 Doubleslap - Metronome
24 Minimize
31 Metronome
39 Defense Curl
48 Light Screen

037 - Ember 038 - Ember
- Tail Whip - Tail Whip
16 Quick Attack - Quick Attack
21 Roar - Roar
28 Confuse Ray
35 Flamethrower
42 Fire Spin

039 - Sing 040 - Sing
9 Pound - Disable
14 Disable - Defense Curl
19 Defense Curl - Doubleslap
24 Doubleslap
29 Rest
34 Body Slam
39 Double-Edge

041 - Leech Life 042 - Leech Life
10 Supersonic - Supersonic
15 Bite - Bite
21 Confuse Ray - Confuse Ray
28 Wing Attack 32 Wing Attack
36 Haze 43 Haze

043 - Absorb 044 - Absorb 045 - Poison Powder
15 Poison Powder - Poison Powder - Stun Spore
17 Stun Spore - Stun Spore - Sleep Powder
19 Sleep Powder - Sleep Powder
24 Acid 28 Acid
33 Petal Dance 38 Petal Dance
46 Solar Beam 52 Solar Beam

046 - Scratch 047 - Scratch
13 Stun Spore - Stun Spore
20 Leech Life - Leech Life
27 Spore 30 Spore
34 Slash 39 Slash
41 Growth 48 Growth

048 - Tackle 049 - Tackle
- Disable - Disable
24 Poison Powder - Poison Powder
27 Leech Life - Leech Life
30 Stun Spore - Stun Spore
35 Psybeam 38 Psybeam
38 Sleep Powder 43 Sleep Powder
43 Psychic 50 Psychic

050 - Scratch 051 - Scratch
15 Growl - Growl
19 Dig - Dig
24 Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack
31 Slash 35 Slash
40 Earthquake 47 Earthquake

052 - Scratch 053 - Scratch
- Growl - Growl
12 Bite - Bite
17 Pay Day - Pay Day
24 Screech - Screech
33 Fury Swipes 37 Fury Swipes
44 Slash 51 Slash

054 - Scratch 055 - Scratch
28 Tail Whip - Tail Whip
31 Disable - Disable
36 Confusion 39 Confusion
43 Fury Swipes 48 Fury Swipes
52 Hydro Pump 59 Hydro Pump

056 - Scratch 057 - Scratch
- Leer - Leer
15 Karate Chop - Karate Chop
21 Fury Attack - Fury Attack
27 Focus Energy - Focus Energy
33 Seismic Toss 37 Seismic Toss
39 Thrash 46 Thrash

058 - Bite 059 - Roar
- Roar - Ember
18 Ember - Leer
23 Leer - Take Down
30 Take Down
39 Agility
50 Flamethrower

060 - Bubble 061 - Bubble 062 - Doubleslap
16 Hypnosis - Hypnosis - Body Slam
19 Water Gun - Water Gun - Hypnosis
25 Doubleslap 26 Doubleslap - Water Gun
31 Body Slam 33 Body Slam
38 Amnesia 41 Amnesia
45 Hydro Pump 49 Hydro Pump

063 - Teleport 064 - Teleport 065 - Teleport
- Confusion - Confusion
20 Disable 20 Disable
27 Psybeam 27 Psybeam
31 Recover 31 Recover
38 Psychic 38 Psychic
42 Reflect 42 Reflect

066 - Karate Chop 067 - Karate Chop 068 - Karate Chop
20 Low Kick - Low Kick - Low Kick
25 Leer - Leer - Leer
32 Focus Energy 36 Focus Energy 36 Focus Energy
39 Seismic Toss 44 Seismic Toss 44 Seismic Toss
46 Submission 52 Submission 52 Submission

069 - Vine Whip 070 - Vine Whip 071 - Wrap
- Growth - Growth - Poison Powder
13 Wrap - Wrap - Sleep Powder
15 Poison Powder - Poison Powder
18 Sleep Powder - Sleep Powder
21 Stun Spore 23 Stun Spore
26 Acid 29 Acid
33 Razor Leaf 38 Razor Leaf
42 Slam 49 Slam

072 - Acid 073 - Acid
7 Supersonic - Supersonic
13 Wrap - Wrap
18 Poison Sting - Poison Sting
22 Water Gun - Water Gun
27 Constrict - Constrict
33 Barrier 35 Barrier
40 Screech 43 Screech
48 Hydro Pump 50 Hydro Pump

074 - Tackle 075 - Tackle 076 - Tackle
11 Defense Curl - Defense Curl - Defense Curl
16 Rock Throw - Rock Throw - Rock Throw
21 Self Destruct - Self Destruct - Self Destruct
26 Harden 29 Harden 29 Harden
31 Earthquake 36 Earthquake 36 Earthquake
36 Explosion 43 Explosion 43 Explosion

077 - Ember 078 - Ember
30 Tail Whip - Tail Whip
32 Stomp - Stomp
35 Growl - Growl
39 Fire Spin - Fire Spin
43 Take Down 47 Take Down
48 Agility 55 Agility

079 - Confusion 080 - Confusion
18 Disable - Disable
22 Head Butt - Head Butt
27 Growl - Growl
33 Water Gun - Water Gun
40 Amnesia - Withdraw
48 Psychic 44 Amnesia
55 Psychic

081 - Tackle 082 - Tackle
21 Sonic Boom - Sonic Boom
25 Thundershock - Thundershock
29 Supersonic - Supersonic
35 Thunder Wave 38 Thunder Wave
41 Swift 46 Swift
47 Screech 54 Screech

083 - Peck
- Sand-Attack
7 Leer
15 Fury Attack
23 Swords Dance
31 Agility
39 Slash

084 - Peck 085 - Peck
20 Growl - Growl
24 Fury Attack - Fury Attack
30 Drill Peck - Drill Peck
36 Rage 39 Rage
40 Tri Attack 45 Tri Attack
44 Agility 51 Agility

086 - Head Butt 087 - Head Butt
30 Growl - Growl
35 Aurora Beam 35 Aurora Beam
40 Rest 44 Rest
45 Take Down 50 Take Down
50 Ice Beam 56 Ice Beam

088 - Pound 089 - Pound
- Disable - Disable
30 Poison Gas - Poison Gas
33 Minimize - Minimize
37 Sludge - Sludge
42 Harden 45 Harden
48 Screech 53 Screech
55 Acid Armor 60 Acid Armor

090 - Tackle 091 - Withdraw
- Withdraw - Supersonic
18 Supersonic - Clamp
23 Clamp - Aurora Beam
30 Aurora Beam 50 Spike Cannon
39 Leer
50 Ice Beam

092 - Lick 093 - Lick 094 - Lick
- Confuse Ray - Confuse Ray - Confuse Ray
- Night Shade - Night Shade - Night Shade
27 Hypnosis 29 Hypnosis 29 Hypnosis
35 Dream Eater 38 Dream Eater 38 Dream Eater

095 - Tackle
- Screech
15 Bind
19 Rock Throw
25 Rage
33 Slam
43 Harden

096 - Pound 097 - Pound
- Hypnosis - Hypnosis
12 Disable - Disable
17 Confusion - Confusion
24 Head Butt - Head Butt
29 Poison Gas 33 Poison Gas
32 Psychic 37 Psychic
37 Meditate 43 Meditate

098 - Bubble 099 - Bubble
- Leer - Leer
20 Vice Grip - Vice Grip
25 Guillotine - Guillotine
30 Stomp 34 Stomp
35 Crab Hammer 42 Crab Hammer
40 Harden 49 Harden

100 - Tackle 101 - Tackle
- Screech - Screech
17 Sonic Boom - Sonic Boom
22 Self Destruct - Self Destruct
29 Light Screen - Light Screen
36 Swift 40 Swift
43 Explosion 50 Explosion

102 - Barrage 103 - Barrage
- Hypnosis - Hypnosis
25 Reflect 28 Stomp
28 Leech Seed
32 Stun Spore
37 Poison Powder
42 Solar Beam
48 Sleep Powder

104 - Bone Club 105 - Bone Club
- Growl - Growl
25 Leer - Leer
31 Focus Energy 33 Focus Energy
38 Thrash 41 Thrash
43 Bonemerang 48 Bonemerang
46 Rage 55 Rage

106 - Double Kick
- Meditate
33 Rolling Kick
38 Jump Kick
43 Focus Energy
48 Hi Jump Kick
53 Mega Kick

107 - Comet Punch
- Agility
33 Fire Punch
38 Ice Punch
43 Thunder Punch
48 Mega Punch
53 Counter

108 - Wrap
- Supersonic
7 Stomp
15 Disable
23 Defense Curl
31 Slam
39 Screech

109 - Tackle 110 - Tackle
- Smog - Smog
32 Sludge - Sludge
37 Smoke Screen 39 Smoke Screen
40 Self Destruct 43 Self Destruct
45 Haze 49 Haze
48 Explosion 53 Explosion

111 - Horn Attack 112 - Horn Attack
30 Stomp - Stomp
35 Tail Whip - Tail Whip
40 Fury Attack - Fury Attack
45 Horn Drill 48 Horn Drill
50 Leer 55 Leer
55 Take Down 64 Take Down

113 - Pound
- Doubleslap
24 Sing
30 Growl
38 Minimize
44 Defense Curl
48 Light Screen
54 Double-Edge

114 - Constrict
- Bind
29 Absorb
32 Poison Powder
36 Stun Spore
39 Sleep Powder
45 Slam
49 Growth

115 - Comet Punch
- Rage
26 Bite
31 Tail Whip
36 Mega Punch
41 Leer
46 Dizzy Punch

116 - Bubble 117 - Bubble
19 Smoke Screen - Smoke Screen
24 Leer - Leer
30 Water Gun - Water Gun
37 Agility 41 Agility
45 Hydro Pump 52 Hydro Pump

118 - Peck 119 - Peck
- Tail Whip - Tail Whip
19 Supersonic - Supersonic
24 Horn Attack - Horn Attack
30 Fury Attack - Fury Attack
37 Waterfall 39 Waterfall
45 Horn Drill 48 Horn Drill
54 Agility 54 Agility

120 - Tackle 121 - Tackle
17 Water Gun - Water Gun
22 Harden - Harden
27 Recover
32 Swift
37 Minimize
42 Light Screen
47 Hydro Pump

122 - Confusion
- Barrier
23 Light Screen
31 Doubleslap
39 Meditate
47 Substitute

123 - Quick Attack
17 Leer
20 Focus Energy
24 Double Team
29 Slash
35 Swords Dance
42 Agility

124 - Pound
- Lovely Kiss
15 Sing
23 Doubleslap
31 Ice Punch
39 Meditate
47 Blizzard

125 - Quick Attack
- Leer
34 Thundershock
37 Screech
42 Thunder Punch
49 Light Screen
54 Thunder

126 - Ember
36 Leer
39 Confuse Ray
43 Fire Punch
48 Smoke Screen
52 Smog
55 Flamethrower

127 - Vice Grip
25 Seismic Toss
30 Guillotine
36 Focus Energy
43 Harden
49 Slash
54 Swords Dance

128 - Tackle
21 Stomp
28 Tail Whip
35 Leer
44 Rage
51 Take Down

129 - Splash 130 20 Bite
15 Tackle 25 Dragon Rage
32 Leer
41 Hydro Pump
52 Hyper Beam

131 - Water Gun
- Growl
16 Sing
20 Mist
25 Body Slam
31 Confuse Ray
38 Ice Beam
46 Hydro Pump

132 - Transform

133 - Tackle
- Sand-Attack
27 Quick Attack
31 Tail Whip
37 Bite
45 Take Down

134 - Tackle 135 - Tackle 136 - Tackle
- Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack - Sand-Attack
27 Quick Attack 27 Quick Attack 27 Quick Attack
31 Water Gun 31 Thundershock 31 Ember
37 Tail Whip 37 Tail Whip 37 Tail Whip
40 Bite 40 Thunder Wave 40 Bite
42 Acid Armor 42 Double Kick 42 Leer
44 Haze 44 Agility 44 Fire Spin
48 Mist 48 Pin Missile 48 Rage
54 Hydro Pump 54 Thunder 54 Flamethrower

137 - Tackle
- Sharpen
- Conversion
23 Psybeam
28 Harden
35 Agility
42 Tri Attack

138 - Water Gun 139 - Water Gun
- Withdraw - Withdraw
34 Horn Attack - Horn Attack
39 Leer - Leer
44 Spike Cannon 46 Spike Cannon
49 Hydro Pump 53 Hydro Pump

140 - Scratch 141 - Scratch
- Harden - Harden
34 Absorb - Absorb
39 Slash - Slash
44 Leer 46 Leer
49 Hydro Pump 53 Hydro Pump

142 - Wing Attack
- Agility
33 Supersonic
38 Bite
45 Take Down
54 Hyper Beam

143 - Head Butt
- Amnesia
- Rest
35 Body Slam
41 Harden
48 Double-Edge
56 Hyper Beam

144 - Peck 145 - Thundershock 146 - Peck
- Ice Beam - Drill Peck - Fire Spin
51 Blizzard 51 Thunder 51 Leer
55 Agility 55 Agility 55 Agility
60 Mist 60 Light Screen 60 Sky Attack

147 - Wrap 148 - Wrap 149 - Wrap
- Leer - Leer - Leer
10 Thunder Wave - Thunder Wave - Thunder Wave
20 Agility - Agility - Agility
30 Slam 35 Slam - Slam
40 Dragon Rage 45 Dragon Rage - Dragon Rage
50 Hyper Beam 55 Hyper Beam 60 Hyper Beam

150 - Confusion
- Disable
- Swift
63 Barrier
66 Psychic
70 Recover
75 Mist
81 Amnesia

by IceMan (r.d.g.m.spoor@student.tue.nl)
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Kleiner Walkthrough

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