Pokémon Rot

Pokémon Rot

17.10.2013 02:13:52


Technical and Hidden Machines:

Many of you want to know which HM of TM is what and here is a ultimate
list of all HM & TM, remember when a Pokémon learns a HM it can never
forget the move again. HM's last forever, while TM can only be used once
on a Pokémon. # of uses means: the number of uses during a battle, and
not how often a TM or HM can be used.

Machine Ability Element # of Effect in battle Effect on map

HM01 Cut Normal 30 Stronger attack Cut down bushes
HM02 Fly Flying 15 Fly up on 1st turn, Return to any
attack on 2nd Pokémon Center
HM03 Surf Water 15 Water attack Walk on water
HM04 Strength Normal 15 Attack Push rocks
HM05 Flash Normal 20 Lower enemy's Light up Rock
accuracy Tunnel
TM01 Mega Punch Normal 20 Attack
TM02 Razor Wind Normal 10 Build power on 1st
turn, attack on 2nd
TM03 Swords Dance Normal 30 Increase attack
TM04 Whirlwind Normal 20 Run from battle (not
against trainers)
TM05 Mega Kick Normal 5 Attack
TM06 Toxic Poison 10 Poison enemy, more
damage each turn
TM07 Horn Drill Normal 5 One-hit KO
TM08 Body Slam Normal 15 Deal damage, may
paralyze enemy
TM09 Take Down Normal 20 Recieve 1/4 damage
you deal
TM10 Double-Edge normal 15 Recieve 1/4 damage
you deal
TM11 Bubblebeam Water 20 Deal damage, may
reduce speed
TM12 Water Gun Water 25 Water attack
TM13 Ice Beam Ice 10 Deal damage, may
TM14 Blizzard Ice 5 Deal damage, may
TM15 Hyper Beam Normal 5 Deal damage, you
lose next turn
TM16 Pay Day Normal 20 Recieve extra money
after battle
TM17 Submission Fighting 25 Recieve 1/4 damage
you deal
TM18 Counter Fighting 20 Do twice the damage
dealt to you
TM19 Seismic Toss Fighting 20 Deal damage equal to
your level
TM20 Rage Normal 20 Attack power raises
when hurt
TM21 Mega Drain Grass 10 Gain 1/2 damage
TM22 Solar Beam Grass 10 Build power on 1st
turn, attack on 2nd
TM23 Dragon Rage Dragon 10 Deal 40 damage
TM24 Thunderbolt Electric 15 Deal damage, may
TM25 Thunder Electric 10 Deal damage, may
TM26 Earthquake Ground 10 Doesn't effect
TM27 Fissure Ground 5 One-hit KO
TM28 Dig Ground 10 Tunnel on 1st turn, Escape from a
attack 2nd dungeon
TM29 Psychic Psychic 10 Decrease enemy's
Special Attack
TM30 Teleport Psychic 20 Run from battle (not Return to last
against trainers) Pokémon Center
TM31 Mimic Normal 10 Mimic opponent's
last attack
TM32 Double Team Normal 15 Increases Evade
TM33 Reflect Psychic 20 Phys. attacks on you
do 1/2 damage
TM34 Bide Normal 10 Wait 2-3 turns, do
twice taken damage
TM35 Metronome Normal 10 Random TM attack
TM36 Selfdestruct Normal 5 Deal damage, you
TM37 Egg Bomb Normal 10 Attack
TM38 Fire Blast Fire 5 Deal damage, may
TM39 Swift Normal 20 Attack
TM40 Skull Bash Normal 15 Lower head on 1st
turn, attack on 2nd
TM41 Softboiled Normal 10 Restore 1/2 of max Gives some of
HP its HP to
another Pokémon
TM42 Dream Eater Psychic 15 Absorb HP from
sleeping pokémon
TM43 Sky Attack Flying 5 Build energy on 1st
turn, attack on 2nd
TM44 Rest Psychic 10 Recover all HP but
lose 2 turns
TM45 Thunder Wave Elecrtic 20 Paralyze opponent
TM46 Psywave Psychic 15 Do damage equal to
1.5 times your level
TM47 Explosion Normal 5 One-hit KO
TM48 Rock Slide Rock 10 Attack
TM49 Tri Attack Normal 10 Attack
Create a clone of
TM50 Substitute Normal 10 yourself to fight
HM01 Cut Normal 30 Stronger attack Cut down bushes
HM02 Fly Flying 15 Fly up on 1st turn, Return to any
attack on 2nd Pokémon Center
HM03 Surf Water 15 Water attack Walk on water
HM04 Strength Normal 15 Attack Push rocks
HM05 Flash Normal 20 Lower enemy's Light up Rock
accuracy Tunnel

by Kevin J.
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