Fallout 2

Fallout 2

15.10.2013 05:55:56
Fallout 2 Walkthru & FAQ 3.5 [10/30/00]
- by the Ayatollah Sheik Rattle Enroll of MRA

It's 106 miles to Arroyo, we got a full fusion cell, half a pack of Radaway,
it's midnight, and I'm wearing a 50-year old Vault 13 jumpsuit. Let's hit it.

%%%%%% Index %%%%%%

Frequently Asked Questions
Character Creation
- 1.1 Quest: Rescue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds.
- 1.2 Quest: Find Vic the Trader.
- 1.3 Quest: Obtain Flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear.
- 1.4 Quest: Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden.
- 1.5 Quest: Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo.
- 1.6 Impenetrable door in the Temple of Trials
- 1.7 The town well
- 1.8 Skill increases
- 2.1 Quest: Refuel the still.
- 2.2 Quest: Rescue Smiley the Trapper.
- 2.3 Quest: Guard the brahmin.
- 2.4 Quest: Rustle the brahmin.
- 2.5 Quest: Rescue Torr.
- 2.6 Quest: Kill the rat god.
- 2.7 John Sullivan
- 2.8 NPC: Sulik
- 3.1 Quest: Collect money from Fred.
- 3.2 Quest: Get book from Derek.
- 3.3 Quest: Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom.
- 3.4 Quest: Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church.
- 3.5 Quest: Get permission from Metzger for gang war.
- 3.6 Quest: Find weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church.
- 3.7 Quest: Help Lara fight Tyler's gang.
- 3.8 Quest: Free Vic from his debt by getting his Radio from his house
in Klamath and paying Metzger.
- 3.9 Quest: Return Anna's Locket.
- 3.10 Cuddles
- 3.11 NPC: Vic
- 4.1 Quest: Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the
- 4.2 Quest: Farrel wants you to find Cornelius' gold pocket watch. Find
it and return it to Farrel.
- 4.3 Quest: Johnny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas.
- 4.4 Quest: Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Johnny back home to
- 4.5 Quest: Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc.
- 4.6 Quest: Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc.
- 4.7 Quest: Jo is suspecious *sic* of the Slags. Find out about the dead
bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl.
- 4.8 Guard the brahmin
- 4.9 Bessie the cow
- 4.10 NPC: Miria/Davin
Vault City
- 5.1 Quest: Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno.
- 5.2 Quest: Get a plow for Mr. Smith.
- 5.3 Quest: Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy.
- 5.4 Quest: Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua.
- 5.5 Quest: Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.
- 5.6 Quest: Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie.
- 5.7 Quest: Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark.
- 5.8 Quest: Enter NCR and return to Stark.
- 5.9 Mr. Nixon and the wrench
- 5.10 Energy cells
- 5.11 Sick Charlie
- 5.12 Dermal Armor
- 5.13 Information Center
- 5.14 Phyllis
- 5.15 NPC: Cassidy
- 6.1 Quest: Solve the Gecko powerplant problem
- 6.2 Quest: Optimize the powerplant.
- 6.3 Quest: Get super repair kit for Skeeter.
- 6.4 Quest: Get 3 step plasma transformer for Skeeter.
- 6.5 Quest: Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den.
- 6.6 NPC: Lenny
- 7.1 Evict Widow Rooney.
- 7.2 Quest: Break up the bar brawl.
- 7.3 Quest: Find out who cut the whore.
- 7.4 Quest: Kill Frog Morton.
- 7.5 Wanamingo mine
- 7.6 Jet antitode
New Reno
- 8.1 Quest: Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose.
- 8.2 Quest: Find a way into the Sierra Army Base.
- 8.3 Quest: Recover your stolen car.
- 8.4 Quest: Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and
make an... example of him.
- 8.5 Quest: Go visit Ranesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's
tribute of $1000.
- 8.6 Quest: Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert.
- 8.7 Quest: Find some endorphin blockers to make a cure for Jet.
- 8.8 Quest: Assassinate Westin in NCR without making it look like a
- 8.9 Quest: Murder Carlson in NCR.
- 8.10 Quest: Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty.
- 8.11 Quest: Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge.
- 8.12 Quest: Deliver Big Jesus's package to Ramirez at the Stables.
- 8.13 Quest: Collect tribute from the Corsican Brothers.
- 8.14 Quest: Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino.
- 8.15 Neo Reno Arms weapon upgrades
- 8.16 Algernon
- 8.17 NPC: Myron
Sierra Army Depot
- 9.1 Getting in
- 9.2 NPC: Brain Bot
Broken Hills
- 10.1 Quest: Fix the mine's air purifier.
- 10.2 Quest: Find the missing people for Marcus.
- 10.3 Quest: Beat Francis at armwrestling.
- 10.4 Quest: Break Manson and Franc out of prison.
- 10.5 Quest: Blow up the mine's air purifier.
- 10.6 Quest: Divert more electrical power to Eric's home.
- 10.7 NPC: Marcus
New California Republic
- 11.1 Quest: Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills.
- 11.2 Quest: Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers.
- 11.3 Quest: Stop brahmin raids
- 11.4 Quest: Retrieve Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15.
- 11.5 Quest: Complete brahmin drive.
- 11.6 Blower
- 11.7 NPC: Cyberdog
Vault 15
- 12.1 Quest: Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR.
- 12.2 Quest: Kill Darion
- 12.3 Quest: Rescue Chrissy
- 12.4 Quest: Complete deal with NCR.
- 12.5 Location of Vault 13
Vault 13
- 13.1 Quest: Fix the Vault 13 computer.
- 13.2 Quest: Talk to Goris.
- 13.3 NPC: Goris
Military Base
- 14.1 Getting in
- 14.2 Broken generator
San Francisco
- 15.1 Quest: The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work.
- 15.2 Quest: You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer.
- 15.3 Quest: The tanker needs fuel.
- 15.4 Quest: Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub.
- 15.5 Quest: Kill the Shi Emperor.
- 15.6 Quest: The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.
- 15.7 Quest: Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi.
- 15.8 Quest: The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship.
- 15.9 Quest: The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.
- 15.10 Quest: Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists.
- 15.11 Quest: Kill the AHS-9.
- 15.12 Quest: The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan hand to hand.
- 15.13 Quest: Get Chip's spleen.
- 15.14 Quest: Rescue Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship.
- 15.15 Quest: Get some hardened power armor from Crockett.
- 15.16 Quest: Find the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel.
- 16.1 Quest: Get the FOB from the commander's office.
- 16.2 Gaining entry
- 16.3 Vertibird plans
Oil Rig
- 17.1 Stealth assassination
Special Perks
Special Karma
Special Encounters
Weapon/Armor/Drug/Item stats
Rare Gear
Bugs & Oddities

%%%%%% History %%%%%%

3.5 - Added the Drugs section. Added more quests. Fixed a few mistakes.
Added good steals for some towns. Added loot section to some towns.
Added the Character Creation section. Updated ammo and drug lists.
A bunch more shit. (10/30/00)
3.0 - Added many many more quests. Corrected some typos and spelling
errors. Updated the cheats section. Redid the Special Karma
section. Redid the Special Perks section. Added more Special Perks.
Added more Items, and fixed the stats for Little Jesus. Added more
ammo types. Added burst length for more guns. Started the Bugs &
Oddities section. (10/15/00)
2.6 - Woohoo, first update in almost a year! Added a few more weapons,
and made some minor corrections. Cleaned things up a bit. (?/?/99)
2.5 - Added more weapons. Added more quests, karmic traits, and special
perks. Cleaned up some shit left from 1.0. (?/?/99)
2.0 - Totally redesigned the damn thing. Added an index. Added a hell
of alot more quests. Just about finished the weapons section.
Added more karmic traits. Updated the ammo section. Info updated
for patch. Weapon section now has 80 weapons. Now 50% more
marshmellows@!# (11/24/98)
1.0 - Added the usage and legal shit section. Updated the weapons and items
sections. Added an ammunition section. Added more quest/misc info.
Added the Useage & Legal Shit section. Now up to 14 types of armor
and 73 types of weapons. Guess .8 wasn't the last pre-patch update,
since it's been delayed, and I wanna churn this shit out :D (?/?/98)

%%%%%% Contributions %%%%%%

Captain Ahab - Some weapon stats.

Sweet Bob - General insanity and contributions.

Jef Waite - Some quest info and misc. tidbits.

- Info on sleeping with Metzger.

Game Master - Alot of quest info.

Andrei Moutchkine of the voice module.

%%%%%% Frequently Asked Questions %%%%%%

Q: How many NPC's can I have?
A: Charisma / 2. One more if you have the magnetic personality perk.

Q: I'm stuck! How can I move someone out of my way?
A: In the popup menu there's a push command. Next time, read the manual

Q: How can I skin Geckos?
A: You have to rescue Smiley. Look in the Klamath section.

Q: Where can I get Jet antidote?
A: The simplest way is to buy it. Various shops have it, just not often.
Try the weapon shop on the San Fransisco boat. Alternatively, read

Q: How do I refuel the car?
A: Use Micro Fusion Cells on it genius!@

Q: How do I play the game?
A: You want me to do it for you!#@?!@# Bastard!@@#!

Q: I can't get (quest), why is that?
A: Some quests have certain prerequisites, so if your character lacks the
natural abilities, tough luck!

%%%%%% Character Creation %%%%%%

The key to character creation is mainly to have a theme and stick to it.
A doctor/small guns character doesn't need 10 strength and 10 endurance.
Any combat character can benefit heavily from 10 agility however.

Also, certain skills are mainly beneficial in even increments.
3 Charisma isn't all that useful because the number of NPCs you can have
is Charisma/2 rounded down, so you'd only be able to take one. Stick to
2 or 4 instead. Of course, with 3 Charisma, you'd still get the other
benefits over 2, but number of NPCs is a major sub-stat of Charisma.

Excellent skills:

Small Guns - You'll be using small guns very early on, and with excellent
guns using this skill later on, it can easily see you through
the game. Almost any character will want this tagged.

Varyingly Useful Skills:

Unarmed - For serious combat, you're probobly better off with a gun.
However, characters proficient in Unarmed can participate in
a few extra quests.
Big Guns - Big Guns is great when you need to rack up that damage fast,
however guns that use this skill tend to churn through huge
amounts of ammo, or use very heavy ammo like rockets. A
hardcore combat character will probobly want this tagged.
Energy Weapons - There are some very good guns that use this skill, however,
there's usually better small or big guns to choose from.
Don't let damage values fool you, when you factor in the
+50% damage bonus that 2mm EC ammo does, the Gauss Rifle
does just about as much damage as the Plasma Rifle, and
has better armor penetration as well as a bonus to hit.
Doctor - Doctor can be pretty handy. It heals more than First Aid,
can repair broken limbs, and is used for a bunch of quests.

Nearly useless skills:

First Aid - Why bother with first aid when doctor can heal broken limbs,
heal more hit points, and is used in various dialogs.
Gambling - Money is better earned/saved by stealing or bartering.

%%%%%% Perks %%%%%%

Excellent perks:

Living Anatomy - This perk is damn good. +5 damage with ANY attack to living
creatures. Note that 98% of the enemies you encounter are
living. Also note that this is like getting 2 1/2 levels of
bonus ranged damage, and 5 levels of bonus melee damage,
since bonus melee damage only effects your MAXIMUM damage,
so in effect only does +1 average damage, whereas this does
+5 period. Also gives a small bonus to doctor.
Sniper - Basically makes your critical hit chance (luck * 10)%
Bonus ROF - Quite tasty.
Bonus Move - +2 ap for movement is a good thing. Shoot that deathclaw,
then back the fuck up.

Nearly useless perks:

Adren. Rush - Is the +1 to strength in combat only with 50% or lower HP
really worth it? Note that the +1 may not even affect your
melee damage.
Here and Now - You gain a level. I'm sure you can find something better to
Demol. Expert - With the 75% traps needed to get this perk, your explosives
are almost guaranteed to go off on time at any rate.
Pathfinder - There is only one time based quest, related to the Ghost
Farm arc in Modoc. This can easily be solved in time, and so
this perk is useless.
Snakeater - Are you seriously taking damage from poison enough that this
small reduction in damage will help? If you somehow answered
yes, try taking Lifegiver instead.

%%%%%% Arroyo %%%%%%


- There's $100 inside a pot in your Aunt's tent.

[1.1] Quest: Recue Nagor's dog, Smoke, from the wilds.

Your brother will ask you to find his dog. Go to the area filled with
geckos, kill them, get the dog, and return it for 100 exp.

[1.2] Quest: Find Vic the Trader.

He's being held by Metzger in the Den.

[1.3] Quest: Obtain Flint to have Mynoc sharpen your spear.

If you have a perception of 6 you can notice the bridge guard's sharpened
spear and he will tell you to bring him a piece of flint from your aunt so
he may sharpen yours. You can either steal the flint from your aunt, give
her three healing powders, or talk her out of it.

[1.4] Quest: Kill the evil plants that infest Hakunin's garden.

Hakunin will ask you to cleanse his garden. Simply kill the evil looking
plants in the garden outside his tent.

[1.5] Quest: Retrieve the GECK for Arroyo.

There's 2 GECKs in the game, one on the Oil Rig, and one in Vault 13.
4000 exp.

[1.6] Impenetrable door in the Temple of Trials

Blow up the impenetrable door in the Temple with plastic explosives.
Some can be found in a pot/jar in the same section of the temple as
the door.

[1.7] The town well

If you have a high enough repair skill, you can repair the town well and
gain 100 exp.

[1.8] Skill increases

There's 2 people in the village who can increase your skills. One can give
you a bonus to unarmed and one to melee.

%%%%%% Klamath %%%%%%


- There is a fuel injection system for the car at the other end of the rat
caves in Trapper Town. It will double the car's mileage.

Good Steals:

- You can steal a leather jacket and a sledgehammer off of Sulik.

[2.1] Quest: Refuel the still.

Whiskey Bob in the Buckner House will give you this quest. Simply head
to the southern exit off screen and make your way down to the cabin,
killing or avoiding the geckos along the way. Pick up the wood, use it on
the still, and return and collect your payment.

[2.2] Quest: Rescue Smiley the Trapper.

If you talk to one of the women she'll tell you her husband Smiley is
missing. If you rescue him from the toxic caves, he will teach you how to
skin geckos.

[2.3] Quest: Guard the brahmin.

Talk to Torr and tell him you'll help him guard the brahmin. Kill all the
scorpions. Get 250 exp.

[2.4] Quest: Rustle the brahmin.

[2.5] Quest: Rescue Torr.

If you complete the above quest, Torr will run away. Talk to Mrs. Buckner
and you find out that he's missing. You can find him in the canyon which
is the exit above the one that goes to trapper town. Rescue him and get
200 exp.

[2.6] Quest: Kill the rat god.

Slim the trapper in Trapper Town has a key to an area filled with rats. A
huge rat resides underground. Kill it.

[2.7] John Sullivan

John Sullivan in the Golden Gecko can teach you how to fight and give you
a +10% bonus to your unarmed and melee skills.

[2.8] NPC: Sulik

You can get Sulik to join your party for free after you rescue Smiley, or
if you pay off his debt, or if you complete the "Rescue Torr" quest. I
reccommend giving him a submachine gun or 14mm pistol to start and a .223
pistol later. Melee and unarmed are nearly useless once you start fighting
enemies with burst weapons.

%%%%%% Den %%%%%%


- If you kill Metzger, Becky will give you $1000.

[3.1] Quest: Collect money from Fred.

Becky will ask you to find Fred and get the money he owes her. Yay! It's
Where's Waldo time... If you offer to loan him money to pay off the
debt, when you return much later he'll have made it big and give
you $2000, 5 fusion cells, 5 small energy cells, and a plasma grenade.

[3.2] Quest: Get book from Derek.

Becky will ask you to find a book she lent Derek. Even more fun for
masochists! Derek isn't helpful, even if you locate him. You have to
scour the city, pixel by pixel, for the book. It can be in one of four
random locations.

[3.3] Quest: Deliver a meal to Smitty for Mom.

Mama will ask you to give Smitty a meal. Do it for 250 exp. and a stimpack.

[3.4] Quest: Lara wants to know what is being guarded in the church.

Go to the church and convince Tyler to let you in. Then, use the hand
cursor on a crate, and go back to Lara and tell her what you found.

[3.5] Quest: Get permission from Metzger for gang war.

Just go ask Metzger, and return back to Lara.

[3.6] Quest: Find weakness in Tyler's gang guarding the church.

Go talk to Tyler. He'll say they're throwing a party. Go back and tell

[3.7] Quest: Help Lara fight Tyler's gang.

You do just that.

[3.8] Quest: Free Vic from his debt by getting his Radio from his house
in Klamath and paying Metzger.

You can complete this quest by doing just what it says, in which case
female characters can lower the price for Vic from $1000 to $500 by
sleeping with Metzger. Another way to solve it is by killing Metzger.

[3.9] Quest: Return Anna's Locket.

[3.10] Cuddles

If you talk to Stacy in Mom's, and get her to tell you a story about
her cat cuddles, you'll gain 250 exp.

[3.11] NPC: Vic

After you save Vic from the slavers, you can have him join your party.
It seems like he'll join you no matter how low your reputation, etc.

%%%%%% Modoc %%%%%%


- A crate in Jo's shop has some goodies and a frag grenade.

Good Steals:

- Jo has a shotgun and 20 rounds of ammo.
- Jo's entire inventory is kept in the first set of shelves. He watches it
carefully, but it's a jackpot of goodies.

[4.1] Quest: Farrel has a rodent problem in his garden. Remove the

Just talk to Farrel, and he'll mention problems with his garden. Say you'll
help, and he'll take you out to shoot a few rats.

[4.2] Quest: Farrel wants you to find Cornelius' gold pocket watch. Find
it and return it to Farrel.

Ask Farrel about the watch to get this quest. 1500 exp.

[4.3] Quest: Johnny is missing. Find him and bring him home to Balthas.

[4.4] Quest: Jonny's in the Slag caves. Find a way to get Johnny back home to

return johhny for combat leather jacket

[4.5] Quest: Something strange is happening at the farm northeast of Modoc.
Investigate and report back to Jo.

[4.6] Quest: Deliver Slag message to Jo in Modoc.

Slags give assault rifle

[4.7] Quest: Jo is suspecious *sic* of the Slags. Find out about the dead
bodies at the Ghost Farm and find out what happened to Karl.

3500 exp get peeps talkin with the slags

[4.8] Guard the brahmin

Grisham wants you to guard his herd from a wolf pack. Fight off the 9 or so
wolves and return for your $1000 reward, minus $100 for every brahmin that

[4.9] Bessie the cow

There's a brahmin named Bessie lying on the ground with a broken leg. Fix
it with your doctor skill for 200 exp. and Bessie will now follow you around

[4.10] NPC: Miria/Davin

Neither is terribly useful. Miria can use SMGs and knives, and Davin can
use pistols and knives.

%%%%%% Vault City %%%%%%


- false citizen papers $150-$200 man in customs office Wallace's assistant

Good Steals:

- After delivering the pliers and wrench to Valerie, return a day later
and you can steal *4* Super Toolkits from her. Note that they're worth
$1000 each.
- You can steal a good portion of Happy Harry the shopkeeper's inventory
from him!

[5.1] Quest: Deliver Moore's briefcase to Mr. Bishop in New Reno.

You get this quest from the man who's preaching inside the city. Simply
deliver the briefcase to Mr. Bishop (top floor of the Shark Club) and
collect some money and 500 exp. This also opens the way for you to get
more jobs from Mr. Bishop.

[5.2] Quest: Get a plow for Mr. Smith.

A farmer in the courtyard wants a plow. One can be bought from Harry for
$1800, or less, if you talk him down. Have it delivered, and *poof*, done.
Talk to Mr. Smith again, and you'll get some exp. and a desert eagle.

[5.3] Quest: Deliver a sample of jet to Dr. Troy.

You get this quest from Dr. Troy himself. Bring him a sample of jet and
you're all done. Also, if you return awhile later, he'll give you two
doses of jet antidote.

[5.4] Quest: Rescue Amanda's husband, Joshua.

A resident, Amanda, will ask you to rescue her husband Joshua from the
Servant assignment building. You can talk him out.

[5.5] Quest: Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.

There are several ways to solve this quest. One is to go to Geck and talk
to Harold. You'll learn that the plant needs a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere

[5.6] Quest: Deliver pliers (tools) and a wrench to Valerie.

Valerie in the repair facility needs pliers and a wrench. Pliers can be
bought from various stores, and see below for one way to obtain a wrench.
She'll give you some token reward, and tell you to return the next day.
Do so, and she'll now upgrade your weapons for a fee. She can add an extended
magazine to your Desert Eagle, put a low-light scope on your FAL, add a speed
loader to your magnum, or put an extended magazine on your assault rifle.
Also, you can get a free Super Toolkit from her.

[5.7] Quest: Scout the eight sectors around Gecko and return to Stark.

You get this quest from Stark in the Corrections Center. After returning
to him, you'll be paid $300 and get 350 exp.

[5.8] Quest: Enter NCR and return to Stark.

After completing the above quest, you can get this one from Stark. Do
as he says and return for $500, 750 exp, and a motion sensor.

[5.9] Mr. Nixon and the wrench

Curtis in the courtyard will tell you he's lost his Mr. Nixon doll. You can
find it behind the bar which is just a few feet away. If you return it to
him, he'll have a dialog with it, in which he'll mention the location
of a buried wrench.

[5.10] Energy cells

Inside the vault, on the second floor is a broken vent. Repair it to get
50 small energy cells.

[5.11] Sick Charlie

Charlie, in the courtyard, has radiation sickness. Use a dose of Rad-Away
on him for some exp.

[5.12] Dermal Armor

In the medical unit of the vault, there's a computer which contains
information on dermal armor. Fix the Autodoc in the courtyard, and talk
to the doctor there, and you can have dermal armor fitted, if you have the
cash and some combat armor.

[5.13] Information Center

Inside the city there is a building labeled "Information Center". If you
talk to the man there and lament about how books are no longer on paper
with him, he'll give you a one of each type of skill increasing manual.

[5.14] Phyllis

If you can convince Phyllis in conversation to see the outside world,
you'll gain 300 exp. If you're charisa/speech is high enough, you
can also convince her to go on a date with you for 100 exp. Also,
you can ask her to let you donate sperm, and gain 500 exp in the process.
Convinving her to check out the possibility that radiation is sterilizing
Vault City citizens results in 300 exp.

[5.15] NPC: Cassidy

You can get the bartender of the courtyard bar to join you. He's skilled
in small guns. He will not join you if you have a low reputation.

%%%%%% Gecko %%%%%%

Good Steals:

- You can steal a Part Requisition Form from Festus in the power plant.
You can use this to get the 3 step plasma transformer for Skeeter.

[6.1] Quest: Solve the Gecko powerplant problem.

I'll add this in the next update, it's more than I feel like typing right

[6.2] Quest: Optimize the powerplant.

To optimize the reactor, bring the holodisk back to Vault City, use it in
the main computer, then bring it back to Gecko and use it on the robot pit

[6.3] Quest: Get super repair kit for Skeeter.

[6.4] Quest: Get 3 step plasma transformer for Skeeter.

Talk to Skeeter to get this quest. You can steal the forms you need off of
the head ghoul in the powerplant, then give them to the ghoul who dispenses
equipment. Also, it's possible to just steal the part. You will gain 350
exp. and he'll fix your equipment up for free.

[6.5] Quest: Find Woody the ghoul for Percy. Try the Den.

You get this quest (obviously) from Percy. Go to the Den, and ask the Great
Ananias to see the mummy. Lo and behold, it's Woody the ghoul. Collect
1000 exp. then return to Gecko to tell Percy the news.

[6.6] NPC: Lenny

Lenny is very eager to join your crew, and is a skilled doctor. Note that
he is also a horrible shot.

%%%%%% Redding %%%%%%

[7.1] Evict Widow Rooney.

A bug in the game causes this quest to not show up in your PIP Boy.
Follow the directions to her house and talk to her. If you agree to pay
the $120 she owes, you'll get 1500 exp.

[7.2] Quest: Break up the bar brawl.

After completing the previous quest, the sherrif gives you this one.
One way to solve the problem is to put one or both of the miners in jail,
you'll then get 1500 exp.

[7.3] Quest: Find out who cut the whore.

First talk to the proprietor of the Malamute to get more information.
Then head to the Morningstar mine. The guilty party is just sitting
around and will make a confession to you. Take him to jail for
1250 exp. Then talk to the sheriff for your $500 reward.

[7.4] Quest: Kill Frog Morton.

This is pretty simple. Follow the directions to his base and kill him.
Return for your $1000 reward.

[7.5] Wanamingo mine

You can buy the deed to this creature infested mine from Mayor Ascorti
for $1000. Kill all the Wanamingos inside, and you'll get 3500 exp.
plus whatever you get for killing them, and you can then sell the deed
back to the good Mayor for $2500.

[7.6] Jet antitode

If you bring Doc Johnson a sample of the Jet antidote, you'll gain 2500
exp. Also, if you return to Vault City and tell McClure that you delivered
the antitode you'll get another 2500 exp.

%%%%%% New Reno %%%%%%

Tips & Tricks:

- Try using plated boxing gloves for an advantage when boxing. A pair
can be found in the basement of the Shark Club.


- Electronic lockpick in the fridge in the basement of New Reno arms.

[8.1] Quest: Find out who was responsible for Richard Wright's overdose.

To get in to see Orville Wright, you need to first talk to Chris Wright
who is located north of the mansion on the west side of town. Ask him
for work then head south and talk to Keith Wright and mention Chris.
He'll let you in and Orville Wright will give you the job. In order to
properly solve this, talk to Keith Wright again, and convince him to
let you check out Richard's room. An empty jet cannister under one of
the dressers provides a clue. Bring it to Jagged Jimmy J and ask him
about it. You'll find out it's laced with poison and gain 500 exp.
Now bring it to Ranesco and you'll find out that poisoned it for the
Salvatores but didn't know it would be used on Richard. You'll gain
1000 exp. Return and tell Orville and you'll get some cash and 2000 exp.

[8.2] Quest: Find a way into the Sierra Army Base.

Completing the previous quest leads directly into this one. For further
information, see the Sierra Army Depot section. After getting in, return
to Orville, and you'll get 1000 exp. and be a Made Man. As with being a
made man for the other families, you get to see the special stock at New
Reno arms, and you get some services at the Cat's Paw for free. Also, he
tell you that hooch is free at the train station.

[8.3] Quest: Recover your stolen car.

If you drive your car into New Reno, then leave the screen and return,
you'll see that your car has been stolen.

[8.4] Quest: Track down Pretty Boy Lloyd, recover the stolen money, and
make an... example of him.

This quest is given to you by Mr. Salvator. Lloyd is hiding out in the
basement of the Desperado. I'd reccomend forcing him to take you to
where he hid the money, making him dig (it's trapped), then throwing
the landmine in after him. Disposing of him this way will net you
500 exp. Return to Mr. Salvator and give him the money. He'll pay you
$500 and you'll gain 500 exp for completing the quest.

[8.5] Quest: Go visit Ranesco the Rocketman and collect Mr. Salvatore's
tribute of $1000.

To get this quest you have to have completed the previous one.
First obviously go to Ranesco's Pharmacy. However, he doesn't have the
money, and Salvatore will be extremely upset with you if
you return without it. You can either convince Ranesco to give
you his inventory in return for you paying it for him, or
shoot him, take his inventory, and pay it for him anyway. Return
to Salvatore, give him the $1000, and you'll gain 750 exp and
be paid $250.

[8.6] Quest: Help guard a secret transaction taking place in the desert.

In order to get this quest, you must have satisfactorily completed
the previous two Salvatore quests. Before you talk to Salvatore,
make sure you've asked Jules (located at the main enterance to town)
about the Salvatores and learned about their laser weapons. Now
you can ask Salvatore for a laser pistol when he offers you the
quest. Also, you can ask Mason to teach you how to use it and gain
+5% to your energy weapons skill. When you return, talk to Salvatore
and he'll make you a Made Man and you'll gain 1000 exp. If you decline,
you'll be attacked by his guards. Either way, you also gain 1000 exp.
for completing the mission. As a Made Man, you can buy items you would
not normally be able to at Eldridge's. Also you get a "discount" at
Ranesco's and the Cat's Paw.

[8.7] Quest: Find some endorphin blockers to make a cure for Jet.

You need fairly high science skill and intelligence in order to get
this quest. Talk to Myron at the stables and convince him there's
possibly a cure for Jet. You'll get 2000 exp, and this quest will
show up in your Pip Boy.

[8.8] Quest: Assassinate Westin in NCR without making it look like a

Best way to kill him is to use the poison you can find in the hospital
on him. Return to Bishop for your payment of $500-1000 depending on what
you negotiated, and 2000 exp.

[8.9] Quest: Murder Carlson in NCR.

To get this quest, you must have completed the previous quest for
Bishop. Carlson's residence is the one across from the Council.
To gain entry you'll need a presidential pass, one of which
may be stolen off of Gunther.

[8.10] Quest: Deliver ten Cat's Paw magazines to Miss Kitty.

$500-$1000 and 1000 exp.

[8.11] Quest: Deliver a laser pistol to Eldridge.

If you've learned about the Salvatore's weapons from Jules, you can
get this quest from Eldridge. Simply bring him any laser pistol for
$1500 and 500 exp. Steal it back from him after, if you want.

[8.12] Quest: Deliver Big Jesus's package to Ramirez at the Stables.

In order to get this quest, you need to get Little Jesus (in the
Desperado) to agree to put in good word for you with his father.
Then go upstairs, talk to Big Jesus, and this is the quest you'll
receive. Opening the box isn't worth it, since 5 doses of Jet is all
that's inside. When you deliver it, you get 500 exp. and $100.

[8.13] Quest: Collect tribute from the Corsican Brothers.

You must have completed the previous quest to get this one. Big
Jesus wants you to collect $250 tribute from the Corsican Brothers.
Go talk to them, then come back for 500 exp. and half of the tribute.

[8.14] Quest: Assassinate Boss Salvatore for Big Jesus Mordino.

After completing the first two Mordino quests, Big Jesus will give you
this one. After getting in to see him, you can kill him by stealing his
oxygen tank, but the guards will attack you anyway. You'll get 500 exp.
for killing him, no matter how you do it. Return and talk to Big Jesus
for 750 exp. and $500. At this point he'll want you to become a Made Man.
If you agree, he'll also give you a set of Leather Armor mkII and a Grease Gun.
Disagree, and he'll try to have you killed. Being a Made Man for the Mordinos
gets you access to Eldridge's special inventory, and you can use most of the
services of the Cat's Paw for free.

[8.15] Neo Reno Arms weapon upgrades

The weapon shop owner can expand the magazine on an assault rifle to 100
rounds, add a speed loader to a magnum, put a low light scope on your FAL,
or add a 20x scope to a hunting rifle.

[8.16] Algernon

Hidden in the basement of the weapon shop is a man who can do modifications
as well. He can do every single modification in the game, and for free no

[8.17] NPC: Myron

You can recruit Myron at the Stables. He's extremely useless in combat.
He does have high science however, and will join even if you're evil.

%%%%%% Sierra Army Depot %%%%%%

[9.1] Getting in

There's a howitzer shell in one of the bunkers. Load it into the howitzer
in the other bunker. Use the howitzer to then fire the shell at the door.

[9.2] NPC: Brain Bot

There is a broken robot on the 3rd floor, which you can place a brain from
bio-storage in.

%%%%%% Broken Hills %%%%%%


- If you can sneak into the basement of the general store, there's
an FN FAL, a combat shotgun, a 10mm smg, a desert eagle, and a .44

Good Steals:

- You can steal spectacles and a tool from the intelligent radscorpion.
- You can steal 5 mentats and a bunch of other stuff from the doctor
who created the intelligent radscorpion.
- The general store's entire inventory is kept on one of the tables.
The girl watches it carefully, so you'll need to sneak.
- You can steal the cell door key from one of the guards in the jail.

[10.1] Quest: Fix the mine's air purifier.

You get this quest from the head miner. He'll send you to the Den to get a
part, then return. Enter the mines and use stimpacks often to heal the
damage from the fumes, then use the part on the purifier.

[10.2] Quest: Find the missing people for Marcus.

You get this quest from... Marcus! Their bodies are in the caves beneath the
residential section. One of the entrances to the caves is near the talking

[10.3] Quest: Beat Francis at armwrestling.

If you beat Francis the mutant (located in the tavern) at arm wrestling,
he'll give you a power fist.

[10.4] Quest: Break Manson and Franc out of prison.

[10.5] Quest: Blow up the mine's air purifier.

[10.6] Quest: Divert more electrical power to Eric's home.

Eric the ghoul (in the house covered with flies) wants more power for his
home. Ask the power plant operator to give him more power.

[10.7] NPC: Marcus

After you solve all the quests for Marcus, you can have him join your party.
He cannot wear armor, but he can use big guns and large energy weapons.

%%%%%% New California Republic %%%%%%

Good Steals:

- Four of the patrons in the Rawhide Saloon have 200 (!) rounds of
shotgun ammo EACH for a grand total of 800 rounds.
- Lenny in the Rawhide Saloon has a power fist and 80 small energy cells
as well as some stimpacks.
- The guards outside the weapon tent when you first enter the city all
have Bozars you can steal.
- You can get 50 rounds of 2mm EC off of the Sherrif, and another 50
off the deputy.

[11.1] Quest: Test mutagenic serum on a super-mutant. Try Broken Hills.

The scientist directly south of Duppo's weapons shop will give you this
quest, if you have sufficient speech and science skills. Any super-mutant
will do for this quest. Return, and he'll give you the cyberdog.

[11.2] Quest: Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers.

The Rangers give you this simple quest. Just go to the slave pens and use
the computers near them to open them. The slavers will obviously attack you.
Return and you'll become an official Ranger. Hurray!

[11.3] Quest: Stop brahmin raids

Westin will give you this quest. Talk to his foreman, and he'll send
you out to guard the brahmin. Easy, and totally straightforward.

[11.4] Quest: Retrieve Parts/Gain Access to Vault 15.

You get this quest from President Tandi. You have to go to Vault 15,
save Chrissy, and talk to the Vault 15 leader guy to get the key to the
Vault, get the parts in the locker and kill Darion, then return to NCR.

[11.5] Quest: Complete brahmin drive.

Duppo gives you this quest if you ask for work. Simply show up at the
gate to Westin's ranch the next morning, and talk to the man who shows
up there. Then guard the brahmin against any possible dangers. When you
arrive in Redding you'll get your pay, which can be up to $2000 plus a
$1000 bonus.

[11.6] Blower

A Junk dealer west of the slave pens will offer to install a "blower"
in your car to increase power for $1000.

[11.7] NPC: Cyberdog

Complete the "Test mutagenic serum" quest for the scientist and you'll
get the cyberdog. Obviously it cannot equip weapons or armor.

%%%%%% Vault 15 %%%%%%

[12.1] Quest: Give Spy Holodisk to authority in NCR.

If you use Darion's computer, you get this quest. Talk to president Tandi
about it, then give the disk to her assistant for some cash and exp.

[12.2] Quest: Kill Darion

You can get this quest from the head guy after you rescue Chrissy. Darion
is down in the vault.

[12.3] Quest: Rescue Chrissy

One of the citizens will ask to talk to you privately, and give you the
quest to rescue her daughter Chrissy. While talking, she'll notice someone
eavesdropping. The guard in front of the path will now let you go by, and
you can rescue Chrissy.

[12.4] Quest: Complete deal with NCR.

I'm not sure where you get this quest from, maybe after talking to
the head guy about Tandi wanting to deal? It was solved by giving the
computer parts found in a locker in the Vault to Tandy in NCR.

[12.5] Location of Vault 13

One of the other computers on the 3rd floor (not Darion's) has the location
of Vault 13. This is where one of the learning computers would normally

%%%%%% Vault 13 %%%%%%


- All kinds of shit, including a suit of Combat Armor.

[13.1] Quest: Fix the Vault 13 computer.

The head deathclaw will give you the quest to repair the computer. The
missing part can be bought from New Reno arms for $3000, or less if you
talk the owner down. I found another somewhere else, but neglected to
jot it down.

[13.1] Quest: Talk to Goris.

By talking to the head deathclaw you can get the quest to talk to Goris.
Not much of a quest, considering you can just take the lift to the 3rd floor
and bloody talk to him.

[13.3] NPC: Goris

You can get Goris to join you here. He seems really good at hand-to-hand...

%%% Military Base %%%


- A map to San Fransisco is in one of the tents outside.

[14.1] Getting in

Open the base up by using the metal pipe lying on the ground on the mining
cart, and dynamite on the cart.

[14.2] Broken generator

You can repair the generator for some experience.

%%%%%% San Francisco %%%%%%

Good Steals:

- You can steal a Gauss Rifle and 100 rounds of 2mm EC ammo from one
of the punks in the bar on the tanker.
- You can steal 100 rounds of 2mm EC ammo from each of the two guards
in the palace throne room. Several of the guards in the complex also
have 50 rounds of 4.7mm ammo in their inventories.
- A female punk near the entrance on the inside of the tanker has a
H&K G11 and 50 rounds of 4.7mm ammo that you can steal. 4 other punks
have H&K G11s, but not the spare ammo.
- There are two men wearing combat armor near the Hubologist ship.
You can steal a Pancor Jackhammer as well as some ammo from each of
- You can steal a H&K G11 from each of the four guards inside Red
888 Guns, as well as one from one of the guards directly outside.

[15.1] Quest: The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work.

You can acquire the NavCom parts from a locker in Vault 13. Using them
on the computer nets you 2000 exp.

[15.2] Quest: You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer.

Retrieving it nets you 3500 exp. It's located in the Base Commander's
room in Navarro. When you use it on the door to the navigation computer
you gain 2000 exp.

[15.3] Quest: The tanker needs fuel.

You can obtain fuel from the Shi by talking to one of the scientists inside
the palace who will offer to give you fuel in exchange for a set of Crocket's
hardened power armor.

Another way to complete the quest is to access the Emperor computer, either
by hacking in, or by completing the "Kill the AHS-9" quest. From there,
access the chemistry station and redirect the fuel to the tanker.

After completing the quest, you'll get 5000 exp.

[15.4] Quest: Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub.

If you choose to join the Hubologists, they'll give you this quest.

[15.5] Quest: Kill the Shi Emperor.

If you go to see AHS-9 with the quest to kill him active, he'll sense
your intentions and offer to pay you off with more money than you
ever dreamed of if you kill the Emperor instead.

[15.6] Quest: The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.

If you've already joined the Hubologists, Harry (the man near the
rocketship) will give you this quest. If you've already given the plans
to the Shi, you'll get the quest below instead. Return the plans to
him for 5000 exp.

[15.7] Quest: Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi.

[15.8] Quest: The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship.

After completing one of the above two quests, Harry will give you this one.
You can obtain fuel from the Shi by talking to one of the scientists inside
the palace who will offer to give you fuel in exchange for a set of Crocket's
hardened power armor. After completing that quest, and taking the fuel in
reward, you'll get 6000 exp.

[15.9] Quest: The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro.

You're given this quest if you ask to see the Emperor. I recomend showing
the plans to the Brotherhood first, since they make copies and give you back
the originals while the Shi do not. Take them to Dr. Wong and snag 5000 exp.
If you've already given the plans to the Hubologists, you'll get the below
quest instead.

[15.10] Quest: Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists.

[15.11] Quest: Kill the AHS-9.

After completing the above quest, if you ask to see the Emperor, you are told
you have to complete one more quest. Namely killing the leader of the
hubologists, AHS-9.

[15.12] Quest: The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan hand to hand.

You need to first beat the Dragon's students to get this quest, and
before challenging them, you need at least 125% unarmed skill. After
beating them, you'll gain 8000 exp. And the Dragon will ask you to
challenge Lo Pan. Do so, and near the end of the fight he'll pull a gun.
After you beat him, you'll gain 2000 exp. and after talking to the Dragon
again, you'll get another 3000 exp.

[15.13] Quest: Get Chip's spleen.

Chip, located near the room where Badger is, got drunk one night and sold
his spleen to a merchant. He wants you to recover it for him. Talk to the
merchant on the left side of the entrance into town, and he'll tell you
he sold it to Dr. Wong. Go see Dr. Wong in the palace, and you'll find
out he's planning to eat it. Tell him it's a human spleen and he'll
say that he'll return it. You get 2000 exp. Now return to Chip and
he'll ask you to see Dr. Fong about getting it replaced. Dr. Fong
will want you to pay him $1000 up front. Do it, then return to Chip.
He'll thank you and leave and say to come back in a day. Wait a day
and you get 3000 exp. and he'll now answer your questions. Also,
if the captain wouldn't talk to you before, now he will.

[15.14] Quest: Rescue Badger's girlfriend in the hold below the ship.

Talk to Badger on the ship to get this quest. Then, simply go below, do
a shitlot of killing, and bring him back his girlfriend. It's good for
5000 exp.

[15.15] Quest: Get some hardened power armor from Crockett.

Crocket, a scientist in the Hubologist base, will harden power armor
for $10,000. If you have the "The Hubologists need fuel for their
spaceship." quest active, you can tell him you'll trade fuel for it
and get it for free. Return the armor to the Shi scientist and get
5000 exp.

[15.16] Quest: Find the vertibird plans for the Brotherhood of Steel.

You get this quest from the man outside the BoS building. Give him
the plans, and he'll copy them and give you 20000 exp.

%%%%%% Navarro %%%%%%


- You can get a free suit of Advanced Power Armor in the armory.

[16.1] Quest: Get the FOB from the commander's office.

I'm not quite sure where you get the quest to retrieve the FOB, but it
showed up after I completed it. You can get the FOB by telling the guard
outside the commander's office that you need to secure the key, then talk
to the commander and open the locker.

[16.2] Gaining entry

You can get in by telling Chris at the gas station that you're a new
recruit to get the password. Then walk out back and through the path
and tell the guard at the gate the password. Alternatively, you can
kill Chris and take the ladder concealed in a building behind him.
You'll need the blue keycard from Gecko to open the inside door,

[16.3] Vertibird plans

To get the Vertibird plans, talk to Raul, then talk to the mechanic
two doors down and tell him Raul sent you.

%%%%%% Oil Rig %%%%%%

[17.1] Stealth assassination

You can kill the president covertly with super stimpacks.

%%%%%% Special Perks %%%%%%

Gecko Skinning - Learned from Smiley after you rescue him. It allows
you to get the valuable skins off Geckos after you kill them.

Vault City Training - Acquired after you get medical training from the doctor
inside the vault in Vault City. Gives +5% to your doctor skill.

Vault City Innoculations - If you see the doctor inside the vault in Vault
City while irradiated or poisoned, you can get this perk which grants +10%
to both poison and radiation resistance.

Expert Excrement Expediator - Shovel Brahmin shit in Broken Hills five
times for this perk which gives +5% speech.

Dermal Impact Armor - +5% normal and explosion damage resistance.

Phoenix Armor Implants - +5% fire, laser, and plasma damage resistance.

%%%%%% Special Karma %%%%%%

Champion - Do alot of good deeds@!

Prizefighter - Become boxing champion of New Reno. Grants +5% to your
unarmed skill. Occasionally bugs occur with this karma, giving you things
like +12% normal damage resistance and -1 plasma damage threshold, etc.

Gravedigger - Dig up graves. There's some near the church in the Den and
Golgotha outside of New Reno is one massive graveyard.

Gigolo - Sleep around.

Porn Star - Make a movie for the Corsican brothers in New Reno.

Child Killer - Kill children. Note that this will also make you
a wanted man, and bounty hunters will start coming after you.

Berserker - Wipe out a large number of innocents.

Made Man - Join one of the New Reno crime families.

%%%%%% Special Encounters %%%%%%

You can encounter a bunch of Unwashed Villagers hunting a spammer. I see
no real use to this one besides a few stimpacks in a locker in an
abandoned building.

There is a bridgekeeper who may be encountered. If you correctly answer his
questions, he'll die, and you can get his robes, which have the same stats
as combat armor.

It's possible to come across a cafe full of characters from Fallout 1. You
can get dogmeat to join your party by giving him meat.

There is also a crashed whale, from the site of which you can acquire
a pot of daisies.

You can encounter a Tin Woodsman, who wants you to use oil on him. There's
a can nearby, and after using it on him, you'll receive 150 micro fusion

I also bumped into a giant stone head, which, after much debate, gave me
a piece of itself. Use this to temporarily increase your stats.

A crashed shuttlecraft from Star Trek can be found. Searching the bodies,
I found 3 hypos.

You can encounter the Knights of the Round Table who are looking for the
holy hand grenade.

There is also a Guardian Portal, which will take you back to Vault 13 pre
Fallout 1. You can get a solar scorcher on the floor in the armory.

%%%%%% Armor (16) %%%%%%

Name AC Normal Laser Fire Plasma Explode
Robes 5 0/20% 0/15% 0/10% 0/10% 0/20%
Leather Jacket 8 0/20% 0/25% 0/10% 0/10% 0/20%
Leather Armor 15 2/25% 0/20% 0/20% 0/10% 0/20%
Combat Leather Jacket 18 2/30% 0/20% 2/25% 0/10% 0/20%
Leather Armor mkII 20 3/25% 1/20% 1/25% 1/10% 1/25%
Metal Armor 10 4/30% 6/75% 4/10% 4/20% 4/25%
Metal Armor mkII 15 4/35% 7/80% 4/15% 4/25% 4/30%
Tesla Armor 15 4/20% 19/90% 4/10% 10/80% 4/20%
Bridgekeeper's Robes 20 5/40% 8/60% 4/30% 4/50% 6/40%
Combat Armor 20 5/40% 8/60% 4/30% 4/50% 6/40%
Combat Armor mkII 25 6/40% 9/65% 5/35% 5/50% 9/45%
Brotherhood Armor 20 8/40% 8/70% 7/50% 7/60% 8/40%
Power Armor 25 12/40% 18/80% 12/60% 10/40% 20/50%
Hardened Power Armor 25 13/50% 19/90% 14/70% 13/50% 20/60%
Advanced Power Armor 30 15/55% 19/90% 16/70% 15/60% 20/65%
Advanced Power mkII 35 18/60% 19/90% 16/70% 18/60% 20/70%

%%%%%% Melee Weapons (15) %%%%%%

m = You character's melee damage

p = punch t = thrust
s = swing a = aimed

Name Rng Damage Ammo Cap Str AP
Sharpened Pole 2 2-(4+m) 4 4t 5at 6throw 7athrow
Spear 2 3-(10+m) 4 4t 5at 6throw 7athrow
Sharpened Spear 2 4-(12+m) 4 4t 5at 6throw 7athrow
Knife 1 1-(6+m) 3 3s 4as 3t 4at
Combat Knife 1 3-(10+m) 2 3s 4as 3t 4at
Little Jesus 1 5-(14+m) 1 3s 4as 3t 4at
Club 1 1-(6+m) 3 3s 4as
Switchblade 1 2-(5+m) 1 3s 3as 4t 4at
Crowbar 1 3-(10+m) 5 4s 5as
Wakazashi 1 4-(12+m) 1 3s 4as 3t 3at
Sledgehammer 2 4-(9+m) 6 4s 5as 5t 6at
Super Sledge 2 18-(36+m) 5 3s 4as 4t 5at
Cattle Prod 1 12-(20+m) Small E 20 4 4s 5as 4t 5at
Super Cattle Prod 1 20-(42+m) Small E 20 4 4s 5as 4t 4at
Ripper 1 15-(22+m) Small E 30 4 4s 5as 4t 5at

%%%%%% Thrown Weapons (8) %%%%%%

Name Rng Damage Str AP

Plant Spike 8 1-2 1 4throw 5athrow
Flare 15 1-1 1 1throw 1athrow
Rock 15 1-4 1 4throw 5throw 3p 4ap
Throwing Knife 16 3-6 3 5throw 6athrow 4s 5as
Molotov Cocktail 12 8-20 3 5throw
Frag Gernade 15 20-35 3 5throw
Plasma Grenade 15 40-90 4 5throw
Pulse Grenade 15 100-150 3 5throw

%%%%%% Unarmed Weapons (6) %%%%%%

Name Damage Ammo Cap
Boxing Gloves 1-(1+m)
Plated Gloves 2-(3+m)
Brass Knuckles 2-(5+m)
Spiked Knuckles 4-(10+m)
Power Fist 12-(24+m) Small E 25
Mega Power Fist 20-(41+m) Small E 25

%%%%%% Small Guns (35) %%%%%%

Name Rng Damage Ammo Cap Str AP Notes
Pipe Rifle 20 5-12 10mm 1 5 5s 6a
10mm Pistol 25 5-12 10mm 12 3 5s 6a
10mm SMG 25 5-12 10mm 30 5 5s 6a 6b(10)
Desert Eagle 25 10-16 .44 8 4 5s 6a
Desert Eagle Expand 25 10-16 .44 20 4 5s 6a
Hunting Rifle 40 8-20 .223 10 5 5s 6a
Scoped Hunting Rifl 40 8-20 .223 10 5 5s 6a Better acc. at long rng.
.44 Magnum 15 12-18 .44 6 5 4s 5a
.44 Magnum Speed Lo 20 12-18 .44 6 5 4s 5a -1 AP to reload
14mm Pistol 24 12-22 14mm 6 4 5s 6a
.223 Pistol 30 20-30 .223 5 5 5s 6a
Sniper Rifle 50 14-34 .223 6 5 6s 7a
Red Ryder BB Gun 22 1-3 BBs 100 3 5s 6a
Johnny's BB Gun 22 1-3 BBs 100 3 5s 6a
Red Ryder LE BB Gun 32 25-25 BBs 100 3 4s 5a
9mm Mauser 22 5-10 9mm 7 3 4s 5a
Needler Pistol 24 12-24 Needle 10 3 5s 6a
PPK12 Gauss Pistol 50 22-32 2mm 12 4 4s 5a
M72 Gauss Rifle 50 32-43 2mm 20 6 5s 6a
Tommy Gun 32 3-20 .45 50 6 5s 6a 6b(10)
HK P90c 30 12-16 10mm 24 4 4s 5a 5b(12)
M3A1 Grease Gun 20 10-20 .45 30 4 4s 5a 5b(8)
H&K G11 35 10-20 4.7mm 50 5 5s 6a 6b(5)
H&K G11E 40 13-23 4.7mm 50 6 5s 6a 6b(7)
Assault Rifle 45 8-16 5mm 24 5 5s 6a 6b(8)
Assault Rifle Extd 45 8-16 5mm 100 5 5s 6a 6b(8)
FN FAL 35 9-18 7.62mm 20 5 5s 6a 6b(10)
FN FAL Night Sight 35 9-18 7.62mm 20 5 5s 6a 6b(10) Night sight
FN FAL HPFA 35 11-22 7.62mm 20 5 5s 6a 6b(20) Has no desc. (!)
XL70E3 35 12-19 5mm 20 5 5s 6a 6b(8)
Shotgun 14 12-22 12 ga. 2 4 5s 6a
Sawed Off Shotgun 7 12-24 12 ga. 2 4 5s 6a
Combat Shotgun 22 15-25 12 ga. 12 5 5s 6a 6b(3)
H&K CAWS 30 15-25 12 ga. 10 6 5s 6a 6b(5)
Pancor Jackhammer 35 18-29 12 ga. 10 5 5s 6a 6b(5)

%%%%%% Big Guns (9) %%%%%%

Name Rng Damage Ammo Cap Str AP Notes
Flamer 5 45-90 Flamer 5 6 6b(1)
Improved Flamer 5 45-90 Flamer 5 6 6b(1) ???? Better penetration?
Minigun 35 7-11 5mm 120 7 6b(30)
Avenger Minigun 40 10-14 5mm 120 7 6b(30)
Vindicator Minigun 30 14-19 4.7mm 100 7 6b(25)
Light Support Weap 40 20-30 .223 30 6 6b(10)
M60 35 18-26 7.62mm 50 7 6b(10)
Bozar 35 25-35 .223 30 6 6b(15)
Rocket Launcher 40 35-100 Rocket 1 6 6s

%%%%%% Energy Weapons (13) %%%%%%

Name Rng Damage Ammo Cap Str AP
Alien Blaster 10 30-90 Small E 30 2 4s 5a
Laser Pistol 35 10-22 Small E 12 3 5s 6a
Magneto-Laser Pistol 35 10-22 Small E 12 3 5s 6a Better penetration?
Plasma Pistol 20 15-35 Small E 16 4 5s 6a
Plasma Pistol Extd 20 15-35 Small E 32 4 5s 6a
YK32 Pulse Pistol 15 32-46 Small E 5 3 4s 5a
Solar Scorcher 20 20-60 None 6 3 4s 5a Only reload dur. day
Laser Rifle 45 25-50 Micro F 12 6 5s 6a
Laser Rifle Extd 45 25-50 Micro F 24 6 5s 6a
Plasma Rifle 25 30-65 Micro F 10 6 5s 6a
Turbo Plasma Rifle 35 35-70 Micro F 10 6 5s 6a
YK42b Pulse Rifle 30 54-78 Micro F 10 3 5s 6a
Gatling Laser 40 20-40 Micro F 30 6 6b(10)

%%%%%% Ammunition (24) %%%%%%

Name AC Mod DR Mod Dmg Mod Lbs Notes
10mm JHP 0 25 2/1
10mm AP 0 -25 1/2
.44 JHP 0 20 2/1 DR Mod 50 before patch
.44 FMJ 0 -20 1/1
5mm JHP 0 35 2/1
5mm AP 0 -35 1/2
.223 FMJ -20 -20 1/1
12 ga. -10 0 1/1
14mm AP 0 -50 1/2
.45 0 0 1/1
7.62mm -5 -10 1/1
BB's 0 0 1/1
4.7mm -5 -10 3/2
9mm 0 10 1/2
9mm ball 0 0 1/1
Flame -20 25 1/1
Flame mk2 -20 0 1/1
Rocket 0 0 1/1 3
Rocket AP -15 -50 1/1 3
2mm EC -30 -20 3/2
Small En 0 0 1/1
Micro Fus 0 0 1/1
Needler AP -10 0 2/1 1
HN Needler -10 0 1/1 1

%%%%%% Drugs (14) %%%%%%

Note that all stat/resistance effects are temporary

Name Effect
Healing powder Heals some HP and gives -1 perception
Stimpak Heals some HP
Super Stimpack Heals a bunch of HP
Hypo Heals you to full HP
Jet +2 AP
Mentats Bonus to intelligence
Buffout Bonus to strength
Psycho Increase damage resistance
Rad-X Increases radiation resistance
Rad-Away Cleans radiation from your system
Antidote Cleans poison from your system
Jet Antitode Cures Jet addiction
Cookie Temporarily gives +1 AP
Monument Chunk

%%%%%% Items %%%%%%

Name Effect
Lockpicks Pick locks better
Extended Lockpick Set Pick locks even better
Electronic Lockpick For picking electronic locks
Elec. Lockpick mk2 Same as above, but better
Tool Gives a bonus to repairing items when in inventory
Super Tool Kit Same as above, bigger bonus
Rope For all your needs that require such a thing
Shovel Dig shit up
Dynamite Blow shit up
Plastic Explosives Blow shit up
Fuzzy Painting Elvis represent!#@#@!
Mirrored Shades If in an active item slot gives +1 charisma
Spectacles If in an active item slot gives +1 perception
Condom (green) i think this is a water balloon?
Condom (blue) ""
Condom (red) ""

%%%%%% Special Items %%%%%%

Name Useage
Mr. Nixon Doll Give to kid to get him to mention where wrench is hid
Vic's Radio Use to help get Vic freed from slavers
Vault 15 Comp. Parts President Tandy wants these
Vertibird Plans A few people want these
G.E.C.K. You need to return this to your village
Presidential Pass Needed to visit Vice President Carlson
Stables ID Badge Needed to get in to see Myron
Jet Antidote

%%%%%% Rare Gear %%%%%%

Robes - on the floor of the Corsican Brothers' studio in New Reno
Hardened Power Armor - get from Corckett in San Fransisco
Advanced Power Armor - locker in Navarro
Advanced Power Armor Mk II - oil rig
Little Jesus - Kill Little Jesus Mordino for this knife
Wakazashi - Yakuza around New Reno are armed with this
Johnny's BB Gun - in the well in Modoc
9mm Mauser -
XL70E3 - randomly from a merchant north of San Fransisco
Solar Scorcher - found in a special encounter
Spectacles - steal from intelligent radscorpion in Broken Hills
Mirrored Shades - Mason, Slavatore's bodyguard has these ; also in a grave in golgotha
the grave which says "Here lays Butch we planted him raw..."

%%%%%% Cheats %%%%%%

After you give President Tandi's assistant the Vault 15 spy holodisk, you
can steal it back and give it to him, again and again. Gaining 4000 exp.
and the reward money each time! 1.0 only.

In NCR, if you let Jack blow himself up and damage the computer, fix it
like normal for your 3000exp. and books reward. Fix it again, get rewarded
again... and again...

After you rescue Smiley, you can ask him to tell you stories about Geckos
over and over... Each time getting a bonus to your outdoorsman skill. 1.0

Oddly enough, it's possible to barter with Darian before the fight begins.
Obviously trading him something useless for his stimpacks and ammo is a
good idea. 1.0 & 1.02

%%%%%% Bugs & Oddities %%%%%%

In the Hubologist base there's two LIT flares in one of the lockers.

If you ask Valerie to upgrade your cattle prod to a super cattle prod
she says she will but just gives you back your cattle prod without an

This faq is copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Sheik Rattle Enroll
All rights reserved

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