Fallout 2

Fallout 2

16.10.2013 04:15:40
Copyright 2003 Alexander Niketic
Fallout 2: Homicidal Walktrough
Written by Alexander Sacha Niketic A.K.A Neo Nightkin A.K.A. Ultra Neo Nightkin
Version 1.01
"I would rather lick Lenny's wrinkly balls." -Myron

-Fallout 2: Homicidal Quest-


1: Introduction
2: Copy Right
3: Version History
*: Before I continue
4: General Hints
5: Creating a character
*: Perks I've chosen
6: Temple of Trials
7: Arroyo
8: Klamath
9: The Den
10: Modoc
11: Vault City
12: Gecko
13: Redding
*: Special Notice
14: New Reno
15: Broken Hills
16: NCR
17: Vault 15
18: Vault 13
19: Military Base
20: Navarro
21: San Fransisco
22: Enclave Oil Rig
23: Contact Info
24: Thank You's

1: Introduction
Welcome to my first 'In-Depth FAQ'. This is a guide on how to kill every single
person in the game and allot of other creatures with them.
I have written this FAQ for my own enjoyment and, well, because I'm bored.
I hope you'll enjoy this guide to the ultimate slaughtering of the Fallout
Before I begin, I advise you to beat this game at least 2 or 3 times before you
try to beat it the homicidal way.

2: Copy Right
This FAQ is for Fallout 2. You may not post this guide anywhere unless I give
you permission and you may not distribute this information as your own no
matter what.
You may print it out though but you cannot sell it.
If you want to make contributions to this FAQ, you can email me and I will give
you credit.

3: Version History
Version 0.35: 12-24-2002 - I began the FAQ. Completed till Gecko.
Version 1.00: 01-21-2003 - I finished the FAQ. Joy.
Version 1.01: 01-24-2003 - I 'Cleaned the FAQ up'. Took care of few typo's and
what not.
Version 1.02: 01-24-2003 - I have added a section where I advise you which
perks to choose.

*: Before I continue
Again, I want to say that I made this FAQ because I'm bored so don't expect to
see a godly guide worth of beingAAHH whatever.

4: General Hints
First of all, save. Save allot! You don't need allot of slots though. I only
used 2: One while in battle and one when not in battle.
Next, you should use sneak allot. This will help you fight towns bit by bit,
rather then being attacked be everyone at the same time.
Search every dead body for weapons, stims and drugs. If you find yourself in a
really though battle, try again but only now psycho up. These are very good
If you travel somewhere you should save every square. You're going to kill
everyone and that includes random encounters.
So if you get a really hard random encounter, you can reload and pray you won't
get it again.
Something about combat: If you attack a person, note that only the same kind of
person will attack you. For instance, if you attack Becky, only the people at
her casino will attack.
If you are having trouble with certain creatures, try to blind them or knock
them out. Blinding is better since they will run away, most of the times.
Also, in every tough battle you should save every turn. If you want to blind
someone, first save, then attack, and if it's not blind yet reload and try
again. Might take some time but it helps.
You can blind someone by attacking the eyes and you can knock someone out by
attacking the head.

5: Creating a character
You will want a person, it doesn't matter whether it's a male or female, who is
good at combat skills so don't spend any points on charisma.
It's up to you in which kind of combat method you'd like to specialise the
character in.
I do suggest to give him a descent unarmed skill and strength for Klamath.
Endurance is also pretty important for it gives you HP, and trust me, you'll
need all the HP you can get.
Intelligence is always important for it gives you skill points. The more In,
the more skill points thus the better your aims.
The most important thing in the whole game is your name. You choose it, you're
stuck with it. Choose wisely. You don't want to go through the game being
called 'Pippy' or whatever.

This was my character:

25 July 2241 0824 hours

Name: Percy Age: 25 Gender: Male
Level: 01 Exp: 0 Next Level: 1,000

::: Statistics :::
Strength: 07 Hit Points: 034/034 Sequence: 07
Perception: 07 Armor Class: 008 Healing Rate: 02
Endurance: 06 Action Points: 09 Critical Chance: 007%
Charisma: 04 Melee Damage: 02 Carry Weight: 140 lbs.
Intelligence: 09 Damage Res.: 000%
Agility: 08 Radiation Res.: 012%
Luck: 07 Poison Res.: 030%

::: Traits :::
Small Frame

::: Karma :::
Karma: 0 (Wanderer)

::: Skills :::
Small Guns ..... 047% (Tagged)
Big Guns ....... 026% (Tagged)
Energy Weapons . 006%
Unarmed ........ 070% (Tagged)
Melee Weapons .. 040%
Throwing ....... 022%
First aid ...... 012%
Doctor ......... 001%
Sneak .......... 009%
Lockpick ....... 005%
Steal .......... 004%
Traps .......... 005%
Science ........ 016%
Repair ......... 007%
Speech ......... 000%
Barter ......... -004% (LOL)
Gambling ....... 015%
Outdoorsman .... 010%

*: Perks I've chosen
Here are the perks I have chosen. If you don't meet the requirements of a
certain perk, use drugs to increase your stats.

Level 3: Awareness - It's good to know things about your enemy. You
can see what weapon it carries and how many
hit points it has left. This way, you can prepare
yourself better before fighting.
Level 6: More Criticals - More criticals might be a bit unnecessary, since
you can shoot and reload if you didn't get a
Critical hit, but I just don't have the patience
for that.
Level 9: Better Criticals - Better criticals means more damage. Need I say
Level 12: Action Boy - More Action Points are always welcome right?
Level 15: Bonus Rate of Fire- This will make you able to shoot more in one turn
which is a good thing.
Might want to trade it with Bonus HtH Attacks if
you are an unarmed fighter though.
Level 18: Action Boy - Same reason as before, but if you are an unarmed
fighter, you might want to trade it for
Silent Death.
Level 21: Sniper - This will make every shot a critical shot! A very
good perk indeed. If you are an unarmed
fighter, you will want to trade it for Slayer.

6: Temple of trials
A very annoying bit in the game. As you go through the temple, kill all ants
and scorpions. Open all chests if you want some useless items (healing powder,
You can get through the temple without being hit once. If you're in combat and
a critter is right next to you, hit it and walk away.
The critter will then spend all of it's AP to run after you so it won't get a
chance to attack.
The first 'real problem' you'll encounter is a locked door. Use lockpick on it
Next 'real problem' is a unopeneble (is that a word?) door. Get a plastic
explosive which you can get in a pot and arm it and drop it in front of the
Set to ten seconds and run away. Don't set it to 3 minutes unless you feel like
waiting that long.
Now you'll encounter allot of trap-plates. Step on one and a sharp pole will go
flying after you.
You can try and disarm them all for exp. but it takes a long time. You could
also just run to the other side without getting hit that much.
They never seem to hit me but I think that's because I always have allot of
After some more annoying bugs you'll encounter a man in front of a door.
You can get past him in 4 ways:
- Steal a key from him and use it on the door, then go through the door.
- Fight him but don't kill him till he is wounded enough.
- Fight him but don't kill him till he is knocked out, then take the key.
- Talk him out of fighting, which requires descent speech skill which you
probably don't have.

Whatever you do, don't kill him.
When you go through the door you'll get the jump-suit and a pipboy. Joy.

7: Arroyo
Finally done with the annoying temple, talk to the elder for some cash which
you won't need.
Not much to do here but you can talk to two guys to raise your Melee skill and
you Unarmed skill.
They're both somewhere south near the giant head. If you are an idiot (<3 IN),
forget it.
Now go south, over the bridge and head for Klamath.

8: Klamath
Alright. This is where the fun starts!
Since you probably can't take the whole town on at once, you'll be best off
using sneak.
Go to the duntons house and kill the dunton dudes. Stand at the door and kill
everyone who comes near, most likely some kids and some bath attendants.
After that, go somewhere in the middle of the town and attack someone.
Now, most likely, sulik will come and see what's going on. He's the strongest
so try to knock him out by hitting his head.
When sulik is dead, the biggest problem in this town is over.
Just kill everyone bit by bit. Keep using sneak and rest after every battle.
Be careful of the molotof cocktails since they're pretty damaging.
After everyone is dead search the body's for good weapons and healing stuff.
Also get all the beers you can find.
You can use beer on enemies to lower there perception.
Next is Trapper town to the left. Easy kills. No problem. Search the body of
the guy who is in front of a locked door for a key.
Use it on the locked door. You can also lock pick it but it might jam the lock.
Go north and kill every rat. Go through the ladder, kill every rat. Go through
another ladder, kill every rat. Beware that there is a rat god here who is
pretty tough.
In this area is also a body of a man split in two which has a gun.
Go up another ladder and kill, yes you guessed it, all the rats.
Get dynamite from the shelves and ignore the locked door.
Now go back to the first area of klamath and go the upper left corner. Kill the
robot (Mister Handy).
Kill to the first area again and go south. Kill all the gecko's, also get the
beer in the shack.
Now leave Klamath for the Den, which is south.

9: The Den
Ok, this can be though. Your first attack should be at Becky's. Try to knock
the guard behind becky out first, or blind him.
Now attack everyone who comes after you, killing the strongest people first.
Don't pay to much attention to the unarmed persons, since they do the least
After cleaning out becky's casino, go to Tubby's place. No problem here. Don't
forget to search at least Tubby's bode for some good stuff like PSYCHO<---Joy.
Next stop is those annoying reliant people and those little cute orphans. Kill
'm all. Easy, since they come in 'waves' rather then coming all at once.
Go to Flick's house and slaughter 'm all. Flick also has some good stuff.
Next is Lara's gang which sometimes causes a bit trouble, but if you prepared
good enough (Full health, good weapons) you should do ok.
The rest are easy to kill. Only Joey and the other punks can be rough but not
that much.
Rest until healed and go to the right side of the town.
This is a rough part of the town for there's Tyler and his gang and Metzger.
Start off with the Hole. Easy. Now kill all reliant people. Easy. Now slaughter
the bunch at Mom's. Easy.
Now for the hard part. Go to Tyler and start attacking the black dude first for
he is more dangerous. You should try to blind the two in front of the door in
one attack both.
While you kill the two guys don't worry about the rest in the church since they
won't come till the door gets opened.
Killing the rest of the gang is easy. If you do have trouble with them, go open
the door, and wait the up behind the door.
This way, they can only attack one at a time.
Metzger was allot easier then I thought. I first attacked the left most guard
from a distance and everyone ran to where he stood.
The guards weren't giving much resistance because they could barely hit me from
that far. Me, on the other hand, used a hunting rifle for better distance.
I kept shooting everyone in the eyes and if they ran out of ammo and came near
me I switched to a SMG and bursted them to hell.
When Metzger shows up shoot him first. After they are all gone go to the slaves
and kill 'm all. They won't do much.
Vic is also in his little room. Talk to him from behind the window and ask
where Vault City is. Then shoot that pig. Don't worry about running after him
since he can't escape his room :)
Now rest up and head for Vault City. You'll notice another town which is Modoc.
Go there first.

10: Modoc
Modoc is an 'easy to slaughter' town. The only real resistance are the weak
traders and a big though Deathclaw.
Let's first start with the black dude in on the south west. Kill him in one
shoot by hitting the eyes.
Now kill all the traders you can find and the townspersons. Go to the house in
the Southeast and kill all three persons there, beginning with the guy with the
Go North west and kill a dude with his dog, then kill his wife. Now go to the
slaughter place and kill the guy in white, bloody clothes. Then kill the dog
and the Brahmin.
Don't forget to finish off poor Bess(cow) who has a broken leg. She's to the
Now rest up and go north. Killing all the people here should be ridiculously
easy. After that, go north west to a little shack surrounded by a fence.
Open the door and kill the dogs. Now arm some dynamite and drop it in front of
a pile of rocks. This will make you able the kill a though Deathclaw. Be
careful, it packs a wallop.
Now go to the outhouse and go down. Arm dynamite and drop it and get the hell
outta there! You'll now find yourself on the ground with crap all over the
place and your able to breakdance.
Breakdance by turning around if you want. Now go down the outhouse again and
kill the Molerat there. Pick up the watch if you desire.
Finally done with this hell hole, go to Vault City.

11: Vault City
I really thought this would be real hard cause of the turrets, but they don't
even work! Start with the two guards at the gate and kill everyone who gets
Get a combat shotgun and all the shotgun ammo you find. No kill the remaining
two guards and kill all townspersons and 'servants'.
Go to the east for a quick murder in a house and go to the bar. It's very
strange to see everyone attacking/dying without cassidy doing a thing.
Now kill cassidy. Finish off the rest in this part and get all the stims and
ammo you find. Rest up and go north.
Just when you enter you'll get attacked. You're first kills here should be the
3 guards with the guns, then go for the jump-suit weaklings.
When you go through the gate you'll get attacked by allot of jump-suit
weaklings. Easy kills, fun to watch. Be careful of Valerie though, this freak
could withstand 3 bursts!
Now, the more you go east, the tougher the fights get. When you attack Moore, 5
guards should come charging in.
This might be hard, but with allot of saving, criticals and waiting behind
walls, you can win. Don't forget the prisoners.
They should be killed in one hit otherwise they will hide and you can never
kill them again. So save before you try.
If you have problems with this area, you should go back to the first area and
rest there after every battle. Also be careful of Stark. That crazy son of a
gun kept attacking even when he was blind!
Now go to the Vault. In the vault, kill Troy and Sy-Phillis, take the elevator
to the 2nd floor and try to unlock every locked door if you have high enough
lockpick skill.
If you aren't strong enough to open the jammed doors use some buffout. After
looting this place go to the 3rd floor. Kill that annoying singing guy and go
to the main computer.
Search for vault 13 to get to know the location of vault 15. When you have high
enough perception and quit the computer, you'll notice a pipboy thingie. Update
your pipboy for several town locations.
Now your done with the vault, go to the council area.
Hmm... This part is a bit easier then the second part of Vault City. Don't let
your guard down though, for some guards are real nasties.
The second you enter, battle starts. Go for the strongest first, then take on
the weaklings. As you move up to the Council building, allot of guards will
attack. Try to blind them or knock them out.
Do note that some guards keep attacking when they're blind, even though they
miss most attacks. When you're finishing up in this area, don't forget to look
around for stray servants and citizens.
Now head for Gecko, which is north.

12: Gecko
One of those 'easy to slaughter' towns again. Start the battle by attacking
good ol' Harold. Kill every ghoul who comes looking, killing the ghouls with
the guns first.
After that, go to the Harp and slaughter the drunk ghouls and then finish up
with this area. Sometimes, a ghoul stands in the corn without walking out of it
so you can't kill him.
To still be able to kill him, lure another ghoul to him while in battle and
kill that ghoul. The other ghoul will most likely run out of the corn at which
point you can kill him.
After this area is cleared, go to the Coolant building. In here, you'll
immediately have to deal with 3/5 ghouls with Ak 74-u like weapons.
Try to knock them down each in one shot since they all keep attacking when
blind. No go north west and slaughter the bunch up there. Now go east, you'll
need a yellow key card, and kill the first guard you see.
Then kill all the charging ghouls. When you've worked your way up, you'll see a
robot. Kill/Destroy it to. Done here, go to the junkyard.
Easy kills here, beware of the dogs though for they seem to cause allot of
criticals. You'll probably enjoy killing the only human around in these parts,
Now go through the manhole to some crazy worshippers. Kill them all with ease.
The only real problem here is the guy with frag grenades. Kill him quickly.
When you slaughtered this town, go to Redding. Big journey, but you'll make it.

13: Redding
Whoohoo! Liked the trip? Maybe we shouldn't have finished off Smitty....
Anyway, welcome to another 'just waiting to get slaughtered' town.
The only problem I encountered here were those damn kids throwing rocks at me,
o and the guards are carrying... combat shotguns....
Ooo... peed my pants there buddy.
Anyway, start off in the casino, kill the to guards in front of the door and
shoot the mayor.
Shoot all the people who come waltzing in. The 2 guys in the exchange room can
be shot without risk.
Just stand next to the window, shoot, take cover, skip turn, go back, shoot,
take cover, get the idea?
After this first attack, finishing off the rest is a piece 'o cake. Don't
forget that one brahmin though.
Next area is to the left. Finish off all of the rats. You can most likely shoot
them with a bullet or two, but if you want to spare your ammo, use punches or
I just shot 'm. Next destination is north. The first attack here is very easy,
kill the black dudes with sledge hammers first, since they appear to knock you
over allot.
This area is easy, but watch out for those guards as they can get you by
surprise sometimes.
Killing the defenceless Mole rats should be entertaining for those real sicko's
out there. Heh, kinda like me.
We'll just leave the Wanamingo's for now unless you have very high critical
chance and lotsa ammo, then you could do it by crippling them first and then
shooting them while they run away.

*: Special Notice
From this point on, I started killing all of the bounty hunters I encountered.
Take out the sniper first, then the girl with the Frag greneades.
The bounty hunters are hard to deal with in the beginning, but with high
critical chance and stims, you can make it.

14: New Reno
Ok, this is one of the toughest towns to slaughter. There are 4 families, all
of which are heavily armed and to make matters worse, if you hit one pimp or
prostitute, the hole town is after your ass.
The key to destroying this city is to trick the pimps and prostitutes into
believing that you're on their side.
First kill all 4 families, after that, it's easy and you can then finish off
the remaining folk with ease. First let's start with the mordino's.
Go stand behind a prostitute near the entrance of the 'Desperado' and shot a
bouncer once. Don't kill him in that shot!
Now, most likely, the bouncer will burst you, but in his attempt, he will
probably kill the prostitute in front of you. Or at least hit her.
If he doesn't even touch her, reload and try again. This is the fun part: All
of the nearby pimps and prostitutes will go in a frenzy and before you know,
there's a war between them and the mordino's.
Because most of the 'trash' have knifes as weapons, they are great for catching
any bullets that were meant for you. The fight will get crazier and crazier,
for all mordino's will execute all casino girls!
Just stand at a safe distance and snipe any mordino that gets near. I got a
sniper from a bounty hunter so you might want to go look for some before
starting this fight.
Some random encounter gangster have them to. Just remember to save right after
the first battle, then rest and then finish off the rest of the mordino's.
Make absolutely sure you don't hit any prostitutes or pimps, or they'll go
after you. You can use the pimp/prostitute VS Family strategy against the
mordino's, bishop's and salvatores.
Taking out the Wrights alone is easy anyway.
After killing all families, taking out the remaining population shouldn't be to
much to handle.

15: Broken Hills
Hmmm... I kinda like Marcus so I was saddened to kill him. O well.
The first area is the hard part, as it contains Marcus with a big 'ol mini gun
and allot of well armed traders.
Take care of the traders first, then go to the prison and beat the crap outta
everyone there.
After the trader threat, things should become allot easier.
The east part is easy, but do watch out for the super mutants at the shack.
Don't forget to enter the secret part of the cave and kill the dude laying down
Also, don't forget the tunnels underground and the talking spore plant somewhat

16: NCR
Yup, this is a though town to slaughter alright. We got gauss rifles and crazy
guards all over the place...
The first area is simple, take out the guards of that midget merchant first,
then take out the slavers and slaves.
The rest here are easy kills.
Next part, very rough! The first thing you want to do is to take out those
annoying guards.
The sheriff and deputy are the most annoying so feed them the first bullet
Remember to keep your health here around 60, since you could lose over 50
health in one round.
The guards are strong, but you are stronger. Be sneaky, remember to take cover
and it'll be all right.
After the second area, you'll have defeated pretty much the hardest area in the
Finishing up in NCR now should be easy enough.

17: Vault 15
E-Z! The first area is very easy. I can't imagine anyone having trouble here.
It gets a BIT harder in the actual Vault, but no big deal.
As you advance, you'll notice that the raiders are.... easy to kill.
Heh, kill that bastard Darion in a cruel way for not making you able to join
them in an evil game.

18: Vault 13
A bit harder then you're used to, but not that much harder.
The deatclaws here are the only real threat, so go for them first.
Aim for their eyes, and use stimpacks ALLOT.
The deathclaws seem to cause allot of criticals, so stay HEALTHY!
Don't forget to get the GECK and the NavCom parts and take off for Arroyo.
After Hakunin finally kicks the bucket, go all the way back to the Military

19: Military Base
Take out all the wolves in this part, go to the shack, get some dynamite, grab
the pole near the cart, use it on the cart, use the dynamite on the pole, push
the cart....
Go in the base.
You'll notice allot off annoying rats and stuff. Take 'm out with your least
used weapon or your bare hands. No use wasting ammo on them.
There is a lone Super Mutant to the North-East which you can take out by
Level 2 is crawling with Super Mutants. Go to the south and take out the little
group there. Then stand near the elevator and take out any Super Mutant that
comes storming in.
If you have to, you can go back to level 1 to rest until healthy. Now take out
the rest on this level and get the (Jay!) Power Armor from one of the lockers.
Level 3 is easier then level 2, so just remember to heal allot and keep that
Power Armor on. Level 4 is fun.
"Ooooo... one Super Mutant!" You might mock, but this one Super Mutant can
summon spawns from hell! Not really, just deathclaws and stuff, but still...
They're pretty though.
So, you'll want to take out Melchior ASAP.
After your glorious victory, grab the gauss pistol out of the chest.

20: Navarro
Some kind of boot camp for mutant haters. Killing Chris in the start should be
more fun then hard, then go over the path (!) to the North-East.
This could be trouble. I defeated Navarro with saving, staying healthy, saving,
eye criticals and mostly saving. You should really try to take each of the
soldiers with one hit (eye criticals).
The plasma turrets are very annoying so take them out ASAP. Down level should
be easier, but not very easy.
Keep aiming for the eyes! Don't forget to take care of the Deathclaw in the
room. As you finish up, remember to take the Vertibird plans in the garage with
a car in it.

21: San Fransisco
*Sigh* You actually need to keep people alive here in order to complete the
game. Well, just for a little while anyway.
First go to Navarro and get the Vertibird plans. Give the plans to Matthew (The
Brotherhood of Steel guy) and talk to him with 3 or less IN, use psycho or a
character editor if you must.
He'll do the 'fix' part for the Tanker. Now you can go into a frenzy and kill
everyone. First area will be very easy if you play your cards right. Go stand
behind a blue peasant and shoot a red guard.
Now, the red guard should try to shoot you, but he'll most likely hit the
peasant by accident to. This will initiate a giant civil war between the Shi
and the other dudes (forgot their name).
The palace is East, easy kills, good place to restock on ammo. The hubologists
are North-East, medium kills, good place to restock on ammo again.
The tanker vagrant are just weak punks so have fun killing them. The 'Pest
control' problem in the tanker is easy to deal with. I found that the gatling
laser was suprisingly effective.
Now go to the computer to take off for the Oil Rig! (Don't forget to bring
dynamite! I've heard there is some in the Oil Rig, but I never found it.)

22: Enclave Oil Rig
Finally here. The big bad lions nest. Alright, go through the doors as you
encounter them.
The turrets won't attack unless fired upon, so fire upon them. The do hell of
allot damage so be careful!
The soldiers here won't attack unless the can see you, so make advantage of
this. The soldiers in Brotherhood Power Armor are the ones to take out first,
for they carry gauss rifles.
Aim allot in the eyes and search every chest and locker for stims and ammo.
I'm sure you can find a good enough walktrough to talk you through the maze.
Seeing how lazy I am, I won't go into that. There is a GECK here though, if for
some reason you lost the first.
As you make your way through the base, you'll encounter the main computer. Drop
dynamite here and BOOM! 10 min. till the BIG BOOM!
Speed your way back to the entrance and you'll encounter a small squad of
soldiers. Kill 'm.
Now go to the big bad boss. Good luck. I suggest you use a Gauss rifle, an
Alien Blaster or a Vindicator to kill him. Either way, he shouldn't be to hard.

23: Contact Info
If you have anything to say about this FAQ, want to complain, want to
contribute something or whatever, you can email me at anima_zero@hotmail.com.
Note that my inbox can't contain allot of emails, so if you don't get a reply
within a week, you should try to email again if it's urgent.
Reply's not always guaranteed.

24: Thank You's
Thank you: - Interplay and those Black Isle people: For making the best game
ever. Seriously. Good job.
- Toto: For keeping me entertained with their song 'Africa'
while writing this.
- Kawamura Maria: For keeping me entertained with her song 'Theme of
El Hazard' while writing this.
- Music designers for Final Fantasy 5, 8 and 9: For keeping me
entertained with their music while writing this.
- NMA Website: For helping me many times when I still was a Fallout

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15.Oktober 2013
The OFFICIAL Katman Fallout 2 FAQ
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Savegame-Editor für alle Verzweifelten

18.Oktober 2013
Link aktualisiert

10.Oktober 2008
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

15.Oktober 2013
Unbegrenzte Attribute und Tags, Geld , Action-Punkte und Gesundheit

17.Oktober 2013

13.Oktober 2013
Unschlagbar guter Charakter

18.Oktober 2013
Unschlagbar guter Charakter

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Für mehr Informationen bitte klamall.txt lesen

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

15.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

07.Oktober 2013
Zusätzliche Skill-Punkte und maximale Gesundheit

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020