Fallout 2

Fallout 2

17.10.2013 07:56:21
A couple of notes on the solution of Fallout 2

notes: there is a simple method of killing people wihtout getting on the bad
side of their friends: simply set the timer on a plastic explosive pack for
about 30sec and plant (you plant by using the steal skill on someone and
instead fo taking stuff from him, you give him stuff) it in the person you
wish to kill, now all you have to do is wait or even rest for 10min.

1.the AP ammo is good against heavyly armoured NPC's like enclavers but the
best riflein the game (Gauss Rifle) hasn't got it(the one you can buy in
SF), plus the guys with power armor are about the only guys which make
shooting with AP's worth-while so don't drag APs from the beginning of the
game in hope you'll need it, most chances are you won't.

2.the best seetings i managed to get were:
traits: man:Gifted Women:Gifted
Bloody mess Sex appeal

3.there's a bug in the game:if you try to disarm a trap and fail (not step
on it but fail to disarm it) and the trap activates it does not do anything.

4.it is important to have a good speech skill maybe even a tag because there
are many things it allowes you to say (although it is a common belief that
you get more options to say when you get more IN) that you can't say without
it like #5.

Temple of trials:

5.if you have a high speech you can convince the guard that it'll be better
for everybody if he'd just let you go.

Arroyo village:

6.if you have high enough IN or speech (i don't know exactly) you can
comment the guard on the bridge about his spear, he'll tell you, you need a
flint and he saw your aunt has one (the one that hates you), if you have
good steal you can steal it, if you have spare money you can buy it, if
you have spare time you can bring her what she asks,but, if you have
high speech you can convince her to give you the flint for free.


7.you don't have to screw the prostitutes to talk to them you can just open
the door to a prostitute and talk to her (free of charge).

The Den:

8.i wonder what happens if you kill the guy that is supposed to sell you
your stuff back?

9.the patch to v1.02 says there's a bug in v1.0 that Joey sells you the jet
for free (it's written he wants money but the money isn't taken from you)
so if you got v1.0 you can try (btw jet is not so bad,it wights nothing
and almost every men you kill has some so it gives quite a profit).

10.if you're playing with a female character you can sleep with metzer and
pay only $500 for Vic.

11.there'se someone who asks you for money (i don't remeber is it becky's
debter karl or some other man), if you come back later (much later) you'll
find him in a suite , and he'll tell you he's very succesfull thanks to
you and will give you some energy cells and gun (i think).


12.in tanner's house (where his wife is standing) there are foot lockers by
every bed , in one of them there are 60 BB bullets.

13.there is a "lost and found" box in rose's b&b you can get the things
lying in there as soon as you deal with the ghost farm (and become
idolized in modoc).

Vault city:

14.you can buy fake documents from skeev in the customs office but they wont
hold if someone tries to check them so if you buy them be nice to the guards
(you may ask why you need it if you can get a day pass, well i needed it
cause i had way too much drugs and alchohol to leave behind cause then i'de
have to click about 100 times to get it all when i leave).

15.upgrading weapons at Valeries is very expensive.

16.you can "milk" the doctor for $500 per month after selling him the jet
but it's better to leave him alone cause later hell answer your questions
and can give you a vault city innoculation (if you come to him poisoned
or radiated, he heals you and gives you the innoculation which increases
both radiation and poison resistance).

17.be very carefull about what you say to the geezer who ask you to take a
suitcase to new reno's Bishop family because if you ask him whats in it for
you he promises you money but when you deliver it , it turns out that there
was a note in the suitcase saying you cannot be trusted ,so if you don't
want to kill the whole Bishop family right away say you'll take the
suitcase for free.


18.programming the repair boot is quite ease all you have to do is let him
follow the equipment (uranium...,saturn... etc.) in a U shaped way until
he gets to the reactor and then insert the missing part into the slot.

19.the Brain tells you he had a friend who was mad (it reminds:"they're
pinky and the brain, one is a genious the other insane").


20.when you help the widdow you pay $120 and get payed for it $100 so you
pay $20 for 1.5k exp - a pretty good tradeoff.

21.if you talk to the owner of the bar you can find out where SF is.

22.if you walk in the underground tunnels , there is a manhole leading to
the back of the casino there you can take a couple of things and you can
picklock the door behind the teller, then you can either by plastic
explosives (not dynomyte , dynomite is way too weak) or lethal injection
kill the guard (don't blame me if the teller sees you cause i never
tried it) and then open the 3 footlockers (the teller doesn't have any
stuff, the stuff he has when he's bartering are in one of the footlockers
the other 2 footlocker contain a couple of thousand chips that mines use
for money (the cheaps have the same value and are practically the same
as money)) or you can atack the guard , guarding the door open the
footlockers during battle and escape via the manhole before the other
guards kill you , then you can come out from some far hole and leave
town, though remember that from this moment on the people in this town will
always fight you even if you're idolized.

Broken hills:

23.you can win the smart scorpion in perception competition by stealing
glasses from him, and later you can give them to the rocketman in new reno.

24.the bustard who stole your car says he'll give it to one of the families
maybe if you'll be a made man of that family he'll give you your car with
the upgrades for free.

25.there's a footlocker in salvatore's room which you can open and get a
laser pistol (you can also look in all the other stuff in the room so i
advice you to do so.

26.you agree to get a "discount" from the rocketman Renesco it actually
means you get all you want for free so i'de advice you not to buy anything
from him but to get all you want for free that one time.

Sierra army base:

27.you can get a LE BB gun (here you should use the bullets you got in
modoc and not wait until you get more because it hasn't got burst mode so
the bullets will last for a while), on the 4th floor where the brain is
before retreaving the brain you can retrieve a body of a soldier who will
fall apart and take the gun from his corpse (the next chance to get a
gun like this or those bullets will be in NCR).

28.you can use repair skill on robots disabling them and getting some good
exp points for that.


29.if you ask the hubologist what "zeta scan" is your stats will be lowered,
if you agree without asking they will rise.

30.in the first creen ther's a cafe in the left bottom corner there you can
try the mutant cure on a mutant or get a quest from the man standing in
the room to the left, he tells you to kill the hubologist in the city,
you can do that after the "zeta scan" by planting her plastic explosives,
this way the whole city won't be after you.


31.you can offer to help matt and then kill him yourself.

San Francisco:

32.you can get the jet antidote for redding either from the left trader in
SF or from the doc in vault city.

33.the scientist of the hubologist can be "persuaded" to upgrade your power
armor for free by putting a gun to his head (it may need speech, as he
needs to know you're not bluffing).

Oil rig:

34.be sure to loot all the civilians that die after the gas is released as
they have a lot of stimpacks.

35.president can also be easyly killed by using the planting method i
explained in the beginning.

36.there is also an easy method of killing the big guy, simply talk to the
5 enclavers standing near the entrance to the front room and convince
them you could do it together (in this method it cost me 40 hp to kill
the big guy cause he shot mostly at the enclavers).

AFTER FINISHING THE GAME (the only place that notices that you saved their
butt is new reno, therefore all the changes are there, and remeber you
saved the whole world cause the gas was supposed to kill the whole world):

37.talk to father tully in the west side (in the church) he'll give you
fallout 2 hintbook (first time you read it puts all your skills to 300
any other time gives you 10k exp, so i guess you can check out all the
perks you've been wanting to see but not getting the chance).

38.the corsican brothers make a movie about you saving the world (so
everybody would know and remember you) which brings no negative effect.

39.the salesman in "new reno arms" says because you saved the world
he'll give you a "discount", actually avery time you barter with him ,
every item he sells becomes $1000 more expensive.

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