Command & Conquer - Generals

Command & Conquer - Generals

16.10.2013 19:08:16
Single Player Mission Guide
Command and Conquer: Generals Single Player Mission Guide by Alasdair Lo
System: PC, CD-ROM
Date: 21 September, 2005
Version 1.0
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
3. The Sides Participating in This Conflict
4. The Units Available for the Sides
5. American Campaign
6. Global Liberation Army Campaign
7. Chinese Campaign
8. Conclusion
Appendix I. Feedback Information

1. Introduction
I know that it really feels weird, but it seems that I am covering the
Command and Conquer: Generals series of games from expansion to the
original version. Having written a guide for Command and Conquer: Generals
Zero Hour, it's time to do something that is "behind schedule" for maybe
2 years and compile the guide for the Single Player Missions of the original
version of the Command and Conquer: Generals. There are 21 single player
missions in total, 7 for each faction. It's just a pity. It seems that
the actual number of missions in the Command and Conquer Universe first
increased steadily from Command and Conquer and reached a peak at Command
and Conquer: Tiberian Sun. For the first games in the C&C Universe,
including the side story Red Alert, you get to select the mission you want
to play by clicking on the desired conflict zone on the map. In Tiberian
Sun, you will be told the Mission Objective by EVA or Cabal when you move
your mouse over the target area.

Things seemed to be going downhill when Red Alert 2 came out. Each side,
the Allies and Soviets, get only 12 missions each, and you don't get to
choose the conflict zone. Each mission no longer has any sub-branches,
and you are forced to play what is given unto you. Now that Command and
Conquer: Generals is out, the total number of single player missions has
been reduced from 24 to 21. It seems that EA only takes focus on multiplayer,
so it's a shame, really. Anyway, it's time for me to complete this in-depth
guide specializing on single player missions of Command and Conquer:
Generals. (I don't bother with online strategies in this point of time,
so single player missions will be dealt with only. This is also why this
guide is in-depth, but a general one with a dot.)

Unlike the Expansion Pack of this game, the original Single Player Missions
are not that related to each other, although there are several weak links
between the missions themselves. However, I assure you that the outcome
of the final GLA mission has got to be related to the start of the American
Campaign in the Zero Hour Expansion. So, to make the game more "story-like",
consider playing the American Campaign, then the Chinese one, and finally
the GLA one. I will be using the Hard difficulty in this guide.

3. The Sides Participating in This Conflict
If I remembered correctly from a PC magazine article back in 2003, EA is
producing this game since they were inspired by what happened on September
11, 2001. It's a war against terrorism! The United States is ALWAYS RIGHT
according to popular opinion inside that country, and many people think
that United States are wrong in the invasion of Iraq and so on. But in
computer games, the division between good and evil is always distinct,
so we have 2 good sides and 1 bad side in this game.

USA: (The Boring old Blue Team)
Apparently, the Blue Team is supposed to be the good guys in the Command
and Conquer series, this time, it is no exception. It is also the team
with the most boring and conventional attack methods. (For example,
remember the Allie Forces, anyone?) The United States of America is
definitely the side with the most high tech units. This is just a mirror
of reality nowadays. Many units can make use of many technologies to boost
their attack ability. The air power of the United States is something to
be reckoned with, as they have 4 different air units, suited for various
tasks! In fact, a lot of units in reality appeared in the US arsenal.

GLA: (The Greedy Green Team. They finally have a GREEN Team for a change,
Green is my favorite color, heh heh heh.)
Since Tiberian Sun, there was only the battle between the Blue Team (of
Gold Team in the days of the Global Defense Initiative) and the Red Team,
and now, after a long wait, with 3 sides available, the producers of the
game have given GLA the Green color! The Global Liberation Army is a
multi-national terrorist organization based in Kazakhstan (They need not
obtain any financial backing from any official government in the world).
They are practically the most cunning and most resourceful side in the
game. 3 of their units can upgrade their own weapons by picking up the
scraps of the enemies they have defeated. Using the Palace and the Black
Market, they can acquire many important upgrades and funds, which come
from the darkest corners of the globe. Of course, these terrorists have
a lot of nasty tricks up their sleeves, as you can see later.

China: (The Ready-on-the-move Red Team. That's where I live, heh heh heh.)
It has been a tradition of the Command and Conquer series that the Red
Team is the evil team of the game, (For example, Brotherhood of Nod, Soviets)
and the Red Team just loves to use superior numbers and brute force to
attack their enemies. But this time, they are the good guys! The People's
Republic of China is certainly becoming more and more powerful these days.
With a population of about 1.3 billion, China certainly has a very large
army. (I was flamed heavily for forgetting to add that decimal place before!)
In fact, many of China's units become more powerful, when used in large
groups! The good thing is, certain Chinese units can be produced en masse
in a blink of an eye, and can literally like, squash an elephant with a
horde of ants! This is what happened in the Korean War. Chinese soldiers
endlessly charged at the enemy machine guns, and eventually, the enemy
gunners cannot take the stress of seeing endless troops coming, in spite
of happily shooting many away. They surrender, of course!

4. The Units Available for the Sides
Command and Conquer series always feature a wide range of units for both
sides. The units of the older games always have been rather weird, ranging
from flame tanks, cyborgs to large mechanized walking devices. However,
the units of Command and Conquer: Generals are much more conventional and
realistic. Some of which even goes through our worst fears as to what
terrorists will use on innocent civilians if they get what they want. This
is particularly true for the arsenal of the Global Liberation Army.

The United States of America is the world's most high tech army. They can
make use a lot of strategy to win, and that's why it takes the most skill
to master. Tee hee hee... Anyway, a lot of America's units are heavily armored
or fast yet expensive, making them the most suitable for "search and destroy

Bullet Based Anti Infantry Units
Ranger Cost: $225 Requires: Barracks
Pathfinder Cost: $600 Requires: Barracks + Level 3 General
Colonel Burton Cost: $1500 Requires: Barracks + Strategy Center
Humvee Cost: $500 Requires: War Factory

All of these units use guns, and are very effective against infantry. If
you have the money, pay $1000 so that the Rangers can use Flash Bang Grenades
against infantry, they are very effective in dispersing Angry Mobs.
Pathfinders are simply snipers, and only snipers. So, obviously, they kill
all infantry units in one shot, so does Col. Burton, but he is a hero unit,
so he can stab infantry to death with his knife, and also plant charges
on enemy structures. Humvees are ideal scouting units, the Humvee can be
loaded full of infantry, and they can fire at outside units!

Cost: $225
Flashbang Upgrade: $1000

The US Ranger is the most expensive of the lot, however, they are the only
rifle infantry in this game who can use 2 weapons, the Assault Rifle and
the Flashbang Grenades. The Flashbang Grenades are particularly effective
in clearing large structures and dealing with angry mobs.

For a Rifle Infantry that has 2 functions, it is definitely worth paying
$225 for this as it costs $112.5 for each function. Another good thing
is that a flash bang upgrade is definitely cheap and should be researched
as soon as possible.

Cost: $600
The US Pathfinder is like a "stealth nun with a sniper rifle" (actually,
it is some kind of camouflage suit for those jungle operations.). His
ability to garrison buildings without detection really helps to kill large
numbers of enemy infantry from a long range!

The Pathfinder costs $600, and that is all you need to take out a large
hoard of infantry! In fact the kill ratio is about 1 to 20 or even higher
when used properly. So, well, it is an excellent value for money!

Colonel Burton
Cost: $1500
The United States do not have to rely on that arrogant Tanya Adams anymore.
Instead, we have Colonel Burton, the man with the most tricks up his sleeve.
Colonel Burton's rifle can make a quick work of enemy armor and infantry
units. His knife, can kill enemy infantry without being seen. His Demo
Charges can be activated by a timer or by remote. Burton can climb over
steep hills into the enemy base!

To use the Knife Attack:
Click the Knife Attack button and then click the enemy infantry unit you
want to use it on.

To use the Timed Demo Charge:
Click on the Timed Demo Charge button and then click on the building you
intend to use it on. Colonel Burton will then go over to the building,
and tinker with his bomb for a while before the bomb is placed. The timer
is set to 20 seconds, plenty of time for you to get away.

To use the Remote Demo Charge:
The same steps apply for Remote Demo Charge, only that you can detonate
them at will. To detonate the charge, click the Detonate Charges button,
and beep! BOOM!

For a unit that practically has everything,(a Swiss army man in fact),
paying $1500 is certainly worth it, as it is just like a destruction starter
kit all hauled up in one person.

Cost: $700
TOW Missile Upgrade: $1000
Scout Drone Upgrade: $100
Battle Drone Upgrade: $300

The standard troop transport of the US is here. Equipped with Gun-Ports,
infantry units inside can fire at the enemy. The Humvee can also be equipped
with a TOW Missile to attack armored targets. There is a catch though,
if the Humvee is destroyed, the infantry inside will all die! Just a pity
it does not come packaged with missile defenders.

Missile Based Anti Tank Units
Missile Defender Cost: $300 Requires: Barracks
Tomahawk Missile Cost: $1200 Requires: War Factory + Strategy
Raptor* Cost: $1400 Requires: Airfield
Stealth Fighter* Cost: $1600 Requires: Airfield + Level 1 General
Comanche* Cost: $1500 Requires: Airfield
* = Air Units

All of these units make use of missiles to attack their targets. The Missile
Defender is America's "Man-with-a-missile". He can use his laser sights
to improve his rate of fire against enemy vehicles and aircraft. The
Tomahawk Missile Launcher is a long range ballistic unit, its missile NEVER
misses its targets, unless the target is an infantry unit due to its
guidance system. The Raptor fires 4 missiles, the Stealth Fighter Fires
2 while the Comanche fires 4, and reloads in the air, while continuing
to pummel their target with its 20mm cannon. The Stealth Fighter and Raptor
can be upgraded with Laser Guided Missiles to increase their attack power
by $25. Note that the missiles of all of these 3 units can be easily stopped
by Paladin Tanks.

Missile Defender
Cost: $300
The US Missile Defender is just a person with armed with a high tech Rocket
Launcher. They laser sights improve their rate of fire, and that's about

To use the Laser Missile:
Click the Laser Missile Button, and then click on your target. The Missile
Defender will focus on the target with a laser, and then, wow wow wow wow
wow! They fire their rockets in an insane speed, similar to the speed of
Tank Hunters with their hoard effects. I found out about this when I head
some Tank Hunters fight some Missile Defenders head to head. (In case you
wondered how I fight missile defenders with tank hunters who use the laser
missiles, I was playing against the computer, and it obviously cheated.)

Tomahawk Missile
Cost: $1200
Composite Armor Upgrade: $2000
Scout Drone Upgrade: $100
Battle Drone Upgrade: $300

USA's Long Range ballistic is here. The Tomahawk Missile has a very long
range, and its missile has a tendency to lock onto the enemy, so it seldom
misses. However, air defenses can easily stop the missile, so build at
least 2 or 3 for a better effect.

For an accurate long range ballistic unit, the Tomahawk Missile is just
evenly priced. As it is the USA army's one and only one long range unit,
you better rely on them. Still, it's a good value for money.

Cost: $1400
Laser Missile Upgrade: $1500

The US Raptor fires 4 missiles each to their targets, and can be used to
guard the air. Their attack power can be increased by 25% by the Laser
Missiles. For an aircraft like the Raptor, I really cannot comment on its
price, as it is just the tradition for C&C programmers to charge between
$1200 and $1500 for jet planes.

Supplementary Information: (Reference: Jane's)
In the early 1980s the USAF began the Advance Tactical Fighter programme,
incorporating stealth technology and supercruise (supersonic cruise
without afterburning), as a replacement for the F-15C Eagle. A
Lockheed/General Dynamics/ Boeing YF-22A prototype first flew on 26
September 1990, and won the development contract over the Northrop YF-23A
in 1991. The first EMD F-22A flew on 7 September 1997, and EMD aircraft
have since demonstrated supercruise at more than Mach 1.5 and
thrust-vectoring at high AoA. Cold War requirements for 750 aircraft have
been reduced to 339 F-22As, with the first planned to enter service in

The Raptor design trades off stealth with agility, to produce a genuine
fighter, as opposed to a low-observable bomb deliver like the F-117A. The
thrust/weight ratio of 1.2 and triplex digital FBW controls gave good
maneuverability, but 'first look, first shot, first kill' capability means
opponents will rarely detect the F-22 before they have been targeted and
hit by BVR AAMs. The Raptors has three internal weapons bays, with two
Sidewinder AAMs stored outboard of the intake ducts, and up to six AIM-120
radar-guided AMRAAMs or two GBU-32 JDAM 1000 PGMs in a ventral bay. Other
stealth features include antennas located in leading or trailing edges
of wings and fins, and internal sensors, including the AN/APG-77 AESA radar.
Highly integrated avionics with a Common Integrate Processor (CIP) will
provide a next-generation operation environment.

Specifications of the F-22A Raptor
Powerplant: two 156kN (35000 lb st) Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 thrust
vectoring afterburning turbofans

Dimensions: length 18.92m (62ft 1 in); height 5.02m (16ft 5 in); wing span
13.56m (44ft 6 in)

Weights (estimated): empty 14,385 kg (31,670 lb); MTOW 27,216 kg (60,000

Performance: max level speed (in supercruise) Mach 1.58, at 9,150m
(30,000ft) (with afterburning) Mach 1.7, at sea level 1,482 km/h (921 mph);
service ceiling 15,240m (50,000 ft)

Armament: one M61A2 20mm gun with 480 rds; two AIM-0 AAMs and up to six
AIM-120 AMRAAMs or two JDAM 1000 PGMs in internal bays; four underwing
stores stations, each cleared for a 2,268kg (5000lb) payload

Stealth Fighter
Cost: $1600
Laser Missile Upgrade: $1500

The Stealth Fighter is like the Raptor, only that it can remain undetected
until the moment before it fires, so it is good against enemy base defenses.
Sigh... I was expecting the Stealth Fighter to be even more powerful than
the Raptor, but in fact, it is only effective against base defenses, as
it is stealthy.

Supplementary Information (Reference: Jane's)
Popularly known as the 'Stealth Fighter', the F-117A Nighthawk is a
precision attack aircraft designed to be nearly invisible to radar.
Development began in the 1970s with the 'Have Blue' design study, and the
first FSD prototype flew on 18 June 1981. Five FSD F-117s were built,
followed by 54 production standard F-117As. Constructed primarily of
aluminium, the F-117A's fuselage comprises flat panel 'facets' mounted
on the aircraft's subframe, their purpose being to reflect radar energy
away from the transmitter, eliminating a viable 'return'. All surfaces
are coated with various RAMs, and all doors and panels have serrated edges
to further minimize radar reflection. Grid Covers on the intakes and the
use of narrow-slot 'platypus' exhausts surrounded by heat-absorbing tiles
reduce the IR signature.

Ahead of the flat plane five piece cockpit glazing is a FLIR sensor,
recessed in a mesh covered housing. In the forward starboard underfuselage
is a retractable IR sensor and laser designator, used with the two LGBs
carried in the internal weapons bay. This modest weapons load is testimony
to the accuracy of the Stealth Fighter F-117As flew just 2% of combat
sorties during the Gulf War, but accounted for 40% of the strategic targets

Unfortunately, poor tactics contributed to the first Stealth Fighter loss,
when an F-117A was shot down by a radar-guided missile over Kosovo in 1999.
Current USAF plans include navigation and targeting system upgrades, with
service to continue beyond 2015.

Specifications of the Stealth Fighter
Powerplant: two 48.0 kN (10,900lb st) Gneral Electric F404-GE-F1D2
non-afterburning turbofans

Dimensions: length 20.08m (65ft 11in); height 3.78m (12ft 5in); wing span
13.20m (43ft 4in)

Weights: empty (estimated) 13,381kg (29,500lb); MTOW 23,814kg (52,500lb)

Performance: max level speed 1,040km/h (646 mph); mission radius
(unrefuelled with 2,268kg (5,000 lb) weapon load) 1,056km (656 miles)

Armament: up to 2,268kg (5,000lb) of GBU-10 Paveway II/GBU-27 PAveway III

Cost: $1500
Rocket Pod Upgrade: $1000

The Comanche helicopter attacks with their 4 missiles, and their 20mm
cannon. When it runs out of ammo, it reloads very quickly, and can continue
to annoy the enemy until they use their anti-aircraft units. Its rocket
pods can flatten a large area of enemies.

To use your Rocket Pods:
Click the Rocket Pods button and then click on the area you would like
to use it on. This ability requires a short recharge time.

Again, as long as the cost of an aircraft falls between the $1000-$1500
range, it is a fair value for money. As this is just tradition.

Supplementary Information: (Reference: Jane's)
The futuristic RAH-66 Comanche won the US Army competition in the early
1980s for a reconnaissance/attack/air combat helicopter replacement for
thousands of AH-1, OH-6, OH-58 and UH-1s. The prototype first flew on 4
January 1986, but funding cuts have slowed development, with current plans
calling for testing of only the two existing prototypes through 2004. The
first of 13 preproduction aircraft (the third Comanche) is not due to fly
until April 2004. (This will not happen, as the US has cancelled the
Comanche project.)

Composites make up a large proportion of the Comanche's airframe, with
a five-blade main rotor and eight-blade fan-in-fin rotor. The Comanche
is the first 'stealth' helicopter, designed to have a radar cross-section
smaller than that of a Hellfire missile. Frontal RCS is reportedly 360
times smaller than the AH-64 Apache, with one-quarter the IR emissions
and one-sixth the forward noise signature. Each cockpit, with pilot in
front, has four large MFDs to display FLIR/TV data, a moving map, and
tactical situations. Night operations are aided by navigation and
targeting FLIRs and a laser designator, housed in a nose-mounted sensor
turret. Missile launch in adverse weather will be enhanced by a version
of the Apache Longbow radar. Comanche avionics have been designed for
compatibility with the F-22A Raptor fighter.

Behind the retractable main landing gear, a pair of side-opening weapons
bays can each house three Hellfire ATGMs or six Stinger AAMs. Immediately
above these bays, optional stub-wings can carry a further four Hellfires
or eight Stingers.

Specifications of the Comanche
Powerplant: two 1,165 kW (1,563 shp) LHTEC T800-LHT-801 turboshafts

Dimensions: length 13.20m (43ft 3in); height over tailplane 3.37m (11ft);
width 2.04m (6ft 8in); main rotor diameter 12.19m (40ft)

Weights: empty 4,06kg (8,951lb); MTOW 7,896 kg (17,408lb)

Performance (at 1,220m (4,000ft)): max level (dash) speed 319km/h (198mph);
endurance 2h 30min

Armament: one GE/GIAT three-barrel 20mm undernose cannon with 320-500 rds;
up to 2,296kg (5,062lb) of 10 hellfire ATGMs, 14 Stinger AAMs and two 1,741l
(383gal) auxiliary fuel tanks

Support Unit
Ambulance Cost: $600 Requires: War Factory

Unless you upgrade them with various drones, the Hospital does not have
any direct offensive capabilities against ground units. The Ambulance
heals troops and vehicles near it, and sprays foam to decontaminate areas
with toxins and radiation.

Cost: $600
Scout Drone Upgrade: $100
Battle Drone Upgrade: $300

All the Ambulance does is to spray detoxifying foam, that clears radiation
and chemical toxins. That's it. It is not equipped to kill. What's the
point of having a unit that can ONLY heal infantry units? And you charge
it more than a Humvee? Sure, it can clear toxic foam, but what's the point,
after all, the radiation or chemicals will fade away after a while.

Battle Tanks
Crusader Tank Cost: $900 Requires: War Factory
Paladin Tank Cost: $1100 Requires: War Factory + Level 1 General

Both of these tanks use the same type of cannon, with the Paladin Tank
having slightly heavier armor. The Paladin Tank also has a defense laser
to stop missile attacks. That's all I can say about these tanks.

Crusader Tank
Cost: $900
Composite Armor Upgrade: $2000
Scout Drone Upgrade: $100
Battle Drone Upgrade: $300

The Crusader Tank of the US is the most high tech Tank in the game. Being
a US unit, it can have drones installed above it. Unfortunately, the drones
can be easily shot down by enemy defenses. However, their armor can be
upgraded by composite armor. So, it is quite good actually.

To upgrade your tank with drones:
Simply click the drone you want to be installed on the tank and then you
can wait. Note that you cannot have more than 1 drone installed at once.

The Crusader has a slightly heavier armor than the Battlemaster Tank and
costs $100 more. That's not so worth it. Besides, those drones are far
too vulnerable and can be easily shot down. It's not a good value for money
actually, if you charge that much for a main battle tank.

Paladin Tank
Cost: $1100
Composite Armor Upgrade: $2000
Scout Drone Upgrade: $100
Battle Drone Upgrade: $300

The Paladin is a tank with heavier armor. It can use a laser to stop incoming
missiles, regardless of how big they are. They can upgrade their armor
with composite armor, as usual. Their high price really is a draw back.
But still, their ability to stop missiles is decent.

These tanks are not much stronger than Crusader Tanks, and have the same
attack power, only with the extra ability to use a laser to zap incoming
missiles and infantry. That's it. Still, EA should not charge that much
for a tank like this.

Ultimate Attack Unit
Aurora Bomber Cost: $2500 Requires: Airfield + Strategy Center

The Aurora Bomber is the USA's supersonic aircraft. It flies so fast on
its bombing run, that no one can aim or hit it! After it drops its payload,
it slows down considerably, and becomes as weak as a paper aeroplane, and
only then can it be shot down. You should reserve these to destroy the
enemies' superweapons, as they are just so expensive.

Aurora Bomber
Cost: $2500

The Aurora Bomber is a super-sonic aircraft, and can easily evade
anti-aircraft defenses until it delivers its bomb. Only then it slows down.
Enough said.

For a plane that is invincible during its bombing run, and as frail as
a paper aeroplane during its return, $2500 is a reasonable price. After
all, if EA were to charge it less, many people will complain that the USA
is being far too unbalanced. As they are so difficult to replace, only
use these planes when you have a superweapon to destroy.

The Global Liberation Army has a lot of Soviet-era weapons in their hands,
and basically, they are light and fast. These guys have the ability to
make the best with what they have got in their hands, as just so many of
their units can scavenge the spoils of their defeated vehicles. The GLA
is an expert on stealth, and has a lot of units that can strike unseen
without the enemy knowing! How's that, you high tech nations?

Bullet Based Infantry and Assault Transports
Rebel Cost: $150 Requires: Battacks
Angry Mob Cost: $800 Requires: Barracks + Palace
Jarmen Kell Cost: $1500 Requires: Barracks + Palace
Technical Cost: $500 Requires: Arms Dealer

The first 3 types of units all attack with their rifles and guns. They
are all effective against enemy infantry. The Rebels can now be upgraded
to place booby traps on neutral structures and vehicles, so if anyone tries
to commandeer those structures, BOOM! Angry Mobs can have up to 10 Mobsters,
when a mobster dies, a new one will "respawn" in a short period of time!
They can be upgraded to use AK-47 Assault Rifles, and hence be a highly
destructive force against both infantry and tanks. Jarmen Kell is GLA's
sniper, and can kill drivers inside vehicles intermittently. The final
unit is a converted truck with a mounted machine gun. This gun can be
upgraded by picking up the scraps of the defeated enemy vehicles. The
Technical holds 5 people, and the good news is, that when it's destroyed,
the passengers will jump out and not get destroyed.

Cost: $150
Camouflage Upgrade: $2000
Booby Trap Upgrade: $1000

The GLA Rebel is all the terrorist organization can offer, and fires a
regular rifle. That's it. The camouflage and Armor Piercing Bullet upgrade
gives them some help, though.

To use a booby trap:
To use a Booby Trap, click the button, and then click on the building that
you intend to place the trap on. It's like a mine. Anyone who gets too
close will be blown up. Of course, Construction Dozers and Workers can
remove them without them exploding.

The Rebel is like the Ranger, it has 2 functions, a normal assault one
and a special one. Besides, they can be camouflaged, and the Booby Trap
upgrade is also cheap. However, the Booby Trap is not as effective, as
you can only place them on buildings. So, it is a good value for money.

Angry Mob
Cost: $800
Arm the Mob: $1000

GLA Angry Mobs may be one of the comic relieves in the game. A mob first
attacks with simple rifles, and later can be armed with AK-47s. They are
effective against any unit that do not have anti-infantry weapons. When
a member of a mob is killed, a new one respawns by "mitotic cell division".
However, beware of the following, as they can kill you in a second or 2,
flashbangs, flame, toxic substances.

An Angry Mob has 10 Mobsters, that makes it $80 per mobster! This is
basically an effective way to train units, as you only required to press
a button once to send 10 people out. The Arm the Mob upgrade is very cheap.
So, always upgrade them before sending your Mobs in!

Jarmen Kell
Cost: $1500
Armor Piercing Bullet Upgrade: $2000

This mercenary is just a sniper with the capability to periodically kill
the drivers inside the vehicles. That's it. Unfortunately, he cannot do
it more frequently, otherwise, it's not worth coughing up $1500. But still,
Jarmen Kell is excellent in, destroying fire bases. You will see what I

To kill drivers inside vehicles:
Click the sniper attack button and then click on the vehicle you intend
to get rid of. Then a single shot will be fired, and the vehicle will lose
its side.

For a person who can only snipe a vehicle once in a while, $1500 really
is a ludicrously high amount. But that's all GLA have in their hero's
department. Sigh... Life is cruel.

Infiltration Units
Hijacker Cost: $400 Requires: Barracks + Level 3 General
Radar Van Cost: $500 Requires: Arms Dealer

The Hijacker is a stealth thief who can steal enemy vehicles. The Radar
Van provides Radar for the GLA, and can be upgrade to use the Radar Scan
every 30 seconds, this can be used to spy on the enemy units, and detect
enemy stealth infiltrators.

Cost: $400

The Hijacker steals vehicles from the enemies, that's all, however, they
can easily be detected, and can be killed very quickly, so it's not worth

Although a hijacker is cheap, you probably need to build lots of them in
order to be able to steal one vehicle. So, it's really not worth the money
or that General Point. However, Prince Kassad starts with Hijackers at
the start, and as he has no tanks, then this unit is vital to him!

Radar Van
Cost: $800
Radar Scan Upgrade: $1000

Not only that the Radar Van provides Radar, it can use the Radar Scan to
spy on enemies. So, you can virtually abuse the radar scan by building
these little vans in quantity! Unfortunately they have no weapons
themselves and cannot be used in attacks.

Take note that you can use your Radar Scan once for every Radar Van you
have. As they are just soooo cheap, feel free to abuse the Radar Scan by
building 30 Radar Vans. Then you can have 1 Radar Scan per second!

Rocket Based Units
RPG Trooper Cost: $300 Requires: Barracks
Rocket Buggy Cost: $900 Requires: Arms Dealer + Palace

The RPG Trooper is GLA's Rocket Soldier, enough said. The Rocket Buggy
is the GLA's long range attack unit. It can fire up to 12 rockets at the
enemy per volley. As the Rocket Buggy has very light armor, you should
use them to hit and run to prevent the enemy from catching up. Both of
these units can be upgraded with the Armor Piercing Rockets from the Black
Market. This increases their attack power by 25%.

RPG Trooper
Cost: $300
Armor Piercing Rockets upgrade: $2000

The RPG Trooper is just like the missile defender, but without the laser
sight. However, they can be given free of charge whenever you build a tunnel
network. So it is a little bit more worth it. They can use Armor Piercing
Rockets later on.

The RPG Trooper costs $300, and their attack power can be upgraded. This
makes them a good value for money.

Rocket Buggy
Cost: $900
Armor Piercing Rocket Upgrade: $2000
Buggy Ammo Upgrade: $1000

The Rocket Buggy is there to buzz around like flies and annoy you. They
fire 6 or 12 rockets at a time, before having to reload. That's their problem.
If they were to fire continuously, then they can be a real threat. When
you use such units, make sure you keep your distance, as it has practically
no armor.

The Rocket Buggy is built to hit and run. With so many rockets coming at
once, advancing tank hoards can easily be weakened, provided that your
Buggies retreat fast enough, or if the enemy decides not to use any Paladin
Tanks, Avengers or ECM Tanks.

Salvaging Units
Technical Cost: $500 Requires: Arms Dealer
Scorpion Tank Cost: $600 Requires: Arms Dealer
Quad Cannon Cost: $700 Requires: Arms Dealer
Toxin Tractor Cost: $600 Requires: Arms Dealer
Marauder Tank Cost: $800 Requires: Arms Dealer + Level 1 General

All of these units are capable of scavenging their kills to upgrade their
weapons. The Technical is a fast troop transport that can hold 5 units.
Its machine gun can be upgraded to fire rockets. The Scorpion Tank is the
GLA's Main Battle Tank, and can be upgraded to fire 2 Rockets at the enemy
at once. The Quad Cannon is GLA's anti-air unit featuring 4 heavy machine
guns. The Toxin Tractor is GLA's chemical attack unit, it can clear
garrisoned buildings and poison infantry units with its toxin sprayer.
Finally, the Marauder Tank is a more advanced battle tank with the GLA.
It can be upgraded to have, 2 cannons! Much like the Mammoth Tank in Red

Cost: $500
Armor Piercing Bullet Upgrade: $2000

GLA Technical Trucks again carry 5 infantry units. Only that it has no
gun ports. Its armor is just so weak. Although it can perform salvage runs
on defeated armored units, and can make use of Armor Piercing Bullets,
it really cannot help them much.

Technicals are like Humvees in many aspects, but they can upgrade their
guns by salvaging. But still, it is only a fair value for money.

Scorpion Tank
Cost: $600
Scorpion Rocket Upgrade: $1000
Toxin Shells Upgrade: $1000
Armor Piercing Rocket Upgrade: $1000

The Scorpion Tank is the light tank of the GLA. Being the light tank, it
has rather light armor. As they are built to hit and run, the Scorpion
Tank is not so suited to direct, full scale battles, that are the bane
of the C&C series. The Scorpion Rocket Upgrade gives them a slight balance
though. This is particularly true when I tested one of these tanks against
a battlemaster or crusader. Even with the rocket, the scorpion will lose
on one to one combat. So, build 50+ of these.

It is obvious really, that for such a cheap price, you can already purchase
such a vehicle with decent stopping power. Be sure to upgrade them ASAP
with those Rockets, as they can make a large difference.

Quad Cannon
Cost: $700
Armor Piercing Bullet Upgrade: $2000

The GLA Quad Cannon is like a technical in many aspects, but it carries
4 heavy machines guns, instead of one. It can use the scraps of defeated
vehicles to upgrade its own guns, which is a good sign. It can acquire
armor piercing bullets for an additional 25% damage, making it better for
the task at hand.

This is the price that an anti-air, anti infantry unit should be sold.
Enough said. Good quality, good value.

Toxin Tractor
Cost: $600
Anthrax Beta Upgrade: $2500

That's right, GLA really likes to make use of Chemical Weapons. The toxin
tractor sprays a continuous stream of toxins that can render large infantry
divisions into green 'n' blue salamander men in no time. It can also
contaminate large areas of land when standing. It is resistant to rockets,
making it effective in its task of clearing garrisoned buildings. It can
be 25% more disgusting with the Anthrax Beta upgrade installed.

To Contaminate an area:
Click the Contaminate button and then click on the area you intend to spread
your chemicals. "Run through the sprinkler!"

These tractors are so effective against infantry that, if used properly,
can achieve a 1 to 30 kill ratio or even higher. So, excellent quality,
excellent value!

Marauder Tank
Cost: $800
Toxin Shell Upgrade: $800

"What can I say? I'm a taker." The Marauder Tank is the third in the line
of salvaging units as far as the GLA is concerned. The Marauder Tank is
cheap, has decent armor, and can eventually upgrade to 2 cannons! That's
is definitely cool. So, always use a General point to be able to build
this unit.

For a salvaging unit, charging a Marauder for $800 only really rocks! That's
all I can say.

High Explosive Units
Terrorist Cost: $200 Requires: Barracks
Bomb Truck Cost: $1000 Requires: Arms Dealer + Palace
SCUD Launcher Cost: $1200 Requires: Arms Dealer + Palace + Level 1
General Ability

What can a Terrorist Organization do without terrorists? The Terrorists
in GLA aren't like those in Rainbow Six, in fact, they are mainly suicide
bombers. The Terrorists can also commandeer cars to make their attacks
much more faster and powerful. The Bomb Truck can be upgraded to hold a
Bio Bomb and a High Explosive Bomb in its load space, doubling its power.
It can also disguise itself as a vehicle or car to surprise the enemy more.
However, base defenses are not a bit fooled by its disguise, and will unmask
it and open fire on it. The SCUD Launcher is the GLA's more powerful siege
unit. It can be armed with an Anthrax Warhead that can infect and poison
enemy units, as well as a High Explosive Warhead, which can cause huge
amount of damage to anything within its blast radius. As a rule of a thumb,
always consider having half of your SCUD Launcher fire Anthrax Warheads,
while the other half fires High Explosive Warheads for the best effect.
Note that the SCUD Missile can be stopped by anti air defenses and other
laser units like the Paladin Tank.

Cost: $200

The GLA can use suicide bombers to destroy incoming enemy tanks. The
Terrorist can also make use of civilian cars to increase their speed.
However, attentive players can easily stop them. So, I suggest you train
them in quantity, which wastes money.

To become a car bomber:
Just select your Terrorist, and move your mouse cursor over a civilan
vehicle until a Red "Enter" arrow appears. Then click. The Terrorist will
then get into the car and you can use it to blow things up!

There is no need to say anything about it. The Terrorist is annoying, and
you only have to pay $200! Excellent value indeed!

Bomb Truck
Cost: $1000
Biobombs: $500
High Explosive Bomb: $500

The Demolition Trucks are now replaced with Bomb Trucks. A Bomb Truck can
be customized to carry Bio-Bombs and High-Explosive Bombs to upgrade their
effects. They can also be disguised as an enemy unit to fool them. However,
enemy base defenses are not tricked by them though. Anyway, it is a force
to be reckoned with, if you want to clear enemy base defenses in a flash.
Another mean trick is to perform a Sneak Attack on your enemies' base,
and then unload your Bomb Trucks on them!

To upgrade your Bomb Truck:
Click on the button corresponding to the upgrade you would like to use.
You will know when it is ready when you hear "BioBomb loaded" and so on.

To disguise as a vehicle:
Click the Disguise as Vehicle button, and click on the unit you would like
to disguise it as. You can always disguise your Bomb Truck as something
weak, like a technical, and the opponent WILL be shocked when he finds
out how a Technical can explode like that.

I think the Bio Bomb is always worth your money, as it costs only $1000
and has so many explosives packed in. However, relentless upgrading of
the Bomb Trucks can cause your money meter to go down very quickly! So
keep an eye on the amount of money you have!

China is gradually becoming stronger and stronger these days. In fact,
China has the world's largest army. As China has such an enormous population,
they can rely on overwhelming numbers to defeat their enemies. In fact,
a lot of units can receive increased rate of fire and other bonuses when
used in large groups. So, I guess they are encouraging you to mass units
when playing as China.

Nationalistic Infantry Units
Red Guard Cost: $300 for 2 Requires: Barracks
Tank Hunter Cost: $300 for 1 Requires: Barracks

The Red Guard is China's Rifle Infantry, and you can get 2 at a time by
paying $300 in the Barracks. The Tank Hunter is China's Rocket Soldier,
he can also make use of TNT to blow up enemy buildings and vehicles. Both
of these infantry units have the hoard effect. When they are in groups
of 5 or more, red stars will appear beneath the infantry unit. Then, each
unit will have a 25% increased rate of fire. When upgraded with the
Nationalism Upgrade, these units will have an additional gold ring around
the red star, and they will have a 50% increased rate of fire. If you are
playing as General "Anvil" Shin Fai, the Patriotism upgrade can be used,
this causes an additional white star to appear beneath the Red Star, and
each unit receives a 75% increase in rate of fire! Enjoy.

Red Guard
Cost: $300 for 2
Nationalism Upgrade: $2000

The Chinese Red Guard is certainly the best rifle infantry of the 3 sides.
Although they cost 300 in the barracks, every time, 2 Red Guards will emerge
instead of one. Therefore, it is possible to queue 18 Red Guards at once
in the Barracks. Red Guards can also be produced en masse by building a
troop crawler, which comes with 8 of them! However, the most important
feature is the horde effect. Red Guards tend to fire about 25% faster if
there are 5 of them together. They fire another 25% faster with the
nationalism upgrade.

Although the average price of a red guard is $150, you can produce them
en-masse, as one button yields 2 Red Guard. But compared to the other 2
rifle infantry, it is only a fair value for money.

Tank Hunter
Cost: $300
Nationalism Upgrade: $2000

The Tank Hunter has the horde effect, nationalism and a TNT attack! Apart
from this, they now can be deployed in 2s by means of building listening
outposts. This gives them all the protection they need. In my opinion,
the TNT attack is effective against tanks like the Scorpion or Paladin,
as they can kill your infantry very quickly if they stand still in one
spot. (By means of Scorpion Rocket and Lasers.) DO NOT USE THE TNT ATTACK
when there is a better alternative though.

Tank Hunters now play the roles of Crazy Ivans as well. When your Tank
Hunter is cornered by a tank (particularly scorpion or paladins), feel
free to use his TNT attack on the tank. A TNT charge will be placed on
the vehicle, and will detonate in 10 seconds, most likely destroying it.
I have managed to pull it off several times. The TNT Attack can be used
against enemy buildings as well. It is even better than the Terrorists,
as you may be able to re-use this attack again and again.

To use the TNT Attack:
If you really want to use the TNT attack against, say a Paladin tank or
Scorpion Tank, click on the TNT Attack button, and click on your desired
target. The Tank Hunter will go to the vehicle and plant the explosive.
Note that this is a contact attack. That is, it will work as soon as your
Tank Hunter come in contact with the tank, or vice versa. So even if the
enemy tank manages to squish your Tank Hunter, it will be not before the
charge is placed.

The Tank Hunter also costs $300, but comes with the ability to automatically
fire faster at ANY type of enemy due to the Hoard Effect when in groups
of 5 or more, compared to the Missile Defender, which can only manually
fire faster at vehicles. The Nationalism upgrade makes them even faster,
and is good for fighting tanks! Of course, if the enemy uses tanks like
Paladins and Scorpions, there is always the TNT Attack to take them out
before they kill you.

Electronic Specialists
Hacker Cost: $625 Requires: Barracks + Propaganda Center
Black Lotus Cost: $1500 Requires: Barracks + Propaganda Center

China's computer users have been increasing exponentially in the 1990s.
In fact, the PLA has trained new operatives that make use of IT to do damage
to the enemy. The Hacker can disable enemy buildings by using their wireless
laptop connection to send a computer virus into the building from a range,
and also hack the internet to raise funds for the Chinese Army. The Hacker
has as new cyber-cafe, I mean Internet Center to hack quicker, bringing
more cash to China. Black Lotus is China's elite secret agent. She can
hack into their buildings, and capture them for China's use, and she does
that much faster than the Red Guards! Apart from this, she can steal money
from enemy supply centers. She can also disable enemy vehicles from a range,
and that may be able to help turn the tide of a battle, particularly if
a single Overlord Tank is rolling towards your base.

Cost: $625

The spies of Red Alert 2 have been replaced by Hackers. Hackers have an
ability to disable enemy buildings with a powerful computer virus. This
is true even for enemy buildings that do not require power to run! So,
if you can transport a group of Hackers past enemy defenses, you can easily
cause a lot of chaos in the enemy base!

To Hack the Internet:
Click the Hack Internet button and the Hacker will start stealing money
at the rate of $5 per beep. It takes a few seconds to connect to the Internet,

For an infinite supply gatherer as well as a person who can disable
buildings from a range, paying $625 is definitely more worth it as you
can train these guys in quantity for your use, and they are not completely

Black Lotus
Cost: $1500

China's secret agent has no self defenses, but she can capture buildings
faster than other Red Guards, as she does not need to recharge. She also
can steal money from enemy supply centers, $1000 at a time. She can disable
enemy vehicles too, but make sure you are up against one at a time. The
bottom line is, if you can sneak Black Lotus past enemy defenses, you can
capture a lot of their buildings before they can even react. Hmm... I recently
bought an HP laptop computer, and it's got wireless abilities! Since I
am taking the Master of Engineering in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering in Imperial College London, I probably will learn how to
program stuff that disables any building I target. (They have to be
retrofitted first, of course!) Ha ha!

To Cash Hack:
To steal money from enemy supply centers, click the Cash Hack button and
then click the target you intend to steal money from. Black Lotus can steal
money from a range, and can gain veterancy by doing so.

Although Black Lotus cannot defend herself well, those abilities really
are perfect power tools to use against the enemy, particularly if you sneak
in from an obscure corner. The cash hack lands you more and more money,
as that is how you let her gain veterancy.

800 Dollar Tank Units
Battlemaster Tank Cost: $800 Requires: War Factory
Dragon Tank Cost: $800 Requires: War Factory
Gattling Tank Cost: $800 Requires: War Factory

All of these tanks have one thing in common, they cost $800 apiece in the
War factory. I wonder why they would charge $800 for so many of China's
units. I guess it is because 8 is a lucky number in China. Tee hee hee...
The Battlemaster Tank is China's Main Battle Tank. They can also take
advantage of the Hoard Effect to fire faster when in groups of 5 or more.
In fact, they are the only tanks in the game that can take advantage of
this bonus. They can be upgraded with various nuclear abilities to improve
their attack power and speed by 25%. The Dragon Tank is another powerful
all purpose assault unit of China. It is basically a flame tank, and it
can be ordered to create a 180 degree wall of fire using the Fire Wall
command, and this has significant improvement in damage when compared to
its standard flame attack. It can spray a blue flame and cause 25% more
damage with the Black Napalm Upgrade. Always use these against buildings,
and you will see them fall in no time! The Gattling Tank is China's
anti-infantry, anti-air unit. Its guns can spin faster and faster, dealing
more damage as time passes. Again, it can deal 25% more damage using the
Chain Gun Upgrade.

Battlemaster Tank
Cost: $800
Nationalism Upgrade: $2000
Uranium Shells Upgrade: $2500
Nuclear Tank Upgrade: $2000

China's Battlemaster Tank is slightly cheaper than the Crusader Tank,
therefore, with a slightly weaker armor than them. However, their benefits
are better than the Crusader. For one, they can make use of the Horde Effect
to fire faster and can go even faster with nationalism inspired; secondly,
their speed and attack power can be increased by 25% with the Uranium Shells
and Nuclear Tank upgrade from the Nuclear Missile Silo. So that makes them
more powerful.

Battlemasters ARE to be built in quantity, as they fire much faster when
doing so. This square $800 is very good when all of their potential benefits
are concerned. Although many of China's units may look expensive, they
will pay off eventually, as there are lot of features to be explored.

Dragon Tank
Cost: $800
Black Napalm Upgrade: $2000

The Dragon Tank is China's flame tank, its flame has a large sweeping effect,
that can render both infantry and vehicles into charcoal in no time. It
can make use of Black Napalm to spew a blue flame, which causes 25% more
damage. Like the toxin tractor, it is effective in clearing occupied
civilian buildings, as they are resistant to rockets.

To Build a Fire Wall:
Click on the Fire Wall Button, and click on the area you intend to sweep
out your flames. "The Dragon awakes!" You can only gain veterancy with
this attack if the enemy is in contact with your flame jet when they are

These Dragon Tanks are so effective against infantry that, if used properly,
can achieve a 1 to 30 kill ratio or even higher. So, excellent quality,
excellent value! They cost $200 more than the Toxin Tractor as they have
better armor and attack power than those converted farming vehicles.

Gattling Tank
Cost: $800
Chain Gun Upgrade: $1500

The Chinese Gatling Tank fires very fast already, but will fire faster
and faster, when you hear the driver say, "Spin them up!". They can fire
25% faster, causing 25% more damage at once. The Gattling Tanks have better
armor, and can defeat a Quad Cannon in one to one combat.

ECM Tank*
Cost: $800

The electromagnetic countermeasures tank fires a beam that can disable
enemy vehicles, and disrupt rocket and missile attacks, making them miss
their target. It can really be a lifesaver if your enemy uses so many rocket
units, as the ECM Tank's magnetic field causes more than 80% of the rockets
to miss.

Paying $800 to stop those annoying Rocket Buggy rockets, Raptor missiles,
Tomahawk Missiles, Rocket Propelled Grenades, Stealth Fighter missiles,
Comanche hellfire missiles or to disable tanks ain't to shabby either.

Happy Meal Transports
Troop Crawler Cost: $1400 Requires: War Factory
Listening Outpost* Cost: $800 Requires: War Factory

That's right, kids. McChina is pleased to bring you their Happy Meals!
Firstly, we have the Troop O'Crawler Deluxe, and it comes with 8 real life
Red Guard as toys. Secondly, we have the Listening McOutpost, and it comes
with 2 live Tank Hunters! All meals have a stealth detector for free to
come with them! That's right, you are happy, we are happy! McChina, I'm
loving it!

Troop Crawler
Cost: $1400
Cost of bundled Red Guards: $1200
Actual Price = Cost - Cost of bundled Red Guards = $1200

The Troop Crawler is the most expensive of the troop transports, at $1400,
but there is a reason behind, it is because it comes with 8 Red Guard!
So, it actually costs $200! The Troop Crawler is also equipped with Stealth
Detection. So, which means, we have a decent stealth detector that can
be produced en-masse! So, really, "They can't hide from me."

The Chinese Troop Crawler may be inflexible, but it comes packaged with
Red Guard, and holds just as much as the Battle Bus, so it is a good way
to train large numbers of infantry en masse.

The method of difference applies. You will be pleased that the Troop Crawler
itself costs only $200! This is one of the ways you can train Red Guards
en masse. An excellent value for money indeed!

Double Big Guns
Inferno Cannon Cost: $900 Requires: War Factory + Propaganda
Nuke Cannon Cost: $1600 Requires: War Factory + Propaganda
Center + Level 1 General Ability

China does not make use of any missile related ballistic units, instead,
they have Artillery! The Inferno Cannon is a flame based artillery. Like
many other Chinese Units, they are most effective in large groups, as when
6 Inferno Cannons fire their cannon at a target, you can be assured that
a Firestorm will be made, incinerating the target and any other units near
it. Use Black Napalm for more powerful effects! The Nuke Cannon is China's
Nuclear Based Artillery. It lobs tactical Nuclear Shells over long
distances, and has a substantial range improvement over the Inferno Cannon.
The neutron shell is another fun thing to use if you want to steal the
enemy's units instead of destroying them. It can also clear garrisoned
buildings that normal building clearers cannot clear out, like Palaces
and Internet Centers. Have fun. Always keep these units in the rear at
all times, or you will lose these quick.

Inferno Cannon
Cost: $900
Black Napalm Upgrade: $2000

China does not make use of any rockets or missiles, instead, they make
use of Artillery! The Inferno Cannon flies napalm shells over long range.
As it is a shell, it cannot be stopped by anything. The impact damage is
collateral, as the units will continue to take damage from the flames.
It is most effective, when used in large groups, as a lovely little bonfire
will be made, incinerating anything in its path.

The Inferno cannon has the same price as the Rocket Buggy, but attacks
in a slightly different manner. The shell has a considerable area effect,
so if you fire at a large hoard of incoming infantry, it can be guaranteed
that at least some of them will be hit, and will eventually burn to death.
Again, build these in quantity to make use of the Firestorm! Again, a good
value for money.

Nuke Cannon
Cost: $1600

Yes, the ultimate Artillery is here. The Nuke Cannon fires nuclear shells
over long distances, and causes a little nuclear explosion, that can
destroy several tanks at once! The thing that gives it an extra point over
the Scud Launcher is that the shells cannot be stopped in mid-air

What can I say? This unit is just so powerful and explosive, and then it
fires shells that cannot be stopped by any defenses. As it is just as
powerful or even more powerful than the SCUD Launcher, and the shell can
be stopped. Charging $1600 for one is just reasonable.

The Swiss Army Tank
Overlord Tank Cost: $2000 Requires: War Factory + Propaganda

It's a good thing that you do not need a General ability to build these
powerful tanks. The Overlord Tank is very lethal indeed. It can also squish
enemy vehicles. Its twin cannons are just the beginning of its story. After
all, a Bunker, Speaker Tower or Gattling Cannon can be mounted on its back,
making it a decent all rounded tank. If you see these coming to your base,
you would have to kill them very quickly, as bullets, missiles and even
bombs tend to bounce off them, and their guns really kill!

Overlord Tank
Cost: $2000
Uranium Shell Upgrade: $2500
Nuclear Tank Upgrade: $2000
Overlord Bunker: $400
Overlord Propaganda Tower: $500
Overlord Gattling Cannon: $1200

The Overlord Tank is the ultimate example of China's brute force. Although
very expensive at $2000, it has super heavy armor, and very powerful cannons.
It is fully customizable to have a gattling cannon, speaker tower or a
bunker mounted on its turret. That's not all, it can crush tanks, and it
can be upgraded to Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tank at the Nuclear Missile

To upgrade your Overlord with a peripheral:
Simply click on the type of upgrade you want to give to the Overlord. Note
that this peripheral is permanent, so always think twice before deciding.

It is only natural that EA decided to charge this extremely powerful and
all rounded unit $2000. Otherwise, many C&C fans will gripe to EA for this.
But still, by simple experiment, I found that the Overlord has a very high
kill ratio against all other weaker tanks. So, it is really worth it.

China's Airforce
MiG Cost: $1200 Requires: Airfield

Although China's airforce lacks variety with one main fighter in Command
and Conquer: Generals, they ain't too shabby either. The MiG is another
fire based fighter, and each carries 2 Napalm Missiles, its armor can be
upgraded, and when 4 MiGs unleash their missiles at a target at once, a
lovely Firestorm will again be created, barbecuing anything around. Hmm...
Needs some nice barbecue sauce. Of course, the Black Napalm Upgrade works
wonders for them too.

Cost: $1200
Black Napalm Upgrade: $2000
MiG Armor Upgrade: $1000

The Chinese MiGs have 2 napalm missiles, but they are more powerful, as
they have the tendency to generate firestorms, if all 8 missiles hit their
target. The Chinese MiGs are cheaper than Raptors, and both their armor
and attack power can be upgraded.

For an aircraft like the MiG, I really cannot comment on its price, as
it is just the tradition for C&C programmers to charge between $1200 and
$1500 for jet planes.

Supplementary Information: (Reference: Jane's)
The USSR's MFI (multifunctional front-line fighter) program began in 1983,
to develop a fighter to replace both the MiG-29 and Su-27 in Frontal
Aviation service and compete with the Eurofighter, Rafale and F-22. The
end of the Cold War detailed much-needed funds, but development continued
slowly, with the MiG 1.44 demonstrator/airworthy prototype completed in
1991 (after selevtion over a competing design from Yakolev).
Flight-cleared engines were not available, however, and by the late 1990s
the Western Press were suggesting the 1.44 was a mock up or a fake. But
the 1.44 finally made its first (18 minute) flight on 29 February 2000.

The 1.44 is a twin fin delta-canard design, with large movable foreplanes
and widely-space twin tailfins. It has some stealth features, including
sharply-raked straight-edged engine intakes, but a production aircraft
could employ Kehdysh Research Centre's 'plasma cloud" stealth system,
which reputedly reduces BCS by dissipating electromagnetic waves. Earlier
plans included thrust-vectoring power plants, but the prototype 1.44
mounts two Staurn/Lyullka AL-41F engines with ceramic-coated interior
nozzle petals. Other features include supercruise (sustained supersonic
flights without afterburners), a wide use of composite materials, and a
large internal fuel capacity. The original NO-14 weapon system has
apparently been cancelled, and the future of the MiG 1.42 planned
production version in uncertain.

Estimated Specifications of the MiG 1.44
Powerplant: two 175mN (39,350 lb st) Saturn/Lyulka AL-41F afterburning

Dimensions: length 22.83m (74ft 10in); height 5.72m (18ft 9in); wing span
17.36m (55ft 10in)

Weights: normal take-off 30,000kg (68,138lb); MTOW 35,000kg (77,161lb)

Performance: max level speed at high altitude (2,500 km/h (1,553 mph));
max level speed in suprecruise Mach 1.6-1.8 (1,700 km/h (1,058 mph));
service ceiling 20,000m (65,620 ft)

Armament: one GSh-30-1.30mm cannon, internal weapon bay and possibly two
or more underwing hardpoints for AAMs, ASMs and bombs

5. American Campaign
The United States is starting to hunt down the GLA in the Middle East in
their efforts to rid the world of terrorism. Many missions involve search
and destroy missions that are representative of the United States' effort.
The first mission starts in Iraq, and in the capital too!

It seems that Lieutenant Eva will serve as your Communications Officer
in the battles against the Global Liberation Army. Intel has revealed that
the GLA has access to lethal biological weapons and the USA has traced
the weapons to Baghdad, the capital of Iraq. Surely Saddam Hussein won't
be funding those hoodlums. Your mission is to destroy their biological
superweapon, the Scud Storm, located to the north of the city.

The opening of this mission starts with a formation of 3 Raptor fighter
jets flying towards the urban area of Baghdad. One Raptor is shot down
by Stinger missiles soon after it has passed your base. Meanwhile, a USA
tank formation is heading towards a battle against GLA Scorpion Tanks.
The GLA tanks stood no chance against the superior weaponry of the Americans.
As soon as the first tank division is destroyed, a second tank division
is on its way to assist the first. Fortunately, a large squadron of Raptors
flew over and destroyed them all. The camera then zooms over to the urban
area of Baghdad. It's Day 3 of the Siege of Baghdad. Now you can play

As soon as you gain control of the situation, equip all the Crusader Tanks
with Battle Drones. This can help them repair. Not long after the drones
are up and running, 4 more Scorpion Tanks will engage you. Take them all
down. Meanwhile, you will be notified that bioweapons are in the area.
So you must proceed with extra caution. I don't like the looks of this!
You can always consider loading the Humvees you have with Missile Defenders,
but tanks should be all you need to complete the mission, since the Battle
Drones have lots of machine guns to mow down infantry units.

You should let the Battle Drones completely repair the Crusader Tanks
before moving east to the city center. You should also use the General
Point to invest in Spy Drones. These things are stealthy and can
continuously reveal a certain amount of land around them, enabling you
to know what to expect from the enemy in advance. Advance to the town when
you are ready. This is when you are told that a weapon launch is detected.

The camera then zooms into the GLA base to the north of Baghdad. It seems
that the Scud Storm is functional. There are a total of 9 Scud Missiles
being launched. They are targeting the city centre. It's the market place.
Lots of innocent civilians are killed, along with several GLA Rebels who
happen to be hanging too close! You are told to watch out for the clouds,
since they could be anthrax. Wait for the green chemicals to clear before
moving into the city, or you may suffer gruesome damage.

You should go southwest to avoid the chemicals, and you will come to 4
oil derricks. They can be captured for cash. Send 4 Rangers in, upgrade
them with the Capture Building ability and let them capture them. Then
you should have more money than you need by then. From the Oil Derricks,
head north, you would have bypassed most of the GLA forces in the center
of town, and you would be leaving the town center in no time. There is
nothing but some Technicals, and a heavily damaged Scorpion Tank in the
way. There are also 2 garrisoned buildings. To clean them out, you are
provided with 2 Chinooks filled with Rangers. Order the Chinooks to Combat
Drop the 2 buildings to clean them out. Then the northern perimeter will
be breached. At this point, a large army of Technicals will make their
way to engage your tanks. Take these guys out fast!

After the nuisance is eliminated, go northeast, you will eventually reach
the GLA's doorstep. The base entrance is heavily guarded. There is a
battalion of 8 Scorpion Tanks. Your troops will request air support. Big
Bird is on the way! It's a B-52 Stratofortress! It's there to drop a Fuel
Air Bomb on the tanks. The entrance is cleared! Then your tanks can rush
in. Start taking down the base. This is just too easy, since many structures
have barrels around them, and detonating the barrels will certainly destroy
the buildings they circle. Soon, you will come up to the Scud Storm. Destroy
it. Even if you are slow, the support from the Raptors will help a lot.
Once the Scud Storm is destroyed along with the hole, the mission will
be complete. Baghdad secured.

The US Intelligence has tracked GLA terror cell leaders to the city of
Al Hanad in Yemen. They believe that those leaders are behind the biowar
attack in Baghdad in the previous operation. The USA's Comanche helicopters
are now scouring the city in search of those criminals. However, things
are not going so well as 3 of the Comanches are down and their pilots are
captured. Your mission objective is to rescue those pilots.

In the opening scene, we have 3 Comanche helicopters in hot pursuit of
some GLA Technicals suspected of transporting those high level GLA leaders.
They managed to destroy the first Technical in the convoy when one of them
was shot down by 2 Stinger Missiles launched from 2 GLA troopers hiding
among the buildings. The next Comanche managed to destroy a second
Technical before being shot down by Stinger Troops. There is still one
Comanche left in this squad. This chopper tried to get at the last Technical,
but lost him in the alley. The Comanche is then shot down. The pilot bails
out, and is immediately picked up by a GLA patrol. He is being held prisoner,
and you are to save him before he gets executed or worse.

It seems that all base facilities are prebuilt for you. The only thing
left to take care of are the defenses. Surround the base with Patriot
Missile launchers. Make sure each missile battery is placed at the end
of a street, then the enemy will be forced to squeeze through slowly. Before
fortifying the area near the Oil Derricks to the northwest, have your troops
destroy the Oil Tanks. Then build the missile batteries to guard them.

With the base secured, capture the Oil Derricks and start planning your
assault. Note that you have Colonel Burton by your side in this mission.
He is the USA's elite commando, and he is able to take on both vehicles
and buildings, although Technicals are still a threat. Start cranking out
Crusader Tanks and upgrade the Rangers to fire flashbang grenades. Now,
let us send Burton in for a little stealthy recon run.

Move into the building directly next to the 2 Technicals to the east of
the base and let Burton take them both out. Your next target are the 2
Scorpion Tanks and Rocket Buggy to the northeast. Sneak into the building
to their left and blast them to pieces. Burton should be able to be promoted
to Veteran Status by now. After this sneaky strike, go southeast into the
white house by the Technical down there and take it out along with the
Angry Mob. All this leaves are 2 Stinger Sites and a GLA garrisoned building
to the northwest. Sneak into buildings nearby to destroy them.

You can walk up to the pilot and free him now. Send him back to base. Once
the pilot is freed, the map will be enlarged, and land will be revealed
to the north. Move Burton to the northwest, to the 3 Technicals there.
Move into the brown building to the northwest to take care of them, as
well as the garrisoned tower. We now have the next street to cover. There
is an Angry Mob patrolling the street. Garrison a building by the street
to take them all out. Burton is certainly heroic.

You are definitely approaching the Pilot now. While you are taking care
of the mob, the Scorpion Tank, the 2 Technicals and the Rocket Buggy will
come and get you too. Get rid of the 2 Technicals and the other 2 vehicles
will be a small fry. Clear the tanks, Rebels and another Angry Mob in the
streets near the second Pilot. Use all those buildings as cover. This way,
Burton will not take damage at all before you move to save the pilot.

Once the pilot is in your hands, land to the east will be revealed. 2
Technicals will give chase to the pilot. So you must make Col. Burton take
them out our you risk failing the mission. The final Pilot is trapped inside
the GLA base to the southeast. You need an assault force to get in. I suggest
you use 2 General Points to invest in Paladin Tanks and Pathfinders. Build
around 8 Paladin Tanks and train 3 Pathfinders. Move them to the entrance.

Make sure that you have a Chinook on standby outside the base. Send the
troops into the base and destroy it. Once the Pilot is free, load him into
the Chinook. This is because as soon as the pilot is yours, there will
be GLA reinforcements going after him. When he is inside the Chopper, they
can do nothing to him. Just send him back to base and you win.

A division of the US Army has been ambushed by the GLA in the Hindu Kush
mountains. They have lost the battle and are retreating. You are to take
command of a small Comanche base near Salom to cover the retreat.

The mission begins with a heavily damaged US battalion retreating slowly
along the mountain valley. They are under hot pursuit by the GLA, and are
all taken down since they are outnumbered and are too slow to get away.
Those GLA troops will certainly pay for this!

We now direct attention to your own Comanche base. Start cranking out 4
Comanches to supplement the 4 you already have and upgrade them with Rocket
Pods. Meanwhile, send Construction Dozers to defend the western and eastern
entrances to the Comanche base. Send the Comanches out to the mountain
valley and wait for the retreating forces to pass through. At the same
time, use a Chinook to send a Ranger to the southeast corner of the map.
Capture the 2 Oil Derricks.

The first wave of retreating troops will appear. Behind them are Technicals
(Veteran) and Scorpion Tanks. Your initial 4 should take them out with
no problems, although you will lose several retreating US units at the
rear. You should be able to save over 20 US units in the first wave. The
second wave of troops will come soon. Your 4 extra Comanches should also
be ready. Send them out and give them a team designation of 2 while the
initial 4 are given a designation of 1. When the Technicals and Scorpions
arrive, you can order Team 1 to shower Rocket Pods onto the northern part
of the valley while the other team rains Rockets down on the southern part.
Then nothing can really escape from the bombardment.

It seems that some units will break off pursuit and hit your base. Let
your base defenses take care of them. Meanwhile, another wave of Technicals
will chase the US troops. Be quick! You should have saved at least 45 US
Troops if you are careless. The next wave should arrive soon. Crank out
4 more Comanches. This new wave of GLA pursuers will charge will Rocket
Buggies like the previous one. There are also 2 Battalions for you to
destroy. Fortunately there should be sufficient time for the Rocket Pods
to be reloaded between battalions. The total number of troops saved should
reach 70 now. Just 30 more to go.

The next wave is on its way. Designate the new team of Comanches to number
3, place them behind Teams 1 and 2. They are to deal with any units that
manage to get past Teams 1 and 2. This time, the GLA will start using Quad
Cannons against your choppers. Fortunately, there are only 2 of them. After
that, some Scorpion Tanks will attempt to get into your base. Take them
out with your Comanches, and let the base defenses deal with the rest.

The number of troops saved should exceed 100 now. The GLA will start to
make you pay with a final battalion. Leading the pack are 8 Rocket Buggies
that attempt to attack from the east side. Fortunately, the 12 Comanches
should be enough to hold them off. Then comes the large division of Scorpion
Tanks, Technicals and Quad Cannons from the south. The Rocket Pods should
flatten the majority of them while the base defenses finish off the
survivors. That's it. You are victorious.

Despite the USA's losses in Hindu Kush, America is still committed to
getting rid of the Global Liberation Army. A major GLA training camp has
been discovered in a coast along the Caspian Sea. Your mission is to destroy
it completely. The battle is already underway.

The mission starts with warships bombarding the coast of the Caspian Sea.
Hovercrafts bring in more and more Rangers to invade the GLA. The Rangers
are having a rough time against Scorpion Tanks, and Comanches are sent
in to help them. In fact, the situation is as dire as the opening battle
of D-Day in Saving Private Ryan!

The good thing is that by the time control is transferred to you, most
units would have been destroyed, apart from a Technical or two. Destroy
them as well, and your focus will be directed to 4 Stinger Sites to the
north. You have to clear out those Stinger Sites before reinforcements
are sent in. Now, your job is to clear out the entire beachhead. Send the
4 Tomahawk Missile Launchers around the beach to destroy all the bunkers.
While you are doing so, send Crusader Tanks to protect them from car bombers.
You may also want to eliminate all units in the town before heading to
the GLA training outpost to the west.

Destroy the 4 Stinger Sites, and Boeing B-52s will start to appear and
bomb the base into oblivion. When everything is destroyed, Construction
Dozers will arrive and you can start building your base. While you doing
this, destroy any GLA survivors. Also watch out for Terrorists coming from
the west. They seem to come out of nowhere, and hence the Rangers should
hang around there to stop them. You should also place defenses on the
eastern front of the base, as that is where most of the attacks come from.
Have the 4 Tomahawks on guard mode so they fire at anyone who gets near.
The enemy uses Technical rushes a lot, and they are running straight to
the fire with their recklessness.

If you place Patriot Missiles at the bottom of the eastern ridge, you will
find that the some of the GLA Structures above will be within range of
them. You can then target them and destroy a small part of the GLA training
base before you have even begun raising an army! As for the General Points,
consider investing in a Level 1 A-10 Strike, Paladin Tanks, Pathfinders
and Spy Drones. These are all you need to keep an eye on the GLA.

Move the Tomahawks to the eastern cliff below the GLA base and start firing
at anything within range. Meanwhile, build a small division of Paladin
Tanks (around 8 or so) and train some Pathfinders if you wish. You should
be able to destroy the enemy's Arms Dealer with the Tomahawks before you
even begin! Send your troops north of your base. There is a secret entrance
to the base that is poorly guarded. Destroy the Tunnel Network and catch
them by surprise from the northwest! If you are concerned about the Rocket
Buggies, consider destroying them with Stealth Fighters.

It is time to run through the base and sweep and clear. Hey, what's going
on? The mission is not completed yet. Why is that? It is because there
is still a small GLA outpost to the southeast. These stragglers can be
hunted down without mercy. You are Victorious.

United Nations diplomats have agreed to meet with GLA leaders in Kabara
City. The President believes that the GLA cannot be trusted and you are
placed on standby security alert. The question is, will you be able to
protect the United Nations diplomat, or will that envoy be killed? I have
a bad feeling about this. If security is maintained, there should be no
need for a special mission like this, right?

The satellite imaging is being focused on the limousine carrying the UN
diplomat which is escorted by 2 Humvees. Those Humvees have the UN
designation imprinted on them. They arrive at the town square. Blue Eagle
has arrived. Secure all sectors. Just then, 2 car bombers blow up the 2
Humvee escorts, and a team of 3 Technicals and a Rocket Buggy move in and
open fire on the limo! As a result, the car is destroyed, and the envoy
is killed! Those bastards! US forces now drop it to engage the assassins.
A Technical is blown up by a Raptor jet. A Humvee ambushes the 3 and destroys
the Rocket Buggies. Try as they might, the 2 Technicals cannot escape from
the Crusader Tanks and are surrounded. They are told to drop their weapons
and exit their vehicles. But these guys believe in victory in death! They
try to escape and are blown to pieces.

We now direct your attention to the USA base. You will find that the GLA
is building a base across the river, and you are to destroy it. Act quickly.
Immediately invest in Pathfinders, a Level 1 Paradrop and a Level 2 A-10
Strike. Use the Spy Satellite ability from the Command Center to reveal
the land around the GLA Command Center. You will find a large group of
vehicles guarding it. Once revealed, the vehicles will head off for your
base. Move your own Crusader Tanks to the bridge to hold them off. Drop
the paratroops by Command Center being built. You will find a Stinger Site
to the right. Use the Rangers to take care of it. Let the Worker finish
construction of the Command Center. He will then work on a Barracks. Stop
him from building the Barracks and guard the Command Center. This way,
no more Workers can come out to assist in construction of the base!

Now, you can build your base at your own leisure. Build an Airfield with
a Strategy Center. Use the Bombardment Strategy. Build a squadron of
Raptors. At the same time, build a force of Crusader Tanks and Pathfinders
and move them across the bridge. Destroy the GLA forces but leave the
Command Center intact. Fortify the area around the Command Center and build
a second US base. Don't do anything with the GLA Command Center. You are
to capture it when the area is fortified.

When you have captured the GLA Command Center, there will be a scene. 2
Rocket Buggies will say I saw them and head to a hydroelectric dam upstream.
They fire on the dam causing it to break. As a result, a flash flood sweeps
through the valley and the bridge connecting the 2 sides of the river are
destroyed. That's it, the 2 bases are cut off now. Train some Workers and
start building towards the GLA Scud Storm. You must hurry, since the enemy
will also build their own SCUD Storm. The attacks will intensify. Build
more Comanches to withstand the Terrorists charging from the northwest.
Place a Pathfinder in the palm forest there to help even further.

You will be pleased to know that the GLA Black Market is available as a
construction option. This structure generates unlimited funds for you!
To Build a Scud Storm, you need an Arms Dealer and a Palace. The enemy
Scud Storm is located in the far north of the map. Use a Spy Satellite
to reveal it. To destroy it, send the 4 Raptors to the far east edge of
the map, and make them go up to the northern corner. Fly to the Scud Storm
from there and fire the missiles. At the same time, send in the A-10 Strike.
This should be able to finish the Scud Storm off. It is recommended that
you coordinate 2 strikes so that they hit almost at the same time, then
the Worker nearby will not have time to fix the weapon.

I heavily recommend that you save before attempting this. This is because
it's very hard to time to right. You may have to target the Worker as well
during the A-10 Strike. This combined attack should leave very little HP
left on the Scud Storm, and a subsequent paradrop should be able to finish
it off. Now, let's complete construction of the Scud Storm and fight in
an even basis.

I guess that you should be running low on supplies now. There are 2 Oil
Derricks to the far north. Kick out the GLA, and secure the area with
Crusaders and Pathfinders. Capture the Oil Derricks. Then you can have
even more cash. Meanwhile, let's build 4 more Black Markets for a more
significant cash boost. When you have enough dough, it's time to build
our Crusaders with their Tomahawk Missile Launchers.

Send the Crusaders and Tomahawks to the Oil Derricks, and move them west
and destroy the Stinger Sites and Tunnel Networks outside the base. At
this point, your Scud Storm should more or less be ready. Look around the
base. There is this area where a Black Market, and Arms Dealer and 2 Supply
Stashes are grouped together. Target them all. The Scuds should destroy
them all, leaving the base wide open for your vehicles' attack from the
east. Destroy everything, including Tunnel Networks. Any Terrorists
attempting to stop you can be stopped by the use of Battle Drones.

Don't try to exit the base from the southern exits, since there are Demo
Traps there. Note that you do not need to destroy the Demo Traps to win
this mission. That's it for this extremely tedious mission!

A rouge Chinese general and his followers has joined with the GLA in their
mountain stronghold. They are heavily dug in and are relying on fortified
tunnels. You must move in and destroy them immediately. Hey, rogue Chinese
general? I guess that particular General must be belonging to one of the
Chinese ethnic groups that are Muslim, and are the types that support the
independence of Xinjiang from China. (No way, Jose! According to recent
figures, Han ethnic Chinese presence in Xinjiang has exceeded 50%!)

The mission begins with a fierce battle between the US and GLA forces in
a mountain pass. In the heat of battle, a couple of SCUD Launchers arrive
to help the GLA. One of them launches a Scud and it lands right in the
middle of the US battalion! Lots of Anthrax Beta begin to spill out and
hurt the troops. Just as things are getting desperate, a new weapon is
available to help the US forces. It's the particle cannon! The beam slices
through the Scud Launchers and defeats the GLA for now.

We now come to the base. Hey! The Particle Cannon has disappear. So it's
back to basics. You start with 4 General Points. Invest in a Level 3 A-10
Strike and Pathfinders. This time, the Fuel Air Bomb is already available
for use. There are 3 spots to defend. They include the bridge to the south,
the narrow pass to the north, and the additional supply dock to the south.
Build Patriot Missile Batteries facing east. Support each set of Patriot
Missiles with Pathfinders. You can tech up and use Bombardment as before.

It seems that the American infinite supply gatherer, the Supply Drop Zone
is available for use. Make sure you build at least 2 of them to keep the
money flowing. You may also build a Particle Cannon, this is the United
States' superweapon, and has a 4 minute recharging time. When your base
is fully operational. It's time to turn our attention to Col. Burton. Send
Colonel Burton to the north and then east. Send him up to the ridge above.
There is a Stinger Site. Have Burton destroy it from a high ground. He
should be able to become a Veteran just by doing that. Afterwards, go east
to the Arms Dealer. You have sneaked into the base unnoticed! Destroy the
Arms Dealer with a Timed Demo Charge to become Elite.

Look to the right. Hey, there are 2 Toxin Tractors, a Scud Launcher and
2 Quad Cannons parked in the base. These units are extremely anti-Burton.
Send a B-52 to blow them up with a Fuel Air Bomb. Don't worry about the
Overlord Tanks. They don't have Gattling Cannons on them and hence they
are harmless. Start planting explosives on GLA buildings. While you are
doing your sabotaging, you will be informed that the Rogue Chinese General
has appeared in this region. His actions are unsupportive and he has brought
his Nuclear Missile Launcher with him! Fortunately, you have your own
bombardment tools in the form of Fuel Air Bombs and A-10 Strikes, and the
Particle Cannon is going to be up and running soon!

You will have to be prepared for an influx of Red Guards and Gattling Cannon
from the southern edge of the map. They are coming from the edge of the
screen. That's not fair! Fortunately, the Pathfinder should be able to
take care of them all, while the Patriot Missiles destroy the Gattling
Tank. Colonel Burton, meanwhile, can single handedly destroy the entire
GLA base to the north. Now, let's have a look at the Chinese base.

The Nuclear Silo has already been revealed for you. Just send both the
Fuel Air Bomb and A-10 Strike to it and it should be destroyed. Even if
they launch the missile, it will be targeting the Particle Cannon, so keep
the Particle Cannon away from the other structures. South of the base is
a Supply Stash and 2 Nuclear Reactors. More things to blow up for Colonel
Burton! Continue to the south, sneak past the bunker and Toxin Tractors,
and you will be in the Chinese base. There is a line of 4 Nuclear Reactors.
They are to be wiped out by the Particle Cannon. Start from the north,
and if you are fast enough, the beam will have enough energy to reach the
Barracks to the south. That's 5 in a blow!

What you just did turned off the power to the Chinese base. Chinese defenses
are completely down. Go over to the Airfield and destroy any MiGs that
are parked. Go over to the Command Center and destroy any Construction
Dozers that come out to prevent reconstruction. To win, destroy the Command
Center. But I bet you would want to destroy everything using Colonel Burton,
or I should say Colonel Destructo! Have fun blowing things up and then
destroy the Command Center. Victory is yours!

The US Forces have surrounded the GLA capital of Akmola, Kazakhstan. The
GLA has biological weapons and we know they will use them. The Chinese
government has pledged full support for the assault. We must destroy the
GLA without fail, and the world is watching us. But still, once they are
besieged, it's only a matter of time until they run out of food and have
to surrender. This is true if you have sealed any possible escape routes.

This mission begins with an intelligence trooper named Cole taking pictures
of the insides of the GLA main base. Looks like the whole GLA is lining
for us today. Some Scud Launchers get ready to enter the base. This is
when Cole gives out their positions for the Stealth Fighters to blow up.
This is also when the Stinger Troopers standing on the base walls discover
Cole and his men. They run away. Command is getting nervous that Cole will
not make it. But they can relax once Cole says that they had a close call
but are ok. They return to base for your command.

We come back to your base to the east of the battlefield. Send the Humvee
and a Pathfinder to scout the areas to the west. There are 3 spots for
you to defend in this level. They include the northern pass, the central
pass and the southern road. They should be clearly indicated by the
mountains. You must station a Pathfinder at the northern pass. This is
because some time later, Workers will come over and attempt to construct
a tunnel network there. The snipers stop them from even trying.

You are already a 5 Star General. You should invest in Paladin Tanks,
Pathfinders, Spy Drones, a Level 3 A-10 Strike and a Fuel Air Bomb. Build
an extra Chinook to collect money faster and start building your base and
fortifying those positions I mentioned earlier. A pathfinder should be
present at each point to mow down infantry units. At the same time, place
a Spy Drone in the southwestern corner of the battlefield. You will find
a Scud Storm being built. Immediately send in an A-10 Strike to take it
out. Then the GLA won't be able to fire Scuds at you for long!

I found out that the southern entrance requires the most attention since
it's the widest. Have lots of Paladin Tanks and Tomahawk Missiles guard
it. Add some Comanches for backup. Also build a front line War Factory
and Barracks if you need to. Your main goal is to secure your base and
start besieging the enemy in their little city of theirs. Start cranking
a Particle Cannon too. Meanwhile, you can send Rangers into the abandoned
Chinese base to the southeast and convert it to your use. Notable units
include the Overlord Tank and Inferno Cannon. Of course, money is never
enough! Train Hackers a plenty to supplement your cash lines.

The next thing to do is to weaken the enemies' frontal defense. Send in
A-10 Strikes and Fuel Air Bombs to destroy all the garrisoned parts of
their little Great Wall. When they are gone, start working on the garrisoned
buildings and Stinger Sites at the back. When they are cleared, send in
a small team of Comanches to play mop up. Now that Quad Cannons may be
used, but they won't be deployed quickly to be effective. Use Spy Drones
to reveal any Demo Traps to clear the way of your combined army later.

Once the frontal outpost is destroyed, GLA is basically done for. Use your
Nuclear Missile and/or Particle Cannon, and target this small base to the
southeast. This combined attack should wipe out most, if not all of the
resistance, and leave the door wide open for your Comanches to fly in
unopposed to destroy the last of the GLA higher-ups. Jubilation sweeps
the world as the USA defeats the GLA, and lots of aircraft fly in formation
in the sky. Congratulations. You have won the final victory.

6. Global Liberation Army Campaign
In some remote area of the former Soviet Socialist Republic of Kazakhstan,
a new force is starting to be concentrated. This new force attracts the
poor, the neglected and freedom fighters all around the world, and strives
to liberate the world using means of terror. This organization is known
as the Global Liberation Army. This campaign focuses on how they rise up
and show the world the meaning of true terror.

Accept the counsel of your compatriot Kamrah Khan. We have lost many
soldiers from the Eastern Dragon. But as a result, the enemy has spread
their defenses too thin. They have left important economic and civilian
targets unguarded. This will be our first objective in our war against
the global oppressors. Let us rise. You can lead us to our final victory.
The GLA really is a fraternity. They have the usual cliched remarks about
Global Liberation, but this is their calling, right?

It's time for Operation Black Rain. You see GLA car bombers and Bomb Trucks
on their way to a Chinese base. The time has come. The cause is just, and
our soldiers tag ready. We will fall upon our foes like lightning from
the cloudless sky. They shall flee before our righteous anger, and their
armies, will come to ruin. While the Technical distracts the Chinese Red
Guards guarding the small outpost, the Car Bombers destroy the 2 entrance
bunkers, while the Bomb Trucks rampage in to destroy the Nuclear Reactors.
Chaos ensues as more of your men come in to help dismantle this base.

You now can play. First, move all Technicals to the path to the south of
the base entrance. There will be a Chinese platoon coming from the southeast.
Use the machine guns to mow them all down. Now, you can have fun dismantling
the Nuclear Reactors, the War Factory and the Barracks. Let the Scorpion
Tanks have some of the fun at the same time, since this is for veterancy.
No more resistance will attempt to stop you.

Once the outpost is completely destroyed, your forces will leave and move
south to your own hidden base. You will hear the troops brag on the way.
"Hah! That will teach the Chinese." "I killed three." "Vengence is sweet."
"I killed four!" "Telescorp, move to the mountain hideout and prepare for
counterattack! The Chinese are scouring the hills for our hidden base."
Attention is then turned to the dam to the east.

The Chinese are dug in around the hydroelectric dam. Destroying the dam
will free the villagers from Chinese tyranny. The Chinese have laid claim
to this simple village and are spreading their vile propaganda to the simple
fishermen. There are rumors of a secret Arms Dealer in this region. Locating
it will allow you to buy weapons for the cause. So the goal is clear, destroy
the Chinese to make them pay for their arrogance. Everything is rather
set up. Just build a Tunnel Network at each entrance to the base.

Send all the vehicles you started with to the southeast. A lone Technical
should then be sent to the west, to the Arms Dealer. You can then upgrade
your Scorpion Tanks with Scorpion Rockets. Leave the Bomb Trucks for now.
You will come to 4 Red Guards. Kill them. To the east, along the river
is a large concentration of Battlemaster Tanks. Don't bother with them,
and head north, into the village. Destroy the Speaker Tower and Rebels
will pour out of the village buildings. Send them back where they came
from and they can hold off any Chinese troops attempting to reinforce the
city. Send your vehicle division to the northwest.

There is a poorly guarded Supply Center. Behind it are lots of cash crates.
Let's make a steal. There is a secret path to the dam on the other side
of the western ridge. Sneak into the path and destroy any Chinese forces
in the way. You will come to the hydroelectric dam now. Let's open fire.
The dam starts to crack up, and a large flash flood pours into the valley,
destroying all those tanks hanging by the river I told you to ignore earlier.
So, this is the fate of our enemies, ruin, and death! Behold, doom has
come to our enemies! Like a tide we shall sweep over them, and drown them
in their own greed and evil!

Our intelligence sources have learnt that United Nations trucks and planes
are delivering aid supplies to the villages outside Almaty, the capital
of Kazakhstan. On behalf of the oppressed nations of the world, we are
to intercept those deliveries and take control of those supplies to finance
our most righteous cause. Aid supplies? In Kazakhstan? Are you kidding
me? With so many former USSR launch facilities and being the largest former
Soviet Socialist Republic, Kazakhstan should not be that poor!

The music sounds like a mix of middle eastern and wild western style! We
see a long container truck moving into a village outside Almaty escorted
by 2 UN Humvees. However, they have no idea that they are being followed
by a small detachment of GLA Scorpion Tanks and Rebels. They are entering
the village, and the sheep are heading for their handouts. Once the supplies
are dropped, and the villagers are ready to pick them, the GLA forces strike!
They make their presence known by blowing up a group of oil barrels. The
Rebels massacre all the villagers and proceed to retrieve the supplies
which are considered to be rightfully theirs!

We now focus your attention to your own base. Use your General Abilities
to invest in Marauder Tanks, and start cranking up a War Factory and the
mentioned tanks. You must be fast. Immediately send Rebels in Technicals
to hold a building by the 5 way junction in the central village. The first
UN convoy will come from the south. Try to destroy the Humvees and the
truck and get the money before the civilians can take them. You can always
kill any civilians in the way!

The next convoy comes from the northwest. It will pass through the 5 way
junction. Take them down and steal. Don't be surprised if a Technical is
destroyed here. Send Workers and Marauder Tanks into the village and build
Tunnel Networks at that junction, by the petrol station to the west and
the junction to the east of the big lake. These 3 are the strategic locations
you need to control. Garrison nearby buildings with the RPG Troopers.

The third convoy comes from the northeast, and will go down to the
southeastern village. It is very difficult to get to them in time. Just
focus on creating checkpoints in various roads for now. Another will come
from the northwest. Don't bother getting them now. When the Tunnel Networks
are finished in those 3 areas, anything that comes from anywhere can be
intercepted and the loot can be stolen! Just make sure there are retrievers.

Once you have collected $20000 in loot, the Americans will start to become
more careful. They will now drop supplies by plane. So, you will need an
effective anti-air weapon to bring down their precious planes and salvage
whatever that will be left. You will get to use the famous Quad Cannon.
Make sure that you build 2 sets of 4 and have one set guard the buildings
north of the 5 way junction while the other guards the area by the lake.
Then no planes can pass. Have fun stealing from the dead passengers! It's
the world where the dogs eat the dogs! (quoting Les Miserables)

Once you have collected $30000 in your little war booty, you will be given
another objective. You are to collect up to $40000 by raiding the US base
to the north. It's really not necessary. The supply planes will continue
to come and be shot down by your Quad Cannons. Meanwhile, you can always
destroy all the civilian buildings and loot their supplies from their homes!
This is really an underhanded tactic, but it will do for now.

We have found allies in Astana. They are civilians who are ready to rage
against the Chinese and American aggressors. We can use this army of the
street to harass the enemy. While Astana burns, our brethren can loot the
city for resupply purposes. So, first poor villagers living outside Almaty,
and now street looting? And it seems that the loot is not taken in a wild
moment of rage, and it's for the good cause. Well I never!

It's night time at Astana. The police are heading to the scene of the riot
near the old government building. Some looters are moving toward the bank
district. A large crowd is moving towards the center of the city. And so
in come the Angry Mob. They destroy a police car, and then proceed to wreck
havoc on a commercial building. They are using submachine guns and Molotov
Cocktails in their rage. The police have a riot on their hands there. They
are calling in the riot squad. The Angry Mob then proceeds to have fun
elsewhere, splitting up in 3 directions. Now, it's much harder!

We come to our base at the northwestern part of the city, where the Angry
Mobs have come back to rest. Use the General Points to invest in Marauder
Tanks and a Level 2 Cash Bounty so that you earn money for any enemy unit
killed. Start leveling the civilian buildings around you to collect money
to build up your base. You should build up to the Palace. Build some Marauder
Tanks to guard against intruders. Arming the Mob with AK-47s will increase
their destructive power, so go on, have fun, destroying buildings along
the road as you get to the bridge to the west.

Send the Angry Mob across the bridge. 2 Paladin Tanks will attempt to stop
you, but they are just assault rifle fodder for your mob. Go north. So,
you are reaching the airport of Astana. It seems that there are 3 Humvees
patrolling the area. Destroy them and lay claim to your Cash Bounty. Go
and destroy the airport building itself and the US forces will be forced
to runaway. Don't worry about the Rangers. They don't have flashbangs.

Cross the bridge to the east. There are 2 Troop Crawlers with a total of
16 Red Guards. It will cause losses in the Angry Mob but don't let that
stop you. You should still beat them by numbers. Across the bridge is a
garrisoned building. Take it down and get the cash. There is a Dragon Tank
here too. Take it out quickly before you are all fried. Destroy the other
small buildings here and cash in. Then go southeast into the Chinese base.

You should have over $30000 now, just ten thousand more and you will reach
your goal. Destroy the Bunker and the Red Guards inside to lay claim to
another bounty. You should find the War Factory next. It seems to be pumping
out an endless supply of Troop Crawlers. This means lots of cash to be
claimed when you destroy them one by one. You can now just leave your Angry
Mob in front of the War Factory and destroy everything that comes out.
Then you should get the money required in no time and win!

The arrogance of America cannot go unanswered. We must show our devotion
to freedom's war and keep Turkey from their imperialist grasp. May our
aim be true, as we knock their "superior" air force from the sky. The thing
is, GLA are not alone in this one! In the real world, lots of people are
fed up with the arrogance of America. It's just that most people won't
bother to raise an army and oppose the US in countries where they are
interested in. (Or risk facing sanctions from the UN!)

The mission starts with the above view of the Incirlik air base in Adana,
Turkey. 2 Raptor jets have just landed. After refueling and reloading,
they take off and fly towards their target. They are targeting a small
group of 4 Technicals. They know they are being followed by the Raptors,
and drive on as fast as possible to cover. The Technicals manage to escape
the first barrage of missiles by driving under a bridge, but more missiles
are waiting for them as they exit. The group is completely destroyed. One
of the GLA Rebels rebuked the US forces as cowards, and told them to fight
on the ground, like men! Yeah right.

We come to your base in the northeastern corner of the map. You must build
quickly to stem the tide of airstrikes coming from the west. Build a
Barracks and an Arms Dealer, and line the western cliff with Stinger Sites.
Some Workers should go south to the junction down there and fortify it
as well, since that's where most ground assaults come from. Radar is not
provided by the Command Center. You will have to spend money building a
Radar Van. Keep it in a safe place so you will know what is going on.

You start with 4 General Points. Use them to invest in Marauder Tanks,
Scud Launchers and a Level 2 Cash Bounty. It will also be wise to build
around 5 Quad Cannons and station them in the mountain path to the west
of the one leading to your base. This should slow the Raptors down some.
Airstrikes should begin soon. You must be prepared to lose Quad Cannons.
But still, the money gained from shooting down Raptors ($140 per Raptor
destroyed) should help you build more to replace the ones lost.

Another good thing is that Quad Cannons and Marauder Tanks are salvaging
units. They can make themselves more powerful by picking up leftovers from
destroyed enemy vehicles. When you have successfully held back the air
attacks, it's time to scout. Send in Jarmen Kell. Have him cross the bridge
to the west of the mountain path guarded by Quad Cannons. You will come
to another Supply Dock, and there are US Rangers and Missile Defenders
guarding it. This well seasoned sniper should be able to take them all
out. If any vehicles are nearby, you can command him to take out the driver.
This leaves that vehicle open to Grand Theft Auto!

Meanwhile, the US may start using Fuel Air Bombs, but sometimes, it's like
a hybrid of Fuel Air Bombs and Carpet Bombing. They usually target your
frontal defenses, so be ready to build replacement Quad Cannons. A good
idea will be to build an Arms Dealer near the frontal defenses, so new
Quad Cannons can be built in a jiffy to replace the ones blown up. Send
Jarmen Kell to the southwest. There is an Oil Derrick, and also a Chinese
Spy Outpost. You can destroy the outpost later if you like.

The American Base is to the north. It's not very heavily guarded. Only
Patriot Missiles and they are not placed very close to each other. You
can try to sneak a Worker to the east of the village outside the base and
build a Tunnel Network. This will help in getting your assault forces in
quickly. So, now, build a division of 8 Marauder Tanks and 2 Scud Launchers.
When they are ready, send them into the US base via the Tunnel Network
you have built. How you destroy the US base is up to you. The worst thing
that could happen is that the US Air Force decides to drop a Fuel Air Bomb
onto your attacking forces, thus delaying you assault.

*****MISSION 5: ARAL SEA*****
Reports from the Aral Sea are not good. The Americans have taken control
of our toxin storage facilities. We stand to lose a critical weapon in
our war of global liberation. Therefore, we must retake those storage
bunkers. This time, we are fighting in a lake kind of place called the
Aral Sea. This lake is shared by Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. So it's quite
a cross border battle, this really is. You will be interested to know what
our critical weapon is. I really am curious too!

The mission starts in the heat of a battle between GLA and American forces
over a toxin storage bunker. The GLA are initially doing well, since they
are massacring all those Americans who are defending it. While the GLA
are distracted, Colonel Burton, the hero of the Americans run towards the
bunker. He quickly plants a Remote Demo Charge on the Bunker, and instruct
all of his forces to flee. At this point, the GLA unit thinks that they
have won. They laugh about how the cowards run, and that even their hero
runs from them. They are about to secure the bunker when they notice that
the Americans have set a bomb! Boom! The toxin leaks everywhere, killing
the GLA troops. The GLA commander mutters how those cowardly dogs cannot
even lose with honor. We will show them! That's right.

We now come to your base in the southwest corner of the map. Immediately
build a Barracks and a Palace. Also send the Rocket Buggy and his two
Technical friends to the east, across the bridge to scout. Take out the
Humvees, Crusader Tank and infantry units guarding the area. Meanwhile,
back at home, build more Scorpions, Quad Cannons and upgrade the former
with Scorpion Rockets. Use them to hold back the enemy advance. Continue
to the east. There are 2 loaded Bunkers. Have your Toxin Tractors ready
to clear them out. Once your Palace is built, you can send in Jarmen Kell
to garrison one of them, while your Rocket Troops take the other.

You have basically secured the southern entrance to the American base.
Now, let's go and take care of our own base's defense. American scouts
would have discovered you. Continue building Scorpion Tanks and Quad
Cannons. Also start working on Black Markets. They generate more cash.
Also use your 4 General Points on Scud Launchers and a Level 3 Cash Bounty.
Then you will have more money than enough to go round. You will notice
that the US would have started building a Particle Cannon. Since you are
so close to their base, you can reach in and destroy it with ease.

You can start by building an Arms Dealer near the 2 Bunkers by the bridge
you have taken over. Pump out Scud Launchers. Move them up the bridge
escorted by Quad Cannons. You should be able to destroy the frontal defenses
there along with a Barracks before the Particle Cannon is fired. It seems
that they will target your forward outpost first. So, it's not much of
a threat anyway. Keep blasting open an opening in the south. You are getting
closer and closer to the Particle Cannon. It is being guarded by a Strategy
Center on Bombardment Mode. Fortunately, those things have a minimum range.
Get up close and destroy it. You can then destroy the Particle Cannon,
although they may get to fire it one more time.

Now, it's a matter of time until the USA base is completely destroyed.
Once no one is standing in the way, send in Rebels and capture any 4 toxin
storage bunkers, and the mission will be complete.

A GLA splinter group has abandoned our cause, and joined the Dragon to
fight against us. This betrayal must be answered with righteous anger.
Attack their convoys and sever their supply lines. Then crush the traitors
and their Chinese masters. I guess some factions of the GLA are feeling
very unconfident that the GLA is going to lose, and hence are trying to
defect to the good side. But traitors deserve to die!

The scene starts with a Chinese convoy sending supplies and reinforcements
to the GLA splinter group. You will be told that these defectors have made
a deal with the Chinese to destroy the GLA. They also have retrieved their
nukes to use against us! You are to ambush the convoy and show the world
what happens to traitors, wipe them out. Actually, the ambush scene is
being done for you. The instant all the Chinese are killed, the 3 convoy
trucks carrying the Nukes will be yours.

We now direct your attention to your own base. This is supposed to be a
base building mission, but you can beat it in less than a minute! First,
send the 3 convoy trucks into the base. Arrange them in a triangle so they
surround the Command Center, and are close to the other 3 production
structures. Meanwhile, invest in a level 3 Ambush. Detonate the 3 Convoy
Trucks simultaneously. You should more or less destroy at least 3 of the
4 buildings, leaving the holes behind while the 4th building is heavily
damaged. Immediately call in the Ambush. For some strange reason, the
Rebels are immune to radiation. Have them finish off the holes and the
heavily damaged structure. Then, you hear the cheer and the mission will
be complete! It's as easy as that!

This is the battle we have dreaded, and prayed for, my brother. We must
take control of the Cosmodrome from the Chinese and Americans. The missiles
there will serve a deadly feast against our enemies, and start the true
liberation of the world! This is our destiny! I wonder how will this
liberation of the world will take place after the first biological missile
is launched at a busy city. I guess the GLA will build and launch more
missiles at different parts of the world until they submit, eh?

In the opening scene, we get to see the insides of the Baikonur cosmodrome.
There is a rocket being shipped via railway to the launch site. According
to the PA system, a rocket is about to the launched into space. At the
gantry, there are lots of engineers working on things like the rocket fuels
and the provisions. You hear a transmission from Jarmen Kell. That is the
essay that we will carry on our message. They have prepared it for launch.
We must strike swiftly if we are to capture it. Today we will meet our
destiny! Our destiny my foot. Your forces have just entered.

We now direct attention to your Command Center in the southwest of the
map. Start building up your base. Soon, the Nuclear Missile and Particle
Cannon will begin their countdowns. You will be shown the Ground Control
Facility and the Launchpad. You have to capture both so that you can install
the chemical warhead and control the rocket. Move a worker east to the
railroads. Build Stinger Sites and Tunnel Networks there. This is a choke
point from which the US forces attack. You have an entire field to build
your base, so you can spread out the buildings more. At the same time,
there is an oil derrick to the bottom left for you to tap for profit.

When you have built the Palace, use your General Points to invest in
Hijackers and Level 3 Cash Bounty. Train some Hijackers and send them north
to the railroad. The Chinese will be attacking with Overlord Tanks later
from this choke point. Stealing some will not be a problem if they are
distracted. After you have the Overlord, that corner can be considered
to be secure! After all, the Chinese often do not build enough units to
deal with their own medicine.

The Americans will start by bombarding your frontal position near the
railroads with Aurora bombers, so keep some Quad Cannons there. Once the
bombs are dropped, the Bombers become vulnerable and can be shot down for
$500 apiece! Start building Rocket Buggies and upgrade them up to the max.
You are to begin a sneak attack on the US base. When you have crossed the
choke point, the timers of the 2 superweapons would have started to work.
The Particle Cannon is to fire 8 minutes later while the Nuke will come
after 2 minutes! But focus on the US base first.

Your first attack is destined to fail. So, build a backup team in that
frontal position. The Paladins and Tomahawks who took your small team out
are going to get into your trap and be destroyed. When they are done, send
the backup team into the base. Meanwhile, the Nuke should be fired at the
train depot to the north of your initial base. There may be casualties,
and a squad of Troop Crawlers carrying Red Guards will come to fight.

Send your new squad of Quad Cannons over to the airfield and stop any planes
from taking off. Train some Rebels and load them into a Technical. Send
them into the US base. Send them over to the Strategy Center and capture
it. Capture the Cold Fusion Reactors, Supply Drop Zone and War Factory.
Then basically the US cannot really fight back. Continue acquiring the
other buildings, including the Particle Cannon. It's for YOUR use and they
still do not have the chance to use it.

It is now time to build a Scud Storm. While the 2 Superweapons are prepping,
upgrade your Radar Vans to use the Radar Scan and start searching for the
Nuclear Missile. It's somewhere along the railway lines to the northwest.
You will have to let the Chinese nuke you once before you can fight back.
Once the Nuke is destroyed, the battle is basically won. It's now a matter
of the final assault on the Chinese base to control the gantry. Now that
you have the US base, start taking the ground control center.

There is no need to deal with the Chinese base, so it seems. However, the
MiGs guarding the launchpad are an annoyance. Use the Scud Storm to destroy
the Chinese airfield and they have no home to return to. Then, drop an
Anthrax bomb into the pit to clear out all the tanks down there. Then all
you have to do is to break through some weak defenses left behind, and
the launchpad will be captured, allowing you to win.

You see the chemical warhead being loaded into a rocket, and it is targeting
a big city far away. The civilians run in fear, but cannot hide from the
green chemicals. Lots of deaths occur. The GLA has made their statement
to the world. Hence the global liberation begins.

7. Chinese Campaign
China being the third largest country in the world is in no short of desolate
places. There are vast deserts to the west, and those places may be so
remote that nasty organizations will take cover there. It is true in the
real world that certain separatists may choose to hide there. In this game,
the nasty organization is the Global Liberation Army. Fortunately,
security is being improved in the west, and those pro Xinjiang independence
people cannot work that well now! Let's go and expel some nasty immigrants!

An intelligence officer by the name of Lin Zhang is assigned to give you
information on the missions you are about to enter. Today, as our Chinese
army parades in the capital square (Tiananmen Square), your troops will
provide security for the glorious display of our military strength.
Providing security means protecting the perimeter and to prevent any
undesirables to interfere with the event. The thing is, if a mission is
assigned to such scenarios, something must have gone wrong!

It is the capital of Beijing, and lots of vehicles and Red Guards are
marching along Tiananmen Lu. (Tiananmen Road) For some strange reason,
the large portrait of the late Chairman Mao Zedong is not there. Judging
by the signs placed near the road, the Chinese are celebrating new year.
But I never heard of parades during the new year. I also don't know that
civilians are allowed to stand that close to the parading troops. Meanwhile,
down a alley, a car bomber is heading to the parade, and blows up the Inferno
Cannons parading. This is when the marching Chinese realize that they are
under attack. They fight back, and while they are about to defeat the small
ambushers, a container truck drives slowly to Tiananmen Square. The
contents of the truck are detonated. It's a tactical nuke! The ambush is
just a diversion! Most of the troops are killed, and Tiananmen Square is
smashed! This also means that parts of the Forbidden City is heavily damaged!
The GLA will pay for destroying one of my country's monuments!

We now direct your attention to your main base. Move your 3 Dragon Tanks
out of the base. You will find Car Bombers approaching, but don't bother
stopping them. They are after your Bunkers. Even if you stop those Car
Bombers by the means of mining the Bunkers, those 2 will still be destroyed
when the 2 Technicals open fire on them! Have your Dragon Tanks burn the
Technicals. Then move southwest to the junction. There are a couple more
Technicals, some Rebels and a Tunnel Network here. But they are no match
for your flames. Hose them down! In the heat of this skirmish, a group
of 5 Battlemaster Tanks will come to support you. Horde effect is on!

Send your Dragon Tanks to the southeast, near the Forbidden City (You have
got the orientation of the Tiananmen and the Forbidden City wrong, EA!).
There are more surviving tanks hiding there. Take them all with you and
go across the bridge. You will be the notified that a fire strike is on
the way. The 4 MiGs deployed will open fire on that small battalion of
GLA tanks, technicals and rebels and blast them to pieces. That's not all.
The combined firepower results in a firestorm in that part of the forest.
You can now move across the bridge.

You come to a junction. Turn left for a shortcut to the weapon bunker,
and turn right for the hard way. This guide assumes you turn right. After
all, there will be more enemies to kill, and that makes it more fun. The
first group of enemies you find are up the slope. There are some Technicals
and a Scorpion Tank, and are just small fry. Destroy them and continue
moving up the hill. You now come to some Technicals, Rebels and a garrisoned
tent. Send one Dragon Tank up there. This thing is so effective that it
can destroy all of them single-handedly and still has breathing space.

You then come to a Scorpion Tank, Technical and some foolhardy Rebels
guarding a Tunnel Network. Destroy. Then comes the final group guarding
the Nuclear Bunker. Destroy them all. If you play your cards right, you
can suffer zero losses here. Once final task remains, destroy the Nuclear
Bunker to prevent any further attacks on our people. Just go and destroy
it and enjoy the fireworks! Kaboom! That's it for the first Chinese level.

An active GLA cell has been unmasked in Hong Kong. It is suspected that
the terrorists are targeting the buildings in the commercial center. The
cell must be crushed and its members eradicated. Strike hard, and without
mercy. Hooray! Finally. It's about time that the producers in the Command
and Conquer universe take note of this oriental pearl, which is also my
hometown! Chinese forces are to move in again to kick the GLA out. But
what's this? The terrorists are using the Convention Center as a base?
Come on, the Convention Center is only used for business conferences and
large exhibitions! There is no place for you to station GLA soldiers there.
Besides, the PLA is always posted in Hong Kong. Better let them do it.

The opening scene shows the long suspension bridge in Hong Kong known as
the Tsing Ma Bridge. Chinese forces are crossing the bridge to Hong Kong
Island. Hey! You got the geography of Hong Kong completely wrong, EA! The
Tsing Ma Bridge is supposed to link the islands of Ma Wan with Tsing Yi.
It forms an important link between the airport and the urban center. The
closest harbor crossing to the Convention Center is the Cross-Harbor Tunnel!
So, those troops should have crossed in a tunnel. While they are crossing,
the troops don't seem to notice the time bomb placed under the bridge.
The bomb explodes and the bridge collapses. Almost all of the Chinese forces
are knocked into the water, and only the ones in the front survive!

That's one famous landmark in Hong Kong destroyed. You start with 2
Construction Dozers, a Battlemaster and a handful of soldiers. You are
shown the Convention Center. It seems the GLA is using the New Wing of
the Convention and Exhibition Center. It seems that the terrorists are
stationed there. You must destroy the center and the attached parking
structures to stop the terrorist threat. EA has forgotten another minor
detail. The Golden Bauhinia Square should be outside the Convention Center.

You now start with your base construction. You are building in the west
of the map, and you are starting on the Wanchai Sports Ground. All spectator
stands have been removed for your convenience. Build the Supply Center,
Barracks and War Factory and enable the Radar in the Command Center. Build
Gattling Cannons along the road to the northeast of the Wanchai Sports
Ground. That's all you need to repel all the GLA attacks coming from the
Convention Center. Meanwhile, it's time to do some upgrading in the War
Factory. Research Black Napalm and Chain Guns. Then both Dragon Tanks and
Gattling Tanks will be 25% more powerful. You will be relying on those
two units the most in this mission.

There is one simple way to hold off the GLA attacks from the Convention
Center. See the two narrow roads that go southeast over the water by the
New World Renaissance Hotel? (That's the name of that large building. It
exists there on the waterfront.) Those are the only 2 ways out of the
artificial island of the New Wing of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition
Center. Just place some Dragon Tanks there and set up firewalls, or simply
station Gattling Tanks there. Anything that comes too close will be either
fried or shot to pieces by the machine guns. So, they will be held at bay,
and you can explore the rest of this part of the Hong Kong Island. (You
are now in the Wanchai District)

3 events will occur. Firstly, trains will arrive every now and then,
bringing in more Red Guards for you to use. If you have used a General
Point in Red Guard Training, all Red Guards will be promoted to Veteran
status upon arrival. This is another flaw of EA's game geography. There
are no old fashioned ground level rail lines serving Hong Kong island.
The only railway lines in Hong Kong that are like that are the Suburban
Lines like the Tung Chung Line (Hong Kong/Central to Tung Chung), Airport
Express (Hong Kong/Central to Airport) and the East Rail (Tsim Sha Tsui
East to Lowu). If the Red Guards want to arrive by train, they might as
well take the MTR (Mass Transit Railway, Hong Kong's metro system), and
come out of exit A1 of Wanchai station! (I know this very well since I
take the MTR very often.)

Another thing that will occur is the Star Ferry docked at the ferry pier
near your base. The ferry operator complains that those terrorists are
ruining his business. He offers to take your troops for a ride to the
Convention Center to take them by surprise. This Ferry can take up to 10
units at once. Now, EA has got the information about Hong Kong correct
here. There is a Star Ferry Pier near the Convention Center. BUT, and this
is in capital letters, STAR FERRIES DO NOT CARRY VEHICLES!

The third event is that Toxin Tractors will start pouring out of a Chemical
Factory to the northeast. EA has got it wrong again. This is a commercial
district, not an industrial one. Wanchai has got lots of commercial
buildings, no matter how worn down, but the chemical industry is not that
prevalent. Anyway, just send a couple of Dragon Tanks to burn that factory
down to the ground, ok? One Dragon Tank has enough power to destroy 2 to
3 Toxin Tractors and come back with some breathing space.

Now, it's time to turn our attention to the Convention Center itself. Move
the Dragon Tanks and Gattling Cannons closer and closer to the Convention
Center, step by step. Then the active area of the GLA will be drastically
reduced. Then the Convention Center is within range of the Dragon Tank,
start spraying it and the attached parking structures with the Firewall
to burn it down completely. EA, look what you made me do! You made me destroy
one of Hong Kong's famous landmarks! You'll pay for this! Just kidding!
The terrorist threat is finished. Good job.

NOTE: All the rants about EA are not to be taken seriously. It's just that
me and my friends in Hong Kong find this mission extremely laughable, since
EA basically messed up a lot of things about Hong Kong. Oh, and to tell
you the truth, this is my most favorite mission of the whole game.

We have a most critical situation. Another GLA cell has infested the area
surrounding the Three Gorges Dam. Enemy reinforcements now threaten our
valiant troops, including our agent, codenamed Black Lotus. Use any means
necessary to halt this GLA advance and annihilate their soldiers. We have
started to move west in Mission 3. We now come to another famous landmark
in China. This time, it is measured in engineering and architectural terms.
It's the famous Three Gorges Dam, built to minimize flooding in the Chang
Jiang River and to supply the residents there with hydroelectricity.

Lin Zhong is quite right about the critical situation. The opening scene
features the Chinese forces fighting a losing battle to defend their little
outpost against the GLA forces. Black Lotus foresaw their defeat. "It's
too late, the base is lost. All forces retreat to the dam. I have a plan."
The survivors of this battle follow Black Lotus upstream to the north.
"We must destroy the dam. Flooding off the valley is the only way to stop
the GLA now. Hurry before their forces escape."

We now come to your single Construction Dozer. First, garrison all infantry
into that small tower by the ridge. Then order the Dragon Tank to start
working on burning the dam down. Start building a Command Center. Meanwhile,
move Black Lotus to the west. There is an additional Construction Dozer,
an Oil Derrick and an Oil Refinery for Lotus to capture. Use this new
Construction Dozer to build a Nuclear Reactor. The dam should collapse
shortly. A large flash flood ensues, ripping the valley apart. The GLA
forces still downstream are washed away by the flood, and your base is
temporarily cut off from the eastern shore. GLA tanks are amassing there.

There is a stretch of river where the water level is dropping. When the
water drops enough, the enemy will be able to cross, so you must defend
that river crossing as quickly as possible. Build some Bunkers and load
them full of Tank Hunters in front of that crossing. Add some Gattling
Cannons too. Upgrade to Chain Guns for maximum effect. Then you will be
ready when the GLA Scorpion Tanks start pouring in. Also work on the War
Factory and Airfield too, of course.

You can send Black Lotus to scout the south. There is an additional Supply
Depot that was used by the previous base before it was destroyed. It holds
$30000. You should have ample time to defend your side of your river and
build whatever you like before the water level has dropped low enough for
the GLA tanks to cross over to you. The Scorpion Tanks in this level will
eventually be rigged with Scorpion Rockets. Fortunately, the narrow river
crossing serves as an excellent choke point to slow them all down. Build
up an effective squadron of MiGs, maybe 2 teams of 4.

Send Black Lotus across the river to scout the place out. She will not
be seen. You will come to a village. There are no civilians, since the
GLA have killed them all. However, there are lots of garrisoned buildings
for the MiGs to burn down. Continue south. You come to the GLA supply pile.
Lin Zhong tells you that if you can cut them off from their supplies, the
GLA will not be able to continue the fight. Let's not bother with that.
Go south and you will enter the base. This entrance is undefended, so Black
Lotus cannot be seen at all.

Use the General Points to acquire the Cluster Mines and a Level 2 Artillery
Barrage. Drop mines to the north of the Command Center to reveal the Stinger
Site. Use the Artillery to destroy the Stinger Site. These two attacks
will attract the attention of the GLA forces, and they will all leave the
base to get at you. While the base is unattended, have Black Lotus cash
Hack the Supply Stash until the GLA have no more money. Then they really
cannot fight back as well since they can't produce the endless stream of
Scorpion Tanks with those Scorpion Rockets installed.

When you are done or bored, just capture the Supply Stash, or just downright
destroy it. Then, follow up with a strategy of saturation bombing by the
2 squads of MiGs. Eliminate any Scorpion Tanks and Rebels you find first.
It will be fun to watch them burn to crisp, everyone of them. Just leave
the Command Center to prevent a final strike. When most troops are destroyed,
destroy the Command Center with your MiGs. You don't have to destroy it
completely. Even if a GLA Hole is left behind, you will be declared the
winner of this encounter.

Agents report that our insidious enemies have constructed a bio-toxin
factory in the Tanggula Mountains. You are advised to deploy a commando
team led by our fearless operative Black Lotus. Once the strike team has
located the factory, the firestorm from our jet fighters will answer the
GLA's futile threats. I told you before. The more west you go, the more
desolate is the country. There are so many mountains that undesirables
can always do what they want, and now we are crawling into the nest.

The mission begins with a small squadron of MiGs flying towards the
Bio-Toxin facility in hopes to destroy it. The problem is that the MiGs
are shot down very quickly by the Stinger Sites that are protecting the
facility. The captain was so close. His MiG crashed on the cliff right
in front of the Bio Toxin Facility. I guess someone forgot to install
ejector seats in this place. You now come to your little outpost. Black
Lotus is there already. You will be told that the facility is to the north
and guarded by Stinger Sites. The facility must not be destroyed by
conventional means. Otherwise, the toxin will spill into the Chang Jiang
killing thousands. We must use the biostrike weapon from the MiGs to burn
out any trace of the toxic chemicals.

At this moment, a group of Tank Hunters and Red Guards will be paradropped
to your assistance. Garrison them all into that small tower to the right.
This will hold the enemy off while you train Hackers. Also invest in Cluster
Mines. Mine the area around the first Stinger Site. When the Hackers come
out, have them hack the Internet to steal money. Since they are initially
stealing money $5 by $5, no one will notice that their money is missing!
You should be able to train 8 Hackers with the money you have. Keep training
until you have at least 15 of them raking in the cash.

After that, move your soldiers to the east, and destroy the Stinger Site.
There should not be much of a problem. After that, have Black Lotus capture
the Oil Derrick for even more cash. More infantry units will be paradropped
for your disposal once the first Stinger Site is destroy. Head north. There
is a group of Rebels and Terrorists guarding the 2 Stinger Sites before
the bridge. Use your large horde of Chinese to destroy them all. Also bow
up the Rocket Buggy. That's cannon fodder. The Stinger Sites can then be
taken out with ease and you will receive even more reinforcements.

Get close to the bridge, just enough to reveal the Toxin Tractor there.
Once you see it, drop mines around it. Then attempt to cross the bridge.
You will be told that Toxin Tractors are armed with bioweapons. Black Lotus
can disable this vehicle while the Tank Hunters destroy it. However, let's
not bother. This Tractor will move after the instruction, and be blown
up by the mines. Destroy the Stinger Site behind the Toxin Tractor. The
village is separated from your path by a burning barricade. Fortunately,
the Tank Hunters can shoot over the barricade and destroy that Toxin Tractor
on patrol in advance.

Continue west and engage the GLA forces. You come to a War Factory. Capture
it with Black Lotus. Now you can build Chinese vehicles. Build the usual
pairs of Dragon Tanks and Gattling Tanks. Assume control of the town. There
is another Oil Derrick for you to take. Note that all the forces will come
from the slope to the north. So, erect a Firewall there to keep the GLA
at bay for now. Slowly move up the slope, and send another Dragon Tank
to the east of the village to take out the GLA that are garrisoned there.
Also destroy the Toxin Tractors you find.

Now, move the twin Dragon Tanks into the base, and use the Firewalls to
sweep everything that you find. The 2 Gattling Tanks are there to stop
anything that is lucky to run through the flames. The base should be leveled
in a blaze. Now, all that leaves is the Final Stinger Site across the bridge.
Cross the bridge and torch the garrisoned tower. Move along the main road.
Some Rebels will attempt to garrison the buildings, but you can burn them
out in no time. Run up to the Tunnel Network and destroy it. The same goes
for the final Stinger Site protecting the Bio Toxin Factory.

Now, the MiGs will arrive, and open fire on the factory. The factory takes
direct hit! It explodes, and the toxins are still spilled. Anyway, delivery
is free today only! Hahahaha!

A major GLA cell has taken hold of Balykchy, and driven the citizens from
the city. Our American friends have agreed to help us in our quest to rid
world of the GLA. Destroy the city, and crush the GLA like insects. Finally,
we have advanced outside China. The Global Liberation Army really is
considerate this time. Instead of slaughtering all the locals, they just
kick them out. Anyway, the GLA are placed in scattered positions around
the city, and you are to destroy each outpost one by one.

The mission starts with an American Boeing B-52H Stratofortress flying
over the city of Balykchy. The pilot is taking orders from the Chinese
here. The Chinese commander asks the pilot to proceed to the target, and
drop its payload. The pilot has spotted the GLA on the radar. He tells
the Chinese to cover their ears, since it will hit loud down there. The
bombardment begins, although no bombs are visible, damage is certainly
done. This is because all the GLA troops are being blown to pieces whenever
the bomber passes above them!

We now come to your base to the south of the city. It is pretty much fortified,
although you can build more Gattling Cannons around some gaps, and Bunkers
in other places. Start building up the base infrastructure. As you are
defending your base against the Terrorists and Marauder Tanks, invest in
Cluster Mines, a Level 2 Artillery Barrage and the Nuke Cannon. Send an
Artillery Strike to the Arms Dealer and Stinger Site to the northwest.
The strike should be able to destroy both buildings.

After that, build a squadron of MiGs and use them to destroy the Arms Dealer
directly to the north, across the river. Start training Hackers now. Your
first target is the outpost to the far north. Drop Carpet Bombs and an
Artillery Barrage to destroy it completely. There are now 3 targets
remaining. Let the Hackers hack money from the Internet to fund your
activities now. You should build 4 Overlord Tanks and 2 Nuke Cannons. Also
send Black Lotus out to scout for your tanks, so that you can find the
Demo Traps. Send this battalion northwest to the outpost there.

The outpost should fall very quickly. Make sure you keep the Nuke Cannons
to the rear since they are very vulnerable to attacks. After this base,
there will be 2 targets remaining. Start going southeast. There is a Supply
Stash there. You can use Black Lotus to cash hack their money until they
have none left, although I doubt you need that much cash! The outpost is
just south of the railroad track. Be careful of the Demo Traps down there.
There are some Oil Derricks to the far south, but I doubt you need to capture
those. Just destroy the outpost and get it over with.

There is now only 1 target remaining, and it is to the northwest. This
is the main base, with the Command Center and all. To get to the base,
follow the railroad tracks. You will find it guarded by many Bunkers. Use
the Nuke Cannons to take the Bunkers out from the distance. The Barracks
to the west continuously pumps out terrorists. Destroy it to stem the flow.
Now, I don't care how you destroy the rest of the enemies, since their
defeat is inevitable at this point. Happy demolishing!

Disturbing news, a GLA Cell has commandeered one of our people's railroad
lines to move its troops. It is gathering a large force in Bishkek, the
subcapital of Aldastan. (I have no idea what they are talking about, really,
since the capital of Kyrgystan is Bishkek) Only your decisive counterattack
can crush the GLA's latest offensive. That's right, this is another mission
involving our operative Black Lotus. You are to destroy a section of the
railroad to stop the GLA from moving their troops into Bishkek.

The mission starts with a shot of a GLA controlled train moving into Bishkek.
It crosses a railroad bridge, and stops at the Bishkek central station.
There, the Rebels start pouring out of the train to assist their brethren.
We now come to the attention of your base. Black Lotus is provided already.
You are provided with 3 Hackers to generate income. Have them start hacking
the internet now. There is a quick way of stemming the arrival of
reinforcements. Build a Dragon Tank, and send it to the east, to the
railroad. Position the tank to the right and have it set up a Firewall.
Then any train carriages will not make it past the flames.

Now, let's start to explore the are to the far east. Build more Dragon
Tanks, and upgrade with Black Napalm. There is an Arms Dealer surrounded
by Demo Traps. Have Black Lotus reveal the traps and let the Dragon Tanks
destroy them. There is also a Stinger Site to the north for you to burn.
Once all threats are gone, hack and capture the Arms Dealer. You now have
access to GLA's Radar Scan Technique, enabling you to reveal a small part
of the map each 30 seconds.

Head north and you will come to the train station. There is a UN supply
crate there. Further to the north are some GLA Supply Stashes. You can
have Black Lotus continuously Cash Hacking the Stashes if you wish. Now,
go south and west across the bridge. At this point, Angry Mobs will start
coming out of the soccer stadium to the west. Send the Dragon Tanks there
to the stadium, and try to avoid any Scorpion Tanks on patrol. The Firewall
is very effective in destroying the stadium. There are 8 pieces of stadium
to destroy. When they are all down, no more Angry Mobs will come out to
bother you. These guys are just so annoying!

When the stadium is destroyed, move a Dragon Tank to the north to the parking
lot. Destroy all the cars there. This is because some of them hold car
bombers. You may cause a Radar Van and 2 Quad cannons to come after you,
but fortunately the Dragon Tank can take them out single-handedly and be
promoted to Veteran Status. Send the Dragon Tank back to the south of the
stadium, and let Black Lotus join them. See the roundabout to the northeast?
There are lots of GLA Scorpion Tanks and Marauder Tanks on patrol. Use
Black Lotus to disable the vehicles while the Dragon Tanks destroy them
without fear of any retaliation.

It is important to take the Scorpion Tanks one at a time, since they are
patrolling in groups of 3 and 4. Luring a tank away from the crowd is
especially effective against these enemies. Once all tanks are cleared,
move north. It seems that once you approach the buildings to the north
of the roundabout, the alarm will be raised, and GLA units will come after
you. You can cancel their alarm by retreating to the south. Start working
on the garrisoned GLA buildings.

Once all the GLA units who respond to the alarm are destroyed, you can
simply send Black Lotus to the bridge, without bothering with all those
Stinger Sites and Tunnel Networks. Black Lotus will go in the middle of
the bridge and drop her explosive charges. Now, all we need is a train.
The next train approaches. The bomb goes off just as the train gets onto
the bridge. The bridge collapses and the passengers are drowned. Yay!

The moment of ultimate victory is near. The GLA cell masterminding all
Asia-Pacific operations has been located in this region. You are authorized
to unleash our nuclear arsenal, and reduce our foes to dust. China's future
is balanced in your hands. Finally, you are allowed to unleash your nukes
on the GLA. There is a big problem though. The usage of nuclear weapons
is heavily regulated by unwritten rules in the United Nations. Would
anti-war hippies and members of CND complain about all this?

It's the start of the final Chinese mission, named Nuclear Winter. Chinese
forces are advancing along a mountain valley. All seems uneventful, until
you find that GLA's commando mercenary Jarmen Kell is watching you over
a cliff. He quickly shoots the lead Chinese Red Guard dead. At this point,
the Chinese infantry decide to take cover. But that is when the Scud
Launchers strike. They launch Anthrax Warheads to you, and lots of your
troops are poisoned. A battle ensues, and some MiGs fly over to help you
destroy the Scuds. You now take control. Kill them all.

Send your forces up the slope and to the southeast. There is a GLA outpost
there. It is guarded by Rocket Buggies, Scorpion Tanks and Marauder Tanks.
Keep the 2 Inferno Cannons to the rear, and the Overlord Tanks to the front.
In the heat of this battle, losses are to be expected. So, you may want
to keep the Dragon Tanks out of this for the meantime. Destroy everything
the GLA has except for their Supply Center. Not long after you have
destroyed the base, you will find that a Scud Storm has been built.

Build your base, and keep your balance below $5000. Otherwise, the Scuds
will fire when they are ready. Move your Overlord Tanks to the opening
to the north and guard it. This is the only way into your base. Resources
are limited here, and there are only 4 Supply Piles. You must quickly build
your way to the Propaganda Center and start training Hackers to supplement
your income. When there are enough hackers, enlist the help of Black Lotus.
You will need her to sneak into the GLA base to stop the Scud Storm. But
first, send Black Lotus to the GLA Supply Stash and steal money until there
is no more left. (That Stash is not connected to the other money supply
in the main GLA base, for some strange reason.)

Send Black Lotus, to the northwest, across the town. That way, she will
avoid Jarmen Kell, who is hiding in a tower in the market place near the
center of the city. You will come to a small GLA outpost. It is guarded
by 3 Tunnel Networks. At this point, you should use your 7 General Points
to invest in an Emergency Repair, Level 3 Artillery Barrage, Cluster Mines,
EMP Bomb and the Nuke Cannon. Send an Artillery Barrage to destroy the
westernmost Tunnel Network. The other 2 are to be destroyed by means of
airstrikes. Just be careful of the chemical factory.

Oh, never mind about the Chemical Factroy. I am sure that the second
Artillery Barrage will destroy it. Make sure Black Lotus is to the far
west. The Anthrax Beta will leak all over the GLA outpost, stemming attacks
from there for a long time. Once the blue Anthrax mist has settled, have
Black Lotus capture the Arms Dealer. Try to defend it if you please. Use
MiGs to help you. As you can see, your efforts are futile. But still, the
firestorm from your MiGs will most likely destroy the GLA Barracks as well.
This renders the GLA outpost useless, and their attacks will be slowed
down by a lot. Now, send Black Lotus to the north, up the mountains. Use
MiGs to destroy any Stinger Sites and Tunnel Networks you find.

As the Tunnel Networks and Stinger Sites are cleared, send Black Lotus
deeper and deeper into the GLA base. You will get close to the Scud Storm.
When all the defenses around it are destroyed, have Black Lotus capture
it. Then, you can use the Scud Storm against the GLA base before selling
it for the cash. (It's unlikely you can keep it until the next launch.)
After that, send Black Lotus back to the GLA outpost to the south. Start
leeching money of the GLA by the means of the Cash Hack. Eventually, the
GLA will be starved of supplies, and cannot attack as rapidly.

You may want to send squads of Overlord Tanks to hold the area. Place them
at the 2 openings in the northern ridges. Now, the GLA is effectively
contained at the northern half of the map. Send Black Lotus into the base
again. Now, it's a matter of saturation bombing. Use Black Lotus to reveal
any potential targets for the MiGs and send them in, destroying buildings
one by one. Build a Nuclear Missile Silo and take advantage of the Artillery
Barrage. Once every major GLA building is destroyed, the final mission
will be complete, and the Chinese will have a mighty military parade in
the city of Dushanbe. The Nuke Cannons will fire at the sky to rejoice!

8. Conclusion
After a 2 year hiatus, I can finally complete what I wanted to do. That
is to write a guide telling people how to deal with the single player
missions. It seems that on all Message Boards of Real Time Strategy Games
that I have visited, people seem to care only about Multiplayer. This is
one trend in computer games that I tend to dislike. At least people seem
to care more about the single player missions in games like Rainbow Six,
since they are so hard to beat, it's going to take ages to beat that game
suffering zero losses. So, there may be some hope after all. This guide
is to be posted on GameFAQs and only GameFAQs, so I won't let any other
site post this. Of course, it is copyright 2005 by Alasdair Lo.

Appendix I: Feedback Information [A1]
Since the publishing of the original version of my Command and Conquer:
Generals Side Comparison Guide, I have decided that I must make some new
rules for those people who want to give me a feedback about my guides.
All future strategy guides will have this section. If the following rules
are not observed, I will just consider your e-mail to be spam mail or flame
mail, and I will delete it without reading it, and will blacklist your
e-mail address.

For publishing permission:
I used to allow people to publish my guides on their websites as long as
they ask for permission. However, I will now ignore all the requests for
this guide to be posted on other websites due to the fact that I am updating
it consistently, and only Gamefaqs can receive the most updated version
of this guide. Besides, having only one site host my work can help in
creating efficiency, as there will be many stray versions of my guide in
the internet and stuff, and it will make things very difficult to the
readers. Although I do not have a lawyer to sue anyone if they do it without
my permission, I expect everyone to have self discipline about these

Concerning the submission of your own tips:
I am always ready to accept tips from readers in order to add more flavor
to my guide. However, you must read my guide thoroughly first, and make
sure that your tip has not been listed in my guide. Otherwise, it would
be a waste of your time or my time.

Feedback Concerning Mistakes: (THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART, LISTEN

As I am a human, and we are all humans, we all make mistakes. Nobody is
perfect. If I had made any mistakes in my guide, feel free to e-mail me.
But however, you must follow these rules. I have typed out some bad examples
with each rule, and they are from some of the e-mail I received by people
who are dissatisfied by my original Command and Conquer: Generals side
comparison guide.

You must:
Be polite, as I will take these feedback letters as seriously as formal
letters, and you should specify the version number of my guide, then I
can check my guide out. However, it need not be as formal as business letters,
after all it is only a game. You should also present yourself clearly,
I won't even think about anything that I cannot understand at the first
glance, as I am a busy person.

For example, "I enjoyed reading your guide, but disagreed with you on some
points." From a person called Alex Shikh or "I agree with you that China
is the strongest factions, but it is not much stronger than the other 2."
From Ives Gobau And so on.

You must not:
Say any foul language and offend me.

For example, "Your guide was ********, full of lies and biased opinions."
From K Truin. You are not going to make me listen by saying rude words
to me, you will only give me the impression that you are either uneducated
or have low EQ.

Conduct any surveys about how good my guide is and give it to me, as I
could not care less about your so-called surveys.

For example, "I have conducted a survey about your guide and over 90% said
that it was a trashy tabloid." From Frozak.

Start a petition to have my guide removed.

Before, I was worried about this annoying "Petition: FAQ Removal" board
made by a certain person called GamerEX. That is, "I would like to start
the petition to have kylohk's Command and Conquer: Generals Side Comparison
Guide as it is based on opinions and fluff." When I was asked by IGN to
publish my Side Comparison Guide on their site, I told the sender about
my worries, and he assured me that I can stick with my own ways and need
not listen to angry letter up. So, that's what, if you make any rash moves
like organizing petitions, I really won't bother to negotiate with you.

Finally, you must not say anything I consider to be racist.

For example, "You mentioned that you live in China that is obvious,
considering your bias towards this side, etc..." "I am afraid that your living
in China has blinded your judgment so much." From someone I could not
remember his name. So, what are you trying to say, say that us Chinese
are all idiots? Besides, the word bias is used to describe unfair
comparisons due to neglecting some facts. As I have put all facts into
account, I really cannot have made any bias towards any sides.

From all the 50 or so letters complaint I received, I decided to listen
to less than 5 of them. Why? As only 5 of them could follow the rules stated
above. So, you MUST take those points into consideration, or else, don't
expect me to listen to you.

Game Help:
If you have read my guide and did not understand something, feel free to
ask, but please do not do this too often, as my e-mail account has other

You may have wondered why I put this section up. This is a new
"Anti-disturbance" ordinance I set up for my own use, in order to minimize
all those annoying and insulting things I receive. In fact, during
September alone, I received at least a hundred of mail concerning my Side
Comparison Guide, and I am now to make sure this will never ever happen

Thank you for your cooperation.

Lo Kai Yan Alasdair, kylohk. (Kai Yan Lo From Hong Kong)
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Trainer für Geld, Ränge und Energie

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.8)

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Durch den Fog of War sehen (für v1.8)

17.Oktober 2013
Real World Units FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Single Player Mission Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

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18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.7)

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer Strategy Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

16.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (für v1.7)

17.Oktober 2013
Air to Air Combat Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Ini-Dateien zum Editieren mit dt. Anleitung

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Geldtrainer (für v1.06)

16.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld und Ehrenpunkte (für v1.06)

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld und Ehrenpunkte (für v1.06)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.05)

17.Oktober 2013
Strategy Guide & Worldbuilder FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

16.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.05)

17.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Cash und Rangpunkte (für v1.05)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Sterne, Geld und G-Punkte (ab v1.05)

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Sterne, Geld und G-Punkte (bis v1.04)

18.Oktober 2013
Geldtrainer (für v1.05)

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020
24.März 2020