Command & Conquer - Generals

Command & Conquer - Generals

16.10.2013 21:17:22
Multiplayer Strategy Guide
Copyright 2003 Michael Walker "PaLaDiNz_Dude"

C&C Generals

Multiplayer Strategy Guide
Version 1.0

Webmasters who want to use this guide should e-mail me first.

*** Version History ***

Version 0.1
- first version
Data is according to the 1.4 patch

Version 0.11
- edited info on aircraft (not affected by Bombardment and corrected
mig damage)
-Fixed USA General Abilities
-Fixed a few typos

Version 0.12
- corrected info on US tank upgrades

Version 0.2
- added china info
-Made sections more easily accessible

Version 0.21
- fixed China's artillary barrage for correctness (thanks nick payne)
-added Mig armor cost which I forgot to put in
-corrected text errors

Version 0.3
-added list of accepted URLs for FAQ usage.

Version 0.4
-according to the 1.5 patch (see air table and Mig section)

Version 0.41
-fixed feul bomb drop time
-edited # of rangers from barracks destruction according to patch
-edited emp drop time

Version 0.5
-The long awaited GLA section

Version 0.51
-according to the 1.6 patch

Version 0.6
-Map section

Version 0.61
-Edited GLA building order

Version 0.7
-Closing section

Version 0.71
-Changed veiw on overlord bunker thanks to Jeff4540

Version 1.0
-over-all completion... unless there's something I forgot

Version 1.01
-according to the 1.7 patch


In-depth analysis of:

Section 1 USA [A] Units & Upgrades
[B] Infantry
[C] Vehicles
[D] Aircraft
[E] Buildings
[F] Strategies
[G] General Points

Section 2 China [H] Units & Upgrades
[I] Infantry
[J] Vehicles
[K] Aircraft
[L] Buildings
[M] Strategies
[N] General Points

Section 3 GLA [O] Units & Upgrades
[P] Infantry
[Q] Vehicles
[R] Buildings
[S] Strategies
[T] General Points

Section 4 Map [U]
[V] Supplies
[W] Terrain
[X] Neutral Buildings

Section 5 Miscellaneous
[Y] Permission
[Z] Closing

Hit Control-F to bring up search mode. Type the letter you wish to go to with
brackets included and check the box labeled "Match whole word only" to easily
access parts of this guide


[A] ***** USA *****


[B] *** Infantry - Built at Barracks ***

Ranger - Cost 225
Upgrades - Flashbangs 600 (Barracks) Capture Building 1000 (Barracks)
Advanced Training 1500 (Strategy Center)

Uses: When unupgraded Rangers are at a disadvantage against other infantry
as rebels cost 150 and red guard gets 2 men for 300. And die quickly to mobs.
Rangers can enter Humvees and fire out from them but they will die with humvee
if still inside. Rangers can be transported via Chinook and can combat drop to
take over buildings (see chinook) and rangers can occupy buildings and fire out
of them. Rangers can also be obtained if you lose a building or use the level 3
general ability: paratroopers. Rangers can be healed if they are level 2+ or
if they are near an ambulance or allied propaganda tower and at the barracks.

BUT if you arm rangers with flashbangs they are better than all infantry.
Flashbangs have long range very good damage and a good area of effect (can
damage themselves/allied infantry).
Flashbangs can be thrown out of Humvees and garrisoned buildings. Also they
clear out enemy garrisoned buildings. You can maximize damage if you
attack-move while rifle is selected so rangers alternate between shooting and
flashbangs. Flashbangs can kill angry mobs in one attack.
Flashbangs can be dodged and only damage infantry. Flash bangs can kill all
units in a garrisoned building with one attack (must be selected)

Ranger can learn the capture ability. As soon as possible capture any oil
derricks or refineries they have a huge impact on your economy and the sooner you
get them the better. See Map Section for more on oil. And rangers can capture
enemy buildings. Capturing takes about 20 seconds and the Ranger cannot fire or
move while capturing. After capturing a building you can sell it or build
units from it.

With Advanced training your rangers will attain higher ranking faster.

The ranger is weak against- Getting run over, Pathfinders, Humvees, Tomahawks,
Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aurora Bombers, Colonel Burton, Gattling
cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank, Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with
chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Jarmon Kell, Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin
shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher
Also (If it doesnt have flashbangs) Red Guard, Rebels, and Angry Mobs
Missile Defender - Cost 300
Upgrades- Laser Lock (starts with it) Advanced Training 1500 (strategy center)

Uses: Missile Defender is better than RPG trooper (laser lock) but not as good
as Tank hunter (if they have horde bonus). Missile Defenders can enter
Humvees and fire out from them but they will die with humvee if still inside.
Missile Defenders can be transported via Chinook but cannot combat drop like the
Ranger (see chinook) Missile Defenders can occupy buildings and fire out of them.
Missile Defenders can be healed if they are level 2+ or if they are near an
ambulance or allied propaganda tower and at the barracks.

With laser lock selected you can have Missile Defenders fire twice as fast! Also
it greatly increases the range of the missile defender and it deals more damage
to anti infantry units. This only works on tanks and aircraft. But it requires
1 second for the Missile Defender to lock on. You cannot laser lock inside of
buildings or humvees.

With Advanced training your Missile Defenders will attain higher ranking faster.

Missile Defenders are weak against- Getting run over, Rangers, Pathfinders,
Paladin, Tomahawks, Colonel Burton, Gattling Cannon, Red Guard, Dragon Tank,
Chaingun Tank, Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with gattling cannon Migs,
Tunnel networks, Rebels, Jarmon Kell, terrorist, Technical, Toxin Tractor,
Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud
launcher (note that it is not weak against vehicles if it can destroy them
before they attack)
Pathfinder - Cost 600 and level 3 Generals Point
Upgrades - Advanced Training 1500 (Strategy Center)

Uses: Pathfinder is a sniper. It has huge range and kills infantry in one hit.
It can only kill infantry. It is cloaked while still. The split second it
shoots and when it moves it becomes visible again. He can also detect invisible
units making it great for Black Locus, Burton, and Jarmon Kell. Pathfinders can
enter Humvees and fire out from them but they will die with humvee if still
inside. Pathfinders can be transported via Chinook but cannot combat drop like
the Ranger (see chinook) Pathfinders can occupy buildings and fire out of them.
Pathfinders can snipe out the RPG troopers inside Stinger sites.
Pathfinders can be healed if they are level 2+ or if they are near an
ambulance or allied propaganda tower and at the barracks.

With Advanced training your Pathfinders will attain higher ranking faster.

The Pathfinder is weak against - Getting run over, radar scans, Humvees /w scout
drone, Crusaders /w scout drone, Tomahawks /w scout drone, Raptors, Commanches,
Stealth Fighters, Aurora Bombers, Gattling Cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun Tank,
Battlemaster Inferno Cannon, Troopcrawler, Nuke Cannon, Migs, Tunnel networks,
Jarmon Kell, Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder),
Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher, Rocket buggy, radar van
Colonel Burton - Cost 1500 (need strategy center) can only have 1
Upgrades - Advanced Training 1500 (stategy center)
Knife, Remote Demo Charge, Timed demo charge

Uses: Burton has one million and one uses and counting but you gotta be smart
when using him. This elite commando is armed to the teeth hes a one man army
that can take an entire base. Burton is always cloaked except while shooting or
planting explosives. He can climb over mountains and other non traversable
places making him great for sneaking behind enemy lines. Burton cannot be run
over by vehicles! Burton's rifle is very powerful and at level 3 he can take
on infantry, light vehicles, and even tanks with ease (just not too many).
And the rifle can kill buildings faster than they are built!
He can be put in Humvees, Chinooks, and buildings, like other units but I wouldnt
suggest it. Burton regains health at barracks, ambulance, ally propganda tower,
and at level 2. His damage and rate of fire increase as he levels. Heros have
a special region visual to spot them easily on the minimap.

With Burton's knife you can be a silent assassin and take out infantry without
blowing your cover.

Remote demo charges can take out low tech buildings and when they send their
dozer to get rid of it BOOM the dozer goes with it. Demo charges die with Burton

Timed demo charges take out things with more armor like super weapons and command
centers, no they dont instantly kill it but still do 1/4 of its health leaveing
it vulnerable to an air attack or burton's rifle. Also timed demo charges do not
die with Colonel Burton.

With Advanced training Colonel Burton will attain higher ranking faster.

Burton is weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, radar vans, Pathfinders,
Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, Jarmon Kell, can find you and after your found he
Humvees, Tomahawks, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aoura Bombers,
Colonel Burton, Gattling cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank, Inferno Cannon,
Nuke Cannon, Overlord with chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Jarmon Kell,
Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion
Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher and Angry Mobs
Pilot - Cost Free (can't be built)
Upgrades - None

Uses: You get this little bugger after a vehicle or airplane dies that has
gained a level (you will hear the sound effect "ejecting!"). The pilot has the
same level as the old vehicle and if you get it into another vehicle/plane
before he dies that vehicle's level increases by the level of the pilot. Pilots
run fast and die fast too. He can even out run most vehicles (slow ones). Pilots
in air craft that die will parachute to the ground. If the airplane is shot down
on a mountain or river the pilot will die when it reaches the water or be stuck
on the mountain. Theres a glitch when you try to put them into humvees sometimes
they ride in them sometimes they make it level sometimes they do both :). Pilots
can go into aircraft docked at your air field. They CANNOT be used for
commanches or units that dont gain levels (ambulance). Pilots ONLY come out of
US vehicles and planes but can be transferred into vehicles/planes of another
Example: If you capture a chinese war factory/air field and build a battle
master/mig your pilot can be put into that battlemaster/mig

Pilots are weak against - Getting run over (light vehicles only), and anything
that fires (except for missiles which he can outrun)

[C] *** Vehicles - Built at War Factory ***

Construction Dozer - Cost 1000 (built only at Command Center)
Upgrades - None

Uses: Construction Dozers build structures. It can be used to run over infantry.
Can be carried in chinook for fast transport to create offensive patriot missiles
or a faraway base. (uses 5 transport slots) It can repair itself at a war
factory or friendly propaganda tower. Can also clear mines from chinese buildings
or the level 3 general ability cluster mines

Dozer is weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonal Burton, Humvees, Crusaders,
Tomahawk Missiles, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Auroura bombers, Patroit
Missiles, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Gattling Tank, Flame Tank,
Overlord, Inferno tanks, Nuke Cannons, Migs, RPG troopers, Jarmon Kell,
Scorpions, Quad Cannons, Technicals, Toxin Tractors, Mauradeurs, Skud Launcher,
Angry Mob, Rocket Buggies, Stinger Site, Bunkers, paladin, hijacker, terrorist,
demo trap
Humvee - cost 700
Upgrades - Tow Missile 1200 Advanced Training 1500 (strategy center)
scout 100 or battle drone 300 (humvee) Drones can be upgraded with drone armor
can have up to 5 transported infantry shoot from within the Humvee

Uses: Humvees are fast. They're great for running over infantry, but dont try a
group of rocket soldiers they'll shoot you down before you can reach them. Also
Humvees have a machine gun which is good against infantry but not as good as
Gattling Tank or Quad Cannon.
By putting infantry into the humvee you can customise it greatly. Put Missile
Defenders in for air and light vehicles, put in rangers (make sure you set them
to flashbang) and you can take out large groups of infantry. Or put in
Pathfinders and you got a highly mobile long range anti infantry vehicle. The
bad part about this is if the hummer dies the units inside it also die :(.

Tow Missile is an important upgrade. It nearly doubles humvee's damage. Tow
Missiles can attack air and deal good damage to infantry and tanks. Like
flashbangs this is a very useful ability. Can be deflected with Paladin laser.

With Advanced training Humvees will attain higher ranking faster.

Scout Drones are built from the Humvee. You can only have 1 drone per Humvee.
They increase the Humvees line of sight by a lot. Also they detect invisible
units, making humvees with scout drones very good at finding and taking out
Black Lotous, Colonel Burton, Pathfinders, spy drones, etc. They're cheap and
die easily but can only be hit by anti air. Drone armor lets them live longer.
Drones die with the Humvee.

Battle Drones are built from the Humvee. You can only have 1 drone per Humvee.
They deal pathetic machine gun damage that can only really damage infantry.
But their big plus is the ability to repair the humvee. Makes them good for
hit and run missions and you can put them in the back while they heal and keep
swapping Humvee's into the front line. Plus it's sometimes faster than running
all the way back to base to go to the War Factory to heal. Drones die with the

Humvees are weak against: groups of Missile defenders, Colonel Burton, Humvees
with missile defenders, Crusaders, tomahawk missiles, patriot missiles, paladin
tank, groups of Tank Hunter, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Overlord, Inferno tank,
nuke cannon, groups of RPG Troopers, Jarmon Kell, Scorpions, Marauders,
Skud Launcher, angry mob, rocket buggy, stinger site, bunker, hijacker, demo
traps, bomb trucks
Crusader - Cost 900
Upgrades - Composite Armor 2000 (strategy center) Advanced Training 1500
(strategy center) Scout 100 or battle 300 drone (crusader) Drones can be
upgraded with Drone armor 500

Uses: Crusaders are good against tanks and light vehicles and do a little
damage against infantry. They get more armor with Composite Armor (stacks with
hold the line) and with Advanced training crusaders will attain higher ranking
faster. They have no anti air.

Scout Drones are built from the Crusader. You can only have 1 drone per
Crusader. They increase the Crusaders line of sight by a lot. Also they detect
invisible units. They're cheap and die easily but can only be hit by anti air.
Drone armor lets them live longer. Drones die with the Crusader.

Battle Drones are built from the Crusader. You can only have 1 drone per
Crusader. They deal pathetic machine gun damage that can only really damage
infantry but more than their regular fire. But their big plus is the ability to
repair the Crusader. All that armor plus healing anywhere makes them very
versitle. You can put them in the back while they heal and keep swapping
Crusaders into the front line. Plus it's sometimes faster than running
all the way back to base to go to the War Factory to heal. Drones die with the

Crusaders are weak against: Missile Defenders, Crusaders, Colonel Burton,
Tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighters, auroura bombers,
patriot missiles, paladin tank, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemasters
(only with horde bonus), Overlords, Inferno cannons, Nuke cannons, Migs,
RPG troopers, Jarmon Kell, hijackers, angry mob, rocket buggy, Skud launcher,
Scorpion (rocket), maurauders, stinger site, bunkers, terrorist, demo traps
Paladin Tank - Cost 1100 Also level 1 general point
Upgrades - Composite Armor 2000 (strategy center) Advanced Training 1500
(strategy center) Scout 100 or battle 300 drone (Paladin) Drones can be
upgraded with Drone armor 500

Uses: Paladins are good against tanks and light vehicles and do little damage
against infantry. They get more armor with Composite Armor (stacks with hold
the line) and with Advanced training crusaders will attain higher ranking

What makes Paladins better than Crusaders is more armor and a laser. The laser
can shoot missiles and make them not deal damage. If you have enough of them
they can take out many more things than crusaders, even patriot missiles,
stinger sites, tomahawks and skuds, can be taken out! Lasers kill Humvee's TOW
and Scorpion's rocket. Also if infantry (like terrorists) come too close to the
paladin it fires the laser at them dealing massive damage. But dont try to run
infantry over because paladins deal friendly fire to your own units :(. The
laser recharge time is a litte slow so watch out for laser lock and mass tank

Scout Drones are built from the Paladin. You can only have 1 drone per
Paladin. They increase the Paladins line of sight by a lot. Also they detect
invisible units. They're cheap and die easily but can only be hit by anti air.
Drone armor lets them live longer. Drones die with the Paladin.

Battle Drones are built from the Paladin. You can only have 1 drone per
Paladin. They deal pathetic machine gun damage that can only really damage
infantry but more than their regular fire. But their big plus is the ability to
repair the Paladin. All that armor plus healing anywhere makes them very
versitle. You can put them in the back while they heal and keep swapping
Paladins into the front line. Plus it's sometimes faster than running
all the way back to base to go to the War Factory to heal. Drones die with the

Paladins are weak against: Crusaders, Colonel Burton, Raptors, commanches,
stealth fighters, auroura bombers, paladin tank, Black Lotus, Battlemasters
(only with horde bonus), Overlords, Inferno cannons, Nuke cannons, Jarmon Kell
angry mob, rocket buggy, maurauders, demo traps
Tomahawk Missile - cost 1200 (requires strategy center)
Upgrades Advanced Training 1500 (strategy center) Scout 100 or battle 300 drone
(Tomahawk) Drones can be upgraded with Drone armor 500

Uses: Long range balistics. Tomahawks have huge range and really good damage.
They are weak and will die quickly. They can take out enemy buildings and units
before they even can get close enough to damage it. And with Search and Destroy
plan from the strategy center they are the longest ranged unit in the game.
Good vs tanks and good vs infantry and good vs enemy artilary (if you get it
first). The main weaknesses it has is its slow rate of fire slow speed and low
armor. Tomahawk missiles lock on to tanks and never miss but dont lock on to

With Advanced training Tomahawks will attain higher ranking faster.

Scout Drones are built from the Tomahawk. You can only have 1 drone per
Tomahawk. They increase the Tomahawks line of sight by a lot. This makes them
very effective espescially against enemy artillary. Also they detect
invisible units. They're cheap and die easily but can only be hit by anti air.
Drone armor lets them live longer. Drones die with the Tomahawk.

Battle Drones are built from the Tomahawk. You can only have 1 drone per
Tomahawk. They deal pathetic machine gun damage that can only really damage
infantry but more than their regular fire. But their big plus is the ability to
repair the Tomahawk. The infantry damage might help when the enemy is sending
spread out infantry but not enough to save it unless you have backup. Plus
battle drones are sometimes faster than running all the way back to base to go
to the War Factory to heal. Drones die with the Tomahawk.

Weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonel Burton, Crusaders, Paladin tanks,
tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighter, Auroura bombers,
Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Troop Crawler, inferno cannons, nuke
cannons, Migs, RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell, rocket buggies, skud launcher,
Terrorist, bomb trucks
Ambulance - Cost 600
Upgrades - Scout 100 or battle 300 drone (Ambulance) Drones can be upgraded with
Drone armor 500

Uses: Ambulance is the infantries best friend. Although it has no attacks it
can transport 3 infantry that DONT die with it (cant fire from within either)
also it heals any nearby infantry. But thats not all, it can clean up radiation
from Nuke Cannons, Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Silos, Battle Masters and Overlords
with Nuclear tank upgrade. Also it cleans toxins from Toxic Tractors, Dead
Toxic Tractors, Scud Launcher, Bomb Truck, Dead Bomb Truck, Scud Storm, and the
GLA level 5 General ability: Anthrax Bomb. Ambulance is fast and can run over
infantry. Also units inside ambulances heal completely in 3-4 seconds.

Scout Drones are built from the Ambulance. You can only have 1 drone per
Ambulance. They increase the Ambulances line of sight by a lot. Also they detect
invisible units. They're cheap and die easily but can only be hit by anti air.
Drone armor lets them live longer. Drones die with the Ambulance.

Battle Drones are built from the Ambulance. You can only have 1 drone per
Ambulance. They deal pathetic machine gun damage that can only really damage
infantry. But their big plus is the ability to repair the Ambulance. Plus it's
sometimes faster than running all the way back to base to go to the War Factory
to heal. Drones die with the Ambulance.

Weak against: Missile defenders, Colonel Burton, Crusaders, Humvees, Paladin
tanks, Tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighter, auroura bomvers,
tank hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Dragon Tank, Gattleing tank, Overlord,
troop crawler, Migs, inferno cannon, nuke cannon RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell,
terrorist, hijacker, scorpion, maurader, technical, quad cannon, bomb truck,
Patriot missile Bunker, Stinger site

[D] *** Aircraft - Built at War Airfeild ***

(assumeing laser guided missiles and black napalm is researched. Does not account
for mig firestorm.)

Damage Vs Aur Slth Rap Mig(china) Winner
Base defense 800 625 125 50(sting) 75 stealth/aurora bomber
Structures 1000 250 500 188 aurora bomber/raptor
Anti air veh 400 75 150 83 53(aoe) aurora bomber/raptor
tanks 400 250 500 169 69(aoe) raptor/aurora
Air 0 0 125 38 raptor/mig

Armor 80 140 160 160 (200)* mig/raptor
speed 480** 175 175 160 Aurora/Stealth
Turn speed 180** 180 120 120 stealth bomber
Cost 2500 1600 1400 1200 mig/raptor

In patch 1.5 and 1.6 the Mig got put back into it's rightful place. Still
people will still use it for firestorm.

Figures rounded up
*with mig armor upgrade
**speed drops to 120 on return and turn rate drops to
60 after payload is released

Commanche - cost 1500
Upgrades - Rocket Pods 800 Advanced training 1500 (strategy center)

Uses: Commanche is great for early anti infantry and tanks. It is very weak
against anti air though. Keep it away from rocket soilders and gattling/quad
cannons. The commanche has two modes of attack. It has a vulcan cannon that
does little damage especially to tanks, but fires very quickly and can take
infantry, and it's rockets that do good damage against tanks and reload without
returning to the air field. Remember not to put it near anti air. It's armor
consists of a cardboard-like material. If EMP, a chinesse level 5 general
ability is used against commanches they will be instantly destroyed. Also keep
it in your base, hotkeyed, so you can quickly take out that annoying Black Locus
or Colonal Burton. Like the humvee dont put it near a bunch rocket infantry unless
you out number them.

Rocket Pods are a cheap upgrade that enable commanches to fire a barrage of
missiles (does not count for anti tank missiles) they do wonders against buildings
groups of infantry, or choke points. However they are not very powerful and
have a long recharge time. Also rocket pods miss a lot, too.

With advanced training your commanches will gain levels faster. This is
important to increase their rate of fire, life, damage, and reload time for
anti tank missiles. Commanches level more quickly than most other units.

Commanches are weak against: Missile defenders, humvees with TOW, raptors,
patroit missiles, tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks, overlord
gattling upgrade, migs, RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site, EMP

Chinook - cost 1200 (built only at supply center)
Upgrades - none

Uses: Chinook is the supply gatherer of the USA. You get a chinook whenever
you build a suply center. It is recomended that you have 2 chinooks per supply
center. Each time the chinook returns to the supply center you gain $600.
Chinooks have mucho armor but arent invincible. Also as an added feature,
chinooks can transport units. it has 8 slots: 1 per infantry 3 per tank and
5 per constuction dozer. It cannot carry overlords, nuke cannons, skud
launcher, or other large vehicles (non-usa). Because the chinook is fast,
armored, and flying, it makes a very good transportation unit. Great for quick
infantry rushes. Like the Commanche, chinooks die instantly to EMP.

Also it has the ability to combat drop rangers. Just select the combat drop
button and click on a building and they'll trow out their ropes and take it
over. If there are any enemy in the building the rangers will kill all them
inside. The rangers come out by two waves of 4 rangers. This does
not work against chinese bunkers, tunnel networks, technicals, humvees, troop
crawlers, or overlords with bunker upgrade... BUT IT SHOULD lol. If the
building has 3+ rocket infantry your chinook might die before all your troops
combat drop. Personally, I've found no use for combat drop. It doesnt work
on chinese bunkers and flashbangs instantly kill all the units inside a
building anyway at a long range. Just evacuate your rangers and fire a
flashbang and walk them in. I guess this could be usefull if the enemy has
a sniper in the building and you want to send in infantry but that is a rare
scenario, as snipers are cloaked and wouldnt detect invisable units inside of
a building and their position is givin away by being in the building. Cant
damage vehicles, etc. I recomend you dont use combat drop.

Chinooks are weak against: Missile defenders, humvees with TOW, raptors,
patroit missiles, tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks, overlord
gattling upgrade, migs, RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site, EMP

Raptor - cost 1400
Upgrades - Laser guided missiles 1500, Advanced training 1500 (strategy center)

Uses: The raptor does a lot of damage against tanks and buildings (not base
defenses) and thats about it. Also its good at taking out helocopters and planes
You can tell planes to gaurd airspace (hotkey G) and they will circle around
and hit any thing that comes their way. If you tell them to gaurd air they will
be quicker to use (dont have to take off) and if the airfield dies they can stay
airbourne until you get another air field. Raptors that are on the runway when
the airfield dies/is captured also die/ are captured. Laser guided missiles
allow raptors to deal more damage. Advanced training allows raptors to gain
levels faster. Pilots can enter Raptors on the runway.

Raptors are weak against: Missile defenders, humvees with TOW, raptors,
patroit missiles, tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks, overlord
gattling upgrade, migs, RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site

Stealth Fighter - cost 1600 a level 1 generals point
Upgrades - Laser guided missiles 1500, Advanced training 1500 (strategy center)

Uses: The stealth fighter is a lot like the Raptor but fires 2 missles instead
of 4. The only thing a stealth fighter is good at is taking out base
defenses. 2 stealth fighters can take out any american or chinese base defense
in one strike, unupgraded. Stinger sites require an extra for the hole, and
dont even bother with tunnel networks, they are considered "structures".
What makes them even more effective against base defense is their stealth
capability. They can fly past the enemy force undetected. The defenses range
for fire is longer than their invis detection range so you'll likely be able
to take it out. If there are multiple defenses in the area all your stealth
fighters probably wont make it out though. Stealth fighters deal more damage
with laser guided missiles and gain levels faster with advanced training. Stealth
fighters that are on the runway when the airfield dies/is captured also die/ are

Stealth fighters are weak against: Missile defenders, humvees with TOW,
raptors, patroit missiles, tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks,
overlord gattling upgrade, migs, RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site

Aurora bomber - cost 2500 requires strategy center
Upgrades - Advanced training 1500 (strategy center)

Uses: Alright! The most expensive unit in the game! This is very good. Its the
fastest unit in the game and has excellent damage on top. When its flying
towards the target it cannot be hit by anything. After it drops its bomb it
becomes as vulnerable as a raptor. These aircraft are expensive so dont waste
them. They can kill quad cannons, humvees, and gattling tanks in one hit! They
are better for buildings though as the aurora's payload can be dodged. Auroras
can take out many buildings in numbers and some buildings die from just one.
Two aurora strikes can take take out an oil derik/refinary they can kill power
plants in one hit and are fairly good against base defenses. But, dont try them
against GLA buildings because they just rebuild. Auroras are very good against
tanks and anti air vehicles. They have a small area of effect, too. Aurora
bombers that are on the runway when the airfield dies/is captured also die/ are

Aurora bomberss are weak against: Missile defenders, humvees with TOW,
raptors, patroit missiles, tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks,
overlord gattling upgrade, migs, RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site

Spy Drone - Free (every 1:30) Level 1 generals point
Upgrades - Drone Armor 500 (strategy center)

Uses: This is a great ability for the US. Its like haveing a legal maphack. Spy
drones have huge line of sight (longer than base defenses) they stay as long as
they are not destroyed. Spy drones are invisible and can detect invisible units
They work well as scouts or detectors against heros. Spys help you determine
what units to get so you can counter an attack or find a weak point in someones
base. Also you can survail supplies and oil rigs. If your ally needs extra
detectors you can help him/her with a spy drone. Your enemy however, can find
your spy drone in his base and the spy drone is defenseless so it will get shot

Spy drones are weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, scout drones, radar vans,
Pathfinders, Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, Jarmon Kell, defense structures and can
be taken out by Missile defenders, humvees with TOW, raptors, patroit missiles,
tank hunters, gattling cannons, gattling tanks, overlord gattling upgrade, migs,
RPG troopers, quad cannons, stinger site

[E] *** Buildings ***
USA Buildings slowly repair by themselves!
Command center - 2000
Abilities - Radar Scan
Builds - Construction Dozers

Uses: Hotkey: C. Games start you with a command center. USA Command center has
radar from the begining of the game. Command centers are needed to use
depolyable general abilities. If you lose your command center and all of your
constuction dozers you cannot build anymore buildings. Spawns 10 rangers at
Cold Fusion Power Plant - 800
Upgrades - Control Rods 500 Hotkey: C

Uses: Hotkey: R. Provides 5 power. Power is needed for radar, defenses, and
particle cannon, so keep them protected. Control rods double the power the
reactor provides. It is better to just build another power plant as you lose
twice as much for one power plant that has the same health. Also control rods
takes too long to upgrade. Spawns 2 rangers at death
Barracks - 600
Builds - Ranger, Missle defender, Colonel Buron, Pathfinder, flashbangs, capture

Uses: Hotkey: B. Builds infantry. heals infantry Spawns 2 rangers at death
Patriot Missle - 1000, 3 energy, fusion reactor required

Uses: Hotkey: M. Fires missles that are effective against tanks, air, and still
infantry. Can detect invisible units. Patriots can be put in a system where
they can search for other patriots to help them. Assisting Patriots have extra
range. Spawns 3 rangers at death
Supply Center - 2000, 1 energy, fusion reactor required
Builds - Chinooks

Uses: Hotkey: U. Comes with 1 chinook. Serves as a drop off place for chinooks.
Selling this building yeilds only $400. Spawns 3 rangers at death.
War Factory - 2000, 1 energy, supply center required
builds - humvees, crusaders, paladins, amulances, tomahawk missles, TOW missle

Uses: Hotkey: A. Builds vehicles. heals vehicles (& constuction dozer). Spawns
5 rangers at death
Airfield - 1000, 1 energy, supply center required
builds - commanche, raptor, stealth fighter, aurora bomber, rocket pods, laser
guided missles

Uses: Hotkey: F. Builds aircraft. heals aircraft (& chinook). Airplanes reload
ammo here. Allied aircraft may use your airfield. Spawns 2 rangers at death.
Strategy Center - 2500, 2 energy, War factory or airfield required
upgrades - advanced training, drone armor, composite armor
abilities - hold the line, bombardment, search and destroy

Uses: hotkey: Y. Hold the line doubles the strategy centers armor and increases
units armor by 10%. Bombardment deploys a cannon that has a slow rate of fire,
big range, area of effect, big damage, and increases units damage by 20%. Search
and destroy increases the stratagy centers sight and allows it to detect
invisible units. Units gain +20% range and additional line of sight. Only 1
strategy can be implemented at a time. You may change stratagies at any time
but your all units will be temporaraly disabled. Spawns 4 rangers at death.
Supply Drop Zone - 2500, 4 energy, Strategy center required

Uses: Hotkey: Z. Every 3:00 you get 1500 supplies. Spawns 3 rangers at death.
Detention Camp - 1000, 0 energy!!, Strategy center required

Uses: every 2:00 you may use the ability intellegence from the detention camp.
This allows you to see every unit and building the enemy owns that is not
stealth for 30 seconds. Spawns 8 rangers at death
Particle uplink cannon - 5000, 10 energy!!, strategy center required

Uses: every 4:00 you may fire the particle uplink cannon. After you select
where you wish to fire the uplink cannon you may click another location and the
beam will travel, in a straight path, to that location. If you click another
location it will change direction. If you double click, the beam will delay .5
seconds and then double it's speed! Be sure to choose your target wisely.
Command centers and super weapons take reduced damage from the particle cannon.
Works great on enemy power plants, tech buildings, production buildings, and
armies. Spawns 4 rangers at death.

[F] *** Strategies ***


Basic Build Order:
1. Select construction dozer and tell it to build a power plant.
2. Tell command center to build another construction dozer.
3. Select a general ability or save it your choice
4. If you selected spy drone, use it!
5. Tell your 2nd Dozer to make a Barracks.
6. When your powerplant is done build a supply center
7. When your Barracks is done build a ranger and research capture building to
take oil derriks then tell your dozer to make a patriot missle at a choke point.
8. When your Supply depo is done make another chinook and have your dozer make
an airfield or war factory (recomended war factory cuz if they rush with quad or
gattling tank you might need a tank to take them out

Quickest attack: Infantry rush!
If your useing infantry rush you should get spy drone. As soon as capture
building is researched build some infantry and a third chinook, halt the build
order. Spy drone is essential here in picking what infantry to get. If they
dont have a barracks or you only want to damage his economy early on go all
missle defenders (rangers for eco damage against GLA). But 3 rangers and 3
missle defenders is good. Que up flashbangs and 3 more rangers when you have
the cash. Drop the squad right near their supply center and kill the workers
first. Your next target is construction units as they can build defenses or run
over your units. Then send your 3 rangers in front of the barracks and put your
missle defenders near the war factory and kill anything that comes through
(remember to lock on) Send your Chinook home and bring in the reinforcements
and if your doing well, a constuction dozer. Drop off the reinforcements at the
same place as last time. If your spy drone picked up mines then remove them
with your dozer and capture all the structures with the 3 rangers or if your not
up against china build a patriot missle next to his buildings.

Second quickest attack: Hummer rush!
Complete the basic build order with a war factory. As soon as possible build 3
humvees. Use radar scan or spy drone to find the enemies weak spot and get
ready. You put 1 missle defender in each humvee and rock and roll. Get the war
factory first as tanks will annoy you as you crush the enemy. Then take out the
workers. Remember to research TOW missle when you have the cash, then get some
battle drones and you'll have a small force to be rekoned with that will destroy
enemies before they can build much of anything.

Final rush: Commanches
This tactic will leave you very vulnerable to an early attack, but it can crush
your opponent. Use the build order but do not build a second dozer or barracks
or patriot. Since Commanches are very expensive you'll need all the cash you
can spare. Finish the build order with an airfield and start pumping out the
commanches. You'll need at least 5 for this to work. Use spy at the begining
and keep looking for the weakest place in the enemies defenses. When you get
your fifth commanche get rocket pods and head to the enemy base. Try to get the
best way in where there are no base defenses that hit air. First take out all
of the anti air units and use rocket pods on the war factory then take out
dozers, barracks, whatever poses a threat. Meanwhile, at your base, get some
defense up, a second dozer, and a raptor or two to take out chinooks.

Tech to Burton
Complete the build order and get another patriot (dont forget power) and a
strategy center. Once you get a stratagy center up, train colonel burton and
research advanced training. If you select a stratagy from the center you could
blow your attack. Use any means to get burton into the enemy base and remember
Burton can climb over cliffs and can be transported. Avoid detectors at all
cost unless you can quickly get rid of them. The first target is the enemy
resources, use the knife on workers or remote demo charges on supply centers/
trucks, then take out the war factory to get rid of vehicle detectors like
radarvan, and humvee with scout drone, and troopcrawler. After that he is at
the mercy of Burton's rifle. Use stealth and when Burton is level 2 he will
heal himself and you can take almost any unit, just dont try groups of light
vehicles. You can attack light vehicles but be carefull and always attack
from behind.

Paladin Ownage
Build up your economy and expand for this powerfull force, thats a good follow
up to the humvee rush. This force consists of 6 paladins, 6 missle defenders,
3 rangers, an ambulance, and 2 tomahawks. Use search and destroy plan, put in
burton and later pathfinders. With that you got the USA unbeatable force.
remember to put them in formation (control-f). Rangers/Burton/pathfinders
take out infantry. Missle defenders and Paladins take out air. Paladins
Burton and tomahawks take out tanks. Tomahawks take out artillary and defense
Pathfinders take out Jarmon Kell.

M-Missle Defender R-Ranger P-Paladin T-Tomahawk B-Burton A-Ambulance (replace
ranger position with pathfinders)


[G] *** General Points ***


Level 1: Paladin Tank
Allows you to build the paladin tank
Rating: ***

Level 1: Stealth Bomber
Allows you to build stealth bombers
Rating: **

Level 1: Spy Drone
Allows you to deploy Spy Drones every 1:30
Rating: *****

Level 3: Paratroopers
Deploys 5, 10, and 20 rangers according to how many points you spend on it.
The planes that drop the troopers (10 per plane) can be destroyed. When the
rangers land they are damaged if the plane was damaged.
Cooldown: 4:00
Rating: *

Level 3: Pathfinder
Allows you to build pathfinders
Rating: ***

Level 3: A-10 Strike
Sends 1, 2, and 3, A-10s according to how many points you spend on it. The
planes can be destroyed. They fire a priliminary machine gun, and then drop a
heavy damage payload. (a pair of bombs per) and each A-10 does about as much
damage as an aurora and a half.
Cooldown: 4:00
Rating: ****

Level 3: Emergency Repair
Repairs vehicles and aircraft in the area of effect. It does priliminary heal
for about 100 hp and then a constant heal for:
Level 1: 30 Seconds
Level 2: 45 Seconds
Level 3: 60 Seconds
Cooldown is insanely long. Can repair friendly units also.
Cooldown: 4:00

Level 5: Fuel Bomb
Drops a heavy damage large area of effect bomb. Does not destroy GLA
buildings (leaves hole) like the A-10 but otherwise, as deadly as 3 of them.
Cooldown: 6:00
Rating: *****


[H] ***** China *****


[I] *** Infantry - Built at Barracks ***

Red Guard - Cost 300 (for 2)
Upgrades - Hoarde Bonus (at least 5 infantry close togeather) Nationalism 2000
(Propaganda Center) Red Guard Training (level 1 general ability)
Capture Building 1000 (Barracks)

Uses: Red Guard are great anti infantry units. Espically when you cant get that
flame tank close enough to the large group of rocket soldiers. They build twice
as fast as other infantry because you get two red gaurd at a time. Even when
fully upgraded Red Gaurd are only usefull against infantry and China has much
better anti personal tanks so dont get carried away. 8 Red Guard come from the
troop crawler. Red Guard can be transported with the Troop Crawler.

Red Guard can be put into bunkers and neutral buildings and fire out of them.
Bunkers cannot be cleared with flashbangs, flame tanks, or toxin tractors.

When 5 Chinesse infantry group togeather they gain Hoarde bonus. This allows
the units to fire much faster. Hoarde bonus might take a second to go into
effect. With Nationalism units affected by hoarde bonus fire even more quickly.

Red Guard training allows the red guard to become level 1 when they are created.
This does not affect existing Red Guard units. This will let your red guard
become much better overall.

Red Guard can learn the capture ability. As soon as possible capture any oil
derricks or refineries they have a huge impact on your economy and the sooner you
get them the better. See Map Section for more on oil. And Red Guard can capture
enemy buildings. Capturing takes about 20 seconds and the Red Guard cannot fire or
move while capturing. After capturing an enemy building you can sell it or build
units from it.

The Red Gaurd is weak against- Getting run over, Pathfinders, Humvees, Tomahawks,
Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aoura Bombers, Colonel Burton, Gattling
cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank, Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with
chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Jarmon Kell, Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin
shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher
Red Guard, Rebels, and Angry Mobs
Tank hunter - Cost 300
Upgrades- TNT (starts with it) Hoarde Bonus (at least 5 infantry close togeather)
Nationalism 2000 (Propaganda Center)

Uses: Tank hunters are probably the best of the missle units. Why? They have
horde bonus allowing them to fire much faster and can be put into bunkers. So
I recomend useing tank hunters.

TNT is an odd ability. It is a lot like burton's timed demo charge but less
destructive. TNT has a 10 second fuse. The tank hunter must be close to
use it and could easily be ran over or killed by paladin laser etc. However,
it can take out most tanks in one blow. TNT can also be used against buildings,
but it isnt much better than just fireing at it. The TNT charge is instantly
placed when close enough and will still go off even after the Tank Hunter dies.

Tank Hunters can be put into bunkers and neutral buildings and fire out of them.
Bunkers cannot be cleared with flashbangs, flame tanks, or toxin tractors.

When 5 Chinesse infantry group togeather they gain Hoarde bonus. This allows
the units to fire much faster. Hoarde bonus might take a second to go into
effect. With Nationalism units affected by hoarde bonus fire even more quickly.

Tank hunters are weak against- Getting run over, Rangers, Pathfinders,
Paladin, Tomahawks, Colonel Burton, Gattling Cannon, Red Guard, Dragon Tank,
Chaingun Tank, Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with gattling cannon Migs,
Tunnel networks, Rebels, Jarmon Kell, terrorist, Technical, Toxin Tractor,
Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud
launcher (note that it is not weak against vehicles if it can destroy them
before they attack)
Hacker - Cost 625 (requires propaganda center)
Upgrades- Disable Building (starts with it) hack into internet (starts with it)

Uses: The hacker is mostly used as a source of income. When he hacks into the
internet, the hacker gets 5 supplies every 2 seconds. At higher levels he gets
more cash every 2 seconds. The hacker gains levels, for the time he hacks into
the internet. The hacker takes a long time to stop hacking and start running
and even then he's very slow. Since the Hacker is infantry he is very weak
against skud poison, nuke radiation, anthrax bomb, chinook sniper drops, etc.
The hacker has no weapons.

Hacker | Cash per 2 seconds
No level | 5
Level 1 | 6
Level 2 | 8
Level 3 | 10

Another ability the hacker has is to disable buildings. This does not work on
defensive structures. This works the same way as the level 5 general ability,
EMP. Disabled buildings cannot pruduce power, build units, or fire if it's a
superweapon/ stratagy center. So, after your units destroy the enemies
defenses, you can cut off reinforcements or save some time before he launches
that particle cannon at your troops. Since the Hacker costs so much and moves
slowly he isnt used for this task often. Disabled buildings stay disabled for
quite awhile, but not forever.

Hackers are weak against - Getting run over, and anything that fires
Black Lotus- Cost 1500 (requires propaganda center)
Upgrades- Capture Building (starts with it) Disable vehicle (starts with it)
Cash hack (starts with it)

Uses: The Black Lotus has no attacks but has some very usefull abilities.
Lotus has a HUGE line of sight that can detect invisible units before they can
even see her. She is stealth whenever she isnt useing an ability makeing a
great scout. Black lotus can capture buildings before the enemy has enough
time to sell them so she can be used like burton in some cases but because
she has no attack she is very vulnerable. Also she can quickly disable
vehicles so they cant move or fire for a limited time. The Black Lotus can
also steal 1000 supplies from a supply center. Black Lotus cannot be run over
and she is damn fast. Heros have a special region visual to spot them easily
on the minimap.

Black Lotis is weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, radar vans, Pathfinders,
Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, Jarmon Kell, can find you and after your found he
Humvees, Tomahawks, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aoura Bombers,
Colonel Burton, Gattling cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank, Inferno Cannon,
Nuke Cannon, Overlord with chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Jarmon Kell,
Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion
Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher and Angry Mobs

[J] *** Vehicles - Built War Factory ***

Battlemaster Tank- Cost 800
Upgrades- Hoarde Bonus (at least 5 infantry close togeather)
Nationalism 2000 (Propaganda Center) Uranium Shells- 2000 (nuclear silo)
Nuclear Tank- 2000 (nuclear silo)

Uses: Battlemaster tank will lose 1v1 to a crusader, by an 80 health difference
,the paladin by 100,and to the maurader by a 90 health making it the worst tank
But the battlemaster costs less and can easily be upgraded with hoarde bonus if
5 are close togeather to make it fire faster. However if the number of tanks
in the hoarde is lower than 5 you will lose the bonus and it takes a while to
build that many and they are expensive. I'd much rather play defensively until
I can pump out the overlords. Battlemasters are really only good against
vehicles and buildings. Battlemasters can have upgraded damage with uranium
shells and upgraded speed with Nuclear tank. I really dont build many of these
even to defend the light vehicle rush, because even a well micro managed
gattling tank can kill a battlemaster with its increased speed and range.
With nuclear tank it is fun and effective to run them suicidally into the enemy
and watch them explode.

Battlemasters are weak against: Missile Defenders, Crusaders, Colonel Burton,
Tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighters, auroura bombers,
patriot missiles, paladin tank, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemasters,
Overlords, Inferno cannons, Nuke cannons, Migs, RPG troopers, Jarmon Kell,
hijackers, angry mob, rocket buggy, Skud launcher, Scorpion (rocket),
maurauders, stinger site, bunkers, terrorist, demo traps
Gattling Tank- cost 800
Upgrades- Gattling upgrade 1500 (war factory)

Uses: Gattling tank rocks. It does very good damage to air units and infantry.
and it fires quickly and has good range. Every 3 shots it fires faster until
the gattling tank says something like "rapid fire!" and youll know it's fireing
its fastest. This tank should almost always be in your attack force and can be
used with the troop crawler to take out those annoying spy drones. It has
better anti air than an overlord with gattling cannon. And it rips through
humvees, even with TOW. This is a very worthwhile unit, and the best light
Gattling upgrade increases the Gattling tank's damage and rate of fire.

Gattling tanks are weak against: Colonel Burton, Crusaders, tomahawk missiles,
patriot missiles, paladin tank, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Overlord, Inferno
tank, nuke cannon, Jarmon Kell, Scorpions, Marauders, Skud Launcher, angry mob,
rocket buggy, stinger site, bunker, hijacker, demo traps, bomb trucks
Dragon Tank- cost 800
Upgrades- Black Napalm 2000 (war factory) Flame Wall (starts with it)

Uses: Dragon Tank nearly instantly kills infantry. Also it does huge damage
to buildings. Be sure to use it in maps with urban warfare because it can kill
units inside buildings (not china bunker) instantly. The Dragon Tank can
easily take out defenses includeing rocket defense (if you have more than one)
the Dragon tank dies easily to tanks and air units. Dragon tanks are great for
a rush because of their building destruction. Black napalm increases Dragon
tank damage. Dragon tanks are invulnerable to flame from other dragon tanks.
Dragon tanks can kill the stinger site units.
F- 1223|
The flame wall makes a fan like flame that can kill many biuldings/infantry at
that get caught in it. It starts out only a small area but after a second it
grows into a gaint cone. The Flame wall can also be used defenseively on a
choke point to stop stealth units from walking into your base. (this does
damage friendly units)

Flame Tanks are weak against: Missle defenders, crusaders, humvees, paladins,
tomahawks, commanches, raptors, aurora, stealth bomber. Mig, Battle master,
bunker, gattling tank, nuke cannon, overlord, Jarmon Kell, Hijackers,
Scorpion, Maurader, quad cannon, Rocket buggy, Scud Launcer, demo traps, bomb
Troop Crawler- cost 1400
Upgrades- None

Uses: The Troop crawler is the Chinese transport vehicle and stealth detector.
It comes with 8 red guard (cost 1200) So this is a bargain. The Troop Crawler
has no attack (when told to attack it unloads troops) and is much slower than
the technical, chinook, and humvee but it is still the fastest ground unit of
China. It does have more armor and can heal units inside of it. Most people
expect that when you send this in that you are useing the red guard that came
with it. You can put in Tank hunters and Black Lotus in too, which may or may
not catch your opponent off guard, and can really screw up his/her economy.
Also its great for running over pathfinders and rebel ambushes with camoflage.
With the infantry that comes with it the troop crawler could spell death to
Burton or Black Lotus that are in your base. When attacking GLA the troop
crawler can be used to replace the driver of the overlord that got sniped by
Jarmon Kell. Be creative with this unit.

Troop crawler is weak against: Missile defenders, Crusaders, Humvees, Paladin
tanks, Tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighter, auroura
bombers, tank hunters, Battlemaster, Dragon Tank, Gattleing tank, Overlord,
Migs, inferno cannon, nuke cannon, RPG trooper, terrorist, hijacker, scorpion,
maurader, technical, quad cannon, bomb truck, Patriot missile Bunker, Stinger
Inferno Cannon- cost 900 (requires propaganda center)
Upgrades- Artillary training (level 1 Generals point) Black Napalm 2000 (war

Uses: This is one of Chinas artillary. It makes great support for units with
it's long range and is dirt cheap as artillary go. This is great for anti
infantry It doesnt deal much damage unupgraded so be sure to get black napalm.
The inferno cannon has little armor and moves slowly so its taken down by air
very quickly. Dont put it near tanks/light vehicles either. The greatest part
about the inferno cannon has to be the firestorm. Have 6 inferno cannons
attack the same area and a large fire will engulf the area dealing huge damage
to units caught in it... if you can afford it. This does much more damage with
black napalm. Artillary training has inferno cannons that are built from the
war factory start at level 1. This makes up for the slow rate of fire and
damage inferno cannons deal.

Weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonel Burton, Crusaders, Paladin tanks,
tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighter, Auroura bombers,
Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Troop Crawler, inferno cannons, nuke
cannons, Migs, RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell, rocket buggies, skud launcher,
Terrorist, bomb trucks
Nuke Cannon- cost 1600 (level 1 Generals point requires Propaganda center)
Upgrades- Artillary training (level 1 Generals point)

Uses: The nuke cannon is powerfull. This baby can kill 10 tanks in one
blast! It does huge damage to buildings, vehicles, and leaves a long lasting
area of radiation that does heavy damage to tanks and infantry. It makes a
great defensive weapon, if you tell it to gaurd ground (hotkey: G) it will
deploy itself and fire on anything that gets within it's awesome range. It
does well at killing defensive stuctures and buildings but dont put it in a
battle in the middle of the map. The problems with the Nuke cannon is:
health, it dies to even 1 lowly mig, cost, 1600 and a generals point, build
time, 20 seconds, speed, very slow moveing, deployment, takes a while to
depoly and undeploy, rate of fire, fires once every 10 seconds. And it has
a harmful explosion when it dies that leaves radiation and explosion damage
These weaknesses dont even come close to outweighing the power of a correctly
used nuke cannon. A large group of scorpions, overlords, paladins, they all
fall to the mighty nuke cannon.

Weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonel Burton, tomahawk missiles, raptors,
commanches, stealth fighter, Auroura bombers, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Troop
Crawler, inferno cannons, nuke cannons, Migs, RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell, rocket
buggies, skud launcher, Terrorist, bomb trucks
Overlord- cost 2000 (requires propaganda center)
Upgrades- Uranium Shells-2000 (nuclear silo) Nuclear Tank- 2000 (nuclear silo)
Speaker Tower-500 (overlord) increased with subliminal messageing-500
(propaganda center)
Gattling cannon-1200 (overlord) increased with chain gun upgrade- 1500 (war

Uses: This is the main unit of China. The Overlord is very upgradeable to
the point where you dont really need much of anything else. By itself the
overlord is a behemoth tank. It dominates in damage and armor, though
lacking in speed. It can also run over other light vehicles and tanks And
it can run over hero units like Colonal burton, Jarmen Kell, and black lotus!
Its true strength lies in its upgrades. The Overlord may have one of the
following: speaker tower, gattling cannon, or bunker. Each upgrade changes
your Overlord's uses and stratagy. The speaker tower heals nearby units and
increases their rate of fire, this can make artillary much more usefull,
especially the nuke cannon and can make your overlord / other units live
longer and deal more damage. Be sure to get subliminal messageing as it is
a very cheap way to nearly double the effectiveness of the speaker tower.
The gattling cannon upgrade makes the overlord good against nearly every
unit excluding artillary and many airplanes. The overlord will rip through
infantry, deal even more damage to tanks, and have limited anti air
capability. The problem with this is that the gattling cannon seems to
have a mind of it's own. It will attack a chinnok, for example, instead of
the raptor attacking it. But it will attack infantry if you tell the
overlord to attack it. The chain gun upgrade makes the gattling cannon
even better by fireing faster and dealing more damage. Also probably most
importantly the gattling cannon detects invisible units! The final upgrade
is the bunker. The bunker is a blessing and a curse. The double turrets on
the overlord have more range than rocket infantry inside it. It does make
good anti air, but it isnt as good as gattling, and more expensive. If you
have nuklear tank the infantry inside the overlord would be radiated after
the overlord dies. But there is nothing better than haveing an over lord
with rocket infantry inside for an overlord battle. If you're going against
china stick some tank hunters in and run in close, then watch the enemy tanks
get torn to shreads. At the nuclear silo you can research uranium shells to
increase the overlords turret damage and nuclear tanks to increase the
overlord's speed. Nuclear tanks does cause your overlord to explode dealing
miniscule damage to nearby units and leaves a small patch of radiation. Use
this to your advantage and run into the enemy to cause extra damage.

Overlordss are weak against: Crusaders, Tomahawk missiles, Paladins
raptors, commanches, stealth fighters, auroura bombers, patriot missiles,
paladin tank, Overlords, Inferno cannons, Nuke cannons, Migs, Jarmon Kell,
angry mob, rocket buggy, Skud launcher, Scorpion (rocket), maurauders,
stinger site, bunkers
Construction Dozer - Cost 1000 (built only at Command Center)
Upgrades - None

Uses: Construction Dozers build structures. It can be used to run over
infantry. It can repair itself at a war factory or friendly propaganda tower.
Can also clear mines from chinese buildings or the level 3 general ability
cluster mines

Dozer is weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonal Burton, Humvees, Crusaders,
Tomahawk Missiles, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Auroura bombers,
Patroit Missiles, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Gattling Tank, Flame
Tank, Overlord, Inferno tanks, Nuke Cannons, Migs, RPG troopers, Jarmon Kell,
Scorpions, Quad Cannons, Technicals, Toxin Tractors, Mauradeurs, Skud Launcher,
Angry Mob, Rocket Buggies, Stinger Site, Bunkers, paladin, hijacker, terrorist,
demo trap
Supply Truck - cost 600 (built only at supply center)
Upgrades - none

Uses: Supply truck is the supply gatherer of China. You get a supply truck
whenever you build a supply center. It is recomended that you have 3 supply
trucks per supply center. Each time the supply truck returns to the supply
center you gain $300. Supply trucks have little armor. Its only defense is
running over infantry.

Dozer is weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonal Burton, Humvees, Crusaders,
Tomahawk Missiles, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Auroura bombers,
Patroit Missiles, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Gattling Tank,
Flame Tank, Overlord, Inferno tanks, Nuke Cannons, Migs, RPG troopers, Jarmon
Kell, Scorpions, Quad Cannons, Technicals, Toxin Tractors, Mauradeurs, Skud
Launcher, Angry Mob, Rocket Buggies, Stinger Site, Bunkers, paladin, hijacker,
terrorist, demo trap

[K] *** Mig - Built Air Field ***

Mig- Cost 1200
Upgrades- Black Napalm 2000 (war factory) Mig armor 1000 (air field)

Uses: The Mig is the only air unit for China. It is however, very usefull.
One of the greatest feature of the Mig is if you have at least 4 migs fire at the
same place you can create a firestrom that does large ammounts of damage to many
units in an area. Do not overlook the migs area of effect either. Migs work
best on artillary, helocopters, infantry, and groups of tanks. Migs are cheap
and deadly in groups.

[L] *** Buildings ***


Mines- 600
All China buildings can be upgraded with mines. Mines explode when hit by
weapons, or are run over by enemy units. They are stealth until detected and
can be removed with a builder unit. These will damage your troops if they go
off near them. Mines replace themselves after a set amount of time. Mines
work well against Colonel Burton and infantry rushes.

Command center - 2000
Upgrades - Radar 500
Builds - Construction Dozers

Uses: Hotkey: C. Games start you with a command center. Chinas Command center
has to create a radar to use it. Command centers are needed to use depolyable
general abilities. If you lose your command center and all of your constuction
dozers you cannot build anymore buildings.
Nuclear Reactor - 1000
Abilities - Overcharge Hotkey: O

Uses: Hotkey: R. Provides 10 power. Power is needed for radar, defenses, and
Nuke Silo, so keep them protected. Overcharge will make the amount of power
the nuclear reactor produces 15 but it will damage and even kill the reactor if
it isnt turned off (click on overcharge again or press O again)
Barracks - 500
Builds - Red Guard, Tank Hunter, Hacker, Black Locus, Capture Building

Uses: Hotkey: B. Builds infantry. heals infantry
Gattling Cannon - 1200, 3 energy, nuklear reactor required
Upgrades- Gattling upgrade 1500 (war factory)

Uses: Hotkey: G. Fires a chain gun that is effective against air, and infantry.
Can detect invisible units. The Gattling upgrade increases rate of fire and
damage of the gattling cannon.
Supply Center - 1500, 0 energy, fusion reactor required
Builds - Supply Trucks

Uses: Hotkey: U. Comes with 1 Supply Truck. Serves as a drop off place for
Supply Trucks. Selling this building yeilds only $450.
War Factory - 2000, 1 energy, supply center required
builds - Battlemaster, troop crawler, gattling tank, nuke cannon, inferno
cannon, dragon tank, overlord, black napalm, and gattling upgrade

Uses: Hotkey: A. Builds vehicles. heals vehicles & constuction dozer/supply
Airfield - 1000, 1 energy, supply center required
builds - Mig, Mig armor

Uses: Hotkey: F. Builds aircraft. heals aircraft. Airplanes reload ammo here.
Allied aircraft may use your airfield.
Propaganda Center - 1500, 2 energy, War factory required
upgrades - Nationalism, Subliminal messageing

Uses: hotkey: P. Needed to build many of Chinas buildings/units.
Bunker - 400, 0 energy!!, Barracks required

Uses: Hotkey: K. You may place up to 5 infantry into the bunker. The units
inside will deal increased damage and have more range. The infantry inside will
survive if the bunker dies and the bunker cannot be evacuated with flashbangs,
toxin tractors, or flame tanks.
Speaker Tower - 500, 1 energy, propaganda center required

Uses: Heals nearby units and increases thier rate of fire. This can be made
even better with subliminal messageing upgrade.
Nuclear Silo - 5000, 10 energy!!, strategy center required
upgrades- Uranium Shells 2000 Nuclear Tank 2000

Uses: every 6:00 you may fire the Nuclear Silo. Command centers and super
weapons take reduced damage from the Nuke. Works great on enemy power plants,
tech buildings, production buildings, and armies. Has great priliminary damage
and lasting radiation that damages all that stay in it. However it cant destroy
the GLA buildings because they will leave a hole that rebuilds the structure >:(
The best use for the Nuke, is to attack oncoming armies or ones that are in
the enemies base just sitting around.
The more important use for the Nuke Silo is the ability to research Uranium
Shells and Nuclear Tank.

[M] *** Strategies ***


Basic Build Order:
1. Select construction dozer and tell it to build a nuclear reactor.
2. Tell command center to build another construction dozer and radar.
3. Select a general ability or save it, your choice
5. Tell your 2nd Dozer to make a Barracks.
6. When your powerplant is done build a supply center
7. When your Barracks is done build a Red Guard and research capture building
to take oil derriks then tell your dozer to make a Gattling Cannon in a
defensive position.
8. When your Supply depo is done make 2 supply trucks and have your dozer make
a war factory for propaganda/anti light vehicle rush

Quickest attack: Infantry rush!
If your useing infantry rush you should get Red Guard training. As soon as
capture building is researched build some infantry and halt the build order.
Red Guard training is essential for this rush. Try to build the barracks close
to the enemy preferably near a choke point. After you have 6-8 red guard
and 4 tank hunters, send them into the enemy with a constuction dozer. Build a
bunker right next to the enemies buildings or construction units and garrison
them in and fire
away. Aim for supply collecters and producer buildings/constuction dozers if
you can. Build more bunkers in front of the barracks and war factory and sell
the unused ones as you advance into the depths of the base. If your up against
China make sure you get rid of mines with your constuction dozer before you move
it in for the bunker just in case. And dont forget about capture and TNT!

Second quickest attack: Flame tank rush!
Complete the basic build order with a war factory. As soon as possible build 2
Gattling tanks and a flame tank. If you susspect the enemy has anticipated this
add some tank hunters. Get the war factory first with the flame tank firewall.
Then take out the workers. Remember to get more flame tanks to make it quicker
to take down buildings and possibly upgrade your tanks with gattling/black
napalm if you have a lot of cash.

Play it defensive:
China has the best defense avialable. Pair Gattling cannons with bunkers filled
with tank hunters or a nuke cannon or two and you have a defense that is hard to
counter. Add a speaker tower and your nuke cannons will fire faster and self
heal. Also if you have migs onhand (guarding ground and hotkeyed) you can take
out enemy artilary. Make sure to have the nuke cannons guard ground (hotkey G)


B-Bunker with Tank hunters G- Gattling cannon N-Nuke cannon M-Mig S-Speaker tower

Tech to Overlords
Complete the build order, and a get a Propaganda center. Once you get a
propaganda center up, start pumping out the Overlords and
research Subliminal Messageing. Build 3 Overlords and give 2 gattling and one
speaker tower. (you can get gattling cannons later when you have the cash) and
send them into the enemy base. Destroy anything in your path and bring a
flame tank for urban maps/base defense.

Overlord Ownage
Build up your economy and expand for this powerfull force. This force consists
of 3 overlords, 2 gattling tanks, a troop crawler, a nuke cannon, and black
lotus. With that you got the Chinas unbeatable force. remember to put them in
formation (control-f). All your gattling will take out infantry and air.
Overlords and nuke cannons take out tanks. Nuke cannons take out artillary and
defense. The troop crawler can pop out infantry to replace the driver Jarmon
Kell shot. Use black lotus' abilities whenever possible (as long as she doesnt
get killed) and use her line of sight to find out what's ahead and what to nuke.
Give the overlords upgrades. 2 gattling and 1 speaker tower is good. Research
subliminal messageing and Gattling upgrade. Some migs would also be useful for
anti artillary.

B-Black Lotus G-Gattling Tank C-Overlord (gattling cannon) S-Overlord (speaker
tower N-Nuke Cannon T-Troop Crawler M- Mig


[N] *** General Points ***


Level 1: Red Guard Training
Red Guard are produced as veterans
Rating: *

Level 1: Nuke Cannon
Allows you to build Nuke Cannons
Rating: ****

Level 1: Artilary Training
Nuke Cannons and Inferno cannons are produced as veterans
Rating: ***

Level 3: Cash Hack
Steals 1000, 2000, and 4000 supplies according to how many points you spend on it.
You must select and see an enemy supply center to use this ability. If the enemy
has less than the ammount you are stealing, you get however much he has.
Cooldown: 4:00
Rating: **

Level 3: Cluster mine drop
A destructable high armor airplane drops a bomb that lays mines over the selected
area that are stealth.
Rating: ***

Level 3: Barrage
Sends 12, 24, or 36, Artillary shots according to how many points you spend on it.
Has a large area of effect. Has the power of an aurora for each level on
everything in the area.
Cooldown: 5:00
Rating: *****

Level 3: Emergency Repair
Repairs vehicles and aircraft in the area of effect. It does priliminary heal
for about 100 hp and then a constant heal for:
Level 1: 30 Seconds
Level 2: 45 Seconds
Level 3: 60 Seconds
Cooldown is insanely long. Can repair friendly units also.
Cooldown: 4:00

Level 5: Emp
Disables all buildings and vehicles in large area of effect. Useful for
disableing enemy defenses or tanks while you are attacking, and leaves the
area wide open for Black Lotus and hackers to steal money and capture/disable
the buildings longer.
Cooldown: 6:00
Rating: *****

[O] ***** GLA *****


[P] *** Infantry - Built at Barracks ***

Rebel - Cost 150
Upgrades - AP bullets 2000 (Black Market) Capture Building 1000 (Barracks)
Camoflage (Palace)

Uses: Use Rebels against infantry. They work especially well against rocket
troops. Rebels can be transported with technicals and enter tunnel networks
and exit from any other one. Rebels can occupy buildings and fire out
of them. Rebels can also be obtained if you use the level 3 general ability:
Rebel ambush. Rebels can be healed if they are level 2+ or if they are near an
allied ambulance or allied propaganda tower, inside a tunnel network and at the
barracks. Rebels can enter Palaces and fire out of them. Palaces cannot be
evacuated with flame tanks, flashbangs, toxin tractors, or combat drop.

Rebels can learn the capture ability. As soon as possible capture any oil
derricks or refineries they have a huge impact on your economy and the sooner
you get them the better. See Map Section for more on oil. And Rebels can
capture enemy buildings. Capturing takes about 20 seconds and the Rebels cannnot
fire or move while capturing. After capturing an enemy building you can sell it
or build units from it.

AP bullets allows Rebels to deal more damage.

Camoflage makes all your Rebels become cloaked. They can be used as scouts when
placed in open areas. They can infilrate and capture enemy buildings if the
enemy is off gaurd. This works well in conjunction with rebel ambush.

Rebels are weak against- Getting run over, Rangers, Pathfinders, Humvees,
Commanches, Colonel Burton, Gattling cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank,
Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks,
Jarmon Kell, Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder),
Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher Red Guard, Rebels, and
Angry Mobs
RPG Trooper - Cost 300
Upgrades - AP Rockets 2000 (Black Market)

Uses: RPG trooper is useful against tanks and air units. Because the RPG
trooper does not have abilities like the missle defender and tank hunter you
will need more of them to complete the task of their counterparts. The RPG
trooper works best when garrisoned. Put RPG troppers in neutral buildings and
the palace and they will work wonders. The Palace cannot be cleared by
flame tanks, flashbangs, toxin tractors, or combat drop. The RPG trooper is not
as good as a Quad cannon when it comes to anti air. 2 RPG troopers come with a
tunnel network. RPG troopers can be transported with technicals and enter
tunnel networks and exit from any other one. RPG troopers can be healed if they
are level 2+ or if they are near an allied ambulance or allied propaganda tower,
inside a tunnel network and at the barracks

AP Rockets allows RPG Troopers to deal more damage

Missile Defenders are weak against- Getting run over, Rangers, Pathfinders,
Paladin, Tomahawks, Colonel Burton, Gattling Cannon, Red Guard, Dragon Tank,
Chaingun Tank, Inferno Cannon, Nuke Cannon, Overlord with gattling cannon, Migs,
Tunnel networks, Rebels, Jarmon Kell, terrorist, Technical, Toxin Tractor,
Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud
launcher (note that it is not weak against vehicles if it can destroy them
before they attack)
Terrorist - Cost 200
Upgrades - Car Bomb (select terrorist and click on a neutral car)

Uses: Terrorists are suicide bombers. They deal huge ammounts of damage and are
very cheap. They are probably the most cost efficient unit in the game.
Terrorists are especially good against tanks, buildings, and rocket infantry.
When you tell a Terrorist to attack it will fling it's arms into the air and run
2x as fast! You can even make them do this by control attacking... but you got
to make sure they stop before reaching the destination... which isnt easy.
2-3 Terrorists can rip apart rocket base defenses like bunkers, patriots, and
stinger sites because the rockets cannot hit them. Terrorist deal damage in a
radius when they explode. This deals damage to all nearby units including
yours but it does not damage friendly terrorists for some reason. Terrorists
can garrison in Palace and neutral buildings but cannot fire out of them. They
can enter tunnel networks and exit any other one. Terrorists can be
transported by the technical. This makes them move faster. One stratagy is to
put 4-5 terrorists into a technical and destroy a key building like war factory
or supply depo. Or you can put terrorists into technicals and run them into
tanks. When the technical dies the terrorists pop out and you can tell them to
kill the enemy units. Be warned that tanks can outrun and fire at terrorists
when they are attacking them and paladin lasers can take a chunk out of
terrorists life bar. Keep terrorists away from machine gun/rifle infantry and
commanches. This is the most fun unit to use in the game.

Terrorists can enter cars and become car bombs. The car bomb is a very fast
terrorist that deals more damage. If you leave the car bomb idle in a town
you can use it to do a surprize attack when the enemy comes by.

Terrorists are weak against- Rangers, Pathfinders, Paladins, Colonel Burton,
Gattling Cannon, Red Guard, Dragon Tank, Chaingun Tank, Overlord with gattling
cannon, Migs, Tunnel networks, Rebels, Jarmon Kell, Technical, Toxin Tractor,
Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon
Jarmen Kell - Cost 1500 (can only have 1; requires palace)
Upgrades - AP Bullets 2000 (Black Market) Snipe Driver (starts with it)

Uses: Jarmen kell is a super sniper. He can pick off any infantry includeing
the infantry in stinger sites in one shot. Jarmon also has the unique ability
to snipe out the driver of a vehicle. Once a vehicle has been sniped out
anyone can take it over with an infantry unit. This works well with Rebel w/
Camoflage. Jarmen Kell cannot be run over and is stealth when he isnt firing.
Jarmon can damage vehicles, but he does only 2 damage per shot (and vehicles
have about 200-500 life). This causes problems when Jarmen is told to attack
move because he attacks vehicles instead of infantry so you must micro manage
him to attack each infantry unit. Also if there are vehicles nearby when
Jarmen snipes out a vehicle he will continue to attack it, so you must tell
him to move after snipeing out a driver. Jarmen can be transported with
technicals and enter tunnel networks and exit from any other one. Jarmen can
be healed if he is level 2+ or if they are near an allied ambulance or allied
propaganda tower, inside a tunnel network and at the barracks. Jarmen can be
put inside of neutral buildings and the palace and fire out of it. Heros have
a special region visual to spot them easily on the minimap.

Jamen is weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, radar vans, Pathfinders,
Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, can find you and after your found your weak against
Humvees, Tomahawks, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aoura Bombers,
Gattling cannon, Dragon Tank, Chaingun tank, Inferno Cannon, Pathfinder,
Nuke Cannon, Overlord with chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Jarmon Kell,
Technical, Toxin Tractor, Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion
Missile, Quad Cannon, and Scud launcher and Angry Mobs
Angry Mob - Cost 800 (requires palace)
Upgrades - AP bullets 2000 (black market) Arm the Mob 1000 (palace)

Uses: The Angry mob is the most destructive anti ground unit. The angry mob has
10 cilivians up in arms that tear through anything on the ground. The mob
spawns a new member every 3 seconds with a maximum of 10 members. The mob is at
first armed with pistols and the lady in brown throws molotov cocktails. These
do good damage and with 10 people... you do the math. The angry mob moves
slowly and often there are some stragglers. And to make it worse they cannot be
transported by anything. An important upgrade for the Angry mob is arm the mob
it gives the mob "AK-47s for everyone!" Now the mob's pistol wielders have AKs
but the molotov trowers still have their job. The mobs deal 2 times the damage
and fire twice as fast. That's 4 times the damage! I've seen an angry mob
take out an Overlord before it could turn it's turret. They also kill buildings
very quikly. And take out infantry. They are most vulnerable to area feilds
(flame tanks, toxin tractors, nuke cannons, mig fire, bombardment strategy
center and flashbangs), air units, and snipers. AP bullets increase damage.

Angry mob is weak against - Ranger (flashbang),pathfinder,commanche,stratagy
center (bombard),Aurora bomber,flame tank (firewall),gattling cannon,gattling
tank,gattling overlord,mig,jarmen kell,toxin tractor (contaminate), toxin shells
(scorp and maurader)
Hijacker - Cost 400 (level 3 general point)
Upgrades - Hijack (starts with it)

Uses: The Hijacker can Hijack vehicles. It's stealth when it's not moveing.
Like the terrorist the Hijacker must be close to the vehicle to take it over.
So its best to put them in choke points and let the enemy come to you. The
Hijacker is fast though... since it requires level 3 it's rare to be able to
use the Hijack ability effectively because by then they should have good anti
personel, like overlords with gattling or pathfinders. The Hijacker can be put
in technicals and be used like a terrorist run or be put near the front of a
war factory and you can take over everything that comes out. The Hijacker can
enter tunnel networks and exit from any other one. He can be healed if he is
near an allied ambulance or allied propaganda tower, inside a tunnel network
and at the barracks. Hijackers can be put inside of neutral buildings and the
palace and take up space. They can be used as scouts... but rebels with
camoflage are better. The best way to use Hijackers is to keep them hidden until
the enemy is about to run them over and then tell them to take over the vehicle.

Jamen is weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, radar vans, Pathfinders,
Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, getting run over, getting shot at.
Worker - Cost 200
Upgrades - None

Uses: This is the constuction unit for the GLA. It also can collect supplies.
5-6 work the best. The Worker can be put in technicals for distant building
campaigns. The Worker can enter tunnel networks and exit from any other one.
He can be healed if he is near an allied ambulance or allied propaganda tower,
inside a tunnel network and at the barracks. Workers can be put inside of
neutral buildings and the palace and take up space.

Workers are weak against - Getting run over, and anything that fires

[Q] *** Vehicles - Built Arms Dealer ***

Technical - Cost 500
Upgrades - Technical Training (level 1 generals ability) AP bullets - 2000
(Black market) Junk repair - 2000 (Black Market)
Junk upgrade 1 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)
Junk upgrade 2 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)

Uses: The technical is a very fast transport unit. It can hold 5 infantry units
and when the technical dies the units pop out with -10% of their health.
Besides being a transport the technical can be used as anti infantry. It can
run over soldiers and its machine gun also works well against them. With
technical training, technicals are created at level 1. This is good if you want
them to level quickly and start off better. AP bullets increases technical
damage. When you run over the parts left by a dead enemy vehicle you can
upgrade the technical's main weapon. With the first upgrade the technical gets
a shell fireing tank like weapon, except instead of useing it against tanks and
light vehicles you should use it against infantry. It can kill most infantry in
two shots and has a large area of effect. When you get the second uprgrade the
technical gets a rocket. This cancels the area of effect that the shell fireing
weapon had but does more damage to light vehicles and tanks. If you have a
level 3 rocket wielding technical it can make a good anti vehicle and can easily
do hit and runs with it's speed and firepower. Junk repair heals technicals
slowly over time. And I love how the little guy in the back of the technical
flys after getting shot down. Technicals can be repaired at allied speaker
towers, arms dealer, and at the tunnel network.

Technicals are weak against - missle defenders in groups, humvees, crusaders,
paladins, tomahawks, commaches, raptors, stealth bombers, patriots, tank hunters
im groups, gattling tank, battlemaster, overlord, dragon tank, mig, groups of
rpg troopers, bunkers, jarmon kell, angry mobs, scorpions, mauraders, quad
Scorpion - Cost 600
Upgrades - Scorpion Missle 1000 (arms dealer) AP Missle 2000 (black market)
junk repair 2000 black market toxin shells 1200 (palace) anthrax beta 2000

Uses: The Scorpion is a light tank. It can take out most light vehicles. That
can be helpful if you are being rushed. Thanks to patch 1.5 these build more
quickly and you can swarm them. A very important upgrade for the scorpion is
the rocket. This rocket is a lot more powerful than infantry rockets. It can
kill still infantry and deal heavy damage to tanks... but it takes a long while
to reload. Thats why you need to do hit and run missions. Have a swarm of
scorpions fire their rockets and run back to the tunnel network for healing.
If your playing against USA and they have paladins dont use the scorpion. It
will be crushed because the rocket will be shot down. AP Missle make thes the
scorpion rockets deal more damage. Junk repair repairs scorpions slowly over
time. With toxin shells, scorpions can leave a field of toxin (anthrax if you
research anthrax beta) that will damage ifantry over time. This can be harmful
if you are also useing infantry like angry mobs. Scorpions are best for anti
vehicles, but require a lot to take out an overlord. Scorpions can be repaired
at allied speaker towers, arms dealer, and at the tunnel network and can use
the tunnel network for traveling.

Scorpions are weak against - Missle defenders, paladins, tomahawks, patroits,
commanches, raptors, stealth bombers, aurora bombers, tank hunters, overlords,
nuke cannons, migs, rpg troopers, jarmen kell, terrorists, hijackers,
mauraders, scud launchers, buggys
Quad cannon - Cost 700
Upgrades - Ap bullets 2000 (black market) Junk repair 2000 (black market)
Junk upgrade 1 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)
Junk upgrade 2 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)

Uses: This is the best anti air unit for the GLA. It also works well against
light vehicles and against infantry. Watch out for tanks though. Even though
it is the best anti air it doesnt have much health so your likely going to have
to replace it and have multiple Quad cannons. AP bullets increases the damage
significantly. Quad cannnons can be repaired at allied speaker towers, arms
dealer, and at the tunnel network and can use the tunnel network for traveling.
They are also repaired with Junk repair. It can upgrade it's firepower by
runnning over parts dropped by enemy vehicles.

Quad Cannons are weak against - Colonel Burton, Crusaders, tomahawk missiles,
patriot missiles, paladin tank, Black Lotus, Battlemaster, Overlord, Inferno
tank, nuke cannon, Jarmon Kell, Scorpions, Marauders, Skud Launcher, angry mob,
rocket buggy, stinger site, bunker, hijacker, demo traps, bomb trucks
Radar Van - Cost 500
Upgrades - Radar scan 500 (black market) Junk repair 2000 (black market)

Uses: The radar van provides much needed radar to the GLA. If the radar van dies
or goes into a tunnel network you lose your radar. You should build multiple
radar vans for backup. Also the radar van has a huge line of sight and makes a
great detector unit. With radar scan you can scan any area in the map and it
will reveal all units and buildings includeing invisible units. This upgrade
is a must have and with 2-3 radar vans you can group them and have a lot of
scans. Each radar van has a recharge for the scan which is 30 seconds. Radar
vans can be repaired at allied speaker towers, arms dealer, and at the tunnel
network and can use the tunnel network for traveling. They are also repaired
with Junk repair.

The radar van is weak against: Missile defenders, Crusaders, Humvees, Paladin
tanks, Tomahawk missiles, raptors, commanches, stealth fighter, auroura
bombers, tank hunters, Battlemaster, Dragon Tank, Gattleing tank, Overlord,
Migs, inferno cannon, nuke cannon, RPG trooper, terrorist, hijacker, scorpion,
maurader, technical, quad cannon, bomb truck, Patriot missile Bunker, Stinger
Toxin Tractor - Cost 600
Upgrades - anthrax beta 2000 (palace) junk repair 2000 (black market)

Uses: The anti personal for the GLA packs a punch. The toxin tractor does huge
damage to infantry and even damages it after firing. And the melting of your
enemies will give you pleasure, you sick freaks. The gun can clear buildings of
infantry which is a must for urban fighting. The problem with this weapon is
it's sort range missle infantry will deal a bit of damage before you get near.
However contaminate has a much larger range, and a big area of effect too.
Use contaminate to get rid of the largest amount of infantry and those pesky
missle infantry. Also invisible units cant stand it. It lasts a long while
too. But it does kill friendly infantry. The toxin tractor cannot damage
vehicles, well, not significantly. It is strictly anti personal. So don't
bring it into tank battles. Antrax beta increases damage. Toxin Tractors can be
repaired at allied speaker towers, arms dealer, and at the tunnel network and
can use the tunnel network for traveling. They are also repaired with Junk

Technicals are weak against - humvees, crusaders, paladins, tomahawks, commaches,
raptors, stealth bombers, patriots, gattling tank, battlemaster, overlord, dragon
tank, mig, bunkers, jarmon kell, angry mobs, scorpions, mauraders, quad cannons
Maurader - Cost 800 Level 1 generals point
Upgrades - junk repair 2000 (black market) toxin shells 1200 (palace)
anthrax beta 2000 (palace)
Junk upgrade 1 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)
Junk upgrade 2 (run over parts left by enemy vehicle)

Uses: This is a better tank for the GLA. It has more armor and deals more
damage than a scorpion and can double the damage each time it gets junk upgrades.
Much better than the battle master, and better than the crusader. It's a very
cost effective tank. It can get toxin and anthrax shells makeing it more anti
personal. A problem with the Maurader is that it has no turrets. You can't
attack while moveing, but it turns quickly and can hold it's own. Be sure to
upgrade the maurader with parts from your enemies. It will have as much
firepower of an overlord if both are fully upgraded level 0. Use mauraders
against tanks and light vehicles.

Scorpions are weak against - Missle defenders, paladins, tomahawks, patroits,
commanches, raptors, stealth bombers, aurora bombers, tank hunters, overlords,
nuke cannons, migs, rpg troopers, jarmen kell, terrorists, hijackers,
mauraders, scud launchers, buggys
Rocket Buggy - Cost 900 requires palace
Upgrades - Buggy ammo 1200 (black market) AP rockets 2000 (black market) junk
repair 2000 (black market)

Uses: This is a highly all purpose anti ground unit. It is as fast as a
technical has the range of a skud launcher. It can fire up to 12 missles at the
enemy that tear up tanks and lay the hurtin on infantry that are standing still.
The only drawback of the rocket buggy is it's health. It can die from two tank
shots. If you have good control over it though, the tanks will never meet it.
These guys work best in groups of about 4-5. Use rocket buggys as you would
normal artillary, but you can also do hit and runs because of thier speed. If
you are against china dont keep them togeather because they will die to migs and
nuke cannons. Be sure to get Buggy ammo. It doubles the missles, that means
double the damage. And it reloads faster and it fires faster. AP rockets
increase damage of the rockets. They have trouble hitting moveing infantry.
Rocket Buggies can be repaired at allied speaker towers, arms dealer, and at the
tunnel network and can use the tunnel network for traveling. They are also
repaired with Junk repair.

Weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonel Burton, tomahawk missiles, raptors,
commanches, stealth fighter, Auroura bombers, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Troop
Crawler, inferno cannons, nuke cannons, Migs, RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell, rocket
buggies, skud launcher, Terrorist, bomb trucks
Skud Launcher - 1500 requires palace requires level 1 generals point
Upgrades - Antrax beta 1200 (palace) junk repair 2000 (Black market)
AP rockets 2000 (black market)

Uses: Skud launchers are a lot like rocket buggys. They do a lot of damage.
They are artillary. But there is one big difference. They are slower than a
28.8k modem. They build slow, they fire slow, they move slow, and they are
expenseive and have lots of requirements. So its more like a nuke cannon.
It can fire 2 kinds of missles. Explosive missles deal good damage and have a
good area of effect and area of effect damage. The antrax warhead does less
damage and area of effect damage but leaves a cloud of antrax to poison the
enemy over time. It's best to drop the antrax and then switch to the explosive
warhead, to maximise your damage. A good place to put skuds is inside tunnel
networks. They can pop out, fire and retreat before air strikes come in. They
also work well behind base defenses. The skuds can be shot down by base defenses
and by paladin lasers so it's better to go maurader against USA for your general
point. Antrax beta makes the antrax warhead better. AP rockets increase damage
of both missles. Skud launchers can be repaired at allied speaker towers, arms
dealer, and at the tunnel network and can use the tunnel network for traveling.
They are also repaired with Junk repair. The Skud launcher is a lot the nuke
cannon, but with less damage for mobility and cost. The Skud is very good
against groups of tanks or infantry, and has a powerful shot.

Weak against: Missile Defenders, Colonel Burton, tomahawk missiles, raptors,
commanches, stealth fighter, Auroura bombers, Tank Hunters, Black Lotus, Troop
Crawler, inferno cannons, nuke cannons, Migs, RPG trooper, Jarmon Kell, rocket
buggies, skud launcher, Terrorist, bomb trucks
Bomb Truck - 1200 requires palace
Upgrades - Antrax beta 1200 (palace) junk repair 2000 (Black market)
High explosive bomb 500 (bomb truck) Bio bomb 500 (bomb truck)
Disguise (starts with it) Detonate now! (starts with it)

Uses: This is the upgrade from terrorists. It has very high damage and works
great against buildings and large groups of tanks. The high explosive bomb
doubles the damage and increases area of effect. The bio bomb leaves a cloud
of toxin or anthrax if you have antrax beta, that is deadly to infantry. You
can have both High explosive and bio bombs at the same time. It does cost more
though. Disguise is a great ability for the bomb truck. You can have it look
like any vehicle. You can disguise it as your own tank and send it in while the
enemy is distracted by other tanks. You can disguise it as an enemy vehicle and
it will apear to be on the same side as the enemy for them but you can tell
which side it's on. Enemy might get suspicious though and can control attack it
or use a detector to ruin your disguise. You can also disguise it as a neutral
car or sniped out vehicle (will look like vehicle before sniped). A problem
with the disguise is that the disguise will not have upgrades that change the
units appearence like overlord gattling or scorpion rocket. It is better to use
detonate now! instead of telling the truck to attack because you will blow your
cover regularly right before you run into the enemy and detonate now you can
place the truck for the greatest destruction. Also you cover could be blown if
he runs over infantry while disguised and detector units can remove the
disguise. Bomb trucks can be repaired at allied speaker towers, arms dealer,
and at the tunnel network and can use the tunnel network for traveling. They are
also repaired with Junk repair.

The bomb truck is weak against - Radar scans, spy drones, radar vans, Pathfinders,
Troopcrawlers, Black Locus, can find you and after your found your weak against
Humvees, crusaders, paladins, Raptors, Commanches, Stealth Bombers, Aoura Bombers,
Gattling cannon, Dragon Tank, battlemaster tank, missle defender, tank hunter, rpg
trooper, Overlord with chaingun, Migs, Tunnel networks, Technical, Toxin Tractor,
Toxin shells (scorpion and marauder), Scorpion Missile, Quad Cannon,and Angry Mobs

[R] *** Buildings ***

GLA buildings do not require power
GLA buildings produce a hole after destruction that will rebuild the structure.

Command center - 2000
Builds - Workers

Uses: Hotkey: C. Games start you with a command center and a worker.
Command centers are needed to use depolyable general abilities. If you lose
your command center supply stashes and all of your workers you cannot build
anymore buildings.
Barracks - 500
Builds - Rebel, RPG trooper, terrorist, angry mob, hijacker, jarmen kell
Capture Building

Uses: Hotkey: B. Builds infantry. heals infantry
Tunnel network - 800, barraks required
Upgrades- AP bullets 2000 (black market)

Uses: Hotkey: N. Fires a machine gun that is effective against infantry.
Can detect invisible units. Can transport units by placeing them into a tunnel
network and evacuateing another one. Units heal inside tunnel network. AP
bullets increase damage
Supply Center - 1500
Builds - Workers

Uses: Hotkey: U. Comes with 1 Worker. Serves as a drop off place for
Workers. Selling this building yeilds only $450.
Arms dealer - 2000 supply center required
builds - Technical, scorpion, quad cannon, scud launcher, rocket buggy, toxin
tractor, maurader, bomb truck, and scorpion missle upgrade

Uses: Hotkey: A. Builds vehicles. heals vehicles
Palace - 2500 War factory required
upgrades - toxin shells, anthrax beta, arm the mob, camoflage

Uses: hotkey: P. Needed to build many of GLAs buildings/units. You may place up
to 5 infantry into the palace. The units inside will deal increased damage and
have more range. The infantry inside will survive if the bunker dies and the
bunker cannot be evacuated with flashbangs, toxin tractors, or flame tanks.
Works like a bunker but more effective and is great agianst tanks if you got
rpg troopers inside.
Stinger Site - 900, Barracks required
Upgrades - Ap rockets - 2000 (black market)

Uses: Hotkey: I. 3 respawning stinger soldiers reside inside the stinger site.
they are good against tanks and air. The soldiers can be killed by snipers,
flashbangs, toxin, and flame.
Demo trap - 400 War factory required
Abilities: Detonate now!, proximity detonation, manual detonation

Uses: These barrels of high explosives can kill ground units very well. They
are invisble until detected by detector units. They are dirt cheap and take up
little space. The detonate now works in conjunction to manual detonation and
works in the same way as the bomb truck.
Black Market - 2500 palace required
Upgrades - AP bullets, AP rockets, buggy ammo, radar scan, junk repair

Uses: Produces 20 supplies every 2 seconds. Has many key upgrades for the GLA.
Skud Storm - 5000!!, Palace required
Upgrades - Antrax beta 2000 (black market)

Uses: every 5:00 you may fire the Skud storm. Works great on enemy power plants,
tech buildings, production buildings, and armies. The skud storm fires 9 skud
missles at the designated area. Each skud does huge damage to the thing it hits
and has area of effect damage too. Then the skud storm leaves a large cloud of
toxin or if you have anthrax beta, antrax. This kills all infantry and damages
vehicles and aircraft inside of it. Note that if you research antrax beta you
are tradeing off missle damage and radius for anthrax damage.

[S] *** Strategies ***


Basic Build Order:
1. Select Worker build a supply stash a little away from the stash (enough room
to fit a tunnel network inside).
2. Tell command center to build another 5 Workers.
3. Select a general ability or save it, your choice
5. Tell your 2nd Worker to make a Barracks.
6. Tell 3rd worker to wait near supply stash and wait for it to be done to
collect supplies or send it out to build defenses/supply stashes
7. When your Barracks is done build a Rebel and research capture building to
take oil derriks. Tell the worker to build a tunnel network close to your
supply stash but not right next to it. You might also want to put one on the
other side of your supply depo.
8. Your Supply Stash should be done at the same time as the barracks make 6
Workers and have your builder collect supplies
9. Tell your 4th Worker to build an arms dealer
10.Tell your 5th worker to collect supplies

Quickest attack: Technical Drop!
When capture building is done or if you decide not to research it build 5
terrorists 5 rpg troopers against USA and build a technical to put them in.
Drive past the enemies defenses and into their supply center. Use the technical
to run over workers if you are against GLA. Then drop the infantry. Have the
terrorists blow up the supply center and supply trucks along with it. Have the
RPG troopers take out chinooks and then the supply center. Have your technical
run over all infantry the enemy has. Continue doing terrorist/technical drops
to hurrass the enemy while you build up scorpions. Technical training helps a
little for this.

Second quickest attack: Quad rush!
Complete the basic build order with an arms dealer. As soon as possible build 2
Quad cannons and 2 scopions. Also have 6 RPG troopers. Use the Quads against
air and infantry, the RPG troopers against tanks, and the scorpions agianst
light vehicles. Then take out producer buildings and their supplies. Research
scorpion missle too.

Hit and run
Use advantage of GLA's faster units. Use scorpion missles to take out a base
defense and then run back for them to recharge or do the same with rocket
buggies. Always be sure to have a tunnel network nearby for healing and
protection and have a worker inside the tunnel network so he can repair while
the enemy is regrouping and pop back in. Even though the GLA units are very
cheap you will need every last one for the big attack.

Angry mobs + Quads
This duo is very hard to counter. The quads take out air and infantry. The
mobs take out the tanks. You need a palace for this and AP bullets really
helps. This works especially well if you can build a forward base and still
tech to palace before they can

Build up your economy and expand for this powerfull force. This force consists
of 2 Mauraders 2 scorpions, 3 Quad cannons, a radar van, 3 rocket buggies, 3
camo optional rebels and Jarmen kell. With that you got the GLAs unbeatable force.
remember to put them in formation (control-f). All your Quads will take out air.
Jarmen is the best anti infantry. Mauraders, scorpions, and rocket buggies take
out tanks. Buggies kill defenses and artillary. Use Jarmens abilities whenever
possible and put the rebels into the vehicles. Use radar van for line of sight
and detection. Soften up large armies with bomb trucks. Research buggy ammo
and AP rockets. A few RPG troopers never hurt either

J- Jarmen Q- Quad cannon M-Maurader S-Scorpion R-Radar van B-buggies


[T] *** General Points ***


Level 1: Technical Training
Technicals are produced as veterans
Rating: **

Level 1: Maurader
Allows you to build Mauraders
Rating: ****

Level 1: Scud Launcher
Allows you to build Scud launchers
Rating: ***

Level 3: Rebel ambush
makes 4, 8, and 16 rebels appear anywhere depending on how many points you spend
on it. Reseaching AP bullets camoflage and capture can increase the effectiveness
of this ability. It is best to use this ability in a way that you can keep the
rebels which may or may not be easy. Good to use near buildings they can garrison
in or under cover missions behind enemy lines.
Cooldown: 4:00
Rating: ***

Level 3: Hijackers
Allows you to build hijackers.
Rating: *

Level 3: Cash bounty
Grants 10%, 20%, or 30%, of a enemy units/buildings cost when you kill it depending
on how any points you spend on it. Hard to say no to extra cash.
Rating: *****

Level 3: Emergency Repair
Repairs vehicles and aircraft in the area of effect. It does priliminary heal
for about 100 hp and then a constant heal for:
Level 1: 30 Seconds
Level 2: 45 Seconds
Level 3: 60 Seconds
Cooldown is insanely long. Can repair friendly units also.
Cooldown: 4:00

Level 5: Anthrax Bomb
Instantly kills infantry and does big damage over time for vehicles in large
area of effect. Useful killing large armies or halting movement in an area or
stopping enemy production. Just watch the friendly fire
Cooldown: 6:00
Rating: *****

[U] ***** Map *****


[V] *** Supplies ***


These are the priliminary and auxilary sources of money. There is always one
next to your command center at the start of the game. Players should start
collecting as soon as possible. They generally come in two forms. A large
rectangle with many boxes in it or a few small crates on the ground. The
larger ones contain more supplies but often there are many small ones nearby
which could be equal or greater value in total to the one large one. Take note
of where they are before the match begins so you can plan ahead. It is
important to keep supplies gaurded as they are a prime target for your enemy.
Remember this as it applys to many stratagy games. The object is to make your
economy better or the enemies economy worse. So get as many of these as you
can, as quickly as you can. And prevent your opponent from expanding and attack
his workers or supply depo to get the upper hand. Remember that supplies are
finate and you will eventually need to find other means of income. Supplies
appear as dollar signs ($) on the minimap before the game starts.
Oil deriks-
Scattered throughout the map there are oil deriks which are a valuable
supplament to your faction's war machine. Oil deriks can be captured by basic
infantry that have learned capture or Black Lotus. On INITIAL capture, which
means it was neutral before and unowned by other players, the player gains 1000
supplies. And every 20 seconds the player who owns the derik gets another 200
supplies. Throughout the game this can really add up. These must also be
defended because the enemy can capture the derik after you to get the 200 supply
bonus. Deriks can be destroyed too. Colonal Burton, super weapons, general
abilities or aircraft can swoop in and take it out. So if you put too much
defense into it, it could become wasteful. Oil deriks can be repaired by
construction units. They appear as stars (*) on the minimap before the game
Oil refinaries-
Are much like oil deriks but more rare in official multiplayer maps. When they
are under your control from captureing they reduce the cost of vehicles by 20%.
These, like deriks can be caputred and destroyed.

[W] *** Terrain ***


Choke points-
When there is a narrow passage to the entry of your base you know the enemy is
likely to cross it. Build defensive structures here.
On some maps there are borders of water or mountains. Don't ignore these as
they are key positions for the escape of aircraft, and a way around for your
chinooks and commanches. Also Colonel burton can climb around the edges of
Lone Eagle.

[X] *** Neutral Buildings ***

Neutral Buildings-
These are buildings you can put infantry into. The units fire out of it and
gain the armor of the building. However there are units that can kill your
infantry inside: flame tanks, flashbangs from rangers, and toxin tractors and
chinook combat drop. These only need to touch once on the building to kill
everything inside. Also the buildings themselves can be destroyed. So air
units or artillary work well. Buildings have varying strength. A hut will not
live as long as a corporate building, for example. But units fire out of them
all the same. At a certain point the building is not fully destroyed but the
infantry will evacuate. No more infantry can go inside untill the building is
repaired by construction units.
You can capture these neutral buildings. When you do, your infantry outside in
the open will recover health slowly. These can also be destroyed/repaired.

[Y] *** Permission ***


Sites that have permission to post this guide:

Tell them if they don't have the latest version and tell me if you find a
site using this guide without permission, so I can lay the smack down on them.

[Z] *** Closing ***


Special Thanks to: for unit statistic information,
Bobithium for convinsing me to get this game, Nick Payne for correcting my
mistake, and all you Generals players out there that made me have to think about

I am open to feedback so email me at: just dont bug
me about spelling errors I know they are there just try to read it

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