Command & Conquer - Generals

Command & Conquer - Generals

17.10.2013 19:07:25
:: Command & Conquer: Generals FAQ ::

Object: Command and Conquers Generals v1.6
FAQ version: 1.0

by: Emperor
Copyright 2003 John I Hessler (

0 Writer's Comment 0

It is just some information. When you become disgusted after reading
this comment, sorry, I don't mean it.

As all civilized and intelligent people realize the importance of
copyright, I do not need to repeat it and when it should be used:).

I would like you to know that this is my 1st (and perhaps last) FAQ.
It will be my pleasure to know that this FAQ may at least give you
readers satisfaction, together with lots of other good FAQs.

If anyone wishes to include this FAQ in a website, my prior permission
is not required. Just notify me via e-mail, and, of course, regarding to
what we talk about copyright above, credit me for this work. I worked on
and tested it for about 3-4 months, so I think I deserve some credits.
Not too difficult, isn't it?^_^

Before someone protesting, I must tell that some may notice that my format
looks like that of the 'posthumous' Frankly speaking,
I wrote this fact in memoriam of the site. Moreover, I love its format,
so I adapted it in my FAQ. However, the data contained herein is my work,
I just took the format and learnt how to write a FAQ.

E-mail me if you have suggestions, questions, corrections, or anything
concerning with this FAQ. I realize that I might make some mistakes.
You may also correct my grammar, spelling, etc,but not my lifestyle:).
Just do not expect a quick reply as I rarely go to internet house and
read e-mail [pssst.. I do not have much money to go there even for 2
hours per month :'-( ]. It also means "please do not send junk mails
for it takes my precious time and money to clean it".

My thanks go to Electronic Arts for making such a great game and my
cousins and my brother who always helped me by supplying information,
discussing this game so I could get some information, and most
importantly, giving me access to play it for FREE in his workplace:).
Consequently, I also thank the site(s) hosting my FAQs so I can
continue by thanking you all readers.

Thank you for reading it. Now proceed with cautions, General, and
good luck...

+ Table of Contents +

A. General Information
1 Purpose
2 Scenario Purpose
3 General Power and General Rank
4 Buildings
a Base Buildings
b Neutral Buildings
c Miscellaneous Building
5 Units
6 Damage and Armor
a Armor
b Continuous Damage
7 Bonus Modifier
8 Field Objects
B. Shortcuts
1 General Shortcuts
2 China Units
3 China Buildings
4 GLA Units
5 GLA Buildings
6 USA Units
7 USA Buildings
C. Info on the Opposing Sides
1 China General Powers
2 China Units
a China Aircraft
b China Infantry
c China Vehicles
3 China Structures
4 China Upgrades
1 GLA General Powers
2 GLA Units
a GLA Aircraft
b GLA Infantry
c GLA Vehicles
3 GLA Buildings
4 GLA Upgrades
1 USA General Powers
2 USA Units
a US Aircraft
b US Drones
b US Infantry
c US Vehicles
3 USA Structures
4 USA Upgrades
1 Neutral Units
2 Tech Buildings
3 Civilian Buildings
D. Miscellaneous
1 Did You Know?
2 Places and Events

| A. General Information |

1 Purpose

Generally, the purpose of the skirmish done by players
(either against computer AI or other players) is to destroy
or seize all enemy base buildings. Note that civilian structures,
like Oil Derrick, Oil Refinery, Hospital, etc are not counted as
base buildings. However, to achieve this purpose is much more
difficult than to merely say it as their enemies are not sitting
calmly and watching other players capturing and/or destroying their
buildings. Instead of leaving it easy to the enemy, all
players will try to heavily protect their bases and launch an
attack to get supremacy when the time is ripe. So, it is obvious
that the main objective is to end the enemy’s presence by
destroying their buildings, but it should also be remembered that
the enemy will also try to end non-allied players’ existence, and
it means players must also defend their bases.

2 Scenario Purpose

There are 21 scenarios available in this game, in which USA, China,
and GLA have an average of 7 scenarios each. The objectives of those
scenarios are usually different. The most common goals are to
eliminate enemy resistance, but there are some scenarios that
require the players to capture some special buildings (GLA mission
7, for example), protect allied convoy (USA mission 4 if I am not
mistaken), etc. Just analyze the conditions required for each

3 General Power and General Rank

Every player playing this game is allowed to access some abilities
which are thought to be useful in accomplishing the mission. Those
abilities are called General Powers. There are 14 General Powers,
but players can only choose up to 7 General Powers.
1 Star General requires 0 point and gives a player 1 General Point.
2 Star General requires 800 points and gives a player 1 General Point.
3 Star General requires 1500 points and gives a player 1 General Point.
4 Star General requires 2500 points and gives a player 1 General Point.
5 Star General requires 5000 points and gives a player 3 General Points.

4 Buildings

(a) Base Buildings

Buildings in this game play important roles, even civilian buildings.
Base buildings are usually used to produce and repair units, research
and upgrade, etc. Every building has its own functions that can be read
in other sections of this document.
Base buildings can be categorized into several types:

Power Generator
This kind of building generates energy to power a base. If power is low,
some buildings cease to function. Only China and USA have this building

Supply Center
Supply Center is the building which processes supply into cash. Without
this building, supply is just a pile of boxes. All sides have one kind
of this building.

Unit Production
It is where the units come. Unit production buildings are able to repair
and heal the unit types they produce. For example, GLA Barracks may heal
injured Rebel or Ranger. China and USA have three kinds of this type:
Barracks, War Factory, and Air Field while GLA just operates Barracks
and Arms Dealer. Command Center is not included because it has different
roles though sure it can produce (but not heal or repair) builders.

Base Defense
This is the type that makes the enemy think twice to attack a base.
Base defense is a building that can deliver some damage to the incoming
hostile units. Among the three warring sides, USA has only Patriot to
protect her base. To some extent, Strategy Center running Bombardment
Battle Plan is also a good base defense. China operates her Gattling
Cannon and Bunker. GLA has Tunnel Network, Stinger Site, Demo Trap, and
Palace to defend its base.

Threshold Building
What is meant here are buildings that are required to build advanced
buildings and units. All sides have one. USA relies on her Strategy
Center, China depends on her Propaganda Center, and GLA leans on its
Palace for better technology. Well, the name seems not to imply what
I mean, but I don’t have a better name…

The most prestigious, feared, and destructive weapons of all sides
are produced in this kind of building. It takes a lot of money and
time to build such building. China shakes the world with her
devastating Nuclear Missile, USA sweeps the enemies clean with her
deadly Particle Cannon, and GLA spreads terror with its deadly Scud

(b) Neutral Buildings

Buildings that no side can build but can be repaired by any side,
is called Neutral Buildings. Neutral Buildings are various, but they
can be classified into:

Civilian Building
The most common building of belonged to civilian, this building
consists of a lot of shapes and forms, all resembling houses, offices,
and city buildings. Civilian Buildings are usually capable of
garrisoning infantry, therefore quite deadly to the units unprepared.
When a side garrisons a Civilian Building, the flag with the colour
of the claimer is raised.

Tech Building
Tech Buildings are buildings belonging to civilian but can be captured
by either side. Tech Buildings can not be garrisoned but can be
repaired. Capturing a Tech Building will usually be beneficial,
depending on the Tech Building captured. There are three kinds of
Tech Buildings. The first one is Tech Hospital, the second Tech Oil
Derrick, and the last Tech Oil Refinery. Tech Buildings, once destroyed,
can not be rebuilt in any way.

(c) Miscellaneous Building

Buildings belonging to this type are usually available in scenarios, for
example Chemical Bunker (GLA Mission 5), Bio Toxin Factory (China
Mission 4).

5 Units

Units play more important roles in this game. It’s very rare, if not
impossible, to see a victory is achieved without units (even if you
are turreting your enemy, remember that it is the Construction Dozer
or Worker that builds the building). Units are mostly used for offensive
missions, but some are not. Hacker, for example, is usually used to
generate income.
There are some kinds of units here. Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft,
and Drones.

All that are humans are infantry. It is as simple as that. Compared
to vehicles, infantry have less HP and firepower, making them less
beloved than vehicles. Here are common characteristics of infantry:
- As said before, usually in the form of human.
- Usually trained in Barracks (except Troop Crawler’s Red Guards,
Tunnel Network’s Missile Defender, Ranger Drop and Rebel Ambush
General Powers).
- Can be healed in Barracks.
- Enjoy infantry healing bonus from Tech Hospital capture.
- Mostly capable of garrisoning buildings (except Angry Mob).
- Usually resistant to missiles and tank shells.
- Generally can be crushed by vehicles (except Heroes).
- Commonly vulnerable to particle beam, sniper, fleshy sniper,
small arms, Comanche Vulcan, poison and radiation and flame
(except Bio Hazard Infantry in GLA Mission 5), and surrender

Ground vehicles are what this section refers to. Vehicles are
usually tougher than infantry, no wonder most of them are capable
of taking more punishment from enemy fire than infantry are. There
are a lot of uses of vehicles, Troop Crawler as transport, for
example, but mostly are used for delivering damage. If damaged,
vehicles can be repaired in War Factory or Arms Dealer.
Common characteristics of vehicles:
- Of mechanical forms.
- Can crush infantry.
- Usually vulnerable to missiles and tank shells (some are not,
Toxin Truck is quite resistant to missiles, for example).
- Receive build cost reduction bonus from Tech Oil Refinery capture.
- Most are resistant to anti infantry damage (see infantry above).
- Mainly assembled in War Factory or Arms Dealer (except Car Bomb).

The name implies what it is. Vehicles that fly are what aircraft is.
Aircraft can only be repaired in the Air Field.
Common characteristics of aircraft:
- They move by flight and mostly faster than ground vehicles.
- Most need to dock to Air Field to reload (except Comanche, A-10,
Cargo Plane, B-52).
- More vulnerable than vehicles.
- Receive build cost reduction bonus from Tech Oil Refinery capture
(except unbuildable aircraft).
- Usually need to refuel in the Air Field (except Comanche, Chinook,
A-10, Cargo Plane, B-52) after taking a long flight.

Drones are small mechanical units deployed for specific jobs. Only US
vehicles can build Drones. They can not be repaired in any ways.
Common characteristics of drones:
- Always hover.
- Can’t enter transport or Tunnel Network.
- Very vulnerable.

6 Damage and Armor

(a) Armor

Some units are resistant to other units and some are vulnerable. It
mostly depends on the armor of the attacked and the damage type of
the attacker. The higher the percentage listed, the more damage is
taken by the armor. Default damage refers to the damage that is not
enlisted below.

Airplane Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 120%
Damage Type: Gattling: 120%
Damage Type: Explosion: 100%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 120%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Radiation: 25%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%

Anti Air Vehicle Armor
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 30%
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 30%
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 50%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 50%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Avalanche Armor
Damage Type: Default: 0%
Damage Type: Explosion: 100%
Damage Type: Unresistable: 100%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 100%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 100%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 100%
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 100%
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 100%

Ballistic Missile Armor
Damage Type: Default: 80%
Damage Type: Falling: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Base Defense Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 25%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200%
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 250%
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 50%

Chinook Armor
Damage Type: Default: 50%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Radiation: 25%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%

Comanche Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 120%
Damage Type: Gattling: 120%
Damage Type: Explosion: 130%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 120%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Radiation: 25%

Dozer Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 25%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25%
Damage Type: Flame: 25%
Damage Type: Radiation: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%

Dragon Tank Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 25%
Damage Type: Gattling: 25%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25%
Damage Type: Flame: 0%
Damage Type: Radiation: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail: 20%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 20%

Hazardous Material Armor
Damage Type: Default: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 100%
Damage Type: Flame: 0%

HazMat Human Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 200%
Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10%
Damage Type: Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Flame: 25%
Damage Type: Laser: 25%
Damage Type: Poison: 0%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 100%

Human Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 200%
Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10%
Damage Type: Flame: 150%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 150%
Damage Type: Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Laser: 50%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 100%

Humvee Armor
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 30%
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 30%
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 50%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 50%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 50%

Invulnerable Armor
Damage Type: Default: 1%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Invulnerable All Armor
Damage Type: Default: 0%
Damage Type: Unresistable: 100%

Mine Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 0%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%

No Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%

Projectile Armor
Damage Type: Default: 25%
Damage Type: Falling: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 100%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 25%
Damage Type: Gattling: 25%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Stinger Site Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Poison: 1%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 1%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 200%
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile: 250%
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 40%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 50%

Stinger Soldier Armor
Damage Type: Default: 25%
Damage Type: Explosion: 10%
Damage Type: Flame: 100%
Damage Type: Poison: 100%
Damage Type: Armor Piercing: 10%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 10%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 10%
Damage Type: Crush: 200%
Damage Type: Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 200%
Damage Type: Gattling: 0%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 100%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 0%
Damage Type: Jet Missile: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 25%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 100%

Structure Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 1%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 200%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 250%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 50%

Structure Armor Tough
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 1%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 25%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 250%
Damage Type: Land Mine: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 50%
Damage Type: Explosion: 80%

Tank Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 25%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 25%
Damage Type: Flame: 25%
Damage Type: Radiation: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 25%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Toxin Truck Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 50%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 0%
Damage Type: Radiation: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Molotov Cocktail: 20%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 20%

Tree Armor
Damage Type: Default: 0%
Damage Type: Flame: 100%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Unresistable: 100%

Truck Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 50%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 50%
Damage Type: Gattling: 50%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 50%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 50%
Damage Type: Poison: 50%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Upgraded Tank Armor
Damage Type: Crush: 30%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 20%
Damage Type: Gattling: 10%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 20%
Damage Type: Flame: 10%
Damage Type: Poison: 10%
Damage Type: Sniper: 1%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%

Vulnerable All Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%

Wall Armor
Damage Type: Default: 100%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Small Arms: 6%
Damage Type: Gattling: 6%
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan: 6%
Damage Type: Flame: 0%
Damage Type: Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper: 0%
Damage Type: Poison: 0%
Damage Type: Melee: 0%
Damage Type: Laser: 0%
Damage Type: Hazard Cleanup: 0%
Damage Type: Infantry Missile: 25%
Damage Type: Particle Beam: 100%
Damage Type: Kill Pilot: 0%
Damage Type: Surrender: 0%
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb: 300%

(b) Continuous Damage

Continuous Damage is damage type that still takes place for a while
even if when the attack has stopped. A building on fire or a poisoned
infantry is a good example.

Flame Damage on Building
Most base buildings, if caught fire, will receive flame damage
according to statistics below:
Flame Duration: 5 seconds
Flame Damage: 5
Flame Cooldown: 500 ms

Neutral/Civilian buildings suffer the same, but the statistics and
the formulae are a little bit different.
Flame Damage Limit: 20
Flame Damage Expiration: 2 seconds (begins to catch fire when the
building receives 20 flame damage in 2 seconds)
Flame Duration: 5 seconds
Flame Damage: 25
Flame Cooldown: 500
Flame Damage on Vehicles/Aircraft

Vehicles/Aircraft may be set aflame too, but usually are not fatal
to them.
Flame Duration: 5000
Flame Damage: 3
Flame Cooldown: 500

Poison Damage
Only infantry can take continuous poison damage. The statistics below
apply after the last poison damage received.
Poison Damage: Attacker dependant
Poison Cooldown: 100
Poison Duration: 3 seconds

7 Bonus Modifier

On some conditions, units may perform differently, mostly becoming
better. It is caused by the conditions that change their statistics.
Here are the modifiers that occur in this game, with the conditions
when they happen. For cumulative modifier, a simple formulae
like 125%+125%=150% seems to take place.

Veteran Level
Condition: A unit achieves a veteran rank
HP: 120%
Rate of Fire: 120%
Damage: 110%

Elite Level
Condition: A unit achieves an elite rank
HP: 130%
Rate of Fire: 140%
Damage: 120%
Regeneration Rate: 10 HP per second
Regeneration Delay*: 5 seconds

Heroic Level
Condition: A unit achieves a heroic rank
HP: 150%
Rate of Fire: 160%
Damage: 130%
Regeneration Rate: 10 HP per second
Regeneration Delay*: 5 seconds

Condition: Unit garrison in a garrisonable building.
Range: 133%
Damage: 125%

Horde Bonus
Condition: Unit Gathering (see Red Guard, Tank Hunter, and Battlemaster
for details)
Rate of Fire: 150%

Condition: Horde Bonus dependant and Nationalism Upgrade
Rate of Fire: 125% (Cumulative with Horde Bonus, making a total of 175%)

Condition: Units stay around Speaker Tower/Overlord Propaganda Tower
Rate of Fire: 125%
Regeneration Rate: 1% (by Overlord Propaganda Tower) or 2% (by Speaker
Tower) per second

Subliminal Messaging
Condition: Enthusiasm dependant and Subliminal Messaging Upgrade
Rate of Fire: 125% (Cumulative with Enthusiasm, making a total of 150%)
Regeneration Rate: 2% (by Overlord Propaganda Tower) or 4% (by Speaker
Tower) per second

Bombardment Battle Plan
Condition: Strategy Center executes a Bombardment Battle Plan
Damage: 120%

Hold the Line Battle Plan
Condition: Strategy Center implements Hold the Line Battle Plan
Damage Received: 90% (or simply said receiving 10% armor)

Search and Destroy Plan
Condition: Strategy Center initiates Search and Destroy Plan
Sight Range: 120%
Weapon Range: 120%

Solo Player AI Normal
Condition: A human player sets Normal AI
Human Player HP Modifier: 150%
Computer Player Rate of Fire Modifier: 80%

Solo Player AI Brutal
Condition: A human player activates Brutal AI
Human Player HP Modifier: 80%
Computer Player Rate of Fire Modifier: 120%

*Regeneration Delay means how long it takes to start regenerating from
the last damage received by the unit. Units under fire can not regenerate
at all.

8 Field Objects

The definition of Field Objects is a cluster of objects that does not
belong to buildings, units, and terrains but plays a significant role
in the game. It is usually ownerless (except China Mines) and
unselectable, but can be invoked by some means.

Firewall Segment
Exisiting Time: 4000 ms
Damage: 4; 5 with Black Napalm Upgrade
Radius: 10
Range: 15
Cooldown: 250
Creator: Dragon Tank

Small Firefield
Existing Time: 2500 ms
Primary Damage: 5 (Total damage during 2.5 seconds: 50)
Primary Damage Radius: 30
Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Cooldown: 250 msec
Creator: MiG, Inferno Cannon

Existing Time: 6 seconds
Damage: 100; 150 with Black Napalm Upgrade
Cooldown: 500 ms
Radius: 1-90
Creator: MiG, Inferno Cannon

Radiation Field Small
Lasting Time: 2500 ms
Primary Damage: 5
Primary Damage Radius: 25
Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Damage Type: Radiation
Cooldown: 750 msec
Radius: 10
Creator: Nuke Cannon explosion, Nuclear Tank Upgraded Battlemaster
and Overlord explosions.

Radiation Field Medium
Lasting Time: 30 seconds
Primary Damage: 15
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Damage Type: Radiation
Cooldown: 750 msec
Radius: 25
Creator: Nuke Cannon

Nuke Radiation Field
Lasting Time: 30 seconds
Primary Damage: 25
Primary Damage Radius: 200
Attack Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Damage Type: Radiation
Cooldown: 750 msec
Radius: 100
Creator: Nuclear Missile

Land Mines
Radius: 30
Weapon: Structure Mine
Primary Damage: 100
Primary Damage Radius: 3
Secondary Damage: 100
Secondary Damage Radius: 5
Attack Range: 0
Damage Type: Land Mine
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 20
Prerequisite: All China buildings except Speaker Tower.
- Stealth
- Regeneration
Time before Regeneration commences: 15000 ms
Regeneration Cooldown: 2 mines/5000 ms
- Explode by hostile and neutral units

Cluster Mines
Duration before the Mines are dropped: 30000 ms
View Object Range: 250
Prerequisite: General Power, 3 Star General, China Command Center
Recharging Time: 4 minutes (Refer to China General Power Section)
Weapon: Cluster Mine Weapon
Primary Damage: 50
Primary Damage Radius: 3
Secondary Damage: 100
Secondary Damage Radius: 5
Range: 0
Damage Type: Land Mine
- Stealth
- Explode by hostile and neutral units.
- Do not regenerate

Poison Field Small
Pollution Time: 10 seconds
Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Damage Radius: 12; 7.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Radius: 6; 4 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Attack Range: 15
Minimum Attack Range: 10
Damage Type: Poison
Cooldown: 500 ms
Creator: Toxin Shell Upgraded Scorpion and Marauder, Toxin Tractor

Poison Field Medium
Lasting Time: 30 seconds
Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Damage Radius: 80
Radius: 40
Attack Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Damage Type: Poison
Cooldown: 500 ms
Creator: Bio Bomb Upgraded Bomb Truck, Anthrax Warhead Scud,
destroyed Scud Storm facility.

Poison Field Large
Lasting Time: 45 seconds
Damage: 15; 25 with Anthrax Beta
Damage Radius: 140
Radius: 70
Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Damage Type: Poison
Cooldown: 500 msec
Creator: Scud Storm Missile

Anthrax Bomb Poison Field
Primary Damage: 40
Primary Damage Radius: 300
Range: 15
Minimum Range: 10
Radius: 150
Damage Type: Poison
Cooldown: 500 msec
Polution Time: 60 seconds
Creator: Anthrax Bomb

| B. Shortcut Key |

1 General Shortcuts

Ctrl+Left Click Hold down Ctrl for to force fire on that
A Toggles attack-move mode on/off
Space View last radar event
G Instruct selected units to guard
H Locate command center
Left Select previous unit
Right Select next unit
Up Select next dozer/worker
Down Select previous dozer/worker
Q Select all offensive units on map
S Stop selected units
X Scatter selected units
E Select matching units on screen
EE Select matching units on map
Backspace Chat with allies
Enter Chat with everyone
Escape Options menu
Ctrl+(F1-F8) Set Camera Bookmark
F1-F8 Jump to camera bookmark
F9 Toggle control panel on/off
Ctrl+(0-9) Define the selected units as a group
0-9 Select previously defined group
Doubletap 0-9 Jump to previously defined group of units
Alt+(0-9) View (but do not select) previously defined
group of units
Shift+Left Click Adds unit to selected group
Ctrl+C Selected units cheer
Alt Hold down to set waypoint paths
Ctrl+B Set beacon (multiplayer only)
Ctrl+Q Shows/Hides FPS diagnostic
F12 Takes screenshot
Tab Switch between Communicator and Diplomacy screen
in multiplayer, and mission objectives in single

G Unit guards a specified area
A Attack-move
S Stop (defensive and uncompleted structures also respond to
this, as well as units)
R Rally Point established for buildings

2 China Units

Construction Dozer
R Nuclear Reactor G Gattling Cannon T Speaker Tower
B Barracks A War Factory M Nuclear Missile
U Supply Center F Air Field
K Bunker P Propaganda Center

Red Guard
C Capture Building

Tank Hunter
T TNT Attack

D Disable Building I Hack Internet

Black Lotus
C Capture Building V Vehicle Hack K Cash Hack

Dragon Tank
F Fire Wall

B Battle Bunker C Gattling Cannon T Propaganda Tower

3 China Buildings

Command Center
D Construction Dozer L Cluster Mines M Land Mines
C Cash Hack P EMP Pulse
A Radar B Artillery Barrage

Nuclear Reactor
O Overcharge M Land Mines

G Red Guard T Tank Hunter A Hacker
B Black Lotus C Capture Building M Land Mines

Supply Center
T Supply Truck M Land Mines

V Evacuate M Land Mines

Gattling Cannon
M Land Mines

War Factory
B Battlemaster Tank D Dragon Tank T Troop Crawler
G Gattling Tank I Inferno Cannon N Nuke Cannon
O Overlord C Chain Gun N Black Napalm
M Land Mines

Air Field
G MiG A MiG Armor M Land Mines

Propaganda Center
N Nationalism U Subliminal Messaging M Land Mines

Nuclear Missile
N Nuclear Missile U Uranium Shells T Nuclear Tank
M Land Mines

4 GLA Units

C Command Center B Barracks U Supply Stash
T Stinger Site N Tunnel Network A Arms Dealer
D Demo Trap P Palace O Scud Storm

C Capture Building

C Car Bomb

J Hijack

Jarmen Kell
N Sniper Attack

Radar Van
C Radar Scan

Toxin Tractor
C Contaminate

Scud Launcher
P Explosive Warhead N Anthrax Warhead

Bomb Truck
D Disguise as Vehicle B Bio Bomb O High Explosive
5 GLA Buildings

Command Center
W Worker A Ambush B Anthrax Bomb

B Rebel G RPG Trooper T Terrorist
A Angry Mob I Hijacker J Jarmen Kell

Tunnel Network
V Evacuate

Arms Dealer
S Scorpion V Radar Van A Toxin Tractor
M Marauder Tank L Scud Launcher T Technical
U Quad Cannon B Rocket Buggy O Bomb Truck
K Scorpion Rocket

Demo Trap
P Proximity Fuse M Manual Control D Detonate!

C Camouflage A Anthrax Beta M Arm the Mob
T Toxin Shells

Black Market
B AP Bullets J Junk Repair C Radar Scan
R AP Rockets A Buggy Ammo

Scud Storm
U Scud Storm

6 USA Units

Construction Dozer
R Cold Fusion Reactor B Barracks U Supply Center
M Patriot Missile System A War Factory F Air Field
Y Strategy Center Z Supply Drop Zone D Detention Camp
P Particle Cannon C Command Center L Clear Mines

C Capture Building M Machine Gun F Flash Bang

Missile Defender
L Laser Missile Attack

Colonel Burton
K Knife Attack R Remote Demo Charge
T Timed Demo Charge D Detonate

V Evacuate C Combat Drop

R Air Guard

R Fire Rocket

B Battle Drone D Scout Drone V Evacuate

Crusader Tank, Paladin Tank, and Tomahawk
B Battle Drone D Scout Drone

B Battle Drone D Scout Drone V Evacuate
C Clean Toxin

7 US Buildings

Command Center
D Construction Dozer Y Spy Drone P Paradrop
S Spy Sattelite A A-10 Strike E Emergency Repair F Fuel Air Bomb

Cold Fusion Reactor
C Control Rods

A Ranger B Colonel Burton M Missile Defender
F Flash Bang P Pathfinder C Capture Building

Supply Center
C Chinook

War Factory
C Crusader Tank P Paladin Tank T Tomahawk
V Humvee A Ambulance W TOW Missile

Air Field
T Raptor C Comanche F Stealth Fighter
A Aurora Bomber P Rocket Pods L Laser Missile

Strategy Center
B Bombardment Battle Plan D Search and Destroy Plan
O Hold the Line Battle Plan A Advanced Training
C Composite Armor R Drone Armor

Detention Camp
C Intelligence

Particle Cannon
P Fire Particle Cannon

| C. Info on the Opposing Sides |

1 China General Powers

1 Star General
- Red Guard Training: All Red Guards will be built as veterans
- Artillery Training: Nuke Cannons and Inferno are built as veterans
- Nuke Cannon: Nuke Cannons lob small tactical nukes over great

3 Star General
- Cluster Mine: Cluster mines are deployed by air.
- Artillery Barrage Level 1 : Call in an artillery strike on
a target. First level: 12 projectiles.
- Artillery Barrage Level 2: Call in an artillery strike on
a target. Second level: 24 projectiles.
- Artillery Barrage Level 3: Call in an artillery strike on
a target. Third level: 36 projectiles.
- Cash Hack Level 1: Steal money from enemy supply centers. You
cannot steal more money than the enemy has. First level: $1,000.
- Cash Hack Level 2: Steal money from enemy supply centers. You
cannot steal more money than the enemy has. Second level: $2,000.
- Cash Hack Level 3: Steal money from enemy supply centers. You
cannot steal more money than the enemy has. Third level: $4,000.
- Emergency Repair Level 1: Repair vehicles in an area.
First level: light repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 2: Repair vehicles in an area.
Second level: medium repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 3: Repair vehicles in an area.
Third level: serious repair.

5 Star General
- EMP Pulse: Allows you to call in a heavy bomber to drop an EMP bomb.
Disables enemy units and buildings.

Red Guard Training
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Barracks
This General Power will make all newly built Red Guards (either from
China Barracks or the passengers of Troop Crawler) veteran.

Artillery Training
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China War Factory, Propaganda Center
Artillery Training will allow all newly built Nuke Cannons and Inferno
Cannons to be of veteran level.

Nuke Cannon
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China War Factory, Propaganda Center
This ability will enable the player to have an access to build a Nuke
Cannon. Refer to China Unit information to know this unit better.

Cluster Mines
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Orders a China Cargo Plane to drop an invisible cluster mine on the
targeted area. Will not damage friendly units and visible to allies.
Refer to China Unit Information for China Cargo Plane and to Field
Objects for Cluster Mine information.

Artillery Barrage Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 5 minutes
Launches an artillery strike on the targeted area. There is only one
way to prevent Artillery Barrage strike: destroy the Command Center.
The first level Artillery Barrage will release 12 barrages. Refer to
Artillery Barrage Level 3 for Artillery Barrage data.

Artillery Barrage Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Artillery Barrage Level 1.
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 5 minutes
Basically it is the same as Artillery Barrage Level 1, but it allows
the player to launch a more deadly artillery strike consisting of 24

Artillery Barrage Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Artillery Barrage Level 2
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 5 minutes
The Artillery Barrage ultimate level. This allows the player to shoot
36 barrages on the targeted area.
Artillery Barrage
Speed: 150 dist/s
Duration before the Barrages hit: 30000 ms
View Object Range:250
Weapon: Artillery Barrage
Primary Damage: 105
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Prerequisite: General Power, 3 Star General, China Command Center

Cash Hack Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
An ability to unstoppably steal enemy cash, this General Power can
only steal as much as $1,000 by targeting this General Power into the
enemy Supply Center. It is to be remembered that this General Power
will not be able to steal more than the enemy has.

Cash Hack Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Cash Hack Level 2
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
This is a much better version of Cash Hack Level 1 as it unpreventably
steals enemy money as much as $2,000.

Cash Hack Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Cash Hack Level 3
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
The ultimate version of Cash Hack which enables player to irresistibly
take over enemy dollar from their owner. The enemy player will lose as
much as $4,000 when being the victim of this General Power.

Emergency Repair Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Light Repair enables the player to fix vehicles in a specific area,
increasing their lost HP by as much as 100 in the radius of 100.

Emergency Repair Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 2
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
A more advanced version of Light Repair, Medium Repair will add a
maximum of 200 more HP to the damaged vehicles in a 100 radius area.

Emergency Repair Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 3
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Serious Repair is the most advanced version of Emergency Repair. It
returns as much as 300 lost HP to the damaged vehicles in the radius
(100 radius distance)

EMP Pulse
Rank: 5 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: China Command Center
Recharge Time: 6 minutes
Disable Duration: 30 seconds
EMP Pulse is a bomb dropped by China Cargo Plane. It will turn off all
vehicles and buildings in its blast radius for 30 seconds. All aircraft
affected by EMP Pulse will crash land immediately.

2 China Unit Information

(a) China Aircraft

a.1) MiG
Health Information
HP: 160; 200 HP with MiG Armor Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript/Veteran
200 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Elite
400 Exp to Heroic 150 Yield as Heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Movement Information
Speed: 160
Turn rate: 120 degrees per second;90 while badly damaged
Acceleration: 110; 30 while badly damaged
Weapon Information
Napalm Missile
Primary Damage: 75
Primary Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 40; 50 with Black Napalm
Secondary Radius: 30
Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage
Cooldown: 300 milliseconds
Range: 320 Minimum Range: 80
Missile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Damage Type: Jet Missile Damage
Clip Size: 2 shots
Clip Reload Time: 8000 milliseconds
Homing missiles
Missile detonation creates a Small Firefield.
Creates a Firestorm after 8 missile hit.
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Air Field
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 10 seconds
Special Ability Information
Upgrade Information
- Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% damage to all flame weapons
- MiG Aircraft Armor (China Air Field): +25% MiG maximum health
(+40 HP)
- A Black Napalm upgraded MiG will cast a stronger firestorm than an
unupgraded one.
- Returns to base after being idle for 10 seconds.

a.2) Chinese Cargo Plane
Health Information
HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
40 exp as anything
Locomotor Information
Speed: 125; 75 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 25; 10 when badly damaged
Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged
- Drops Cluster Mines and EMP Pulse Bomb on the targeted area.

(b) China Infantry

b.1) Red Guard
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
20 Exp to Veteran 5 Exp as Conscript/Veteran
40 Exp to Elite 10 Exp as Elite
80 Exp to Heroic 20 Exp as Heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 25; 15 while badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Weapon Information
Red Guard Machine Gun
Damage: 15
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 100
Cooldown: 1000
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Accuracy: 100%
Special Ability Information
Horde Bonus
Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together
Rub Off Radius: 60
Update Time: 1000 ms
Group Radius: 30
Capture Building
Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade
Recharge Time: 15000 ms
Range: 5
Unpack Time: 3000
Preparation Time: 20000
Pack Time: 2000
Experience Gained: 4
Upgrade Information
- Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus.
- Capture Building (China Barracks): Enables Red Guard to capture
most neutral/hostile buildings.
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Barracks
Build Cost: 300
Build Time: 10 seconds
Note that it is not allowed to build only a single Red Guard.
Red Guards will always be created in pair.
- Slot: 1

b.2) Tank Hunter
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 20 experience as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 40 experience as elite
400 exp to heroic 60 experience as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20; 10 when badly hurt
Turn rate: infinite (500)
Weapon Information
Tank Hunter Missile Launcher
Damage: 40
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Infantry Missile
Attack Range: 175
Minimum Range: 5
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Cooldown: 1000 millisecond
Missile Turning Rate: 100 degrees/sec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to miss
against infantry
Homing missile
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Barracks
Cost: 300
Build Time: 5 seconds
Upgrade Information
- Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus Upgrade
Special Ability Information
Horde Bonus
Condition: at least 5 Red Guards/Tank Hunters march together
Rub Off Radius: 60
Update Time: 1000 ms
Group Radius: 30
TNT Charge
Places a TNT Charge on hostile vehicles/buildings.
Primary Damage: 500
Primary Damage Radius: 10
Secondary Damage: 150
Secondary Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Attack Range: 5
Timer: 10000 ms
Recharge Time: 7500 ms
Escapes 100 distances after placing TNT
Does not expire when the charger dies.
Can not be attached to infantry or friendly units/buildings.
- Slot: 1

b.3) Hacker
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human
Experience Information
100 Exp to Veteran 50 Exp as Conscript 400 Exp as Heroic
300 Exp to Elite 100 Exp as Veteran
500 Exp to Heroic 150 Exp as Elite
Vision Information
Vision: 150
Shroud Clearing: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20; 10 when badly hurt
Turn rate: immediate
Upgrade Information
Special Ability Information
Disable Building
Recharging Time: 4000 ms
Range: 150
Unpack Time: 7300
Preparation Tiime: 3000
Pack Time: 5133
Effect Duration: 2000
Exp. Gained: 0
Can’t disable Defense Building
Hack Internet
Cash Amount: $5 (as conscript), $6 (as veteran), $8 (as elite),
$10 (as heroic) per 2 second
Unpack Time: 7300
Randomly adds or substracts 20% to pack and unpack time.
Pack Time: 5133
Exp. Gained: 1
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Barracks, Propaganda Center
Cost: 625
Build Time: 20
- Slot: 1

b.4) Black Lotus
Health Information
HP: 150 Armor: Human
Experience Information
150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic
450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran
900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite
Vision Information
Vision: 300
Shroud Clearing: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30; 20 when badly hurt
Turn rate: infinite
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Barracks, Propaganda Center
Cost: 1500
Time: 20
Upgrade Information
Special Ability Information
Stealth Delay: 2500 msec
Stealthed except when using ability
Crush Immunity
Detects stealth units except when in garrison, tunnel network,
and transport
Unknown Detection Range
Capture Building
Range: 150
Unpack Time: 6730
Preparation Time: 6000
Pack Time: 2800
Experience Gained: 20
Disable Vehicle
Range: 150
Unpack Time: 2000
Preparation Time: 2000
Pack Time: 1000
Effect Duration: 15000
Experience Gained: 0
Steal Cash
Pack Time: 5800
Preparation Time: 6000
Range: 150
Cash Stolen: 1000
Unpack Time: 6730
Experience Gained: 20
Recharge Time: 2000 ms
- Limit: 1
- Slot: 1

(c) China Vehicles

c.1) Battlemaster
Health Information
HP: 400 Armor: Tank
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran
300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite
600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 25; with Nuclear Tank upgrade: 35; 32 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 180
Weapon Information
BattleMaster Tank Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 120
Damage: 60; 75 with Uranium Shells upgrade
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Attack Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 400/sec
Cooldown: 2000 ms
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles/buildings, 10 max distance to
miss against infantry
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory
Build Cost: 800
Build Time: 10 seconds
Upgrade Information
- Nationalism (Propaganda Center): +25% Horde Bonus Upgrade
- Uranium Shell (Nuclear Missile): +25% Battlemaster Damage
- Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% speed to Battlemaster
Special Ability Information
Horde Bonus
Conditions: at least 5 Battlemaster Tanks march together
Rub off Radius: 150
Update Time Rate: 1000 ms
Group Radius: 75
Nuclear Explosion (Tank destroyed with Uranium Shells upgrade)
Primary Damage: 10
Primary Damage Radius: 25
Secondary Damage: 5
Secondary Damage Radius: 75
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 100
Leaves Radiation Field Small
- Slot: 3

c.2) Dragon Tank
Health Information
HP: 280 Armor: Dragon Tank
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30; 25 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 180
Weapon Information
Dragon Tank Flame Weapon
Turret Turn Rate: 120
Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm
Secondary Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Flame
Attack Range: 75
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 40 milliseconds
Clip Reload Time: 40 milliseconds
Accuracy: 100%
Clip Size: 30 (total number of shots in a clip)
Can empty garrisoned buildings
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory
Build Cost: 800
Bld Time: 10
Upgrade Information
- Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage
Special Ability Information
Primary Damage: 10; 12.5 with Black Napalm
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 1; 1.25 with Black Napalm
Secondary Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Flame
Attack Range: 25
Cooldown: 40 milliseconds
Projectile Turn Rate: 5 degrees/sec
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Not homing
Leaves Firewall Segment
- Slot: 3

c.3) Gattling Tank
Health Information
HP: 300 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 360
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40; 30 if badly damaged
Turn rate: 180
Weapon Information
Gattling Tank Gun (Anti Ground)
Damage: 20; 25 with Chain Guns Upgrade
Damage Type: Gattling
Attack Range: 175
Accuracy: 100%
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots)
Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots)
Gattling Tank Anti Air Gun
Damage: 12; 15 with Chain Guns Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Attack Range: 350
Accuracy: 100%
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 400 msec (3 shots)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 200 ms (6 shots)
Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 100 ms (2000 shots)
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory
Build Cost: 800
Build Time: 10 seconds
Upgrade Information
- Chain Guns (China War Factory): +25% to all Gattling Weapons
Special Ability Information
- Tends to attack air units first before ground units.
- Slot: 3

c.4) Troop Crawler
Health Information
HP: 240 Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
No information available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 175
Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40; 30 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 120
Weapon Information
Deploy Infantry
Attack Range: 175
Build Information
Prerequisite: China War Factory
Build Cost: 1400
Build Time: 15 seconds
Upgrade Information
Special Ability Information
Only capable of transporting infantry
Can transport 8 infantry at maximum
10% damage to units inside when destroyed
Units are evacuated with a delay of 250 milliseconds per unit.
Healing Transport
10% infantry regeneration inside
Detects stealth units except when in garrison, tunnel network, and
Detection Rate: 900 msec
- Built with 8 Red Guards
- Slot: 8

c.5) Inferno Cannon
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Tank
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20
Turn rate: 120; 90 when badly damaged
Weapon Information
Inferno Cannon Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 100
Damage: 30
Damage Radius: 15
Damage Type: Explosion
Attack Range: 300
Cooldown: 4000 msec
Minimum Attack Range: 50
Projectile Speed: 250/second
Accuracy: unknown against vehicle, 30 max distances against
Creates Small Firefield (see Field Objects)
Creates Firestorm (see Field Objects) after 6 shell hits
Historic Bonus Time: 3000
Historic Bonus Radius: 20
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory, Propaganda Center
Build Cost: 900
Build Time: 15 seconds
Upgrade Information
- Black Napalm (China War Factory): +25% to all flame damage
Special Ability Information
- What differentiates the Black Napalm unupgraded Inferno and
Black Napalm upgraded Inferno is the firestorm it creates.
The upgraded Inferno incites stronger firestorm.
- Slot: 3

c.6) Overlord
Health Information
HP: 1100 Armor: Tank
Experience Information
400 exp to veteran 200 exp as conscript/veteran
600 exp to elite 400 exp as elite
1200 exp to heroic 600 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20; 30 with Nuclear Tank Upgrade
Turn rate: 60
Weapon Information
Overlord Tank Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec
Primary Damage: 80; 100 with Uranium Shells Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 20; 25 with Uranium Shells Upgrade
Secondary Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Attack Range: 175
Projectile Speed: 300/sec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicle, 10 max distance against infantry
Cooldown: 300 msec
2 shoots per clip
Reload Time: 2000 msec
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory, Propaganda Center
Build Cost: 2000
Build Time: 25 seconds
Upgrade Information
- Uranium Shells (Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Main
Gun Damage
- Nuclear Tank (Nuclear Missile): +25% Overlord/Battlemaster Speed.
Leaves a nuclear waste upon its death.
- Battle Bunker (Overlord Tank): Allows up to 5 infantry to attack from
inside Bunker. Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices:
Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower.
- Gattling Cannon (Overlord Tank): Installs a Gattling Cannon on the
Overlord, enabling it to effectively attack infantry and air units.
Each Overlord can only choose one from three choices: Battle Bunker,
Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower.
- Propaganda Tower (Overlord Tank): Builds a Propaganda Tower on the
Overlord, giving the Overlord the ability to heal and increase the
fire rate of the nearby units. Each Overlord can only choose one from
three choices: Battle Bunker, Gattling Cannon, or Propaganda Tower.
- Chaingun Upgrade (China War Factory) (Affects Overlord Gattling Cannon
only): +25% damage to all gattling weapons.
- Subliminal Messaging (Propaganda Center) (Affects Overlord Propganda
Tower only): +25% Enthusiasm Bonus and adds regeneration rate from 1%
to 2%.
Special Ability Information
Can build one of the following:
Overlord Gattling Cannon
Turret Turn Rate: 60
Detects stealth units
Gattling Gun (Anti Ground)
Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chain Guns Upgrade
Damage Type: Gattling
Range: 225
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Accuracy: 100%
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots)
ContinuousFire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots)
Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air)
Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chain Guns Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 400
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Accuracy: 100%
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots)
ContinuousFire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots)
Propaganda Tower
Enthusiam Bonus
Radius: 150
Delay Between Updates: 2000 milliseconds
Battle Bunker
Allows up to 5 infantry to fire from inside Bunker, gaining
Garrison Bonus (see Bonus Modifiers)
50% damage to units inside when destroyed
Can crush vehicles
Nuclear Explosion (when a Nuclear Tank upgraded Overlord explodes)
Primary Damage: 10
Primary Damage Radius: 25
Secondary Damage: 5
Secondary Damage Radius: 75
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 100
Leaves Radiation Field Small
- Untransportable
- Overlord Gattling Cannon can not be manually controlled to attack air

c.7) Nuke Cannon
Health Information
HP: 240 Armor: Tank
Experience Information
400 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic
600 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran
1000 exp to heroic 200 exp as elite
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180
Shroud Clearing Range: 350
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20
Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged
Weapon Information
Nuke Cannon Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 80
Primary Damage: 400
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Secondary Damage: 20
Secondary Damage Radius: 60
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 350
Minimum Range: 200
Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec
Cooldown: 10000 msec
Pack Time: 3333
Unpack Time: 3333
Leaves Radiation Field Medium
Build Information
Prerequisites: China War Factory, Propaganda Center, Nuke Cannon General
Power (Level 1/2)
Build Cost: 1600
Build Time: 20 seconds
Special Ability Information
- Leaves Radiation Field Small upon death
- Needs to pack and unpack to shoot and move respectively.
- Slot: untransportable

c.8) Construction Dozer
Health Information
HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30; 25 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Command Center
Build Cost: 1000
Build Time: 5 seconds
Special Ability Information
Builds Building
Detection and Disarming
Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton’s C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter
TNTs, and China Land and Cluster Mines
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds
when idle.
Can’t detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network.
Repairs Damaged Buildings
Repairs 2% of max HP per second.
Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000 milliseconds
when idle.
- Slot: 5

c.9) Supply Truck
Health Information
HP: 300 Armor: Truck
Experience Information
50 exp
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40; 20 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged
Build Information
Prerequisite: China Supply Center
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 10 seconds
Special Ability Information
Supply Gathering
Max Boxes to carry: 4 ($300)
Supply Center Action Delay: 400 ms (one transaction)
Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1000 ms per box (many small
Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (max distance to look for a
warehouse, or Supply Trucks go home)
Warns the player when the Supply is exhausted.
- Slot: 2

c.10) Convoy Truck
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 350
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 60 if badly damaged
Build Information
Available only by Mission.
Special Ability Information
Detonate Nuke: Explodes the hidden nuclear device
Damage: 300-3500
Full Damage Radius: 60
Partial Damage Radius: 210
Leaves Nuke Radiation Field
- Slot: 3

3 China Structures
Most Chinese Structures are capable of building stealthy and regenerating
land mines.

a) Command Center
Prerequisite: none Experience Value: 200
Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Special Ability Information
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Door Opening Time: 3000 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms

b) Nuclear Reactor
Prerequisite: none Power: +10; 15 if Overcharged
Cost: 1000 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 100
Special Ability Information
Adds +5 power but suffers from 3% max HP loss per second
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
Nuclear Explosion (when exploded)
Primary Damage: 400
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Secondary Damage: 50
Secondary Damage Radius: 100
Damage Type: Explosion
Attack Range: 100
Leaves Radiation Field Medium when exploding (see Field Objects)

c) Barracks
Prerequisite: none Power: -1
Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Heals Infantry
Can heal friendly and allied infantry.
Max infantry inside to heal: 10
Healing Time: 2000 ms/infantry
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)

d) Supply Center
Prerequisite: Nuclear Reactor Power: -1
Cost: 1500 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Can receive supplies mined by Chinook and Worker.

e) Bunker
Prerequisite: China Barracks Experience Gained: 20
Cost: 400 Build Time: 5 seconds
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability Information
Can accommodate up to 5 infantry inside.
Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus
Can not be ungarrisonned except destroyed.
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker.

f) Gattling Cannon
Prerequisite: Nuclear Reactor Power: -3
Cost: 1200 Build Time: 25 seconds
Vision Range: 360 Shroud Clearing Range: 360
Detection Rate: 500 ms Detection Range: 200
HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor
Experience Gained: 200
Turn Rate: 180
Gattling Anti Ground
Damage: 10; 12.5 with Chaingun Upgrade
Damage Type: Gattling
Range: 225
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots)
Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots)
Accuracy: 100%
Gattling Gun Air (Anti Air)
Damage: 5; 6.25 with Chaingun Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 400
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Continuous Fire 1 Cooldown: 250 msec (1 shoot)
Continuous Fire 2 Cooldown: 125 msec (5 shoots)
Continuous Fire 3 Cooldown: 83 msec (2000 shoots)
Accuracy: 100%
Can shoot down incoming ballistic missiles.
Special Ability Information
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker.

g) War Factory
Prerequisite: China Supply Center Power: -1
Cost: 2000 Build Time: 15 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Repairs Vehicle
Repair Time: 5000 ms/unit
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Door Opening Time: 4000 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 2000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms

h) Air Field
Prerequisite: China Supply Center Power: -1
Cost: 1000 Build Time: 30 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 150
Special Ability Information
Repairs Aircraft
Healing Rate: 10 HP per second
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)
- Can park 4 aircraft
- If captured, all airplanes parking there are automatically changing
- Door Opening Time: 2000 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1000 ms

i) Propaganda Center
Prerequisite: China War Factory Power: -2
Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Field Objects)

j) Speaker Tower
Prerequisite: Propaganda Center Power: -1
Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 300 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 50
Special Ability Information
Enthusiasm (see Bonus Modifier)
Propaganda Radius: 150
Delay between Update: 2000 milliseconds

k) Nuclear Missile
Prerequisite: Propaganda Center Power: -10
Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Experience Gained: 400
Neutron Missile
Recharging Time: 6 minutes
View Object Duration: 40000 ms
View Object Range: 250
Damage: 300-3500
Full Damage Radius: 60
Partial Damage Radius: 210
Leaves Nuke Radiation Field
Special Ability Information
Nuclear Explosion (when destroyed)
Primary Damage: 400
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Secondary Damage: 50
Secondary Damage Radius: 100
Damage Type: Explosion
Attack Range: 100
Leaves Nuke Radiation Field after explosion
Land Mines
Builds Land Mines around the building (see Land Mines)

4 China Upgrades

a) Radar
Prerequisite: China Command Center
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 20
Builds a radar tower in the China Command Center, enabling the minimap.

b) Land Mines
Prerequisite: China Command Center, Barracks, Supply Center, Gattling
Cannon, Bunker, Airfield, War Factory, Propaganda Center, Nuclear Missile
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 20
Builds a field of stealthy mine around the buildings, making it difficult
to get close into the buildings without being harmed.

c) Capture Building
Prerequisite: China Barracks (but actually all Barracks will do)
Affected Units: Red Guards (Rangers and Rebels)
Research Cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Enables Red Guards to capture most hostile and tech buildings.

d) MiG Armor
Prerequisite: China Airfield
Affected Unit: MiG
Research Cost: 1000
Research Time: 40
Increases the HP of MiG by 25% (+40), making MiG’s total HP become 200.

e) Chain Guns
Prerequisite: China War Factory
Affected Units/Buildings: Gattling Tank, Overlord Gattling Cannon,
Gattling Cannon
Research Cost: 1500
Research Time: 45
Increases the damage of all Gattling weapons by 25%.

f) Black Napalm
Prerequisite: China War Factory
Affected Units: Dragon Tank, MiG, Inferno Cannon
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 45
Increases the damage of all flame weapons.

g) Nationalism
Prerequisite: Propaganda Center
Affected Units: Red Guard, Tank Hunter, Battlemaster Tank
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
+25% to Horde Bonus

h) Subliminal Messaging
Prerequisite: Propaganda Center
Affected Buildings/Units: Speaker Tower, Overlord Propaganda Tower
Research Cost: 500
Research Time: 40
Increases both the fire rate (by +25%) and healing bonuses of Speaker
Tower and Overlord Propaganda Tower.

i) Uranium Shells
Prerequisite: Nuclear Missile
Affected Units: Battlemaster Tank and Overlord
Research Cost: 2500
Research Time: 60
Increases the damage of Battlemaster Tank and Overlord main gun by 25%.

j) Nuclear Tank
Prerequisite: Nuclear Missile
Affected Units: Battlemaster Tank and Overlord
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Increases the speed of Battlemaster Tank and Overlord by 25%. Its drawback,
aside from expensive and time-wasting cost, is when a Battlemaster or
Overlord explodes, it damages nearby units and leaves Radiation Field Small.

k) Overlord Battle Bunker
Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord
Affected Unit: Respective Overlord
Build Cost: 400
Build Time: 15
Builds a battle bunker on the Overlord so Overlord can load up to 5
infantry. Battle Bunker allows infantry inside to fire from within. When
an Overlord Battle Bunker is destroyed, all infantry within get hurt as
many as 50% of their maximum HP.

l) Overlord Gattling Cannon
Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord
Affected Unit: Respective Overlord
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 20
Installs a Gattling Cannon on the Overlord, enabling it to attack air units
and becoming more deadly to infantry.

m) Overlord Propaganda Tower
Prerequisite: Unupgraded Overlord
Affected Unit: Respective Overlord
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 10
Equips Overlord with a Speaker Tower, which heals friendly and allied
units nearby and increases their fire rate.

1 GLA General Powers

1 Star General
- Technical Training: All Technicals will be created as veterans.
- Scud Launcher: Fires a long-range rocket that can be equipped with
explosives or deadly anthrax.
- Marauder Tank: Marauder tanks can scavenge enemy kills to upgrade their
main gun.

3 Star General
- Hijacker: Hijackers are camouflaged and can steal enemy vehicles.
- Cash Bounty Level 1: Earns a cash bounty for every enemy unit or
building you kill. First level: 5 percent bounty.
- Cash Bounty Level 2: Earns a cash bounty for every enemy unit or
building you kill. Second level: 10 percent bounty.
- Cash Bounty Level 3: Earns a cash bounty for every enemy unit or
building you kill. Third level: 15 percent bounty.
- Rebel Ambush Level 1: Allows you to create a surprise ambush of rebels
anywhere. First level: four rebels.
- Rebel Ambush Level 2: Allows you to create a surprise ambush of rebels
anywhere. Second level: eight rebels.
- Rebel Ambush Level 3: Allows you to create a surprise ambush of rebels
anywhere. Third level: 16 rebels.
- Emergency Repair Level 1: Repair vehicles in an area.
First level: light repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 2: Repair vehicles in an area.
Second level: medium repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 3: Repair vehicles in an area.
Third level: serious repair.

5 Star General
- Anthrax Bomb: Anthrax is deadly against enemy troop concentrations

Technical Training
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: Arms Dealer
Due to this General Power, all newly created Technicals will automatically
emerge from Arms Dealer as veterans.

Scud Launcher
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: Arms Dealer; Palace
All players who choose this General Power will have an access to build Scud

Marauder Tank
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: Arms Dealer
The best tank of GLA will be available if this General Power is activated.

Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: GLA Barracks, Palace
Choosing this General Power will enable the player to train Hijackers
from GLA Barracks.

Cash Bounty Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Players will get some immediate cash from the hostile units or buildings
they destroy. The first level will give 5% of cost of the enemy destroyed

Cash Bounty Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Cash Bounty Level 1.
Building Required: GLA Command Center
This is the advancement of Cash Bounty Level 1, giving the players 10% of
the cost of the destroyed units/buildings.

Cash Bounty Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Cash Bounty Level 2
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Cash Bounty Level 3 rewards the players choosing it with 20% of the cost
of the units/buildings they destroy.

Rebel Ambush Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
Rebel Ambush Level 1 will allow the players to deploy 4 rebels anywhere
in the map, as long as the shroud has already been removed (shroud, not
fog of war).

Rebel Ambush Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Rebel Ambush 2
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
The same as Rebel Ambush Level 1, but the players will get 8 rebels
instead of 4.

Rebel Ambush Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Rebel Ambush Level 3
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minute
This General Power enables players to place 16 rebels anywhere in the map.

Emergency Repair Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Light Repair enables the player to fix vehicles in a specific area,
increasing their lost HP by as much as 100 in the radius of 100.

Emergency Repair Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 2
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
A more advanced version of Light Repair, Medium Repair will add a
maximum of 200 more HP to the damaged vehicles in a 100 radius area.

Emergency Repair Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 3
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Serious Repair is the most advanced version of Emergency Repair.
It returns as much as 300 lost HP to the damaged vehicles in the radius
(100 distances)

Anthrax Bomb
Rank: 5 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: GLA Command Center
Recharge Time: 6 minutes
Orders a GLA Cargo Plane to bombard a specific area with an Anthrax Bomb.
Anthrax Bomb
Primary Damage: 200
Primary Damage Radius: 100
Attack Range: 100
Damage Type: Explosion
Leaves Anthrax Bomb Poison Field

Baikonur Rocket
This is not a real weapon and only appears in cinematic views. Its
reputation as GLA’s great success, however, deserves to be noted here.
Prerequisite: Mission completion (GLA Mission 8)
Building Required: Baikonur Rocket Hangar, Baikonur Ground Control Center,
Baikonur Rocket Pad
Weapon: Baikonur Rocket
Damage: 300-3500
Full Radius: 60
Partial Radius: 210
Leaves Poison Field Large

2 GLA Units

(a) GLA Aircraft

a.1) GLA Cargo Plane
Health Information
HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
40 exp as anything
Locomotor Information
Speed: 125; 75 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 25; 10 when badly damaged
Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged
- Drops Anthrax Bombs on the targeted area.

(b) GLA Infantry

b.1) Rebel
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Human
Experience Information
40 exp to veteran 15 exp as conscript/veteran
60 exp to elite 30 exp as elite
120 exp to heroic 40 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20; 10 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite (500)
Weapon Information
Rebel Machine Gun
Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 100
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 100 ms
3 shoots per clip
Clip Reload Time: 700
Special Ability Information
Capture Building
Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade
Range: 5
Unpack Time: 3000
Pack Time: 2000
Preparation Time: 20000
Recharge Time: 15000 ms
Experience Gained: 12
Prerequisite: Camouflage
Stealth Delay: 2500 msec
Decloaks when attacking or Capturing Building
Upgrade Information
- Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Rebels to capture most
hostile/neutral buildings.
- Camouflage (Palace): Rebels are hidden from sight when not doing any
aggressive activities.
- AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Rebel damage by 25%
Build Information
Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
Build Cost: 150
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 1

b.2) Terrorist
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Human
Experience Information
20 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 25; 15 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Weapon Information
Suicide Dynamite Pack
Primary Damage: 500
Primary Damage Radius: 18
Secondary Damage: 300
Secondary Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Attack Range: 5
Activated when crushed, splatted, lasered, burned, exploded.
Special Ability Information
Car Bomb
Converts a civilian car into a car bomb. (See GLA Vehicle session)
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisites: GLA Barracks
Build Cost: 200
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 1
- Don’t force attack your Terrorist against empty area. He will die vainly.

b.3) RPG Trooper
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Weapon Information
Tunnel Defender Rocket (or RPG)
Damage: 40; 50 with Armour Piercing Rockets Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Infantry Missile
Range: 175
Minimum Range: 5
Projectile Speed: 225
Projectile Turn Rate: 100
Cooldown: 1000/msec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicle; may miss as much as 10 distances
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Upgrade Information
- AP Rocket Upgrade (Black Market): Adds 25% to all rocket damage
Build Information
Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
Prerequisite: Tunnel Network (see Tunnel Network/Notes sections)
Build Cost: 300
Build Time: 5 seconds
- GLA may get 2 free RPG Troopers by building a Tunnel Network.
- Slot: 1

b.4) Angry Mob
Health Information
Members: 10; initially just 5, but will grow.
HP (each member): 50
Armor: Human
Experience Information
150 exp to veteran 5 as anything
450 exp to elite
900 exp to heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 150
Locomotor Information
Group Movement
Speed: 18 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt
Person Movement
Speed: 20; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Speed: 13; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Speed: 32; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite
Weapon Information
Damage: 10
Damage Type: Molotov Coctail
Range: 100
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Accuracy: 100%
Cooldown: 250 msec
8 shots per clip
Clip Reload Time: 3000 msec
Replaced by AK 47 when Arm the Mob Upgrade is completed.
Damage: 40
Damage Radius: 1
Damage Type: Molotov Coctail
Range: 100
Projectile Speed: 130 dist/sec
Cooldown: 500
Attack Preparation Time: 500
Replaced by AK 47 when Arm the Mob Upgrade is completed.
Molotov Coctail
Damage: 40
Primary Damage Radius: 11
Damage Type: Molotov Coctail
Range: 100
Minimum Range: 12
Projectile Speed: 60
Cooldown: 500 msec
Attack Preparation Time: 500
AK 47
Damage: 20; 25 with Armor Piercing Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Molotov Coctail
Attack Range: 120
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 250
Special Ability Information
Regeneration Rate: 30 seconds (for 10 members)
Upgrade Information
- Arm the Mob (Palace): Replaces the pistols and rocks used by Angry
Mob with powerful AK 47s
- AP Bullets Upgrade (Black Market): Increases the attack damage of
AK 47.
Build Information
Prerequisite: GLA Barracks, Palace
Build Cost: 800
Build Time: 15
- Untransportable and not allowed to enter Tunnel Network.

c.5) Hijacker
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human
Experience Information
150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript 400 exp as heroic
450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran
900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30; 20 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: Infinite (500)
Special Ability Information
Hijacker can kill the driver of as hostile vehicle and claim the
vehicle for himself.
Stealth Delay: 500 ms
Only stealthy while stationary
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisite: GLA Barracks; Palace, Hijacker General Power
Build Cost: 400
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 1

c.6) Jarmen Kell
Health Information
HP: 200 Armor: Human
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 (infinite)
Weapon Information
Sniper Rifle
Damage: 180; 225 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Sniper
Range: 225
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Special Ability Information
Stealth Delay: 2000 msec
Decloacks when attacking.
Vehicle Snipe
Kills the pilot of a vehicle, making it ownerless.
Range: 225
Damage Type: Kill Pilot
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Recharge Time: 30 seconds
Upgrade Information
- AP Bullets (Black Market): +25% to Jarmen Kell’s sniper rifle
Build Information
Prerequisites: GLA Barracks, Palace
Build Cost: 1500
Build Time: 20 seconds
- Slot: 1
- Limit: 1

c.7) Worker
Health Information
HP: 140 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 25 dist/sec; 15 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Builds Building
Detection and Disarming
Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton’s C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter
TNTs, and China Land and Cluster Mines
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 range every 5000
milliseconds when idle.
Can’t detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network.
Repairs Damaged Buildings
Repairs 2% of max HP per second.
Looks for buildings to repair within 150 range every 5000
milliseconds when idle.
Supply Gathering
Max Boxes to Carry: 1 ($75)
Supply Center Action Delay: 150 ms for whole thing (one transaction)
Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 150 ms per box (many small transactions)
Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look for
a warehouse, or workers go home)
Warns when Supplies are exhausted
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisite: GLA Command Center or GLA Supply Stash
Build Cost: 200
Build Time: 5
- Slot: 1

(c) GLA Vehicles

c.1) Technical
Health Information
HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
50 exp to veteran 25 exp as conscript/veteran
75 exp to elite 50 exp as elite
150 exp to heroic 100 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 240 degrees per sec
Technical Machine Gun
Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan
Range: 120
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 200 msec
Accuracy: 100%
Technical Cannon Weapon (Crate Upgrade One)
Damage: 45; 56.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Radius: 25
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan
Accuracy: 100% against vehicle. May miss as much as 10
distances against infantry
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Technical RPG Weapon (Crate Upgrade Two)
Damage: 50
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Accuracy: 100%
Range: 150
Minimum Range: 5
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Projectile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Special Ability Information
Replaces Technical Machine Gun Weapon with a stronger weapon.
Can only be upgraded twice.
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Can transport up to 5 infantry.
10% damage to units inside when destroyed.
Upgrade Information
- AP Bullets (Black Market): Increases Technical Machine Gun and
Cannon (Upgrade One) damage by 25%.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Endows Technical with auto-repair ability.
Build Information
Prerequisite: Arms Dealer
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 5
- Slot: 3

c.2) Scorpion
Health Information
HP: 370 Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 60 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 120 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 200 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 125
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Scorpion Tank Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 100
Damage: 20
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Scorpion Rockets
Primary Damage: 100; 125 with AP Rocket Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 80
Secondary Damage Radius: 25
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 150
Minimum Attack Range: 40
Projectile Speed: 150 ms
Projectile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 200 msec
Clip Reload Time: 15000 msec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss hitting infantry by
as much as 10 distances.
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Toxin Contamination
Leaves Poison Field Small
Prerequisite: Toxin Shells Upgrade
Upgrade Information
- Scorpion Rocket (Arms Dealer): Equips all scorpions with missile
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables all GLA vehicles to auto-repair.
- AP Rockets (Black Market): +25% damage to Scorpion rockets.
- Toxin Shells (Palace): Scorpion adds its main gun with anthrax
- Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces Scorpion’s anthrax warheads with
a stronger version of anthrax. Only works if Toxin Shells has
already been researched.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 5
- Slot: 3

c.3) Toxin Truck
Health Information
HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 180
Toxin Truck Gun
Damage: 10; 12.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Poison
Attack Range: 100; has a minimum attack range of 10 if Anthrax
Beta is researched.
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Accuracy: 100%
Cooldown: 40 msec
30 shots in a clip
Clip Reload Time: 40 msec
Empties Garrisoned buildings
Not homing
Leaves Medium Poison Field after cooldown (This is just a wild
Special Ability Information
Toxin Tractor Explosion
Leaves Poison Field Small when destroyed.
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Sprays toxin on a wide area by activating Toxin Truck Sprayer
Primary Damage: 2; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 80
Secondary Damage: 2.0; 2.5 with Anthrax Beta Upgrade
Secondary Damage Radius: 75
Damage Type: Poison
Attack Range: 15
Minimum Attack Range: 10
Cooldown: 200 msec
Lasting time: 30 seconds
Leaves Medium Poison Field after cooldown (This is just a wild
Upgrade Information
- Anthrax Beta (Palace): Replaces the toxin weapon with anthrax
beta weapon, which is stronger.
- Junk Repair (Black Repair): Enables auto-repair for all GLA
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.4) Quad Cannon
Health Information
HP: 220 Armor: Anti Air Vehicle
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 360
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Ground
Damage: 10; 12.5 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 100 msec
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air
Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 350
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 100 msec
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Ground (Upgrade One)
Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 50 msec
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (Upgrade One)
Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 350
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 50 msec
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Ground (Upgrade Two)
Damage: 8; 10 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 25 msec
Quad Cannon Gun Anti Air (Upgrade Two)
Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 350
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 25 msec
Special Ability Information
Quad Cannon can upgrade its main gun with the wreckage of other
vehicles. Can be upgraded twice.
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Upgrade Information
- AP Bullets (Black Market): Adds 25% damage to Quad Cannon.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Quad Cannon auto-repairs.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer
Build Cost: 700
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.5) Radar Van
Health Information
HP: 200 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
20 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200
Shroud Clearing Range: 500
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Enables Minimap
Can not function if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Can not detect if stationed in a Tunnel Network or transport
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/sec
Radar Van Scan
Opens a small portion of map, including all hidden units there.
Prerequisite: Radar Van Scan
Radius: 150
Recharge Time: 30000 milliseconds
Revelation Time: 10000 ms
Detection Rate: 500 ms
Upgrade Information
- Radar Van Scan (Black Market): Reveals an area as large as 150
in radius on the map. Detects stealth.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables auto-repair for Radar Van.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.6) Marauder Tank
Health Information
HP: 490 Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran
300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite
600 exp to heroic 300 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 125
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second
Marauder Tank Gun
Damage: 60
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10
distances against infantry
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Cooldown: 2000 msec
Marauder Tank Gun Upgrade One
Damage: 60
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Range: 150
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10
distances against infantry
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Cooldown: 1500 msec
Marauder Tank Gun Upgrade Two
Damage: 60
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10
distances against infantry
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 500 dist/sec
Cooldown: 750 msec
2 shots in a clip
Clip Reload Time: 100 msec
Special Ability Information
Increases its main gun with crates created upon other vehicles’
destruction. Can only upgrade twice.
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Toxin Contamination
Leaves Poison Field Small
Prerequisite: Toxin Shells Upgrade
Upgrade Information
- Toxin Shells (Palace): Marauder shells carry a small amount of
- Anthrax Beta (Palace): When Toxin Shells Upgrade has been
researched, Marauder shells will carry a stronger version of anthrax.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives auto-repair ability to Marauder.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer; General Power Marauder Tank
Build Cost: 800
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.7) Rocket Buggy
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
400 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
800 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 90 dist/sec; 80 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 90
Buggy Rocket
Primary Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rockets Upgrade
Secondary Damage: 5; 6.25 with AP Rockets Upgrade
Secondary Damage Radius: 10
Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss up to 20 distances
against infantry.
Range: 300
Minimum Range: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 200 msec
6 shots in a clip; 12 with Buggy Ammo
Clip Reload Time: 6000 msec
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Upgrade Information
- Buggy Ammo (Black Market): Increases the maximum shots in one
- AP Rockets (Black Market): Adds 25% damage to Buggy rockets.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Self repairs when damaged.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer, Palace
Build Cost: 900
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.8) Bomb Truck
Health Information
HP: 250 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
50 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 50 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 60 if badly damaged
Weapon Information
Suicide Weapon
Primary Damage: 1000; 2000 with High Explosive Bomb Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 40; 50 with High Explosive Bomb Upgrade
Secondary Damage: 100.0; 200 with High Explosive Bomb Upgrade
Secondary Damage Radius: 65; 85 with High Explosive Bomb Upgrade
Damage Type: Exposion
Bio Bomb Upgrade allows the Bomb Truck to leaves Poison Field
Medium upon detonation.
Special Ability Information
Disguises the truck as an enemy vehicle. Will be revealed by detector.
Detonates immediately.
High Explosive Bomb and Bio Bomb
See Weapon and Upgrade Information
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Upgrade Information
- High Explosive Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a high explosive payload,
increasing its explosion damage.
- Bio Bomb (Bomb Truck): Carries a biological payload which spreads
- Anthrax Beta (Palace): Increases the bio bomb poison field damage.
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Enables the Bomb Truck to auto repair.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer, Palace
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 15 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.9) Scud Launcher
Health Information
HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180
Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 when badly damaged
Turn Rate 50 degrees/sec; 45 when badly damaged
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees/sec
SCUD Explosive Missile
Primary Damage: 300; 375 with AP Rocket Upgrade
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Secondary Damage: 50; 62.5 with AP Rocket Upgrade
Secondary Damage Radius: 100
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 350
Minimum Range: 200
Missile Speed: 200 distances/second
Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second
Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances
against infantry.
Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec
Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it
Not homing missiles
SCUD Anthrax Missile
Primary Damage: 200
Primary Damage Radius: 30
Secondary Damage: 25
Secondary Damage Radius: 60
Damage Type: Explosion
Accuracy: Unknown vs vehicles, may miss as much as 30 distances
against infantry.
Range: 350
Minimum Range: 200
Missile Speed: 200 distances/second
Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/second
Pre Attack Delay: 500 ms; do the delay for every missile it
Clip Reload Time: 10000 msec
Not homing missiles
Leaves Poison Field Medium upon detonation
Special Ability Information
Changes Warhead
SCUD Launcher can install either Explosive or Anthrax
Auto Repair
Prerequisite: Junk Repair Upgrade
Healing Amount: 2/second
Upgrade Information
- Junk Repair (Black Market): Gives Scud Launcher auto-repair
- Anthrax Beta (Palace): Makes the poison field created after
anthrax warhead impact more deadly.
- AP Rocket Upgrade (Black Market): Increases the damage of the
explosive warhead by 25%.
Build Information
Prerequisites: Arms Dealer; Palace; Scud Launcher General Power
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 20 seconds
- Slot: 3

c.10) Car Bomb
Car bomb health, vision, etc depend on the car hijacked by the terrorist,
but usually all cars have the statistics below. Refer to Civilian Units
for more detailed information.
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: varies
Locomotor Information
Speed: 90 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Suicide Car Bomb
Primary Damage: 700
Primary Damage Radius: 20
Secondary Damage: 100
Secondary Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 5
Special Ability Information
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisites: Terrorist and a civilian car
- Slot: 3

3 GLA Buildings
GLA, unlike its counterparts, US and China, does not need to empower
its buildings. Another difference is when a GLA building is destroyed
(except Demo Trap), it automatically spawns a GLA hole which will later
produce a worker to rebuild the destroyed building at no cost.

a) Supply Stash
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 1500 Refund Value: 650
Build Time: 15 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)

b) Barracks
HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 500 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Experience Gained: 100
Special Ability Information
Heals Infantry
Can accommodate friendly and allied infantry.
Max infantry inside to heal: 10
Healing Time: 2000 ms/infantry
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)

c) Tunnel Network
Prerequisites: GLA Barracks
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 800 Refund: 100
Build Time: 15 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Weapon: Tunnel Network Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees per second
Damage: 15
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 175
Cooldown: 250 msec
Experience Gained: 100
Special Ability Information
Underground Hideout
Enables up to 10 units to hide underground.
Undergroud Network
Transports units immediately between two tunnels.
Heals and Repairs
Max units inside to heal/repair: 10
Healing/Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Detection Range: 150
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)
- Gives 2 RPG Troopers upon completion.
- Eliminates units inside upon destruction if there is no tunnel exists.
- Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker

d) Stinger Site
Prerequisite: GLA Barracks
HP: 1000 Armor: Stinger Site Armor
Build Cost: 900 Build Time: 25 seconds
Vision Range: 600 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Experience Gained: 200
Weapons Controller: Stinger Soldiers
Maximal No. of Soldiers: 3
Stinger Soldier Respawn: 30000 msec
HP: 100 Armor: Stinger Soldier Armor
Vision Range: 400 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Detection Rate: 500 msec Detection Range: 200
Build Cost: 100 (It’s just for hostile GLA who chooses Cash Bounty
and kills these soldiers)
Stinger Missile Anti Ground
Damage: 20; 25 with AP Rocket Upgrade
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against
Range: 225
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 625 degrees per second
Cooldown: 2000 ms
Homing missile
Stinger Missile Anti Air
Damage: 30
Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Explosion
Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry (but do we have flying infantry?).
Range: 400
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 625 degrees per second
Cooldown: 2000 ms
Homing missile
Can shoot down incoming ballistic missiles
Special Ability Information
Respawns Stinger Soldiers
Replaces Stinger Soldiers perishing in battle (See Stinger
Soldier information above)
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)
- These types of damage will kill the Stinger Soldiers: Small Arms,
Sniper, Fleshy Sniper, Poison, Radiation, Flame.
- These type of damage will not impair the Stinger Site if there is no
Stinger Soldier inside: Sniper, Fleshy Sniper.
- Uncapturable

e) Arms Dealer
Prerequisite: GLA Supply Stash
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 20 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Repairs Vehicle
Repairing Time: 5000 milliseconds
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)
- Door Opening Time: 2000 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms

f) Demo Trap
Prerequisite: Arms Dealer
HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 400 Build Time: 5 seconds
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 150
Experience Gained: 50
Weapon: Demo Trap Detonation
Primary Damage: 600 Primary Damage Radius: 25
Secondary Damage: 400 Secondary Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion Trigger Detonation Range: 40
Can also be detonated manually
Destruction Delay: 1000 ms
Special Ability Information
Proximity Fuse
As the default built, this mode will explode 1 second after an
enemy unit is detected in its radius.
Manual Detonation
The demo trap will not explode upon an incoming enemy but will
need the player’s order to explode.
Explodes the demo trap.
- Does not create a GLA Hole upon destruction.
- Stealth
- Uncapturable and undisableable hacker.
- Not counted as victory determinant building.

g) Palace
Prerequisite: Arms Dealer
HP: 3000 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 45 seconds
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Experience Gained: 300
Special Ability Information
Maximum Infantry in Garrison: 5
Infantry can fire from within.
Adds 33% range and +25% damage to units inside
Can not be ungarrisonned except destroyed.
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)
- Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker.

h) Black Market
Prerequisites: Palace
HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor
Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 45 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Income Generator
Income Generated: $20 every 2 second
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)

i) SCUD Storm
Prerequisite: Palace
HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Experience Gained: 400
Weapon: SCUD Storm Missile
Reload Time: 5 minutes
Cursor Radius: 200
View Object Duration: 40000 ms
View Object Range: 250
Total Missile: 9
Primary Damage: 500
Primary Damage Radius: 50
Secondary Damage: 200
Secondary Damage Radius: 200
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 200
Leaves Poison Field Large after detonation
Special Ability Information
Creates Poison Field Medium when destroyed.
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)

j) Command Center
HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability Information
Underground Hole
Creates a GLA Hole upon destruction (See GLA Hole)
- Required to access several General Powers: Rebel Ambush, Cash Bounty,
Emergency Repair, Anthrax Bomb.

k) GLA Hole
HP: 500 Armor: Structure Armor
Vision Range: 50 Shroud Clearing Range: 50
Special Ability Information
Worker Respawn
Repaswns a Worker that will build the destroyed buiding.
Worker Respawn Time: 20 seconds
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.5% of maximum HP per second
- Uncapturable and undisableable by hacker.
- Automatically created from destroyed GLA buildings.

4 GLA Upgrades

a) Capture Building
Prerequisite: Barracks
Affected Units: Rebel (Rangers and Red Guards)
Research Cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Enables Rebels to capture most hostile and tech buildings.

b) Scorpion Rocket
Prerequisite: Arms Dealer
Affected Unit: Scorpion
Reseach Cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Installs a surface-to-surface rocket on Scorpion Tank.

c) Toxin Shells
Prerequisite: Palace
Affected Units: Scorpion and Marauder Tanks
Research Cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Fills Scorpion and Marauder Tank shells with a small amount of
Anthrax, making them more deadly against infantry masses.

d) Anthrax Beta
Prerequisite: Palace
Affected Units: Toxin Truck, Bomb Truck with Bio Bomb Upgrade,
Anthrax Warhead Scud Missile, Scorpion and Marauder with Toxin Shells
Upgrade, Scud Storm, and Scud Storm Missile.
Research Cost: 2500
Reseach Time: 30
Replaces the standard toxin and anthrax weapon with a stronger
version of anthrax.

e) Camouflage
Prerequisite: Palace
Affected Unit: Rebel
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Gives Rebels stealth ability when not attacking or capturing buildings.

f) Arm the Mob
Prerequisite: Palace
Affected Unit: Angry Mob
Research cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Distributes AK-47 to the Angry Mob members, replacing their pistols
and rock weapons.

g) AP Bullets
Prerequisite: Black Market
Affected Units: Rebel, Armed Angry Mob, Jarmen Kell, Technical,
Quad Cannon, Battle Drone, and Pathfinder
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Adds damage of the affected units by 25%.

h) AP Rockets
Prerequisite: Black Market
Affected Units: RPG Trooper, Scorpion with Rocket, Rocket Buggy,
Explosive Warhead Scud, Stinger Soldiers.
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Increases the damage of GLA rocket attacks.

i) Junk Repair
Prerequisite: Black Market
Affected Units: Technical, Radar Van, Scorpion, Toxin Truck, Marauder,
Quad Cannon, Rocket Buggy, Bomb Truck, Scud Launcher
Research cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Gives GLA vehicles auto-repair ability.

j) Buggy Ammo
Prerequisite: Black Market
Affected Unit: Rocket Buggy
Research Cost: 1200
Research Time: 30
Allows Rocket Buggy to fire more rockets before reloading.

k) Radar Van Scan
Prerequisite: Black Market
Affected Unit: Radar Van
Research Cost: 500
Research Time: 20
Gives Radar Van ability to reveal a small portion of map.

l) High Explosive Bomb
Prerequisite: Bomb Truck
Affected Unit: Respective Bomb Truck
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 5
Loads a high explosive payload to the Bomb Truck, increasing its
damage by 100%

m) Bio Bomb
Prerequisite: Bomb Truck
Affected Unit: Respective Bomb Truck
Build Cost: 500
Build Time: 5
Loads a bio bomb to the Bomb Truck, contaminating the ground with
Poison Field Medium when destroyed.


1 USA General Powers

1 Star General
- Paladin Tank: Paladins can shoot down enemy missiles with an advanced
defensive laser system.
- Stealth Fighter: Camouflaged when moving.
- Spy Drone: Spy drones are camouflaged against enemy sight and radar
and reveal enemy positions.

3 Star General
- Pathfinder: Pathfinders are elite camouflaged snipers.
- Para Drop Level 1: Drop Rangers from the air. 1st level: 5 Rangers
- Para Drop Level 2: Drop Rangers from the air. 2nd level: 10 Rangers.
- Para Drop Level 3: Drop Rangers from the air. 3rd level: 15 Rangers.
- A-10 Strike Level 1: A-10 Thunderbolts destroy buildings, vehicles,
and infantry. First level: one A-10 Thunderbolt.
- A-10 Strike Level 2: A-10 Thunderbolts destroy buildings, vehicles,
and infantry.Second level: two A-10 Thunderbolts.
- A-10 Strike Level 3: A-10 Thunderbolts destroy buildings, vehicles,
and infantry.Third level: three A-10 Thunderbolts.
- Emergency Repair Level 1: Repair vehicles in an area.
First level: light repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 2: Repair vehicles in an area.
Second level: medium repair.
- Emergency Repair Level 3: Repair vehicles in an area.
Third level: serious repair.

5 Star General
- Fuel Air Bomb: Fuel air bombs destroy buildings and enemy troop

Paladin Tank
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US War Factory
This General Power allows the player to build Paladin Tank.
Paladin Tank can render enemy missile attack useless with its laser,
which is also useful for attacking infantry in short range.

Stealth Fighter
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Air Field. Strategy Center
In fact, it is a stealth bomber. Spending a General Point for this will
let the player to build this airplane. It is invisible and will decloack
when firing, making it a perfect weapon for sneak attack.

Spy Drone
Rank: 1 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
Stealthy Spy Drone, if it is activated and deployed, will reveal the
area where it is placed for the player. (See Spy Drone session)

Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Barracks
Choosing this General Power will enable the player to train Pathfinders
from US Barracks.

Para Drop Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
This General Power, if selected, will give authorization to the player
to drop 5 Rangers by US Cargo Plane to the designated area.

Para Drop Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Para Drop Level 1.
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
A better version of Para Drop Level 1, Para Drop Level 2 grants the player
10 Rangers to be dropped anywhere on the map via US Cargo Plane.

Para Drop Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Para Drop Level 2
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
With this General Power chosen, the player may call in a US Cargo Plane
to parachute 15 Rangers anywhere on the map.

A-10 Missile Strike Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
This General Power, once activated, will call in an A-10 Thunderbolt
to strike a targeted area.

A-10 Missile Strike Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Rebel Ambush 2
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Activating A-10 Strike Level 2 will send 2 A-10 Thunderbolts to bombard
a specific target area.

A-10 Missile Strike Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Rebel Ambush Level 3
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
The most deadly among the three A-10 Strikes, A-10 Strike Level 3 allows
the player to assign 3 A-10s to blitz a target area.

Emergency Repair Level 1
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Light Repair enables the player to fix vehicles in a specific area,
increasing their lost HP by as much as 100 in the radius of 100.

Emergency Repair Level 2
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 2
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
A more advanced version of Light Repair, Medium Repair will add a
maximum of 200 more HP to the damaged vehicles in a 100 radius area.

Emergency Repair Level 3
Rank: 3 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point; Emergency Repair Level 3
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 4 minutes
Serious Repair is the most advanced version of Emergency Repair. It
returns as much as 300 lost HP to the damaged vehicles in the radius
(100 distances)

Fuel Bomb
Rank: 5 Star General
Requirement: 1 General Point
Building Required: US Command Center
Recharge Time: 6 minutes
Bombards the targeted area with a deadly Fuel Bomb.
Fuel Bomb
Damage: 2000
Damage Type: Explosion
Damage Radius: 100
Range: 100
Fuel Bomb Remaining Flame
Damage: 5 (Just a spot of flame to light trees on fire)
Damage Type: Flame
Damage Radius: 100
Range: 100

Carpet Bomb
Carpet Bomb is no longer available. However, as it saw action in China
Mission 5, there is nothing wrong to write it here.
Drops 15 bombs in a line, causing massive damage in the line it scorches.
Timer: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Weapon: Carpet Bomb
Damage: 300
Damage Type: Explosion
Damage Radius: 50

2 USA Units

(a) US Aircraft

a.1) Chinook
Health Information
HP: 300
Armor: Chinook Armor
Experience Information
50 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 300
Shroud Clearing Range: 600
Locomotor Information
Speed: 150 dist/sec; 60 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Resource Gathering
Max Boxes: 8 ($600)
Supply Center Action Delay: 3000 ms (one transaction)
Supply Warehouse Action Delay: 1250 ms per box (many small
Supply Warehouse Scan Distance: 700 (Max distance to look
for a warehouse, or Chinook goes home)
Warns when Resources are depleted
Combat Drop
Sends all Rangers inside to a garrisoned building to occupy it,
killing all hostile units inside. It usually takes one Ranger as
a war casualty. If the building is not garrisoned, Rangers
automatically garrison in that building.
Total No. of Ropes: 4
Has 8 slots
Capable of transporting infantry and some vehicles.
100% damage to units inside when destroyed (all units inside are
Units are evacuated with a delay of 100 milliseconds per unit.
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Supply Center
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Chinook, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield.
- Chinook only lands if ordered to load or unload units.

a.2) Raptor
Health Information
HP: 160 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 if badly damaged.
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged.
Weapon Information
Raptor Jet Missile
Damage: 100; 125 with Laser Missiles Upgrade
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Jet Missile
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Range: 320
Minimum Range: 100
Projectile Speed: 300
Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 150
Clipsize: 4
Reload Time: 8000 ms
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Raptor is shot down, it will eject
its pilot. A veteran Raptor will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More
information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Laser Missiles (Air Field): Adds 25% damage to Raptor Missile.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Raptor gains veterancy
level 100% as fast.
Build Information
Prerequisites: US Airfield
Build Cost: 1400
Build Time: 20

a.3) Comanche
Health Information
HP: 220 Armor: Comanche Armor
Experience Information
100 exp as veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp as elite 100 exp as elite
400 exp as heroic 200 exp heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600
Locomotor Information
Speed: 120 dist/second Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second
Weapon Information
Comanche 20mm Cannon
Always uses this against infantry. Used against vehicles and
buildings when it is reloading missiles.
Damage: 6
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan
Range: 200
Accuracy: 100%
Cooldown: 100 msec
Comanche Anti Tank Missile
Never used against infantry. Always be used against vehicles and
Primary Damage: 50
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 30
Secondary Damage Radius: 25
Damage Type: Jet Missile
Range: 200
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second
Cooldown: 500 msec
Clip Size: 4 (4 shots in a clip)
Clip Reload Time: 15000 msec
Accuracy: 100% (practically it is never used against infantry but
theoretically it may miss as much as 20 distances against infantry)
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Fire Rocket
Prerequisite: Rocket Pods Upgrade
Comanche fires deadly rocket barrages on the targeted area, damaging
everything in its explosion radius.
Primary Damage: 30
Primary Damage Radius: 5
Secondary Damage: 10
Secondary Damage Radius: 40
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 200
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 200 msec
Clip Size: 20
Clip Reload Time: 30000 msec
Not homing missiles
Comanche does not need to land for any reason except for repairing.
Auto Reload
Unlike other air vehicles, Comanche does not need to return to
Airfield to reload. It automatically does it in the air when its
clip is exhausted.
Upgrade Information
- Rocket Pods (US Airfield): Gives Comanche ability to fire rocket
- AdvancedTraining (Strategy Center): Comanche gains experiences twice
as fast.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Airfield
Build Cost: 1500
Build Time: 20 seconds
- Comanche, if needing repairs, must dock to Airfield. It will land near
the Airfield.

a.4) Stealth Fighter
Health Information
HP: 140 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran
300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite
600 exp to heroic 300 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 175 dist/sec; 120 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged
Weapon Information
Stealth Jet Missile
Damage: 100; 125 with Laser Missile Upgrade
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Stealth Jet Missile
Range: 220
Minimum Range: 60
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Cooldown: 200 msec
Clip Size: 2
Reload Time: 8000 msec
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Stealth Fighter remains invisible except when firing weapons.
Stealth Delay: 1500 msec
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Stealth Fighter is shot down, it
will eject its pilot. A veteran Stealth Fighter will eject a
veteran pilot, etc. More information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Laser Missiles (Air Field): Adds 25% damage to Stealth Fighter
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Stealth Fighter gains veterancy
level 100% as fast.
Build Information
Prerequisites: US Airfield, Stealth Fighter General Power
Build Cost: 1600
Build Time: 25 seconds
- Can not attack air units.

a.5) Aurora Bomber
Health Information
HP: 80 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 200 exp as conscript/veteran
400 exp to elite 400 exp as elite/heroic
800 exp to heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 600
Locomotor Information
When attacking (Supersonic Mode): 480 dist/sec; 240 if badly damaged
Turn Rate (Supersonic Mode): 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged
100 ms required to change from Supersonic Mode to Sluggish
Mode (Returning for Ammo)
2000 ms required to remain untargetable
When returning for reloading (Sluggish Mode): 120 dist/sec
Turn Rate (Sluggish Mode): 60 degrees/sec
When moving (Normal Mode): 180 dist/sec; 120 if badly damaged
Turn Rate (Normal Mode): 180 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged
Weapon Information
Aurora Bomb
Damage: 400
Damage Radius: 20
Damage Type: Aurora Bomb
Clip Size: 1
Range: 300
Projectile Speed: 480 dist/sec
Projectile Turn Rate: 960 degrees/second
Clip Reload Time: 5000 msec
Not a homing missile
Special Ability Information
When targeting, Aurora flies so fast that it can not be shot down.
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Aurora is shot down, it will eject
its pilot. A veteran Aurora Bomber will eject a veteran pilot, etc.
More information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Aurora Bomber gains veterancy
level 100% as fast.
Build Information
Prerequisites: US Airfield, Strategy Center
Build Cost: 2500
Build Time: 30 seconds

a.6) US Cargo Plane
Health Information
HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
40 experience as anything
Locomotor Information
Speed: 125; 75 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 25; 10 when badly damaged
Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged
- Drops Crates on a Supply Drop Zone and Paradrops on the target area.

a.7) B52
Health Information
HP: 1000 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
50 exp as anything
Locomotor Information
Speed: 125; 75 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 25; 10 when badly damaged
Acceleration: 60; 30 when badly damaged
- Drops Fuel Bombs and Carpet Bombs on the target area.

a.8) A-10 Thunderbolt
Health Information
HP: 600 Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
40 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 120 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 200 degrees/sec; 90 if badly damaged
Weapon Information
A-10 Thunderbolt Vulcan
Damage: 10
Damage Radius: 4
Damage Type: Small Arms
Attack Range: 450
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 60 msec
A-10 Thunderbolt Missile
Launches 6 missiles per aircraft. 1st level will deliver 6 missiles,
2nd 12 missiles, and 3rd 24 missiles.
Damage: 200
Damage Radius: 50
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 350
Projectile Speed: 240 ms/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 200 degrees/second
Special Ability Information
Upgrade Information
Build Information
A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike General Power

(b) US Drones

b.1) Spy Drone
Health Information
HP: 200; 250 with Drone Armor Armor: Airplane Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 250
Special Ability Information
Spy Drone is invisible to the enemies unless they use detectors.
Spy Drone can locate hidden units.
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Upgrade Information
- Drone Armor (Strategy Center): This upgrade increases the maximum
HP of Spy Drone by 50.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Command Center, Spy Drone General Power
Recharge Time: 1 minute 30 seconds
- Can not be repaired in any way.

b.2) Scout Drone
Health Information
Health: 20; 70 with Drone Armor Armor: Tank Armor
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500
Locomotor Information
Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 90 when badly damaged
Maximum Wandering Range: 35 when master vehicle is idle or
guarding; 75 when master vehicle is attacking or moving.
Special Ability Information
Detection Rate: 500
Upgrade Information
- Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Increases Scout Drone maximum HP
by 50
Build Information
Prerequisite: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Paladin Tank, or
Build Cost: 100
Build Time: 5
- Cannot be repaired.
- Flies near transport loading its master vehicle.
- Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated.

b.3) Battle Drone
Health Information
HP: 100; 150 with Drone Armor Upgrade Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
10 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
Shroud Clearing Range: 150
Locomotor Information
Speed: 40 dist/sec; 20 if badly damaged; 140 when repairing
Turn Rate: 90 degrees/sec; 500 if repairing; 400 when repairing
and badly damaged
Maximum Wandering Range: 35 if master vehicle is idle or
guarding; 75 if master vehicle is attacking or moving
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 360
Battle Drone Machine Gun
Damage: 1; 1.25 with AP Bullets Upgrade
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 110
Cooldown: 100 msec
Special Ability Information
Repairs Master Vehicle
Repairs Master vehicle if master vehicle is idle or possesses HP
below 60%.
Repair Rate: 5 HP/sec
Upgrade Information
- Drone Armor (Strategy Center): Adds Battle Drone armor by 50.
- AP Bullets (Black Market): Adds Battle Drone machine gun
damage by 25% (GLA is so attentive…:)
Build Information
Prerequisites: Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader Tank, Paladin Tank, or
Tomahawk and US War Factory
Build Cost: 200
Build Time: 5
- Cannot be repaired.
- Flies near transport loading its master vehicle.
- Automatically destroyed when master vehicle is eliminated.

(c) US Infantry

c.1) Ranger
Health Information
HP: 180 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
40 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran
60 exp to elite 40 exp as elite
120 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite)
Weapon Information
Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle
Damage: 5
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 100
Cooldown: 100 msec
Clip Size: 3
Clip Reload Time: 700 msec
Ranger Flash-Bang Grenade
Primary Damage: 25
Primary Damage Radius: 10
Secondary Damage: 10
Secondary Damage Radius: 40
Damage Type: Surrender
Range: 175
Minimum Range: 20
Projectile Speed: 120
Accuracy: 96% against unmoving target (may miss as much as 4
distance radius from the target)
Reload Time: 2000 msec
Empties garrisoned civilian buildings
Special Ability Information
Capture Building
Prerequisite: Capture Building Upgrade
Range: 5
Unpack Time: 3000
Capture Time: 20000
Pack Time: 2000
Exp Gained: 15
Rifle/Flash Bang Options
Prerequisite: Flash Bang Upgrade
Switches weapon from Rifle to Flash Bang or vice versa.
Upgrade Information
- Capture Building (Barracks): Enables Ranger to capture
most hostile buildings or tech buildings.
- Flash Bang Grenade (US Barracks): Allows Ranger to switch weapon
from Rifle to Flash-Bang or vice versa.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by
Ranger by 100%.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Barracks
Build Cost: 225
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 1

c.2) Missile Defender
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran
200 exp to elite 40 exp as elite
400 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Missile Defender Missile
Damage: 40
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Infantry Missile
Range: 175
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Laser Missile Attack
Uses Laser Beam to target a hostile vehicle
Preparation Time: 1000
Damage: 40
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Range: 300
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/sec
Accuracy: 100% (though it is practically can’t target infantry,
theoretically it may miss as much as 10 distances against infantry)
Cooldown: 500 msec
Homing missile
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases experience gained by
Missile Defender by 100%.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Barracks
Build Cost: 300
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 1

c.3) Pathfinder
Health Information
HP: 120 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
50 exp to veteran 40 exp as conscript/veteran
100 exp to elite 60 exp as elite
200 exp to heroic 80 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec (infinite)
Weapon Information
Pathfinder Sniper Rifle
Damage: 100; 125 with GLA Armor Piercing Bullet (Oh… my… my…)
Damage Type: Fleshy Sniper
Range: 300
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 2000 msec
Can not attack vehicles or buildings.
Special Ability Information
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Can not detect when in a garrison or transport or Tunnel Network
Decloaks when moving, still cloaks even when attacking
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training: Pathfinder gains experience as twice as fast.
- AP Bullets (GLA Black Market): Increases Pathfinder sniper
damage by 25%.
Build Information
Prerequisites: US Barracks, Pathfinder General Power
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot: 1

c.4) Colonel Burton
Health Information
HP: 200 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript
300 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran/elite
600 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 500
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 15 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 360 degrees/sec; 350 if badly hurt
Weapon Information
Colonel Burton Sniper Rifle
Damage: 40
Damage Type: Small Arms
Range: 125
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 100 msec
Clip Size: 3
Clip Reload Time: 500 msec
Special Ability Information
Stealth Delay: 2000 msec
Decloaks when firing or before planting C4s
Knife Attack
Damage: 10000
Damage Type: Melee
Range: 3
Reload Time: 1367 msec
Pre Attack Delay: 833 ms (always delays attack for 833 ms before
Timed Demo Charge
Primary Damage: 2000
Primary Damage Radius: 25
Secondary Damage: 150
Secondary Damage Radius: 75
Damage Type: Explosion
Shroud Clearing Range: 75
Range: 0
Explodes after 20 seconds
Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4
Can’t install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place
Unpack Time: 5500
Escapes 100 distances after completion
Max Timed C4s to Install: 10
Does not expire when Colonel Burton dies
Remote Demo Charge
Primary Damage: 2000
Primary Damage Radius: 25
Secondary Damage: 150
Secondary Damage Radius: 75
Damage Type: Explosion
Shroud Clearing Range: 75
Range: 0
Explodes after detonated
Decloaks 5000 ms before planting C4
Can’t install more than 1 C4 (either Timed or Remote) in one place
Unpack Time: 5500
Escapes 100 distances after completion
Max Remote C4s to Install: 8
Expires if Colonel Burton dies
Detonates all Remote Demo Charges
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Colonel Burton’s
veterancy gathering by 100%
Build Information
Prerequisites: US Barracks, Strategy Center
Build Cost: 1500
Build Time: 20 seconds
- Slot: 1
- Max. Limit: 1

c.5) Pilot
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
10 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 20 when badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Special Ability Information
Escapes from destroyed US vehicles possessing veterancy level.
Veterancy Inheritancy
Inherits veterancy level of the destroyed US vehicles.
Veterancy Deliverance
Delivers or adds the veterancy level a pilot owns to the vehicle
he boards.
Vehicles to receive veterancy: All vehicles which can gain veterancy
level except transport.
Build Information
- Built from destroyed US vehicles which possessing veterancy level.
- Slot: 1
- To deliver veterancy level to a Comanche, simply damage the Comanche
and when it docks to the Airfield to repair, enter.
- Guard your pilot so he won’t land in water. He will die drowned.

c.6) Bio Hazard Technician
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: HazMat Human Armor
Experience Information
150 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript
450 exp to elite 100 exp as veteran
900 exp to heroic 150 exp as elite
400 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 25 dist/sec; 20 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec; 150 if badly hurt
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Hazard Cleaning
Radius: 25
Range: 100
Scan Rate: 1000
Scan Range: 100
Allowed to move around while cleaning up.
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases Bio Hazard
Technician’s veterancy gathering by 100%
Build Information
Available only by Mission
Prerequisite: US Barracks
Build Cost: 200
Build Time: 5
- Slot: 1

(d) US Vehicles
d.1) Humvee
Health Information
HP: 240 Armor: Humvee Armor
Experience Information
100 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
150 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
300 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 320
Locomotor Information
Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 180
Humvee Gun
Damage: 8
Damage Type: Comanche Vulcan
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 600 dist/sec
Cooldown: 200 msec
Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Ground)
Damage: 30
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 225 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 100 degrees/second
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Clip Size: 1
Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec
Not a homing missile
Humvee Missile Weapon (Anti Air)
Damage: 50
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 320
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10% against
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Clip Size: 1
Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Battle Transport
Enables passengers to fire from inside, gaining Garrison Bonus
(see Bonus Modifiers)
Can accommodate at most 5 infantry
100% damage to units inside upon death (kills all passengers when
Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit
Number of Exit Paths: 3
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Humvee is destroyed, it will eject
its pilot. A veteran Humvee will eject a veteran pilot, etc. More
information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Battle Drone (Humvee): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped with
light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master vehicle.
- Scout Drone (Humvee): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment sight
range and detect stealth units.
- TOW Missile (US War Factory): Equips all Humvees with a TOW Missile
capable of attacking ground and air units.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Increases the veterancy gaining
by 100%.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US War Factory
Build Cost: 700
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Transport Slot: 3

d.2) Crusader
Health Information
HP: 480; 580 with Composite Armor
Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran
300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite
600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Crusader Tank Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 180
Damage: 60
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 400 dist/sec
Cooldown: 2000 msec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Special Ability Information
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Crusader is destroyed, it will eject
its pilot. A veteran Crusader Tank will eject a veteran pilot, etc.
More information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Battle Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped
with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master
- Scout Drone (Crusader Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment
sight range and detect stealth units.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as
- Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds max HP of Crusader Tank by
Build Information
Prerequisite: USA WarFactory
Build Cost: 900
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot Count: 3

d.3) Ambulance
Health Information
HP: 240 Armor: Toxin Truck Armor
Experience Information
50 exp as anything
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Locomotor Information
Speed: 60 dist/sec; 30 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Special Ability Information
Hazard Cleaning
Turret Turn Rate: 180
Radius: 50
Range: 100
Scan Rate: 1000
Scan Range: 100
Allowed to move around while cleaning up.
Healing Transport
Can transport up to 3 infantry inside
Healing Rate: 25%/second
Allows Allied Units inside
Exit Delay: 250 ms/unit
Number of Exit: 3
Infantry Healing
Heals allied infantry standing near it
Healing Amount: 4 HP/second
Healing Radius: 100
Upgrade Information
- Battle Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped
with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master
- Scout Drone (Ambulance): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment
sight range and detect stealth units.
Build Information
Prerequisite: US War Factory
Build Cost: 600
Build Time: 10 seconds
- Slot Count: 3

d.4) Paladin Tank
Health Information
HP: 500; 600 with Composite Armor Armor: Tank Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 100 exp as conscript/veteran
300 exp to elite 200 exp as elite
600 exp to heroic 400 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Turret Turn Rate: 180
Paladin Tank Gun
Damage: 60
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Armor Piercing
Range: 150
Projectile Speed: 300 dist/sec
Cooldown: 2000 msec
Accuracy: 100% vs vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances against
Special Ability Information
Point Defense Laser
Targets: Ballistic Missiles, Small Missiles, Infantry
Damage: 100
Range: 65
Cooldown: 1000 msec
Scan Rate: 500
Scan Range: 120
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Paladin Tank is destroyed, it will
eject its pilot. A veteran Paladin Tank will eject a veteran pilot,
etc. More information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Battle Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped
with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master
- Scout Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment
sight range and detect stealth units.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as
- Composite Armor (Strategy Center): Adds max HP of Paladin Tank by 100.
Build Information
Prerequisites: US War Factory; Paladin Tank General Power
Build Cost: 1100
Build Time: 12 seconds
- Transport Slot: 3

d.5) Tomahawk
Health Information
HP: 180 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
200 exp to veteran 50 exp as conscript/veteran
400 exp to elite 100 exp as elite
800 exp to heroic 150 exp as heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 180 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30 dist/sec; 25 if badly damaged
Turn Rate: 180 degrees/second
Weapon Information
Tomahawk Missile
Turret Turn Rate: 60
Primary Damage: 150
Primary Damage Radius: 10
Secondary Damage: 50
Secondary Damage Radius: 25
Damage Type: Explosion
Accuracy: may miss as far as 20 distances against infantry
Range: 350
Minimum Range: 100
Projectile Speed: 200 dist/sec
Missile Turn Rate: 540 degrees/sec
Missile Preparation Time: 250 ms (Delays missile launch for 0.25
second for preparation)
Cooldown: 1 ms
Clip Size: 1
Clip Reload Time: 7000 msec
Homing missile
Special Ability Information
Eject Pilot
When a veteran, elite, or heroic Tomahawk is destroyed, it will
eject its pilot. A veteran Tomahawk will eject a veteran pilot, etc.
More information on Pilot session.
Upgrade Information
- Battle Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Battle Drone equipped
with light machine gun and repair tools used to repair its master
- Scout Drone (Paladin Tank): Builds a flying Scout Drone to augment
sight range and detect stealth units.
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as
Build Information
Prerequisites: US War Factory. Strategy Center
Build Cost: 1200
Build Time: 20
- Transport Slot: 3

d.6) Construction Dozer
Health Information
HP: 250 Armor: Dozer Armor
Experience Information
Not available
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
Locomotor Information
Speed: 30; 25 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 90; 60 when badly damaged
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Builds Building
Detection and Disarming
Detects and Disarms US Colonel Burton’s C4s, Chinese Tank Hunter
TNTs, and China Land and Cluster Mines
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Looks for explosives to disarm within 150 distances every 5000
milliseconds when idle.
Can’t detect explosives when in Transport or Tunnel Network.
Repairs Damaged Buildings
Repairs 2% of max HP per second.
Looks for buildings to repair within 150 distances every 5000
milliseconds when idle.
Upgrade Information
Build Information
Prerequisite: US Command Center
Build Cost: 1000
Build Time: 5 seconds
- Slot: 5

d.7) POW Truck
Health Information
HP: 500 Armor: Truck Armor
Experience Information
150 exp to veteran 50 exp as anything
450 exp to elite
900 exp to heroic
Vision Information
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 60; 35 when badly damaged
Turn rate: 120
Weapon Information
Special Ability Information
Upgrade Information
- Advanced Training (Strategy Center): Gains veterancy level twice as
Build Information
Available for mission purpose only
- Slot: 3

3 US Structures

While GLA buildings except Demo Trap may leave GLA holes that rebuild the
destroyed buildings and most Chinese structures are allowed to lay a mine
field as protection, all US buildings slowly self-repair.

a) Cold Fusion Reactor
Prerequisite: US Command Center
Energy: +5; +10 with Control Rods Upgrade
Build Cost: 800 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 800 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Gained: 100
Special Ability Information
Control Rods
Increases the energy output capacity of the Cold Fusion Reactor by
100%, making a total of 10.
Cost: 800
Guard Ranger
Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

b) Barracks
Build Cost: 600 Build Time: 10 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Experience Value: 100
Special Ability Information
Heals Infantry
Can heals both friendly or allied infantry
Accomodation: 10
Healing Time: 2000 milliseconds
Guard Ranger
Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

c) Supply Center
Prerequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor Experience Value: 200
Build Cost: 2000 Refund Value: 400
Build Time: 10 seconds Energy: -1
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability Information
Guard Ranger
Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

d) Patriot Missile Battery
Prerequisite: Cold Fusion Reactor
Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 25 seconds
HP: 1000 Armor: Base Defense Armor
Energy: -3 Experience Value: 200
Vision Range: 360 (Shroud clearing distance AND targeting range)
Shroud Clearing Range: 360
Turret Turn Rate: 180 degrees per sec
Patriot Missile Weapon (Anti Ground)
Damage: 30
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 225
Projectile Speed: 400 distances/second
Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Cooldown: 250 msec
Clip Size: 4
Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec
Homing missile
Patriot Missile Weapon (Anti Air)
Damage: 25
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 350
Projectile Speed: 400/distances/second
Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second
Cooldown: 250 msec
Clip Size: 4
Clip Reload Time: 2000 msec
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Homing missile
Can shoot down ballistic missiles
Special Ability Information
Requests Assistance
A Patriot may request assistance from nearby Patriot when shooting
an enemy.
Assistance Request Range: 200
Weapon Used for Assistance: Patriot Missile Assist Weapon
(Anti Air and Ground)
Damage: 25
Damage Radius: 5
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 450
Projectile Speed: 400
Missile Turn Rate: 300 degrees/second
Accuracy: 100% against vehicles, may miss as much as 10 distances
against infantry.
Cooldown: 250 msec
Clip Size: 4
Clip Reload Time: 1000 msec
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Detection Range: 200
Guard Ranger
Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

e) War Factory
Prerequisite: US Supply Center
Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 15 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Energy: -1 Experience Value: 200
Special Ability Information
Repairs Vehicle
Repairing Time: 5000 ms
Guard Ranger
Creates 5 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)
- Door Opening Time: 3250 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms

f) Air Field
Prerequisite: US Supply Center
Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 30 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 1500 Armor: Structure Armor
Energy: -1 Experience Value: 150
Special Ability Information
Heals Aircraft
Healing Rate: 10 HP per second
Total number of aircraft: 4
Guard Ranger
Creates 2 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)
- If captured, all airplanes parking there are automatically changing
- Door Opening Time: 2000 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1000 ms

g) Strategy Center
Prerequisite: US War Factory or US Airfield
Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 60 seconds
Vision Range: 400 Shroud Clearing Range: 400
Energy: -2 Experience Value: 250
HP: 1500; 3000 with Hold the Line Battle Plan
Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability Information
Changes Battle Plan
This ability will endow the units a better enhancement. The bonus
depends on the battle plan executed. There are two drawbacks: once
a battle plan is initiated, the location of the Strategy Center will
be publicy revealed and it does not affect allied units. Remember that
Construction Dozer, Worker, structures, aircraft, and drones do not
benefit from any kind of battle plan.
A player may change the battle plan already carried out, but it will
paralyze the units for 5000 ms, let alone the rebuilding of the Strategy
Center Add On which will take 7000 ms.
Bombardment Battle Pan
Bombardment increases the damage of the units by 20%. It also equips
the Strategy Center with powerful cannon.
Strategy Center Gun
Turret Turn Rate: 60 degrees per sec
Damage: 200; 250 with Uranium Shells Upgrade (Oh… oh…)
Damage Radius: 25
Damage Type: Explosion
Scatter Radius: 85% (may miss as much as 15 distances instead of
hitting it accurately)
Range: 400
Minimum Range: 100
Projectile Speed: 150 dist/sec
Cooldown: 7000 msec
Hold the Line Battle Plan
This battle plan increases the armor of the units by 10% and the HP
of the Strategy Center to 3000.
Search and Destroy Plan
Carrying out this plan will increase the weapon’s range and sight
range by 20%. It will also give Strategy Center ability to detect
stealth units existing near it.
Strategy Center Search and Destroy Detector
Active only when Search and Destroy Plan is performed.
Detection Rate: 500 msec
Detection Range: 500
Guard Ranger
Creates 4 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)
- Max no. of building: 1

h) Supply Drop Zone
Prerequisite: Strategy Center Energy: -4
Build Cost: 2500 Build Time: 45 seconds
Shroud Clearing Range: 100 Experience Value: 200
HP: 1000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability Information
UN Funds Donation
Calls in a US Cargo Plane to drop 6 crates of dollars, each
consisting of $100.
Reload Time: 2 minutes
Guard Ranger
Creates 3 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

i) Detention Camp
Prerequisite: Strategy Center Experience Value: 100
Build Cost: 1000 Build Time: 30 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability
Allows the player sees what the enemy sees (can not detect hidden
Reload Time: 2 minutes
Duration: 35 seconds
Guard Ranger
Creates 8 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

j) Particle Cannon
Prerequisite: Strategy Center
Build Cost: 5000 Build Time: 60 seconds
Vision Range: 200 Shroud Clearing Range: 200
HP: 4000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Energy: -10 Experience Value: 400
Particle Cannon Beam
Reload Time: 4 minutes Total Firing Time: 10 seconds
View Object Duration: 30000 ms View Object Range: 250
Damage per Second: 40 Damage Type: Particle Beam
Beam Travel Time: 2500 ms
Beam Speed: 20; can be sped up to 40 with a delay of 500 ms
Particle Cannon Beam Trail Remnant
The trail left behind creates an object that inflicts extra damage for
a short period of time.
Damage: 15
Damage Radius: 10
Damage Type: Particle Beam
Cooldown: 250 msec
Existing Time: 4000 ms
Special Ability Information
Guard Ranger
Creates 6 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)

k) Command Center
Build Cost: 2000 Build Time: 45 seconds
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
HP: 5000 Armor: Structure Armor Tough
Experience Gained: 200
Special Ability
Spy Satellite
Reload Time: 60 seconds
Radius: 300
Reveal Time: 13000 ms
Detection Rate: 500 ms
Enables Minimap
Guard Ranger
Creates 10 Rangers upon destruction
Base Regeneration
Regeneration Rate: 0.3% of max HP per second
Regeneration Delay: 3000 ms (begins auto-repair when does not receive
damage after 3 seconds)
- Required to access Spy Satellite and these General Powers: Spy Drone,
Paradrop, A-10 Thunderbolt Missile Strike, Emergency Repair, and
Fuel Bomb.
- Door Opening Time: 1500 ms
- Door Wait Open Time: 3000 ms
- Construction Complete Duration: 1500 ms

4 US Upgrades

a) Capture Building
Prerequisite: Barracks
Affected Units: Ranger (Rebels and Red Guards)
Research Cost: 1000
Research Time: 30
Enables Rangers to capture most hostile and tech buildings.

b) Flash Bang Grenade
Prerequisite: US Barracks
Affected Unit: Ranger
Research Cost: 800
Research Time: 30
Arms Rangers with Flash Bang Grenade which will be useful against
infantry garrisoning in civilian buildings and infantry masses.

c) TOW Missiles
Prerequisite: US War Factory
Affected Unit: Humvee
Research Cost: 1200
Research Time: 30
Installs a rocket system on Humvee which makes it able to attack aircraft and
more deadly against vehicles.

d) Laser Missile
Prerequisite: US Airfield
Affected Units: Raptor, Stealth Fighter
Research Cost: 1500
Research Time: 40
Equips Raptor and Stealth Fighter with an American Laser Guided Missile,
enhancing their damage by 25%.

e) Rocket Pods
Prerequisite: US Airfield
Affected Unit: Comanche
Research Cost: 800
Affected Unit: Comanche
Loads Comanche with destructive rocket weaponry systems.

f) Advanced Training
Prerequisite: Strategy Center
Affected Units: Ranger, Missile Defender, Pathfinder, Colonel Burton,
Humvee, Crusader, Paladin, Tomahawk, Comanche, Raptor, Steath Fighter,
Research Cost: 1500
Research Time: 60
Drills the units better so they are able to gain veterancy twice as fast.

g) Composite Armor
Prerequisite: Strategy Center
Affected Units: Crusader and Paladin
Research Cost: 2000
Research Time: 60
Improves the armor of both Crusader and Paladin Tanks, making them more
durable in battle.

h) Drone Armor
Prerequisite: Strategy Center
Affected Units: Spy Drone, Scout Drone, Battle Drone
Research Cost: 500
Research Time: 40
Reinforces the drones with better armors which increase their HP.

i) Control Rods
Prerequisite: Unupgraded Cold Fusion Reactor
Affected Building: Respective Cold Fusion Reactor
Build Cost: 800
Build Time: 30
Activates the Control Rods to generate 100% more power from the Reactor.

j) Battle Drone
Prerequisite: Droneless Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader, Paladin, Tomahawk
Affected Units: Respective units
Build Cost: 300
Build Time: 5
Deploys a Battle Drone with mini machine gun, capable of repairing
its master vehicle.

k) Scout Drone
Prerequisite: Droneless Humvee, Ambulance, Crusader, Paladin, Tomahawk
Affected Units: Respective units
Build Cost: 100
Build Time: 5
Deploys a Scout Drone with advanced mapping systems, giving its master
vehicle more sight range.

1 Neutral Units

1.1) Civilian
Health Information
HP: 50
Armor: Human Armor
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Speed: 10 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 350 degres/sec
Speed: 25 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt
Turn Rate: 350 degrees/sec
Vision Information
Vision Range: 150
- Transport Slot: 1
- Can’t be selected

1.2) UN Soldier
Health Information
HP: 125 Armor: Human Armor
Experience Information
20 exp to veteran 20 exp as conscript/veteran
40 exp to elite 40 exp as elite
60 exp to heroic 60 exp as heroic
120 exp to unknown
Vision Information
Vision Range: 100 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Locomotor Information
Speed: 20 dist/sec; 10 if badly hurt Turn Rate: 500 degrees/sec
Weapon Information
Ranger Advanced Combat Rifle
Damage: 5
Damage Type: Small Arms
Attack Range: 100
Projectile Speed: Immediate
Cooldown: 100 msec
Clip Size: 3
Clip Reload Time: 700 msec
- Transport Slot: 1

1.3) Civilian Car
There are various car models in this game that belong to civilian. It
is difficult to list them all, so the data below just display the
statistics common to most cars, including backhoe.
Health Information
HP: 100; if it’s a limo, it has a HP of 800
Armor: Truck Armor
Locomotor Information
Speed: 90 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec
Speed: 45 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec
Speed: 90 dist/sec
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/sec
Vision Information
Vision Range: varies for different cars
- Transport Slot: 3
- Some cars are able to crush trees, some are not. All cars, however,
can squish infantry.
- Can be hijacked by Terrorist, making it a deadly weapon (See
Terrorist, Car Bomb).

1.4) Locomotive
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Invulnerable Armor
Locomotor Information
Speed: 133 dist/sec; 60 when badly damaged
Turn Rate: 120 degrees/second
Vision Information
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Special Ability Information
Explodes when destroyed
Primary Damage: 100
Primary Damage Radius: 30
Secondary Damage: 30
Secondary Damage Radius: 65
Damage Type: Explosion
Range: 200
Can crush infantry, tree, vehicle, and building
- Untrasportable
- Can only run on the railroad
- Tows 2 Train Cars, 1 Train Coal, and 1 Train Cab
- Stops at the station for 10 seconds
- To destroy a locomotive quickly, build a Demo Trap in its path.

1.5) Train Coach
It is intended to describe Train Cars, Train Coal, and Train Cab because
they all have the same statistics.
Health Information
HP: 100 Armor: Truck Armor
Locomotor Information
Towed by Locomotive
Vision Information
Vision Range: 300 Shroud Clearing Range: 300
Special Ability Information
Can crush infantry, tree, vehicle, and building

2 Tech Buildings

2.1) Tech Hospital
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Shroud Clearing Range: 100
Special Ability
Infantry Auto Heal
Gives all infantry under the hospital owner’s command regeneration
Healing Rate: 2 HP/second

2.2) Tech Oil Derrick
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Shroud Clearing Range: 100
Special Ability
Initial Deposit
Gives the first captor that turns it from neutral building to a
side an initial capture bonus of $1000.
Auto Deposit
Deposit Rate: 200 per 12 seconds

2.3) Tech Oil Refinery
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Shroud Clearing Range: 100
Special Ability
Vehicle Cost Reduction
Gives a 10% cost reduction for the player owning this building when
constructing vehicles/aircraft.

3 Civilian Buildings

2.1) Civilian Building
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability
Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside.
Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus
Can be ungarrisonned.

2.2) Bunker
HP: 2000 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability
Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside.
Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus
Can be ungarrisonned.

2.3) Tent
HP: 200 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability
Can accommodate up to 4 infantry inside.
Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus
Can be ungarrisonned.

2.4) Grass Hut
HP: 100 Armor: Structure Armor
Special Ability
Can accommodate up to 10 infantry inside.
Infantry can fire from within, gaining Garrison Bonus (see Bonus
Can be ungarrisonned.

| D. Miscellaneous |

1 Did You Know?

1. Jarmen Kell, when occupying a building, can be ungarrisonned with ease
by using stealth infantry that can not detect stealth units, i.e. rebel,
Burton, and another Jarmen Kell. Spot the buiding where an enemy
Jarmen Kell is hiding by using stealth detector, then withdraw the
detector so the building is "flagless" again. Then order a stealth
infantry which is not a detector, to enter the building. When he is in,
move the detector nearby to detect the hostile Jarmen Kell. You will
see enemy Jarmen Kell sneaking out of the building, making him an easy
2. When 4 or more MiGs attack air units and create Firestorm, the Firestorm
will be created on the ground, damaging the ground units.
3. If your Air Field is destroyed and you have no other Air Field available
while your aircraft is not in, it will try to locate an unoccupied Air
Field belonging to your ally. As a result, your aircraft is safe but
your ally can not create aircraft.
4. Black Lotus can not disable transport with units inside.

2 Places and Events
Adana, Turkey
(GLA Mission 4)
The city where US Air Base, Incirlik, is located. GLA attempts an assault
on this place to drive US out of Turkey.

Akmola, Kazakhstan
(US Mission 7, Operation: Last Call)
The capital of GLA and former Chinese military base. US besieges this city
and gets authorization from Chinese government to use their facilities.

Al Hanad, Yemen
(US Mission 2, Operation:
The GLA leaders responsible for bio war were detected in this city and some
Comanches received orders to eliminate them. Unfortunately, all Comaches
got shot down by Stinger Soldiers and the pilots captured. US sends rescue
teams to bring the pilots back.

Refer to Bishkek and Dushanbe.

Almaty, Kazakhstan
(GLA Mission 2)
In the villages outside this city, UN troops, protected by US forces,
distributed supplies to the civilians. GLA, in need of funds, sends
forces to claim the supplies, but faces resistance from both UN and US

Aral Sea, Kazakhstan
(GLA Mission 5)
In the Western Coast of Aral Sea, where a Toxic Waste Containment and
Disposal Facilities lie, US forces launched an attack and successfully
captured all toxin bunkers, in which GLA needs to replicate their
poison weapons. When GLA seemed to prevail in securing one bunker,
the bunker exploded as Colonel Burton had set a bomb on it, killing
scores of GLA soldiers. Not daunted by this failure, GLA is determined
to capture at least 4 bunker intact and clear the area of US forces.

Astana, Chinese-Occupied Capital of Kazakshtan
(GLA Mission 3)
A city where a great riot erupted. GLA, seizing advantage of this, sends
reinforcements and loots the city for additional supplies. On the other
side, Chinese forces are trying to regain control over the city with
the help of their US ally.

Baghdad, Iraqi War Zone
(USA Mission 1: Final Justice)
The capital of Iraq and the place where US has tracked GLA biological
arsenals. Raptors were sent to neutralize GLA resistance but were
answered by Stinger Soldiers' resistance. Crusaders pushed forward and
battled the defending Scorpions, which resulted in victory for the US.
The second wave of Scorpions approached, only to be destroyed by Raptors,
leaving US forces free hands to reach Baghdad vicinity in the third day.
GLA forces gathered near Baghdad palace and mercilessly kill Iraqi people
and some of their soldiers guarding Baghdad gate using their poisonous
Scud Storm. US forces receive order to rescue the captured pilots and
shut down the Scud Storm facility once and for all.

Baikonur, Southern Kazakhstan
(GLA Mission 7)
Baikonur, the Soviet Era Rocket Launch Facility, is an important
target for GLA because using the space rocket technology held in Baikonur
Cosmodrome, GLA can launch a deadly biological missile to any city in the
world. US and China, realizing the importance of Baikonur, send forces to
wipe out GLA forces from Baikonur.

Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan
(China Mission 5: Scorched Earth)
A city which was captured by a GLA major cell and whose citizens were
driven out of town after it fell into GLA hands. Chinese forces, backed
by US B52 with its deadly Carpet Bombing, decide to push GLA out of town.

Beijing, the capital of China
(China Mission 1: The Dragon Awakes)
The capital of China and the place where the Chinese get humiliated
most since the Chinese government declared war against GLA. Upon receiving
news that China would set up a military parade in Beijing, GLA planned
and launched a successful ambush, causing a loss of lives of civilians
and soldiers and military vehicles. Once embarassed by successful
military technology stealing by GLA, the Middle Kingdom retaliates by
launching a full-scale attack on GLA stronghold outside Beijing. More
importantly, China wants to destroy GLA nuclear bunkers to avoid them
from making nuclear weapons. Some survevors may join the cause and Chinese
government also dispatches MiGs to seize victory.

Bishkek, Aldastan Sub capital, Kyrgyzstan
(China Mission 6: Dead in their Tracks)
In this region, GLA is gathering reinforcements from the Chinese railroad
under their control. Special Agent Black Lotus is to put a charge on the
railroad bridge to destroy the railroad.

Dushanbe, Aldastan Capital City, Tajikistan (I don't know whether Aldastan
belongs to. Both Bishkek and Dushanbe are located in Aldastan, but Bishkek
is a city in Kyrgyzstan and Dushanbe in Tajikistan).
(China Mission 7: Nuclear Winter
The place where a GLA cell controlling all Asian terror activities
was located. Chinese forces were en route to end GLA campaigns in
Asia forever. Unfortunately, GLA attacked first, led by GLA hero, Jarmen Kell.
Nearly defeated, Chinese forces turned the wave with the help of
their 2 timely arriving MiGs. With GLA outpost in front of them and GLA
main base activating the Scud Storm, Chinese forces must hurry and act
carefully as they have to build a base first.

Hindu Kush
A mountainous area located in the border of Pakistan and Afganistan,
Hindu Kush recalled a bad memory to US forces as they were beaten by
GLA here. Hoping they were able to reach Northern Kazakhstan, US forces
made a desperate retreat to Kazakhstan for their lives. Refer to
Northern Kazakhstan for more information.

Hong Kong, China
(China Mission 2: Hong Kong Crisis)
A GLA terrorist cell has been located in a convention center in Hong Kong.
Chinese forces marched there to wipe it out, but mostly vanished when they
crossed a bridge which then was blown up by GLA, drowning the luckless
soldiers and vehicles to the sea. The survivors received an order to
build a base and then destroy the convention center and its parking lots.
A freighter, getting no passengers since GLA interference, offers help
to cross the sea, enabling Chinese soldiers to launch a surprise attack
by sea.

Hubei Province
See Three Gorges Dam

US Air Base in Adana, Turkey. See Adana

Kabara, Kazakhstan DMZ
(USA Mission 5: Operation: Blue Eagle)
A city near a hydro-electric dam where GLA agreed to make a peace talk
with the UN, but instead of welcoming the envoys, GLA killed them. US
forces reacted quickly and finished off the assasins. Detecting a smaller
base is being built across the river, US forces are to destroy the base
before it is finished. GLA has a larger base nearby, but is still out of

Kazakhstan Coast
(USA Mission 4: Operation: Stormbringer)
GLA has a training camp here and is under attack by USA. This camp,
guarding the main base, is guarded by Stinger Sites to avoid Carpet

Lenger, Kazakhstan
(GLA Mission 6)
A region where a GLA splinter group held control and waited reinforcements
from a Chinese ally in the form of nuclear warheads. GLA intelligence
sneakily assaulted the convoys and seized the warheads to use against
a once friend turning enemy.

Northern Kazakhstan
(USA Mission 3: Operation: Guardian Angel)
USA has a base here and uses it to save her retreating army. See Hindu

Shymkent DMZ
(GLA Mission 1: Operation: Black Rain)
A place where China outpost was ambushed by the once defeated GLA. The
main base is now also under attack launched by GLA.

Tanggula Mountains, China
(China Mission 4: Broken Alliances)
A GLA bio toxin factory was located here. The MiGs previously sent were
shot down by Stinger Sites. Special Agent Black Lotus must locate the
factory and secure the area so MiGs can burn the dangerous materials
flowing from the factory ruins.

Three Gorges Dam, Hubei Province, China
(China Mission 3: A Flood of Violence)
Once an important place in the Three Kingdoms Period, this place is now
under attack by GLA soldiers. Seeing that the base is lost, Black Lotus
orders all soldiers to escape to the higher grounds and destroy the dam.

Washington, USA
The capital of US.

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