Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

17.10.2013 14:39:08
Fighters Guild Guide

The Elder Scrolls 3:Morrowind (TESM)

Fighters Guild Guide

(c)2003 by MadTiger



Disclaimer: If you want to use my work for other purposes (publishing on the
internet or magazines...)just ask me!Don`t forget that Morrowind is copyrighted
by Bethesda Software.This FAQ is credited and copyrighted by international laws
so mail me before using it for other purposes than the one mentioned!Let`s get

1.1.News:I don`t quite know how to do it...this is my first walkthrough so i`m
really curious about how it`s going to be!Anyway ,Morrowind is one of the
coolest games I ever played so it`s worth the efforts.

Sorry if my english is wrong (sometimes) I`m from Romania so...you understand I
hope!I`ll be glad to receive mails and I promise to help everybody except the
annoying guys ;)

1.2.Things you must know:this FAQ is for the Fighters Guild so you must choose
your character carefully to be compatible with this purpose!The choice is yours
but you can take either a rogue ,a crusader ,a battlemage or whatever you thing
(but you`re on your luck then)!Choose a barbarian race as well (because they are
healthier then the rest...you can choose even a beast race-an argonian or orc is
very good at fighting and resistant to disease)!There are certain rules that are
applied to Morrowind and I haven`t seen in any other RPG`s!The first thing is
the way you gain levels but you`ll get used to it pretty fast.Other is that in a
combat with a civilian or a guard the one that blows the first strike is the
criminal so allow the enemy (if it`s an outlaw it doesn`t matter) to hits you
first!One other rule is to always have at least a lockpick ,a probe and a hammer
on you (the master quality reccomended) for different situations.

2:General Tips

2.1.Stealing without being caught:if you stole something and you`ve been caught
drop all the things you`ve ever stole because the guard is going to take them
from you (don`t kill him ,the stuff is in the local fort now)!This probably is a
bug or a mistake in the game:I don`t see how does a guard from Balmora know what
you have stolen from Vivec?Anyway ,if you want to steal all belongings of a
trader ,be sure there is no guard in his store ,press the sneak (Ctrl) button
and try to pickpocket him!He`ll probably see and attack you!Kill him and take
what you want.Now you`ll pay only a modest fee to the guards (only for stealing
around 50 ,because he attacked you first);)

Another way is to try taunting him until he attacks (works for guards too) but
for this action you`ll need a speechcraft skill of at least 40!If you didn`t
succeeded at the first attempt try bribing him (you`ll get your money back after
killing him)!Also be sure to save your game before doing it `cause you never
know the power of an enemy (if he has a daedric weapon you`re toasted before
drawing your sword)!

2.2.General fighting tips:in Morrowind are 3 tipes of strikes(the normal
one=E;the swing attack=E+A:lateral strike best when fighting with hvy armored
people;the coward hit=E+W or S=the weakest strike that does only 1/4 of the
normal one but you can strike while moving or running from the battle)!The best
way to kill an unshielded enemy is the normal attack.When you are facing a guy
with a shiel things are more difficult:deal fast normal attacks until you breach
his defense then act like with a normal one.Always be careful with your stamina
level because if you breach his shield and can`t carry on the battle you are as
good as dead.With the wild animals things are a little bit easyer because they
don`t have shields and can be defeated quite easyly.Just do fast normal attacks
until they are dead.When facing multiple enemyes things are very
difficult...first you must take out the tough ones (shielded,immune to
weapons,fast or just dangerous) with the above tactics then deal with the
rest!Sometimes the weaker one will flee if the boss was killed (if you`re
fighting with a kwama-warrior and a kwama forager ,the forager will run after
the death of the warrior)!But the hardest situation is when you need to take
them out with different weapons (when you`re facing one Flame-atronach and one
Water-atronach you must be careful at targeting because fire attacks on the
flame-atronach will heal him just as water does with water-atronach)!

2.3.Free HeavyArmor:if your character is in need of a hvy armor foolow the next
step for a completely free one!Take the mage teleporter to Caldera and exit the
Guild.See the big Capitol upward the hill?Enter it and step forward until you
see a couple of stairs.Take the middle one and climb until you reach the
top.Here yo`ll find a lot of crates and barrels!In one of them is the armor and
in another is a imperial long blade(32 dmg).Take them and now you`re real
tough!Another location is in the south Guard Towers-same armor+weapon but it`s a
little bit less dangerous to steal it!Remember to drop it when you are caught
stealing and paying the bounty.

2.4.Beginning money:When you get the egg-poachers quest from Eydis you can make
lots of money from mining!This is what you need to do:see the 2 guys just in
front of ShulkMine?Get of of the pickaxes lying around there and then head over
the suspended bridge left of ya! Go straight forward ,kick the Nix`s Hound @$$
and enter the small door between the big rocks (from distance is nearly
invisible)!Wow...you`ve now found a lost mine that is related to a later quest
in the game!Just keep going forward and down ,killing lots of rats until you
reach the big round room!Don`t even consider going on the lateral tunnels
because there are Daedras there (one of the toughest normal enemies you`ll ever
encounter)!In the big room go to the walls and you`ll find raw ebony(quite heavy
but it`s worth the effort...).Get as many as you can carry and head straight
back to Balmora(there is the option of going to HlaOad-just keep the river`s
side with the ShulkMine ,get past the OdayPlateau and there you are)!In HlaOad
you can practice your barter and speechcraft with the villagers in safe
conditions because you aren`t going to visit it too soon now!

2.5.The alchemy stuff:if you want to be an alchemist and brew your own potions
you`ll need an alchemy set (mortar+pestle,calcinator,alembic,retort) that you
can find for free (a master one ,almost the best there is) if you follow my
directions:go to Caldera any way you want and try to locate the local
MagesGuild!Behind the blond guy is a closed(not locked) door!Get past it and
climb the stairs.Just on top you`ll find everything you need ;)

2.6.Jump and run tactic:you must always run and at the same time jump while in
the wilderness for easily raising highly needed acrobatics and athletics
levels!Remember to do this only for the time when you are with the stamina bar
above half ,then walk normally to rest ,or you won`t have the necessar stamina
for a fight (or a run when is the case-and will be lots of times....)!You can
try another one but is harder: go into a house or any other building ,take a
closer look at a corner ,press the CAPS LOCK once for running ,block the W
button ,close your monitor and take a break(around 5-6 hours)!Now your character
will have around lvl 90 at athletics and no monster will ever get you if you
decide to make "the coward scheme":-)

2.7.The savage: you should(recommendably) make your first level in Seyda Neen
and not go to Balmora (where the game practically starts) until you`ve made all
the quests and adventures here(by the way,they are little)!Firstly you must ask
any citizen or guard about rummors...they will tell you that Processus Vitelius
is dead ,but nobody really cares about it (actually they are quite happy...seems
that the guy was hated by everyone in the region)!All you have to do (for now)
is to venture in the Bitter Coast Region (easy one)and search carefully all
around!Oneway or another you will find a body under some big mushrooms after
killing a few crabs(hope you got the dagger from the offical building huh?)
,eventually bare handed (this will help later...you can actually start a war
with no weapon ,especially if your character is argonian or orc!If you are lucky
you will find 2 bodyes(one of Processu and other of a flying mage that crashes
near you-gotta` hear some'Arghhhhhhhhh' ,'Sighhhhhhhh' sounds)!Get theyr clothes
and other belongings (if you found the mage you can now try to fly yourself)!Now
go to the offical that gave you the documents and tell him you found Processus`s
body!Give him the 200 gold... you`ll earn much more if you do...

Now he will ask you to find the killer...500 gold for this(wow,quite a
fortune,huh?)!Go to the lighthouse and the keeper(a women) will tell you the
name of the killer! Go to his hut and kill him no matter the argument he`ll give
you!He is 'like a candy from a baby' (remember the line?)!After you`ve killed
him,rob his hut and other belongings ,sell them and you`ll have a few drakes!But
the great part only now comes...tell the offical that you revenged Processus and
you`ll have the reward...(one more thing ,take Processus ring to his fiancee...
you`ll wish somebody doing something like that for u or what?)!Now is a great
part for buying a decent weapon and armor!Look carefully at the type of armor
you`re specialist in(at major skills) and do the same for the weapon...if you
need to buy a heavy one...well...the things are complicated because you won`t
have enough money for the hole piece but buy what you can and if u have a
1handed weapons do yourself a good and buy a shield too!

Since you now have a decent(hope so) equipment you can do some really heroic
things...like beating some outlaws ,huh?Well ,don`t get too confident `cause you
will only kill one for now!Have you heard a rummor about a band of thieves?Is
the time to get rid of them...go past the siltstrider port and you`ll observe a
wooden door leading into the depts of the mountains...go there and kill the
first f@ker that comes to get you...pick up his armor...equip it if it`s better
than yours and don`t forget to get Adamasartus`s Slave Key....all for now...go
back to your home (you know ...the hut of Processus`killer...nobody lives there
anymore and you`ll have it as a resting place and a storehouse in the
city...you`ll have one in every city)!If you want the last quest I found in the
village then you must go in the store at the second floor and talk to the guard
upwards the stair!This is pretty easy but remember that before you do the
watcing thing u must set the viewdistance to maximum ,otherwise you won`t see
the hole thing and you won`t find the hiding of Fargoth!If you don`t want to do
it ,just talk to the saltstrider port keeper and be sure to buy Nuccius Cursed
ring (this fellow is somewhere in the central market of Seyda) for 100 drakes...

2.8.The real armor:Now this is a very necessary part of the game you must
do!Your character must be around 75-80 weapon and 50-60 armor for
surviving.Until now you`ve probably done some quests of Percius Mercius (Ald
Ruhn) so you know the region of Ashlands.Walk north of the city and you`ll come
across some dwemer ruins (looks like a stall for horses from the road)!All you
have to do is to jump,levitate,fly or cross the mountains to get near some
ruined towers.Enter it!You now are in the vampire`s nest!Keep killing them (they
are quite easy-use a fortify health potion to get them easyly) and go downstairs
to the next level.Here you`ll find a guy dressed in an yellow robe or something
like that...that`s the best hvy armor in the game (ebony);next to this room is a
woman dressed in a green armor...that`s the best light armor in the game(green
glass)!Take both of them and sell the one you don`t need to Creeper in Caldera
(Ghorak Manor second floor)!Another location of the ebony armor is in Dren
Plantations (Orvas Dren has it but his guard has a daedric sword=64dmg+fire so I
don`t reccomend this one!Another ebony armor (incomplete) is on Nerer Beneran
the subject of one of Percius`s quests (Sargon Cave)!I`ll tell you if I find
other locations for these armors or if I`ll see the best medium one!Ah ,one more
thing about the glass armor:don`t talk to Ordinators in temples because they
think your armor is sacred so they`ll attack you (don`t be so confident...you
don`t stand a chance against them)!

You can find the green glass armor in one of this locations as well:in Ald-Ruhn
in the Fighters Guilds`s basement (a locked door lvl 80-85 you must kill the
guars by taunting it and grab the armor in one of the chests)in Suran at an orc
warrior (only the pauldrons and a blade) in Hlaallu Vaults in Vivec ,in
GhostGate or some dispersed parts (gloves ,round shield)in Dren`s Plantation
sowthwest of Suran!All the glass weapons (except the axe that I couldn`t find)
are in possesion of Orvas Dren`s guards here in Dren Plantation!I also found one
cuirass that is far better than the glass one:Cuirass of the Savior`s Hide (60%
magic protection-constant effect) in the tower of Tel Fyr south west of Sadrith
Mora but you`ll need a good unlock spell or security skill(a 100 lock left of
mage`s room inside the closet)!

2.9.Magic jump:this title is strictly related to the Icarian flight scrolls
mentioned earlier.Be careful when you use them (fortify acrobatics 2000) because
you`ll most probably crush when you land!To avoid this be sure to have a
powerfull slow-falling artifact and equip it when landing (cast it after jumping
while in the air)!This is not necesarry with a levitate spell or other flying
stuff except the powerfull ones (which have theyr own slow-fall effect)!

2.10.Lord of the Rings:Buy as many exquisite things you can because this stuff
has the biggest enchant capacity.When you`re good enough to blow critical
strikes and hit every turn ,you are ready to become a God!For this you will need
1-4 rings or amulets ,the same number of Golden Saints or Ascended Sleeper`s
souls (the saints are easyer) and around 200k (or a good enchanting skill)!An
easy way to get some souls is to have some scrolls and summon the saint
,soultrap him and then attack (he`ll fight back too late)!Now go to an enchanter
or prepare to do it yourself!The spells you must select are:constant effect of
healing(1-8 or 4-4 should make you invincible) ,the same of mana and
stamina;another option for not fighting every bird in the wilderness is to make
an invisibility constant effect (but when you draw weapon ,steal or anything you
become visible again so take care)!For an warrior is imperiously necessary a
good weapon so make enchanted items (2 glass gloves should do it) with a bound
axe (80 dmg) or any other weapon you need(the best bow is a bound one-60 dmg)!

To get some summon scrolls you must do some quests for Mage`s Guild in Balmora
and a few in Ald-Ruhn.I found one in Sulipund ,a dunmer hideout in Molag Amur
region near the lake (north east of it actually).Anyway ,Sulipund is too the
subject of a quest!If you have only one scroll and you want some more souls
,there is a Golden Saint alive near Sulipund (2 by now) and other 2 in Ald
Daedroth (a shrine available by boat for the path Seyda Neen-Hla Oad-Gnaar Mok
Dagoth Fel-Ald Daedroth)!If you only have one scroll and want the rings
NOW…there is a way for this but it involves some cheating:hit the ‘~’ and write
‘tgm’ and then summon the saint.The scroll is still in your inventory and the
saint was summoned!Do this as many times as necessary but remember to put the
‘god mode off’ by writing ‘tgm’ again…or…cheater!I forgot to mention that the
soul of a Golden Saint only fits in a grand soul gem so make sure you have
plenty of them!

3.1.A Balmorian Hero:now is the time to deliver the package to Caius Cosades!
You will find him by asking the owner of SowthWallClub where his residence
is!Now you belong to the Blades(the emperor`s spyes...pretty nice eh?)and is
time to get a cover ID by joining one of the local guilds...you can choose all
if you want but it`s recommendable to join only 2 or 3: Fighters Guild(that`s
what we`re talking about isnt`it?) Mages Guild (to get some real tough
spells...is really helpful sometimes...or learn alchemy...make your own potions
you`ll fail a lot until you`ll make the first one but the things will get hotter
after it+the enchantements....good stuff for mages too) and Hllaalu-House if you
want(the armors look real good don`t they?-by the way is a medium one if you
plan to get it)! Caius will tell you that you must gain respect to your fellow
fighters until you`ll get the first mission from him ,he tells you to train
good(gives the names and locations of blades trainers which are cheaper) and
that`s all from him `till now!Leave him and ask a commoner about the Fighters
Guild and you`ll find that you `gotta speak with EydisFire-Eye the steward!

3.2.The JourneymanFighter:The first task Eydis gives you is to solve a cave-rat
infestation at Drarayne Telas`s house.For this you will get 100 drakes plus the
key to the upper storeroom(get everything you like from here).

The second duty is to find and eliminate some egg-poachers from the Shulk
EggMine and is 200 septims for it.They are pretty easy ,don`t get too scared!If
you want you can kill all the Kwama-workers,foragers and scribs you find here
for improving your weapon and armor+earning good stuff for alchemy.You can find
the poachers in the Queen`sRoom-careful at the Kwama warriors(they are a bit
above you so you`d better stick to killing the poachers and rob them)!Eydis
thanks you for this and you`l gain 10 friendship points with her after this
mission(by the way I am at 100 now-very cheap trining and prices from her)!

Now comes the hardest part:you must kill four Telvanni agents that are causing
trouble at CalderaMiningCompany.Get a couple of healing potions(6 are enough)
,any kind of potion shield you find and a few cure poison!The best way to
Caldera is to get a teleport from the MagesGuild for only 34$.When you reach the
mine(or near it) you`ll see a cavern door right of you and a guy just in
front.Talk to him and ask about the telvanni agents...he`ll fight you:stick to
him if you wanna` survive because he is a marksman and does around 20 damage so
in a couple of shots you`ll be already dead meat!Good!After killing him heal
youself and get ready to do the toughest fight you ever did;) Go in the cavern
and drink a shield potion!You see the ugly thing coming to get you?Wack him
away(he is the weakest),heal and get ready for the last 2 agents. First you must
try to get the lady because she is a mage and can summon skeletons!After ,deal
with the man(he has a powerful-poisoned sword) and get everything you can from
them (I haven`t found any buyer here so you must carry the things all the way to
Caldera by feet!)

Anyway ,if on the road back you find a naked guy on a crossroad you are the
luckyest Creature ever meet!Do his quest (the witch isn`t what he claims she is
so do what she sais and you`ll have a nice surprise)!

The last task you will do as a Journeyman is to recover the code book from
Sottilde in SowthWallCornerclub.This is not as easy as it sounds...first you
need to have a shield (no way without) and a decent 1handed weapon...around 34
40 dmg should do it (or you may buy an enchanted one...your decision)!Now let`s
head to the club...The safest way I found to kill Sattilde (she won`t give you
the book) is to try stealing from her (you don`t really need to steal because
you can`t) because you will be attacked only by her and not the hole bunch of
thieves (here`s the ThievesGuild in case you didn`t knew it)!Execute her
carefully (she has a warhammer at about 28 dmg) so you`ll need a shield-even a
magic one to parry her attacks (oh ,almost forgot...hope you bought a helmet
`till now...she has a blunt...your head is in great danger :) The reward for
doing this is 50!Now ask Eydis Fire-Eye about advancement...WOW

3.3. The Swordman:there is a funny thing about this rank because no matter your
favourite weapon ,you will become a swordman (I was an axe fighter)!Amusing!lol

The thing Eydis wants you to do now is to get back 200 drakes that Desele owns
to a CommonaTong member!This will test your speechcraft (or pockets if you
aren`t good enough at it-around lvl 26-30)!The hole stuff is about getting the
owner of 'House of Earthly Delights' (great place if you`ve got the Lovemod ;)
)at over 80 friendship...she`ll give you the money even though she hates the
CommonaTong.If you have enough time (and you have ,trust me) you must speak with
a bounty hunter in Desele`s house and do the quest he`s asking for
(150$+FUN)!One more thing you`ll want to do in this region is to visit the
shrines (I visited Hlaalu`s Baron house-lots of goodies-I made around 4500
selling them...the greatest thing was a Grandmaster`s Mortar and Pestle)!

Before promotion you`ll have to do another task for Eidys:kill Dura gra-Bol an
orc with bounty on his head...go to her house and wack her away (she`s pretty
difficult so be careful)...nobody will complain!Get the reward from Eidys and
ask about promotion...Crap...you must go to other Fighter`s Guilds to do more
duties for promotion !Choose carefully(I chose Ald-Ruhn and regreted it after a
while (very tough missions)!Anyway ,here`s what you need to do in Ald-Ruhn!Ask
Percius Mercius about orders:you need to reach the necromancer`s hideout at Vas
and helpUlyne Henim in killing Daris Adram!Get the best weapon and armor you
find ,buy or prepare lots of healing potions,shield potions,swim or waterwalking
or levitate,stamina and mana (I still hate the names of magicka and whatever the
other thing is)!Also be sure to have one strong summoning spell or artifact and
one 'heal companion' spell(if you haven`t joined the mages yet now is a good
time to do it!).Now head to Vas straight from Maar Gan because you`ll improve
your skills on the road...kill all in sight and be extremely carefully in the
water (if you haven`t bought waterwalking or you don`t have boots -beast
races!).In Vas you`ll find a short guy (or girl...you can`t see his face)who can
summon an ancestor gost(quite weak)but who can`t heal himself!Take care to heal
him in the middle of the fight or even don`t let him fight (he`s weak and does
only around7-10 dmg :( !If he dies your quest does too.Many of my pals have
complained about the Daedra soldiers (2) that are nearly invincible...you need a
magic shield for protection and one powerfull ice spell for killing them (immune
to fire ,immune to normal weapons...you can even enchant your wepon-necessary
anyway with an ice spell)!Read the necromancer`s books.Go back in Ald-Ruhn (I
haven`t found the way that Percius tells me to follow...it simply isn`t on my
map)!I bet this was the hardest mission but wait to see what`s coming next:

Percius tells you about an outlaw named Nerer Beneran who lives in a cave named
Sargon and tells you to ask in Maar Gan about the location of it!In Maar Gan ask
a commoner (that has over 80 at friendship with you) and after ask the orc in
Andu`sTradehouse! Now get back to Vas and head straight southwest...you`ll see a
normal cave entry...get ready for some real action(you should be around lvl 11
12 `till now)!Kill all the ugky guys and girls that come near you and try to
find a potion named 'Foul`s luck'(an Almsivi intervention) in a chest after
killing a summoner woman!Head past a bridge and go down in a large room-Nerer is
here and he`s bad (an 30 dmg weapon-like everybody in this cave actually ,but an
ebony armor and a heavy shield)!What you need to do is to fastly press the hit
button for not allowing him to strike at you until you brake his shield!Good!Now
strike lateral (punches through his armor)and heal ocassionally until he is
down! You`ll want to get his armor for yourself or to sell(37000) and teleport
with the potion in Gnisis!Find good stuff in exchange for the armor or teleport
to Caldera (oops...you can`t do this because there is no MagesGuild here) but
you can go with the siltstrider to Seyda Neen (long time no see)and to Caldera

Talk to Percius and receive the 500 drakes reward and also ask about
promotion...now you are:

3.4.The Protector Fighter:This is the last mission that you`ll have to get from
Percius (thanks God...tough quests)!He sais to you thet in Suran a band of
bandits sacked the town!He also mentions Serjo Avon Oran.Let`s head to
Suran...surprise...the town is here and wasn`t been robbed (at least not the
citizens).Serjo will tell you that the leader of the outlaw gang is Daldur Sarys
who can be found in Saturan cave over the mountains!Don`t follow the path he
leads you to ,because you find a Daedric Shrine guarded by Ogrims (some sort of
titans...a soul of Ogrim is pretty good so you might force your luck a
bit)!Instead go near the tradehouse in Suran and make sure you have some flying
or fortify acrobatics scroll ,potion or spell.See the big rock coming out of the
mountain?Climb as high as you can until you reach it and then jump over the
mountain top (save before doing it).Now walk north ,kill the cliff racers and
the other beasts and enter Saturan cave dwelling.Kill everybody here (allmost
all of them have enchanted weapons so a worthy alternative is to practice your
marksman skills if you are over or near lvl 30).Especially take care of the
mages (two of `em)!Now head back the way you came (no flying this time) and get
your 1000 reward!

Now is a good time to check what`s up in Balmora.Our friend Eidys is here too
and has some new quests for you!(I was getting f@king bored by the Ashlands and
Blight Storms)!

Eidys tells you that a local farmer named Alof the Easterner has a problem with
a tribe of orcs seen near Ashunartes!She wants you to deal with them and save
the farmers.Talk to the man ,he`ll give precious directions for not wandering
around the Ashlands (not again…) for nothing.Once you reach the shrine take care
of the draemora soldiers and daedra Lord and enter the upper shrine.Here is
Burub gra-Bamog ,the leader of the gang.He is a weak opponent(32 dmg ,medium
orcish armor)!After killing him go back in Balmora and take your 500 drakes
reward!Ask again about promotion and if you are good enough you`ll become:

3.5.The Defender Fighter:All you must do from now on on the game is to gain
levels and raise your strenght ,endurance and agility for raising in ranks in
the Fighters Guild Charts…good luck (I`ll probably contiunue this walkthrought
with the next steps until the highest rank is reached but I don`t have much time
for playing right now)!See you soon!

4.0.Here comes the funny things I encountered while playing this great game:

1.The creeper`s line:you have probably noticed the strange sounds that a creeper
cries when fighting you…something like ‘furo repede’…that`s in romanian and
means ‘take it fast’ or ‘steal it fast’!


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Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
House Telvanni Guide
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Character Creation FAQ
Engl. FAQ

16.Oktober 2013
Fighters Guild Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
The Shopping List FAQ
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough and FAQ
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Alle dt. Cheats als Word-Dokument

17.Oktober 2013
Pilgerreise Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020