Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

Elder Scrolls 3 - Morrowind

18.10.2013 03:50:51
Scroll FAQ

copyright Feb. 23 2003, Casey Van Hoose

Contact Info : scrollfaq@hotmail.com

Table of Contents

Section 1 : Read this First Message

Section 2 : Version Updates

Section 3 : Scroll Availability

Section 4 : How to lock scrolls into place

Section 5 : Types of Scrolls

Section 6 : Scroll Sellers and Their Locations

Section 7 : Fun with Scrolls

7.1 : Money to buy Scrolls
7.2 : Ordinator ATM
7.3 : DDK the easy way
7:4 : Your own Grand Central Stations

Section 8 : Quick Finish FAQ

79 character test

Section 1 : Read this First Message

Scrolls are basically spells which can be cast by any character with 100%
success, regardless of ability. That is the good news. The bad news is over
90% of scrolls aren't worth the cyber paper they are written on. The purpose
of this FAQ is to tell you where the good scrolls are and how to get them.

With proper use of scrolls you can finish the main quest in 40 minutes.
I'll tell you how in Section 8. But first let's talk about the easy way
to wealth, fame and glory in this game.

Scroll availability is determined by several factors.

This FAQ will assign a 1-10 value level of scrolls. For instance, the Scroll
of Windform is probably the most helpful scroll, so it will be assigned the
level of 10.

The NPCs who sell scrolls will also be listed, along with their location
and inventories.

Special thanks to Hannah, Dongle, LordMagus, Locklear93 without their help
this FAQ would not have been possible.
Section 2 : Version Updates

Version 1.00 Intial Faq Posting
Version 1.01 3/5/03 Fixed a few typos
Version 1.02 3/13/03 Huge re-write of FAQ.

Section 3 : Scroll Availability

Urns and crates aren't of much use, because even if you find a good scroll
you can only take it once. The urn will then take months to regenerate and
the odds it will regenerate the same scroll are roughly 1 in 128.

Which leaves us with vendors. Vendors sell several types of scrolls.

1. Fixed Infinite - This means every time you visit a certain vendor, you
can purchase a certain scroll from them in unlimited

2. Fixed Non-restocking - This means after you buy this scroll, the vendor
will no longer have it available for purchase.

3. Random Non-restocking - The vendor can sell you any scroll but one is
all you get.

4. Truly Random - There is a list called "random_scroll_all" on this list
are 128 scrolls. Four vendors have the ability to draw
from this list every time you enter their place of
business or in computer terms their "cell". (When the
little bar loads)

5. Temporarily Random - Eight vendors draw from the "random_scroll_all" list
ONE time, when you first enter their "cell". The
scrolls they obtain from this list then become Fixed

Just to make matters even more complicated the Xbox and the PC behave
differently. The PC does not feature "Truly Random" scrolls.

Section 4 : How to lock scrolls into place

The short version -

Go to Audenian Valius the Telvanni Enchanter in Vivec. Save your game BEFORE
you enter his shop. If he does not have the scrolls you want, restart your
game and re-enter his shop. He will now have 10 new scrolls which will be
permanently locked into place.

The detailed version -

There are 8 vendors that sell "Temporarily Random" scrolls in addition to
their normal scrolls. If you save your game before you enter these 8 NPCs
"cells" you can restart and then re-enter their "cell" thus creating a new
list of scrolls which will be permanently locked into place.
(as long as you save your game afterwards)

The numbers that follow the names represent the amount of scrolls each
vendor draws from the "random_scroll_all" list.

Audenian Valius, Vivec, Telvanni Enchanter - 10

Felayn Andral, Holamayan Monastery - 10

Dabienne Mornardl, Sadrith Mora, Mages Guild - 6

Ilen Faveran, Balmora, Temple - 6

Janand Maulinie, Vivec, Mages Guild - 6

Llether Vari, Ald Ruhn, Llether Vari: Enchanter - 6

Tanar Llervi, Ald Ruhn, Mages Guild - 6

Ababael Timsar-Dadisun, Zainab Camp, Ababael Timsar-Dadisun's Yurt - 5

This "drawing" happens the first time your enter that particular vendors
"cell". It does not matter if you talk to the vendor, it does not matter
what your level or your luck happen to be. It's strictly random.

Once this "drawing" takes place, the random scrolls that were drawn
become "Fixed Infinite" scrolls.

There are 128 scrolls on the "random_scroll_all" list, so you can figure
your own odds of drawing a particular scroll from each merchant.

Section 5 : Types of Scrolls
--- LEVEL 10 SCROLLS ---
Name : Scroll of Windform
Effects : Invisibility for 60 seconds on Self
Levitate 500 points for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $311
Comment : Allows you to fly anywhere at superspeed

Name : Ekash Lock Splitter
Effect : Open 100 pts on Target
Value : $343
Comment : Opens every lock in the game.
Name : Scroll of Supreme Domination
Effect : Command Creature 20 levels for 30 seconds
Command Humanoid 20 levels for 30 seconds
Value : $ 1531
Comment : Turns NPCs that are attacking you into your allies. Very good when
attacking a group. When used in combat the effect lasts much longer
than 30 seconds. Also useful in moving friendly NPCs around.

Name : Scroll of Drathis Soulrot
Effect : Paralyze for 5 second on Touch
Poison 15 to 45 points for 5 seconds on Touch
Damage Endurance 0 to 50 points on Touch
Damage Willpower 0 to 50 points on Touch
Value : $162
Comment : A few of these will kill just about anything in the game.

Name : Summon Golden Saint
Effect : Summon Golden Saint for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $520
Comment : One of the most effective warriors you can summon. It's attacks do
not hurt you, unlike some other creatures you can summon. You can
soul trap it for constant effect enchanting.

Name : Milyn Faram's Scroll
Effect : Summon Daedroth for 120 seconds on Self
Value : $ 211
Comment : The most powerful creature you can summon. Unfortunatly, his attacks
will also damage you if your standing too close.
Name : Scroll of Windwalker
Effects : Invisibility for 60 seconds on Self
Levitate 500 points for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $1762
Comment : Does the same thing as a Windform but cost prevents effective use.
Name : Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
Effect : Soultrap for 60 seconds on target
Value : $ 195
Comment : Usually cannot be dispelled, helpful when fighting a Golden Saint

Name : Scroll of Sertises' Porphyry
Effect : Paralyze for 15 seconds on Target
Value : $ 125
Comment : Great when used in combination with scrolls that do damage.
More effective than the other scrolls that paralyze.
Name : Scroll of Illnea's Breath
Effect : Frost Damage 20 - 65 points in 10 foot on Target
Paralyze for 6 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Value : $ 158
Comment : Great when used in combination with scrolls that do damage.

Name : Scroll of Psychic Prison
Effect : Paralyze for 30 seconds on Target
Soultrap for 30 seconds on Target
Value : $ 261
Comment : Great when used in combination with scrolls that do damage.
Name : Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
Effect : Open 40 to 60 points on Touch
Value : $ 73
Comment : Opens most locks in the game.

Name : Scroll of Black Storm
Effect : Damage Magicka 1 to 10 points for 5 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Shock Damage 5 to 50 points for 2 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Shock Damage 0 to 12 points for 5 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Value : $ 134
Comment : Good when attacking groups

Name : Scroll of Black Storm
Effect : Summon Flame Atronach for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 211
Comment : Can dish it out but can't take it.

Name : Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach
Effect : Summon Frost Atronach for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 235
Comment : Does not always attack when summoned, and usually does more damage
to you than to whoever your fighting when it does.

Name : Scroll of Lord Mhas' Vengeance
Effect : Bound Boots on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Bound Cuirass on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Bound Gloves on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Bound Helm on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Bound Shield on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Bound Battle Axe on Self for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 321
Comment : Good if you have high Axe skills
Name : Scroll of Summon Skeleton
Effect : Summon Skeletal Minion for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Good fighter, very cheap

Name : Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock
Effect : Shock Damage 40 to 65 in 15 foot on Target
Shock Damage 0 to 5 for 5 seconds in 15 foot on Target
Value : $ 193
Comment : Not as good as advertised

Name : Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost
Effect : Frost Damage 40 to 65 in 15 foot on Target
Frost Damage 0 to 5 for 5 seconds in 15 foot on Target
Value : $ 161
Comment : Not as good as advertised

Name : Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire
Effect : Fire Damage 40 to 65 in 15 foot on Target
Fire Damage 0 to 5 for 5 seconds in 15 foot on Target
Value : $ 161
Comment : Not as good as advertised

Name : Scroll of Greater Domination
Effect : Command Creature 10 levels for 30 seconds
Command Humanoid 10 levels for 30 seconds
Value : $ 789
Comment : Almost useless in combat but good for moving some friendly NPCs.
Name : Scroll of Lesser Domination
Effect : Command Creature 6 levels for 20 seconds
Command Humanoid 6 levels for 20 seconds
Value : $ 343
Comment : Useless in combat but good for moving some friendly NPCs around.

Name : Scroll of Warriors Blessing
Effect : Restore Health 20 - 80 points for 2 seconds on Self
Restore Fatigue 20 - 80 points for 2 seconds on Self
Fortify Attack 10 - 30 points for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 152
Comment : Looks good on paper but really isn't that useful in action.

Name : Scroll of Mark
Effect : Mark on Self
Value : $ 85
Comment : Buy the spell in the Vivec Mages Guild.

Name : Scroll of Leaguestep
Effect : Recall on Self
Value : $ 85
Comment : Just buy a Recall Amulet from Verick Gemain: Trader, in Caldera

Name : Scroll of Hellfire
Effect : Weakness to Fire 5 to 12 % for 10 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Fire Damage 10 to 100 points in 10 foot on Target
Fire Damage 2 to 8 points for 5 seconds in 10 foot on Target
Value : $ 151
Comment : Rat Killer

Name : Scroll of Inas Chastening
Effect : Shock Damage 35 to 65 in 5 foot on Touch
Value : $ 85
Comment : Rat Killer

Name : Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher
Effect : Fire Damage 35 to 65 in 5 foot on Target
Value : $ 74
Comment : Rat killer

Name : Scroll of Drathis Winter Guest
Effect : Frost Damage 35 to 65 in 5 foot on Target
Value : $ 74
Comment : Rat killer
Name : Scroll of Divine Intervention
Effect : Divine Intervention on Self
Value : $ 63
Comment : More useful as transportation device than it's intended purpose.

Name : Scroll of Almsivi Intervention
Effect : Almsivi Intervention on Self
Value : $ 63
Comment : More useful as transportation device than it's intended purpose.

Name : Scroll of Inasi's Mystic Finger
Effect : Telekinesis 15 to 45 foot for 20 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Buy the spell in the Ald-ruhn Mages Guild

Name : Messenger Scroll
Effect : Summon Scamp for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $129
Comment : Scamp is a wimp, does not always attack when summoned.

Name : Scroll of Daerir's Blessing
Effect : Cure Blight Disease in 10 foot on Target
Value : $ 100
Comment : Needed to complete a mission, otherwise useless

Name : Scroll of Mageweal
Effect : Fortify Magicka 20 to 60 points for 60 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Good for some Mages

Name : Scroll of Ulm Juiceda's Feather
Effect : Feather 50 points for 240 seconds on self
Value : $ 112
Comment : No need to be over encumbered

Name : Scroll of Uth's Hand of Heaven
Effect : Levitate 50 points for 30 seconds on Self
Value : $ 321
Comment : Flight Scroll

Name : Scroll of Prince Ov's Brightbal
Effect : Light 20 points for 180 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Useful in a cave

Name : Scroll of Lliros' Glowing Eye
Effect : Night Eye 10 to 40 points for 120 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Useful in a cave

Name : Scroll of Purity of Body
Effect : Cure Common Disease on Self
Cure Blight Disease on Self
Restore Health 200 points on Self
Restore Fatigue 200 points on Self
Value : $ 119
Comment : If your sick this is the cure

Name : Scroll of Reynas Fins
Effect : Swift Swim 50 points for 180 seconds on Self
Water Breathing for 180 seconds on Self
Value : $ 145
Comment : You really don't need to swim anywhere but if you want to...

Name : Scroll of Daynar's Airy Bubble
Effect : Water Breathing for 240 seconds on Self
Value : $ 112
Comment : Somewhat helpful

Name : Scroll of Selyn's Mist Slippers
Effect : Water Walking for 240 seconds on Self
Value : $ 125
Comment : Somewhat helpful

Section 6 : Scroll Sellers and Their Locations

It would be remiss to make a list of scroll sellers and not make special
mention of Folms Mirel. Located in the Caldera Mages Guild, he is the Club
Warehouse Superstore of scrolls. However, like a warehouse, you will have to
be a member. You will have to be at least a Conjurer in the Mages Guild
before he will trade with you.

What is great about Folms is that he can be manipulated to sell you any

For the Xbox, If you talk to him and he does not have the scrolls you want,
walk out the front door of the Mages Guild, turn around and then come back
inside. Folms will now have 10 new scrolls.

You may have to go in and out a few times but eventually you can buy any
scroll from him.

For the PC, Walk outside, save your game and then restart. Go back inside
the Mages Guild and Folms will have 10 new scrolls.

- Names and Locations in alphabetical order by city -

------- ALD-RUHN ----------
Name: Tanar Llervi
Location: Ald-ruhn, Mages Guild
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available: 2 Fixed Non-restocking, 14 Fixed Infinite
6 Temporarily Random

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (10)
2. Scroll of Baleful Suffering (5)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2)
2. Scroll of The Second Barrier
3. Scroll of Reynas Fins
4. Scroll of Reynas Beast Finder (5)
5. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
6. Scroll of Mark
7. Scroll of Leaguestep
8. Scroll of Healing (5)
9. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
10. Scroll of The First Barrier (6)
11. Scroll of Elevram's Sty (5)
12. Scroll of Drathis Winter Guest (2)
13. Scroll of Divine Intervention (2)
14. Scroll of Corrupt Arcanix (2)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
Name : Llether Vari
Location: Ald-ruhn, Manor District
Requirement: none
Scrolls available : 2 Fixed Non-restocking, 22 Fixed Infinite
6 Temporarily Random

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Lord Mhas' Vengeance (5)
2. Scroll of Didala's Knack (10)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Ulm Juiceda's Feather (2)
2. Scroll of Tevral's Hawkshaw (5)
3. Scroll of Telvin's Courage (5)
4. Scroll of Red Weakness
5. Scroll of Red Sloth
6. Scroll of Red Scorn
7. Scroll of Red Mind
8. Scroll of Red Fate
9. Scroll of Red Despair
10. Scroll of Red Death
11. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
12. Scroll of Nerusi's Lockjaw
13. Scroll of Lesser Domination
14. Scroll of The Gambler's Prayer (5)
15. Scroll of Galmes' Seal
16. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
17. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock
18. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (2)
19. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire (2)
20. Scroll of Daynar's Airy Bubble (2)
21. Scroll of The Blood Thief
22. Scroll of The Argent Glow

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
Name : Ureso Drath
Location: Ald-ruhn, Temple
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 11 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Mark
2. Scroll of Insight (2)
3. Scroll of Heartwise (2)
4. Scroll of The Gambler's Prayer (2)
5. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
6. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
7. Scroll of The Dawn Sprite (2)
8. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (5)
9. Scroll of Bloodfire (2)
10. Scroll of The Argent Glow
11. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
Name : Lloros Sarano
Location: Ald-ruhn, Temple
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available:
There are 3 crates in the room next to Lloros, on the rare occasions those
crates generate a scroll, Lloros can sell it.
Name : Codus Callonus
Location: Ald-ruhn, Bookseller
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 5 Random Non-Restocking
Codus has a urn in his shop. He sells the scrolls the urn generates.
But he can only sell them once, the urn will not regenerate a new set of
scrolls for many months.
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
------- BALMORA ----------
Name : Ilen Faveran
Location: Balmora, Temple
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 11 Fixed Infinite, 6 Temporarily Random

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Vitality (2)
2. Scroll of Telvin's Courage (2)
3. Scroll of Restoration
4. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
5. Scroll of Oathfast (2)
6. Scroll of Mageweal
7. Scroll of Insight
8. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
9. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
10. Scroll of Celerity (2)
11. Scroll of The Blood Thief
12. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
Name : Galbedir
Location: Balmora, Mages Guild
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 15 Fixed Infinite

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Vitality (2)
2. Scroll of Vigor (2)
3. Scroll of Tinur's Hoptoad (5)
4. Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (2)
5. Scroll of The Second Barrier (2)
6. Scroll of Savage Might (2)
7. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
8. Scroll of Healing (5)
9. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
10. Scroll of The First Barrier (2)
11. Scroll of Drathis Winter Guest (2)
12. Scroll of Divine Intervention (2)
13. Scroll of Dedres Masterful Eye (2)
14. Scroll of Celerity (2)
15. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
------- CALDERA ----------
Name : Folms Mirel
Location: Caldera, Mages Guild
Requirement: Mages Guild - Conjurer
Scrolls Available : 1 Fixed Non-restocking, 28 Fixed Infinite,
10 Truly Random

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Supreme Domination (10)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltrap (2)
2. Scroll of Tranasa's Spellmire (2)
3. Scroll of Summon Golden Saint
4. Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach (5)
5. Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach (5)
6. Scroll of The Sixth Barrier (5)
7. Scroll of Purity of Body (5)
8. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
9. Scroll of The Ninth Barrier
10. Scroll of Nerusi's Lockjaw (5)
11. Messenger Scroll
12. Scroll of Mark (5)
13. Scroll of Leaguestep (5)
14. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
15. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock (2)
16. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (2)
17. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire (2)
18. Scroll of Drathis Soulrot
19. Scroll of Divine Intervention (5)
20. Scroll of Daerir's Blessing
21. Scroll of Black Weakness
22. Scroll of Black Storm
23. Scroll of Black Sloth
24. Scroll of Black Scorn
25. Scroll of Black Mind
26. Scroll of Black Fate
27. Scroll of Black Despair
28. Scroll of Black Death

Truly Random - *Xbox Only*
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
In the PC version the scrolls become locked until you restart your game
at which point they will be randomly regenerated.
------- EBONHEART ----------
Name : Sauleius Cullian
Location: Ebonheart, Imperial Chapels
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 19 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Vitality (2)
2. Scroll of Vigor (2)
3. Scroll of Psychic Prison (2)
4. Scroll of Prince Ov's Brightbal (5)
5. Scroll of Mark (2)
6. Scroll of Insight (5)
7. Scroll of Heartwise (5)
8. Scroll of Grey Weakness (2)
9. Scroll of Grey Sloth (2)
10. Scroll of Grey Scorn (2)
11. Scroll of Grey Mind (2)
12. Scroll of Grey Fate (2)
13. Scroll of Grey Despair (2)
14. Scroll of Grey Death (2)
15. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
16. Scroll of Divine Intervention (2)
17. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
18. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (2)
19. Scroll of The Argent Glow (2)
------- FORT MOONMOTH ----------
Name : Crulius Pontanian
Location: Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 2 Fixed Non-restocking, 11 Fixed Infinite

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Greater Domination (10)
2. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock (10)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of The Sixth Barrier (2)
2. Scroll of Sertises' Porphyry (5)
3. Scroll of Restoration (2)
4. Scroll of Purity of Body (5)
5. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
6. Scroll of Healing (5)
7. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
8. Scroll of The Fifth Barrier (5)
9. Scroll of Divine Intervention (3)
10. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
11. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (5)
------- GHOSTGATE ----------
Name : Faras Thirano
Location: Ghostgate, Tower of Dawn, Basement
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 13 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Warriors Blessing (2)
2. Scroll of Tranasa's Spellmire
3. Scroll of The Sixth Barrier (2)
4. Scroll of Shockguard (2)
5. Scroll of Salen's Vivication (2)
6. Scroll of Restoration (2)
7. Scroll of Purity of Body
8. Scroll of The Ninth Barrier
9. Scroll of The Mind Feeder
10. Scroll of Frostguard (2)
11. Scroll of Flameguard (2)
12. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (5)
13. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
------- GNISIS ----------
Name : Hetman Abelmawia
Location: Gnisis
Requirement: none
Scrolls Availble : 1 Fixed Infinite
1. Scroll of Daerir's Blessing (5)
------- HOLAMAYAN MONASTERY ----------
Name : Felayn Andral
Location : Holamayan Monastery
Requirement : none
Scrolls Available : 15 Fixed Infinite, 10 Temporarily Random

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Vaermina's Promise (2)
2. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
3. Scroll of Oathfast
4. Scroll of Mark (2)
5. Scroll of Insight (5)
6. Scroll of Golnara's Eye Maze (2)
7. Scroll of The Gambler's Prayer (5)
8. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
9. Scroll of Elevram's Sty (2)
10. Scroll of Drathis Winter Guest (5)
11. Scroll of Dedres Masterful Eye (2)
12. Scroll of The Dawn Sprite (5)
13. Scroll of Corrupt Arcanix (2)
14. Scroll of Bloodfire (5)
15. Scroll of The Argent Glow (5)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
------- SADRITH MORA ----------
Name : Dabienne Mornardl
Location: Sadrith Mora, Mages Guild
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 13 Fixed Infinite, 6 Temporarily Random

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of The Third Barrier (5)
2. Scroll of Summon Skeleton
3. Scroll of Shockguard (5)
4. Scroll of Reynas Fins
5. Scroll of Reynas Beast Finder (2)
6. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
7. Scroll of Frostguard (5)
8. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
9. Scroll of Flameguard (5)
10. Scroll of Fader's Leaden Flesh (2)
11. Scroll of Daynar's Airy Bubble (2)
12. Scroll of Breva'a Averted Eyes (2)
13. Scroll of Baleful Suffering (2)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
Name : Galar Rothan
Location: Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House Chambers, Basement
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 2 Fixed Non-restocking, 18 Fixed Infinite

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Hellfire (10)
2. Scroll of Breva'a Averted Eyes (10)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltrap (5)
2. Scroll of Summon Skeleton
3. Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach
4. Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach
5. Scroll of Sertises' Porphyry (2)
6. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
7. Scroll of Lesser Domination
8. Scroll of Inas Chastening (2)
9. Scroll of Gonar's Goad (5)
10. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
11. Scroll of Black Weakness
12. Scroll of Black Sloth
13. Scroll of Black Scorn
14. Scroll of Black Mind
15. Scroll of Black Fate
16. Scroll of Black Despair
17. Scroll of Black Death
18. Scroll of Alvusia's Warping (5)
Name : Miraso Seran
Location: Sadrith Mora, Telvanni Council House Chambers, Basement
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 14 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Vitality (2)
2. Scroll of Vigor (2)
3. Scroll of The Second Barrier (2)
4. Scroll of Savage Might (2)
5. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
6. Scroll of Mageweal (2)
7. Scroll of The Gambler's Prayer (2)
8. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
9. Scroll of The First Barrier (2)
10. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
11. Scroll of The Dawn Sprite (2)
12. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (5)
13. Scroll of The Blood Thief (2)
14. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
------- SEYDA NEEN ----------
Name : Arrille
Location: Arrille's Tradehouse
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 8 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Vitaliy (2)
2. Scroll of Vigor (2)
3. Scroll of Summon Skeleton (2)
4. Scroll of Ondusi Unhinging (2)
5. Scroll of Heartwise (2)
6. Scroll of Drathis Winter Guest (2)
7. Scroll of the Argent Glow (2)
8. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
------- TEL ARUHN ----------
Name : Maren Uvaren
Location: Tel Aruhn, Enchanter, outside the main tower
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 19 Fixed Infinite, 3 Truly Random

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Stormward (5)
2. Scroll of Shockguard (2)
3. Scroll of Selyn's Mist Slippers (5)
4. Scroll of Salen's Vivication (5)
5. Scroll of Radrene's SpellBreaker
6. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
7. Scroll of Manarape (5)
8. Scroll of Invisibility (2)
9. Scroll of Grey Weakness (2)
10. Scroll of Grey Sloth (2)
11. Scroll of Grey Scorn (2)
12. Scroll of Grey Mind (2)
13. Scroll of Grey Fate (2)
14. Scroll of Grey Despair (2)
15. Scroll of Grey Death (2)
16. Scroll of Golnara's Eye Maze (5)
17. Scroll of Frostguard (2)
18. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
19. Scroll of Flameguard (2)

Truly Random - *Xbox Only*
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
In the PC version the scrolls become locked until you restart your game
at which point they will be randomly regenerated.
Name : Barusi Venim
Location: Tel Aruhn, Tower Living Quarters, upstairs
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 15 Fixed Infinite, 10 Random Non-Restocking

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Vitality (5)
2. Scroll of Tousu Abiding Beast (5)
3. Scroll of Tevil's Peace (5)
4. Scroll of Selis Fiery Ward (5)
5. Scroll of The Second Barrier (5)
6. Scroll of Radiya's Icy Mask (5)
7. Scroll of Prince Ov's Brightbal (5)
8. Scroll of Leaguestep (5)
9. Scroll of Inasi's Mystic Finger (5)
10. Scroll of Inas Chastening (5)
11. Scroll of Healing (5)
12. Scroll of Gonar's Goad (5)
13. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (4)
14. Scroll of The First Barrier (5)
15. Scroll of Fader's Leaden Flesh (5)

Random Non-Restocking -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
------- TEL UVIRITH ----------
Name : Hlendrisa Seleth,
Location : Tel Uvirith (Telvanni Stronghold)
Requirement : Build the 3rd stage of a Stronghold
Scrolls Available : 2 Fixed Non-restocking, 16 Fixed Infinite
6 Temporarily Random, 6 Truly Random

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Summon Golden Saint (10)
2. Scroll of Fiercely Roasting (10) (Telvanni only)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Supreme Domination
2. Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach
3. Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach
4. Scroll of The Sixth Barrier (3)
5. Scroll of Restoration (2)
6. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
7. Scroll of The Ninth Barrier
8. Scroll of Illnea's Breath (2)
9. Scroll of Hellfire
10. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder
11. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Shock (2)
12. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (2)
13. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire (2)
14. Scroll of Drathis Soulrot
15. Scroll of Black Storm (2)
16. Scroll of Black Death

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?

Truly Random - *Xbox Only*
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
In the PC version the scrolls become locked until you restart your game
at which point they will be randomly regenerated.
------- TEL VOS ----------
Name : Alenus Vendu
Location: Tel Vos, Services Tower
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 22 Fixed Infinite, 2 Truly Random

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Stormward (5)
2. Scroll of Shockbane (5)
3. Scroll of Selis Fiery Ward (5)
4. Scroll of The Second Barrier
5. Scroll of Red Weakness
6. Scroll of Red Sloth
7. Scroll of Red Scorn
8. Scroll of Red Mind
9. Scroll of Red Fate
10. Scroll of Red Despair
11. Scroll of Red Death
12. Scroll of Radiya's Icy Mask (5)
13. Scroll of Psychic Prison (3)
14. Scroll of Prince Ov's Brightbal (5)
15. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
16. Scroll of Healing (3)
17. Scroll of Greater Domination
18. Scroll of Frostbane (5)
19. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
20. Scroll of The Fourth Barrier (2)
21. Scroll of Flamebane (5)
22. Scroll of The Fifth Barrier

Truly Random - *Xbox Only*
1. ?
2. ?
In the PC version the scrolls become locked until you restart your game
at which point they will be randomly regenerated.
------- VIVEC ----------
Name : Janand Maulinie
Location: Vivec, Foreign Quarter, Mages Guild
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 2 Fixed Non Re-stocking, 14 Fixed Infinite
6 Temporarily Random

Fixed Non Re-stocking -
1. Scroll of Lesser Domination (10)
2. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Frost (10)

Fixed Infinite-
1. Scroll of The Third Barrier (5)
2. Scroll of Shockbane (5)
3. Scroll of Radrene's SpellBreaker (2)
4. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
5. Scroll of Mageweal (2)
6. Scroll of The Mage's Eye (2)
7. Scroll of Lliros' Glowing Eye (2)
8. Scroll of Invisibility
9. Scroll of Galmes' Seal (5)
10. Scroll of Frostbane (5)
11. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (3)
12. Scroll of The Fourth Barrier (2)
13. Scroll of Flamebane (5)
14. Scroll of Divine Intervention (2)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
Name : Miun-Gei
Location: Vivec, Foreign Quarter, Lower Waistworks
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 7 Fixed Non-restocking, 20 Fixed Infinite

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Tranasa's Spelltwist (10)
2. Scroll of Supreme Domination (2)
3. Scroll of the Sixth Barrier (10)
4. Scroll of the Ninth Barrier (5)
5. Scroll of Illneas Breath (10)
6. Scroll of Hellfire (10)
7. Scroll of Drathis Soulrot (5)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Tinur's Hoptoad (5)
2. Scroll of Tendil's Trembling (5)
3. Scroll of Restoration (2)
4. Scroll of Red Death
5. Scroll of Red Despair
6. Scroll of Red Fate
7. Scroll of Red Mind
8. Scroll of Red Scorn
9. Scroll of Red Sloth
10. Scroll of Red Weakness
11. Scroll of Black Death
12. Scroll of Black Despair
13. Scroll of Black Fate
14. Scroll of Black Mind
15. Scroll of Black Scorn
16. Scroll of Black Sloth
17. Scroll of Black Weakness
18. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging
19. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
20. Scroll of Divine Intervention (2)
Name : Audenian Valius (Telvanni Enchanter)
Location: Vivec, Telvanni Canton, Waistworks
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 3 Fixed Non-restocking, 13 Fixed Infinite
10 Temporarily Random

Fixed Non-restocking -
1. Scroll of Vaermina's promise (5)
2. Scroll of Elemental Burst: Fire (10)
3. Scroll of Drathis Soulrot (5)

Fixed Infinite -
1. Scroll of Uth's Hand of Heaven (5)
2. Scroll of The Third Barrier (5)
3. Scroll of Taldam's Scorcher (5)
4. Scroll of Summon Skeleton (2)
5. Scroll of Summon Frost Atronach (2)
6. Scroll of Summon Flame Atronach (2)
7. Scroll of Sertises' Porphyry (5)
8. Scroll of Ondusi's Unhinging (2)
9. Scroll of Monden's Instigator (2)
10. Scroll of Lliros' Glowing Eye (5)
11. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
12. Scroll of The Fourth Barrier (2)
13. Scroll of Feldram's Trepidation (2)

Temporarily Random -
1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?
6. ?
7. ?
8. ?
9. ?
Name : Llandris Thirandus
Location: Vivec, Temple
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 11 Fixed Infinite

1. Scroll of Vigor (2)
2. Scroll of The Second Barrier (2)
3. Scroll of Savage Might (2)
4. Scroll of Heartwise (2)
5. Scroll of Fphyggi's Gem-Feeder (2)
6. Scroll of The First Barrier (2)
7. Scroll of Daydene's Panacea (5)
8. Scroll of Daerir's Miracle (5)
9. Scroll of Celerity (2)
10. Scroll of The Argent Glow
11. Scroll of Almsivi Intervention (2)
------- ZAINAB CAMP ----------
Name : Ababael Timsar-Dadisun
Location: Zainab Camp,
Requirement: none
Scrolls Available : 5 Temporarily Random

1. ?
2. ?
3. ?
4. ?
5. ?

Section 7 : Fun with Scrolls

7.1 Money to buy Scrolls

Now that you know where the great scrolls can be bought, all you need is
money to buy them.

Take the Silt Strider to Balmora, use the transporter at the Mages Guild to
travel to Caldera. In Caldera, find the Ghorak Manor. On the 2nd floor is
a merchant named "The Creeper", on the 3rd floor is a Orc standing next to
some crates.

Take the Armor from the crate on the 3rd floor, the Orc does not mind. Now
sell the Armor to the Creeper. This will net you 6480 gold if you sleep.

7.2 Your own Ordinator ATM

Buy at least 2 Scrolls of Drathis Soulrot.

Travel to Vivec. Find a Ordinator and use both scrolls on him. Find another
Ordinator and turn yourself in, pay the 40 gold piece fine.

Return to the Ordinator you killed and loot his body. 30 - 40,000 worth of
armor and weapons are now yours. Sell them to the Creeper. The armor is for
selling only, don't wear it.

A variation of this can be to use any other scroll that paralyzes -

Scroll of Illnea's Breath
Scroll of Sertise's Porphyry
Scroll of Psychic Prison

In combination with any scroll that does massive damage. It's just easier
with the Drathis Soulrot because that scroll does both.

7.3 DDK the easy way

This beats the crap out of trying to get one from the Egg Mine.

Buy at least 2 Scrolls of Drathis Soulrot.

Travel to the Dren Plantation, find the elevated guard shack. Save your

In the tower shack, use 2 Scrolls of Drathis Soulrot on the guard and take
his DDK and key. Loot the chests while you are there.

Sometimes he resists magicka and you may have to restart. Or.. If you also
buy a Scroll of Sertise's Porphyry and use that first and then 2 Drathis
Soulrots, he will die every time.

7.4 Your own Grand Central Station

Buy scrolls of Lesser, Greater and Supreme Domination.

Different level scrolls will be required for different NPCs. Use them on
Silt Strider drivers, Boat Captains and Merchants etc.

Move these NPCs into the Mages Guilds.

Section 8 : Quick Finish FAQ

Using no cheats or glitches the main quest can be finished in 40 minutes. All
you need is a few scrolls and the knowledge of how to handle the Keening and
Sunder. It really amounts to just a few simple steps.

Become a Conjurer in the Mages Guild, buy scrolls from Folms, get Cuirass of
Saviors Hide, get Amulet of Shadows, train up a few levels, get Keening and
Sunder and Kill Dagoth Ur.

Of course, it's a little more complicated than that, here is the detailed
version -

1. Character selection

Race - Breton
Specialization - Stealth
Favorite Attributes - Strength and Endurance
Major Skills - Blunt Weapon, Mysticism, Light Armor, Short Blade, Mercantile
Minor Skills - Armorer, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Long Blade, Spear
Sign - The Lady

2. Pick Violet Coprinus, Luminous Russula, Hypha Facia, and Bungler's Bane
off the trees around the Silt Strider at Seyda Neen.

3. Go to Balmora, buy a ceramic bowl from Ra'Virr the trader.

4. Speak to Ranis, join the Mages Guild and take everything in the supply

5. Speak to Ajira about Duties>>Mushrooms>>Give her the mushrooms. Then barter
and sell her 10 Restore Magicka potions. Now select Duties>>Bet with Galbedir>
>Fake Soul Gem. Go upstairs, leave the fake and steal all the real soul gems.

6. Go to Dorisa Darvel's bookstore, buy the Chronicles of Nchuleft.

7. Go to Milie Hastien, Fine Clothier's shop. There is a flower pot that has
Gold Kanet, Stoneflower and Willow Anther. Steal one of each. If the pot is
empty, walk outside and then back in, the flowers regenerate every time.

8. Return to the Mages Guild and speak to Ajira. Barter and buy 1 Heather
flower. Select Fake Soul Gem>>Duties>>Flowers>>Give her the Flowers>>Duties>
>Ceramic Bowl>>Give her the Ceramic Bowl. Now select Stolen Reports.
One will be under the big closet, near the beds. The other is upstairs
near the baskets and barrels.

9. Speak to Ajira, select Stolen Reports>>Give her the reports. Select barter
and sell her back three of the Exclusive Potions she just gave you.

10. Warp to Ald-ruhn, speak to Edwinna, select Duties>>Chronicles of Nchuleft>
>Give her the book>>Duties>>Detect Creatures Potion.

11. Walk upstairs, speak to Orrent Geontene, buy a Telekinesis spell and take
everything in the supply chest.

12. Warp to Sadrith Mora, Speak to Skink in Tree's Shade and get the Detect
Creatures Potion. Take everything from the supply chest and warp back to

13. Give the potion to Edwinna and speak to her 4 straight times about
Advancement. She will promote you to Conjurer and charge you 200 gold.

14. Warp to Caldera, find the Creeper, go upstairs and steal the armor from
the crate. The Orc standing next to it does not mind. Now sell/sleep with
the Creeper until you have over 20,000 gold.

15. Go to Verick Gemain, Trader and buy the Amulet of Recall.

16. Go to the Caldera Mages Guild and speak to Folms Mirel. Buy these scrolls -
15 Scrolls of Windform
4 Ekash Lock Splitters
6 Scrolls of Drathis Soulrot
3 Summon Golden Saint
5 Scrolls of Mark
See "Section 6 : Scroll Sellers and Their Locations" for instructions on how
to make Folms sell you these scrolls.

17. Warp to Sadrith Mora. Use a Windform Scroll, fly to Gals Arethi's boat and
use a Scroll of Mark. Next, fly to Tel Fyr. Look at your paper map if your
having trouble.

18. Once inside Tel Fyr, go upstairs, you will see a big closet with 100 lock
and trap. Use a Ekash Lock Splitter Scroll to open the lock and your
Telekinesis spell to open the trap.

19. Take the Cuirass of Saviors Hide from the closet and equip it. Activate
your Amulet of Recall.

20. You should now be on Gals Arethi's boat. Talk to him and buy passage to
Tel Mora. Once there seek out Daynali Dren, she is in the lower tower. Buy 20
Exclusive Restore Health Potions and 6 Exclusive Night Eye Potions.

21. Activate your Amulet of Recall and your back on Gal's boat. Buy passage to
Dagon Fel.

22. Now speak to Haema Farseer and buy passage to Khuul.

23. When you get to Khuul if it is not daylight, sleep until it is. You will
need to see to do this next task.

24. Activate a Scroll of Windform, fly West along the coast. Shortly after
you pass over Ald Velothi look to your left. You will see a bridge, turn south
and fly over it, look down and you will see Synette Jeline and her partner in
crime Tavynu Tedran, who is hiding behind a tree.

25. Use a Scroll of Drathis Soulrot on Tavynu Tedran and take the Amulet of
Shadows from his corpse.

26. Activate your Amulet of Recall and it's back to Gals Arethi's boat, from
here, fly to the Sadrith Mora Mages Guild.

27. Warp to Balmora and walk to the Fighters Guild.

28. Seek out Fasile Charascel and train your Medium Armor skill up to 25, rest
one hour and level up. Make sure you use your times 5 multipier on Endurance.
Go back and train Medium Armor up to 35, rest one hour and level up.

29. Seek out Wayn and train your Heavy Armor skill up to 25, rest
one hour and level up. Make sure you use your times 5 multipier on Endurance.
Go back and train Heavy Armor up to 35, rest one hour and level up.

30. Seek out Flaenia Amiulusus and train your Spear skill up to 25, rest
one hour and level up. Make sure you use your times 5 multipier on Endurance.
Go back and train Spear up to 35, rest one hour and level up.

31. Level 6 is probably the minimum for doing this quest but you may train up
until your funds reach about 50 gold.

32. Go back to the Mages Guild and warp to Ald-ruhn.

33. Activate a Scroll of Windform and Fly to to Odrosal, Dwemer Training
Academy. Go inside, drink 2 Exclusive Nighteye potions. The door on your right
is locked, use a Ekash Lock Splitter to open it. Enter the room, go up the
ladder and take the Keening. Leave the building.

34. Activate a Scroll of Windform and fly slightly Northwest to Dagoth Ur, use
a Scroll of Mark beside the Dwarven Crank outside the building.

35. Fly Northwest to Vemynal, Go inside, drink 2 Exclusive Night Eye potions
and activate your Amulet of Shadows. Walk straight thru, no bad guys can see
you now. Find Dagoth Vemyn. Use a Golden Saint Scroll. Then use 2 Scrolls of
Drathis Soulrot to kill him, take the Sunder from his body.

36. Use your Amulet of Recall, turn the crank and go inside Dagoth Ur.

37. Activate your Amulet of Shadows and drink 2 Exclusive Night Eye Potions.
Walk straight thru to Dagoth Ur's Facility Cavern. Ignore whatever he says,
use a Golden Saint Scroll then use 2 Scrolls of Drathis Soulrot on him. He
will disappear into his inner chamber. Follow him.

38. Activate a Scroll of Windform, fly right over Dagoth Ur and get right
behind the Heart.

39. Pull out any weapon, just so you can see it in your hand. If your health
bar isn't full, use a Exclusive Restore Health Potion.

40. Hit the B button and go into your inventory screen. Now equip 1 Exclusive
Restore Health potion and while still in the inventory screen equip the
Sunder. Hit the B button to return to action, quickly use the Sunder one time
and hit the B button to return to the inventory screen. Now equip a Normal
Weapon and 1 Exclusive Restore Health potion. Hit the B button to return to
action, wait until your health bar fills back up and repeat the procedure with
the Keening 5 times.


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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.6.1820 Steam)

30.Oktober 2013
Legendary/Famous Artifacts in Morrowind
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Liste der Reiserouten im Excel-Format

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Dt. Einsteigertipps im rtf-Format

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Pre-generated Character Class List
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Mage's Guild Guide
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Character Creation FAQ
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Werteliste für ADDITEM-Cheat

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Hinweise im UHS-Format

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Engl. FAQ im Word-Format
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18.Oktober 2013
Alle dt. Cheats als Word-Dokument

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Pilgerreise Hinweise

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Beliebte Cheats
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01.Dezember 2014
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01.April 2020
01.April 2020
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24.März 2020