Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

15.10.2013 01:07:56
Tips & Tricks Guide
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| Game Name: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty |
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| Document Label: MGS 2 Tips & Tricks Guide |
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| Author: Lee Stuart Cook |
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| Date Created: April 9th 2002 |
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| E-Mail: |
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| Website: Http:// |
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| Table Of Contents |

01. Introduction ** FINISHED **

02. Hints & Tips ** FINISHED **

03. My Website ** FINISHED **

04. Bosses

05. Items

06. Special Thanks ** FINISHED **

07. Copyright ** FINISHED **

| 01. Introduction |

I Recently Created A Metal Gear Solid 2 Dog Tags List For The First Level Of This Game: The USS Discovery Tanker On The (V.E) Very Easy
Difficulty Level And I Decided To Do More Walkthroughs For This Great Game You Can Also Visit My NEW!!! Homepage At This Following Webpage Location/Address On My Homepage There Will Be Pages For The Following: PS2 Walkthroughs, Biography, Latest News, Links And Much More... Anyway Getting Back-To The Game I Have Complete It Twice I Got The Following Times: 0022.09.17 - & For The Second: 0006:09:00 I Also Have A Other Walkthrough For Knockout Kings 2001 For The PlayStation 2 Hosted At: Http://

| 02. Special Items |

Item Name: Stealth Camo

Beat The Game Then Start Again You Know You Want To Select The Tanker Level And Collect As Many Dog Tags As Possible On: Very Easy, Easy And Normal If You Can Nab 60 Or More By The Time You Finish The Level Again Then The Tough Sounding Stealth Camo Is Your To Fiddle With

Item Name: Stealth Camo #2

To Get This You Need To Beat The Game Having Collected 120 Dog Tags Throughout The Plant If You Can't Do That You Can't Have The Stealth Camo #2

Item Name: Bandana

The Bandana Gives You Infinite Ammo To Get This You Must Get 30 - 40 Or More Dog Tags On The Tanker Level

Item Name: Orange Wig

This Is A Cool Item It Gives You Infinite Grip For When Using The Hanging You Could Hang On To A Rail For Hours & Hours Without Your 02 Gauge Going Down At All To Obtain This You Must Finish The Game With Over 150 Dog Tags

Item Name: Shaver

To Get The Cool Shaver You Must Start The Plant Level And Go Right And Hang Over The Rail A Then Shimmy Across To The Right Then Get Up On The Other Side Of Cage To Get The Shaver You Can Give The Shaver To Pliskin At The Transformer Room In Strut B Raiden Will Give Him The Shaver After You Get The Socom Gun And Further On In The Game Snake Will Have
A Brand New Look During Codec Conversations

Item Name: Digital Camera

To Get The Digital Camera You Must Complete The Game Just Once With This You Can Take Photographs And Save Them To Your Memory Card And View Then In The Photo Album Mode From The "Special" Menu

Item Name: Snakes Dog Tag

Right After Snake Gives You The HF Blade Knock Him Out Then Drag His Body To Obtain Snakes Dog Tag (NORMAL DIF LEVEL ONLY)

| 03. My Website |

!!! Website No Longer Excites !!!

| 04. Bosses |


This Women Has A Few Tricks Up Her Sleeve However Lets Worry About Defeating Her You Must Always Remember To Shoot Out The Light With Your M9 Otherwise Latter On In The Battle She Will Use It Against You Hide Behind The Boxes In The Top Left-Hand Corner Beware Of Her Grenades That She Lobs At You The Fight Should Last More Then 3 Minutes Depending On You Still Ratings


There Is No Point In Fighting This Boss As You Cannot Kill Her All You Have To Do Is Keep On Dodging Her Electric Pulse’s Never Hide Behind A Barrel As She Will Shoot Them And You Will Start Burning Death The Fight Lasts Around 4 Minutes 30 Seconds Just Wait Until The Elevator To Arrive Then Your Free !! Yipppeeeeeeee


| 05. Items |

USP: This Is A Very Powerful Gun And Can Only Be Obtained In The Tanker Episode

USP Suppressor: Equip This Suppressor And Your USP Will Be Silinced Like An James Bond PPK Silincer

Scope: This Is Of Course A TeleScope It Can See To Very Far Locations Press "O" To Zoom In And "X" To Zoom Out

Ration: These Are Military Foods Supplies With Can Restore You Health To A Maximum 75%

Dog Tags: Collect These Of Guards By Holding Them To Unlock Secret Items

M9: This Is A Tranquilizer Gun Converted From A Beretta This Can Put Guards To Sleep For Upto Three Mins

Shaver: Collect This On The Hard Difficulty And Then Give It To Pliskin In The Strut B Transformer And Then Latter
On In The Game He Will Shave

Bandage: Stops Blood From Driping And Giving Presense Away To Your Enemy

Coolant: Use This To Freeze Fatmans C4's Can Also Be Used To Wake Up Sleeping Guards By Spraying It In There Ugly

Sensor A: Equip This To Track Down Fatmans C4's

Sensor B: Equip This To Track Down Fatmans Sentless C4's

Cardboard Boxes: Use These Very Useful Boxes To Take You To The Location Writtin On The Box To Use Them Go The Strut F Parcel Room, B1

M4: This Is A Kinda Machine Gun It Is Very Powerful Weapon You Can Kill Anyone In Less Than Five Shots

AKS-74u: You This Weapon To Gain Access To The Shell 1 Core B.D.U Must Be Equiped

B.D.U: Enemy Uniform Use This To Gain Access To The Shell 1 Core The AKS-74u Must Be Equiped

Phone: Use This Handy Gadget To Recieve E-Mails From The Ninja

Stinger Missile Launcher: This Weapon Is Also A Very Powerful One It Fires Stinger Missiles

Nikkita: Use This Weapon To Navigate Through The Ventilation Shaft To Destroying The Circuit Panel In The Shell 2 Core
To Disable The Electric Currents

Grenade: This Weapon An Explosive Use Them In The Vamp Fight

Stun Grenade: Use These To Blind Your Enemy Soilder

Chaff Grenade: Use These To Confuse The Camera's, Cythers And The Metal Gear Rays

HF Blade: Snake Gives You This High Frequency Blade

PSG1: This Is A Sniper Rifle Can Fire Long Distances

PSG1-T: This Is Sniper Rifle But Will Tranquilize The Enemy A Very Useful Weapons

Books: These Are Porno Graphic Books Witch Will Distract Enemy So You Can Get Pass The Fool

Claymores: This Are Invisible Explosives Can Be Planted Anywhere

C4's: You Can Plant These On The Enemy Back Them You Can Press "O" To Kill Them Can Also Be Planted On Walls, Ground
And Other Locations

M4 Suppressor: Makes You M4 Really Quite When Shooting Your Enemy's

Pantazemin: Use This Pill To Stop Shaking When Using Your Sniper Rifle

AP Sensor: Equip This And You Controller Will Vibrate When There Is A Guard Nearby Very Useful When Your Radar Is Not Functioning

Mine Detecter: Use This Device And You Will Be Able To See Where Claymore Mines Are Planted

Cigs: These Are Very Bad For Your Health But The Smoke From Them Does Enable You See Where The Infared Beams Are Placed

Directional Mic: This Is Great For Listening On Important Conversations Or Otherwise

Magazine: Throw One Of These To Distract A Guard Letting You Sneak Past The Fool

RGB6: This Is A Grenade Launcher Can Hold Upto 30 Grenades

Thermal Googles: Use These To See If A Guard Is Wearing Dog Tags You Will Also Be Able To See Infared Beams

Night Vision Googles: Enables You To See In Dark Places

Cold Medicine: Use These To Stop Raiden/Snake Sneazing

| 06. Special Thanks |

I Would Like To Thank The Following Website That Has Hosted My Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty (TNT GUIDE)


| 07. Copyright |

This FAQ/Walkthrough Was Officially Created & Designed By Author Lee Stuart Cook This Faq Must Not Be Copied Or Put On Anyones Website Without My Permission This Walkthrough Must Not Be Printed / Or Sold To Anyone As It Is Elligle To Do Such Thing So Please Do Not Do Any Of These Things That I Have Just Mentioned You Can Get My Permission To Host It On Your Very Own Website By Just Simply E - Mailling Me The Walkthrough Maynot Be Changed Any Means Possible

This FAQ/Walkthrough Was Created By Lee Stuart Cook AKA Cook77
(c)2002 Lee Stuart Cook

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