Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

17.10.2013 08:33:21
Metal Gear Solid 2 FAQ/Walkthrough v0.35
by Lightopia (
Sony PlayStation2 - English Version
Copyright 2001-2002 Lightopia


__ __ _____ _____ _ _ ____ _____ _ ____
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1. Legal Information
2. Revision History
3. Introduction
4. Game Introduction/Basics
4.1 Game Screen
4.2 Actions
4.3 Tactics
4.4 Extra Information
5. Walkthrough
5.1 Tanker Chapter
5.2 Plant Chapter
6. Equipment
6.1 Weapons
6.2 Items
7. Scripting
7.1 Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of Liberty Script
7.2 The New York Mirror
7.3 The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses
7.4 In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unoffical Truth
8. Secrets
8.1 Dog Tags
8.2 Gameshark Codes
8.3 Fun Quirks & Secrets
9. Frequently Asked Questions
10. Contact Information
11. Special Thanks

1. Legal Information

This FAQ is property of Nick Best, and shall not be modified in any way, shape
or form unless consent by the author or for personal private use. This FAQ
shall not be used in profitable purposes by anyone or anything. This includes
magazines, websites, strategy guide, etc. If you wish for this FAQ to be
placed on your website, please contact me, the author, Nick Best (see contact
information). If, by any chance, you DO find a website that has put this FAQ
on it, and has modified it in any way, please notify me as soon as possible.

Thank you, and enjoy the FAQ.

2. Revision History

The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at

FAQ Information:

Completion: around 55% complete
Started: November 18, 2001 @ 8:27 a.m. PST
File Size: 110 KB
Emails: 642 total emails regarding Metal Gear Solid 2 since November 22,

Version 0.35 - January 13, 2002

Sorry for the long procrastination. I was doing lots of stuff over Christmas
break, so that explains for a lot of things.

- Checked the FAQ for some grammatical and spelling errors
- Updated the Contact Information section

Yeah, not much done, I know, but as I said, Christmas break, ya? Well, anyway,
hopefully I can get more work done on this thing now. Next update expect dog
tags section to be updated, since I have nearly gotten all of them. Also I
might have missed some grammatical and spelling errors. Hey, I'm not perfect.

If you have sent me an email, and haven't gotten a response, it is either
because the answer to the question was in the FAQ or because I was on break and
didn't really have time to answer it. I might eventually respond, once I mess
around with all my new Christmas gifts.

Version 0.3 - November 25, 2001

Another small update.

- Added some stuff to the Tactics section
- Added some stuff to the Fun Quirks & Secrets section
- Added some stuff to Contact Information
- Re-formated some minor things

The next version, you can SERIOUSLY expect the dog tag section to be updated
(yeah I know, I'm lazy), and maybe some of the script.

Version 0.25 - November 24, 2001

Not quite version 0.3, but a rather big update nonetheless.

- Added the "Scripting" section, including the the script from MGS2 as well
as the articles under the "Previous Story" section under "Special" on the
main menu
- Got a tad bit done on the actual script of MGS2, and finished the New York
Mirror article
- Added some stuff to the Fun Quirks & Secrets section

Version 0.2 - November 24, 2001

Second version of the FAQ. Not very much of a large update, but it can help
you a little. The next update will probably be a very large one, probably
having the dog tag section complete or near complete.

- Added a tip on the Vamp boss fight (in the Filtration Chamber)
- Added more to the Equipment section
- Added some stuff to the Fun Quirks & Secrets section
- Added the FAQ Information (right above this version update)

Also big thanks to all of the contributors, thanks for all of the emails, they
have helped this FAQ out a lot.

Version 0.1 - November 18, 2001

First version of the FAQ. Not that much done, I know, but now all of my free
time goes to this, so it should get completed pretty quickly.

- Game Introduction/Basics completed (but will be updated)
- Walkthrough completed (but will be updated)
- Equipment almost completed
- Secrets section started

In the distant future, you *might* expect some of the following things: boss
strategies (in-depth), script, and maybe some suprises... :)

Next update, expect equipment to be complete, Plant Chapter walkthrough to be
complete/almost complete, more additions to Game Introduction/Basics section,
a start on the Secrets section, and more in-depth information on the Tanker
Chapter walkthrough.

3. Introduction

...and welcome to my Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty FAQ/Walkthrough.
Eventually, I'll try to get this sucker packed with in-depth information for
every aspect of this game, but considering that could take a while, I got as
much done as I could this version (which is not THAT much, quite frankly). But
don't worry, soon the scroll bar will begin to get smaller, and smaller, and
smaller, until it's extremely hard to click. Yeah.

Anyway, enough ranting. MGS2 has been a highly anticipated game, and after the
long, long ass wait, it has finally arrived. The real question: is it worth
buying? By all means, yes. It surpasses its predeccessor, Metal Gear Solid,
in every which way. So, I highly suggest that you go buy this game, right
now. Anyhoo, the reason I decided to make this FAQ is because the game just
kicks so much bootay, and I felt I should write up this thing and help with
world with MGS2.

Note, however, that this FAQ is still under some intense construction. So,
remember to wear your hard hat (yeah... that was dumb, I know). I guess you
could call it a rough draft since pretty much all of this is subjected to be
updated. I'll try to get this thing done as soon as possible, and if I feel
like it... I might add a walkthrough or something. Well, enjoy the FAQ.

One final thing. The walkthrough is _very_ vaugh. Eventually, I plan to have
locations for all of the items in the specific area, etc., however right now
all it does is explain what to do next. I'll be playing through the game
countless times to get all of the item locations, etc., but until then you'll
just have to wait. ^_^

And yes, I KNOW the ASCII art sucks... I'm working on it. ^_^

NOTE: This FAQ WILL contain spoilers. Not very major ones, since it doesn't
have a walkthrough, but it does contain spoilers, nonetheless. So if you don't
want to be spoiled, I suggest you stop now.

4. Game Introduction/Basics

I'm guessing the name is pretty self-explanitory, right? Yeah, well basically
in this section you, how do I put this, "learn" about the game. Yeah.

4.1 Game Screen

Ah, the game screen. Since I can't exactly do an ASCII diagram on the whole
screen, I'll just explain what things are on the screen and what they do.

/LIFE GAUGE/ The life gauge is probably the thing you will
want to look at most when you are in the midst of an attck. Whether you're
getting bombarded with a hail of bullets, getting the crap beat out of you with
fists, being blown to bits with grenades, or some other form of pain, you will
take damage, and your life gauge will slowly deplete. Once there is none left,
you will die. O_o

/BOSS LIFE GAUGE/ This only appears during boss battles, and will deplete as
you deal damage to the boss. Once there's none left, they will "die."

/BOSS STUN GAUGE/ This appears right under the boss' life gauge. When you hit
a boss with a tranquilizer dart (M9, PSG1-T) or a stun grenade, this gauge will
deplete. Once there's none left, they will... go to sleep.

/GRIP GAUGE/ This appears when you are hanging on a ledge. It depletes the
longer you hang on. Once there's none left, you fall, and if you're extremely
high up and there's nothing below you, you'll fall to your very painful death
on impact. If you push L2 or R2 to do pushups, your gauge will increase after
you do quite a few and you'll be able to hang on longer.

/O2 GAUGE/ This appears when you are underwater. It will deplete the longer
you stay underwater. Once there's none left, it will start using taking life
off of your life gauge. Once you come up to the surface your O2 gauge will
fill up again.

/PARTNER LIFE GAUGE/ This only appears when you have a partner with you. It
works the same as your life gauge, only this depletes when you partner takes
damage. Understand?

/PARTNER O2 GAUGE/ This only appears when you have a partner with you. It
works the same as your O2 guage, only this depletes when you partner loses
air. Get it? Got it? Good.

/ITEM INVENTORY/ This is where all of your items are kept. Press L2 to bring
up the list and then scroll through. Tap L2 quickly to unequip the current
item equipped, and tap it again to re-equip the item.

/WEAPON INVENTORY/ This is where all of your weapons are kept. Press R2 to
bring up the list and then scroll though. Tap R2 quickly to unequip the
current item equipped, and tap it again to re-equip the item.

/RADAR/ The radar is pretty easy to use. You are the yellow dot, and enemies
are the red dots. The green cone represents your field of vision, and the blue
cones represent the enemies field of vision. Of course, you and alter these
cones and the radar significantly...

-NORMAL MODE- Everything is like I described above.
-SUSPECION- Enemies field of vision is now a
yellow cone.
-CAUTION MODE/AFTER BEING DISCOVERED- Enemies field of vision is now a red

So basically, don't go inside the enemies "cone," and hence you won't get

/CODEC/ Your system for communication with other characters. Press select to
bring up the screen. Bring down the memory by pressing down on the left analog
stick, and tune by pressing left and right on the left analog stick. Press the
circle button to call someone with the selected frequency. If you are being
called, you will hear a ringing sound and a select button will appear on the
screen. Press select to bring up the Codec.

4.2 Main Controls

/LEFT ANALOG STICK/ Movement, move to highlight other options

/RIGHT ANALOG STICK/ Use sword, change camera angles

/DIRECTIONAL PAD/ Movement, move to highlight other options

/L1 BUTTON/ Lock-on button

/L2 BUTTON/ Equip item button

/R1 BUTTON/ First Person View button

/R2 BUTTON/ Equip Weapon button

/START/ Pause Game -- Tanker Chapter: Help Information -- Plant Chapter: Map

/SELECT/ Open Codec

/SQUARE BUTTON/ Use weapon, choke, throw, etc. (attack)

/CIRCLE (O) BUTTON/ Punch/kick combo, confirm

/CROSS (X) BUTTON/ Crouch/crawl, press in crouch/crawl mode to stand, cancel

/TRIANGLE BUTTON/ Action button

4.3 Tactics

/STICK 'EM UP/ Is there a guard in your way that's starting to piss you off?
You can always try to avoid them, or you could have some fun and come from
behind and point your gun at their head. While the enemy guard is going
through their patrol route, hide behind a wall or something similar to that,
and right when they walk by you, wait until they turn their back, then walk up
to them and go in First Person View and point your gun at them. Their hands
should go flailing in the air. Now, you can go ahead and shoot them now or
you could get some goodies from them. You want the goodies, eh? Then slowly
release the square button so the gun does not fire, and CAREFULLY walk around
them to the front, and as fast as you can put the gun back on them so they
don't recover from the stick up. Then aim the gun at their head, or, for
some other humor, at their groin, and they should get scared and either a)
drop a dog tag if they haven't already or b) if they have already dropped a
dog tag, they should drop some other item or c) drop nothing at all. Sometimes
you might get the guards that say something like "Are you going to shoot me?"
For these guys, whip out your USP or SOCOM and blast them in the arm. Now they
should be scared enough and drop some stuff. Once you're done with them, I
also get out my M9 and put them to night-night. :)

/DECOY/ This one is always fun. If you're in an area with two guards, knock
one out with your M9. Then drag him someplace that is noticeable. Now go
near a second guard, bang on the wall, and lure him over to the already knocked
out guard. You might want to hide behind something so he doesn't see you.
Anyhoo, once he sees the knocked out guard, pop out and nail him in the head
with whatever weapon you choose. Quite fun, eh?

/WAYS TO GET OUT OF ALERT-EVASION MODE/ So you got caught, eh? Well there are
many ways of going about hiding once you've been discovered. The most famous,
by far, is hiding under boxes. However, make sure you hide under the correct
box, or the guards might get suspicious. Hiding under a food box where tons of
electrical applicance boxes are might not be the smartest idea. Another good
hiding place is a locker, if there are any nearby. And of course, there is
always ducking in a corner and hiding under tables...

/EASY ITEMS/ Need some ammo or rations? You could try the "Stick 'em up"
tactic, or you can go about an easier one. Find a guard, kill him or knock him
out, then drag is body around and he might drop some junk. For best results,
once you are done dragging the body around, hide them somewhere so they won't
be noticed. :)

/SHOOT OUT THE RADIO/ A good way to avoid being in Alert Mode is to shoot out
the guards radio so they can't call in reinforcements. There are a couple of
ways to do this. One way is to knock him out with your M9 or punch him out.
If he is on his front, you should see the radio on his back (the radio is on
the back side). Take out your M9, and then shoot it, and bingo. Now when he
wakes up, and if he sees you, he won't be able to call for backup. The second
way to do this is to shoot it while the guard is concious. It is harder, but
much funnier.

/WAKE UP/ You know you can wake up guards if they are asleep without having to
wait minutes? There are a couple ways to do this. The first is to repeatedly
pick them up and drop them. This can still take a while, but it does work.
The faster way is to spray them with the Coolant. This tactic works very well
if you are trying to get a dog tag.

4.4 Extra Information

/DIFFICULTIES/ When starting a new game, you have the option of choosing a
difficulties (all of the following difficulties revolve around normal).

-VERY EASY- Minimal amount of guards on duty, extremely high gauges,
extremely high capacity for items and ammo.
-EASY- Few guards on duty, high gauges, high capacity for items and
-NORMAL- Normal. :)
-HARD- More guards on duty, low gauges, low capacity for items and
-EXTREME- Maximum amount of guards on duty, extremely low gauges,
extremely low capacity for items and ammo.


Throughout the game you'll be using your Codec, whether it be to save, or to
talk to characters, or whatnot. Anywhere, here they are:



Otacon 140.86
Otacon-Save 140.96


Colonel 140.85
Rose 140.96
Pliskin 141.80
Stillman 140.25
Mr. X 140.48
Otacon 141.12

5. Walkthrough

Here it is folks. As I said before, the only thing right now that it explains
is what to do, without any item locations, etc., but soon, it shall be el
ultimo. Yep, yessiree Bob.

This walkthrough is based on normal mode. Eventually I might be man enough to
write an extreme walkthrough, but not now. I'll stick with normal. Also, at
this time, I'll try to keep the spoilers at a minimum, however eventually I'll
probably add a section devoted to the story.

5.1 Tanker Chapter

Enjoy the opening cinema once you start the game. Pretty neat, eh? Jumping
off of the George Washington Bridge and all... pretty damn cool if you ask me.

Anyway, once you land on the tanker, you will start a Codec conversation with
Otacon, the computer genius and pee-in-pants guy from the original Metal Gear
Solid. He'll explain what your mission objectives are, how to move around,
your inventory, etc. Your main objective is to infiltrate the tanker and take
pictures of the new Metal Gear, Metal Gear RAY.


After the whole attack scene, you'll gain control of Snake. What you want to do
now is enter into the crews decks. From where you start, there are three
guards: one on the starboard side patrolling around the stairs to the level
above, one on the port side patrolling around the stairs to the level above,
and one directly in front of you patrolling the level above you. To enter the
interior of the ship, walk around to the right side. You should see one of the
guards around here. You can either avoid him, or take him out with your M9
pistol. To avoid being caught, you might ought to just take him out with your
M9 with a quick shot to the head, or if you're feeling a little risky, wait
until he's far away from the ships door and then quickly walk up to it and open
it (with the action button).


There's a series of corridors here with a lone guard patrolling on the furthest
right corridor from where you entered. You can enter the locker room if you
wish, and get some goodies, or even mess around with the girly posters. ^_^
Once you're done with the locker room, head back out to the corridor, and try
to take out the lone guard patrolling on the furthest right corridor with your
M9. You'll have to get him out of his route some way, cause you need to get
through this corridor to procede on. The easiest way, as I stated above, is
with the M9, but you can also make some noise (lean up against a wall, and tap
circle [O]) to lure him out of his route. Which either method you choose,
continue on down the corridor to the next door, and go through.


From here, you should see a guy sitting on some stairs tapping on the ground
with his foot. Carefully pop him in the head with your M9. Go into the bar and
the reading area for some goodies, then head up the stairs where the guard was
and take the right door to procede to the next area.


Once here, head left, and then you should see a guard patrolling this hallway
on the upper most corridor. Shoot him with your M9, and then continue down the
corridor, go down, then left and continue up the stairs.


There is a secruity camera in the corridor just past the stairs, and if it
sees you, you will go in Alert mode. To avoid it, just lean against the wall
and continue foward so the damned camera doesn't see you. At the end of the
corridor, you can go into the room here to get some items, and then continue
up the stairs to the next area.


There are C4's in this area, but they're pretty easy to avoid. Right when you
go up the stairs, you should see a guard enter the dining area. Knock him out
with your M9, then continue into the dining area. Go behind the counter for an
item, and under the tables for more. Don't bother tying to get the ammo by the
camera, it's really not worth it and you can't use it yet anyway. At the lower
section of the dining area, wait until the guard outside the door turns his
back, then go into the hall, and shoot him. If you go around the corner, you
will see the C4. If you went the other way, all you had to do was duck under
it. But since you went the other way, you didn't even have to mess with it.
Go back by the entrance door to the dining hall, but don't go in it. Go up the
stairs right next to it. :)


Here will be a cinema and a conversation with Otacon. Once that is done, go
to the door to the left side of the room, and press the action button, and get
ready for your first boss battle action.



Olga's not too tough. However, right when the battle starts, you'll want to
shoot out the search light, which is in the back left corner of the part where
Olga is, as well as the tarp covering one of the crates, which is located in
the center of the part where Olga is. If you fail to shoot these out, she will
eventually use the light to blind you, and the tarp to hide behind. The trick
to this battle is getting Olga to think your someplace when you're actually in
another place. To do this, you should hide behind a crate located in one of the

nds of where you are, then either roll or crawl to the crates at the other end
of where you are. She should still be firing at where you were a few seconds
ago. While she is completely and utterly firing at the wrong place, pop up from
the crate at one of the ends you're hiding under, and try to shoot her in the
head, if you can get a clean shot. If you can't get a shot off in the head,
shoot the next best thing (the torso, if not that a limb, etc.).

Sometimes, if you take to long to shoot her and she can't find you, the hairy
armpit woman will begin to bambard you with grenades. They're not to hard to
avoid, and don't do that much damage when they hit you, but you should still
try to avoid them. If she can't find you even when she starts throwing grenades,
she'll start throwing them all over the damn place where you are, and it can be
trick to avoid. To do this, either attempt to avoid them, or show yourself,
then go back to hiding immediately.

Repeat the "I'm here! Now I'm not! Ha!" steps until she falls.

Now you've got a USP. Yay! If you want, you can go around the side of the
navigational deck, climb up the ladders, and get some items, including the
thermal goggles. Once you're done, head back down, and go back through the
door you came from back into the bridge.


Get the items here, and continue all the way back down to Deck-A, crews lounge.
Pretty much the same strategy in the past parts, just backwards.


Shoot the guard that's walking back and forth below the stairs, then take a
right once you get to the bottom of the stairs, then you should come to a
corridor with another set of stairs. Go down, and enter the door in the little
room at the bottom of the stairs.


In here, you should see a shadow of Raven. No, unfortunately it's not actually
him, just an action figure up next to a flashlight, LOL. For some fun, shoot
him and he'll start making noises and shoot out little pellet like thingies.
Heh, cool. Open the locker in this area if you want for a little scare.
Continue onward, and the next area is pretty straight foward. Knock out any
guards along the way with your M9. Your ultimate goal is to get at the totally
opposite end you are now (west wall, top level). Once you get here, enter the
door, and then you'll see a scene where a guard fixes a door and patrols this
next little area for a bit. Not to hard, just shoot him with your M9, as
usual. ^_^

Here, you'll get another call from Otacon, explaining how to avoid the infra
red sensors and blowing up the bomb. So, you should see a little green
flashing light on the floor to the right. Shoot it, but becareful not to hit
the C4. Note that you must use your USP for this. Now, climb up on the crate
like object with the USP ammo on it, and look up on the ledge above the door
and you should see a second green light. Get off the ledge, and go farward a
bit until you are almost at the door, but don't quite pass the last infra red
sensored wall. You should see a little green thing protruding out of the left
side of the wall. Shoot it, and you should have disarmed all of the infra red
sensors and C4. Open the door in front of you.


Just continue down the loooong corridor, but becareful, cause there is a guard
patrolling the first long corridor, and he can sometimes be hard to notice,
since it seems the corridor is pretty empty. Shoot him when you see him, and
once you reach the end, make a right, and shoot the two guards in this
corridor. Go through the door to the starboard side of this deck.


Just head through this long corridor, and eventually you'll activate a cinema.
Once the cinema's done, get ready for a fun, fun battle. Take out your USP if
you want to have some real action, and shoot the guards from the crate you are
behind when they walk by, and duck after you kill each guard. After this,
get ready for another cinema, and then you should be in the next area.


You now have seven minutes to get to Metal Gear RAY's hold, take the pictures,
and upload them from the computer terminal to Otacon.

Pretty easy from here. Just go down the ladder, and when you reach the bottom,
get in the crawl position. From the bottom of the ladder, if you face north (
up), you'll want to head west (left). In crawling position, just hug the back
wall, avoiding all of the marines fields of vision. Once you get to the end of
the back wall, head north (you should be now hugging the west [left] wall).
Continue going foward until you reach a door, and go through.


Similar to the first hold, except now the guards will switch position to face a
different projector screen every 15 seconds or so. Head east (REMEMBER to
crawl) hugging the back wall, and once you reach the end, head north hugging
the east wall. Once you reach the end, go behind the crates and enter the door
behind them.


Ah. Here we are. Metal Gear RAY. From where you are, head back in to the
corner, which you be right next to you. Whip out your camera, and take a nice
snap shot of Metal Gear RAY from the front-right position (which is where you
are now). Now get into crawling position, and hug the back wall until you get
about half way from the west wall and east wall. Now, take a picture of Metal
Gear RAY, which should be directly in front of you (this will be the front
picture). Get back into crawling position, and head west hugging the back wall
again until you reach the corner. Get out your camera, and take a picture (this
will be the front-left picture). Now, at some point, Scott Dolph (the guy
making the speech) will tell his men to take a short break. At this point, the
marines watching the speech will look in everywhich direction, so you should
probably stay behind a crate or something to avoid getting seen. Another thing
to watch out for is when Dolph will say "Intruder in the back! Intruder to the
left! Intruder to the right! Intruder to the back!" or something along the
lines of that. The way to tell that this is about to come is when he takes a
long pause from his speech (which can be about 5 or so seconds). So basically,
whenever he is taking a pause, quickly find something to hide behind.

ANYWAY, onto the next, and last, picture. From where you are (the left corner),
get into crawling position and head north, hugging the west wall. Eventually,
you should run into a large crate. From here, stand up, whip out your camera,
and look to your right and up a bit, and you should see the words "Marines"
right there. Take a quick snapshot. Now, head ALL the way back to where you
took the front-right picture, making sure to crawl and hug the walls as you
head back. Near the corner, you should see the computer terminal. Walk up to
it, and press the action button, and bingo! You're done with the Tanker
chapter. All sorts of scenes will follow (and no, I'm not about to spoil them
for you), and eventually you'll be asked to save. Do so.

5.2 Plant Chapter

In the Plant Chapter, you don't play as Solid Snake, you play as Raiden. His
controls are pretty much the same as Snake's, but you'll have to get used to
his voice. :) Watch the scenes, then you'll gain control of Raiden.


From here, head north, and open the watertight door. You'll see a short scene,
then continue down this hall, and open the next watertight door you come too.
Now you will see another scene. After its over, head to the top right corner
of the room, and you should see a little computer. Walk up to it and press the
action button. You'll be asked to give a name, then you can edit things such
as location, blood type, etc., as well as some of the game options. This
computer is called a "node," and you'll be seeing quite a few more of them.

Once you're done with the node, your radar will be working. After a few
seconds of leaving the node, the guards should wake up. Hide behind a crate
until the elevator comes down. When it does, quickly sneak past the guards,
and enter the elevator.


After a Codec conversation with the Colonel, you'll be on the roof of strut A.
On the left grated fence, there is a little opening toward the bottom, on the
part that juts out. Get in crawling possition, crawl through, and then you'll
have a Codec converstation with Colonel.


In this little room, either walk up behind the guard and snap is neck, or
simply avoid him. Either way, get to the node located in the top right corner
of the little cubical area. Just outside the cubical to the left and right,
there should be doors. Take the right one for now, so you can get a weapon.


A scene occurs, then the Colonel will call and explain Cypher's. Cross this
bridge, avoiding the Cypher (wait until it goes to the lower level), and go
through the door at the other end.


You're on the top level of this Strut F warehouse, and on this level there
should be a door which leads to a room that contains the M9. It's the only
room on this level that does not require a keycard, so it shouldn't be too
tough to find. Also, the node is located on the bottom floor in one of
the south most rooms.


Just head back to the Strut A door, and don't let the Cypher see you.


Now take the door on the left side, which is opposite from where you are now.


A scene and a talk with Colonel insues (yet again...). Take out the guard on
the far end of this walkway, then cross the bridge, not letting the other
guard see you.


75% of this area contains scenes, and right when you enter they start.
After the long yet awesome scenes, you'll gain control of Raiden again.
Pliskin gave you a SOCOM, so now you can start killing people with bullets
instead of just knocking them out. Anyway, use the node which is located by
the stairs near where Pliskin is. Once you've messed with the node enough,
go foward, walk up the stairs, go through the door here, head left, then go
through the door here.


Yet another scene and Colonel Codec call. Continue across the bridge and enter
Strut C.


Go through the little hallway here, and you find Peter Stillman. Yet more
scenes will insue. Now, you must disarm all of the C4's that Fatman has
planted in each strut. Fun! You now have Sensor A, which can sense Fatman's
cologne scent, the Coolant, which is used to "freeze" the C4's, and a level 1
keycard. Anyway, when you gain control of Raiden head left and acess the node
in the next room. Head back to the door you entered strut C from, but take the
door on the right to enter the women's bathroom. Walk up to the mirror here,
and look up. You should see the C4 on the ceiling. Take out the Coolant, and
spray it until the light goes from green to red and you hear a little dinging
sound. Stillman will contact you via Codec, and once its done head out the
door back to the BC connecting bridge.


There's a Cypher here now, but not much to worry about. Cross the bridge back
to strut B.


Shoot the guard patrolling the hallway here with your M9 so you don't alert the
one in the actual transformer room. Enter the transformer room through the
door, and shoot the guard in here. Now, next to the door you came from, there
should be a transformer door which is open. Close it, and you should see the
C4. Use the Coolant to defuse it, then go back to the hallway, go down and
head to the AB connecting bridge.


Shoot the guard patrolling the walkway, then cross back over to strut A.


From here, shoot the guard in the cubical with the M9, then go through the
south most door in this room. You should be in a room with a lot of pipes and
computer terminals and such. There should be a guard patrolling this area.
Don't shoot him, or more guards will come to check out why he hasn't check in
with a report. Just avoid him for now. From the door, head up, then walk
over the little staircase. Get in crawling position, and crawl under the
pipes, then head left and crawl under two more pipes. From here, hug the south
wall until you go under another pipe. Keep crawling under it until you reach
a little square area where the C4 is. Take out the Coolant and freeze it. Now
head back out to the cubical room, and take the right door.


Be careful of the Cypher, and cross the bridge and go through the door at the


From where you are, head out into the main area of this room. Shoot the guard
on the level you are on, and head over to the left side of this room. Go next
to the railing, and angle yourself so you are directly over the boxes below.
Now press the action button to hang over the railing, and then press cross (X)
to fall down on the boxes. Jump down into the square area here, and you should
see the C4. Use the Coolant to freeze it. Now climb out, head up the stairs
in the top right corner of the room, and go through the door at the top.


Here, you'll get a Codec call from "Mr. X" explain how there are Claymore mines
in the area. Take out the mine detector, get in crawling possition, and crawl
over the claymore mines (the yellow cones). You should pick them up, and now
they should be in your items inventory. Also be careful of the guard looking
out from the tower above. Shoot him with the M9 if you can (not to hard).
The path to the left here leads to the Shell 1 Core, but you probably don't
want to take it since the floor is rigged. :) Head across the bridge area to
the door at the other end.


Shoot the guard with your M9 that is directly across one of the conveyor belts
from where you are, then walk north to the node. Access it, then go down the
path you just walked from, but once you reach about half way head right and
go up the stairs, and then out the door.


Head down this circular walkway, and a few seconds later you will active a
scene involving Olga. Then Pliskin will contact you via Codec, and tell you a
bit about here (nothing you already don't know, however). Anyway, head up the
stairs, then either take out the guards or sneak past them, and head north
until you reach Harrier (the jet). Go in crawling possition, crawl under the
wing, and then use the Coolant to take out the C4 which is right under the
Harrier. Go back down the stairs and enter the Parcel Room again.


Shoot the guard closest to you, then quickly head out through the door in the
top left corner.


Take out the guard, then cross the bridge to the other side and enter the door.


There are a few guards here, but try not to take them out so they can still
send in reports. Head foward, down the stairs, then head down to access the
node. Now head around the whole room, until you reach the other side. The
C4 is under the floor. Press the action button against the little orange patch
of floor, then take out the Coolant and freeze the C4. You'll now get a call
from Stillman.

Now you need to head back to Strut C and get Sensor B, which can locate
Fatman's scentless bombs. From where you are now, walk about half way around
the circular room, walk up the stairs, and go through the door above where you
just where.


Be careful of the camera as well as the guards here, and go through the door
at the other end.


Go back to the area where all of those long arse scenes were before, and pick
up Sensor B here. A Codec conversation will occur, and now you have 400
seconds to get to Strut A Deep Sea Dock (don't worry, more than enough time).
Go down from here and exit the door.


Cross the bridge, avoiding the Cypher. How many times have I said that now?


Shoot the guard patrolling the hall, go down the hall, make a right, then go
through the door.


Avoid the guards, and go through the door at the other end.


Pass the cubical and make a left at the south most wall, and go up the stairs
that you originally went down when first entering this area. Go through the
door at the top.


Go through the open door in the grated fence, and get on the elevator to go


You'll get a call from Stillman and Pliskin here (poor Stillman). Head
through this room where all of the crates are, down the hall, and into the room
where the water is. Go around the water, and look up at the top of the
sub-like structure. You should see the C4. Quickly take out your Coolant, and
spray the blasted thing. Head back to the elevator, and a scene occurs, and
now you must fight Fortune.


You can't really do much here except hide. Get behind some crates or barrels,
and eventually the battle will end.


A Codec call from Colonel appears, and now you have 400 seconds to get to the
heliport. *sigh*... Be careful around here, as there are some claymore mines.
Use the mine detector and pick them up. Head through the grated fence and go
down the stairs.


Go to the door to the right of the cubical in this room.


Just get across avoiding all the threats.


Go around this level, to the top right corner, and go through the door here.


Just get across avoiding all the threats. ...


Shoot the guards in here, then quickly go north and up the stairs to the


Walk through the walkway, go up the stairs, and run to the end of the heliport
and freeze the C4 with the Coolant. Now a scene will insue, and you will now
fight Fatman.


You should have the Sensor A out. He will randomly plant C4's around the
heliport, and you must go around and freeze them with the Coolant. After about
two or three C4's he will take a break and start strolling around on his roller
skates. At this time, get out your SOCOM and blast him with about four or
five shots until he falls down on the ground. Now QUICKLY shoot him in the
head. Sometimes he might pull out a gun and start shooting at you, but it's
pretty easy to avoid. Repeat this process until he falls.

Once you beat him, yet another C4 will be activated. This one's really easy
to locate, though. Unequip your current weapon, then grab Fatman and drag him
away. You'll get Peter Stillman's dog tag, and you'll see the big C4 lying
right where he was lying. Get out the Coolant, and freeze that bastard.

Now you'll talk with the infamous Ninja, as well as get the BDU, which lets
you disguise as an enemy guard. However, you need an AKS-74u to go with it,
otherwise guards will know who you are. You'll also receive a level 2 keycard,
and a cell phone.

We now must get the AKS-74u, which is located in the Strut F warehouse. Head
back to the Parcel Room.


Shoot the guards in here, then head down and exit the door in the bottom right


Cross the bridge avoiding all threats, again.


Head left here, then downwards and then left again, and enter the door here.
There are infra red sensors here, so be careful. Take your SOCOM, and shoot
the control panel to deactivate the sensors. BE CAREFUL NOT TO ALERT THE
GUARDS. Anyway, get the M4 and ammo in this room. Now exit this room, and go
down the stairs in the top right corner. Go left, then enter the door and get
the AKS-74u in this room. Now exit this room, and up the stairs and go through
the door.


Eliminate the Cypher's here, then go half way across this bridge here, then
make a left. Go into ducking position, and hug the railing and go across the
bridge. You can just run across, but the floor will collapse. But, it's
better to have the floor there on your way out, so I suggest you press against
the railing now.

Once you get across, get the ammo and equip the BDU and AKS-74u. Head through
the floor and enter the Shell 1 Core.


Be careful not to run into any guards in this area. If you do, your uniform
will removed and you'll be discovered. Anyway, continue down this hall, and
make a left, and go downward until you reach a room. Use the node here. After
you're done, go back down the hall, and enter the elevator at the end and go to
the B2 floor.


Go around this large room, and enter at the bottom. In the top left area, the
D.Mic is on the ground. The node is to the right of here. Once you're done,
go to the elevator again, and head to the B1 floor.


Here, access the node which is in the room to the right of the elevator. Exit
this room, and go into the hallway. There should be a guard patrolling around
here. Wait until his back is turned to you, then unequip your weapon, and
then press square to get him into a choke possition. Drag him over to the
retinal scanner which is located about halfway down this hall, and then a scene
will occur and the door will open.


A Codec conversation with Colonal occurs, and then you are left to find Ames,
one of the presidents Secret Service agents. He has black hair, and is not
a woman, so if the person is bald and is a woman, it's not him. For me, he was
located in the bottom left area, facing the wall. It's best to use the D.Mic
and locate him, as I am not sure if his location is random or not. His
heartbeat is *very* weird, as it has a ringing sound to it. Once you locate
him, press the action button while the D.Mic is up, and then some scenes will
occur. You'll get the level 3 keycard from Ames. During the middle of the
scenes, you will have a few seconds to equip your AKS-74u. Don't move from
where you are, or you'll be shot. After this, more scenes will occur, and
then you'll be back in level B1.


Head to the elevator, but be careful of any guards that might come your way.
Once you get to the elevator, go to the first floor.


Go back the way you entered. Be careful of the guards. You might want to
knock them out if you can't find a clear way to get to the EF connecting


Shoot out the Cypher's if there are any near you, then run across the bridge.
Go down to strut F at the end of the Shell 1 Core bridge.


You now have access to all of the rooms in this area. Go through all the doors
you haven't already and get the PSG1 and RGB6. After that is done, head back
to the EF connecting bridge.


Shoot the Cypher's if you need to, then cross the bridge to strut E.


Head to the top left corner of this room and go through the door to the DE
connecting bridge.


Take out the guard, then go across the walkway and enter strut D.


Go down the small staircase, and walk about half way around the circular path
until you are facing totally north, then go through the door.


You'll get a call from Pliskin explaining that you need to take out the green
light on the control panels to disarm the SEMTEX which is layed out across this
whole bridge. Some are far away, so I suggest using the PSG1 and a Pentazemin.
Their locations are:

1) On the pillar directly in front of you
2) On the door frame right behind you
3) On the left side of the grated bridge, next to the pillar
4) On a ledge in the back-bottom-right
5) Behind the flag
6) On a Cypher flying above the door to Shell 2
7) On to the far back left
8) On the left side of the far door
9) On the right side of the far door
10) Right by the doorway on the otherside of the bridge

You'll know you got them all once there is a little scene. Head foward a bit,
then you'll have to fight a boss.


Immediately pick up the Stinger which is right by you. This battle is really
not that hard, it might just take a while. Whenever you get a clear shot, aim
the Stinger at the Harrier until it's locked-on (the crosshair will turn red),
then fire. At times, it will fly all the way across the screen until you can't
see it anymore (however you can see it on the radar). It will then come
rushing foward firing missles and bullets. The bottom part of the bridge
contains more cover than the top level does, but it's harder to hit the
Harrier. Pliskin will throw down ammo for the Stinger and rations
periodically. Keep shooting the Harrier with Stinger missiles until it goes

After the fight more scenes and Codec conversations will occur. Once you gain
conrol of Raiden again, there should be a rail right next to you. Press the
action button to go into hanging mode by fliping over the rail, and then go
foward until you are under the orange pipe, then press the cross (X) button to
fall down. Carefully walk north, making sure not to fall off of the pipe.
Once you get to the end, climb up onto the ledge, then walk along this bridge
like area here, avoiding the guards that come out of the door, as well as the
holes in the bridge area. Once you reach the end, climb up the ladder.


On this walkway, there are window type things with two guards patrolling. Go
into crouch position, lean against the wall, and go foward. There is a loose
board in the walkway, so when it starts to shake quickly hurry across that
board. Once you get to the end of the walkway, continue to stay in crouch
possition, and lean up against the wall to stay on the thin ledge here. Once
you get to the end of the ledge, you'll see a scene where a guard has to piss,
and he'll pee off of the ledge he is on above you. You can avoid it by wall
hugging or hanging over the rail if you wish, or you can have more fun by
walking straight though it. Feel the vibration! O_o

Once you reach the end of the walkway, go into hanging mode onto the rail, and
drop down to the bridge area below you. Take out all of the Cypher's in this
area, then walk up the stairs once you get half way across the bridge you are
currently on, and you'll be on another bridge. There should be a busted-up
walkway going into Shell 2 branching of the bridge you are currently on. Walk
up to it, then do one of those cool cartwheel jumps to get across the first
hole. Then go into hanging mode or crouch hug against the rail to get to the
other end of the bridge, then enter the door at the end.


Here you'll see some scenes. Once you gain control of Raiden again, go down
the stairs below you, then up the stairs adjecent to the ones you just went
down. Go north in this hall here until you are at the end, then go right into
a room with a node. Once you're done here, go back out in the hall to the
elevator, and go to floor B1.


Use the node which is right by you, then head into the water, and swim foward
until you get to a room with the Nikita. Once you've obtained it, just swim
back to the elevator area, get in, and go back to the first floor.


Go down the hall, then down the stairs. Stand on the large crate/ledge like
thing, and then fire a Nikita missle into the vent. The vent is pretty
straight foward, and eventually it will feed out into the room with the
president. Control the missile and ram it right into the large control panel
like objects. Now take Raiden back up the stairs to the right, down this hall,
until you get to the floor that was previously electrified. Go across, and
head through this door. You'll have some scenes with the president, and the
usual Codec stuff. Once this is done, head out back through the door, down
the stairs, up the stairs, down the hall, in the elevator, and go to B1.


The part ahead is a little tricky. Whenever you need air, swim to the little
white spots on the map, and then swim up to get more oxygen. Anyway...

Go into the water, and take the first right you come too. Then go left, then
right, then right again. Go left until you reach a door, then open it. Swim
through this rubble here, then go up the stairs and through the level 4 keycard
required door.

Some scenes occur, then you fight Vamp.


Vamp can be a pretty tough opponent. First of all, you don't want to fall down
in the water, or you will be instantly killed. Secondly, when he glows redish,
he is immune to bullet-based attacks. Anyway, there are three places he could
be on this map: in the water, on the area you are on, or the railing of the
catwalk above you. When he is in the water, throw in grenades or some sort
of explosive. When he is on the level you are on, and he is his normal color,
shoot him with a bullet-based, preferably the M4 or the AKS-74u. When he is
on your level but red, hit him with an explosive, preferably the Stinger or
a grenade from the RGB6. When he is on the railing of the catwalk, either
shoot him with a bullet-based weapon, or the Stinger.

The attacks you want to look out for are the knives he throws when he's on the
top level, and the "shadow-freezing" attack, in which case you freeze in place
and can't do anything. To avoid both of these attacks, just keep moving
around. His last lethal attack is when he starts using his knife in crazy ways
when he is on your level. It's nigh impossible to avoid, as he's flipping
every which direction, and I have no idea how to avoid him. Hopefully you have
enough life to survive. The best way to try to take as little damage as
possible is to stand in one place and get out a bullet-based weapon and attempt
to shoot him whenever he comes near you. There is a way to avoid being caught
by his shadow-freezing attack. At the beginning of the battle, look at the
ceiling of this area, and shoot out the lights, which will render his
shadow-freezing attack useless.

Shoot him using the tactics from the first paragraph, and eventually he will

After this fight, head north and use the door in the top right corner. Go
under water, and go in following directions: right, left, left. Get out of the
water, and access the node. Open the lockers here and eventually you'll
stumble across Emma.

Now you have to swim all the way back to the elevator. I know, it's a pain
in the ass. Just use the same directions as I gave before, just do it in

everse order, and switch the directions (if I said right, go left, and if I
said left, go right). Once you get to the elevator, Emma will start to
complain about bugs. Just whip out your Coolant, and spray them, and they
should go away in little packs. Once they're all gone, take Emma to the
elevator, and go to 1F.


Take out all of the guards in this area, then take Emma and head back to the
entrance of the Shell 2 Core, and head through the door.


The bridge is fixed now, but it's still a good idea to take out all of the
Cypher's and guards around the area. Once you have, cross the bridge, then
use the Coolant to take out the fire on the bridge that the Shell 2 Core bridge
connects too. Continue down the bridge and go through the door at the end.


Knock out the two guards with the M9, then head down, and watch as more scenes


Oooooo, sniping action! Emma has to get across the oil fence, and you must use
the PSG1 to shoot things down as she crosses. Use a Pentazemin, and then
collect the Thermal Goggles if you don't already have them (should be on the
ground near you), and equip them. First, take out the claymore mines on the
first walkway, then the ones on the last walkway. Shoot any Cypher's or guards
that you see, and make sure they don't hit Emma. If Emma gets hit, it's okay,
don't reset the game or anything. Despite her being very small, she is one
tough cookie. Once she gets to the last walkway, Vamp will pop up... again.


Vamp is easy this time. Just shoot him in the head, but becareful not too
shoot Emma. After about three shots, the battle ends.


This area is pretty straight foward. Just use the southern most door here to
go to the EF connecting bridge.


Shoot down the Cypher's here, then take the bridge that leads to the Shell 1


Quickly head to the elevator, and go down the B2.


More scenes (probably some of the most emotional ones in the game) occur, as
well as the Ninja knocking you out.


Here you will see more scenes, and you will be "tortured" by oxygen-stealer
type things. Once you see the O2 gauge pop up, press triangle as fast as you
can to recover your oxygen. After this and more scenes, you will be eventually
released from the table you were locked onto. Head out of this room to the
right, access the node here, then leave this area from by the door you should
be near.


Since you are naked and there are many guards here, try to avoid taking any of
them out or you will most likely be caught. Also, you should be getting mass
Codec calls from Colonel. You can either look at them (some can be humerous),
or you could just ignore them (although you will need to check your Codec calls
in a bit). Head foward, then up the stairs to the left, then carefully go
foward passing the guards here, and go through the door on the right.


In here, keep checking your Codec calls, and eventually you should get Rose
instead of the mad Colonel. After this, you'll get some more scenes, and Snake
will appear again, and give you your equipment and the H.F.Blade. Equip it,
then use the right analog stick to mess around with it for a bit, then go north
and a scene will insue yet again, and you'll head into the next room.


Ah, some bust 'em up action! Get out either your SOCOM or M4 (preferably M4),
and shoot all of the guards that come near you, then take cover behind some of
the crates if you get under heavy fire. Cautiously continue forward, taking
out any guards that get in your way. If you run out of ammo or are near
running out of ammo, Snake will throw some to you. Once you kill a specific
amount of guards, you can continue to the next area.


In this circular room, get out a gun, and prepare to shoot the oncoming flood
of guards. For some real fun, get out the H.F.Blade and slice all of the
guards to death. In fact, I actually _recommend_ you use the blade, because
you HAVE to use it very soon, and you might as well get some practice now.
At some point, a sort of game over screen will come up, but it will say "Emit"
instead of "Continue." YOU ARE STILL ALIVE. Use the little screen in the
top left corner to shoot and stuff, and eventually the fake Game Over screen
will go away. After this battle, another scene will occur, then you head up
the ladder to the next area.


Here, you'll see some scenes, and then a boss fight will come.


At first, this battle seems extremely hard, but it is actually not as hard as
it might seem. In normal, you have to fight about five of them, but it might
vary on other difficulties.

Anyway, the only weapon you should be using during this battle is the Stinger.
The object is to either shoot them in the head, or shoot them in the leg, then
the head. Shooting them in the leg then the head does much more damage, but it
also takes more time, thus making you more vulnerable to attacks.

At the beginning of the battle, three Metal Gear RAYs will be standing in the
back. Do the above strategy, BUT damage them all three equally. Once one of
them gets to about 1/2 to 1/4 health, it will jump out to the center of the
area. Do the same strategy as above. Once you destroy the one in the center,
another will jump into the center, but if you damage them equally like I said,
you shouldn't have to hit this one that much since it doesn't have much health.
This process will continue until you kill about five Metal Gear RAYs.

The Metal Gear RAYs have four attacks: shooting a barrage of bullets at you,
shooting missiles into the air that are suppossed to be aimed at you, firing a
laser at the ground when you get to close, and firing heat seeking missiles
while it's in the center. To avoid the bullet attack, simply run out of the
way. To avoid the missiles that are fired in the air, keep moving around. You
can tell how close they are by the beeping sound, the closer they get, the
faster the beeping goes. To avoid the laser, just walk out of the way. To
avoid the heat seeking missiles, go to the edge of the area, and right when
they get close to you, either jump out of the way, or get into crawling
possition. They should go past you.

After the battle, MORE scenes will occur. Another part occurs where you must
repeatedly press triangle to gain oxygen, like in the torture part earlier.
After that, you'll end up on Federal Hall.


One final battle.


This battle is actually quite easy. You can only use the H.F.Sword here. The
only thing you really need to watch out here is to not fall off of the roof,
otherwise you're screwed. O_o Anyway, I found this battle most easy if you
do a 360 degree attack (spin the right analog stick around), then do vertical
slashes, and you can hit him up to about three times. Once you hit him,
quickly run away. Just repeat this process until he's about 2/5 health, then
he will start charging across the roof, making flame walls as he goes. If you
get caught on fire, roll on the ground until it goes out. Repeat the same
process as above at this point as well, just be more cautious.

Rinse and repeat until he is dead.

Now you've beaten the game, so just watch all the final cinemas.

At the end, you will recieve a clear code, and if you take this code to and enter it here, you will recieve information on your game
(like enemies killed, etc.), as well as a ranking.

6. Equipment

Ah. You can't do much in those tough boss battles if you don't have any items.
Of course you could always punch them out...

6.1 Weapons


/M9/ This handgun uses tranquilizer darts as its ammunition, and comes
equipped with a suppressor and laser sight. It is extremely powerful, and it
can take a while (several minutes depending on the difficulty) for a guard to
recover from the dart. Note, however, that it will not kill them, no matter
how many times you hit them. Always try to aim for the head, as hitting them
in certain body parts might take more or less time for them to get knocked out.

/USP/ The USP fires real bullets, so you can actually kill people. It has a
laser sight, but no suppressor, so it's fairly loud and will catch the
attention of guards. However, it does have a light attatched to it, but it
doesn't really help THAT much...

/SOCOM/ Similar to the USP, however it seems to be a bit more powerful. It
also comes with a laser sight, but has no suppressor, however you CAN use a
suppressor with it if you find a suppressor. Be careful when using this thing,
it's pretty damn loud.


/AKS-74u/ This is what most of the terrorists use in the game. Has a laser
sight. For mass chaos, jump the square button as hard as you can, and hails
of bullets should come spewing out.

/M4/ Very similar to the AKS-74u, but it doesn't seem to be quite as accurate.
Comes with a laser sight. Use the same tactic for the AKS-74u for a crazy
bullet shower.

/PSG1/ MGS2's sniper rifle. Very powerful, and can zoom in pretty darn close.
Press circle to zoom in closer, and cross (X) to zoom back out. Fire in the
head for best results. :)

/PSG1-T/ The exact same thing as the PSG1, only it fires tranquilizer darts


/Stinger/ Ah. Many of us should know this weapon of mass destruction from the
last game. Aim, shoot, bang. Use the crosshairs to lock on a targer, then
just fire and watch the heat seeking missles do their job.

/Nikita/ This really only has one purpose in the game, but is still fun
nonetheless. Fire the weapon, and use the directional buttons to steer it.
Unfortunately, you can't go up or down with it, you can only go left or right.

/RGB6/ Your standard grenade launcher of mass destruction. Unfortunately you
can't fire extreme distances, but its crazy damage makes up for that.


/Grenade/ Use these to blow those pesky guards into little pieces. Pull the
pin by holding square, and keep holding it to increase the range. But don't
hold it TOO long...

/Chaff Grenade/ These disable all electrical applicances for a certain
amount of time. Pull the pin by holding square, and keep holding it to
increase the range.

/Stun Grenade/ Stuns enemies by causing them to loose vision and sound for a
sort period of time. Blast them with whatever you've got during this period.


/C4/ Booooooooom! Tired of defusing all of those damned C4's? Plant your
own then! Plant it with square, and remote detonate it with circle.

/Claymore/ I just like to call these things "proximity mines," cause, well,
that's sorta what they are. They blow up when anyone goes in its line of
"vision." The fun thing to do is plant them and then lure guys into them.


/Coolant/ Use these to "freeze" those darn C4's. It has other uses too, such
as pissing off bugs and putting out fires...

/High Frequency Blade/ Oooooooooh! What's this? A sword? Awesome. Press
up and down on the right analog stick for a vertical swing, for a thrust press
down on the right analog stick, and for a spin attack spin the right analog
stick in a 360 degree motion.

/Magazine/ An empty magazine for a handgun. It's purpose? Toss it to
distract a guard.

/Book/ Full of naughty girly pictures. O_o Use to distract guards. To bad
you can't read them yourself.

6.2 Items

/Rations/ Standard military rations. Use them to heal your life gauge. Also
stops bleeding.

/Bandage/ Stops bleeding. No more blood trails, eh? And that beeping noise
goes away too!

/Camera/ Use to take pictures, mainly of Metal Gear RAY in the Tanker chapter.

/DG.Camera/ Take pictures and save them to your memory card.

/Cigs/ Use these thingies to detect invisible things, such as infra red
sensors. As the game says, highly addictive and hazardous to your health. So,
yes, you loose your health. ^_^

/Thermal Googles/ Use these these to detect objects that omit heat. AKA
bodies, claymores, infra red sensors, etc.

/Pentazemin/ Basical you use these things to improve your aim, especially
useful with the sniper rifles, PSG1 and PSG1-T.

/Body Armor/ With this, damage you recive is halfed.

/Sensor A/ Use this to detect some C4's. Only the kind with Fatman's cologne
smell. I wonder how bad he smells without cologne...

/Sensor B/ Use to detected Fatman's "odorless" C4's. But I don't see how
they can be odorless...

/AP Sensor/ Used for sensing enemy sentries. Basically, when a guard is near,
the controller will vibrate.

/Cardboard Box/ Gotta love these. Whenever you are discovered, these are a
good way to avoid being re-discovered. You can even look out the side of the
box! Comes in a verity, and I'll list them, once I get more time. :)

/Phone/ Your common cell phone that you see everyday, comes with email
capabilities, and vibrates when you get a call/email.

/D. Mic/ Whenver you point this at a life form of some sort, you basically
hear their heartbeat. Pretty cool if you ask me.

/N.V.G./ Night Vision Goggles. See in the dark, ooooooh.

/Medicine/ Use to cure colds.

/Dog Tags/ Dog Tags containing information from the contest winners of...
something. Collect them to gain some good items.

/Bandana/ Give Snake unlimited ammo (can only be used in the Tanker Chapter).

/Stealth/ Make Snake invisible (but you can still see some things like ammo).

/B.D.U./ Disguise as an enemy guard. Pretty cool if you ask me.


7. Scripting

Here we are. Quite possibly the hardest part of this entire FAQ, because it
requires so much writing. For the MGS2 script, there are not any actions AT
THE MOMENT. Once I finish the full script, I will go back in add in the
actions. It is to hard to do all of the dialogue and actions all in one go, so
once I finish the dialogue I will go back and add the actions. And I
appologize for any grammatical or spelling errors, I am not perfect. :)

For the MGS2 script, CAPITALS will indicate that a specific character is

7.1 Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of Liberty Script

SOLID SNAKE: The Hudson River, two years ago... We had classified intellegence
that a new type of Metal Gear was scheduled for transport. The whole thing
stank, but our noses had been out in the cold too long.

SHALASHASKA/REVOLVER OCELOT: Our boy is right on schedule. He'll know soon

SOLID SNAKE: This is Snake. Do you read me, Otacon?
OTACON: Loud and clear, Snake.
SOLID SNAKE: Kept you waiting, huh? I'm at the "sneak point."
OTACON: Everything going okay?
SOLID SNAKE: The stealth camo's busted. Landing impact.
OTACON: We must have overused it. Sorry, but you're gonna have to deal with
it. You're not in the military anymore.
SOLID SNAKE: Right. I didn't plan on relying on this gadget anyway.
OTACON: The private sector is not so bad, is it? Privacy guaranteed...
SOLID SNAKE: I'm happy as long as no one gives me any more unwanted gifts.
OTACON: You mean that thing with Naomi?
SOLID SNAKE: And I can't say I miss the chattering nanny either.
OTACON: Mei Ling's not so bad. That reminds me, I have to get in touch with
her again about that new Natik flashware.
SOLID SNAKE: Diverting toys from the SSCEN (U.S. Army Soldier System Center)
again? Giver he a message for me: someone will find out sooner or later.
She's better off assuming it's sooner and quite while she's safe.
OTACON: Too true. Okay, Snake, let's get to work. You know the technical
specs of Metal Gear were sold on the black market after Shadow Moses?
SOLID SNAKE: All Ocelot's doing...
OTACON: Exactly. And now every state, group and dotcom has its own version of
Metal Gear.
SOLID SNAKE: Not exactly a classified weapon for today's nuclear powers.
OTACON: This new one seems to have been designed to wipe the floor with all the
other models. The only consistent description is that it's an amphibious,
anti-Metal Gear vehicle...
SOLID SNAKE: That explains why this one is under the Marine Corps jurisdiction.


7.2 The New York Mirror

"In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unoffical Truth"

Author: Nastasha Romanenko
Reviewed by George Franklin

Some topics in the recent American past have the immediacy and power that still
engage our collective imagination. Name's like, "The Grassy Knoll," or
"Roswell," roll off our tongue with deliberates by most other nations for holy
lands. With this new non-fiction account from Nastasha Romanenko, Shadow
Moses--the scene of a nuclear siege two years ago--is set to join their ranks.

Official history states that the official takeover of a nuclear weapons
disposal facility on a lonely outpost on the Fox Islands, Alaska was the work
of a radical right-wing group. Their demands for the release of group members
incarcerated in federal penitentiaries were never met, and the incident was
speedily resolved by the successful deployment of a commando unit. B.S., the
author asserts. Romanenko says that she served as an advisor to the Nuclear
Emergency Search Team, and deconstructs what she claims what she claims to be
a cover-up story by the government with precision.

According to the author, Shadow Moses Island was nothing less then the U.S
Army's testing grounds for a top secret weapon known as Metal Gear REX, an
all-terrain bipedal tank with advanced nuclear capabilities. As for the
facilities takeover, Romanenko alleges that it was the U.S. military's own
shadowy "wet-works" force, known as "FOXHOUND," that staged an armed
insurrection in a bid for REX's possession.

The government responds to this crisis by sending in a lone operative, a former
FOXHOUND member known only by the code name "Solid Snake," into Shadow Moses.
His infiltration is aided by a remote mission control team consisting of an
unidentified "Colonel Campbell," FOXHOUND medical cheif "Naomi," radar and
electronics expert "Mei Ling" (supposedly a teenager), and the auther herself.
Once on the island, "Snake" joins forces with Metal Gear's developer-turned-
prisoner "Otacon" to eradicate the weapon of mass destruction.

Among the other remarkable characters that make an appearance in Romanenko's
expose is another FOXHOUND commando, a revolver-virtuoso called "Shalashaska"
a.k.a. "Revolver Ocelot." One of the most controversial allegations in the
book deals with this figures connection to a disavowed Russian led by a
"Colonel Gurlukovich." Romanenko paints a bleak picture of a thousand-strong,
highly disciplined army with nuclear weaponry operating covertly within the
American border. Even more irresistible to conspiracy scholars and students of
recent history is her thinly veiled suggestion that the whole affair was
planned from the beginning by certain forces inside the U.S. government.

The U.S. Army and the usual suspect of federal agencies have issued a statement
denouncing the book as a complete fabrication. However, with the number of
detailed eyewitness accounts that back up the author's assertions cropping up
the daily web, the denials serve more to enhance the book's growing reputation.
"Shadow Moses" is an engrossing read for casual and serious readers alike, and
promises to involve readers in a meaty debate over truth of the matter for many
years to come.

Excerpted from the literary review column "All Booked Up," The New York Mirror

7.3 The Shocking Conspiracy Behind Shadow Moses


7.4 In the Darkness of Shadow Moses: The Unoffical Truth


8. Secrets

So you want to cover ever inch of this game, eh? Well, you've come to the
right place. This section is the most heavily under construction, so don't
expect to see a lot done.

8.1 Dog Tags

Dog Tags are really the only "secret" type items that can unlock things, like
items, etc. How to you get them, you ask? It's quite simple, really. All you
have to do is do the "Stick 'em up" tactic, and they will drop a dog tag.
Pretty much every guard in the game has a dog tag, and each difficulty (very
easy, easy, normal, hard, extreme) can be played over and over until you collet
all of the dog tags. However, once you get a dog tag from a specific guard, the
will never drop it again on the game you are currently playing. Anyway, this
section will list all of the dog tags, where to get them, and the rewards for
getting them. However, only the "where to get them" part is complete at the


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
001 | | | | Aft deck
002 | | | | Aft deck
003 | | | | Aft deck
004 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
005 | | | | Deck-A, crew's quarters

06 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
007 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 | | | | Deck-2, port
013 | | | | Deck-2, port
014 | | | | Deck-2, port
015 | | | | Engine room
016 | | | | Engine room
017 | | | | Engine room
018 | | | | Engine room
019 | | | | Engine room


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
001 | | | | Aft deck
002 | | | | Aft deck
003 | | | | Aft deck
004 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
005 | | | | Deck-A, crew's quarters
006 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
007 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
008 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
009 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
011 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
012 | | | | Deck-2, port
013 | | | | Deck-2, port
014 | | | | Deck-2, port
015 | | | | Engine room
016 | | | | Engine room
017 | | | | Engine room
018 | | | | Engine room
019 | | | | Engine room
020 | | | | Engine room


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
001 | | | | Aft deck
002 | | | | Aft deck
003 | | | | Aft deck
004 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
005 | | | | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 | | | | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 | | | | Deck-2, port
016 | | | | Deck-2, port
017 | | | | Deck-2, port
018 | | | | Engine room
019 | | | | Engine room
020 | | | | Engine room
021 | | | | Engine room
022 | | | | Engine room
023 | | | | Engine room
024 | | | | Engine room


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
001 | | | | Aft deck
002 | | | | Aft deck
003 | | | | Aft deck
004 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
005 | | | | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 | | | | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 | | | | Deck-2, port
017 | | | | Deck-2, port
018 | | | | Deck-2, port
019 | | | | Engine room
020 | | | | Engine room
021 | | | | Engine room
022 | | | | Engine room
023 | | | | Engine room
024 | | | | Engine room
025 | | | | Engine room


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
001 | | | | Aft deck
002 | | | | Aft deck
003 | | | | Aft deck
004 | | | | Navigational deck, wing
005 | | | | Deck-C, crew's quarters
006 | | | | Deck-A, crew's quarters
007 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
008 | | | | Deck-B, crew's quarters
009 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
010 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
011 | | | | Deck-A, crew's lounge
012 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
013 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
014 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
015 | | | | Deck-D, crew's quarters
016 | | | | Deck-2, port
017 | | | | Deck-2, port
018 | | | | Deck-2, port
019 | | | | Engine room
020 | | | | Engine room
021 | | | | Engine room
022 | | | | Engine room
023 | | | | Engine room
024 | | | | Engine room
025 | | | | Engine room


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon
001 | | | | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
002 | | | | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
003 | | | | Strut A roof
004 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
005 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
006 | | | | AB connecting bridge
007 | | | | AB connecting bridge
008 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
009 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
010 | | | | BC connecting bridge
011 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
012 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
013 | | | | CD connecting bridge
014 | | | | CD connecting bridge
015 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 | | | | DE connecting bridge
018 | | | | DE connecting bridge
019 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
020 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
021 | | | | Strut E heliport
022 | | | | Strut E heliport
023 | | | | Strut F warehouse
024 | | | | Strut F warehouse
025 | | | | FA connecting bridge
026 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
027 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
028 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
029 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
030 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
031 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
032 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
033 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
034 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
035 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
036 | | | | KL connecting bridge
037 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
038 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
039 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
040 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
041 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
042 | | | | Strut E heliport


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon
001 | | | | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
002 | | | | Strut A Deep Sea Dock
003 | | | | Strut A roof
004 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
005 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
006 | | | | AB connecting bridge
007 | | | | AB connecting bridge
008 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
009 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
010 | | | | BC connecting bridge
011 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
012 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
013 | | | | CD connecting bridge
014 | | | | CD connecting bridge
015 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
018 | | | | DE connecting bridge
019 | | | | DE connecting bridge
020 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
021 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
022 | | | | Strut E heliport
023 | | | | Strut E heliport
024 | | | | Strut F warehouse
025 | | | | Strut F warehouse
026 | | | | Strut F warehouse
027 | | | | FA connecting bridge
028 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
029 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
030 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
031 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
032 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
033 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
034 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
035 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
036 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
037 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
038 | | | | KL connecting bridge
039 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
040 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
041 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
042 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
043 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
044 | | | | Strut E heliport


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon
001 | | | | Strut A roof
002 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
003 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
004 | | | | AB connecting bridge
005 | | | | AB connecting bridge
006 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
007 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
008 | | | | BC connecting bridge
009 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
010 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
011 | | | | CD connecting bridge
012 | | | | CD connecting bridge
013 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 | | | | DE connecting bridge
017 | | | | DE connecting bridge
018 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
019 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
020 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
021 | | | | Strut E heliport
022 | | | | Strut E heliport
023 | | | | Strut E heliport
024 | | | | Strut F warehouse
025 | | | | Strut F warehouse
026 | | | | Strut F warehouse
027 | | | | FA connecting bridge
028 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
029 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
030 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
031 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
032 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
033 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
034 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
035 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
036 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
037 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
038 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
039 | | | | KL connecting bridge
040 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
041 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
042 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
043 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
044 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
045 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
046 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
047 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
048 | | | | Strut E heliport


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon
001 | | | | Strut A roof
002 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
003 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
004 | | | | AB connecting bridge
005 | | | | AB connecting bridge
006 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
007 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
008 | | | | BC connecting bridge
009 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
010 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
011 | | | | CD connecting bridge
012 | | | | CD connecting bridge
013 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 | | | | DE connecting bridge
018 | | | | DE connecting bridge
019 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
020 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
021 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
022 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
023 | | | | Strut E heliport
024 | | | | Strut E heliport
025 | | | | Strut E heliport
026 | | | | Strut F warehouse
027 | | | | Strut F warehouse
028 | | | | Strut F warehouse
029 | | | | Strut F warehouse
030 | | | | FA connecting bridge
031 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
032 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
033 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
034 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
035 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
036 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
037 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
038 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
039 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
040 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
041 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
042 | | | | KL connecting bridge
043 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
044 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
045 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
046 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
047 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
048 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
049 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
050 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
051 | | | | Strut E heliport


Dog Tag # | Name | D.O.B. | Blood Type | Location

000 | | | | Arsenal Gear, Ascending Colon
001 | | | | Strut A roof
002 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
003 | | | | Strut A Pump Room
004 | | | | AB connecting bridge
005 | | | | AB connecting bridge
006 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
007 | | | | Strut B Transformer Room
008 | | | | BC connecting bridge
009 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
010 | | | | Strut C Dining Hall
011 | | | | CD connecting bridge
012 | | | | CD connecting bridge
013 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
014 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
015 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
016 | | | | Strut D Sediment Pool
017 | | | | DE connecting bridge
018 | | | | DE connecting bridge
019 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
020 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
021 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
022 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
023 | | | | Strut E Parcel Room
024 | | | | Strut E heliport
025 | | | | Strut E heliport
026 | | | | Strut E heliport
027 | | | | Strut F warehouse
028 | | | | Strut F warehouse
029 | | | | Strut F warehouse
030 | | | | Strut F warehouse
031 | | | | Strut F warehouse
032 | | | | FA connecting bridge
033 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
034 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
035 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
036 | | | | Shell 1 Core, F1
037 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
038 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
039 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B1
040 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
041 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
042 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
043 | | | | Shell 1 Core, B2 Computer Room
044 | | | | KL connecting bridge
045 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
046 | | | | Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
047 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
048 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
049 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
050 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
051 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
052 | | | | Shell 2 Core, 1F Air Purification
053 | | | | Strut E heliport

8.2 Gameshark Codes


8.3 Fun Quirks & Secrets

/DG.CAMERA/ To get the digital camera, simply beat the game. I'm pretty sure
this is the way to get it. You get it in both the Tanker and Plant Chapter,
and you can save your pictures to your memory card.

/RAIDEN OPENING SCREEN/ Once you beat the game, instead of the red picture of
Snake being on the opening screen, a blue Raiden will be there. Pretty neat.

/CODEC FUN/ To zoom in on the character portraits in the character screen,
press L3 and R3 (L3 = pushing the left analog stick, R3 = pushing the right
analog stick). You can also move around the character portraits by moving
around the left and right analog sticks.

/JAPANESE MODELS/ Ever notice the posters of the Japanese models in the Tanker
Chapter in the Deck-A crew's quarters? Well, if you open the far left-back
locker and the far right-front locker, you will see two of these posters. If
you go inside one of the lockers where the posters are, you can press L1 to
lean foward, and you can actually hear Snake smootching them. If you lean
against the far left-back locker while it is open and you have a weapon
equipped, then tap it by pressing the circle (O) button, you will here a boing
sound when you tap the breats! Then unequip your weapon, and tap the "lower
region" of the poster, and get ready for something very, very funny. Note:
you might want to take out all of the guards in this area before you tap the
lower region, for saftey precautions.

/CINEMA FUN/ To pan in during the cinema's, simply press the L1 button. But
don't have to much fun with Olga's armpits, now!

/PLESSKEN/ Snake gives Raiden the name Pliskin for his SEAL identity. The
main character of John Carpenter's Escape from New York/Escape from Los Angeles
movies is... Snake Plessken, same pronounciation.

/WATCH IT KID/ After you get the SOCOM from Pliskin and the scenes are over,
he should be sleeping. If you aim the M9 or SOCOM at him, he will get mad at
you and start saying stuff like "What are you trying to pull?" He will still
say that phrase even after you shoot him in the head with the M9.


9. Frequently Asked Questions

What?! You have questions?! Oy, I guess I'll have to answer them then. If
you have a question, feel free to email me, and as long as I'm in a good mood
then I shouldn't bombard you with threats.

A: His location is totally random every game, however he always has black
hair, and is always a male. So, he is never bald, and is never a woman.
It's pretty easy to find out which guy he is with the D. Mic, as you
should hear a weird beeping sound when you point it at him.

A: Check your Codec calls! You're probably getting crazy (yet humorous) calls
from the Colonel. However, at some point while you are in the Ascending
Colon, you will get a call from Rose, instead of the gone-bad Colonel.
Then the game will continue on, after that call.

A: Just practice with the sword for a bit, then head up the colon and the game
should continue.

10. Contact Information

My doors are open for any emails. Whether it be flame, praise, questions,
comments, or anything else.

Ways to reach me:

AIM: Ruielii
MSN Messenger:
ICQ: 54252362

If you have some input on the FAQ itself (i.e. a secret, or something like
that), you should probably email it to me, since I'll probably forget if you
give it to me through AIM/MSN/ICQ. If you message me through some form other
than email, you might not recieve a response. This is because I am either a)
doing something private, b) working on the FAQ, c) eating, d) not even at the
computer, or e) just ignoring you. So, email me for best results, otherwise
you might not get a response.

11. Special Thanks

Shout outs go to the following people/places:

- GameFAQs and CJayC for hosting this FAQ
- Konami and Hideo Kojima for making quite possibly the best game ever made
- "Keith Miller" for providing the information on how to
shoot out the lights in the Vamp boss fight
- "Jinwoo Hwang" for providing information on
zooming in and moving around the Codec character portraits
- "Corwin" for providing the Snake Plessken information
- "Lam Sanga" for providing the information on
how to shoot out a guards radio
- "Larry Chen" for providing the wake up guards
with the Coolant and the aiming at Snake with the SOCOM or M9 information
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14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

17.Oktober 2013
Walkthrough for the PAL Version

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14.Oktober 2013
MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

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18.Oktober 2013
Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Oktober 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

17.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Oktober 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020