Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons Of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

14.10.2013 17:00:31
FAQ/Stragity Guide

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Son's of Liberty

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
FAQ/Stragity Guide
Play Station 2
Anthony Vexer
Vexer Inc
Version 1.0
Started Guide: 12/28/01
Last Updated: 1/2/02
Finished Guide: ??/??/??

This guide is legally copyright Anthony Vexer (c) 2001. This guide
may not be re-written by anyone in any other shape, form, size,
color, or in any other way. If your a site and you wish to have
permission to add this guide to your site, e-mail be at The main sites which you should see this
guide on should be:

Vexer Inc(

Those are the only sites, that you should see this on. If this is
seen on any other site, please e-mail me at If you do copy someone elses work you
can receive up to 10 years in jail and/or up to a $500,000 fine.
Thank you for not copying this. -Anthony Vexer

No one may have permission to take this guide and use it in any
profitable way. This is guide is for all to view for free, and
if you e-mail me asking for permission, to use this guide to make
money, or to use this guide to profit you in any other way,
besides using it to beat the game I will not give you permission
to use this. You can receive up to 10 years in jail and/or up to
a $500,000 fine.

1.Table of Contents

1.Table of Contents
4.Version History
8.Boss Guide
10.Gameshark Codes
11.Reward Items
12.Dog Tags
13.Permission Sites
15.Contact Info/People I Hate


Welcome to my Metal Gear Solid 2 FAQ/Walkthrough! I've just started
this guide and I plan to update this guide, whenever I get a chance.
I will add as much information as I can, to make it easy, for you
to complete the game. In this guide, I will add information on
other stuff, too. So, sit back and enjoy the guide. -Anthony


SELECT-Open/Close Communication Page
Analog Stick Left-Moves snake
D-Pad-Moves snake
Analog Stick Right-Use Blade
L2-Rotate Items
R1-First Person view
R2-Rotates Weapons
X-Cancel, Crawl, Stand Up

4.Version History

Version 0.1
-Started FAQ

Version 0.2
-Updated Introduction
-Updated Controls section
-Updated Version History
-updated Walkthrough
-Updated Characters

Version 0.25
-Updated Character section
-Updated Boss section
-Updated Weapons section
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.28
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.29
-Updated Item section
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.3
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Item section
-Updated Weapon section
-Updated Character section

Version 0.45
-Completed Tanker section of Walkthrough
-Updated Character section
-Updated Item section
-Did a spell check of half the guide

Version 0.49
-Updated Item section
-Updated Character section
-Updated Gameshark Codes section
-Updated the last few sections
-Updated Copyright sections

Version 0.5
-Updated Character section
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Item section
-Updated Weapon section

Version 0.6
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.7
-Did a major update on the Walkthrough
-Updated Boss Guide
-Updated Item section
-Updated Weapon section
-Updated Character section

Version 0.74
-Updated Items
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Weapon section

Version 0.75
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Item section
-Updated Thanks section
-Updated Weapons section
-Did another small spell check

Version 0.78
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.78
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Boss section
-Updated Weapon section
-Updated Item section

Version 0.8
-Updated Item section
-Updated Character section
-Updated Weapon section
-Updated Walkthrough

Version 0.9
-Updated Walkthrough
-Updated Boss section
-Updated Weapon section
-Updated Control section

Version 1.0
-First release of this guide
-Updated Reward Item section
-Updated Dog Tag section


Follow this Walkthrough to successfully complete the game.


After watching the opening cut-scenes, you are about a ship that
eledgley is holding the new Metal Gear. As, you are hiding in the
After Deck, you see that the U.S. Marines, that are guarding the
ship, and all secretly murdered by intruders from a heli-copter.
You soon learn, that you are not the only person after Metal Gear.

After Deck
When you gain control of Solid Snake, you can go, two ways.
Left of the ship, or right of the ship. I suggest, you go to the
left side because, there are less guards, and it is much easier.
Nut, before you go left, go up the stairs on the right, and press
triangle to jump over the crate, and get the Chaff Grenades, and
then continue going right.

Go up the stairs, on the left side, and wait on the balcony. Use
the first-person view, to shoot down the guard patrolling the left
side of the ship. After you do that, unarm yourself and press the
Square button, to drag the soldier off the boat. Throw him in the

In the back on the left side, get the Ration. Then go by the other
staircase, and go through the door, just before the foot of the
stairs. Use the action button(triangle) to spin the valve to
open the door.

Deck A. crew's quarters
Turn right, and go down the hallway. When you come to the end of
the hall, put your back against the wall and apply pressure, and
then you can see, if there is a guard their. If the coast is
clear, run around the corner, and through the sliding doors.

In the Locker Room, open all the lockers. You can get a Ration and
some M9 Bullets, if you search each locker. Then look at your
radar. As the guard walks back, shoot him in the back about two
or three times, until he falls asleep. Then go down the hall.

Go down the hall, and through the door, in the back.

Deck A. crew's lounge
This can get tricky. Quickly shoot one of the guards, until he
falls asleep. Then wait for the other one to come your way, and put
him to sleep. If you pick up the two sleeping guards, then put
them down, they will drop M9 Bullets. Then go up the stairs, and
go through the open door to snakes left.

Deck B. crew's quarters, starboard
Go left, and down the hall. Snake will notice a guard that is
looking out the window. Prepare yourself, with your gun, and
quickly dash around the corner, and shoot him down.

Then continue around the corner, and go through the first opening.
Go up the stairs, to the next level of the tanker.

Deck C. crew's quarters
This is simple. You can't go down the first hallway, as if it
were just a regular hall, because there is security cameras
everywhere. To get past it, sidestep along the left wall(Snakes
left wall), until you come to the end of the hall.

After that, go up the stairs.

Deck D. crew's quarters
As you come up the stairs, you will see a soldier walking into a
sliding door. Go in the opposite direction of him, and when you
reach the end Otacon will call you.

He wars of the infaret sensors. Now, the first thing you need to
do, is take out the guard, patrolling the area. Use first-person
view to see when the guard comes, and when he does, shoot him.

Once he's fast asleep, shoot the fire extinguisher, and all the
gas will come out. Then, press X, and go into crawl mode. Crawl
under the infaret sensors, without getting up, until you are clear
out of their way. Then, go right, and up the stairs.

Deck E. the bridge
As you come up the stairs, you will encounter about three or four
scenes. Watch them if you want.

When you regain control of Snake, you must go and inspect the
odd soldier, who you just seen on the deck. To get outside, go
to the left side of the room and use the action button, to turn
the valve to open the door.

Navigational Deck. port wing

This is an easy boss. As you begin the battle, I suggest you use
the west side of the deck, to shoot at her, until she starts
throwing grenades at you. Once, she starts throwing grenades at
you, you will have to start moving. If you stay in one place for
too long, one of the grenades will blow you to shreds.

Keep shooting at Olga, until she gets mad and turns the light on.
When that happens, take out the light, by shooting at it, and then
when you break it, you can have a clear shot at the terror

After you defeat Olga, you have the USP gun in your possession.
If you shake Olga by selecting no weapon and pressing square, you
can get her dog tag. In the central-north part of the deck
between three boxes, is a Ration. Get it, and then go right of
the Deck E. door.

You will come to a staircase. Go up it, and then go up the big
ladder. When you reach the top get the Thermal Goggles. Then go
back down the stairs. Continue going right, until you see a
guard come out of the door. Shoot him, and then keep going. Go
up the small staircase. In the back of this section, get the Wet
Box. Then use the action button to open the door.

Deck E. the bridge
Get the bullets in this room, then go down the staircase.

Deck D. crew's quarters
Go and wait, before the infaret sensors, until the guard comes.
Shoot him down, then crawl under the sensors again. Then head back
to the staircase. If you want to be a little risky, you can try to
gun down the guard in the room, with the sliding door, to get a
Ration in the kitchen. Then leave and go down the stairs to Deck

Deck C. crew's quarters
There is now a guard in the hall. When he walks down the hall, with
his back facing you, shoot him down. Then sidestep on Snakes
right wall, and then go down the stairs.

Deck B. crew's quarters, port
In here, as you see on your radar, the guard, you knocked out before
is awake. Now, kill him, then shake his body to get a Bandage.
Then go through the little hole in the wall. Open the door under
the stairs, and go through it.

After Deck
Quickly gun down the guard, and shake his body to get a Ration.
Then go behind the big thing, to get a Bandage. Go down the stairs
and go to Snakes left. Go to the back, and into the little hole
and get the Pentazemin. Then head back to the Deck A crew's

Deck A. crew's lounge
In here, gun down the two guards as usual. You can pick up a Ration
and some bullets in the lounge area. But the main thing is to go
down the hall. You will come to some stairs.

Go down them slowly, until the guard comes into view(use first-
person viewing). When you can see the guard, quickly shoot him
in his back, until he falls. Get the USP Bullets, and then go back
to where you first entered the room.

Then, go down the stairs over here. Get the Stun Grenades and go
through the door.

Engine Room
Carefully make your way down the hall. Stay on the right side, so
the sliding door, won't open to alert the guard. Go to the back
of the room. Climb on the metal box to get the USP Bullets, and
then, if you want to see a dead body, open the last locker, and
a body will fall.

Now slowly make your way to the sliding door, and slowly walk closer
to it. When it opens, gun down the guard, that is just standing
their. If you happen to alert the other guards, by any chance, go
and hide in the Wet Box, in between the two locker sets, until the
guards leave, and go back into the sliding door room.

Now, there are about six guard here. Use the M9 in this room,
because of its silencer. As you make your way through out the
room, use every precaution, to see if their is a guard around the
next corner. If your radar says their is one, then look and see
where it is. Once your at the end of the room, go through the door.

Go to the right, and a short scene of a guard entering starts.
When that happens, get the USP Bullets on the thing, then wait
until the guard, has his back to you. Then shoot him. If you alert
the guards, hide somewhere in the Wet Box, where you would expect
to see a Wet Box(don't hide in any random spot, hide in tight
spaces between objects, or in corners).

Now you have to take some time to get past this next part. See
the door with the valve on it, across from the lockers? Slowly walk
twords that. Otacon will send you a message. He warns of more
infaret sensors, but you can disable them. To disable them you have
to use your USP to find three green lights. Now listen to me! This
is hard. To find the green lights, follow these stragities, to
saftly secure the sensors, without blowing up the ship. One wrong
shot, and the whole ship is doomed.

1.Stand on the tank where you got the USP Bullets. Go into first
person view, and look just above the two red lights, to see a
slowly flashing green light. Set your laser pointer for the
green target EXACTLY! If you hit anything else, beside the green
light, the ship will blow up. To see if you've successfully hit
your target, use the Thermal Goggles to see if the first wave of
infaret sensors is still active.

2.Move as close to the second wave of infaret sensors as you can.
Look behind the small box, for a green light, on the floor.
Carefully aim at the green light. Make sure you have an exact
shot of the light before you fire your weapon. When you think
you have the shot, take it. Then check with your Thermal Goggles
to see if you've got it.

3.Get as close to the final wave of infaret sensors as you can
possible get. Use first person view, and look on the floor on
the left side of the wall. Their is a very small piece of blue
light peaking through the explosives. It looks more blue than
green, but shoot at it. Then check if you've disabled it.
If you are having trouble finding any of these please e-mail me

Once you've found all three go through the door.

Deck-2. port
As you hear an enter the room, you will hear an announcement that
orders a scheduled briefing in ten minuets. As you go down the
hallway, stop in the little holes to get Rations and USP Bullets.
Their are two guards in this hall. One of them is seen after the
second or third small opening in the wall. Use your first-person
view, and your USP to take them both down. One of them is in the
main hall, and the other is around the corner. If you are caught,
go into one of the holes, in the wall, and go into first-person
view. Shoot any guards that come by you. When you notice that
the guards have stopped, make a run for it. Kill any other guards
that you see. Turn the corner, and go down this long part. Go
through the door, at the end of this hall.

Deck-2. starboard
Go along the path, getting the items that you can hold. Be ready
because you are going to have to fight some more. Keep Rations
equipped, so if you die, you are automatically restored. About
half way down the pipe, you will be hoarded by about eight guards.
Take them all out, using the crates, as a sniper post. When their
all dead, some cool and important scenes and messages start.

Hold No.1
When you gain control of Snake, go down the ladders, until you reach
the bottom. Go under the projector, and crawl behind the guards.
If you crawl, the guards have almost no chance of capturing you.
When your all clear of the eyes of Marines, quickly dash through the
door into the second hold.

Hold No.2
This is pretty easy, too. Go along the right side, and crawl under
the projectors. The marines change back and forth. When ever they
are looking in your direction, hold behind something. When they
look left, quickly head as far north as you can go. When you reach
a gate, with a big block behind it, go north, until you come to
a wall. Then go through the door, slightly to the left. Now you
are in the third hold.

Hold No.3
This is fairly easy also. First thing to do, is sneak along the
right wall, and slowly move past the sleeping guard. Move left
through the passage. Don't worry about marines seeing you. When
you think you have a good shot, go up to the marine logo(the one
with the tirangle of circle) and whip out your camera. Zoom in and
take a clear picture of it. If it comes out blurry, take another
picture. Once you have that one, walk past the sleeping guard
again, and heat to the south-central part of the room. Take out
your camera, and take a good shot of the front of Metal Gear.
Then go to the left. Take a good shot of the left side of Metal
Gear. Then go to the south-east part of the room, and take a
picture of the right side of Metal Gear. Once your done with that
go to the right, until you reach the machine, you need to use to
send the pictures.

After sending the pictures Otacon will tell you if they are good or
bad. If they are bad, you have to take them over. When you
successfully take all the pictures, an awesome scene will start.
It is long, but it is definatley worth watching.

In the scene, Revolver Oscelot, from the first Metal Gear Solid
game, and the Russian colonel Gulukavich, attack the speech.
The Russians, demand to have Metal Gear, or else they will kill
the American Marines General, and they teach of how everything
evolved from Russians.

But, then Colonel Gulukivich says something, and Oscelot tells
Gulukivich what he is really planning. Gulukivich, is angered with
Revolver Oscelot, and Oscelot, takes out his gun, and kills the
Russian colonel, and the American General.

Then Oscelot threatens to blow the tanker. Oscelot captures Metal
Gear Ray, and starts killing people. Snake escapes, and Oseclot
takes a picture to verify, Snakes living. Then Oscelot takes off
with Metal Gear Ray.

Snake follows him in the water.....

They reach the "Big Shell". The Big Shell is a chemical plant where
Oscelot and his organization are going to hold Metal Gear and the
hostages. Oselot's organization has a very important VIP hostage,
as well as the president of the United States hostage.

Snake now contacts Colonel, and the Colonel briefs him of his
duties, now in the plant.

Congratulations!!! You've just finished the Tanker section of
Metal Gear Solid 2: Son's of Liberty.

Now save.


When you get control of Snake in the plant, you should notice two
things. One is that, Snake apparently lost all his items, and two
is that Snake is in a funky new suit. Another thing, you won't
notice, until you use your Codec, is that you don't have Otacon's
numbers anymore. You only have Colonels number.

In the Plant section of the game, Snake will now be called Raiden
because Colonel is worried, about something, and it's better to be
safe then sorry.

Now, lets start playing.

Strut A Deep Sea Dock
Get the Ration form the middle closet, then open the door. A
short scene will start. After that, go down the hallway, and right.
Go through the door.

In here you notice, that their is another intruder beside you.
Go to the machine near the elevator, and enter some info. Then
the guards will begin to wake up. Quickly avoid them in the other
room, until the elevator comes. Then run into it when it comes.

Strut A Pump Facility
In here get the Bandages from on the crates. Crawl under the
fence in the northwest corner of the roof. Then enter the Pump

Strut A Pump Room
In here distract the guard, by punching up against the wall. Then
log into the node, and then go through the sliding door in the left
side of the room.

AB Connecting Bridge
Now, you have to use hanging mode, to get across the bridge, without
alerting any guards. To do that, lead up against a rail, and
press the action button. Be careful. If your grip gauge runs out
you will fall.

In here the easiest thing to do, is wait until the guard on the
left, walks north, then get as close to his back without alerting
him as you can. Then, go into hanging mode. Then once your past
the guard, climb back up by pressing the action button again.
Then go into the little hole, and through the door.

Strut B Transformer Room
Walk a little and a scene begins. You notice blood everywhere.
You then see a devil looking person kill three soldiers. You then
meet Vamp and Pliskin. When you get control of Raiden again you
have the Cigs and Socom.

Get the Socom bullets than go through the north door. Get the
Ration and Socom Bullets from the locker, then go outside, through
the door in this room.

BC Connecting Bridge
When you enter you see a scene of Fortune(a member of Dead Cell)
being shot at, and then Vamp comes and carries the president away.

When you get control of Raiden, go down the bridge and get the
Chaff Grenades. Then go down the bridge some more and enter the
sliding door.

Strut C Dining Hall
Search the bathroom(right door) for a Pentazemin and M9 Bullets in
the stalls(but you don't have the M9, yet). Search the other
bathroom(left) for some more Socom Bullets. Then go down the
center hall, and turn the corner.

During the cut-scene you meet the bomb disposal guy, Peter Stillman.
And he tells you of Fatman and give you some bomb disposial devices.

When you get control of Raiden, go back to the Bathroom, on the
right, in the main center. But, make sure you go to the node on
your way their, and make sure your radar is on.

Then go to the bathroom. The C4 in here, is located just above the
right mirror, on the ceiling. Once, you freeze it with your
Coolant, you call Stillman, and he reports to you, that Fatman is
putting bombs in stupid location. After that, go to the BC
Connecting Bridge again.

BC Connecting Bridge
Their is a cypher patrolling the area. So, throw a Chaff Grenade
and press square. Then quickly run across the bridge, and wait
until your radar is unjammed, and then enter Strut B.

Strut B Transformer Room
In here, open the lockers, and then shoot down, the guard patrolling
the hallway. If you alert anyone else, go inside the locker, and
put pressure on the back on the locker(hold the button, that
leans your back, up against the back of the locker). Then go back
into the main transformer room, and take out that guard.

When you've killed both guards, go to the locker, door that is open
in the main room. Close, the door, and their will be a bomb right
next to the pipe. Freeze it with your Coolant, and press triangle
again to open the door, so if Fatman checks it out, he won't know
you disabled it. Then go around the corner, and through the door
and over the connecting bridge.

AB Connecting Bridge
Use the hanging mode again, then same way you did last time. Then
go across the bridge and through the sliding door.

Strut A Pump Facility
Go through the door on the southeast side of the room. Without
alerting any guards, quickly go to the southeast corner of the room
and go up and down the small stairs. Then press X, and your in
crawl mode. Crawl left, and crawl to the end of the path. Get the
Ration, then crawl right. Go under the first red pipe you see, and
then crawl right when you come out of it. Look at the big machine
in crawl mode. You should see the C4. Then equip your Coolant
and disarm it.

Once you've done that, you call Peter Stillman and then you tell
him where this bomb is. He knows that something is up, and for you
to watch out. After that return to the main room of the Pump
Facility(the one with the done). Their is a Ration in the second
locker from the stairs. Then go through the door in the northeast
corner of the room.

FA Connecting Bridge
This can get a little difficult, if you don't do it right. Start
off by hiding behind the wall, and peeking around the corner. When
you see the guard coming, go into first-person view, and shoot
him down. Make sure he's down. If your seen, hide in the lockers
under the stairs.

Once you've taken out that guard, watch for when the security cypher
goes down. When it goes down, make a run for the other side of the

Strut F Warehouse
When you first enter the room, don't make a sound. Just stay put
until the guard walks the other way. Then when he walks down the
other hall, run to the other side, and get the Ration from behind
the boxes, and go through the door. In here, get the M9 and the
two cases of M9 Bullets. Then leave this room.

In here, gun down the two guards on the other catwalk with your
M9. Then look down on the lower level, and shoot that guard with
your M9. Go right, and get the Socom Bullets behind the crates.

When you hear the soldiers trying to make contact with Strut F,
go and hide in the room, where you got the M9. You are going to
have to be fast. Knock them all out again and continue the process
until you have all the items in the lower level. You can get
Socom Bullets, some Stun Grenades. The bomb in this room is located
behind alot of boxes. So to get their, go into hanging mode
on the floor above it, and press X, to drop down. Then disarm it
with your Coolant.

Then once your done with that, go and use hanging mode about the
book on the locker, and get that. Then under the catwalks(to the
south) is a hallway. Go through the hallway and in the door on
Radin's right is Box 2, Pentazemin, a node, and a Ration. Once
you've got them, go to the southwest corner of the room, and
crawl through the ventilation shaft.

Crawl through the vent, and get the Socom Suppressor and the Socom
bullets on the otherside. Then crawl back through the vent and
leave this room. Go through the door on the otherside and get the
Mine Detector.

Once you've gotten everything in this room, it's time to move to the
next Strut. Go up the stairs leading to the second floor of the
Warehouse. If their are guards around, shoot them down, with your
new Silenced Socom. Once on the second floor, go through the
big red door to go to the next connection bridge.

EF Connection Bridge
As you attempt to make your way across the bridge, an uknown
informant tells you that you are encountering a minefield. So
the first thing to do, besides wonder if that was Deepthroat from
Shadow Moses, is to equipp your Socom, and go into first-person view
and look for the guard. The guard only has his head showing, but
that is all you need. He is hiding behind a large barrier. So
shoot him in the head twice(or how many times it takes you to kill
him). Then, equipp your Mine Detector, and crawl over all the
mines, so you have them as your own weapons, now. Once you've
cleared the mine field, enter Strut E.

Strut E Parcel Room
Take out the guard patrolling the lower section of the room. Then
slowly and silently make your way to the other guard. Shoot him
and then get Box 5. Then go and activate the node in the north-
east corner of the room. Once you've gotten the Box and activated
the node, hug the east, wall and when you find the staircase, go
up them.

Strut E Heliport
Walk a little bit, and a scene will start. Olga tells a man she
seen some kind of "cyborg ninja" with a sword(does that ring a
bell to those of you who played the first game?). When you gain
control of Raiden again, take out the two guards from behind.

After that put your Sensor A back on, and crawl under the center of
the plane. Use the Coolant to disarm this bomb. Then you call
Peter Stillman again. He tells you about how he's been living a
lie and about senseless bombs. Nothing to worry about now.

Search the perimeter, and every isle of crates, until you get the
Stun Grenades and Box 3. After that go back to the Parcel Room.

Parcel Room
Go to the northwest corner of the room. Enter the sliding door
that goes to the DE Connecting Bridge.

DE Connecting Bridge
Wait for the patrolman to come up the stairs, then shoot him down
with your Socom. Then cross the bridge, and go through the next

Strut E Sediment Pool
The best thing to do in this room, is shoot down all but one guard.
Save one, so if they call a status report someone will answer, and
they won't send reinforcements.

After leaving one guard alive, know where he is, and where he
patrols, so you can avoid him. Then head to the node down the
stairs. Once that is activated, look for the yellow lights on
your radar with the Sensor A. The bomb is located on the lowest
level of the room, under one of the big black grates on certain
spots on the floor.

Once you've disarmed that bomb, enter through the door, opposite
of where you entered the room.

CD Connecting Bridge
You see a camera. You can either take it out with a Chaff Grenade
or run right by it. I don't care what you do. But, if you wanna
make a run, I suggest you save before you do it. Take out the guard
before you cross the bridge. Then cross the bridge, to Strut C,

Strut C Dining Hall
Go through the first door you see. Get the Sensor B, in the
little hole in the wall.

You then get a call from Stillman, and then the other guy, freezes
the last baby bomb, and that activates, the bigger bomb. So then
you've got 400 seconds to make it to the bottom of Strut A. Then
leave, and go right, all the way down the path. Enter the door
at the southern most part of your screen.

BC Connecting Bridge
I suggest you use a Chaff Grenade to take out the cypher fast, and
then cross the bridge and go through the door.

Strut B Transformer Room
Shoot the guard walking back with your M9, until he falls. Then
quickly run down the hall and turn the corner, and go through the

AB Connecting Bridge
Use the same hanging mode stragity as you did last time, to get
over the bridge. If you have more than 250 seconds on the clock,
you can take your time, and you don't have to go so fast. But,
otherwise, don't waste anytime.

Strut A Pump Room
Distract the guard, and go up the stairs next to the lockers.

Strut A Roof
Take the Chaff Grenades, and go into the elevator in the center of
the roof. Shoot down the guard if he comes your way.

On your way down, Peter tells you to get away from Strut H, because
it's gonna blow. After the scene peter dies, in the explosion.
Now, you have to continue.

Strut A Deep Sea Dock
Just run to the first room, where you enter the Plant at. Go to the
other side of the platform, and equip Sensor B. Crouch under the
hanging submarine, and use the Coolant on the bomb.

After that, your new object is to rescue the president. So try
heading back to the elevator.

When you get their, you come in contact with Fortune. You can't
kill her, so just evade her attacks, until the Colonel calls you
again. Then a scene starts.

In the scene Fortune sulks, and Raiden shoots Vamp in the head.
Raiden enters the elevator, and then Vamp comes to life again.

Strut A Roof
Have your Mine Detector ready, and watch out for the mines.
Then backtrack, all the way back to Strut E Roof(the place with
the airplane, and where you got Box 3).

Strut E Roof
BOSS: Fatman

This can be a real pain in the butt. You have to disarm bombs and
kill an angry fat guy. The first thing to do is to disarm the
bombs. Once you've disarmed the bombs, wait for Fatman to slow up,
and then he tries to talk to the seagulls, shoot him in the head.

Always make the bombs your first priority. If you don't, they will
be hard to find in less time.

To beat him, I disarmed the bombs, then shot at his head. An easy
way to locate the area of the bombs, is to try to keep up with
Fatman, or cut him off. When he says "one" "two" or "three" you
know he planted a bomb. So look for the bombs in the area where
he said the number. The bombs can be high, low, on the crate, or
on just about anything.

Sometimes, when he gets mad, he will fire his gun at you. I took
that to my advantage, and went into first-person view, and shot
him in the head, when I had the chance.

Fatman isn't that great of a skater, so when he falls, shoot him in
the head, when he's getting up, and if you think you have the shot,
shoot him in the head, when his head cocks back.

Once you actually defeat this fat guy, he tells you that he hid
another bomb here. You have a minute and a half to find it.

Move Fatmans body, and they disarm that bomb. Take his dog tag
if it falls out.

After you defeat him, you will talk to some people on your Codec.
Then, try making your way back to the stairs. Before you can go
down them, you see the cyborg ninja. He tells you some information.

Cyborg Ninja tells you that, their is a person who knows the
presidents location. This persons name is Ames, and he is located
in the core of the Big Shell. He gives you a terrorist uniform
that, you can disguise, yourself partaly in some areas. However,
you cannot walk by terrorist with your outfit on without being
unnoticed. You need an AK gun to do that. But, don't mind that
now. The ninja also give you a Level 2 Card.

After that, go downstairs, and backtrack into the Strut F

Watch when crossing the bridge, their are two new cyphers around, so
I suggest you use a Chaff Grenade.

Strut F Warehouse
In here, go to the lower level, and use the 2F Key Card to go
through the door, to the right of the stairs. Get the AKS-74U
and the ammo, as well as some Socom ammo.

On the second floor, you can get some Claymore and C4's in the
northeast corner of the halls. Then go to the southwest corner
of the catwalk, and go through that door.

In here, slowly move right, and equip your Socom. Remember the
green lights from the the Tanker? Well now, you have to shoot the
green light, just above the locker, the same way. Do that and then
go and get the M4 and the M4 Ammo. Then return to the EF Connecting

EF Connecting Bridge
Try out your new M4 and AKS weapons on the white top of the cyphers.
Also, take out the guard, that is walking up the stairs. Then
once you've taken out the cyphers, and the guard, cross the bridge.

Strut E Parcel Room
Take out the guard patrolling the lower section of the room. Then
crawl under the little hole, under the moving boxes, and crawl and
get the M4 Bullets. Then go back to the connecting bridge.

EF Connecting Bridge
About halfway through the bridge, their is another set of stairs.
Run down them and quickly jet across the platform, and don't stop.
The ground will fall and so will you. On the otherside get the
AKS-74U Bullets. Then before you enter the next door, put on the
B.D.U. and equip your AKS-74U. Enter Shell 1.

Shell 1 Core 1F
Before you enter, make sure you have the ASK-74U equipted, and the
B.D.U. equipted. The guard will never know that your really trying
to get to Ames.

When you enter, go straight, and don't hit any guards. Go left, and
down the hall, through the sliding door. In here, get the Chaff
Grenades, and activate the node in the northeast corner of this
room. Then leave, through the other sliding door in this room.

Walk down the hallway. In the little hallway on the left, you can
get some Socom Bullets. Then continue all the way around the
perimeter, until you reach the elevator. Then take the elevator
to B2.

Shell 1 Core B2 Computer Room
In here, head down the stairs, and through the passages, and make
your way to the main computer room.

In here, don't bump into any guards, and get Box 4, and AKS-74U
Bullets, and the D.Mic. Activate the node and go back into the
elevator and go to B1. On your way to the elevator, pick up the
Ration in between the pipes.

Shell 1 Core B1
After seeing the guard go into the room, you get control of Raiden.
Go through the small door, next to the elevator. In here activate
the node, and get the Ration from the second locker. Then leave
this room.

If you search the four lockers in the room around the corner, you
can get some Grenades and some Socom Bullets, and just outside
that room is some M4 Bullets.

Now, here's the tricky part. Wait until the guard patrolling the
outside, passes the scanner. Then, when he walks infront of you,
have no weapon equipted, and press square from behind him. Quickly
drag him to the scanner, and you will automatically be able to
enter the hostage room.

Hostage Area
In here go to the southeast corner of the room, to the table with
the brown boxes on it. Then go to the man to the south, and pull
out your D.Mic and press triangle.

If you are always getting the man wrong please e-mail me at, and I will help you all you need.

When you are talking to Ames, he tells you about how from the
start of this mission, the terrorist have been planning a nuclear
strike on Manhattan, and are planning to make it into a new
sort of republic. Hense "Son's of Liberty."

After your done with that you pick up Oscelots conversation with

When you get control of Raiden again, quickly equip your ASK-74U
and stand still. Don't try to make a move. Just stay in your

When Oscelot comes over to you, you are forced to reveal yourself.
But, just as Oscelot is about to shoot you, the cyborg ninja comes
to the rescue. Then he starts deflecting all the enemies gun
shots, and then he saves you. You now have the Lv.3 Card.

When you get control of Raiden again, quickly run to the elevator
and go to 1F again.

Shell 1 Core 1F
Run back outside to the EF Connecting Bridge.

EF Connecting Bridge
Quickly run over the bridge and into the Strut F Warehouse on the
other side.

Strut F Warehouse
In here, take out the two guards on the upper level. Then go into
the three Lv.3 doors. You can get the PSG1, some Grenades, and the
RGB6, and some ammo. Then go through the that you just came in

EF Connecting Bridge
Shoot down the guard, and do what ever you want to the cyphers.

Strut E Parcel Room
Shoot down the two guards, with the M9, and then go through the door
in the northwest corner of the room.

DE Connecting Bridge
Kill the guards and avoid the spy camera above. Then cross the

In the Sediment Pool, kill the guards, and go right, and through the
first door you see.

Shell 1-2 Connecting Bridge
In here you have to shoot the green lights again.

1.The first one is located behind you. When you get control of
Raiden, turn around and shoot it.
2.The next one is located down the stairs. Move slowly down the
stairs, making sure you don't touch them. Then shoot the green
3.The third green light, is right next to the second light.
4.The forth one is located on the big tank across from where you
5.Stand on the right side of the balcony where you started and use
a Pentazemin, then the PSG1. Look to the right, to see a small
green light. There it is.
6.This one is located farther left, of number five.
7.On a catwalk, on the left side of fourth green light.
8.Number eight is located on top of the cypher. It is the top green
box. You need to zoom in with your sniper rifel to take the
9.Look to thr right. You will see a bunch of seagulls gathered on
a spot. Shoot at them. If you kill one, don't worry. When you
have a clear shot at it, take it.
10.The tenth one is located behind the Sons of Liberty flag. To
get a better shot. Go as far right as you can, then try to
shoot at it.

Their are two more from hard mode. Here is a stragity on where to
find them from Swishtcords:

well for the one you have to go to the left side where you shot
the one on the cat walk...and go into first person view and stand
on your toes...then look down to the lower level and its located
right in the middle. For the second one you start to go down the
steps and then go in first person view and look to you right.....its
located on the front wall of the right side...where you get the
psg1 bullets...

After you get rid of all the lights, a few scenes happen, and then
you get into a Boss fight.

BOSS: Harrier

This boss may look hard, but Fatman was harder. First take the
Stinger and the missles, and then look for the Harrier on your
radar(it is the big red thing). See it comming before it can
attack you. And use your Stinger to fire at it. Take as many shots
as you can.

Whenever Pliskin drops an item, get it. He drops Rations, and
Stinger Missles. The Harrier is rreally easy to beat.

E-mail me if you have any more questions at

When you get control of Raiden again, walk over to the fire and
your cell phone starts to right. Put it in your item slot. It
reads, "Use your Coolant to put out the fire." So do just that.

Do that, then quickly run down the stairs and get the Ration, and
then run back up, before they fall. Once you've got the Ration,
go over to the right side of your screen, where you side the side of
a catwalk. Use hanging mode, and fall on to the pipe.

Slowly make your way across the pipe, and then press triangle to
climb on to the next block. Then go right, and press triangle.
Quickly make yourway down the catwalk, and when you come to the
end, go into hanging mode, and drop down on to the other catwalk.

When that happens, you see two guards come in. Shoot them both down
quickly, then make your way across the bridge. You will come to a
gap in it. To get over it, run and press X, to do a flip over it.
Try it in a safer place, before you do it for real. Then when
you come to the next gap, go into hanging mode, and climb to the
other side. Then go up the ladder.

Strut L Perimeter
Slowly move up to the first window, and shoot the first guard with a
silenced weapon. Then shoot the other guard with a silenced
weapon, and keep moving on your path. You will soon come to a big
gap, that you can jump over. Their is no bar to hang on either.
So, you have to side-step.

Now listen carefully. To side-step put your back to the wall, and
move in the direction you need to go in. Try it on a nearby wall
before you try to to it over the big gap.

When going over the big gap, you will notice, that you get stuck
about half way through it. So you have to press X, to bend down,
then side-step, across to the other catwalk.

Once on the other side go around the corner. A guard will come over
and start urinating on to the lower level(the one that your on).
So side-step along the big wall, under the guard, without touching
the urine. Then once your past the urinating guard, turn the
corner again.

Now, look and see where the catwalk below you is. When that happens
go into hanging mode and fall on to the catwalk below. Get the
AKS-74U Bullets and go down the path. Go up the stairs. Get the
ammo, on the left side, and the right side of the catwalk. But you
don't go into either of those doors.

Once you've got the ammo, you can do one of two things. You can
use a Chaff Grenade and knock out the cyphers for a certian period
of time, or you can just blow them up with one of your guns.

Which ever one you choose, do it, and run down the stairs, in
the middle of the catwalk and enter the next shell. But, your
going to have to use your jumping skills, and your hanging skills
to make your way across it, so if your doing it the Chaff way, I
suggest you make a plan for yourself, on when your going to use them
to avoid being seen, by the cyphers. Then go through the door.

Shell 2 Core 1F Air Purification Room
In here, you see a scene with Olga talking about how she wants
to kill Snake, and some other mumbo-jumbo. The only important
thing she says is about the electronic voltage floors.

When you get control of Raiden, go left, and down the stairs.
Follow this path, searching in every nook and cranny for items.
Go around the corner and do the same thing. Then go into the small
room with the glass windows and active the node. Then go to the
elevator, and go to B1.

Shell 2 Core B1 Filtration Chamber No.1
Get out of the elevator and activate the node to the right of the
elevator. Then dive into the water nearby. Now you get to do some

Swim straight ahead, in the first hallway you come to. All the way
at the end of the hallway, you will find the Nikita. On the map,
their are swirls of blue colors. They represent air holes. If your
O2 gauge is running out, just go up to the top, and refil it, by
getting some air.

Once you have the Nikita, go back on surface, and take the elevator
to 1.

Shell 2 Core 1F Air Purification Room
Now, the first thing to do, is go and get all the Nikita missles
that you couldn't get before.

Go into the room with the two automatic gunners. Take them out
with your Socom. Use first-person view, and targe, just above their
green sensors. When their sensors turn red, you know you've go

Climb on to the crate, and use your Nikita. Shoot it and guide it
into the ventalation shaft. Then make it turn right at the last
corner(it will go down automatically). Then avoid the president
and send the missle to the northwest part of the room into the big
machine with the red lights on it. Make sure you don't hit the
president. If you hit the president, it's game over(or mission
failed, in Raidens case).

Once you've done that, go back around to where you first enter the
room, and go right, instead of left, and go through the sliding

In here you have a conversation with the president. He tells you
of the Patriots and his greed.

At the end of the scene Oscelot kills the President, and you learn
about Arsenal Gear. You then have to rescue Emma Emerson. You now
have the Level 4 Card.

Once you have the card, take the elevator down to B1.

Shell 2 Core B1 Filtration Chamber No.1
Once in B1, go into the water. Start off by going into the water
and going right, through the little passage. Get the Night Vision
Goggles and keep going. Go along the path, and through the area
where their is no air holes, and go into the long hallway of the
left side. Go down the path and get some air.

Then open the door, and wswim past the piles of debre and junk.
Their is a small hole in each section. Go up to the air hole in
the second section, and get the PSG1-T, and the ammo below it.
Next to the air hole their is an opening. Go through it, and
swim down.

Open to the door, and go up and get some air. Then swim down the
long hallway, and go up the stiars.

This is a good time to save. So save if you want, and then, go
through the Level 4 door.

Shell 2 Core Chamber No.2

After Vamp is finished talking to you, you have to fight him as a

This is one of the hardest bosses in the game, so listen to my
directions exactly. Start off by shooting him with your M4, then
go into the northeast corner, by the Lvl.4 door, and wait. When
Vamp comes back up shoot him with your M4. When Vamp turns red
and starts going nuts, get him with your Stinger, or Nikita.

Pick up the Rations and M4 bullets. Their is a Ration over the
ledge on the north side. Go into hanging mode to get it. Do not
fall into the water at any time! If you do it's game over.

Twards the end of the fight, Vamp gets really angry. Then here's
what to do. Shoot him, with the M4 when he comes up. Then when
he turns red, shoot with with your Stinger, and stay in one place.
If he freezes you, you can use your Stinger. But, if you see him
shooting the stars at you, quickly run away, and watch him.

If you need any more help please e-mail me at This boss can be a real pain, so I

TIP FROM: Joshua Rigrod

As you know, when you get him down 3/4 of the way, het gets "mean".
I had lots of problems with this (switching to missiles just wasn't
easy to do in time) when he'd charge at me. So, durring one of his
"dives", I placed claymores near (but not too close to) both sides
of me. So, after being shot, Vamp charges me, right into the
mine, and into the water. Since he can charge either way, I
reccomend replacing the explosive a few times until that final
half-inch of life, where his tactics change.

After you defeat him, go through the door in the northeast corner
of the room, and swim to the door on the other side.

Once their go through the door. In here activate the node and get
the Bandages. Go to the middle closet on the north wall, to find
Emma. After you prove who you are, you have to swim back to
where you fought Vamp. Move fast, because she can't hold her
breath as long as you.

When you get to that room, you talk to Emma for a while and then
you should start moving again. Go into the next room, and amke
your way back to the elevator. To help Emma walk select no weapon
and press the action button, to guide her on her way. You must
guide her all the time you have her.

Take the elevator back to 1F. But, the girl is afraid of bugs.
So, spray a path through the bugs, with your Coolant, and get on
the elevator.

Shell 2 Core 1F Air Purification Room
Their are about six guards patrolling the area. Take them all out.
Then quickly move back to Strut L. Make sure you don't alert any

KL Connecting Bridge
On here, shoot down the two cyphers, and kill the guard. To the
right is a fire. Put it out with your Coolant and cross the bridge.
Go through the door. You don't have the Level 5 card, but Emma

Strut L Sewage Treatment Facility
In here, the first thing to do, is get the Socom Bullets across the
hall. Then take out the two guards before they notice you. Then
open the door, and take Emma into the small room.

Strut L Oil Fence
After the scenes, you learn you have to take out, some guards with
your PSG1 as Emma crosses the bridge. Take out the Mines, using
your Thermal Goggles, and take out the guards and cyphers that are
in the way as well. But, the mines are your first prioritie.

Make sure you take out the mines on the other bridges, too. Their
are two other bridges. Watch, when she crosses them.

Once Emma is about half way over the third beidge, Vamp comes back.
You have to fight him again. But, this time all you have to do is
aim for his head.

Once you kill him, you learn that Emmas been stabbed.

Strut E Parcel Room
In here, quickly open the door, and run out on to the next
connecting bridge.

EF Connecting Bridge
Take out the cyphers, and cross that leads into shell 1(the stair
case in the middle).

Shell 1 Core 1F
Go to the elevator, and go to B2. But, on your way, watch out for
the Claymore mines, that have recently been planted around.

After that you will come across some scenes. Emma dies, and then
you wind up in a tortute chamber.

Torture Chamber
When being tortured, press triangle, to refill your gauge.

After that, you learn that your are some guys son, and then you
learn the truth. When you get control of Raiden again, go through
the door in the northeast corner of the room.

Arsenal Gear Jejunum
Avoid the guards and go up the stairs. Get Box 5, on the left side.
Do not turn the power off when Colonel says to do so! On the
catwalk, on the northeastern part, their is a door. Go through it
to enter the next hallway.

Arsenal Gear Colon
Get the Ration to the right, and then walk up and down the path.
You get a call from Rose. You then learn the truth about her, too.
Then you meet Snake. You have your stuff, and an H.F. Blade from
Olga. Practice with the blade, using the right analog stick.
To thrash the sword foward, push the analog stick foward.

Once your done practicing with your sword, equipt the Level 5
Card and head left.

Arsenal Gear Ileum
In here, follow Snake and help him gun down the guards. Make sure
you keep some Rations handy. Protect your own life, and if you see
Snakes bar is going down alot, help him out more.

Snake will give you more Rations and bullets when you run out.
But, when Snake stops giving you bullets, use your sword. When
you've finally cleared this room, go through the door that opens

Arsenal Gear Sigmoid Colon
In here you learn the truth about the Colonel, and that they have
so called "captured" Rose. However, you can still save your game
with her.

Go into the central room, and kill all the guards. If you want try
out your new sword.

After you clear this room, Fortune comes in. She wants Snake, so
you leave.

Arsenal Gear Rectum
BOSS: Metal Gears

After Solidus finished talking you have to fight some of the new
Metal Gears.

Avoid any attacks from the Metal Gears, and keep Rations handy.
Use your Stiinger missles, to target all diffrent parts of the
Metal Gear RAY's.

When they attack with the heat seakiing missles use the jump action
to avoid it. When it does a gunner attack, run above it and in
the opposite direction. When it sends out the rockets, just keep
running. The key to beating this boss is to keep running around
the arena.

Some times Rations appear around the arena. If you run low on
Stinger missles, run around the permeter of the arena, to pick up
some more Stinger ammo.

After you defeat five Metal Gears a series of very long scenes
begin. I won't spoil it for you, so you will be surpried(and

After the long, long scenes, and the surprising chats with people,
you have to fight Solodus, in the final bout.

Federal Hall
BOSS: Solidus

After a whole bunch of more scenes and conversations and you learn
the shocking truth about some more conversations and things, you
have the final fight with Solidus Snake. He can be a real pain, so
listen to these instructions carefully.

The only weapons you can use is the H.F. Blade. So, lets hope you
didn't forget how to use it. If you did, it's the right analog

The main key to defeating this boss is blocking and then quickly
attacking. The only way to actually defeat this boss, is to have
Rations equipted, and know exactly how to defend against his

When Solidus Snake's arms turn green and light up, run as far away
from him as you can. When Solidus' arms turn green and light up,
he will try to get you in his grip attack. He will shake you and
try to shake the life out of you.

Solidus will try to attack you with his sword, but if you press L1
to block it, that attack is virtually useless.

But, Solidus' two worst attacks, are when he launches blue missles
at you. He will try to pull a fast one on you with these. To
avoif them, jump around and try to get away from them.

The other of Solidus' worst attacks is when he does his power
dash. He will use a fire pack, to dash to the other side on the
Federal Hall. If he hits you, you will get alot of damage delt
to you.

The one way to hit Solidus, is to attack him when he is unaware of
your surrounding area, or when you have a clear shot at his back
or side. From the back or side use the full roatation of the blade
or the thrust(pushing the analog stick foward). When attacking
from the front, Solidus will most likley block you, or he will
try to do one of his special moves on you. If you are caught
unexpected by one of his special moves, you can get really hurt.
Keep Rations ready.

After you finally defeat Solidus, enjoy the final scene of Metal
Gear Solid 2.

Congratulations!!! You have completed the Metal Gear Solid 2
game for Play Station 2. For any further information please e-mail
me at


Solid Snake
Code named "Solid Snake" this character is the star of the video
game series. You play as him, through out the game. He is the
one, who is trying to single-handedley stop the production of the
bio-weapon Metal Gear. His trusty companion, Otacon will help him
through his journey.

Solid Snakes partner, who is a great hacker, and computer expert.
He hacks out information, to help Solid Snake, and they allied
organization to, help give snake some pointers on exterminating
the enemy forces.

Olga Gurlukavich
This is the first female you encounter. She is the daughter of the
captain, who is leading the Russians in the tanker, to do something
to the new Metal Gear. She is the first bog in the game, and she
is a pretty easy one, too.

Sergi Gurlukivich
Sergi Gurlukivich, is the Russian colonel, who is leading the
Russian forces on to the Tanker, to capture Metal Gear Ray. He
cares most about his daughter Olga, who he brought along with him
to help out, in the capturing of Metal Gear. His daughter is the
first boss in the game, and he hopes, she is always safe. She is
always one of his top priorities.

Revolver Oscealot
If you've played the first Metal Gear Solid game, you will know that
this guy is a real pain, and a real fighter. Revolver comes in
as a villan at the Tanker, and acts like a Russian allie, but
shows his real self, after the Russians take over the speech. This
guy still has a few tricks up his sleve, and is working for an
organization running the Big Shell chemical plant.

Solid Snake becomes Raiden after the Tanker part of the game.
Raiden seems a little more foolish than Snake, because of his
actions when he meets new people. Raiden now has blonde hair and
talk slightly different than Snake.

This freak of nature is one of the member of the organization "Dead
Cell." He apparently has great speed and agility, and sucks the
blood out of his victims. You meet this guy first in the early
sections of the plant.

The FOXHOUND Colonel, is similar to Otacon, in the Tanker section.
He gives you information on your objectives and tells you about
the stuff you got.

Rosie takes the place of Otacon-Save and Mei-Leing(from the first
game). Raiden can contact her, whenever you want to save your game.

This is the first human Raiden actually talk to during his mission
in the Big Shell chemical plant. This guy gets to see Raiden, learn
he works for FOXHOUND, and learns his code-name. Now how many
regular people get to learn that? He gives Raiden a Socom and some
Cigs. This is really Solid Snake is disguise.

Peter Stillman
The bombs/explosive experts, who came to the big shell with Seals
Team 10 Bravo. He came here, because he was the best in the bomb
business, and that his former student, Fatman, is on the loose.
Fatman is placing bombs everywhere, and you need to freeze them
with the equipment, Stillman gives you.

The second boss in the game is a big fat guy. Fatman was trained
in bombs and explosives by Peter Stillman. Fatman has hidden all
the bomb on the Big Shell. He likes to roller-blade, even though
he really sucks at it. Fatman is a pretty hard boss. He calls
what he does(making bombs and explosives) a true work of art, or a
masterpiece. Fatman is one of the members of the Dead Cell
terrorist organization.

With her electric rail gun, and how much she wants to die, I wonder
where the name Fortune comes from. Fortune is a woman in the Dead
Cell organization, who is always complaning that she wants to die.
Apparently, no matter how hard people try to hit her with bullets,
and how hard she tries to be hit with bullets, she never dies, and
the bullets always miss her. Vamp calls her the Queen of Dead

Richard Ames
Richard Ames is the man who you must find in the Big Shell, Shell
1 Core. He is being held hostage, and you must go and get
information about the presidents location. Richard Ames has a
special heartbeat that can easily be sensed through a D.Mic.
In the game Richard Ames dies of a heart attack.

President Jhontson
The President of the United States who is a very greedy man who
wanted power. He has been taken capture by the Gurlukuvich
soldiers, who are holding him in Shell 2 of the Big Shell chemical
plant. He gives you some new information about how the Big Shell
is really the new Metal Gear.

Solidus Snake
The third brother of the snakes, not solid yet not liquid. The
perfect snake. He was kicked out of office by the Patriots after
his involvement in the Shadow Moses incident. He wants to
declare war on the Patriot organization.

Emma Emmerson
This is Otacons step sister, who is lost in the Big Shell. Snake
and Otacon go to rescue her, but aparantly Raiden has to do the
job. She is a programmer, who when found, can inflict the Big
Shell with a virsu that can orevent the launch of Arsenal Gear.
She is a must find person.


Chaff Grenade
H.F. Blade
Stun Grenade

This is your first automatic firing weapon in the game. It is
found in the Basement of the Strut F Warehouse, just beneath the
stairs. This is a .30 Assault rifle. It does not have a
suppressor so when it is fired, surrounding guards will know, that
some shots have been fired. This gun shoots a magazine of thirty
rounds. You can find a suppressor for this gun in the wreckage
after the Harrier fight.

Okay. This may seem silly, but you can lure enemie guards into a
trap by placing a book to distract them. However, this isn't just
a regular book. This is a naughty book(a.k.a. adult magazine).
Sometimes soldiers will be distracted and look at it, and then you
can, gun them down.

The C4 is a plastic explosive, that is used to blow things up. It
has a remote detonator. You'll know these well, by the time you
get to have some for yourself(you'll know them because you have
to disarm them). These are first found in the upper-level of the
Strut F Warehouse.

Chaff Grenade
These are grenades, that you should use, when you are passing a
large section of securite cameras. Chaff Grenades are grenades that
disable security cameras. When they go off, it trips the wires in
the security devices, for a short while, so you don't have to
worry about being seen by them. These grenades do not kill people.
They disable security cameras, whenever you need to get past a
cameras with a far sight, or a group of cameras, that is hard to
get past.

These are land mines, that you can place in the ground. Guards
may walk over them and kill themselvs. You can pick these up by
crawling over them, and these can be easily pick up on a radar when
a Mine Detector is equipted.

The Coolant is given to you by Peter Stillman, to freeze any type
of explosive on the Big Shell. You have to use this to disarm
all the bombs that Fatman put on the ship. It is always used in
first person view, when equipted, and is sprayed when you press
the square button. When you have this equipted as your main weapon
you cannot move forward, backward, or side to side. You can only
spin around in a circle.

This is what you can use to track down Ames. This picks up little
sounds, that can be herd only by special circimstances. This can
call Ames at any time, but you cal only call him when the time is
right, or you will alert the other "real" guards and they will be
after you.

The grenade is what you should use to clear out terroist guards
who are cluttered in one area. To use this weapon, hold the
square button, and release to throw it. The longer you hold
the square button, the stronger your throw will be. This weapon
can alert guards in different areas, but it can also kill alot
of people. So use some caution when using this weapon. If guards
see a grenade, they may all scatter, and the grenade will just
be a waste.

H.F. Blade
This is a gift from Olga to you. Just when I though, I would never
need the right analog stick, this caught mem by surprise. Use the
right analog stick to control the blade. Down slices up, up slices
down, and left and right, slice left and right. If you completly
rotate the analog stick in a full circle, you can do a twirling
move with it. When this is equipted, press L1, to block some

Yet another Assault Rifle for Raiden's inventory. It is equipted
with a thirty round magazine, and is found in the upper level of
the Strut F Warehouse. This is not equipted with a suppressor, so
you will alert other patrolling guards if you fire it. So I
strongly suggest that you be careful and don't be follish, when
using this gun.

This is the weapon, you begin the game with. This gun sadly,
doesn't even kill people. It is loaded with tranquilizer darts
that are used to knock out your enemies. One good thing is that
it is armed, with a great suppressor and it has laser point
targeting. The darts that shoot from this gun, have enough
juice in them, to knock an elephant out. However, you should aim
for the head, or the chest, if you want to knock an enemy. If you
hit the enemy in the lower body, you will have to shoot it several
more times, before it finally falls. But, if you aim higher in the
body, it will take less shots to knock out.

The Nikita missle launcher. It is Sniper Wolfs worst enemie. Now
you can use it for more important things, such as saving the
president. Press the square button to fire one nikita missle into
an area. You have to control a Nikita missle, whenever you use
the weapon. It is show in the first-person view and can be moved
with the left analog stick.

Ahhhhh.....the sniper rifle. The way this gun works, is when you
equip it, you automatically go into first person view mode. When
in first person view press the circle button to zoom in on a
specific target, and press the X button to zoom out on a specific
target. To shoot the PSG1, press square, when you are locked on
your target.

This is the same thing as the PSG1, except instead on shooting
out regular bullets, it shoots out tranquilizers. It works
the same way as the other PSG1. It has the same controls, so just
look at those controls, if you need to refresh your memory on how
to use the PSG1.

This is a grenade launcher. It has a six round magazine, and can
be found on the upper level of the Strut F Warehouse. It fires
grenade bullets that will explode upon impact of anything. Press
Square to aim and then release it to fire the grenade. This gun
is not equipted with a silencer.

You should remember this gun from the first game. It is basically
the same thing. It holds a magazine of twelve bullets at a time.
It is a .45 Handgun. It is given to you by a soldier. You can
find the suppressor to this gun, in the Strut F Warehouse, in the
Big Shell chemical plant.

The Stinger is a missle launcher that you get from Pliskin before
the Boss fight with the Harrier. It is a portable surface-to-air
missle launcher. Meaning, that ground units, can hit it from
where they are. It is an essential part in defeating the Harrier.
This weapon shouldn't be used in close combat or in areas where
silence is a factor.

Stun Grenade
These grenades are grenades that temporarily stun guards or patrol
men. They do not kill, they just stun. When they are stunned you
have a chance to kill, them without being attacked, or you can
just run past them all. I suggest you use these, whenever you are
in a room, with alot of enemies. These will make your route
much easier.

The USP, is the gun you receive after defeating Olga, on the
navagational deck. This weapon can actually kill people. It has
a laser pointer targeting system, to make gunning down enemies
a much easier task. On the downside, though, it is not silenced.
So if you shoot it, it will make a loud noise, and alert other
enemies, that gun shots have been fired. But, this weapon will
actually kill enemies, rather than just put them to sleep, as the
M9 does. It takes about three or four shots out of the USP to
kill a regular enemie.

8.Boss Guide

Metal Gear RAYs
Olga Gurlukovich
Solidus Snake


Now, you get to kill an agry fat guy. The first thing to do is to
disarm the bombs. Once you've disarmed the bombs, wait for Fatman
to slow up, and when he tries to talk to the seagulls, shoot him in
the head.

Always make the bombs your first priority. If you don't, they will
be hard to find in less time.

To beat him, I disarmed the bombs, then shot at his head. An easy
way to locate the area of the bombs, is to try to keep up with
Fatman, or cut him off. When he says "one" "two" or "three" you
know he planted a bomb. So look for the bombs in the area where
he said the number. The bombs can be high, low, on the crate, or
on just about anything.

Sometimes, when he gets mad, he will fire his gun at you. I took
that to my advantage, and went into first-person view, and shot
him in the head, when I had the chance.

Fatman isn't that great of a skater, so when he falls, shoot him in
the head, when he's getting up, and if you think you have the shot,
shoot him in the head, when his head cocks back.


This boss may look hard, but Fatman was harder. First take the
Stinger and the missles, and then look for the Harrier on your
radar(it is the big red thing). See it comming before it can
attack you. And use your Stinger to fire at it. Take as many shots
as you can.

Whenever Pliskin drops an item, get it. He drops Rations, and
Stinger Missles. The Harrier is rreally easy to beat.

Metal Gear RAYs

After Solidus finished talking you have to fight some of the new
Metal Gears.

Avoid any attacks from the Metal Gears, and keep Rations handy.
Use your Stiinger missles, to target all diffrent parts of the
Metal Gear RAY's.

When they attack with the heat seakiing missles use the jump action
to avoid it. When it does a gunner attack, run above it and in
the opposite direction. When it sends out the rockets, just keep
running. The key to beating this boss is to keep running around
the arena.

Some times Rations appear around the arena. If you run low on
Stinger missles, run around the permeter of the arena, to pick up
some more Stinger ammo.

Olga Gurlukovich

This is an easy boss. As you begin the battle, I suggest you use
the west side of the deck, to shoot at her, until she starts
throwing grenades at you. Once, she starts throwing grenades at
you, you will have to start moving. If you stay in one place for
too long, one of the grenades will blow you to shreads.

Keep shooting at Olga, until she gets mad and turns the light on.
When that happens, take out the light, by shooting at it, and then
when you break it, you can have a clear shot at the terror

Solidus Snake

After a whole bunch of more scenes and conversations and you learn
the shocking truth about some more conversations and things, you
have the final fight with Solidus Snake. He can be a real pain, so
listen to these instructions carefully.

The only weapons you can use is the H.F. Blade. So, lets hope you
didn't forget how to use it. If you did, it's the right analog

The main key to defeating this boss is blocking and then quickly
attacking. The only way to actually defeat this boss, is to have
Rations equipted, and know exactly how to defend against his

When Solidus Snake's arms turn green and light up, run as far away
from him as you can. When Solidus' arms turn green and light up,
he will try to get you in his grip attack. He will shake you and
try to shake the life out of you.

Solidus will try to attack you with his sword, but if you press L1
to block it, that attack is virtually useless.

But, Solidus' two worst attacks, are when he launches blue missles
at you. He will try to pull a fast one on you with these. To
avoif them, jump around and try to get away from them.

The other of Solidus' worst attacks is when he does his power
dash. He will use a fire pack, to dash to the other side on the
Federal Hall. If he hits you, you will get alot of damage delt
to you.

The one way to hit Solidus, is to attack him when he is unaware of
your surrounding area, or when you have a clear shot at his back
or side. From the back or side use the full roatation of the blade
or the thrust(pushing the analog stick foward). When attacking
from the front, Solidus will most likley block you, or he will
try to do one of his special moves on you. If you are caught
unexpected by one of his special moves, you can get really hurt.
Keep Rations ready.


After Vamp is finished talking to you, you have to fight him as a

This is one of the hardest bosses in the game, so listen to my
directions exactly. Start off by shooting him with your M4, then
go into the northeast corner, by the Lvl.4 door, and wait. When
Vamp comes back up shoot him with your M4. When Vamp turns red
and starts going nuts, get him with your Stinger, or Nikita.

Pick up the Rations and M4 bullets. Their is a Ration over the
ledge on the north side. Go into hanging mode to get it. Do not
fall into the water at any time! If you do it's game over.

Twards the end of the fight, Vamp gets really angry. Then here's
what to do. Shoot him, with the M4 when he comes up. Then when
he turns red, shoot with with your Stinger, and stay in one place.
If he freezes you, you can use your Stinger. But, if you see him
shooting the stars at you, quickly run away, and watch him.

If you need any more help please e-mail me at This boss can be a real pain, so I

TIP FROM: Joshua Rigrod

As you know, when you get him down 3/4 of the way, het gets "mean".
I had lots of problems with this (switching to missiles just wasn't
easy to do in time) when he'd charge at me. So, durring one of his
"dives", I placed claymores near (but not too close to) both sides
of me. So, after being shot, Vamp charges me, right into the
mine, and into the water. Since he can charge either way, I
reccomend replacing the explosive a few times until that final
half-inch of life, where his tactics change.


Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Dog Tags
Level 1 Card
Level 2 Card
Level 3 Card
Level 4 Card
Level 5 Card
Mine Detector
MO Disk
Night Vision Goggles
RP Sensor
Sensor A
Sensor B
Thermal Goggles
Wet Box

The B.D.U. is a sort of disguise to get you through some check-
points, through your journey into the core of the Big Shell. It is
a red jungle uniform, that the Gulukivich soldiers in Shell 1 wear.
With this uniform, you will be able to fool security cameras, and
stuff like that. But, you can't fool other guards. Since the
soldiers have Russian guns(AK's) you really can't go unnoticed
without an AK gun. So don't go trying to sneak past fifty guards
when you have this outfit on, and you think you will.

Box 1
This si the first box in the game. It is located on Deck D of
the Tanker. It is used to transport food. It is a much bigger
box, than all the other boxes.

Box 2
This is a better box to hide in than the wet box, because it fits in
better. It is a brown box. It's label says that it is used to
transport electronic items or gadgets. But, we really know that
it is used to house Raiden, when things get a little messy.

Box 3
This is just another box for Raiden to hide in. It is a white box
and on the lable it says that it is used to transport daily supplies
in and out of the Big Shell.

Box 4
Raiden's forth box in his box collection. This box can be found in
B2 of the Shell 1 Core, in the computer room. The lable on this
box reads that the box is used to transport action figures.

Box 5
This is another of Raiden's box collection. This box is silver
with green coloring on the outside. It is designed to transport
game and computer software. Its eye design on the side is suppose
to be really "eye-catching"(whatever that means).

INFO FROM: Kevin Kraft
Box 5 can warp to the room with the digital camera. (in the parcel
room, in strut E, if you hop on the platform in the southwest
corner of the 1st floor, then equip the boxes the belts stop, and
raiden hops on the belts, they move and they warp you to different
areas of the game, the Z.O.E. box in particular warps you to the
room with the level 5 security door in the bottom of strut E)

These are cigarets. They are what Snake uses when he is in a real
bad mood. These deplete your health, as you keep smoking them.
However, they do have an up point. They make infaret lazers
seeable, to the naked eye.

Dog Tags
These are how the enemie soldiers are identified. You can hold up
some soldiers, and ask them for their dog tags, or take them from
dead bosses. I am not going to go much into these yet, because they
are not all that important.

Level 1 Card
The Level 1 Key Card, is used to open all the doors of the Big
Shell that, you need a t Level 1 Key Card to enter. Peter
Stillman gives this to you.

Level 2 Card
This is the Level 2 Key Card. The Level 2 Key Card is given to you
by the cyborg ninja, after you defeat Fatman on the Big Shell. This
will open all the Level 2 doors in the Big Shell. The Key Card can
also get you to the center core of the Big Shell.

Level 3 Card
The Level 3 Key Card is a Key Card, that will let you access new
areas of the Big Shell. All doors that say Level 3 on them can
be accessed with this card.

Level 4 Card
This card is given to you by President Jhonston. He hopes that you
will rescue Emma Emmerson, using this card. But, you can also use
it for getting into other Level 4 doors.

Level 5 Card
This card gets you into all the Level 5 Doors. You don't have it
for a real long time in the game, but it will come in handy, when
you do need it. You get it pretty late in the game, so don't
expect to make good friends with this card.

Mine Detector
This can be gotten in Basement of the Warehouse on Strut F. The
Mine Detector is used to...well.......track mines. It shows where
mines are on your radar, whenever you pass a mine field. This was
an essential part of defeating Vulcan Raven, in the tank in the
first game.

MO Disk
This disk holds a virus that can wipe out Arsenal Gears functions,
so it won't be fully active. If it is not fully active, it is
virtually useless. This virus was made by Emma Emmersion, Otacons
step sister.

Night Vision Goggles
These are similar to the Thermol Goggles. They give you a
perspective of your surroundings in shades of green. I prefer the
Thermol Goggles better, but these are still okay. I never really
use these much, but I guess they are good to have(just as the
Thermols are).

This is a musle relaxier, that Snake used in the first game. This
is what snipers use, when they are nervous. This will calm Snake
down, so he has a better shot, and he won't be all fidgety. When
you use this Snake will become very calm and relaxed, and when
using a big gun, he will have a better shot, rather then a hard
shot. Use these by pressing the Circle button, when equipted.

The Phone is a cellular phone givin to you by cyborg ninja after you
defeat Fatman, on top of the Big Shell. He just gives you the
cell phone, and before you can ask him why he gave you a cell phone
he vanishes into thin air(but it was actually his fast skills that
got him away in an instant). The phone is also good for sending

These are health relievers. They give you more health. Everytime
you use one of these, your health bar increases. These are a must
need for big battles, or when you have to take on alot of enemies.
If you want to save yourself some time, leave it equipted when
in battle, and when you die, the Rations will automaticlly retrive
your health bar, back up.

RP Sensor
This is a type of vibration radar. When it senses another life
form present, it will vibrate. I never found much need of it, but
I guess it's good to have.

The Scope is a type of military binoculars that can see much farther
than regular binoculars. Press the circle button when equipted to
zoom into the picture, and press the X button to zoom out of close

Sensor A
When you have the Sensor A equipted, you can pick up the scent of
C4's on your radar. Make sure you have your radar on, so you can
locate the bombs. If your radar is not on, you cannot see where
the bombs are located. The bombs show up as yellow clouds on your
radar, but they don't show an exact location of the bomb. So, to
find the bomb, you have to explore the area with the yellow on the
radar, and spray the Coolant on areas, until the yellow dissapears
from your radar.

Sensor B
When you have the Sensor B equipted, not only can you sense regular
bombs and explosives, but it can also sense scentless ones, too.
For the times when Fatman thought he out-smarted you, by placing
scentless bombs around the Big Shell, you can whip this thing out
and they will show up on your radar, too.

Thermal Goggles
The Thermal Goggles, are found on the highest point in the Tanker.
They are found by climbing the really big ladder on the Navagational
Deck. The Thermal Goggles are used to sense heat. They can see
any living thing, that has heat in them. They can also sense
infaret sensors, and other forms of heat like that. I never really
use them, but sometimes, they are just good to have, I guess.
But, to be honest with you, I don't know why they are even in the

Wet Box
This is like the boxes in Metal Gear Solid. Snake can hide in this
whenever he alerts the guards. However, this box is not as strong
as the others. In Metal Gear Solid, guards could shoot at the box
about seven or eight times, until if falls apart. In this game it
only takes about four of five shots, at most, before the box falls
apart. This box is also worse, in fitting in with the surroundings.
Their is most of the time, no white spots for it to blend in with.
Sometimes, the enemies, might tip the box over, and find your
presence in it.

10.Gameshark Codes

(M) Must Be On 0E3C7DF21645EEBB3

Infinite M9 Ammo-Tanker 2C159BBDF8FCFE53

Infinite USP Ammo-Tanker 2C159BBFF8FCFE53

Infinite Chaf Grenade-Tanker 2C159CCFF8FCFE53

Infinite Stun Grenade-Tanker 2C159CD1F8FCFE53

Infinite Rations-Tanker 2C159C4DF8FCFE53

Infinite Bandages-Tanker 2C159C53F8FCFE53

Have Therm Goggles-Tanker 2C159C65F8FCFEF1

Have Camera-Tanker 2C159C69F8FCFEF1

Have Body Armor-Tanker 2C159C59F8FCFEF1

Have Bandana-Tanker 2C159CFBF8FCFEF1

Infinite Magazine-Tanker 2C159CDBF8FCFE53

Infinite Grenades-Tanker 2C159CDDF8FCFE53

Have Stealth-Tanker 2C159C5BF8FCFEF1

Infinite M9 Ammo-Plant 2C159D0DF8FCFE53

Infinite Socom Ammo-Plant 2C159D11F8FCFE53

Infinite PSG 1 Ammo-Plant 2C159D13F8FCFE53

Infinite RGB 8 Ammo-Plant 2C159D15F8FCFE53

Infinite Nikita Ammo-Plant 2C159D17F8FCFE53

Infinite Stinger Ammo-Plant 2C159D19F8FCFE53

Infinite C4-Plant 2C159D1DF8F1FE53

Infinite Claymore-Plant 2C159D1BF8FCFE53

Infinite Chaff Grenades-Plant 2C159D1FF8FCFE53

Infinite Stun Grenades-Plant 2C159D21F8FCFE02

Infinite AKS-74U Ammo-Plant 2C159D29F8FCFEFF

Infinite Magazine-Plant 2C159D2FF8FCFEFF

Infinite Gremades-Plant 2C159D2DF8FCFE02

Infinite M4 Ammo-Plant 2C159D2FF8FCFEFF

Infinite 9SG1-T Ammo-Plant 2C159D31F8FCFE53

Microscope 2-Plant 2C159D33F8FCFEF1

Infinite Books-Plant 2C159D35F8FCFE53

Infinite Rations-Plant 1C159D9DF8FCFE53

Pentazemin-Plant 2C159DA5F8FCFEF5

Have AK Supressor-Plant 2C159ED7F8FCFEF1

1st Pullup Increases Grip to Level2 EC159B8FF89CFE53

2nd Pullup Increases Grip to Level3 EC159B8FF8ACFE53

Have All Dog Tags 3C15B02BFFFFFFFF

Have BDU-Plant 2C159DA7F8FCFEF1

Have Bandana-Plant 2C159EDBF8FCFEF1

Have Body Armor-Plant 2C159DA9F8FCFEF1

Have Cigs-Plant 2C159DBDF8FCFEF1

Have Camera-Plant 2C159EDFF8FCFEF1

Have MO Disk-Plant 2C159EDFF8FCFEF1

Have Medicine-Plant 2C159DA1F8FVFEF1

11.Reward Items

Every time you bea thte game, depending on how good you did, you
will recieve a reward item. Here is a list of all the Reward Items
I have gotten:


12.Dog Tags

To obtain Dog Tags to identify the person that you killed, or held
up. You must play on all difficulties to get them all.

To threaten a guard for his or her Dog Tag, go up to a guard and
press R1 and hold Square. If you hear "Freeze" you can go after the
guards Dog Tag. To do this you must get in front of the guard.
To do that press L1 and Square and then move with the D-Pad.


0.Olga Gurlukovich-0923-A-Navagational Deck
1.Kazuya Ikeno-1025-A-Aft Deck
2.Rodrigo Spinetti-0918-A-Aft Deck
3.Bryan D. Scheibe-0331-Uknown-Aft Deck
4.Ho Yeung Tsang-0215-AB-Navagational Deck
5.Hirosuke Miritomo-0829-O-Deck C
6.Frank Gather-1109-B-Deck A
7.Marco Grunato-0330-Uknown-Deck B

13.Permission Sites

These are sites, that have my permission to have this guide on their
site. If you want permission, please e-mail me asking me for
permission, at If you see this guide on
any other sites besides these please e-mail me at once, at Thank you.
-Anthony Vexer

3.Vexer Inc(hptt://
5.Cheat Code Central(
8.VG Stragities(
9.Underground Gamer(
10.Metal Gear Solid 2 Depot(
11.Play Station Codes(
12.Gamerz Rage(


I would like to thank the following for doing something for me or
assisiting me in this FAQ:

God-For keeping my family and I and everyone I know safe in the
terror attacks on 9/11.
GameFAQs-For posting this guide and having a great site
CJayC-For dedicating the time to run GameFAQs.
GameSages-For having one of the best code sites on the web.
Game Winners-For having one of the best code sites on the web.
Mark Kim-For giving me some pointers, to help me out, when writing
the FAQ.
Aaron B. Tadeo-For giving some pointers on how to make a better
Play Station-For making a great system and other great accessories.
Konami-For making the Metal Gear Solid series and the Silent Hill
You-You for reading this guide and not copying it.
and Me-For typing this guide, and giving something back to GameFAQs.
Joshua Rigrod-For submitting some tips on defeating Vamp.
Kevin Kraft-For giving me some additional info.
Swishtcords-For telling me where the two Semtex in Hard Mode are.

15.Contact Info/People I Hate

| |
|E-mail: |
| |
|When you e-mail me, please include the following in |
|your message: |
| -Please put the name of the game, or other subject |
| in the subject field |
| -Send me hate mail, and you will go on my people I |
| Hate Section, and your e-mail address will be |
| revealead, and you will be mocked, by anyone who |
| wants to |
| -No chain letters |
| -I will try to answer any question |

| |
|This is the list of bad people, who send me hate mail|
|Feel free to e-mail them, annoying them, if you want.|
| |
|PERSON I HATE #1: T.J.Bennett |
|E-MAIL: |
| |
| You are a donkey raping @$$ licking mother |
| f***ing cum guzzling $h1t eater. |
| |
| Feel free to bother this homo, as he is the first |
| on my list, and I hope the last. |


(c) This document is legally copyrighted Anthony Vexer 2001

(c) This document is legally copyrighted Anthony Vexer 2001

No one may have permission to take this guide and use it in any
profitable way. This is guide is for all to view for free, and
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END OF DOCUMENT............

Thanks for reading
-Anthony Vexer
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14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Ending Analysis, AI & Evolution

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14.Oktober 2013
Script (Tanker Chapter)

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14.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Savegame zur PAL Version

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Walkthrough for the PAL Version

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MGS 2 Dog Tags List LV - Tank

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Big Boss Rank and Boss Guide

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17.Oktober 2013
FAQ für Boss Kämpfe im EXTREME Modus

17.Oktober 2013
FAQ/Walkthrough für den EXTREME Modus

14.Oktober 2013
Starte im Strut L Oil Fence

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14.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Das Level "Betrieb" ist beendet auf dem Extrem Modus und alle dog tags sind freigeschaltet.

15.Oktober 2013
Musik und Lyrik Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februar 2014
19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
01.April 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020
24.März 2020