Saga Frontier

Saga Frontier

14.10.2013 10:35:12
Monsters FAQ

Saga Frontier - Monster FAQ Version 0.1


I. Introduction.
II. Monster Morph 101.
III. Monster's Skills.
IV. Skill List A to Z.
V. Absorable Magic.
VI. Thanks List.
VII. Final Word.


I. Introduction.
Welcome to my first FAQ. I make this faq to help people that found a hard
time to morph their monster into the one that they want. Isn't the slime you
got in Tanzer really bother you? Well, with this faq, you could turn that
slime into something else that you'd never think before. How Mariche sound
like? Haven't know about him? He is in Riki Final battle, and many people
fall in love with this monster. Or maybe Earth Dragon? Yes, it's the same one
that you fought in Bio Lab. After you experimenting and morphing, you might
chance your mind about who is the best character. You might not want to say
it is human, or mystic, or even mech (so far, nobody like monster because of
the difficulty on becoming the right one). I hope you all enjoy it !

II. Monster Morph 101.
Welcome to Monster Morph 101. In this section I'll try to explain the basic
thing in monster morphing theory. There are plenty of theory out there, but
my theory (actually, it's a combine theory with the others that prove it)
has already been prove to be successfully most of the time. First thing you
need to know about the monster that you can divided the monster into 3 level.
It's the same as your level, coz the mosnter that you encounter base on your
level too. The lower level monster is very easy to become. You just need one
(or maybe two) of his all skills and you can morph into one. The intermediate
or medium level monster is a little bit hard, but it's pretty easy when you
know what to do. Actually, my theory start with the medium level monster. You
can morph into a monster that you want if :
- If you got the key skill for that monster, your chances to morph is 1/3.
- If you got all the skills, your chances to morph is 1/2.
Thus, basically, you also need some kinda luck. If the odd against you, then
you need to try it over and over again. In this faq, however, I didn't put or
make a mark which is the key skill. Here the hint for you! Basically, the key
skill is a skill that attack all enemy or sometimes only that monster have the
skill. In medium level monster, most of the time, the key skill is the skill
that attack a group of people such as stampede, arctic breath, etc. Moreover,
you shouldn't have a hard time to morph into the medium level monster since
thair skill and key skill is easy to get. However, in higher level monster,
you need a patient coz it's gonna cost you your valuable time. You might say :
How come? Keep that question later on until you try to become one. Here what
I would say : Usually, the higher level monster form did not give their
valuable skill easily. Thus, you might want to get it from others. Since some
of the monster share the same skill, you can get the same skill from others
also. If you already convinient with this morphing stuff, you might want to
step into a higher level monster. Yes, there is a higher level monster and
even a monster that you'd never seen before. I call it the Giant. This one
is thougher than the higher level monster itself. Why did I say that? First,
you can hardly found them. Then, they can hardly give you their skill. You
can spent all your time here and say : Hell....I could finish the game then
just trying to morph into the stupid monster that don't wanna give me the
skill. Yes, you might say that, and's a pain in the butt. However,
I think it worth a wait. And my suggestion for the beginner, do not try this
if you just start playing Saga Frontier. You'll hate this game if you did.
And if you did, don't blame me. I already warn you. If you have some questions
regarding the morphing stuff, just drop me an email or you can go to player
message board and post some question, we will answer and I'll answer too. By
the way, here the adress for the message board :

III. Mosnter's Skills.
In my next list, I list all the skill that a monster has. However, you can't
morph into all the monster I list here. Why not? Here the deal, if you see
the skill in the list and say about half of it you can't learn. Then, it means
you can't morph into that monster. Another case would be if that monster has
more than 8 skills. How on earth you could absorb all? (since your monster
just have 8 slots). Simple isn't it? However, I'm afraid I did not quite get
it all right. I mean there's maybe some skill that you can't learn or absorb.
I'm sorry if I didn't tell you. If you did found something wrong with it, just
drop me an email and tell me about it. Help me and we all could help others
that read my upcoming version of this faq.
PS : If you scroll down, you should notice that there is a special section that
contain 1 special monster which I told you before many fall in love with
him. Good Luck on becoming him if you want to.
Notice : In my list, there are 2 lummox, green (which is Riki original form)
and pink (the fox sister that Riki found at the very begining of his
quest). There are also 2 Kitty Crawler, crawl and stand. You will
know when you fight her. If you see her stand, then it's the stand
Kitty Crawler. Vice Versa !
Another important thing that some monster or mystic is not foundable.
It means you can just found them in a certain quest. Such as green
sage and all the sage guy in Asselus Quest. In addition, all the
masked monster can only be found in Red Quest. You figure it out
yourself. I'll make some note later on the upcoming version.

Name : Aperider
STR : 29 QUI : 39 INT : 6 WIL : 34 PSY : 23 VIT : 34 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Chop -> Lummox (pink), Treant, Zombie, Snakeman, Gremlin, Mollasite.
- Hypnotism -> Nightshade, Quakeworm, Rabbat, Ghost, Demon Goat, Wonderdog.
- Stampede -> Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Slugger, Dullahan, Ghostrider,
Chariot, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
Name : Bucci
STR : 51 QUI : 63 INT : 44 WIL : 62 PSY : 37 VIT : 48 CHA : 44
Skills :
- Claw -> Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Thundragon,Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime,
Tanzer, Mollasite.
- Psychout -> Lummox (pink), Masked Cat, Rocky, Sleeping Sheep, Kitty Crawler
- Mad Attack -> Can't be learned.
- Needle -> Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Crystal Tree, Scorpion,
Griffin, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee, Siren.
- Heal -> Lummox, Razorback, Unicorn, Sprite, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood,
Wonderdog, Living Mirror, Undine, Mellow, Kitty Crawler.
Name : Chimera
STR : 75 QUI : 64 INT : 48 WIL : 67 PSY : 46 VIT : 73 CHA : 57
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Power Beat -> Living Glove, Goatzilla, Golem, Were Rhino.
- Gas Flame -> Earth Dragon, Sir Demon.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord,
Red Dragon.
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Lich, Banshee, Skullasaurus, Ettin,
Furdo, Sonicbat, Harpy, Green Sage.
- Fang Crush -> Genbu, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Red
Dragon, Thundragon.
Name : Gargantu
STR : 78 QUI : 18 INT : 8 WIL : 24 PSY : 16 VIT : 32 CHA : 48
Skills :
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Were Rhino
- Tail Hit -> Trisaur, Ice Worm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black Dragon,
Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Da-Dum -> Masked Cat, Rocky, Bill King, Ettin, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Trample -> Chimera, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan, Demon
Goat, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red
- Quake -> Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Cyclops, Earth Dragon, Golem, Were Rhino.
Name : Hedgehog
STR : 15 QUI : 17 INT : 11 WIL : 16 PSY : 7 VIT : 24 CHA : 14
Skills :
- Claw -> Bucci, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Thundragon, Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Needle -> Bucci, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle,
Crystal Tree, Scorpion, Griffin, Banshee, Siren.
- Tail -> Lummox (green), Masked Cat, Rocky, Scorpion, Wonderdog, Gremlin,
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Runaway -> Can't be learned.
Name : Hellhound
STR : 46 QUI : 40 INT : 22 WIL : 37 PSY : 24 VIT : 26 CHA : 22
Skills :
- Fang -> Chimera, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Xeno,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Living Armor, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Suzaku, Mimic, Skulldrake, Ettin, Red Dragon, Lion
- Flame Blast -> Suzaku, Skulldrake, Red Dragon.
Name : Kylin
STR : 52 QUI : 71 INT : 90 WIL : 48 PSY : 70 VIT : 41 CHA : 82
Skills :
- Vapor Blast -> Airfolk.
- Light Shift -> Kylin only
- Vortex -> Kylin only
- Reverse Gravity -> Kylin only
- Kylin's Song -> Kylin only
- Mystery Trap -> Platoonpus, Berva, Snowfolk, Rockbaboon.
- Sacred Song -> Sphinx, Suzaku, Death Lord, Ettin, Black Knight.
- Photosynthesis -> Shrieker, Sun Flower, Treant.
Name : Lummox (green)
STR : 8 QUI : 8 INT : 8 WIL : 8 PSY : 8 VIT : 8 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Tail -> Hedgehog, Masked Cat, Rocky, Scorpion, Wonderdog, Gremlin, Snakeman.
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Trisaur, Iceworm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black
Dragon, Red Dragon, Fishman.
- Heal -> Bucci, Razorback, Unicorn, Sprite, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood,
Wonderdog, Living Mirror, Undine, Mellow, Kitty Crawler.
Name : Lummox (pink)
STR : 4 QUI : 4 INT : 4 WIL : 4 PSY : 4 VIT : 4 CHA : 4
Skills :
- Heal -> Bucci, Razorback, Unicorn, Sprite, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood,
Wonderdog, Living Mirror, Undine, Mellow, Kitty Crawler.
- Psychout -> Bucci, Masked Cat, Rocky, Sleeping Sheep, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Elf Shot -> Wormbrood, Pickbird, Sprite, Dark Fairy.
- Claw -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Red Dragon, Thundragon,
Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Feint -> Frill Neck, Ogre.
- Chop -> Treant, Zombie, Snakeman, Gremlin, Aperider, Mollasite.
Name : Manticore
STR : 64 QUI : 41 INT : 31 WIL : 48 PSY : 20 VIT : 48 CHA : 29
Skills :
- Stink Gas -> Gremlin, Slugger.
- Claw -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Basilisk, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Thundragon, Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Fang -> Chimera, Hellhound, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Xeno,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Living Armor, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Razorback, Cactus, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle,
Crystal Tree, Scorpion, Griffin, Banshee, Siren.
- Stun Gaze -> Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Unknown, Living Armor, Dullahan,
Ghostrider, Nidheg, Black X, Cyclops.
- Dagger Jaw -> Can't be learned
- Beetlejuice -> Armorpilla, Wormbrood.
- Scream -> Chimera, Mandrake, Nightshade, Harpy, Sonicbat, Lich, Skullasaurus,
Red Dragon, Thundragon.
Name : Masked Cat
STR : 8 QUI : 6 INT : 4 WIL : 8 PSY : 3 VIT : 10 CHA : 11
Skills :
- Tail -> Hedgehog, Lummox (green), Rocky, Scorpion, Wonderdog, Snakeman,
- Psychout -> Bucci, Lummox (pink), Rocky, Sleeping Sheep, Kitty Crawler (crawl)
- Da-Dum -> Rocky, Bill King, Ettin, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
Name : Razorback
STR : 25 QUI : 22 INT : 14 WIL : 24 PSY : 11 VIT : 33 CHA : 31
Skills :
- Fang -> Chimera, Hellhound, Manticore, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Xeno,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyveren, Living Armor, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Ogre, Ogre
Lord, Chariot, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Heal -> Bucci, Lummox, Unicorn, Sprite, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood,
Wonderdog, Living Mirror, Undine, Mellow, Kitty Crawler.
- Dagger Jaw -> Can't be learned.
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Cactus, Crystal Tree, Scorpion, Griffin,
Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee, Siren.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Unknown, Living Armor, Dullahan,
Ghostrider, Nidheg, Black X, Cyclops.
Name : Rocky
STR : 8 QUI : 6 INT : 4 WIL : 8 PSY : 3 VIT : 10 CHA : 11
Skills :
- Tail -> Hedgehog, Lummox (green), Masked Cat, Scorpion, Wonderdog, Gremlin,
- Psychout -> Bucci, Lummox (pink), Masked Cat, Sleeping Sheep, Kitty Crawler
- Da-Dum -> Masked Cat, Bill King, Ettin, Rockbaboon, Yetti.
Name : Sleeping Sheep
STR : 46 QUI : 38 INT : 16 WIL : 12 PSY : 28 VIT : 44 CHA : 64
Skills :
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Thundragon,
Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Psychout -> Bucci, Lummox (green), Masked Cat, Rocky, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Spoil -> Bucci, Mandrake, Battlefly, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime, Tanzer,
- Lullaby -> Fat Devil, Sprite, Succubus, Titania, Dark Fairy.
- Tackle -> Hedgehog, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Stampede -> Aperider, Frill Neck, Slugger, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Chariot,
Kitty Crawler (crawl).
Name : Unicorn
STR : 46 QUI : 61 INT : 70 WIL : 45 PSY : 49 VIT : 35 CHA : 71
Skills :
- Energy Chain -> Unicorn only
- Starlight Heal -> Unicorn only
- Life Rain -> Unicorn only.
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Horn -> Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Red
Dragon, Black Dragon, Demon Goat, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Charm Gaze -> Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X, Kitty
Crawler (stand).
- Dash -> Razorback, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Ogre,
Chariot,Ogre Lord, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Runaway -> Can't be learned.
- Magic Heal -> Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood, Living Mirror, Sprite, Undine,

Name : Cactus
STR : 4 QUI : 2 INT : 7 WIL : 13 PSY : 8 VIT : 11 CHA : 7
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Tackle -> Hedgehog, Sleeping Sheep, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living
Axe, Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Crystal Tree, Scorpion,
Griffin, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee, Siren.
Name : Crystal Tree
STR : 64 QUI : 38 INT : 55 WIL : 88 PSY : 79 VIT : 80 CHA : 72
Skills :
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Scorpion, Griffin,
Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee, Siren.
- Gale Attack -> Sickle Bug, Airfolk, Living Sword, Dead Knight, Giant, Mystic,
- Stone Gas -> Black Dragon, Furdo.
- Oscillation -> Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
- Magnetic Storm -> Genbu, Abyss Bat.
Name : Mandrake
STR : 17 QUI : 13 INT : 25 WIL : 32 PSY : 29 VIT : 23 CHA : 25
Skills :
- Rava Shot -> Ghost, Mollasite, Arachne.
- Sleep Gas -> Bill King.
- Spoil -> Bucci, Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime,
Tanzer, Mollasite.
- Scream -> Chimera, Manticore, Nightshade, Harpy, Sonicbat, Lich, Skullasaurus,
Red Dragon, Thundragon.
- Magic Heal -> Unicorn, Sporepile, Wormbrood, Living Mirror, Sprite, Undine,
Name : Nightshade
STR : 34 QUI : 20 INT : 38 WIL : 49 PSY : 43 VIT : 36 CHA : 31
Skills :
- Hypnotism -> Aperider, Quakeworm, Rabbat, Ghost, Demon Goat, Wonderdog.
- Pain Powder -> Battlefly, Harpy.
- Scream -> Chimera, Manticore, Mandrake, Harpy, Sonicbat, Lich, Skullasaurus,
Ettin, Furdo, Banshee, Green Sage.
- Sad Song -> Shrieker, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Undine, Banshee, Succubus,
Dark Fairy.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, razorback, Snowfolk, Unknown, Living Armor, Dullahan,
Ghostrider, Nidheg, Black X, Cyclops.
Name : Shrieker
STR : 53 QUI : 42 INT : 52 WIL : 75 PSY : 68 VIT : 56 CHA : 68
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Spore -> Sporepile, Green Sage.
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Minotaur.
- Trip Gas -> Sporepile.
- Sad Song -> Nightshade, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Undine, Banshee, Succubus,
Dark Fairy.
- Photosynthesis -> Kylin, Sun Flower, Treant.
Name : Sporepile
STR : 12 QUI : 6 INT : 14 WIL : 19 PSY : 21 VIT : 18 CHA : 21
Skills :
- Spore -> Shrieker, Green Sage.
- Spider Net -> Armorpilla, Killer Bee.
- Trip Gas -> Shrieker.
- Magic Heal -> Unicorn, Mandrake, Wormbrood, Living Mirror, Sprite, Undine,
Name : Sunflower
STR : 44 QUI : 25 INT : 47 WIL : 62 PSY : 59 VIT : 54 CHA : 54
Skills :
- Sun Ray -> Treant, Furdo.
- Flash -> Living Mirror, Living Musket, Mystic, Black Knight, Arachne.
- Seed Vulcan -> Living Musket.
- Heat Wave -> Suzaku, Flamefolk, Zyphon, Fire Sage.
- Photosynthesis -> Kylin, Shrieker, Treant.
Name : Trapvine
STR : 26 QUI : 16 INT : 27 WIL : 37 PSY : 34 VIT : 30 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Grasp -> Gaeatoad, Earth Dragon.
- Creep -> Trapvine only.
- Acid Breath -> Bill King, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Black Dragon, Minotaur, Tanzer.
- Feeler -> Treant, Kraken, Waterfolk, Whip Jelly, Mollasite.
Name : Treant
STR : 41 QUI : 23 INT : 50 WIL : 55 PSY : 62 VIT : 50 CHA : 52
Skills :
- Sun Ray -> Sun Flower, Furdo.
- Chop -> Lummox (pink), Treant, Zombie, Snakeman, Gremlin, Aperider, Mollasite.
- Feeler -> Trapvine, Kraken, Waterfolk, Whip Jelly, Mollasite.
- Beat -> Gun Fish, Living Glove.
- Photosynthesis -> Kylin, Shrieker, Sun Flower.

Name : Basilisk
STR : 71 QUI : 51 INT : 56 WIL : 49 PSY : 38 VIT : 62 CHA : 52
Skills :
- Claw -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Red Dragon, Thundragon,
Ettin, Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Poison Grip -> Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Living Armor, Zombie,
Goatzilla, Gremlin.
- Stone Gaze -> Basilisk only.
- Brain Crush -> Axebeak, Living Axe, Living Lance, Snakeman, Siren, Green Sage,
Black Knight.
- Horn -> Unicorn, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Red
Dragon, Demon Goat, Black Dragon, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
Name : Bill King
STR : 48 QUI : 55 INT : 21 WIL : 58 PSY : 26 VIT : 56 CHA : 74
Skills :
- Beak -> Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin, Pickbird, Suzaku
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Acid Breath -> Trapvine, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Black Dragon, Minotaur, Tanzer.
- Water Cannon -> Gekko, Gun Fish, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Jotnar,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Da-Dum -> Gargantu, Masked Cat, Rocky, Ettin, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Sleep Gas -> Mandrake.
Name : Devil Squid
STR : 20 QUI : 16 INT : 12 WIL : 18 PSY : 22 VIT : 21 CHA : 14
Skills :
- Ink -> Kraken, Shellworm.
- Coils -> Whip Jelly, Ankheg, Goblin, Succubus, Titania.
- Thunderbolt -> Genbu, Kraken, Skullasaurus, Ogre Lord, Thundragon, Fishman,
Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Trample -> Chimera, Gargantu, Gaeatoad, Minotaur, Demon Goat, Dullahan, Golem,
Quakeworm, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Trisaur, Ogre Lord, Red Dragon.
- Maelstorm -> Kraken.
Name : Frill Neck
STR : 35 QUI : 33 INT : 29 WIL : 28 PSY : 12 VIT : 36 CHA : 32
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Feint -> Lummox (pink), Ogre.
- Dash -> Kylin, Razorback, Unicorn, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Ogre,
Chariot, Ogre Lord, Were Rhono, Kitty Crawler.
- Bolt Breath -> Minidragon, Gelatin, Unknown, Thundragon.
- Stampede -> Aperider, Sleeping Sheep, Slugger, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Chariot,
Kitty Crawler (crawl).
Name : Gaeatoad
STR : 44 QUI : 12 INT : 40 WIL : 38 PSY : 8 VIT : 68 CHA : 16
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Acid Breath -> Trapvine, Bill King, Slugger, Black Dragon, Minotaur, Tanzer.
- Grasp -> Earth Dragon, Trapvine.
- Trample -> Chimera, Goatzilla, Devil Squid, Trisaur, Quakeworm,Dullahan, Demon
Goat, Earth Dragon, Gargantu, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red Dragon,
- Tremor -> Shrieker, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Minotaur.
- Headbutt -> Can't be learned.
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Shrieker, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
Name : Gekko
STR : 6 QUI : 8 INT : 3 WIL : 1 PSY : 1 VIT : 12 CHA : 7
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Water Cannon -> Bill King, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Tanzer, Gun Fish, Jotnar,
Waterfolk, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Rabbat,
Masked Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
Name : Genbu
STR : 64 QUI : 38 INT : 62 WIL : 52 PSY : 34 VIT : 66 CHA : 60
Skills :
- Fang -> Chimera, Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Thunderbolt -> Devil Squid, Kraken, Skullasaurus, Ogre Lord, Thundragon,
Fishman, Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Tornado -> Abyss Bat.
- Magnetic Storm -> Crystal Tree, Abyss Bat.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Ettin, Jotnar,
Yeti, Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Fang Crush -> Chimera, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Red
Dragon, Thundragon.
Name : Gun Fish
STR : 16 QUI : 19 INT : 15 WIL : 9 PSY : 7 VIT : 20 CHA : 18
Skills :
- Water Cannon -> Bill King, Gekko, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Jotnar,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Tackle -> Hedgehog, Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Beat -> Treant, Living Glove.
Name : Kraken
STR : 78 QUI : 54 INT : 62 WIL : 53 PSY : 44 VIT : 90 CHA : 66
Skills :
- Ink -> Devil Squid, Shellworm.
- Feeler -> Trapvine, Treant, Waterfolk, Whip Jelly, Mollasite.
- Thunderbolt -> Devil Squid, Genbu, Skullasaurus, Ogre Lord, Thundragon,
Fishman, Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Maelstorm -> Devil Squid.
- Mighty Cyclone -> Iceworm.
Name : Platoonpus
STR : 28 QUI : 25 INT : 20 WIL : 22 PSY : 9 VIT : 28 CHA : 37
Skills :
- Beak -> Bill King, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin, Pickbird, Suzaku.
- Sweep -> Platyhooks, Whip Jelly.
- Rock -> Gargantu, Harpy, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Were Rhino.
- Mystery Trap -> Kylin, Berva, Snowfolk, Rockbaboon.
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
Name : Platyhooks
STR : 18 QUI : 24 INT : 8 WIL : 19 PSY : 38 VIT : 12 CHA : 14
Skills :
- Sharp Shot -> Can't be learned.
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin, Pickbird, Suzaku.
- Sweep -> Platoonpus, Whip Jelly.
- Pheromon -> Battlefly, Demon Goat, Arachne.
- Water Cannon -> Bill King, Gekko, Gun Fish, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Jotnar,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Poison Grip -> Basilisk, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Living Armor, Zombie, Goatzilla,
Name : Trisaur
STR : 63 QUI : 49 INT : 31 WIL : 39 PSY : 21 VIT : 55 CHA : 40
Skills :
- Horn -> Unicorn, Basilisk, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Red
Dragon, Black Dragon, Demon Goat, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Dash -> Kylin, Razorback, Unicorn, Frill Neck, Living Armor, Living Lance,
Chariot, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Tremor -> Shrieker, gaeatoad, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur.
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Iceworm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black Dragon,
Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Trample -> Chimera, Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Quakeworm, Demon Goat,
Dullahan, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red

Name : Armorpilla
STR : 17 QUI : 6 INT : 3 WIL : 22 PSY : 15 VIT : 27 CHA : 15
Skills :
- Horn -> Unicorn, Basilisk, Trisaur, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Black
Dragon, Demon Goat, Red Dragon, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Spider Net -> Killer Bee, Sporepile.
- Blade Net -> Killer Bee, Living Sword, Bat Knight, Arachne.
- Beetlejuice -> Manticore, Wormbrood.
Name : Battlefly
STR : 31 QUI : 47 INT : 16 WIL : 40 PSY : 37 VIT : 46 CHA : 45
Skills :
- Pain Powder -> Nightshade, Harpy.
- Bloodsucker -> Zeroworm, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Xeno, Black X, Skullasaurus,
Banshee, Succubus, Titania.
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Harpy, Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Zyphon, Waterfolk,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Pheromon -> Platyhooks, Demon Goat, Arachne.
- Spoil -> Bucci, Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime,
Tanzer, Mollasite.
Name : Iceworm
STR : 60 QUI : 69 INT : 27 WIL : 72 PSY : 41 VIT : 82 CHA : 58
Skills :
- Scissors -> Scorpion, Shellworm, Zeroworm, Black X.
- Ice Slash -> Iceworm only.
- Arctic Breath -> Genbu, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Ettin, Jotnar, Yeti,
Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Mighty Cyclone -> Kraken.
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Trisaur, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake,Black Dragon,
Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
Name : Killer Bee
STR : 18 QUI : 33 INT : 9 WIL : 28 PSY : 21 VIT : 29 CHA : 26
Skills :
- Thrust -> Living Lance, Dead Knight, Nidheg, Skeleton, Ogre, Fishman, Sir
Demon, Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
- Spider Net -> Sporepile, Armorpilla.
- Blade Net -> Armorpilla, Living Sword, Bat Knight, Arachne.
- Spin Tackle -> Killer Bee only.
- Lance -> Living Lance, Dullahan, Chariot, Mellow, Black Knight.
Name : Quakeworm
STR : 25 QUI : 25 INT : 15 WIL : 15 PSY : 15 VIT : 25 CHA : 20
Skills :
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Hypnotism -> Aperider, Nightshade, Rabbat, Ghost, Demon Goat, Wonderdog.
- Fire Kiss -> Abyss Bat, Succubus, Lamia, Dark Fairy.
- Trample -> Chimera, Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur,Dullahan, Demon
Goat, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red
- Oscillation -> Crystal Tree, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
- Quake -> Gargantu, Zeroworm, Cyclops, Earth Dragon, Golem, Were Rhino.
Name : Scorpion
STR : 32 QUI : 21 INT : 12 WIL : 37 PSY : 26 VIT : 44 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Scissors -> Iceworm, Shellworm, Zeroworm, Black X.
- Poison Needle -> Wyvern.
- Tail -> Hedgehog, Lummox (green), Masked Cat, Rocky, Wonderdog, Snakeman,
- Ground Hit -> Axebeak, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre Lord, Ogre, Mystic,
Fat Devil.
Name : Shellworm
STR : 9 QUI : 12 INT : 1 WIL : 12 PSY : 3 VIT : 12 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Scissors -> Iceworm, Scorpion, Zeroworm, Black X.
- Ink -> Devil Squid, Kraken.
- Tackle -> Hedgehog, Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
Name : Sickle Bug
STR : 52 QUI : 65 INT : 24 WIL : 45 PSY : 47 VIT : 70 CHA : 65
Skills :
- Blade -> Harpy, Liquid Metal, Living Sword, Skeleton, Giant, Mystic, Zyphon,
Fat Devil, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Gale Attack -> Crystal Tree, Airfolk, Living Sword, Dead Knight, Mystic,
Giant, Zyphon.
- Glider Spike -> Cockatrice, Griffin, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Wyvern, Abyss Bat,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
- Oscillation -> Crystal Tree, Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
- Death Grip -> Zeroworm, Mimic, Lich, Black Dragon, Lamia.
Name : Slugger
STR : 48 QUI : 28 INT : 20 WIL : 50 PSY : 45 VIT : 80 CHA : 18
Skills :
- Fang Crush -> Chimera, Genbu, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Red
Dragon, Thundragon.
- Acid Breath -> Trapvine, Bill King, Gaeatoad, Black Dragon, Minotaur, Tanzer.
- Stampede -> Aperider, Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Dullahan, Ghostrider,
Chariot, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Stink Gas -> Gremlin, Manticore.
- Quicksand -> Cockatrice, Time Lord.
Name : Wormbrood
STR : 20 QUI : 20 INT : 20 WIL : 20 PSY : 20 VIT : 20 CHA : 20
Skills :
- Assist -> Mellow.
- Magic Heal -> Unicorn, Mandrake, Sporepile, Living Mirror, Sprite, Undine,
- Beetlejuice -> Manticore, Armorpilla.
- Elf Shot -> Lummox (pink), Pickbird, Sprite, Dark Fairy.
- Poison Grip -> Basilisk, Platyhooks, Gremlin, Living Armor, Zombie, Goatzilla,
Name : Zeroworm
STR : 69 QUI : 75 INT : 31 WIL : 78 PSY : 46 VIT : 86 CHA : 70
Skills :
- Scissors -> Iceworm, Scorpion, Shellworm, Black X.
- Bloodsucker -> Battlefly, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Skullasaurus, Xeno, Black X,
Banshee, Succubus, Titania.
- Death Grip -> Sickle Bug, Mimic, Lich, Black Dragon, Lamia.
- Petrify -> Cockatrice.
- Oscillation -> Crystal Tree, Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
- Tremor -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem.
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Minotaur.
- Light Ball -> Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Abyss Bat, Spear Valkyrie, Siren,
Sword Valkyrie, Dark Fairy.
- Quake -> Gargantu, Quakeworm, Cyclops, Earth Dragon, Golem, Were Rhino.

Name : Axebeak
STR : 49 QUI : 38 INT : 17 WIL : 34 PSY : 29 VIT : 37 CHA : 38
Skills :
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Cockatrice, Griffin, Pickbird,
- Brain Crush -> Basilisk, Living Axe, Living Lance, Snakeman, Siren, Green
Sage, Black Knight.
- Tremor -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur.
- Ground Hit -> Scorpion, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre Lord, Ogre, Mystic,
Fat Devil.
Name : Cockatrice
STR : 55 QUI : 61 INT : 28 WIL : 47 PSY : 67 VIT : 39 CHA : 55
Skills :
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Griffin, Pickbird, Suzaku.
- Petrify -> Zeroworm.
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Trisaur, Iceworm, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black Dragon, Red
Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Glider Spike -> Sickle Bug, Griffin, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Wyvern, Abyss Bat, Fire
Sage, Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight, Bat Knight,
Black Knight.
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Hunt Knight,
Harpy, Minidragon, Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk,
Waterfolk, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie.
- Quicksand -> Slugger, Time Lord.
Name : Dragonpup
STR : 21 QUI : 28 INT : 19 WIL : 20 PSY : 26 VIT : 17 CHA : 32
Skills :
- Fang -> Chimera, Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked
Rabbat, Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living
Armor, Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Horn -> Unicorn, Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Demon
Goat, Skulldrake, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Fire Breath -> Hellhound, Suzaku, Mimic, Skulldrake, Ettin, Red Dragon, Lion
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Harpy, Minidragon, Pickbird,
Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Thundragon,
Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Fang Crush -> Chimera, Genbu, Slugger, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Red
Dragon, Thundragon.
Name : Griffin
STR : 82 QUI : 90 INT : 42 WIL : 76 PSY : 89 VIT : 63 CHA : 78
Skills :
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin,
Pickbird, Suzaku.
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Trisaur, Iceworm, Cockatrice, Skulldrake, Black Dragon,
Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Glider Spike -> Sickle Bug, Cockatrice, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Wyvern, Abyss Bat,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
- Windblast -> Sphinx, Wyvern, Airfolk, Snowfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green Sage.
- Griffith Scratch -> Black Dragon.
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Crystal Tree, Siren,
Scorpion, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee.
Name : Harpy
STR : 27 QUI : 32 INT : 24 WIL : 22 PSY : 18 VIT : 28 CHA : 51
Skills :
- Blade -> Sickle Bug, Liquid Metal, Living Sword, Skeleton, Giant, Mystic, Fat
Devil, Zyphon, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Hunt
Knight, Minidragon, Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Sword
Valkyrie, Waterfolk, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Zyphon.
- Rock -> Gargantu, Platoonpus, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Yeti, Rockbaboon, Were
- Scream -> Chimera, Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Sonicbat, Lich, Banshee,
Skullasaurus, Ettin, Furdo, Green Sage.
- Pain Powder -> Nightshade, Battlefly.
Name : Masked Rabbat
STR : 14 QUI : 22 INT : 8 WIL : 15 PSY : 22 VIT : 9 CHA : 21
Skills :
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Sword Valkyrie, Waterfolk,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Zyphon, Hunt Knight.
- Fang -> Rabbat, Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Minidragon,
Chimera, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor, Living Mirror,
Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Supersonic -> Hedgehog, Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Bloodsucker -> Battlefly, Zeroworm, Rabbat, Xeno, Skullasaurus, Black X,
Banshee, Succubus, Titania.
Name : Minidragon
STR : 21 QUI : 28 INT : 19 WIL : 20 PSY : 26 VIT : 17 CHA : 32
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Chimera, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Bolt Breath -> Frill Neck, Gelatin, Unknown, Thundragon.
- Horn -> Unicorn, Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Skulldrake, Black
Dragon, Demon Goat, Red Dragon, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Waterfolk,
Masked Rabbat, Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Thundragon,
Sword Valkyrie, Gargoyle, Zyphon, Hunt Knight.
Name : Pickbird
STR : 4 QUI : 15 INT : 3 WIL : 9 PSY : 9 VIT : 1 CHA : 11
Skills :
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin,
Griffin, Suzaku.
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Gargoyle, Harpy, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Hunt Knight,
Sword Valkyrie, Thundragon, Dragonpup, Zyphon.
- Elf Shot -> Lummox (pink), Wormbrood, Sprite, Dark Fairy.
Name : Rabbat
STR : 14 QUI : 22 INT : 8 WIL : 15 PSY : 22 VIT : 9 CHA : 21
Skills :
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Gargoyle, Harpy, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Pickbird, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Hunt Knight,
Sword Valkyrie, Thundragon, Dragonpup, Zyphon.
- Fang -> Chimera, Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked
Rabbat, Minidragon, Dragonpup, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living
Armor, Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Hedgehog, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Bloodsucker -> Titania, Masked Rabbat, Battlefly, Xeno, Black X, Skullasaurus,
Banshee, Succubus, Zeroworm.
- Hypnotism -> Nightshade, Quakeworm, Aperider, Ghost, Demon Goat, Wonderdog.
Name : Sonicbat
STR : 26 QUI : 47 INT : 13 WIL : 49 PSY : 37 VIT : 36 CHA : 31
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Rabbat, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat, Living
Armor, Minidragon, Manticore, Chimera, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Hedgehog, Rabbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Poison Grip -> Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Basilisk, Living Armor, Zombie,
Goatzilla, Gremlin.
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Lich, Banshee, Skullasaurus, Ettin,
Furdo, Chimera, Harpy, Green Sage.
- Glider Spike -> Cockatrice, Griffin, Sickle Bug, Suzaku, Wyvern, Abyss Bat,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
Name : Sphinx
STR : 43 QUI : 58 INT : 94 WIL : 33 PSY : 46 VIT : 51 CHA : 64
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Chimera, Sonicbat, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Sleeping Sheep,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Windblast -> Griffin, Wyvern, Airfolk, Snowfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green Sage.
- Sacred Song -> Kylin, Suzaku, Death Lord, Ettin, Black Knight.
- Sphinx Riddle -> Sphinx only.
Name : Suzaku
STR : 56 QUI : 78 INT : 45 WIL : 51 PSY : 57 VIT : 66 CHA : 82
Skills :
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Sleeping Sheep, Zyphon,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Beak -> Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin, Pickbird, Bill
- Glider Spike -> Cockatrice, Griffin, Sickle Bug, Sonicbat, Wyvern, Abyss Bat,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Hellhound, Mimic, Skulldrake, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Lion Princess.
- Flame Blast -> Hellhound, Skulldrake, Red Dragon.
- Heat Wave -> Sun Flower, Flamefolk, Zyphon, Fire Sage.
- Fire Barrier -> Suzaku only.
- Sacred Song -> Kylin, Sphinx, Death Lord, Ettin, Black Knight.
Name : Wyvern
STR : 53 QUI : 60 INT : 26 WIL : 45 PSY : 49 VIT : 29 CHA : 50
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Chimera, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Poison Needle -> Scorpion.
- Glider Spike -> Cockatrice, Griffin, Sickle Bug, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Abyss Bat,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
- Windblast -> Griffin, Sphinx, Airfolk, Snowfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green Sage.

Name : Airfolk
STR : 38 QUI : 52 INT : 37 WIL : 36 PSY : 69 VIT : 70 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Vapor Blast -> Kylin.
- Windblast -> Griffin, Sphinx, Wyvern, Snowfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green Sage.
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Waterfolk, Sleeping Sheep, Zyphon,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Gale Attack -> Sickle Bug, Living Sword, Dead Knight, Giant, Mystic, Crystal
Tree, Zyphon.
- Stun Touch -> Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Undine.
- Silf -> Spear Valkyrie, Snowfolk.
Name : Big Slime
STR : 12 QUI : 3 INT : 9 WIL : 23 PSY : 24 VIT : 30 CHA : 4
Skills :
- Solvent -> Huge Slime, Slime, Xeno.
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Bucci, Huge Slime, Slime,
Tanzer, Mollasite.
- Poison Gun -> Huge Slime, Living Armor.
Name : Fire Crystal
STR : 10 QUI : 22 INT : 17 WIL : 31 PSY : 44 VIT : 31 CHA : 30
Skills :
- Stun Touch -> Airfolk, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Undine.
- Light Ball -> Zeroworm, Ice Crystal, Abyss Bat, Spear Valkyrie, Siren, Sword
Valkyrie, Dark Fairy.
- Heat Smash -> Flamefolk, Liquid Metal, Skulldrake, Giant, Red Dragon, Fire
- Oscillation -> Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Crystal Tree, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
Name : Flamefolk
STR : 38 QUI : 52 INT : 37 WIL : 36 PSY : 69 VIT : 70 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Salamander -> Flamefolk only.
- Ignis -> Flamefolk only.
- Heat Wave -> Suzaku, Sun Flower, Zyphon, Fire Sage.
- Heat Smash -> Fire Crystal, Liquid Metal, Skulldrake, Giant, Red Dragon, Fire
Name : Gelatin
STR : 32 QUI : 36 INT : 16 WIL : 74 PSY : 68 VIT : 99 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Bolt Breath -> Minidragon, Frill Neck, Unknown, Thundragon.
- Bolt Blast -> Unknown, Thundragon.
- Ectoplasnet -> Ankheg, Green Sage, Bat Knight.
Name : Huge Slime
STR : 12 QUI : 3 INT : 9 WIL : 23 PSY : 24 VIT : 30 CHA : 4
Skills :
- Solvent -> Big Slime, Slime, Xeno.
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Bucci, Big Slime, Slime, Tanzer,
- Poison Gun -> Big Slime, Living Armor.
Name : Ice Crystal
STR : 12 QUI : 22 INT : 17 WIL : 31 PSY : 44 VIT : 31 CHA : 30
Skills :
- Water Cannon -> Gekko, Gun Fish, Platyhooks, Bill King, Waterfolk, Jotnar,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Stun Touch -> Fire Crystal, Air Folk, Waterfolk, Undine.
- Light Ball -> Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Abyss Bat, Spear Valkyrie, Siren, Sword
Valkyrie, Dark Fairy.
- Ice Smash -> Liquid Metal, Snowfolk, Giant, Jotnar.
- Oscillation -> Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Crystal Tree, Fire Crystal,
Chariot, Tanzer.
Name : Liquid Metal
STR : 40 QUI : 40 INT : 40 WIL : 40 PSY : 40 VIT : 40 CHA : 40
Skills :
- Blade -> Harpy, Sickle Bug, Living Sword, Skeleton, Giant, Mystic, Zyphon,
Fat Devil, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Heat Smash -> Fire Crystal, Flamefolk, Skulldrake, Giant, Red Dragon, Fire
- Ice Smash -> Ice Crystal, Snowfolk, Giant, Jotnar.
- Death Touch -> Lich, Abyss Bat, Succubus.
Name : Slime
STR : 8 QUI : 3 INT : 8 WIL : 23 PSY : 23 VIT : 24 CHA : 30
Skills :
- Solvent -> Big Slime, Huge Slime, Xeno.
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Bucci, Big Slime, Huge Slime,
Tanzer, Mollasite.
Name : Snowfolk
STR : 56 QUI : 46 INT : 28 WIL : 82 PSY : 66 VIT : 88 CHA : 90
Skills :
- Ice Smash -> Ice Crystal, Liquid Metal, Giant, Jotnar.
- Ice Breath -> Snowfolk only.
- Windblast -> Griffin, Sphinx, Wyvern, Airfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green Sage.
- Mystery Trap -> Kylin, Berva, Platoonpus, Rockbaboon.
- Silf -> Spear Valkyrie, Airfolk.
- Stun Gaze -> Razorback, Nightshade, Manticore, Unknown, Living Armor, Nidheg,
Dullahan, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Ice Barrier -> Jotnar.
Name : Unknown
STR : 22 QUI : 24 INT : 62 WIL : 48 PSY : 46 VIT : 32 CHA : 17
Skills :
- Stun Gaze -> Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Manticore, Living Armor, Nidheg,
Dullahan, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X, Kitty
Crawler (stand).
- Death Gaze -> Living Mirror, Mimic, Dullahan, Black X, Demon Goat.
- Bolt Breath -> Minidragon, Gelatin, Frill Neck, Thundragon.
- Bolt Blast -> Gelatin, Thundragon.
Name : Waterfolk
STR : 38 QUI : 52 INT : 37 WIL : 36 PSY : 69 VIT : 70 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Water Cannon -> Gekko, Gun Fish, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Bill King, Jotnar,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Feeler -> Treant, Kraken, Trapvine, Whip Jelly, Mollasite.
- Stun Touch -> Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Airfolk, Undine.
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Sleeping Sheep, Zyphon,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Genbu, Living Mirror, Ghost, Ettin, Jotnar, Yeti,
Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
Name : Whip Jelly
STR : 16 QUI : 20 INT : 16 WIL : 21 PSY : 33 VIT : 26 CHA : 18
Skills :
- Sweep -> Platyhooks, Platoonpus.
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Hedgehog, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Feeler -> Treant, Kraken, Trapvine, Waterfolk, Mollasite.
- Coils -> Devil Squid, Ankheg, Goblin, Succubus, Titania.
Name : Xeno
STR : 2 QUI : 2 INT : 1 WIL : 16 PSY : 13 VIT : 16 CHA : 4
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Chimera, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Solvent -> Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime.
- Bloodsucker -> Zeroworm, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Battlefly, Black X, Succubus,
Skullasaurus, Banshee, Titania.

Name : Living Armor
STR : 27 QUI : 22 INT : 29 WIL : 16 PSY : 51 VIT : 35 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Psycho Armor -> Living Armor only.
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Chimera, Xeno, Living
Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Stun Gaze -> Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Manticore, Unknown, Dullahan,
Nidheg, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Poison Gun -> Huge Slime, Big Slime.
- Poison Grip -> Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Basilisk, Zombie, Gremlin,
- Poison Gas -> Living Aromor only.
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Razorback, Living Lance, Ogre, Chariot,
Ogre Lord, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
Name : Living Axe
STR : 9 QUI : 7 INT : 1 WIL : 4 PSY : 18 VIT : 13 CHA : 11
Skills :
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Minotaur, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Brain Crush -> Axebeak, Basilisk, Living Lance, Snakeman, Siren, Green Sage,
Black Knight.
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Hedgehog,
Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
Name : Living Glove
STR : 25 QUI : 18 INT : 6 WIL : 13 PSY : 38 VIT : 30 CHA : 18
Skills :
- Air Throw -> Can't be learned.
- Dragon Turn -> Can't be learned.
- Crush Beat -> Living Glove only.
- Backfist -> Can't be learned.
- Dagger Jaw - Can't be learned.
- Beat -> Gun Fish, Treant.
- Power Beat -> Chimera, Goatzilla, Golem, Were Rhino.
Name : Living Lance
STR : 15 QUI : 14 INT : 3 WIL : 9 PSY : 31 VIT : 14 CHA : 16
Skills :
- Thrust -> Killer Bee, Dead Knight, Nidheg, Skeleton, Ogre, Fishman, Sir Demon,
Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Razorback, Ogre, Ogre
Lord, Chariot, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Brain Crush -> Axebeak, Living Axe, Basilisk, Snakeman, Siren, Green Sage,
Black Knight.
- Lance -> Killer Bee, Dullahan, Chariot, Mellow, Black Knight.
Name : Living Mirror
STR : 51 QUI : 46 INT : 22 WIL : 34 PSY : 82 VIT : 45 CHA : 51
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Chimera, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Fang Crush -> Chimera, Slugger, Dragonpup, Genbu, Skullasaurus, Red Dragon,
- Flash -> Sun Flower, Living Musket, Mystic, Black Knight, Arachne.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Genbu, Ghost, Ettin, Jotnar, Banshee,
Yeti, Undine, Lion Princess.
- Magic Heal -> Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood, Unicorn, Sprite, Undine, Mellow.
- Spin Attack -> Living Sword, Mimic, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Zyphon, Goblin,
Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Psy Reflector -> Living Mirror only.
- Death Gaze -> Unknown, Mimic, Dullahan, Black X, Demon Goat.
Name : Living Musket
STR : 42 QUI : 46 INT : 13 WIL : 36 PSY : 60 VIT : 55 CHA : 44
Skills :
- Possession -> Can't be learned.
- Shot -> Can't be learned.
- Flash -> Sun Flower, Living Mirror, Mystic, Black Knight, Arachne.
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Hedgehog,
Living Axe, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Grape Shot -> Fishman.
- Seed Vulcan -> Sun Flower.
Name : Living Sword
STR : 35 QUI : 35 INT : 35 WIL : 35 PSY : 35 VIT : 35 CHA : 35
Skills :
- Possession -> Can't be learned.
- Blade -> Harpy, Liquid Metal, Sickle Bug, Skeleton, Giant, Mystic, Zyphon, Fat
Devil, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Blade Net -> Armorpilla, Killer Bee, Bat Knight, Arachne.
- Spin Attack -> Living Mirror, Mimic, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Kitty Crawler,
Zyphon, Goblin.
- Gale Attack -> Sickle Bug, Airfolk, Crystal Tree, Dead Knight, Giant, Mystic,
Name : Mimic
STR : 70 QUI : 60 INT : 45 WIL : 55 PSY : 88 VIT : 65 CHA : 62
Skills :
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X, Kitty
Crawler (stand).
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Suzaku, Hellhound, Skulldrake, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Lion Princess.
- Iron Ball -> Earth Dragon.
- Spin Attack -> Living Mirror, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Living Sword, Zyphon,
Goblin, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Death Grip -> Zeroworm, Sickle Bug, Lich, Black Dragon, Lamia.
- Death Gaze -> Unknown, Living Mirror, Dullahan, Black X, Demon Goat.
- Titus Wave -> Black Dragon, Chariot, Golem, Ogre Lord, Zyphon, Black Knight.

Name : Ankheg
STR : 57 QUI : 51 INT : 19 WIL : 46 PSY : 29 VIT : 57 CHA : 13
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Chimera, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Living Mirror,
Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- HP Drain -> Dead Knight, Death Lord, Tanzer, Arachne.
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Shrieker, Berva, Chariot,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur.
- Ectoplasnet -> Gelatin, Green Sage, Bat Knight.
- Deathsynthesis -> Dead Knight, Death Lord, Dullahan, Ghost, Ghostrider, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
- Coils -> Whip Jelly, Devil Squid, Goblin, Succubus, Titania.
- Dagger Jaw -> Can't be learned.
Name : Dead Knight
STR : 42 QUI : 34 INT : 24 WIL : 41 PSY : 24 VIT : 40 CHA : 41
Skills :
- Thunder Thrust -> Can't be learned.
- Stun Slash -> Can't be learned.
- Double Slash -> Can't be learned.
- Headwind -> Can't be learned.
- Deflect -> Can't be learned.
- HP Drain -> Ankheg, Death Lord, Tanzer, Arachne.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Death Lord, Dullahan, Ghost, Ghostrider, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
- Ground Hit -> Axebeak, Scorpion, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre Lord, Ogre, Mystic, Fat
- Gale Attack -> Sickle Bug, Airfolk, Living Sword, Crystal Tree, Giant, Mystic,
Name : Death Lord
STR : 41 QUI : 34 INT : 34 WIL : 40 PSY : 34 VIT : 44 CHA : 40
Skills :
- Kusanagi -> Death Lord only.
- HP Drain -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Tanzer, Arachne.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Dullahan, Lich, Black X, Kitty Crawler
- Minion Strike -> Arachne.
- Sacred Song -> Sphinx, Suzaku, Kylin, Ettin, Black Knight.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Dullahan, Ghost, Ghostrider, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
Name : Dullahan
STR : 94 QUI : 82 INT : 61 WIL : 72 PSY : 54 VIT : 75 CHA : 79
Skills :
- Lance -> Living Lance, Killer Bee, Chariot, Mellow, Black Knight.
- Death Gaze -> Unknown, Living Mirror, Mimic, Black X, Demon Goat.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Lich, Black X,
Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Chimera, Demon
Goat, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red
- Stampede -> Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Slugger, Aperider, Ghostrider, Kitty
Crawler (crawl), Chariot.
- Siren -> Ghostrider, Lamia.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Ghostrider, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
Name : Ghost
STR : 14 QUI : 16 INT : 13 WIL : 22 PSY : 16 VIT : 12 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Rava Shot -> Mandrake, Mollasite, Arachne.
- Pain Doubler -> Tanzer, Arachne.
- Ghost Touch -> Ghostrider, Undine.
- Hypnotism -> Nightshade, Quakeworm, Rabbat, Aperider, Demon Goat, Wonderdog.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Genbu, Ettin, Jotnar,
Yeti, Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
Name : Ghostrider
STR : 37 QUI : 34 INT : 23 WIL : 32 PSY : 28 VIT : 32 CHA : 28
Skills :
- Ghost Touch -> Ghost, Undine.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Hedgehog, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Dullahan, Black X, Cyclops.
- Stampede -> Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Slugger, Aperider, Dullahan, Kitty
Crawler (crawl), Chariot.
- Siren -> Dullahan, Lamia.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Lich,
Nidheg, Skeleton, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
Name : Lich
STR : 39 QUI : 51 INT : 94 WIL : 74 PSY : 64 VIT : 34 CHA : 44
Skills :
- Death Grip -> Zeroworm, Mimic, Sickle Bug, Black Dragon, Lamia.
- Death Touch -> Liquid Metal, Abyss Bat, Succubus.
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Sonicbat, Banshee, Skullasaurus,
Ettin, Furdo, Chimera, Harpy, Green Sage.
- Deadly Moss -> Green Sage, Mollasite.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Skeleton,
Nidheg, Ghostrider, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Black X, Kitty
Crawler (stand).
- Counter Fear -> Banshee, Green Sage.
- Magi Barrie -> Mollasite.
Name : Nidheg
STR : 59 QUI : 63 INT : 13 WIL : 32 PSY : 14 VIT : 37 CHA : 13
Skills :
- Thrust -> Living Lance, Dead Knight, Killer Bee, Skeleton, Ogre, Fishman, Sir
Demon, Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Hedgehog, Ettin.
- Centipede Crush -> Nidheg only.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Skeleton,
Lich, Ghostrider, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
Name : Skeleton
STR : 11 QUI : 8 INT : 3 WIL : 15 PSY : 4 VIT : 15 CHA : 6
Skills :
- Stun Slash -> Can't be learned.
- Blade -> Harpy, Liquid Metal, Living Sword, Sickle Bug, Giant, Mystic, Zyphon,
Fat Devil, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Nidheg,
Lich, Ghostrider, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
- Ground Hit -> Axebeak, Dead Knight, Scorpion, Berva, Ogre Lord, Ogre, Mystic,
Fat Devil.
- Thrust -> Living Lance, Dead Knight, Killer Bee, Nidheg, Ogre, Fishman, Sir
Demon, Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
Name : Skullasaurus
STR : 71 QUI : 67 INT : 37 WIL : 77 PSY : 34 VIT : 40 CHA : 47
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Chimera, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, Gargoyle,
- Bloodsucker -> Zeroworm, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Xeno, Black X, Battlefly,
Banshee, Succubus, Titania.
- Fang Crush -> Chimera, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Genbu, Red Dragon,
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Lich, Banshee, Chimera, Ettin,
Furdo, Sonicbat, Harpy, Green Sage.
- Thunderbolt -> Genbu, Kraken, Devil Squid, Ogre Lord, Thundragon, Fishman,
Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Nidheg,
Lich, Ghostrider, Skeleton, Skulldrake.
Name : Skulldrake
STR : 42 QUI : 26 INT : 28 WIL : 28 PSY : 26 VIT : 21 CHA : 13
Skills :
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Suzaku, Mimic, Hellhound, Ettin, Red Dragon, Lion
- Flame Blast -> Suzaku, Hellhound, Red Dragon.
- Heat Smash -> Flamefolk, Liquid Metal, Fire Crystal, Giant, Red Dragon, Fire
- Tail Hit -> Gargantu, Iceworm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Trisaur, Black Dragon, Red
Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Horn -> Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Unicorn, Black
Dragon, Red Dragon, Demon Goat, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ghost, Dullahan, Nidheg,
Lich, Ghostrider, Skeleton, Skullasaurus.
Name : Zombie
STR : 28 QUI : 6 INT : 2 WIL : 34 PSY : 1 VIT : 44 CHA : 1
Skills :
- Machine Vulcan -> Can't be learned.
- Chop -> Lummox (pink), Treant, Aperider, Snakeman, Gremlin, Mollasite.
- Poison Grip -> Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Living Armor, Basilisk,
Goatzilla, Gremlin.

Name : Abyss Bat
STR : 81 QUI : 68 INT : 90 WIL : 62 PSY : 70 VIT : 89 CHA : 81
Skills :
- Life Steal -> Abyss Bat only.
- Death Touch -> Lich, Liquid Metal, Succubus.
- Light Ball -> Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Zeroworm, Spear Valkyrie, Siren, Dark
Fairy, Sword Valkyrie.
- Glider Spike -> Cockatrice, Griffin, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Wyvern, Sickle Bug,
Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage, Hunt Knight, Bat
Knight, Black Knight.
- Tornado -> Genbu.
- Fire Kiss -> Quakeworm, Succubus, Lamia, Dark Fairy.
- Magnetic Storm -> Genbu, Crystal Tree.
Name : Berva
STR : 30 QUI : 28 INT : 20 WIL : 15 PSY : 15 VIT : 16 CHA : 60
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Magin Rampage -> Masked Giant.
- Mad Attack -> Can't be learned.
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Shrieker, Goatzilla,
Chariot, Cyclops, Golem, Minotaur.
- God Hand -> Can't be learned.
- Ground Hit -> Scorpion, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Axebeak, Ogre Lord, Fat Devil,
Ogre, Mystic.
- Diving Press -> Can't be learned.
- Power Bomb -> Can't be learned.
- Mystery Trap -> Platoonpus, Kylin, Snowfolk, Rockbaboon.
- Sway Back -> Can't be learned.
Name : Black Dragon
STR : 89 QUI : 63 INT : 49 WIL : 64 PSY : 71 VIT : 92 CHA : 61
Skills :
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Chimera, Skullasaurus, Ankheg, Red Dragon, Living Mirror, Gargoyle,
- Death Grip -> Zeroworm, Mimic, Lich, Sickle Bug, Lamia.
- Horn -> Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Red
Dragon, Unicorn, Demon Goat, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Acid Breath -> Bill King, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Trapvine, Minotaur, Tanzer.
- Tail Hit -> Trisaur, Ice Worm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Gargantu,
Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Stone Gas -> Crystal Tree, Furdo.
- Titus Wave -> Mimic, Chariot, Golem, Ogre Lord, Zyphon, Black Knight.
- Griffith Scratch -> Griffin.
Name : Black X
STR : 50 QUI : 55 INT : 50 WIL : 50 PSY : 50 VIT : 50 CHA : 99
Skills :
- Chain Heat -> Green Sage.
- Death Gaze -> Living Mirror, Mimic, Dullahan, Unknown, Demon Goat.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Cyclops.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X,
Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Bloodsucker -> Zeroworm, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Xeno, Battlefly, Succubus,
Skullasaurus, Banshee, Titania.
- Scissors -> Scorpion, Shellworm, Zeroworm, Iceworm.
Name : Chariot
STR : 79 QUI : 56 INT : 64 WIL : 56 PSY : 72 VIT : 80 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Lance -> Living Lance, Dullahan, Killer Bee, Mellow, Black Knight.
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Ogre, Ogre
Lord, Razorback, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Headbutt -> Can't be learned.
- Titus Wave -> Black Dragon, Mimic, Golem, Ogre Lord, Zyphon, Black Knight.
- Oscillation -> Crystal Tree, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Quakeworm, Tanzer.
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Shrieker,
Cyclops, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur.
- Stampede -> Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Slugger, Dullahan, Ghostrider,
Aperider, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
Name : Cyclops
STR : 41 QUI : 24 INT : 6 WIL : 58 PSY : 8 VIT : 40 CHA : 10
Skills :
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Black X.
- Diving Press -> Can't be learned.
- Quake -> Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Gargantu, Earth Dragon, Golem, Were Rhino.
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Gargantu, Ettin, Golem, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Were
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem,
Shrieker, Goatzilla, Minotaur.
Name : Demon Goat
STR : 62 QUI : 49 INT : 48 WIL : 16 PSY : 37 VIT : 41 CHA : 43
Skills :
- Horn -> Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake, Red
Dragon, Black Dragon, Unicorn, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Hypnotism -> Aperider, Quakeworm, Rabbat, Ghost, Nightshade, Wonderdog.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Chimera, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red
- Pheromon -> Battlefly, Platyhooks, Arachne.
- Death Gaze -> Living Mirror, Mimic, Dullahan, Black X, Unknown.
Name : Earth Dragon
STR : 88 QUI : 30 INT : 10 WIL : 35 PSY : 20 VIT : 99 CHA : 50
Skills :
- Iron Ball -> Mimic.
- Grasp -> Gaeatoad, Trapvine.
- Gas Flame -> Chimera, Sir Demon.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Chimera, Demon Goat, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord, Red
- Quake -> Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Gargantu, Cyclops, Golem, Were Rhino.
Name : Ettin
STR : 42 QUI : 26 INT : 32 WIL : 26 PSY : 37 VIT : 42 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Suzaku, Mimic, Skulldrake, Hellhound, Red Dragon,
Lion Princess.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Genbu, Jotnar,
Yeti, Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Hedgehog.
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Lich, Banshee, Skullasaurus, Harpy,
Chimera, Furdo, Sonicbat, Green Sage.
- Claw -> Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Bucci, Red Dragon,
Thundragon,Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Gargantu, Golem, Yeti, Rockbaboon, Were
- Da-Dum -> Masked Cat, Rocky, Bill King, Gargantu, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Sacred Song -> Sphinx, Suzaku, Death Lord, Kylin, Black Knight.
Name : Giant
STR : 59 QUI : 58 INT : 72 WIL : 63 PSY : 80 VIT : 89 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Blade -> Sickle Bug, Liquid Metal, Living Sword, Skeleton, Harpy, Mystic, Fat
Devil, Zyphon, Sir Demon, Fire Sage.
- Heat Smash -> Flamefolk, Liquid Metal, Skulldrake, Fire Crystal, Red Dragon,
Fire Sage.
- Ice Smash -> Liquid Metal, Snowfolk, Ice Crystal, Jotnar.
- Gale Attack -> Sickle Bug, Airfolk, Living Sword, Dead Knight, Crystal Tree,
Mystic, Zyphon.
Name : Goatzilla
STR : 76 QUI : 52 INT : 16 WIL : 38 PSY : 18 VIT : 52 CHA : 38
Skills :
- Poison Grip -> Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Living Armor, Zombie, Gremlin,
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm,
Dullahan, Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Chimera, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre
Lord, Red Dragon.
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem,
Cyclops, Shrieker, Minotaur.
- Double Axe -> Living Axe, Minotaur, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Mad Attack -> Can't be learned.
- Headbutt -> Can't be learned.
- Power Beat -> Living Glove, Chimera, Golem, Were Rhino.
Name : Golem
STR : 71 QUI : 51 INT : 38 WIL : 41 PSY : 54 VIT : 68 CHA : 49
Skills :
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot,
Cyclops, Shrieker, Goatzilla, Minotaur.
- Quake -> Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Gargantu, Cyclops, Earth Dragon, Were Rhino.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Chimera, Goatzilla, Minotaur, Ogre Lord,
Red Dragon.
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Gargantu, Ettin, Yeti, Rockbaboon, Were
- Titus Wave -> Black Dragon, Mimic, Chariot, Ogre Lord, Zyphon, Black Knight.
- Power Beat -> Living Glove, Chimera, Goatzilla, Were Rhino.
Name : Jotnar
STR : 90 QUI : 86 INT : 38 WIL : 72 PSY : 89 VIT : 99 CHA : 70
Skills :
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Genbu, Ettin, Yeti,
Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Water Cannon -> Gekko, Mellow, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Bill King,
Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Gun Fish, Water Sage.
- Ice Smash -> Liquid Metal, Snowfolk, Ice Crystal, Giant.
- Windblast -> Sphinx, Wyvern, Airfolk, Snowfolk, Griffin, Mellow, Green Sage.
- Ice Barrier -> Snowfolk.
- Diving Press -> Can't be learned.
Name : Masked Giant
STR : 30 QUI : 28 INT : 20 WIL : 15 PSY : 15 VIT : 10 CHA : 60
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Power Bomb -> Can't be learned.
- Diving Press -> Can't be learned.
- Mad Attack -> Can't be learned.
- God Hand -> Can't be learned.
- Sway Back -> Can't be learned.
- Magin Rampage (second battle) -> Berva
Name : Minotaur
STR : 76 QUI : 52 INT : 16 WIL : 38 PSY : 18 VIT : 52 CHA : 38
Skills :
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Living Axe, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Acid Breath -> Bill King, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Black Dragon, Bill King, Tanzer.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Chimera, Goatzilla, Golem, Ogre Lord, Red
- Tremor -> Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva, Chariot, Golem,
Cyclops, Shrieker, Goatzilla.
- Mad Attack -> Can't be learned.
Name : Ogre
STR : 24 QUI : 11 INT : 16 WIL : 12 PSY : 20 VIT : 24 CHA : 9
Skills :
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Razorback,
Ogre Lord, Chariot, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Thrust -> Living Lance, Dead Knight, Nidheg, Skeleton, Killer Bee, Fishman,
Sir Demon, Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Minotaur, Living Axe, Ogre Lord, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Feint -> Frill Neck, Lummox (pink).
- Ground Hit -> Axebeak, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre Lord, Scorpion,
Mystic, Fat Devil.
Name : Ogre Lord
STR : 69 QUI : 41 INT : 48 WIL : 37 PSY : 39 VIT : 78 CHA : 29
Skills :
- Dash -> Unicorn, Frill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living Lance, Razorback,
Ogre, Chariot, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Minotaur, Living Axe, Ogre, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Ground Hit -> Axebeak, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre, Fat Devil, Mystic,
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Chimera, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Red
- Thunderbolt -> Genbu, Kraken, Skullasaurus, Devil Squid, Thundragon, Fishman,
Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Titus Wave -> Black Dragon, Chariot, Golem, Mimic, Zyphon, Black Knight.
Name : Prima Bronza
STR : 19 QUI : 10 INT : 6 WIL : 3 PSY : 11 VIT : 20 CHA : 10
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Spin Attack -> Living Sword, Mimic, Living Mirror, Prima Maska, Zyphon,
Goblin, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Sad Song -> Shrieker, Nightshade, Prima Maska, Undine, Banshee, Succubus, Dark
Name : Prima Maska
STR : 33 QUI : 19 INT : 24 WIL : 19 PSY : 28 VIT : 33 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Spin Attack -> Living Sword, Mimic, Living Mirror, Prima Bronza, Kitty Crawler
(stand), Zyphon, Goblin.
- Sad Song -> Shrieker, Nightshade, Prima Bronza, Undine, Banshee, Dark Fairy,
Name : Red Dragon
STR : 67 QUI : 56 INT : 52 WIL : 31 PSY : 47 VIT : 80 CHA : 64
Skills :
- Claw -> Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Bucci, Wonderdog,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Chimera, Gargoyle,
- Horn -> Basilisk, Black Dragon, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Skulldrake,
Unicorn, Demon Goat, Trisaur, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- Tail Hit -> Trisaur, Ice Worm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black Dragon,
Gargantu, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Heat Smash -> Flamefolk, Liquid Metal, Skulldrake, Giant, Fire Crystal, Fire
- Fire Breath -> Dragonpup, Suzaku, Mimic, Skulldrake, Ettin, Hellhound, Lion
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan, Ogre
Lord, Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Chimera, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur
- Fang Crush -> Genbu, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Chimera,
- Flame Blast -> Suzaku, Skulldrake, Hellhound.
Name : Rockbaboon
STR : 48 QUI : 31 INT : 18 WIL : 37 PSY : 28 VIT : 36 CHA : 8
Skills :
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Minotaur, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Living Axe, Yeti.
- Da-Dum -> Masked Cat, Rocky, Bill King, Ettin, Gargantu, Yeti.
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Hedgehog, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Gargantu, Yeti, Were Rhino.
- Mystery Trap -> Platoonpus, Berva, Snowfolk, Kylin.
Name : Tanzer
STR : 16 QUI : 16 INT : 28 WIL : 32 PSY : 26 VIT : 18 CHA : 10
Skills :
- Pain Doubler -> Ghost, Arachne.
- Water Cannon -> Gekko, Gun Fish, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Jotnar,
Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage, Bill King.
- Acid Breath -> Bill King, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Black Dragon, Minotaur, Trapvine.
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime,
Bucci, Mollasite.
- Ill Storm -> Mollasite, Furdo.
- Oscillation -> Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal,
Chariot, Crystal Tree.
- HP Drain -> Dead Knight, Death Lord, Ankheg, Arachne.
Name : Thundragon
STR : 62 QUI : 48 INT : 51 WIL : 46 PSY : 52 VIT : 80 CHA : 60
Skills :
- Claw -> Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Red Dragon,
Bucci,Wonderdog, Gargoyle, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Needle -> Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Crystal Tree, Scorpion,
Griffin, Wyvern, Bucci, Gargoyle, Banshee, Siren.
- Fang Crush -> Genbu, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Red
Dragon, Chimera.
- Bolt Breath -> Minidragon, Gelatin, Unknown, Frill Neck.
- Bolt Blast -> Unknown, Gelatin.
- Thunderbolt -> Genbu, Kraken, Skullasaurus, Ogre Lord, Devil Squid, Fishman,
Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Diving Press -> Can't be learned.
- Wing -> Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Masked Rabbat, Minidragon,
Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk, Waterfolk, Sleeping Sheep,
Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie, Hunt Knight.
Name : Yeti
STR : 28 QUI : 20 INT : 14 WIL : 24 PSY : 11 VIT : 33 CHA : 16
Skills :
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Living Musket, Hedgehog, Rockbaboon, Gargoyle.
- Double Axe -> Goatzilla, Minotaur, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Living Axe, Rockbaboon.
- Arctic Breath -> Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Ettin, Jotnar,
Genbu, Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Da-Dum -> Masked Cat, Rocky, Bill King, Ettin, Gargantu, Rockbaboon.
- Rock -> Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Gargantu, Yeti, Were Rhino.

Name : Mariche
STR : 77 QUI : 77 INT : 77 WIL : 77 PSY : 77 VIT : 77 CHA : 77
Skills :
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X,
Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Nidheg, Living Armor,
Unknown, Dullahan, Ghostrider, Black X, Cyclops.
- Death Gaze -> Unknown, Living Mirror, Mimic, Dullahan, Black X, Demon Goat.
- Stone Gaze -> Basilisk.
- Silf -> Spear Valkyrie, Airfolk, Snowfolk.

IV. Skill List A to Z.
Here the monster lisk from A to Z to make you easier to found a certain skill.
Some people might already know what they need and just wondering where can they
found certain skill. Well, this list can help them found the skill.

- Acid Breath -> Trapvine, Bill King, Gaeatoad, Slugger, Black Dragon, Minotaur,
- Arctic Breath -> Genbu, Iceworm, Waterfolk, Living Mirror, Ghost, Ettin, Yeti,
Jotnar, Undine, Banshee, Lion Princess.
- Assist -> Wormbrood, Mellow.
- Beak -> Bill King, Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Axebeak, Cockatrice, Griffin,
Pickbird, Suzaku.
- Beat -> Treant, Gun Fish, Living Glove.
- Beetlejuice -> Manticore, Armorpilla, Wormbrood.
- Blade -> Sickle Bug, Harpy, Liquid Metal, Living Sword, Skeleton, Giant, Fire
Sage, Mystic, Fat Devil, Zyphon, Sir Demon.
- Blade Net -> Armorpilla, Killer Bee, Living Sword, Arachne, Bat Knight.
- Bloodsucker -> Battlefly, Zeroworm, Masked Rabbat, Rabbat, Xeno, Skullasaurus,
Black X, Banshee, Succubus, Titania.
- Bolt Blast -> Gelatin, Unknown, Thundragon.
- Bolt Breath -> Frill Neck, Minidragon, Gelatin, Unknown, Thundragon.
- Brain Crush -> Basilisk, Axebeak, Living Axe, Living Lance, Snakeman, Siren,
Green Sage, Black Knight.
- Centipede Crush -> Nidheg.
- Chain Heat -> Black X, Green Sage.
- Charm Gaze -> Unicorn, Unknown, Mimic, Death Lord, Dullahan, Lich, Black X,
Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Chop -> Aperider, Lummox (pink), Treant, Zombie, Snakeman, Gremlin, Mollasite.
- Claw -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Lummox (pink), Manticore, Basilisk, Ettin, Gargoyle,
Red Dragon, Thundragon,Wonderdog, Snakeman, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Coils -> Devil Squid, Whip Jelly, Ankheg, Goblin, Succubus, Titania.
- Counter Fear -> Lich, Banshee, Green Sage.
- Creep -> Trapvine.
- Crush Beat -> Living Glove.
- Da-Dum -> Gargantu, Masked Cat, Rocky, Bill King, Ettin, Rockbaboon, Yeti.
- Dark Shift -> Kylin.
- Dash -> Kylin, Razorback, Unicorn, Fill Neck, Trisaur, Living Armor, Living
Lance, Chariot, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Were Rhino, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Deadly Moss -> Green Sage, Mollasite, Lich.
- Death Gaze -> Unknown, Living Mirror, Mimic, Dullahan, Black X, Demon Goat.
- Death Grip -> Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Mimic, Lich, Black Dragon, Lamia.
- Deathsynthesis -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Dullahan, Ghost, Skeleton,
Ghostrider, Lich, Nidheg, Skullasaurus, Skulldrake.
- Death Touch -> Liquid Metal, Lich, Abyss Bat, Succubus.
- Double Axe -> Living Axe, Goatzilla, Minoyaur, Ogre, Ogre Lord, Rockbaboon,
- Ectoplasnet -> Gelatin, Ankheg, Green Sage, Bat Knight.
- Elf Shot -> Lummox (pink), Wormbrood, Pickbird, Sprite, Dark Fairy.
- Energy Chain -> Unicorn.
- Fang -> Hellhound, Manticore, Razorback, Genbu, Dragonpup, Masked Rabbat,
Minidragon, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Sphinx, Wyvern, Xeno, Living Armor,
Living Mirror, Ankheg, Skullasaurus, Black Dragon, Red Dragon,
Chimera, Gargoyle, Snakeman.
- Fang Crush -> Genbu, Slugger, Dragonpup, Living Mirror, Skullasaurus, Chimera,
Red Dragon, Thundragon.
- Feint -> Lummox (pink), Frill Neck, Ogre.
- Feeler -> Trapvine, Treant, Kraken, Waterfolk, Whip Jelly, Mollasite.
- Fire Barrier -> Suzaku.
- Fire Breath -> Hellhound, Dragonpup, Suzaku, Mimic, Skulldrake, Ettin, Red
Dragon, Lion Princess.
- Fire Kiss -> Quakeworm, Abyss Bat, Succubus, Lamia, Dark Fairy.
- Flame Blast -> Hellhound, Suzaku, Skulldrake, Red Dragon.
- Flash -> Sun Flower, Living Mirror, Living Musket, Mystic, Arachne, Black
- Gale Attack -> Crystal Tree, Sickle Bug, Airfolk, Living Sword, Dead Knight,
Giant, Mystic, Zyphon.
- Gas Flame -> Chimera, Earth Dragon, Sir Demon.
- Ghost Touch -> Ghost, Ghostrider, Undine.
- Glider Spike -> Sickle Bug, Cockatrice, Griffin, Sonicbat, Suzaku, Wyvern, Bat
Knight, Abyss Bat, Spear Valkyrie, Sword Valkyrie, Fire Sage,
Hunt Knight, Black Knight.
- Grape Shot -> Living Musket, Fishman.
- Grasp -> Gaeatoad, Earth Dragon, Trapvine.
- Griffith Scratch -> Griffin, Black Dragon.
- Ground Hit -> Scorpion, Axebeak, Dead Knight, Skeleton, Berva, Ogre Lord,
Ogre, Mystic, Fat Devil
- Heal -> Lummox, Razorback, Unicorn, Sprite, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood,
Bucci, Wonderdog, Living Mirror, Undine, Mellow, Kitty Crawler.
- Heat Wave -> Sun Flower, Suzaku, Flamefolk, Zyphon, Fire Sage.
- Heat Smash -> Fire Crystal, Flamefolk, Liquid Metal, Skulldrake, Giant, Red
Dragon, Fire Sage.
- Hypnotism -> Aperider, Nightshade, Quakeworm, Rabbat, Ghost, Demon Goat,
- Horn -> Unicorn, Basilisk, Trisaur, Armorpilla, Dragonpup, Minidragon, Black
Dragon, Skulldrake, Demon Goat, Red Dragon, Gargoyle, Water Sage.
- HP Drain -> Ankheg, Dead Knight, Death Lord, Tanzer, Arachne.
- Ice Barrier -> Snowfolk, Jotnar.
- Ice Breath -> Snowfolk.
- Ice Slash -> Iceworm.
- Ice Smash -> Ice Crystal, Snowfolk, Giant, Jotnar, Liquid Metal.
- Ignis -> Flamefolk.
- Ill Storm -> Tanzer, Mollasite, Furdo.
- Ink -> Devil Squid, Kraken, Shellworm.
- Iron Ball -> Mimic, Earth Dragon.
- Kick -> Can't be learned.
- Kusanagi -> Death Lord.
- Kylin's Song -> Kylin.
- Lance -> Killer Bee, Living Lance, Dullahan, Chariot, Mellow, Black Knight.
- Life Rain -> Unicorn.
- Life Steal -> Abyss Bat.
- Light Ball -> Zeroworm, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Abyss Bat, Spear Valkyrie,
Siren, Sword Valkyrie, Dark Fairy.
- Light Shift -> Kylin.
- Lullaby -> Sleeping Sheep, Fat Devil, Sprite, Succubus, Titania, Dark Fairy.
- Maelstorm -> Devil Squid, Kraken.
- Magic Heal -> Unicorn, Mandrake, Sporepile, Wormbrood, Living Mirror, Sprite,
Undine, Mellow.
- Magin Rampage -> Berva, Masked Giant.
- Magnetic Storm -> Crystal Tree, Genbu, Abyss Bat.
- Mighty Cyclone -> Kraken, Iceworm.
- Minion Strike -> Death Lord, Arachne.
- Mystery Trap -> Platoonpus, Berva, Snowfolk, Rockbaboon, Kylin.
- Needle -> Bucci, Hedgehog, Manticore, Razorback, Cactus, Crystal Tree, Siren,
Scorpion, Griffin, Wyvern, Thundragon, Gargoyle, Banshee.
- Oscillation -> Crystal Tree, Quakeworm, Sickle Bug, Zeroworm, Fire Crystal,
Ice Crystal, Chariot, Tanzer.
- Pain Doubler -> Tanzer, Arachne, Ghost.
- Pain Powder -> Nightshade, Battlefly, Harpy.
- Petrify -> Zeroworm, Cockatrice.
- Pheromon -> Platyhooks, Battlefly, Demon Goat, Arachne.
- Photosynthesis -> Kylin, Shrieker, Sun Flower, Treant.
- Poison Gas -> Living Armor.
- Poison Grip -> Basilisk, Platyhooks, Wormbrood, Sonicbat, Living Armor,
Zombie, Goatzilla, Gremlin.
- Poison Gun -> Big Slime, Huge Slime, Living Armor.
- Poison Needle -> Scorpion, Wyvern.
- Power Beat -> Chimera, Living Glove, Goatzilla, Golem, Were Rhino.
- Psychout -> Bucci, Lummox (pink), Masked Cat, Rocky, Sleeping Sheep, Kitty
Crawler (crawl).
- Psy Reflector -> Living Mirror.
- Quake -> Gargantu, Quakeworm, Zeroworm, Cyclops, Earth Dragon, Golem, Were
- Quicksand -> Slugger, Cockatrice, Time Lord.
- Rava Shot -> Ghost, Mollasite, Arachne, Mandrake.
- Reverse Gravity -> Kylin.
- Rock -> Gargantu, Platoonpus, Harpy, Cyclops, Ettin, Golem, Rockbaboon, Yeti,
Were Rhino.
- Sacred Song -> Kylin, Sphinx, Suzaku, Death Lord, Ettin, Black Knight.
- Sad Song -> Nightshade, Shrieker, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska, Undine, Banshee,
Succubus, Dark Fairy.
- Salamander -> Flamefolk.
- Scissors -> Iceworm, Scorpion, Shellworm, Zeroworm, Black X.
- Scream -> Manticore, Mandrake, Nightshade, Lich, Banshee, Skullasaurus, Ettin,
Chimera, Furdo, Sonicbat, Harpy, Green Sage.
- Seed Vulcan -> Sun Flower, Living Musket.
- Silf -> Spear Valkyrie, Airfolk, Snowfolk.
- Siren -> Dullahan, Ghostrider, Lamia.
- Sleep Gas -> Mandrake, Bill King.
- Solvent -> Xeno, Slime, Big Slime, Huge Slime.
- Sphinx Riddle -> Sphinx.
- Spider Net -> Armorpilla, Killer Bee, Sporepile.
- Spin Attack -> Living Mirror, Living Sword, Mimic, Prima Bronza, Prima Maska,
Zyphon, Goblin, Kitty Crawler (stand).
- Spin Tackle -> Killer Bee.
- Spoil -> Sleeping Sheep, Mandrake, Battlefly, Big Slime, Huge Slime, Slime,
Bucci, Tanzer, Mollasite.
- Spore -> Shrieker, Sporepile, Green Sage.
- Stampede -> Aperider, Sleeping Sheep, Frill Neck, Slugger, Dullahan,
Ghostrider, Chariot, Kitty Crawler (crawl).
- Starlight Heal -> Unicorn.
- Stink Gas -> Gremlin, Slugger, Manticore.
- Stone Gas -> Crystal Tree, Black Dragon, Furdo.
- Stone Gaze -> Basilisk.
- Stun Gaze -> Manticore, Razorback, Nightshade, Snowfolk, Unknown, Dullahan,
Living Armor, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Black X, Cyclops.
- Stun Touch -> Airfolk, Fire Crystal, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk, Undine.
- Sun Ray -> Sun Flower, Treant, Furdo.
- Supersonic -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Gekko, Platoonpus, Quakeworm, Masked Rabbat,
Hedgehog, Rabbat, Sonicbat, Ghostrider, Nidheg, Ettin.
- Sweep -> Platoonpus, Platyhooks, Whip Jelly.
- Tackle -> Sleeping Sheep, Cactus, Gun Fish, Shellworm, Whip Jelly, Living Axe,
Hedgehog, Living Musket, Rockbaboon, Yeti, Gargoyle.
- Tail -> Lummox (green), Masked Cat, Rocky, Scorpion, Wonderdog, Gremlin,
Hedgehog, Snakeman.
- Tail Hit -> Trisaur, Ice Worm, Cockatrice, Griffin, Skulldrake, Black Dragon,
Gargantu, Red Dragon, Fishman, Lummox (green).
- Thrust -> Killer Bee, Living Lance, Dead Knight, Nidheg, Skeleton, Sir Demon,
Ogre, Fishman, Sprite, Mellow, Spear Valkyrie.
- Thunderbolt -> Devil Squid, Genbu, Kraken, Skullasaurus, Ogre Lord, Fishman,
Thundragon, Gremlin, Siren, Lion Princess.
- Titus Wave -> Mimic, Black Dragon, Chariot, Golem, Ogre Lord, Zyphon, Black
- Tornado -> Genbu, Abyss Bat.
- Trample -> Gargantu, Devil Squid, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Quakeworm, Dullahan,
Demon Goat, Earth Dragon, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur, Ogre Lord,
Chimera, Red Dragon.
- Tremor -> Shrieker, Gaeatoad, Trisaur, Zeroworm, Axebeak, Ankheg, Berva,
Chariot, Cyclops, Goatzilla, Golem, Minotaur.
- Trip Gas -> Shrieker, Sporepile.
- Vapor Blast -> Kylin, Airfolk.
- Vortex -> Kylin.
- Water Cannon -> Bill King Gekko, Gun Fish, Platyhooks, Ice Crystal, Waterfolk,
Jotnar, Tanzer, Fishman, Undine, Mellow, Water Sage.
- Windblast -> Griffin, Sphinx, Wyvern, Airfolk, Snowfolk, Jotnar, Mellow, Green
- Wing -> Sleeping Sheep, Battlefly, Cockatrice, Dragonpup, Harpy, Hunt Knight,
Masked Rabbat, Minidragon, Pickbird, Rabbat, Sphinx, Suzaku, Airfolk,
Thundragon, Gargoyle, Zyphon, Sword Valkyrie, Waterfolk.

V. Absorable Magic.
Tired of waiting for the magic rumor to be true? I mean the rumor about evil,
mirage, and mystic magic. you can have them, but in one
condition. Not your human nor your mystic would learn them. Instead, your
monster will learn (or should I say absorb) it :)
Unfortunately, absorbing the magic is more likely harder than absorbing the
key skill for the Giant. Anyway, isn't it fun to have your monster equip with
evil magic? or maybe mirage magic? Hehehe...the other mystic would jealous.
The good side, you don't need to get the gift to get one :)

Space Magic :
- You can get all the Space Magic if you get Kylin.
- Vapor Blast -> Airfolk.

Realm Magic :
- Energy Chain -> Unicorn.
- Psycho Armor -> Living Armor.

Mystic Magic :
- Fascination -> Furdo, Hunt Knight.
- Phantasm Shot -> Furdo, Hunt Knight.
- Glass Shield -> Furdo, Time Lord.

Evil Magic :
- Rava Shot -> Ghost, Mandrake, Mollasite, Arachne.
- Pain Doubler -> Ghost, Tanzer, Arachne.
- Sharp Pain -> Mollasite.
- Magi Barrie -> Lich, Mollasite.

Light Magic:
- Sun Ray -> Treant, Sun Flower, Furdo.
- Starlight Heal -> Unicorn.

Shadow Magic :
- Power Grab -> Bat Knight.
- Shadow Net -> Bat Knight.

Mirage Magic :
- Black Cat -> Sprite.
- Nightmare -> Arachne.
- Jackal -> Arachne, Bat Knight.

VI. Thanks List.
- Thanks for Prima's Walkthrough about Saga Frontier (I got most of the skill
from there).
- Thanks for Masterman that help alot, especially about Mariche and some Evil
Magic stuff.
- Thanks for player to make my dream come true. If it's not for him, I won't
be able make this FAQ.
- And thanks for all the people on the board Zyx, Izlude, Jazz, Bubbawheat, D,
and whoever that I didn't mentioned their name (I'm sorry about that). You
all help me alot to complete this faq.

VII. Final Word.
Please do not try to use my FAQ for your own benefit. This FAQ was meant to be
free. You can copy and give to your friend if you want. All I want is.... some
input and correction and comment from you (the reader of this FAQ). Thus, I can
make this FAQ much better. I do waiting for all your comment and correction.
In the meantime.....

Good Luck !

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