Saga Frontier

SaGa Frontier

13.10.2013 13:53:40
T260 FAQ
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 14:19:04 EDT

T260G Walkthrough - By: Sean Karunaratne

T260G is a robot with a lost mission and is going around gathering scrap,
data and most importantly completing his mission. Now Mecs are interesting,
the better the weapon you equip them with, the higher HP will rise, it’s good
to equip Mecs with a nice piece of armor and a ton of Rifles, Bazooka’s and
Cannons, observe that stats when equipping
WARNING!!! Save all Sanctuary Stones, never use them unless I say, there will
be times you’ll desperately need them, so only use them if this guide says
so!! If it’s an awful situation and using one is a MUST then drop one.

Junk, Port and Combat Arena
T260G wakes up. There’s a long talk between Rose, Thyme and Taco. Now you
name T260G and go find some scrap parts. Good luck!! First off, stop by the
Port and gather some information on T260G, then head to the Combat Arena, go
into the rightmost room which is the Junk Bar. There you talk to a drunkard
name Gen. Now your off, head to the next room left from the bar and talk to
the slime. Your first battle. He’s pretty easy, pop a shot off with the Junk
Bazooka and exchange punches, now head back to Junk with your new part and
have Taco fix it up, before you go back to the Arena stop by the house above
Taco’s and buy 3 Repair Kits. Now go to the slime, pick up your money and go
through another fight. Before talking to the slime equip your new weapon. Now
this fight is not much harder, although the enemy can push you back making
your attacks considerably weaker. Junk Bazooka and some punches, now head
back to junk, have your new part fixed up and equip it. Now get your money
and head to your next fight. This ones tougher but with the right supplies it
shouldn’t be too much harder. Junk Bazooka and punches, if he takes to much
out of you get out one of your repair kits. Now with your Broken Rifle go to
Taco’s and get an Easy Rifle, equip it and buy 2 more Repair Kits. Now head
back to the arena. OH NO, ROSE HAS COUGHT YOU!!!!! Rose drags poor Thyme back
to Junk, but then the machine that’s talked so nasty to you attacks!!!

Boss Fight: Vulcan
This fight isn’t too tough, hit him with your Junk Bazooka and trade hits,
use your Easy Rifle of course, without your three new items this fight would
probably be impossible.

T260G wakes up. Now head back to the Arena, go to where Gen is. Talk to him
and then Rose will bust in saying that Thyme has been kidnapped! Run back to
Junk, visit each house and some people will hand over some items, now go to
the shop and buy some cures and repair kits. Now head over to the crater.
This is a Cabellero factory, you probably heard people talking bad about him
before, nows your time to rescue Thyme. You know this place is it because
Thymes hat lies right in front of an elevator. The path is pretty straight
forward. When you get into an area by a swamp go to the upper cave, grab the
treasure and come back down into the swamp, get in the elevator, go to the
next elevator. Then there are two paths. When that leads up to land and
another elevator, go down the elevator, YOU MUST GO DOWN!!!! There will be a
Sanctuary Stone lying there, now get back out and go up the path to land. Go
in the cave and you see Thyme!! But he’s being harrassed by Caballero men, so
getting him wont be so easy!!!!

Boss Fight: Sir Demon, Xeno and Skeleton
First things first, take out the Xeno and Skeleton. Don’t waste WP and your
Junk Bazooka, just hit ‘em with Iron Pipe and Easy Rifle attacks, once
they’re down use the Junk Bazooka and Hard Slash, this should bring Sir Demon
down quite easily!!

With Thyme rescued there’s nothing left to do in junk, T260G bids his friends
a farewell and flies to Scrap!

First thing you gotta do in Scrap is go to the Pub, now head over to the man
in the business suit, he’ll tell you to visit him in Shrike, now go to the
odd looking creature above the man, it’s Riki!! He and Mei-ling will then
join your party. Now head right and talk to some singing queer! He WON’T join
your party. Now head down to the Office. Then go to the factory.
First things first, head to the two outer buildings and pick up the treasure,
when your done head to the right and fight your attackers, then that queer
will join your party. Now head into the main factory. You can see this little
glove thing hanging around by a blue monitor, press that button and you see a
sniper take the dust!!! Now head to the right of that switch and you’ll see
three others. Go to the first one, the Sniper takes it!!! Go to the one below
and flip it, a box is lifted and another switch is revealed, now head down
stairs and go inside the gate. Go where that switch revealed itself, this
isn’t gonna be so easy!! You have to get it RIGHT on the sniper, or else your
fought, now head up and go talk to the man in the doorway (don’t bother
taking out that pig). Make sure you have a MagicStone equipped! FIGHT!!!

Boss Fight: Vulcan and D-Tractors
This fight will be simple. First take your MagicStone and hit all enemies,
now target Vulcan, two attacks and he’s toast, SIMPLE!!!!!

T260G’s Story really starts to take off here! First of all I want to point
out one thing, BUILD UP!!!!!!! T260G’s Final Boss is a real pest and your not
gonna get past him without a real hard try if you don’t build up!! I suggest
for T260G’s quest the best place is the Bio Research Lab. Try getting DSC.
You can do magic quests, I don’t suggest doing them but I do suggest to tell
the guy your gonna do them so you can get Emelia. She learns DSC quite well,
just bring her to the Bio Research Lab. Now before I go on you must get
Sliding, Suplex, Babel Crumble and Giant Swing for DSC. Other people include
Gen. My suggested party is Mei-ling, T260G, Any Mec (put Leonard Mec their
permenantly once you get him), Gen and Emelia. Mei-ling using Light Magic and
Sword Skills, Gen using Sword Skills, Emelia using her fists, Mecs doing
technical stuff. Now go to the Bio Research Lab and build up. You should get
DSC in no time, keep trying for advanced Sword Skills like RosarioImpale and
LifeSprinkler, this all doesn’t have to take place no, but at least build up
before doing anything else.

Not much to do here, go to the bottom level and there is a secret building
behind a chicken, go to the far right door and talk to a computer, you’ll
gain some info for T260G’s quest.

In Manhattan stop by that useless food court and talk to the man at the top.
He’ll take you to Dr. Leonards office, Leonard runs some scans on T260G to
find more about his mission and the unique model he is (if you go to Shrike
and change into a different model before Manhattan Leonard wont talk to you,
he appreciates T260G’s form. To reverse that simply change back into the
regular model).

Finally, there’s something to do, stop by Nakajima Robotics, the man from
Scrap Nakajima remembers you!!! His Co-Workers, though, are arguing about how
to retrieve a mouse lost in Sei’s Tomb, hey, why doesn’t T260G take care of
it, yup, your off to Sei’s Tomb!! Now there’s two things you can do here, one
is optional, but useful. First off, you might wanna get all the items, in
that case go to the main room (with the skeletons guarding a sparkly thing)
take the bottom right door, travel to right, and up, then travel up and
inspect all the artifacts, you should get attacked. The fights not that hard,
just eliminate both dead knights and return to the main room, you’ll see
parts of the floor lighting up. Go to the far left one in the corner of the
staircase you came in and step on it, now walk down from the wall and inspect
the artifact, beat the Dead Knights and then hop off, you’ll see the mouse!!
Go grab it!! Now proceed back to the main room and finally get that sparkly
thing. Now you have another choice, will you go back to Nakajima Robotics
with these three items, or will you place them upon the alter, well, I
recommend not, cause there isn’t much you get from putting them on the alter.
You can get a cruddy sword that costs 3 WP to use, from which you can buy a
sword with almost the same attack power and doesn’t cost precious WP to use!
The items you have are also some great items. The Magatama let’s you use
SacredSong, the Mizukagami is one of the better shields and is waterproof and
heatproof. But if you wanna fight the boss, it’s up to you! Now proceed back
to Nakajima Robotics. You can now change forms, I personally recommend Type 4
because of the convenient repair pack, but Type 5 has hard defense and
medicore weapons, Type 2 is also a good one because it has very strong
weapons, Type 6 is a no no, if you want something like that go pick up
Engineer Car by the staircase, but don’t choose Type 6 because he sucks, he
just plain sucks, as for Type 1, that sucks too, Type 3 is average, but
you’ll get a Mec just like that anyway too. Type 7 also is a good one, it’s
got strong weapons. Yet it’s unique is kinda, well, stupid! Now for getting
that mouse Nakajima hands over ZEKE, a pretty good Mec! Put him in your party
where your previous Mec was.

When in Shingrow head for the Upper Left Ruin, it should look like a jungle,
climb up a log and you find yourself in a crashed ship, proceed down to a
room with a bat, avoid that fight cause those bats can easily destroy you.
Now go through the door to the left and go up the ramp, climb the ladder, and
go up. Now you’ll find yourself at a place where there is a huge board walk,
go left of the pillar and try to find a way up, there is a single wall where
there’s a thick green wall, press O to it and go inside, this is the
mysterious life force T260G has detected, scan through every section of the
computer until it says "Download" and download a program. All are equally as
good and depending how your using T260G pick that program. Now get out and
feel free to explore the ship, when your done go to Shrike, sleep, go to
Nakajima Robotics. One of the co-workers said that Dr. Leonard has been
killed during an explosion, a possible assisination. But don’t go to
Manhattan, go to the Bio Research Lab, build up to 500’s and get DSC, now
proceed to Manhattans Central Gate. Then go explore the walls in Dr. Leonards
lab, and a Mec comes up. Dr. Leonard has stored his memory in it!! Put
Leonard in your core party and proceed to Tartaros.

First thing to do is to go into Tartaros, there are mainly Mecs in here so
get some good data! Now go the left and into a room, fromt this room go down
a set of stairs that is off to the left and go up, there’s a door at the
side, go through and there is a door in this room. Go to something that looks
like a door, nothing happens, now go back to the main room and try to go
through the malfunctioning door, it opens, head straight and now your in a
Mine Type place, take the left door. Now you must locate four switches.

Boss Fight: Big Diggers
There is a Big Digger in 4 rooms. Each one drops a special item like the
HyperionBazooka!! They are avoidable, but fight at least one so you can get
the HyperionBazooka, keep fighting them until you get the HyperionBazooka
then I recommend you start avoiding them. If you have DSC the fights pretty
easy, but if you don’t your gonna end up in a slugfest. Just keep exchanging
hits and when the Big Digger topples, keep your HP up because he’s gonna do
something BIG!! Usually it’s just a rocket, and if they hit a Mec with
Evasion Rocket then his turns wasted!!
Now locate all four switches, they are scattered through out the mine, you’ll
know ‘em when you see a Hermes type monster in a room (which is a Big
Digger), there is one that isn’t marked by a Hermes, go to the toppled train
car and go down then go down that path and hit the switch, with all four
switches go to the entrance to the mine and take the right door, there’s a
big digger avoid this, go to the switch, hit it and then go to the elevator,
take it up, and you’ve found the computer, T260G asks about RB3 but it hints
to HQ instead.

Now you can either proceed to HQ or build up at Bio Research Lab, I suggest
going to the Bio Research Lab, getting some nice skills.


First in HQ you’ll end up in a huge metallic room, there are side rooms with
treasure and two monsters, although you can skip them for now and come back
later when the monsters don’t attack you, I suggest you fight them cause you
can extract valuable data from them. Now from the starting point stick right
until you come to a room that has a big pillar at the middle, now head up and
left. You enter a room with a computer and a dormant mec, don’t get it right
now, the mec, but make a mental note. Now take the ladder down to the door,
then go up the stairs and take the right, there’s a computer, but a virus has
infected it you’ll have to go to a virtual town and destroy the virus. Now
head up from the virtual town explore the house and you’ll be transported by
appliances, so look for them, soon you should be at a street with 4 houses.
Destroy the Virus’ here and head right, destroy the virus’ there and head
into the castle. Now you’ll be taken into a boss fight from here, but if you
want to go across the streets and level up on the virus’ that’s recommended,
but beware, Virus’ can drain LP so they could kill a character.

Boss Fight: HQ Core and Virus’

There’s a barrier of Virus’ guarding that Heart thingy, you’ll take note
T260G has an ability called contact, well use that when you can reach the
Heart Thingy with T260G and have him use Contact, first thing, have Mei-ling
use Mega Windblast to take out some of the Virus’ GaleSlash and 2GaleSlash
work well too. Once the path is clear to the Core use Contact. You win!!!
Now with HQ restored head to the starting area, now there is a bridge, take
that and go into the chapel, your first thing to do is to light up these
lights without going over two. Just make a backwards S. Now your goal is too
make all these lights green, the first part is simple, the second isn’t, you
just have to run around pressing the O button until a doorway is lit up so
you can go. Now you have information on RB3. On your way out of this area,
pick up all the treasure you left and climb down a ladder where you see a
weird looking mec (it’s right outside the room that leads you to the
computer). Change into the Body, it’s a new Mec body!! Keep this one. V-Max
is really good, it lets you use CosmicRave and StarlightShower Leonard gives
you the option of going to him, NOT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can only
access him through Manhattans Port. Go to Bio Research Lab, get 770+ HP 900+
HP for your Mecs, lots of skills, DSC for Emelia, RisingNova for Gen and
LifeSprinkler for Mei-ling, now go to the man in Koorong by the Gold Seller
and grab 30 Max Cures and go to Nelson and buy 2 Zero Swords, buying this
many things takes a bit of money, but you should have gotten at least 7500 in
Bio Research Lab, now take that money, go to Nelson find the man in the work
hat, buy at least 15 Gold Ingots go back to Koorong, sell off enough gold so
the price of gold under says 520, now return back to Nelson and buy more, you
should have at least 1 more than your original Gold you started (which is
15+), go to Koorong, Sell your gold so it says 0, but DO NOT PRESS O,
instead, go back up to the number in your inventory, the price has risen,
make it go back to 520, now go to Nelson and buy more gold, repeat the go to
0 then go to number you own, back to 520 and go to Nelson and buy more gold,
it starts off slow, but don’t give up, you’ll see it start to rise again! Do
NOT go over 50,000 though cause you’ll lose all your gold and credits!! Now
go buy the 30 Max Cures, the Grail Card, 2 Zero Swords and Blood Chalices for
all your humans AND 5 Powered Suits, you may find yourself rushing for more
because 49000 isn’t enough, just go back to Nelson and sell some and repeat
the steps you would after you’ve done the first part!!!. Trust me, you’ll
need the Max Cures, now give Gen and Mei-ling the Zero Swords, have at least
800+ HP and DSC and head off to RB3!! Also make sure you have two sanctuary
stones, if you don’t, go to the Owmi Lords Manor basement, grab one Stone
and try going to Mosperiburg mountains and fight the dragons, there’s
another, although you shouldn’t have used any of the ones you had!

Doomsday Machine
The first part is pretty easy, first of all there are some deadly lasers
shooting down over the Metallic Room, you need to shut these off. First off
go into these rooms, there are some harmless green lasers, go through them
and stick right, you should be in a closet with a computer, press O and then
go down and left. Now go down in this room and go left, this should shut off
the lasers, now go to the right and go down to the Metallic Room, travel up
and into the next room, here your goal is to flip a pink switch so you can
get out of here. Travel until you see a ladder to your left, climb up it and
go up the elevator, hit the pink switch and go back down to the ground, then
go until you see another ladder on your left, climb up it, hit the switch and
come down, now go up and right. There will be a ladder that you climb down
and climb up to hit the pink switch thats on ground level, now go back to the
first ladder, run on the side of the elevator, and go hit the pink switch.
Now go back down to ground level and you should be able to go up and out of
this room. When in the next room, save, and fight all the oncoming Mecs,
these guys start easy and get real tough, usually you can damage, or kill,
them all with one good shot out of the Hyperion Bazooka. Now once you’ve
killed all the Mecs head to the Blue platform where you will fight, the
biggest wuss for a boss you’ll ever see!!

Boss Fight: Mec God
You know, you’d think the Mec God wouldn’t be such a wuss, but he is, if
you’ve gotten DSC this should be easy. Use V-Max and hit him with DSC and a
good combo with CosmicRave.

Now go over the Blue platform, save and you’ll be transported to a cave,
travel around this cave until you get warped to a hallway, that leads to a
swamp, to get warped here you MUST fight all the enemies you can, there’s two
pathways, travel up one, beat the enemies and try to go through a little
cave, it should lead you to a dead end, or a new hallway. Now, the monsters
here can transform, from my experience let them transform into a plant, but
try not to get in a fight with Aquatic Animals, or you could find yourself in
a fight with the dreaded Krakens! Now once in the swamp area, defeat enemies
and travel from screen to screen (On the each screen do NOT go through the
bottom area or you’ll be warped to the caves!!). Now you’ll find youself in a
desert like area, but there’s green all over it, it’s weird, you’ll know when
you see it, travel to the left, you’ll either be going to a desert or back to
the jungle, destroy some more enemies if you find yourself back at the
Jungle. When your in the desert start fighting for your life, it’s jam packed
with enemies, when you think you’ve fought enough equip a good deal of Max
Cures on all your characters, equip some Blood Chalises on your humans, give
somebody a backpack and put him/her in the back row, put on heavy duty armor
(Powered Suits), Pearl Hearts might help, equip the Zero Swords, make sure
Babel Crumble, Sliding, Giant Swing and Suplex are all equipped for your DSC
person, equip all the strongest abilities on your characters and make sure
you have some repair kits and Leonard Mec has Energy Supply and his Repair
Pack. Now Save and soon you’ll be warped to a large Tree in the desert, T260G
asks if your ready, say no! You’ll go back to the desert, now put down a
Sanctuary Stone and Save
NOTE: Don’t give your Mecs healing items, have Leonard do repairs because his
is specially built in!!, just give them all Guns. Now head right and you’ll
find yourself in that same scene again, now say your ready!

Final Boss Fight!: Genocide Heart
In now way, is Genocide Heart an easy boss, even to the most experienced
team. He can warp you to many virtual landscapes where he does different
attacks, once you’ve taken enough off of him at that landscape he warps you
back to the room you started at. The Broken TV screens indicate how hurt
Genocide Heart is now your probably wondering why I made you build up so
much? Well when your done beating up on Genocide Heart you’ll see why.
CARNAGE!!!! Carnage, probably the deadliest attack in the game, not only does
it take off about 350-600 HP, it also can have Instant Death for ALL your
humans, that’s where the Blood Chalices come in, from my experience they
ork, although it’s a cool attack to see, it’s deadly!! That’s why I said,
Build HP!!! If you didn’t, then you for T260G’s quest you will have NO
FUTURE!!! He warps you to three scenes randomly, enabling him to use Carnage
3 times, you are in the TV room 4 times, but I won’t ruin it for you! Now
he’ll warp you to a landscape, the ones are:

Snowy Mountian Scene: YES!! This is the one you want, all his attacks take no
more than 100 HP off, the perfect place to doctor your team until your
perfect, have anybody who doesn’t have any doctoring items use defense, it
doesn’t do anything against Carnage but just do it!!! Once your team is to
perfection start attacking. The attacks Genocide Heart uses here are: Arctic
Breath - 50+ damage to random characters, Light Ball - 50+ damage to all
characters, Water Cannon - 50+ damage to one. These attacks shouldn’t exceed
100 if you have powered suits on. Like I told!!

Raging Ocean Scene: This ones tougher, Maelstrom is his deadliest, we all
know how that works, that’s where the Pearl Hearts come in! The rest are just
weather related, Thunderbolt can take off 300 on one character, Tornado 200’s
and Flash will blind you (he never used it on me, it’s just that that’s what
always happens to me!!). If he uses Maelstrom and you don’t have Pearl Hearts
on, do NOT fight, start curing, if he brings you back to the TV room after
Maelstrom and you haven’t cured yourself, well, you have one turn to heal
yourself the best you can, although it should take out some characters in the

Chapel Scene: This is probably the most deadly scene, he’ll attack you with
attacks that hit all characters. Sacred Song does 200+ to everyone, Mec
Sonata does 300+ and Sad Song lowers stregnth, he has some single person
attacks that I don’t remember, it’s hard to doctor in here, but just do it to
the best extent you can!!

Volcano Scene: This one he attacks you with status attacks and some hit all
attacks. Stone Gas can petrify one character, that’s where the grail card
comes in. Have some Snake Oils with you too. There is also Spore, it can hit
everybody, but it’s pretty weak, Deadly Mass is just a hit for one character,
Ectoplasnet takes off 1 LP I believe and Pain Powder hits for around 200 HP.
It’s not hard to doctor here, but you might have to through out a Snake Oil
here or there.

Desert Sands Scene: The deadliest of all I think, he can hit ALL with
Magnetic Storm for 300-600 damage and a bonus for Mecs! Also Heat Wave does
about 200 damage to ALL. You’ll be hoping for Gas Flame (100 to about two or
three) and Sun Ray (200 to one) for most of the time. Doctoring here is
incredibly difficult.

So what do you do?? First off any status effects he uses, counter with Snake
Oils and Grail Cards. Each scene after Carnage doctor until perfect. Then hit
him with DSC, Life Sprinkler, Rising Nova, Shock Soldier, Cosmic Rave (that
means you need to have T260G use V-Max, start in the late first scene
though). Genocide Heart has incredibly low HP but is deadly!!! You’ll usually
get Ice Scene, but it’s all random so you might be unfortunate to skip it!!,
once you get it, heal heal heal!!! Just keep hitting him with DSC, check up
on the broken monitors and he’ll be toast in no time, but whatever you do, DO
NOT GIVE UP!!! It took me four times to beat him!! It’s random, just hope you
get the easier scenes, but Genocide Heart has to do Carnage at least three
times (I think he can only do it three times anyway), good luck!!


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