Saga Frontier

SaGa Frontier

11.10.2013 15:41:56

Saga Frontier


Hi first off I would like to say please give this faq. to anyone that
needs it. This inf. can be used in anyone's faq who wants it just please give
me credit. This faq. is not just a walk through it is also meant to explain
some of the battle options and the map options and maybe even a little
translation for the game.

1. Map Options ( button)
This is all the options from top down.

I. Status
This will bring up a status screen that will show some stats and on the
left you will see your equipment and items, and if you hit O then it will take
you into the weapon armor equipment screen. If you hit down before you hit O
then you will see your abilities that are equipped. If you hit O then you will
go to your ability equip screen.

II. Items

III. Mission Log (don't know what it does)

IV. Change your Characters Set Up

V. Equipment

VI. Ability set up

VII. Options

VIII. Save

2. The Begging of the game
This will tell the character's name from left to right and what the
begging screen means

I. Here are the Characters
Red(The guy with spiky blue hair, blue cape, and red clothes)
Lute(The guy playing the lute)
Emeria(The blonde with green hair in the middle of the screen)
T260G(the robot)
Coon(the wolf like character)
Blue (The blonde hared girl)
Aselus(The green hared)

II. The Begging
After you select new game and then you pick a character many of you have
probable noticed a screen written in Japanese with numbers in it.
It goes like this.

bla bla bla 1 bla bla
bla bla bla 2 bla bla
bla bla bla 1 bla bla
bla bla bla 2 bla bla

This is simple asking you where your memory card is and the second to
options are if you don't have a memory card but if you did where to look for it
plus the last thing without a number is something asking if you want to go back.

If you start the game with blue you will be given a ton of shapes to
choose from. These just signify what town to start in.

3. Abbreviations
Here are almost all the abbreviations and what they stand for -note- to
see this go to the Map option screen( button) and use R1 and L1 to see them

HP- your hit points DUH
LP- life points (when this reaches 0 your dead for good)
WP-weapon points (these go down when you use abilities)
JP-ja???? points (they are the same thing as magic points)
Str-Strength (increases attack power)
Qui-Quickness (increases when you go, speed)
Int-Intelligence (increases chance of success in magic)
Wil-Will power (I think it is like luck and increases chance of
hitting someone with a regular attack)
Psy-Psychic power (increases magic attack power)
Vit-Vitality (???; please e-mail me if you have inf. on
Chr-Character(???;please e-mail me with inf.)
Def-Your total defense power(how much damage you

4. The Battles

I. The very begging of the battle pressing up or down will change what
character your cursor is on then if you press triangle then it will move that
character into the back field. This causes that character to take less damage
and deal less damage with your abilities and normal attack. Pressing left and
right will change what party of characters you are attacking with (this will be
explained more latter). Pressing O starts the battle.
II. Status
Press triangle when you are in the fighting menu screen
III. Ablilities,Items,Weapons, and Magic
Just press left and right to switch between weapons,items,abilities, and
IV. Abilities
You normally start on abilities. These are just add ON's to your normal
attack. You can tell if you are on abilities because you will see a sword in
the upper right hand corner of the screen which will tell you how many wps the
ability takes and how many you have left. When using an ability sometimes you
will see a light bulb flash over your person's head and he will do a new move.
That means you just learned a new ability. You can also learn new weapon moves
too. What new moves you learn is completely random so if you get something good
be sure to save.

V. Grayed out Abilities
There are only two explanations for this either you don't have enough wps (or
jps if it is magic) or you have earned too many abilities (or spells) and you
have to de-equip some and equip your new ones
VI. Items
There are two ways to use items. One is to equip the items on to your character
or another is to equip this special potion that you start the game with onto one
of your characters. That special potion will let that player use all the items
you own.
VII. The End
When you win a battle you get fully healed (except for jp, wp, and lp). Plus
you will sometimes see one of the abreviations over a players head. That means
that area of his stats has increased.

5. Explanation of 1 IV.
This will help explain fighting parties. In Saga Frontier you can have up to
15 characters at a time!!! Only 5 can fight at a time though. What you have to
do is use this option and set the parties you think will be good together up.
To switch in between what party you want to use when you get into a fight before
you hit O hit left or right.

6. The Walk Throughs
so far I have a up to mission 4 comleted with Red, up to mission 5 with Emillia,
up to level 3 with Coon and I might put in the full walk through for blue I
found. If not then look to to get it.

-note- This is were my typing gets messy

I. Red

Mission 1
Red starts out talking to his girl friend in a car about
some Doctor Klein and then is attacked by Doctor Klein!!! The car crashes and
his girl friend disapears and is thought to be dead. When walking away for help
you get attacked by Doctor Klein. This is your first battle and you will get
killed easily but luckily some girl in a power suit saves you (don't know her
name). You will now get to use her. If you hit over then go to the last
ability you will quickly cause him to run away. After that the girl turns you
into some sort of power robot guy called Alkaiser. You agree to join this team
so you can get revenge. Each mission from now on is trying to track the doctor
guy. You get sent up into a flying bird ship. You will walk around then meet
this girl (who is actually the robot that saved you) and she tells you how to
turn into alkaiser. From here you can go talk to the captain (His name is Hawk)
and choose the first option to go to your first mission. You are teleported
down to Baccarat casino. When down there if you go up one flight of stairs and
talk to the last soldier playing slots towards the bottom of the screen they
will all get up and run away. Quickly run down a flight of stairs and talk to
the elevator lady. Choose the second to the last option and that will take you
to the basement where you must fight (not necesarily but you should to learn
abilities) soldiers and then a boss character. After beating the boss Mission 1

Mission 2
Mission 2 takes you to some town called Shrike. -note- You will have this move
with red that is always (I think the first thing you can select. This move will
turn you into Alkaiser. From the airport go down into the lab with a bunch of
crazy scientists. Find the library and look at the first book shelf. A secret
passage will be revieled. Go down the stairs and go right. Then go up all the
way to the top and go into this room with a monster looking guy held captive.
After you beat the scientists you will get a hidden character. -note- you can
not turn into alkaiser when you have a team mate, their are exceptions though
(like at bosses) it would be wise to put your partner into a second fighting
party. Now leave this place. Now you could go to the temple at the bottom left
of the main map to gain levels or go to the town. When in the town stay at the
free inn at the upper right. After that go into the play ground and talk to the
kid on the far right (you can talk to any kid but this one will make you fight
the least bad guys). After beating the bad guys go to the upper right of the
map and into a park. You will see some soldiers at the bottom of the screen and
then will turn into Alkaiser and attack them. -note- put the hidden character
back in your party. After beating the boss Mission 2 is Completed.

Mission 3
Mission 3 takes you to ???Manhattan??. When here try to buy as many items as
possible then go to the airport and talk to the attendent. This will put you
back on the ship. Go down the stairs and talk to the blue haired girl. Follow
her and then talk to her again. This should bring you to a bank where you will
meet Lady Campbell (if it doesn't talk to the pilot). Now after the seen where
(I think) she tells you to help her get to the top of the bank (??? I have know
clue my brother hasn't translated it yet I'm just guessing) you go onto the
ship. You will be attacked now by a group of enemies. After you kill them Lady
Campbell will join you. Now you should have three characters. If you explore
the ship you will fund Ruffus, BJ&K, Aselus, and her friend. You will also see
blue but I don't know how to get her. To get BJ&K go to the third (maybe second
you should explore the ship once before this mission to see where he normally is
because thats where he will be now) floor and walk down the path towards the
bottom of the screen. Take the middle door kill the bad guy go out come back in
and you will have BJ&K. He has an awsome attack that will take off in the
1,000's (but it takes 7 wp). Now go towards the main entrance towards the cock
pit. When you are about to enter madam campbell will say lets take another
way(actually something a little longer but lets leave it at that). Now go to the
second floor and go to the one path you couldn't take before. When you try to
go in it will ask you something. Choose the top choice. Now run through this
so you dont get blown off by the wind. If you try to walk you will get blow
off. If you make it you will now fight a easy boss. After the boss is killed
Madam Campbell will leave you and so will BJ&K. You can get BJ&K back just go
talk to him again but Madam Campbell is gone.

Mission 4
I think you have to talk to Hawk now but you might just atomatically go to the
next level which is Kowloon. From here you must go up the stairs towards the
bottom of the screen then beet up the robot that beat up the guy. After this
you will see somebody run down a sewer. Chase them!!! Every once in a while
you will see them so you know you are going the right way. Eventually you will
make it back to your ship(Why is it on the ground in a sewer???)?? Mission 4

-note-I think I have mission 5 & 6 switched around
Mission 5
Now you will go to the Magic Kingdom and enter a fighting contest. To do this
just stand in line untill you reach the receptionist. Now talk to her and do as
good as possible in the fights to come. After you win or lose you will see Dr.
Klein talking to the King and Queen of the magic kingdom. From where you start
go left,up,up,bottom right and then you should be in a room with soldiers. Kill
them and then click on the vase it will open up a secret passage. Go
down,right,right and talk to the guy between the soldiers. This is the boss.
Kill him and its on to Mission 6

Mission 6
You should start out at Kowloon. Talk to the green haired girl outside of
Ruffus inn. She will join you then go get Ruffus. After that go to the airport
and choose the last option then the 3rd option. From here go to the bar and get
Lute. Now go back to Kowloon. Now go to the airport and choose the 6th option.
Go to the right then talk to the red monster outside the windmill. He will join
you. Talk to lute to get him back. Now go back to Kowloon and choose the 2nd
option. Go to the place almost directly left to the airport. This will get you
another robot. Go back to kowloon. Now choose the 3rd option. Talk to te grey
hared guy and then leave. Now you should have
The morpher(Simian-made up)
Greyed Hared guy(Betta1-made up)
Some blonde(Beck-made up)
A robot-Turmoil(made that up)
Stock up on items then go to the airport. Choose the 5th option. This will
take you to Kyo. Talk to everyone then go to the bridge thing. You should see
some blue kind of guy. Talk to him and then you will go back on your ship. Now
you should be back at Kowloon. Go to the airport and go back to Kyo. Go to the
place where the old monk went. Now click on the banester and you should get
teloported into one of Doctor Kleins base's. Go through this till you get to
some green tub of ooze. Kill the soldier standing gaurd and then this will set
off an alarm. Quickly leave here and then you should fight a boss. After you
fight the boss you will be taken to the airport. Instead of going to the
airport go to the bridge/garden place instead. You will find another character.
Now this is the extent of my faq. I sugest gaining levels with Red and his men.
You should have 10 people now. Please e-mail me at if you
have any problems or questions or even comments. I hope to finish Red's
walkthrough and include Emillia and Coon next time. If there is anything I
should add e-mail me.

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