Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

13.10.2013 09:22:35
Speed Guide

"No…seriously…I'm a Bard"




First off, if this is your first time playing FFT, let me begin by
saying that to fully appreciate this masterpiece of a game you should
play through it at a leisurely pace soaking in all the wonder. So why
a speed walkthrough? Two reasons: 1) Enjoy the greatest game ever in a
"reasonable" amount of time, and 2) The simple challenge of it. With
the following walkthrough you'll be able to enjoy this great game in
under 11 hours.



Since you'll be playing for speed, you'll want to groom a batch of
fighters. The men start off with higher strength stats and therefore
make for stronger fighters. The exception to this rule is if you've
got a female with low faith (under 50) and high brave (over 70), in
which case you may want to consider having her in your party.


For the sake of time efficiency, you'll fight only the battles you have
to. This means 53 battles. So how do you avoid random confrontations?
Simply save before you pass over a possible random encounter. If you
happen to encounter the battle, just press SAVE, SELECT, R1, R2, L1, L2
for a quick reset.


The only job classes you'll be gaining exp. in will be the squire
(lv.2), archer (lv.3), thief (lv.4), knight (lv.2), monk (lv.3),
geomancer (lv.2), and chemist (earn 400 JP). You'll need the chemist
job class for it's auto-potion reaction ability. The first six will
lead you into the ninja job class, where you'll be throughout the
second half of the game.


Jam that "O" button to forgo all dialogue.


Be aggressive but not careless when fighting. If the enemy is out of
range, WAIT. Don't waste the turn powering up or trying to gain JP.
Furthermore, focus your attacks on one enemy unit before proceeding to


If a fighter gets knocked out, leave him be and focus on what you have
to do. But be sure to quickly finish off any and all enemies, as you
don't want him turning into a crystal.


No random encounters means that you'll be at a level disadvantage
(sometimes huge) when you face your opponents. Even with your
opponents pumped up stats, they'll be begging you for mercy…hopefully.


I've included the job classes everyone (by everyone, I mean Ramza and
the three generics) should be in before the battle. After the tutorial


Battle 01 - Magic City Gariland
Enemies - Chemist, Squires x4
Job - Squire/Chemist

Select the two male squires and the male chemist. Just use your male
members (haha, I kill me) to defeat everyone. If you're going to
attack the chemist, make sure you off him before he gets a chance to
use a potion. After the battle, remove all items from every character
you haven't used and change Ramza and the three generic male fighters
to the CHEMIST job class. Pick up 15 or so potions. Go to OPTIONS and
set the message display icon to fastest.

Battle 02 - Mandalia Plains
Enemies - Red Panther, Squires x4, Thief
Job - Chemist

Choose save Algus to receive a little brave bonus. Even with everyone
as chemists, this shouldn't be too tough. At Igros Castle, sell off
ALL weapons (except daggers) and any extra armor. Pick up three boots
and four crossbows. If you can, have your chemists learn black magic
(bolt & ice) and assign it to their secondary abilities. Remove the
boots from Algus and put them on Delita.

Battle 03 - Sweegy Woods
Enemies - Black Goblin, Bomb x2, Goblin x2, Red Panther
Job - Chemist

Pretty straight forward here. Before the next battle assign as many
chemists to the ARCHER class (leave black magic as their secondary
ability) and pick up the necessary number of cross bows.

Battle 04 - Slums of Dorter
Enemies - Archer x3, Knight, Wizard x2
Job – Archer/Chemist

Have everyone, with the exception of Ramza (have him 'wait' for two
turns), climb on top of the building nearest you. Don't worry about
the enemy archer perched high atop the building as Delita will chase
him down. With the range of your crossbows and spells, you shouldn't
have too much difficulty here. Pick up a couple potions after this
fight (so that you have ~15 in your inventory). Equip Delita with the
Iron Sword.

Battle 05 - Cellar of the Sand Mouse
Enemies - Archer, Knight x3, Monk x2
Job - Archer/Chemist

The archer has the ability to heal via potion so keep that in mind as
you attack. If you're lucky, Algus will plug up the entrance and the
enemy forces will gather up near it. This battle will be a bit tough
as you'll probably have one or two ko'd fighters when it's all said and
done. Afterwards, pick up 4 red hoods, 4 leather vests, and 4 long

Battle 06 - Thieves' Fort
Enemies - Miluda, Priest x2, Thief x3
Job - Archer

This battle is your first real challenge (Miluda will be 3 or 4 levels
higher than anyone on your squad). Take advantage of the fact that
you'll only have to defeat Miluda to complete this battle. If she
shows herself, have as many people attack her. Otherwise, eliminate
whoever you can (preferably one or more of the priests). Consider
yourself extremely talented and lucky if you can get away with having
only one of your fighters ko'd. After this battle, remove all of
Algus' armor and weapons (you're gonna need all the gil you can get
your hands on). If Delita has enough JP, have him learn the MOVE+1
ability. Equip Delita with the best robe in your inventory and sell of
the other. Head back to Igros castle.

Battle 07 - Lenalia Plateau
Enemies - Miluda, Knight x2, Wizard x2, Time Mage
Job - Archer

You'll be allowed to add 5 people in this fight so select the chemist
as she can provide some healing if necessary. You're rematch with
Miluda will be the exactly the same as the original encounter. All you
need to do is defeat Miluda for victory. I recommend trying to
eliminate one (if possible both) of the wizards on your first go
'round. Afterwards, have everyone converge on Miluda. Have Delita
learn CURE and assign WHITE MAGIC as his secondary ability.

Battle 08 - Windmill Shed
Enemies - Knight, Monk x2, Weigraf, Yellow Chocobo
Job - Archer

This can be a tough fight if you're really unlucky. Make sure and line
up all your archers in the back row. Have Delita learn CURE and assign
white magic as his secondary ability. At the onset of the battle
Delita should move one or two squares away from the party. This will
lure Weigraf down. From here on out it's a crap shoot. If you're
lucky enough to connect with your arrows, this'll be a short fight.

Afterwards, a couple of your archers may have fulfilled the JP
requirements mentioned earlier. If so, teach them concentrate. Remove
Delita's weapon and all his equipment (we need the money man!).

Battle 09 - Fort Zeakden
Enemies - Algus, Knight x3, Wizards x2
Job - Archer

This isn't too tough a fight but can get really annoying because of
Algus' auto-potion ability. Try to get your archers to the highest
point possible. Eliminate the wizards first before focusing on Algus.
After the battle, everyone should have enough JP to learn the
CONCENTRATE support ability which you'll be using for the remainder of
the game.

Chapter one is over. Your time should read anywhere from 2:15 – 2:30
(best time: 1:50). Ramza should be ~lv.5.


Battle 10 - Dorter Trade City
Enemies - Archer x2, Thief x2, Wizard x2
Job - Chemist

With Gafgarion and Agrias as guests, you can switch on over to the
chemist job class and work on getting the reaction ability AUTO-POTION.
After the battle, remove all the equipment from the non-fighting units.
DO NOT SELL OF THE ITEMS JUST YET. Pick up 4 head gears, 5 spiked
shoes (one for Agrias), and make sure you have ~15 potions in stock.
If any chemists have earned enough JP to learn the AUTO-POTION reaction
ability, change one to the knight job class and all others to thief.
Otherwise, keep them as chemists.

Battle 11 - Araguay Woods
Enemies - Black Goblin, Goblin x5
Job - Knight/Thief/Chemist

Opting to save the chocobo may result in a brave bonus, but I'm not too
sure. From here on out, you're ALWAYS going to have at least one
knight in your party until everyone becomes a lv.2 knight. Before the
next fight, remove all of Gafgarion's equipment and change his job
class to that of a chemist.

Battle 12 - Zirekile Falls
Enemies - Gafgarion, Knight x5
Job - Knight/Thief/Chemist

Delita can hold his own against the three knight's on the other side of
the bridge, so don't worry about him. He will on rare occasion come
over to your side. Either way this battle is going to be one of the
easier ones. If at all possible, try to have any remaining chemists
earn the required amount of JP (for auto-potion) here if they haven't
done so already. After this battle your first knight should be at
lv.2, in which case you should change his job class to that of thief.
Everybody else should now be converted to the knight class.

Battle 13 - Zaland Fort City
Enemies - Archer x2, Knight x2, Wizard x2
Job - Knight/Thief

Select "I don't want to get involved" for a small brave bonus. Line up
your archers all in the front row. If Mustadio decides to go to his
left, he'll be with you for most, if not all, of the battle. If he
goes to the right, he'll most likely be killed after the enemies first
turn. Whatever the case may be, this try to eliminate the wizards
first. After the fight, pick up enough hi-potions so you've got ~15 in
your inventory. Pick up 3 adaman vests. All fighters who have the
AUTO-POTION reaction ability should be changed to archers for the next
battle. Everyone else should be changed into knights. Make sure the
only potions in your inventory are hi-potions.

Battle 14 - Bariaus Hill
Enemies - Archer x2, Knight x2, Summoner x2
Job - Archers/Knight

Two words. Summon…er. They can cast Ifrit, Shiva, and Ramuh, all of
which can put a real hurtin' on your party (Ramuh will kill Ramza
immediately). To make matters worse, they're positioned in areas that
are not easily accessible. If you're really unlucky, the summoners
will be equipped with boots (this seems to be a random occurrence),
which will increase their range. All this makes for the hardest battle
in the first two chapters. Try and eliminate one archer your first
turn. Then ELIMINATE the summoner nearest Mustadio your second time
around. Consider yourself a miracle worker if you can finish this
battle with only one or two ko'd party members. After the battle,
remove all of Agrias' and Ovelia's equipment. Keep you hi-potion
inventory to ~15 and potion inventory ~5. Pick up 4 defense rings (for
later) and make sure you have at least 4 daggers in your inventory (you
can sell them off and upgrade to the platina daggers if you like).
Sell of all unnecessary items. Switch over to the thief class (or
chemist, if anyone hasn't learned AUTO-POTION yet).

Battle 15 - Zigolis Swamp
Enemies - Bone Snatch, Ghoul x2, Skeleton x2, Flotiball or Morbol
Job - Thief/Chemist

After the previous two battles, this is a welcomed relief. Take this
opportunity to earn some vital exp. for the thief class and if
necessary complete the JP requirements for the chemist class. Everyone
in your party should have enough JP to learn the MOVE+1 movement
ability (squire) after this fight. Sell off any potions you have
remaining in your inventory.

Battle 16 - Slums in Goug
Enemies - Thief x2, Archer x2, Summoner x2
Job – Thief

You'll be allowed to have an extra party member. I recommend putting
in the chocobo you helped earlier to aid in any healing. Don't worry
about Mustadio. Your enemy priority should be summoner-archer-thief.
Get as close to the summoners as you can in your first turn and just
wait. It's a bit tricky, but you should be able to win this battle
with just the thieves (assuming, of course, your AUTO-POTION clicks in
when it's supposed too). At Warjilis Trade City, you can pick up 4
green berets if you want, but you should be all right with your current
armor. Equip Mustadio with the Romanda Gun, Triangle Hat, any
available armor and your extra pair of spike shoes. Be sure to teach
him any abilities if he's got the JP for it. Sell off all unused items
except for swords, daggers, shields, and the 4 defense rings. Keep
your hi-potion stock to ~25. If you've managed to train a lv.4 thief
and earn 520 JP (for MOVE +2), begin training in the monk job class.
Otherwise, keep your party members in the thief class.

Battle 17 - Bariaus Valley
Enemies - Archer x2, Knights x2, Wizards x2
Job - Monk/Thief

Keep Mustadio and Ramza in the first group. Your priority here should
be the wizards. All in all, this battle should be fairly easy. After
this fight, head back to Warjilis and pick up 4 brigadines. All your
thieves should be at lv. 4 with 520 JP (MOVE+2). Regardless of whether
or not they have fulfilled these requirements, switch everyone over to
the monk class.

Battle 18 - Golgorand Execution Site
Enemies - Archer x2, Gafgarion, Knight x3, Time Mage x2
Job – Monk

Leave Agrias out of this battle. Keep Mustadio in Ramza's party. A
cheap little trick here is to reload the game until Gafgarion's HP is
under 200 (his hp fluctuates from ~175 – 260). Gafgarion and the two
knights on the ground should be your initial targets. This battle
shouldn't be that difficult. The next two battles will happen in
succession, so prepare your self accordingly.

Battle 19 - At the Gate of Lionel Castle
Enemies - Archer x2, Gafgarion, Knight x3, Summoner
Job - Geomancer/Monk

Close quarters here so you'd better have Agrias in your party. Place
all your members on the right side of the map so that you can eliminate
the archer and knight closest to you in two turns. If you're lucky,
Agrias will STOP the summoner with her stasis sword attack and buy you
all the time you need. Whichever class you currently have Ramza in,
your first priority should be to open the gate so that the others can
assist him in defeating Gafgarion. This will probably take anywhere
from 2-3 turns. In the meantime, kill off as many enemy units as
possible. After Ramza opens the gate, have Ramza exit the building and
lure Gafgarion to the outside. By the time Gafgarion reaches your
troops, there should only be one or two enemy units left for you to
deal with. If you catch a couple breaks, this fight can be really
easy. Either way, you shouldn't have too many problems here. After
this battle, equip your original 4 with the defense rings you picked up
earlier. Any members who haven't met the requirements for the thief
class should be changed into that job before the next fight.

Battle 20 - Inside Lionel Castle
Enemy – Queklain (~400 HP)
Job - Ninja/Geomancer/Thief

Those defense rings you picked up earlier will negate Queklain's
nightmare attack. Keep Mustadio in the upper left corner of the grid.
Queklain will ALWAYS come down and cast nightmare on him. Doing so
will allow you to surround him and simply pummel him into the ground.
Not much strategy here, just good ol' fashion brute force.

This long chapter has finally come to an end. Your time should read
anywhere from 5:15 – 5:30 (best time 4:40). Ramza should be ~lv.12.


By the beginning of this chapter, your fighters should have met the
prerequisites for all classes listed earlier except for geomancer.
Before proceeding any further, pick up 4 twisted headbands (put a green
beret on Mustadio if you haven't already done so) and sell off any
remaining headgear. Pick up about 20 of each elemental ball and ~20 x-
potions. Make sure and keep your hi-potion inventory to ~5. Sell of
all remaining weapons except for shields and swords. DO NOT sell any
of your defense rings. RE-equip everyone with the spiked shoes.

Battle 21 - Goland Coal City
Enemies - Chemist x2, Mediator, Thief x3,
Job - Ninja/Geomancer

Olan is one bad mamma jamma. Galaxy Stop is all kinds'a nice. It's a
shame he's not a playable character. Just imagine the havoc he could
wreak. After this fight, begin training all those capable of the ninja
job class. Have Mustadio learn all his snipe ablitites and MOVE+1
before changing his job class to chemist.

Battle 22 - Back Gate of Lesalia Castle
Enemies - Knight x3, Monk x2, Zalmo
Job - Ninja/Geomancer

All you need to do here is knock down Zalmo to critical status. With
your ninjas Zalmo should fall in two rounds. I'd advise AGAINST
picking up any weapons for your ninjas just yet. For the time being
their bare hands will suffice.

Battle 23 - Underground Book Storage Second Floor
Enemies - Chemist, Lancer x3, Time Mage x2
Job - Ninja (for the remainder of the game)

Your enemy priority list should be lancers-chemist-time mage. You
shouldn't have any problems as this battle is pretty straightforward.

Battle 24 - Underground Book Storage Third Floor
Enemies - Archer x2, Izlude, Knight x2, Summoner

Select your four ninjas and Mustadio. This is one of the easiest
battles of the game. Just send everyone over to Izlude (you should
have no problem reaching him) and show him the power of your balls.
The battle will be over as soon as he hits critical status.

Battle 25 - Underground Book Storage First Floor
Enemies - Archer x2, Knight x2, Wiegraf, Wizard x1

Select your four ninjas and Agrias. This is almost as easy as the
previous battle. After Wiegraf's initial attack, hit him with
everything you've got (if he counters he'll most likely kill you
because of the disparity in levels, but don't worry about it). Once
he's put in critical status, or killed, the battle will be over. At
Dorter Trade City pick up 8 short edges, 4 power suits, and 5 germinas
boots (equip the extra one on Mustard boy), ~10 magic shuriken, and ~5
hi-potions. It's going to cost you a tad over 110,000 gil so sell off
any unnecessary items if you're a bit short (you should have over
100,000 gil at this point).

Battle 26 - Grog Hill
Enemies - Archer, Chemist x2, Squire x2, Thief

Mustard boy is going to be joining you in this one. Nothing out of the
ordinary here. The female thief usually leaves herself exposed so
finish her off first. You may want to eliminate the chemists next.
After this battle, equip Mustadio with the mythril gun. Equip Agrias
with Mustadio's germinas boots.

Battle 27 - Yardow Fort City
Enemies - Malak, Ninja x3, Summoner x2

After a string of easy fights, you're in for a doozey. The summoners
and ninjas should be your top priority. First off, line up all four
ninjas and Agrias in the left side of the grid. During your first
turn, you should be able to kill the summoner on the right side. Send
two ninjas (two generics) to the highest point on the overpass. From
here, one will be able to throw a water ball at the summoner on the
right hand side, while the other won't. Just have him wait. Next send
Ramza and your other ninja to the TOP of the right side wall and throw
water balls at the summoner. This should be enough to kill her. When
it's Agrias' turn, have her go under the overpass and use her stasis
sword. Just continue with your attacks until no one's left standing.
You'll probably have one or two ko'd members at the end of this fight
(depending on the kinds of weapons the ninjas are equipped with).
After this battle, remove all of Rafa's equipment and pick up 1 black

Battle 28 - Yuguo Woods
Enemies – Ghoul, Gust, Revnant, Time Mage x2, Wizard x2

Have Mustadio in your party. With the ninjas range of movement and
Mustard boy's seal evil, this battle should pose no real problems.

Battle 29 - Gate of Riovanes Castle
Enemies - Archer x3, Knight x3, Malak

Nothing difficult here. Have Mustard Boy in your party. IGNORE Malak
and just knock off the knights and archers. After this battle, equip
Ramza with the black hood you just purchased.

Battle 30 - Inside Riovanes Castle
Enemies I - Wiegraf
Enemies II - Archaic Demon x3, Velius

Oh mama! This battle is arguably the hardest of the game. Wiegraf's
lightning stab does ~150-170 worth of damage and Ramza's hp (assuming
you've got on the black hood and power sleeve) should be somewhere in
the neighborhood of 190. What does this mean? Well, if your AUTO-
POTION doesn't go off, you'll have to reset. Once you inflict ~270hp
damage to Wiegraf, he'll change into Velius (~1000 hp). Ignore the
three archaic demons and focus on Velius. With your group of ninjas
now assisting you, you'll be able to take him out before he even gets
one attack in.

Battle 31 - Roof of Riovanes Castle
Enemies - Celia, Elmdor, Lede

Celia and Lede are the reincarnation of every girl you've ever scorned,
lied to, rejected, etc. Not only can they freeze you in your tracks
(stop bracelet) but they also possess an instant killer (shadow
stitch). When you add in Elmdor's draw out abilities, you may begin to
lose control of your bodily functions. Luckily, you only have to send
one of the three into critical status. In fact, with your ninjas this
should be one of the easier battles in the game (assuming of course,
Celia and Lede are nice enough to leave Rafa alive). The general trend
here seems to be the following: Elmdor uses his muramasa draw out
ability to do ~90 hp worth of damage to Rafa. One of the assasins
follows this by either hitting Rafa with STOP BRACELET or casting some
sort of status spell. The other assassin will make her way over to
Ramza and kill him. Bring your ninjas over to the assassin that just
killed Ramza and inflict enough damage to force the trio to teleport

We've come to the conclusion of chapter 3. Your time should read
anywhere from 7:15 – 7:30 (best time 6:20). Ramza should be ~lv.17.


Remove Malak's and Rafa's equipment. Equip your platoon with any black
hoods and holy miters in your inventory. Pick up ~20 yagyu darkness'.
Make sure your x-potion inventory is ~20.

Battle 32 - Doguola Pass
Enemies – Archer, Knight, Lancer x2, Wizard x2,

With the mobility of Mustadio and your ninjas, this should be fairly
easy. Take out the wizard on the upslope first by throwing things at
him. Afterwards dispose of the wizard on the lower terrain. Eliminate
the remaining enemies using your own discretion.

Battle 33 - Bervenia Free City
Enemies - Archer x2, Meliadoul, Summoner x2

All you need to do is put Meliadoul in critical condition for a quick
victory. Once again, have your party consist of Mustard boy and your
four ninjas. Place your initial party to the left side of the grid
(three ninjas) and place your second team to the back right of the
grid. At the start of the battle, the female ninja will move first.
Now, if you're really lucky Meliadoul will come down in front of the
ninja. If she does this, you'll be able to win this battle in the
first round. If, however, she stays right behind the ninja you'll have
to dispose of the ninja first to clear up a pathway to throw things at
Meliadoul. You'll most likely send her into critical status during
your turn (by which time someone in your group will be without any
armor thanks to her STARBUST PUNCH). Either way, this battle shouldn't
cause you any problems.

Battle 34 - Finath River
Enemies - Random Chocobo x5, Random Chocobo or Uribo

This battle is a joke. A really, really, really bad joke.

Battle 35 - Church Outside the Town
Enemies - Oracle x2, Knight x3, Zalmo

Looks like Zalmo's back for some more punishment. Delita's gonna be
helping you with this one. Have Agrias (she won't be much help but her
stasis sword attack may prove usefull during this battle) and your four
ninjas for this one. Remember, all you have to do here is kill Zalmo
so focus your attacks on him from the get go. The only thing this
battle is going to test is your patience.

Battle 36 - Bed Desert
Enemies - Archer x2, Balk, Knight x2, Wizard

Another unbelievably easy battle. Just ignore the fact that your
entire party is poisoned at the onset. Balk will usually begin the
battle by attacking Mustadio. After he does so, just hit him with the
ninjas to send him to critical status and a fast victory.

Battle 37A - South Wall of Bethla Garrison
Enemies - Archer x2, Knight x3, Ninja, Thief

This is the easier of the two options. Your party should be Mustadio
and your four ninjas. Place two ninjas on the right side of the grid
and two on the left. Put Mustard boy in the middle. I recommend
taking out the ninja, thief, and archers before the knights. Be wary
of the knights as one hit from their sword will do serious damage to
your personal. Attack them from a distance and close in on them when
you knock their hp to less than 150.

Battle 38A - In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice
Enemies - Archer x2, Knight x4, Wizard x2

Line up your first team on the back of the grid (include Mustadio).
Line your second team at the front of the grid. The two knights
standing on the switches can't move so you've only got six enemies who
can attack you. Not much strategy. Simply kill whoever is in your way
as you ascend the terrain. After disposing of the two knights
stationed on the panels, have Ramza go over to each one. After this
battle you'll have the untouchable Orlandu. On your way to Germinas
Peak, pick up 4 flash hats, 4 black costumes, and five 108 gems. Keep
your x-potion stock to ~20 and your yagyu darkness to ~20. Remove
Agrias' equipment and sell of any unnessary items if you find yourself
short on money.

Battle 39 - Germinas Peak
Enemies - Archer x3, Ninja, Thief x2

I can't help but wonder what my team would be like if I had Orlandu AND

Battle 40 - Poeskas Lake
Enemies - Archer x2, Oracle, Revnant x2, Summoner

Did I mention how strong Orlandu is?

Battle 41 - At the Gate of Limberry Castle
Enemies - Apanda x4, Celia, Lede

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need angel rings here (in fact,
you don't even need the black costumes). This battle is surprisingly
easy if you know what you're doing. Much like the other boss battles,
knocking either Celia or Lede into critical status will win you the
battle. An easy strategy here is to load everyone up on the right side
of the grid. At the start of the battle have Orlandu eliminate the
Apanda closest to you. Next have Ramza come towards the other party
members. This will cause one of the assasins to come towards Ramza and
use either shadow stitch or charm. Whatever she does, don't worry
about it. Take your three ninjas and ascend the column in front of
you. Have each ninja use a yagyu darkness. You should do ~300hp
damage resulting in an easy, quick victory.

Battle 42 - Inside of Limberry Castle
Enemies - Celia, Elmdor, Lede

Another surprisingly easy battle. Line up all four of your ninjas in
the front row and Orlandu in the back. Orlandu will get the first
turn, but just have him wait. Elmdor will follow by teleporting right
in the middle of the two rows and use his muramasa draw out skill which
will inflict ~170hp damage. If more than one person is inflicted with
confusion, reset (this seldom happens however). Celia and Lede will
then take their turn and cast spells on two of your party members.
When it's your turn to attack do so with three of the ninjas (two of
them should be the ones who've had spells cast on them by the
assassins). Your first attempt will always miss, but the second will
always connect. Follow this with an attack from Orlandu. When the
assassins finally cast their spell it'll kill those two party members,
but it'll also take care of Elmdor. Before you engage in the next
battle, equip three of you ninjas and Orlandu with the defense ring.

Battle 43 - Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle
Enemies - Bone Snatch, Knight x2, Living Bone, Skeleton, Zalera

Another battle with a lot of bark but not much bite. Zalera is
Elmdor's zodiac form. All you need to do to win this battle is defeat
Zalera. Meliadoul will help the party from the back. Just let her
deal with the undead. Converge all your troops on Zalera. Because
you're wearing the defense rings, Zalera will almost always forgo his
nightmare spell and cast flare, which will do ~160hp damage. After he
casts his spell, begin your assault on Zalera. This battle shouldn't
last longer than 2 rounds. On your way to Igros castle pick up 8 spell
edges, 5 thief hats, and as many bracers as you can get your hands on.
Sell off EVERYTHING except for your 108 gems.

Battle 44 - Inside of Igros Castle
Enemies I - Dycedarg, Knight x5
Enemies II - Adramelk

Your team for the last ten battles will consist of the 4 ninjas and
Orlandu. Once again, the only requirement for victory is defeating
Dycedarg, so do your best to get your fighters on the top floor. Have
everyone move as close to the stairway your first turn and just wait
(don't bunch them together). Dycedarg will usually counter with stasis
sword or lightning stab. During your next turn, have Orlandu use his
swordskill, have Ramza and the ninjas head towards the stairway,
eliminating any knights that are in the way. Have Orlandu follow you
towards the staircase his next turn. You'll eventually get your entire
team within striking distance of Dycedarg. When he transforms into
Adramelk (~1400-1700hp), just beat him into the ground. If you do it
right, he won't even get an attack off. After the battle, pick up some
more bracers (remember to keep your 108 Gems).

Battle 45 - St. Murond Temple
Enemies - Geomancer x2, Mediator x2, Priest, Summoner

Have Ramza and two ninjas in your first party and Orlandu and the other
ninja in the second. Have Orlandu open by killing the two mediators.
From there, just slash and burn as you see fit. This won't last longer
than two rounds.

Battle 46 - Hall of St. Murond Temple
Enemies - Kletian, Rofel, Vormav

One could argue that this battle is the easiest in the game. Defeating
ANY of the three will win this battle. Have Orlandu attack either
Kletian or Rofel. Then follow with an attack from Ramza. Doesn't get
much easier than that. Equip everyone with the 108 Gems before the
next fight.

Battle 47 - Chapel of St. Murond Temple
Enemies - Archaic Demon x2, Ultima Demon, Zalbag

Do this right and the demons will just stand there picking their noses.
Have Orlandu hit Zalbag with any armor breaking sword skill. Then
attack with your 4 ninjas. Then finish him off with Orlandu.
Afterwards, sell off your 108 Gems and pick up some more bracers.

Battle 48 - Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor
Enemies – Archer, Knight x3, Monk x2,


Battle 49 - Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor
Enemies - Rofel, Summoner x2, Time Mage, Wizard x2

This battle requires some strategy. Line up three ninjas in the front
row, LEFT side of the grid. Line up one ninja (your weakest fighter)
on the front row, right edge. Line up Orlandu anywhere in the back
except for the right corner. Just have everyone wait their first turn.
The enemy wizard will cast a spell buy just ignore him. Rofel will go
after the ninja on the front row, right side (hopefully with a cheesy
little spell and not one of her sword ability). You should now be able
to get to eliminate Rofel before the enemy gets another chance to

Battle 50 - Murond Death City
Enemies - Kletian, Ninja x2, Samurai x2, Time Mage x2

Kleitan must have a death wish standing in the middle of the field like
that. Have your three strongest fighters in the first group (ie.
Orlandu, Ramza, and your best generic). Orlandu will get the first
attack and should deplete Kletian's hp to the low hundreds. Next, the
two enemy ninjas, the time mage, and Ramza will get a turn. Just
finish off Kletian with Ramza.

Battle 51 - Lost Sacred Precincts
Enemies - Balk, Chemist, Dark Behemoth, Hydra, Hyudra, Tiamat

This is going to be the toughest fight of the 4th chapter. Have three
ninjas in your first team. At the onset of the battle, Balk will
USUALLY step forward and attack Ramza. Next have Orlandu move as close
to Balk as he can and wait (unless you've managed to learn Holy
Explosion). Have the remaining ninjas attack Balk (one ninja should be
able to get next to him and shave off 200+ hp with his spell edges).
The chemist will follow by using an x-potion on Balk (if you're really
lucky, he'll only use a regular potion). After some of the monsters fo
their thing, you'll get a shot in with Orlandu. Make it count! Thenm
have your ninjas attack Balk aggressively until he goes down. You'll
in all likelihood have at least one ko'd fighter at the end of this

Battle 52 - Graveyard of Airships
Enemy - Hashalum

Easy battle here. After you attack with Orlandu, Hashalum (~1300hp)
will cast a spell on your group of ninjas. Just have all 4 of the
ninjas attack (three of them should be able to attack using their spell
edges). Unfortunately for him, he'll die before he gets to cast his
summon. Your time before the final battle should read anywhere from
10:30 – 10:45 (best time 8:50).

Battle 53 - Graveyard of Airships
Enemies I – Altima I, Ultima Demon x4
Enemy II – Altima II

Altima is a real lightweight (~1300 hp). Ignore the demons and just
attack her. As in the Hashalum battle, you should be able to surround
Altima with three of your ninjas and defeat her during your first wave
of attacks. Once you defeat Altima, you'll face her second form (~3300
hp). Before Altima II gets an attack in, you should be able to shave
off ~2000 hp. Knocking off the remaining 1300hp shouldn't be too hard
(it'll be really easy if she decides to stay put and attack someone in
your party).

Congratulations! You've finished this masterpiece in under 11 hours.


I've been told that there have been people who've finished this game in
7 hours WITHOUT a gameshark. I have, however, been unable to verify
these times.

Here are the general stats for my team right before the last fight:

CLASS: Ninja
LV: 28-29
HP: 266-274
MP: 20-22
WEAPONS: Spell Edge (2)
BODY ARMOR: Black Costume

Generic Male figher
CLASS: Ninja
LV: 23-26
HP: 258-270
WEAPONS: Spell Edge (2)
BODY ARMOR: Black Costume

CLASS: Holy Swordsman
LV: 30-31
HP: 384-388
MP: 56-60
WEAPONS: Excalibur
SHIELD: Crystal
BODY ARMOR: Crystal Mail
ABILITY: All Swordskill
SUPPORT ABILITY: Equip Change/Defend

My fastest completion time has been just under 9 hours. Most of games
take anywhere from 9:15 – 9:45. The following is a list of the time it
takes me to complete each chapter:

CHAPTER I: 1:50 – 2:00
CHAPTER II: 2:50 – 3:10
CHAPTER III: 1:40 – 1:50
CHAPTER IV: 2:30 – 2:45

The CHAPTER II length is quite bothersome (only 11 battles in the
chapter, yet it's the longest of the game) but I can't see any way
around it. If anyone has any helpful tips/suggestions or questions
regarding this walkthrough, please feel free to email me at

Special thanks to my alpha reader/script consultant/left foot
man/tissue buddy thefool for reminding me how great this game is and
for his helpful tips on efficient nose picking.


FFT is the © of Squaresoft. This walkthrough was written for public
consumption and digestion. I am a quasi-professional writer and will
pursue any scoundrel who attempts to use any part of this walkthrough
for financial gain. Actually, the truth of the matter is I'm a lazy
SOB and I'll drink ostrich urine (mmm…ostrich urine) before pursuing
any legal action. But I'm asking you politely to play nice, okay? If
you wish to post this walkthrough on your site just email me at and simply let me know.

© babo07052

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Stealing Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Complete Game Script

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Straight Character Challenge

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Not So Common Knowledge Guide

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Part 1 of 3

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Part 2 of 3

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Part 3 of 3

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US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

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Dancer Guide

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Speed Guide

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Character Setups

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Deep Dungeon Exits Guide

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Stealing Guide

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Spell Quotes Guide

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Secrets Guide

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Poaching Guide

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Job Requirements

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Build Up Guide

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Beliebte Cheats
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01.April 2020
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01.April 2020
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