Final Fantasy Tactics

Final Fantasy Tactics

13.10.2013 04:17:13
Part 2 of 3

Final Fantasy Tactics FAQ 1.08 (Final)

by Angelus Phoenix

There should be three different files:

Part One: Game Walkthrough
Part Two: Jobs and Abilities
Part Three: Secrets and other Info

This file contains Part Two.

i. Revision History

1.08 -- This is the final revision of this FAQ. No more information will be added. I am
still taking e-mails, however, and you can still host it.

1.07 -- I have added plenty of stuff, including monster info in the Jobs section, and added to
the appendix in the Secrets section. I've also corrected some errors that were
around. This will probably be the last update for a while.

1.06 -- A complete item list (to the best of my knowledge) is in the Secrets section. I think
I will work on spell quotes and monster data next.

1.05 -- I am adding a lot more info to the Jobs section, and now have locations for the items
of the Deep Dungeon. I am now working on a detailed item list.

1.04 -- Added some Deep Dungeon info, changed my e-mail address, and various other minor

1.03a -- Nothing added to the actual FAQ, but I removed my ICQ# and corrected my e-mail
address and web page URL. They have been changed.

1.03 -- Added a section on the Deep Dungeon in the Secrets section.

1.02 -- Added a poaching list, edited the Cloud section.

1.01 -- Corrected a couple of typos (the jobs section is actually legible), added the "Where
to find these files" section, and the Special Thanks section.

1.00 -- First draft.

ii. Where to find these files

I have authorized the following sites for the hosting of these files. I'm sure you can find
them useful if you like RPGs or are looking for extra assistance.


My page, Station Omega:

RPG Dreamer:

iii. Introduction

Welcome. Over the past couple of years, I have gathered information about Final Fantasy
Tactics. That information, my love of the game and a bit of insanity produced what you now
see here.

A notice to players: these files contain many "spoilers" of the storyline, so be cautious.
The walkthrough section is in the order of the game, but the other sections have potential
spoilers from various portions of the game. If you have a question about a specific issue,
don't hesitate to ask me via e-mail.

If you wish to use any information contained in any of these files for a webpage, publication,
or any other form of media, you must contact me first.

iv. Special Thanks

First, I would like to give a big "thank you" to all of my friends, who helped me immensely
with the statistics and many other things.

Thanks to Sergio Lopez, ( for correcting some of my data in the jobs section.

Thanks to Matt Hobbs ( and Kevin McCullough ( for
submitting their poaching list.

And, thanks goes to Square, who has made another incredible game!

Table of Contents

Jobs of Final Fantasy Tactics

i. Revision History
ii. Where to find these files
iii. Introduction
iv. Special Thanks
1. How To Get The Job Classes
2. Job Classes and Abilities
2.1. Squire Classes
2.1.1. Squire
2.1.2. Knight
2.1.3. Archer
2.1.4. Monk
2.1.5. Thief
2.1.6. Geomancer
2.1.7. Lancer
2.1.8. Dancer
2.2. Chemist Classes
2.2.1. Chemist
2.2.2. Priest
2.2.3. Wizard
2.2.4. Oracle
2.2.5. Time Mage
2.2.6. Mediator
2.2.7. Summoner
2.2.8. Bard
2.3. Mixed Classes
2.3.1. Samurai
2.3.2. Ninja
2.3.3. Calculator
2.3.4. Mime
2.4. Special Classes
2.4.1. Squire
2.4.2. Holy Knight
2.4.3. Dark Knight
2.4.4. Engineer
2.4.5. Heaven and Hell Knights
2.4.6. Divine Knight
2.4.7. Holy Swordsman
2.4.8. Temple Knight
2.4.9. Dragoner
2.4.10. Soldier
3. Monsters
3.1. Chocobos
3.2. Goblins
3.3. Red Panthers
3.4. Bomb
3.5. Skeletons
3.6. Ghouls
3.7. Ahrimans
3.8. Pisco Demons
3.9. Juravis
3.10. Bull Demons
3.11. Morbols
3.12. Woodmen
3.13. Dragons
3.14. Behemoths
3.15. Hyudras
3.16. Uribo

1. How To Get The Job Classes

Each advanced class is derived from either the Squire or Chemist class. The Squire class leads
you toward stronger warrior classes, while the Chemist class will take you more towards magic
and other forms of battle.

Here is a quick reference for jobs and their prerequisites:

Name Prerequisites

Squire None
Knight Lv. 2 Squire
Archer Lv. 2 Squire
Monk Lv. 2 Knight
Thief Lv. 2 Archer
Geomancer Lv. 3 Monk
Lancer Lv. 3 Thief
Dancer (females only) Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer

Chemist None
Priest Lv. 2 Chemist
Wizard Lv. 2 Chemist
Oracle Lv. 2 Priest
Time Mage Lv. 2 Wizard
Mediator Lv. 2 Oracle
Summoner Lv. 2 Time Mage
Bard (males only) Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner

Samurai Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 2 Lancer
Ninja Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 4 Thief, Lv. 2 Geomancer
Calculator Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Time Mage, Lv. 3 Oracle
Mime Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer,
Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner

2. Job Classes and Abilities

I will include, for each character's skills, the name, a description, amount of MP used, speed
factor, and Job Points required. I will also rate each on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being bad and
5 being very good.

Here is a guide to the tables.

Name: The skill's name.

Description: What the skill does, and the range, speed, effects, etc.

- Range: This number indicates how far away the skill can be used. Auto means
that the ability is centered on the user. The first number indicates how many
squares away the skill can be executed, and the height indicates the maximum
difference in height between user and target for the skill to be able to be
used. If no height is indicated, than there is no height restriction.

- Effect: The numbers are the same as with range, only this time it indicates
how many squares around the target that are also affected. 1 means that only
the target is affected, 2 means that the four squares around the target are
affected, and so forth.

- Reflect: This means that the skill can be reflected.

- Calc: This means that the skill can be used by a Calculator using Math Skill.

- Add: This means that the skill adds the listed status effects are added to the target(s).
In general, when a long list of status effects are possible, only a few from the list are

- Cancel: This means that the skill removes the indicated status effects from the target(s).
Usually, all of the status effects on the list, (as long as target has them) will be

- Ground type: In Geomancy, this refers to the ability that is used when the Geomancer is
standing on the specified ground types.

- Trigger: This indicates what type of action triggers a reaction ability.

- SP: The speed at which the skill will be executed. Higher numbers are faster.

- MP: How many magic points the skill normally uses up.

- Speed: How quickly the skill is executed (higher numbers are faster).

- JP: How many job points are required to learn the skill.

- Elemental: This means that the skill has the indicated element.

- I may add some comments, they will be in brackets [ ] .

2.1. Squire Classes

All of these classes' abilities consume no MP. They are all generally based on
physical attacks, with the exception of the Thief, Geomancer, and Dancer.

2.1.1. Squire

No conditions for job change.
Weapons: Knife, Sword, Axe, Flail
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Basic job for all units. The starting point to becoming a fine warrior.

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Basic Skill
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Accumulate Charge up one's power to raise physical Now 300 4
attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1
[physical attack +1]

Dash Run into enemy with body. Now 80 2
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
[can knock target back one square]

Throw Stone Throw stones at a distant enemy. Now 90 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
[can knock target back one square]

Heal Recover from abnormal status effects. Now 150 2
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Cancel: Darkness, Silence, Poison
Reaction ability: JP Rating

Counter Tackle Counter with dash attack. 180 2
Support Abilities:

Equip Axe Equip axe regardless of job. 170 1

Monster Skill Target friendly monster within a 200 3
range of 3 acquires new abilities.

Defend Defend and prepare for attack. Select 50 2
act command, 'Defend.'

Gained JP UP Amound of JP earned in battle is 200 5
Move Ability:

Move +1 Increase movement range by 1. 200 4

The Squire's Basic Skill ability should be equipped as a secondary whenever you
desire to build your character's job levels. Accumulate is a skill that will get
you "free" job points, without any condition, because you can always get more
strength. Other abilities require you to do damage, or heal someone, etc. Also,
Gained JP UP is definitely a Squire ability you want on your warriors when level
building. Move +1 is also very useful as a move ability, to start.

2.1.2. Knight

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Squire
Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword
Can use shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Robe

Fine warriors, bold and brave with etiquette. Draws 'Battle Skill' with the powerful
knight sword.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
Battle Skill
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Head Break Used to destroy item equipped on Now 300 3
enemy's head.
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Armor Break Used to destroy item equipped on Now 400 4
enemy's chest.
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Shield Break Used to destroy equipped shield of Now 300 3
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Weapon Break Used to destoy equipped weapon of Now 400 5
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Magic Break Diminishes enemy's MP. Now 250 2
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Speed Break Diminishes enemy's speed level. Now 250 3
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Power Break Diminishes enemy's attack power. Now 250 3
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0

Mind Break Diminishes enemy's magic attack power. Now 250 3
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 0
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Weapon Guard Parry attacks with equipped weapon. 200 3
Trigger: Weapon attack.
Support Abilities:

Equip Armor Equip armor regardless of Job. 500 3

Equip Shield Equip shield regardless of Job. 250 2

Equip Sword Equip sword regardless of Job. 400 3
[The Knight does not have move abilities]

The Knight is a well-rounded character. The class has a few weaknesses, but many strengths.
The abilities are not what you should consider; it's the equipment and reaction
ability. If a Knight is wearing a good shield, mantle, and has Weapon Guard equipped,
you have a powerhouse that can hardly be hit. The Knight's only weakness would be magic,
and you can lower his/her Faith for that possibility. The Battle Skill abilities aren't very
useful, but can come in handy. Keep in mind that the Knight is only useful when he/she is
right next to the target.

2.1.3. Archer

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Squire
Weapons: Bow, Crossbow
Can use shield, but only with crossbow.
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Useful in preemptive attacks, the Archer is best utilized in high locations to
extend arrow range.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
Name Description JP Rating

Charge +1 Attack requires charging. The more you 100 2
charge, the stronger attack power will be.
Charge +2 150 2
Charge +3 200 3
Charge +4 250 4
Charge +5 300 4
Charge +7 400 3
Charge +10 600 1
Charge +20 1000 1
Reaction Abilities:

Speed Save Raise Speed. 800 4
Trigger: HP Damage.
[Raises Speed by 1]
Arrow Guard Evade bow/crossbow attack. 450 2
Trigger: Bow/crossbow attack.
Support Abilities:

Equip Crossbow Equip crossbow regardless of job. 350 1

Concentrate Cannot evade your attacks. If enemy 400 5
is in targeted panel, attack is sure
to succeed.
Move Ability:

Jump +1 Increase jump elevation by 1. 200 2

The Archer is a good job class to use in the beginning, but becomes more and more
obsolete as the game goes on. Eventually, the bows just aren't as powerful as the
other weapons. There are some better bows in the Deep Dungeon, however. However,
the range on the Archer can become devastating as height increases. The
Charge and Concentrate abilities are definitely useful in other job classes.

2.1.4. Monk

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Knight
Weapon: None
Helmet: Females can equip a ribbon, males can't equip a helmet.
Armor: Clothes

Monks are warriors who train their bodies in the ways of martial arts. Their
battle ability 'Punch Art' drives enemies away.

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%
Punch Art
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Spin Fist Attacks with spinning fists. Now 150 2
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

Repeating Fist Punch repeatedly with one's fist. Now 300 3
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

Wave Fist Attacks from afar by emitting battle Now 300 5
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Earth Slash Unleashes a spirit in a straight line, Now 600 5
splitting the earth along its path.
Range: 4 directions
Effect: 8, Vertical 2
Earth elemental

Secret Fist Causes death gradually, striking Now 300 2
vital points and blood vessels.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence

Stigma Magic Recovers abnormal status by emitting Now 200 4
the yin spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion,
Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep,
Don't Move, Don't Act

Chakra Restore HP and MP by focusing one's Now 350 5
mind on vital pressure points and
blood vessels.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

Revive Calls back dead units with a loud cry. Now 500 5
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Cancel: Dead
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

HP Restore Restore HP when terminal. 500 5
Trigger: Critical.

Counter Counter with physical attack. 300 5
Trigger: Physical attack.

Hamedo Attack before being attacked. 1200 3
Trigger: Physical attack.
Support Ability:

Martial Arts Gain the bare-handed fighting strength 200 2
of a monk.
Move Ability:

Move-HP Up Recover HP as you move. 300 2

The Monk has some of the most useful abilities of any job. There's long-ranged
attack, healing, status remedies, even a resurrection ability. However, the Monk
does not have a lot of hit points due to the limited amount of armor. Remember
to keep your Brave level up as a Monk so that he/she will be stronger and have the
Reaction Abilities triggered more. Also, I recommend Counter for any of the Squire
Job classes.

2.1.5. Thief

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Archer
Weapon: Knife
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Warriors who can steal anything from anyone. Their skill and boldness are

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Gil Taking Steals gil. Now 10 1
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Heart Charms an enemy that is of the Now 150 4
opposite sex.
Range: 3
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Charm

Steal Helmet Used to steal equipped helmets. Now 350 3
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Armor Used to steal equipped armor. Now 450 3
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Shield Used to steal equipped shield. Now 350 3
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Weapon Used to steal equipped weapons. Now 600 4
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Accessry Used to steal equipped accessories. Now 500 3
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

Steal Exp Used to steal Exp from an enemy. Now 250 2
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

Caution Take defensive position. 200 2
Add: Defense
Trigger: HP Damage.

Gilgame Heart Receive gil in the amount of damage you 200 1
Trigger: HP Damage.

Catch Catch thrown item and keep it. 200 3
Trigger: Throw.
Support Ability:

Secret Hunt If you beat a monster, you can take it 200 5
to a fur shop.
Move Abilities:

Move +2 Increase movement range by 2. 520 5

Jump +2 Increase jump elevation by 2. 480 3

The Thief's abilities are the only way to get some items that you can't normally
find elsewhere (Elmdor's Genji equipment, Meliadoul's Defender, etc.). Also,
Secret Hunt and Move +2 are useful abilities to have. The advantage to Secret
Hunt is that not only can you get great items from the furs, but you can also
remove an enemy from the battlefield, like those pesky reviving Skeletons and
Ghouls. However, the Thief has low attack power and low hit points due to the
weak armor that he/she can only wear.

2.1.6. Geomancer

Prerequisite: Lv. 3 Monk
Weapons: Sword, Axe
Can use shield with sword
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

Warrior who knows of good and bad luck, from the earth. Uses 'Elemental',
which brings mysterious geographical powers.

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Pitfall Elemental that damages with a warp in Now 150 4
Ground type: Natural Surface, Wasteland,
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Don't Move.

Water Ball Elemental that damages with the Now 150 3
mysterious power of water.
Ground type: Waterway, River, Lake, Sea,
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Water elemental
Add: Frog

Hell Ivy Elemental that damages with the Now 150 4
mysterious power of plants.
Ground type: Grassland, Thicket,
Water plant, Ivy
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Stop

Carve Model Elemental that damages with the Now 150 4
mysterious power of stones.
Ground type: Gravel, Stone floor,
Stone wall, Mud wall, Tombstone
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Petrify

Local Quake Elemental that damages with the Now 150 4
mysterious power of rocks.
Ground type: Rocky cliff, Lava rocks
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Earth elemental
Add: Confusion

Kamaitachi Elemental that damages with atmospheric Now 150 4
Ground type: Book, Tree, Brick, Bridge,
Furniture, Iron plate, Moss, Coffin
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Wind elemental
Add: Don't Act

Demon Fire Elemental that damages with mysterious Now 150 4
powers within the place.
Ground type: Wooden floor, Rug, Box,
Stairs, Deck
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental
Add: Sleep

Quicksand Elemental that damages with the Now 150 4
mysterious power of water.
Ground type: Swamp, Marsh, Poisoned
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Water elemental
Add: Death Sentence

Sand Storm Elemental that damages with the Now 150 3
mysterious power of dust.
Ground type: Sand area, Stalactite,
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Wind elemental
Add: Darkness

Blizzard Elemental that damages with the Now 150 3
mysterious power of snow.
Ground type: Snow, Ice
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Ice elemental
Add: Silence

Gusty Wind Elemental that damages with the Now 150 3
mysterious power of wind.
Ground type: Roof, Sky, Chimney
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Wind elemental
Adds: Slow

Lava Ball Elemental that damages with atmospheric Now 150 4
Ground type: Lava, Machine
Range: 5
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental
Add: Dead
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Counter Flood Counter with geomancy. 300 3
Trigger: Physical attack, geomancy.
Support Ability:

Attack UP Can cause great damage with physical 400 4
Move Abilities:

Any Ground Walk easily over waterlands like rivers. 220 2

Move on Lava Move and stop over rocks. 150 2

What's nice about the Geomancer is that he/she can have a good physical attack
and decent defense, while having useful special abilities. Geomancy is magic
based on the current ground the Geomancer is standing on. It does a little bit
of damage (some attacks have elements) and they all add a status anomaly. The
status anomaly doesn't work often, but it is nice when it does. I wouldn't
recommend Elemental as a second ability, unless you're fighting on some of the
more useful ground types.

2.1.7. Lancer

Prerequisite: Lv. 3 Thief
Weapon: Spear
Can use shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Robe

Warrior 'Jumps' high and attacks enemies despite heavy arms and weapons. An
expert with spears.

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%
Name Description JP Rating

Level Jump2 Allows you to jump 3 panels horizontally. 150 2
Level Jump3 Allows you to jump 3 panels horizontally. 300 2
Level Jump4 Allows you to jump 4 panels horizontally. 450 1
Level Jump5 Allows you to jump 5 panels horizontally. 600 1
Level Jump8 Allows you to jump 8 panels horizontally. 900 5
Vertical Jump2 Allows you to jump 2 panels vertically. 100 2
Vertical Jump3 Allows you to jump 3 panels vertically. 200 2
Vertical Jump4 Allows you to jump 4 panels vertically. 300 1
Vertical Jump5 Allows you to jump 5 panels vertically. 400 1
Vertical Jump6 Allows you to jump 6 panels vertically. 500 1
Vertical Jump7 Allows you to jump 7 panels vertically. 600 1
Vertical Jump8 Allows you to jump 8 spaces vertically. 900 5
Reaction Ability:

Dragon Spirit Protection from death. 560 4
Add: Raise
Trigger: Physical attack
Support Ability:

Equip Spear Equip spear regardless of Job. 400 2
Move Ability:

Ignore Height Jump to any height regardless of jumping 700 4

The Lancer is much like a Knight in equipment (although the attack for a Lancer
is better). The Jump ability has a few flaws, however. First, when you are
learning the Jump skills, you only need to learn Level Jump8 and Vertical Jump8.
If you learn those two, you will be able to jump at maximum range, and every
square inside that range. Also, there is no specified time when the Jump will
complete. If that enemy moves out of the way, the Jump will be unsuccessful.
As for the other abilities, Ignore Height will allow you to jump skyscrapers in
a single bound (literally). In any case, a Lancer is probably better than a

2.1.7. Dancer

Female units only.
Prerequisites: Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer
Weapon: Knife, Cloth
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Warrior who dances in battle in charming costumes. Can 'Dance' and disturb

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Witch Hunt Dance causes MP damage with a 17 100 1
mysterious costume.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 17
[Small amount of damage]

Wiznaibus Dance causes HP damage with powerful 17 100 2
dance steps.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 17
[Small amount of damage]

Slow Dance Dance lowers enemies' Speed level by 13 100 3
confusing them with slow dance movements.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 13
[Reduces Speed by 1]

Polka Polka Dance with vivacious moves. Lowers 13 100 3
physical attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 13
[Reduces physical attack power by 1]

Disillusion Dance lowers enemies' magic attack power 10 100 3
by distracting them with a mysterious
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 10

Nameless Dance Dance with unexplainable moves. Causes 10 100 4
various abnormal status.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 10
Add: Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Frog,
Poison, Slow, Stop, Sleep

Last Dance Ultimate dance. Turns enemies' CT count 5 100 4
to 0.
Range: Auto
Effect: all enemies
SP: 5
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

A Save Raise physical attack power. 550 4
Trigger: HP Damage.
[Raises physical attack by 1]

Brave Up Raise Brave. 500 4
Trigger: Physical Attack.
[The Dancer has no Support Abilities]
Move Abilities:

Jump +3 Increase jump elevation by 3. 1000 3

Fly Leap over enemies and obstacles. 1200 4

The Dancer's dances aren't very good at all. The MP and HP damage dances
hardly do any damage, and the other dances often don't work. The only thing
really useful about this class is the other abilities. Only women can change
into this job class.

2.2. Chemist Classes

The Chemist classes focus more on magic and alternate forms of battle than
weaponry. Also, these classes can't equip armor, so they will be weaker than
the others, but their magic can make them more powerful than their Squire

2.2.1. Chemist

No conditions for job change.
Weapons: Knife, Gun
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Chemist who perscribes items to restore HP and treat abnormal status. Item
throw ability.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Name Description JP Rating

Potion Potion recovers HP. It damages when used 30 3
on undead. HP restore 30

Hi-Potion Hi-Potion's stronger than Potion. 200 3
HP restore 70

X-Potion X-Potion can be used to recover HP. It's 300 4
the strongest existing potion.
HP restore 150

Ether Ether restores MP. MP restore 20 300 2

Hi-Ether High Ether is stronger than Ether. 400 3
MP restore 50.

Elixir Elixir restores all HP and MP. 900 5

Antidote Antidote neutralizes all poisons. 70 3
Cancel: Poison

Eye Drop Eye drops restore sight. 80 2
Cancel: Darkness

Echo Grass Echo Grass lets you cast magic again. 120 3
Cancel: Silence

Maiden's Kiss Maiden's Kiss restores you to your 200 3
original shape from Frog.
Cancel: Frog

Soft Tool to cure petrified state. It breaks 250 3
after one use.
Cancel: Petrify

Holy Water This water restores life to undead. 400 3
Cancel: Undead, Blood Suck

Remedy Cures many types of abnormal status. 700 5
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion,
Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep

Phoenix Down This feather revives dead units. 90 5
Cancel: Dead
Reaction Ability:

Auto Potion Use lowest available potion when attacked. 400 3
Trigger: HP Damage.
Support Abilities:

Throw Item Be able to throw items and expand range, 350 2
even if not a Chemist.

Maintenance Equipped items are immune to break 250 3

Equip Change Change equipment even in battle. Select 0 2
act command, 'Equip Change.'
Move Ability:

Move-Find Item Find any hidden items at your destination. 100 5

The Chemist is a job class that just about all of your warriors should spend
some time in. The items are all useful in battle, and you could definitely
use healing or a Phoenix Down during the course of battle. The other abilities
aren't as useful, although Move-Find Item is what you will need to get all of
the good stuff in the Deep Dungeon. A note about Move-Find Item: The lower your
brave level, the better your chances are of finding a good item. This is explained
more in the Deep Dungeon section in the secrets file.

2.2.2. Priest

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Chemist
Weapon: Staff
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

The Priest controls holy magic by borrowing soul power. Often uses
recuperative and support magic, 'White Magic.'

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
White Magic
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Cure White magic cures physical injuries 6 25 50 4
and restores HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Reflect, Calc

Cure 2 White magic cures physical injuries 10 20 180 4
and restores HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 10 SP: 20
Reflect, Calc

Cure 3 White magic cures physical injuries 16 15 400 5
and restores HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 16 SP: 15
Reflect, Calc

Cure 4 White magic cures physical injuries 20 10 700 3
and restores HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 20 SP: 10

Raise White magic revives dead units from 10 25 180 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 10 SP: 25
Cancel: Dead
Reflect, Calc

Raise 2 White magic revives dead units from 20 10 500 5
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20 SP: 10
Cancel: Dead
Reflect, Calc
[Revives dead unit, and restores full HP.]

Reraise Divine protection. Once cast, will 16 15 800 2
raise units automatically upon
Range: 3
Effect: 1
MP: 16 SP: 15
Add: Reraise
Reflect, Calc

Regen White magic restores a unit by 8 25 300 2
gradually replenishing its HP.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 8 SP: 25
Add: Regen
Reflect, Calc

Protect White magic protects units from 6 25 70 2
physical attacks by covering them
with invisible armor.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 6 SP: 25
Add: Protect
Reflect, Calc

Protect 2 White magic protects units from 24 15 500 2
physical attacks by covering them
with invisible armor.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 24 SP: 15
Add: Protect

Shell White magic protects units from 6 25 70 2
magic attacks by covering them with
an invisible magic veil.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 6 SP: 25
Add: Shell
Reflect, Calc

Shell 2 White magic protects units from 20 25 500 2
magic attacks by covering them with
an invisible magic veil.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 20 SP: 15
Add: Shell

Wall White magic protects units from 24 25 380 3
physical and magic attacks by
covering them with an invisible
Range: 3
Effect: 1
MP: 24 SP: 25
Add: Protect, Shell
Reflect, Calc

Esuna White magic cancels abnormal status 18 34 280 5
with its purifying light.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 18 SP: 34
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion,
Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep,
Don't Move, Don't Act
Reflect, Calc

Holy White magic attacks by enveloping 56 17 600 5
enemy within a holy light.
Range: 5
Effect: 1
MP: 56 SP: 17
Holy elemental
Reflect, Calc
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Regenerator Receive Regen when attacked. 400 3
Support Ability:

Magic DefendUP Magic attack damage is lessened. 400 3
[The Priest has no Move Abilities.]

The Priest is excellent for healing and defense. Also, the Priest has a
great attack spell as well, which works well on Undead. You can use White
Magic as an alternative to Items for healing, and you'll get a good attack
spell out of it as well. Learn all but Cure 4, Protect 2, and Shell 2 for
training a Calculator. However, if you're looking for a good magic attack unit,
the Wizard, Summoner, and Time Mage are better.

2.2.3. Wizard

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Chemist
Weapon: Rod
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

The Wizard controls the elements which make up this world. Often uses attack
magic, 'Black Magic.'

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Black Magic
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Fire Black magic erupts in a blazing 6 25 50 4
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Fire elemental
Reflect, Calc

Fire 2 Black magic erupts in a blazing 12 20 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 12 SP: 20
Fire elemental
Reflect, Calc

Fire 3 Black magic erupts in a blazing 24 15 480 3
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 24 SP: 15
Fire elemental
Reflect, Calc

Fire 4 Black magic erupts in a blazing 48 10 850 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
MP: 48 SP: 10
Fire elemental

Bolt Black magic stikes down in a flash 6 25 50 4
of lightning.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Lightning elemental
Reflect, Calc

Bolt 2 Black magic strikes down in a flash 10 20 200 3
of lightning.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 10 SP: 20
Lightning elemental
Reflect, Calc

Bolt 3 Black magic strikes down in a flash 24 15 480 3
of lightning.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 24 SP: 15
Lighting elemental
Reflect, Calc

Bolt 4 Black magic strikes down in a flash 48 10 850 3
of lightning.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
MP: 48 SP: 10
Lightning elemental

Ice Black magic releases falling ice 6 25 50 4
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Ice elemental
Reflect, Calc

Ice 2 Black magic releases falling ice 12 20 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 12 SP: 20
Ice elemental
Reflect, Calc

Ice 3 Black magic releases falling ice 24 15 480 3
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 24 SP: 15
Ice elemental
Reflect, calc

Ice 4 Black magic releases falling ice 48 10 850 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
MP: 48 SP: 10
Ice elemental

Poison Black magic creates poison inside 6 34 150 2
one's body, gradually lowering HP as
the body is consumed from inside.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
MP: 6 SP: 34
Add: Poison
Reflect, Calc

Frog Black magic turns target into a frog. 12 20 500 3
Can also be used to reverse the
effects of this spell.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
MP: 12 SP: 20
Add: Frog
Reflect, Calc

Death Black magic slays target instantly by 24 10 600 3
removing its soul.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 24 SP: 10
Add: Dead
Reflect, Calc

Flare Black magic burns an entire area by 60 15 900 5
converting ultra-energy to heat.
Range: 5
Effect: 1
MP: 60 SP: 15
Reflect, Calc
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Counter Magic When attacked by magic, counter with same. 800 5
Trigger: Magic Effect
Support Ability:

Magic AttackUP Can cause great damage with magic attack. 400 4
[The Wizard has no movement abilities.]

The Wizard is a strong addition to any army. All of his abilities are useful,
but they are all offensive spells. These spells don't have the variety that
some of the other classes do; they are purely for attack. The Wizard does have
the highest magic attack rating of any of the jobs, so when you finish learning
the Calculator skills, change the Calculator to a Wizard, and give him/her a
Wizard Rod, Flash Hat, Magic Gauntlet, etc., and use Magic AttackUP. You'll see
some powerful results.

2.2.4. Oracle

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Priest
Weapons: Stick, Rod, Staff, Dictionary
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

The Oracle has control over elements of life itself, through the manipulation
of Yin and Yang.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Yin-Yang Magic
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Blind Yin Yang magic blinds enemy and lowers the 4 50 100 2
rate of physical attacks.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 4 SP: 50
Reflect, Calc
Add: Darkness

Spell Absorb Yin Yang magic absorbs enemy's MP, restoring 2 50 200 3
one's own MP.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 2 SP: 50

Life Drain Yin Yang magic absorbs enemy's HP, restoring 16 50 350 3
one's own HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 16 SP: 50

Pray Faith Yin Yang magic fills soul with faith. 6 25 400 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Reflect, Calc
Add: Faith

Doubt Faith Yin Yang magic makes targets lose their faith, 6 25 400 3
reducing their faith level.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 6 SP: 25
Reflect, Calc
Add: Innocent

Zombie Yin Yang magic brings bodily death. 20 20 300 1
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20 SP: 20
Reflect, Calc
Add: Undead

Silence Song Yin Yang magic mutes enemy, making it impossible 16 34 170 3
to cast spells.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 16 SP: 34
Reflect, Calc
Add: Silence

Blind Rage Yin Yang magic releases desire to destroy, makes 16 20 400 2
enemy turn wild.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 16 SP: 20
Reflect, Calc
Add: Berserk

Foxbird Yin Yang magic lowers brave level. 20 25 200 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20 SP: 25
Reflect, Calc

Confusion Song Yin Yang magic makes enemy lose rationality and 20 20 400 3
act confused.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20 SP: 20
Reflect, Calc
Add: Confusion

Dispel Magic Yin Yang magic cancels positive status effect by 34 34 700 3
neutralizing Yin and Yang.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 34 SP: 34
Cancel: Float, Reraise, Transparent, Regen,
Protect, Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect

Paralyze Yin Yang magic doesn't allow enemy to take 10 20 100 5
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 10 SP: 20
Reflect, Calc
Add: Don't Act

Sleep Yin Yang magic immediately puts enemy to sleep. 24 17 350 3
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 24 SP: 17
Reflect, Calc
Add: Sleep

Petrify Yin Yang magic immediately turns enemy's body to 16 12 600 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 16 SP: 12
Reflect, Calc
Add: Petrify
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Absorb Used MP Restore your MP by the same amount your enemy used. 250 2
Trigger: MP Effect.
Support Ability:

Defense UP Physical attack damage is lessened. 400 3
Move Ability:

Any Weather Walk easily over swamps, marshes, poison marshes, 200 2
regardless of climate.

Move-MP Up Recover MP as you move. 350 2

The Oracle is an excellent support wizard. He or she will have to rely on others to defeat
the enemies, but Yin Yang Magic makes it an easier task. There are a number of beneficial
spells such as Paralyze, Sleep and Petrify that will stop your enemies in their tracks. All
but the HP and MP draining spells can be implemented in calculation, and are extremely useful
in that regard.

2.2.5. Time Mage

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Wizard
Weapon: Staff
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

The Time Mage controls time and space. This sorceror toys with the laws of the universe.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Time Magic
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Haste Time Magic increases speed by accelerating time. 8 50 100 5
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 8 SP: 50
Reflect, Calc
Add: Haste

Haste 2 Time Magic increases speed by accelerating time. 30 15 550 3
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 30 SP: 15
Add: Haste

Slow Time Magic decreases speed by slowing the passage 8 50 80 5
of time.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 8 SP: 50
Reflect, Calc
Add: Slow

Slow 2 Time Magic decreases speed by slowing the passage 30 15 520 3
of time.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 30 SP: 15
Add: Slow

Stop Time Magic puts target in stasis, preventing its AT 14 15 330 4
from occurring.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
MP: 14 SP: 15
Reflect, Calc
Add: Stop

Don't Move Time Magic breaks space apart, making it impossible 10 34 100 4
to move.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 10 SP: 34
Reflect, Calc
Add: Don't Move

Float Time Magic distorts space, let's one float 1h above 8 50 200 1
the ground.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 8 SP: 50
Reflect, Calc
Add: Float

Reflect Time Magic creates are that reflects magic by 12 50 300 2
inverting magic space.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 12 SP: 50
Reflect, Calc
Add: Reflect

Quick Time Magic vastly increases the speed of time 24 25 800 4
passage, hastening AT.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 24 SP: 25

Demi Time Magic damages with the powerful pull of gravity 24 17 250 2
by creating ultra high-density space.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
MP: 24 SP: 17
Reflect, Calc

Demi 2 Time Magic damages with the powerful pull of gravity 50 12 550 2
by creating ultra high-density space.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
MP: 50 SP: 12
Reflect, Calc

Meteor Time Magic unleashes a huge meteor from the heavens, 70 8 1500 3
devastating its target.
Range: 4
Effect: 4, Vertical 3
MP: 70 SP: 8
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

Critical Quick When HP level is lessened, your AT is executed next. 700 3

MP Switch Physical damage is converted into magic damage. MP is lost 400 4
instead of HP.
Support Ability:

Short Charge CT is shortened. 800 5
Move Abilities:

Teleport Distort time, moving immediately to your destination. 600 5
Moving too far will end in failure.

Float Float 1h over land. 540 1

The Time Mage's magic is quite powerful. Haste, Slow, and Don't Move can easily turn the tide
of a battle. However, like the Oracle, the Time Mage does not have much damaging power, with
the exception of Meteor, which is nice if you can pull it off due to its long casting time.
However, the other abilities is where the Time Mage is really good. MP Switch is excellent for
use on non-magic using jobs, such as Knights or Monks. Short Charge is an excellent (almost
necessary) support ability for Summoners, and is also very useful on Wizards. Teleport is also
excellent, if you know its limits.

2.2.6. Mediator

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Oracle
Weapons: Knife, Gun
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

Warrior who joins battles by talking to the enemy. Uses clever 'Talk Skill.'
Monster talk ability

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Talk Skill
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Invitation Word skill tricks enemy into becoming an ally. Now 100 5
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Invitation

Persuade Word skill used to ask enemy to wait its turn to act. Now 100 2
Resets the CT count.
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Praise Word skill raises Brave level by complimenting the target Now 200 3
and raising their confidence.
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Threaten Word skill lowers Brave level by frightening target. Now 200 5
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Preach Word skill used to raise Faith by preaching the miracles Now 200 5
of God.
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Solution Word skill used to lower Faith by preaching about other Now 200 3
secular theories.
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Death Sentence Word skill foretells the enemy's death. Now 500 3
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence

Negotiate Word skill used to negotiate with enemy and receive gil. Now 100 1
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1 enemy

Insult Word skill used to upset enemy with curses and abuse. Now 300 2
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Berserk

Mimic Daravon Word skill used to put enemy asleep with boring stories. Now 300 3
Range: 3, Vertical 3
Effect: 2
Add: Sleep
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

Finger Guard Evade word attacks. 300 1
Trigger: word skills.
Support Abilities:

Equip Gun Equip gun regardless of Job. 750 4

Train When enemy becomes terminal, force them into becoming 450 2

Monster Talk Speak with monsters and use 'Word Skill' even if not a 100 1
[The Mediator does not have Move Abilities.]

The Mediator is useful in a couple of ways. First, Invite is the only way to get some
monsters in your party, and the only way to get some of those very rare items for poaching.
Second, it is another clsss that equip guns, which is very useful once you get some of the
elemental guns.

As for the abilities, several of them have a low success rate (40-55%, depending on Zodiac
compatibility). The only useful ones are Invite, Preach, Threaten, and Solution. Praise is
easily outdone by Ramza's Cheer Up ability, which has a 100% success rate. Solution is the
only way I am aware of to raise Faith, and it's success rate is 40-55% as well.

2.2.7. Summoner

Prerequisite: Lv. 2 Time Mage
Weapons: Rod, Staff
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

Warrior who can call illusionary monsters, spirits of the highest rank. Uses 'Summon Magic',
a special contract with the spirits.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Summon Magic
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Moogle Summon monster cures target's wounds with pure wind and 8 50 110 3
restores HP.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 ally
MP: 8 SP: 50

Shiva Summon monster breathes on the enemy with extremely cold 24 25 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 24 SP: 25
Ice elemental

Ramuh Summon monster mercilessly pours lightning shower on 24 25 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 24 SP: 25
Lightning elemental

Ifrit Summon monster rains a blazing inferno down upon the 24 25 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 24 SP: 25
Fire elemental

Titan Summon monster overturns the earth by striking it with a 30 20 220 4
powerful blow.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 30 SP: 20
Earth elemental

Golem Summon monster shares part of ally's damage. Evades 40 34 500 5
physical weapon damage.
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
MP: 40 SP: 34

Carbunkle Summon monster protects allies by reflecting magic attacks 30 25 350 1
with ruby light.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 ally
MP: 30 SP: 25
Add: Reflect

Bahamut Summon monster unleashes a devastating breath attack. 60 10 1200 4
Range: 4
Effect: 4, Vertical 3 enemy
MP: 60 SP: 10

Odin Summon monster charges through enemies on the back of a 50 12 900 4
Range: 4
Effect: 4, Vertical 3 enemy
MP: 50 SP: 12

Leviathan Summon monster engulfs the battlefield with a huge water 48 12 850 4
Range: 4
Effect: 4, Vertical 3 enemy
MP: 48 SP: 12
Water elemental

Salamander Summon monster burns battlefield with scorching red flame. 48 12 820 3
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 48 SP: 12
Fire elemental

Silf Summon monster mutes enemy with the spirit of leaves in 26 20 400 2
the wind.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 26 SP: 20
Add: Silence

Fairy Summon monster restores ally's HP. 28 25 460 4
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 ally
MP: 28 SP: 25

Lich Summon monster born from darkness, dwells in the bowels 40 12 600 2
of hell.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 40 SP: 12
Darkness elemental

Cyclops Summon monster sunders the battlefield in the wake of its 62 12 1000 3
catastrophic onslaught.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2 enemy
MP: 62 SP: 12

Zodiac Summon monster focuses star light energy, and unleashes 99 10 -- 4
it in a blazing beam of destruction.
Range: 4
Effect: 4, Vertical 3 enemy
MP: 99 SP: 10
Reaction Ability: JP Rating

MP Restore Restore MP when terminal. 400 5
Trigger: Critical.
Support Ability:

Half of MP MP used when casting magic is half. 900 5
[The Summoner has no Move Abilities.]

The Summoner has some of the best magic spells around, and with good variety. There are
several heavily damaging magics along with some good support magic, Golem and Fairy. There
is even a spell that provides Reflect and Silence for several allies or enemies, although
your need for these spells will be minimal. The reaction and support abilities will have
excellent uses for any of your magic using characters.

2.2.8. Bard

Male units only.
Prerequisite: Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner
Weapon: Harp
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Warrior who uses his voice as a weapon. Can 'Sing' songs that protect allies.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Angel Song Song for divine protection of an angel. Restores MP. 17 100 2
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 17

Life Song Song about the greatness of life. Restore HP. 17 100 3
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 17

Cheer Song Song about encouraging and cheering up someone. Raises 13 100 4
Speed level.
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 13

Battle Song Song about battle. Raises physical attack power. 13 100 4
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 13

Magic Song Song about laws of sorcery and origins of magic. Raises 10 100 3
magic attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 10

Nameless Song Unknown song which has been handed down for generations. 10 100 3
Various divine protection.
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 10
Add: Reraise, Regen, Protect, Shell, Haste

Last Song Ultimate song. Raises ally's CT count to 100. 5 100 4
Range: Auto
Effect: all allies
SP: 5
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

MA Save Raise Magic attack power. 450 3
Trigger: HP damage.

Face Up Raise Faith. 500 3
Trigger: Magic Effect.
[The Bard has no support abilities.]
Move Abilities:

Move+3 Increase movement range by 3. 1000 5

Fly Leap over enemies and obstacles. 1200 4

The Bard is probably just as useful as the Dancer, if not more. The Dancer's attacks are as
weak as the support for your allies is with the Bard. However, Nameless Song, Last Song, and
possibly Magic Song are useful, but I'd say the only good thing about the Bard is Move+3.

2.3. Mixed Classes

The Mixed Classes have better strengths and abilities than those in the regular jobs. These
classes include the Samurai, Ninja, Calculator, and Mime.

2.3.1. Samurai

Prerequisite: Lv. 3 Knight, Lv. 4 Monk, Lv. 2 Lancer
Weapon: Katana
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Robe

Foreign warrior who forges their soul by improving swordsmanship. Uses skill that 'Draw Out'
the spirit of the sword.

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%
Draw Out
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Asura Knife Releases spirit of the katana. An invisible blade Now 100 3
slashes the enemy.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy

Koutetsu Releases spirit of the katana. The cry of the Banshee, Now 180 3
released in a brutal wave.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy

Bizen Boat Releases spirit of the katana. Ghost's whisper causes Now 260 1
MP damage.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy

Murasame Releases spirit of the katana. Released spirit's tears Now 340 4
restore HP.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 ally

Heaven's Cloud Releases spirit of the katana. Ethereal spirit flows Now 420 3
out and attacks.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy
Add: Slow

Kiyomori Releases spirit of the katana. Spiritual essence engulfs Now 500 3
allies in a protective veil.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 ally
Add: Protect, Shell

Muramasa Releases spirit of the katana. Vengeful wraiths Now 580 4
gradually remove the soul of the enemy.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy
Add: Confusion, Death Sentence

Kikuichimoji Releases spirit of the katana. Vengeful spirit charges Now 660 4
the enemy in rage.
Range: 4 directions
Effect: 8, Vertical 3 enemy

Masamune Releases spirit of the katana. Benevolent spirits Now 740 4
enhance the strength and agility of allies.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 ally
Add: Regen, Haste

Chirijiraden Releases spirit of the katana. Spirits become blue Now 820 4
flame and attack living beings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3 enemy
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

Meatbone Slash When terminal, give damage in the amount of your max HP. 200 3
Trigger: Critcal.

Blade Grasp Evade physical attack. 700 5
Trigger: Physical Attacks other than Bow/Crossbow.
Support Abilities:

Equip Knife Equip Katana regardless of Job. 400 2

Two Hands Hold weapon in both hands raising destructive power. 900 5
Move Ability:

Walk on Water Move or stop over the surface of the water. 300 2

The Samurai is a warrior with excellent strength and good defense. The Draw Out abilities
give a lot of versatility to this Job class, and the Blade Grasp and Two Hands abilities will
make your Samurai very tough to defeat. The Draw Out ability will only work if you have
extra Katanas in stock, and there is always a chance of that Katana breaking. So, I would
suggest keeping 3 or 4 of the more useful Katanas around.

2.3.2. Ninja

Prerequisite: Lv. 3 Archer, Lv. 4 Thief, Lv. 2 Geomancer
Weapons: Knife, Ninja Sword, Flail
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Combatant who hides as a means of battle. Can 'Throw' weapons at distant enemies.
2-sword ability

Move: 4
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 30%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Shuriken Allows to you throw shuriken. Now 50 5
Ball Allows you to throw a Ball. Now 70 5
Knife Allows you to throw a knife. Now 100 2
Sword Allows you to throw a sword. Now 100 2
Hammer Allows you to throw a flail. Now 100 2
Katana Allows you to throw a Katana. Now 100 3
Ninja Sword Allows you to throw a Ninja sword. Now 100 2
Axe Allows you to throw an axe. Now 120 2
Spear Allows you to throw a spear. Now 100 2
Stick Allows you to throw a stick. Now 100 2
Knight Sword Allows you to throw a Knight sword. Now 100 1
Dictionary Allows you to throw a Dictionary. Now 100 2
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

Sunken State Hide by become invisible. 900 4
Add: Invisible
Trigger: HP damage.

Abandon Evade % rises and it becomes easier to dodge attacks. 400 3
Trigger: Physical attacks and some Magic attacks.
Support Ability:

Two Swords Use a weapon in each hand even if not a Ninja. 900 5
Move Ability:

Move in Water Move or stop on water. 420 2

The Ninja's attack power is very high. Complemented with a high speed rating and good initial
movement values, the Ninja can be a very useful character. However, it is probably best to
keep your distance if possible. The Ninja's weak armor gives a low HP amount, and so the
Ninja can easily be taken down by Magic or an accurate hit. With a high physical evasion
rate, the Ninja relies on dodging attacks rather than taking them, so you should probably
equip your Ninjas with mantles.

2.3.3. Calculator

Prerequisite: Lv. 4 Priest, Lv. 4 Wizard, Lv. 3 Oracle, Lv. 3 Time Mage
Weapons: Stick, Dictionary
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

Scholarly warrior creates phenomenon through math. Uses 'Math Skill' to drive away the

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Math Skill
Name Description Speed JP Rating

CT Math skill to calculate CT. -- 250 4
Level Math skill to calculate level. -- 350 5
Exp Math skill to calculate Exp. -- 200 5
Height Math skill to calculate height. -- 250 4

Prime Number Math skill that guides selected item in prime -- 300 4
number. (A Prime Number is any number that is
only divisible by 1 or itself.) Below is a list
of prime numbers under 100:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17
19 23 29 31 37 41 43
47 53 59 61 67 71 73
79 83 89 97

5 Math skill that guides items in multiples of 5. -- 200 4
4 Math skill that guides items in multiples of 4. -- 400 4
3 Math skill that guides items in multiples of 3. -- 600 5
Reaction Abilities: JP Rating

Distribute When HP is maxed, excess HP is shared with party. 200 4
Trigger: HP restore.

Damage Split Shift damage received from yourself to your enemy. 300 5
Support Ability:

Gained Exp UP Spirit is heightened. Gain more Exp. from the same 350 4
Move Abilities:

Move-Get Exp Gain Exp. as you move. 400 3

Move-Get JP Gain JP as you move. 360 2

The Calculator is hands down the best job class. However, to get a fully strong Calculator,
you will need to spend many hours getting spells and the Math Skill abilities. The way the
Calculator works is that you are able to cast any spell from the large group of spells that
have "Calc" in their description. Then, you pick either CT, Level, Exp, or Height, and
divide that number by either a Prime Number, 5, 4, or 3. Then, the spell targets all in that
calculation. This is explained in detail in my Calculator Strategy section in the Secrets

As for the other abilities, they are excellent. Damage Split is probably one of the best
reaction abilities: it takes half the damage that you took from an attack, and deals it to the
enemy, and heals you in that same amount. Gained Exp UP doubles the amount of experience you
receive, a skill ideal for Cloud.

2.3.4. Mime

Prerequisite: Lv. 8 Squire, Lv. 8 Chemist, Lv. 4 Geomancer, Lv. 4 Lancer,
Lv. 4 Mediator, Lv. 4 Summoner
Weapon: None
Helmet: None
Armor: None

Warrior who can 'Mimic' others. When an ally takes action, he mimics it.

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%

This character has no abilities, it mimics the actions your other units

2.4. Special Classes

These are the classes that have special abilities that you can't find in normal characters.
This includes the special Squires, Holy Knight, Engineer, etc. All of these classes have the
typical Squire abilities for their Reaction, Support, and Move abilities.

2.4.1. Squire

Examples: Ramza, Delita (Chapter 1), Algus
Weapons: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword, Flail
Can use shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet, Hat
Armor: Armor, Clothes, Robe

Unlike other Squires, he can equip robes, shields, helmets, armor, and knight swords, but not

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Accumulate Charge up one's power to raise physical -- Now 300 4
attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1
[physical attack +1]

Dash Run into enemy with body. -- Now 80 2
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
[can knock target back one square]

Throw Stone Throw stones at a distant enemy. -- Now 90 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
[can knock target back one square]

Heal Recover from abnormal status effects. -- Now 150 2
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Cancel: Darkness, Silence, Poison

Yell Raise speed level by yelling. -- Now 200 3
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Wish Offer one's own HP to the spirits, wishing -- Now -- 2
to restore the target's HP by double that
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Cheer Up Raise Brave level by encouraging. -- Now 200 5
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Scream Raise one's Brave level, Speed level, and -- Now 500 4
physical/magic attack powers by shouting.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1

Ultima Magic damages with absolute energy. 10 20 -- 4
Range: 4
Effect; 2, Vertical 1
MP: 10 SP: 20

The special Squire class is definitely better than the regular Squire class. Ramza can become
quite the powerhouse later on in the game with either a Defender or Save the Queen, and heavy
armor. I've had blocking rates of higher than 70% from any side with some powerful equipment
and abilities. Ultima isn't a great spell, but since his only ranged attack is Throw Stone,
it's certainly better than nothing. It does around 100 damage at normal magic levels.

2.4.2. Holy Knight

Examples: Agrias, Delita (Chapters 2 and 4)
Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword
Can equip shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Robe

Devoted knight baptized by the church. Draws 'Holy Sword' skill from the weapon under divine
protection of God.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%
Holy Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Stasis Sword Damages with holy sword spirit. Now -- 3
Range: 2
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Holy elemental
Add: Stop

Split Punch Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 400 4
Range: 3, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Holy elemental
Add: Death Sentence

Crush Punch Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 500 4
Range: 3, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Holy elemental
Add: Dead

Lightning Stab Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 700 5
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Lightning elemental
Add: Silence

Holy Explosion Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 800 4
Range: 4 directions
Effect: 5, Vertical 2
Holy elemental
Add: Confusion

The Holy Knight is a very useful job class once you get the longer range abilities: Lightning
Stab and Holy Explosion. With a good sword, you can do a lot of damage with these strikes.
The variety of status anomalies associated with these attacks occur very infrequently. Keep
in mind that all but Lightning Stab are holy elemental, so they are more effective against
undead, and can heal your characters that are equipped with Chameleon Robes or Excaliburs.

2.4.3. Dark Knight

Example: Gafgarion
Weapon: Sword
Can equip shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor

Knight of darkness who lives without facing the light of God. His 'Dark Sword' absorbs
enemies' spirits.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%
Dark Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Dark Sword Absorbs MP with the power of darkness. Now 500 2
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Darkness elemental

Night Sword Absorbs MP with the power of darkness. Now 100 5
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Darkness elemental

While Gafgarion's job class is relatively simple, it's quite powerful. Since he can draw
health from his enemies while depleting it, killing him is difficult. His physical evasion
rate is only a bit higher than that on a normal Knight's, so depending on the shield and
accessory equipped, he can be approached physically. His Dark Sword attack is more for
depleting the MP of enemies rather that absorbing it; it does enough damage to totally
deplete an opponent's MP in a single use.

2.4.4. Engineer

Example: Mustadio
Weapon: Gun
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes

Technician who works for a revival of a lost civilization. His best skill is 'Snipe', using
the ancient legendary 'Gun'.

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 18%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Leg Aim Damages enemy's legs making it impossible to move. Now 200 5
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 1
Add: Don't Move

Arm Aim Damages enemy's arms making it impossible to use weapons Now 300 5
or cast spells.
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 1
Add: Don't Act

Seal Evil Petrifies the cursed Undead, turning it into stone. Now 200 4
Range: depends on weapon
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify

The ability to use a gun is a very useful skill in any job class, but the Engineer takes it
one step further by having three excellent abilities. Leg Aim and Arm Aim are long range
attacks that, while having a success rate of around 50%, can immobilize or paralyze your
enemy. Seal Evil only works on undead, but has a higher success rate.

2.4.5. Heaven and Hell Knights

Example: Rafa (Heaven Knight), Malak (Hell Knight)
Weapons: Staff, Stick
Helmet: Hat
Armor: Clothes, Robe

Heaven Knight:
Assassin who controls the laws of nature. Buries his enemies with the forbidden spell 'Truth'.

Hell Knight:
Assassin who controls the laws of nature. His 'Un-Truth' has the opposite effect of the
Heaven Knight's 'Truth.'

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10% (Heaven), 8% (Hell)

The Untruth skills for the Hell Knight are the same, only named differently.
Truth (Heaven Knight)
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Heaven Thunder Spell attacks with philosophy. Randomly attacks in 34 -- 4
effect range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 34
Lightning elemental

Asura Spell attacks with philosophy. Randomly attacks in 25 200 4
effect range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 25
Fire elemental

Diamond Sword Spell attacks with philosophy. Randomly attacks in 20 300 3
effect range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 20
Wind elemental

Hydragon Pit Spell attacks with philosophy. Randomly attacks in 17 400 3
effect range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 17
Water elemental

Space Storage Spell causes abnormal status with philosophies. 20 500 2
Randomly attacks in its effective range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 20
Add: Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Poison, Slow,

Sky Demon Spell attacks with philosophy. Randomly attacks in 15 600 3
effect range.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 3
SP: 15
Earth elemental

The Heaven and Hell Knights' abilities are not all that useful. They only do around 70-200
damage a hit, and hit randomly in the effect radius. For example, if you cast Asura, the game
will first randomly select how many times the spell is cast (up to a maximum of six times, I
believe), and the spell is cast in a random location in the five square panel (effect 2). So,
if you are targeting a single enemy with it, there is only a 20% chance of actually hitting
the enemy per casting. It's better to use when there are multiple enemies, or when you can
eliminate a square from the effect range by casting it up against a wall, or on a cliff.

2.4.6. Divine Knight

Example: Meliadoul
Weapons: Sword, Knight Sword, Crossbow, Spear
Can equip Shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Clothes, Robe

Holy knight who pledges his loyalty and devotion to God. He takes holy orders with his

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%
Mighty Sword
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Shellbust Stab Destroys the target's equipped armor. Now 200 3
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Blastar Punch Destroys the target's equipped helmet. Now 400 2
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Hellcry Punch Destroys the target's equipped weapon. Now 500 5
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Icewolf Bite Destroys the target's equipped accessory. Now 800 3
Range: 3
Effect: 1

The 'Mighty Sword' abilities can destroy any piece of equipment, except for the shield. These
attacks are 100% effective, like the Holy Sword attacks. These attacks also do quite a bit of
damage, 150+ damage, depending on the strength of the sword that is used. Divine Knights
aren't as good as Holy Knights, but the advantages of Hellcry Punch and Icewolf Bite are

2.4.7. Holy Swordsman

Example: Orlandu
Weapon: Ninja Sword, Sword, Knight Sword, Katana
Can equip shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet, Hat
Armor: Armor, Clothes, Robe

Martial art expert who is one of the best knights. His swordsmanship has no match.

Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%
All Swordskill (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Stasis Sword Damages with holy sword spirit. Now -- 3
Range: 2
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Holy elemental
Add: Stop

Split Punch Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 400 4
Range: 3, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Holy elemental
Add: Death Sentence

Crush Punch Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 500 4
Range: 3, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Holy elemental
Add: Dead

Lightning Stab Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 700 5
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Lightning elemental
Add: Silence

Holy Explosion Damages with holy sword spirit. Now 800 4
Range: 4 directions
Effect: 5, Vertical 2
Holy elemental
Add: Confusion

Shellbust Stab Destroys the target's equipped armor. Now 200 3
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Blastar Punch Destroys the target's equipped helmet. Now 400 2
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Hellcry Punch Destroys the target's equipped weapon. Now 500 5
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Icewolf Bite Destroys the target's equipped accessory. Now 800 3
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Dark Sword Absorbs MP with the power of darkness. Now 500 2
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Darkness elemental

Night Sword Absorbs MP with the power of darkness. Now 100 5
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Darkness elemental

The Holy Swordsman is the ultimate attack unit. Orlandu comes equipped with an Excalibur,
which not only gives Haste, but also strengthens holy elemental attacks, absorbs holy
elemental attacks, and has an attack power of 21! All of these factors can cause Orlandu to
do 200+ damage with his basic Holy Sword abilities, and more for the other abilities. He has
all of the abilities for Holy Sword, Mighty Sword, and Dark Sword. In fact, the game becomes
incredibly easy after you get Orlandu because he is so powerful.

2.4.8. Temple Knight

Example: Beowulf
Weapon: Knife, Sword, Knight Sword
Can equip shield.
Helmet: Armored Helmet
Armor: Armor, Robe

Holy knight who protects the church from heathens. Uses 'Magic Sword' to drive away hostile

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 14%
Magic Sword (Sword or Knight Sword required)
Name Description MP Speed JP Rating

Blind Magic sword blind enemy with darkness, lowering 6 Now 50 2
success % of direct attacks.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 6
Add: Darkness

Aspel Magic sword absorbs enemy's MP, restoring its own. 2 Now 100 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 2

Drain Magic sword absorbs enemy's HP, restoring its own. 12 Now 180 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 12

Faith Magic sword fills the soul with a huge amount of faith. 10 Now 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 10
Add: Faith

Innocent Magic sword makes enemy disrespectful and not believe 10 Now 200 3
in God.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 10
Add: Innocent

Zombie Magic sword brings bodily death. Unable to restore HP. 14 Now 150 2
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 14
Add: Undead

Silence Magic sword mutes enemy, making it impossible to cast 16 Now 90 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 16
Add: Silence

Berserk Magic sword releases desire to destroy, making enemy 16 Now 200 2
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 16
Add: Berserk

Chicken Magic sword strikes fear and cowardice into the enemy, 12 Now 500 5
lowering their Brave level.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 12

Confuse Magic sword makes enemy irrational and act disorderly. 14 Now 200 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 14
Add: Confusion

Despair Magic sword neutralizes magic power and cancels the 20 Now 300 2
effective status.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20
Cancel: Float, Reraise, Transparent, Regen, Protect,
Shell, Haste, Faith, Reflect

Don't Act Magic sword limits movements making enemy unable to act. 14 Now 50 5
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 14
Add: Don't Act

Sleep Magic sword disrupts heartbeat, immediately putting 20 Now 170 4
enemy asleep.
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 20
Add: Sleep

Break Magic sword alters body turning enemy to stone. 24 Now 300 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
MP: 24
Add: Petrify

Shock! The more damage you receive, the more damage you can 20 Now 600 4
Range: 8
Effect: 1
MP: 20

Temple Knight is an interesting job class. Think of it as an Oracle mixed with a Knight.
Beowulf also has some abilities that the Oracle doesn't even have. The combination of heavy
armor and a sword with magical abilities turns out to be a rather good advantage. A Light Robe
is fine for armor, as he will need MP for spells. However, his starting Brave level is low, so
he will need some training with Ramza before he becomes an effective physical fighter.

2.4.9. Dragoner

Example: Reis
Weapon: Fists, Bag
Helmet: Ribbon
Armor: None

Has a human appearance, but is a dragon. The blood of the holy dragon running through him can
work miracles.

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 7%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Ice Bracelet Attacks enemy with arctic breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Ice elemental

Fire Bracelet Attacks enemy with fire breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

Thnder Bracelet Attacks enemy with thunder breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

Dragon Tame Charms enemy and gets them to join your party. Now 300 4
Range: 2, Vertical 2
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Invitation

Dragon Care Restores party member's HP and status by sacrificing Now 300 3
own HP.
Range: 2, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Cancel: Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Berserk,
Frog, Poison, Stop, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act

Dragon PowerUp Raises Brave, Speed, Physical/Magic attack power with Now 400 3
dragon energy.
Range: 2, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Dragon LevelUp Disrupts time with unusual energy, raising CT and Now 400 2
allowing AT turn to occur sooner.
Range: 2, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Holy Bracelet Attacks enemy with holy breath. Now 900 4
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Holy elemental
[Attacks randomly in effect range]

The Dragoner can't equip any armor, but still has a good HP rating. Reis will do a two-hit
attack with her fists if she does not have a bag equipped, and can wear a ribbon for a helmet.
The Dragon abilities (Dragon Tame, Dragon Care, Dragon PowerUp, Dragon LevelUp) only work on
dragons. Also, Holy Bracelet does quite a bit of damage, but rarely hits as it strikes randomly
in a large effect range.

2.4.10. Soldier

Example: Cloud
Weapon: Sword, Knight Sword
Can use shield.
Helmet: Helmet
Armor: Robe, Armor

A mysterious foreigner. Uses 'Limit' when his anger peaks.

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%
Limit (Materia Blade required)
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Braver Limit skill that blows enemy away with Samurai spirit. 34 150 3
Range: 2
Effect: 1
SP: 34

Cross-Slash Limit skill slashes enemy 4 times. 25 200 4
Range: 2
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
SP: 25

Blade Beam Limit skill lets you inflict more damage depending on 20 250 2
how damaged you are.
Range: 2
Effect: 1
SP: 20

Climhazzard Limit skill lets you inflict more damage depending on 15 450 3
how injured the target is.
Range: 2
Effect: 1
SP: 15

Meteorain Limit skill causes meteor to fall on enemies. 10 560 2
Range: 3
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
SP: 10

Finish Touch Limit skill causes abnormal status. 20 670 5
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
SP: 20
Add: Dead, Petrify, Stop

Omnislash Another Ultimate Limit skill. 7 900 1
Range: 3
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
SP: 7

Cherry Blossom The most powerful limit skill. 5 1200 1
Range: 3
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
SP: 5

Cloud is a good Knight with Limit abilities. To use the Limit abilities, Cloud must have his
Materia Blade, which can be found with Move-Find Item on the peak of the spire at Bervenia
Volcano. Finish Touch is an excellent limit ability that will be useful no matter which status
anomaly gets put on the enemy. The others do damage, some more than others. Limit works much
in the same way that Charge for the Archer does. If the enemy moves out of the effect range,
the attack is forfeit. This makes Omnislash and Cherry Blossom too impractical to use.

3. Monsters

Monsters are, in general, not very useful. The fact that they can't progress through the job
classes like your characters can make them very limited in their usefulness. Some have specific
useful abilities, while others are really not worth getting. However, the monsters you get in
the quests are probably the most useful.

A note for the abilities: any ability with a star (*) by it denotes that the ability only
appears when a character with the support ability "Monster Skill" is nearby.

3.1. Chocobos

Chocobos have a number of special properties. First, by moving a human character into the
space the Chocobo is occupying, you can have that character ride the Chocobo. However, this
prevents the Chocobo from using any of its special abilities. Also, special attacks such as
Choco Ball and Choco Meteor are more powerful than you would expect from these monsters. A
chocobo feather is left behind upon death.

3.1.1. Chocobo

Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%

Enormous bird. Cannot fly since its wings have degenerated. Bred for transportation due
to its high running power.
- Counter ability
- Move in water

Ability Description

Choco Attack Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Choco Cure Recover HP by flapping wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2

*Choco Esuna Heals abnormal status with purifying wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Stop, Don't Move,
Don't Act

3.1.2. Black Chocobo

Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 25%

Enormous bird. Bred for transportation due to its high running power. The only Chocobo that
can fly.
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Move in water

Ability Description

Choco Attack Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Choco Ball Attacks by throwing a hidden ball.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

Choco Esuna Heals abnormal status with purifying wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2
Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Poison, Stop, Don't Move,
Don't Act

*Choco Meteor Attacks enemy with a small meteor.
Range: 5
Effect: 1

3.1.3. Red Chocobo

Move: 6
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%

Enormous bird. Cannot fly since its wings have degenerated. Known to be the best kind of
transportation Chocobo.
- Counter ability
- Ignore height
- Move in water

Ability Description

Choco Attack Attacks enemies with giant beak.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Choco Ball Attacks by throwing a hidden ball.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

Choco Meteor Attacks enemy with a small meteor.
Range: 5
Effect: 1

*Choco Cure Recover HP by flapping wings.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 2

3.2. Goblins

Goblins are probably the weakest of the monsters, and they don't move very far. They are
limited to short range punching attacks, and a couple of status anomaly attacks.

3.2.1. Goblin

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 18%

Small demon with big ears and an upturned nose. Small body but quite strong.
- Counter ability
- Ice weakness

Ability Description

Tackle Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Eye Gouge Blinds the enemy by attacking its eyes.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness

*Goblin Punch Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

3.2.2. Black Goblin

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 19%

Same description, properties as Goblin.

Ability Description

Tackle Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Turn Punch Attacks enemy by punching from 4 directions.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 1

*Goblin Punch Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

3.2.3. Gobbledeguck

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 20%

Same description, properties as Goblin and Black Goblin.

Ability Description

Tackle Attacks enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Eye Gouge Blinds the enemy by attacking its eyes.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness

Goblin Punch Attacks enemy by beating them to death.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

*Mutilate Steals enemy's HP by sucking their blood.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

3.3. Red Panthers

Red Panthers are more mobile than Goblins, but are also generally limited to short range
attacks. However, the Vampire's Blaster and Blood Suck abilities can be very useful, and can
turn the tide of a battle. A skull is left behind upon death.

3.3.1. Red Panther

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 23%

4-legged creature who attacks with sharp fangs and quick moves. Causes abnormal status with
its venom.
- Counter ability
- Ignore height
- Cannot enter water
- Earth weakness

Ability Description

Scratch Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Poison Nail Uses poison to make enemy sick.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Poison

*Cat Kick Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

3.3.2. Cuar

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 26%

Same description, properties as Red Panther.

Ability Description

Scratch Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Cat Kick Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Poison Nail Uses poison to make enemy sick.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Poison

*Blaster Attacks enemy by emitting shining energy.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Stop

3.3.3. Vampire

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 24%

Same description, properties as Red Panther and Cuar.

Ability Description

Scratch Attacks enemy with sharp nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Cat Kick Attacks enemy by kicking.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Blaster Attacks enemy by emitting shining energy.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Stop

*Blood Suck Recovers HP by sucking enemy's blood.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Blood Suck

3.4. Bombs

Bombs can be useful in plenty of specific situations. These monsters become certainly
devastating at higher levels, particularly when self-destructing. Also, their myriad of
elemental properties make them useful against enemies that use elemental attacks. Bombs leave
a flaming fragment upon death.

3.4.1. Bomb

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%

Monster covered with fire. Its body fluid is highly flammable, like oil.
- Counter ability
- Float
- Cannot enter water
- Fire absorb
- Earth cancel
- Ice half
- Water weakness

Ability Description

Bite Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Self Destruct Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil

*Small Bomb Attacks enemy by shooting Kobomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

3.4.2. Grenade

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Same description, properties as Bomb.

Ability Description

Bite Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Small Bomb Attacks enemy by shooting Kobomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Self Destruct Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil

*Flame Attack Attacks enemy with flame.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

3.4.3. Explosive

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Same description, properties as Bomb and Grenade.

Ability Description

Bite Attacks enemy by biting.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Self Destruct Damages enemies by self-destruction.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 3
Add: Oil

Spark Attacks enemy by throwing flame.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Fire elemental

*Small Bomb Damages by self-explosion, releases a small bomb.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

3.5. Skeletons

Skeletons are really not very useful. First, they are undead, so they can't be cured or revived
by any means. Also, their attacks, while element-based, are still weak and too small in range
to be as useful as other abilities found in monsters. Skeletons may recover a little to all
of their hit points and revive upon final death, or they may be destroyed.

3.5.1. Skeleton

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Undead warrior in skeletal form. Recovers periodically even when HP hits 0.
- Counter ability
- Darkness absorb
- Fire, holy weakness

Ability Description

Knife Hand Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Thunder Soul Attacks enemy by releasing thunder spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

*Aqua Soul Attacks enemy by releasing water spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Water elemental

3.5.2. Bone Snatch

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Same description, properties as Skeleton.

Ability Description

Knife Hand Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Aqua Soul Attacks enemy by releasing water spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Water elemental

*Ice Soul Attacks enemy by releasing ice spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Ice elemental

3.5.3. Living Bone

Move: 3
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Same description, properties and Skeleton and Bone Snatch.

Ability Description

Knife Hand Chops with bony hands.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Ice Soul Attacks enemy by releasing ice spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Ice elemental

*Wind Soul Attacks enemy by releasing wind spirit.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Wind elemental

3.6. Ghouls

Like the skeleton, the Ghoul is undead and can't be healed or revived. However, their ability
to Teleport and inflict various abnormal status upon your enemies makes them more useful. But,
they are still weak and not very practical for battle. Ghouls leave an empty shirt upon death.

3.6.1. Ghoul

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 26%

Floating ghost that never dies. Possesses enemies with its touch, causing abnormal status.
- Teleport, counter abilities
- Float
- Cannot enter water
- Darkness absorb
- Fire, holy weakness

Ability Description

Throw Spirit Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Sleep Touch Possesses enemies by touch, making them fall asleep.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Sleep

*Grease Touch Covers enemies in oil, increasing fire damage.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Oil

3.6.2. Gust

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 27%

Same description, properties as Ghoul.

Ability Description

Throw Spirit Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Grease Touch Covers enemies in oil, increasing fire damage.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Oil

*Drain Touch Possesses enemies by touch, absorbing their energy.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

3.6.3. Revnant

Move: 5
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 28%

Same description, abilities as Gust and Ghoul.

Ability Description

Throw Spirit Attack with the core of mystery.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

Drain Touch Possesses enemies by touch, absorbing their energy.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Zombie Touch Possesses enemies by touch, making them undead.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Undead

3.7. Ahrimans

Ahrimans are physically weak and have little hit points, but they are very mobile and have some
debilitating special abilities. These abilities are all based on powers of the eye, and have
effects ranging from reduced Bravery to Death Sentence. Ahrimans leave a portion of their wing
upon death.

3.7.1. Flotiball

Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Huge cycloptic monster that attacks with strange eye power.
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Wind half
- Ice weakness

Ability Description

Wing Attack Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Look of Fright Powerful gaze discourages you.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

3.7.2. Ahriman

Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Same description, properties as Flotiball.

Ability Description

Wing Attack Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Look of Devil Powerful gaze causes abnormal status.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Don't Move, Don't Act

Look of Fright Powerful gaze discourages you.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

*Death Sentence Eye power perceives enemy's life span and hastens death.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence

3.7.3. Plague

Move: 5
Jump: 5
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Same description, properties as Flotiball and Ahriman.

Ability Description

Wing Attack Attacks enemy with flapping wings.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Look of Devil Powerful gaze causes abnormal status.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Silence, Don't Move, Don't Act

Death Sentence Eye power perceives enemy's life span and hastens death.
Range: 3
Effect: 1
Add: Death Sentence

*Circle Powerful gaze nullifies your magic, lowering magic attack.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

3.8. Pisco Demons

The lower level Pisco Demons are rather useless, since they have limited abilities and are weak
physically. However, Mindflares have a couple of rather useful abilities, particularly
Mind Blast. This ability is definitely good for controlling multiple enemies.

3.8.1. Pisco Demon

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 8%

Slimy mollusk-like monster with human exterior appearing quite intelligent, but no skeleton.
- Counter ability
- Move under water
- Water absorb
- Lightning weakness

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Black Ink Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness

3.8.2. Squidlarkin

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 9%

Same description, properties as Pisco Demon.

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Black Ink Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness

Odd Soundwave Heals abnormal status by emitting mysterious sonic waves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Cancel: Float, Reraise, Transparent, Regen, Protect, Shell,
Haste, Faith, Reflect

*Mind Blast Confuses target and destroys its mental health.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Add: Confusion, Berserk

3.8.3. Mindflare

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 10%

Same description, properties as Pisco Demon and Squidlarkin.

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemies by using tentacles as a whip.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Black Ink Blinds enemies by spitting black ink.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Add: Darkness

Mind Blast Confuses target and destroys its mental health.
Range: 3
Effect: 2, Vertical 1
Add: Confusion, Berserk

*Level Blast Steals part of one's soul, decreasing one level.
Range: 4
Effect: 1

3.9. Juravis

The Juravis bird is suprisingly strong and mobile. It can fly over enemies and allies alike,
and it also has a good range of doing so. Do not underestimate their physical attack power,
and beware of the Cocatoris, for it can petrify virtually at will. Juravis leave a few bird
feathers upon death.

3.9.1. Juravis

Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 30%

Bird monster with sharp beak and huge wings. Flying ability is quite high, but it usually
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Wind half
- Earth weakness

Ability Description

Scratch Up Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Feather Bomb Attacks enemy by dropping feather bomb on their head.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

3.9.2. Steel Hawk

Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 28%

Same description, properties as Juravis.

Ability Description

Scratch Up Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Shine Lover Get some shiny gil.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy

*Beak Petrifies enemy by pecking at their weak point.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify

3.9.3. Cocatoris

Move: 6
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 33%

Same description, properties as Juravis and Steel Hawk.

Ability Description

Scratch Up Attacks enemy by jumping and scratching with toe nails.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Beak Petrifies enemy by pecking at their weak point.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify

Feather Bomb Attacks enemy by dropping feather bomb on their head.
Range: 3
Effect: 1

*Beaking Uses this special technique to lower physical attack power.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

3.10. Bull Demons

Bull Demons have plenty of hit points and physical attack strength, even at lower levels. They
have a pickaxe, which is used for most of their attacks, some of which can be quite powerful.
The Minitaurus and Sacred both also have hidden fire elemental abilities. Bull Demons leave a
skull with horns upon death.

3.10.1. Bull Demon

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 11%

Monster with a bull's head and a human body. It draws powerful attacks.
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water
- Water weakness

Ability Description

Shake Off Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Gather Power Absorbs energy of the earth, raising physical attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1

3.10.2. Minitaurus

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 15%

Same description, properties as Bull Demon.

Ability Description

Shake Off Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Wave Around Attacks enemy by swinging a pickaxe.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 1

*Blow Fire Attacks enemy by exhaling fire.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

3.10.3. Sacred

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 12%

Same description, properties as Bull Demon and Minitaurus.

Ability Description

Shake Off Attacks enemy with a pickaxe.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Mimic Titan Attacks enemy by stomping and sending shockwaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 1
Earth Elemental

Gather Power Absorbs energy of the earth, raising physical attack power.
Range: Auto
Effect: 1

*Blow Fire Attacks enemy by exhaling fire.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

3.11. Morbols

Morbols are disgusting plant-like creatures. They have no evasion rate for physical attacks,
but they are rather strong physically, have plenty of HP, and have various other debiliatating
attacks. Morbols leave behind some tentacles and goo upon death.

3.11.1. Morbol

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Monster that eats anything with a huge mouth. Its sticky body fluid emits a foul smell.
- Counter ability
- Move on water
- Ice weakness

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

Lick Creates invisible wall out of spit to reflect magic.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Reflect

*Bad Bracelet Causes abnormal status with a bad breath.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison,

3.11.2. Ochu

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Morbol.

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

Goo Spits fluid over enemy to immobilize them.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Add: Don't Move

*Lick Creates invisible wall out of spit to reflect magic.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Reflect

3.11.3. Great Morbol

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Morbol and Ochu.

Ability Description

Tentacle Attacks enemy by swinging filthy tentacles.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1

Bad Bracelet Causes abnormal status with a bad breath.
Range: Auto
Effect: 3, Vertical 0
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog, Poison,

*Moldball Virus Infects enemy with morbol germ making them a morbol.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

3.12. Woodmen

Woodmen are not very useful. They have a tough time evading physical attack, and they have no
really powerful physical attack either. They could only really be effectively used in a
support role. Woodmen leave behind a part of a tree trunk upon death.

3.12.1. Woodman

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Tree with a mind from spiritual powers dwelling in plants. Spirits of the leaves have great
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water
- Earth absorb
- Fire weakness

Ability Description

Leaf Dance Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

*Protect Spirit Raise defense level against physical attack with help of
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Protect

3.12.2. Trent

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Woodman.

Ability Description

Leaf Dance Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

Spirit of Life Recover HP with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

*Clam Spirit Raise defense level against magic attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Shell

3.12.3. Taiju

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Woodman and Trent.

Ability Description

Leaf Dance Attacks enemy by dropping tree leaves.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

Protect Spirit Raise defense level against physical attack with help of
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Protect

Clam Spirit Raise defense level against magic attack with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Add: Shell

*Magic Spirit Recover MP with help of tree-spirit.
Range: Auto
Effect: 2, Vertical 0

3.13. Dragons

Dragons are large, scaly creatures with small wings, four legs, and a tail. They have a good
movement rate, and are rather powerful physically. An added bonus to the more advanced classes
is that they can use elemental attacks. A dragon wing is left upon death.

3.13.1. Dragon

Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%

Huge monster with a scaly body. It has wings but can't fly. Ferocious, but not intelligent.
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Ability Description

Dash Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

*Tail Swing Attacks enemy with bushy tail.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

3.13.2. Blue Dragon

Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 9%

Same description, properties as Dragon.

Ability Description

Dash Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Ice Bracelet Attacks enemy with arctic breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Ice elemental

*Thnder Brcelet Attacks enemy with thunder breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

3.13.3. Red Dragon

Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 8%

Same description, properties as Dragon and Blue Dragon.

Ability Description

Dash Damages enemy by tackling.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Thnder Brcelet Attacks enemy with thunder breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

*Fire Bracelet Attacks enemy with fire breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

3.14. Behemoths

Behemoths may already seem powerful enough, but their hidden powers are brought out by Monster
Skill. You may already have seen some of these new abilities used on you by some of the Archaic
or Ultima Demons you have fought. Behemoths leave a fragment of their tail upon death.

3.14.1. Behemoth

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Ferocious hoofed monster with large horns, a brilliant mane, a thick tail, and a strong body.
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Ability Description

Stab Up Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Sudden Cry Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead

*Giga Flare Attacks enemies pouring a high-energy stream over them.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 0

3.14.2. King Behemoth

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 13%

Same description, properties as Behemoth.

Ability Description

Stab Up Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Sudden Cry Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead

*Hurricane Damage all enemies with a tornado.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 2
Wind elemental

3.14.3. Dark Behemoth

Move: 4
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 18%

Same description, properties as Behemoth and King Behemoth.

Ability Description

Stab Up Strikes enemy with horns.
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Sudden Cry Attacks enemy with rushing thrust.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1
Add: Dead

*Ulmaguest Damage enemies with time-space mechanism created by the stars.
Range: 4
Effect: 3, Vertical 1

3.15. Hyudras

While this class of monster is certainly fearsome to face in battle, they are not quite as
useful as the Behemoth or Dragon on your side. The Tiamat's hidden Dark Whisper ability is
quite useful, though. Usually, very high level monsters in this class will max out their HP
at 999, so if you need some tanks, this is the way to go. Hyudras leave behind three skulls
upon death.

3.15.1. Hyudra

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

3-headed monster. Can fly, despite its massive body. The 3 heads have the same mind.
- Counter ability
- Fly
- Cannot enter water
- Ice, wind weakness

Ability Description

Triple Attack 3 head attack independently.
Range: 1
Effect: 3 panels [that the heads are facing]

*Triple Brcelet 3 heads attack enemy with various breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 2 (3 directions)

3.15.2. Hydra

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Hyudra.

Ability Description

Triple Attack 3 head attack independently.
Range: 1
Effect: 3 panels

Triple Flame Each of 3 heads attack by summoning fire spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental

*Triple Thunder Each of 3 heads attack by summoning thunder spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Lightning elemental

3.15.3. Tiamat

Move: 4
Jump: 4
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Same description, properties as Hyudra and Hydra.

Ability Description

Triple Brcelet 3 heads attack enemy with various breath.
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 2 (3 directions)

Triple Thunder Each of 3 heads attack by summoning thunder spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Lightning elemental

Triple Flame Each of 3 heads attack by summoning fire spirit.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Fire elemental

*Dark Whisper Each of 3 heads attack by summoning spirit of darkness.
Range: 4
Effect: 2, Vertical 0
Darkness elemental
Add: Dead, Sleep

3.16. Uribo

This class of monster is really quite useless; however, a couple of useful abilities are Oink
and Nose Bracelet, but the most interesting is the Wildbow's hidden Please Eat skill. Since
Wildbows are so hard to come by, it may be too frustrating to use.

3.16.1. Uribo

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 42%

Monster that looks like a cute boar. But, it walks on two legs.
- Counter ability
- Cannot enter water

Ability Description

Straight Dash Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

*Oink Raise dead unit with incredible cry and recover HP.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Cancel: Dead

3.16.2. Porky

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 36%

Same description, properties as Uribo.

Ability Description

Straight Dash Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Pooh- Heavy scent causes abnormal status.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
Add: Confusion, Sleep

*Nose Bracelet Charm enemy with major nose breathing.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Charm

3.16.3. Wildbow

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 39%

Same description, properties as Uribo and Porky.

Ability Description

Straight Dash Run like hell and tackle enemy.
Range: 1, Vertical 0
Effect: 1

Nose Bracelet Charm enemy with major nose breathing.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1 enemy
Add: Charm

*Please Eat The ultimate altrustic act.
Range: 1, Vertical 1
Effect: 1
[This is blank, but it actually sacrifices the Wildbow, and the
target gains a level.]

3.17. Unique monsters

You will find these monsters on various side quests in the game. They have unique abilities,
but as with the others, they don't have the versatility of humans.

3.17.1. Holy Dragon

Example: Reis

Holy dragon transformed from a Lancer. Defeats enemies with physical attacks using his
massive body and breath.

Move: 5
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 5%
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Ice Bracelet Attacks enemy with arctic breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Ice elemental

Fire Bracelet Attacks enemy with fire breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Fire elemental

Thnder Bracelet Attacks enemy with thunder breath. Now -- 4
Range: 2 (4 directions)
Effect: 1
Lightning elemental

3.17.2. Byblos

Joins your party at last level of Deep Dungeon, "END"

Monster with sharp nails and huge horns. Stands on two legs with a long, slender tail.
- Counter ability - Poach
- Ignore height - Cannot enter water

Move: 3
Jump: 6
Physical Evasion Rate: 33%

Name Description Speed JP Rating

Energy Recover twice as much HP as one's own. Now -- 3
Range: 4
Effect: 1

Parasite Negative power causes abnormal status. Now -- 4
Range: 4
Effect: 1
Add: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Oil, Frog
Poison, Sleep

Shock The more damage taken, the greater the damage dealt. Now -- 3
Range: 5, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

Difference Makes target's MP value become the amount of damage Now -- 4
dealt to enemies.
Range: 5, Vertical 3
Effect: 1

3.17.3. Steel Giant

Example: Worker 8
No equipment.

A taciturn general operation robot from a lost civilization. Follows commands dutifully.
Counter ability Any ground
Cannot enter water Any weather

Move: 3
Jump: 3
Physical Evasion Rate: 0%

Steel Giants always have the status anomaly Innocent. Using Work skills damage the robot.
More damage is dealt to the robot when it uses stronger attacks.
Name Description Speed JP Rating

Destroy Top priority command. Destroys its target. Now -- 4
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1

Compress Top priority command. Compresses its target. Now -- 4
Range: 1, Vertical 2
Effect: 1
Add: Dead

Dispose Team work command. Disposes of all enemies at once. Now -- 4
Range: 8
Effect: 1

Crush Special work command. Crushes target. Now -- 4

©1998-2001 Angelus Phoenix.

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Stealing Guide

15.Oktober 2013
Complete Game Script

16.Oktober 2013
Straight Character Challenge

17.Oktober 2013
Challenge FAQ

14.Oktober 2013
Not So Common Knowledge Guide

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15.Oktober 2013
Brave and Faith Summary

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Zodiac Learning FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Spielstand mit 14 verschiedenen Charakteren.

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How to Learn Ultima FAQ

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Part 1 of 3

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Part 2 of 3

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Part 3 of 3

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US Version: All Characters at Level 99 at Boss Stage.

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Dancer Guide

13.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Speed Guide

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013

12.Oktober 2013
Character Setups

17.Oktober 2013
Deep Dungeon Exits Guide

16.Oktober 2013

15.Oktober 2013
Stealing Guide

16.Oktober 2013
Spell Quotes Guide

14.Oktober 2013
Secrets Guide

11.Oktober 2013
Poaching Guide

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Job Requirements

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Deep Dungeon Guide

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16.Oktober 2013
Build Up Guide

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Beliebte Cheats
30.Dezember 2013
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19.Februar 2014
01.Dezember 2014
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24.März 2020